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Is this game really going to be the "smash killer" that it was prophesized to be?... Or will it have a similar fate as Nick All-Stars Brawl and be dead in a month from now?
DoA despite the influencers/ecelebs shilling
Garbage & the fact that it is associated with the retard blizzard nepo baby that hates consumers rights will kill it regardless. There's not a single person that dude hasn't worked with who hasn't stabbed in the back or thrown under the bus the second shit went wrong
Yeah, that is what I am thinking too. Platform fighters seem like a doomed genre. Too nice.
Destined for failure.
Have not seen Ranno salt in a hot minute. Feels good.
A "smash killer" is impossible and I don't know why people think it is possible. The game will have just enough people on it who keep playing that you can play online regularly, just like RoA.
Who the fuck hates Ranno? He's like the least offensive and best designed character they have. This guy needs to stretch it out first.
>not just a smash game without all the recognition of one
>but a smash game focused on COMPETITIVE ONLINE PLAY out of anything
>that and characters are furries

Nah man, lol. Unironically would get make money if it was singleplayer story mode and had porn animations between every fight.
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>Horrible safe self inserting furfaggot disney wannabe designs
>Hitfall artificially increasing the inputs per second necessary for the most basic shit and making the best combo system ever designed redundant by turning it into dial a combo garbage
>Parry system killing spacing in the neutral game essentially turning the game into jousting trash like smash ultimate
>Zero innovation being brought to the genre, genuinely why the fuck would any non-rivals/melee player play this shit?

Its DOA garbage bro, the only silver lining would have been sexy furry women who fuck human men but instead we got the they/them tier designs that have zero distinct feminine features. Even the other dogshit platform fighters before it have at least had IP power carrying the absolute shit out of them.
Who is this a reference to?
Obviously not going to kill Smash, anyone that said that is retarded. It's very solid though, I think it'll keep it's niche for a while.
whats the problem with the frog?
is it another Duncan Kaiju Battle deal?
>Is this game really going to be the "smash killer" that it was prophesized to be?...
Does it have Pikachu and Mario? No? It's not going to kill Smash Bros.
>Or will it have a similar fate as Nick All-Stars Brawl and be dead in a month from now?
They'll be lucky if it lasts longer than RoA1
The problem are clearly the characters, smash is the platform fighter because of their characters, even the most deranged tourneyfag enjoys playing as a character from his favourite IP, meanwhile in rivals you get to play as Lion(spacie), masked Lion, and a fucking frog
play against a ranno who knows how to play neutral for once
E-celeb Pirate Software, I think.
It will probably do better than the first game thanks to the first game already having a dedicated playerbase to transition from and the higher production values and aesthetic will make for a more appealing presentation to new players but I doubt it will see a significant increase in players over Rivals 1. It will NEVER be a Smash killer because it doesn't have Smash's character recognition but the devs are well aware of that and just want to make a more competitive platform fighter.

Ultimately, I think it will do just fine. Maybe not amazing, but it will do well enough to last a few years past whenever they decide to stop doing regular content updates. I think there's also a decent enough chance we may see it at EVO down the line after we have a bigger roster since it will at least scratch the competitive Smash itch that viewers want while not having to deal with Nintendo's bullshit guidelines.
>I have zero fucking idea what I'm talking about

smash is also boring
ok. Thank you for your valuable input on the viability of a game in a genre you don't have any investment in.
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>Zero innovation being brought to the genre, genuinely why the fuck would any non-rivals/melee player play this shit?

Why are you lying?
bros I think this game might be subtle furry bait
is this at news everquest mod?
lame. no hot sexy ladies from a established ip
they're even using the same terminology as the game they're ripping off. Pummel and Special etc. just you can do them in a slightly different order
it's like saying Ultra Combos in sf4 were a brand new idea never seen before when half of them were reskinned sf2 supers. even capcom bothered to try shit like mvc with different controls and combat approach
How many of you got filtered by tap jump in melee?
ignore this user
is anyone going to make the real thread without a ragebait op
just use this one and ignore the faggot op.
I got filtered by CC, and by that I mean I got sick of almost every mid tier spamming wavedash CC Dsmash against me, god damn.
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>oops all furry
Hard pass
As much of a smashfag that I am. I hate all these characters designs.
Gotta add one hot human girl into the mix
>they're using the same terminology
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Why reinvent the wheel by using new terms when the old ones are immediately understandable?

You're also still purposefully missing the point that special pummel, special ledge getup attack, and special ground getup attack are mechanics that don't exist in Smash yet are simple ways to change up the formula and expand player options by so much more. Innovation doesn't need to be some extreme idea that changes the gameplay completely. Even something as simple as streamlining grabs by removing mashing to escape and turning the interaction into a brief mind game is an attempt at innovation.
It's really fucking fun
Ah you're that sheik player. Just chaingrab them
He needs needles because his negative air speed hurts his neutral, allowing his opponents to just play defensively without the threat of needles. It's no coincidence that they're poison as well, it forces you to engage him.
I have no opinion on the tongue, though. When I played him, it seemed really punishing if you missed it, which will end up happening. I don't know about the edge canceling shit he can apparently do, though.
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Let's go!
not happening, would you settle for an alien or robot?
no one thinks this is going to kill smash its just a fun platform fighter to play
id prefer if it didnt kill smash because i dont like "people" who play mainstream games

why did you say the same thing twice?
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I love her more!
I thought the character designs were lame at first, but most of the characters actually have enough personality that they're growing on me as I play the game more.

He has no fucking personality, but his design is inoffensive so I don't care. He's a glorified PM Wolf skin. Stale white bread.
The edgelord with disjointed hitboxes, played by sweaty edgelords, a platform fighter tradition. The fact that I hate people who play her tells me it's a good design.
Great design, reminds me of a Donkey Kong Country antagonist. His design meshes well with his playstyle.
I like him because he's not fur-bait, but he's a bit boring.
I didn't like this character at all until I heard more of her voice lines. Her design is just boring. I also hate people who play her.
Good design, not fur-bait.
Great design, despite being fur-bait.
I just feel bad for this fucking guy. His design is unremarkable, and he feels like he deserves better.
Good design, despite being peak fur-bait. I like her voice lines and sound effects. It feels good to beat the shit out of her.
This abomination disgusts me. It's too cute, and the paw pads and Kazooie noises it makes scream that only freaks play this thing. Easily my least favorite design.
I promise you aren't special for disliking popular things
This. I don't know what's wrong with people assuming that every indie game needs to kill a Nintendo IP that it is never going to directly compete with. Having played a few miscellaneous platform fighters outside of Smash, this is definitely one of the most polished and fundamentally fun I've played. It feels a lot like Project M, good and bad.
It could stand to be slowed down by like 10%, I think.
i never said that
The new specials are pretty cool. A lot of the grab ones make grabs a fundamental part of your game plan instead of just something you use to set up strings or kill confirms.
why do people hate the frog though
Actions speak louder than words
Should I swap jump to A
wait is this guy getting mad about a MAKE A WISH campaign? what a psycho.
ranno and especially zet are for people who have to press buttons six thousand times a second or they explode, and they always do some retarded shit that gets them killed anyway when you avoid all of it
i'm a heavy enjoyer who hates pressing buttons but i somehow ended up playing ranno the most despite that, and despite heavies actually being good in rivals.

i have yet to fight more than one ranno online, for whatever reason.
No, swap it to B or Z
if you told me this game had one song, i'd believe you
Nice rebuttal faggot

