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I love this cute gargoyle
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How do I play this game good so I can play Ivy
>t.moba brainlet
Shoot candles
Shoot eyeballs
Buy everything
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Rape walkers and refuse to die and fly away
all those pretty girls and you choose to fuck the rock gremlin
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I love my autistic gargoyle wife
Non-stop lose streak today bros
Fucking sucked
Damn straight
The artists who keep giving her massive honkers need to be shamed. My wife is flat and proud.
Did you play the same character every single time?
I fucking love playing McGinnis. I fucking love spamming turrets and being the most annoying fucking person on the fucking planet. I fucking love farming three lanes at once. I FUCKING LOVE IT.
I hate you moba playing niggers
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You're welcome to complain, it's still very early in development.
she's actually not cute she's really ugly actually
but all you coomers look at is this dumb offmodel art so you can cope that your horrific creature isn't a -2/10
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She's cute
forced ugly character
get your eyes checked catgirl that thing is hideous
>anon learns what uglycute is
I hate that my dinky laptop cannot run this. Hopefully I can upgrade before it leaves early access. Shiv looks fun.
Something something human men
I hate Viscous's design so much. It's awful.
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I like it
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>Ivy has shitty early bullet damage so you'll either need melee items or bullet items to allow you to kill creeps better. Ivy's gameplay is about ganking in the early mid game, ratting objectives, supporting for your team with your tether, and shitting out damage if you choose to build into being a carry (she has the fastest fire rate in the game. adding damage and on hit effects to her gun lets her melt people and buildings). Her stoneform lets you dodge enemy abilities so memorize sound cues for enemy ults and stuff like Bebop's hook. stoneform also heals you and the stun can interrupt enemy abilities. Use Kudzu bomb to harass in the early game and to clear creep waves and camps. Buy Heal Nova so your tether can make you and another guy really hard to kill. Tether boosts your attack speed and can be used when you're alone, so don't be afraid to pop it when you're engaging in a fight even when there's nobody else around. Use flight to engage and escape.
>Never fight the entire enemy team solo. Even a 1v2 is risky unless you're really fed and/or both enemies are significantly worse at the game than you are. Keep an eye on the map. Assume that if you haven't seen an enemy hero on the map for a while, they might be heading you're way, ESPECIALLY if you're pushing deep into enemy territory.
>Lane equilibrium usually only requires a single wave clear to reverse. Lane creeps give you the best farm relative to how easy they are to kill
>Farming in the jungle is usually best for when farming lanes is dangerous or you can clear the camps really fast, since jungle camps give generally less money for the hassle than lane creeps do.
>Make sure to break every destructable object you come across, especially the golden statues. Those give permanent bonuses to your stats.
>remember, you can see enemy healthbars on the top of the screen, as whether their ults are up or not.
>you win the lane as long as you have more souls than the other guy, even if you died a bunch
I hate that his too body looks like a suit rather than a body, despite only having twiggy robot parts inside it, but the biggest thing I hate about it is the patch/emblem just plopped on top of his shoulder.

No patch, make his body/suit blobby instead of having seams, and and make his robot body look small and delicate like it's controlling the ooze protecting it.
it's a placeholder, he's just kelvin's neon prime model but green lol
I pray you're right. It's garbage.
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no need to pray, you can just look at the model- it is literally the same but colored green
pic related is in the game files, looks like WIP for the new model. another version had a pufferfish brain thingy
I can see why they're not already using that design.
How do I acheive that natty?
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sex with a rock
I keep getting bullied out lane~
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Reminder that Monster Rounds works on ANYTHING that's not a player
This includes lane creeps, jungle creeps, miku turrets and ALL towers
If you are going to rat, this one 500 cost item is a better dps investment than many high tier items
Is there any reason not take monster rounds and the mag items?
/r/ that one picture of Ivy as dog and Viscous as keg
>shroud would rather play deadlock than the game he helped create
Why does the game look and feel so much worse after the recent updates? Is it just placebo?
I have a 30% win rate with her so she is a honeypot hero. Do not let the horny guide your hero choices.
People are getting better?
Yes, on the lane you should buy items that either help you harass AND lasthit (so stuff like hollow point, headshot, high-velocity) or survive (extra regen, enduring, melee lifesteal sometimes) - monster rounds offers you only lasthit potential for the same cost, so I would advise against it
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>10 wins as yamato and 2 losses on high mmr, several in front of 40+ spectators
>Still not satisfied
I can't stop
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How the fuck do you play her? I keep getting my ass kicked as spirit Yamato and even I do 'well' as gun Yamato, I just feel like I'm larping as a shittier Haze.
I want to return to being shit
do I play Yamato or Lash
Haze :)
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Git gud at her.
Learn her combos, cancels, momentum usage with 2, melee parrying, etc.
Learn to dodge with ult.

>Oh your team is meme fighting for no objective after lane?
Ignore those retards camps spawn at 7, whatever you might get from kills this early is outdone by creeps and objectives, go farm, from minute 10 onwards you should at the very least have 1k souls for every minute in the game.
Specially in high mmr on NA people fight way too much early on which is fucking them over in tournaments, they get an early lead but then fall off extremely hard because they didn't farm.

Also very important, get good items, Yamato is very reliant on items and timings, it's VERY important to play and fight when you reach power spikes, it would help a lot if you give me your regular build order.
This was my last game, it was a 35 minute game in which we were losing early.
Sex with r63 Abrams
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Ivyfag kindly tie a noose and visit your goblina in person, you're the reason Deadlock threads are pruned on sight.
Hazeshitters have no reason to pipe up when you're the Rikifags of this shitty shooter
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lol; lmao
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She's a hardcarry that farms most of the game tho, no need to compare her to Riki just because she has a (shitty) invis
Playing Haze.
Her damage comes from fixation stacks, not weapon bullet damage, so most weapon items that don't give fire rate or an effect applied on hit (or an active) are useless, monster rounds does nothing for her.
Her ammo counts scales with spirit, so ammo capacity is also useless on her.
She's the easiest character to build completely wrong
Based Lash helping feed Vindick
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>literal concord tier character design
>gets a pass because pctard stockholm syndrome
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She is FLAT!
Haze glownigger ASMR
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Haze is canonically a qt3.14
Anon accidentally ran onto her late at night playing with stray cats on an alleyway, his body was found next day with 239 bullets to the back (confirmed as suicide).
Can you point to a single Deadlock character that upsets you or are you going to act like a hysterical SJW complaining about pantyshots?
>shilling monster rounds
new players shouldn't be giving advice on anything
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>blowing smoke into your ears
>disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling her guns
>showing off her knife collection
>folding/crinkling/crumpling top secret documents
>shitting on monster rounds
players that think they're pro somehow shouldn't be giving advice on anything
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I thought after 3 games where we lost because 2-3 people on my team were 1-15 the whole game, I'd eventually be given a team that was destined to win.
Then I laned against a Seven, as Infernus, and had a really fun time, was 3-2, dead even on farm, good match. I look up at 15 minutes, my team's total kills was 6, and total deaths was 50.
I don't know what I can do to get out of this fucking hell, bros.
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post 'em
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I'm just trying to learn shit, not really at the point where I star heroes
I was thinking more of her whispering, but those work too
I will legit stop fucking playing this slop if they dont release a new hero next patch

