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Atlus won
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Crushingly so.
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Based. Jannies so mad that they deleted last thread
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I don't understand what the counterargument to this is. If a rich kid is sent to the best schools, given the best lecturing, best tutoring and the best everything would /v/ consider him on equal footing as some rajeet that was abandoned at birth in the slums?
The parents have the right to use their resources to elevate the rich kid, sure, but no one is actually arguing this is equal footing, right?
turn-BASED wins again
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Hiromoot is buttbuddies with Yoshitpiss so he orders any negative FF threads deleted
>bottom left
Made me giggle Anon.
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Barry won.
How does sportsslop keep selling knowing the glitches and issues they have?
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The fact that these personaslop games get anything higher than a 90 rating is a scandal in itself.
Now you see why equity and restorative justice is needed instead of “equality” and “freedom”
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Censorship = winning
kek larry is seething again
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>Jannies so mad that they deleted last thread
Jannies are FFfags, that's no big secret.
This is why most smart people are socialists
Using edited beta footage lol
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Feels more like a nintendo thing.
Now if only Open Critic actually mattered...
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I love all the chud seethe this game is causing
>Understanding different cultures
Liberals seethed at P3's tranny joke and the faggot joke in P5 and had they changed in re-releases or patched.
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Atlus has always been a pozzed satanic faggot company. EO series and Trauma Center were the only good things they ever did.
Not like this.... not like this.
Try filtering by all
Post all reviews you disingenuous shitheel
Good try!
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I only care about the PC version though, why would I care about PS5 reviews by people like this?
redpill me:
>do libtards hate it?
>plot good? dont mind build up but is there a pay off?
i know literally nothing about this game but i think ff7re should not exist
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Imagine shilling this
Also Rebirth is shit too
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>2 months till Barry fucks off forever
you can't turn in the belego catacombs quest with the igniter shop woman and do the main dungeon on day 3 of the demo? you can only do one?
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>Caring about reviews
Because it runs better on consoles?
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it just went up again... AHHHHHHHH YAMATEEEE
>m-muh Barry!
Rebirth troons will die alone, without a single GOTY to their name.
Isn't this pretty undeniable though?
>53 hours of gameplay is bad because of cutscenes that are entirely skippable
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>Because it runs better on consoles?
Which is a good thing? And not Atlus being incompetent morons?
>19 reviews
Critics really don't care about this game, huh? Other than certain "gamers".
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Because it’s a console game who cares about your third world toaster reviews
is Barry the one still posting about rebirth when no one played or bought it?
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93 soon!
>31 reviews.
A mix of Persona, Etrian Odyssey and the turn press system of SMT, with the Mantra board of DDS.
You'll love it.
>>do libtards hate it?
Depends on what they find further in the game, some are bitching about no romance and certain views of some characters or taking shit out of context.

>>plot good? dont mind build up but is there a pay off?
Louis is an asshole, (it's clear he's Lucifer given he picked a fucking clemar as his disguise) the ending is [spoilers]the world was Persona 3 all along[/spoiler]
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It's basically that image of a bunch of people standing on boxes watching a sporting event.

If you give them all one box to see over the wall then that's 'equality' but not fairness because the 5'11 midget still can't see.

If you give the 6'3 normie no box and thrle 5'11 midget two boxes so he can see over the wall then that's 'fairness'.

If you beat up the two twats and throw them out the ground for trying to watch the event without purchasing tickets then that's 'fascist' or some shit I dunno seems like the morally correct option and is fair as the previous option.
That's scholarship you're talking about, Been there for a long time. Problem is the dei, where they put job based on gender, pronoun, race instead of actual merits.
>already multiple daily threads for her
How did she mog Aerith so hard?
>And not Atlus being incompetent morons?
Yes it's a good thing because it uses P5's old engine.
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chink game btw
Isn't that just a conservative claim? Why are people acting like it's woke?
By not being a tranny
Lol good one
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I would be a lot more willing to believe in Tolerance if it came with a cute fairy gf
aerith has a gross man jaw and is canonically a prostitute
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Based and Barrypilled
>in a meritocracy the strong win and the weak lose
>/v/ is upset that the game admits this
>canonically a prostitute
I mean... If here VA wasn't proof of that already...
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not the same
The whole game is saying this is bad and we need gibs for the heckin minorino
I don't give a shit about Metaphor but watching karma catch up with Rebirth shills is hilarious.