>Ah yes, this tiny little change that ultimately makes zero difference is going to be what makes our shitty game stand out in this over saturated as fuck market
Call me when these faggots actually change up the genre in a way that ACTUALLY makes this shit worth playing over melee and will ACTUALLY stop it from dying in a day
what would you change
First one was just popular with curries. Why would this one be any different?
Yeah it's this one https://youtu.be/yDzlNANKYYs
it will go down the multiversus path and die in like 2 weeks after release and settle at under 500 players for a bit
>alternate track
... there's alternate tracks?
I don't even know if it's that. I just think the genre is tied to recognizing characters so without them these games will always be DoA. Even the ones banking in established ips don't do well.
The characters aren't memorable. This will be the downfall.
yeah, a couple of stages have TWO songs, it's crazy.
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Is the innovation that I want to punch furries?
It's all furbait, yiff in hell
>Is this game really going to be the "smash killer" that it was prophesized to be?
MeleeSnoys are delusional, holy shit
The best and most broken character in Rivals is the one you just lost to.
is there a character like pm lucario? I wanna do magic series. I'm reading about Olympia and she doesn't seem to have cancels
I've had some ideas for years already, but obviously it would be something you would sit down with your team, brainstorm, and see whats actually feasible or not.
I certainly wouldn't add retarded shit like hitfall to the game that's for sure because the best part of a platform fighter like melee is how much depth it has and adding shit that diminishes the mechanics that make it have depth (knockback in this example) is the exact opposite of what you want to do to improve the game.
It's not going to be a smash killer but it certainly won't be doa. If it's as modable as RoA 1 then this game would technically live forever
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Good job anon you made it to the average rank.
very enlightening, idea guy
I'm kidding good job anon, a lot of people strong players are there.
i keep trying wrastor and i keep asking myself why the fuck i would ever play this character. he seems useless.
it gets better when you can react to DI and airclap them at the edge
Orcane is S tier on the funny little guys tier list. You're just coping because you got mixed by the water doggy.
I shit on Orcane because all every single one does is dash dance back and forth and spam nair. He's just a creepy little fuck.
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you dont know? (your main) is always underpowered
Is Mew2king actually in south africa or whatever?
>have played 10 hours of ranked and private lobbies
>like 3,500 coins and 200 of whatever the other currency is
literally how do people even have skins
aren't "safe" and "self inserting" usually opposites because the self insert will be really garish
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You must be playing silver shitters lol
How does fleets arrow mechanic work?
press neutral special
land any arrow except the side special and it sticks mega man's crash bomb to them except it only switches targets on hit
that's the only thing the little arrow counter is for
Neutral B empowers her arrow shots for a single usage (she starts with 3).
All her moves that use her arrow shots are effected which are fsmash, upsmash, dsmash (i think), dair, down special, and jab3. Also I think one of her throws but Im not 100% sure about that (all her throws shoot arrows but Im pretty sure not all of them let her use the empowered shot. If she misses her jab3 she keeps the empowered charge. If an empowered arrow lands on stage she can pick it back up unless an oppo runs over it.
>mega man's crash bomb
I always thought of it more as Sephiroths bullshit but I dont know if you can transfer that
How come that pummel didnt shoot out an apple?
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I didn't play Smash Ultimate
is this the discussion thread for the day or should i wait for another
if you really want to minmax you can get everyone to level 2 and play FFAs
I really wonder how exp calculations work. Not that I would both setting up dud/suicide matches just to farm, Im just curious.
beta special pummel used to do that. Now, normal pummel shoots out the apple while special pummel applies the mark without using a charge.
Aight thanks, doesn't seem too complicated. Does she get the 3 arrows back when she dies?
>get everyone to level 2
does level 2 give you a big boost or something?
why are people so mad, the game is really fun, feels like a fresh new smash game, whats the issue
regular /v/ brain rot + nintendo brain rot, a powerful combination
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Was it like that in the september beta? I literally dont remember at all. But I have landed a fucking double stack of the crash bomb by hitting an empowered arrow and then a special pummel kek.

Yeah you can get charges in 4 ways
- picking up your arrows
- hitting normal pummel and picking up the apple
- succesfully landing a hit with your special getup
- press B when you're at 0 charges. This gives you another charge after a bit of an extended and slow animation, you have to press B again to apply it

Level 2 gives you aetherbux. No freaking idea if early levels are faster to gain than later levels thougheverbeitnt
I wish I was at home playing Rivals: Of Aether: II: Steam Next Fest Demo
when is the deep dive stream?
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projectile setups backfiring when you hit it back to them is really fucking funny until it happens to me
oh I forgot that was even happening today. no idea, I think it happens pretty early in the day though
>125 loss streak including the 4 placement matches
>Forced to gold due to putting up a fight in placements despite losing.
>Unplayable in ranked due to me being wrong-placed, unplayable in unranked due to backers with skins dominating me easy.
I'm the constant, but I need to be in bucktooth nigger wood tier. I'm not gold, silver, or bronze material.
>have greed brainrot
>fully charge fleet fsmash from across the stage
>fucker parries it and it kills me
>>125 loss streak
How is that even possible? I dont believe you
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I'm not telling you my ideas faggot, all you want to do is bait me into saying some shit you're not actually going to give the time of day just to say its a shit idea because I hurt your feelings by saying your favorite game was shit. Its a waste of time, I wonder why you aren't actually playing your DOA garbage instead of posting here? Maybe its because the game is dogshit.
i don't like smashfags retarded lingo
do rival players say "endlag" instead of recovery frames too?
I'm not into platform fighters, hopefully next they make a single player story driven game in the future.
all rivals players come from smash
he's currently being held as a framedata crunching slave by his plantation owner master
all this wordslop to say nothing. you schizos are always impressing me with how worthless of a human you can be
im basically in the same position as you, its almost impossible for me to win but im silver rn, i just keep practicing and eventually i will start winning
different game has different terms aaaahhh argggh i'm dying it's killing me why is your thing different from mine yeaaaargh
People call it endlag because there's a basic, universal mechanic in Smash called recovery
It won't be the same without a robust workshop scene and I'm not convinced it will given the higher barrier of entry that is 3D compared to pixel art.
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you guys still kill yourself when you edgeguard and throw out fsmash in neutral and then come on /v/ saying you're in ELO hell. get some self awareness
You need to combo into kill moves with him, you're not going to get anywhere with stray hits like all the popular characters can. In the coinbox tourney last night he won and seemed oppressive as fuck but that's also because the player was cracked
It's like the first one but annoying mechanics with fuck-all to do and see
excuse me, I only spam up smash in neutral
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Booting up the demo, I'm struck with a feeling of ennui about the whole thing right at the title screen, and also all the way in the character select screen. What's the draw of this fantasy world? What's the appeal of any of these characters? Each have very basic outlines of a backstory, but neither their visuals nor those shallow motivations spark any interest in picking them up and seeing how hard it is to learn to play them. Why *care* about Rivals beyond it being something a Smash fan cooked up to experiment with a similar gameplay style? It's like someone took the whole Marvel vs. Capcom "functions" thing seriously and forgot to add genuine character and love to their game.
roa players call casuals "friendlies"
roa players call mirror matches "dittos"
roa players call footsies "spacing"
roa players call recovery frames "endlag"
roa players call mixups "messy guessies"
roa players call landing frames "landlag"
roa players call team matches "crew battles"
roa players call grab punish "shield grab"
roa players call side switches "crossups"
roa players call meaties "late hits"
roa players call blockstrings "shield combos"
roa players call reversals "out of shield options"
roa players call a series of unchallenged hits "combos"
roa players call strings "natural combos"
roa players call actual combos "cheap"
roa players call any stage that isn't flat a "One Two banneroo"
roa players call top players "gods"
roa players call zoning "spam"
roa players call money matches "cash battles"
roa players call showers "monthlies"
roa players call button checks "handwarmers"
roa players call Ike "Swordman"
roa players call Link "Swordman"
roa players call Marth "Swordman"
I feel like the fidelity of the 3D models is low enough that it'll be pretty easy for people to make assets. Pixel art is pretty unintuitive for some people.
jarvis summarize this wordslop in 10 words or less
The first game failed because the online was p2p and it was shit. If it has rollback i'll play it.
All of Zetter's aerials need to be unsafe on shield if he does them anywhere but the opponents toes with a fast fall. Even fucking melee got this right.
have you considered playing the video game
Why do you type like a bitch?
lore comes from the first game's story mode, an entire dating sim, and fleet's game
I imagine they'll add stuff to this game too, it's just the demo after all
I thought this was retarded for a long time, but the problem is "recovery" is already a term that means something else in the context of platfighters. If you say x move has "low recovery" it gets confusing because that could mean two totally different things.
I've said my piece already and you subhuman trash refuse to actually address it so speak for yourself faggot. See you in the next fotm trash that gets spat out in this unfortunate genre's thread I guess, maybe it will finally not be slop next time.
DoA no one cares about retard nobody animal characters. Game needs more style.
I'm okay with Zett as is because you can just stand slightly out of range and shoot him with practically anything, and he'll always get hit by it because he's busy whiffing four normals during the projectile's travel time
>my entire personality is hating things and i could totally make something so much better than the shit i hate if i actually felt like it
enthralling stuff
People are vitriolic about platform fighters in general, especially when they're good. This one also has all furry characters which is obvious why that part gets shitposted, but imo I think furries was a better choice for making a cast with visual personality that can compete with the pull of crossover characters like in smash. Rivals is also very melee adjacent which shitposters seem to seethe at melee's existence to no end for some reason on 4chan despite not playing/watching/interacting with melee themselves and that rubs off on rivals more than other platform fighters.
rec frames
also context. The fuck would mean "forward tilt has low recovery" besides frames? Also they can just call recoveries upB
there are many ways to not be retarded and yet
I have. I tried Wrastor for a while in training mode, because weird as it is, this generic bird guy looked like the most well-realised character, with an immediately apparent cocky attitude, and a gameplay concept tied to his appearance (strong air game and weaker ground game... though that basic concept is just lifted from Smash Bros Falco).
I'm just so confused about this game and the attention it's getting, and I want to hear opinions from others.
Give Lox hyper armor

