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>FF:CotW - B. Jenet
>FF:CotW - Vox Reaper

>Metal Slug Tactics, a new turn-based squad tactics Metal Slug title by Dotemu, launches this fall for PC, PS4/PS5, XB1/XBS, Switch

>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves (now with dual audio)

>KOF XIII Global Match is now available on Switch and PS4

>The King of Fighters XV is now available on PC, PS4/PS5, and XBOX Series X/S!

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Previous Thread: >>482093750
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>Went 40 minutes without a new general
It's over.
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And, for you, beating Japanese legends without skill and training is great and a trend to follow now? Heh, okay. Don't even dare say that FGs are dead afterwards.
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You're gonna look real stupid when Mai shows up toting a baby around in CotW after Andy slamfucks her into the dirt. And you can't say Andy got cucked, either, because Mai never cheats on him.
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>Snk has made simple controls for over a decade
>no one gives a fuck
>Snk added auto combos in Kof14
>they were heavily criticized for this
>Capcom adds modern controls
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it's over
This is called [T]rainer Control. You choose a character and the AI will fight based on your personality and your social media score while you just sit back and watch. This will be allowed in tournaments so that everyone (people with disabilities, children, babies, fetuses, robots, dogs, etc...) can play fighting games. Isn't this beautiful? (laughs)
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Capcom was heavily criticized tho. They still are. It doesnt matter this cuz the influx of new people is greater benefit than the old heads.

That's why SNK is doing that
So uh about that...
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Guten Morgen, meine schönen Vogelbrüder!
Don't know what to expect anymore outside of just another generic fighting game flavored Fatal Fury this time. The writing will probably be good but then there'll be so little that this general will get everything wrong and then be confused why characters are portrayed or acting different in KOFXVI
>fighting game
>single player focused
you guys should stick to jrpgs
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Also here's a non-"SAMPLE" version of the art you were wanting other birdbro.
Absolutely based. Thanks birb bro
>Just play real video games that justify $60 price tags
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They shouldn't have said that if it wasn't going to offer anything substantial in the first place.
I love how they always keep giving out empty promises only to not follow up on them everytime, yet they still have people defending them. At least the online will (maybe) work this time! Never seen a more cucked fanbase in my life.
That's because your bubble is smaller than SNK's. Go look at how Konamifags have been coping recently
"At least we're not a pachinko company running scams anymore!!"

The bar is still as low as ever i see.
Konami finally crawled out of that hole too since Pachinko unironically tanked their company so hard that they've been in financial trouble for the last decade. They've been using the last of their money to try and speedrun the 2019 Capcom Good Will strategy with boring shit like an MGS3 remake and SH2 remake with a very half-assed MGS collection and several Castlevania collections that aren't even available on all platforms. If you think SNK's attempts at being AAA are pathetic, Konami's are the lowest of the low since they don't have ANY internal talent and need to outsource constantly to even get anything made. The only reason they're even still around is because they lucked out and own Yu-Gi-Oh. Even if SNK has no room to grow only producing a new fighting game every 3 years without sign of improvement, you can always do worse. But maybe it's a sign to actually move on instead of desperately clinging to something going "IT'S NOT BAD IT'S NOT BAD"

I blame fighting games. Simple as
>real video games
>justify $60 price tags
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Don't forget all the Castlevania crossovers with indies like Dead Cells and, more recently, V Rising.
>Inb4 Mai gets cucked by the script power
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Ash vs Heavy D!
If SNK aren't going to make products with actual content and are worth buying, they shouldn't be selling their shit 60$+ dollars, especially when there are tons of other options/games with more content and 1000x the playerbase their games have.
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Legit question. Why do you guys buy a fighting game but don't want to play a fighting game?
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Why the fuck of the characters shown so far only Tizoc got a redesign?

His original design was perfect and now he looks retarded with the "sideburns" and those wings look like shit in the model
I buy fighting games just not at 60$ since no fighting game worth 60 bucks
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Unironically this. Fighting games without real content should be sold at the price KOFXIII is being sold at, not the price actual video games with content are priced

Especially if you're retarded and also buying Season Passes like this, spending more for literally less than the competition would offer just because it's PVP
>Fighting games without real content
What is "real content" in a fighting game? Isn't it the fighting?
Supposedly, but if you care about playing with other people other games feature easier barriers of entry like Fortnite or Multiversus, a piece of shit that's worse than anything SNK's ever made but beat it in Jewoff Keighley's TGAs for being a game with Batman in it. You're fighting an uphill battle justifying the price given how much SNK games are clowned on for low playerbases despite supposedly having great mechanics and online. If CotW changes things despite being just another fighting game I'll believe you, but I think Oda actually just doomed his game now before it's even out for like the third time in a row

>unlike slop that finish after ten hours and don't touch ever again
But enough about fighting games
>The genere with the most replayabilty
>He's a retard dude
After the last post I agree so I won't bother anymore.
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Found a strange corner combo with Kain, it's full jump D (yes hop doesn't work) -> down AC C -> feint cancel -> (quick back charge) -> schwarze panzer B
4 hit combo but hard imo. For some reason it has to be a full jump for the jump D to link to down AC. The combo does a little over 1 third of a normal character's health.
>Tekken 8 already dying
>MK1 biggest flop of all time
>Granblue Rising already dead
>DNF Duel giga flop
>KOFXV small success but mostly because of low budget
>SF6 only successful fighting game in recent years

How do we save fighting games, unironically seems like dying genre.
>feint cancel -> (quick back charge) -> schwarze panzer B
I messed up this part a lot because I was holding down-back to feint cancel and charge simultaneously, but you have to only hold down for the feint to come out so you have to do the feint cancel at the right timing and then immediately hold down-down back to charge. Kind of interesting organic execution reminds me of Melee where things like this just happen.
They are actually amerilards with a retarded mentality.
Feels niche though cause it's a corner combo when you mostly play keepaway but also you're Kain so you can build meter and do super combos instead.
Mai is gay
Andy is straight
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>How do we save fighting games, unironically seems like dying genre.

We can't... It's over...
Bridget merch
I still want them to make the arcade mode more interesting instead of "real content" but based
Personally, Arcade Ladders are the foundation rather than the NRS/WT "Story Mode" since they actually do emphasize the roster rather than streamline everything to a frustrating linear degree that can't take advantage of the roster as a whole and is mostly just watching shit unfold

KOFXV is the worst of both, the cutscenes legitimately don't matter because there's nothing unique to the characters outside of the occasional pre-battle scene that ACTUALLY is interesting versus the main storyline which only cares about 3 Teams since let's be real, the Sacred Treasures don't do anything

If you're going to expand upon Arcade Modes flesh that out some more. I'd like if they took the FF3 approach and have you explore South Town with minigames like the bottle chopping and other distractions but feature a quick skip to just get to the fights. That's how they should be doing it but I think most people just think "omg more NRS please"

This is my issue with XIII's Story Mode. It's genuinely pointless and only serves to "conclude" arcs that aren't in the actual game. It's the worst way to do a Story Mode where it has nothing to do with the game itself and shouldn't be the foundation going forward. At least if you were gonna do something like that, the focal attention should be on Rock and Terry rather than NPCs

Why have a story where NONE of the playable Team Roster matter?
Remember when I said that the anti-Story schizo had more hours in Strive than me? (0 hours btw)
>Strive tranny
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KOF isn't actually that good nor is interesting to the majority. If it was, more people would care about it and play it. There's no mental-gymnastics you can pull to explain nor bypass that objective truth. Truly good things don't dwell in irrelevancy forever with zero growth.
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That's mah boi
Who cares about playing time, the only thing that matters to companies is sales. That is why companies will prefer a casual person and his friends buying 1 copy than a boomer who has played 500 hours of the same game from 10 years ago.
my wife would never be so crass
>40 mins general dies
Wtf is going on, those gacha fags really need to fuck off to their board
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Because most only look at the endings on youtube and post here, I think only a few of them actually buy or play the game. There's no problem in wanting a better arcade mode with more stuff, but it makes no sense to want a fighting game to have a second game inside of it with more work put in than the actual game.
I play on PS4 because that's where I have the DLCs, but I got it on PC too before the crossplay was announced and played a bit there.
>KOF isn't actually that good nor is interesting to the majority
that's *why* its good
Not sure what you retards even arguing about
No amount of single player or multiplayer going to save fighting games from being dead and shit genre, nobody buys those games anymore, it's over.
They do on sale, which is totally the sign of a healthy genre

