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Square Enix tells what remains of their fanbase they shouldn't modify their games like Final Fantasy XVI with inappropriate nor offensive mods.
How are they going to prevent it? They can't. Nigger rape mods, here we come.
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>please, dont mod the fag kiss out.
Too bad.
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Why did square go woke?
[GOOD NEWS] There's nothing Square Enix can do or will do about it!

They allow legal cheats in FFXIV's PC version, after all.
How is the game on PC? Real talk, niggers.
Performance is trash and it's full of bugs: >>689118212
Can we stop pretending anyone knows what this means? How can it *be* anything but itself? If it is """offensive""" then you are making it is a product of (you)rself, and it's all (you). It's on you, so get therapy let people do whatever the fuck they want with what they purchased.
Can't promise.
Artist-driven business. Makes decisions based on emotion instead of reasoned calculation
Reminder that this all comes back to Japanese devs seeing the Thomas the Tank Engine joke type mods for Skyrim and being mortified by it. That's what they are afraid of.
I think it was very calculated, put gay shit in games = get money from the jews, very simple innit ?
You don't even play as a cute girl, why would anyone make lewd mods?
you heard the man. its time to purge the lalas again
It works poorly on toasters.
Japanese in general don't like modding.
Then I guess they won't have my OFFENSIVE dollars
Tough shit. I’m getting Joshua’s shota model as soon as it’s available, and making Lulu his girlfriend in VAM.
it's gonna be all the buff dudes in bikinis and that's dei approved so
Why are your hands brown IRL

It runs on my steam deck at 30fps

Don't come to /v/ if you want actual game discussion
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He's clearly worried people with good taste will replace adult Jill with her young version in the implied Beach sex scene, even more so if there's a mod that makes her naked.
Trust these guys don't want games to fail so they lose their money in result. It's people in charge of the core design that decides this shit because of lack of consequence for them.
what people do with software they purchased is none of your fucking business, kill yourself
Guess I won't be buying this crap then
This post would make a lot more sense if you replaced "artist-driven" with "suit-driven"
I forgot that even happened. I really didn't mind it. Gay people exist and they both look cute at least. heh heh
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not many have
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Yes, please send the lewd mods straight to me, thanks.
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So they don't want mods then?
>PC modders ask Final Fantasy 16 producer to please not make "offensive" or "inappropriate" content
>Miss me with that DEI shit?
pedophiles exist but everyone loses their minds when someone kisses a "child."
they mean they do not want mode that make the women sexy or depict any sort of heterosexual relationship. They want mods where Cloud is in some twink gimp suit whith Red topping him.
You d-don't understand, pc never been FF first c-choice. PC gamers j-just don't play FF at all!!
Japanese devs hate mods with a passion. How is this news? There is literally nothing they can do, hell its illegal in a lot of places not allowing modding. As long as no money is involved, something modern modders cant fucking grasp. Along with its a mod its meant to be free content, you dont own the IP. Modding on PC happened because fans loved the IP. Modding became super important by the mid 90's, to the point game mods became standalone games.


But then again can you blame them?
Look at all the cringe that came out because of FF modding. Literal degeneracy furry/child sex mods everywhere. The worst of the worst sex mods. You have devs trying to charge top dollar for said mods, by "donation" do you can enter the discord. The only place you can "officially" download the mod.
Then you have all the third worlders getting involved, which just automatically makes it gutter trash. As these people race to the bottom, fuck everything up, lie cheat steal and every other illegal things they can come up with and get away with. Using traded marked/wtv stuff and selling it, which is an ultra no if company lawyers find out. Because not only do they attack the modders(which they rarely find due to third worlders), they go after the gamedev.
Then you have all the mental illness from discord, as these people create some horrific place of hell. There version of paradise a fucking beyond racist misogynistic imperialistic leftist fascist """"utopia"""".

