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#1832 - Flower Power edition

Halo Infinite's 11th Battle Pass, "Tenrai IV", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (4/30)
>Latest Community Update (4/2)

Halo News:
>Microsoft to reportedly considering a multiplatform Halo reboot
>Tenrai IV Battlepass kicks off new Match Composer Feature for Infinite
>Forge Falcons debut Battle Royale game mode

Previous >>481279591
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1832

>Previous Threads
>>481279591 | #1831 - Match Composer
>>480830340 | #1830 - Tenrai
The Endless has arrived
>the canceled
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I thought the Endless was supposed to be immune to Halo.
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>in 1 week we went from believing MCC would come to PS5 as early as later this year to NEVER EVER
Peng creps
2 > all
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Will they be successful?
Or will they take another massive L desperately trying to get MCC to work again?
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Is Microsoft cleaning house? Is the same thing that happened to 343 and Halo, also happening to The Coalition and Gears of War?
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good artist, but I doubt he'll show
will show for 1 match and then ragequit
>Deep Dark Fantasy
Literally who?
Literally who?
Won't show
won't show
>Big Red
Gonna be another Pic related
that's all
link to the interview?
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Happy PRIDE everyone!
Straightriox will KNEEL.
BIGHEAD and Goyim have more thred cred than you do, faggot
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Threadly reminder that Halofest should go back to its roots
>those visuals
Halofest started in Roblox?
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Remove Sprint.
They Won't, but They Should.
Remove Sprint.
In a weird way I have some respect for MS for finally acknowledging that they've been beating the dead horse that is MCC for too long now (literally a decade lol).
That, and Pierre's people probably took told them the code is so fucked and duck taped together that getting PS5/Switch version that was cross-platform compatible would be almost impossible.
See, Reach is a good game

I like sprint. If I see a vehicle I want to drive then I can get to it quicker with sprint. Also sprint means you can get out of sticky situations more easily.

In my view, if I go back to a game that doesn't have sprint, it feels sluggish and frustrating.
>See, Reach is a good game
I never said it wasn't
Diamondback... Home...
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Only 10 years until the next Halo
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>Also sprint means you can get out of sticky situations more easily.
Exactly why it's bad, retard
Not only did they introduce this waaay too late, it was a fucked system based almost entirely on your kills per game, even in objective
Some people say it isn't though

Exactly why it's good, moron
>Some people say
who cares?
Like what you like.
>Exactly why it's good
Nah Sprint sucks
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>tfw I never got to play Halo 2 on XBL because cable internet isn't available at my parents' house and I didn't move out until after the servers went permanently offline
hold me bros
is the best way to experience it now just watching Final Boss/Walshy montages?
I like sprint, for me it's a good addition
>redd*t spacing
>trash opinions
Checks out.
what's my thread cred status? gt: pingusXD
you can literally play it via insignia
I actually just heard of insignia for the first time a few days ago. How exactly does it work, is it like xboxconnect and xlink where you go to "system link" and then it connects you to other players that way, or does it actually use the xbox live menu?
We revamped the thred cred system
you have to show up to Halo night now
yrylaughing418 - 10 TC
Kabuskini - 10 TC
AdjacentBias - 10 TC
JJAB91 - 10 TC
All these people will get a +2 bonus if they show up 2 sessions in a row
Yes and it was better than both 5, MCC and infinite. Had more content too.
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Like clockwork. 2fags just keeps embarrassing themselves.
yeeze tease
This is based as fuck
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Did you know?


Now you do!
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That's actually really interesting
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Season 3 soon
there goes my hero
watch him as he goes
You have to be at least 18 to post here
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No wonder we can't find any Halo 2 matches on MCC. This is where all the Halo 2 players have gone.
Halo 2's title is a subtle reference to the number of people who play it.
For how much it gets hyped around here it seems no one actually plays it. All I get are 3 and Reach matches, with the occasional CE and 4 match every now and then. Even if I pick only Halo 2 and Halo 2 Anniversary, I have to wait forever and maybe I'll get lucky and find a classic match. I have never played a Halo 2 Anniversary BTB match yet. There's like 2 Halo 2 customs games going on 24/7 in the server browser, but it's either 24/7 FFA Fiesta on Warlock or 24/7 Sword/Shotties on Lockout. Maybe if you're lucky you might find a Fiesta match on Ascension or Turf but those are pretty rare.
>For how much it gets hyped around here it seems no one actually plays it
Well yeah, that's pretty normal for 4chan anything.
Hype up the least active aspect of anything to make it seem like you're actually the TRUE fan.
Just look at the way /dsg/ hypes up souls 2 or how /sthg/ hypes up SA1
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Is this the halo thread?
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I like fem-Spartans. That is all.
Nobody plays H2Online due to rampant button combo abuse.
You just had to be there after all.
boys are the best
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that was ten years ago...
THIS is now
>they made up a seperate currency that uses a seperate shop instead of giving you the actual main currency
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is this true
nah, it's just rent free /pol/tard tranny obsession
Ummmm based???????
Culture war nonsense that's meant to waste your time.
In Bungie's words, they would've killed everyone while 343 does their own thing of being incompetent.
Funny coming from someone who pretends to be a woman.
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Halo is finished
did anyone even watch the blops showcase?
yeah, it got record numbers
On YouTube also, where it' the most watched CoD trailer ever
wait really? lol
never seen that compilation before
it's nice, visually
Doesn't matter, killed Halo anyway.