Holliday is fucking fun
Shes done
Do it
>70 posts
>50-60 of them are the same degenerate furry piece of shit
Who's the retard that drew this? She's not obese, just has fat thighs. Fucking hate fatfags so much. Worse than trannies unironically.
>Der Ivynigger
i hope they add something absolutely stupid in the future like different weapon types per hero
Mo and krill is really fun to play, even if we lose the game
>Get paired against grey talon
Great, this is no longer fun.
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Each Deadlock hero's gun has a unique name and stats, so loadouts are a possibility in the future, there is placeholder code for it.
Dota 2 added facets that are loadouts-lite, so it isn't that far fetched.
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>"long range"
>same range as everyone else
What do you even build on the funny hooker robot?
Gun bop feels awful, it takes forever for the build to actually go online and even then it's mediocre
Echo bop is fun, but countered by a single (1) item, also my boomer fingers often mess up the combo
I tried building utility items and movement shit like enduring speed and veil walker and just roam the map non-stop, but that's giga team reliant
Once Crownfall Act 4 comes out rest of the dotard devs will probably jump onto Deadlock
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She ugly (cute)
>forced ugly
What's forced ugly as opposed to just regular ugly?
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ivyfags, this is your waifu
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pufferfish would be fun
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Looks like I'm missing that job interview
The nose piercing indicates that she is not a virgin, therefore not cute
All of them. This game doesnt have a single good character design, they all look like wokegoblins
She is a gargoyle
It's a doorknocker
doctor octogonopus build
early game health items focus on the 500 cost speed and regen item
extended duration, escalating exposure, mystic slow are the most important items, improved burst or spirit as the 4th, cooldown in flex
points in bomb and hook until you get lazor, get lazer cd, then once 2 points in bomb and hook, max lazar
fire your laser off cd
in general the better you get with your hook the less you need the hook cd
>le discordtroon gargoyle
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>finally get invite
>check out ivy
>mfw her voice
what the FUCK did they mean by this
There are two far more deserving locations where doorknockers should have gone on her
what does lash have against bebop
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Just replace the echo shard with escalating exposure and become beambop
Jump up off the zipline and hit em with the MOTHAFUCKEN LAZER
>ear grating spicbabble
At least Burch is confirmed not in the game yet so we'll get Dark Willow eventually
then they run behind cover, making you a sad bebop for wasting so much money on nothing
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>looks so ugly
>sounds so nice
As is the case with every best girl, the monster is on the outside
Too bad she's all door and no knockers
Check the latest patch notes, it has a spherical aoe here it impacts now so hiding behind cover is generally less effective
And like I said, aim the laser from up high so you can follow them easier, like you're a Seven ultbot
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Mods will fix her
this only works against shitters that dont know how to play
>thread is silent
>suddenly active again
>the only posts are a furry talking to himself
You don't even get paid by valve but you're so desperate for attention you'll keep spamming a borrowed fursona of the devs, talking to yourself all day every day for months. Literally thousands of posts of this garbage. This is your whole life? You really are a pathetic loser holy shit.
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>played 4 games yesterday
>miserably lost my lane in every single game
>won 3 out of 4 games
>black haired gargoyle from New York
wait a minute
Since you seems content with spirit Yamato, what do you think of how I play?My strat has very timing centric and abuse her power spike.
Imo, if she is not farming, she can take some risk with split push or gank whenever she has her ult up. Imo, mid game Yamato is very strong so I usually for silence Glyph after the core early/early mid items so increase my 1v1 dueling and ganking potential. I don't go for frost (though now I might consider slowing hex so I can stop warp +counter ability when combined with silence glyph). I feel that even delaying improved burst and torment pulse because they don't have value until later on. Improved burst only start to be good once enemies have more HP, so I get it after silence glyph, which adds much more pure number to her burst at that point of the game. Torment pulse is useless imo until after you get escalating exposure so I would rather save up for that first, then get torment pulse.
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Deadlock will suffer the same fate as Artifact. Save yourselves.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
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>eliminating options for enemies to take cover behind only works against shitters
Keep up schizonigger, we're talking about Bebop now
Based artifact schizo. Your posts are equivalent of leaf blessing in humor threads.
yeah its not looking good for this game if the only people interested in it are furries and other weirdos
stfu retard you have no friends so stop spamming
>adding a new image to the shitpost
You're not the real artifactschizo
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have fun with the game, but dont wonder why this tactic wont work anymore after a certain point
i bet you still play seven as ultbot too
>i bet you still play seven as ultbot too
No, I play seven as stunbot
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Death to all Ivyfags
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if you actually played the game and had more than 50IQ you'd know that this image isn't "bloaty" like the battleborn one and everything shown on screen is actually necessary because the game is an ASSFAGGOTS
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why are they looking at me like that
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The real problem this game is going to face is le esport crowd not boosting it up. Overwatch was already a clusterfuck to watch so people weren't that interested in the esport side. High level play in Deadlock is probably unwatchable. Valve might just decide to pull the plug if they can't make an International style event around this.
if that guy is the only one making these threads then Deadlock numbers cant be real... its another flop
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all rise for the ivyfag national anthem
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Seeing ivyniggers make everyone turn against them for their blatant spam and faggotry is a sight to behold.
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lmao imagine getting offended by a fucking jello monster
truly an sjw
Nah, game is much easier to watch than overwatch. Fights just drag on for too long in overwatch with too many effects. Fights are fast, decisive, and exciting in deadlock
Risk of Rain looking nigga
what the abam doin
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Hoping his book will save him probably
still not playing this trash game, hopefully you can make money from this neet anon :)
you dont know what youre talking about
overwatch "scene" would be dead without blizzard pumping money into it constantly
meanwhile there already were two 10k tournaments for deadlock in its alpha, hosted by third parties
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Didn't read the patch notes, did they do something to Seven?
Also what's a good seven guide, the one I've been using hasn't been feeling good since the patch.
Game just needs way better observers and mutiple of them.