Which is always lead by a monarchy syndicate of the most mentally unhinged Loony Troons. Who took over everything about the mod, because the creator could not get rid of these people. And said Loony Troons corrupted&subverted the mod, started demanding money while refusing to work on the mod. Unless its updating the hidden malware that spies on the user for wrongthink
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>he doesn't realise they're just baiting modders to advertise the game
They're not nintendo. They fucking know what they're doing here.
It's already working.
>pc never been FF first c-choice
But it failed on consoles too...
>Japanese devs hate mods with a passion.
Yet they don't go out of their way to tell people they shouldn't mod "offensive" content
Bro this is Japan not retarded parahasidic merchants claiming all publicity is totally good publicity goy...goymers. DONT YOU KNOW HOW MARKETING WORKS RETARD! Our moronic boomer ways totally work in the year 2024. They're not outdated as fuck, social media has not proved this. OUR BOTFARMS PROVE THIS STUPID GOYMER EVERYONE AGREES WITH US ON X SUBJECT.

No dude SE is not baiting modders, they have been getting enraged and sick of them because of all the bad news,rep&etc. But they cant do shit accept DMCA stuff. Or threaten them with lolsuits if they are grifting people in the name of "donations". Japanese businesses are nothing like western ones, hence why they are technically ran better. But outdated obsolete and deprecated in some things/fields but generally far better ran. Less management however said people have been working at the company for 20 years to get there. They make 2-5X basic workers, directors make 4-9X and board make 6-10X with CEO's not making retarded millions plus bonuses. Managment is fired if they fuck up, board members must step down if they fuck up repeatedly or do something really bad. As must CEO's.
However these retarded boomers refuse to learn or addapt for a lot of things, they refuse to believe the 80's past. Having said boomers who are highly outdated is very bad for a company. Especially if they refuse to promote people who know their shit. Unless its a yesman asslicker who is not skilled in their field, they're only skilled in sucking ass. They refuse to take risks, listen to people and only do what their elders say, who in turn refuse to listen/look at what the market is doing. Instead going with their own ideas/gimmicks which is both good&bad.

Everyone is paid salary(not hr) minus part timers who only stay part timers for like 4-12 months. Working 60-100 hours is a bullshit meme unless they fucked up badly and deadlines must be met. Its managements fault if this happens, they will be punished unlike in the west.
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Let me know when I can mod this out of the game.
it makes me smile that you guys can't mod this out irl. Cope pussies.
Thanks for confirming it was in the game, I will avoid giving them money
I'm sure it'll not be a problem for all two fans to comply.
you can start by deleting it from your hard drive, fuckin weirdo
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no problem.
It makes me smile that I can choose the communities I frequent IRL, meaning that I can -in essence- mod gay people out of my life. Have fun coping with that.
that's a sad life. Do you just avoid opening your eyes while in public?
They also dont like being direct &or insulting customers, that just makes you look like a fool and a very moronic barbarian fool at that. Like look at the pokemon company&porn they're fine with all the other stuff. But with porn they either DMCA it or politely ask the artist to hide it publically/get rid of it.

Basically Japanese companies are stuck in the pre 50's America for a lot of stuff. You know back when America got shit done, created the best of the best. Lead the world in research,tech,manufacturing and fucking everything else. As in literally controlling 25-45+% of the global manufacturing market.
Slowly they got power and started slashing everything Japan and Germany stepped up. Then the most evil man in the world, said his people must open up trade with China. Which in the span of 20 years they went from 3% global output to a record 55ish% beating America in WWII. Slaughtering all qaulity goods everything must break within 12 months the customer is always wrong only shareholders and board/CEO's matter. All extra funds go to their bonuses never for R&D updating companies building new facilities unless its outsourcing to China. Workers at companies get nothing management gets a little more. Higher ups get everything are never fired even after repeatedly trashing the company.
They the new trend of hostile take overs happened, buying companies. Slashing&trashing them to buyers sucking the company dry over a few years. And selling the remaining trash to China. All while they&boomers make everything and no one else gets shit. While all the big companies in the span of a decade started buying everything smaller. So oly 12-5 companies own everything. Making them even richer, while also repeatedly trashing the housing market because they have too much money.