I do enjoy CEA visuals as something that exists, but I wouldn't ever say no to a faithful (visual) remake.
I doubt anyone did!
Well above a 0% chance but not 100%
Plenty of other ways to ruin things aside from that route
But I also think backlash would end up causing much to be reverted eventually
POV: you're a toilet inside the house of reckoning
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>Halo CE Anniversary 2: The Remake part II
It's part one.
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>It's part one.
so easy to rile y'all up.
>so easy to rile y'all up.
skibidi pacha
the methane will sustain him.
two filtered post
so easy
shut the fuck up.

sheesh, that's a lot more cut levels than I expected for halo 3. wonder if modders can revive these cut concepts?
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We can go gyatt for gyatt
Fuck that we can go rizz for rizz
>halo modders doing anything
All they're capable of is Le Whacky Cursed Halo, Rebalance #60019 and larping as a game dev team for an overly ambitious mod that will never release.
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We were robbed...
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Rebalanced/Reimagined campaigns are pure kino. I wish we had more of these on Custom Edition. Now there's so many I don't know if I'd be able to get through all of them. Speaking of which, I should play that Halo 4 one with the Bungie makeover.
>Halo 4 one with the Bungie makeover
sleep well halobros and bump
let it die
no please i'm going to sleep now and this was on page 11
erm too bad?
please bump it good night
sleep bad idiot
Off all the things 343 does wrong. Its treatment of the OG characters is not one of them. Arbiter naturally becomes the leader of his race. Jun from reach becomes an oni James Bond, While chief becomes more mopey I fell that it was executed decently compared to someone like Luke in Star Wars was treated.
The issue with 343 is that they handle the NEW characters wrong. Locke is a literal cardboard and Jul’mdama and the didact getting the short end of the stick. Laskey is the only one I would say is remotely liked because he has actual fucking screentime of more than 3 minutes.
Blue team in 5 is more missed opportunity than anything else nothing really “bad” is done with them.
The only OG characters that really suffered was Cortana for obvious reasons. The rookie was also handled weirdly, but he was always meant to be a self insert thing so I kinda get why he was killed off and used for plot development for the rest of the ODST squad.
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I'm currently pooping
we KNOW escharum
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How does she do it?
I'm giving birth. What do I name the child?
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>Disappears in infinite to deal with the endless personally.
>UNSC and Kneelster Queef is humiliated and the Infinity is destroyed by CHADtriox.
How will Locke haters cope?
This poop really doesn't wanna come out. It's hard.
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Next week's Saturday Night Halo will be held in 5.
Even though there's still some poo inside me, I've decided to give up and try again later.
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pooping back and forth so I can feel it forever
>Scatfag is also JOBscharum fag.
Imagine getting so mindbroken by STRONGESTCOOLESTMASCULINE chief.
I wanna play Halo... But I know I might regret it if I played with you faggots
okay this is pissing me off
Ignoring all the culture war bullshit from a man using an AI generated profile pic, Halo 3 already ruined him.
>gets captured
>fails to defend bomb in crows nest
>gets captured again
>gives up after miranda keyes dies and activates all the rings
>dies from being an asshole
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This thread is not a natural formation
it's seared just the way I like it
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Halo 4 campaign is actually kinda good so far ngl
I avoided it on launch because I really subscribed to the "it isn't Bungie" crowd
the only bad halo campaign is 5
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The amount of "I SHOULD BE IN CHARGE" syndrome going around lately has been pretty cringe, ngl
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4 is not underrated but it IS overhated.
we were denied our requiem trilogy
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>Halo: Combat Evolved Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut)
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& Arbiter
>All 4 mods are bungiebabs trying to turn it into reach.
that's not true
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Usually when people talk about 4s art-style its grievances with the covenant look. But what do you guys think of the environment?
Does the banished have proper plumbing established on zeta halo?
not great
& Locke
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That’s all….For now.
Too messy.
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Next Gen
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Ok maybe one more.
>Load up BTB
>Stockpile on Oasis
More like Halo Quitfinite Lol!
That armor suits you, but it cannot hide that _______
Nothing ever will.
Reach a shit
its 1080i actually

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halo combat evolved 2 for playstation 5 will save halo
it will
but it's also over 2 years away
Master Chief should have a red armor arc
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I like the stalker rifle, but there's already so many headshot weapons in Infinite.
In Atmosphere?
Hold onto your teeth!
Noble Six... is alive!
>Noble Six
You mean Reaper One?
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Make it happen
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>nigger on the front cover
I fucking hate 343 so much
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>yeeze trying on a new armor core
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cute cute tana
tana tana cute cute
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is everyone in the asia region just gone or something why do i keep getting matched up with US folk? im not moving out of aus just to find players...
Halo is American
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Latin American*
Cortana should have been a femboy.
any way to lighten the ping on my end at least
pay more
Cortana is a femcel
And that's a good thing.
Cortana is Halo
That book was released when bungie was in charge. It’s even written by Joseph staten it’s right there on the cover you fucking retard.
Cortana's a touch starved, schizophrenic virgin whose only release is showing herself naked to strangers.
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Just watched a fat bitch with 4 million subscribers on youtube review shitty cakes
Looks like shit graphics wise desu. No idea why reddit thinks this is the best looking 360 game of all time. Textures are GoW 1 tier.
I wish Marty would stop embarrassing himself
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What's with all the fucking bloom
The gates 4 heaven are bright Anon.
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>I'm on team boypilled now
four filtered post above
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The Banished do not condone Gen A lingo. Additionally, The Banished hold those who misconstrue it as Gen Z lingo in great contempt.
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I don't understand bungie's dislike of the black eyes on halo's visor texture. The visor has shit proportions without them.
filtered post above
shit visor
Why did you remove MCC from the OP?
That's a good thing.
Ask Y.
>Latest MCC Update (2/14)
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Imagine shilling for this shit lmao
Nvidia L
who the fuck are L and W
it's dead Jim
Y did you remove MCC from the OP?
I'll only answer if u kiss me on the cheek *blushes*
see >>481978475
Old and irrelevant at this point
why are gays so good at infinite?
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because it was made for them
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gay franchise
GAYviator and GAYtriox, both naked and covered in oil. Who's winning the twerk off?
Gaytriox loses the dance, but then his primordial instincts take over and he grabs Gayviator by the throat!
How are you supposed to beat anyone using the hammer in this game?
>Gaytriox loses
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Sword beats Hammer
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The White man cannot port MCC to PS5
For he has become weak like the river ostrich
Johnson has always been a Jobber going back to Halo 1 when he dies dozens of times. What made him great was the dialogue. He was good at hyping the player up to do all of the work.
I'd snoyface too if I just saw atriox team up with mendicant bias and the freaking endless
it was such a poorly directed scene
Most people seem to not even know the voice lines are what takes place a hundred thousand years ago and not the actual footage of Atriox, and instead they unironically believe something like >>481991338 or worse yet that Atriox time traveled
awwww no takers? cmon don't be shy~~ >3<
kissing yeeze's frenulum
Fucking kill yourselves
>the absolute state of marty odonnell right now
Wow who knew running purely on the "I am Halo music guy pls vote for me fellow Halo gamers!" wouldn't work.
don't be mean...
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>Well, I never wanted to be a politician and now I don’t have to be!
fucking lmao, he went turbo chud and blacklisted himself from the industry for this.
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why do you still do this
Reeks of "you beat me? well I wasn't even trying!" 12 year old energy.
I've only been around since December 2021 tho
what did Y do to earn this
be gay
yeeze :3
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>just remembered the people who said "I wish I could move to Nevada and vote for you!"
Was some good halo tonight made JJAB and Yeeze play Halo 4 twice.
we hate halohaters here
It's okay to love Halo (Enjoy Bungie's Halos) and hate Halo (Enjoy Halo Infinite) at the same time. You don't have to be ashamed. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with you.
Would declaring your favorite Halo in public get you high-fived or beat up?