Though i do think the 6v6 patron/midboss fights are still complete clusterfucks
Assigned Bale At Mirth
This image is so fucking good it's unreal
The perfect clothing for that body type
he got some minor buffs, his head takes even less damage now and his storm cloud cd was lowered
he was already statistically the best hero in the game and they only buffed him more
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The higher you go,the worse it gets. People with experience will get the dispel item and counter you hard so being a main damage dealer is quite wonky.
Personally i focus on his cds and spell aoes and tag with people. Once a proper battle starts i try to flank the other team and use the leap item to flank them into ulti.
I also make sure all the lanes are properly pushed but i do keep myself on close call next to big blobs.
>furry jannies on shift instead of normal jannies
Post struck a nerve did it?
>spams furry porn and talks to himself
>gets called out
>goes back to avatar posting
>posts furry porn
>gets banned
This is the furry spammers entire life. Making these threads and 90% of the posts in them is the only reason he bothers to wake up in the morning.
Now let's talk about the game. What items in Deadlock are best on Sneed? Or is Chuck the meta now? Also lol funny robot character how silly he is.
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Seven is a rightclick carry that farms most of the game. Anything else is asking to lose.
Here's your Seven guide:
>max 3 asap
>farm in lane, don't die
>fuck off to jungle as soon as it spawns, only leave to defend your tower or push out nearby lane
>ignore team
>active reload first item
>then get spirit lifesteal, mystic vuln, swift strike, burst fire
>finish off your build with a bunch of spirit items - surge of power, superior cooldown, superior duration (all on 3), escalating exposure, boundless spirit, whatever you have the slots for
>rat like a motherfucker
>never press 4*, you will fucking die
>become pic related

*sometimes pressing 4 is okay if you have unstoppable or they are low and have nowhere to run
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are you ok?
based also sneed is still meta
cringe no one likes you retard
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There is also an "equipment" tab in the Heroes menu, which is currently inactive.
To be fair it's a LOT more popular on reddit.
That's 100% cosmetic chest bullshit.
Then why is it called "Equipment" instead of "Cosmetics" or "Skins" or "Outfits"?
If /v/ was reflective of modern gaming audiences, Concord nor Dustborn would not have flopped given the amount of discussion those shitpiles got
because the later three sound gay as fuck
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i like playing mo&krill and warden. but it kind of feels that i need my team to capitalize on my ults, especially with mo&krill (and 90% of the times they don't). can they be self sufficient enough to "carry" without becoming glorified ults in late game? also, can someone tell me if Phantom Striking/Ulting flying cunts like vindicta and talon works on Mo? i swear i think i did it once, but i might just be imagining things.
>save yourself
it's free though? the only investment is my time and as long as it's fun (right now, it is) then it's worth it

