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"Why are we still here?" - edition



>Current map

>Steam group

Old: >>482094293
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Last thread died having only 174 posts, lasted 3 days. What does that mean?
it means this thread should have been on /vm/
The game is dead.
It's over. Let this general die, same for the game.
finally unlocked alter, she's fun
pex is ded
>game is most popular in NA/japan
>cant stay alive during NA hours
Want to cover these whole regions in nuclear hellfire, useless.
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Enjoying my noon cup of coffee while watching some Scandinavian guy play ALGS pro league. No girls, no money, no work, no problems.
Respawn should pay us for bumping this thread.
>complete remove triple take from the mixtape loadout
>leave the broken sentinel in
devs are retarded?
more like gay sex legends lmao
Snipers are le based, and vantits
ugh I came second.. I need a dub so bad bros. any ausfags wanna help me? I will buy you 5 apex packs if we get a win. I really need this becuz I devirve all my self worth from getting big dubs in bideo games
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>join team deathmatch on the shittiest map just for the care package daily
>literally zero care packages drop the entire match
>these are my teammates
dogshit game or dogshit game?
How shit do you have to be to not win a match in an OCE lobby?
Based FuseChink
bruh I'm always up against these streamers and 3 stacks man and I get owned lol
I need some help of u to get dat dubbbbb.
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We probably had the longest direct 1v1. Path couldn't hit me with Mastiff while I thirsted him with Spitfire. Took us nearly 20 seconds to finish this shame. Also, Fuse players aren't real. They must be the least intelligent people on Earth.
I guess u turned his mastiffy into mastoft haha
It would be so wacky if my cute potato wife could grab my Mastiff, make me shot once and it would turn into Mastsoft... That would be bananas loko tier crazy haha wtf
Even a one-handed disabled nigger can ascend on a controller. This shit gets more grim every single day. I don't know whom to believe anymore.
>no leaks
>no events
>no new gunz
>no new mapz
um sirz what is this season?
Hypermist xitted today:

▫ Possible Balance Changes
▫ New Heirloom // Prestige Skin
▫ New Shop Dates & Sections
▫ New Events & Cosmetics
▫ New Map Rotation
▫ New LTM
>after the split
guess ill actually play this in 7 days then. maybe push to masters
Oh yeh it must be way harder to avoid matching with the same noob farmers on those servers. Its bad enough on EU at times when nobody is playing and everyone is in premades so you get the same soloq teammates
New slop event and slop ltm ??? Yipee
we pexxing tonight
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Good for you! Sadly, I can't continue my vidya session right now because I had to move far away from my puter. I wish I could blissfully play some more matches in solos and drink some tea or coffee...
i will probably pexx tonight
Nose always snotty today, must be heating up
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Is there anything worse than being squadded with beaners? They don't shut the fuck up on mic
How similar beaners to french/spanish "people"
first ranked game of the day i join the game as a solo in a lobby with 32 people alive at the start of the game
Good fast lobby for warmups
i ratted and played gacha on my phone. made it to 4th place
I had an actual Detroit nog the other day dude put up 30 and died immediately
retard team pushing us like idiots just because they saw we were a duo...
Chances they keep solos? I haven't played this since the finals was released so I haven't played since the season before the upgrade system. After 2000 hours, I was glad to find something I liked that didn't feel the same as Apex but also had fun gunplay and movement. Melee is cringe though. One of the things I didn't like during my 2000 hours of Apex was the lack of solos...
and it just got dull as fuck. every LTM other than 3 strikes sucked but even then, you had to put up with the horrendous sbmm and stacks as a solo player
I'd be fine if pub games were only solos 3 strikes or straight shot and br was relegated to ranked. pubs should just be party modes
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boomer fps god forest is playing some good ass apex right now with team nessy!
kek the tranny janny forgot to bump the last thread
>25 million of company profits to one guy

american dystopia is so cringe
>Team Deathmatch 24/7
But why
hoping na babs will do their duty tonight
I got you
i do not hear enemy footsteps
enemies literally appear behind me without me hearing, but I hear teammates always
No, let this tranny lovers general die and fuck off to /vm/.
I'm starting to hate seeing Wattson on my team because practically every time, they want to bunker down in a building no matter the situation
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it's quite cringe when "good" players use regular good weapons in tdm instead of memeing or challenging themselves with something more fun and difficult.
or if you use horizon
who's on
>"pro" teammate who runs off on his own to fight every squad solo
>eventually bites off too much and gets knocked
>immediately starts blaming his previously disregarded teammates for it
I just laugh
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finally got my 20 badge in solos, it was NOT worth it
>7300 season kills
jesus christ
Announcement: I wont be playing Apex because im too busy thinking about but not playing a few other games that i will probably never sink my teeth into but love to think about so i will be planning potential playthroughs and sessions of other games in the meantime
Thank you for your attention and your understand,
Sincerely, Anonymous.
hitting 10k this season then moving on to other games, cant wait for the elden ring DLC
how many games played?
1.24k this season, 3.52 kd
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not on my watch!
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thx bae x
>you either die right away after dropping or spend 15+ minutes doing nothing
>get 3rd party frequently
how do you guys put up with this bullshit game? this is not fun whatsoever, this is it for me
just got to aim for the head and make sure they all die
why would you pick anything other than peacekeeper or sentinel in tdm when they're available
Worse is when they're in an obvious premade squad holding hands camping high ground with meta weapons while you got 14-year-old controller player and 30-year-old Juan with open mic on your team
just gotta plug your mnk/controller in kapatid
at least it's not fortnite where you have to spend every game hitting a fucking wall to farm materials
i do hate it though on solo queue. you have no idea how good your teammates are so you can essentially waste 10 minutes running around looting but your team can't hit the broad side of a barn so you immediately die anyway
was quite surprised at this. I thought all the skins etc would hugely increase RAM use
how many hours a day do you have to play to hit those numbers?
I've been playing watty a lot recently, and trying to play her more offensively when the situation calls for it. If you stock up on ultimate accelerants you can fortify almost anywhere and discourage teams from pushing you
roughly 4-6 hours a day depending on if im doing good, its all solos though, no trios or duos or ranked
Every fucking time we land in the city area on World's Edge, there's 10 squads and no weapons
then pick bang and spam smokes
>speedboost passive lets you W key and shove a pk in their face
it's hilarious how utterly lost roller tards are without their precious autoaim
So you're averaging 175 kills a day, that's nuts. And averaging 10-15 kills per match, assuming most of them run for 20 mins
did ya win today
i won dis one
Where is the conduit porn
Imagine thinking a digital input will ever have more acuity than analog input. Retake trigonometry
Landing in the west buildings of monument, or the east side of fragment can give you some good results. Streamer building or at the center of monument = death sentence
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>Horizon's face before she milks your penis with her mouth
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>My face when 1458th waifufag post enters my peripheral vision.
we pexxing?
who pexxin
id pexx but i have to go fix my car
>puts on gaming sleeve which is just a cut sock
oh yeah it's pexxin time
why did they lower kills in tdm?
quicker matches. i dont want to have to wait 50 kills to get shit stomped on by the handholders so this is better. instead of 50 to 24 wins now its quick 30 to 12s
yea i love spending more time in loading screens
asim assist? more like

