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>Don't like a product? You're a loser.
Female samurai never existed. A big black giganigger slave becoming a samurai is more realistic than a woman becoming a samurai
Imagine getting called a dork by the thing with that avatar. Swirly class of nerds that grouped together in the game industry and now want revenge larping as the bullies they wished they were in highschool. These people are bullies without any actual ability to be bullies they're impotent until they amass a large enough clique to be confident enough for their true colors to show up. The GCBTW effect and it should be scientifically studied. Bet that tranny plays ff14.
Grifter thread.
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>these fucking dorks
The freak with the char avatar is a schizo that posts a insane amount on twitter even by no life twitter retard standards and is probably the one posting his tweets here
Why don't they just say that the game is not for gamers and get on with it.
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Not buying woke slop
>Don't like it? Don't play it, it wasn't made for you!
>Okay, I won't buy or play it.
What causes this kind of behavior
>Woman samurai
Is she at least attractive? I'm not buying a game with just another ugly feminist.
Of course not.
Never being told no as a child
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>Is she at least attractive?
take a guess
I get to save money.
Infinitely more valuable than wasting it on those jigaboo and feminist losers who then screech how the World is at fault for their garbage projects financially failing before going back to whine about Capitalism existing in all irony.
Also yeah, Americans should be banned from appropriating any other culture but their own in entertainment henceforth.
Hope Egypt/Macedonia/Greece and Japan pulling the governments in, and the Chechen embassy moment during Vampire the Boston development Masquerade which was cancelled, are gateways towards Amerisharts no longer sullying other cultures.
Religious zealotry.
>these dorks used a decent game to shit on a shittier game
>now that the entry of decent game is shit they don't like that new entry
Dude says it like it is somehow hypocritical, when it's people having standards and acting on them because they are getting sick and tired that everything needs to be subverted and ruined. And of course it's unfathomable for these fucks to turn on a product when it becomes shit, because aside from them not buying anything anyway, they will happily become social media lemmings with undying loyalty for every shit product as long as it validates their pseudo-progressive moralfaggotry.
>I am the ghost of nosales
>Ghost of Customer.
GoT was already terrible desu, /v/ simply has poor taste
They did cope and seethe.
Small list
Hangaku gozen.
Ikeda sen.
they existed but they literally did nothing
The memes write themselves
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Sony just lost half a billion on a communist game and I am okay with them doing it again.
>people were using this as an example
>but then things changed and they changed too!
>fucking loserssssssssss
kill all NPCs. It's time for them all to be silenced forever and their purchasing power revoked.
isn't that guy a terminally online schizo?
They either did fuck all or are as important to Jap history as Yasuke
so go fuck yourself
You know that's what they're saying you gaslighting piece of shit. You cowards can't even own up to your racism and sexism.
I liked Mulan. The animation, not the live action.
Weird how kids that would have been bullied a few decades ago are suddenly the biggest bullies now they've grown up protected from bullying. It's almost like bullying kids is essential to a decent society.
>You cowards can't even own up to your racism and sexism.
I'm racist and sexist but that doesn't change the fact that this shit is retarded and anyone defending it is also fucking retarded.
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>blue checkmarks
These woke niggas giving money to Elon Musk every month? Who's funding the Drumpf campaign?
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shit bait thread, fuck off to pol

when the mods are gonna do something about these retarded threads
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Don't like it? don't buy it!
>These woke niggas giving money to Elon Musk every month?
They literally have to or nobody will ever see they're posts lol. Twitterfags are fucking subhuman cucks.
how the fuck did I do that
>now that is different people react different
... yes?
When will this "war" over games end? The people that make games in the west, and the people that cover them, very clearly hate the majority of their audience and I honestly cannot figure out why.
This shit's been going on for over a decade now and it doesn't seem like it's slowing down anytime soon.
Will AAA Western gaming ever go back to when it was about fun?
It's not racist or sexist to want fun games again with appealing looking characters.
I think 'pajeet' has become the go-to racial slur on 4chan because the tranny jannies keep banning people for saying nigger
>very clearly hate the majority of their audience and I honestly cannot figure out why
Because gamers are fucking cringe subhumans. Name one thing someone that plays video games has ever done for humanity.
AAA gaming was always shit outside of Japan, and as it gained popularity it got more corporate until it became the garbage it is today
They need to use ai to automatically register a post as a twitter screenshot and remove it. Obviously this will never happen but that’s how we get rid of the tourist scourge.
>people with conviction are losers
truly the most libtard mindset
They're all completely convinced they're in the right. A few more DEI flops and we'll start seeing some pushback, but it'll take a very, very long time for attractive women to start showing up in western games. They've already fired any dude with a spine and a libido over the past decade of purging.

Bear in mind that the flops are recent, and all of these games that are flopping started getting made like 5-8 years ago. So it'll be another 5 years of dogshit, minimum, before we start seeing properties attempt to avoid the DEI landmine.
GCJ Discord spam thread
they always post Twatter images with that retard with the tranny flag Char, even though Char would colony drop them IRL
It will statistically sell less than GoT 1 because PS5 owners don't buy games.

This MAY or MAY NOT be due to wokeness or whatever, but it still will be hilarious.
>and I honestly cannot figure out why.
What do you mean you cannot figure out why?
Because being born in wealth, privilege, and entitlement makes you a hateful person.
This is a consistent historical fact.
It's the same reason why African blacks fucking hate African Americans for their conduct.
The same reason Japanese, who have no fucking history with Africa geopolitically, are suddenly singling out black migrants as the worst behaved subhuman garbage - thanks Johnny Somali.
1st world white women and jigaboos at the same time want to larp multiculturalism; and at the same time look down upon every other culture on this planet and either insultingly romanticize it or insultingly shit it up and try to make it some kind of freakish skinmask to wrap around shitty Californian media projects which makes everyone angry.
How many times do dumb western white women need to be beheaded, or dumb american blacks jailed and deported, before Amerisharts take a hint?

Either hate the rest of the World properly, or don't open your mouth; don't be this paradoxal cognitively dissonant faggotry trying to play two contradicting personalities and arguments. A transparent behaviour everyone notices and finds annoying. It's that fucking simple.
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AI is still garbage at detecting images and would take up way too much bandwidth. On top of no auto filter that prevents any posts being made with certain words.

