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On the hunt for the elusive Level 50 skins

roadmap video:
4 characters a year. we can't stop winning bros.
where? coinbox?
This game really isn't launching with much content, is it?
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Pegging is based and Dan is a cool guy
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Shut the fuck up you stupid furry degenerate go back to /trash/ with the other failures.
Rivals 2 will make it to Evo 2025 guaranteed.
it is an indie game
Yeah. I just skimmed the video real quick to give you a pointer since it's long as fuck and maybe you didn't watch it so you didn't know where to look. This skin is apparently the lvl 50 Fleet one. Unsure of other colors.
Joey, Mango, and Leffen have all declared Forsburn low tier. What now?
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Fleeto Sexo
I'm 60% sure thats a shop skin
Rivals 2 Top 8 from last tournament
One of the commentators at some point said it was the level 50 one, but I really have no idea.
hi meleefag
Marlon is a random select main though.
Was this one of the earlier pool skin variants?
Leffen thinks everyone that he plays is low tier, and Mango thinks Forsburn is low tier only because Void thinks Forsburn is low tier and he trusts Void's opinion.
Need that sexy abs girl who does kung fu added to the game, stat
>another thread where some stupid pathetic repulsive furry replies to himself hundreds of times over 10 hours
Dropping the poster count was a mistake. At least that furry will always be miserable though, the fat ugly clown that he is.
I mean, is it launching with just matchmaking and like, an arcade mode? Surely there's something there for casuals and not just stinky smashies, right?
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>kung fu
Its Karate
yeah it's called doubles bitch. queue up unless you're afraid of fun
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okay but, is the game good?
You could start not losing, which (You) faggot marketers are, by including more characters in the launch to begin with such as fucking ABSA. Not a fan of the awful plastic-looking unreal engine style either, RoA1 has a far better style
are the shills gone?
why is there a character based off of Hyper Light Drifter, a game that has special thanks to Zoe Quinn (who harassed the dev of night in the woods until he killed himself) and Anita Sarkeesian
that lv50 skin looks awesome
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wasnt the main draw of the first game that you could mod in master chief and shit like mugen? doesnt moving it to 3d remove the whole selling point?
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To add, Zetterburn looks godawful now while on the otherhand Orcane is the only character to have made a positive transition to 3d imo. Everything else is either somewhat worse or alot worse.
Kragg feels slower than ever as well.
There's a very vocal comp scene around the game that swears people don't just play RoA because of the workshop. They're delusional.
If he’s actually that bad, they’ll buff him.
His only real problem is lack of kill power, but it’s an easy fix.
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>no longer get regular coins from just doing matches, every reward is through slow leveling now
He explicitly picks the characters he thinks are OP. He seems to have most faith in Wrastor, though, except against Fleet he stuck with Orcane.
Just learned how to parry zetterburns projectile. lmao
>2 leafs on top
>followed by murrica
Leaf game?
Karate is a kind of kung fu
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I'm at lv39 for Forsburn.
Getting close to that lv50 skin.
Nope. Where did you get the idea that it was the main draw? Disregarding 4 years of active players because you personally only had fun playing with the workshop is pretty dumb.
Pretty diverse top 8
I’d be willing to bet he’s one of the first additions.
Absa, etalus, sylvanos would be my guess.
You're tasteless if you think Forsburn looks better in 2D
After I get lv50 Forsburn, then I'm going for Lv50 Clairen, then I'm going for Lv50 fleet.
Then I'll probably just play those three for a while or work on another character.
>wasnt the main draw of the first game that you could mod in master chief and shit like mugen?
So fucking sick of this meme. The workshop was never popular it was just a side thing. The main draw of this game was the gameplay.
Alpharad did so much damage with his stupid ronald videos I swear.
Look at Rivals 1's steam history. The game had more players before Workshop was even a thing.
Say hello to your rank 1 player
Clairen has nothing to do with that game, let alone those disgusting harpies.
Why are yo so threatened by this game?
Not liking a game doesn't make you threatened by it. Using this tactic does make (You) an effeminate sounding passive aggressive offsiter though
in 2025 probably
How do you equip a skin btw?
You mustn't come between a man and his Goat Wife.
How long does it take you to find a match?
Oh my god I love going against cocky MUH BUTTONS players and making them rq after one match. Its so toxicly addicting which is bad because I need to be focusing on the game rather than my opps lack of brain cells
>was a shiek main in ultimate
>switches over to Wrastor in rivals 2
make it make sense
Press LB/RB to change colors. Press RT/LT to change skins.
It's possible that his Sheik muscle memory makes it so that he isn't able to play Ranno in this game. He might also just think Wrastor is more fun or better.
I watched one of his streams and he said wrastor felt like a fusion of his two favorite PM characters.
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>The workshop was never popular it was just a side thing
Sure as hell seems to be what people mainly remember. I'm sure gameplay's gonna draw in everyone this time around, this game's popularity compared to 1 will be unparalelled
but maypul and forsburn are so cute now
Go play Fraymakers.
when lovers of aether 2
when workshop comes out i guarantee there will be that plus lewd skins
I can't wait...
are the characters clear smash derivatives or are they actually unique, this decides if i buy the game
Looking at his tweets I remember why I hated and got away from twatter. Something about the forced smug, narcissistic and egotistical way people post is insufferable.
Maypul my beloved
Why are my RARs just not fucking coming out in this game? Maybe I need to check my sens or whatever, it was never this hard in PM or ult
people who say Clairen have no combo game are retarded.
nigga the demo is free
There's no 1:1 but few can feel familiar to PM characters.
>mainly remember
Only casuals and only cus of Alpharads faggot videos and starting the ronald trend.
Fraymakers flopping proved that the wacky workshop thing isn't what made rivals 1 popular.
Some are more unique than others. Ranno is quite similar to sheik, but he also has crazy tongue and bubble shenanigans.
Forsburn and Orcane on the other hand are unlike anything in smash.
forgot video
I played RoA for years and never touched the workshop. It’s just the only good smash clone out there.
I'm surprised that there are no fag flags
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What do you mean, look at 6/8 of the players.
How does me not liking a game affect you?
kek don't you mean 8/8?
Zetterburn is the closest 1:1. He's PM Wolf.