>I tried Wrastor for a while in training mode
No, I mean actually play the fucking game. Go into ranked, do your placement matches, get your ass kicked. Live a little. Try different characters and see how they feel. Every character has a relatively strong / unique concept, and Wrastor's is arguably the most difficult to grasp.
Forsburn is getting roasted dude. Its like they've been afraid to make this character good ever since he was busted in early Rivals 1.
it does, godlike netcode
Slap City
Nick All Star Brawl 1 AND 2
RoA 1
Project M

when will platform fighter devs learn?
Didnt they have better netcode later on?
couldnt stand the inconsistancy of p2p on rivals 1 and slap city even though I liked the gameplay
slap roa and pm are godlike
Hyper armor is the biggest bandaid of all that only helps bad players and if you do that as a "buff" you're basically guaranteeing that lox will remain bottom forever
they're all good games they just have a playerbase that you have to actively search out for a game sadly
sigh... I dont want to remap my dpad to buttons but I absolutely hate smacking my sausages against my controller every time ranno or maypul nigger me with their "mash to break free" bs.
Give lox a captain falcon/ ganon up b instead of an ike up b and take away his projectile. There, he's fixed!
Maypul is black-coded
Well her only alt skin right now is a bandit
I thought ranno was one of the few bearable designs
>"mash to break free" bs.
are you retarded?
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>slap city
good game.
good game, but too expensive. unexpected commercial success.
no one knows whether this game is good because they charged fifty fucking dollars for it and didn't discount it for people who bought the beta test that was nasb1.
good game.
great game, so far.

what's your point, exactly?
Are you not supposed to mash out of the bubble and plant? its not communicated at all retarded faggot. Oh no I'm assuming the game that has 99.9% of smash's DNA works slightly similarly to smash. fucking retard. go jerk your ego off somewhere else, you're a midwit and you'll never be good because you spend more time on /v/ than actually grinding
he has to think his way out of getting held down and raped for 30 seconds straight by better characters

time in bubble is determined by how many stacks of poison ranno has on you. each stack is one second. if you have no poison on you, you'll just pop out. you can clear poison by attacking, which causes you to take 1% damage.
don't know about grabs.
ive only played rivals so i dont understand ledge please be nice
>he has to think his way out of getting held down and raped for 30 seconds straight by better characters
And that thinking for 99% of lox players is:
>pick big stage
>camp and hope the opponent gets bored and runs into your giant hitboxes
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there is no mashing in this game because mashing is retarded game design
roa is very sensible like that in many aspects
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>is the coolest AND most fun character in the game, again
how does he keep doing it?
man makes PM donkey kong look like a low tier
There's also no communication that mashing does something like there is in games that do have mashing so I don't know why you're getting up in arms about it. Every other game I know of that has it has some sort of visual struggle going on to show not only to yourself but to your opponent that you're mashing and that's completely absent.
Did you also seriously think there was mashing for those things despite the fact that breaking free of grabs very clearly doesn't use a mash system? I don't know why you're so up in arms about it
I get he's disappointed in it, but what the fuck
watching armada stream ranked and get his little swedish butthole prolapsed by randos is making me lol considering all the people who think that if he entered a melee major now he'd still win
How does Smash even get new players? Smash is a millennial party game, do zoomers even like it?
>Is this game really going to be the "smash killer" that it was prophesized to be?.
It's not as good as Melee, which people have been playing for 20+ years, but Melee gets zero official support (quite the opposite, in fact; it gets C&D'd by Nintendo for not being sanctioned), so Rivals has the advantage in this regard.

>Or will it have a similar fate as Nick All-Stars Brawl and be dead in a month from now?
Hopefully not. It's actually a good game, even if it doesn't live up to Melee. I can see it becoming the de facto platform fighter if only for its support and accessibility. It's not Melee though.
Didn't he say he wanted compete in this game? Don't sleep on him. He could probably be the best fleet in the game if he wanted to.
he doesn't like fleet, he plays zetterburn
Bro the rivals 2 discord is full of like 18-22 year old pronoun obsessed zoomies. I feel like an out of place ojisan in there.
>A lot of the grab ones make grabs a fundamental part of your game plan instead of just something you use to set up strings or kill confirms.

I don't understand how this is different. I guess I need to look at the specials in what they exactly do.

Though I can imagine it would be pretty cool in Smash if Sephiroth could inflict a Side B effect with a pummel.

I will note that the ledge dynamics are completely different in Melee and Ultimate where I question if this would be a good decision to include, in Ultimate at least. Rivals 2 still has ledgehogging (but their recoveries are far more buffed than Ultimate for more explosive off stage play). But on the flipside, Ultimate has ledge trumping and it's criminally underutilized and players who use it effectively really shine above those who are lazy about ledgetrapping and edgeguarding. Therefore, I think ledge specials might be too much for Ultimate.
I got ranked in gold at like 1050 or something, and then I lost every game down to 800. I usually don't get stomped, but I'm not winning, and it's frustrating.
I'm just waiting to see. I refuse to pay for a multiplayer game that might be dead. If everyone thought like me then no game would be populated but I don't care, I won't be the sucker.
>playing in bronze
>zetterburn wave shining with perfect movement
>destroyed again
????? when will the games be even?
because you are, sorry gramps
what the fuck is with platform fighters and those type of people?
Smash killers are just like Pokémon killers except with slightly better player retention
If the steamchart numbers are anything to go by it will be pretty niche.
Post your replay
thats all fighting games nowadays anon
Nintendo doesn't have broculture, so the competitive types are also the type most likely to troon out (toon into any Melee tournament for pools rounds and to a lesser extent, Ultimate in certain parts of the US and Canada). RoA2 is appealing to the Smash competitive community who they're getting is a subset of that.
oh yeah, I hear Guilty Gear is riddled with troons
i dont wanna go through the effort of learning how but he was much much better than me and im bronze idk i thought the games would be better
Did you place Gold and derank to Bronze too? Feels like whats about to happen to me I have no idea why everyone is so good
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People keep talking about the visual designs of the characters being bad, but their actual mechanical design BTFOs Smash's characters. Even without playing every character, I can clearly understand their respective mechanics and what they want to do after a few fights. Each character is distinct, and most of them feel very complete with a few exceptions like Forsburn, Wrastor, and maybe Maypul who feel like they're vaguely missing something.

