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board culture edition

>Demo Days
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Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Anime is henceforth BANNED
- IC
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prove to me this isn't you
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Cancer edition more like
I don't have claws, I have hands.
Eric supports anime thoughbeit.
Also, here's the trailer for Project Nortubel with a song composed by Horbror.
It's what's used on /v/3.
Originally, the trailer was longer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdbjeENF354 and had no music, but Horbror made a cool song and I ended up editing the trailer based on it.
But as of now, the game itself has no music because I want to think about that more later on.
studio ghibli =/= weebcrap
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Positively delightful trailer.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

why the delightful women? is it to reflect portugal's demographic?
>and had no music, but Horbror made a cool song and I ended up editing the trailer based on it.
good thing you changed it otherwise the organizer might have put that Dr fauci remix over your actual trailer
I'm convinced this nigga's just replying to himself now
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When I went to Portugal I don't think I saw a single black person, but I saw hundreds and hundreds of Indians.
Step 1: finish game
Step 2: make a million dollars
Step 3: move to Eastern Europe and find a large breasted blonde virgin at church
Step 4: marry and have 10 kids

It’s literally so easy
When I tell you that this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life I want you to know that I’m not crabbing, I’m serious. You need serious psychological analysis, therapy, and heavy doses of prescription medication
attention: i am working on my game
thank you for the attention
regards, amateur game developer
I'll do it
You'll see
are you a fat african? what kind of retarded dream is this, seek help mental midget
nortumeme is not for bully
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>I want you to know that I’m not crab-AIIEEEEEEEE
You’re enabling someone who needs to be medicated and institutionalized
Nortubel's cast is the way it is because I just felt like adding different kinds of things I liked, in different ways.
And I did have influences from different areas too.
The skit "animation" (More of a slideshow) was just done because I had a basic idea for a comedic short.
Had no music and even said he could've put anything he wanted, since it was a less serious thing
It was animated in Godot, like the main game's cutscenes but it wasn't done inside the main game.
Rather a much more personal project and one too autistic that only one trustworthy friend knows about.
>t. seething incel that hates white women (because they all reject him) and wants an ugly Japanese woman with crooked teeth and no tits
Soul. Horbror is the only dev currently in this general that's capable of producing good music and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
You're right, I'm sorry. I'll stop antagonizing you.
what does Japanese cartoons have to do with board culture of the game dev thread of the video game section of a dank memes and amateur porn forum?
I thought people used this when something was good? Confused with the terminology
Nortubeldev Just Like Makes Game. You? Crab.
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based anime enjoyer
w-what is a "crab"
>pointing out how obviously bad something is = crab
It brings me so much joy to know that none of you will ever make it lmao
how long have been to this general?
Someone who points out the obvious
>Crab mentality, often referred to as "crabs in a bucket" syndrome, is a metaphor for the behavior where individuals pull down or undermine others who are succeeding or progressing, out of envy, jealousy, or insecurity.
>It brings me so much joy to know that none of you will ever make it lmao
Thanks for proving my point. Later, crab.
>want to make cozy co-op space ship factory game
>flying for any reasonable amount of time in a straight line results in unbearable floating point jitters
>unable to use double precision for this without being an enginedev
and every other solution I've tried have tradeoffs I'm not willing to concede. I finally got something working with multiplayer flying over large distances only to discover that I've completely broken the built in particle system, so I'll have to make my own. Has anyone else dealt with this? Is there some magic solution I'm missing? My current approach (based on stuff I have read online from Kerbal & similar devs) is to include an integer vec3 "index" with each transform that effectively chunks everything and moves stuff relative to the focus point index (player), but it seems like every system I make is just more workarounds to keep things working.
these people
Seething tards who dislike when others make it
See >>483217579
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lurk moar, sister
kani ToT
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Alright, here's the billion dollars idea, bros.
>Epstein's Island Tycoon
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Time to turn on some music I listened to 8+ years ago and start implementing jump buffering and input buffering
Yeah I’m seething so hard looking at this literally heinously disgusting “art” made in ms paint by a clearly mentally ill child. Definitely not laughing at all of you and how impossibly low your standards are or anything, couldn’t be that LMAO
Cope, seethe...
>gf annoys me for sex
>push her down onto the bed and blow her back out
>nut and immediately roll over to my desk to get back to work
I live like a king
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I'm burning out
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Pokemon Snap but you take pictures of naked celebrities on the beach
I'll take things that didn't happen for $100, Alex.
Unless this anon's "GF" is a sex doll
>if I pretend the person I’m arguing with is really upset then I win
Why would I be mad about someone making the worst looking art that I’ve ever seen? Other than it being an affront to God Himself, it’s mostly just sad and I feel sympathy in the same way people feel bad when they see a mentally retarded child doing something embarrassing
>if I say LMAO instead of showing my anger and insecurities I win
No one (at least, not me) said it was good, just that you're a pathetic crab.
how sad is it that your art is worse than his art though?
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>lmao 8 years ago? How old is this dinosaur fart-
>realize I'm now regularly listening to my music from 11 years ago
art is for gays
Is it crabbing or is it just criticism? Very few can actually distinguish the two.