Good post
Uhh, you dont like women? Are you fucking GAY?
i just wanna swag on kids in tdm but these roller turret bots won't let me move
just like take cover and let them empty their mags and then shoot them
Its all so tiresome
that's not swaggy
when esport again?
We're all watching the Euros lad
The fuck is up with the EA app?
I can't even uninstall it
for me, its knocking a sucker with riot drill who just barely got behind cover at 10 hp
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This is why I've started maining Maggie.
Based facebook frog anon
I only just realized that the evo shield rework removing shields as loot means the golden evo is totally missing from BR now.

I miss the yellow bastard
they could just add the option between red and gold armor when hitting max level evo

swimming in bats having some distance to enemies?
take red armor
low on bats with few cells laying around with maybe a freshly spawned teammate?
take gold armor
i miss when evo shields was a risk to pick up with a potential good reward
I miss infighting over them and pissing off my Lifeline teammates by yoinking it from their care package
The only way to save pex is by releasing old school babex. We go back to pre-season pexxing.
Where is the Alter porn

oh shit its him
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115th for the /best girl/
thinkin bout pexxin
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Reminder the blackface lifeline cosplay is canon
play gaypex
i am playing gapex
raid shadow legends > apex legends
>when holding down r2 doesn't auto aim for you
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>not a single shred of damage
ur in my lobbies lol
>one treasure pack left
>22 levels off max battle pass
i think i can only play during events now

also why can't you rebind the requeue button
>dueling pred champ
>level 65 octane shoots me in the ass
thanks faggot
Play less apex
>why can't you rebind the requeue button
Probably because controllers dont have any other option
literally any other button than up on the dpad could be used
Whys it called a d-pad rollertards?
for dz nuts
this game will just delete your bullets if it doesn't want the other guy to die it's wild
arc stars turn off aim assist?
How would Alter react if I told her that I genuinely loved her and that we should genuinely get married? She's all about genuine feelings so she would be into me right?
she'd put the tail up your butt and then portal
She's salvo only
*writes down notes as you speak*
*turn to the nurse next to me*
"We're gonns have to double his medication starting from tomorrow"
kinda wanna get tag team raped by maggie and alter bros
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I don't think she would take it seriously. She would probably make fun of you and then fuck you up badly. Restard Entertainment said she's asexual. So I don't think she could feel anything for you. After all, she's been through a lot of dimensions and seen a lot.
Women are men men are women chud
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So are they ever going to bring back the old rev ult in any kind of way?
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Breeding will be daily.
Come on, babs! We can beat the previous record of 174 posts in 3 days! Hold positions! Never surrender!
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E try and move me, it will be fun! Hahahaha.
Sucking in gibraltar's big sweaty man tits
What would save this general?
aim assist deleted
Subz returning
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the sex update
lmao even
Most mentally sane tranny lovers (regulars of /axg/)
double spitfire is literally the new meta
whats the point of whorizon ult if it dies to 4 bullets and does nothing
kek this cheating chink is alright
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told you
imagine if apex had sexy looking women
I was severely sleep deprived, that wasnt the real me talking!!!
That being said i deeply apologize for the gibby comment.
Seems not so long ago I first saw it explode onto the scene.
What happened bros?
Did everyone meta all the fun out of it?
The general isnt dying /vg/ catalog is just being spammed, trust the plan.
we boutta pex
I pexxed past night fr
i pexxed but got crazy freezing lag like every 10 seconds
I will be enjoying the sun and summer solstice unlike 90% of the vile cretins on this board.
I pexxed after I got a sunburn from being outside imagine not having balance
faide is h*cking based
new paypiggy trailer is up
imagine getting sunburn how irish are you
bout 3.50%
>kapatid revenant
>spooky conduit
God dammit
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The skins do be kinda drippy doe
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That lifebab prestige skin looks crap though, just a rip off of some caustic/other skin that already exists.

Captcha JANK
>4x-10x Digital Threat Scope
>Will no longer provide threat vision through smoke or gas
why is?
The devs with decision making power decided they wanted to be winners like the pros and set controller aim assist to Aperture Science turret tier, while the antihack security guy went on permanent vacation to write chiptunes in Miku Miku Dance. You ultimately end up with soft cheaters fighting actual cheaters and the normal players all left because they got sick of being stat fodder.

>Void Passage: Crypto EMP will now affect all players phased by the Void Passage
nooooo you cant have fun synergis with crypto its not allowed!!!!
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I want to fill her Chink pussy to the brim with my BWC (dispenser of genetically supreme semen).
You will create the next Mao doing that, just look at her
based total /axg/ death go outside niggers
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I want to have sex with fictional women. I want to make frictions inside of fiction. They are the only women I have access to. I love to dress them up and behave like I'm going after them.
All he had to do was walk while aiming & his AA would've turned on lol
if you play wattson or caustic in tdm you have no friends and your parents are disappointed in how you turned out.
>not playing ol' fusey and blowing up their silly toys
cant post wtf
based skins tbqhwyf
For me it's fusey's crypto skin
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In comp games before the evo rework, you would usually have at least one endgame team picking 1x gold armor just because of the economy with cells vs rarity of bats.
Gold on a headglitch peeker with a scout or 3030 was crazy effective
it's over for you bitches
im actually fucking laughing holy shit
so zased...
of course the roller shitter devs would nerf the one advantage mouse players had
that is unless smokes still disable aim assist, in which case mnk chads eatin good tonight
what's the betting they completely removed the one advantage that mnk players had in cqc combat?
>bloodhound can't q through smoke or gas
good but also wut
what do you mean?
Imagine making game changes and balances based on your butthurt
nobody likes fighting in smokes
anyone use a custom crosshair overlay? does it help a lot in this game?
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Devs are confirmed roller shitters who play on 70 FOV
4x10 optics also no longer work on smoke