The rest have a lot of similar movesets to Melee or PM characters, but they end up playing pretty differently. Like, Clairen is "Marth", but she doesn't really feel like Marth at all.
This will be chaothic
>smash clone
Call them platform fighters.
Who's top tier? I don't want to invest time into a shitty character
>Canadians getting uppity for no reason
>Eurofag forgetting his place
call a spade a spade
By that logic Fatal Fury and Guilty Gear are street fighter clones? And Tekken is a Virtua Fighter clone?
nah they're smash-likes
Does this game have any single player content?
Why does it matter
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what exactly is the downside of kragg
why does this character have frame data rivaling mine, insane reach, twice my weight, strongs that kill at 60%, a forward air that kills at 100%, a projectile, and the ability to recover from anywhere
dont worry about it, a shitter with a top tier is still a shitter
I use the two terms interchangeably.
RoA has surpassed smash in my book, but it’s still a smash clone.
I like Cubone Forsburn
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Okay, I think Fleet is my real main after all
I love Fors and will keep him as a pocket/secondary for sure, probably get them both to lv50, but with Fors right now it feels like I'm working through the slog to get to the fun part meanwhile Fleet is just always fun
>Clairen is Marth
Do not listen to this anon he doesn't know what he's talking about. They both have a sword, that's it. They don't play alike at all
>third strike boomers make games like yatagarasu and smash fans make my little pony games for furries.
them's fighting herds was made by FGC fags THOUGH
You could have read my post. You could have read my post, you could have even greentexted what I actually typed in my post, but you didn't do that either.
These threads are full of smash tourists who think they know it all. Just not having Marth's fair completely fundamentally changes the way you play the entire character. I would even wager to say these fucks never played melee either.
The downside is other characters are still better.
shut the fuck up. Im a gamer not a reader
cringe intro. skip at :25
You guys need to learn to read before you blow a gasket about obvious comparisons to Smash. Here's what I actually said, word for word, copy pasted:

>The rest have a lot of similar movesets to Melee or PM characters, but they end up playing pretty differently. Like, Clairen is "Marth", but she doesn't really feel like Marth at all.
Kill yourself.
>hungrybox decides to main loxodont
>leffen starts seething about loxodont
we need hax back on the case
i read in the game, not in the thread
They're all unique.
The closest derivative is zetterburn which is wolf but with some differences and extra.
I genuinely can't imagine why you would subject yourself to Leffen willingly at this point. He has like, anti-charisma or some shit on top of all the evil shit and whining he does.
why bother if the game is going to die instantly? OC doesn't sell fighting games
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Just 10 more levels
start leveling up other characters
I genuinely believe all the smashies playing this right now (Leffen, m2k, Mr R, Dabuz, etc,) will ALL fall off after month 1 with the exception of mango, lucky, and void.
hbox in particular seems to be riding the hype wave, it was evident from the coinbox he knows jackshit about this game lmao
>what exactly is the downside of kragg
Dan believes being big and slow is an inherent disadvantage in a Plat Smasher, so he gives his heavies a lot of strengths and abilities to compensate for being an easy to hit target.
Given his examples were from Smash, I don't blame him for this.
he's sick for sure but he is a bit slow and vulnerable to pressure. love that nigga tho
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>them's fighting herds was made by FGC fags THOUGH
And tell me how great that game is and how well it's doing
New player experience has been awful. This game won't survive.
The way I understand it as that you get coins after every level, and each level gives you a certain item/reward as well.
for sure. no one wants to play as bowser and just get up tilted to death.
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I just can't take posts like this seriously when I go online on unranked and fight hoards of ADHD impatient smashpedos who haven't even learned how to use their characters special moves or recovery. Learn some reliable 2 or 3 hit combos in training mode and practice recovering from deep then go back on unranked
It feels like all you do is get angry.
as someone who didn't like rivals 1, i completely disagree. the games fun
Dan is 100% correct.
What are the more used and least used characters so far?
Because it matters.
void's on the fast track to burning out if he keeps flogging himself playing fors instead of sticking with fleet (unless the devs decide to hand out buffs for free)
he dumpsters most randoms in ranked and has close matches with the rest, but any recognizable top player on ranno, zett, etc. can take a fat shit on him
>RoA has surpassed smash in my book, but it’s still a smash clone.
That makes no sense how can a clone surpass the original if Rivals 1 & 2 are better than smash then it can't be a clone.
No one calls Tekken virtua fighter clones.
Zetterburn and Wrastor respectively
The point isn't that furries dont exist, It's that this tier of shit is all the platform fighter has. sakurai doomed the genre to forever be autistic cringe because the source has fucking pokemon, sonic, starfox and mario in the same game, it might as well be the videogame autism mount rushmore