as soon as it becomes esports niggertry im out
Yes they work. Phantom strike + ult is every flyer's greatest fear
Gargoyles owe me hugs
Whos gonna tell these kids Twitter buzzwords arent going to get you internet points
>helping teammate with camp
Fuck you too, I was just helping. We won anyway.
Bro Viscous' model is literally Neon Prime Kelvin's model, gun and reload animation with a space helmet, how can you not see it ? 2 seconds playing both characters should've clued you in. It's completely placeholder.
how are souls from jungle creeps split? are they split at all or do they go to the last hit?
>deleted for being off-topic
The game is just Dota for the Fortnite generation. The reason for third person is purely to attract that market.
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Why do gamers want this so much?
>The reason for third person is purely to attract that market
Yes icefrog & Gabe are thinking about the
''Fortnite generation''
Farming the same jungle is a dumb though unless you are trying to take ancient camp early together. It's an an issue in the laning phase since your souls reward are shared without splitting but if it's post laning phase (after mid boss spawn), it's not a good idea.
Your team should cover more space and manage your lanes and/or clear jungle and objective more efficiently. If two people are clearing the same camp, you probably have opening somewhere else
>Yes icefrog & Gabe are thinking about the
Yes, do you think Gabe works for free? That guy wants to make money like anybody else, or why do you think all his games are filled with MTX shit.
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Ivy makes a cute goblina gf.
stop spamming your dogshit people who actually play the game are talking you degenerate shit eater
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Chances for them to take a knee and redesign her like this?
I wish gargoyles were real
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my knees are buckling
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Seething tranny.
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Based post, but don't give him any more attention. His entire life is posting furry shit here and getting negative attention because he's a pathetic loser and it's all he could ever get. Literally a man who has never even spoken to a woman in his entire life.
Game isn't even finished yet and people are already taking it as srs as Dota
I hope not, it would ruin the gap moe of scary monster that is actually cute and wholesome. I hope they make her look more monstrous if anything.
Is there any particular reason why all men (and Ivy) barely hunch when crouching, meanwhile all women (and Infernus, VERY peculiar) get that ass LOW?
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Why does she make some anons seethe so much?
Vindicta plap plap feetz
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Because the dudes know the importance of good posture and its affects on your back
Meanwhile Vindictard and Paradunce only know the concept of showing off
>Game is good
>Announce on xitter that they are on boarding some Hotpoo dev
>Next patch makes some dumbass changes that get reverted almost immediately
>get shit on by pocket in lane and early game, come out of the jungle later and 1v1 him 5 times without even taking damage while he is cursed
gays not welcome
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>How do I [most moba and macrogame intense character]
>moba brainlet
Anon, I don't think Ivy is for you.
Ivy is a kind of 'rising tide raises all ships' kinda character. You can't really carry alone but you have more than enough tools to ensure other players can get stronger by assisting them at the right time.
By the mid-late game Ivy's best utility is engaging fights and ensuring her teammates can follow-through. While not able to hypercarry teamfights alone, her best asset is impersonating the carry you want your teammates to be by running in with buffs and gunning people down and hoping that you teammates catch on 'monkey see, monkey do' style.
All of this - however - entirely hinges on your knowledge of macro play like rotations, downtime optimizations, ganking, jungling and generally just what fights are bets to take or not. If you're a moba brainlet as you so claim, you're fucked. Probably better off just playing an ape character like Abrams and hope to learn things through osmosis.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
you VILL buy ze rescue beam
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>solo pushing Blue as Seven
>about to do a lot of dmg to walker, maybe even take it
>Ivy picks me up and lifts me over to a teamfight on yellow
I laughed but I really wasnt needed on the fight I dont think, honestly might watch the reply.
how the fuck do you pick people up as ivy anyway?
>me mobabrainlet
>I'm decent / 2nd main Ivy
idk just press 2 in fights and shoot people. Press 3 if your gonna die or you can kill someone else.
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Just cast the spell on someone else like you do any other spell, instead of double tapping
Ivy's ultimate, which has ally carrying option and really messy control scheme.
yeah that's definitely where she's strongest but you start needing to do a bit more than that once you get out of lower elo matches.
t. #546 before they stopped being able to track matches, almost entirely Ivy
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winged rat
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>Die and watch helplessly as purple lane minions push into our shrine.
>"Nah bro fuck it, we'll get mid boss."
>watch team slowly take down boss, 3 out of 4 teammates get distracted by an Infernus, the one guy watching the gem misses as enemy Wraith drops down and steals gem
>watch team get wiped just as I respawn to defend a now shrineless Patron.
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I hope you politely informed them of what they did wrong and gently encouraged them to make better decisions next time anon
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Ivy looks like she smells really bad.
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Ivy is the only good thing to come out of this dogshit.
This game is completely soul-deprived, it feels like it exists for no other reason than to reel in LoLfags and make money.
imagine showing this to someone back in 2012 and telling them it's the future of valve. LMAO.
>imagine showing this to someone back in 2012 and telling them it's the future of valve
>CS:GO just launches
>Dota 2 in beta
>show a 2012 player Deadlock a Source 2 3rd person shooter MOBA
honestly it makes even more sense in that context
Just Remove Bepop at this point.
someone post that image of seven and kelvin
Because dota does the exact same thing.
I see. Lame if true, but considering that TF2 has a loads of weapons for every merc and the weapons already have their own stats and names, I'll keep thinking that there will be at least some choice of weapon eventually until proven otherwise.
>This game is completely soul-deprived
This game is the very definition of soul
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you know what i love? dunking on chink premades, god i hate being in the asia server
It really is, a 1920s New York with a mystical influence is something original for a change
it's the wolf among us sequel we deserved
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Finally, some good fucking food.
How in the FUCK do i get good at Bebop?
Had some amazing games early on but now im getting bullied.
crush my cock with a rock I must
maximum pain I must endure
here we go
>giving her big tits
Disgusting. Nothing bigger than B should be allowed.
I've already met several people roleplaying caveman abrams in voicechat
Do hybrid builds. Don't try to hook while staying in line of fire but be sneaky and do it from the side.
Itemization. Bebop is very easy to early counter with items. In my experience, long as I have reactive barrier in lane against him, there’s basically nothing he can do since both hook and uppercut will activate it and make bomb a non-issue. You want items like healbane or resist shredders for this in early/midgame. Late game you just gotta be making mad dollar for those T3 items.
Smells of ivy and petrichor. Smells of whetstone when wet.
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But Ivy doesn't have tits retard.
The new hires don’t make balance decisions also expect balance decisions to be more volatile during alpha as they throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.
I mained "Pepper!" in Paladins, could I main Ivy in Deadlock?
>furry porn spam posts
>suddenly no posts for about the duration of a deadlock match
>furry porn spam again
>still pretending to be different people
All you do is sit there all day playing one game and spamming your fetish because you're a sad lonely freak with no friends or anything else in your miserable life.
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Curious why do you keep calling Ivy furry? She's not even an animal and has no fur at all. She lives completely rent free in your head.
>Also source 2 came out and has basically done nothing, we got CS2 though but it's been rough.
>Oh yeah CS2 (yes the thing that just came out) and tf2 are practically ababdonware now too.
>Oh and there was a card game literally no one wanted that also got abandoned after like a year
>Oh and HL3 never came out but we did get a spin off game....but it was a short VR exclusive tech demo so basically no one played it and it was forgotten after about a month
>but uhhh the steam sales are still pretty good I guess
Will Deadlock finally be The West’s game? Since the majority of playtesters are in Western Europe/NA, and it hasn’t been overtaken by Russians/SEA?
Has someone already made the joke of topping Paradox but then being ulted into a bottom
Okay, be honest. Have you been toxic to these teammates? Because if you get reported for being an ass they don’t ban you you now get thrown into queue with other reported shitters.
Monster rounds can be okay for characters with really bad guns like Yamato, but at the same time if you’ve got the cash you may as well just get hollow point ward or headshot booster and then you’ll have no issue. Takes up less slots is the benefit.
She’ll be nerfed into the ground once they realize her sky high win rate isn’t intended
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How many hours do you have so far?
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It's going to flop. These threads are all made by the same degenerate furry and 90% of the posts are him talking to himself. There's no real interest in the game, only the Valve name and weirdos propping it up.
Sex with Abrams and Infernus :)
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I would play a calcium thief skeleton hero.
You will quit at 800 hours
Maybe but even if I do that'll be 800 more hours than I've spent on any of the other SHITPILES that have come out this year
How do I not build majestic leap and magic carpet on every character? Too late goodbye
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They’re good and fun. But not EVERY character benefits from them. Characters who already have the ability to move fluently might benefit more from defensive stuff in their vitality slots.
Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.
Build for your 3, it does insane damage and has 100% uptime with enough spirit
What do you even call the setting of this game? Steampunk? This is like Wild Wild West with magic.
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Don’t forget that Deadlock is also meant to ship with VN sections for all characters.
Art Deco Urban Fantasy
Occult noir
Is the honeymoon period over bros?
I actually can't wait for more of the VN art because it never misses
Occult Mafia
marrying ivy
honeymoon with ivy
married life with ivy
having children with ivy
growing old with ivy
ivyfags, this is your mentality
She has an animal like face. The same happened to Brooklyn from Gargoyles.
>enter thread
>ignore all posts
>save ivy pictures
thanks faggots, never playing this game
all deadlocks (female) are made for my cock so it doesnt matter
Yes. I’m happily married to this game now. It’s the best thing I’ve played this year.
I see Bebop
I’m pissed that it seems nobody has a voice line of “Pocket’s Empty!” When killing Pocket. That was a layup. Valve pls fix.
I see Bebop Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
(I'm the Scatman)
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
Be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
Be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
I really want to see someone that generates AI creeps as part of their kit but I fear they'd be just soul bait in a shooter compared to something like DotA
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What IS Bebop? It’s an automaton but it seems to have been formerly human? Or was it a machine of war gone rogue?
>What IS Bebop?
A placeholder model
It's a trash golem
Oh. Well I really like it. Kinda reminds me of HL2’s Dog. Valve is undefeated on cool robot designs.
I hate this game so much
Who though snowballing was a good core mechanic
Bebop isn't getting changed much, he'll look like he does in the VN.
He just needs all the japanese shit taken off his model.
inconsitency in art/game, ivy ate food and came to life Pinocchio style through magic, she's alive and can turn into true form, Valve just haven't done the tits thing because they're cowards, but she wears pants because the plumbing is there
McGinnis’s turrets count as creeps, affected by Heroic and generating soul orbs. They’re worth a bit less than regular creeps.
I got frozen and couldn't do anything, i disconnected and now im banned
How about a fucking rejoin option
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sex with mo___
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Loona is better
Rejoin works but only during the same game instance. If you close, the option disappears.
However, if you have a low disconnect count already, you shouldn’t be getting banned. Something you’d like to tell the class?
I only disconnected 1 other time days ago which i also got banned for
so your low count thing is bullshit

