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#1833 - Juneteenth edition

Halo Infinite's 11th Battle Pass, "Tenrai IV", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (6/7)
>Latest Community Update (5/2)

Halo News:
>Microsoft to reportedly considering a multiplatform Halo reboot
>Tenrai IV Battlepass kicks off new Match Composer Feature for Infinite
>Forge Falcons debut Battle Royale game mode

Previous >>481767015
You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1833

>Previous Threads
>>481767015 | #1832 - Flower Power
>>481279591 | #1831 - Match Composer
was Jerome ever confirmed Black?
His name is Jerome and his VA is black.
Do the math.
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Why did you remove MCC from the OP?
The Endless has arrived
I didn't remove anything
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I love how they literally ditched Palmer because she wasn't woke enough.
Think about that.
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PS6 Pro Launch
have a nice night halobros
ok, now this is based
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You forgot best sniper and also Locke
ODST hasn't aged well damn
>aged well
That is implying it looked good at any point.
It didn't.
Metroid won.
Samus won.
Halo lost.
Chief lost(to a monkey).
>You forgot Locke
It's ok I got it.
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>Chief lost(to a monkey)
More than just a Monkey.
Chief has an overall negative W/L rate since 343 took over.
erm you can't have a negative W/L ratio. that doesn't make sense.
just admit you can't do the arithmetic, simple troll
Chief is cook'd!
2/4 for Infinite co-op
Did I... miss something?
I could have sworn they canceled Infinite co-op
common Mandela effect
no split screen chicken coop
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how many more years do you think we have to wait for the next halo announcement?
how many more years after the announcement do you think we have to wait for the game to release?
Announcement probably next year. Release probably late 2026 - early 2027.
CEmake will get a 2026 release at absolute earliest
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CEmake releases 2025 with a teaser for The Endless, releasing in 2027
Infinite storyline is going nowhere.
At most Atriox can get resolution in Halo Wars 3
>thinking they're continuing the story
Lol. If the CE remake (if it even exists) is successful it will be a reboot in all but name.
If it flops, Halo just ceases.
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Just finished the no plasma pistol challenge on halo ce but I think halo 2 might be legit impossible without it, like worse than thundermythic bad
how tough was Two Betrayals?
do yall not have mcc or h6 or something..?
who's the most cuddleable regular?
God, tv show is soulless
I feel bad for it
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So in terms of multi-player what is a more fun experience for you?
A: Completely dominating the enemy [100:20] [3:0]
B: Winning but a close game [100:95] [3:2]
is this from the movie?
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>If it flops, Halo just ceases.
I've wanted this to be true for over ten years. But Phil is about to retire so maybe the new leadership will put Halo out of its misery.
What's an unpopular opinion that you hold onto regardless of what people say?

>Halo 5 had and still has the best version of Super Fiesta to exist in modern halo.
Given that there's only two games with super fiesta I don't think that's remotely an unpopular opinion.
Not too bad. Any level with lots of open space is manageable. Truth and reconciliation was the real ball buster
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damn I want to play 4 now
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Is this the halo thread?
The only fans that hate Reach, 4, 5 and Infinite MP just want Halo 2/3 MP forever.

Halo 3 definitely had a go to weapon with the BR. You either had a BR or a power weapon or you lost a vast majority of the fights. Pretty much every Halo game up until 5 had a base weapon that has stood out as being the one you used or else.
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I hate all of those but 5, what does that make me?
You hate everything but CE and 5? Why?
They're the only ones with good gameplay. No I'm not trolling.
Why did Escharumposting die?
>They're the only ones with good gameplay. No I'm not trolling.

Care to explain?
It didn't take well with the most Dubious fans
Are assassinations Halo?
they are boring
NTA but CE and 5 are the only halo games with actual fun Sandboxes. Every other game is dominated by one gun.
2 and 3 it’s the BR, Reach has the dmr, 4 it’s the BR again and infinite it’s the sidekick. While the magnum in CE is broken the other weapons are equally busted, the AR has a really fast melee speed, the Plasma rifle has a secret stun ability and the shotgun has actual range.
5 is similar in that every gun is useful. The storm rifle for example in 5 is arguably the best plasma weapon in the series. I remember 2/3 fans complaining about 5 having to many “hyper-lethal” weapons which destroyed the precision meta the past games fanbases had been conditioned to like. Naturally the halo fanbase shat their diapers in unison. This promoted 343 to make a balance update that made the magnum broken. But at launch it had the most balanced sandbox in the series.
uh guys? you're gonna wanna see this...
look at this beautie

>5 is similar in that every gun is useful. The storm rifle for example in 5 is arguably the best plasma weapon in the series. I remember 2/3 fans complaining about 5 having to many “hyper-lethal” weapons which destroyed the precision meta the past games fanbases had been conditioned to like. Naturally the halo fanbase shat their diapers in unison. This promoted 343 to make a balance update that made the magnum broken. But at launch it had the most balanced sandbox in the series.