I say this as someone who has played a lot of every Smash game, including PM and some of its retarded spin-offs. I think only PM comes close in this respect, but PM has other issues with fundamentals. 64's character have virtually no mechanical identity. Melee's feel like an accident. Brawl's feel like an accident, but worse. And Ultimate's depend entirely on whether the character is (or was) DLC, was so shit in previous games that they were reworked (DK, Samus, Zelda, Ganondorf, etc.), or is a zoner and has zoner privilege because Nintendo does not understand the concept of NOT GIVING FUCKING ZONERS THE BEST NORMAL FRAME DATA IN THE GAME (ROB, Snake, Pac-Man).

tl;dr game feels good and I want to actually play most of the roster because the characters are mechanically interesting, which is all that matters to me
Ranno is the highest skill character
Post your replay
not even just GG, it's all of them
You should see how skillful I am when I platform camp with needles and shield drop aerials over and over.
if he's so big brain how the fuck do i confirm into tongue
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Maypul my beloved
I used to go to a local in... god, I don't know, 2012? and it was just normal fare. Like a FNM but slightly less smelly, same kinds of people, maybe even a gf or 2. I recently found out that multiple people from that local are troons. They're unironically turning the frogs gay.
So the new innovation is just adding in more specials? When do we get the special specials?
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It's not my fault they made the zero skill faggot frog so fucking fun to play
Alright, I got a rank by facing three Orcanes and a Loxodont. Loxodont seems like a decent dude, but he still gives off budget King Dedede vibes, and from what I understand, he's the newest addition to the characters, or at least close, right?
To far on the furfag slider me to find this feral creature active. Furthest I can go is fleet and Clarien (on specific skins, the negress tumblr default isn't lust provoking to me)
>with rivals /v/ bitches about furries
>with smash /v/ bitches about anime humans
still getting completely stomped, i typically cannot even take a stock off my opponents, what the fuck
>a bunch of OC no one cares about
Dead on arrival.
People will forget it like Slap City.
non fans don't even know about the demo period, it'll get better on release
Lox is new to the game, but I think Forsburn was added more recently than him. I could be wrong.
>budget Dedede
I think he's like Dedede, Ike, and Ganondorf blended together. Dedede's projectile and fair, Ike's bair and up-B, Ganondorf's dair and side-B. But he doesn't have the absurd survivability of Dedede, which is what makes me think of him as more Ike / Ganondorf. Most importantly, he's fun.
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>beat a zetter
>hear him furiously mashing the "next match" button
>in his absolute rage he manages to SD twice next match
Ahh, Smash players. They won't last long at this rate.
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green = play if i can
yellow = i can have fun here
red = instant ban
you're subhuman so you dont understand that nearly none of these games i listed has an active playerbase outside of pug games on trannycord. they're all good all dead
Can someone link the new player guide/"rivals dropdown wiki"?
You can find it in the main menu but i cant fucking find it on google
it is so brutal, i cannot believe i am this bad, it doesnt help that i play clairen and cannot land a tipper to save my life
>plays clairen
>can't tipper
>wonders why he's unable to take stocks
Might want to pick a different character, champ.
>beat a Clarien in a set
>queue into them again
>they spam HELLO SORRY HELLO HELLO HELLO in the chat while I'm picking my character
>loses a stock
>stops playing
>starts playing, but just spamming the same move over and over
>rage quits

You can spot Ultimate players because they dash dance between stocks. Melee players have actual tech skill in their game, so they don't dash dance.
when's workshop to make it another mugen
I only saw any real attention be brought to the first one after that
I feel like you need to have really good fundamentals in order to play Clairen. You need to be able to space correctly, you need to know how fast the other characters are, you need to know the trajectories of your moves, you need to know the comboability of the characters, etc.

You can say this about everyone, but Clairen's gameplan literally hinges on knowledge and fundamentals.
cry more lol

bottom left map is my favorite. i always ban the ice map as well.
im committed, i really like her but it feels much harder to get kills than with other heroes, for example i have to work hard for a combo and still not kill on a 100% tipper up air while a loxodont just f smashes me at 70% and i die
what the fuck is "pug"
>losing to bronze lox players
yea but i really like her and think she is cool so i just want to commit, i actually managed to win a few games on krag and loxodont bc their moves stay out for longer and can actually kill
based on what happens when i fight clarien, i think the way to play her is to just fucking spam out of your mind at all times
>what's your point, exactly?
Ur a faget
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>Dedede/Ike/Ganon hybrid
Yeah, I guess I can see that in his moveset.
Oh yeah, is there a button for picking random while counterpicking? I don't have any interest in excluding any stages from the rotation on purpose right out the gate while I'm still trying to learn, so I just waited out the 20-30 secs everytime, even though the "Random" button is right there, it didn't do anything until the final selection.
pick up game
you'll be the one crying after you spill 30 bucks on this game and cant find a match in a year
yea its very demoralizing, i must literally have a 1-2% win rate on her, its actually insane
>finding the same players over and over in a FREE beta
ya this game aint lasting a year even with all the smash e-celeb shills
sink, stupid speedboat
I never got why autists put stake in this shit when Slap City proved to be the best indie Smash at the time.
I've seen the full thing, dobson
What's that got to do with typing like that?
lurk moar newfriend
>Oh yeah, is there a button for picking random while counterpicking?
i don't think so. you could always close your eyes and mash y tho
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>Slap City
Yeah, ok bud.
If Nintendo cared about their players, they would have just released a Melee or PM themselves. Nintendo is the worst company in the world though, so they don't. You just get progressively worse smash games with incomprehensibly larger rosters of characters that no one cares about from a fighting game perspective.
pug is not pfg language
>Oh yeah, is there a button for picking random while counterpicking?
You can just press Start to random a stage, but I think you actually need to ban/strike manually.
still a better game than any smash after melee
I didn't say Slap City was successful, I'm pointing out how it was better than boring furfag 2d shit.
RoA basically just cloned every smash character and then through in some PM OC. 90% of the work was already there.

Everything in Slap City felt original, yet people ignored it. The devs then just took Nick money to make a nick smash that failed because nobody cares about that shit, when they could have just made Slap City 2.

My point is, why does this souless furfag smash clone get to "endure" and make a sequel that people talk about while Slap City was a flash in the pan?
you sound salty
During yesterdays tournament they said stage legality is still being discussed over at Rivals HQ. It seems they realized that stuff like Hyperborean Harbor was a fucking mistake.
By being way more fun
Take a bath Smelee. I can smell the child molestation from here
That was never the case, Rivals was sub-par and the players just wanked off Not Fox and Not Falco.