Anons who would get beat up with their answer, what made you choose that Halo over the other more sensible choices?
God I love Halo.
Declaring mine would get looks of confusion and being asked "What the fuck is Halo Custom Edition?"
it's over?
You would get a high five from me, based anon.
Haven't been here in a while.
What's a gun you like more than BR even though you know it's likely the better weapon?
I always loved using the plasma carbine and I hope it's in the next game. Kinda hate infinite's weapon pool tbqh, would gladly trade Stalker rifle and Thundercock rifle for plasma and beam rifle. Don't think I'd trade cindershot for brute shot though.
Halo 3's SMG is barely usable outside of 4v4/FFA AR-only starts on small maps, but it's my favorite gun in the entire franchise. It's just so compact and cool-looking and it spits bullets out and can really rip you apart if you get too close. It's only beaten out by the shotgun in close ranges. But honestly when are you ever fighting at such close range anyway? Yet I still drop the AR for it whenever I see it in BTB even though I'm better off keeping the AR.
What is the point of worshipping Escharum?
He dies. He loses.
>Stalker rifle and Thundercock rifle
I don't really care for either of these either, but I think they're more interesting than the carbine/beam rifle while also setting themselves clearly apart from the BR/Sniper rifle. I'd take the Needle Rifle and (a buffed) Focus Rifle instead. Or better yet, maybe a nerfed Halo 5 Binary Rifle and make that the nu-Focus Rifle.
He will live again.
Needle Rifle. The perfectly balanced satisfying weapon trapped in Reach's DMR sandbox.
Mein nigga.
The thread dies tonight.
Screenshot this.
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What does that have to do with anything?
You put the patch notes in so people can read the timeline.
Don't be a fucking retard.
Infinitefags are getting a little too comfortable here. MCChads will remind them who runs this joint later today.
It doesn't matter what you like best. They're both dogshit products anyway. It's a public service to put the links in the OP. Don't be a fucking retard.
>jose rips your tags
>sticks them in a map and uploaded it to halomaps
Good times.
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easiest encounter of his life
just spin around and shoot once or twice and they all pop
Gotta love how 90% of the time the tags weren’t even halo 3. Like they would have the halo 3 assault rifle and BR but you fight halo 2 grunts and elites alongside halo 1 marines.
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You seriously missed out. Nothing more soulful than stealing some spics sniper Gauss rifle and hear his mother yell in the background while playing on the most 2YK atmospheric map imaginable.
>it's a map with a mix of stock ce, cmt, h2 and h3 tags
The true sign of Mexican made maps.
Or Altheros lmao.
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Wasn’t that the guy that somehow got the tools to rip shit from Reach and never shared them. I vaguely remember there being a lot of drama about surrounding that guy. The Mexican part of the community was always fucking obsessed with reach for some reason.
Nah, he never made anything himself. Guy was utterly obsessed with Masterz (and included shit like his dox in whatever jumbled together maps he released) and these days surrounds himself with people seething about other modders who send gore/cp/try to dox, ect. Used to happen to this place awhile ago because they thought this was a secret hideout for CE modders or whatever.
Zteam had the tools to rip from H3 (including animations) and Reach years before any public tools came around, and they never shared shit.
Halo is Mexican
Mercury Rising is pretty nice
>larping as a game dev team for an overly ambitious mod that will never release.
It’s insane how many of these there have been across the years.
Installation 01 was 7 years ago: https://youtu.be/RfE9Q3I3Q_g?si=19jtjHLAdYNV3PfT
Project contingency was also around 7 years ago: https://youtu.be/zyCy_PsjUz0?si=tE485O3nach7cTFq
Halo reborn was only 1 year ago but there haven’t been a word since: https://youtu.be/CIDnQfFms9s?si=yoTgF6IVB7cNa-sq
Halo redshift was just a month ago: https://youtu.be/MAxOSFoDak4?si=YFq9Cp3mOH8nlpZl
You would think they would learn by now.
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It is a bit odd, but maybe I'd be in their position if I hadn't encountered Bungie's ViDocs/making-of videos early on, letting me know how complex it is even for experienced teams.
On a somewhat related note it's been interesting to see the ups and downs of one-person development in /agdg/ over the years.
>"hmm an entire team of salaried employees? nah me and a few others guys can remake entire games from scratch on our spare time!"
>the project quietly dies 5 years later after achieving nothing
A true game modding moment.
No. I think we're just getting started.
I liked Halo 4, especially the multiplayer