Out of respect I will give it another week before I shitpost Metaphor.
This, I love it when Barry wins
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barryBASED for now
So you're upset that the game thinks it's virtuous to help the weak? Or am I misunderstanding?
She isn't voiced by a twtich-whore.
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It's just Stillbirthfags living in the eternal cope.
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Pwease subscwibe to my patweon Cwowd
Aerith's VA has actually played more Final Fantasy games than Barry, it's insane.
Does she fly to your house and throat you at the last tier?
Base Barry, FF is trash
aerith isn't even the most popular girl in her own game
Sorry, still not buying it, I know, sorry, looks like the game studio will go the way of Ubisoft.
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Why americans are so obbsessed with racism, i live in America for 4 months and the worse thing blacks do to me was being indifferent sometimes and that's it, and mexicans we're ok with me, and i am white.
what's the huge deal?
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get woke get choke
Sorry, your personal experiences don't change the statistical facts that niggers are a drain on society, way more violent, and their IQ is way lower.
American right wing retards use race as wedge issue
>Does she fly to your house and throat you at the last tier?
Lol of course not.
Cloud dodged a sword impalment with that one.
We're retarded.
Equality is not a good thing.
what website?
So you're a statistical anomaly, that's what you're saying?
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Race really doesn’t matter in America unless your a Republican trying to grift
True, that’s why we need Equity
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Equity is not a good thing either.
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Hi Barry
Yes it is, Equity and restorative Justice is the only way to create a truly fair society
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To anyone really playing the game is there any way to do a preemptive strike on blue enemies? I got to level 19 and the goborns started having diminishing returns on the archetype exp and I can't preemptively strike the packs with 4 lv16 ones anymore so I can't do an unscathed victory
>Race really doesn’t matter in America unless your a Republican trying to grift
Or a Democrat trying to win votes and then pull the rug under your supporters afterwards.
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Democrats are the only people trying to actively work to ease racial grievances and create an America for everyone
Metaphor doesn't release for 3 more days. Why did they start the voting already?
Sounds like we should start with niggers paying reparations for all the crimes they commit.
Sure they are... These proxy wars sure are great!
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Democrats are the ones that created the current racial divide by letting niggers run wild and burn shit down in 2020.
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let them have their golden knobby, it might be the only win they get this year.
Good, riots are the language of the unheard
>Good, riots are the language of the unheard
Watch out this guy's gonna start singing "Do you hear the people sing"
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>woke garbage
This is based though
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>language of the unheard

niggers will use any excuse to loot stores and burn shit
Chuds and grifters lost thoughtbeit
>be not turnbased
>be not goty
every tiem
Looks to me like Ubisoft is getting bankrupt, others to follow soon.

Investors are starting to fear us CHUDS, just wait till Grumz tweets about this.
Metaphor is literally about diversity, equity, and inclusion and it's the best rated game of the year
>best rated game

Boy, I sure hope their investors will be satisfied with good propaganda scores assigned by journos, because it's not getting my money.
>because it's not getting my money.
It will becasue everyone loves Atlus
Society does not need to be fair. Competitiveness breeds innovation.
Then why are you in a Metaphor thread when the game espouses the exact opposite of your world view?
>everyone loves Atlus

It will change after this game releases.
Just like with Ubisoft, they will realize that the company they loved is dead, and now it's just a woke rotten husk.
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just bought redditbirth and this is the first scene in the game. refunded.
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Reminder, Toriyama is the kind of person that correctly identified Tifa as an eroge whore back in 1997.
Because I'm bored.
You should be attacking Shartbirth instead
Chuds and grifters lost since they now hate Atlus.
>might improve
Nothing to get mad about here.
And then Atlus will die, so everyone loses by not listening to us.
>we should try and be understanding
Completely unhinged.

There is a big false flagging/gaslighting movement going on.
Your ignorance is astounding
Kek. Troon birth dead. Ps5 exclusives aren't a good business model. Also SE should stop being faggots and make turn based games again. This goy slop combat ain't good bruh. Metaphor would get a low 80s average score if it had generic action rpg combat
Most of /v/, /tv/ and /pol/ were bullied by blacks at some point in their youth and they never let go of it
Also when you act like an insufferable faggot here, you're probably an insufferable faggot irl so they're also ignoring all the white people that hate them too
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Final Fantasy?
>were bullied by blacks at some point in their youth
I'm from Poland and I never saw a nigger till I was 16 and went to Prague. I hate them because I saw what kind of animals they are in 2020 riots.
Because 50 years ago Nixon realized he could capture all the white supremacists that the Democratic party was shedding. This was called the Souther Strategy, nothing is secret about it, it was written down. Conservatism got reboxed to include race and class antagonism. It's been a winning strategy the only problem is its caught up with them because now those same retards they once controlled are running the show and trad Republicans are getting boxed out by the screeching whackjobs and idiots like Majorie Taylor Green. This is how you get us senators that believe the weather is being controlled by the government and there is a Jewish space laser on the moon.
>This is how you get us senators that believe the weather is being controlled by the government and there is a Jewish space laser on the moon.