Nothing can compare to Asha.
I dont really know which characters want which stages. I just ban top plats against clairen and ranno and ban long stages against wrastor.
>It seems they realized that stuff like Hyperborean Harbor was a fucking mistake.
and the fact it took them smash ecelebs to seethe to even consider that a possibility is why this game is trash
it's not worth playing, just play other games where the devs don't lie about "caring" and "listening"
Also there should be an option to skip bans in unranked, how is that not a thing? I want to try out all the stages when im not playing ranked
>if Rivals 2 lives and is "popular", threads are just going to be Rivals players continually getting upset that their PM inspired platform fighter with stages ripped straight from PM is compared to Melee and PM
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>popularity = quality
rofl, go back
If your head pokes through the ledge fleet can get a free dair spike. So funny
Slap City was fucking kino. Go back to your sales thread
you dont have to seethe dude. people like the game and they're gonna play it.
come back when you've played this game for years and constantly let down by faggot dan and his team of faggots
i know this is a wild concept but i think people will just be happy that the game is popular and will enjoy playing it.
Go back to vg ganonschizo
Wow, you're one butthurt autist!
make a /vg/ thread already niggers
not active enough
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Isn't this going to make modding harder for the community?
I thought the big draw-in for the first game was that the ease of custom character creation basically turned the game into Smash Mugen
youve had a constant thread for the past week
not active enough to survive the 30+ gacha threads strangling actual video game threads to death on /vg/, I mean
Rivals was thriving for 6 fucking years before the workshop you braindead zoomer. Those workshop players didnt even stick around either
I thought Slap City was alright, but I think Rivals 2 is the better game.
That shit was an afterthought and RoA's peak was long before workshop happened.
when the game comes out certainly. its still in beta.
This might be a hot take, but I actually think gacha (and live service) is the perfect use of /vg/, because you can have perpetual threads about the same game (with the same schizos) over and over again forever, as the games are constantly receiving updates and discussion. Rare few real games can generate the level of discussion that I feel is "required" in order to sustain a /vg/ thread without it just turning into schizos bickering at each other like Twitter trannies.
Except >>>/vmg/ exists
But yes, late stage /vg/ cancer exists and it's awful
Part of the rules of /vmg/ is that "general" threads are strictly not allowed. "General" threads exist, but you can't put any typically "General" thread indicators in the OP, or else the thread gets deleted. It's a retarded rule that doesn't make any sense (due to the nature of gacha), and it's even largely a board that doesn't make any sense, but it's basically supposed to be used as a "/v/" with a focus on mobile games. It's not supposed to be used as a "/vg/"
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Fleet is so cute
He can still find matches in the first game after 7 years, I think he'll be okay.
ssbg had actual literal pedos in it like chronos and panchito
>he didn't read the steamcharts
oh no no no
Brawl is worse than 4 and Melee, which are worse than Ultimate and 64.
you've never seen some of the slower generals there then
Deep dive now please
I didn't have to, since I played it just yesterday, you ape pretending to be human.
Melee > 64/Ultimate > Brawl > Tr4sh
>Part of the rules of /vmg/ is that "general" threads are strictly not allowed
Not anymore. That part was removed from the sticky of /vmg/, /vm/, etc. earlier this month. Too little too late? Absolutely.
Slap City was more fun than Rivals 1 to me. I hate the obsession with giving everyone a stage control gimmick in Rivals, and Slap City just feels like a more organic game that didn't exclusively cater to compfags. NASB 1 was garbage though and 2 is only ok.
Nintendo cares about their players.
They don't care about smelee fags, smelee fags are not players, they're retards.
>Nintendo is the worst company in the world though, so they don't.
besides pokemon nintendo is the only big name who isn't actively shitting themselves for the past 5 years
Oh really? Well that's great news. Wonder why that took so long, but
>Too little too late? Absolutely.
Yup. It's already existed for years and people (like me) already have the rules solidified in their heads. I didn't even know the rules changed
i wish maypul was more sexualized. She is just a green raccoon
Adding a mechanic that makes you trip is not caring about their games. It is the most anti fun thing ever added to a game. The next smash will be an objective downgrade which will prove you wrong
Doesn't even look like a she to me
>unironic tendie opinion
i hate crouch canceling
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Maypul my beloved is pure
every smash since melee, including brawl, has been a massive improvement over brawl
hell especially brawl, the #1 thing people keep asking for whenever a new smash game comes out is "hey make subspace again" and they (kind of) did with world of light
because nintendo cares about the people who play their games (besides pokemon), not brain-rotten autists who only care about a 23-year old game and nothing else
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I love her
ugly costume that makes her look male. Dan please make her sexy
she's already perfect
There's actually a lot of lore for the characters in...not this game. Clairen has a 4 issue long comic that's actually real cool and made me main her. Gave her backstory and struggles and shit.
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She gets fucking naked. How much more sexier you need?
communities use both /vg/ and /vmg/ for gacha games.
>She gets fucking naked
How can you tell when a very animalistic furry is "naked" though?
Is Kragg also naked? Is Wrastor also naked (minus the scarf and goggles)?
Is Orcane also naked?
Game looks good mechanically, but none of the characters are my thing. Feels like the focus is on super fast rushdown.
giving her female clothes would help anthropomorphize her more. Normal raccoons do nothing for me
Her stance also has her legs constantly spread apart
Show me tripping in Ultimate.
Yes to all.
>because nintendo cares about the people who play their games
you mean buy their games and not actually play them kekw
I guess I'm not furry enough to see those characters as naked, thank god. If they wanted to sell Maypul being naked, they should have given her more feminine curves
>anthropomorphize her more
Fuck right off
>not furry enough
>to see an objective fact
??? The issue seems to be you making a big deal about cartoon animals being naked. Bugs Bunny only wears gloves. Sonic and Shadow wear gloves and shoes. Mrs. Brisby only has a little shawl on. It's not some sex thing, it's just cartoon animals.
It will have a consistent player count, which is certainly going to drop, but I love both the game and the first one so I will be sticking around. It won't kill smash casually, but competitively I could see some people moving to it. Ultimate gets no updates and is kind of a mess currently. Also its pricing isn't too bad and future characters are free, of course there's also the fact that the first game was great and wasn't published by the fucking Big Rigs publisher, which already spells better than NASB2. I like NASB2, but it's dead for a reason. I think the mechanics here also fit together more than NASB2's did, really everything feels well constructed other than keyboard support apparently
If you ban battlefield you are a dysgenic, smelly, troon. Yeah I'm talking to you forsfaggot I just fought. Need your mile long stages to play like a turbo bitch.
bf is advantageous for clairen and marth
cant wait for modding support
Snash players think fast=good. They call zoning lame.
If you're talking about the temple place with the 3 "battlefield" platforms, that's not actually Battlefield. I'm typically a Battlefield enjoyer in Melee and a Smashville enjoyer in PM, but I do not like the temple stage with the "battlefield" platforms at all for some reason
What it is with you faggots that like to pit against games with others hoping they fail or something? Then you'll wonder why this industry is consolidated with souls crap now
I like the character designs. To be fair I am something of a furry but I much prefer cool animals to random dudes. It works to make them more distinct and they don't feel offensively furry. I can't get over Orcane feeling like this game's Yoshi though. Played by timmies for the funny factor, and played by weird people for the gay sex factor.
Wrong. It makes her cute.
Will the levels and currency transfer to release day?
wow that was kind of a nothingburger
This game is platform fighter PEAK!
No. And by no I mean yes
If this game weren't so fun, the furry aspect would have kept me from playing it honestly
>played maypull
>spam emote the entire game
>im rated 600 they are rated 900
why are maypul's like this
I thought we were supposed to find out when and who the next character is. Was hoping for Absa
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It will be dead in short order
1. The average person does not want a game that tries to appeal to smeleefags. Other devs have tried and failed. This won't be the one to break that pattern. Higher execution barrier is necessarily a barrier that is gonna keep people out.
2. Lack of appealing characters. Even by furshit standards these characters designs are garbage. Nobody is gonna open up the game, look at the roster and be all "yeah, I want to play this cool guy" when looking at this set of characters, and they are fighting an uphill battle on top of that by committing to a "furry only" aesthetic.
As much as people complain about the furries, it seems to help the game stick out more in people's minds.
Consider Roof Rage, which has a Martial Arts movie theme. I thought it's gameplay and visuals were pretty charming, but it languished in obscurity...
game won't be dead unless you consider discord fighters dead
you don't understand camping in platform fighters
>1. The average person does not want a game that tries to appeal to smeleefags.
>her execution barrier is necessarily a barrier that is gonna keep people out.
To add to your point, everyone right now is sweaty as fuck already. The game isn't even released yet, and people are already playing this game like they've been practicing for a decade. If you aren't already a Melee/PM vet, I don't know how in the fuck you can even get into the impenetrable fortress that is online matchmaking in this game.
What's the point of Clarien bair? It sends up and out a ridiculous amount so it's not good for comboing, edge guarding, or killing. Shit reminds me of like a melee bowser move where it's "powerful" but doesn't kill or lead to anything ever.
how do i get better at clairen.... help me please i am so bad....
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so the roadmap shit is more or less all the good stuff will be a year out BUT if we get le shekels it'll be out sooner
point 1 is very true, i literally must have a sub 5% wr and ive been playing since the demo came out, so im trying to improve but the players are just so good
>Higher execution barrier is necessarily a barrier that is gonna keep people out.
If I go by how the first game went, courting the hardest core of players ended up being its strength in the long term. RoA's following was certainly small, but it was dedicated, and the dev team supporting the tourney scene so much helped solidify that. It looks like they're trying to do the same thing with RoA2 to an extent, though they're also making the game more accessible now that it's feasible to do so.