I liked loadouts, I liked the new weapons, I liked the Mantis
Looking at the current state of halo modding remind me a lot of how the fallout modding community was when fallout 76 released. A bunch of fans disgruntled with the current trajectory of the franchise decided to make their own fan mod closer to earlier entries in the franchise. Initial reveal is used as a “gotcha” against the latest official title in how a “true” game in the franchise should look. Sometime pass and the project was just a bunch of smoke and mirrors by “idea guys” or the released mod is full of its own issues.
Rebalances can be okay, but some people just can't help themselves and continue adding in random bullshit that isn't so much rebalancing as it is creating bloat. Like those mods that try and add Halo Online-esque variants for each weapon.
As I've gotten older, I've started to hate loadouts less. I still think they were mishandled in Halo 4, but I don't see the harm in choosing from a few generic starting weapons. Making a distinction between primary & secondary weapons was a mistake too because the plasma pistol and boltshot were not balanced to be spawn weapons, but removing those would leave you with a single secondary option. All of the automatic guns should have been eligible secondaries.
Yeah while I like CE rebalanced by ruby of blue he adds a bunch of marines in the flood levels which removes a lot of the lonely and desperate atmosphere in those levels.
His mods are exactly what I had in mind when writing that post. He loves to force in OC shit that doesn't fit the tone of the game. My favorite example to bring up is what he did to Halo 3's flare.
I got banned from the Halo Mods discord awhile ago for calling it Halo Reborn "Halo Stillborn" because it will die before anything comes out.
>nearly 2 years later
>changed from 3, reach and then finally to 4's engine
>absolutely nothing to show except screenshots of incomplete assets which get deleted
I'm sure they'll have spmething to show by the year 2058 at this rate.
Even the CE remake is fucked, when the groundwork and most of the assets are already done for them. Gotta make the hub map, I guess. Don't need anything more than T&R and Keyes.
>Changes halo 3 flare into a bowling ball.
Yeah I never understood that decision. I remember SPV3 having a gravity grenade that pulled enemies together. Which was useful when combining it in with other grenades for obvious reasons. But I don’t get the idea for pushing enemies away from each other in an fps. Like what gain is there from pushing a bunch of brutes from one end of the arena to another? It’s not like the halo 3 brutes are dangerous is close quarters anyway.
I think half the problem is Halo modding is less "oh I'll just slap some shit together in Hammer" or "oh I'll make a new weapon for Fallout 4" and more straight up unsupported game development.
The burnout is fucking real. It's what killed my project.
They'll take collision damage from bashing into a wall, or get knocked off a ledge, but I still don't see the point. Watching his playthrough, it was pretty obvious he added it just for the lulz and didn't care about making a good addition out of it. But in that position, I'd have just cut the flare because it has such a small effect on the game.
Halo's tools aren't exactly friendly to new users, because they're the development tools Bungie made. The lack of documentation doesn't help either.
And if you want something multiplayer-focused, good luck getting people to play it if you're not in bed with ecelebs. I've been maintaining a multiplayer mod because I like doing it, but there's maybe 10 people total who have played it in the past year, and it's difficult to even get a 2v2 lobby going.
>Halo reborn
The very foundation of the project is fucked. Recreating the entire halo trilogy in a fucking fan game of all things is ridiculous, let alone in an open world. 1 is somewhat possible, But how will halo 2 translate into an open world? Will something like high charity and the heroic levels be entire separate maps?
SPV3 was just slapping shit from latter titles into 1 and that took decades of work and learning experience starting from SPV1 back in 2005.
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Is that what it's meant to be? I thought it was going to be a relatively high-effort standalone campaign. A full remake of several games is never going to happen.
But hey, they had that Halo 3 piano sting in the trailer so that means it'll be good.
No you see if we act like we are a game development studio we will somehow muster the might of a hundred employees working 9-5 and remake the entire trilogy.
Please ignore that custom cutscenes are currently impossible for Halo 4.
>All these fancy modding tools
>Still can’t beat a fan made campaign 14 years ago by teenagers with fucking linkin park in it.
Lumoria really was the peak. Covert ops was also fun.
The current modding tools aren't much different than the HEK Custom Edition launched with. You get the convenience of being able to test in real-time without recompiling maps and better hardware but not much else has changed.
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Yeah I was just trolling. The issue with the current modding scene has never been the tools as much the people using them. Despite the halomaps.org and modacity days being full of absolute garbage 90% of the time. (Did Dennis ever actually quality control anything?).
I feel that people had a much better grasp of their capabilities. Most projects where one firefight or MP map at most. Nowadays everyone wants to pretend that they are a serious game developer and makes a bunch of “special club” discords and “projects” with these grand statement and promises. Say what you want about [H2]Coldsnap_flood_Ai_battle.v3 by Fernando in a favela, at least he knew what he was making.
Not knowing how to properly scale your project to your abilities is definitely something more current modders struggle with. But you're not going to get all the Twitter likes unless you have a buy system, enemy HP bars, and 6 different flavors of Battle Rifle.
Back in the day, you'd just make a map to play and if people thought it was good then it was cool to see it in the server browser. Nowadays, people farm social media engagement even before what they have is complete.
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>server browser
The MCC version being so shit that it killed most MP mods probably didn’t help. Mega SP conversion mods being “Popular” is natural. Because they are the only ones that you can actually play.
>the plasma pistol and boltshot were not balanced to be spawn weapons
I think it's fine. If someone wants to choose the magnum and lose out on the abilities of the plasma pistol or boltshot, that's their choice.