It's clearly that the mods just don't do enough shit.
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Do you think the algorithm showed him that tweet or did he actively look for it so he could get mad at it?
Loved Cole Train and the Aliens ripoff character in Halo, also Arbiter is honorary black too because of Keith David
Women are a meme, if you weren't a virgin you would know. The moment sexbots with ovaries are invented, I find it real hard to justify their existence.
>>Don't like a product because the protag is a woman? You're a loser.
fixed that for you and it's true
>now that the new game stars a woman they completely turned on it
Nobody turned on Ghosts of Tsushima though, they just don't like the female protagonist of the new game
What a moron
Regardless, you guys are losers. There's no denying that.
no u
Explain to me why people come here who obviously hate the board, its culture, and the majority of the people here.
I don't lose money, you do, trash.
this is gonna flop so bad lmao
I have a father unlike mighty queef, I've lost nothing.
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they echo chamber they wanted oh-so badly on Reddit isn't satisfying eventually
Everyone jerks each other off and agrees with each other or gets banned.
For whatever reason, they come here with their gay little plans in their gay little Discords.
Yes, she looks like a porcelain doll with several pounds of make-up on, triple-D tits that constantly lactate, and wears a cow-themed bikini. Interested?
>people didn't criticize the first game because it wasn't retarded
>people criticize the second game because it is retard
Disliking something is fine. It’s when you make disliking something part of your personality that’s the problem. Example: Barry and his 20+ anti-final fantasy threads a day
But i do.
And the best part is ,according to them, all i have to do is sit back and not buy this turd.

Easiest 'W' i've been handed my entire priviledged white life.
Hmm, but we're the losers. What a fucking joke.
>When will this "war" over games end?
When games stop being the cool hip thing that locust-lefties swarm after it becomes a "sure thing." Games with any notable budget have stopped being made by gamers who make shit they think will be cool, the industry flooded by "developers" who develop jack shit except their own navel gazing shitty ideas.
Something new in the entertainment sector made by and for nerds will appear, be shit on for a decade or three as a lame loser nerd thing, then suddenly once it turns out to have made a shitload of money, they'll all jump on those unfortunate fucks and mostly forget video games exist.
>trans avatar
Every time. I guarantee that black guy isn't a real person. It's either AI or a stolen photo.
is that like Stolen Valor but for nogs?
>Stolen Chicken
Doesn't matter whether it's a black guy or a tranny, either way I have a father and they don't.
I also got money that's not stained in blood and they don't.
A 5 second search would guarantee you to be wrong: https://www.youtube.com/@Mightykeef/videos
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gamers have the biggest victim complex I’ve ever seen. All they did was cry that their hobby wasn’t mainstream but now that it is they can’t be victims anymore
>no historical accuracy? my masculinity is being replaced AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
>i-if she had megatits and anime face it would be fine actually who cares about accuracy heh checkmate tourists BUY BUY BUY
They seem afraid of losing shit tonnes of money and having to close shop. They should be, because not even the piggies are eating their slop now.
I'm gonna have such a blastᵀᴹ when this game crashes and burns and ubisoft goes bankrupt. this whole year has been chud christmas, I love it so much. :D
>You cowards can't even own up to your racism and sexism.
Where do you think you are?
Why? Seriously why? What reason is there to hate women? For god sake I will forever be baffled by people like these.
>What reason is there to hate women?
This a strawman because no one has ever said they can't relate to a character if it's not a white male. People are just complaining about woke shit.
But that's the reason you're a leftist, you have no idea how people who oppose you even think.
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So how's that $400 Million investment in Concord doing? How many tranny lives could it have saved if it was not wasted on a flop? lmao
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>posts on 4chin
>not a loser
care to explain yourself anon?
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Oh sweet, Ghost of Concord is coming out.
Beatings will continue until everyone with pronouns in bio is homeless.
>pointing out weird trends is the same as you fuckers demanding representation at every turn
You're so dishonest.
grifter bros we eatin good
The damage control over this game has been insane. Face it, people have 0 tolerance for woke shit anymore, you can ridicule them as much as you want, all your games have been bombing left and right this year, we got to this point because we all thought it was not a big deal, when leftards ask for an inch they take a mile, so people are rightfully tired of their bullshit, woman protagonist is enough these days to set off alarms.
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When the accessible Xbox controller was announced a lot of people said "it takes development time away from real content" I think they have the same reasoning as why they hate women and non-white characters, they feel the game isn't developed for them, but for disabled and marginalized minorities people. Maybe if you have 0 real human contact you start making up these strange relationships with developers, streamers, camgirls etc.
You don't get it, anon. They post on reddit, but only come here to bask in how superior they are.
>The Ghost of Modern Audience
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This is the correct answer, fuck 'em. Also fuck OP for being a faggot.
>hey this game has ugly characters and art style
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Gamers have more games to play made in the past 40 years than there is lifespan available.
The thing you don't want to say, or want to distract from, is that monopoly of their time and money is no longer possible; so you have to suck gamer dicks harder and harder with each passing day for their limited attention and money. Oversaturation makes monopoly, dependence, and coercion impossible. So your shitty woke projects keep flopping; and you hate the fact that you can't control the habits of the people making them flop to benefit you in any profitable manner, hence the flops. The worst thing for you now is gamers realizing how oversaturated the market is with games to play, and realizing they have power over you, and not the other way around. The drug dealer lost control over the addicts, or rather never had it in the first place in this generation. Womp Womp.
>nerds calling other nerds losers
I don't get the point of this
They exist: wikipedia.org/wiki/Onna-musha

It’s the same thing when giving women guns. They will fight along their husbands to defend themselves. That’s enough reason for you to shut up about your nonsense.
Bullying made me a bully.
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why is Dave Rivera aka airbagged 5'6? are homosexuals with AIDS just that short? why is mighty keef so fat and ugly? are monkey crossbreeds just like that?
Most nerds have fathers, the black and tranny ones don't. It's a matter of coping mechanism of trying to put up a strong front to masquerade being a crab in a bucket trying to pull others down to its own level to feel better about its loser life.
>Yōtei is a female mountain according to the Ainu
>the personification of her is a woman
What? Did you want a female to male troon as a protagonist instead?
I feel like 95% of the people who want "woke" shit (God, I hate that word) in games only want it because they have no real problems in life, so they create them due to some boogeyman they've been tricked into hating.
Sounds like an h-game attack
>the succubus shoves your face in her crotch and starts queefing
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Remember that these chuds are the ones that tell people to make their own stories and characters?
yeah, this is still what happens when they do? Women bad!! fucking woke DEI shit lads!!
and GoT wasn't built on masculinity, it was built on resistance of oppression, companionship, loyalty, hope, and an the trumas of war and how it can change someone for better or worse.
Jin would not be the person he was if it wasn't for the people in his life, especially the women.
His caretaker, a woman and a warrior taught him about the importance legacy, and change. Yuna, taught him how important it is to protect the small folk, and being understanding of people's differences and situations. As well as the oppression certain group or clans have suffered under others, including his. She also is the one who taught him how to be a silent kill and the Ghost. Without Yuna (a Woman), Jin would literally be dead.