As much as some RoA vets liked it, no Blocking or Ledges was way too much of a skill floor for most people.
What kind of controller do you use for this game? Does it have tilt-specific attacks like smash?
Clarien just feels like a character you need to grind with and get her hitboxes in your muscle memory. Sure there's marth fundies in there, but the comboing is just so alien. Rivals 1 Clariens all dropped her in 2 and I think that tells you all you need to know about how this character works. Know her like the back of your hand or kill at 200%.
>What kind of controller do you use for this game?
Gamecube controller, though I'm considering trying out a PS2 controller with weird button setups just to see if feels different or if I can even get used to playing Smash on a non-GC controller

>Does it have tilt-specific attacks like smash?
Yes. This game is basically Ultimate with PM mechanics. You can individually bind the Smash button and make it so that you C stick does tilts if you want, like there's customization in it, but it's a Smash clone to the core
platform fighters are easier to pick up than traditional fgc. Even something basic like street fighter is much worse as a new player
i played a very small amount of sf5, but i could at least get even matches, i cannot for the life of me get someone on my level, i am rated 600 on the ladder (bronze) and i still match with players rated 900+, there is not enough of a player pool to accommodate lower skill players
post your replays
>Even something basic like street fighter is much worse as a new player
I disagree. I picked up SF4 as my first ever fighting game, brand new literally never played a traditional fighter before, and I did alright with it. Conversely, I played Melee for like 7 years, and though I haven't really played since covid, I'm finding online to be insanely sweaty and the game hasn't even officially released yet.
how do i do that
Battlefield sucks. I ban it as quick as I can.
because she is based
Its the most fun platform fighter imo
i also played a lot of melee, but i was a peach main and there is zero analogue in this game so i feel like all that time playing peach was wasted, peach had so many character specific skills that i just cant do in this game
crab bucketing fellow shitters is cringe behavior
People said the same thing when Fatal Fury was released. They were wrong and so are you.
>always online gaas
Lol no
Nothing with these garbage Insomniac-like cereal mascot rejects can survive long, it's really that simple.
>I'm finding online to be insanely sweaty and the game hasn't even officially released yet.
nta but i think these are very directly related. the tryhards are the ones that will be following the game and they're the most likely to be downloading a game before it's released to play it. most of the casual players probably don't even know there's a demo right now.
post your replay
fuck off figtree
Rivals 1 lasted about a decade with these characters and had a larger and more stable player base than 99% of fighting games lmfao.
Alright furaffinity, let's see data.
>the fact that it is associated with the retard blizzard nepo baby that hates consumers rights will kill it regardless.
Literally no one cares about this. No one talks about the "stop killing games" initiative sorry but your "movement" is dead anon.
Besides that dude is just a marketing CEO lmfao
It all makes sense now. He really has the furry phenotype.
It will last a year, maybe.
Execution barrier for this game is fairly low. They made all the hard smash stuff easy to do. If the game is too hard because of execution, it's probably a skill issue.
But I completely agree about the designs. Many are very unappealing to anyone but furries.
Yeah...having the early betas available for certain groups of people (for years?) was a mistake.
The current player numbers are only this low because Rivals 2 demo is a thing.
Thats why the game will succeed.
Furries are the best at making games this is just an objective fact.
Also he's married and you're not lmfao
nta but the demo currently has 7k, so pretty good
That's too bad. Those always feel trouble to me on anything that's not one of those Nintendo 8-way sticks. Maybe it's a matter of the spring tension.
>It will last a year, maybe.
You people said the same thing about Rivals 1 and that game lasted about 10 years since 2015.
And no its not cus of workshop barely anyone played that mode.
i am literally depressed from losing so much idk
Calm down Dan I'm just making a comment
>Yeah...having the early betas available for certain groups of people (for years?) was a mistake.
It's possibly even compounded by the fact that these "certain groups of people" were already tourney goers who cared enough to bring a USB stick to a venue to grab the game well ahead of time. Or the fact that early backers have had beta access (officially?) for like 6 months

I like this game and I'm probably going to buy it, but unless launch is HUGE and dilutes the player pool a lot, I think newbies are just going to bounce off of this game because they literally wont even be able to play with anyone besides their own little pocket of discord friends who suck as much as they do
you get knocked down, but you get back up.
Labing helps.
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>face off five Clariens in a row
I'm facing the marth of this game and they're all faggots just like Melee
Why do some people want this game to fail so bad?
nintendies seething
Post replay
I meant in terms of having a growing playerbase, enduring mainstream appeal, etc.
People will still be playing it, obviously, but it will be the same small group of people. Like Rivals 1.
You know very well who you are. Don't let them hold you down, reach for the stars
nah man. Trad fighters require less apm and are way more deterministic so it is easier to lab and pin point what you did wrong. There is way more variance in platform fighter. Take combos for example, you can get great mileage with just bnbs in trad fightans even at high level, in plats you always need to adapt. Personally i prefer trad fighters cause i like the kits and combo structure more but i acknowledge plats are harder, at least for me
this is /v/, no one here actually plays videogames, this board is filled with forum obsessed faggots, the people that actually play videogames would be busy playing videogames hence why all the other videogame boards are so slow in comparison
Meleefags mad that something is doing the niche better than it. Neanderthals hated homo sapiens too, no? This happened back in the PM days, but GIMR and Nintendo were able to kill the scene then. This is Project M's holy vengeance.
what character has melee peach back air?
idk why I can't get use to the inputs when playing online. Offline the game feels fine, but online it feels idk "off".