Some R senators believing this is nothing compared to the 90% of D senators believing a man can give birth.
no, smart people believe in kicking down the ladder after them
if you want to see how grateful people are after you help "uplift" them, look no further than zimbabwe
would you guys rather the weak (you posting on an anime image board) all die?
>Atlus won
I want to sex both boys.
maria child
Fucking kek just how pozzed is this game
-1 Tolerance Point
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>flagrant fanboyism
What the fuck? This place is worse than somethingawful now and I don't even care about either of these games, but shit like this almost makes me want to buy metaphor.
U see
Actual people outside this thread and the internet only buy Nintendo and the anual EA Sports game.
Hiromoot is friends with Yoshitpiss and the jannies are all ffags.
Hiro doesn't browse here. The problem is that a janitor is just a regular poster with a delete button. The way the site is staffed is they hire the most slimy cowardly deceitful power hungry retards that are easy to manipulate and will turn their heads when hiro decides to sell user data.
If you want combat, play SaGa. No one is playing these games to skip all the story bits.
>If you want combat, play SaGa
But SaGa has terrible puddle deep mile wide toddler combat.
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Nigger, "participating in or instigating a flamewar" has been a reportable offense for over a decade.
This isn't that. Because obviously it's not instigating a flame war as no one on /v/ likes square enix. So now we have to invent new bullshit which is even more vague. Just type "I didn't like your post" in the reasoning, why even lie?
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>loving goty too much is now a crime on /v/
this is a travesty
i buyed to support barry
You know we're on a thread about a game that has less going on with its combat than Pokemon right
>It doesn't count because I don't like one of the sides involved
Okay brownoid
It's retarded to say a combat system is bad then recommend a game with even worse combat. Only the biggest glue eating retards like saga.
>So now we have to invent new bullshit which is even more vague
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Please quote where I imply the combat is bad.
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>I don't like one of the sides
I don't like either sides. Only jrpg developers I care about is falcom and to a lesser extent level-5. It's just an observation. Interest in square enix is clearly artificially forced by a handful of autistic morons from /vg/. Even if you only come here once every few weeks you can see how repetitive and retarded the threads are, it's easy to see when it's just one person. Owlcat threads are the same.
What's the best bossfight in metahphor?
>Interest in square enix is clearly artificially forced by a handful of autistic morons from /vg/
The same is true of Fatlus
Quantify flagrant fanboyism, retardbro. Because obviously this was for shit like 50 anal vore threads on the catalogue at once. Not one thread a janitor doesn't personal like. Comparison is the cornerstone of critique. Productive discussion is impossible without it.
>The same is true of Fatlus
Unfortunately it is not, many retards here like persona and smt. I can look at this objectively because I don't have a stake in this either way.
So it should be allowed just because one company has more smelly nerds than the other one?
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Yup. Get over it. Maybe have some actual criticisms next time. It's not hard.
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>Interest in square enix is clearly artificially forced by a handful of autistic morons from /vg/
this guy gets it
this is all because yoshit piss killed final fantasy
Man Rebirth is so bad. I hope Metaphor is at least good.
Nothing is ever fair. and if you think this you need to kys or grow up.
This is why FFags are trying to force Metaphor as being woke
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equity is satanic.
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that's japanese and korean, you retarded burger
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70€ + tip
You lost Squaretroon
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this is slander! not every npc is a GAY QUEER FAGGOT
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Rebirth is also shit
Metaphor moggs these wokeshit so hard
rebirth is still goty, plebs
>I le hate le both sides
Weakest FFtroon falseflag
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Someone post the japanese version
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literally who?
FFXVI is better than this turnbased trash
oh wow 2 great games
will play the first
played the second

i won
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Some mentally ill FF guy who really likes tifa
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here's what the og looked like, for reference
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oh right. sometimes i forget that game existed.
lol they made everyone fat
Anyone get the feeling literally none of these are worded this way in japanese? No fucking way the "Seems pretty unbalanced so many white people" line wasn't just thrown in by our little mx. "Queer Jewish Autistic" localizer.
nobles in the middle ages were often fat as fuck
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it got filtered for lgbtq on steam. everyone forgot it.
>random foreigner hypnotized by american media into have strong feelings for what happens there
many such cases
Okay Barry.
what middle ages nigger?
Is that a documentary or a videogame?
Kys you goddamn imbecile
calm down rajeesh, just because your country was made up by the british doesn’t mean you should sperg out like that
not an argument, take the L you little baby nigger
shut up, Suzie
I don't think any D senators actually believe that. They just say they do because there'd be repercussions from their voter base and supporters if they said otherwise.
most people dont care about your race