this is such a shit nerf for bang that's gonna make reviving teammates even harder.
I tried using "gameplus" settings for my monitor which give you a crosshair overlay. I wouldn't say it made a huge difference, but thanks to it you realise how messy the in-game crosshair is. It's always shaking making it difficult to aim sometimes.
just play crypto
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so now that bang is dead who's replacing her as the go to meta shitter pick. caustic?
I do. - Hound, Fuse, Caustic, Bang, fully revved Ram
lifeline mains must be seething that hee prestige skin is just caustic. like not even cool its just caustic
bang is still good
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>tfw you get the last kill in deathmatch and everyone has to watch it
And they’re terrible. One was silent in my tdm but exploded when I stole one of his kills because he didn’t have any / a lot. Had no clue what he was saying but I knew it was directed towards me lmao.
Directional pad?
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>its another "legend has skin that covers face/changes hair which mogs the default look" episode
>kc out of ranked, olympus in
>worlds edge still in ranked
jfc, just delete that shitty map already.
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bring back this skin you cowards
Wired for ___
i hope you did something impressive and didn't just aim assist turret them.
What weapon do you go with in tdm when sentinel/peacekeeper/mastiff aren't available?
Sex-pex Lesbians
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Looks good. Absence makes the heart grow fonder for once.
surprised they didnt release a fantasy skin set to get the elden bux
elden ring is normie but not anime level of normie
catalyst radagon would have been kino
all i read then was "tranny tranny would be cool"
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I am playing hell let loose instead and trying to get the flamethrower but it seems like a long grind so i will probably lose interest at the last hurdle
path prestige lookin grim
post it
if smoke still turns off aim assist, this is a buff

>Players will no longer be able to shoot enemies while safe behind cover
did they fix head glitches? did the retards finally figure out how to lower eye level?
>did they fix head glitches? did the retards finally figure out how to lower eye level?
lets fucking hope
pexxed ur mum las nite m8 dint i
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Sneed easy nahh
Is the new map next season
Yes, so too are the Akimbo P2020/Mozams and the Lifeline rework.
reminder: they opened an entire new study just to put out trash like the lifeline prestige
Fuck I hate World's Edge. Bring back Olympus already.
>24h tdm
see you tomorrow
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I wish all of my fellow tranny lovers pleasant and productive day.
finna give catalyst genthe thwacks
no bumps for the tranny general
ran into a cheater that hit used his sentinel like a shotgun and hit every shot
its coming next patch
>no more kiddies dropping at fragment
Babex is saved.
oh no anon, we is staying but olympus is coming'
you didnt really think respawn would remove we did you
I've been playing Chuddson today. With all these evo armor upgrades she's extremely versatile. Fun fact: did you know you can cause a short circuit in Fuse's brains just by plasing a generator and some fences. He's going to be either shooting knuckle clusters (which are going to be intercepted) or run away for his life after only two minutes not being able to process further algorithm of offense. They're just like snails and electric current- just a little bit of zippity-zap and they're gone.
Thats for ranked though on pubs WE is gone.
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Wait til you learn what happens to bangalores
>software crosshair overlay

reported cheater shitter
>What happened bros?
>Did everyone meta all the fun out of it?
I don't know if you're not paying attention, or stupid, but basically the devs just refused to balance the game and instead make it worse every season.

three stackers get fucked
>Respawn doesn't cater to contro-

Does generator destroy her smokes? I only know about ult.
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There are definitely secret matchmaking algorithms like this. Everything is just designed to manipulate your dopamine. No match is fair.

If you ever watch streamers you can tell they intentionally get easier bot lobbies so they can shill the game better and make le epic content. It's embarrassing how easy the lobbies they are getting compared to the real game.
bad post

good post
we muhfuggin pexxin
They need to fuck off with this shit and actually make the thing that will fix the game: input-based matchmaking/removal of crossplay with PC. Until then I shan't be playing no matter how many shiny skins they release.
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>image nearly 2 years old already
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I think some other legends deserve a rework before her maybe? Could be good though... maybe
>Fuck I hate Diarrhea. Bring back Rectal Cancer already.
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I don't know why but when I play Apex even after a short break (3 days this time) I can't comprehend what's going on around. My eyes would get tired instantly, I wouldn't be able to concentrate or think about the game. I feel no immersion. The game feels completely alien.
that was probably me. i'm just good.
maybe the bang changes aren't that bad of a nerf if we'll be forced to use it as a barrier instead of a concealer
Terrible news all around.
>Cuck personality instead of the cool one
>Tactical which is actually fun will probably just be replaced with something fucking generic and retarded
>Same with the ult
Maybe? It eats all projectiles as far as I know. I was talking about the ol' Painless & Push
Time flies since I mocked this one up, /bab/. My one and only contribution. It's been downhill ever since.
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>It's been downhill ever since.
Funny because i remember thinking in the summer of 2022 "this game/thread is dying oh noooo" and it actually was nowhere near the end
>no marked by basedntage
>no position revealed by ash
Those arent quite as annoying and rarer
Yay! We've made it to 282 posts.
and thread lasts for 3 days...
mid season patch will save apex
we quadding?
>he wasn't there when /axg/ used to last for 2 weeks
i literally improved my k/d by tenfold by just abusing double spitfires
i close my eyes and i wipe the whole squad
Time flies desu
Feels like yesterday. I remember the so called 'fortnight threads' distinctly, and yet they felt more active than the threads recently.
Because 9/10 posts now are some or the other type of bump. There's no content, just words to bump the thread. Thank you tranny janny for your service, so noble of you to do for free.
just words to bump the thread
Thank you tranny janny for your service, so noble of you to do for free.
Bangalord is the tranny janny, i havent bumpe in a couple dadys
for me it's double lstars
>bumpe in a couple dadys
>managed to type the "d" from "bumped" 3 whole words down the sentence instead
I'm reaching new levels of profound retardation, also my d key is dying again
most intelligent /axg/ user
Oh golly, guess who just used /axg/ 14 minutes ago
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>or viewers
literally catering to people not even playing the fucking game. what a disgrace
this game really makes me feel like a useless fucking retard like no other
i take a week off and come back to just get completely styled on by masters and rollers once again. my breaks are getting longer and longer
>controller shitter tdm for 3 more days
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Somehow, somewhy, some/bab/ keeps baking this this thread even when it gets stale before bump limit. Still here, still terrible at the game, still enjoying the ride nonetheless (it's the wattsonposting, obvs).
/axg/, more like /axewoundgay/
I'm ill so im not playing video games just shitposting on 4chan
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requesting the image of the school playground wall with "apex legens sucks, We LikE ForTnITe 卐 " written on it
since digi threats no longer see through smoke, that means they can bring digi back with smgs right?