What's your guy's control sensitivity/deadzones settings for a normal gamecube controller?
leffen currently ranting about how broken loxodont's recovery is
>unironic tendies seething
>rivals fags seething that melee players are interested
>/v/ tourists who don't play games just come to threads to say "fuck you"
>furfag haters
>fighting game haters
>fgc players who hate platform fighters
The list probably goes on
any good kb configuration? Which settings do the pros use?
Meleefags are getting absolutely bodied in this game, it's pretty funny
Compounded again by the fact that many people grinding it out early are probably also people that couldn't hack it at top-level in whatever game they game from, so they see RoA2 as their only chance to be a top-dog and are committed to the grind.
Look up a Melee KB setup.
I feel this same way, and I also felt this way about Ultimate's online. It's probably just lag. This game is very technical, so you're going to need to get used to playing in lag, no matter how big or small, if you want to play online
The chronic complainer is complaining, nothing new there. Fuck that faggot. He deserves to die
I give it a month before they declare Rivals 2 "too gimmicky" and go back to Melee.
Mango got 33rd off like 10 hours of gameplay
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When are we getting her sexo outfit
>bbatts the only person to take even a game from Marlon last night; he won a set and in a terrible matchup
>CakeAssault one of the best players (besides his shitty internet)
Eh, not really, dude.
how big was the rivals 1 eu scene? Can you play eu to east coast reliably? I can in guilty gear with rollback
Learn to enjoy losing and learn from your losses. Thats a lesson I learned from playing traditional fighting games.
leffen is right about loxodont...!!!
Now you get to explain how a game that averaged at 900 at best larger and more stable than 99% of fighters.
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My thought is every dollar that goes towards the game puts a dollar in the pocket of a man who sincerely believes he should be allowed to steal the game and the money you spent on it from you when the devs get bored of workingo n it and if you dislike that you're an evil used car salesman bigot who wants to kill live service games.
disagree. Once Rivals 2 starts making it to Evo and expanding its side content adding new characters ect. There would be no reason for people to still play multiversus, or brawlhalla, or smash ultimate (aisde from the former 2 being free).
Because Rivals 2 is a better put together game in terms of gameplay with actual competitive support.
Gotta admire the dedication to post this in every thread.
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I disagree. Hungrybox is currently hostng a Smash Ultimate tournament.
And it has way less views than the Rivals 2 tournament that was yesterday.
Rivals 2 tournament yesterday had 5000 views throughout the entirety of the tournament.
Don't give attention to this faggot
Mango is the goat. Leffen is a leftwing grifter
I have no idea big the EU scene is, but I'd play with europoor semi regularly and I live on the east coast. Games felt fine.
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From what I've seen some melee players are genuinely scared this game will kill melee despite their assertions that "nothing will kill melee".
Rivals 2 also has more views on twitch than ultimate right now.
Still waiting for proof or evidence
I've posted it twice ever, and that's the second time. If others are doing it, that's based. I just want it to be known that furnigger shouldn't make a dollar from this.
defensive wall.
combo extender, not a launch killer.

this is not ultimate.
Theres never been a reason to play smult. Steve is the most broken character in smash bros history.
Only 574 viewers? Jeez thats grim. Maybe Smashfags are right to be scared..
Because retards fall for marketing schemes like "Overwatch Killer" or "Halo Killer." They've basically been exposed to this concept for years despite it never once working or even really making sense.
Proof of what? That he profits? He's one of the chief executives of Offbrand, the publisher of Rivals of Aether 2. He directly profits off of the game's success.
that dev
100% i guarantee you
is a furry and has autism.
those fucking eyes. this guy is into creepy shit and has asspergers.
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yeah sure it was expected but that not as soft phenotype. It's a hard "piss on me please and call me your whore" phenotype.
Is he bald?
>muh views
kill yourself zoomer
no shit trending [thing] is more popular at the moment than [thing we had every single day]
>Now you get to explain how a game that averaged at 900 at best larger and more stable than 99% of fighters
Anon if you've ever been part of the FGC you'd know that 99% of fighters become discord fighters. Most end up at around 100 to 200 players if they're LUCKY.
Hell right now Rivals 2 has a higher consistent playerbase than Mortal Kombat 1 and Guilty Gear Strive.
Hell it even has more players than Tekken 8 right now. And only a little bit less players than SF6
only wifi tournament good players enter is coinbox on wednesday (was reserved for rivals 2 this week), which always has 1k+ views + restreams
hbox just puts tournament into all of his titles because it gets more clicks and he is obsessed with money
You realize this guy is a marketing CEO right who didn't make the game right?
You retards letting this literal who live rent free in your mind is why the stop killing games movement is dying.
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appearently there are lvl 50 reward skins? here is krag
I hate this pretentious faggot so much it's unreal.
Could he grift any harder?
does anyone have the fleet one? the clairen one is panther skin with dots and whatever
>He's one of the chief executives of Offbrand, the publisher of Rivals of Aether 2
1) Offbrand games is a CO-Publisher for Rivals 2. The other publisher for Rivals of Aether 2 is Aether Studios.
2) That dude you're obsessing over is the marketing CEO of offbrand games
3) The most he said about your movement was 1 or 2 comments months ago yet you spend more effort letting this guy live in your head rent free than actually trying to get people to support "stop killing games movement".
This is why you're movement is failing because because you're perpetually online losers who know nothing about how real activism works.
All you do is desperately find a scapegoat and try to blame them for everything, thinking that will get people to support you.
I won't.
It didn't work with Gamer Gate. And its not working now.
You "people' are incompetent. REAL activists who you people make fun of actually get shit done.
How do I Loxodont? Everyone just zooms around and rapes me.
I hope all new games fail and faggot westoid devs lose their jobs
This hobby needs a crash.

I have plenty of old games to sustain me.
>>muh views
Yes views are important for a fighting game who's lifeblood is people playing it.
Greentexting me doesn't magically turn facts into falsehoods.
Ah so you're just a delusional lonely narcissistic idiot.
You will never be happy. You will never be loved. You will never get what you want.
Gaming will move on without you. The world will move on without you.
You will die bitter and alone.
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Then play those.
And yet he's successful, and a long respected career, and is married.
Can you claim to have any of these things?
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>no one posted it
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video games
Whats the lv50 for Clairen and Forsburn?
I rather have a ten inch dick than be that furry bottom phenotype. Prob gets pegged.
Glad they're doing ranked rewards, feels kinda pointless right now.
why is loxodont so smol? No way shrinking him was the only way to make him balanced. He is an elephant and the big baddie ffs. He should be bigger than bowser
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Give us real swimsuits you cowards.
they’re called crossups in basically every relevant fighting game
t. SF enjoyer
That stage looks comfy.
Also I want Slasher Clairen.
you smell like a shill.

this says absolutely nothing concrete besides being vague in attempt to build hype.

only 4 per year is too little to keep the game alive.
The "ranked" in Demo is just Ranked-lite. Sicne the real Ranked wasn't done.
>posting news makes you a shill
oh /v/.
>only 4 per year is too little to keep the game alive.
that's the same pace as the AAA biggest fighting game on the market. seems fine to me. inb4 i'm a street fighter 6 shill now (lol)
>being this ravaged and pooperpeeved because anon doesn't like current year games like you do
holy shit lmao could you be more upset?
a lot to dissect here. how does not liking 2024 videogames make you a narcissist? what mental traumas compelled you to reach this conclusion.
a troubled soul in this post.
>only 4 per year is too little to keep the game alive
Damn I didn't know Street Fighter and Strive was dying
Reddit spacing aside..
>only 4 per year is too little
Found the multiversus quantity over quality faggot.
Every modern fighting game that isn't a cashgrab is doing 4 characters a year. Why? Because its a decent amount that maximizes the chances that they are put together well.
This isn't multiversus or brawlhalla where they will just shovel out as much slop as possible and people pay for it with characters that all play the same.
not him but your palpable anger means you're the faggot here.
He can like or dislike any games he wants.
suspiciously shill behavior for Flavor of the month game.
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Kill buddies. Behead buddies. Roundhouse kick a buddy into the concrete.
Redpill me on hitfall
Holy shit you meleefags are actually terrified of this game huh? I was doubting it before but I can see the fear in your post.
You're genuinely scared this furry game will finally kill your 23 year old game that ruined people's hands and wrists, and that Nintendo treats like the black sheep.
I want the RoA2 Discord to go back to where they belong.
If you're not going to talk about THE GAME, not "muh views" or "muh updates" or "omg get hyped for product fellow epic anons" shill faggotry, let the thread die.
I don't even play melee
Cinema-tier projections in your head furry friend. I hope you receive the help you desperately require to function in online spaces.
The video is only an hour old chill out bro people are going to talk about news whether it triggers you or not
it's good
It makes you be able to do fancy combos.
Just press down after hitting with an air attack.
Threads are for videogames, not shilling your game.
This is the third thread you faggots ruined with the blatant RoA2 discord anons shilling to recruit.
>I don't even play melee
Uh huh sure thing FIZZI.
Its a crying shame that smash itself and by extension the platform fighter audience is so fucking lame. third strike boomers make games like yatagarasu and smash fans make my little pony games for furries. sakurai, why did you have to doom this genre to autistic mascot hell.
I already reached masters with Clairen and stopped playing.
RoAfags have zero fundies/ledgetrapping
is this meleefag autism or petitionfag autism?
>I already reached masters with Clairen and stopped playing.
Prove it. Post a screenshot.
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are there no patch notes? there is now input display on training mode + you can FINALLY change the graphical settings
Hope that your opponent is worse than you and also not playing as Zetter/Clairen/Fleet/Orcane/Maypul
>everything i dislike is [ENEMY I MADE UP IN MY MIND AHHHHH
are the meleefags in the room with us right now?