race obsession is a product of the internet being taken over by normies and politicians
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a pajeet AND a zoomer?!
Atlus rpgs are like 10/10 on the cringey anime weeb scale. Final Fantasy games are more like 4 or 5 out of 10 on the scale excluding 13 which is atlus tier cringe. Therefore FF7 Rebirth > Persona shit.
Suzi hates Square Penix and Yoshitpiss now, she's /ourgirl/
Okay I'll just get Vengeance instead and by time I'm done, metaphor will have been out for a while so it'll be easier to weed out if the game is actually retarded or if it's just retarded progressive Americans spamming this in an attempt to "claim" the game for the retard crowd, as is usually the case with these types of things.
i like suzie, she’s (male) cute
Damn, where do they say that in the game?
>2020 riots
That was revealed to be a fed psyop forever ago.

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Is this Fucking game an industry plant!? Where did this game even Fucking come from!? I have never Fucking heard of it, nobody I know ever hear of it and somehow this is receiving like 5/5 and 10/10 from everybody and they are now talking about it's basically going to win GOTY? Fucking how!?
So did everyone else.
Post the sex scene

My wokeness meter was maxed out the moment I heard Xbox was involved in development. Them and Sony are so fucking pozzed.
How does anyone see ff7 demake get 9+/10 ON AVERAGE and still give a single fuck about video game reviews?
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I look forward to your cope when Metaphor doesn't reach number 1 best seller on Steam.
In retrospect it's kind of wild how much energy I put into defending this guy from light mockery
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It's probably why people are so mad at it, 92 to 94 is insignificant enough for GOTY still be uncertain between these games. Red Dead Redemption 2 got a 97 and still lost.
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are people trolling or are they genuinely offended by any mention of diversity/discrimination/etc ?
Persona 5 is completely mainstream and got good reviews. How is this surprising at all? The retarded name will probably cost them hundreds of thousands of sales though, at least.
I dont see metaphor winning goty for some reason, i could be wrong but i think Astro and Rebirth have bigger chances. Between mainstream journos metaphor's still niche. Just look at the review numbers, only 30 so far compared to ~100 that the other 2 got day one.
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Why cannot Wukong get on Famitsu chart, british chart, french software chart in 8/26-8/31?
Is famitsu pozzed magazine which should be used as pyre or ass wiping paper? Why does Wukong have low metascore than sophie 2 which is low budget if Wukong is Japanese game killer?
It's mainly the schism in the anti-dei brigade I'm enjoying, Metaphor isn't on any DEI/Woke list so far and the hypocrisy of brown white nationalists is amusing to me.
Persona is one thing, Metaphor is other, of course it will get traction because it's atlus and persona devs, but not having the usual high school setting and dating mechanics wont bring nearly as much attention like a persona game get.
>I dont see metaphor winning goty for some reason, i could be wrong but i think Astro and Rebirth have bigger chances. Between mainstream journos metaphor's still niche. Just look at the review numbers, only 30 so far compared to ~100 that the other 2 got day one.
Rebirth is just as big as metaphor too, so the game size explanation doesnt work.
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+1 tolerance point
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Spite Grummz, Asmongold and other conservatives say that Korea and China censor less than Japan, yet no Korean and Chinese game have bikini spite being "anti woke" and "based". Mihoyo is feminist company which bans body type B's bikinis while putting revealing outfits only to body type A. More like Homoverse. And Dustborn is from Netease. LOL and Valo are woke and Chink games.
And Korea bans bikinis as BA has no bikini since 2023-24, Maple has no bikini since red update due to them being erased from cashshop, DFO has no bikini since neo awakening.
If Korea and China censors less than Japan, show any K-slop or Chinkslop with bikini. Only Japanese media can have bikinis. If u chuds hate Japan, u must stop using PS5 or switch and only use Xbox and steam. Stop using the term [Sad news] which is Japanese styled title.

