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This game destroyed lives.
Our queen has abandoned us. All is truly lost.
Imagine quitting your job to become a full time Dragon's Dogma YouTuber and then nuking your social media and Discord server and posting a video where you break down into tears and screech about how the toxic criticism against Dragon's Slopma 2 made you suicidal. KWAB.
what? gimme a qrd. what fucking subhuman decides to center their youtube content around one static game bruh. like do they even have the power of foresight or some shit? there'll be no content to shit out after a week. wtf
Some fat autistic Ausie lady (possible troon) called Infinite Cringe. Tried to become a Monster Hunter channel after DD2 flopped and was universally hated but had a recent meltdown and posted a goodbye video on her YouTube channel where she basically blames the fans for the game being forgoten and the channel being dead.
>they even have the power of foresight or some shit
it's a woman, lol
hahahahahahaha what a fucking braindead bum
>was universally hated
It was exactly everything I wanted from a sequel and nothing more. I played it during a week off from work and felt the same feelings I felt when playing DD1 for the first time and exploring Gransys, it was absolutely uncanny and utterly amazing.

Similar to DD, this is something that will stay with me forever. I am truly glad I can still enjoy games for what they are.
BBI secondaries fuck off.
Because it's an overpriced piece of shit that was blatantly false advertised and some people paid upwards of 80 dollars for if you wanted the deluxe edition (standard was 70 dollars).
You are mentally ill.
DD2 is not a bad game, but it is one of the biggest disappointments of my entire life.
DMC5 succeeding really did a number on someone's mental health, lol
>BBI secondaries fuck off.
The majority of people who played the first played ddda, anon.
you talking about dragons dogma or monster hunter?
also i thought the youtuber was universally hated
>It was exactly everything I wanted from a sequel
You wanted it to be worse than the original?
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why are you guys even aware of a bum with so little subscribers lmao. who watches this trash
Read my post again.
i did and i'm still not following
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2024 was a great year for Flop-KINO.
Casuals have truly invaded /v/. The timed endgame of DD2 is better than BBI. It is exactly the same vector for content with exactly the same level of polish.
>be a casual DD channel
>DD2 announced
>hop on the hype train and try to position yourself as the Sphere Hunter of DD
>quit your job, bank on DD becoming a massive franchise with decades if content on the horizon
>DD2 comes out, is hated and forgoten in a week
>full cope mode, call the game a masterpiece which gets you called a shill
>channel isn't really growing because the fanbase is still small and most new people in the comments just laugh at you for being this autistic about this shit game
>try to pivot to Monster Hunter
>turns out the market is already taken and your heart isn't really in it
>you are now broke, unemployed and the DD2 honeymoon phase is long gone
>burn it all to the ground and make one last pathetic YouTube video where you blame the fans for you being a retarded loser
get it now?
Shit bait
Because they have nothing else at this point.
Expac is likely over the horizon and interest is picking up again, so it's time to gayop and shit up the board while the mods do nothing.
>interest is picking up again
interest to laugh at it, maybe
>interest to laugh at it, maybe

To laugh at what? An expansion for a 7.5 game that could potentially improve it?
Dumb faggot.
>possible troon
Can you stop thinking about trans people for one second? Subhuman chud.
Stop coping. You lost, Eric.
Dragons Dogma 2 betrayed lolicons and the series deserves all the bad things that happen to it.
Trannies invaded our space, DOE.
Over what?
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what a fucking bum
>hop on the hype train and try to position yourself as the Sphere Hunter of DD
how delusional can you be? it's literally just one static game lmao
>quit your job, bank on DD becoming a massive franchise with decades if content on the horizon
wtf is this line of thinking? are you gonna rely on 1 gang buster video once a year when a new map gets released or some shit?
The person behind the channel is legit autistic.
Her entire video was just a mindless emotional rant about fucking nothing. According to her (if its even a real women) own words she damn near lost the will to live because there were people with differing opinions on the game.
>No reply.