I've seen people say that the plasma pistol shouldn't be a spawn weapon because it can take out vehicles easily, but I used to fly around in banshees and fly quickly to avoid plasma pistol shots. So I wouldn't see it as a huge problem.
Any ground vehicle is invalidated by a plasma pistol and 2 plasma nades.
Halo cycle
I always liked loadouts because they let me avoid AR starts.
More like it's cause MCC is mostly made up of geriatric ancient Xbox and Xbox 360 era spaghetti code that getting it to PC at all in a remotely playable state was a miracle in itself. And now companies want to hire brownoids and women instead of competent white men, which means rebuilding the code outright is not an option either. It's not the white man that is weak, it's the society and corporations around them rotting our foundations.
I always liked loadouts because they let me avoid BR starts.
>brownoids and women can't code and keep up with driver updates
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>check Steamcharts
>both Halo Infinite and MCC have sub 10k players
Is Halo dead or is it all just Xbox niglets now?
Infinite isn't dead due to having a healthier Xbox population
MCC is actually dead
Shit, am I stuck having to play a game with no GOOD Spartan customization then if I want a fix of Halo?
Infinite is your best bet yeah. Use Xbox rewards/CC miles/points to get the season 1 premium pass. From there you'll always have enough Spartan points to but every following season since it gives you some with each pass.
I don't think I have Xbox rewards and such.
Halo Online steps over all these
Mostly because halo online was already working game when they started. They only needed to remove the P2W shit. It also helped that they had a concrete goal. “Get halo 3 to pc.” Is much more tangible, robust and realistic goal than “Let’s make the biggest bestest halo ever!”.
settle down, dank
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Sorry anons I let one cute rat slip by
what I'm making will be able to recreate the entire trilogy with practically infinite variation. its part of a much greater project. the halo community will never make anything good, so fuck them and just wait for my shit to come out.
then just pau for season 1
that faggot korn didn't even port over the object vector editing from OpenSauce. fuck him and fuck the bloated unoptimized piece of jewish shit known as MCC.
Gears of War
Same, the AR pisses me off.
From my understanding, you can update the modding tools without asking 343 or Microsoft.

They did that some weeks ago, so you can nudge that modder Corn to include it to complete the tool set.
you have nothing now but greedy rabid golems fighting over scraps of power jewish niggers throw to them. stop using pisscord and other jewish nigger platforms. maybe a real community will start to form again.
Halo infinite tonight lads?
mcc I think
I'd rather not give 343 money for things that should be in the game for free as they have been in every previous installation of the series.
what the sigma
not touching MCC or steam or any fucking garbage like that.
the halo engine is being cracked open now by a private team using machine learning to reverse engineer everything. all of halo and microjew's fucking shit will be cracked open soon.
holy smokes
Holy rude
Why tough?
El maestro jefe...
the entertainment industry is dying with a vengeance, copyright will mean nothing in the coming years.
jews will no longer feel safe here, using our stolen tech and bullshit laws to fuck us. too many are aware of the parasite menace, the cults of abraham can no longer sustain jewish power structure. white culture is returning, niggers will be burning.
Yeah but what has that to do with your intent to reverse engineer halos source code? Do you intend to make you own halo games?
Dank. Last warning. Settle down or you're out of Saturday Night Halo.
Regimevangelicals have played a key role in facilitating this progress.
I understand, I'm just telling you how to get stuff. You need an initial investment in the season 1 battle pass, from there you'll be given enough rolling credits to I vest in each subsequent battle pass
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This is the biggest problem with Halo mods
For some reason Halo modders are trying to overcome bungie delusions they had when making H2
Seriously some projects go from fixing brute armor in H3 to RECREATING THE HALO INFINITE CAMPAIGN IN H3 ODST FROM SCRATCH
This is why the best mods are small and reasonable things
Custom campaigns, restoring cut content, wacky shit like curse, kart, minecraft halo...
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Don't forget night time kino
trying to get the jason jones easter egg in single player and holy shit it's hard
i didn't remember grenade jumping being this hard, i can't even find a tutorial on youtube
yeah sadly all the old videos got deleted because of the eu's data protection laws
there may be archives somewhere else
it's over
please dont say that friend as long as microsoft is alive so will halo
i was referring to my marriage but microsoft will not guarantee halo's future. they didn't spend billions on COD just to keep an irrelevant space shooter on life support.
cute dank bf
sharted, more like hehe
I'm doing something that nobody has done before, the private project goes far beyond Halo and even entertainment. What's coming will flip the world on its ass, white ingenuity will shine through the sea of nigger shit once again. No copyright jewry will be able to stop us, whats coming.
boy legs belong in pantyhose halo
My dick belongs in (You)r Halo
Dis dood gotta tiny dick it can fit inside da cd hole lol
Does the game pass ultimate only auto redeem after you run out?
Blud is subscribed to gamepass ain't no way
go to Microsoft account on PC at MS.com
you can edit your subscription to be auto-renewing or not
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Oh my god
Xbox Gaypass
shadow of the erdtree is gonna rape halo
Can you not post Reddit links/ip grabbers? Thanks.
erm that's /v/ tho
I still have 4 active months
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Perfect profile of Aryan god
uh that's a nigger
shut the fuck up bigots
be nice
be niceto each other guys
He has abandoned us...
N's return will bring balance to /hg/
All these false faggots will learn their place
Nega Sigmund... No, he's legend!
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The green twink from pokemon
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Quantum Troll is trying to no-clip into this thread.
Don't let him.
or just stand there
It is possible to bypass both of them with active camo, I think.
You have to be super quick though.
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Who gave nigger sonic a CE pistol?
Dank I love you but please stop this. I cannot support hate. I know this isnt your heart.
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Saturday Night Halo soon.
>Saturday Night Halo soon.
Unfortunately it's MCC this week
meaning nobody will show up
A sad way to learn a necessary lesson.
MCC is dead.
Tackel showed up, it's all gon b k :)
Dank has arrived, despite his recent controversies.
thread cred just went up by 10.
What's the current thread cred of each Redcord member?
combined, they're still dwarfed by my thread cred.
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who gives a fuck about women it's gay month dumbass
>pivot to right wing grifter pretending to care about woman athletes to begin with
I look forward to him retweeting or talking to Grummz.

working on it
who the fuck uses the sword i never used the sword once faggot
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Halo was played
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Halo was played
>playing on blue
discord causes this sort of dysphoria
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>55K views 11 days ago
So halo is dead at the moment and 343 is just a branding company now?
I took my kid to the park today, and there were a bunch of ghetto americans having a cook out, and blasting music.