fans of acrade fighters are much more likely to idolise 90s/00s capcom and snk which is basically the pinnacle of video game character design, smash fans are much more likely to want to fuck sonic a pokemon or a fox, this leads to a huge discrepancy in their indie game output and has basically killed and salted the earth for the most promising development in the fighting game space for 25 years.
TFH is a better fighting game than SF6, Strive, and Tekken8 you stupid raped clown.
Wasnt he a maypultard at some point?
back in the 20xx training tool, there was a feature that would change the color of the hit dummy to indicate if it could make a move, is there a similar feature in rivals? im not finding it
>New player experience has been awfu
You said the same thing about Guilty Gear Strive.
People also said the same thing about Beta Multiversus except the devs made the mistake of listening to you and ruined the game in the "official" launch.
Less than a month. You can already hear him sneering about every little thing he dislikes.
1-2 months. His autism is too strong to stray into unfamiliar territory for long
>mr R
4 months at least. He genuinely likes the game
2 months
3 months, but he’ll keep playing sporadically after that when he feels like it or they add new characters
2 months
4 months
Smash friends aren't going to be ready...
>Placed at 950 with day 1 setup
>Changed my controllers because it didn't feel right for this game
>Barely keeping it together, would get destroyed by a bronze player
Muscle memory is fucking bullshit
gross, nobody wants to hear about how much to want to fuck a horse.
Mewtwo > mew
That’s how.
>You can already hear him sneering about every little thing he dislikes.
He quite literally does this in every game. including melee and strive.
Paprika SEXO.
Yeah, Leffen is just a whiny bitch. He's like a gaslight gatekeep girlboss, except he's a nerdy twink
Is this Clarien's level 50 skin? Sexo if true.
Mr r will likely be a top 10 rivals 2 player so he'll stick around
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Objectively without having a proverbial hard on for a series, how does the skill-ceiling of rivals 2 compared to other fighters?
>ceiling maypul is watching you masturbate
god i wanna fuck fleet so bad
smash derivatives.
amalgamations of 2 usually.
who's that?
My stupid smash ball controller has a bit of stick drift and makes this game unplayable. Guess I'm gonna take this shit apart and put together my old vanilla gamecube remote that's super loose. I wonder if a controller like that will work ok with Rivals. I know for a fact a controller that loose wouldn't work for melee because pivots and shield drops would get misread. I really don't feel like buying another stupid gamecube controller.
Im mastering Loxodong, every match I destroy them a little more
Hard to say. It seems like they put significant effort into making the game accessible, mostly not having to destroy your hands to do basic tech.
But watch some of the coinbox tournament from Wednesday and see how fucking fast Marlon makes the game look. It’s like he’s playing a different game altogether.
there's no buffering
which results in a lot of cringe random dash attacks.
I get it. buffering is not worth it due to the end lag. but its a habit you're gonna have to break out of.
If you compete in smash ult i'd recommend not playing this game because it's bad habit/motor reflex that doesn't synergize with ult.
>If you compete in smash ult i'd recommend not playing this game because it's bad habit/motor reflex that doesn't synergize with ult.
nobody plays ult competetively
I do.
The game doesn't destroy your hands to learn how to play it but the game's skill ceiling is incredibly high. Comparable to melee maybe even higher.
>frame 1 RoA2 defense force post
calm down RoA2 discord poster. this is not a shill echo chamber. people can disagree.
and I agree with him. this is more melee than ult.
I watched leffen for 5 seconds and he sounds like an insufferable bitch. I dont even like rivals but the way he blames the game and gets pissy about every single thing that goes wrong is exactly the same mentality scrubs and lolcows like Darksydephil have when they clumsily attempt to protect their ego.
There's a reason the smash ult guy is using wrastor and not clairen. Clairen is technical and it would fuck his muscle memory.
Wrastor is much simple in terms of combo execution. He's jigglypuff tier.
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Are these just random OCs?
I don't know where any of these characters in the shop are from. And Rivals 1 never had spinoffs or anything
Hello I am from the RoA2 discord
we have people here being paid per post and community managers paid per hour to post about RoA2 on image boards and reddit to promote the game as part of the social media marketing campaign.
I want to work less, so please jannies lock the bumps or send the shills to /vg/ where they can make a general.
Fuck you Dan, you don't pay us enough.
>And Rivals 1 never had spinoffs or anything
Yes it did. A bunch
She's from dungeons of aether.
You can only fight twice in ranked?
What are the secret custom bindings that will make me good?
Hey man, I'm just happy the game has a demo for a week, that super generous compared to 99.9% of indie fags out there.
bro hates when people talk about video games on /v/ and not politics
>dungeons of aether
How is this game?
ranked sets are bo3.
it would be cool if there was an option to continue as a friendlies set, idk if literally any fighting games do that tho
all this because i said comp ult is bad. you guys are miserable, lighten up
Tell the shills to stop pissing their panties every time Smash gets mentioned
its just OK. I like it though but it gets hard.
Fleet is from Dungeons of Aether.
Other spinoff games include Lovers of Aether which was a april fools dating sim.
I just outed myself as a loser
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I feel like this game will solely succeed due to there being literally no other options for a half-decent plat fighter on PC that's comparable to Ultimate in terms of polish.
Multiversus and NASB are total fucking slop despite having big IPs tied to them, one is legit the worst fighter I've had the displeasure of playing and the other jank with devs that actively hate the playerbase and have the most insanely out of touch roster picks for said IPs.
>inb4 slippi
That's not "official" (aka normie barrier to entry to even play) and it's hyper autistic with trash balance. P+ would trump it in quality if we could actually play it with non-shit online but they've dragged their feet for so long with brawlback that nobody will care since Rivals 2 exists now.