Parahasidic post 80's "capitalism" in a nutshell, we are at the end point. Where everything is owned by a few everything is trashed.
China is fucked.

Because all they want the chosen war.
Won't surprise me if someone finds a way to just model swap. The voices may be a bit harder.
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>year old poorly received game in a hasbeen series
>still does better than DQ's most popular release of all time
And people wonder why FF dropped turn based combat.
Japanese people don't play on pc and 95% of all DQ sales are from there. There's no secret about it.
Luckily I don't live in places where you can just see gay people out in the open. Only during pride month, but the rest of the year is fagfree.
So we blame localizers for censoring stuff but...we are fine to do It?
USA behaviour.
Localizers change the game for everyone, mods only change the game for those who use it. Yes, obviously modding is fine because it doesn't affect 100% of the playerbase. This isn't rocket science.
Well fuck square and fuck the producer. I want to see more titties and have Clive in cooler armor(or play as Cecil or Kain)
Clive with his cock out for all world to see
Looking forward to the mod that replaces the homokiss with the Dillon Handshake.
I guess McDonald's is the best cuisine on Earth because its the most successful. Great logic. Higher number = better.
They should just not release games for PC so they can make less money and die faster, or at least have to stop video game stuff and become solely an anime/manga publisher to survive. Anything to get them to bleed and die faster so they can stop feeling untouchable and so their old executives stop living in the eras of fax machines and gay opinions.
For /v threads it is.
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>d*finitive edition
YoshiP lets way worse mods slide in FFXIV because the only people still playing that trashheap are people that treat it as a Second Life sim. Mods in general can't fix what's wrong with XVI.
The problem is marketing and time.
There was ads for FF16 even in tv. Now after a year is forgotten. A shadow release.
>XVI still doing better
this is a psyop blud and youre a shill
>I-it's still doing better
16,323 is bigger than 16,606? Snoygger logic
>And people wonder why FF dropped turn based combat.
I mean unless you do it like WRPG's where you can do both while moving around. Its rather retarded to do turn based, Unless its simple like for handhelds&mobile case in point alla bravely default. Thats modern 3D turn based done right&fun. But like you cant make the same game over and over again. Unless its pavement ape tier like like stealball/rapeball. Where "gamers" buy the same literally same game with hardly any updates minus all the gambling lootboxes and etc p2w faggotree. That makes pavement ape brains light up because flashing colours and sound is just to much for them its sensory overload. And they become addicted, which is also why so many people from the gambling industry crossed over the upper managment moneymarkers in the gaming in industry. And are pulling in hundreds of millions a year with no work needed.
Getting insane massive tens of even in the upper double digit bonuses.

I'd like to see more TRPG's being made, I REALLY REALLY REALLY
RRRREEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY WANT FFT3. So fucking badly, I literally cried at one point that we never got FFT3DS. And ill cry again at it not getting a switch game or fucking god forbid me even a mobile game. Its criminal how SE has ignored FFT completely criminal.
>combining numbers from two different releases
is this pixelated shit because the game is ass or because i'm a Linuxfag?
>Squeenix says some shit to try and bait people into ragebuying FF16
XI would have died ages ago and XIV would be half deader then the trash already is without them. SE owes modders a ton.
Waiting on the mod that removes lgbtq themes to pirate it
give everyone hyper tits as a response. yes, even the men
Well I want Square Enix to stop producing offensively bad games but we can't all get what we want
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>[bad news]
anyone got that one comic where he's talking to Cid about mods and poofs into a sexy outfit?
>I-it doesn't count
Snoygger logic
they literally put LITERAL FAGGOTRY in their game and had it banned in arab countries

fucking hell this company is mentally retarded

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