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Capcom says they are working on reactivating dormant IPs they own with Onimusha and Okami. What dormant IPs do you want to see from Capcom?
I'd really appreciate it if you didn't use a twitter screenshot to start this thread. I'll even take a screenshot of a shitty news site over twitter.
I loved it, but I don't want to see Viewtiful Joe for modern audiences 2bh
mega man legends
I’m shocked they haven’t ported Viewtiful 1/2 at this point considering all the love Joe got in MvC. They’ve ported Okami across like 3 or 4 generations and even released God Hand as a PS2 classic on PS3, so I know it’s not Clover hate or whatever.
A 60fps God Hand port would be nice too.
They’ve already remade Breath of Fire 1-3, maybe an HD port of 4?
Would also like to see Onimusha 2-4 get a similar treatment to Warlords.
And why the fuck did they only OK Killer7 for PC? Why would they not port it to Switch and Ps5 also?
MM Legends collection is for sure coming.
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What's the point? It's nu-capcom for global audience, Okami won't have Sakuya and her peach boobies
let's get some more beat em up kino again
bro I would even take DMC 6 or Mega Man 12 at this point
I'm gonna get my hopes up for shit like Lost Planet, but anything would be better than the usual Capcom slop
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>"we give up making new shit"
>wanting capcom shit
Capcom is the new Square Enix. No one wants their shit.
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Kamiya shan't kneel, he'll sink the project before he takes out the sex appeal
Capcom hasn't made a good game in several, several years. So I'd rather they not.
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>Copying Sega
Remember to thank the success of Sonic Frontiers for the return of Okami, Vewitiful Joe, Breath of Fire, Dark Stalkers and Dino Crisis.
Cappy Commando
Should I emulatw the Gamecube or PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe?
I'm glad now that an actually great shadow game came out we can stop pretending frontiers was good
GC was the original version, but I don't know if they added anything for PS2
If Kamiya is directing it he won't give a damn what "modern audiences" want. When has he ever?
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>but I don't know if they added anything for PS2
Mega Man X9 definitely, or some new Mega Man spinoff, Viewtiful Joe maybe and God Hand 2 maybe, but I would be happy with just good ports of those two. God Hand feels a bit too much like it was lighting in a bottle and I also think it fundamentally eschews polish in a way that doesn't mesh with how Capcom makes games nowadays, so I don't know if it'd work.
I'd like some releases of Viewtiful Joe
Breath of Fire, Dino Crisis, Ace Attorney.
I bet if they did a new God Hand it would suck dick
gaymcube unless you really want to play as dante
God Hand port please.
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With Onimusha being officially announced, it shows the ransomware leak from 2021 still stands, all or most projects must be in development still so the other dormant IPs are working to bring back are Power Stone and Final Fight, if there’s more then they are projects set in motion after 2021/2022, beyond the ransom’s reach.
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Sengoku Basara, that's the only IP I want to see being revived by Capcom, they will have to start with porting/remastering the old games into more recent consoles and the PC internationally and then make a new one to see if they people want more of new Sengoku Basara games.
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>All of them in RE Engine
I don't want them
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Finally, Breath of Fire V soon
Will you buy new ips? Despite not being of your taste?
Whats the problem with the engine? Is it the graphics or it runs bad?
>Pragmata becoming the new deep down...
Darkstalkers, but it's never gonna happen. It's gonna be deemed to similar to Street Fighter, and they don't want to risk cannibalizing their own sales.
Why would I buy something not to my taste? It's not my fault capcom is incapable of making new shit, if they had taken this approach during 6th gen why wouldn't have gotten some of my favourite games so forgive me for disliking it
There's no way Clovers won't make new IPs, Kamiya has spent the majority of his career crafting new IPs.

But mostly Mega Man, Darkstalkers, and Gargoyles Quest.
I fully trust them to not censor the fuck out of Viewtiful Joe...
>makes okami 2
>will probably make vj3
by the time they're done with them...
also is Clovers independant of is it a capcom thing?
Clovers is independent. For now.
It seems to be an independent studio but they're working closely with Capcom.
You think they would try to make a platform fighter to be different from SF? Not exactly like smash bros just a new way of playing with the characters.
>Kamiya has spent the majority of his career bankrupting studios
I doubt he's going to make any money with Okami 3 either
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>makes nothing but ludo and bankrupts 2 (soon to be 3) studios in the process
holy based
why the FUCK do you care about Capcom's finances
all that matters is whether or not we are getting a game and evidently we are
Probably not considering how Multiversus has been performing. More likely they revive the "vs Capcom" brand since those games tend to be faster paced or tag team fighters. Based on the recent Fatal Fury characters in SF6, my money is on a new Capcom vs SNK
Frontiers was alright but its not going to change the fact that it unironically saved both the Sonic Franchise, Sega, previous Sega IPs, and now Capcom IPs now that they're aping Sega.
>Okami but with with no budget and no team
Worked great for DD2, what could go wrong
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Still mad they dropped the series in the west. How fucking hard is it to pay some weeaboo 100 bucks to translate the game and slap it onto a digital store?

Granted considering how DD2 turned out, I guess it's better to be left with only dreams and hopes.
>dropped okami after the second fake ending, thought the game was nothing but average
It wasn't even a commercial success either, I wonder why capcom was dumb enough to greenlit a sequel.
BoF3 is one of the best JRPGs of all time, it's crazy how Capcom won't even release some remasters.
Gamecube version looks and runs better, the PS2 version is only worth playing to play as Dante.
Also, Dragon Quarter was BoF 5 already, and BoF6 was some abominable mobile game, so we're waiting for a potential BoF 7.
Both. Despite all of their "N-no RE Engine stands for Reach for the Moon Engine!!" cope, the engine and rendering is utter shit for anything that isn't a static grimy linear RE game.

They are doing a new big update with it, but I don't have high hopes to be honest. Even if they fix a lot of the issues, I feel like Capcom as a whole have basically complexity abandoned their unique style in favour of generic western slop. So all their games will continue to look pretty boring and generic. Like even fucking Square despite their retardation didn't go full western.
And make them woke? No thanks
I expected with DD2 being a a wet fart that they would go back to only doing Resident Evil and Monster Hunter games for the next couple of years.