Also I want an Icies analog in Rivals 2, I don't care if you hate fighting duo characters, they're fun
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I can smell your fear tendie.
eh. theyre okay. Im glad theyre actually playable unlike with slap city and smash. but its not as fun with strangers online, no items, and no whacky stages
Im playing Loxodont and Clairen keeps destroying me, they just combo me non stop and theres nothing I can do
We need items but meme stages suck
I'll gladly take 2x the amount of items if it means we have decent stages that aren't gimmickslop
most of the stages in non-mod Smash games are fucking ass to actually play on
>meme stages suck
We don't even have to talk about memeslop. We don't even have anything as dynamic as Pokemon Stadium 1, Mute City, or Pokefloats in this game.
Two little meerkats could be fun.
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>P+ would trump it in quality if we could actually play it with non-shit online but they've dragged their feet for so long with brawlback that nobody will care since Rivals 2 exists now.
This hurts just a little bit.
this game feels too centered around ADHD 1000APM rushdown
No it doesnt.
>waiting for this game for ages
>PC shits itself and dies just before it comes out
it's shit, but the characters are hot. All of them need to be put into RoA2
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>menu overhaul
Thank frick
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>30 bucks for 10 characters and no story mode
It takes 21 hours to level from 0 to 50 via bot matches exclusively, set up your AHK script and let it go wild.
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surely pirate software wont ban someone for this
man you are so obsessed with this eceleb guy. what the hell is wrong with you
Tell the shills to stop peeing themselves every time there's a smash comparison
im not that schizo, anon. he is an anticheat dev and im assuming, even though he isn't directly working on the game, got a word in about botting
>We don't even have anything as dynamic as Pokemon Stadium 1, Mute City, or Pokefloats in this game
not that anon but that's the reason why I'm not buying the game. Hell, even fucking slap city has better stages.
is level 50 the max?