Why wouldn't digis see through smoke? What's the fucking point of them then? It doesn't even make sense- are you saying there are no scopes to highlight enemies (in poor visibility conditions) during the most technologically advanced age of humanity?
it's another retarded change respawn is doing to appease the pros since they were bitching for many seasons, to the point where they had to disable them.

atleast now that they're gonna be shit we'll probably get them back in the loot pool next season. doubt they'll do it in the mid season patch.
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EA Terms of Service
Thank you for reporting your concern and helping make our Apex Legends community a positive place to play.

We investigate the context before deciding if reported content or accounts follow the guidelines in our Positive Play Charter and the rules in our User Agreement. Sometimes, a single comment in a broader conversation-or an opinion that differs extremely from yours-may not be a violation.
If this was a voice chat report, we don't currently collect voice data or recordings so we can't take any action on voice chat. We're still working on the best way to review reported voice chats.
1. If you're playing on console, you can also report those voice chat interactions to the platform owner, and they may take action on that player's console account.
2. In-game, you can mute or block players who are ruining your fun and breaking the rules.
While this decision may not be what you hoped for, please don't let it discourage you from reporting concerns in the future. Your reports contribute to the healthy, positive community we're building. Even if we didn't take action this time, reporting helps us improve our systems and make sure that we're keeping things fun, fair, and safe for all.
Thanks, EA Help
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honestly just fuck this gay ass shit an burn it all down in minecraft starting with 654UDFGS2SDF3
This game has flicker advantage
just words to bump the thread
Literally me
it's over...
Bangalard and his 200 bmi
Are cooms essential in achieving shorter reaction times?
you are ruinging gaming retard
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Sexy loba in military outfit
I swear to god slavs are the most smooth brained mouth breathing subhumans on the planet
You know how sometimes you're in a 3/4 squad fight where you knock like 3-4 people and then you get wiped and you see one teammate with 0-100 damage who was not knocked until after you

I'm just.. how?
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every single pub game, disconnection as soon as they get downed even if i 1v3
5 years in and niggas still complaining about teammates baka
I got tired of intentionally ugly blacks instead of realistic beautiful west african blacks plus the unironic tranny characters, so I quit a while ago. Just stopping by since I saw your thread to say that I'm having a blast in other shooters, leaving this one in the dust. Daily reminder you can do the same thing, there's no reason to hang onto this game when other good games with equivalent or better gameplay and better character design exist. Don't fall prey to sunk cost fallacy.

Have a good day anons
I wish we had beautiful ladies like in nipponese gamu!! make all apex babes like stellar blade women and like bayonetta
there are no other good games
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Can't say I'm surprised that some or the worst awful people (ImperialHal and Zer0) signed with an organization whose owner literally stones women and homosexuals to death and murder journalists in embassys

Probably won't be long until SweetDreams (one of the worst pieces of shits in Apex Comp, literal awful horrible person who need to get cancer and die) signs to a similar org aswell
What are you, gay?
Not really, maybe new valve game is decent
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If you're sick of playing Apesex what are other good games to get into?

Is Naraka or PUBG good?
based schizoniggeranon is back
redpill me on stardew valley, is it good?
we grinding
>In ranked game
>Teammate says "Guysch avoid all fights if we wait till final 5 we earn rp for doing nothing"
then why play?
Fortnite sends their regards :)
isn't that the flaw with battle royal games?
huge miss not to give her a six pack
Based Falcons!
I am sure she has one but apesex does not do too much fetish stuff
crazy that a fit bird is a fetish innit
Any confirmed femboy legends? Octane?
Grim modern american society
Why is your currency set to rupees?
shitskin detected
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Octane players are the dumbest of all
there is one but it's very feint
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>get around 1500 damage in the new 35 kill limit Team Deathmatch
>need to play Horizon for daily challenge
>deal 2500 damage (same 35 kill limit)

>lifeline and ash get rework soon
literally zero reason to play them now because all skill-gain with those legends will be thrown out when the rework arrives

fuck the new apex devs (OG devs started working on other shit a while back so now there are new devs who do shit like increasing recoil on R-99 instead of just lowering damage, and these new fucking perks that need to be activated every fucking match without any option to just set them permanently in the legend meny page). The rank 1 predator on PC also complains about having to select perks every god damn match)
hes the yasuo of this game
Shut the fuck up, play a legend because it's fun not because its meta and most overpowered.

get bent cunt
Where are the aliens in Apex world
>complains about having to select perks every god damn match
This and press F1 to highlight replicators while in the ship. WHY ISN'T THIS DONE AUTOMATICALLY????
Why dont i just automatically get fully kitted havoc when i drop and red shield baka.
>Be plat
>Be in match with squad of randos, both silver with master badges
>All enemies seem to be the same more or less
what the fuck is going on this isn't season start
Plat II and up is all the same MM pool. If it can't find enough it just throws everything at the wall and grabs whatever. The game is dying hard and everyone is just in denial at this point.
>be silver
>peee poo peooe badges
>enemies do thing
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The last /axg/?
>the 4x10 scope will no longer highlight enemies through smoke
errrm so why is it still a gold item
So your the one propping up the Micro.tr industry
definitely not
The amount of times I just bullied whole teams with a gold longbow because they didn't understand that there was no way they could reposition themselves and hide from my scope
on /vg/
>Unable to connect to EA servers
Anyone else getting this?
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Youre shadowbanned
Old man Snip3 still got it!
Our boy, Dezign's, back is breaking since Timmy left him hanging.
the og devs stopped working on the game in s1. not a single map, character, or balance has been quality since.
>ash rework
Oh no no no no no! She is perfect as she is!
same on ps4
ALGSchuds report in