Even if you chuds do NO JAPAN movement, DQ3R is getting pre ordered a lot in amazon still. Just like Korean No Japan movement didn't work and Koreans bought ACNH and Wokemon SV a lot yet.
Who gives a fuck about Geoff's arbitrary awards? Grow up and get some taste you faggot.
Triggered much huh
>he doesn't know that shartlus has been pozzing out since persona 2, where the austrian painter is lé bad because of jewish investors
I haven't watched that shit since 2015. As an actual human, it's hard for me to imagine being so pathetic that you need that validation.
>It's probably why people are so mad at it, 92 to 94 is insignificant enough for GOTY still be uncertain between these games. Red Dead Redemption 2 got a 97 and still lost.
97 is fucking crazy.
And the issue right now is that people who hate the remake trilogy cant delete the well reception of it of history books, no matter how hard they try. And at the end of the day this is more important than sales. Look at horizon or games like FF15, sold a lot but are bad regarded. Rebirth is acclaimed and they cant deal with that.
Do you know why it's so easy to make you mad? Because you're the type of guy who thinks about Rebirth being recorded positively in the history books. lmao, man, listen to yourself.
I'm not mad tho, just talking about a clear scenario. The way you talk just screams "it's not what i expected so i'm deleting the well reception of the title", not different than what's happening with the silent hill 2 remake right now on the board.
But if you want to believe i am mad, sure. Have a nice day.
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.... until Persona 6 triggers you, Smtvtroon
Jannies aren't "FFfags", they are very specifically VIIRgins. They hate Yoshida games for example, and one of them has been stalking someone from Reddit for 4 years because he said bad things about the Whispers.
I'm not the guy you were talking to, I'm jimbo. I'm just explaining why it's easy to annoy a guy who is so invested in a game they start to care about others "deleting the well reception of the title"
Like you must see what's funny about seeing games criticism in that way, right?
Oh wait, you're gone. That's a shame. Someone else will have to jump in on your behalf.
who is on the left? i recognize the right one
oh i see what's going on, you're acting like i'm another schizo you probably fight through anonymous posts with in this board. Even crazier than what i expected.
both are generic jrpgslop
GotY coming throooooough!
Weren't you leaving? And it's strange that you haven't heard of me. My obsessor likes to pretend I'm infamous. I guess only he knows about me. Anyway, sorry for the mix up. You just reminded me of a very sad case.
I dont have a horse in this race but if you want to "get" the other guy dont do this:
>I'm not the guy you were talking to, I'm jimbo
It shows you're the other one.
Ok thanks for the tip
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pc-will-save-it-sisters... OUR SALES?!?
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look everyone! it flopped again!
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zoomout bump
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>Atlus won
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Barry gods
Wish I could play this game now but there's like 72 hours yet. Does this release globally or is it local time?
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it's owari
>31 critics vs 151 critics

this board is so retarded
70 reviews across all platforms
I think Metaphor winning would be surprising but I'd be more shocked by Astro Bot winning
>Barry fighting the gamergatefags

Now this is truly a battle for the ages!
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Bump to rev up barry
Barry is the strawman who sucks the dick of 15 and 7 demake and hates 14 you stupid fuck
Its Bae
Real Barrys only like turnBASED JRPGs
Damn, no wonder Kiara's fans are always attacking Bae
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Barry only loves Tabata
The dirty fucking kikes running the world need to be torn from their thrones and sacrificed on the alter of rebirth, for it is only once we have rid ourselves of the Jew that humanity can truly achieve it's potential
>woke propaganda
>journos love it
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Nice hit
>reviews for a single platform for a game that isn't out yet vs ALL reviews for a game that's been out for almost a year
You are retarded.
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How does Atlus do it? How do they have such a dedicated fanbase?
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wtf it's real!
There is no way this is real
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The wokist jarpig ever made
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getu roku. go buroku.
Looks like it worked anon, congrats
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fucking kek
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>mfw he bumped it again
Society should have some sort of safety social net for the people that end up being on the lower end of the competition.
It's fine for people to fail, but if they fail the government should have some bare minimum way to prevent them from becoming second class citizens.