Kind of surprised they are still going ahead. Then again maybe it's just too late to cancel them.
iirc Onimusha 3 will never get another release since it would need permission of Jean Reno and he couldn't give less of a fuck about vidya if he tried.
DD2 stinks of executive meddling, but it's still fascinating that they made a game exactly as flawed as its 12 year old predecessor.
You are not getting a new Dark Stalkers. Give that up. They teased that shit for decades and nothing ever comes of it. The one dude who could have made it for you no longer heads development for Fighting games. It's a lost hope. Move the fuck on.
How does this count as copy sega? Sonic isn't a dormant franchise and the success of a game in it's series that doesn't conform to the original games gameplay style is far from reviving old forgotten beloved franchises.
Suda said he actually wanted to be involved with a Switch port of killer7. The PC version was outsourced.
They wouldn't need permission. They could easily recast the part and change the model, happens all the time. If they wanted to be true to the original, and let's face it no companies do anymore, they could just pay royalties and fees to keep his face and voice in it. Only time it would matter is if they wanted to drastically change the script requiring new voice work be made.
Neither of those ever happened.
They're all smelling blood in the water from shifting public interest. Square dropping nothing but flops, they're all going to try and make a new big hit jrpg so BoF is probably coming back.
Try googling them.
I dont want them to touch any because they will ruin them.
viewtiful joe wasnt good

True. It was great.
No one bought or even played Kunitsugami. So no.
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I could honestly see it due to Dragon Quest's popularity.
>2DHD Remake of 1 and 2 where they expand the city building mechanic of 2.
>Remaster collection of 3&4 where they add back the cut content of 4.
>Very cheaply made outsourced remaster of 5 where they hone out the mechanics a bit but it's riddled down with glitches when it first releases
>AA 3D sequel that's still a top-down rpg that pretends that 5 and 6 never happened.
he's probably talking about how SEGA announced they were reviving a bunch of dead franchises a while ago
>add back the cut content of 4.
Scias being drunk instead of retarded and Ursula dropping her pants to get on the ship?
Viewtiful Joe bros were finally following up on 2's Cliffhanger
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Don't forget her ASS cleavage.
Yuna actually getting consequences
I'd rather wait for them to wait on BoF until they stop being afraid of JRPGs be JRPGs.
And have delivered on none of them.

Hey, give it time. It was only a year ago.

And we got more footage of Shinobi, at least.
VF6 is LITERALLY in development
Revive tier list no one-off games
Ominusha, Okami
Plz dew it:
DMC6, Viewtiful Joe
Good idea:
Strider, Final Fight
Maybe: Breath of Fire, Darkstalkers, Sengoku
Commando, Bionic Commando, Dino Crisis, Rival Schools, Lost Planet, Star Gladiator, 194X
Already tried this decade: GnG, Dead Rising, Dragon’s Dogma
Capcom is doing incredibly well right now, there's nothing stopping them from just doing everything. Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are still being pumped out.
The only games I give a fuck about are from Atlus and the Yakuza devs. VF has been alive for decades through Yakuza. Like literally. Yakuza/Like a dragon games are the best and only way to play VF5 and the only reason you are getting a VF6.
Put Darkstalkers in the a new category called "Give it up nobody cares" and put Lost planet and Breath of Fire in Plz dew it.
Its Capcom, not Square.
They aren't their IPs but I'd like to see another physical release like the Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle, one with the D&D games, AvP, and Cadillacs & Dinosaurs.
A physical release of Arcade Stadium, as well.

Man, I wish. They'd need Hasbro and Disney's permission though.

I honestly have no idea who owns Cadillacs and Dinosaurs these days.
>beloved IPs revived
>by modern day Crapcunt
1. I know Darkstalkers has only 5 real fans but it has some potential though that would require it being less of a serious fighter.
2. Don’t see the appeal of Lost Planet and Breath of Fire
3. I forgot Mega Man who gets a category called “What do we do”.
4. Also forgot to put Dead Rising and Dragon’s Dogma in “Stop Stop he’s already dead”.
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dragonpuppy adventure- I mean breath of fire
>Yakuza/Like a dragon games are the best and only way to play VF5
VF5 is literally releasing on PC in a month and a half and they're doing an open beta right now
I can see people caring about Breath of Fire as long as it has an actual budget and is marketed well. Turn based RPGs are on the rise again and everyone loves dragons.
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You can also buy a physical standalone via LRG.
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There's hope
Didn't a leaked document show that they were interested in making a Power Stone game but that the idea was canceled?
It really doesn't. It's Halloween street fighter. At this point just make Capcom VS and just put them in with the street fighter characters and be done with it.
Lost planet died because it was given to a western dev that sucked shit. People loved LP 2 and effectively a Helldivers type game. Breath of fire is Capcom's Signature RPG and it's two games on that website museum thing they had up were the only two game anyone actually used that site for.
Monster hunter would be nice, crazy they just never made more after making such a huge leap forward with underwater combat with tri.
How many of them are done in-house though?
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It still baffles me how this game still hasn't been re-released in any shape of form
I personally liked puzzle fighter a lot
X mode was ok-ish, but it's EXTREMELY heavily weighted in favor of the first attacker (offsetting only works at 50% effectiveness so you're fucked if set off your chain second. what the fuck were they thinking?). furthermore, the diamond is absolute trash as it ruins your chains and you can't skip it
Y mode looks cool, like columns on steroids. I never got how to play it well, but it feels like it has potential at high levels of play
Z mode is by far the most curious one. reminds me a ton of taisen tokkaedama. the controls when you're pushing gems around a power gem super unintuitive though and need fixing

Heh, they'd never use that name again.
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I know it isn't Capcom directly but what happened to the staff of the Project X Zone duology?
Is Okami worth playing in current year?
I’ll only thank sega if we get a new Megaman X or godhand game.
Breath of fire would be a reboot not a direct sequel.
Yes. Just be ready because it's a fairly long game. And that's before even wanting to 100% it.
You know there is 3 games in that series right?
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>Still no Megaman Legends 3

Yeah fuck off with that bullshit Crapcom we all know you’ll continue staying in your comfort zone with Resident Street Hunter
>House of the Dead collection for modern platforms
Bros...it's happening.
Okami 2, you tryhard retard. The DS game is a spinoff
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>now with actual gacha
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Yep just like “Megaman being a highly valued IP”, sure I guess
>They’ve already remade Breath of Fire 1-3, maybe an HD port of 4?