>get nonwhite teammates
>always, 100% of the time the most rude, overconfident and selfish fucks
>always, 100% of the time on controller or console
this game made me racist
I've had plenty of annoying white teammates, usually zoomers that play in pairs
So french people arent white? Got it
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of course white teammates can be useless cunts, although it's more like 80-85% of them. i have never had a nonwhite teammate on mic that wasn't an absolute nigger
How come all successful pros are white GODS?
the servers are absolute shit today
Remember when everyone though Sweet was the greatest IGL in the game? Ahhh the good days.
havent been able to get in at all today
blacks cant aim
They can aim fine, they just can't do shit tactics-wise
A crippled nigga on controller can stomp pubs better than a two-handed MNK individual.
I'm mentally and physically disabled and I outdamage 80% of my teammates. It's less about aiming well and more about knowing what gun to use and when to shoot
Most capable /axg/ user.
>"Why are we still here?"
Good question
no, it's really about aiming well
Erm... Just how much are you mentally disabled? Is your disability about retardation?
have they changed something in the ranked matchmaking since last night? i am tilted harder than i've ever been today, down like 600pts. completely unreal shit
Are the servers still ultra trash and lagging every other game? If so, I shan't be playing.
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FACT: This game is no longer good or worth playing.
Are any games?
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Add this one too for a quick sesh of fun.
games just aren't really fun anymore, half of it is our fault though for being brain addled by our sheer stimulation
esport soon
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ummm but what about muh whole arm?
>faggot roller mod damage controlling as hard as he can
This and also fr*nch people are honorary blacks
hardecki dropped!
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>played 1 game of Newcastle when he arrived
>no like
>test him today
>he's fun as fuck and the portable shield is really easy and intuitive to move around
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miss when we played together and had constant shit flinging
miss when doomer would stream for us late at night
miss when esports was alive and we'd go through 2 threads in an hour
miss when subz would post his silly cat pictures and quote pop smoke
miss when nebu would post clips and make montages of his bad gameplay
miss when wattson posters would post wattsons and make new memes
miss when kangz_grey would pop back up from time to time and disappear
miss when krissern would post mirage clips
miss when we got greentext stories every day about teammates
miss when eyrie and zeyna_ritalin carried everyone
miss when everyone would be excited about what would come next to Apex and they'd post that alpha image with all the upcoming toons
miss when the skittleschizo and genschizo kept posting fake allegations and that they'd shoot up LAN venues
miss when that one guy went "can someone pls post the /axg/ discord link"
miss when there was the play of the thread
miss gneedra and fyr and godhoshiyomi and others I forget that kept in the shadows but kept this thread alive

Goodbye frens

PS: I DO NOT miss:
miss my heckin avatarfags and namefags on my anonymous board
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>get kicked because invalid anti-cheat
>abandon penalty
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It all feels so long ago..

How does that work, i dont understand.

It's still apex and im still playing it.
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It always circles back to Octard players after they got bored of new legends.
They are the kind of people who think who wins = who moves and crouch spams the fastest and put zero thought into things.

I think i said a few times before, but some people really do imitate each legend very well with their kits
fact: extremely good post!
if you want to be a girl you can just be a girl
cheekbones not doing her any favors
no Triple T mention

tisk tisk
Controller shitters btfo by facts and logic
Why can't trans girls look like her?
>One less fencesissy shitting up the general with his waifufagging
Good riddance.
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And yet your nigger brain will keep posting that ugly hag
>shoot at a guy
>guy shoots me back
>guy kills me
fucking uninstalled retarded algorithmic piece of trash
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Hate us cus you ain't us.

My exact same experience. Trash game!
I'm dying squirtle
and now matchmaking is taking forever

i regret the $100+ i've spent over the years...
anybody having trouble getting into a game? ive been in cue for like 5 minutes now
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Here's a Wattson
I'm playing with the Ashfag and he's hard carrying.
We could have had a cute big tiddy goth girl, but we got a troon instead. Remember what they took from (you)
Yes I'm not a camping little sissy who posts pictures of his imaginary wife on an online anonymous forum in his free time. Thank fucking god.
today i played apex and it was an unsatisfying experience.
I too enjoy bumping this general with chatgpt like posts.
didn't ask
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First off, I think Ash is fine as is rn, the ability to see enemies while portaling was a huge stealth buff and it makes the ult a viable aping method.
Only real buff to Ash i'd like rn is to shorten the arming time for the arc snare, they buffed the snare speed when the heirloom got released but it still takes a second to arm the AOE latching on it, makes close range snares hard to aim unless you aim on the ground. Maybe delete the blue EVO upgrade where she tells if there are squads around you when you finish a fight.

Second, why couldnt they give that Project 19 skin facial animations for getting damaged and knocking and such, shit'd be so cash. Throw in a finisher that resembles the character select animation and I'd pay heirloom money for that.
>get safely behind door/cover
>see yourself on replay getting killed not behind door/cover
many such cases
Dust in human form over there, wipe them OUT!
actually fucking disgusting
surely looking at this data it's ethical to use aimbot in this game as a PC player? I mean essentially you will be playing against other players with developer sponsored aimbot so it's simply leveling the playing field?
I programmed my mouse to activate my controller that's plugged in so that I get the game's native aim assist anytime I shoot or ADS. It's actually disgusting how little directional input is needed to beam someone. I will literally hold my mouse still in close quarters and my reticle just follows the other guy unbreaking.
how do you do that?
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NEVER forget what they took from you.
This is my catalyst!
we grinding today
I'm out here in kings canyon, looking for the hoochie daddies
I don't understand why devs just don't separate inputs. Both sides are happy and very easy fix.
Why do people have higher accuracy the less they've played the game?
quads up yet
This is the mentality most aimbotters have, unironically. The aim assist is overtuned because the developers (who suck) are controller players and want to be winners too.
why even bother playing a game you have to cheat at to enjoy? have a little self respect.
at this point it must be pure incompetence.
I noticed walling went way up during the rat to masters season. I've noticed aimbotting go up the worse the roller issue's become. It genuinely is the playerbase responding to a balance problem the devs refuse to fix and it's killing the game.
That said, I just wouldn't play if I were you. You'll get used to it and it'll fuck up your aim in any other fps, also if you wear yourself down fighting literal aimbots it'll make you a better player if that's what you're after. Still, better just not to fucking play.
It's intentional. Has to be. Separate inputs is a simple thing to do and would get a load of griping off their backs, so it's exactly what a bunch of lazy hacks would want. I'm convinced it has something to do with their game rigging algos, malicious rather than incompetent. They've claimed it's because they worry about splitting the fanbase but they gave that excuse when they had some of the most players ever, now they're at a three year low because of it.
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I've been using this to play Apex but the buttons look like xbox's in-game. Is there a way to force it to show PS4 buttons with a setting, launch option or something?
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No but you are gay.

Is this actual concept art? Apex is not that kind of style though.
How this huge ass company can't redesign a fucking tritdent model to fit 4 players.
What does the "tri" in "trident" mean?
>Is this actual concept art?
They took that off art station for a general idea of what they wanted.
evil wattson skin when
Call it fourdent or bring a fucking Titan has 4 sits I don't know, they have millions in profits but can't redesign a fucking 6 polygons car. They can make a fucking Voltron robot that can be transformed from 4 tridents.
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We already have it
a trident with four prongs is called a fork
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im amazed they managed to make the lobby fit four players honestly
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Oddly am turned on by this.
She got corrupted by catalysts gloop and turned FTM
will today be a good day for pexxin?
pexxing is already done today, it is sleeping time now
i think it would be really cool if they added a duos mode to apex
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No, that can't be it
What about that cute ChinX toon's corruption instead?
I'll stick with my enlightened watty in the meantime.
Not played that shit in atleast a year or more
we quaddin
what were they thinking with that lifeline prestige
Goyslop game
I can't defend how sloppy the last few seasons have been. the new devs are trash
They clearly just ran out of ideas and given up making good slop
>the pirate wattson event was over 2 years ago
drop some titans in there make a 25v25 mode do anything other than br
Its clear that boomer multiplayer modes dont retain the same numbers as cuck royale.
They will never go that overboard with a gamemode because it would split the game and people would actually have fun
fortnite has a team rumble that's like 30v30
Yeh hasnt it had that since almost the start?
I vividly remember it from like 2017/18
I think so. large team deathmatch has always been my favorite
Now i think about it, pretty much most of the multiplayer games i used to play were like this.