I ask again because you shills and shitposters were too busy fighting:
how do I activate/equip skins?
>no story mode
Really? Ludosity can make a good story mode so why can't these devs do it?
prob your worst matchup because not only are you combo food you also get outranged and outpoked.
Yes, LV 50 is max
You press R on character select.
Currently lv 30 with Lox and going, I reckon I'll be 50 by 'morrow
pegging is cringe.
furries are cringe
therefore, dan is cringe.
I don't hate him though. He seems nice.
I see Clairen and Lox a ton. Have only seen one Maypul.
they realised their playerbase doesnt care about a storymode
that's funny because they actually are making one
so we're paying 30 bucks for an early access game then
How has the game had tournaments for a year but also is only just now releasing but also isn't finished? I don't understand modern game development at all.
Are Maypuls ever gonna learn that putting their plant on the ground in the open is a terrible idea?
She would look so much better as digitigrade
Kinda, yeah.
But 10 characters with good gameplay is worth it. And all the future cgaracters are gonna be free.
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You have no excuse not to make it to masters.
Have (You)?
im not the best melee player to ever exist
Mango is literally the GOAT though. Been playing Melee for forever, always a top player, plays all the platform fighters while they're fotm, etc. He's one of the best players in the world.
Why are you bringing up armada? That's mang0 in his image
literally the greatest player ever i pity those who encountered him on ladder
armada is no longer goat seeing as mango is still winning majors and armada has been speed running m64 for the past 6 years
you mean the top 20 70 star sm64 speedrunner?
Armada had a good run, but he wasn't playing in the beginning, and he quit while he was ahead. If anything, he's a coward.
Melee scene is way easier then it was when Armada was and Still is GOAT don't even kid yourself.
and the debate was still between mango and armada back then, now that armada has bowed out there is no question, but you can cope i guess, im a peach main btw so it sucks to say, but armada gave up
Armada would've never lost to fizzwiggle.
>in b4 who's fizzwiggle
Are there any female characters in this game that look like they fuck human men?
doesnt matter, bro stopped competing while still in prime condition
Mang0 has never lost to silent Spectre.
is maypul like squirtle
All of them.
Is he actually top 20? That’s pretty cool
Where is Clint? ;_;
She's not really like any Smash character.
>Melee scene is way easier then it was when Armada was and Still is GOAT
Aramada wasn't really around for Zain's dominance, and Slippi came out after he quit.
Armada rapes zain with his eyes closed.
zain loses to mango lol
for a poorfag like myself, I'll buy at a sale I hope demo stuff will carry over I kind of doubt it though given said about the weekend betas
What are you even talking about? Zain has beaten Mango many times. There was a time period where Zain was clearly the best player, which was after Armada quit. Why are you sucking Armada's dick so hard when he hasn't even played Melee for like 5 years?
Maybe in the top top levels but I'd argue slippi's popularity has given a ton of people a wealth of experience they wouldn't normally get causing rarer low tier picks like Samus to get more upsets and stronger players. The gap between tourney autists and everyone else is closing.
demo stuff does carry over if you have an account
Means less players so it dies faster
Mang0 has way more embarrassing losses than Armada. He has lost to fucking Gannon players.
oh sick, what about for events shit?
>He doesn't know.
Give me a tier list
they said theres going to be event stuff, can I still do or even can play them
If you want to have a good laugh, play Rivals 2 nonstop for a few days then open up slippi and try to wavedash with fox. Comedy gold.
Maypul is the most feral of the lot and thus obviously the most ravenous for it. Clairen and Fleet probably like to pretend otherwise, but everyone knows.
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we don't know anything about event content, but i don't see why they would be open to people who don't have the game
Was this the dumb local where armada was wasted and playing Mario or some shit? Bro is reaching so fucking hard lmao.
The reach is calling someone who quit playing the game "GOAT". Is he even playing Rivals? Meanwhile Mango plays all the platform fighters and just got Masters in Rivals 2 in like less than 20 hours
Dan, the first newcomer NEEDS to be a Captain Falcon function. Make it happen!
No it was a major and he lost with fox.
might quit the game because i dont want to fight kragg
Huge intel
Big if true
Has Mang0 played a non-nintendo plat fighter this much?
>didn't even lose the set
Mang0 has literally lost SETS vs Gannon. Armada seethers be like ermmm one time I landed a hit on him... sure he still four stocked me, but he's SHIT. lmfao.
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Why are you faggots sucking off some fruit who doesn't even play Rivals 2?

Shut the fuck up. No one cares.
Armada and Mang0 both have been streaming Rivals 2 and enjoying the game.
yeah but armada has been enjoying it better
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I have a fucking job. Fuck Mango
>Armada seethers
No one is seething at Armada. You're naming someone "GOAT" who didn't play the game in the beginning, showed up midway for some domination, quit while he was ahead and while his competition was leveling up, and then retired to the shadows of SM64 speedrunning, never to be heard from again