I'm sure if Metal Slug got more games they'd split off from this hell general immediately so they don't feel the need to be carried by you KOF autists
Honestly it's what kills me about World Tour. It's a cancerous tumor that's sucking time and energy away from the actual game and giving extremely shitty results for Season Passes because more than half of the assets are going into a shitty avatar that can't even be used at tournaments. It's a failure of expanding the genre in a natural way

People asking for single player modes should be asking for gameplay that enhances the experience beyond basic pvp shit and not say the Persona ass affection system your OC getting Juri fat on snack cakes to learn her moves that Capcom came up with. You should actually be playing as the roster the game is developed around, not a literal completely different download for a mechanic that exists solely for larping. There is potential for single player/story modes to actually justify the price of the game but the 2010s style of story modes is not the way to go about it. Shit BlazBlue solved this back in 2008 with how it handled its arcade ladder only for it to fail by 2015 because CF couldn't justify its roster outside of "we don't want to cut characters"

It's insane like wanting to play newer games is moot if there's nothing significantly new to the game and the only reason to justify it is because other people are playing the new game. But if they aren't, then what good is the new game?
samsho is boring
If Fighting Games are so dead and can NEVER prosper, then why is SF6 the most popular a Fighting Game has been the past 15+ years and does things like sometimes have 40K+ players over a year after it's release? That is huge cope. SNK just can't make a good, appealing FG.
good morning majin obama
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I care as much about the story and characters in these games as much as i do about gameplay, and i want SNK to do present them and do better so that everyone can appreciate them. For someone calling people who actually care about all aspects of the games secondaries you sure do barely play the game.
Even disregarding >>482938104 SF6 isn't made for oldfags or veterans. It's made for:
>People who have never touched a fighting game in their lives
>People whose careers were based on SFV and needed something better to play for money
>People who have never touched a Street Fighter game since SFII or vanilla IV
And most importantly given the conversation of the last few hours
>People who don't even play online to begin with thanks to World Tour

SNK meanwhile targets the demographic that still cares about them which are mainstays who like hardcore, old school gameplay and the lorefags who do like SNK for the stories and characters regardless of what SNK makes. It's not going to grow SNK's brands, but SF6 has chosen the path of least resistance trying to weaponize making the most profitable game ever, regardless of if the old fans like it or not. SFIIIfags in particular will never get respect because it was a flop and rather than double down on it, they just went back to what works and added a whole new bunch of newer things to appeal to the demographics I listed

Maybe in a way that just makes SNK products unappealing not trying to aim for the greatest common denominator, but I do prefer nicher things than the general blandness of Streets. But I agree if SNK wants to aim to be a bigger company in 9 years then they kind of need to make more than the bare minimum
I mean SNK lied to you and everyone else, but i guess owning random anons on 4chan is more important to you.
gacha fags were the only ones keeping your dimeless thread alive
otherwise it's just like gayew
>502k ratings
kek what a bitch of the year winner tony khan
>that can't even be used at tournaments
which will be entered in by like 5 people
I love how he always immediately fucks off whenever he's backed to a corner then comes back next thread doing the "lmao fuck singleplayer" shit all over again.
Because the faggot just wants to argue because there's fucking nothing else to do. How are there no constant rooms being held in a fucking SNK general about a PVP game? Nobody's ever playing in these threads, just whining for more content, listening to people bitch the company is bad or the game is bad and then posting Jenet or Iroha porn

The faggot saying Single Player is a waste of time never actually offers a challenge in the first place, you know, the very fucking thing he's arguing
Also the fact that it a strivefag calling us "secondaries" all along, that's pretty funny.
Still called that

>How was I supposed to know the game was shit???
Guilty Gear lore is utter trash so that deterred me from getting into it so the Strive clown show going on felt very vindicating
We would doing more than arguing if the last good SNK game wasn't kofxiii and even that game had issues
it's just funny that one of the logical notions behind such an snk fanboy's mentality is that the good quality of a game is predicated upon its unpopularity and/or lack of sales
talk about a mutual exclusion fallacy
for those who've always wanted a gorilla in their room
All the recent gameplay seems to play the same song on the stage regardless of what characters are fighting, so maybe we can still get a jukebox with customization options to play a certain song on a stage. Also there is a new song that seems kinda like something Geese would have that doesn't belong to any of the characters so far.
Please tell me you can turn that announcer voice off during gameplay that sounds so fucking obnoxious
Sounds like it could be for Hokutomaru
... Do SNK players LIKE busted air CD hitboxes?!?!?!
>and tell you to keep expectations low
but still pay full price amirite lmao
i proactively encourage people to wait for a sale of 50% or greater because that's all they should get at best
don't worry, your precious oil prince will fill in the rest and then your tourney entrant count will dwindle just as planned
That's a lot of cope to rationalize having no standards nor expectations whatsoever. People like you are why SNK are talent-less literally whos and will go bankrupt again. Permanently this time.
>Not listed in any Wiki
Does anybody actually play the non-Dream Matches? 2001 has to be one of the most broken ass games ever and nobody talks about it https://x.com/dr_adaki/status/1788555496322126100
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>i'm not a poorfag
oh yeah this nonsense again kek
>keep doing that promo
lol i don't go around promoing it, i only do it if someone says they want to buy their games
no, 01 is universally panned because it was a rushed buggy mess with terrible mechanics. who cares lol
You got shut down already and you're STILL going lol. No one cares anymore just stfu already you dog.
>This is not the gotcha you think it is my guy.
wait am i the story schizo fag? i mean i said i'd take it last thread, i'm just trying to keep track
i'm every woman afterall (it's all in me)
i'm everything you want now babeh
i do it naturalleh
>That rebuttal is pretty sad
nah it is pretty happy unlike the sight of kofxv's evo entry count, despite being a younger game than strive and older than sfsix so it can't even use the excuse of older or younger
it's very funny to be an anti-story (or anti any sp content at all) and pro-competitor for a company whose games are very low in competitor counts
snk really is the aew of fighting games
I don't fucking care you mentally ill sperg, all of this started because you got pissy at someone suggesting additional content that you may or may not care about. I'm tired of having you sparking the same shitty discussion every single thread. Since you play the game so much post some combos or tools or reply to me when i'm asking about the last blade 2 tips.

Stop being an obnoxious faggot.
>i don't really give a fuck
that's highly untrue, you're talking to me rn
and this is going to keep going
So when we gonna rebrand this shit to /kofg/ because this clearly isn't an SNK general, otherwise we'd actually be talking about SNK games that aren't just complaining about the new games being anemic. Anybody got any recommendations outside of Metal Slug?
I'll wait for the 150gb nioh last blade game like Goda intended.
A MS general will never live. Wait till SNK's new IP thing comes out and hope that it blows up and gathers new fans that way all the schizos who infest fighting games threads won't spend time there.
one thing i expected was b jenet having less of a manface and i got my expectation shattered there
i guess 3d model development is not linear
I mean, that's on SNK for making only kof for years then fucking up samurai shodown. what you want to talk about kizuna encounter from 25+ years ago?
Who even cares about fighting games anyway? It's a dead arcade genre, same as shmups.
SNK Heroines Beach Volleyball when?
Wasn't there a DOA game like that? It was called Xtreme or something
it's just like damn, with all the shit talk toward cap "dei" com's models one would expect snk to show them up with females that actually look female and not a dude in drag like something out of an 80s music video like human league's don't you want me
Honestly it comes across less like intentionally trying to make her masculine and more just an amateurish attempt to update her design instead of supposedly recycling XV content like most of us were expecting. But SNK has historically been consistently awful at making good first impressions
whoops forgot muh pic
>instead of supposedly recycling XV content like most of us were expecting.
if they did that with her xv model she'd look like some retarded mesugaki vampire instead
shit almost forgot slopdown was on and punk is on
Yes and more people playing it than DoA fighting game, same going to happen when SNK finally make Queen of Fighting Volleyball and becomes AAA company
emphasis on retarded
I find it funny that street fighter 6 world tour with terry and mai will probably have more character dialogue of those two chracaters than their own game they're staring in
that's not surprising because every game outside of snk's own has more production value than one by snk themselves, while their fanboys continue to either make excuses or act like it's good to be that way while still reacting to when i shit on anything of theirs with lame excuses and remarks like "you don't know [insert some term here] development" lol
and they think there'll be a day where i'll stop but i'm like cm punk on drew mcintyre
well i guess some people have a fetish for that kind of thing so more power to you
>flat Jenet
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It's Garouver...
it's okay, at least that sort-of-competitive player who plays online and with his friends and family won't be alone with his friends and family, as his mother puts her hands on his shoulder in support, so there'll always be someone to play with in his household
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At least we're page 1 now.
Nevermind that was short lived.
more like...
andy likes b jenet's cotw look
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Once again I am correct that this thread hates video games as a whole.
>people put more value on jrpgs than a literal who company's fighting game #910842684015790
kek what a sloppy shop bitch snk is
Let alone after they announced SamSho RPG is being made like come the fuck on
The person my quote is on is someone who *hates* JPRGs you fucking idiot.
you're not even sure
>Post that says JRPGs aren't real video games worth $60 bucks
No I'm 100% sure they hate them.
no, i mean
you're not even sure
If you're going to repeat yourself, please reread >>482968634
I unironically would kill to run around in south town Yakuza style learning from and duking it out with character Ive grown to love over the years. World tour in sf6 shit the bed but it was a good idea on paper.
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do you think some of her pee gets in the liquor?