Typical gayopping faggot.
or just a grifter. youtube's got millions of them in the gaming sphere
Reply to what? I already won by making you hide your identity. You are so ashamed by how much of an embarassing turd of a person you are that you feel the need to pretend to be someone else, KEK!
>or just a grifter

No shit.
>griffins follow pre-determined flight paths instead of flying out and returning to their nest based on AI
>dragon's just sit in the same spot instead of flying around mauling other creatures and raiding towns based on AI
>all other creatures spawn in and barely move

Is there a word for this kind of dev lazyness?
Autists can be grifters too.
>Reply to what? I already won by making you hide your identity. You are so ashamed by how much of an embarassing turd of a person you are that you feel the need to pretend to be someone else, KEK!

l i t e r a l l y w h o
This, i had fun playing it but i had extremely high expectations for this game because it was supposed to be the DD2 of prophecy, the original vision made manifest, the GOAT. But alas it was not. It was a perfectly average game.
And Shitsuno's entire selling point was the world being fully dynamic and completely random. Never forget.
>It was a perfectly average game.
tbf dragons dogma 1 was too
It's not even average. It's garbage.
>It's garbage

It's a 7.5 out of 10, maybe a 7.
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>People got tricked into buying dragons dogshit
The writing was on the wall once they shoved youtuber pawns onto everyone
it's a 3/10 out of virtue of being playable but worse in every single aspect than it's predecessor which SUPPOSEDLY, was low budget and had to cut dev time, in reality, the devs are just garbage.
>it's a 3/10 out of virtue of being playable but worse in every single aspect than it's predecessor which SUPPOSEDLY, was low budget and had to cut dev time, in reality, the devs are just garbage.

Absolutely not, and you a total retard. I've played actual kusoge like Drakengard, DD2 is nowhere near that level.
Subhuman pedos deserve nothing less than a public lynching
are a*
>I WANTED there to be no enemy variety!
>I WANTED to buy all the best gear in shops and get zero rewards for exploring the world!
>I WANTED a MQ that was clearly unfinished with a big chunk cut out when you get to Battahl!

When you outright lie like this as a coping mechanism, is to convince yourself or other people?
>buy all the best gear in shops and get zero rewards for exploring the world!
wasn't that how vanilla DD1 was as well?
>coping mechanism

It's cope to shit up the board for months on end desperately trying to convince people that what is in fact a 7/10 game is the Tortanic, or far worse than it actually is.
Kinoshita will save us
I'm fully aware he lied his ass off in the interviews about this aspect of the game. I wander if he was knowingly lying, or if they had much more planned in terms of the AI/living world aspects but just didn't have the time to finish it.
game devs lying about features in upcoming games are far from new.
example, todd howard since god knows when
Shitsuno's unrepairable damage to Dragon's Dogma.
Thankfully he's gone now.
Discord troons were telling a girl to kull herself because she liked dragons dogma 2
I thought it was pretty good.
Lol, nice try discord troon.
Does anyone know how the RC gain works in DD2? It seems to be a lot less compared to DDDA
Truly the worst game of all time. All my discord friends hate it.
the replies to this either don't remember what contemporary reception to base DD was like or weren't around for it
>game's so shit it kills eceleb careers
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All cope. The game is total shit and the shills are just mad that we made it flop HARD! Imagine spending 100 millions on a game that's been in dev for 12 years for it to only sell like 2 million copies. LMAO dragon shartma fans deserve being taken down a notch.
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>he thinks 4chan has any pull whatsover ever ever
>if i pretend that the game didn't flop it will be ok
Keep coping dumbass I know it's hard to accept that you got your money stolen by crapcom but I'm sure if you keep defending this piece of shit you can undo the damage
did it flop though? i don't think even dragons dogma 1 sold gangbusters back in the day. the franchise are just average 7/10 games that's carried by the novelty of fighting big monsters here and there
I'm glad this flopped so people can stop pretending to like Dragon's Dogma now.
>did it flop
Yes but if you ask one of the shills they'll tell you it's crapcoms best. The spent over 100 millions on this piece of shit and it barely made anything back. it's got concord tier numbers for player count THE GAME IS A FLOP!
source on that?
>The spent over 100 millions on this piece of shit
that's every AAA game nowadays
Nah it didn't "flop", but 3 million is on the very low end for an RPG from a big company. The recent FF did about the same and they considered that an absolute disaster.