>Rejoin works but only during the same game instance. If you close, the option disappears.
can you explain that more clearly
What does he look like in VN?
like the earlier design, actually
you can see that in the different "eyes"
If your Internet shits out and you get kicked back to menu you’ll have rejoin option. If you alt+f4 you don’t get it.
If you have an SSD, just click "exit game" instead of "disconnect" and reboot
Is Bebop and Yamato the worst matchup? I can't think of something worse to fight.
Pocket vs Miku
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Oh no they fucking won't.
If anything they should just change his haidate and replace it with junk metal plates, and remove the cables behind his head that look like a chonmage.
That's Krill retard. Mo is the monke.
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>krill says "I got him, Mo!" when he ults
laugh at this nigga
It’s a rough matchup, however as Yamato you have two advantages:
>No spin up
>More movement
So your job in lane is to focus 100% on cd until you have 1250 souls. That’s right, you must buy a T2 as your first item if you wanna survive. Poke Bebop when peeking from cover, but don’t dive, you need the money. The item you want is Reactive Barrier. By the time you have it, he’ll have hook and bomb. Reactive barrier gives you a 300 bullet and spirit shield the moment you are stunned. This applies to hook (and uppercut too). At early game, this tanks nearly the entirety of bomb’s damage. That means when he hooks you, it’s time to KILL him. Make him regret even doing it. Most of the time, they won’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. “Why isn’t she running?”

This works less when it’s a duo lane but in a duo lane scenario you should just be playing off your teammate in general.
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He looks more ramshackle, has only one eye and no japanese accessories like the wire bun or samurai pants.
Oh, and afterwards you wanna be working to replace that with Unstoppable or Eth Shift by endgame, skip debuff remover because Yama 4 will automatically remove bomb.
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>Geist on the zipline
Holy shit, he’s awesome. Hope they include that apron as a cosmetic somehow.>>689320324
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Maybe it's long ranged because it's more accurate at long ranges. Other guns can fire that far but aren't accurate at longer ranges
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*grabs you from 124 meters away*
Barely related but I've always wondered why gargoyles are considered evil creatures in RPG's when irl they are used by churches to scare away demons and junk
Yeah so all bullets in this game are projectiles. There’s accuracy falloff too but it’s not as cut and dry as most shooters, it mainly has to do with securing orbs.
most overrated items
>extra stamina, ricochet, tesla bullets

most underrated items
>suppressor, hunters aura, rescue beam
Probably a recurring cultural idea that the old guard’s methods have/will be hijacked by enemies + “Gargoyles are cool wouldn’t you wanna fight one??”
Away /co/ reject
I buy extra stamina in lane against Abrams and Bebop, sell it to afford Kinetic Dash instead.
hunters aura has to be insane, I haven't quite done the maths but in a gank or 1v1 situation it would increase your DPS by at least 30%, and if they have 30% bullet res they would take 42% increased damage, if they have further resist they would take even more
>extra stamina
it's a 500 gold warp stone
Basically it’s a hard counter to Haze’s annoying solo ult gank and other such lurkers like Pocket. Very fun item.
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this is a game for DOTAchuds and (non-faggot) TF2tards
Keep saying it every thread sister. They'll startnto believe it soon.
>valve does a "meet the" style intro videos for the characters of deadlock
I would LOVE that
yeah but it says valve on it
I love this latina so much bros....
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Can you tell I'm a team player?
How the he'll is tesla overrated, it's bought on like two heroes
the actual most overrated item is improved bullet armor
just buy metal skin, cheaper and more efficient
True. I’ve never really FELT the buff from either of the armors, I get more out of the shields and metal skin. Even if they are temporary, so’s most fights. If I have to back off that doesn’t mean I won’t come back.
yeah I've literally never once felt the impact from bullet resist
>nigger woman
How come it's okay when Valve does DEI slop?
She isn't even in the game.
Alternate history/fantasy setting. You’d still be saying this if there was even 1 black character, so your argument is just disingenuous baiting.
>gun Yamato
Cringe, albeit effective. She's more fun with a spirit or hybrid build. Personally, I like one of two builds:
>pure spirit Yamato with the torment pulse and escalating exposure core, refresher optional
>active burst Yamato with cold front, silence glyph, phantom strike, and optionally shadow weave
The former is a very straightforward build: you abuse your ult to stay in fights as long as possible, building up stacks of escalating exposure until you start seeing power slashes hitting for 1.2k. Yamato is fundamentally about cooldown management, and you want to try to use all of your cooldowns before refreshing them with shadow transformation. If you have refresher, you use them after shadow transformation, activate refresher, use them again, ult again, and refresh them again. This is hard countered by silence, so buy debuff remover if anyone is smart enough to start silencing you.
The latter is just about getting into your effective range and locking people down with active items that both deal damage and apply secondary effects. It hurts your hands.