Guess it started out with halo/battlefield/minecraft for me
halo 3s big team battle was perfect
The perfect casual multiplayer console fps experience
Now these poor kids have to log on to crap like apex and beam each other with 99% aim assist to have 'fun'
devs today really dont understand throwing a bunch of cool stuff on the ground for everyone to play with is a better time than trying to mimic """""""pro""""""" gameplay
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>opps doubting in 2024
It's poopex, chud
If you want to stay sober play a game where you only drink when you get a game without a cheater
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apex lesbians
catalyst gock
Hes just using aim assist too bro its not that big of a deal.
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I hecking love deathmatch
disable all visual clutter
disable aim assist
there is no reason why they shouldnt
also i mean just for non-BR
pros and console plebs can have their braindead lootfests and larp as pro teams, meanwhile the thinking man can enjoy his boomer modes free from any of this cancer.
it's not cheating though. how can in be cheating if it's simply using a feature the game developers allow others to use in the game?

i'm not talking about full on rage hack aimbot but a little toggle every now and then is fine
Talk you off the ledge? (with a laugh) 有冇搞錯, I'm the one who put you there.
apex saved in 1(one) day!
You vill goy the slop
I have severe hay fever so i will not be pexxing for between 7-14 business days
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>15 minutes til update
>thread is page nine
I don't think Quads are going to save us, /bab/s
every day i get a little closer to uninstalling and going back to overwatch
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in 15 minutes?
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Got my timezones mixed up. Guess we got an hour. Time for a nap.
>going back to overwatch
By all means lmao, go ahead
storm point is such a dull map
>run around without hearing a single shot for the first three rounds
>suddenly another team appears
>10 squads from bumfuck nowhere join the fight and focus entirely on your team
If you reliquish jumpmaster to me we instantly drop on the spot.
If you do that AND start pinging spots to land i will not revive you.
we quaddin
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cant believe apex is finally saved
>Unfortunately, Tridents are too small to squeeze a fourth on board, but let ‘em walk.
what a retarded fucking idea
Sorry im watching the pointless Euros matches
Quadpex will have to wait
they couldn't do it ? really?
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Apex is saved
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I cant queueeeeeee
this nigga has no rizz on sigma
woah... thats some deep lore
Yasss rank reset!!
Respawn fucked up big time you cant even see the stats for 4 players in the endgame screen
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I will never get the full badge...
why do they keep resetting ranks... Literally every few weeks
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new error just dropped!
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How many times will you fall for the Respawn grift before you realize what is happening?
They will never ever "fix" the game.

You only have yourself to blame, really.
>3 games so far, 3 hot drops in quarantine zone
>teammates instantly DC making it solos
You forgot
>teammates shout in Arabic, instamute
>temmates vacuum all ammo then whine when you need to leave them behind since you cant fight for 2minutes with 40 bullets
yeah, what the fuck were they thinking with no leave penalties
deathmatch with autofill has it but a mode that relies on the team being full does not?
should i craft the conduit skin, the rev skin, or the alter skin babs. i play all three
the ash skin
Cool now I'm getting lasered by 4 people instead of 3
>match ends in quads and you still only see you + 2 teammates' score card
The most bumblefuck company in gaming
that's what i said earlier >>483443975
that's the sort of thing that they would need to actually assign devs to, and not the interns
>game freezes after tabbing out and can only be exited via task manager
KWABex KWABgends
i don't play ash
>1/15 chance to get retarded faggot teammates that treat the game like a looting simulator
>always get those
Any updates on server ping issues? has the routing been fixed?
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uh oh... stinky!
I like loot and I refuse to help you until I've had enough. You must proceed with this in mind.
its time to kwab kwad
why arent you playing apex right now!?
i miss 24/7 tdm
it made me realize i couldn't give less of a shit about battle royales anymore
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Who at respawn thought that was a good skin?
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Will our game ever recover?
first game of quads sucked. guess I'll try another
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just got off bab
it isn't nearly as bad as docs situation rn lol
There is lots of third partying...
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>play quads
>we drop from jumpship
>it's 3 players in a formation and then a fourth guy tacked off to the side like some amateur mod
i won my first 2...
Is every character in this game canonically gay?
i think ballistic is the only canonical straight white man and he has an asian wife
yeah quads is retarded
you can't see shit during a fight and everyone is just relying on aim assist to do everything
you need to hot drop in quads
>kill one quad
>somehow 2 other quads appear out of nowhere and nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore
Well tested game! Nobody could have caught that with play testing, nor the end game screen only containing 3 banners.
>dropped several times day1 of the new season
>laserbeamed every time i'm spotted
>last one was a rampage snipe from the far end of eternal garden (read: 400m)
>uninstalled and haven't looked back
in quads? literally get lasered down in 0.1 seconds, had a look at the kill cam and instantly snaps to targets.
we quaddin
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Am I blind or is it impossible to get 1500 points?
they reset tomorrow i think
wallhack legends
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More gigabytes of skins are currently being crammed into my hard drive
RIP, i kind of like him in a distant kind of admiration. Still not sure why they just went back and then banned him again after all those years.

He seems like a pretty real guy and although it seems a bit dodgy i think its almost always the kind of thing that gets blown way out of proportion. Also he seems like the kind of guy who has alot of haters, i dont know what any of his beliefs are but he seems like a target.
All im saying is much more successful and powerful people get away with plenty worse.
>ambush the champion squad in quads
>they start DDOSing the server
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This will take some getting used to.
Also how did this take 5 years to come up with?
we kwabbin
kwab kwads?
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I played a few short matches of quads and its quite interesting how 1 extra person really shakes things up.

Still working out what legends are best, maybe just for these hotdrops i should pick Fuse (if nobody else does)
Fights really become battles having to kill 1 extra person
servers down again, kwabtastic
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She cute
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Damn you feel almost invincible when you get a good squad in quads and just roll the whole lobby.
I think we were path, gibby, mad maggie (me) and bangalore... pretty good combo. 2 offensive, 1 recon, 1 defensive.