Communism is retarded.
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Rebirth better. Rebirth GOTY.
Still higher on Metacritic you lost
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It's not tho
Fandom, Inc. owns Metacritic, who are literal Jews. Looks like you are the one who lost.
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>op of thread is spammed in every metaphor thread
>full of the same images in the replies too
It's going to be impossible to discuss this game on here
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Bump to make chuddies seethe
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based sis
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SE can't stop losing. Holy shit
Atlus is based.
Politics is THE topic /v/ can't shut up about. It can't talk about anything else.
So what do they do? Make a video game ABOUT the topic.
It's as it was made for /v/. The ultimate /v/ game. I can't believe it's happening.
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both sides use it as a constant fighting point that no one can fucking escape from
You know what else a lot of people can't escape from? Living next to violent shitskins.
Yikes, sounds like you’re uninformed about the various cultures of the immigrants you disparage. I’m sorry, but I have to deduct 1 Tolerance point from you.
worse than any song from the og
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Both of them won.
They can keep making trash and be praised.
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bump 4 barry
a barryBUMP as they say
Kek saved
they have literally the same score on opencritic, just celebrate japanese games btfoing the west this year instead of putting them against each other
Did P5 win GOTY? No? Well.. I doubt this jrpg slop will either
A very schizophrenic collage, but a common example turnBASED wins as usual.
what site?
Giving all resources to one group and no resources to another group is the opposite of competition. If you aren't maximizing all human potential then you are squandering it and weakening the species.
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common atlusBASED wins bump
>atlus has gone full pozz
Just another developer to not purchase games from. Im saving so much money on games these past few years its crazy.
Basically goty with no competition
it's a very poor one dimensional outlook at reality. a fairy tale for woke midwits and complete downgrade from what SMT stood for. disco elysium is example how you should do these type of games but fatlus went to shit after p4. they'll never ever be able to write a badguy character as based as adachi. ff7 rebirth is a much better game.
Not buying either 0 negroes
I'm spending it all on gachas instead, long live emperor Xi and his glorious neighbors south koreans.
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the concord of jarpgs...
>complete downgrade from what SMT stood for
p3/p4 is a school simulator. Literally. It couldn't get more lame than pretending to be in a lame school and you answer the teacher trigonometry questions. It can't get more 1-dimensional than this. It can only improve from there. Now what about a game where you choose between chaos non-wokes and law wokes? At least that's *something*.
I get you anon, but I has a soft spot for visual novels and waifus, I love my wife Chie
I'm tired, need sleep asap. gonna stop posting now before I make even more errors
No, it is just about private property, and it is their right to have it. Maybe you should try to go against the FED and the monopolization of currency.
Wrong. They are nonsensical commie bullshit.
Voluntary exchange and clearly defined private property rights are the side of a fair society, actually. It also happens to breed innovation.
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it is not about any of that, at least not in their woke ideological definitions (that you can consult at newdiscourses)
it is about personality archetypes found in japanese society, retard
but that is a good thing...
KINO SOVL. Do you accept commissions?
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In America, race is used by the government and corpos to divide and conquer the general populace as they flood the nation with dirt cheap labor and keep trying to relabel it as some kind of humanitarian endeavor. It's just exploitation, anyone saying otherwise has been drinking koolaid from one side of the fake and gay political parties.
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kek + fairyBUMP
she won bigly
Based BarryFairy
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Why the fuck would they announce this would be on gamepass but then back out right before release?
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barryBUMPIN in the house tonight
how will that yuffie posting faggot ever recover
final fantasy 7 demake and silent hill 2 demake will be quickly forgotten while the originals will live forever. Your coping and seething will not change this.
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monke update bump
Fucking YEARS of saying reviews don't matter and then this happens. This forum is schizophrenic.
yoshitpiss lost
going to suck not being able to play till sunday
Who cares. Are your convictions really so fragile that you go into meltdown over some talking rodent in a fantasy game? I play this game because it entertains me. I'm impervious to the on-the-nose nonsense it's may try to beat me over the head with. Assuming it even does. I have only played a few hours of the demo.
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Why don't they buy themselves out of sega instead of giving sega 90% of their revenue? Because they are poor as shit.
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literal cult members worse than the kyoani fanbase on /a/.
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>blue archive tranny
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I guess after Atlus saw what the average persona 5 fan looked like(probably didn’t even play the game but watched a playthrough) they decided to pander hard to them so they can have a diehard fanbase for this game
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>Demo: Played
>Pre-order: Filled
>Drivers: Updated
>Pixie: Onahole
Yep, it's gaming time.
Here at Atlus West we value Diversity Equity and Inclusion we hope you enjoy our Indian MC in this latest entry in the Persona series have a beautiful diverse week sirs.
Okay, what the fuck is up with the shitposting for this game?
It seems particularly forced to the point I'm convinced it's one schizo spamming the threads with the same out of context screenshots over and over.
I still think it's mostly tendie seeth since it has no switch release.
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larry is having a melty like usual because atlus won again and because everyone is saying aerith is shit and looks like a man and gallica clears ez
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4chan is too intolerant
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>aerith is shit and looks like a man and gallica clears ez
Do people unironically like this pixie? She’s arguably one of the shittiest looking girls in the game so far
why do you hate redheads?
this is antiwhiteness
check your thinking
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>video game
>video game, Atlus
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they have nothing else to cling on to with those shit tier character designs.
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>aerith is shit
*pouts at you*
5head is the worst looking by far
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it's an improvement on her sharp man jaw at least
>KYM filename
Jesus fucking Christ...
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Barry has to be the most disturbed individual on /v/.
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just let him samefag, he is on track to finally reach 500 this time like he promised me he would unless some janny does the funny again
That's why lobbying is a thing. No need to be fair when you can write laws with money. It also breeds innovation on ways for corporations to influence politics, using culturewar stuff as distraction for lesser people like us to fight over.
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turnBARRY bump
i mean some people can't even compete. by this logic, we should take everyone's resources away and share them, then let people compete. Some people are so far ahead, it's no competition. it's like if the Super Bowl was played and one team started with one hundred points and the other had to start from zero.
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>mfw when i turn on thread monitoring to see barry btfo me for 500 posts
I have been called woke and commie and whatever when saying everyone should at least get a roof over their head and food as basic rights in some kind of form. I have been called bidencuck(I'm not from US) for saying that healthcare shouldn't be profit driven.
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Barry your schizoposting is entertaining.
Now please carry on, still have 100 to go
Why would you help people who deserve to die? We don't have recources to feed everyone for free, people need to work for their bread and if they can't then they don't deserve any. Don't even try to camouflage your leftist rhetoric as "virtuous" thing, we all know what you are trying to do.
I'm OK with inclusivity of hot fantasy races. After all, I want to fuck them.
But in real life, I am racist and sexist.
Critics are 100% irrelevant in 2024, and it's sad you're desperately trying to convince yourself otherwise.
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>Atlus won
You're welcome.
You guys realize OpenCritic isn't actually open, it's owned by IGN and maintained as a rival score aggregate website to Metacritic and Metacritic is owned by Fandom
I don't know who fandom is but I do know IGN
Another BarryGOD victory
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barryBASED unicorn overCHAD. congrats on 1m (redditbirth never got congratulated for 1m sales btw)
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Look again at what it's being played on. Hint: PC version plays the animations like it's supposed to
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>I don't know who fandom is
Literally any wiki for a specific game, tv show, etc. that has the <PRODUCT> dot fandom dot com url and has like 800+ intrusive things on the left, top, bottom, and right margins is owned by a company called Fandom.
Also related, fextralife is owned by a fucking chinese company Kinbundo, it's the only website of theirs that isn't contained inside the chinese firewall because all the others are forums and shit that act as honeypots for the government.
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oh shit
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ohnonono No
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>have to pay chuuba's to stream your flopshit
This game is pro-diversity and anti-racism