All I can tell you is to learn to manage your cooldowns, learn the alt. fire light melee combo for quick burst inbetween cooldowns, and learn to abuse alt. fire while sliding, especially in laning phase. Also just spam the shit out of your ult in different scenarios until you intuitively learn when it's best to use it.
it's New York you filthy forgeiner
I'm ok with that, what few white guys they have fit the boring and lame stereotype
Alternate history yet you keep the artificial normalized leftist brownification? Interesting.
Go back to junior high English courses please. And again, you’d be making these points even if the race count was 10:1 because you’re just a shithead with other issues.
When will these threads be killed on sight?
forgeiners like you commenting on New York and USA history like you know anything
Nah, you're just the typical GCJ leftshit faggot that keeps trying to normalize the unnatyral niggerfication of entertainment.
Losing lane is not gg. Go farm, go help team with their lanes, then go rape the sorry bastard trying to foolishly take your walker.
How convenient of you to ignore my "used to be" before the hordes of browns came.
niggers are about 10% of the population of the game and the USA
It still is white majority you gigantic retard. Baited you with the obvious meme arrows and image and you still fell for it like a troglodyte. If "whites" are this dumb then they are definitely doomed.
Go back to whatever shithole you came from.
I refuse to play another MOBA but I must draw the females due to them being pure sexo, except the goblin thing. What should I go to Geist, Vindicta, Haze and Paradox.
>literally one nigger woman
>infernus is an Ixian
>haze is a smoke figment
this is just your average new york crackhead
I've realized I'm just really bad at this game and I don't think I'm getting better
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Paradox isn't white
does this game even have any art direction
why does it play in 1960 new york
what’s "the ritual"
why are we even performing a ritual
why are half the characters abilites just random shit that has nothing to do with their character design
why are the lanes named after streets like it’s important
there's ghosts, demons, robots, ninjas, 1900's dandy dude, goop guy, voodoo gangster etc where’s the theme?
what’s with the weird jungle blob monsters
like what’s the theme here
or are they going to redo literally all of the visuals for release, because it all looks like crap right now - and the character designs seem pretty final-ish, at least in their ideas
>inb4 the story explains it
that doesn’t make these design decisions any less disjunct
You are too low IQ for this game
Based and correct, the Ir*sh aren't white.
You faggots have the worst taste
>Why are we performing a ritual
To gain power. Why does anyone do anything in life?
Quit being a retard.
>An old wise wizard man, a girl riding a wolf, Sun Wukong, etc where’s the theme?
Go home, anon.
>2 inorganics, 2 animals, an Asian, and a revenant
>does this game even have any art direction?
>why does it play in 1960 new york
Answered your own question
>what’s "the ritual"
vague reason to moba
>why are we even performing a ritual
Writers will probably flesh out the reason more but its in the characters bio(Abrams wants to get rid of the book as an example)
>why are half the characters abilites just random shit that has nothing to do with their character design
>why are the lanes named after streets like it’s important
Easier to by color rather than location, if ya didn't catch the reason for the names
>there's ghosts, demons, robots, ninjas, 1900's dandy dude, goop guy, voodoo gangster etc where’s the theme?
Artists throwing shit at a wall
>what’s with the weird jungle blob monsters
loot piñatas
>like what’s the theme here
>or are they going to redo literally all of the visuals for release, because it all looks like crap right now - and the character designs seem pretty final-ish, at >least in their ideas
TPS moba in 1960s magic NYC, in alpha, shit might change.
This is "Pepper!" btw, just for reference.

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McGinnis is pretty cute when not wearing all that armor.
Built for birthing multiple children for the growing American industrial complex...
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>dota 2 was retarded so why would we want them to put in effort now?!!
with tf2 they cared
>Artists throwing shit at a wall
that sure is what it looks like, shit
"ChatGPT design me a setting for my moba" type shit
and seeing how they are remaking models based on the current designs I doubt it will be any less randumb on release
They focussed on making it woke first, the other stuff will be done later.
Looks like he cucks people in doujinshis
the care and detail that went into L4D2 etc, isn't present because 1) the game wasn't even a "main" project 2) it was entirely scrapped and remade
Literal fertility goddess figure, get your low test fag opinions outta here
extremely based
>How do I play this game
You don't, trust me and save your sanity, moba game cannot be fun or good.
Was about to ask whether, as an Anon who has never touched any form of MOBAIDS, I should give this game a try. I know nothing about the formula and nothing about the game itself beyond it's name and apparently having a cute (ugly) gargirl in it. However this Anon seems to have conveniently answered me before I even asked.
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This vile, ugly, disgusting gargoyle monster is my wife, Ivy.
how do i do damage as paradox wtf
you don't___________________________________________________________________________
I'm a bit confused about abandons.
Say someone on your team abanadons, but you still win game 5v6? That still counts toward your winrate or it doesn't matter? What if everyone on enemy team DCs after that announcement and you push to end?
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>Ivy looks like she smells really bad.
Good. I will snort her like fine drugs.
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If you can't hit charged shots you shouldn't even bother playing Para
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delete deadlock and play better game instead
this piece of shit does nothing when in matters the most
Can I get an invite, please? 892536719
The game is already dead(lock) on arrival. Since the pseudo nda was lifted, the invites spread like wildfire to autists. All of the assfaggot enjoyers have migrated to it. Especially LoL niggers. You'll hear them screeching about the state of the game, blaming everyone but themselves, and calling shrines inhibs. You also have the competitive overwatch leftover zoomers who are obssessed with winning in an alpha game. Valve has made a good prototype with all these blended genres but they all attract the worst kind of playerbases. It's actually over unless you are playing with a full party just like any other moba.
What if I just download it, turn off voice chat, and learn by playing with zero regard for wins or losses? Would I have fun?
If you think losing is fun, sure
and then you'll get reported by hordes of assmad moba players, no one wants to deal with this.
Spirit Miku sounds like a good meme (to bully squishies with giga turrets), thoughts on the build? Rapid recharge, improved spirit and maybe duration are a given, but what else?
Notice how on the report tab there isn’t any option for “bad at the game?”
Relax. You won’t be banned as long as you’re not very obviously griefing. Literally just don’t sit in spawn doing absolutely nothing and you’ll literally be okay.
This doesn't happen
But also, you will get banned for false reports/report spam. But hey, for the average rightoid larper on /v/ I guess it is pretty difficult to not be a complete dickheaded waste of space for 30-50 minutes.
Ruining it for everyone else is no fun either, main problem is that “ruining” is a very broad term for your average moba player and he'll screech at you for literally anything (just look at russians as example)
Rent free moment.
How do you know how many spectators you have?
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If you have spectators that usually means you're on the front page featured matches, so your current match is one of the top 4 current highest mmr matches happening at the time.
They'll show up in the top left corner, if there's none you don't have any spectators.
Barrage Miku is the most fun I've had in a pvp game. Stack spirit, cd, slows.
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Where even is the report tab? Is it on the post game stats board?
What's the filesize? I'm not gonna waste 150 trillion TB for this but if it's small I might give it a shot.
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uh oh
I didn't know Elon was a stakeholder in Valve.
carbine and grenade are annoying as fuck in lane, she's pocket level gay in laning stage. but unlike pocket you have to actually aim to land her stuff. full combo is place down wall, shoot with carbine, paradoxical swap the frozen person into wall (this does 10% of their HP, 20% if they walk through it again as they are incentivized to do with your team now shooting at them) and grenade ontop of them which will hit with a fair amount of pulses due to the walls slow. stay with your team, shes pretty bad at solo killing unless you can aim. if you're wondering "why would i not just play bebop? hes tankier does more damage has lower cooldowns more stamina and his displacement tool is faster larger and altogether much easier to land and puts him in little to no danger and and also he has a laser beam" that's a great question. paradox can arguably farm a little faster is the only answer
>Only shills talk about things ever
that seems like too much effort
Bit late, but I would focus on farming above all.
It's not explicitly only spirit yamato, I believe the best Yamato right now is something closer to mixed due to the ammo buff, RMB buff and surge of power buff.
Items like emblem and point blank are really fucking good now, but she works best with spirit.