Isn’t that on the PiSSPiss that nobody bought? There’s also Megaman Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X and Darkstalkers Chronicle.
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Holy Coom!
how long to just do the main story?
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yeah, nah
leave them be
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I don’t think it was just Frontiers, but also the movies, Sonic Movie 1 was the wake-up call Sega needed to realize “holy shit people actually give a fuck about Sonic”
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>Still no Rockman Taisen
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I just downloaded Onimusha, Okami, and W101. Never played any of them. I'm going to drink some beer and play one of them all day today.
Which should I play?
Okami is long so it's a good fit if you intend to play a good chunk of it in one go.

4 if you count Cross Edge.

Around 30 hours depending on your skill. Its long as fuck.
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>Hottest Ryu
>Stuck in a shitty mobile game that never even got off the ground

I’d rather BOF be left dormant than to suffer shit like this
I want them to remove GFWL from Lost Planet 2. I don't trust them to make a new one.
You are never getting a MML3. Inafune used it as a shield to garner any kind of relevance to capcom he could by going behind their backs to try and make it while he was being forced out the door.
Inafune made that beloved series a stain on the company and making it would only justify Hackman's actions and no company would ever stoop so low as to say that someone they fired was right.
Onimusha 1 is really short so do that first. Its like 5 hours long
This dance was in sf6
tell me about myria. why is she always so mad and jealous?
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I love how Megaman isn’t even mentioned in the main post but only in the replies
Or Devil May Cry being a new “pillar” of the company.
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Really makes you wonder if they are really taking these survey results into consideration
I don't as Reiji Arisu and Xiaomu as well as that supporting cast is not present. Under this condition I now change my statement. There are 5 of those games in the series as there are 2 SRW games featuring them.
they made something new though, im assuming since youre complaining you bought this right?
Are you retarded?
They don't call it Resident Evil in Japan.
>Lost Planet
Yes, please!

Oh yeah, the SRW games. With Miss Kaguya.
How would you make a BOTW type big reboot for Megaman?
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I've always wondered if wily isn't the greatest villain and ironically also the greatest hero of humanity.
New Final Fight please... I'd also take a VJ rerelease. Not even a remaster or anything, just a basic rerelease. Like >>697420086 said, it's weird how they never put that game anywhere during the 7th and 8th generations even though Capcom were publishing remasters and collections left and right.
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>becomes the best selling game of the series
>proceeds to ignore it for half a decade more until the director straight up leaves your company
There's literally ONE MAN to thank for the "reinvestment in dormant IPs" that's mysteriously being funded across the industry.

Literally and unironically single handedly by a billionaire neet gamer bro
I want to see a new game not another fucking remake/sequel.
>Kino Crisis
i'm listening, Crapcum
>400 identical mega man games available
>you guys haven't even played a fraction of them
>a single measly one got cancelled 47 years ago
>you're still ABLOOBLOOO crying over it
>146 post
>No mention of Demon Crest 2
Says alot about /v/
Probably because Legends was unique and well like. While Mega man original and X play virtually the same and people want unique Mega man games like the used to make.
>subseries takes place at the endpoint of the timeline
>Mega Man is still stuck on the moon after the ending of MML2
>MML3 would have been about getting him back to Earth, reuniting with Roll and Tron and whoever else
give him his happy ending damnit
Wait how does it cannibalize their sales since they re the same company? Some people who would have bought sf will buy darkstalkers instead, some people wont buy any because they re not into fighters, and most people who like fighters will buy both. So its a win for capcom. Im not a business person though so maybe Im too stupid to understand
he's against modern audience slop, right bros?

I said Gargoyles Quest, does that count?
The gameboy game?
Just expand the scope of MML up to the level of BotW. Have a giant megalopolis, with underground ruins and areas of the city being controlled by robot masters. Scatter some upgrades throughout the world and have multiple types of the armors available in the X games. Use the research system from MML to develop new weapons from found items in addition to getting new ones from the robot masters. You'd use basic currency, mainly gained from delving into the ruins and selling drops from enemies, and research points gained from encountering new enemy types, as well as for completing goals, to buy statistical upgrades for MM and other various equipment.

Breath of Fire would be my biggest wish, but Dino Crisis is also up there. A new Final Fight as well as a new entry in the Command Mission series for Mega Man X will also be accepted.

Yeah. The Demon's Crest prequel. Or maybe sequel. Its kinda vague.
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Not dormant because SF is still kicking but i do wish they would do the following

>release a new version of both alpha 2 and alpha 3 with all characters from MAX, also make the inputs a little easier to do MAYBE
>release a new more balanced version of sf3: third strike with playable gill, shit they could even rebalance sean to be good and have dan to be the joke character
>port/remake the other 3 onimusha games

aside from that i would like to see a new dino crisis
they haven't ported the other 3 onimusha games either
Demon Crest is the SNES game, The one everyone loves.

Hey, the two other games are great too.
They're balls on the wall hard.
From modern capcom?
Fucking nothing.

But fun.
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Dragons Dogma, oh wait they did and fucked it up so bad Itsuno left
Kamiya hates his fans as much as you hate modern audiences.

Keep that in mind in case you see him in charge of viewtiful Joe 3.
There's no doubt the game was put out when it was because of shareholders, but clearly the development itself had issues
MML and BoF for sure. Not sure DEIcom would make them any good however.
>Kamiya hates his fans as much as you hate modern audiences.
that doesn't make sense. you're telling me he'd shit on his old works to spite his fans? what kind of author does that?
i dont want any new game of an old franchise made where none of the original team members are left.
and lets be honest, even if the entire original team was working on it, it would still not be the same. too much time has passed. those games you love from way back then are a product of their time. all the right conditions of converged for that game to happen, and nothing will be able to recreate that. dont be sad that there arent any new games made, be happy that you got what you have.
Why does he have two bin? Did they include their grandpa too in the name?
MM Battle Network
none until they fire all gay staff they have (not the yuri one obviously)
why would i buy slop because it' old IP ? lol lmao
Onimusha and Okami will bomb and Crapcom will go back to milking Street Fighter DLC and Monster Hunter mobile shit cause it's the only thing that makes them money with no effort.
bro, they made exoprimal. and path of the goddess and despite bith being good games no one really played them. there gonna make small scale games while focusing on the BIG THREE (MH, RE, SF)
if they do a Breath of Fire 1-4 collection, I would buy that
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maybe MvC4 with Eighting involved but I dont really trust Capcoms nu fighting game team to not fuck it up somehow
Starforce 4, Legends 3, X9
Also, dunno, port Starforce to Phones or something.
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it's still probably going to be on RE Engine. FUCK
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The only good looking game i ever saw being made on REE was Ghost Trick 2023
And that was a remake of a 15 year old DS game using the same (upscaled/rerendered) assets as the original, all of which are SPRITES.
i think that says a lot just by itself.
I'll believe it when I fucking see it
don't give me hope for more viewtiful Joe like that OP you faggot
What I really want from Capcom is their old library of Disney NES games on steam and also all the Breath of Fire games on PC.
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>their old library of Disney NES games on steam
In a new interview with the President of Sega, apparently the devs begged him not to announce anything since it was years out, but he unilaterally overruled them and made them make the announcement at TGA 2023.
Megaman ZX
I've played them, but there's a bunch of other ones including one of the best games ever made: Mickey Mousecapade
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forgot pic
>no Mermaid
Who is boughtening this shit?
Nobody cares about fishtits.
Magical Quest 1-3 be a neat collection and even lead to a new game.
Mickey Mousecapade was made by Hudson. Also published by it in Japan.
Capcom only published it in the west.
1000000000% BASED Post