People act like being a man and masculinity is just about being an above approach leader who makes all the decisions. It's not. Masculinity is a spectrum as most things are and there are right and wrong ways to go about it.
>You cowards can't even own up to your racism and sexism.
But I want all faggots like airbagged and all chimps like mighty keef to be genocided. I've been nothing but explicit about this.
>crying about a female samurai, all of whom were trained in combat as a matter of class duty and tasked with castle defence, in a period where there are hundreds of documented cases of women actually fighting and awareness that there were were also some among the unidentified membership of the various armies, in a video game, where the protagonists are almost always special individuals of unusual capability
this is a much flimsier tantrum than yasuke
Piety. In the cold materialistic world these people live in, currency has spiritual significance which they feel they are entitled to. To not give them money is akin to you being possessed by satan.
He might be a loser, but at least he's not a jogger.
Probably not, I've got plenty of games and entertainment to keep me occupied while all these subhumans starve and I sit back and enjoy all their shit burning down because they couldn't stop themselves from hiring retarded women, vermin blacks, and suicidal trannies.
People really just ignore the entire concerted effort to lie fake japanese history into reality?
>random women given weapons to defend home
>therefore femoid samurai existed!
fake and gay.
How come grummz haters don't larp as his fans and shit on the sequel for having a female lead?

Imagine Grummz doing damage control and putting a fucking exception for this game.
People can make whatever they want and people are free to criticize it. The only difference between us and you is you guys are the type to actually try and get shit you don't like banned. The "chuds" just vote with their wallets.
No wonder they're on xitter 24/7, they have nothing better to do with their lives.
they didn't end humanity yet tho so I guess we should just let gamers do their own thing... gamers won't approach a child in school and convince it to mutilate itself because it "experimented with pronouns" so I guess their inaction has done more good for humanity than others did...
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>women warriors
All it took was one androgynous Algerian to convince all women to make up conspiracies about trannydom and intersex to portray it as a man annihilating women in their sports because even at the olympic level women are inferior biological creatures. lmao
People with different opinions, tastes, wants and expectations should not exists. This makes development hard. Fetishes should not exist. Pandering of any sort should be stopped. Only then, when everyone is happy with homogenized slop that can be mass produced, the "war" will end. Anything that can even slightly upset someone should not exist.
Is how I kinda see it. Bunch of bullshit.
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Based, /r9k/ genuinely need to get lives. If the biggest problem in your life is a female protagonist, that’s just fucking weird and tells me you’re a loser lmao.
"Make your own games" was always an excuse, they don't want any different voices or visions in the industry. Minorities aren't caricatures to be sexualized, laughed at and abused anymore, and they don't like that because that's how they want minorities to be treated. Go woke, get gold!
Grummz is just a symptom not the cause. If you want to stop people like Grummz you should be asking what situation was created that allowed a person like him to have a huge platform/ popularity.
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>very clearly hate the majority of their audience and I honestly cannot figure out why.

because the majority of gamers are straight men. college graduates are taught to hate everything straight men enjoy because straight men are oppressors.
only retards give a shit about him either way
What? Of course they do. There have been loads of blatant GCJ false flag and shitposting threads with that sort of thing against the games they hate, or trying to control the idea of woke. There's a load of them in this thread as it is.
>straight men are oppressors.
Sometimes I wish.
YWNBAW, tranny freakazoid
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never understood this strawman, lara croft was the most popular video game character for an entire console generation
Most likely people have already explained this to you over and over and you simply don't want to accept the simple truth
And at the same time you keep begging for explanations (that you reject) instead of doing your own research. All you have to do is follow the money.
The left
>attractive female characters should be banned and you're a loser incel if you disagree
The right
>ugly female characters are an attack on masculinity and the troons who design these characters should be rounded up and shot in the streets if they don't kill themselves first
I think the difference is a little bigger than you make it out to be
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genuine question: can someone explain how he's wrong?
>should be rounded up and shot in the streets if they don't kill themselves first
Funny how that never happens, though.
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>imagine being a loser and not losing money
Rampant Judaism
why do the first 2 photos look exactly the same?
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The Woman King killed female warrior for good.
Sorry anon.
It's just... do you know how hilarious it was to hear retards like you attempt to defend this shit; and how even more hilarious it was to see people learn the actual history behind Dahomey and how fucking worthless the female warriors were against fucking French femboys?
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>Try to attack her homeland.
>Get BTFO by her.
>Form a raid and attack your fleet of seething faggot trying to comeback.
>Raids, bombs with her bros and kills the leader of the fleet.
>Nips makes a festival which still happening in honor of you and your deeds to this day
>Your armor become a national treasure in the long run.
>But some retard tub of lard faggot on /v/ says
You did fuck all.
LULZ seethe more.
>after big change people stop supporting something
Do you suffer from profound mental retardation? Genuine question.
He isn't. You will always be clinically retarded for going extreme on either side and defending leftoid pedophiles or rightoid pedophiles.
uh, cool it with the antisemitic remarks
>make a game that appeals almost exclusively to men
>alienate all the men trying to pander to women who won't buy it anyway
When will these retards learn. How many flops does it take.
>All you have to do is follow the money.
What money did Concord make?
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>Kate Bush's Husband
Oh that weirdo, yeah if he's on one side then I'm on the other.
The old game respected their culture.
The new game has an ugly tranny and is disrespecting their culture.
It's pretty simple shit.

Also didn't the same wokes there shit on Ghost of Tsushima for being problematic for feeding into Japanese Xenophobia and nationalism even though it was a war to stop a Mongol fucking invasion and first aggression?