I actually consider the complete opposite with torment pulse, the item accelerates your farm, instantly procs and maintains things like healbane and lifesteal and once you have torment pulse + vulnerability + couple of 1250 green items and maybe kinetic dash is when I'd consider Yamato to truly be ready to start fighting, this is her first power spike and it SHOULD align with you getting your second point of hook, so you'd have 3 points on power slash and 2 in hook by now.
In this stage you win pretty much every single 1v1 and sometimes even 1v2 if played properly as long as the enemy doesn't have a ton more souls.

After that, you want to continue farming and then fight when your ult is up or about to come up, get items like improved burst, surge of power, emblem and mystic reverb.
VERY IMPORTANT, a lot of yamatos make the mistake of buying a ton of tier 3 spirit or vitality items, don't fall for that trap, 90% of the time you'd get way WAY more value from a tier 4 item while shit like improved armors are horrible value and shouldn't be something you go for until later in the game.

Imo, your priority for tier 4 should be

>Mystic Reverb
>Soul Rebirth/Unstoppable, rebirth is much better imo
>Escalating Exposure
>Spiritual overflow
If you can get escalating exposure around minute 12 for whatever reason then I would buy exposure first as it's currently bugged and does a lot more early.
As for actives they are insanely dependant on enemy lineups, knockup kinda sucks ass IMO, freezing is goodish but I feel it's overrated with how much slow she already has on her base kit.
Improved burst is very strong with reverb.
i fucking hate mobas so much but my only takeaway after uninstalling the game after 5 minutes was, yea i wanna see porn of the gargoyle chick
glad i wasnt alone
yeah. just play bebop
Soulless post
Downloading it, we'll see if this turns into something I enjoy or just jerk off to the gargoyim on e621.
dont forget to do the tutorial and mess around in sandbox to get the feel
I had that same issue happen to me yesterday. Whenever anyone did a heavy melee attack, these red Xs would pop up. Restarting the game fixed it.
If you want a beginner tip, don't go for kills. At the start of the game confirm kills are a lot less useful than "lanning" super well, shoot the red guys and the orbs as much as possible without dying. If someone is being super aggressive just track their head and they'll fuck off.
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*punches you to death as abrams*
wait this happens literally all the time when I play
is that not normal? is it over for me?
1st-2nd lowest win rate hero at all skill levels by the way
Enough of the fucking gargoyle we need LASH bros in this thread.
Always nice to see my damaged but redeemable wife on /v/
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Nerf all slows and stuns.
Increase base movement speed by 4 m/s.
Players shouldn't buy enduring speed every game just to not move at snail speed.
Unstoppable shouldn't be a must buy late game item.
Fuck you.
Itbey changed the theme from cyberpunk to occult-prohibition a short time ago, they haven't finished changing all the assets to the new theme
A reminder that if you don't have the whole roster enabled, you are a faggot. The concept of maining characters in any game is pathetic.
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Build gun damage, ammo, and bullet resist shred. Your core damage items are Mystic Shot, Warp Stone, Headhunter, Pristine Emblem, and Mystic Burst. You should at least be able to finish those during late game but if you finish early or need to prioritize other items buy these:

>Divine Barrier
>Combat Barrier
>Veil Walker
>Improved Spirit Armor
>Metal Skin
>Ethereal Shift