Shes grown on me quite a bit. At first i thougt she was just an annoying generic zoomer but i find her kind of funny and cute.

I like quite a few of the skins and weapon skins too, worth the wait but not the prestige. I dont get why every prestige has to be "character but with similar looking evil costumes"
delete the recon class
no I like vantage and seerger
wallpex haxgends
Although quads feel like a clusterfuck, I find it enjoyable in its own chaotic way.

Duos and trios feel like you have teammates you need to communicate and work together with while quads feels like you're part of a mob that you can just barely control by pointing it in the direction you want it to go and hope that your guys are better than the guys in the other mobs you run into
Nah, whoever is incharge of the mixtape map rotation needs to get cancer, like why the FUCK is caustic treatment plant in and fucking retard remove gunrun already holyfuck.
Why these retards hired someone to make maps for mixtape already, Thunder dome doesn't count as it was clearly made by an unpaid intern.
nah but like why do i just forget words???
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Say something nice about my safehorny girlfriend.
Only reason i still play this game is in hopes that they add input based matchmaking or an aim assist nerf. If they came out tomorrow and said it would never i would drop this game like a rhino turd and go back to overwatch.
>like why the FUCK is caustic treatment plant in
If my team drops there, there's a 90% I have access to all of the gold weapons while my teammates are looting outside.
If I then obtain a golden triple take and prowler, there's a 50% chance I'll win the match.
Quads is awesome
Never mind, I encountered my first hot drop and leaver squads.
>my team is a 3 stack in quads
>2 console shitters
I'm going back to mixtape.
Does valk ult carry 4 peeps in quads?
Go find out lol
I had a valk on my team but he didnt ult once and we won
Really liking quads i got three wins today and lots of good games
carrying a good chunk of this games relevancy on her cheeks tbdesu
>play Quads
>pick Mirage
>get eight revives and win
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I swear to fucking god bang smokes haven't been disengaging AA properly for the past 3 seasons.

I'm certain that if you're being aimed at prior to the smoke popping they can keep locking onto you. I'm also certain that AA for hipfire still works in smoke no matter the circumstances.

Fuck. Fucking shit. Quads suck ass. It's just like trio but with an extra retard. Eat shit Jewspawn.
Ive never played a game where your teammates despise you as much as in apex, quads cemented that even further, everyone is is angry all the time all they do is actively sabotage the team effort, lmao
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>jumpmaster jumps somewhere
>sees enemy land in the same poi
>changes direction to land near 6 supply bins
quads are retarded because it just dilutes the encounter rate even further
make it 72 players and it'd be much better
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Everyone busy pexxing?
solos will never be a thing since respawn keep using the non trio slot for event slop
shaking my head.
Her dick goes into my mouth not pieces.
no pexxing today im too tired
got 2 more elden kwab bosses then i will pexx
are mnk bros enjoying the smoke changes?
RCE status?
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Got a cool ocean skin for my favorite babex legend, Ash!
they should recolor that without the barnacles
why the fuck so many guns have all their "epic" skins just be 5 different colors all of the same shit.
Why do they keep making the maps uglier and uglier? The original map is nice and then they add more circus acts and ugly alien cum all over it with ugly crash landings to finish it off
bro i hate this game so fucking much, i'm pretty sure it's actively designed to make me feel like a useless retard shit and make me want to kill myself. fuck this shit, i'm out for today
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This was the most fun I've had today
what happened lil bro?
i got into a fight and i lost the fight
you'll win the next one :)
Do you want to play Path of Exile with me?
What do you have your FOV set to?
>recommends the biggest casino simulator in existence
It's completely free, nothing is pay 2 win.
I can't find anyone to play video games with, IT SUCKS.
HCR, HC, R or softcore?
The maximum.

I had mine at 110 but I'm experimenting with going lower because I can't see shit without at least a 2X scope
100 on an ultrawide
>Team keeps vacuuming all armor and heals
>ask for some
>dont get them
>cant clutch 1v2 inside zone because of that
>tell them i asked after i die
>"if you were better you would have not taken any damage go back to silver crybaby"
holy based, get fucked
fine then lose games because you totally need 8 batteries before zone 2
i literally don't even heal, i just pick loba, place ult to get double spitties or ult accels and repeat until i do
i never heal, i don't even swap shields
kwab kwads?
poopex poobs
quads is more of a shitshow than trios
bros I genuinely like a lot of these collection cosmetics
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our girl q_Ella is live!
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lol XD
i miss the true worlds edge
why are americans so upset with him?
pedophilia is frowned upon in america, unlike whatever shithole you hail from. hope that helps.
this mode is fucking brutal
She was 17 THOUGH
Dude was in his late 30s and married at the time
people dont become pedos just like that
i'd say the american culture promotes it, incentivizes it, and punishes it only when it's made public
>people dont become pedos just like that
what was it a slow thing that happened over the years for you? you little freak
man, I can go from being wiped when a single one of the squad goes down, to fighting and killing a single team at the start, and finding out there's only 3 squads left, absolute aggression mode
Creeping on girls that are young enough to be your daughter is a huge red flag however you define it
At best he's a groomer
Quads is growing on me...
I wish more of my friends played so I can try quads proper
indiscernible post
a direct result of the american culture, look at Roman Polanski and how many people defended him
americans are simply mentally ill
>look at Roman Polanski and how many people defended him
is french you retard
he could be french-canadian piece of shit for all i care, he became a hollywood name and americans defended his pedophilia
yeah? and what country does he currently reside in that refuses to extradite him because the largely condone pedophilia? it's the same country that has a president who was raped as a child by his teacher and subsequently married her old ass to act as if he's actually in love.
>was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with six offenses against Samantha Gailey
sorry, but it was his environment that allowed him to become a pedophile
and obviously, it became a problem only when it was made public
the only reason you know about it is because americans actually try to punish pedophiles, in other countries pedophilia is the norm
more like they try to save their face after the fact, what a fucking joke of a country
It's human nature for men of all ages to want to fuck 17 years old
I hate the zoomer ebonics slang I hear constantly in this game but I especially hate hearing 40 year old white dorks speaking it
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I want to fuck Wattson's pussy
I like Loba. For some reasons I win games with her...
i know what ur getting for skibidi rizzmas
just died because this retarded piece of shit game puts every single thing on the same button!!!
Which one of you was this?
I kneel to the queen
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they didnt fix the score screen yet lmaoooo
oh nooo how will i see other peoples stats now?!
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anyone know if aim assist got changed with the smoke changes?
Literally not happening until the current losers with decision making power at Respawn are laid off, which entails EA stepping in, which they won't, because they aren't aware that Apex's servers are 90% bots
i meant if they buffed it to work in smokes now
i have given up all hope of them nerfing it
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This feels about right. You can basically save a cell here and there between POIs and that's it, but it's there. Octane's heal is rather strong, but I understand they have it to synergise with his tactical cost, but even then it ultimately saves a lot of time in resetting.
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>event was over 2 years ago
>still polluting the drop pool
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No shit sherlock
Based hornyposter