Mango has been a top playing since the beginning, kept playing the game, still plays the game, is still dominant, still wins tournaments, has been winning tournaments for forever, and is incredibly good at all the platform fighters that come out, which he plays. He got masters in Rivals 2 in like 20 hours. Has Armada even booted up the game?
5 more levels till lv50 forsburn
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>>Armada seethers
>No one is seething at Armada. You're naming someone "GOAT" who didn't play the game in the beginning, showed up midway for some domination, quit while he was ahead and while his competition was leveling up, and then retired to the shadows of SM64 speedrunning, never to be heard from again
>Mango has been a top playing since the beginning, kept playing the game, still plays the game, is still dominant, still wins tournaments, has been winning tournaments for forever, and is incredibly good at all the platform fighters that come out, which he plays. He got masters in Rivals 2 in like 20 hours. Has Armada even booted up the game?
Armada does play rivals 2 dummy
>Armada isn't ranked 1500
>seems to be like 1100
Armada dick suckers lost.
Anons From monday through friday Rivals 2 has been averaging 7k players every day.
Predict this game's player number's on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
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let him cook
nothing will change, the game already peaked
Considering the game had around 7k to 8k players on a monday.
And most people tend to work/have school on weekdays.
I'm gonna predict 15k players on saturday and sunday.
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everything will change. we havent peaked yet
>on a weekday
take your meds SF6 has has similar weekday numbers but can have over 20 to 30k players on weekends.
>we don't care about the melee crowd
>thread devolves into talking about said crowd
You fags are pathetic
you're on some high grade copium if you think a 300%+ playercount increase is gonna happen on the weekend
Who's talking about melee you schizo I'm asking what people think the player numbers on the weekend will be judging from weekday numbers.
i want to fuck clairen
This but also Maypul and Fleet.
Soon Absa
You realize people work and go to school on weekdays right neet-kun?
why is the tech so easy? ledgedashing is free
The fags above your post
simmer down Fleet
shield dropping is even more free
get in line
because the devs don't want people breaking their wrists just to move around.
if it were any harder only melee players would play the game which isnt good if you want your game to succeed
who the fuck is breaking their wrists shield dropping/ledgedashing?
I thought this said children.
This is the game for people who think the 2001 children's party game is too hard
hax$ and m2k
that's not what gives smelees arthritis, it's shuffling, shine out of shield, waveshining, etc
>hurrr durrrr durrrr durrrr
thats how fucking stupid you sound. retard.
Hurr durr durr thats you
it compounds
that's literally you bro
>Workshop confirmed
>Minimum of 1 year away
I feel extremely conflicted about this, it's fucking awesome that they are even doing it in the first place but since it won't be released for so long there is a large chance that the modding community will be stillborn
There wont be any good mods. Fuck troons
>for so long there is a large chance that the modding community will be stillborn
Wrong. Rivals 1 didn't have workshop for a long time till after release.
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nah the roa workshop community is crazy. they're probably all learning how to work in 3D in anticipation
>one is legit the worst fighter I've had the displeasure of playing and the other jank with devs that actively hate the playerbase and have the most insanely out of touch roster picks for said IPs
It's funny how much this applies to both.
Jason and Beetlejuice should've been saved for Halloween and Zuko should've been in the base game.
Loxdont's forward smash lingering hitbox is the stuff of nightmares.
how do you get the cool retro pixel art skins?
You have to have been in the beta.
God I hate Zetterburn so much
>lays pools of DOT everywhere
>kills at 60 if you're on fire
>safe aerials
>spammy projectiles
i am sad... can i still get it somehow
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mango wrastor is nasty
is there any psychic like characters in aether 1? i want a psychic fighter like mewtwo
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uhhm sorry sweatie but it's balanced because his recovery is slightly worse than average.
You have to pledge to get the game.
I think you can still do it.
does that give you the full game on steam?
How do I purchase bucks? I can only purchase coins with bucks, not sure where or how I got bucks.
10ish people making good stuff isn't a "community", it's a sweatshop for autist
what character is best for a melee peach main help
Yes but digital game code won't come till release date.
Absa is not psychic but her up special is simlar to mewtwo.
Rivals 1 did fine without workshop
It's appeal was it was a smash type game that had very good offensive options and characters that had very strong thematic gimmicks.
And furrys
just parry out of shield
His block can be used against him + what other characters have can arguably be better
Heavies however are perfect when people don't understand everything about them, so on launch they'll seem much stronger than they actually are
Core gameplay lacks nuance, story is pretty generic and there is a lack of enemy variety
Music and art is good, some designs are amazing too, just wasted
Plap all of them except the insect, reptiles and the male.
I played for 3 hours and I only saw one Zetterburn and I didnt see any Frosburn, I also saw very little Clairens. Maybe I was playing with the same people over and over again
>just play Russian roulette with him
How about no. Nerf his aerials so he has to do them late on shield to do real pressure like a fucking normal game would have it.
Forsburn is a rare character. I play him a lot but I hardly see any other forsburns.
I play mostly Orcanes and Fleets and Rannos
I feel like in theory the character was built for him.
>puff that's designed to be aggro with spacie, marth and falcon moves thrown in
The puff has never left his blood.
Forsburn main here. I never see me either. In 18 hours of play I've seen 1 enemy Forsburn and 1 Maypul.
You have been deceived! You have been deceived!
What are you supposed to do when Zetter starts doing Zetter things to your shield?
don't be there in the first place
I don't have a gun, I can't keep him away from me that long.
i typically press square while shielding to parry it and then punish
ultimate players are going to get washed in this game. maybe there will be 1 ultimate player in top 10
Clarien looks like the character with the most potential. Like we see them combing for 20 minutes, and then they whiff the finisher by a centimeter. What happens when they stop whiffing those up airs and down airs? She's gonna be terrifying.
who cares
You care enough to respond, Keith.
>don't plap the reptile
>Summon Super Clone
>It runs off and jumps into the abyss and dies
Th-thanks for the help!
talk about the game nobody gives a shit about e-celeb faggotry
They're really really annoying, which is a shame cause Mango seems pretty chill.
this is a rivals thread