They had so much hype fpr DD2 pre-launch but the barebones state of the game completely killed all potential for post launch growth. If they bothered to put in some effort into enemy variety, a better non-static enemy spawn system, more unique gear as rewards for exploration etc and actually finished the MQ... the game would be in a much better state both in terms of sales but also player reception.
Should I buy this game now it's on sale?
If there's no upskirt or lewd barefoot vanilla outfits then I'll pass.
look at the player counts and the fact that they are already putting the game on 50% sale and it's only been 6 months. They are trying to recoup their losses. I guess they spent all their money on shills like>>689338654 they forgot to make a good game LMAO
The hype was nuts. They could have had a new Skyrim on their hands. Imagine fucking up this hard.
>recoup their losses
The game wasn't a loss, but regardless, it's likely trying to get in more sales, as they were underwhelming, yes, and also in preparation for the expansion.
>but 3 million is on the very low end for an RPG from a big company
considering the fact the game isn't a mainstream name like elder scrolls and shit. sounds like it did as expected to my ears
>The recent FF did about the same and they considered that an absolute disaster.
that's probably because of what a legendary name final fantasy always has been, which means they're willing to dump more money into its development than usual and shit
>the barebones state of the game completely killed all potential for post launch growth
iirc i found even dragons dogma 1 to be barebones without its dlc
>If they bothered to put in some effort into enemy variety, a better non-static enemy spawn system
i think dragons dogma 1 suffered from the same issues. but that's expected considering it was from like 2010 or some shit
>more unique gear as rewards for exploration etc
i don't remember relying on exploration for gear in dragons dogma 1. i think i bought my gear from the "masterworks all, can't get it wrong" dude
>and actually finished the MQ
what's wrong with the MQ? how is it unfinished?
>they are already putting the game on 50% sale and it's only been 6 months
that's normal nowadays unless you've cornered a market with your super niche title and there is no competition
>the game wasn't a loss
how much are they paying you? Are you still mad that we made your game flop?
>preparation for the expansion
what kind of cope is this? they're not going to make an expansion for a failure. Talk about stages of grief. I guess if you give them another $70 the game might get good this time! LOL.
Proof that /v/ wants this game to fail.
>how much are they paying you? Are you still mad that we made your game flop?

Given I like ARPGs and fantasy games, and that includes Souls, and Dogma, I am going to have a natural inclination to defend stuff I like. Plenty of people defend underrated or lesser received works, especially if they like them, who would've guessed?

>what kind of cope is this? they're not going to make an expansion for a failure. Talk about stages of grief. I guess if you give them another $70 the game might get good this time! LOL.

Given Capcom had 6 months in order to 'save' face on the game, the game getting a secondary and larger marketing push now (near the end of the year) is suggestive of some major DLC announcement (not to mention class rebalances, new content, the cover armor being added, etc.)
And? Woke trash deserves to fail
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dude, the person you're responding to is trolling hard, how are you not seeing that?
The best gear was in BBI.
I do, but I think it's important to still offer genuine discourse, especially for other people to understand.
It looked like shit in previews, I don't even know why they made it. If you're going to dump all that money you should try a little bit harder. It just looked underwhelming in all things outside the immediate combat.
ofc it is. it's a dlc after all
i couldn't wrap my head around how BBI worked. the literal first monsters i ran into was a massive massive difficulty spike. had no idea where to go either
I guess it's normal to put shovelware on sale less than a year after launch LOL.
>is a literal drone and has a "natural inclination" to defend slop
You literally can't make this up. You should head back to /vg/ with all the other shills.
>people who callout games as shit are trolls!
I can really feel the buyers remorse. We literally mind broke shartma fanboys didn't we?
Because they were looking to make an easy cash grab from the delusional fanboys but they forgot to actually make sure they can make back the money they spent
Game is basically a travel-with-your-waifu simulator so yeah.
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sure dude
Yeah it destroyed Itsuno's live(lihood). He got fired.
>inb4 he left voluntarily you actual autist/ESL SEApag
Shit Game.
DD2 is a decent game. Its biggest issues are performance and DD1/Dark Arisen existing.
DD2 is a bad game because it feels like they didn't even build on DD1. It feels like they looked at the blueprints that led to vanilla DD1 being built, tried it again, and stopped well before implementing it all AGAIN, but in an even worse way. Like literally zero experience from making the first game went into improving the sequel and parts were actively worse, nevermind in comparison to Dark Arisen.
You won't get any sincere discourse, so I'll just spoonfeed you.