Go woke, get rich
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>get rich
lol 90% goes to sega
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>flopped and bankrupted the company
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Star Wars: Outlaws
Metaphor: ReFantazio
Assassin's Creed: Shadows
>made millions in profit
Unicorn Overlord
Stellar Blade

Wokeness died in 2024. Not a single woke game has turned a profit. Video games have been saved, and all reddit can do is seethe and dilate.
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are XVI trannies like you falseflagging as UO fans now?
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>mfw barry won again
This thread is prime schizoposting
I feel like the only reason why the jannies didnt delete it is because it's a containment zone.
Reminder FFXVI was higher on the best sellers 2 days before its launch than Metaflop is.
Anti-racist JRPG is reviewed better than anti climate change JRPG.by journos. I guess this isn't surprising
now post the non-localized version
>one of the best selling FF
>did flop
>did flop
>moderate success
>did flop
>not out yet
>not out yet
>good game
>shit game
you’re desperate Larry...
It was at first a thread to shill metaphor but then the game became the target.
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larry is a sad little mexican with too much free time
name 3 racist jrpgs
There's no such thing as
>XV vs XVI
There is only tranny games and based games. XVI sucks because (among other things), it's an environmental piece of shit set in a Game of Thrones universe. I mean, there are a thousand reasons why the game sucks, but the bullshit about sucking the life out of the earth is top five.
>>one of the best selling FF
Nope, it flopped so bad they fired the director and canceled all future projects related to it.
>>moderate success
Nope. Dawntrail flopped and may singlehandedly destroy XIV.
>>not out yet
Already bankrupted the company to the point they have to sell to the Chinese.
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shut the fuck up im not talking about FF im talking about unicorn overlord
just because you want something to flop doesn’t make it happen Larry...
Yes, Unicorn Overlord is great and was a financial success, unlike any Final Fantasy game of the last 20 years, aside from pre-Dawntrail XIV.
Why would they fire a director of a game that was financially successful? XV's sales were mediocre compared to the money they put in trying to fix it over and over and over and over again.
FF 12 didn't make them money? Why did they do Zodiac age then?
show proof it flopped then big man
based vanillawareATLUS making undisputed KINOOTY with less budget than aniplex.
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>>made millions in profit
>Unicorn Overlord
You realize vanillaware is the closest to bankruptcy followed by faglus right?
It sold worse than any PSX/PS2 Final Fantasy, save IX.
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kek imagine getting continually btfo by a company with less than 1% blue bar. sqaureddit enix on suicide watch.
How does that answer
>FF 12 didn't make them money?
incredibly fucking based and same
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>make shit character designs
>get no porn
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>sqaureddit enix
Now graph their operating costs.
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doesn’t prove anything, show me sales data
game is not out yet
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Kek Squareddit Enix. Good one. Going to use this from now on.
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0.9% blue bar CHADLUS stays winning
gacha niggers
XVI and Rebirth underperforming is great for Square's future, unironically. XVI was 6 months behind schedule due to outsourcing issues.