>oh wait they did and fucked it up so bad Itsuno left
Itsuno fucked it up retard
>Are those paintings, or windows? Geez game developers, make up your minds!
Why are suits so retarded
4K60 ports of these on Switch 2 would be amazing

i would buy all of them immediately assuming they don't get censored for "modern audiences"
I only care about a Clovers developed Strider. That's it.
Asura’s Wrath would be cool to see again but I honestly doubt it
On one hand early reveal drums up hype and potential sales. On the other it inflates expectations for a game that the game may and mostly likely never meet. If those games don't come out in like the next year than no amount of development time will meet the hype let alone surpass it.
magical quest 3 was so good
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Legends was that 3D branch of Megaman yet they were stupid enough to make the worst game that is X7, the existence of that game still baffles me, if I had a time machine I would go back and tell them to make Legends 3 on PS2 instead
I need MML3 and a way to play MML1 and 2 conveniently on the go

Strider got a game a few years back and he was in MvsC, he's not dormant.
oof looks NICE
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Since turn based JRPGs are fashionable again, I would like a new Breath of Fire, but Im afraid modern Capcom will butcher the aesthetic even more than V. None of their recent games have done anime aesthetics. Worst case is going for a gritty realistic route, fuck that.
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What is it gonna take for them to make a new fucking Darkstalkers already
Can't remember if it was from Capcom but considering we are at the age of returns. Man, a Dinosaurs n' Cadillacs remaster or outright action 3D remake could be KINO.
Legends 3 is much easier to happen now that fucking Okami is in production. Literally another Zelda-wannabe, and Okami 2 is the first Capcom Action Adventure since what, Okamiden?
Thats something that worries me about Okami too, i feel like the AAA industry doesn't even get close to that artistic anymore.
New Maximo let’s go
the only reason i got a 3ds was cause mml3
they made sure to tell me there was no hope
went out of their way to say i was a fuck tard for getting the4 3ds SPECIFICALLY for their game
really kinda hate new capcom
coulda had a vita and been happy
It's time...
old capcom woulda pulled through on mml3, even if they didn't want to. cause that's what the company used to be
pulled through and went all out
but nu capcom are a abuncha faggots
just rooms and rooms full of faggots
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Yeah, I think it's gaming time.
the only reason
i got a 3ds was cause megaman legends 3 was gonna be on it
Maybe Resident Evil's B team is going to shy away from remastering RE5 or CV and do Dino Crisis instead
broke my heart. capcom
but i spose you don't care about that kind of thing
devoted fan, too
since the arcade days
but you don't care about that kind of thing anymore, do ya
no better
I never knew about the legacy behind this game despite seeing the G4 commercial about it constantly.
>We will bring them back to be butchered!
You know I'm right. Clover games bombed and there is no way Crapcom is gonna let them develop niche type games.
sunsoft'd care if they didn't go out of business
2024 Capcom is different than 2011/2012 Capcom. None of their current games are garbage like RE6. They've been delivering good stuff since RE2/DMCV.
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more like 1993 capcom doesnt exist lol
fuck them all now
buncha pussies
They only ways they could possibly butcher them and not have people at least enjoy the time they got to have with the franchises again is if they were brought back solely as Mobile games or as a game outsourced to a western dev.
I'm still pissed about Lost Planet 3 and BoF6.
lol most of their new games suck ass
Pretty sure it is fixed now. They removed GFML on LP2. So it should theoretically work online again.
What? Last Bof was 4.
Name a few so we can laugh at your shit taste
No they're gonna be cool games and bring a renaissance you'll see
Asura's Wrath 2?
Yeah you'll be laughing at how much fun you're having playing them its gonna be so much FUN
the joke is that BoF5 and 6 were so bad people pretend they don't exist, despite trolls saying otherwise like in >>>/vrpg/3675811
really can't take them seriously anymore
it's just gonna cater to nu gamers and gooners
that's who'll they make things for now
buncha nu gamer scum that never cared about things til they got pretty
god damn i hate you all
with the fury of all planets and suns exploding in a heavenly armageddon
fuck you
hope you're all happy with yourselves
holy fuck don't care anymore
I seriously don't understand peoples obsession with Darkstalkers. It's a completely outdated fighting game nowadays and nobody will latch onto it remotely has hard as a new Marvel vs Capcom or SF. It wasn't even voted as one of the franchises people really want to see come back in their own polls they put up a while back.
the only good thing to come out of it was Yoko and Manami, and they got recognition at all
got no recognition at all***
choking on my rage, atm
and they'll quit gaming as soon as they start
it's too hard to get gud
they can't and refuse to git gud
which'll just cheapen things even futher
games gotta pander to their personal feelings
I'm 70% convinced that if you just put Felicia and Morrigan in SF no one would care about it

They did. As costumes anyway.
and they'll quit
make no mistake
they'll quit and leave us all hanging cause to them, it's a trend
precious trends
Yoko hasn't been a part of Capcom since the first breath of fire in which she then moved on to Square and Manami hasn't been a part of Capcom since 1990 in which she pretty much became a free agent. Current day Capcom has nothing to do with them leaving and working at other companies.
You have misguided impotent rage anon.
they don't care and never did
normie fucks