What are Halo 5's beta, launch and current version like?
>fucking perfect dark of all things
>not a peep about Halo
it's never been more over than at this current point in time in the year of our lord and savior jesus christ 2024
This is the xbox general, my dude
This is such a retarded post. Halo 1 is more one-weapon-dominated than any other game in the series. There's nothing wrong with that, I absolutely love Halo 1, but you just went full retard.
>4 of the 8 weapons are basically never used
>2 of the 8 weapons are power weapons with limited availability (albeit there are some maps with snipers readily available)
>1 of the 8 weapons is only effective at very close range
That leaves the M6D.
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Of course. They have been in every single Halo game and have been called such since Halo 2.
>Halo 1 instead of CE.
>M6D instead of just calling it the magnum.
>4 > 8 weapons are never used. B-because t-they just aren’t okay!
>I totally love halo “1” you guys but let me tell you how I don’t know how to use 90% of the sandbox.
Fake fan.
>Halo 1 instead of CE.
Either works. CE is more common obviously.
>M6D instead of just calling it the magnum.
You're the fake fan here.
It's the Pistol, CE Pistol, but never "magnum"
have a great day guys
Thanks, dear.
Fuck off
I want Halo 1 gameplay forever yet Bungie and 343 cannot 1up that gameplay. The infamous "I Want Halo 3 but better curse."
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Happy Juneteenth
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Is it just me or does the armor they chose look like police armor?
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never forget
CEmake on PS6 Pro will save Halo
Metroid Prime 4 Beyond on Switch Pro will save Halo
I don't want CEmake on PS6
Drizzle Drizzle
I want Halo Wars 3 on PC
no and have a good day even if you dont want it
Is it another American thing?
>calling it CE
Halo hater detected. Jason and co said that they hate the CE subtitle. It was just added by (((microsoft))) marketing cucks. If you prioritize (((microsoft))) over Bungie when it comes to Halo you are a massive fucking faggot, a kike, an israel lover, a shill, a Halo hater, a tranny, a faggot, circumcised, and gay.
>objecting to calling the M6D by its actual name
Halo hater detected. If you want to call it magnum, fine, but to say that someone else is a 'fake fan' for calling it the M6D? Are you fucking retarded? The game doesn't even call it magnum, the game calls it pistol, and the proper name is M6D. So you are a massive fucking faggot and a Halo hater.
>4 weapons never used
Go and actually play the game faggot. 99% of the time people do not use those 4 weapons (other than shitters that use the AR because they start with it and don't know any better)
So just keep playing Halo 1. That's what I do.
>just want Halo 2/3 MP forever
3 is good but it's just a dumbed down 2 so why play 3 when you can play 2 instead? 1 and 2 are by far the best.
Combat Evved is the name of the game
It's just called Halo.
But now its name is Call of Duty
>page 10
Absolutely and unequivocally Joever.
erm it was page 1 when you posted silly goose
erm but we're page 3 doe
what the sigma
I don't remember the beta too well since I played maybe two days of it drunk the whole time. I remember the weapons feeling similar, but the sound effects were all high pitched beeps and clicks and the maps were dark as fuck. Launch sandbox was the best in the whole series with only the storm rifle being arguably OP, but they butchered everything except the pistol in the September of 2016 weapon nerfing update. The plasma caster in particular was shidded on if I recall. Not that guy, just spouting the same opinion I've been giving for years now.
>It's just called Halo.
the series? Yeah we know.
The first game is officially titled Halo: Combat Evolved, or as we usually just say, CE
there's no fucking colon after it you stupid BITCH
it's just Halo
wrong again
Beta 5 had a super strong SMG but outside of that the most noticeable difference was in lighting.
Post-TU 5 brought a lot of weapons to parity with each other in TTK and also completely changed Breakout.
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Reminder that our guy called it!
I will pay for the CEmake PS6 bundle
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why did they have to make him look weird
It's just called Halo.
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hire lehto.
i swear if they use the shitty fucking CE:A model i will put on a fucking trenchcoat.
>It's just called Halo.
The series? Yeah.
The first game is called Halo: Combat Evolved, aka Halo CE or CE
It's just called Metroid Prime 4, guys.
Do NOT call it Beyond! That Subtitle was NOT there last year!
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I'll just leave this here
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Hey bro do you wanna come over to my house and play some halo combat evolved?
I would love to
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the studio that got fired called it prime 4.
retro, beloved creators of the prime series, call it Prime 4: BEYOND.
much like how bungie, beloved creators of the Halo series, call it Halo.
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It's not called that
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Based and C pilled
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shut the fuck up
>I will pay for the CEmake PS6 bundle
I honestly don't think CEmake is coming to Playstation. The reports about everything sony-related has been so wrong every time.
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>Be Marty
>Bungie tries to oust you
>You win a lawsuit that allows you to stay
>enter a midlife crisis and become impossible to work with
>completely overstep the rules of your contract even though you just won the right to stay and have now thrown that all away
>Get fired making the whole victory moot point
>try posting a bunch of music you don't have the rights to
>get publicly humiliated and be forced to bend the knee with a public video statement
>alienate yourself from the entirety of the gaming industry with your bad reputation and schizo obsession with wanting to be involved from the outside
>Go into Politics
>Further alienate yourself from most mainstream activities and organizations by cozying up to Donald Trump of all people
>lose the primary, so all the sacrifice was for nothing
>still don't have the rights to music of the spheres
Is he going to kill himself?
It feels like the only safe option is to completely disappear from public life, because he has no future in it.
He just needs to admit that his time in the sun is long since over and he should settle down and make time for family.
If he can do that he will be fine.
Yeah, the legions of fanboys that suck his dick are annoying, but even most of them now know it's over.
He doesn't care about working, public opinion, or creating anything anymore. He's old, retired, and just does stupid shit for attention at this point.
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>2nd richest company in the world can't make a good fucking game
>smiling redditors
not Halo
Halo Tree
Oh Dee Ess Tree
>alienate yourself from the entirety of the gaming industry with your bad reputation and schizo obsession with wanting to be involved from the outside.
What do you mean with “wanting to be involved from the outside?”
Not him but based on his actions over the last 5 years, it's pretty clear Marty is either obsessed with being the Halo Composer again, or just doesn't know how to let go
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>That pic
Even Cirno likes 4. What argument does 4 haters have left?
Didn’t Marty work on the “Six days in Fallujah” game? I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten more work in the indie scene. I guess it isn’t appealing to him.
we aren't ESL for one
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>Y-You are b-brown!
Lmao the projection.
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>doesn't even know why im calling him ESL
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soft and squishy
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>SHITgi poster is a 4 hater.
It all makes sense now.
We are brown, we like Halo
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>gigi hater is an ESL
hot, sweaty, halo infinite co-op is about to begin
>Post-TU 5 brought a lot of weapons to parity with each other in TTK
Yeah, butchered everything except the pistol.
how do i join the party
thats invite only for some reason
pretty sure it's the redcord voice chat
message THE ONE BIG RED for an invite
NVidea won
Microsoft LOST
(AMD lost even harder)
Just played through it with the wife yesterday. Enjoy it for both of us, lads! She somehow enjoyed the whole lot of absolutely fucking nothing that happened in Infinite
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yeah let me just uuuuuuhhhhhhhh
American here. Yes. I still don't know what it means except it is a bonobo day
Microsoft will rise 2x when they fully push quantum processing for AI. It is still Microsoft's destiny to be number 1 and Nvidia number 2. While Apple will be the one that will slowly die
That looks really fun.
free game no bitching small indie studio there is a war in ukraine
>go into firefight
>complete all challenges
Wow so difficult
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>hire halo 4 devs
>get halo 4 game
Why so surprised
Finally, a Myth FPS
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Sitting in the bathtub with bubbles in the dark with the room lit only by candle listening to halo chorus w/ earbuds, having a lifechanging moment. Letting go of the bitterness and anger in my soul.
kinda gay ngl
you got rose pedals in the water too?
Looks like the new Doom
There are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see
Lol, a little.
No, just soap and my thoughts.
>*unzips banished meat*
allow me to join you.....
What... is that?
>fable 2
giving me the ICK
Has anyone ever made a Halo 2 mod that just makes it play a little more like CE? With player and enemy health adjusted to match CE's, and rebalancing many of the returning weapons?
I think that would be the best of both worlds. Good combat without the repetitive level design.
you're kidding, of course
arms too short
Fable 2 is Fable poo. Unironically and without the slightest impression of cap. I love the first one and put an autistic amount of time into it. I played 2 once and once was more than enough.
Halo 2. Banshees.
Personally speaking I think if more than half your team quits you should be able to quit with zero consequences.
>Halo 2 mod that just makes it play a little more like CE?
I’ve been searching for something similar. The closest is I could find was “halo 2 rebalanced” by Ruby if blue. Most other halo 2 mods slaps all type of shit together and is the opposite of “Just”.
red and goyim are still infinite campaign co-oping eachother
Now that's based. Fun fact: you have one opportunity to seduce the old lady at the rose cottage and make her follow you to a marital home to be your lawfully wedded wife. You can only do it after the Hobbe Cave quest and you have to help her survive long enough to reach a home, but it's fun to say you did it. She may be an old hag, but in the kingdom of the five same women over and over at least you can pick her out of a crowd.
Reach a shit
Nah, Infishit
based and Halo Fan pilled
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strange things have happened tonight for sure
the absolute state of 343 halo
ESCHARUM himself controls the ground you walk on.
You have NO CHANCE of clipping through it.
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The ground is already under our control... soon, the ocean as well.
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>soon, the ocean as well.
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FERTILEriox will singlehandedly restore the jiralhanae species
>*heavy breathing*
>*tenses muscles*
>*flexes so hard hemorrhoids burst*
yeah brilliant "writing" 343
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cute cute tana
tana tana cute cute
reminder iratus canonically impregnated cortana with a banished virus baby
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Over a decade ago when Halo 4 released, there was talk everywhere (including here) about how much it seemed to be inspired by the Prime games
We don't see the similarities skitzo.
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343 hired a decent amount of former Retro studios developers during 4. Wouldn’t be surprise if the opposite was true.
>Spartan Blocke
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>frame h2a as "it's the arbiter telling locke about the events of h2 (even thought that doesn't make sense)"
>even make special cinemetics for it which would have cost millions
>h5 happens
>remove the cinematics from mcc
That was weird.
Halo 5s development in general was weird, it being rewritten and changed all the way up to release. Buck for example was actually a late addition. Originally it was the guy from spartan ops.
>the endless
>allegedly a bigger threat than flood
>because uhh... Halo doesn't kill them?
Other than being able to do a bit of time travelling, aren't they just another regular high tech ay lmao? Just shoot them or give them big hugs and kisses until we are friends :)
Ruby's stuff always goes off the rails for some reason, and I'd prefer something I can use Anniversary graphics with.
I'll just have to endure the old versions of Guerilla and do it myself.
>the forerunners seemed to just conquer them and imprison their entire species
>didn't kill them
>forerunners couldn't defeat the flood conventionally
>"bigger threat than the flood"
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>the flood
>the endless
Still around baby!
>the flood
Nuh uh. According to officially canon bad fanfic, there is atleast one flood spartan hanging out somewhere!
God the absolute fucking state of the Halo narrative lmao.
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No CEmake in sight
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What was the last news we got?
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>big baby beluga
>Unreal Engine
It just won't be the same
>No Halo at the Xbox event
>CoD headlining the event
>coming to game pass day 1
They're trying to replace us
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>game that sorta feels like halo but with added ue microstutter
Sounds great!
Just make Halo 7
Infinite leaves off at a good point
not canon
What's 7 even going to be about?
Man, changing firing properties for every single enemy in Halo 2 is a massive pain in the ass. I miss being able to copy entire blocks between tags.
why not just continue working on Infinite ?
>What's 7 even going to be about?
Chief vs Atriox
i wouldnt even know, it honestly seems pointless to make a new game given that Infinite is finally in a good spot, does 343 really wanna deal with another pissed off fanbase because of a barebones launch like 5 and infinite were ?
Infinite is jank code that 343i doesn't want to bother with anymore
>How Sparty Cheated in Plain English
The HCS provides each player a drive with Halo Infinite on it. Players load their profile and button settings on it to prevent 30 minute breaks between games.

Sparty brought a USB with his Home PC hard drive on it, to reformat the drive he was given. This is literally no different than just plugging in your own USB, except that it would still look like the HCS drive. He hid it, didn’t tell anyone until he was caught.

The drive contained performance improving software in an effort to “overclock,” for higher FPS.

This is not “boneheaded” as I’ve seen it been discussed. This is 100% malicious, deliberate cheating. This was an attempt to cheat, hoping the tournament admins were too computer illiterate to catch him, and he was betting he could talk his way out. That’s why he cooperated.