Char would laugh at that tranny loser Twatterer.
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bros we're looking stupid again and people are making fun of us
I don't understand how /v/ got so radicalized by this gamergate type stuff, like it happened 10 years ago. what content creators are people watching to remain interested in seeing things like this?
I first read this as if it was about the character and thought it was the funniest thing ever
Nobody turned on Ghost of Tsushima.
sad thing is that he's better looking than most of us
>Be wife and daughter of samurai.
>Your expected to have some military training and defend and lead your land when your husband dies/leaves or is sick.
>Making them samurai warrior.
>Fa-fa-fake and GAY!!!!
/v/ stands to lose nothing from making fun of games.
Game devs and these retarded minorities however stand to either lose money, or have their narcissism and egos they depend upon "to be seen" hurt.
You are asking a question that's sabotaged from the get-go.
>be a woman
>not attractive without makeup
the people are retarded as that dude once said
Yes, yes you are
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Man this is so pathetic! And they say I'M the loser! That I have to "touch grass" or "get some bitches" or "stop scaring everyone with your way to think", pure projection. MY GOD man, what is wrong with these people?
Yes, now get out of my hobby
In case you dont realize then entire populations got radicalized thats including realpolitik stuff not just identity politics. If you think that being some weird mentally ill self hating white goblin is normal then okay I guess.
>Also didn't the same wokes there shit on Ghost of Tsushima for being problematic for feeding into Japanese Xenophobia and nationalism even though it was a war to stop a Mongol fucking invasion and first aggression?
Chuds really have a way of giving tabloid opinion-pieces more power than their actually worthy of LMAO!
Eh, that was also because of the italian athlete, she was there because of nepotism and appearead shortly after in a government backed spot, which obviously backfired and was quickly forgotten.
>be an ugly as fuck creature
>even makeup won't make up for the fact
Yeah, you are retarded people indeed anon.
This is why chuds have become so obnoxious lately; they were bully victims
don't buy wokeslop. actively discourage people from buying wokeslop.
it's that simple
>/v/ stands to lose nothing from making fun of games.
I'm not suggesting you have something to lose, I'm questioning the conditions that led to a group of people being so passionate about this dumb shit for so long. I used to post on /v/ all the time and I stopped because it was retarded but now it's a distinct flavor of retarded and it wasn't before. I don't know how this happened, and it's specific to /v/ to the extent that on the whole this is now an anti-sjw culture war board
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the best part about that picture is everyone involved in production got paid lots of money. only the investors lost money. the actors, writers, directors, etc. don't care if a film loses money because they're not the ones losing money, they already got paid. they will continue producing garbage because they're not seeing a loss. they can find new suckers to invest in their trash.
>i-i-it's all true you stupid chud!
>now fork over money!
Don't forget to lube the rope with your tears.
>t. r/gamingcirclejerk concern troll
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Chuds were bullied by guys like pic related and they still haven't gotten over it.
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>this guy is calling you a loser
Nah he's wrong. GoT is still peak while GoY is woke shit. We treated them different games not as a series. Also everyone didn't turn to liking AC now, they just hate both now
because it is the same picture. ai is sloppy.
is this the faggot that tripped and got shot by a nog?
You are a loser if this is your reason for not being interested in Yotei if you liked Tsushima, yes.
writing short posts isn't passion
how can he be a loser when he's not black?
If you believe this, you are either him or blind.
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yasuke was a real samurai too
this guy keeps dunking on us and we never have any response. fuck.
>In case you dont realize then entire populations got radicalized thats including realpolitik stuff not just identity politics. If you think that being some weird mentally ill self hating white goblin is normal then okay I guess.
it isn't normal but I understand why people like that exist, university students / activists or performative politics people adopt worldviews wholesale for dumb reasons. why does /v/ exist like it does today? I have no idea. I don't know what motivates a person to strongly insist that minorities and women and leftists and stuff are ruining games for such a long and sustained period of time
kicked i think, but yeah
didn't his gf refuse to identify the killer?
Clown world, anon.
Until you turned 18 and started calling her woke
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Oh it gets worse, this is when he was arrested and was scared he was going to be raped in prison.
Whitest Iberimoor right there
>even makeup won't make up for the fact
i dont know about that
i mean she was born a woman and people just made up that she was a tranny because she isnt attractive so yeah they were retarded
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first game had female samurai too. for some reason people ignored it.
remaining interested enough to keep doing so implies some kind of passion, that is all I meant by that

Death to polniggers and the mods that allow them to exist on this board.
>trannyfaggot gets the only opportunity in life to get fucked by someone
>gets scared about it
This is comedy gold.
Because this isn't about GoT but about GoY
They should have has a sexy Kunoichi woman instead of a samurai.

Imagine playing around with all those ninja weapons and cool ninjustus.

Now this game will bomb.
No one wants to play as an ugly Samurai woman.
He's 5'6 and looks like he was born with AIDS
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>muh traaans!
Lmao everything is trans to you!
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>32k likes making fun of chud grifters

>meanwhile the latest chud grifter tweet got an anemic 3k likes

Holy fuck absolutely mogged
Strawman behaviour
>Women bad!! fucking woke DEI shit lads!!

Yes, unironically.
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it directly effects me because those people make shit games and ugly characters
Lmao, is this a discord entirely to disrupt Warhammer 40k fans
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Reminds me of this
Can't wait until the game releases and it will be a commercial and critical success like Horizon and see the incels melt down AGAIN.
he was stabbed to death and his gf refused to identify the killer because he was black and that would be racist.
>One chance at life
>I don't know what motivates a person to strongly insist that minorities and women and leftists and stuff are ruining games for such a long and sustained period of time
Then you're retarded and blind on purpose. Maybe it is a coincidence that just when groups you mentioned started taking over entire industries those became dogshit politically driven slop but not everyone calling this out hates blacks or whatever projection buzzword you got in your backyard ready. We are literally at point where you can create collages with generic black male character haircuts,majority of romances in western entertainment are LGB and women are majority of main characters in video games nowadays and they STILL bitch that this is not enough. So...when it will be enough?
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yeah it is
>I honestly cannot figure out why.
White Genocide demoralization psyop
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You realize that a bunch of the bitching about women are from that dude's friends? We KNOW the difference between legit concern about the actress, literally pol and r9k one tendie from a a freakout, and a significant number of posts from here are not that, but complete frauds like the people posting the "woke detector" threads.
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The entire story around all of it really makes me believe in a sense of karmic justice or divine entity that has a sense of humour.
>simping for the hideous HAPA loser
cringe af
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And then bomb on PC like God of War and TLOU kek.
Yes. They made several threads today trying to claim SM2 is woke. In fact they have two threads in the catalog RIGHT NOW that are obvious fake shit from them.

>Make game where you play as a samurai
>Sequel: Makes you play as an ugly dyke
Its like they hate money
This is the most teenage post i have seen in my life.
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That has genuinely made my day
>Just wanted to enjoy my vidya in peace without retarded bullshit
>Can't because apparently it being a hobby primarily enjoyed by men is wrong
Why does no one go after sewing?
>never understood this strawman, lara croft was the most popular video game character for an entire console generation