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I don't want to see Felicia and Morrigan in the horror engine, desu.
we're something to be thrown away when they feel like it
like trash
really do hate you all
co opted muh vidya
Am I too paranoid that the Secret Level Mega Man thing might lead to something? That shit led to a Pac-Man metroidvania
It has great characters, the whole quick round mechanics even though KI did it first, the animations are top notch, and while primitive, was good for its time and way better than modern anime fighter trash. Probably in the middle of the revival list.
fuck off

Also Final Fight.
to be forgotten
to be left to dust in history
like you never mattered to begin with
I think Okami 2 can do well depending on the length of development. If they spend 5-8 years on it the return on investment will probably be low. The first game was arguably too long already. They could potentially deliver a slightly shorter game, like 30-35 hours instead of 40+) in order to keep budget trim and ensure a greater chance of commercial success. The game has had a lot of time to build up an audience though having been ported across so many console.
I don't think it's that unreasonable an assumption, a lot of them do just seem like glorified ads.
>middle of the revival list
Which would be somewhere above Power Stone and below Steel Battalion. in the land of shit nobody but a few enthusiast care about.
TO THIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!
What Okami needs to do well is be a significantly better game than Okami 1.
And that's one of those things people really don't want to hear, because that starts the whole conversation about how Okami 1 isn't exactly perfect, and is kind of a bad Zelda game by another name.

They need to learn the lesson that Zelda eventually learned. Stop overly explaining and holding my hand. Let me play the game. I will ask Issun for his input if I want it (I don't).
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OK this is a bit of a weird one but what about bringing back PN03? It wasn't super successful back then but maybe there's appetite for a sexy sci-fi third person shooter?
stay away from dino crisis and onimusha. you can pozz up the other ones, capcom.
if you didn't know, reader, capcom has been pozzed since the later wii days
You still didn't respond to the Yoko thing. You are impotently angry and blaming current day Capcom for shit over 30 years ago even though you love things Capcom made less than 10 years ago. Find a hill to the die on instead of shouting from the top of any hill you can find.
I LOVED Ghost Trick. I wouldn't mind another entry but I don't think the original ended with much room for expansion, did it?
Anon. I hate to tell you this but they announced a new Onimusha 3 days ago along with Okami.
It's effectively 3 games in one. Just put it away for a few days after the end of each major arc and you'll be fine.
it did end on a bunch of cliffhangers (mostly about the submarine villain guy) and Takumi DID say he wanted to make a crossover where Sissel would be defending Phoenix or something like that.
I'd really like to see the latter honestly.
I think Okami is still a good game but yes it wasn't perfect. It had really weird pacing where I felt like it could have ended at multiple points, the beginning tutorial section is too long and the repetitive boss rush at the end wasn't great. I think Okami 2 could be even better now that the devs know what didn't work with the first.

I think it could be neat if Ammy acquired different companions for different portions of the game. I actually never hated Issun and was legit surprised to find out so many people hated him, but maybe he's had enough focus and it's time to give Ammy some new companions to travel alongside her. I liked the implication that she would be alongside Waka, so Waka should definitely be her adventure companion for at least a portion of the game.
saw trailer just now and it's been ruined
>all those age-restricted videos on youtube
Only thing I want from modern Crapcom is a declaration of bankruptcy.
Oh man, it's been long enough I guess I didn't remember the ending properly. Well in that case I definitely look forward to more Ghost Trick if they are interested in making it.
I don't dislike Issun as a character. I dislike the fact that the game keeps stopping me dead in my tracks, when it should be letting me play around with the mechanics and figure things out on my own.
>hey, Ammy heres a puzzle, you should solve it like this!
then why was there a puzzle? You didn't even let me try.
How was it "Ruined" exactly? Care to articulate your displeasure with it?
i'd love if they left it dead (heh) unless they get Takumi on board for both GT and AA parts.
Post-takumi AA was pretty shit.
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Haunting Ground?
all my life there's been a bias against japanese stuff. from everywhere
>Itsuno gets kicked
>Capcom starts becoming good again
you're all traveling roads that capcom and konami built
To be fair Onimusha would've been in the cards before he left, but it does seem like Capcom's looking to damage control after too much focusing on three IPs the past several years.
An actual Breath of Fire game in RE Engine to compete with Final Fantasy would be fucking godlike. Dino Crisis badly deserves a new game / Remake as well
Mega Man is totally up there with Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter
Just ignore that the series has been on life support since 2008
they made it safe for you
thank them
Not exactly a new IP but maybe something Resident Evil Outbreak could be more successful now. Though I do wonder if it would work without the tank controls and now that people have things like discord to facilitate communication.