This is the equivalent of juicing steroids in eSports. No one was supposed to do this, and he knew, thinking he was the smartest guy in the room.
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9 years ago
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there's no fucking CE remake holy fuck halo fans are retarded
>there's no fucking CE remake
who has taught you these lies?
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Was Emile ever confirmed black?
The bottom right in OP pic looks like Romeo.
>>remove the cinematics from mcc
You are right there is no Custom Edition remake, but there is a halo 1 remake currently in development.
I'm gonna murder you
Finally someone realized it here
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nah he's gaming
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It's up
>TPS macworld, digsite, halo 3 cut maps
The holy trinity of overhyped mediocrity
Where’s the UNSC MRAP at?
*rapes u*
>Halo: Combat Evolved
>Halo CE
and that's a good thing or...??
Winfinite Won
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>two days ago
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Finally! An 'MCC' update for.... OP!
s-so what
I was thinking about that webm just now that I'm playing it
Halo 5 remaster now
I haven't read it all, but that seems quite underwhelming overall.
>I haven't read it all, but that seems quite underwhelming overall.
it's scrapped, unfinished content.
Some of the older stuff was interesting and gave insight on old concepts. This is just scrapped blockouts. No new enemies or weapons. And still no remake of the E3 2003 demo.
Thanks for the TL;DR.
A shame since most of you cannot read.
>I haven't read it all, but that seems quite underwhelming overall.
It is.
See >>482791698
Nothing at all near finished or worth gawking over.
lil troll did a number to this place
Halo mods be like
>What if half of the guns got the brute plasma rifle treatment?
>Also the model will be taken from a Halo released on a different console generation.
Halo mods be like
>What if gun from Halo X
>was in Halo Y
This game is 2 and a half years old.
They were going to release it 3 and a half years ago.
In roughly 2 hours of co-op, I encountered more glitches and hiccups than in the entirety of my co-op experiences with any other game in the series, possibly even altogether.
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343 seal of quality
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That requires a cup of wine!
Do not delude yourself.
That lazer was not the best of the Banished.
Not by any measure...
That's sad to hear because the co-op seems like the one ideal way to play Infinite.
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I mean, the game "works" well enough, most of the time. There are issues with collision detection that may make you have to abandon a vehicle that isn't destroyed, and there was a time where we had to leave a marine squad they wouldn't register as saved even after all enemies were killed.
A good amount of the glitches seem to have something to do with the game trying to compensate how to spawn in NPCs or visual effects relative to multiple players. Pic related. This was the third time I found birds stuck in the ground like this. Sometimes the other players couldn't see them there. Sometimes they could.
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it works on my machine
Infinite only works if you're a gay retard it actually checks every time you boot the game.
it almost looks like he kills it by stepping on it
The biggest Atriox fan.
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>Mostly work by Max Hoberman

He really was the soul wasn't he?

>“Solitude is a hybrid of our two most popular small maps, Lockout and Midship—while it boasts Midship’s symmetry, it borrows heavily from Lockout’s patent figure eight, two main levels plus rooftops, and many ramps and shortcut jumps. Like both its parents it also features an open center, giving it an arena feel.

>Structurally Solitude is most similar to Lockout. The entire area is arranged around an open central platform surrounded by four island towers, each separated by ramps and Lockout-style jumps. The central platform has a lower level, as do the side towers, and these towers are interconnected in pairs. Unlike Lockout, Solitude is symmetrical, with flag bases on the tops of the larger outside towers, making it good for small-scale classic CTF. A large hole in the center platform drops down to the bottom level, but a player that lands in the middle will shoot back up via a jump pad to the same height as the roofs of the surrounding towers.
This map looks fun as fuck
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You forgot

Halo 2 in Halo 1
Halo 1 in Halo 2
Halo 3 in Halo 2
Reach in Halo 1
Halo 4 in Halo 1

SPv1 - Masters1337 upgrade of CE
SPv2 - Masters1337 upgrade of CE
SPv3 - Masters1337 upgrade of CE

Refined - Fixing Gearbox's port
I really wish they would just let Max make the next Halo game.
Halo purist community having an emergency meeting rn
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>emergency meeting
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>no combat evolved
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H2 Recreations for CE

>Old HCE modders come out of hiding to contribute
>MonoxideC breaks his Bungie chains and releases a set of tools to start the avalanche
>Kornman00 comes out of hiding and improves on Microsoft's tools
>Old names like TheGhost, InnerGoat, p0lar, Yoyorast, Jahrain, Tiamat and more come out of the woodworks and start making content

At E3 2004, Zanzibar was the first map disclosed to the community in Halo 2 to be revealed to the public, and modders recreated it in CE. This would later inspire the work in CMT's SPV1.

>The Halo 2 Team is as follows:

Mrs Doublefire
Supreme Taco
Kerr Halla
Cold Fusion

>Kornman00 : I've always wanted to do scripting in Halo since I first saw some script commands in a Halo Xbox game save back in 2002, this was my outlet for testing the limits and such with scripts over the net.

MCC was a love letter to Bungie's Halo games that was broken for 5 years until Halo modder Sean Cooper (kornman/kornman00) was hired to fix it.
Could be literally anything, it's a soft reboot in which nothing happens. My wife liked Infinite so I've been driving myself insane the past day or so trying to justify my hateboner for it to her with reviews, but all I'm seeing is 8-10 across the board. Am I the contrarian here?
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Halo 3 themed H2 maps (most of the "new" Halo 3 content was scrapped from Halo 2)
Happened to us a couple times, too. I sentinel beamed them.
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Halo Map Art - Halo Custom Edition

Inspired by the Halo 2 2003 E3 Demo
Halo 2 Vista Backlash - Buyer's Remorse - An open letter to the devs of H2V

>Almost two years ago, Halo 2 was announced for Windows Vista. For many Halo players of the PC community, this marked a chance to get what we had always dreamed of - a chance for those who never owned the original Xbox version to experience what made one of the top selling games of all time. Community websites started up as havens for the members to take the game to its full potential and push it to the bleeding edge.

>When the first screenshots were released to the public, the community was ecstatic. What was once a dream was finally shown to be a reality. Seeing the game running on a PC with enhanced visuals put trust in us and gave us hope for what supposedly lied on the road ahead. As the months progressed, we began to find ourselves more and more left in the dark. It wasn't before long that we were left completely update-less. Any updates we were getting were not exactly "updates" at all, but rather news hype just to raise awareness about the game being in development. When release drew closer and closer, it was then that the development news poured out. Unfortunately, it was this news which turned the game sour and lost the faith of many community members who once had great expectations for the game.

>Halo 2 for Windows Vista is one game which has more demand and yet offers LESS than any other newer games being released today. What the problem here is the poorly done job of optimizing the game to work with the system it is running on. There is absolutely no reason in the world the game should require over a gigabyte of RAM to get decent loading times. There is no reason the game should be causing a CPU bottleneck and using over 1 GB of RAM (average) in some of the least system-intensive situations
>Ever since Halo 2 for Windows Vista was announced, the question of whether or not the game would utilize LIVE's features like on the Xbox was entertained. When it was finally announced that the game would use Games for Windows LIVE, any doubt to the previous question was lost, but new questions arose - how LIVE was going to go about Gold and Silver memberships. Not long after, the community's questions were put to an end at last with the final confirmation that the user's experience of the game would be controlled by the amount they can afford to pay yearly to Microsoft. "Benefits" of Gold memberships as opposed to Silver were outlined which led to the fanbase being disgusted by this outrage.

>Halo 2 has been a constant string of disappointment and problems since its Xbox release, and the Vista port answered the long-standing question of, "Could Halo 2 get any worse?" When it was announced by Bungie those many months ago, the thought of Halo 2 being all fixed up and shiny on the PC made the userbase giddy. However, that version of Halo 2 Vista never hit the store shelves; the only thing all the loyal fans were given was a botched port of a title they had beaten many, many times before on the Xbox. Lack of documentation and supplies, and the bugs of the Halo 2 Editing Kit made everyone who wanted to make a Halo 2 map cry. The incredibly cumbersome LIVE service made players and server administrators scratch their heads as doing tasks that are incredibly easy on any other game server are outrageously complicated and unnecessarily expensive in Halo 2

Nothing has changed in the Halo community since then
Halo 2 Vista didn't use DirectX 10 even if was written on the box, it's 100% a directX 9 game.

MS/343 lied even then.

MS/343 DECIDED to build CEA and H2A off the PC port in the first place, knowing the problems that came along with it.

They were set up to fail, with many of the issues being due to issues with the source they were working off of. A lot of these feel like corners cut in the original porting process from Xbox to PC. Lots of "eh, close enough" going on.
>The true loyalists held strong, and waited patiently for fixes for these problems, since the fans were promised continuing support for the title. But, even these TRVE fans would be let down severely...
But enough about Halo 2 sucks dot com.
Sacred Icon at the place with the phantom, elite squad, and some flood dino.
So how pissed off are the endless, anyway? Squidchick certainly got her nark on, but wouldn't a species that apparently has some time-altering properties be kind of okay in long term storage? What'd they miss, you know?
keep having a nice day talking about halo guys
The Halo community (especially the modding part of it) is really fucking weird about cut content.
>act as if it's all this "secret content that bungie was simply too stupid to implement and it is better than what released"
>in reality it was cut because it was shit
Shut up
Yeah I'm more excited about cut halo 2 content for that reason. They actually wanted a lot of it in the game.
how do you know it was shit
soft boy feet halo
>PS5 can fo discord calls now
it's over
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Left or Right
soft and small master chief hand uohhh
>puts gun to head
fine, left
but I'd rather pretend both don't exist
Halo 5 and it's not even close. Know what kinda bugs me? No one owned an xbone (present company excluded) and yet everyone seems to have an opinion on Halo 5. Isn't that just quackin' crazy? Halo 4 has a narrative established about it, but at least that was on a console people actually owned. I just don't understand how people can be unanimously concluded on something they have no experience with besides youtube videos and word of mouth.
Infinite obviously.
The Halo cycle can go fuck itself. Infinite's campaign, warts and all, is far and away better than 5's, which is the consensus low point of the series. There's more enemy variety, the enemy encounters are considerably superior (lol prometheans), you actually play as the Chief and not some donut steel OC for 80% of the game, and the game is actually on a Halo ring. It also helps that the game actually looks like Halo, where as 5... well, just look at it, pic related.
This comparison is made even easier when you consider that the version of Halo 5 multiplayer anybody cared about doesn't even exist anymore. Even if the game was populated right now on multiple platforms, it would be using the horrible TU modifications that literally nobody unironically defends.
So yeah, Infinite. Not exactly a tough choice.
Basically this >>482824556
I could make a good argument for Vanilla 5 over Infinite (if we're just talking about mp) but 343 absolutely butchered it to death with that horrendous title update.
>Left: ESRB
>Right: PEGI
Left, duh.
Halo is American.
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forgot pic
Infinite is better, but I'd quite honestly rather play any other Halo game than either of these. Even 4.
Did people actually complain about the SMG getting rightfully nerfed?
>09_earthark either never had any work done or they don't have it in the archive
There were problems with Vanilla 5, for sure.
The TU didn't make the game better though.
It did need a nerf, but the problem is now there's zero reason to pick it up at all, or any weapon for that matter that's not a rocket launcher or the "Halo 2 BR"
Master Chief, more like Master Jobber.
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damn I actually did forget the pic. Thanks anon. I was going to post the toaster helmet but that works too.
Actually, we should update that Pic with the Infinite varient.
The TU didn't make the game better though.
Yes it did.
>now there's zero reason to pick it up at all
It's still one of the fastest TTK guns in the game, and has a ton of ammo/a high fire rate to make missing shots here and there barely matter.
>or any weapon for that matter that's not a rocket launcher or the "Halo 2 BR"
Literally git gud.
>yes it did
you're entitled to your opinion, but it's telling that /hg/ pretty much unanimously dropped the game after the TU.
It's crazy how good infinite's Forge is
The same /hg/ that cries about the sadkick being broken?
Infinite's forge IS great, yes, but I'll never stop being triggered by the inability for you to edit already made maps because NUH UH MY MAP IS A MASTERPIECE AND IT'S MY PROPERTY YOU NEED MY PERMISSION TO PUT THAT MONGOOSE THERE, RETARD!
Nah. Current /hg/ barely even plays Halo.
/hg/ is one person. big red said so
Halofags have always been so bad about sharing information.
Custom Edition was the best time.
Custom Edition had fags encrypting their tags so that nobody could extract them.
thats not exclusive to one game tough guy
>/hg/ is one person
It's five people actually
Lord Schizo
King Troll
lil troll
tiny troll