Nope its just the same but the spoonfed smokehax
>retard runs into ring 2 to fight a squad
>dies like a retard
>blames us
how much braindamage do these "people" have?
>down 2 faggots
>it's a 2v1
>teammate niggerfaggots let the faggot team revive themselves and get killed
holy fucking nigger pieces of dogshit
Play quads

Play quads
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>get drunk to a point I can't stand on my feet or concentrate
>crawl into my chair
>yes it's pexxing time
>pick Lifeline to become at least somewhat useful team member
>mfw big up yaself
>they hotdrop 1 time after another
>shoot at people
>heal and res
>can't hit anyone because my vision is blurry and head is full of cotton
>my teammates run into enemies to commit honorable jihad
>squad eliminated
I guess I wasn't the main issue of our failure this time. An average sober teammate you're being assigned is not better than a drunken axg shitter. Explains a lot -ack!chually.
So I might have some kinda evidence of actual bots in the game. Not the afk gibby ones that sit in place punching the air but like actual ones which move around and fight. This isn't in like a new player match since those were on king's canyon and have screenshots of it on storm point.


Note the names. Like one squad doing it as a bit, okay. But the whole lobby was full of people like this and I've seen it in multiple games. Granted these are older screenshots. What do you guys make of this?
I've been in a console bot lobby where it was actual ai this is not surprising to me.
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see if you can get more damage than the average non-drunk fuse teammate (impossible not to)
Bots exist, that is already known for sure.
dunno what this mean
Old ass game that was a flop is on sale?
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Guitar taunt kill when?
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Why is Wattson so cute bros... With the cute little dances
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>controller player ba- ....
good night babs
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Good luck seeing shit from that angle and spending more than 1 match sitting like this. Stupid fucking bitch. I would throw her into a pit full of hungry Indians. I hate real women so much it's unreal.
>that tattoo
and into the trash it goes
>real women
So which path did you venture down, anime or trannies.
>playing on wifi
>random madcatz controller
0/10 wouldn't even look at
Sauce? Asking for a friend.
Of course the first paypig with the lifeline prestige skin I have on my team in pubs runs off on their own to play looting simulator and dies immediately when they decide to rejoin the team.
I'm not going to come save you with a P2020. If I'm trying to kit and you go off and start a fight, you better win it
The lifeline edge dropped us in pubs and wouldn't fight until they had red evo then died in the first fight they joined we had already won a 2v3 without them
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For those who used R5Reloaded, did you notice any improvements. And how long have you been using it?
we pexxin
wow quads is full of niggers kek
i'm thinkin about pexxin
i pexxed for 3 games then went back to elden pex
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It says I have 4 of these transitions unlocked but I don't see them in my list. How do I set them as loading screens? Do I have to wait for the season to end or something?
Funny how you felt personally attacked by >>483768602 this anon
death to all lifelines
I'm so fucking sick of dropping next to an enemy and getting a p2020 while they get a full auto weapon and rape me with it
Fictional women. Just fictional women from various games or works of fiction. ASMR girls too, like Serena from WhisperingPizza channel.
Winning in quads is so easy. Just today I've won 4 matches.
finna take a nap then play babex all day after
we quadding
anyone know how to reduce texture pop in? in game i don't realize it that much but my brain does
put everything at highest
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shield cells? lucky.
here's a tip for the moz: it's a poor man's wingman that's much more forgiving if you're not perfect. shoot from the hip and strafe. If you're on roller you're in luck because it's a tracking weapon with little recoil problems. It's also full auto. ;)
well, it's pubs. Your opponent also has been in your position, and yet is still a hot dropping gamba addict. It's what you should expect for the type of player in the game, no? I get it. Ranked with randos isn't any better. No one seems to be able to land warm for some reason. Maybe they don't know that they can move their camera when they are dropping?
kwab kwaaaaaads
>mom's face when she catches you wearing her nice shoes again
quads queue is already slow...
>storm point
>broken moon
is that too much to ask for respawn?
I quadpexxed for an hour today and it was bad
i wonder if they'll ever add input based matchmaking to make the game worth playing seriously again.
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Our 5′1 girl is live and streaming.
I quadpexxed for 3 games then gave up its not fun
I have not used r5retarded in a couple years or whatever, i cba reinstalling it but is it good now?
sorry we dont know who that is
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Anyone watching itzchinky and shroud playing this new FPS? The characters look sexy as fuck but sadly it's yet more corner peeking shite with no movement.
ayo brvh fr fr this new streamer slop slaps ass frickin' ohio
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Solos was fun and the people bitching about losing were just bad 2k hour shitters
on skibidi
if u didn't get a 20 kwab during solos u are le bad
>when you slurp up everything inside that first supply bin you open after drop
Das it mane
That laser sight, barrel stabilizer and heavy ammo while the enemy next to you slurps a mastiff
would nitro and hollowpoint
L rizz
loser charisma? help me understand, zoomie
ohio ass fr...
Most of the words in the past 10 or so posts aren't even in The Bible.
Any french girls? would jump ship in a heartbeat.
Pathojen gives off Emilie vibes. Must be the haircut
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Any wattson things in the event?
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>word spelt slightly differently
Can it get any more generic?
They should just ban character based shooters after Valorant
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For me, it's Nitro.
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They made a kind of reverse version with alter
I picked her up because I like getting people who camp in other ways then funneling through a door. She sucks late game though
Grabbing people off roofs and behind cover with portal is fun as fuck too and not as hard as people think it is
>boob jiggle
definitely an asian studio. Is BadGuitar chinese?
Korean I think
Looks crap
> they still killed me with no AA surely without it people can’t aim!

>rollertards in Hell let loose now
>only 2 servers without crossplay
rollerdemons rise...
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NTA, but it's funny that THAT is the issue why they need aimassissy in the game. Been dueling with some guys in the range who turn it off and they can land their shots. I bet Keon and a good chunk of the controller ALGS roster could too. Not all, but some.
Post THAT webm
if you don't move aim assist doesn't even activate lol
Has more chance of happening than anything remotely similar in Apex itself

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