About damn time.
be happy others tread where angels fear to walk
nah i'm not a faggot nerd who wants to sit around and argue. sorry, man, you're not getting a dopamine shot from me from petty arguments. it was nice to know of the new onimusha, though, and how it was ruined alrerady.
Onimusha. Took them long enough.
I wonder if Capcom will take the square enix approach. Should they turn the beloved action game into a turn based game a la Final Fantasy 15-16?
Megaman Legends
That just tells me that you don't actually hate it and just value your stance against Capcom more than your love for a franchise.
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fuk you, reggie!!!!
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Japs love doing that to teach an audience strawman that never existed "a lesson"
Only IP capcom's worth trusting even a little would be megaman x or something.
Everything else they'd fuck up. They'll probably fuck up megaman too, but not quite as badly.
yeah, but you won't do a Lost Planet rerelease
sucka on muh gord
Man, the way people shittalk Darkstalkers you'd never think it won a GOTY award or consistently ranked highly in the arcade income charts. What do people have against it?
I never played viewtiful joe or breath of fire, some collections would be nice
Dino crisis is animal abuse
Western lefties would hate it
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I bought Kunitsu-Gami and will buy Pragmata.
They apparently might be fixing 2 and the colonies edition of 1 to no longer be stuck on GFWL for PC tho
It was the best fighting game during the Fighting game dark ages. Now everything made nowadays is far and above better than Darkstalkers ever was. Being mediocre can have you beat literally dogshit but anything above average will still easily outclass you.
All games that had GFWL no longer do. So it's up to other people to make the games work on a private server or P2P.
Poochie McShilling didn't get anyone to buy PS2 Viewtiful Joe, thankfully.
nah, capcom has always been a leader in gamemaking
other's'll deny it, but they'll always fall back to capcom or konami's blueprints
Yeah they're bringing them back with Steamworks
I mean, I would too after Kunitsu-Gami and Exoprimal
because they have to, because sweet honey's laid the groundwork which all other draw from
from the source
Kunitsu-Gami was kino tho. Exoprimal COULD have been good if the devs were tard wrangled into making a proper PvE horde shooter.
all their cards come from capcom or konami's deck
I'm still confused as to why they made a game that's co-op, PvE, and also PvP, and seemed to not realize that the PvP was so horribly unbalanced that was the weakest part of the entire game.
Since when was the mid 90s the fighting game dark ages?
incapable of making their own
they just don't have it in them
but them, and nintendo, and namco, and williams MADE VIDEO GAMES
ace attorney it's been 7 years since a new game
Sorry if I don't have depression and still able to enjoy things.
>reactivate IP when all the original creators have left the studio
That's called defacing cult classics.
Give me a Dino Crisis 4, not a another gay remake.
that which we all play now, comes for 5 or 6 studios from wayyyyy back
you nu fags just can't and won't see it
3, then. That Xbox garbage doesn't deserve to exist.
A lot of Capcom's dead IPs are far more than cult classics, they're successes by the standards of their time. Especially series like Mega Man that had dozens of games. it's just that the video game industry has become an entirely different thing over the past two decades.
just disrespectful attitudes
>Kunitsu-Gami was kino tho
I'm sure it was, it's just a shame it didn't sell that great
don't know where you came from
don't realize that which you sprouted from
God Hand? Yes I know it's not capcom
And what does that have to do with Yoko and Manami not being a part of capcom since the 90s?
god hand 2 or fuck OFF
Imagine Haunting Grounds remake like REmakes.
Actually I alredy know you fucks would hate on it
but i'd love to be the meat in a yoko manami sandwich
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, babeh
It really hasn't.
Videogames still sell. And you don't need massive studios to find success. The only thing that changed is that the fast food version of videogames (cawadoody and its derivatives) became live service. The retards that tried to follow through with the trend without understanding that the current winners in that concept are basically giving addicted retards their fix are losing bigly.
>Yakuza/Like a dragon games are the best and only way to play VF5
mental illness
>reactivating dormant IPs
Kunitsu-gami had poor marketing, in fairness. I'm planning on getting it only because I heard about the Okami game bundle that also gets you Okami themed cosmetics and music.

I do think it's weird that the priestess got the Waka costume while the male lead got the Okami costume. Personally I think I would have preferred it the other way around.
two at a time
and such pedigree????
i wouldn't last and would only push muhself further away from their light
Clover is capcoms
Considering the ass raping they've given to the RE demakes and Street Fighter I don't want them to touch anything else of theirs, especially after Dogma 2.
The entire company got fucked sideways by chinkflu. Ideally MH Wilds would've been the game to close out their last fiscal year as that would also align with MH's 20th anniversary. Instead DD2 got thrown out to the wolves because it was closer to the finish line than Wilds.
I'm not saying Itsuno's lofty ideas didn't result in the project progressing slower than it should have but the external factors certaintly didn't help.
thier warmth
they need to make another legend of zelda minish cap
would just embarrass myself in the light of their glory
I wonder if it would sell enough for be worth it. It could be interesting though. I think it would require more engaging gameplay like maybe a sort of Last Guardian ish with the dog companion or more complex puzzle solving.
You may think that's a joke but the those games have VF5 running on the dragon engine and it runs smoother than it ever did on arcade and other console releases. VF5 is an 18 years old game and the best way to play it in almost 2 decades as through Lost Judgment.
they touched me at an early age
i can only wish i could please them in some fashion
mad a man out of me, they did
sweet, sweet, honey's
You get it for free, you don't need the bundle
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can never repay them
the cost doesn't exist in a rationable fashion
we gotta go 4D for me to pay them back
Capcom got rid of Clover because all they made were flops, its strange they would bring them back when they are doing fine
that's how hardcore they exist
sweet, sweet, honeys
i just wanna be like, inside them, or beside them
something where i can feel their body warmth and i can be all up inside them
yu don't know what you do
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This is everything Mega Man needs to go through to get a new game
Okami had long legs, it kept selling for years after its initial release.
I don't have Okami on PC only on my old ps2 so I want the bundle for Okami as well.
Because they kept rereleasing it like the REs.
Probably for publicity seeing as losing Itsuno so shortly after DD2 was kind of a mess was a pretty big blow to the average gamer's faith in the company. That or Kamiya basically came begging for a director's seat again and they caved to his demands to get a big name back in.
imma guy
i wanna stick muh dick in everything i love, cause i love them
I remember I got really tilted in the dungeon for the kitsune boss you get the thunder power and issun immediately explains all the subsequent puzzles. I was thinking "holy shit I'm 3p hours into this game in what feels like the last dungeon of this game and issun is still holding my hand all the way through"

Tbh Okami really is a vibes game. You play it because its charming as hell with a great look, great soundtrack and really memorable characters. Not because its good
Makes you wonder what other titles could have gradually accumulated a sizable fanbase had they just kept getting rereleased like that.
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>Clover only makes flops
Oh so thats why capcom just cant stop selling Okami and inserting amaterasu into everything dog-related like MHR, huh?
Viewtiful Joe probably could have lasted longer if they didn't outright abandon him after his first few years of life.
Not Darkstalkers
New Breath of Fire and Mega Man Legends and I’ll be happy
You're not getting Legends. At best you'll get a Mega Man franchise reboot.
dick em good
real good
I think there's people at Capcom that just like Ammy/Okami and give her a little showing where they can.

Maybe we could get Ammy as a guest character for Smash?
>Dragons dogma 3 made by kamiya
What a strange twist of fate
Shit cover
This actually makes me wonder if clovers could technically approach konami for an MGR sequel now. As far as i know rising didnt have any platinum strings attached to it.
Chances are slim, but not zero. Unlike at platinum who kept sleeping on the obvious even bigger moneycow that was Nier
Demon's Crest

I'd like to see them working on another Final Fight and Megaman Legends,

>Maybe we could get Ammy as a guest character for Smash?