Quantum Troll is trying to get in but hasn't amassed enough power to do so yet. God help us when he does.
I can't think of another modding/UGC scene that is this faggy about keeping secrets.
Whats with all the Asian cosmetics in this game its weird
Halofans are a lot like Sonic fans. Halo is a niche ip that is well past its glory days but simultaneously exists as the flagship title for a former major player in the console market. As a result you end up with a secluded and extremely passionate core group of superfans that all act as if they're THE target individual that the games have been made for. You'll encounter elitism in any fanbase, but with Halo it seems like almost every person feels like they're THE #1 fan and that they alone should be allowed a seat at the table of opining on the subject matter and setting the record straight for what's what.
343i browses /hg/ and they fell for the "Halo is anime" shitpost.
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take me home
>Custom Edition was the best time.
Do I need to remind you about map encryption and people like zteam?
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>Xbox Direct 2025
>CEmake announced
>2027 release date
it works on my machine
We will hit thread 2000 before CEmake releases.
And by that I mean we won't
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this is canonically what Chief looks like
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>this is canonically what Chief looks like
you posted the wrong Pic
I gotchu tho, no need to thank me
I am objectively the #1 Halo fan here and thus a greater authority on the series than everybody else who lurks here.
It's absolutely correct that there are bigger fans out there than me, but after playing with, talking with, and just posting among the rest of you all, I can say with confidence I know this series better than all of you.
calm down lord schizo
Master Liberal, ya mind tellin' me what you're doin' in Israel?
El Chefe Ded
What does that have to do with obfuscating information that could be used to make mods?
Halo Cycle isn't real, 5 was objectively better than slopfinite.
I can elaborate on it a bit since I used to be in the modding scene until early last year.
It's mostly a power trip thing and people thinking they are professional game devs.
>only I (or we in the terms of the faggy ass teams that exist these days) can make PROPER mods for Halo
>oh you don't know how to do x? well figure it out like we had to!
>i will release the source/info so people can do what they want after i release my mods *they get burnt out/quit and never release anything*
It's pretty fucking pathetic honestly. When even the most blue haired Californian game devs are more relaxed and open about talking about dev stuff than modders, you've got a pretty big problem.
>"the Halo cycle isn't real"
>proceeds to prove it's real
Infinite is a better game than 5.
>5 was
The fact that you have to use past tense already proves 5 is inferior.
The sidekick is the best magnum out of any Halo game.
Great to use, doesn't dominate the sandbox.
Why do people keep calling the Bandit the DMR?
The DMR was a longer range gun than the BR.
The Bandit has less range than the BR.
Because it's the same gun with lower magnification. And Bandit is a stupid name.
Same reason why it's called Halo 1.
Because they don't actually play Infinite.
Because it looks the same as the DMR minus the scope?
Come on man, it's not that confusing.
H1 posters have gained the lead.
It's like the DMR but they smartly changed the roles each gun has. They didn't want the BR being the only weapon that mattered at mid range like in older titles. The DMR is now strictly more of a mid/long range non-power weapon.
Why did Reverse Tag never come back after Halo 1? Or One-Flag without rounds.
Commando is the most underrated gun
it's really good for getting assists but not for kills. I'll use it in big team objective games to weaken enemies going for hills.
It's good at cleanup because it's one of the two non-power weapons with bleedthrough.
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You DID hold onto your pre-order bonus for scalping, right?
yeah. I find that if I start shooting someone that has already taken damage I'll get kills with it
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Wait really?
How does that even work? Does it strip away at health beneath shields?
Halo 3 feels slow now... and I feel bad saying that
it's ok anon
You're not a bad person
have a fun nightmare halobros
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>preordering a free game
I don't plan on taking cough syrup tonight so I think I'll be fine.
Anyone that isn't completed blinded by
says that. MCC actually ruined my memories of it, because holy fuck it feels fucking crap.
>pre order
>get bonus
>sell bonus for 3x profit
I made money.
and yet people say the new games don't play enough like the old games
i never had that problem to begin with.
perhaps not playing hugeass all the time will do that to me
>and yet people say the new games don't play enough like the old games
How Infinite plays compared to classic Halo has very little to do with it not being more popular.
It's a combination of:
1. Not nearly enough content at launch. Gamers today have the attention span of a goldfish so if a game isn't super replayable with shit tons to do on day 1, it's not gonna be a huge hit.
2. The Halo formula got dethroned by CoD 4 in 2007 and is never going to be the king of the hill again. Not enough of a guaranteed dopamine hit when you lose or go negative. In CoD you can go negative and lose the match and you'll still unlock 10 different things or progress on a gun/class/etc. In Battle Royales you die and can immidiately start a new game.

Those are the two biggest factors. What percentage you apply to each of them mattering as far as the game not being popular is up for debate. What's not is the idea that the game isn't more popular because it doesn't play enough like Halo 3, or because it has Sprint, or doesn't have collision with allies, etc.
the narrative just got anally trusted to pieces
I'm still not entirely sure what people who say that even mean. 1, 2, 3 and Reach (I hate that I have to include this pile of shit game in the classic games pile but whatever) all feel and handle pretty differently.
>the narrative just got anally trusted to pieces
what about /hg/ specifically?
>what about /hg/ specifically?
/hg/ is a sad sap of farts who barely even play the games anymore. We have reached Defcon 1 when it comes to being a purist about things now where you have people obsessing over CE's gameplay as if that's the only Halo worth playing. I could understand people not playing Infinite because they git burned bad from the game's state at launch, but when you see people boycotting it because of something trivial like collision or color outlines it becomes pretty clear that it's mostly just shitposting.
>inb4 you hate halo
CE is my favorite shooter campaign of all time, but whatever.
every single troll will take issue with this post for varying reasons
I still have to tell people that the spawning mechanics for 3 are similar to 1 and they genuinely believe the spawn flipping mechanic works as intended.
Point is, they hate Halo.
>every single troll will take issue with this post for varying reasons
medium troll here
I agree with everything he said
>obsessing over CE's gameplay as if that's the only Halo worth playing
it is.
>something trivial like collision
are you retarded?
>And Bandit is a stupid name.
>you have people obsessing over CE's gameplay as if that's the only Halo worth playing
It is, genuinely.
>Big Troll
cmon man
catch up
Inner circle refuse to let go.

/vm/ board is slow now and accepts dead 'general'.
I wish collision was in the game.
It's not a good faith reason to swear off the game entirely.
UNSC guns used to be named after the role they served. That changed with the Hydra.
>UNSC guns used to be named after the role they served. That changed with the Hydra.
very fair argument and good point.
it's starting to shift slowly.
A few regular anons have started playing Infinite now.
You don't speak for me, Pico Troll.
>A few regular anons have started playing Infinite now.
In all fairness, that's largely because people have just become absolutely fed up with MCC being a broken poliece of shit at this point.
I forgot all about the Spartan Laser as well, that name doesn't really give you any idea of what the gun does. But I hate that gun and what it did to BTB.
>being obsessed over a 23 year old game that had nothing to really say
See, being hyperfixated on Deus Ex I can kind of understand because of the story elements that are fun to talk about. But Halo 1 is just sort of "we watched Aliens and saw Ringworld for sale at a book store. Shoot the colourful aliens in copy pasted rooms."
>It's not a good faith reason to swear off the game entirely.
thankfully there's a laundry list of reasons to swear off the game entirely, that's just one of them.
It's still an improvement on 2's tracking rocket. At least the laser telegraphs both the source of the blast and also let's the driver know it's coming.
>playing the campaign for 20 years straight
Do people really?
Non Fan detected
Don't forget this non-issue.
Shitfinite still has a lot of issues (which will never get fixed lmao) but it is really annoying to see how this is the main complaint I see mentioned constantly.
we get it, you bought the cat ears
if you have a laundry list then that's fine
It's so easy to hide the laser until the last second that it barely matters in practice. The Skewer does the dedicated anti-vehicle weapon role way better.
>It's so easy to hide the laser until the last second
If that's the case then teh average player doesn't know that, because 99% of the time it's telegraphed for the entire charge up in MCC BTB. I agree the skewer is the best version of the weapon.
In vanilla H3 people were better at hiding the lazer charge
in MCC yeah they're all shitters who almost always give you time to get away or jump out
>we get it, you bought the cat ears
No but that's partly because they look like shit. I'd buy better ones and a tail
The average player is a dumbass, it's the obvious way to use the weapon once you learn that other people can see the charging beam.
extremely based
The skewer would be better if it leaned more into being a "physics says fuck you" sort of weapon too.