If Lara Croft was a brand new character made in the last 5-10 years, she'd be called woke. At this point it really is just a bunch of stupid twats raging at developers for making female main characters.
there are a lot of other factors behind games being shit nowadays, but if you feel that games are shit today (and I do too) then why don't you just find something else to do, or play old games?
I don't know how old you are but entire genres were beginning to die because they weren't accessible enough and casual enough as early as 2000, and this led to a slew of shitty games. like sure there are annoying activist type politics in modern games but it seems to me that it's just another symptom of the industry becoming bigger
>Female samurai never existed
she's a ronin. everyone can be a ronin.
>looking up and saving this kind of shit
Kek you really are terminally online culture war losers
>she'd be called woke
Not if she was as hot as she used to be, but you know this.
>3rd century AD
Reported to the ADL for hate speech.
>these dorks were using GoT to shit on asscreed shadows because it respected Japanese cilture
>and now that the new game doesn't they're turning on it, they're losers for sticking to their guns
Like... What the fuck are they even trying to say at this point?
I don't understand what the issue here is.
>don't like a certain aspect of a game
>make video about it
>enough people agree that it gains traction
>now a collective has formed and is voicing their opinion
>somehow other consumers come in to defend the company
Why? You are a customer. Companies offer you products, you decide if you want it. If other customers want it changed they don't come to you and ask you to change it, they ask the company directly. How the fuck is this mightykeef guy involved in any of this?
it pays itself depending on your post's virality.
this is why people likes farming retards on the internet with their shit takes that generates thousands of reponses
>32k likes making fun of chud grifters
If only those 32k real people could have bought and played Dustborn, Concord, Hyenas, and other flops to BTFO of Chuds.
Truth nuke.
Nah you and your kind will make any excuse to claim something goes against yourr retarded dogmatic extremism. Because your perecution and victim complex is just that bad.
>entire genres were beginning to die because they weren't accessible enough and casual enough as early as 2000
Whats the problem with that? Despite casualization of entire industry those genres are still dead so whats your retarded fucking point? Fact is that games got worse,writing got worse,tech got worse literally everything apart from representation got worse. This tells where the focus is.
Maybe they want that product and more of it?
Dont ask questions just consume product
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>because the majority of gamers are straight men
I love how "most gamers are men" is just treated as a universal truth, some kind of natural law. And not, you know, a result of video games consistently dehumanizing women for decades and making them feel unwelcome in the hobby.
Do you even need to ask this? Was any female attractive in the first game?
>everything got worse because I said so
Well you /pol/troons dont play games so how would you know?
Reminder that his GF refused to pick the assailant out of a lineup too. Probably went and slept with the guy.
it's a game where your character wears a fucking mask most of the time what the fuck are these people smoking?
The whole appeal of Lara Croft was that she was hot and badass.
No one has a problem with Eve from Stellar Blade, well, except game journalists. You're so fucking dishonest.
>on the whole this is now an anti-sjw culture war board
that's wrong anon
now /v/ IS the sjws
>with that avatar
Hey, they may be a faggot but Char is cool
Any arguments?
Overwhelming majority of studios are using Unreal,theres a reason why more and more companies are dropping their internal proprietary tech for Unreal so no its not about learning new SDKs or developing new tech. Graphical fidelity quite literally stagnated and you have to look through microscope to see higher polygon counts and dont even start about physics. Game enivornments are less interactive than they ever been. Developers stopped pushing physics in video games very long time ago, over 15 years old titles like Red Faction Guerilla or Force Unleashed using Euphoria/Ronin's own destruction tech plus DMM and other games were innovating when it comes to utilization of physics. Everyone for years is just using most basic Havok shit and calls it a day.

Reminder that Burnout Paradise from 2008 still has possibly the best car deformation systems ever,only BeamMG which is not even a proper game but physics focused toolkit comes close. NPC counts? Where?Only tech that pushes NPC/enemy counts in last decade is Sabers Swarm Engine you can see in recently released Space Marine 2. Last games that tried pushing NPC counts were Hitman Absolution or AC Unity and then Ubisoft scrapped that tech from Anvil lol.

Devs rely on framegen and upscalers. They also have shit ton of automated systems/development pipelines and asset reuse/outsourcing plus asset buying is at its peak.

AI? Where? Pathing and scripting methods are almost exactly the same as they were years ago. Just launch AC Black Flag or even older title and then Valhalla and try interacting with AI its same shit and behaviour. Same with other AAA titles. Last time someone tried innovating with AI systems was Monolith back in 2014 with Shadow of Mordor in fact Nemesis system is quite literally the only gameplay centered innovation entire western gaming industry came out with during last decade.
they secretly love being angry at things
they're depressed empty husks who feel zero emotion most of the time
then when something on the internet triggers them, they cling to it because it makes them feel alive for once
pathetic shameful slop
>ghost of sexuality
yes you would, your kind sat and measured her pixelated cone boobs against newer models and went "omg look like his pokes out further it is censorship like wooow she guns down hordes so strong women bullshit" because you are eagerly taking up the victim role like little whiney faggots.
>nooo u r dem dishonest reeee
What, gonna call me a leftist or tranny next like your programming demands?
I'm not sure if you understood my point because your response makes no sense, but what I was saying is that even when games were good and basically all devs were young white guys there was still a current moving the industry in this direction for business reasons and frankly even technological reasons, like shooters on console don't suck because they're too woke or diverse, they suck because of controllers and hitscan weapons mainly
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Fucking kek, and good point. All those likes on twitter converted to less than 100 people for Dustborn and less than 700 people peak on Steam for Concord.
Shows you, it's all performative those people don't play games they have no interest in them other than using the medium as a vehicle for their political activism.
You're posting a lot on these threads about /pol/troons not playing games. What drives your spirit?
The people trying to sell you the product are very different from the devs posting on Twitter that they don't want you to buy the game, they get paid either way. The madness is that nobody's stopping them.
Well if they could keep it to /pol/ I wouldnt give a shit but now they shit up /v/.
Industry is full of people who dont know what they're doing and giving them 10 years for a project wont fix anything. Ubisoft has insanely bloated teams that are releasing actual asset flips using design template from over decade ago (FC3) and it still takes them 6 years to produce medicore bland unpolished slop. Bethesda delivered Oblivion 3.0 with guns in space last year after 8 years of
development,simply splendid.

I play more video games than you ever will. Continue to project weird shit trooncel.
>Char avatar
>Losing every battle to amuro
>calling people loser
Don't give them ideas. You'll see them actually spending money just to rub it in.
Are they wrong though? You culture warrior fags really are that fickle.
The algorithm gives you what you already seek out
Of course if you're obsessed with an enemy and actively search their tweets to cry over the algorithm will give you more of them
They invented "getting triggered" and that bullshit about relating to the protagonist due to race, now they project it into everyone else.
>Shows you, it's all performative those people don't play games they have no interest in them other than using the medium as a vehicle for their political activism.
No wonder Wukong's sales are mostly just in China lmao
>Female protagonist bad
>Except when it's games like Stellar Blade or Nier Automata
No, you're just dishonest. Plain and simple. There are two sides of the table:
People who hate traditional beauty and people who like it. It has nothing to do with gender.
2B, Cammy, Eve, are all popular with men AND women. Why? Because they're hot and cool.
That is literally all it takes. Make them hot and cool and everyone (except you) will be happy.
Or maybe people recognize your ilk genuinely dont give a shit about games nor play them and that they are just another piece of media for you to ventilate your retarded culture war takes on to you?
>You culture warrior fags really are that fickle.
Anon, sticking to your guns is hardly fickle.
can't wait to kill another game studio by doing nothing
>Female protagonist bad
she's non-binary, dipshit.
Yes, they're at best equals to Grummz the filthlord, if not even more pervasive, therefore they should receive a similiar treatment
That's not a samurai retard, the article you linked literally says so. Just because a woman learned to fight that doesn't make her a samurai.
Not that it matters anyway because the MC is a ronin but at least try to read the shit you use for backing up your claims.
Are you going to reply to my posts with arguments or you will ignore and spam le poltroon? Cmon mr cares for video games.
Its not really projection when it is true
>or play old games?

