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>FF:CotW - B. Jenet
>FF:CotW - Vox Reaper

>Metal Slug Tactics, a new turn-based squad tactics Metal Slug title by Dotemu, launches this fall for PC, PS4/PS5, XB1/XBS, Switch

>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves (now with dual audio)

>KOF XIII Global Match is now available on Switch and PS4

>The King of Fighters XV is now available on PC, PS4/PS5, and XBOX Series X/S!

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

>Community resources
>KOFXV beginner guides

>/neog/ Discord
>Official SNK Discord

>SNK Media Gallery
>Assorted Translations
>NEO-GEO FREAK Magazine Archive
>RedGGPO and romset
>KOF Official Site backup

Previous Thread: >>482850621
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Wasted slot
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Does Metal Slug Attack Reloaded go in here? I'm pretty fucking stuck on the level 3 "another story" missions. Barely managed to do the regular army one. I have no Idea how to build good team setups.
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The other games are easier, admit it

Anyway real question is why is MK1 still so high
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I was watching the Capcom vs SNK on CEO and it was kino.
SNK will show everybody when COTW enters EVO and gets about a hundred more entrants!
should i buy garou on steam
No they'll show everyone when capcom spends all their time advertising Terry in front of the biggest Evo crowd yet.
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Man, nips are fucked when buying foreign figures
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SNK is playing 4D chess.
>Trailing massively behind a 20+ year old game
>beaten by the worst competitive Moral Kombat
>fucking UNI of all things is 2x above KOF
How much humiliation can we take bros?
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Feels good that I already pre-ordered that Goenitz fig before the price went to shit and the pre-order window closed. I don't know if I should go for O. Yashiro too, since he doesn't have a lot of parts to play with.
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COTW will kill everyone in this list >>484267954
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Terry is gay
Did you all conveniently forget this game didn't even work for a year or
ahhhhh how dare people persecute snk for it when we get on capcom's case for ugly manfaced women, only snk is allowed to get away with it reeeeeeeee
Game not working for a year doesn't explain why its year with the most entrants was its first appearance at EVO. KOF's just been dwindling each year since most of its playerbase are oldheads anyway

The real reason for lower numbers is just lack of interest. There hasn't been anything to really make people want to play KOF with how little updates or content it has to begin with and SNK's marketing is full force on CotW. KOFXV would have been outright finished if people weren't begging for more content

Again, the real question is why MK1 has more players and the only justification I can think for that are people that are desperately clinging onto a brand they recognize more to begin with
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terry is so based

my loving wife!
>Game not working for a year doesn't explain why its year with the most entrants was its first appearance at EVO

Because nobody actually expected it to have issues for you know...a year. Also there was six months of radio silence after Hinako. Pretending like this didn't affect it in any way is disingenuous.
it's funny that strive still has numbers in the kilos, aka killies, and that came out BEFORE kofxv
so there's no "it's old" excuse that they can use either
mk is a product of couch play with the buds and not some 2serial competitive player nerditry game so it sells a lot but has no competitive retention
kof just has neither
Note my post mentions the little updates and content. That's referring to the post-Hinako silence. If they had more stuff I'm sure people would be more interested but right now it's just oldheads left as usual. People have said the best time to get into a game is the first few months but games like SF6 and Strive should of disproved that by now

So, I think fighting games were just really bad at offering incentive to get in until recently. What's the magic reasoning why their playerbases stay? Honestly I'm inclined to believe it's just because they're easier games to play, since that's the reason Tekken's numbers are also still high despite the "backlash" it's been getting

While true, it's sad that people ARE trying to take MK1 seriously and how it's the only Western game still at EVO right now. Especially given it had a worse Season Pass than SF6