The average Halo player is fucking awful. In the hands of someone competent it's "no vehicles are allowed until I run out of ammo" weapon that will instantly kill with no warning.
>The average player is a dumbass
Yes, and as a result, it's less of an issue than 2's homing rocket.
The only people still playing Infinite are the people playing dress-up.
The only people playing Infinite are the only people left playing Halo period.
MCC is a dead game.
Sadly this.
MCC isn't even in the top 50 most played Xbox games.
>The skewer would be better if it leaned more into being a "physics says fuck you" sort of weapon too.
It sorta does, but Infinite's netcode sucks. My biggest issue with the gun is how slow its reload is, and how you can't cancel it at all.
Maybe so, I haven't played much Halo 2 BTB. I just don't see a point in building an opinion based on how the average retard with 20% accuracy plays.
Be honest, /hg/. If you bought anything in Infinite besides a battle pass, what was it?

For me it was Mark V.
Firefall, 2 weapon skin packs, an armor coating, the camo powerup charm, and the dog charm. But I only did it with rewards points and not a penny of real money. I'd have gotten Mark V too if it was fully customizable.
Zero because I’m a free chad. I also stopped playing the game because it makes me sad.
>I haven't played much Halo 2 BTB.
It's the sweatiest thing in the world in MCC lmao. Fucking 4v4 on Guardian or Lockout has nothing compared to the boys that are doing god knows what on Coagulation.
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>If you bought anything in Infinite besides a battle pass, what was it?
>It's the sweatiest thing in the world in MCC lmao.
Everything in H2MCC is sweaty. The only people on it are Colombians who have been playing on XBC daily since 2004. Even CE has a ton of noobs, but now Halo 2.
>I just don't see a point in building an opinion based on how the average retard with 20% accuracy plays.
Because the average player is going to have a huge impact on the experience you encounter when playing the game. More so than even the map you're playing on. If the average person using the Spartan laser was a super sweaty Faze Clan coach then it would be a different story. But it isn't. It's almost always some retard who telegraphs the entirety of the charge. So we can agree about the design issues the laser presents in a hypothetical vacuum, but in actual practice it's less of an issue than the thing it replaced in the previous game, at least right now in MCC that is.
>Be honest, /hg/. If you bought anything in Infinite besides a battle pass, what was it?
I've bought the battle passes for seasons 1, 2, 3, and Banished Honor. All with Microsoft Points though. Out of principle I refuse to spend actual money on the game.
All it takes is getting into a lobby with 1 decent person on the enemy team to shut down all vehicle play and get you spawn raped by a Warthog for 15 minutes.
I'm not installing shitfinite; I never have and I never will.
It's so weird how Halo 3 in MCC is culturally different from Halo 360
Back in the day the good players never got Sniper because noobs would rush for it.
>All it takes is getting into a lobby with 1 decent person on the enemy team to shut down all vehicle play
Doesn't tend to play out in practice. 117s always rush Spartan laser and then waste it before driving the elephant around like a retard for the whole match.
I'm not gonna pretend I've never played against a good Spartan laser opponent, but as some one that is almost max blue shield in MCC, it's the exception, not the rule.
current noobs, or 117s, are different from old time noobs.
Most MCC players now have SOME understanding of the mechanics of the game, they're bad in different ways.
But at the end of the day if you can reliably 4 and 5 shot, you're good.
Skewer would be better if it had a targeting laser.
I get that it's not going to be like that the majority of the time, but I still dislike how the game is designed in that aspect and the kind of gameplay it allows. Spawning with snipers in BTB would probably be fine because most 117s can't hit shit with them, but I'd still rather not just for the off chance of getting someone to ruin the game.
Eh not really. It's the decent players that are going to leave an impact rather than the average shitter.
Like for example, Jetpacks in Reach were a problem. No one ever thinks of the random retards that would fly right up in the air and spray you with an AR. It was the fucking guys that picked up the Sniper Rifle, got to a place you couldn't reach and then spawn killed with it.
that's fair
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>It's the decent players that are going to leave an impact rather than the average shitter.
Average shitters overwhelmingly play BTB, get the best weapons, and waste them.
The remaining MCC players, even if they suck, are people who play Halo because they liked it. Noobs on the 360 played Halo because it was popular and never got particularly invested in the gameplay.
The people who made halo 1 call it halo 1 or combat evolved, but never halo ce
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>No one ever thinks of the random retards that would fly right up in the air and spray you with an AR.
Plenty of bnet/waypoint kids defended the jetpack for that very reason. Because they never experienced a pervert abusing the systems in the most obnoxious ways possible. The same could be said for every AA except for arguably Hologrambecause it can still eat melee hits if you use it at the right time.
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I love how you guys are going on about homing rockets and splazers as if this thing right here isn't the most blatant unbalanced piece of shit in BTB
I'm going to reply a second time to vent about how retarded Reflection was, with one team being able to get rockets uncontested and fly up to the top of the map to fire upon sniper, or simply pick that up for free as well.
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*Thanos snaps you out of existence*
Oh jesus christ that activated some long buried memories of rushing sniper and getting a rocket up my ass. I am pretty sure I posted in a bunch of "jetpack is fine guys stop complaining about it :)" threads back in b.net saying "yeah nah shit's fucked the map flow and here is why".
the absolute state of tiny troll
>btb heavies
>drive gauss hog
>gunners thumbs suddenly fall off and they can't aim
>man the turret in gauss hog
>driver crashes into everything and then drives headfirst into the entire enemy team
I never had any luck with that.
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>believing chuddy o'donnell
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Just keep digging that hole, anon
Is there any resource where I can see what Halo 2 enemy ranks use what weapons?
curious these are all --21
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why so many posts about custom edition?
anyway, back to Halo (2001)
We just keep calling it CE of course
I'm making a collage out of this.
It's not often we see someone so thoroughly btfo like this anymore.
guys I'm fucking shaking
>he has parkinson's disease
I'm sorry to hear that anon.
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I kekd
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fucking lel
and to think, all because he couldn't help himself and had to respond to a day old post
This could have all been prevented.
God Speed anon
post the pic
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This is the approved /hg/ drip
get fucking outplayed lmao
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Please explain
That's where Thel goes after he gets blinded by Halo's majesty
Halo is the name of the series.
I call the first game CE to specify.
I honestly don't care if you call it "H1". I'll know what you mean.
Robotnik/Eggman, Mountain Lion/Couger/Panther, Violin/Fiddle, etc.
They're the same instrument yes, but you wouldn't call it a Violin if it's being played like a fiddle

Halo is Western Hemisphere
didn't they release an actual Bengal tiger skin?
It's simple really.
Today is the first day of summer.
By the end of the season, At midnight of September 22, all /hg/ anons who do not have at least a 1.0 K/D in Infinite will be permanently suspended.
I am so fucking fat
we KNOW jjab, Dank, RED, and Tackel
>L Halo
the cheetosman
News soon?
In gamescom, but yes
>News soon?
Halofest in Halo 5. But keep it a secret.
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Post more Halo mod kino
Paul Russel (Bungie) wanted "Halo"
MS wanted "Halo: Combat Evolved"

>Artist Paul Russel had another name in mind, one that was not popular among the team: "Halo". Despite the lack of internal enthusiasm, "Halo" stuck. Microsoft, Bungie's eventual publisher for the game, bristled at the title. Shooters didn't have names as cryptic, religious, and god forbid, feminine, as "Halo"; they had violent, pithy monikers like Doom, Quake, and Counter-Strike. But in an act of independence and vision typical of the studio, Bungie refused to budge on the name. Eventually, Microsoft came up with a compromise: a subtitle

When using the tool Assembly to analyze and mod the maps of Halo 1, the Master Chief is explicitly referred to as "cyborg," so yeah, I'd say that was the original intention. Similarly, the Arbiter is called "dervish" in the Halo 2 map files

>The engine's history began in Bungie's Pathways into Darkness, according to developer Chris Butcher:

>The [Halo] engine is a direct-line descendant of the 1992 Pathways into Darkness engine originally written by Bungie for 68000 Macs using MPW and C. Not much remains except math functions and overall architecture, but the engine definitely has old roots. The path of descent runs through PiD to Marathon to Myth to Halo. In recent years it has shifted away from being primarily a player-driven renderer to being primarily a world simulation.

Something closer to Halo would later evolve from Myth. In a Jason Jones interview, he says:

>Halo didn't begin as a strategy game but the engine it uses started out that way. The engine Halo uses began as a next-generation Myth terrain engine, with polygonal units.

There are two main groups of engine generations where the asset pipelines and features tend to be more similar to each other:

>Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3/ODST;
>Bungie: Halo Reach, Destiny, Destiny 2
>343: Halo Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 2 Anniversary MP
>343: Halo 5 and Halo Infinite
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Left but with Halo 5's guns for how they feel to use.
Bungie didn't want to recycle any assets and wanted to start fresh with each game.