DD2 is a 7 out of 10, I like it, but its issues are:

>Low equipment variety, further exacerbated by how linear its progression is, 90% of gear is worthless due to how much stronger end-game stuff is relative to early-game stuff.
>Enemy variety is kinda crap, made further worse by the fact that enemy density is so high (encounters with groups every 5 feet.)
>CC/Stun/Knockdown is out of contol, and you flop all around and it's really fucking annoying, when grabbed there is no way to escape grabs, unlike 1.
>Battahl is very underdeveloped, and should've had more activities to do, and worldbuilding.
>MSQ isn't bad, but very strange in how fragmented it is, even side quests like the Phantom Oxcart are part of it and flesh it out (quests people are unlikely to do.)
>Unmoored World is very cool, but the lack of a proper final boss is tragic.
>The Dragon while intentionally weak due to the meta-narrative is still far too disappointing of an encounter, especially after 1 and Greg.

Big fixes would be more convenient travel (but don't go too far.) More enemy variety, lower enemy density, make enemies stronger, more gear, or some kind of horizontal progression, make weaker stuff more useful, hard mode, and a snow region. Bring back all monsters from 1 and DA, and distribute them well, even if it doesn't 100% make sense.
the biggest issue the severe lack of content in every aspect, while charging $70 and having useless mtx shoved into it like a cherry on top.

non-contrarians still had other RPGs like ER & BG3 fresh in their minds when DD2 launched, which both had far, FAR more content will costing less. It's no wonder the sales for DD2 dropped dead straight after launch. The fact that the hardcores ignore this and keep comparing it to DD1, not even DD:DA, is very telling (and a massive fucking COPE). It's been over a decade, Sequels are supposed to get better and build upon what came before instead of making the same mistakes AGAIN.
And a proper final boss.
>non-contrarians still had other RPGs like ER & BG3 fresh in their minds when DD2 launched, which both had far, FAR more content will costing less.

More or less this, I would say I prefer Dogma over Souls, but ER is simply content-packed and full of stuff to do, and for a lower price point. And BG3 is God's gift to mankind with no flaws or issues whatsoever because people didn't get past Act 1 and just gloss over stuff like Gale wanting to fuck you despite only knowing him for 3 days and being nice to people. But it came out at a bad time and really just had bad priorities, especially the physics engine.
u zoomers are so funny man you really think a functional game is that bad, you never had to sit through and pay top dollar for pure shit like Brink or Evolve
Nobody had to pay top dollar for pure shit like Brink or Evolve you boomer fucking retard.
The internet existed. Gameplay videos came out day of release even then. You just had to have enough self awareness in high school to not get fooled by fucking IGN, Gametrailers, and G4.
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Tried to replay it when they said there was a performance update like 2 days ago, it still runs like shit, I think it actually runs worse, there is a new stuttering I get sometimes when even on the main menu when its showing the maps in the background. DD deserved better, even if the game ran well it is so underwhelming. It actually did damage to DD going forward in my opinion, as I have no further interest in DD at this point if they were to make more, not unless the DLC is something incredible and turns everything around.