There was a group of girls on the playground and I heard their mom yell out to them "CORTANA, GET OVER HERE".
Because of the purple tone and hair style, I thought Cortana was black the first time I played CE as a kid.
hey guys, i am new to halo infinite, i play on pc
but the game takes forever to load, why is it happening, all other games i have such as Apex legends, fortnite, etc. have no issues loading, all load within a minute, but halo infinite is taking more than 15 minutes to get into the lobby. does someone know something about this ?
Halo infinite is a lot less populated than Fortnite and apex legends. Where do you live? Depending on which region you are in the lobby times are different, Australia for example takes 1 hour or so compared to North America.
the game's just poorly made. for a while it would infinitely download the same image, wasting your bandwidth and filling up several gigabytes of hard drive storage.
NO when i say lobby, i meant to say the party forming lobby not the game lobby. its taking insanely long times just to load the game, over 15 to 20 mins. i see a loading screen and the bar insanely slowly progresses loading the game
i'm playing through the mcc for old times sake, just finished halo 3 and i gotta say out of all the games it's the one that made me miss playing with my brother the most, the campaign is just not the same thing in singleplayer
wish i had a halo friend
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Lehto bros?!
average /hg/ regular
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It was fun
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>Q Iz Woke
i-is this true?
It's been so long since the last cour of Halo, I can't wait to see Atriox use his Almighty to btfo Chief and the gang.
>Oh, you won one game? Get shit on for the next 5 matches!
>Oh, you got matched with people your skill level for once? For the next 10 matches play against Mint Blitz!
Does the game not see my K/D and accuracy? Why am I always going up against HCS teams? I can't even hit any shots because their movement is so perfect and they kill in 3 shots every time. When is it my turn to win a match?
first time coming here, does /hg/ host weekly games like /aceg/ does?
>page 9
Is there any chance of finding games in Australia? What game modes are people still playing?
is it just me or is the hit registration in halo 3 terrible?
i'll mag dump a brute shot into a moving target and have the shots don't deal damage, while a direct hit is enough to one shot me
i wish there was at least a way to tell if i'm lagging
In Infinite? No. I have to use a VPN and force the game to play on US servers if I want to find a game. Ranked is impossible.
I don't understand how the democrats, aka trannies, had to choose exactly this poop man to fight Trump.
and who would vote for this vegetable?
>pants unzipped
>clearly has a button fly
Dangerous misinformation. Little Joey's getting shoved in his locker tonight.
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>who would vote for this vegetable?
It is terrible and no matter how many times they claim to have fixed it, probably couldn't be counted on one hand at this point, it is always going to mess up the competitive experience. The MCC's skill gap is about tactics with aim being much less relevant than it was on the 360. Which would be a good thing if it wasn't for the fact that you can't tell it's happening unless you're a lag connoisseur. If you use explosive weapons, avoid going for direct hits because you can experience player position desync. The map geometry never desyncs unless your own internet is shit so always aim for that.
I want to know too
I'm not a dummie american btw
/hg/ used to host the games every other day till now where it's only on weekends.
America is a regime. Using the lexicon of the regime, enemies always opportunistically "pounce" while friends tend to be "bold" and "seize the moment".

People people stop reading about the election for a long time (read decades).
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Banished Bump
No one chooses the president. Ideally Biden and Trump would be replaced by anyone else on the planet.
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lmao fucking pathetic.
He did way better than I thought he would desu
>run as republican
>spend years condemning trump
>campaign based solely on 'remember me I did the music for a leftist video game'
>wtf why did no one vote for me
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retard above
The Banished believe elections are just as violent as a mugging. Both ultimately involve the threat of violence, mugging is just more honest.
so it's not an issue contained to halo 3 but the whole mcc?
that's a brand new reason i have for hating 343
open the fucking door it's hotter than hades in here
Halo 3 is by far the worst for hit reg but yes it affects all the games. Original halo 3 had the same problem except it only occurred for one lucky bastard, so only one guy in the whole game was laggy to shoot. Now that we're on soviet style dedicated servers, everybody is equally laggy.
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I told you not to wear polyester

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if jul mdama's celebrating fathers day then that means... Jul...
haha my man
secure the laundromats, clean up your mess
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The Banished uniform policy clearly states that linen must be worn during the summer months.
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I told you not to cum inside... FOR GOOD REASON
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>unsc depicted as the lowest scum in the universe
A bit extreme but The Banished approve.
one night standtriox
It takes far more than one human cumshot to impregnate a brute. Gayviator was just one of many.
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Based Jul.
It's a good thing that the only one who can kill him is currently mounted on Hyperius' pauldrons. The next campaign will be about Master Chief finding the matrix of leadership so he can resurrect Lockepicker who will then save Atriox and there will be big explosions of course.
Atriox was my most FERTILE recruit
stop sipping for this guy
was reddit right about marty
But is he ready to take the next step
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holy based
it's Ober l
holy smokes
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what the carrot?!
wocky slush
Is project contingency still alive?
If you have to ask...
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this is it
the last thread
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why are odstfags so fucking SMELLY?
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>page 10
anyone who thinks /hg/ is a forced general needs to take a sobering look at the bowsette general
may your dreams be as sweet as you halobros good night
anyone who thinks /hg/ needs to die needs to browse the rest of /vg/ desu
Kill yourself
Thanks but it's 8 am, here
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You too
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No bloom Halo Reach for like a month was the absolute best. Man why couldn't we keep that.
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It’s called perfume and deodorant. Something 2lards and 3babies know nothing about.
If 2 is so good then why does no one play it outside of the 24/7 FFA Fiesta on Warlock and 24/7 FFA Sword/Shotties on Lockout in customs? Stop overhyping it just for /hg/ street cred.
2 has the worst gameplay in the series only after Infinite.
>um buddy did you know the netcode is bad/mcc is a broken port/etc
It sucks on OG Xbox too.