>Halo CE
>Halo 2
>Halo 3

Entirely new assets made from scratch. Marcus Lehto (creator of Chief) remade the original CE assets for the 20th anniversary.

343 recycles and rehashes assets and it looks disgusting. CEA is a mix of H3, Reach, with new assets. H4 is a mix of Reach and new assets. Infinite is The Force Awakens of the Halo franchise
Hmm. go check the textures for the H1 Banshee and H2 Banshee and report back.
You might find something interesting.
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Halo 2 had the most cut content of any game in the franchise.

>wall leaning, and there was also talk of ai using flashlights to find you in the dark after you shot out lights, that lighting system was later of course redone
>There was going to be a whole level after Quarantine Zone where you're driving through the labyrinth of tunnels under the ring in a "Forerunner Tank", avoiding the Gravemind's tentacles as they flew past like freight trains.
>In the original script when miranda was in a phantom she spoke with truth. Their plan was to send chief into the pit where the gravemind was and blow him and the flood up
>Strapping a bomb to Chief's back in the chamber directly below the index chamber in the center of the Library
>Flood leader effectively disabling the Ring by living on the trigger. Definitely showing that the flood is winning the 1000 year war with the sentinels on this halo opposed to installation 04's containment.
>the flood invasion of earth being the a layer of the final "act" of the script. Something about "we wanted everyone to end up in the same place at the end". Ultimately, Chief, Arbiter, Truth, Cortana, Gravemind, and Mendicant were all supposed to come together, at the Ark on Earth, and there were a couple twists involved, but that's where it's shrouded in mystery

By far the weirdest thing about Halo 2’s development is how Bungie grossly overestimated the power of the original Xbox and how they wasted a lot of time and resources on various things they knew well in advance simply would not make it into the retail game like the e3 demo and a new engine the hardware wouldn’t be able to support. They also wanted it to be a tactical shooter early on before changing it back towards the end and it really shows in how the enemies behave and how the game is horribly unbalanced on Legendary

Halo 2 had a lot of kino in it's core despite the flaws, sometimes in part because of the flaws
It was a pure passion project
Halo 4 Unreleased ViDoc - Rebuilding an Icon (Halo 4 Beta Footage)

If this doesn't make you hate 343, nothing will
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>Nonsense plot requires books (Forerunner Trilogy and Kilo-Five Trilogy) to even understand
>Greg Bear's The Forerunner trilogy set up all that great lore then 343 pissed it away. While serving to demystify the Forerunners and Flood, the Forerunners are salvaged by the descriptions and worldbuilding of their civilization, and the Flood are turned into terrifying cosmic horrors beyond what even the games suggested
>Karen Traviss completely butchered her trilogy. Makes sense why Halo 4's and 5's story is so bad considering the Traviss books lead into 4 and 5
>She has super genius Dr Halsey, the Mother of the S-II program, think it would be a great idea to get into an argument with, and draw a gun on a S-III with the intent to threaten and/or possibly actually shoot the S-III.
>Enemy encounters are repetitive and annoying (crawlers and any type of "swarmer" enemy) (Every fight against knights follows the exact same formula: kill the watcher, then the bigger bionicle)
>Enemy AI isn't as credible or impressive as previous games.
>Painfully linear except for the beginning of REQUIEM and that one pelican section (Scorpion segment is a big corridor, Mantis segment is a big corridor, except when defending a certain area)
>Halo 4 should have invoked the completely alien feeling of CE, with Mendicant Bias sending Chief to his creators at the end of Halo 3. We knew NOTHING about the Forerunners, they could have got so fucking weird and new with the lore and the designs and yet we get robots
>the whole point of forerunner was that no one really knew it's purpose or how to harness it
>Halo 4 armor being explained as 'nanomachines'
>Forerunner weapons are just human weapons with different skins and less satisfying to use
>Human weapons are the most fun to use, but barely get any ammo
>Art style that screams "overdesigned" by Kenneth Scott
>Halo 4: Rebuilding an Icon ViDoc

What did 4 add? Metroid Prime design rejects
In an ideal world I world go for a CE remake directed by Lehto if his Mark V, Warthog, MA5B and Scorpion remakes are anything to go by.
CE and Reach were his passion projects. He hated Halo 2 and Arbiter.

>Marcus Lehto
We always joked about Halo being a space opera. Halo 2 was the quintessential space opera moment of the saga. Playing the Arbiter worked fine in the end, but it was something that I didn’t like. I wasn’t excited about it, and I felt like it was going way off the rails from where we started.

Bungie Halo was defined by Joe Staten's writing, Marty's score, Jaime Griesemer's sandbox, and Marcus Lehto's art and design direction, all of whom are now gone. Destiny alone has been coasting on Joe's old lore for almost a decade and god knows what their next IP is going to be like.
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>tfw long time Halo fan
>Halo is unabashedly a power fantasy, Marcus Lehto and Joe Staten described it using that EXACT terminology.
>Play Halo Custom Edition occasionally, mostly play custom maps made by the community
>Most of Halo 2's writing and lore fleshing out was done by Joseph Staten, who alongside Eric Nylund, basically invented the entirety of Halo lore: Fall of Reach, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Contact Harvest and Shadow of Intent
>Max Hoberman was the lead Multiplayer designer on Halo 2 and Halo 3. Max Hoberman is MVP of H2 multiplayer. He and his team designed the whole thing in the crunch time of h2 release like map dual wielding, design, xbox live, UI, xbox 360 dashboard, and all that stuff
>SKW: I'll keep this one simple; Halo 3 is what we've always wanted Halo to ever be.
>Marcus Lehto intended Reach multiplayer to be a wacky clusterfuck. It was never meant to be competitive but retards like MLG and 343 didn't understand that.

>see the canon be destroyed and raped into a ditch by 343i
>Need to have grasp of the Halo 4 extended fiction: Greg Bear's Forerunner Saga and Karen Traviss' Kilo-5 Trilogy to understand the story
>Makes sense why Halo 4's and 5's story is so bad considering the Traviss books lead into 4 and 5.
>Frank O'Connor or Frankie, is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage
>"Halo 3? Now thats an old piece of jank, Halo 5 is an upgrade in every way, 3 looks like its about toy soldiers in some cereal box world"
>Halo 5 is CoD: Spartan IVs
>Halo Infinite was a 10 year project that was broken
>tfw can at least take pleasure in the fact that no matter where the series goes it can't be as bad as GOT and Star Wars
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Based Lehto SHREDS Halo 5
My favourite Frankie Fun Fact is how he thought Halo 3 ended with the Covenant and UNSC teaming up to fight the Flood.
Certainly explains the fuck out of the "I thought we had a truce with the Covenant" line in H4.
>Art style that screams "overdesigned" by Kenneth Scott
Also he has a teeth fetish or something. Seriously, why so many of the Forerunner things have fucking teeth in H5.
>Doom getting a new game
>Metroid Prime getting a new game
>Destiny getting a new expansion
>Perfect Dark is getting a new game
When is Halo getting something new?
Halo will be shelved now that MS own Activision and CoD

Reminder that MS always wanted CoD, wanted Halo to be an annual franchise, and Halo 4 and 5 were copying CoD
who cares
Spartan Surplus comes out next month on the 2nd
Reach aged like wine

Why did it get hate?
You don't need to read books to understand 4's story
Halo is becoming a campaign-focused ip
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>Latest MCC Update (2/14)
The guy who made cursed halo has the talent to make something like this but he's too far up his own ass to make something that isn't purposefully shit.
The sh4rt style ruins it big time
make it yourself then
Metroid Prime has always looked like this and started well before Halo 4
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Good Morning.
Why are we here?
Just to suffer?
What a stupid suggestion.
What's with the non-sequitur? Are you having trouble reading?
then your complaints will fall on deaf ears
Prime 4 looks like a Prime game.
There's no issue
Well, except for Switch players, because the footage they showed was absolutely on the next console and the game is going to be a dual-gen release like BotW and TP
So? I'm not trying to manipulate anyone here.
I apologize
2 > all
that orange sky is so much soul
>Halo 2 markets the entire game around invasion of New Mombasa
>only 1 actual level there, 2 if you're being generous
>not even the level from the E3 demo
>Halo 5 markets the entire game around Locke vs Chief
>only 1 actual level concerning this, 2 if you're being generous
"It's ok when Bungie does it"
Bait-and-switch storytelling works when it's done well. Halo 2 did it well.
The problem with Halo 5's story isn't as much the storyboarding itself as it is the actual execution of the plot details.
Chief being hunted, Cortana being the antagonist, bringing in Blue Team, these are all potentially interesting ideas if handled appropriately. Halo 5 just did a terrible job at handling itself at all.
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So his story really isn't going to be continued or resolved?
If so, just a reminder that he went undefeated. The only Halo character to do so.
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Alpha Halo... Home.
Delta Halo... Home.
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Requiem... Home.
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MS outsourced Halo PC to Gearbox

MS outsourced Halo 2 Vista to Hired Gun (the whole "In Gravemind Legendary, you die as soon as the level starts" thing was introduced in Halo 2 Vista. The OG Xbox version actually gave you a couple of seconds to register that Brutes were in fact in front of you)

343 outsourced CEA and H2A to Saber Interactive using the inferior PC ports as the base

343 outsourced terminals in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary to Sequence

343 outsourced Reach DLC maps (Defiant Map Pack/Anniversary Map Pack) and Halo 4 DLC maps to Certain Affinity (Former multiplayer, online, and UX design lead for Halo 2 and Halo 3)

Halo 4 campaign just feels half-baked. It has sections that feel empty, lacking content. Removed point scoring. As a result, the timer was also removed(used for speed runs). You can't view the campaign terminals ingame; you must go to waypoint. Forge Island gives us ten times less budget than Forge World. Removed Race, Territories, Stockpile, Headhunter, and Juggernaut. “Infinity” gametypes include instant respawn, perk packages and customized loadouts (COD). "Legendary" gametypes fixed this.