I just beat Koudelka recently.
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>lara croft was the most popular video game character for an entire console generation
Then why this thread exist? Why this outrage exist? But It's strawman, amirite?? I'll bet moving goalpost is only you can do!
And somehow lara croft is woke too!
This isn't the win you think it is.
>They liked this thing, and now that thing change they turned on it because they have principles
There's so much truth here, I don't feel the need to buy games that don't cater to me because I already have enough games, that's never gonna change, I feel absolutely no fomo anymore and most people are the same. There's enough good games, there's 0 need to compromise if they're trying to sell you woke crap.
I had less bans for saying nigger than I had for hurting the feelings of chink bugmen, kek
>are two sides of the table
>uuuh u r either my side or evil leftist tranny
>polniggers sticking to their guns and not changing at a whim and pretending that was always the case
Good one
isnt Grummz that retard who worked as CEO and still managed to get fired lmao?
fitting that it's always the gayest homosexual faggots defending globohomo.
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OP is a Sony marketer. Hell, the idiots in his screenshot quoting each other might be on their payroll too.

This whole thing is fake and gay. Nobody cares about this series.
Give it till the end of the week. The Wikipedia trannies will have revised it to suit the new reality.
Lol wtf
Nah, if they were invested in playing games they'd have been doing that when Anita and Zoe Quinn went to the UN ten years ago, they've had ten years to prove they buy the games that are made specifically for them for "the modern audience" and haven't done so.
You're the one who keeps bringing up trannies, anon, not me. Got anything you need get off your chest?
yeah i dunno when "blindly stick to an opinion no matter what changes" became "progressive" but whatever i guess
I'm genuinely starting to believe that the west cant make a charismatic male Asian lead. Even in movies too
there are so many kino old games you never have to play slop even if you play vidya all the time, I really don't understand the obsession here
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Give me one good reason why female characters shouldn't be hot.
>I support thing as long as it goes in line with my values
>when it stops doing that I stop supporting it
When you look past the insults (fucking dorks, losers), he's not really saying anything of substance.
What's with your syntax? You type very strangely.
ah yes men and women are exactly the same and don't have different interests.
Imagine giving the SLIGHTEST shit about western dub actors
Couldn't be me
I'll be playing this game in Japanese
The criticism is that the type of person who would hold these values is an inferior sort
>and not changing at a whim and pretending that was always the case
If the game changes to something that's against their morals how is that not sticking to their guns? If they had stuck with the game then you could make that claim but they're not.
Why "female" in quotations?
She is a female. Like by the very definition of what chuds like to use when ask "What is a women", she is a female.
Those "losers" are lost sales.
>make a game about a female ronin
>base your character on a tranny
Oh fuck off. Explain how the last decade of girlbossing hasn't affected the figures at all.
Videogames are just for fun, you're supposed to play them. I don't know why they have become a moral issue for you
He's not giving any arguments for that position though, it's just the insults.
we want to play new games too
>voice actor is a twitter retard queer-faggot
she plays Ruth Dzeng in cyberpunk and thats just a woman, she is an unimportant character but i cant ever remember anything being mentioned about her being queer
>playing games
I never said anything about playing games.
Remember, we exist on a place where someone bought a switch just to validate their shitposting about Nintendo. People aren't above buying shit and not touching it if you push them.
That's all it was ever intended to be
can you people leave already is almost october no ones gonna change who they vote for
Women hate asian males. For no reason, I might add. They make for great partners.
which part?
To elaborate on your post; every one of these people that lie and sockpuppet are those with trolls remorse from their edgy teen years. They are incredibly obvious too, since their posting style and slang used is completely foreign and the topics they cover are exactly the same they post on their face accounts.
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That's what makes it even more funny. All these fags on Twitter with blue checkmarks are pretty much indirectly funding Trumps campaign. The man they hate oh so much.
She's literally non binary, calling her female is insulting to her.
(((corpos))) really want to make it seem like anything ungodly that doesn't conform to either male or female is way more common than you think, but in reality it isn't
gaming is just the next industry on the chopping block that has to be faggotized in every way possible, because that's what liberals would prefer and because that's what seems right
you don't have to consoom it or even pirate, in fact talking about it brings more like to it
let it be another IP that gets forgotten due to mediocrity
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>don't know why they have become a moral issue for you
Maybe it's because people like you are making it a moral issue. Instead of letting people like what they like you're changing it so what you like is all that's left purely because what you don't like sends you into fits of rage.
If you wanted video games to be fun you wouldn't have stirred up shit.
Not really. Western writers,designers,directors for some reason absolutely despise asian men. I legit think someone needs to investigate that shit because its weird as fuck at this point. Its just like how hollywood despises redheads and always race swaps them. I dont buy the anagram to le nigger meme too. There HAS to be some ideology behind both of these groups being absolutely despised by western entertainment industries.
>Women hate asian males. For no reason, I might add. They make for great partners.
They don't buy them either which is the point.
He's a third worlder, just ignore him
How about you make your own damn games and not make have the soi squad work on your game for you.
He's Avatar (Char) is a character who's heavily implied to be a pedo. Meanwhile this dude looks like an actual pedo in real life. Why am I not surprise.
And I'm telling you not to give them ideas they are extremely petty.
Bro I just play games that are fun, I didn't do anything. I don't play modern games very much because they are usually boring.
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I still don't get why people are mad about Primaris marines. Then again I don't play the tabletop shit. Is it just because they'd have to buy new models?
Sony desperately needs a win and this is the one game saying "see? We're not all about woke live service games!"
Every snoy would be in full force defending this no matter what so they don't need to get paid. I have no idea why snoys still exist though.
Culturewar /pol/tards ARE losers.
Their game decisions are still shit despite that.
It goes both ways.
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Because they grift off the "grifters", it's the only topic they ever get any likes and views on and thus ad revenue.
>I don't understand how /v/ got so radicalized by this gamergate type stuff, like it happened 10 years ago
Because today woke shit went such full overdrive even normies and fence siters are recoiled by these sights. Finally push back starts, instead of just obediently swallowing left propaganda
imo it's just clickbaiting by a dying media
women portrayed in combat roles in media isnt anything new
at least they were nearly always portrayed by beautiful women
chuds getting excited and offended by "nooooooo le women in my game" are just showing their underage
/pol/ website, always has been prior to 2016 aswell, begone 'cord tranny.
Its hilarious how only right wing grifters are being called out but left wing grifting faggotry is not at all lmao. Truly mysterious.
>For no reason, I might add
Because the media hasn't told them to like them like black males. They also hate Indians.
You are not entitled to the consumers money.
How old are you? Games were for children and nerds until maybe 2010. Once smartphones and social media took off, computers and games were cool. It wasn't about feeling not welcomed, it was nerdy.
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Imagine if people like this were in charge of a country.
They're just shitposting. Trying to gain leverage in the culture war.