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Accessibility of information is one of the main avenues of closing the skill gap, as the more the game tells you about what's happening, the more you can learn and understand. So yes, there's a purpose to the announcer shouting about every little thing and having a UI element pop up any time there's a punish or a move is used that has invincibility.
Judging from the angle the viewer seems a bit low to the ground. What could it mean?
you already know~
so do i
>Andy likes white girls
Its so over Maibros...
Do people actually like Nakoruru?
>andy likes b jenet's cock look
Andy is faggot
Pls never post this pic again

>Gorgeously detailed pixel art—a Metal Slug essential.

Well I guess that's why they aren't making a new one huh
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Well, at least they're adding new characters and other minor things
Pls never post this pic again
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>page 10 againxxw2av

It's all that riveting good gameplay talk this general likes to boast like uh...
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>add femedgekino in Kof
>neog is saved
Did anyone actually want the the laneswitching back? It somewhat holds back a lot of the older games to me.
Honestly only if it was Real Bout-styled. OG 1/2/Special was just Street Fighter with an added step. I think if it was brought back it would just be closer to Tekken though
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I still thought it was clunky in RB, better than the previous ones for sure but still felt stiff. They should've gotten rid of it by then.
It was the best it was going to get by RB2 but back then they were still adamant about trying to set FF apart from SF and KOF and all of the other 2D fighters at the time. Going with a direct MotW sequel is the safest direction for CotW but at least is following up on a decision made already rather than say "no maybe that was a mistake"

I'm mixed because even if I prefer Fatal Fury as a whole I never really did feel the lane system felt justified as a concept at any point. The most fun I ended up having came from the first 3 games (1, SP and 3) rather than the Real Bout series
Funny thing is that by RB they've already had boths ringouts and the "GO" meter so it could've been already unique without it, that and it was already somewhat combo heavy compared to previous entries too.

I'm mostly saying this because i saw someone play the FF games and he hates all of them so far because of the lane system, and it took me years to get ajusted to it and still only really tolerate it.
>then fucking up samurai shodown.

The only bad thing about SamSho is the netplay tho, which they have been working towards being better.
I think they should've considered going back to destructable stages with ringouts and whatnot.
But in a age where people complain about the corner in SF6, that might not have been that well received.
Sidestep is an acceptable alternative.
We really should've gotten Wild Ambition 2 instead.
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Gayrou gaming?=
They completely destroyed any chance it had by making it playstation exclusive, only for it to come a year later on fucking stadia then EGS.
>Smash Bros Terry has more complex inputs than he does in his own games from his own company now
It's over.
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Played with a Mexican hermano. I'm getting pretty comfortable with Kain now, which actually makes it more fun cause I can feel chill while playing.
Also listening to a record that looked interesting, "Street Sounds '88 vol IV" I think. Banger great stuff. Has some latin house which I really didn't expect from a New York production from that time.
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is it gay to fuck ash?
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>So yes, there's a purpose to the announcer shouting about every little thing and having a UI element pop up any time there's a punish or a move is used that has invincibility.
Anime fighters never should have fucking set this trend of counterhit announcers. COTW already has counterhit hitstop and a very clear visual and sound indicator for just and hyper defend. Fucking SF6, and Tekken 8 doesn't even have counterhit announcers and people play them just fine.
No, Liz, it's perfectly straight for you.

>big tits
she's perfect
No one wants to talk about nothing burger overpriced arcade games in 2024.
Go back!
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The game already has that glass shattering effect when a counter-hit is landed. The announcer needs to be toned down.
well duh the guys who were responsible for it are making their own ms spinoff in their own company
is...a Cowboy!
Kazushi Howard?!
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How are you still holding up bros? Don't let the thread die.
Thread will pick up again in 3 weeks when SNK gets advertisement-overload with having COTW/KOF trailers and even Capcom helping with Terry SF6 trailer.
see you in 2033 copies sold
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What is Juzoh thinking here?
Pukola. Built like a fridge.
Bruh, that's a man.
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kek lol he was totally rusing i'm sure knew already!!!
Negro could you really not tell that's a man? You must be White. Only they for some reason can't tell men from women. Which is why they're the ones most behind and accepting of trannies.
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>My own clone! Now none of us will be virgins!
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Super love potion?
**"I sure hope kaeda plows my sister!"
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Yes. Lots of potion.
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2P Andy is gay
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I can't believe Oda destroyed all hype for COTW in a single interview.
le epic doomer XDXDXDXD
I wish Iroha would get a figure like that. That other one is too expensive and still AWOL 2 years later.
Are you okay?
It's ovar...
If zonekino is in the game and as toxic as before I'm happy :D
Not all hype but the game certainly isn't going to be doing much better than KOFXV now. The better presentation won't mean much if the content isn't fun, but maybe the easier gameplay than XV will still carry

Kain's basically a given we just haven't seen if he's been "balanced" since no gameplay yet. They might reveal him, Gato or the KOF vets Billy/Mai at EVO
having to sit through max showcasing the dlc for XV was actually fucking painful. they gave this man duo lon
having to sit through dlc itself was painful
maybe they should put into the launch version next time
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Some Tekkenfans in /v/ were making fun of this gameplay of COTW calling it "slime gameplay".
I get it I don't see anything wrong with this gameplay.
SF6, Garou 2, 2XKO, Strive, and re-release MVC2 are the only fighting games that will be worth playing for a while.
judging a game off low level gameplay where no one knows what they're doing is retarded
That Rock deserved to get punished. If this was Tekken, he would've won
Tekken players are chimping out all over 4chan and lashing out an anyone (primarily dixfags) because they're scared that their game is dying.
Absolute retards
It's so depressing to see the sf6ication of SNK.
neither does snk and they're the ones being paid for it kek
>when newfags don't know how to crosslink
lmao what next, they can't triforce either ??? smdh
it's okay when snk does it
What's with Capfaggots trying to paint this weird narrative of Tekken fans/players shitting on other Fighters, something that Capfags do 24/7 while dicksucking the fuck out of SF? As if I couldn't hate the motherfuckers even more than I already do. Go back to /sfg/ shitter and jerk off to your steamcharts numbers.
not involved with this but only guilty people type this much in response to an accusation.
>SPG attacks have super armor
Never mind that Rock not only overheats but shows how you can both block it and counter-SPG for a full punish.
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I'm excited, not as "hype" as i was before but I'll definitely play the shit out of it. Too bad that it's not going to be the grand return that Fatal Fury deserves.
It's always them behind the shitflinging.
Brush your teeth
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>Too bad that it's not going to be the grand return that Fatal Fury deserves

Isn't Oda planning on stopping the story at COTW? You can't treat that as a grand return if the upcoming game is treated as a grand finale, now can you?
>if the upcoming game is treated as a grand finale
from the way oda talked about it, it sounds like it's gonna be more like a grand wet fart
>the upcoming game is treated as a grand finale

Well judging by what we've heard it's not going to be "grand" in any way.
It's meant to serve as a resolution for a story that's been sitting on a cliffhanger for a quarter century.
What is "slime"? I don't really keep track of retarded /v/ slangs
anything similar or related to sf6's drive system
It's a reference to Street Fighter 6's Drive system. Particularly the Drive Rush (command dash) mechanic looks like you're sliding across the screen with green slime trailing behind you; it's infamous for being essentially a universal neutral skip. Hence, "slime".
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The tranny
This is the SF6 effect where a design doesn't look that bad in concept art, and then when applied to 3D the results fucking suck.
maximiliken d00d
Preecha looks aight
I mean what happened there really is something you see in SF6
Preecha "confirmed" the armored hits into her own SPG move.
That's basically the same as hitting some jabs on an opponent Drive Impact to confirm whats going on and then hit your own Drive Impact.