you guys sound insufferable.
NASB flopped because both of them cost too much damn money. Nobody would ever buy them because they were $50 on launch.
RoA2 is planned to be a $30 game. If they bump it down to $24 then they'll get a huge following, but the planned price is also good. It'll only flop if they manage to royally piss off the entire internet (or at least half of it by injecting politics into the game).
how is posting news shilling you deranged lunatic? also you're the one who made up enemies with your discord obsession in the first place lmao
i want to figure out a way to make it so i can turn around without dashing more consistenlty, what should i adjust in the stick settings to accomplish this?
RoAfags suffer the same issue as smeleefags
they have 0 fundies.
they just go and fish for their combo starter and think the game is only about executing a combo.
no concept of neutral. no concept of mind games. at best, some good empty movement, that's as much as their neutral goes, and most do a lot of unnecessary movement throwing their good position.
as much as i dislike the creepy main dev who probably gets pegged by his partner, he's smart enough not to make RoA political and inject idpol pronoun bullshit.
>and most do a lot of unnecessary movement throwing their good position.
same. if anyone can answer this. it's annoying doing a dash attack when i just wanna turn around and do a jab or tilt.
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>the creepy main dev who probably gets pegged by his partner
what's wrong with you?
Yeah that describes 80% of /v/ anons in a nutshell.
The animation in this game is awful. None of the attack poses have a recognisable or readable silhouettes, ever character is just a circular blob that has hit effects that orbit them.
they go for "gotta keep moving to stay unpredictable!" instead of realizing they are in the perfect spot to react to every option and punish when they're in an advantage situation, for starters.
There's also the ledge. RoA players don't ledge trap like either. This game has that unlike melee which is usually just scumming the ledge from recoveries. here the recoveries are better so there's more ledge play.

Also depending on character they usually do the same braindead approach (Zetterburn for example) instead of applying of switching it up fishing the same combo starter. This happens on Diamond btw, not bronze. not silver. diamond. it's because in melee this shit works, instead of applying mindgames. RoAfags also don't tomahawk grab.
>Long angry rambling list
>Brings up Stop Killing Games specifically, which was never brought up prior to this post - just pointing out that he believed theft of games was perfectly fine meaning it's a big ramble of "You're right BUT" Snopes-tier behavior
>Arrogant pedantism
>Tryhard language
Hi Jason "Maldavius Figtree" Hall!
I see you're yet again doing anything except working on Heartbound!
Get your eyes checked, genuinely
If you're not Diamond by now you're a shitter.
you wouldn't get it. you have no vryl. you have no wisdom of life.
that guy gets pegged 100%. humans are animals. his phenotype says it all.
just so you know, well adjusted heterosexual men do not look at another man and IMMEDIATELY think about how "peggable" they look. you are goddamn weird.
I think you might be dumb anon
Yes go on anon. Its much easier to project and deflect than actually hold yourself accountable and improve as a person.
what stick sensitivity do you guys play with?
Did you guys have fun playing rivals all day while the adults were working?
anon, a well adjusted heterosexual man can spot a faggot from a mile away just by looking at it
>you're weird!
you're using the leftypol word of the campaign. I will not bother dignifying you with further (You)s because you're clearly a watermelon emoji, trans flag retard-tier individual.
>play vs. zetterburn with loxodont
>get hit once
you need glasses, every character animates like hollow knight and relies heavily on attack swipes, their character deigns have awful readability on poses which makes them look like fucking beyblades bumping into each other.
I don't think I could ever put time into this like I do Melee since it has so many missing mechanics and training wheels, and it's going to have patches. But it is nice to play Clarien and be able to cool stuff since when I try to do anything cool with Marth in Melee I constantly fuck up and kill myself because I don't know how to play him.
>"that's a bit weird to say innit?"
that's... i can't say weird i guess. it's odd maybe? it's not normal. it's bizarre. why are you like this?
How do I need glasses if I can SEE what moves characters are doing?
perhaps it would be more productive if you took some in game screenshots to illustrate your point?
Left Stick Deadzone = 100f
Left Stick Sensitivity = 88f
Right Stick Threshold = 35f
just look at 10 seconds of hollow night gameplay then look at rivals of either, its less extreme but still the same cheap looking shit. without the gigantic swipe effects on every hit you would have no idea what the character is doing because the characters designs are giant blobs and the poses are all dogshit. They also use so many identical quarter circle or half circle swipes they end up looking like spinning discs bumping into each other.
>a well adjusted heterosexual man
You being heterosexual is up for debate.
But you are certainly not well adjusted
again you need to post roa2 screenshots of the offending poses in question. make a collage. you're not convincing anyone ITT who actually plays the game.
Absa doesn't come out for a year, right? Guess I'm not playing this shit because none of these awful characters click.
im not talking about something specific its is general problem that infects every single character and almost every single animation, just look at literally any rivals gameplay for 20 seconds and you will see what I am saying. This was a problem with the first game too.
>27 minutes pass
>still no screenshot
Yeah thats what I thought.
>hollow night
you wanna try that again, you fucking bloody bastard bitch?
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you're so lazy at this. i'll even make it easy for you, just post any number of attacks from here https://rivalsframedata.com/ and tell us why you think they look indistinct from eachother. from what I see they all have distinct start, active, and end poses.
I hate the autistic waterdog and how fast he is and his fair(?).
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you want to make an argument more interesting than point out typos?
Rivals 2 has a frame data site that disproves everything you said.
Have you tried not being brown?
its in the example you provided, every fucking attack looks like that, 80% follow these boring circular arcs, they rely heavily on the swipe effect because there's no readability outside them. in effect every character looks exactly the same in motion and they feel like spinning discs.
What attacks looks like Zetter fair? Post a specific example. Do you know what "specific" means?
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I've heard some RoA players describe this, saying that a lot of players don't actually play to win the game, but play to have fun. That is: They like being fancy and zipping around even when there's no reason to, or if it's actively harmful to their game plan. It's like if everyone played Captain Falcon and were trying to compete for who's the most dynamic.
One of the players in the tournament was using the Fleet level 50 skin. It was the one that was like a teal color with sort of "leaf" style cape. It's not exactly "leaves" but they were like long strands in the cape. If you check a vod they made it really far
im not going to fucking google rivals of either gameplay for you, I dont care enough about this argument to gather and spoon feed you isolated gifs of every move in the game. the one example you posted has every problem i was talking about as do pretty much all moves in the game. If you want more examples then watch literally any piece of gameplay footage
Are you ok bro? You're going on a "sonic's arms aren't blue" tier sperg out right now.
Who? Lore?
the link to a website with all the moves a click away was provided, yet you still cannot work up the nerve to post one lest you get proven as an idiot. your concession is accepted. thanks for playing

you already posted the perfect fucking example. every move looks like that.
Being schizophrenic should be a bannable offense. No, I'm not the other anon you're sperging out at. I see the """"point"""" you are trying to make but it's insanely autistic.
>durr white swipe effect, dis is just like hollow knight
Yep. Sonics arms were in fact pale in the 90s. We all know. Do we care? No.
you're retarded and replying to the wrong person. Its me you are arguing with and yes its a holdover from rivals 1 when they were shitty sprites with fuck all animation much like hollow knight and every other terribly animated indie game. they have kept the same issues which make them look like spinning blobs. The game looks shit and samey in motion, the animations dont look satisfying and this is a huge issue for a fighting game

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