SOME people are legitimately concerned, and some people are pretending to be retarded. I suspect the jannies will step in and move some of the threads to literally pol, where they'll fade out quickly.

Also, I fully expect Sony shills vs Ubi shills at some point, if it hasn't already started.

Do you really think games would be good now if it wasn't for DEI? If that were the case I'd understand the complaining but I don't believe it at all, DEI is low on my list of reasons why games suck now, and I don't buy the idea that without DEI women and black people wouldn't be in the position to make bad games because a lot of bad games are made by Japanese people and white people and shit lol
There's also this weird thing I've noticed in comments on the State of Play where people feel like you have to owe Sony your excitement and they don't have to actually earn it by announcing things that you are excited for. I've owned Sony consoles since the PS2, and I never used to believe the shit I'd hear about fanboys, but man lately I'm starting to believe. You don't owe these corporations your money or your fake fucking smiles.
>I honestly cannot figure out why.
video game devs and journalists have always suffered this abuse for being in video games isntead of being in tv or movies. so theyre desperate to try to bring it forward to tv/movie levels of respect. that means getting rid of gamers and such.
Its all a big grift man
>product comes out
>people are upset (or at least pretend to be) about product
>make videos about it and farm views and money
>other people are upset (or at least pretend to be) about those videos
>make their own videos about it and farm views and money
Everybody hates indians, saar.
>/pol/ website
/pol/ was a containment board
It has been explained many times in the thread, but the bottom line is that there's 0 tolerance for woke shit nowadays and there's no need to be because there's so many games catering to our needs.
There's no need to support devs that hate you, hate the West and hate video games in general, you call it radicalization but all we're doing is not consuming products.
mightyqueef was doing mildly entertaining fighting game related videos.
sad to see he turned into such a faggot openly.
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DEI won
>cant refute anything I wrote so he memes
Upvoted kind stranger! Heres your Gold bro! So funny hehe! Games having no real time physics while requiring top line CPU's is actually a good thing dude! Worlds being static as fuck non interactable garbage and "new tech" is being able to cut bamboos in new AC is amazing dude! Industry does fine you are just chud poltroon!
I'm not consuming products and I know what that is like. I don't even hear about this shit except from you guys. what you guys are doing is rage posting about it constantly.
42. Stop making shit up for gamer cred. You weren't cool because you played the fucking NES. Nearly everybody who grew up in the 80s played video games. They didn't make it their entire life. It was just a fact. Nerds were only the obsessives that sat their picking their nose in class talking about fucking Sailor Moon and Power Rangers while they played Pokemon on their Game Boy.
>there's 0 tolerance for woke shit nowadays and there's no need to be
Then why are so many people so mad instead of just playing the games that cater to them
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>When will moral busybodies stop attempting to control everything about people's lives?

Literally never due to how humanity operates at the genetic level. We've stopped evolving and only evolve memetically, and because you memes, unlike genes, do not carry between generations physically, humanity is trapper in an endless cycle of retardation.
>I don't know what motivates a person to strongly insist that minorities and women and leftists and stuff are ruining games for such a long and sustained period of time
They have been very confrontational and clear in their discourse that they want to use games as political propaganda and that they also hate straight white males. 4chan was against third wave feminism from day one, all leftists ideologies are the same basic idea.
You're either incredibly naive or disingenious.
A lot of people were annoyed and GamerGate was done, until it was discovered a lot of the main players from Gamergate who we all thought had gone away and moved on with their lives out of the games industry? Had in fact doubled down, set up consultation groups like Sweet Baby Inc (among many others) got tax paying funding for their activism and had spent the last ten years getting very heavily intertwined with the games industry.
It's got to bad that even the Japanese are aware of Sweet baby Inc and political correctness and they ordinarily don't give a shit what happens outside of Japan at all, they even know who Anita Sarkessian and Kim Belair by name are and what they do.
>Retarded is when woman protagonist
Wow incel mindset
>first game had female samurai too. for some reason people ignored it.
That mean chuds dont play GoT
you can and should do both.
>Why are people upset about having feces shoved in their faces?

Not everyone a poojeet
>Do you really think games would be good now if it wasn't for DEI? I
Because DEI shit doesn't appears out of nowhere. It's made by people and it's telling sign about games developers and their HR policies priorities. Who are they hire and who rule game development teams (insane trannies, grifting Jews and triggered roasties).
You're just calling them angry because you want to believe that. Concord failing was one of the most fun experiences I've had this past year so I'm really having a great time.
In many cases the games are just an excuse to discuss surface level politics, which is something everyone on the internet does nowadays.
yaaaasss kween
It will end soon when actual global War will start which will 100% happen this decade. What will be left after we can only speculate.
Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes.
>gaming is fine up until about 2012
>then the western games industry decided that it needed to "mature" and get rid of any and all fanservicey type of shit
>takes a few years, but then a large part of the gaming community started noticing
>things get worse and worse over time
>naturally, resentment builds up, but the powers that be try and quell any dissent
>everything comes to a head
>here we are
So, were people supposed to just shut and take what the industry was doing and not get to say anything? Because that's what it's felt like for the past 5 or 6 years.
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I mean that's not wrong is it? Why do you think every country put heavy sanctions or totally pulled out of Russia? It's a direct economic attack and a very effective one like the Russia situation has shown. Or if you want something closer to home - the Ubisoft situation. When you refuse to buy games for petty reasons, you are killing jobs and livelihoods. You are putting innocent people on the streets.
/mlp/ and /r9k/ were maybe, and btw, even if the intentions for creating /pol/ were to make it a containment board, that's like trying to create a containment area for Nazi's at a Nazi convention, you lost.
I'm calling it angry because it comes off as angry, if you read this thread I think you'll see that. People who are talking about having zero tolerance are sound pissed off lol
>Then why are so many people so mad instead of just playing the games that cater to them
>Imblying I can't do both
Currently I play TW WH2 and laugh at hyenas and concord flops.
>Do you really think games would be good now if it wasn't for DEI?
of course you fucking retard
This is what I see when I see a western company doing a female protagonist. Doing this is like admitting this are their intentions, so my rejection of it is completely justified.
False dichotomy, unless it's coming from a leftist who doesn't play games.
Yeah. Hiring practices reflect quality of products. Back in the day you knew that black dude on a dev team knew his shit same with a woman nowadays you know they dont know what the fuck they're doing. Just look at how overwhelming majority of UX/UI designers are women and how dogshit and formulaic UX are nowadays.
That's stupid as fuck but I don't know how to convince you otherwise. I just don't understand how you can play a game even nowadays and come to the conclusion that the quests are boring filler because of DEI lol
>everyone on 4chin is a nazi because i am
what about all the jews and trannies anon? i mean there is no way that boards like /a/ and /b/ isnt full of those kinds of "people" and when it comes to /a/ always have been
It's going to perform much worse than tsushima.
I'm just shitposting. Don't get your 3d model nerves on so tight.
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I literally have 0 tolerance for woke stuff because I already have enough good games to last me a lifetime, and even then a lot of studios are still making games that cater to me, I don't have any need to compromise.
The fact that I can even afford to have 0 tolerance actually makes me happy rather than coming out of anger.
>calling old lara woke
You absolute brainlet retards.
It's you are stupid as fuck.
Companies are made form people. Show me your team and I would tell who are you. In the end it's people not some letters of the name define company.
/a/ is mostly filled with 2020 'cord tourist trannies such as yourself who larp as oldfags all day while the tranny mod keeps out all 4chan culture while he self-harms everytime anyone posts a basedjak or insults moeslop slice of life tranny trash
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Because you are a very surface level person and think DEI purely means what is presented in front of you. That quest being boring is the product of the Quest designer. A Quest designer who attained their employment not through merit and therefore being the best person for the job but through representation, DEI.
If you can get this upset about a game that you hate being "shoved in your face" then I can get upset about this deluge of dogshit threads being shoved in my face
nta but you're deluded if you think /pol/ is a containment board. secondly they're not the ones who put politics in vidya at the forefront.
Anon, you're not convincing anyone because if you weren't you wouldn't be desperately trying to convince people you're happy. Hell, I guarantee that the people complaining are more happy than you are.
It's very easy to avoid them anyway because most of the woke games come from literal evil companies with predatory monetization systems in their games, and are also very low quality.
Games like The Last of Us 2 (polished, single player game which is also woke) are anomalies. I wasn't buying EA, Ubisoft or Activision trash either way, woke or not.
/a/ mod is also a mod of reddits anime subreddit btw. He openly admitted to that on IRC some time ago so now you know why /a/ is redditor mecca.
just as we did Eve? oh wait..
The problem is that, like cancer, it eventually will spread to companies we do like.
Soros unironically
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Sanctions on Russia are a bit more complicated and lead to both sides being hurt a lot and then under the table deals with nations between them to still make deals over very essential resources.