2 > all
all > 2
max thread cred btw
what's the quickest way to grind out thread cred? asking for a friend.
Sign up for /hg/+
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take me home
dusty roads
i miss 00's design sense
Careful halo bros, there are Elden Ring dlc leaks in the wild now and people are posting them all over /v/
not halo
ummmmm actually halo refers to an ancient ring structure which is synonymous with Elden Ring.
not halo
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What if /hg/ was BETRAYED and TRAPPED inside a game of H2A Slayer with a 10-day timer?
I know that feel
it's over
isn't it
has been for a while now
I still believe
>he still believes
The CE remake doesn't even have multiplayer
H2A is aright. The biggest issue is the lack of actual content.
and that's a good thing
MS has given up on Halo mp.
They've made it clear that they view Infinite as more or less finished and want that to stand as the mp experience for years to come.
Outside of that, they're perfectly content with having CoD be the main mp for Xbox.
They want Halo to be reborn as their Last of Us heavy story hitter.
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Containment... Home.
Dihn... he's a fighter...
I'm gay
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Noble Prophets of Regret, Truth, and Mercy
The least they can do is include server binary.
what the fuck is that monster on the right
Fiona from Shrek
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Will do some quick pencil sketches, any requests?
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cortana if she ballin
this but lil pacha
It's Kiki Wolfkill.
Man /erg/ is unusable right now so I came crawling back here. What's going on with Halo right now? Still dead?
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the face of a man who put a prepubescent character into a game then had it raped and married to gigantic men
Why did you photoshop Marty's face over Lehto?
Why is it that any update to the driver fucks with infinite? Second time ive had the game crash on startup after a driver update.
see >>481974827
Linux or Windows?

This, unironically. Competitive multiplayer would just further dilute the playerbase.
You're literally retarded if you want or expect a Halo 1 remake to have a full multiplayer suite. At most it should have basic customs like the original.
They're working on Halo 7, you can complain about that game's inevitably barebones multiplayer.
Except barebones would be a good thing if barebones means lacking gameplay "features".
The game is going to be trash regardless.
Just assume he means Linux because Windowscucks are faggots that don't deserve help.
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>you're literally retarded [says the most retarded shit imaginable]
Is that good or bad?
how did you get a picture of my mug shot
added to the filter
No one cares retard
Well Phil has artificially kept studios alive much longer than they deserve. There's a chance the pajeet they get to replace him will be responsible for the closing of even more studios. So there is hope.
filtered post two up
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that's so silly
Fuck off yeeze
El burrito Halo general
the thread was on page 10 twice in the last day or so who saved it
BIG TROLL with support from lil troll
All me btw
How do you know that?
Because I'm gib llort, big troll's good twin
Quantum Troll saved this thread months from now.
You idiot, to know he saved it, you had to have observed him, which means he no longer exists. The thread is doomed.
How exactly does Steam work?
Hypothetically, if Microsoft completely discontinues all support for Halo, takes all the servers offline, will it still be possible to play MCC custom games on Steam/Proton, or does that require some centralized server?
I have never played on Steam, I just play on Xbox, so I have no idea how it works. I just want to figure out what will be the best way to still play the original trilogy online if/when MS stops supporting it.
>inb4 Insignia
Obviously that is the #1 option but I want options for H1 and H3 as well.
Not yet
Yeah whats your point?
i bump this general guys
good night
Haven't played since they released the server browser or whatever, have the forge maps and modes become more functional? Does it still barely work? Is it dead? Is there good shit on it now?
If you were here, you are my brother. The OG custom games.
Both MCC and Infinite use Microaoft Xbox servers. Steam simulator signs into them.
it was peak Halo Online imo
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Fuck man... The feels..
soft and warm yeeze cuddle
good night
It wasn't my thread, I just thought it was funny
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just played against the pedophile
should i be concerned?
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Has to be used on a "new" account, but here you go faggots.
- Tackel
is eldewrito still alive
the fuck is eldewrito?
blud said what are doritos
im not touching that ip grabber
i'll touch your grunt nuts
Is this true not only for matchmaking but even just custom games?
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cute tana
Microsoft can discontinue the Azure servers for MP the next day; you can only play people closest to you (P2P). If offline, you'll have the periodic Microsoft sign-in checkup to see if you have bought the license to own the launcher.
Steam is just there sitting under the bridge stealing xbox playerbase and converting them to mustard race via sleeper effect.
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>you can only play people closest to you (P2P
So there's a way to do p2p custom games over Steam with people in the same geographical area? How?
>offline sign in checkup
And that requires going online to verify or is there a way around that? Surely the game can be played offline indefinitely?
Show me your fucking dome
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Warhammer 40k is Halo
Halo is Touhou.
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You get it.
is humans forerunners
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*sigh* this early man? *unzips cock*
>only for matchmaking but even just custom games?
The entire game uses Microsoft servers unless you're offline in which case it uses local networking
through Halo 2 yes
Then Halo 3 both yes and no (poorly written game)
Then afterwards just no
need players for shitfinite coop cheevos
the gravity hammer one is fun
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The Silent Cartographer... Home...
That’s death island tough.
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Is that the guy that does "halo-ified" weapons which just means
>put triangle pattern from br and ar shroud on guns
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That's the opposite of karma, the banshee cunt should have died
extremely based
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halo combat evolved remake will be announced at the Nintendo direct
Just imagine how hard that kid is raging after respawning
He probably threw his controller lel
stupid nep
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Hobbits are Halo
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Yeah, it's (United States of) American
Why do so many people make their Spartan orange?
Such an ugly color.
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CEmake certainly seems to have riled up the last of the originalfags. Can't wait for the return of "AAAAAH THERES A BUSH THERE!"
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Halo JUST saved that direct
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>Spartan Surplus
>next to nothing
Is this the end of Halo Infinite?
The Doom Slayer*
I can get behind that
Metroid Prime 4 is gonna rape halo so badly
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>fucking Nintendo of all companies can manage their tentpole IPs better than Xbox

What have Halo fans done to suffer this much?
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Tomorrow is a BIG day for Halo
fucking chills
bonobo bros...
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>Doom gets new game
>Gears gets new game
>Metroid gets new game
>Halo is left in the dumpster
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At least we aren't bloodborne...
Halo is literally getting a remake
this game is irrelevant
>need players for shitfinite coop cheevos
I can help
Better than literally every Halo game in the last 15 years
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>watch video on youtube about halo 1
>they use anniversary graphics
it's not even out yet
There are far more relevant games that meet this criteria
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/our lurker/ predicted it!
CEmake will NOT come to PS5
screencap this
The Superintendent is overrated
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I want hot Cortana back
I want my hot wife back, but she's mid 30s now
Can't have everything
who's the fluffiest regular?
Came here to say kys cheeffag, Metroid fps won
>he didn't marry someone at LEAST 5 years younger than him
I won.
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Who's I?
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im not reading that
also shadow of the erdtree is raping halo btw
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I thought he didn’t want a remake.
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Halo... home...
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I vastly prefer this box art to the one they eventually used

Am I the only one?
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Nice Halo 5 screenshot.
nah that shit is way older..or that there was another project with the same name.