So yes, I'd say that's pretty similar to a SF6 scenario.
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Gyaru leg warmers are based
This is a mickeyge
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a tan gyaru that actually has a gyaru personality would be a hot idea for a character
but snk would never do that
probably couldn't do the hairstyle justice in 3d either because of their less talented crew
that's a freebie because it's from my cheap ideas pile rather than the ones i think would draw megadimes
Preecha's hairstyle is pretty gyaru-ish tho
Isla would've been hotter if instead of being latina she would've been a gyaru
not a lot of volume or intricacy to really pass
she could also sold herself as banchou-esque in dialect and mannerisms but they didnt go for it
could have also sold*
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Have any anon bought any of this figures? I just want to know how good the quality of this figures are, since Xinshi sounds chinese.
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Without glasses she (he) is much better
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d00d is everywhere

it's over
Go on, bro...
max is retarded
General so dead it's back to seething about Max again because there's literally nothing to talk about.
I blame Oda
Max sucks
The post that killed /neog/
The post that saved /neog/
i like snk!
tekken is barely a fighting game, their opinion doesnt matter at all
i like tekken though...
the thing thats got me fucked up about cotw is the wild punish mechanic, it scares me and makes me think theres gonna be massive recovery on everything and one piss easy whiff punish is gonna lead to slime and half your health like sf6
probably not though, i hope
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Cock Howard
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The character everyone actually cares about.
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Amazon giveaways will save COTW.
>"Please buy our game, please forget what Oda-sama said" - Snk
Andy is gayaru
Does that mean they're selling the game at 50?
Can someone explain how normals in smart style function? The website says it has 2 normals(P & K) and a auto combo button but what does that mean in terms of what normals are accessible? The site says the following, "Light version when close, Heavy version when far away." but what does this mean for close & far normals or command normals??? What normal is even assigned to the auto combo button?
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Lol no, they did a $5 giveaway before too (yes you've read that right)
>anyone here
>buying anything
This, but unironically.
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Happy birthday!!!! ^^
Happy birthday!
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I've studied much of the cotw footage so far so I have a bit of a grasp on Modern. For punch & kick the light versions are close lights so, for example, Rock Howard has close A and close C in smart style but loses the far light versions. For heavy normals it's the same rules but vice versa so Rock Howard would have far D in smart style but not close D.

For crouch I have no idea how the rules work but Terry crouch P is his crouch A so i'm thinking the devs decide what normals are the most important to keep so crouch normals could be either light or heavy.

The Auto button is a bit more peculiar. I said before that you lose the close versions of your heavy normals in smart style and that Terry crouch P is his light which implies he must've lost heavy crouch punch & close heavies like his close C but in fact he has both normals in smart style they're just assigned to the AUTO button.

This creates some funky rules like Terry can do close C from afar and Rock can do far C from point blank. The auto routes from these normals are even more strange, as in they go into a special even on whiff so terry can do something like cl.C whiff cancel it into EX burn knuckle, this is not possible in arcade mode apparently.

And while Smart Style doesn't have access to brake, their auto combo routes do and the routes don't seem to lock you in at any point. Like Terry's standing autocombo is he does cl.C xx EX burn knuckle xx EX crack heavy power dunk brake xx level 1 power geyser. But he could just stop at the dunk and do something else like buster wolf. Again, a bit strange.
>far C from point blank
Interesting that this restriction actually might unlock new options. I can't think of a case in Garou where it would be useful though.
I'm not reading all of that.
Someone get that Eri art by itself
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Now Mai will finally get into Andy's pants
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>Full bodysuit
>Still wearing the socks

Side note: unless I'm mistaken, Street Fighter 6 will be the first time Mai gets to show off her feet since Real Bout 2 or Wild Ambition.
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Yeah cuz now she looks like man
Andy is... BASED?!
Shut up faggot.
It bothers me how little (good) leona sexo there is out there...
I'm doing this. I'm fucking watching this movie.
So not only Mai uses electricity to fight a Mr. Big with hair, she's also going out with Iori, who's a nice guy. Not a bad start.
>Are you OK??
Than why the fuck did you ask for an explanation?
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>Everyone that replies to me on 4chan is the same person
Why anon...?
Well, that's it. I have to say I've enjoyed the fights more than I thought, the Terry/Mai versus Mature/Vice near the end is cool with how they work together to defeat the lesbos. Everything else feels like a joke though; the first MK movie remains the best videogame adaptation ever.
that's really it
the fight scenes are enjoyable for what they are even though i tend to hate that shit, but it's such a joke that it deserved its stupidity video that theswitcher removed from his youtube account
Hi, anon. Nice to meet you.

9K sales
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Who would post among us?
How would you feel if they get announced together?
so instead of kofxv dlc i bought a galaxy s4
what a poorfag i am
Athena would post pictures of herself.

Problem with that is the following:

1. What Geese found from the Jin Scrolls after getting all three of them at the end of GD3/FF3 wasn't discussed. All we know is that he ordered Billy to get rid of them (which he may not have done, per the Jin brothers' ending/s in RBGD/RBFF).

2. Whether Marie Heinlein is really dead or not (we only have Rock's word for it and he only made that assumption when he was a child).

3. Why Rock suddenly knows nearly all of Geese's moves without being thought those moves. Not only that, him writhing in pain should he defeat an opponent with Raging Storm or Deadly Rave.

It'll be a miracle if all of that IS solved in COTW but if doesn't do well, that I see is a well-deserved slap to Oda's face.
>Not only that, him writhing in pain should he defeat an opponent with Raging Storm or Deadly Rave.
In this universe, evil is genetic, and because Geese was as bad as they come, Rock struggles with his legacy. It's a very visceral form of "sins of the father."
We need to go back to business people using Blackberry's while the rest of the world uses flip phones that only allow calling and sending SMS.
Alice will be playable via Konami code.
2 and 3 most likely will be solved, 1 is a plot thread that the original series ditched because of how much of a tremendous flop FF3 was. But the answer to that is in Geese's ending http://marsdragon.brontoforum.us/SNK/ff/ff3/geese/
Nice, it's good to see smart style is shaping up to be viable like Modern in sf6. Love unlocked auto combos & I hate doing motions so i'm planning to go full smart and make as many ppl as I can tilt with it.
Luong, Jenet, and Mai would too, wouldn't they?
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In this case, it should be a Kekken character.
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Oh, fuck. I just realized that I confused Konami with Namco. please ignore the last post.
Alice in Rumble Roses is even better t. b. h.
>Flat with no big butt
>Get called a tranny
Such is the tragedy of not being endowed it seems.
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COTW final boss
Isn't that basically Nameless?
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>snk games making-of after oil money
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guys i love vice and mature
Cuteruru, would prpr.
It looks like she has a scar on her face.
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If we do get a new CVS, we better get this match
There's no reason not to. The Capcom new blood against the SNK OG would make for a signature rival fight.
Kensou vs femedgekino
Two jokes ran into the ground both fucking each other. How original.
I'd rather wait till SNK works on new non fighting games IP they can include
what about luong
Is this fanart or does that actually happen in the manga? Either one is believable.
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the products are so alike
aew has 502k
kofxv has 9k
these are some special k numbers
Funny how Tekken fags mock other fighting games when Tekken 8 heat is just a less interesting version of SF6's Drive Rush.
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Surely our time will come...
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>I love how he always immediately fucks off whenever he's backed to a corner then comes back next thread doing the "lmao fuck singleplayer" shit all over again.
>Because the faggot just wants to argue because there's fucking nothing else to do.