They did that survey when DD2 came out about what people want in the game, and it honestly seems like they ignored it when they added a fucking casual mode and there has been no major updates at all, and the game still runs poorly. Im really hoping that they are just packing everything into a DLC that will also revamp the base game like DDDA did. If I dont hear anything but praise for the DLC when it happens Im just done with DD, I have Monster Hunter and many other games like this that are better realized. I dont even hate the game or think its bad, its just incredibly mid. TGS is at the end of the month, and with the update and sale it might be an attempt to raise awareness for an announcement, then again, if that was the case they would wait till closer to TGS to do it...hope is the first step on the path to dissapointment
Have they fixed the PC version yet?
Its on sale for like $30 on Steam. May actually buy it now.
Runs maybe 25% better.
For 30 dollars, I'd say you'll have a good time, and the expac is probably very soon.
>wasn't that how vanilla DD1 was as well?
No, if you didn't do the annoying quest to get the gold idol(which most people didn't) the best weapons would be found as random loot on chests in the overworld and then at the everfall.
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I am being 100% earnest and sincere on /v/ of all places when I say this:
I actually got depressed for a full month after playing dd2 for about 30 hours and realizing I didnt like it, because I had hyped myself up for it for 10 years. I played the original on xbox, then da, then da again on pc.
Ill never forgive Itsuno. I still get sad every time someone reminds me of it.
>and was universally hated
Why? Like, how do you make bad Monster Hunter content?
damn alright. i don't remember that
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Fuck off faggot. I played DD base game and just the base game right before playing DD2 and it was still a much better experience. The core gameplay is at best a sidegrade with the changes made to combat and movement(personally I think the hit effects are a straight downgrade and the parkour got lamer), the vocations are arguably worse, the characters are much less memorable, the monster roster is technically larger by less than a handful but the larger monsters are all slower and non-threatening as early as level 40(DD1 only really got easy at level 80 and that's well into NG+) AND the new monsters are barely utilized so effectively you're still fighting the same chimera, cyclops and ogre 90% of the game. The soundtrack which was one of the coolest around for a medieval RPG completely lost character and is just a generic orchestra with no memorable melodies or callbacks to the first game. And of course they took no measures at all to address complaints about how the RPG aspects in the first games were implemented, including the retarded damage calculation system. Despite all this, the core is still like DD so the game is decent, but after 12 years I expected much more. And yes I'm made they removed the option to make short characters.
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DD2 schizos are really something to behold
>DD2 is a 7 out of 10, I like it, but its issues are
>things that are lacking in comparison to DD1/Dark Arisen
>RPGs like ER & BG3 fresh in their minds when DD2 launched, which both had far, FAR more content
Which is a moot point in my case because neither of those appeal to me
Anyone who likes DD2 has likely put over a hundred hours into it. Actual bad games get abandoned by everyone quickly.
I relate with this, minus for the part where it felt like something was missing. But that must be the BBI-style DLC
On top of that, original DD had a big random factor to the loot you'd get from chests so your experience wasn't always the same. You'd know you'd get something good, but not sure what. It gave a reason to redo places after some time had passed.

In DD2 all the loot if fixed souls style, except it's nearly all completely underwhelming or outright useless as you just buy the best gear in the shops.
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I had something similar, its just so underwhelming. I bought pizza and shit, got to Vermund and realized the game just felt completely off. Though I got farther than that I still havent finished it
>find dungeon/hidden area
>expect something cool
>"RC" or "wakestone"
Like that mini dungeon in the elf area and the volcanic island started to give me hope we were going to get an actual dungeon with something that you havent seen before, but the dungeon is empty, has nothing in it and at the end its an enemy youve been wasting with ease. Cant even play dressup, theres less options that before. It sounds silly but I remember playing RE4 and seeing the knights armour enemies and thinking "man I cant wait for DD2, look how good this stuff looks with the lighting reflecting off them and how it all layers like real armour" and there is nothing even close to thatr in DD2, everything looks overdesigned and there is little variety.
>4 surcoat of different colors in DD1
>ONE in DD2.
WHYYYY. Why does the game have less customization and look WORSE than DD1 aesthetically with its armours.
>original DD had a big random factor to the loot you'd get from chests so your experience wasn't always the same
i don't remember that at all
>It gave a reason to redo places after some time had passed.
i literally never felt the need to have to "redo" an area in vanilla DD1
>Actual bad games get abandoned by everyone quickly.
...you mean like DD2 when the player count evaporated instantly and sales dropped dead at launch because it had zero good word of mouth?
serves her right, she trusted Itsuno
No, I mean like Concord that never even got over 1000 concurrent Steam players and died in less than a month. Even now you've got people hoping for an expansion/DLC and I'd argue this thread was made because of that.
Nigga she said DD2 is probably her favourite game, the problem was that you cant talk about the game at all and that noone is watching content for it.
Certified Woman Moment.
Forgot to mention I was having a BLAST
>Unmoored World is very cool, but the lack of a proper final boss is tragic.
FINAL BOSS WAS A CUTSCENE. What the fuck was Capcom thinking?
>things that are lacking in comparison to DD1/Dark Arisen