This said, I don't see KOFXVI really getting more attention either. SNK needs to move the fuck onto other IPs and sit on XV if they don't want to immediately make it look like an embarrassment. Its already tied KOFXIII for EVO attention and either it'll beat XIII by not even trying or be replaced with CotW like how SamSho more or less replaced XIV. I hate to say it but it's just a shitty waiting game for things to change or attention to garner and they're not actively trying to get people to play KOF so of course the number is going to dwindle regardless
a lot of the problems are at the core and that's the people behind developing the game
there's always so many excuses about what they can't do or what can't be done, and for a lot of those excuses, other companies seem to get by just fine, it's just that snk straggles constantly due to its inadequate talent and management
people can't keep making excuses for this company and this company can't keep falling behind and doing the bare minimum unless it wants to end up like this forever, which is fine apparently for that one fag who enjoys snk not being successful because it "keeps the trannies and casuals and maxfags out"
yeah it keeps nearly everyone else out too but surely that guy and his family are happy with him and his self centered nature
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Mostly management. The talent is probably just disinterested from being forced to continue "successful brand" given how CotW looks. I think they made KOFXV to be a game to settle on for KOF rather than one looking into the future. While a lot of its decisions are building up to something, most of the conclusive nature of the game is more meant to be one last traditional KOF before the new era starts. Whatever comes from it going forward needs other IP to give new life and blood to KOF. They want to return KOF to being a crossover rather than just the SNK game. Which I don't mind, I like XV and see it as a success. Its current numbers aren't SF6 or Strive but those were reactions to the previous game. XV is more like ArcSys' Xrd where they're just getting back on track rather than this new generation of fighter that's supposedly really healthy and thriving it honestly comes across as pretty dead to me since all these games only keep player retention through DLC updates rather than a solid, fundamental base

Only thing XV needed was to work on launch and I think SNK realized that since rollback+crossplay are confirmed for CotW's launch. If XV really wasn't a success it probably would've been replaced by something else like FighterZ this year at EVO despite that game's last update actually murdering it in cold blood
She's French.
>The talent is probably just disinterested from being forced to continue "successful brand" given how CotW looks.
jenet still needs cosmetic surgery for that face badly, so that's not a talent disinterest issue, that's a talent skill issue
artistic skills and stylistic nature are something you don't compromise so easily over disinterest, at worst it'll just be a product of less fidelity/detail
>I think they made KOFXV to be a game to settle on for KOF rather than one looking into the future.
which is fine by itself but the entire game was aesthetically/visually lacking to be future proof enough
>While a lot of its decisions are building up to something, most of the conclusive nature of the game is more meant to be one last traditional KOF before the new era starts.
don't know about conclusive nature of anything besides whatever they did to reverse and olgahelgawhat'sitslastbossname and that's just bad story telling
>Whatever comes from it going forward needs other IP to give new life and blood to KOF. They want to return KOF to being a crossover rather than just the SNK game.
which is cool, i like that more than what they were originally aiming for with 99
but the one problem is the next generation to come up needs to have at least some dimes characters that people really give a shit about, and i mean something for THIS generation*
sure that's a rare deal
>Which I don't mind, I like XV and see it as a success.
at least one of us does
>Its current numbers aren't SF6 or Strive but those were reactions to the previous game.
how is kofxv not that with xiv
>since all these games only keep player retention through DLC updates rather than a solid, fundamental base
isn't that the lame excuse people threw out as supporting reasoning behind having the first year of kofxv paid dlc as paid dlc to be released after kofxv released, like "you don't know game development, blah blah nonlinear blah blah post game support hoyp, business norm, blah blah business norms"
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I can't believe that AI autist has been vindicated.
*something for this generation meaning, new shit that would legit draw eyes from this generation rather than having ONLY our boomer fans yearning for the characters from the 90s like duck king because right now, that's one of the problems

...and i said sure, it's a rare deal, but that's just the big obstacle they somehow have to figure out how to overcome
preecha? she's like ~ some like her, some don't like her trancolors or whatever but the bottom line is she's not a big enough deal to most people
and how many people are even giving vox a thought at all outside lore shit lmao

the biggest and easiest example to bring up is in fact juri, as she was a hit no matter how you look at it, and now she's such a staple sf character that she appears in crossovers and collabs

snk? the last one that is kind of like that is kula, hard to even say that for ash tbqhdesu, but kula isn't a character that many people outside of the core fanbase even think about

the juri example, the result behind it is what you want for the next hit snk character(s) or else the next generation isn't going to matter and the core fanbase will still be like "where is duck king" instead
Same old contrarian points. It's just a waiting game