I wish...
those girls built my music taste
if it doesn't sound like them, i don't wanna hear it
Yeah but the massive amount of rereleases would not have happened if the game was a "flop".
Okami was a massvie success on release and that was at the END of clover studios' life
Wow. I cant believe they did this.
they're such a part of me
but i can't dick them
such sorrow
much depression
Ok im lyimg it was a failure and only success in US as sales go. Fuck my memory.
i couldn't exist without them
Isn't the US the biggest market, though? I would think doing well there would be enough to call it a success overall.
i wouldn't be the me you all know and love without yoko and minami
>60 dollars for the standard edition
limited scam games does it again.
untouchable goddesses
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it kinda hurts
If anything they'll just give it to Kinoshita since he's the most qualified to do it (directed DA and DDO + gameplay lead on DD2).
dick screams
it screams in pain
shit hurts, yo
Is Onimusha worth getting into? I never tried the games before.
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>translation: Capcom is considering making shitty outsourced "remakes" of dormant IPs to ruin their classics just like the Dead Rising one
Not falling for this again. Eat shit, nu-Capcom.
you don't know what it is to be a guy
you'll never get it
Capcom no longer outsources. It's the entire reason they suck considerably less after RE7.
you were so traumatized by Okami's financial failure you retconned it into a more positive memory?
you're sitting there just having fun, but 5 to 6 of the guys around you just want to fucking rail you cause you're hot
you chicks don't know what you do to guys
you fucking don't
but we'd fuck the shit out of you
hot bitch
fuck you
would you even get access to the celestial brush as a weapon?
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>thinking this man would bend the knee
It panned in japan and all the heads like Kamiya and Mikami left, only after which the studio was dissolved to centralize control of resources, not because "game flop get fucked", or at least not publically.
Probably something to do with japanese pride.

It wasnt an AAA tier success either, just in the top 100 best selling games at the very bottom.

Maybe it shows up as part of attacks?
I'm really surprised it did worse in Japan than in the US, what the hell?
hmm I can see it now, that could work. Between her swords, reflectors and prayer beads there are a lot of options for attacks. Flowers would bloom across the battle stage where she ran and she would bleed roses.
>~300k in NA
>Barely 30k JP
same with rereleases i think.
Really cursed.
Im lying again, 30k was wii
PS2 sold 60k, but its still surprosingly low in comparison to NA.

I'm game.
Glad I wasn't the only one who played this. Twas colorful and fun.
>more 2DHD "remakes"
please god not
none of them
modern crapcom is shit so i'd rather they didnt ruin those franchises further
While not a dormant ip I really would like them to give Outbreak 1 and 2 another chance lets face it every attempt in multiplayer only RE games have been either terrible or shit with Outbreak being overlooked cause it released when console online play was rather new, trying to chase other franchises styles like DBD and whatever popular tps or fps was out never worked maybe give Outbreak another chance?
yes, you
lemme pound you till we're both numb
Under the skin was real underrated.
imagine a horror oriented rockman
Who cares these fuckers only make ugly slop now and infect everything with malware.
They don't even have talented artists left. They just make hideous photoscanned shit.
The main reason to buy capcom games was the good art and animation. now that's gone they can just fuck off and die.
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I miss my wife
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Are you saying this is not good art?
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off yourself, troll
Nice OCs.
we're a couple of sexy fucks
jus sayin', is all
are you 12
>nobody in entire thread said Zack and Wiki

I miss these guys
Kunitsugami is insanely underrated and underplayed.
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I hope BoF tweaks/fixes this shit if the game gets remastered.

and no "removing it" is not an option since getting this shit to 100% is necessary to beat the final boss when it's a game over in every other part of the game
alright you caught me, they aren't nice OCs they're ugly as hell, do better next time.
DMC1 is getting remade & Reuben Dante is finally getting retconned. Alastor will return as Dante's sword. Kamiya is in charge now so he's gonna cancel the netflix cartoon. DMC6 will never happen the whole franchise is getting debooted. shit yeah.
So when most of these resurrected IPs eventually flop (sales wise, nottalking about quality), what will Capcom and other jap devs do then? I'm actually so glad GAAS/live-service games like Foamstars, Babylon's Fall, and Exoprimal flopped hard because we probably wouldn't even getting this desperation.
Good luck with their shitty mandatory RE Engine it will make half of their game run at 20fps on mid end pcs LMAO
Yes. Normally they just drop the second bin and the grandfather's name and just use Al-Saud to show royal status. Full arab names sometimes contain 3 to 4 bin but those rarely get used.
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Dragon Quarter is my favorite example of "good game that a minority of contrarian trolls on /v/ pretends is bad to feel special about themselves". I played this shit for the first time last year and was shocked at how great the game is. every single aspect of it feels like a clever subversion and attempt at fixing the mindless JRPG gameplay design that in most games revolves around mindless grinding. here the game is actively forcing the player actually to use his brain and motivates him to use different mechanics instead of spamming the same solution over and over while keeping him on edge all the time. it's really refreshing to see this kind of game in its genre

The art style, character designs, music, setting, and story are also great and emanate with colorful style and personality that Capcom games used to have back in the 2000s before they got obsessed with scanned photo realism and apeing the west as hard as possible like they do now
it runs ultra bad if you want to do something more than a game with basic corridor like levels or mini semi-open world areas, give it bigger size with demanding mandatory effects and it will not run well even on lowest 720p and 30fps

ill buy it on a sale, it looks a bit too niche for me, but people constantly praise its quality
I feel this game is one of those that would of gotten better reception if it didn't carry the BoF name.

Fans going on Barry levels of autism when defending it are not helping it's reputation on 4chan
It's my GOTY
not that guy but "Barry levels of autism" are mainly coming from people who attack it. there are not many people who defend this game because not many people actually played it. 4chan is mainly a place for autistic nerds who aggressively shit on everything 24/7
>not that guy but "Barry levels of autism" are mainly coming from people who attack it.

I see more from DQ defenders than DQ attackers.
Look at >>>/vrpg/3675811
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>legends 3
I don't visit vrpg but I've seen entire threads here on /v/ where anons tried to make entire hate campaigns dedicated to DQ. those threads never had that many posts but that's still way more effort and energy than from people who like DQ
>where anons tried to make entire hate campaigns dedicated to DQ

that's what happens when you make a really bad game that is an insult to the series
>expecting a decent dark stalkers in 2025+