He's also the same person who keeps /neog/ from archiving and does nearly all new /neog/ threads. This place is literally his life which is really sad.
kofXI UM when?
kek wow kof all star really kept my account alive after being inactive for 793 days
the true winners are the ones outside the 9k bubble who'll pass on all their games kek what a bitch no milly forever
Stop replying to yourself it's embarrassing.
Why are you guys happy about SNK giving you less while making you pay more?
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We only play for Shiranui
My Mina seems to be different.
Too big.
my pp is 12,5cm
I'm not happy and from the sales of KOF XV it seems that people who aren't mindless fanboys aren't either.
Add COTW on your Steam wishlist and get free Blue Mary DLC
i like nakoruru
shut up and feed your fucking dog
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What dog?
Because he's mentally ill and cares more about making imaginary people seethe.
Might as well replace all the characters for default unity dolls and make it so only a generic grid is a stage if all what matters is "the fighting part".
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Time for Stick Fighter II!
Ryu stick is a wasted slot
it's already been done and it would be nice if you would support them.
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>butthurt single player fag seething days after and thinking he "won" when Oda shut him down

Dafuq ya talking about. I haven't been in this general for a week because there's barely any point coming here daily when this general takes over a week to reach bump limit. You on the other hand have to keep this place active otherwise you would have no sense of self without it.
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Another interview with Oda


He, once again, mentions that revitalizing old IPs is with the goal of "building the star power" of their protagonists to build up the next KOF

If Terry and Mai sell like hotcakes in SF6, " The more that these collaborations are successful for both companies and such, the more chance that the ONE THING we both want the most is going to happen."

COTW will have crossplay and rollback out of the box.
>the more chance that the ONE THING we both want the most is going to happen."
Finally Mai will marry Andy.
Let's fucking gooooooooooooooooo!
Based. The "muh fighting only matters" niggas have NO rebuttal against this.
They never did
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Oda... stop wasting the Prince's money on hookers.
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Don't lewd Nakoruru
>you're a nobody thankfully
and so is dimeless snk in the eyes of a real market kek what a floppy carried bitch
She's not sexy in the slightest anyway.
kek i remember this
i actually still have it somewhere i think
>He, once again, mentions that revitalizing old IPs is with the goal of "building the star power" of their protagonists to build up the next KOF
he sounds more and more like tony khan everyday
Blah Blah shut the fuck up shit-eating retard. Subhumans like you are why SNK today are shitters. You don't have to take whatever they shit down your throat. They won't go bankrupt again if you don't.
it's funny that someone is so proud and secure of snk despite reacting so curt and vehement to the naysayers of the quality of products furnished by snk
very confident
much secure
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Fuck it I'll come out and say it. There's stuff I don't like, but I trust Oda's plans infinitely more than I would trust any of you niggers here. I used to argue a while back and it's always the same goalpost moving and nebulous, nonconcrete answers when asked for specifics. You fags don't argue in good faith and at one point when asked you hypocrites seriously answered that it's literally ok when other companies do the shit you bitch about. I trust Oda because regardless of how it all turns out because he's out there doing shit that takes much more effort than bitching in a Polynesian wall scribbling forum.
>but I trust Oda's plans infinitely more than I would trust any of you niggers here
he has plans? kek
>Andy, Mai, Juri, Kim...
idk who is the gay anymore
juri wants to be sandwiched and dommed by both of them at the same time
with snk the entire game is a minigame that's worth no more than 20 dollars including dlc

thankfully the prince is there to make up the difference between the bottom line and 9k sales
~you know you want to reply even indirectly~
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>literally ok when other companies do the shit you bitch about
No-one said it was okay. Also, "other companies do shit too" isn't an excuse nor makes it okay you fucking retard. And SNK can't afford to keep doing stupid shit after they already make retarded-ass decisions and keep fucking up things. The idiots do shit like putting Samsho on Google fucking Stadia and on Epic before on PC. They have their game's online broken for over a year while saying there isn't a problem, something not even a smaller companies like French Bread do. I don't even know how a company like modern SNK can have people like you who chow down the shit they do. It's not like they've been doing shit the past 20 years that deserves such defending and free passes.
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>No-one said it was okay.
but the snk marks said that all naysayers were DEFENDING (((OTHER COMPANY))) even if they didn't mention them at all!
>that it's literally ok when other companies do the shit you bitch about

What other company is still using arcade mode as the "story" mode
Then argue against it? After all everything else but the fighting system is just fluff for "max secondaries" and casuals right? Also not everyone who disagrees with you is a "schizo", some of us just want SNK to imrpove.
i been telling you that all along
they want to claim that they only call me one of them schizies mizzies because of my awesome personality but the truth is, they can't handle the truth
they are a cult
a small dimeless cult that makes excuses about not entering tournaments such as "it's too expensive" while calling others poorfags and while still espousing views about only needing the competitive portion of a game and nothing more
but a cult nonetheless
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man freeman is awesome, hope his ass is in the new game
>play for five minutes
That's more than the average person because they don't play SNK games
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Remember to maintain a healthy diet of squats and oats.
Nobody belongs here because nobody actually wants to talk or play SNK games we just shitpost each other about not playing the game or that nobody's buying. If you're still playing offer rooms or something and maybe don't act like such a faggot instead
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My beautiful wife...
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Would anyone like to play RB1 or RB2?
>some of us
>we actually buy them
you sure got the some part right
i'm too poor even for roms
go find one of these munchkins who plays games for the competitive spirit instead of the lore
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>everything below the quake post
Feel bad for the anon asking for games, on the other hand some of you should neck yourselves.
should feel bad for snk's revenue instead
>Oh right YOU don't play
neither does anybody else given the sales and player count data kek
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Literally dodging the challenge because the guy is larping as a player and doesn't want to get destroyed
On second thought I'll just jack off and listen to Nickelback
>and listen to Nickelback
the only good thing about this is at least it's not dubstep
but it's still nickelback

Just been on a buttrock bender. I also like Staind and Stone Sour
kofxv sure is running
for the award of kwabfgoty
Wow. I think 98 UM OL has been going on longer than it?
amazing timing since i just reinstalled it like two nights ago lol
i was wondering what happened to that 3 minute time limit thing where you get one minute for each character on your team cuz i couldn't find it anymore
Sad day. The writing was on the wall, although I still had some hope that a new collab could revitalize it a bit. Oh well. I enjoyed it quite a bit all these years, even through the bullshit power creep.
Never forget the kino waifu designs this game gave us. Hope someone is saving all the animated live2d portraits.
What a shame. I had fun with it despite it being gacha slop.
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Assuming the Metal Slug Characters are Ralf, Clark, Leona, Nadia and Trevor I wonder what they are going to do to differentiate between them.

I ain't no tactics buff but we have so far the commander buff guy, the displacement girl, the DPS movement girl and the close range "tank" guy. I assume Ralf will be a Berserker type of character that gets stronger in Low Health and Clark will move the guys with throws.
I dunno about Leona, Nadia and Trevor. I guess Trevor will also be a knife-user close-range specialist like Tarma is in his default layout but not really sure how you would differentiate from both. Maybe giving him like the ability to be invisible or something I dunno.
the remaining Metal Slug Tactics characters I mean*
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It was the only gacha I've ever enjoyed too, shame.
Didn't these lying ass bitches say they were planning to support it for at least 10 years??
On a scale of 1 to 10 how hacky would it be if COTW reveals that Rugal’s KOF will happen in the FF timeline as well?
Rugal's always cool so I wouldn't mind it but I do figure some people wouldn't be cool with Rugal also taking over KOF in the FF timeline either. Especially since it was Krauser who made it the worldwide tournament in the first place

Personally there shouldn't even be a tournament in CotW but if they can justify it, so be it
Absolutely 100 out of 10 hack-tier stuff. That's what KoF is for (started built from pieces from other games/a crossover that morphed into it's own thing) in the first place. KoF OC stuff should have no major influence on the other timelines and should be kept at a minimum like maybe cameos.
If they go that route they shouldn't have made any of the stuff into separate timelines in the first place.
KOF96 is mostly to blame for that since 94/95 didn't really step on the toes that much of the Fatal Fury timeline. When 96 had Geese despite his death that same year in Real Bout, issues started to arise along with 96 fleshing out the Orochi stuff more and being much more self-contained in general. SNK ended up treating KOF as the "cake and eat it too" series which is why they ended up focusing on it and not the actual important shit that built their company
Which is where I was going. Unless they do another crossover like NGBC KoF should be the cake and eat it too series since that's how it started, but even then I don't feel 100% comfortable saying that for KoF since it eventually got fleshed out into its own thing thus getting it's own identity. I could possibly be fine with one or two non-story/noncanon DLC character, but the core stories should really be their own thing, otherwise just close the book on Fatal Fury and if they wanna go really hog wild just make a company wide crossover and throw in some real crazy shit in there.
That's what I was thinking about CotW being "the finale" Oda is hyping up. It feels like just a way to conclude Fatal Fury for good so the characters don't need to wait for their own series to get development anymore. Even if FF is already heavily contradicted and shit in KOF