Just DA, it's more of a sidegrade to base 1.
My exact thoughts while i was watching the video. It was just mindless emotional babble.
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>He still can't play it
>FINAL BOSS WAS A CUTSCENE. What the fuck was Capcom thinking?

Probably some kind of meta-narrative kind of thing, I think that while laziness is a factor, it's also I think Itsuno thinking the plot was more clever or self-aware than it actually is (although I think the plot in DD2 is interesting in some surprising ways, just it shouldn't have been such to the detriment of a proper conclusion and end-game.)
Dual weapons, six skill slots, more armor and clothing slots, Ur-Dragon raid boss and dynamic loot pools for chests are all things that started with DD1
wait what? are you serious?
>although I think the plot in DD2 is interesting
what even is the plot of dd2? gimme a qrd. is grigori back?
The Ur-Dragon is literally a Greg reskin.

DD1 also has the most barren open-world in existence, with around 5 dungeons and a singular biome. That's why 2 is a side-grade, it improves in some aspects, but is weaker in others, or not substantial enough of an upgrade.
I expected more customization, not less. Not only is there less armours, they are now more class specific, and they didnt really do anything like layering or pallete swaps, everyone fucking looks the same because there is no options
The map is bigger, but its also empty of anything interesting.
Though secondary quests are great and better written than the main quest.
The main quest is now a complete fucking disaster in terms of writing.
Still no difficulty options, this was a massive problem with DD1 too.
Wanted more skills, not less, without 3 extra slots the more niche skills are never used becuase they are too situation specific
Pawns are kindof boring now
Added a pawn infection system that feels poorly implemented. Like there shouldve been enemy pawns, as suggested by teh very end of the game the pawns turn into drakes(?) but we never fight an enemy like that in the game itself, they did nothing interesting with the pawns