Halo 4 and part of Halo 5 are the only game 343i actually put together themselves with their in house studio, MCC and especially infinite has been nothing but wrangling contractors and contract studios. Infinite has something like 5 confirmed studios that worked on it. That is why their dev cycle takes so long and fucks shit up constantly(besides the technical debt). 343 is just an umbrella studio that directors other contract studios into making broken messes of games. Its why everything except Halo 4 is a broken retarded mess because Halo 4 was the only 343i title actually done in house and not through 20 corporate suit games of telephone and Zoom meetings

Halo 5 and Infinite do not support split-screen multiplayer or LAN play of any kind in any of its modes.
Halo 3, ODST, Reach, and 4 ports for MCC were also outsourced to United Front Games
MCC's UI was outsourced to Ruffian Games
The only actual part of MCC that 343 is responsible for is the networking, you know, the part that doesn't work.
it's ok but I only need Reach remake
Infinite supports both splitscreen and LAN for everything but campaign.
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>just a reminder that he went undefeated
Nigga what? He's literally 0-3 against Based Cutter.
- Failed to take down the Spirit of Fire, instead loses the Enduring Conviction, flagship and largest vessel of the entire Banished Navy
- Failed to hold Installation 04C, instead got btfo so badly that he directly Skype called Cutter to cope and seethe
- Didn't get the arm rest
>Halo 4 is a broken retarded mess because Halo 4 was the only 343i title actually done in house
About 97% of 4's multiplayer content was made by Max Hoberman and Certain Affinity in Texas. 343i's biggest contribution is forcing the Create-A-Class and taking all non-power weapons off the maps.
Halo 5's maps meanwhile were actually made by 343i which is why they're noticeably worse, except for the BTB maps which are made by community forgers.
The original batch of maps, sans Empire and Fathom, were pretty good. But everything post-release was garbage.
we’re starting a revolution in halo infinite.

we’re boycotting launch site. you get put on the map launch site, immediately leave and show 343 we won’t stand for it