Personally I think the KOF OCs should get separate spinoffs from KOF lore since the Hakkeshu and NESTS stuff is fleshed out enough without needing to be tied to fighting tournaments to justify action. Especially NESTS. Action games starring Kyo and Kula would go really hard
Yeah I kinda expected CotW to be the final send off and I'm ok with that, brining in stuff from KoF to keep it going would be a mistake hence my initial strong reaction.
I was thinking something like that while typing my post. How a bunch of problems start popping up when a series has so many entries unless it starts getting spinoffs and how it'd be better if it were different genres. For example the Mario formula can get stale if left on its own for a while, but it having the variations like the 3D games and several types of RPGs give it a twist.
Getting spinoffs would help flesh out characters that don't get much focus, like you said. I'd be down with a game with Kula Shenanigans.
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>Mitsuo Kodama on KOF94 Rugal's Guile statue:"I snuck in the data just before going gold & quit SNK. My "parting gift" caused an uproar back there & my old partner Kuwayan was summoned & chewed out by someone very high-up. Later, Capcom's CvS2 response brought a tear to my eye"

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based kodama pissing the higher ups off
kdm punk
So did they actually make Foxy playable before bailing? I remember she was added to the story a long time before I quit the game.
Nope. Making it hilarious that their reason for closing the game is that "they were running out of characters to add"
Even assuming that only "main" entries are allowed, I think they have a bunch missing from 2003-XV.
the only KOFs that were completed were 94-96
>come back to snk every few months
>yep, sylvie schizo is still here rambling

it never changes
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RIP best gatcha ;_:7
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You know what I'll admit it. I'd molest XV Athena.
It probably EoS'd because of not enough coomer/fan service shit (for the girls and the boys) though. They stopped doing the seasonal fighters altogether after some time for some reason and that's what gachafags spend the most money on.
Thanks for the money, Kofasggots (laughs)
Based Temjin
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For me it's goddess athena
name 5 better gatchas
>Action games starring Kyo and Kula would go really hard
Unless it's a lolicon simulator, it's a bad idea. Kula is too stupid to star in her own game. She works best as a supporting character.
Puzzle and Dragon's
Fire emblem heroes
Genshin Impact
Each and every one of these games is better than KOFAS for the simple fact that EoS hasn't been announced yet LOL
Who was your first?
Characters that never got even a single playable unit:

Duck King
Gai Tendo
Hwa Jai
Tung Fu Rue
King of Dinosaurs
Mui Mui
Love Heart
Darli Dagger
Re Verse

Also technically Kyo-1 and Kyo-2 but I'm sure nobody cares. And obviously K9999 technically didn't make it but Krohnen did.
Additionally many classic characters never got anything better than a gold unit, such as Robert, Andy, Joe, Ralf and Clark. Even Ryo only got a regular FES unit that wasn't even very good when it came out.
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Still mad they never gave yuri anything beyond an SS unit. I'm surprised kasumi made it as the only art of fighting girl to get an EX.
i remember hoping that with the slight theming they were doing with the ss units they were gonna do ralf and clark sometime soon
>Action games starring Kyo and Kula would go really hard
Shame, it gave us some great art and hilarious crossovers. I still can't believe the WWE one happened. I wonder if they'll do the same thing as the metal slug gacha and release it as an actual game since its the closest mobile game to kof gameplaywise.
MS Attack was handled by SNK. This is a Netmarble title so i highly doubt they give a shit.
I’m shocked they never added Kukri considering he’s about as perverted as the game is. Then again, he’s not a waifu or a pretty boy.
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>tfw you will never see in this timeline an official Kof game, of any genre, featuring all the characters
Damn, Dolores’ KOFAS art would have been so hot.
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Some of the characters in AS legit look better than they do in the mainline games, look and proportion wise at least.
I really hope they would make an offline mode with the basic PvE modes available like some other gacha that EoS sometimes (rarely) get
But this is Netmarble we're talking about so it's not gonna happen
I hope that Solo Leveling shit gacha EoSs within a year
They're working with 30 years of character design and learned to get creative with mobile-tier graphics. I assure you, Benimaru was not rocking that face in 2003.
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Also, I completely forgot '03 and XI was Benimaru's leopard print era.
I think anon was making a comparison with SNK’s current 3D models
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Krizalid is like....THAT?!
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I'm going to miss this stinky loli
Model fidelity is a meme and the idea that people think the KOFAS models look good should be an indicator for that. Those are highly textured, lower poly models intended for mobile screen sizes. So much of the lower quality aspects are hidden due to the screen resolution being smaller

You blow up this image here >>483713417 and you get the equivalent of a PSP Metal Gear Solid game. It looks good because the textures are hard carrying the quality. The model itself is covered in jaggies and there's no real significant lighting here as all the shading is baked into the texture to give the illusion of depth. This model wouldn't work in XV because the higher resolution most people play will notice these flaws, especially with Unreal's piss lighting which already drenches the XV models horribly
instead of low poly count the kofxv models are drenched in lower anatomical and lower stylistic quality
I'm glad I played this before it was gone.
Cool idea but monetization and difficulty curve killed my will to play it.
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Six years is really good for a modern mobile gacha.
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So what happens now to the original designs? Does NetEase hold onto them, or do they belong to SNK now?
They really put effort and love into this game. Unlike Snk with Kof15
Unless SNK lawyers are retarded, they should own all the designs derived from KOF and NM only own the OCs they made for the game
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>Unless SNK lawyers are retarded

Oh, no! t's over....
Someone post the Hi-Score Girl article
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>If SNK is retarded
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It seems like they're in need of some better lawyers who are not learning disabled! And if you or someone else are also in need of a lawyer who isn't a moron and uses their left and right turn indicators, I know just the man to call!
That's right, friends, Stephen P New will dumbfound all your legal opponents with his amazing, incomparable intellect and show them what for with not only his amazing scholastic skills, but he'll bombard them with so many intelligent questions that they'll just simply bend over and tell you to please take all their money! And anything else they might be offering because he's just that good! If you want Stephen P New on your side, and I know any SMART person would, you can call him at 877, five-oh STEEEEEEVE! That's 877-50-STEVE!
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What the fuck, NAJD was planned at some point?
So how did the story of All Star end anyway?
Datamine source?
apparently it was because of this there was a change in management afterwards and then suddenly they realized whoring out Terry (and Iori) as crossover characters was actually good.
Still retarded that this happened anyways.
So it's not just the developers or the marketing team, everyone involved with SNK is retarded.
>Game has multiple Kings and Elizabeths
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but sylvie is in the game isn't she
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There's no way there are more people playing kof98ol or whatever it's called than all stars

KOF98OL is cheap as fuck.
I hope these characters become available in the Slug mobage.
is this a roll post
>Mai was banned from forum by TungFuRue: No "google it" or "PM'd the fix" comments allowed
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SO that's where the COTW story mode money went...
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Look how cute she looks. Alas, her 3D model isn't so lucky.
SF6 issue, lots of the concept art objectively looks better than in-game. That said I'd say SNK are more incompetent than Capcom probably willingly choosing to make their character models look grotesque

That said they might fix her. I think it's better to be more wary by the end of the year when CotW is ready to come out since they have been improving the game visually each reveal
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The official rendering is fine, its whatever is going on with the ingame lighting/rendering that's fucking up her face.
Some proportions are bad, mostly around the neck, but yeah the lighting is definitely a cause of a lot of the issue. Similar to XV. I pointed out how the render looks fine too last couple threads. Whoever edited the Jenet video definitely did not do a good job
nah she still got that butter face and i don't even mean that one as "but her" i mean it as it looks like she ate a lot of butter to get there
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>I'm no girl's toy
She's British what else is she supposed to eat?
Fish and chips
bloody sausage
She's gonna hit a wall at 25
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She looks worn and manly. Jenet looks better in a shitty dying mobile game for Christ's sake.
The face is bird-like, but not birb.
>has been running track
>no shoes
I'm surprised this got posted on the official discord with no issues
It doesn't depict nudity, so probably fine.
Looks like a harness for a strap-on
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bruh even Krizalid wouldn't wear that.
just started playing KOFAS
Why does every interview have them saying:
>we saw the trend, so we followed it
>xyz was just seeing and following the trends,
Why not set trends instead of following and copying like bitches. Leaders set trends. I'm hyped for COTW, but Oda is fucking retarded.
They changed the secret supers input because he personally went to the devs and complained they were too hard.
What the other guy said is correct.
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When I used to lurk it they would ban less risque things than that for being inappropriate for younger fans. I assume that just meant anything a straight guy would find attractive since that Mary is allowed.
Me too
Wow Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 is pretty cool!
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Why is kaeda so sad?
His series is forgotten.
>We get Fatal Fury 3 tier level of Hidden Super Bullshit in 2024
Hilarious if it happened.
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Imagine the smell
Meanwhile mods here HAVE issues with it.