If they can't keep up they can't keep up. Your points don't really mean anything when SNK is still in the best position they've been in since the bankruptcy, and that's not saying much because back then the people in charge were actively antagonizing their own growth for the sake of misaligned profit and these are the results. They're behind because they intentionally screwed themselves

Go watch your wrestling slop. This isn't a discussion because it's just parroting the same points as before. You can pretend to be right but even if you are, it's not because you made the right calls but because they vaguely align with your point of view and think that means you won the internet argument just like Mr. No Single Player
>the biggest and easiest example to bring up is in fact juri, as she was a hit no matter how you look at it, and now she's such a staple sf character that she appears in crossovers and collabs
Oh yes, a single character from 14 years ago is Capcom's biggest hit and the fact they haven't made any new characters since that have been as significant as her means they're doing fine. It's not like Capcom doesn't have bigger, more well known franchises like Devil May Cry that are significantly more well known than 99% of the new Street Fighter characters, including 50% of SF6's S1 DLC

Once more SNK screwed themselves over in the Playmore era and they're playing catch up. I blame fighting games because they're fighting games. Old games don't make a splash beyond what's already been established and genuine pop culture new characters aren't common. Even Strive is overshadowed by the reinvention of a vet from a 2001 game
>when SNK is still in the best position
yeah being able to jump over a pebble after previously only being able to clear a grain of sand, oh what a position they're in, and hell, did i even need that line when you expressed it in more serious ways right in that same line

>Go watch your wrestling slop
kek actually tonight is raw isn't it
kwab of floppers xv can keep being raped and gaped in the sweltering summer of kof93 and you can keep trying to pretend whatever you want and i will always be right and people wlil always flipflop and downgrade their expectations with each new event or revelation to accommodate whatever dismal situation snk is in instead of asking them to do better
i just want to talk about jenets tits, man
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Word salad. Fuck off and die
>Oh yes, a single character from 14 years ago is Capcom's biggest hit
14 years ago and she's still a big hit garnering a lot more attention BY HERSELF compared to the entirety of snk, and speaking of which how long ago and how big was anything from snk's side? kwab'in fever, sufferin' succotash
i don't know what your end goal for snk is but i genuinely want snk to step up its game and become a big company like it supposedly aims to be in 2033, but from my perspective and given my reasonings for it, they've done everything in their power to be counterproductive against such aim and i'm simply pointing that out, and whatever you think is the issue there sure ain't it brother
you should do that then because that might help to distract from her face
nannie nannie boo boo you can't make me
and btw, if anyone wants to think capcom gets away with face aesthetics issues while i get to shit freely on b manet
check it out >>>/v/681438908
and that's not even the only current thread
UNI2 is good though
>AI slop
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Never forget her smile
>gook coomershit
good riddance
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>getting mad at "coomer" stuff
peak trannieretardera attitude
Brush your teeth, get a job, have sex.
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Which French race is Shermie of?
Regular is gaul. Orochi is basque.
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>beinf defensive about low effort gookshit because braindead coomer
peak shit eating consoomer attitute
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That's funny, he's marking every guy he punches with his name.
This guy is so edgy.
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Why did he fail so hard with audiences?
I wasn't kidding when I said his design looks like it was done by someone here
>no silhouette, all carried by fashion
Congratulations on discovering SNK character design 101. You literally cannot tell Kyo and Rock apart if they were silhouetted.
>he doesn't look like a cartoon character!
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Give it to me straight, do either one of them have a chance?
I think it's an almost good design that just needs a couple of fixes, like Shun'ei was. In this case just remove the head tattoos and give him some hair and it would probably be fine.
The name is absolute garbage though, throw it out and just give him a normal fucking name. Fucking John Smith would be better than this. Or something biblical-ish since Grant was really Abel and friends with Kain. Just call him Adam or Gabriel or something.
Mike Bison has no chance but Foreman might.
I wouldn't mind Axel Hawk coming back but only because I know it would prompt artists to use him as the default black male for SNK porn. Personally the thought of SNK girls like Blue Marry or B. Jenet getting fucked & dominated by a tall, big arm, large gut, bald headed black man would be insanely hot.
As a cameo +99%
Playable -99%
POV you are 11
CSR is god
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i love my waifu angel
Wait a minute... this isn't King of Fighters...
Vox needs the tattoos to sell that he's Grant's successor.
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Even mexicans know that SF6 is superior to KOF
It’s 3rd in Chile because of Isla of course.
>Brazil is the reason MK1 even has entrants
Seems like SNK realized that they need to announce qualifier spots ahead of time for their tournament series.
I hope you all like Jamie and Luke because they are coming to South Town.
>Luke and Jamie meet young Terry and Mai in Street Fighter 6
>Luke and Jamie meet old Terry and Mai in FF:CotW
Weird time warp.
wtf bros I thought you told me KOF was number 1 for Mexicans and Brazilians...
He has his fucking moves and his mask, that's plenty. The tats look excessively edgy and tacky.
Good, Isla a cute.
The was a guy on the gamegoons cotw podcast unironically INSISTING that Vox should have painted fingernails, because, and I quote:
>"he just seems like he would paint his nails."
Grant's moves are good, but he looks fucking lame like most of the MotW designs like Rian.
>Big topless roided guy in a devil mask with big oversized cape
lol it's crap. Vox fits in with the street punk edge.
At least Vox comes across as a street tough on a natural level. The tattoos and the remnants of Grant's mask and cape are what visually sell him as Grant's successor.
Not with Rick and Franco waiting.
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>I wouldn't mind Axel Hawk coming back but only because I know it would prompt artists to use him as the default black male for SNK porn.
I agree. I've hated almost all of nu snk's designs, but they've got Vox and Preecha right. Isla was alright as well.
I feel like COTW Terry and Mai are the 2nd alts, they've probably shown their old designs since they can't reveal Mai's cotw look yet
I would throw up if those were their selections.
Oh you mean 30th and 34th place in SF6's Survey poll?
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Heh as if crapcum would care about that.
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Something something Americans don't play KOF something something it's hard for Latinos and Asians to travel something something three characters too fast too honest something something FF:CotW is soon something something
>Character replaced by the OG due to the immediate backlash