Let the series remain dead.
Dude, Capcom can recycle the Street Fighter 6 engine and rework it into a new Dark Stalkers game.
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It has a great memorable roster and the gameplay was good, its not that deep really
Its also because they baited people into thinking a revival would happen when Resurrection sold really well and ''Darkstalkers Not Dead''
I think it's literally one guy
mention BoF in literally any thread on the site and he will be there shitting on DQ out of nowhere, I've even seen him on rando boards like /m/
I think he even probably replies to himself as well, as every single time someone will use the word "filtered" in replying to him and he will write out paragraphs about how the "other person" lost the argument for using the word. It always plays out like a script
Furthermore I've seen him say that the game contains grid combat on multiple occasions, including the /vrpg/ thread he linked to ITT, which is clear evidence that he hasn't even played the fucking game
It's clearly dead though. Nobody cares enough about the franchise to demand for a new game. fucking Dino Crisis was the most voted for franchise to get a sequel. That series is ok at best and it's final game was dogshit and locked to Xbox. People want a sequel to that over a sequel to a "GOTY award winning" franchise. Really fucking tells you something about Darkstalkers that people was more mid instead of more Darkstalkers.
>>>3d darkstalkers
What's the point? You can't continue on the slapstick component of DS's animation in 3d
>take already cluttered pixel art
>blur it
>render it at incorrect resolutions
>smother it in shit
>shitty bloom, invasively dark shadows, overly intense light and other vaseline shit smeared over the image
Yeah that looks like fucking trash.
They could always just do a 2D drawn one like Skullgirls
Because Dino Crisis is just RE with dinosaurs, they could pull that off
Capcoms fighting game division is utter shit, like after MvCI, launch SFV and Slime Fighter 6 its no wonder people stopped asking for Darkstalkers
They just wouldn't be able to pull it off. I've seen people mention they give it to ArcSys just so the style isn't fucked by RE engine but Arcsys is honestly just as bad with gameplay
Actually came to ost this. I would seriously old games stay forgotten by zoomers than seeing remakes for modern audiences.
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What a Darkstalkers revival should be 2D sequel with the handrawn artstyle of picrel while they also release a 3D diablo-like spin-off with destructable environments so that people can export their models for porn.
>I think it's literally one guy

defending or attacking because it feels like it's just two people bitching at each other
Does anybody have the upcoming games list from that leaked documents of the Capcom hacks that happened some months prior RE8's release?
After what they did to resident evil and dead rising, they can fuck off
Don't kid yourself. People haven't been asking for Darkstalkers since SFIV.
That doesn't contradict anything I said, they arent asking for it now and if they are its about how they should give it to someone else
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>I wonder how big his dragon is
Attacking, but like I said, I think he samefags anyway
Wasn't there an official image where you could see that Nina's nipples?
Well Megaman is coming back, ala the Great Capcom Exhibition.
Jill for RE9 and Claire for CVX soon.
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*forgot the pic*
Here's the list of games in that leak: >>544164923
>new breath of fire
We already got monkey pawed.
I'm afraid to get my hopes up again.
You know what would have been cool? If they'd continued those IPs in the first place, when there was a small chance of being being sincere and good quality, instead of killing them and reviving them as shambling nostalgia bait decades later.
If an IP can get monkey pawed twice, it can get monkey pawed thrice
Does it really fucking matter?
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It still amazes me how much he fucked the company for the short period he was president
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>even after he ducked out before the consequences of his actions flooded down on him, we were still stuck with his decisions for a while, like DmC
>where they add back the cut content of 4.
I'd replay it for that, but not for a full price game.
Honestly, I think the really sad part is that there's no way in hell we're getting the absolute kino pixel art the games evolved over time.
Even if we get BoF7, and it's good, it's absolutely going to be made of polygons.
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for me it's Zeno

Yknow, the series that costs less than a million dollars to make and always sells?the one fans have been begging for for half a DECADE???
Why don't they make new IP?
Are they wholly incapable, if so they should fire the current writers and storyboarders they have, since they can't make a new property.
?? Why did you use my reply to that anon again?
Capcom can do a breath of fire remake, it'll be easy to do and train new teams to work on breath of fire again.
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Their new IP is in development hell
Capcom tends to have development problems with new IPs. Just look at Deep Down.
Yeah, honestly hope they do this strategy >>697429578

>Power Stone remake never ever because the director left the company
I didn't want a remake either way but damn I wanted a sequel that actually expanded the mechanics from 2
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But don't you understand? By releasing one game and milking it during seasonal sales for 6 years, we've sold 2 million copies!
Yeah, usually when we'd release Mega Man games multiple times a year, they sold like 500,000 each, and you'd think that would add up better over time, but trust the plan!
No thanks. I don't need to see Tyrone in the Mega Man suit. Let the legendary IPs rest in peace. Or sell them to China.
I think it could work though I'm not entirely sure how. People would expect voice chat now and I feel like voicechat would ruin it.
Why China? Although I really hope Tencent buys Ubisoft so we can get extremely autistic revivals if Might and Magic
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They should buy the rights for the old Professor Layton DS games and release them for pc. They did a great job with the Ace Attorney games so i want them to finally port these too
she's shaped like a christmas tree
Isn't the new Layton game also coming out in PC?
I love videogames
Wake me up when they port the old Monster Hunter games at 4K with functioning online.
It's actually a mix of spritework and 3D models.
They should reboot godhand instead of making a sequel
Duck Tales remake soon lads!
Highly doubt it. Switch exclusive probably
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This, sadly
Gotcha Force
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Which is ironic considering they are based on horror monsters
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Can’t wait for Power Stone in CFC2
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MVC4 when?
I would punch you if I could.
Hey maybe kill yourself
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2025 announcement after the Xbox release of the collection hopefully
Bin means "son of" so yeah.
honestly im still in the beginning and getting my ass kicked by mobs of bats i cant run away from
i appreciate the horseshoes for extra luck
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Imagine if the modern world deserved to experience the pure and simple joy of battling and collecting borgs.
just use cheat codes so you don't ave to deal with the bullshit that game throws at you
last i checked google play is coming to PC so you can play the HD IOS remakes that way. I tried the beta but and they aren't on there though
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Doesn't matter if they bring back those IPs, it's useless without sexy women!!
everyone wants a fighting game thats not street fighter or marvel but i still dont think capcom would ever budge on that
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Okami sequel could be a proving ground for cartoon cel-shaded graphics on RE engine that might lead to MvC4 after
>everyone wants a fighting game thats not street fighter or marvel
speak for yourself niggy
Frontiers 2 better have 2 things, or rather, not have:
1) Pop-ins every single second
2) Rails randomly placed all over
> all your favorites can return!
> that were made decades ago with completely different staff, directors, artists, and conditions of commercial success or failure
> before the absolute shit show that is micro transactions and live services

I’ll pass. If you do a Final Fight game, I just want a simple game: straightforward with some characters to unlock. SOR4. Capcom doesn’t do that.

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