The absolute state of 4chins
Don't want to.
It was shitty fanart so nothing of value has been lost.
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Kof15 tomorrow
Fun fact: the sound that plays when you lose on the original 1996 Bop It is the same stock scream as the one metal slug soldiers do when you burn them.
Source: I own one
The Flame Shot death is brutal

Stinky BIRB
The new Metal Slug looks good
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Would've been interesting to see
i love vice and mature
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It's time to cook, boku no honou!
Oil money.
kofas bros...
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>FF:CotW's Smart Style currently doesn't have autocombos that lead into super, and that's a problem because there's not enough "press buttons and cool stuff happens" in Smart Style
Huh. News to me. He says this in tandem with his point that "autocombos are great for any game as long as they are never optimal."
>autocombos are great for any game as long as they are never optimal
if they aren't optimal in that doing them and completing them doesn't give you any good setups for safejumps ambiguous crosses etc then sure have scaled damage autocombos for all i care
but i stress it's not the tool that brings beginner people in to play
despite the fact that you guys literally watched kk play through each kof you have never really paid attention to how beginners play and what their general habits are, but sf2 arcade players grew up seeing those habits emerge
It's that simplicity tax. You can't be strong AND simple at the same time; that's just braindead unga bunga at that point.
i'm not talking about being strong, i'm talking about having a control setup that accommodates the way they play which usually is like sf2 beginner ken
which is not combos and mashing
It's funny because that was the main issue of the autocombo in XV was wasting your meter. It's kind of impressive they didn't just fix the issue and move the Super to another button that wasn't just mashing Light
I guess that the SF crossover killed this
Feels bad, man. It had some very nice gameplay.
98UMOL has been for way longer time but with a shittier game, yet it outlived AS
What's this cutie version from? The final event?
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I bet that Mai has a secret room filled with Andy merchandise
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I'm gonna miss seeing this piece of ass on my phone screen
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Also, RIP this cutie
So I bought Metal Slug Attack reload.
Since when does MS have monstergirls and robot lolis?
KOFAS's EoS notice also includes the japanese version, right?
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What emotion is this expression meant to convey?
I hope Snk retcon lady Choi and lady Chang into Kof as Choi and Chang's daughters.
Too bad that's a lot to ask for actual Snk.
Smug satisfaction. He's gonna Reppuken you in the dick, and you can't stop it.
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Would be nice, but knowing SNK they can't develop shit outside the main chars
They really liked Lady Chang's design
What a shame. The interaction between these two would be really cool.
and that's a good thing
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Aww man, I'll miss her
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All these collabs... dead...
It's just a shitty live service skinnerbox anyways, nothing of value is being lost.
I mean it was a gacha game anon, it needs to have it
>I hate fun
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I'll be real with you, no amount of fun can justify a mobage game because inevitably they will die and archival is intentionally made to be an impossible bitch due to the gacha mechanics. Unless Netmarble pulls a Capcom and makes KOFAS Offline then this game was inevitably doomed at some point and could only be experienced in the moment because gacha is a controlled genre by the developers and owners. And most gacha have been dropping like flies lately due to global recessions

Netmarble also had a whole bunch of wips that never got included in the game because they were too busy jacking off Orochi Saga and Coomer alts so in the end the game genuinely failed at being a comprehensive archival of KOF's history regardless, you know, despite being called All Star. The only thing that's really going to be lost is a reference point for users of this thread to shit on SNK for "not just doing this" with their graphics
>but i stress it's not the tool that brings beginner people in to play

It certainly helped SF6 in Japan. That and they aimed at the right e-celebs.
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You forgot about John Cena colab
Ayy caramba!
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Is there any way to play the Tactics demo offline? Trying to get it for a friend and there doesn't seem to be any good torrent
More like... like?
>according to gatcha simps, this monstrosity looks better than XV
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>kofas is ded
>no konosuba collab
ai slop
The render looks great and way better than any version of 3D Jenet, but in game it looks pretty bad. Her face in game doesn't have any shading too for some reason
>page 10
Cuties saving neog!
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Sooner or later it was going to happen.
The only sad thing is that some of the designs were quite good, and now they'll be lost in copyright hell.
Unless fans recreate them in sprites to use in Mugen games
>It certainly helped SF6 in Japan.
ez control mode did, that was not autocomboing by itself
Is Attack Reloaded good? I never played attack but I’m a fan of that kind of gameplay
imminent rape
I wasted some time on the original and it was ok for a while. It can be really grindy tho so maybe it can be worth it for you if you care about MS lore
I only found out it had fluff today and that it's basically a civil war.
Clemence Bellamy fucked all the female KOFXV competitors and Meitenkun with his big bellamy clemence.
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She's gonna be fixed later you tards. It's more the fault of the angles and lighting. You're on some shit if you think this looks as bad as the SF6 girls
>She's gonna be fixed later you tards
You fags said that about Vanessa on XV. You're talking shit again, you don't know who they're gonna "fix", and Jenet looks good to me anyway.
The difference is CotW has actually shown visual improvements each trailer while KOFXV remained consistently the same up until release
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these are probably stages.
And Gintama.
XV's special effects changed from early footage to release. They were always behind the characters, then they fixed it. Shun ei changed. Mai changed. I don't know what you guys are arguing about. anyway. As I said, she looks great to me. Guess you guys always gotta argue about something. Always been that way.
I think Arena should have been delisted instead. Especially since I don't think it's had any new content since the K' Team.
I'm not even arguing that she looks bad either, just issues with the in-game shading and camerawork which makes her look worse than she does. It's the same issues KOFXV has but less egregious because CotW generally just looks better as a game. If they shaded more of her neck and face, nobody would even be complaining
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>Every KOF spinoff that goes "I'm going to adapt KOF!" and then give up by NESTS Saga, if not earlier

What's even the point of these adaptions. It genuinely comes across like KOF doesn't really have enough substance TO be adapted because they always give up without including post-Orochi content
It is.
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wow..I never thought of it that way...
>"autocombos are great for any game as long as they are never optimal."
This argument is one of the stupidest FG arguments I've ever seen. Up there with "only bad players want higher execution". kek. Man, these FGC ecelebs are retarded. Look at it from a purely logical perspective:

If losing makes newbs feel bad. And auto combos are in to make newbs feel good, but are gimped so you lose against someone good (who isn't using auto combos), then why are they in if they're gonna lose against someone better anyway. If a newb plays a newb, and has never seen highlevel play, they will assume they are good without ever doing highlevel shit. That's how it used to be. If a newb plays a good player, he will lose regardless of auto combo, modern controls or not. So again, what is the fucking point? I'll tell you the point: auto and modern controls aren't for newbs. They are for people like Max who follow fighting games, but are scrubs.
This guy is retarded, SNK just reused the Neo Geo sprites all the way to 02um, and when they tried to make HD sprites for XII/XIII it was an extremely labor intensive process that proved to be more costly than whatever sales they could make back.
Capcom doesn't even do sprites either anymore for the same reasons.
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Auto combos are for casuals who just want to have the experience of pulling off cool shit with the least effort. If you're unable to understand this then you're a massive retard.
SNK should have gone with 3D models for 12 and 13. Maybe they wouldn't be owned by Saudis and forced into SF6 like someone's retarded cousin no one wants to play with rn.
i hate the fact that angel never got an updated sprite. all those images of a big booty wrestling bimbo contradicted by the skinny ass sprite.
They tried to make HD Sprites the same way BlazBlue did by tracing 3D models for a game that needed 30+ characters to "tell its story" so SNK just chose the worst solution to an easy question of "when will SNK truly go next gen?"