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>has to pay 3rd worlders to stream their flopshit
Why didn't you just post the picture, faggot?
i love scarlett so much it's unreal
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virgin squareddit enix
>spend $400m combined on shitsteen and redditbirth
>sell less than 4m combined copies
>cancel every aa game
chad Chadlus
>spend 0.9%m on every game
>95%+ verified purchase steam score
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>be faglus
>give 90% of your revenue to sega because you are too poor to buy yourself out
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i just twittered it and confirmed ITS REAL
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>squareddit enix
Doesn't matter. Sequel isn't getting canceled.
>This thread is prime schizoposting
>I feel like the only reason why the jannies didnt delete it is because it's a containment zone.
It's like 5 guys replying to themselves all day. One looks like he came out of /a/ because he keeps using anime reaction faces.
I didnt buyed boughted it because I dont like shatlus
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basedATLUS never misses
>One looks like he came out of /a/ because he keeps using anime reaction faces.
You noticed too. Idk if he's middle aged or just a tourist zoomer.
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>31 critics vs 151 critics
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it really do be like that
kek i get it. because metaphor is choking redditbirth in op and also because redditbirth sales choked. very clever.
I would go with middle aged because he doesnt have the usual zoomer humor. Like, the whole creating names by combining stuff then samefagging with anime pics is prime old /a/.
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Shush, let them have their pre launch inflated number that literally every game gets before the people who actually paid for their product put their review in.
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common turnBASED wins
Barry? where's BARRY???
30 to 35 years old, maybe more.
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>mfw barry is using anime girls to btfo me again
Some of the other critics are just on other platforms, which seems very weird. Not even like Xbox/PS specific outlets, just random ones that should just be under PS5 anyways. For instance the PC one has a 70 score which would tank the 94
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>mfw when larry is coping and seething in my victory lap thread
How many does it have in general if we join all platforms? the number of reviews is strangely low. atlus also gave a whole month for reviewers to play.
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>squareddit enix
>You noticed too. Idk if he's middle aged or just a tourist zoomer.
Using my prediction powers to tell you it's not someone who even cares about metaphor, it's probably a jaded ff guy who hates the remake trilogy or something similar. That's the brand of schizo we see here on /v/.
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Are Fatlus faggots actually this obnoxious? Or is it just Barry false flagging?
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>How many does it have in general if we join all platforms?
Less than unicorn overlord which is funny considering they spent 8 years making this compared to Rebirth's 4 years
Good thread, Barry. I appreciate that you don't hide your samefagging, unlike some people here.
Quick glance the top like 10 of each are not the same on PC vs XSX vs PS5, its probably around 90. There could be overlap, like why wouldn't IGN's review be under multiple there is barely any difference besides performance
>Using my prediction powers to tell you it's not someone who even cares about metaphor, it's probably a jaded ff guy who hates the remake trilogy or something similar. That's the brand of schizo we see here on /v/.
Nomura will get one more game to make him mad if that's the case.
There is a reason most Americans think racism is bad, and it's only isolated people (either via being rural or terminally online) who wind up consciously racist.
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anime bump for turnBASED wins
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bump limit bump for barry won
i will never understand why you literal faggots enjoy sucking journalist cock so much. even worse that most of you incels are over 40
>Nomura will get one more game to make him mad if that's the case.
I dont think that's the issue, it's not about having one more game or not, but how the games were praised, with rebirth being considered a really good everywhere. That's what's more annoying; If you leave 4chan and ask anywhere what do they think about the game the consensus is that it's good. So trying to pit games that have 2 metacritic points of difference is the only option remaining.

If the games were hated and the usual hater could see everyone hating it with him he would rejoice, but that's not the case.
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GG losers. Thread stats:
>150 posts of proof that redditbirth 7 sucked and flopped
>100 posts of proof that redditbirth is lgbtq slop
>50 posts of animes laughing and larry
>50 posts of anons telling me im based an right
>50 larry samefags of seethe that atlus won
>50 posts of gallica mogging Aerithtranny
>30 posts of saying squareddit enix is the best joke
>20 misc.
You can just say we're living end times (sun's getting warmer/changing from yellow to white) and that jews are ultimately at blame why the world is so fucking shit rn
It's the SH2 remake situation lol
The board would have a shiny day if the game was dogshit, but then it was better than what everyone expected. With Rebirth is even worse because it's not just ok, people are praising it everywhere, even the usual youtubers who complained about the first one.
>mods just let him schizo out for 400+ posts of relentless shitting on 7r/16

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