I have no idea how anyone could be pleased with DD2, its not a bad game but my god is it one of the most underwhelming and dissapointing games Ive ever played, hands down, I cant think of anything comparable.
>le npcs stories dont matter. They are just flesh puppets in YOUR story Arisen.
Fuck Capcom. They make this huge open world and fill it with characters just to slap players with their meta-narrative dick so they can make fun of me for being invested into their game.
I'm willing to bet that this faggot will have another video in less than a month.
It's in interactive cutscene, albeit. You move forward to get to the objective, and that's it.
>The Ur-Dragon is literally a Greg reskin
and it's content that kept people engaged for almost a year before Dark Arisen was released
>DD1 also has the most barren open-world in existence
Nah, that's GTA5's entire north half
There is no plot. Im not even joking.
>God makes the game (The Dragons Dogma)
>The player (Arisen) plays the game
>God says "Did you rike?"
>Roll credits
>and it's content that kept people engaged for almost a year before Dark Arisen was released
A minority of autistic people.
>Nah, that's GTA5's entire north half
I 100% DD1, let's not do this, the open world in 1 is absolutely destitute in content, areas and activities to do.
Explain who Brant, Disa and Phaesus are and how they're connected
The DRAGON'S DOGMA is a cycle, but it's starting to fall apart, so mystery nigga, who isn't supposed to be interfering, starts interfering with it to keep it going. The DRAGON'S DOGMA is meant to protect the world.
At the end, mystery nigga turns into a dragon, and you kill him. The world is finally released from DRAGON'S DOGMA, and fate is put back into the hands of humanity. (You) got seriously wounded during the final scene, and (You)r fate is unknown.
The end.
>A minority of autistic people
that showed Capcom that DD2 was a project worth pursuing
> let's not do this
because you can't refute the fact that there's almost nothing worth mentioning in GTA5's northern half of the map?
None of them matter.
for some reason i have a hard time understanding you lmfao. who the fuck is the mystery nigga?
It is interesting, but is trying too hard, and it ends up being to the detriment of the story as an experience, and the game.
I dont think I get the story in DD2, DD1s was straightforward. Who the fuck was the guide? I was expecting a seneschal fight with him but he just fucks off.
>save the world by killing the dragon
>"Nah the loop still happens of dragon and arisen"
ok so whats so bad about that now? I killed the dragon and taker the throne, the dragon is dead, the previous guy was a false arisen, so Im not just replacing the previous guy so what the fuck was the problem with just accepting this reality, what is the downside?
>"heres the real world, everyone is going to die now"
>save them all
>"the world is still going to die, heres an even bigger dragon, one you cant fight, its just a cutscene, also youre pawn turns into a shadow dragon for some reason, thats never explained"
>kill it
>everyone is saved, you are dead
Huh? Why did I do that, the cycle didnt even fucking end the dragon will return apparently. The only difference between the real ending and the one where you take the throne is that YOU FUCKING LIVE at the end. Where was the seneschal fight, where do dragons come from now that the seneschal isnt a thing anymore, becuase the dragons were made by arisen who beat the dragon, but lose to the seneschal, where do they come from now. Why was there a ghost arisen just sitting at the bottom of the ocean who turns into a sword? DD2 fucking sucks man, explain the story to me, I dont get the point.
Holy shit did we mindbreak slopma fans. Thats what they get for shitting up this board about their shovelware game. imagine hyping a game up for 12 years and wasting all that time and money for a total turd.
>that showed Capcom that DD2 was a project worth pursuing
The autists grinding the Ur-Dragon were not why DD2 was made, that's a bizarre and retarded claim to make.
>because you can't refute the fact that there's almost nothing worth mentioning in GTA5's northern half of the map?
Because GTAV has nothing to do with this and it's a hyperbolic statement, but the fact remains that the sandbox/world in DD1 is very empty and unfinished.
So you didn't play the game then? Thanks for verifying.
It gets way too meta. The brine that prevents anyone from crossing the seas? Thats because there is nothing beyond the seas. Only the game world exists.
Main story was the real tell.
How they thought they could get away with that main story I will never know.
>The autists grinding the Ur-Dragon were not why DD2 was made
Then why was it made?
>GTAV has nothing to do with this
except for the claim that "DD1 also has the most barren open-world in existence"
>it's a hyperbolic statement
so essentially worthless in the arena of actual discussion
You poor child. NONE of the characters in DD2 matter. They are cardboard cutouts that serve to push the player towards the dragon.
>Brant has a subplot about retaking the throne. Taking the throne is the false ending.
>Disa wants her son on the throne instead of you. Her son wants to suck your cock so its a moot point.
>Phaesus wants to stop the dragon and the Dragons Dogma(tm) but he fails because hes not the main character.
>There is no plot
>except for all this plot
>Then why was it made?
DD1 was a niche game that has a cult following, and sold better and better as time progressed, especially due to the PC port, and character customization and pawn system. The game gained notoriety over time and that's why 2 was greenlit, not to mention Itsuno's desire to make it as his "dream game" after DMCV wrapped up.
>except for the claim that "DD1 also has the most barren open-world in existence"
It's a hyperbolic statement and bit of rhetoric for exaggerative/emotional effect.
>so essentially worthless in the arena of actual discussion
No shit, why are you zeroing in on it? Are you autistic? Do you not understand rthetoric or emotional expression and hyperbole.
>This game is shit.
Is it literally shit? It's an expression.
>DD1 was a niche game that has a cult following, and sold better and better as time progressed, especially due to the PC port
i.e. a bunch of "autists" really loved the game and people took notice
>It's a hyperbolic statement and bit of rhetoric
yes we've already established that it's a useless statement in the world of substantive discussion
>why are you zeroing in on it?
see above, you've effectively destroyed your own position
>Game for Autists gets a sequel
>Normalfags get angry that autists are having fun
I see that none of the discourse surrounding this game is genuine.
Wow, I didn't believe that I would see a game do so shit. Capcom spent 100s of millions on a scam that was so bad it caused the director to be fired and all the shills to kill themselves. I really hope the same thing happens to fromsoft so we don't have to hear about eldenshit on this board anymore.
>i.e. a bunch of "autists" really loved the game and people took notice
Yes, but this has nothing to do with the Ur-Dragon, or at the very least, it's the smallest part of why the game gained a following. People kept playing the game to make different characters, and various pawns, with the combat, story and other elements being secondary and tertiary to that. The character creation was the primary catalyst in the game gaining a cult following (and the fact it was another open-world ARPG released around the time of Skyrim and Dark Souls), not due to a shit MMO grindfest.
>yes we've already established that it's a useless statement in the world of substantive discussion
Rhetoric and emotional expression have been used in debate and discourse for thousands of years, we're human beings, and emotional creatures, and that's how we generally communicate, again, it sounds like you have autism. It's a strange thing to focus in on.
>see above, you've effectively destroyed your own position
It's not objectively the most barren, empty world in all of video games, so it's then it's not actually a barren, empty world?
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>12 years and 100 millions
this game was in development for three years at best and the staff was paid with whatever meat they used to film the cooking cutscenes
The only good thing that came out of this game was Ulrika. I mean she's boring but at least she's hot
>get BTFO
>move the goalposts
thanks for playing
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And as an addendum.
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Don't waste any more of my time.
>this has nothing to do with the Ur-Dragon
Correct, which is why trying to conflate the two was something someone else did, not me.
>Rhetoric and emotional expression have been used in debate and discourse for thousands of years
And are infinitely less important than actual facts since the only time you'd use those things are when you don't have the facts to back up your claims
>It's not objectively the most barren, empty world in all of video games
glad we can agree
>And are infinitely less important than actual facts since the only time you'd use those things are when you don't have the facts to back up your claims