this was supposed to be the next pokemon, from 2m players to 13k
what went VERY wrong?
I think you guys project your own insecurities onto anyone who is critical of anything posted here, reverting to your high school selves who were mercilessly bullied and ridiculed for being pathetic faggots. It wasn’t right for those bullies to treat you that way, and it’s never too late to start the healing process
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>1998 was 51 years ago
That game made like 100 million dollars bro
watching Japanese cartoons turns you gay
I'm making a game that will make 100 million dollars
people flocked around it to stick it to pokemon. the game was never good and the developers always intended to push it in a cynical viral marketing stunt
a gachashart game with generic anime girl showing titties does that in a month or two lil bro
sit the fuck down lil bro
if you have a gf then you're essentially gay
girls are so faggy it's unreal
>sucking dick and wanting to get dicked down
>fashion oriented, squeal with delight at things
>high pitched gay voice
girls are super gay and that makes you gay when you feed their cock hunger
Criticism had to be constructive, not that hard to distinguish between the two.
you will never be a woman
>a gachashart game with generic anime girl showing titties does that in a month or two lil bro
>sit the fuck down lil bro
best post of the last 5 threads
peer reviewed source for this claim?
And trans
Ok so make one lil bro
you gotta have that mental radar where you can tell a real ass nigga from a thug you feel?
nortubro is probably a teen and he makes more progress than 80% of the thread lol. he also doesn't bother replying to over emotional anons saying some sassy shit like "worst art ever. an affront to god! it's the worst thing I've EVER seen" okay bro we get you're opinionated and zesty as hell simmer down
deez nuts
Are you saying Eric Barone is gay?
i accept your trooncession (concession made by a trans) lil sister
i'm already making a NGMI shartformer albeit, i want to look at my first piece of shit game with 2 reviews max on steam as motivation for my dream game
ok pedo
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Tobert Fox released his megahit game at 24 years old. In 7 years Tobert will be 40 years old.

Ponder this.
more like megaSHIT game
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Here Is How Songs Of Everjade Can Still Win
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What's going on here?
We all get old.
Keep us updated on your journey using defold, anon. I'm interested.
speak for yourself
>I'm the same age he was when he released UT
>I have done jack shit so far
Time is running out.jpg
>makes pixelshit farming sims
>takes selfies
>is into crystals and astrology
>married a woman that looks like a man

he was hacking earthbound at 15. he was playing piano in middle school. you have zero chance
Tumblrt Fox*
I was worldbuilding and writing at 15. I was drawing maps in middle school. I think I got this
How is playing piano in middle school a flex what the hell lol
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He already had a small fanbase backing and funding him. I have to sell chicken 8-9 hours a day. We are not the same.
I came up with Hollow Knight when I was 15
the point is that you'll never compose music as great as his if you start in adulthood
Then why didn't you make it
he has a music background, theres a reason nintendo has asked him to compose music for their games
I know like 15 people who played piano in middle school it’s just a weird and unimpressive flex
I was 15
I actually like Undertale.
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same but with designing sans and papyrus
god I'm still mad
>the point

[your head]
It seemed pretty gay, why is there a forced romance interaction between two guys? Is the developer gay?
post your art before and after
No your point was just bad and unintelligent, there are better more logically consistent ways to demotivate people if that’s your goal
>No your point was just bad and unintelligent, there are better more logically consistent ways to demotivate people if that’s your goal
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not sure what you mean but the og designs looked like this
my game is soulless
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>>No your point was just bad and unintelligent, there are better more logically consistent ways to demotivate people if that’s your goal
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>someone on twitter with less follows than followers follows you
feature not a bug
how do I design mons, monclone devs?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Just in case.
you're an idiot. starting early is a good indicative of success