>I vastly prefer being reminded of how they nerfed Spartan asses
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Yes !
it looks like AIslop
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looks more unique than
>dude ce
>dude CE
yes that's based
We are not going to allow people to start treating CE like smug pokemon fans treat Red and Blue.
CE is fantastic and should absolutely still be catered to.
>soulless nostalgiawank from people who hate the series is good and you should be happy
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I'm something to be... experienced.
no, what's soulless is catering only to 3babs who never started with the series to begin with
Catering to CE is better because it's such a superior model to work on that they're more likely to get it right.
Which bayformers movie is he from
Catering to Halo 1 (not called CE btw) would indeed be great but we both know 343 will not do that. 2A is the only thing we are EVER going to get that is made by 343 and is even remotely similar to classic Halo. But that's okay, because we can still play the real original trilogy.
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Halo Infinite was released in 2021 when I think AI images were still not great (pic related), I think 2022 is when AI images became much better

True. And regardless of the CE similarity I still think the one I posted looks better than the one they actually used. Maybe it's because I think the front of Chief's armour in Infinite isn't that good.
>Catering to Halo 1 (not called CE btw)
that's what everybody here seems to call it but whatever
>2A is the only thing we are EVER going to get that is made by 343
2A was not made by 343.
>and is even remotely similar to classic Halo.
nah, it's a resigned Halo 4.
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The fans are getting restless...
it's just tiny troll
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MCC cover also looks like bad AIslop
>CEmake will NOT come to PS5
I give it 50/50 odds
>screencap this
post your GT and I will
The restless... *shudders*
the most dubious...
>2A was not made by 343.
Well they are still kinda responsible for its creation
>nah, it's a resigned Halo 4.
Do you know what the word 'remotely' means? Obviously it is different than the originals but like the originals it has no armor abilities, no sprint, BR, no DMR, etc. Easily the best of the post-H3 games.
>redeisgned 4
And 343 made 4, so even if 2A isnt entirely 343, it still is 343. And it shows that if 343 actually wanted to, they could make something decent. They instead give us all this absolute trash like 4 and shitfinite not because they are incapable of making something decent, but because they don't want to make something decent. Sure, 2A is nowhere near as good as 1/2/3, but its still good, unlike Reach, 4, 6 (not mentioning 5 because even though 5 is trash I still had some fun with it)
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Which are you, /hg/?
Calm Down Gayscharum.
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I miss breakout but Holy Fuck is Halo 5 armor fucking disgusting
Business idea: release Halo Infinite multiplayer on PlayStation which could boost the player population and make Halo more popular

Keep single player on Xbox so if PlayStation players get interested in Halo, they need an Xbox or PC to play Halo campaigns
HAHAHAHA get fucked halo losers
it's over
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I'm not interested in snoy threads, thanks
get fucked

>snoy out of nowhere
get help
>>snoy out of nowhere
>get help
You right
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it's called Halo 1
nobody cares if you call it that, tiny troll
We're still gonna call it CE tho
there's that word again
unironically this. I can tell what people mean when they say either, but pretty much everyone says CE so that's what I default to.
>CEmake literally so far away that it doesn't even have a release date
it's 2026 at the earliest, and that's probably pushing it.
Might as well just take the infinite pill.
>I miss breakout but Holy Fuck is Halo 5 armor fucking disgusting
it's the worst in the series, yeah
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>just play Infinite goy
>inspired by 80s pop culture
the marine voice acting is cringe but other than that it actually looks fun
I'll install it
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>we have to keep this up for another two years
take me back to post-halo 5 holy shit
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>Halo 4
>chair with his name on it
what a mommy's boy
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russian nesting doll post
Excuse me but Russians are based
not really
You're not being realistic but that's okay.
people posting a bunch of nonsense up above
Reach and 4 were good games, I liked them

I dunno about Infinite because I haven't played it
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>Excuse me but Russians are based
Reach and 4 were SHIT games, I HATED them
holy giga BASED
>Reach and 4 were SHIT games
Objectively incorrect
>Objectively incorrect
Objectively incorrect
>>Objectively incorrect
>Objectively incorrect
Objectively incorrect
You say that because it’s the last bastion of values where they still hate on your gay and trans community, which will soon be freed for the world once again
nah and not really
nice try
Ok but russians based
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>Ok but russians based
This is Halo.
it's annoying how much is behind the store, but they've remedied it somewhat
a little, but it's still annoying how bad the ratio is
Infinite is one of the more greedy games with micros I've played considering how little they give you to spend in the store compared to how much you have to grind
you mean 4 and 5 but yes
I'd rather not Sneed this feed into chuck
Forced colors was still better
damn straight
CE is so soul
the fact that 343 can't replicate this with 4 tries makes me want to just give up on everything
don't kill yourself anon
>343 removes red vs blue
>Red vs Blue gets cancelled
it's not like it was worth watching past season 8 anyway
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season 5*
over my dead body
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>We're approaching the LZ. It's gonna be hot. Get set to come out swinging!
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Chief didn't say that!
this looks extremely low budget
your Mom is low budget

Ask me how I know
No really. Go ahead.
it was

thank you, i’m russian and i’m glad to see that we are not so disapproved of
Russians are whatever tier just like anyone else.
Your government is super cringe and yikes tho.
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post it.

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