Objectively true because then they would've been able to recycle those models for the next few years for KOFs XIV, XV, XVI etc. for the slop franchise KOF is

Angel was never going to get an updated sprite she was scrubbed from history after NESTS Saga and only came back cause Oda wanted to celebrate the Mexican fanbase
The 3D models that XIII rotoscoped from were terrible, there was no way they wouldn't have looked dated even by KOFXIV.
>Auto combos are for casuals who just want to have the experience of pulling off cool shit with the least effort
I know that's the line people use, but I've already addressed this. Casuals don't know what "cool shit is". They get told what it is by people like Ma, then they watch high level play and feel like they suck. If they didn't see all that, they would think they were playing high level. It's people in the FGC telling newbs "THIS IS HOW YOU REALLY PLAY THE GAME." Auto and modern will not solve the issue and are pointless.
Most people don't watch fighting games or pros, you are delusional as fuck to think that what we do is the norm.
>casuals who just want to have the experience of pulling off cool shit
They're not pulling off anything and will still get beaten. When a casual plays a casual, and they're both mashing until something comes out by accident, that is what they enjoy. They don't wanna choose baby mode, knowing it's a baby mode. They only people who knowingly enjoy gimped, dumbed down controls are game journalists and Max Dood boys.
>Most people don't watch fighting games or pros, you are delusional
They watch Max. He's not a pro. And Max says Autocombo = good, so they repeat whatever he says. Just like you're doing right now, whether you're aware of it or not. Autocombos did not help KoF 14. They did not help KoF 15. Newbs do not like them. Scrubs, ie: people who follow the FGC, but who cannot play, like them. I'm not sure what you're having trouble understanding.
You're a retard for the reasons I've just explained.

Again, most people don't watch fighting games or pros. You are delusional.
>no argument
Yeah, thought so. Max was at a gaming event playing CotW. He was walking around watching people (not casuals, people there specifically for CotW) play. They were mostly bummed out, until they started using Smart Controls. Then they got hype. Those aren't casuals lol. Casuals barely know the game exists, let alone go traveling to game events to play the game. Just accept it.
Because Nest and Ash saga are trash. It's no coincidence that KOF survival city, the only game that has started directly in the Nest saga, has announced its closure less than a year after its launch.
>>no konosuba collab
Good. That shit sucks.
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I'd be fine with a 3d metal slug if it looked good, wasn't a fucking mobage, and kept the great animations and black humor.
But somehow I don't think we'd get naked acid deaths in this day and age.
Stop posting images for ants
>she was scrubbed from history after NESTS Saga
>Source: My Ass
I thought it was because the game was shit. At least I thought it was.
Could have been worst. He could have suggested Redo of Healer.
No. The show is cool. Fuck you.
¿Si lo hace gratis como es puta?
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t. micro dick anon
You must be 18 or older to post here.
As a mature adult I can say konosuba good because I'm not a child farming imaginary contrarian updoots.
The Konosuba anime is fucking 9 years old retard
>mature adult
>reddit isekai trash

So is My Hero Academia. Take your "ironic le waifu weeb XDD" trash to that /a/ shithole.
>hating on modern pulp equivalents
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SNK acknowledges that they're incompetent, they plan to improve on their development teams. Also "powerful IPs" might be acquired thru M&A, any idea on who they could buy?
It's funny to think that Asuka from Senran Kagura would have a better shot in Smash than Mai because her outfit is more modest.
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>Senran Kagura
>being allowed out of the stygian abyss
CEO KOFXV grand finals, almost ending
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>but i stress it's not the tool that brings beginner people in to play
Have you seen the explosion in popularity SF6 is getting in japan due to Modern??? Saying shit like this might have been plausible a year or 2 ago but in a post SF6 world this is just pure delusion.
oh yeah when it comes to capcom it's like "MAN THAT IS DEI TRANNIE SHIT" but when it's snk it's https://is2.4chan.org/vg/1719178053169681.jpg

this is going to be an interesting year lmao
>Have you seen the explosion in popularity SF6 is getting in japan due to Modern???
it's like your reading skills have gone down the drain along with kofxv's sales
This isn't true. You can see in the recent footage that, for example, Terry standing auto combo ends in his level 1 power geyser. Maybe Max is referring to hidden gear auto combos?
adventure game with ruru sisters when?
Never ever
Based on some light datamining, you're right on with Ralf and Clark. As for the rest:
Drones and mines.
Mind control apparently, or otherwise manipulating enemies to fight each other.
I don't say that though?
It's projecting
Ryo, Isla, Chizuru vs Ryo, Iori, Rock (W)

Ryo is the new K9999 now, huh?
that's because you're already infected with dei so you've just accepted it either because you were already there when you came here or you flipflopped when snk was faced with this criticism
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Goddamn, I love clothes switching.
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No wonder the stinky loli was the final addition, she existed even before KOFAS was released
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Based Ralf getting whippy drunk and commencing harassment.
Whoops, forgot link.
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back of the knee maybe
I still don't see the problem with models looking not exactly like the artwork, they're fully realized 3d models not lines on a paper and are lit by a generic stage light instead of the unique shading the artists give their drawings. And it's not the first time, Soul Calibur always struggled with that; just look at Sieg in 5, he looks like he has a sixhead and weird lips while the artwork looks great.
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The actual artwork for comparison.
the excuses already coming
9k sales
1 million
>I still don't see the problem with models looking not exactly like the artwork
They never do, unless it's an anime game
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I'll smash those big potatoes for Ireland

They could've just hired the company that made the maximum impact games. In the process learn from them on how to make 3D games. Ash Saga would of ended in XII with XIII becoming a proper Ash Saga all star game.
The way you worded the file name makes me think you're unaware it's a play on the characters' names: Harribel and Krizalid.
Samsho RPG is coming.
...to make another 9k sales.
Wasn't she one of the winners in the cosplay event they had, along with Pretty Yashiro and Pretty Billy?
No, actually. It's pretty weird that you're basically making up stuff and inventing strawmans just to seethe about SNK. I honestly don't know you even browse this general when you don't seem to like SNK at all. There's criticism, and then there's having a weird vendetta.
nope it's totally what i said
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Nah. I think you should find better things to do than browse a general of something you hate, anon. I mean I know people on 4chan don't usually have other things going on in their lives, but still.
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nope what's another year
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Imagine being Bao or Athena's producer.
It's funny that you're also an ESL. Explains a lot.
no hable english
I'm prob. in the minority but I think both versions look good for different reasons
>Gotta delay work on a new single because Athena got 2 ribs broken against Andy Bogard.
>page 10 again

mein liebe toxic zoner
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How did a mobile game get it right over a current gen video game?
Isn't one of the schizos a mexican coomer or some shit like this? We have some many of these retards recently that I don't even remember anymore
all me btw
No, he's an amerilard who doesn't know how to post in english properly.
meanwhile snk can't model a female face in 3d properly
Ahmmmmm hows EVERYONE enjoying the snk characters in honor of kings? Going mid with mai is craaazy (they are actual characters with unique skills and their own skins), because clearly the fighting games community has alot of overlap with mobas (theres a 10 minute matches mode wich is good)
The face is just wrong. It's oddly flat and long with small eyes that are really high up. It's like they're trying to make her less anime. The XV model has a much cuter face.
Leona with pink hair + Botan gameplay trailer
Nice off topic post. She looks nothing like Leona and her gameplay isn't even the same. Also why does this game look so cheaply made compared to FighterZ?
kof xv won...
Bushiroad gave the MvC3 dev team less budget than the average KOF game because they expect popular IP to sell regardless
Oh so NOW XV looks good and the new SNK game look shit? I'm so tired of you all.
What do you expect? It's always disingenuous shitposting and goalpost moving.
Anon said Jenet's XV face looks cuter not that XV looks good.
this, as that is what that poster who was totes me btw was saying
I always thought XV looked good. I'm not your boogeyman.
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She doesn't look that bad in game in XV in certain angles but this render looks like shit. Jenet in game in CotW also looks bad but the render there looks good.
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>According to former KOF developer, the scece which Leona salutes Chang was INTENDED, not bug.


Leona bros...
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Bullshit. Why didn't she salute Ralf and why didn't Chang react differently then? Well, I guess we can't trust 100% what developers say anymore.
Yeah something wrong with COTW Jenet face, looks really off, i'm not huge fan of XV look but artstyle is so much better.
Looks like a face.
Looks like a cone.
Somebody throw this shit at some AI just to see what happens
>ESL has bad reading comprehension
>Looks like a man face


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