I'm talking about the culture around the game and the people who on mass bought it, I know trump voters are afraid of facts, but you gotta deal with reality.
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this is a poster shill post btw

>omg yes the heckin wholesomerino amazing community!!! can't wait!! get hyped fellow goys!
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How come nobody plays my boy Fors? I don't see him in tournaments either. Is he bad or something?
don't bring politics in this thread faggot
shut the fuck up
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>queue up in doubles
>wait till everyone picks their characters
>last second switch to the other team and 3v1 my former teammate
gets me every time
is it flopping?
no, and tendies are getting nervous as a result.
Why does this make you upset?
Why are you afraid of this discussion?
The game isn't even out yet and it already had a $3,000 tournament. I'd say it's doing solid.
to be fair that doesn't mean anything
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More like PLAPPING
i don't get you people, first it's "rivals is only big because of its modding scene, it's going to flop." now it's "the rivals modding scene is tiny. fuck you, the workshop is going to flop."
very unnatural posting behavior
>want to like this game
>it's just overly defensive, overly sensitive retards screeching
>"i'm a rivals fan i'm a rivals fan i'm a rivals fan"
>talk of smash sets them off on hours long rants
>when they aren't getting triggered, people are talking about smash ecelebs
>this has progressed, in real time, from "my eceleb is better than yours" to "my eceleb fans are better than your eceleb fans"
>/pol/ shit
This is absolutely a furry thread, no question.
he is only in this thread to shit it up. you're supposed to ignore him like everyone else already is
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Fluffy women...
All /v/ threads are like this. You new here?
just wait until we move to /vg/ and get into duping
/v/ threads that are actually about games are not usually like this. I thought this was going to be a relatively comfy niche thread.

/v/ threads about things that aren't games are usually like this.
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No shit.
Only real /v/ bros are in these threads and the Wild Assault ones.
Most of the people who like the game are busy playing the game, anon. That leaves the majority of the posts to shitposters.
smash ultimate players will not be welcome in the rivals general, do not come
Why does it send you back to the lobby after someone who's already dead leaves? At least let us finish the match without them.
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She's going to be so hard to design skins for
do shields work like melee?
not as hard as me
you cant angle them and they crack instead of shrink. ive heard there's shield pokes but i dont think i've had any.
There's no shield angling and I don't think there's any shield poke, and when you think someone should slide off the level from holding shield, they don't, but it can take hits and eventually cracks. They don't go into stun though, they just get popped into the air, so you can get a combo but you don't get a free kill necessarily.
She looks like she fucks human men.
so shield is basically perfect protection, but when its taken too much damage it breaks (and then you can't shield for a little while or something?)
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Lv50 Forsburn Skin
I think you can shield after you recover but you're basically put into a juggle state. You don't get a free charged Smash attack but they fall very slowly after the shield pops so you have time to get into position to use whatever attack
>(and then you can't shield for a little while or something?)
Your shield breaks, you get popped up into the air, pretty much exactly like Melee, but when you land you can do stuff. You don't get locked in like a 30 second stun or whatever crazy length of time it is that lets you charge a full smash for usually an easy free kill.

It's basically the same as Melee, but without the things we just said, and without the stun if it breaks.
That's actually the Hax fans for some reason
who's the puff of rivals?
I also got a unique color scheme at lv50
show us the other colors
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its nothing special it just makes them green or red or blue.
Wrastor is probably closest. He's got multiple jumps and I guess you could say he also has "Rest" setups on platform with an aerial charge smash read. You can carry people into the blast zone with aerials sometimes even without the aerial smashes similar to what Puff can do.
Ah, right. It was the same in rivals 1 right? I've never played it but I've watched some people play it and I think I remember people complaining that he was cancer.
No idea, I didn't play 1
>mask in game
>no mask on css
I do not like this stand.
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I'm just gonna wait for a mod that lets you unlock all level 50 skins.
I'm only level 9...
Anybody else use c-stick/right stick to drop from ledge? Mine must be snapping back or something because half the time I ledge drop, an attack comes out immediately after, even though c-stick away is the only input I did
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no way, this skin gives her pink beans
>he is an anticheat dev and im assumin
He's the ceo of marketing for offbrand he's never worked on this game. No one at offbrand has worked on this game.
Do you not know what PUBLISHER is?
why the fuck is mango streaming melee? is rivals dead?
How much currency do you get for getting each character from level 0 to level 50?
Does anyone know how to get "THE SWEATY SMACKDOWN" achievement?
Yes. Very fun.
fight a weak CPU and predict an attack iirc. It's not too hard but took me a few minutes
>4 characters per year
>Returning characters plus new ones
>There's already like 8 missing from the first game
The fucking company's gonna go under before I get my wife Olympia
Only children who consume YouTube slop know RoA1 for the workshop
This game look interesting and the elephant guy is cool but I just can't get over the furshit design it's look really bad
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>animals that shoot fire?
>.. no uh just NO this is giving ick fr
Cope and seethe
They're very cartoony.
It's really not that bad.
Why do you guys get so offended so easily?
Who is xhe talking about?
>stop laughing at me! you're offended!
Clarien's hitboxes are so fucking jank and weird man. "Tippers" my ass. It's basically RNG whether or not moves stun. Try getting a tipper fair on a stationary Clarien in training mode. It's a slot machine.
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It's just /v/
Thanks for proving me right
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He looks so different without the mask.
I am curious
Gonna practice doing Baby Dashes IRL.
Dude legit looks like a gas station junkie that smells like cigarettes and piss.
is Wrastor the high skill floor character or something or am I just too slow for this game? I swear I can't get any of his moves to connect and landing finishers is impossible. In the rare occasion I launch something they're always able to dodge out before I can land an airstrong.
stop being so blatantly obvious with your shilling just post like a normal person.
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Do you use Y and/or X to jump?
Also L and/or R to dodge and shield?
I've found myself never ever using X. Only Y to jump
I use both L and R for shielding and dodging, alternating depending on what I'm trying to do.
He's high skill floor IMO
I jump with Y
L to dodge
L for shield
No. he's not.
Clairen is. low iqs think she doesn't work cant combo. mid iqs think shes just a lucina. high iqs realize how technical her combo routes are.