Luke's been a massive a flop as a mascot and the only reason people even like him at all is due to his voice actor. Expect Ryu since Capcom has failed time and time again to replace him
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kof XIII bros...
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the shirt btw
Imagine how many people, except Andy, jacked off to this shirt back in the day...
you don't belong on this website retardera poster
thats what a flop like kofxv deserves
it's like nxt vs tna
tna sends its best dimes jordynne and pic related
and nxt sends tna some literal who nobody
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whoops forgot muh pic
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Based atlus.
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>Guilty Gear selling on par with SF, Tekken, and MK
This could have been the success KOF or SNK anything could have seen/had by now if SNK weren't incompetent retards.
*10 years ago
Shotas are so lucky.
Arabs love KOF too
its why that Saudi Prince bought SNK
Getting attention from slop artists means you've made it
Too big.
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I'm a sucker for the "shiny boobs" thing
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Considering we already have Jenet, Hotaru and Preecha confirmed in the game gameplay video, and Mai from the teaser where we hear her voice. Which other female is potentially in the game ? New player interested in his snk game here.
More or less them, maybe Mary and Xiangfei if they feel like getting spicy. There's always a possibility for newcomers too. But yeah it'll just be Jenet, Hotaru, Preecha and Mai afawk
I see. I've checked some gameplay and both Jenet/Mai looks like rushdown, the latter having a fireball with her fan toss. Is that all the difference between the two ? Also Mai has no DP.
>go to /a/ and find out a new rayearth is happening (also ranma and hokuto no ken)
you latam kof fags should be excited for this
>Mai has no DP
Don't remind me, I'm still upset they removed it. Hoping CotW restores some of her moveset to at least justify including her beyond sex appeal Fatal Fury vet because she's so fucking limited

Anyway Jenet can manage rushdown with how much nonsense she can pull. Mai is more shoto-aligned just without said DP. I'd say the difference is that Mai's moveset was made so early that it kind of lacks a lot of fundamental tools most people expect out of a character while Jenet came from the Third Strike generation where movesets were pretty polished, if still imperfect from no balance patches and less hindsight. If Jenet is half as good in CotW as she is in MotW, you'll be in good hands
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I just saw that myself, what a time to be alive.
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>new hokuto no ken

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