eric's father was a boeing engineer that encouraged him to mess with computers so he was fiddling with BASIC as a kid. they gave him a keyboard so by highschool he was playing music in bands
they know how to make good looking thumbnail with castles and nature, they gotta make their games have that feel somehow
I can imagine at least 3 reasons why nintendo would ask him, but none of it was born from good intentions
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pokemon + baldurs gate
bionicle + demon's souls
Bakugan + Mystery Case Files
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Gormiti + Zoo Tycoon 2
Is there multiplayer? Needs multiplayer. Also needs better visual effects like explosions/hit animations/general feedback for the player
Oban Star Racers + Rise of Nations
this nigga is making dota 0.5
idk the music was good and some of the writing was funny
Life doesn't end when you become 25, you'll live
I am Groot
Did that tree man use a penis attack?
Power Rangers + Army Men: RTS
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Are mods still sweeping the streets? Shitposting in /agdg/ is my favorite pass time...
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Galactik Footbal + Anno 1404
Then what does that make >>483219770 and >>483220043?
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! + Emperor Rise of Middle Kingdom
looks cool what's your game? i'll give it a play next dd if you enter
Mirrored Soul. I don't know if we'll make DD this time but probably the next one
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Beyblade + Prince of Qin
normie locust swarm, they typically leave stragglers behind. i hope i can lure this swarm to my game. no intent of updating it much as once they're gone they'll likely never come back and i'd rather work on a new game now. get rich off their dopamine social clout chasing behavior to kick back and relaxingly neet dev and advance my gamedev skills knowing i never have to wage again
my ideas + you doing all the work to make it happen
Isn't her hand backwards?
how about we combine our ideas and split the work 50/50, babe
visual novel + /agdg/
This is awesome.
nta but most succesful people are at the cusp of massive success by that age and have a track record suggesting that will happen before they even hit theur mid 30s. if you're in your 20s without that obvious trail of success it feels impossible to pull a gmi gamedev success or company creation
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I don't think anyone here has the vision or soul to pull a good VN. This is from 1999 VN btw
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I just tested this out, and I don't think it's gonna work honestly. The player has very little time to react when a W or S note appears. I guess I could make them smaller, but I don't think that would make it much better. Plus, maybe I'm just too used to everything being horizontal, but this has completely changed the way the game feels. It doesn't really feel like you're hitting notes to the music anymore; it just feels like you're pressing random buttons.
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>Shitposting in /agdg/ is my favorite pass time...

she's so prettier, why can't i have a gf like this but with long hair? where's her ponytail?
you know your post is cooked when the bochitroon takes a break from posting ecelebs to agree with you
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>good VN
Make them approach diagonally, that way all get roughly the same time
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Should I go with the old hairstyle? I still need to texture everything and make a good hair shader but I think the skin shader is pretty good.
>rages at bocchi post
>claims its the eceleb poster
>last eceleb post over 40 minutes ago
>the other anons game has almost 500 followers and is ranked on the wishlist tracker
your divide and conquer strategy wont work when you have to result to lies
>tranime transdaptation for secondaries(female)
At that point, I might as well just make them move vertically and use ASJK instead.
fixed a bug
i think your game would do really well if all the characters were hot sexy anthro babes instead of kpops
good jerb. proud of you, agger
both hairstyles look fine, your call
>xhe doesn't know
>Slowly shows you concept art
Imagine if Cosmic Call took you out of its purple skybox to show you some still images.
Using that eye style just because they’re Asian is seriously racist man
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Mkay, I think the new hairstyle will work better with the hoodie shape.
any french "people" here?
>january was 2 years ago
relax jamal
Ex-Valve developer shits on YT gamedev influencers
My wife, azurdev. Why?
>30 yo
>have a forehead wrinkle
is this normal? should I get botox? Is this a sign I should give up on my gamedev dream?
It means you're evolving
I want to grab her twintails and pull her mouth down to the base of my cock.
really dig the song
No you can keep working on your game as long as it’s not something basic and childish like a platformer