>$69 game
>$100,000,000 budget
>2 million copies sold
>138,000,000*.80(Gaben's 20% when over 50million sales)=$110,400,000
The shareholders are gonna starve with only 10.4 million in profit.
>hyperbole is just as important as facts!!
They're not mutually exclusive, retard.
How is it possible they never thought "hey, maybe we have zero memorable characters and our plot it a mess" over the course of development?
that isn't my argument at all, learn to read
The open world is barren despite the fact that there are likely other games with even emptier open worlds.

This does not mean that the open world in DD1 is not barren. The open world in DD1 can still be empty (bad) despite the fact that there games with emptier (worse) open worlds. The usage of hyperbolic language does not refute any point I make just because of the aforementioned fact.
They thought it was a feature. Ironically the only character that matters is your pawn, the canon soulless flesh robot.
The usage of hyperbolic language is to emphasize (for emotional effect and impct, as a tool of rhetoric) that the open world of DD1 is empty and bad.

It's like I am talking to an autistic 10 year old.
Then why not say that instead of making yourself look like a hysterical and biased? It's really hard to take anyone seriously if their immediate criticisms of something is "_____ IS THE WORST EXAMPLE OF _____ EVER" and then they have to slowly backpedal on their statement
If trannies want to waste their lives doomposting about DD2 so be it, not like they're going to do anything worthwhile with their time anyway.
i like how she said she made a hobby account but isn't telling anyone what it is because she wants it to grow naturally. like why saying anything then? lmao
It's crazy. DD1 didn't have an amazing story or anything, but at least you had a moment of Julian and Mercedes dueling each other with world building of foreign countries and personal insecurities. Or saw how insane the current king was and then why along with how pathetic he was for thinking you took the dragon's deal, with real consequences since the guards try and have you killed from then on.

DD2 has less attempt made on characterization than most NES RPGs.
>DD2 has less attempt made on characterization than most NES RPGs.
ummm did we play the same game?? raghnall??? of the battle of geremi?? and the scarlet rains???? hello???

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