With videogames its an entirely different game (ahueaheah). Its the entertainment business. A business that is supposedly entirely about catering to an audience. Somehow faggots in the games industry started thinking that they are gods gift to mankind and that they are entirely essential and that they deserve to make a living just for existing.
This disconnect makes no sense and to me it feels like if we lived in a truly capitalistic society that kind of behavior wouldve died out ages ago. But somehow it hasnt. They keep doubling and tripling down and they shit and cry when people dont buy their shit.

Also they dont get to decide whats petty. I am the customer. If I think the color green is off putting to me that can be enough of a reason for me to ignore a product. I get to be as petty as I want. They are not entitled to my money.
And its not petty anyways. Its literally all fag shit and niggers with some of the most ham handed propaganda in the history of mankind. They shit on the table and then want to be paid for it too.
It feels like the industry is half gay activists and half retards who just treat it like a 9-5 with zero passion. Both need to go.
Yes? That's the nature of boards, some times people talk about things you don't like. The collective unconscious decides what gains hegemony on the board. Go to reddit if you want good vibes only bootlicking.
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Yes i'm aware, it's the least 4chan part of 4chan, and that's sad considering this website started off as an anime website, and it's a line trannies just LOVE to say, meanwhile the anime part of the website is full of and run by trannies who hate the website, and most anime/manga for that matter.
No its because the amount of paid posters astroturfing here
Most gamers are men, and IT IS an universal law
>Also they dont get to decide whats petty. I am the customer. If I think the color green is off putting to me that can be enough of a reason for me to ignore a product.
I don't get why most people seem to forget this.
I understand your position, I just think it's stupid. This is the same industry that is famous for crunch and burnout but at the same time you think you have fat sjws loafing around the office and designing shitty quests because they were hired despite having no merit lol. Plus some of the most 'woke' companies are also the most renowned for putting in extra effort. Naughty Dog is a pretty woke company, I think it's fair to say that, but in a lot of areas they're pushing the envelope. The mocap in the last of us is crazy for example, and whatever you think about the final outcome it's clear that very skilled people out a lot of effort into the game
Not suprising. Majority of moderation nowadays is actual terminally online trannies. Back in the day it were incel neckbeards doing that shit while those became trooncels so its reflected in moderation teams now. No one not fucked in the head would be a free jannoid or a mod lol.
2B is not the protagonist of Nier: Automata
We didnt want it mainstream. Suits wanted it mainstream. We want to remove the suits
The Firefall bus guy? Yes
And yet apparently he's got more influence over people than the whole gaming industry
Where's the downside?
That's fine, what you think doesn't change reality. Just want to point out that there have been many people online trying to shame me into buying woke games, I might be too old to fall for that.
I don't use /a/ what's wrong with it?
Try using it as you would any other board even by being on-topic and try not coming out with your thread not getting insta 404'd or a warning. Good luck.
Grummz influence is greatly overstated. He's played up as being this mind controlling boogey man, and all he does is just saying shit people are already thinking.
Well, as long as we keep sending messages like Concord, and all the other hundreds of flops, there will always be developers not falling for it.
>Implying I don't play games after I'm done laughing at the industry's current blunder
Its like giving one to a kid to let em think theyre doing something cause he knows its the end
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>If Lara Croft was a brand new character made in the last 5-10 years, she'd be called woke
Absolute bullshit, she was a sex symbol from her conception.
Here you go, women playing games.
You tell me that everyone played games and you say women are scared of male spaces, pick a side flip flopping 40 year old faggot.
This is like wokies saying 2B is a feminist icon lmao.
Asmonbald probably has a hundred times the influence Kern does.
I understand the sentiment but if you actually believe you can do that you are a total retard, it would be like a guy outside McDonald's yapping until they start serving good food for lower prices. It's a gigantic entertainment industry you don't have that kind of control over it lol
the bad actors are fully aware of it and they just want to breed a consumer base that laps up anything.
regular people need to be reminded that they can reject all of this.
>He not even buy that product
>Only mad to that product
>yet he claim himself "customer"
I mean for example, I don't know if you watch anime/read manga, I do, try like making a normal manga discussion thread about something you read, a point about it, whatever, especially something that isn't moeshit/sliceoflifeslop, and see what happens.

Use literally any normal 4chan or internet reaction image for that matter aswell, good luck.
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so why did all you wokies hate stellar blade
female mc equals woke and good, right?
Yet they keep loosing millions with every flop.
man the worst shiteaters in the world are ESL shitskins.
What are you assuming that based on? Videogame companies are reporting record profits lol
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They hate them because most asian men being incel
>I might add. They make for great partners.
only if you not being incel or dudebro lmao

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