How is this not released yet?
I learned absolutely nothing from tutorials. All I did was study the code of other projects and read the Godot documentation.
Her cock is bigger than yours.
azur horbror and dingo collab
Man, this game's gonna flop so hard. I have no malice towards the dev, but it's just not appealing. The name, the premise of being a fuckin cube guy, this is not the kind of game you buy on steam. This is a mobile game.
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I'm gonna give up on making assets, and just use the assets from retro games.
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How do I get more steam wishlists without sucking satanic jew dick?
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he took the money and ran
I just burped up some taco bell while sitting on the toilet shitting. This is honestly my rock bottom. My game is great though and I have a 6 figure remote tech job
Post your game and I can tell you
>use godot
opinion descarted
Make a better game next time cosmicalliger
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Thanks for viewing my pplog (my picture progress blog.)
boku found a twitter post he liked so he has to redo all the art, see you in 3 years!
I'm actually glad to see my observation about "gamedev" youtubers be supported by a real boomer developer.
To be fair those new screenshots on that steam page look a lot better than what the game used to be
Chet is completely right about "gamedev" youtubers being youtubers and not real gamedevs, but his "I shipped a game in a year" is a bad example. L4D2 was able to ship in a year because Valve already had L4D as a base to rewrite/build off of, and a ~40 person team that grew to ~80 for crunch time.
>The Godot endorsement
Aggy ETERNALLY BTFO'd. How are you gonna argue against a guy who worked on L4D, TF2, and Portal?
That guy was getting sucked off in every thread and he only got 1k wishlists? Grim
nice cult of damaskus clone
That level looks like it sucks
good plog
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If I don't make it to this demo gay I will fucking kill myself.
Asset flip
Don't feel so bad marmanusnix. I'm skipping this one too
Do you even have a game? You just post the same anime picture
nothing wrong with dropping an update between demon days
>v3 has 2k views
>my game still didnt get any attention
it's so unironically over
Project Nortubel?
cool. maybe light those candles. maybe make them red fire or something!
In godot what would be the simplest way to keep the players air momentum while a variable is true? Ive noticed that if I set my velocity.x to something fast as shit in the left axis it only applies to the character while they’re moving left and not in general, Ive worked around it by manually having the code press the left or right key in places but this seems to have bitten me in the ass. This is the only remaining hurdle I have please saars help
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>Do you even have a game?
Of course I do.
Post Game?
Damn shes such a cutie
I would love to see it :)
1. Marmoreal
2. Cult of Damascus
3. Forge Industry
it's one of those 3
Do you guys remember the guy making that satanic Babel pixel art game that lied and larped about going to a game dev conference and getting a deal with devolver digital? Whatever happened to him? He never posted again after he got proven to be lying kek
>do you guys remember
that was literally a week ago you retard
god you're so cute I would destroy your bussy
you're talking about Shanghai Gold
Don't get angry, it's been a looong week
Im making a 2d platformer and it will succeed
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Bandits fight in 3/4
why would a viewbot be interested in your game?
Now that Marmascus is back, what's the /agdg/ boomer shooter ranking looking like?
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*like this. also fake god rays if you can
They're all in the shitter. I wish people stopped making boomer shooters
>Im making a 2d platformer and it will succeed
You're right anon that almost never ever happens. Not ever.
40 to 55 of those games are hot garbage, are you releasing a game that isn't your average unity tutorial anon?
Thanks for the mockup. I'll do my best
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Alright, here it is vertically using ASJK instead of WASD. Same song, same notes, etc. Only difference is the layout and controls. I'll probably include both versions the submission for DD57, so more people can play them and decide which one is best.

guys you just know I gotta say it...

I seriously love this hobby!
holy SOUL
I was advising him on the skill tree stuff last I saw. and I remember him saying he was going somewhere but I must have missed the fallout.
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Looks great. Hopefully Damaskus isn't too retarded to figure this out.
>v3 viewbots
>Hopefully Damaskus isn't too retarded
do we tell him?
good night all my aggies and daggies
heh more like damn ass kiss
He said use Godot if you want to "dabble and have fun". Not a ringing endorsement! Surely, he would have said to use Unity for SERIOUS game development.
what engine did anacrusis use? UE?
This is why you have to be so careful about naming your game.
An oversight like this could cost you everything. Some joker comes along and points out that your game title sounds like something else, especially if it has a swear or body parts in it, and it's completely over for you.
Yikes. RIP Damaskus or should I say, "Damn Ass Kiss."
>alve already had L4D as a base to rewrite/build off of
Yeah, the Freedom Planet guys had their first game to work off of, and still took like 8 years to finish the sequel because the main dev was a mentally ill tranny. Indie devs can reuse work too
>"Serious game development", he says in a game dev thread where 99% of the people here aren't serious
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.
I need to do some work so I can reuse it. smart...
>Over on the Lisa side, the marketing consultants came up with the name "Applause." This was announced to us at a midmorning "cookie meeting" in the Bandley II atrium. Instantly, an engineer named Chris Franklin replied "Buy Applause, get the clap!" There was hysterical laughter, and that was the end of "Applause."
I seriously hope making a game will get me a girlfriend.
I will start developing my game on tuesday.
You will see in 11 days.