>Withering Whip
>Silence Glyph

>Hunter's Aura
>Intensifying Magazine
>Glass Cannon
Let’s humor your proposal here for a sec just to show you how it would absolutely fail.
>Nerf all slows and stuns
Yeah, maybe, I’m not the MOBA guy and I definitely hate these but there are other ways to counter them than JUST unstoppable. So sure, bit of a nerf to these might make it a bit more appealing to shooter players.
>Increase base movement speed/make enduring speed irrelevant
Thats just limiting the amount of possible builds. So instead of having to itemize for movement speed, power, and defense, it becomes wildly easy to just make a tanky high damage build and then everyone becomes a sponge and never has to worry about positioning ever. If you’re mad about low movement speed, play someone else or get better at positioning or just uninstall if your IQ isn’t high enough. You would fail as a designer.
What are you talking about secondary? Enduring speed is a must buy item. Literally everyone buys it. It provides a 40% slow resistance.
What should instead happen is 40% nerf to all all gay slows in the game and to increase base movement speed a bit so that stupid item stops being an auto purchase for literally every single hero.
Is that your idea of good game design cocksucker? Seeing the same items every game? What a fucking retard. Don't (You) to me ever again shitter.
Why the kneejerk reaction to nerf every slow? Why not just wait for them to add more boots to the game?
Only the insane furry makes Deadlock threads so he can spam the borrowed fursona he's obsessed with because he's a loser degenerate.
is there a site i can see my mmr on?
soft-voiced male who mains Ivy and streams on twitch with an ivy pngtuber
isnt there supposed to be a thursday update
>Intensifying Magazine
that sounds like dogshit for the 3
Right doesnt even look like a gargoyle but some gacha slop. Shameful.
>because he's a loser degenerate.
So he's a typical 4channer?
Every hero has a bio ingame.
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>go into deadlock general
>discussion about which characters are trans coded
Fuckin faggots
They only talk about that kind of stuff to make you cry, looks like it's working
He's a friend of Rocksteady, out to kill da turtles
Sure, you're not going to have it up for carbine, but you're not always going to be able to fully charge carbine anyway unless you're building Sharpshooter and only play from the backline. And if you do that, the moment someone gets close to you, you lose all your damage. This is why I don't like building Sharpshooter/Point Blank on Paradox because she goes between close and long range so often.
Intensifying Magazine at max damage gives you the same amount of weapon damage as Glass Cannon with less than 3 charges for half the cost. It also builds damage in between bursts as long as you have left click held and also lets you kill neutrals and farm faster. Pretty much every situation that Paradox dies in is when her cooldowns are all used up and someone is near her. Intensifying Magazine builds up faster than you think and paired with Hunter's Aura, will let you win long engagements where your abilities will all be on cooldown.
Who has the best spirit scaling ability in the game?
I love playing kamehameha-bebop and obama drone Gay Talon
im actually suprised how many people have said nigger or faggot in my games, but i enjoy reporting them!
Do people actually get banned for saying "nigger nigger nigger" or is it just a meme?
I imagine you hear the word "faggot" alot
Yamato’s is pretty good, Seven’s movement speed directly scales with spirit which is real fun.
its a hardware ban too, they're proactive about bans atm as a lot of eyes are on the game
How do I get good at lady geist? Is she supposed to be more of an assassin? I've just been using that one bomb build to some ok success but I'm still a bit confuse on how to actually play her.
miku's rockets. I always catch people by surprise maxing them out first and suddenly having 6 gorillion dps splash at the 12 minute mark.
>Hear a few faggot and nigger drops in voicechat
>They go a bit quiet afterwards
iktf, it's 1984...
Hardware ban. Deserved. Go be an angry shitter where it might actually fucking matter instead of my goddamn games.
ofc, i had some dude tell me to kms over voice last night as well and hes probably banned atp too, idk why people are so reckless in this invite only beta
does that upset you?
No its deserved if youre acting like a faggot
Can you use rockets while in air to do same kind of shittery that bebop does?
its funny bc with your personality type its only a matter of time until you are hardware banned too! good riddance
it doesn't give you a float or anything but I majestic leap from the flank before casting it
>Refine my rat Ivy build
>Managed to cause a base race scenario where I was 1 magazine dump from winning
>Make a shotgun abrams build
>Fucker dumps so much damage and everyone keeps parrying like I am going to melee
>They never expect the bebop to get in close
I feel it bros, the love of builds I lost so long ago
Not banned yet, cry about it. Faggot~
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>had to suffer a retard just last night
>he was screaming for 40+ min critiquing every single play, no one else (rightfully) is using voip
>yelps for help, bitches when abilities are on cd
>"m-muh group ups!"
>doesn't actually group up, fails to split push anyway
>type out that he's fag
>"Pft. Enjoy your last Deadlock match."
>entire team berates this autist
>he starts yelling and slamming his desk
>we win anyway
>block his steam profile
>still no repercussions
>this is your average match now
Calling niggers, shitskins, trannies, russians, chinks, california cucks, and zoomers out for being faggots is respectable and encouraged unless you are in the middle of the bell curve. At which point, you're just as bad and enabling the degeneracy.
I feel bad for the people I played with a few days ago. My connection to the game is dogshit for some reason so whenever a big fight began I'd lag the fuck out. As Ivy.
Try pure spirit obama dronestrike build for owlman. Its hilarious
>American gaming
love split pushing the other side of the map and stealing a double kill with the owl
show me some hard evidence or it's gay and fake
I have a feeling they aren't gonna remove stacks in matchmaking before the typical source engine cheats are gonna be released sealing this games grave.
Made a Haze ragequit by always comboing her whenever she ulted
I love Mo and Krill so much.
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that abram face is gold
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Post yfw enemy is pushing but you see one of your troop waves is pushed all the way up to their patron and you have zipline boost
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>creep camp icon suddenly disappears
i know where you are
No you don't, you know where I left a turret.
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Deserved for not buying Unstoppable
>gonna be
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>Want to play Deadlock badly
>A grand total of Zero (0) of my Steam friends have played it, none even have it on their wishlist
I fucking hate this shit WHEN IS IT COMING OUT
2 years minimum
post ur friendcode and I'll send you an invite
your fotm waifu will be forgotten in a few weeks
>Oh and there was a card game literally no one wanted that also got abandoned after like a year
I'm glad normies can't get into card games and that card game players have actual standards as to not slurp that trash they put out.
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I hope one day that the current FOTM waifu will be forgotten so that MY FOTM waifu can rise from the ashes..
>and that card game players have actual standards as to not slurp that trash they put out.
>What is Hearthstone?
>What is Marvel Snap?
oh hell yeah
Hearthstone was a good game. That's why people played it. Now it's bad, and much fewer people play it. Marvel Snap is just Marvel slop eaters which one of the strongest slop eating fanbases in the world.
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What if we swapped Vindicta's ult with Flight and made Snipe a normal ability? (Stats adjusted of course)
I'm getting repeated crash after recent patch
>valve thinks anybody is gonna playing a moba in 2024
if you're the kind of retard who enjoys this game enjoy ur 2 weeks of it being alive
Honor of Kings is the most popular mobage in the world retard
what are you talking about
Miku has terabytes of fanart
Are deadlock accepting hero concepts?
I can't do art, but I have ideas for abilities and character descriptions.
does anyone use this item (alchemical fire) its seems good on stats but i never see it, wondering if there is a reason
snipe is already a basic ability in function, they just need to alter what the 5 point does to it
They let you go on 4chan on your work computer at Riot?
>Tranime poster is a retard faggot
I've used it on bebop before because he lacks a ranged AOE attack.
I think it's very good on Vindicta.
I buy it on ivy and toss it right as I stone form to hold them in it.
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i buy it on kelvin to use it with the dome because funny
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