Someone at the 343 offices is definitely doing cum tributes to the Launch Site map layout blueprints. I’ve been getting it more than ever since the last major update and it’s the all time worst map in any Halo game. I genuinely don’t get it.
What were Halo 4 MP and 5 MP like at launch?
>Halo 4
The Battle Rifle took 5 bursts to kill. Most other weapons remained unchanged.
>Halo 5
There were like 6 modes total. No Forge either.
bolotshot and light rifle got changed
>The original batch of maps, sans Empire and Fathom, were pretty good.
Orion and Pegasus were so terrible they had to literally take them out of rotation and remake them
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Were those even in the game at launch? I forgot all about them.
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is it worth getting an xbox one x for 200 bucks in [current year] to play Halo 5 on it?
I've heard the Gears of War games are pretty gud too.
>Were those even in the game at launch?
>I forgot all about them.
They were easy to miss. It was only a few weeks before they got taken out.
Pegasus 2 was also pretty bad.
Has a dev-made Forge map ever been good?
>is it worth getting an xbox one x for 200 bucks in [current year] to play Halo 5 on it?
Just pay 100 more for a series s at that point.
Paradiso is fun
No disc drive.
Under no circumstance can I reccomend anybody purchase an Xbox One in 2024.
>b-but it's the One X
Doesn't matter. The console is outdated and modern games run like crap on it. The Series. S, which has less TFlops, runs Infinite better.
Halo 5 is in the lowest tier of Game Pass.
You don't need a disc.
It's how Halo 2 starts. There's nothing fucking wrong with that retard, no one said that would be the entirety of Halo 2. As for 5 its because the ads are completely irrelevant to the game. We don't see John walking around a desert with a robe anywhere in the game.
Halo 6 also had dishonest marketing regarding Cortana
Halo 2 was not misleading at all
Then get a Series X.
Don't be cheap about this.
All Xbox Owners should have Game Pass Ultimate also unless you're really not getting the value.
Go online and get a year or two off CD Keys and use a VPN to unlock.
>Halo 6
doesn't exist
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Halo 2's marketing was entirely about the defense of Earth. The tagline is "Earth will Never be the Same."
In reality the game is largely not about Earth at all and story-wise Master Chief isn't even the main character.
Halo 2 is great, but the marketing was intentionally misleading.
>Paradiso is fun
this and also The Cage
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To each his own.
I like it.
Watch them call the next game Halo 8
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Halo 5 runs like complete shit on Series S and isn’t optimized for it. You’re better off playing it on an Xbone. It runs well on Series X but you have to jump through some hoops to get the multiplayer to work without instantly kicking you out.
You’re wrong
Halo X: Johnson's Revenge
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>Halo 5 runs like complete shit on Series S and isn’t optimized for it. You’re better off playing it on an Xbone.
This is objectively false.
Halo 5 runs best on Series X. Period.
Under no circumstances should somebody purchase an Xbox One to play it in the current year.
I can't speak for Gaylo 5, but MCC runs terribly on Xbone X since the most recent update.
We are mid way through gen 9. No sane person would purchase a gen 8 console at this point unless it was literally free.
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It's mostly Halo Reach issues but I agree with the logic about how buying an Xbone at this point would be retarded.
teardrop ruins it
You're godawful at improv.
>the marketing was intentionally misleading
Not true. The marketing prior to 2004 was all about earth. Before 2004 they had a shit ton of earth levels planned. If anyone's being intentionally misleading, it's you.
Looks like my cat
hope this doesn't sound weird but i wanna fuck your cat
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cope harder failtriox
I'm not trying to be misleading but you are correct that the game was supposed to bookend with Earth missions so I'll actually grant you a W there
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that sounded weird
The halo 2 e3 demo looked better than the actual mission in game.
I remember being a bit disappointed when I first played the game because of that.
my fault nephew
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>240goyimcoins for Series S
i'm scared spartanbros
Shitposting aside that's actually a really impressive dick. Is that actually you?
Poor people shouldn't play videogames
you're either worse at improv than I imagined or you're one of those losers who inflicts their own trauma on the world
it's more about the fact that there are
>no games
You're playing on a console, you are poor. My GPU cost more than your shitbox.
OPI gang owes me sex.
>You're playing on a console
I have every console, every gen, plus PC of course. What card do you have? I'm upgrading at the end of the month. Thinking about 7900XT but I'm not sure if I should futureproof more.
7900 is fine and should last you a few years unless you onlverclock at 4k constantly
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2 > all
Fucking Mexicans can't speak their language.
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>In an ideal world I world go for a CE remake directed by Lehto
Stop right there. Jaime = no sprint, no climber, no slide.
It's over
There is only spanish there
where's tackel
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currently being served with butter and a spritz of lemon in the feasting chambers.
>when you see people boycotting it because of something trivial like collision or color outlines
These are valid, major concerns though.
I'll have what he's having!
/hg/ hasn't been the same since the wiki closed
on the floor getting peed on :3
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Are the rumors true?
Is the franchise really dead?
Imagine working on a franchise you hate for 10 years of your life. 343 devs are fucking insane.
have a nice comfy night halobros
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they didn't hate the franchise after they turned it into something else
>Imagine working on a franchise you hate for 10 years of your life
Those people really only worked on Halo 4.
343i is more different than they were at their inception than Bungie was when they left MS.
What a strange prioritization of importance of characters.
1. Master Chief (makes sense)
2. Halsey (sure?)
3. Buck (way too high)
4. Johnson (Why is he below 2 and 3? Because he's dead?)
5. Laskey
6. Locke
7. Linda
8. Palmer
9. Miranda
10. Vale
11. Carter
12. Emile
13. Kat
Carter is the least interesting member of Noble Team.
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samba do brasil
That doesn't look like Linda's helmet
>Halo 2's marketing was entirely about the defense of Earth.
because thats how the game starts, and what causes the events later in the game
>Master Chief isn't even the main character.
he is
Original trilogy is pretty much perfect but I would have done one thing different
>Thel and Rtas get to Threshold mining facility, as in the game
>Thel fights heretics, as in the game
>Thel gets to hangar, engages either Sesa or some other high ranking heretic, but doesn't kill Sesa
>Sesa then says the things to Thel that he actually says at the beginning of the confrontation like 'open your eyes', but then instead of immediately attacking without giving Thel a chance to respond, he waits for Thel's response
>either Thel is immediately receptive, or they fight for a bit but then Thel becomes receptive before either dies
>this, rather than Gravemind, is why Thel questions the Great Journey and allies with Johnson
As for how this lines up with the Gravemind/Sacred Icon quest, one of two options:
>the Sacred Icon quest takes place before fighting the heretics; Truth can still tell Thel about Sesa right when appointing him Arbiter but he can be sent to acquire the icon first
>something interrupts the fight between Sesa and Thel, at a point where Sesa has said enough to get Thel to start thinking, but before Thel has completely come to believe and side with Sesa, such that Thel still willingly takes on the task to find the Sacred Icon but with lingering doubt in his mind throughout; later on, after Thel joines Johnson and convinces Rtas to do the same, they link up with Sesa so Thel, Rtas, Sesa, and Johnson fight together to take down Tartarus
Then Sesa can also be in Halo 3 a little bit.
I don't like how in the actual game Sesa attacks Thel before giving him a chance to respond
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As I suspected... nothing... but a Ken
>Imagine working on a franchise you hate for 10 years of your life.
Yeah Bungie wanted to get away from Halo for awh-
>343 devs are fucking insane.
Oh. 343i is a revolving door studio, it's not the same studio it was 2 years ago, let alone 10.
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Here's how we save Infinite...
wop wop wop wop
>when you wanna sext a minor and lure them into meeting you at twitchcon
they made an armor set for JJAB?
JJ only liked anime lolis
The doctor prefers them 3D
>Infinite will die in two weeks due to no battle royal
he was right wasn't he?
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About that...
I feel bad for you
just had a match of halo 2 fiesta where i went 86-11 and dropped a 35 kill streak shit was so cash
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best map in the franchise?
it's a tad too big
damn an anon with some sense, a rare thing in the halo fanbase
for 8v8 yeah, but if it had 12v12 like infinite BTB it would play even better. and if MCC had 64-player customs like they teased 2 years ago, it would be an incredible map. personally I really enjoy the enormous maps in CE.
anybody else enjoy halo infinite and think it is a fun game
I like firefight but the pvp sucks my ass
what do you dislike about the pvp anon? the skill based matchmaking or something else?
>anybody else enjoy halo infinite and think it is a fun game
I think at this point the multiplayer is actually pretty solid. It has problems, but no Halo mp is perfect, and at this point Infinite plays really well and has a lot of variety. The match Composer helped a lot.
The campaign on the other hand is still really lackluster, and if somebody told me it was their least favorite in the series I couldn't blame them. For me it's only better than 5's.
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>but no Halo mp is perfect
Halo hater detected.
It's 343's best game, but anybody that is a diehard no speint/clamber purist will still get filtered.
You're not being serious if you think CE's mp is "perfect". I love it, but there's still plenty of problems.
As someone that considers CE still the best game in the series, it's not perfect. And Bungie would say the same.
it was a slapstick comment, you retards
appreciate the honest answer. when the campaign first dropped, I worked in a lab with a couple of longtime Halo fans. We all loved the campaign.
CE is imo the best halo mp but the magnum is obviously a pretty glaring flaw in the sandbox.
Bungie didn't make CE, Gearbox did.
>make post
>people respond to post
>he's back for more after getting btfo last night
I'll make some more popcorn
I liked Infinites campaign more when I first played it. The replayability isn't great imo, which kind of shocks me.
AR is too strong
pistol sucks
sprint only exists to slide around
maps suck
btb isn't 12v12
vehicles being dropped in on btb maps
weapon rack randomness
vehicles suck
spawning with Bandit instead of BR
no dual wielding
seasonal ranks instead of 1-50
no normal shotgun
hammer having lunge
Just wait. I'm working on a video montage of bungie devs calling the game CE outloud.
I have about 45 seconds so far but I'm Trying to get enough material so I can play the entirety of "In the hall of the mountain King" over it.
Is this the CE thread?
the hammer doesn't have lunge, do you mean parry? and there is a ranking system outside of the battle pass. personally I think the AR is balanced extremely well, probably the best AR in the series. I do agree though that the sidekick's crosshair bloom is fucking awful to deal with and its time to kill is insane at close range.
>AR is too strong
I disagree
>pistol sucks
I disagree
>sprint only exists to slide around
>maps suck
The community maps are much better than 343's and at this point there's a lot more of them
>btb isn't 12v12
Fair enough but 8v8 is fine
>vehicles being dropped in on btb maps
Sure? I don't see the huge problem with it.
>weapon rack randomness
What's wrong with them?
>vehicles suck
I disagree
>spawning with Bandit instead of BR
What's the actual problem here outside of "muh BR"? Because if that's the argument then you can't simultaneously be upset that traditional BTB goes past 16 players. The Bandit is a better mid range weapon than the BR, which is for longer range.
>no dual wielding
>seasonal ranks instead of 1-50
I don't see the huge issue but I can see where you're coming from.
>no normal shotgun
>hammer having lunge
based and CE pilled
>anybody else enjoy halo infinite and think it is a fun game
Multiplayer yes, though it's still flawed
Campaign no, though it's not terrible
I live how Chief actually invented this meme
King Troll here,
It's Halo
Or Halo 1
Eat my shorts.
>It's Halo
Yes, this is the Halo General
Now go to bed so your metabolism stops shitting itself.
how gay are you?
I honestly just don't think 12 v 12 plays well in Halo.
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Notice how it's called "Halo General" and not "CE General"
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Waiter! I'd like an onion pizza with stuffed crust, a stromboli with steak onions and extra cheese, two orders of the general tsos chicken, beef lo mein, a platter of sushi, and fried haddock. Make it snappy and stop sassing or no tip.
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I like a things about it but then it also has a lot of things that piss me off or just make me feel like missed opportunities.
Especially the campaign.
I like the multiplayer more.
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that's fair. I have always been a more casual player who mostly just plays BTB, and 12v12 isn't a huge jump from 8v8 as long as the map is larger. I don't think 12v12 would work well on a map like HCE blood gulch or H3 standoff, but the infinite maps are designed with it in mind. and a map like HCE infinity or H2 waterworks would probably play just fine with 12v12. but that's just my opinion desu
The campaign feels like some mega construx play set in a giant mega construx playspace. Idk how to describe it everything just feels very kiddy, like all the vehicles are made of Legos and the characters are all action figures, and everything looks like clean, dull plastic. I hate it.
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>we will never find out what the glowing cave on the put of bounds area is for
more weapons and vehicles would be cool but I never really expected that. I'm used to the sandbox being what it is at launch. I guess "live service" creates a different expectation, but the infinite sandbox already felt pretty tight to me.
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why are there no cows in halo
night time sections looked good
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>the characters are all action figures, and everything looks like clean, dull plastic
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>SFM render
Something here looks really wrong but I can't put my finger on it
why does an A.I. need nipples?
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spartans have always been one step removed from action figures or power rangers, imo that's what makes them look so interesting. the worst offender in making them look dull is halo reach.
halo 3 had this problem as well yeah
Infinite really is Halo 3 2
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to put in my mouth
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I'll have what he's having!
This doesn't look like dull plastic, that armor looks like thick, heavy metal. There's something wrong with how infinite handles physically based refendering because everything in that game looks like flat plastic.
it's funny you say that, everything in infinite looks very solid, heavy, and durable to me. I think the sound design has a lot to do with that too. I guess this is just two different interpretations of the art style.
I look at >>482848415 and all I see is a 1:12 scale plastic toy
well I can't deny that that one looks like an action figure, especially the way it's rendered. A lot of the esports org armor coatings look plastic too. a lot of the coatings I use in game have scratches, little dimples, and markings that make them look like damaged metal to me. I think that infinite draws a lot from both 3 and reach in its art style, the former being very plasticky imo (but I respect that you don't see it that way), and the latter being very gritty, dirty, and washed out.
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Play Infinite
The true plastic Spartan is H3 Master Chief.
Seriously, what the fuck were Bungie thinking going from what he looked like at e3 2006 to "dark green plastic man" shaders?
Halo 3 ruined everything
Halo 2 ruined everything, but y'all aren't ready for that conversation yet.
personally I like it. can't stand FPS games that are a boring blur of browns and grays. Halo, especially 3, is best when it is vibrant enough to immediately separate players, vehicles, and weapons from the environment
22-0 well done anon
go on.
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would you be able to pull the trigger?
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Fuck Marathon, when's Oni getting revived?
They'd turn her into a black MTF tranny
WAY too obvious, Hailey.
You know it's true
They'd also turn the game into a hero shooter
I genuinely cannot believe what they're doing to marathon. Jason Jones is seriously the Anti Christ. He doesn't give a fuck about his own creative works.
a halo hero shooter could honestly be very fun. but this fanbase is too traditionalist too even consider the idea
Multiplayer troons will kill themselves before they hit 40
They wasted a decent amount of Infinite's dev time and resources making one and canned it because it was such a bad idea.
Funny how all multiplayer focused games all have the worst practices of modern gaming pigslop. Makes you wonder about the audience of multiplayer focused games.
what an insightful post
You're a fucking pig
Buy that $20 skin piggy
>Funny how all all
1.2 buckle my shoe
Yes, I read about that too. I'm just thinking that Reach and 4's loadout systems aren't that different from a hero shooter in the style of team fortress 2. Obviously, I don't want a hero shooter Halo to completely replace arena shooter Halo. just thinking the concept, if executed well, could be pretty fun. a spartan, elite, brute, grunt, etc. class system would be a fresh style of gameplay for the franchise, but I will admit there's a million ways it could go wrong.
3, 4, you're a whore
scroll up, there was some genuine discussion going on for a while. would do you some good to learn from it
Squeal for me, pig
You gonna buy that cat ears when they're back on the shop?
Gonna eat that slop?
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Yeah, does this shit get you hungry? Look at all this slop you can buy!
dick sucking lips
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why are they repping ohio
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Multiplayer pigs deserve this shit
Halo's been ohio for 14 years
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i played halo today
i dropped an inconceivable
you are raging in a thread about imaginary pigs
you are hollow
>pic related, it's how i will sleep tonight
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>he bought
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Horrible service! You won't be getting any *blurp!* tip from me at this rate!
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>replying to your own posts
I wonder what will be the next thing multiplayer pig sloppers will be cool with devs putting in their games. My bet is on forcing players to dox themselves in order to play to prevent cheating and ban evasion.
Better than what 343 did to Halo
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Great post fellow redditor
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