Wrastor is just a jiggly puff iwith bayo side b and some zss/falcon moves
the rest of the cast is low IQ
Can you this game with a switch pro controller?
>Do you use Y and/or X to jump?
X and situationally tap jump for stuff like instant nairs.
>Also L and/or R to dodge and shield?
L to shield. R for wavedashing. Gives me perfect wavedashes out of shield. I assume that's how most people do it.
Y for jump
L for shield
R for shield (only when wavedashing)
X unused
Yes. I use it.
The beach stage with all the wooden platforms has got to be ranno's best stage right? It feels like if I got good at edge cancelling his upspecial then I could basically unlock anti gravity mode because of all the platforms
I agree with this.
Y to jump
R to shield/wavedash
L to parry
X for Smash attacks
C-stick for tilts
Z for grabs and nairs
Yes I play Forsburn
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not because of edge cancelling but because of needle boosting
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meant to quote
X for jump
Y for parry
R for shield
L for attack because that's what I'm accustomed to using for Ranno's dash attack cancelled up strong
However if boosted up strong didn't exist then I would definitely have both L and R bound to shield because it makes wavedashing out of shield easier in my opinion. I hate how quickly you need to release + press the R button when wavedashing out of shield without an extra bind
Does he still have needle boosting? Wtf. That's crazy although I'm not sure if my hands can handle it
>L for attack because that's what I'm accustomed to using for Ranno's dash attack cancelled up strong
There's DACUS in this game? I didn't even know or try it. Most people in PM use Z I think.
>>692190107 here, went into training and fucked around with needle boosting. It's fucking insane, I'm now even more convinced Ranno is the gigachad of this game. Maybe I'm just imagining it, but it also felt like the inputs are little bit easier in this game compared to roa1

Yep, try it. You practically go across the entire stage, it's absurd
This ain't Strive, bojo.
dacus is easy in this game and doesn't necessitate its own button at all
If we're talking about Zetter's hardcoded DACUS then yeah, but Ranno's works regardless of hitting the opponent and requires you to input the upsmash within a few frames of dash attacking, which for me is really hard without an extra button
then you're shit at the game then. zetter's dash attack into ustrong is called a gatling btw.
Dacus is gonna change my game bro i stg
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Slap city is way better
Then why aren't you playing it?
Why isn't ANYONE playing it?
no wonder he's so attractive.
what guide do i watch? never played a platform fighter
How the fuck do you do it without an extra button then? The only options I see are
>Input dash attack with A and pivot left stick up and input upsmash using the A button again within a few frames
>Use the C-stick/right stick, meaning you have to hit A then move your thumb down under the C stick and then press up within a handful of frames
you must have the thumb of a god because neither of these options seem feasible to me considering how small the window is, although instead of just shitposting on the internet I will go try it out in training mode real quick and get back to you
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Dont worry about specific character guides too much yet. Try out all of the characters and see which one sticks
I jump with LT and short hob with LB
It really is. Better characters, better stages, has an actual story mode, slapball, great music, air smash attacks, clutch button. It's just unfair to compare the two games because slap city has so much more to offer.
Zetter always looked lame.
It's still a pretty new game so I'd recommend watching Melee videos since the tech is so similar. Watch a PPMD video on neutral or something and then learn basic tech. Play and have fun, but be comfortable losing because thats not gonna stop. Its important to note that plat fighters are typically more about movement than anything else, so being able to manuveur around the stage should be the highest peiority for you.
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Wishing all maypul players a eat shit and die morning.
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Fuck you

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