I'm not any of them.
Any old timers have tips for a first time DD submitter?
You can do it, anon
I wish it was summer sale already, lads.
If you were serious about getting a GF you would get a hobby/job that actually means something to women like being a chef or something. What's a girl gonna get out of dating a game dev? Not much.
Comment rudely on other dev's game pages, this will cause visitors to skip their games and be more likely to play yours
Remember that it is not enough that you should succeed -- Others must fail.
I just checked the Discord, it uses Unreal Engine 4.
Bokube dev has been a retard spending what feels like 10+ years on it, when multiple clones came and went already, doesn't help the trailer is the way it is and how he constantly keeps trying to move away from a colorful aesthetic for it.
That's really good.
Just like make game.
>agdg is full of godot cultists now
I think I will keep using unity
If it makes you feel better, I am planning on using game maker
>In human–computer interaction, baby duck syndrome denotes the tendency for computer users to "imprint" on the first system they learn, then judge other systems by their similarity to that first system. The result is that "users generally prefer systems similar to those they learned on and dislike unfamiliar systems".[22] The issue may present itself relatively early in a computer user's experience, and it has been observed to impede education of students in new software systems or user interfaces.[23]
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What fucking games do millennials like?

The screenshots that are there are pretty colorful I'm confused?
dark souls but not elden ring
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Me again, now I'm not so sure, both of your girls are appealing in different ways. Considering her Korean looks, some sort of long hair combined with that sweater seems fitting. Just my opinion, I do have a tendency to liking long hair.
>captcha: 8JAP
a week dedicated to bugfixes.....
It's easy, be a AAA games company. I agdg, you don't make games that kids would enjoy, you make games where you enjoy kids (lolis)
hammerhead shark-lookin' ass nigga
what kind of sound should accompany the firing of an arrow?
its literally impossible to save and and load moving platforms positions and directions
i now understand why platformers save and load at the end of levels instead of any time the player quits the game and kicks you out of the level if they do
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if people were still making flash games this would already be a thing
Engage their curiosity
The sound of a bowstring moving through the air and/or hitting a bracer. I'm sure there are plenty of videos of people shooting historical bows rather than the modern composite ones.
I don't have saving and loading in my game atm but the plan was to either have it at the start of the area or when a player moves to a new area. Inbetween just sounds like a hassle but I didn't realize it was that much of hassle. I thought Nolgorb anon was capable of somewhat getting it saved.
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it worked until it stopped working now it stopped working because i added more platforms
>It's literally impossible to do this thing because I suck at programming
Oh....didn't realize it was you I was talking to. So it's actually hard?
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Meant for >>483234265
good words
Anime localizers are so retarded that they all got replaced by AI
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Man looking at this data....it's just abysmal. All these players but most don't even seem to buy new stuff at all. Assuming I'm reading this right. Feels like most just stick to the same triple A/popular indie games that are free and just play tens of thousands of hours on it.

Funnily enough looking through the data my amount of gaming time seems to be going down enough that Roody 2D is somehow in the top 5 most played games of last year for me. At least on Steam that is. I never even bought it, I only played the demo. Most of the games I played that year were solely being used for some sort of reference purpose. But what excuse do the normies have for playing so much yet sinking it into the same game and almost never touching anything else? Team Fortress 2 isn't that fun or CS Go or Rust. Just how the heck do you rip these people off these games to play your stuff? Besides being triple A, company with lots of funding, triple I, or some other established company/dev with a fanbase, how do you even pull a crowd nowadays? 15 years ago? Easy. 10 years ago? Still easy. 5 years ago? Okay now it's moderate difficulty. Now? Feels impossible.
>40 peoeple have my game wishlisted
we are all going to make it
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Been looking at 3D DS models for examples of extremely low poly but good looking models. The mario kart DS models do a lot to showcase detail with extremely low triangle counts where only the top half of the models are actually rendered. For some reason the black texture for this model randomly turns transparent here, but I wanted to make an elf man guy.
Daikon anon.....
Every time I felt this I just sat down fucking about the code for 3 days making no progress until I eventually got it
Just make a game, retard. Your job isn't to unseat Rust or TF2, just make a game, make it good, and people will play it
Why are you making a streamer ragebait game when you could be capturing the furfag coomer audience?
>how to lose soul in 1 easy step
>le soul
agdg calling something 'soul' is like a woman giving a complement to a fat girl because she doesn't feel threatened. "Soul" is the kiss of death for your game, it is unmarkable, raise your game until the retards start complaining about lost soul then you know you've reached the bare minimum quality threshold and are starting to intimidate other devs
Someone called out your soulless asset flip for what it was huh?
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Added basic AI states/behavior to the frog. Need to tweak the actual values to balance him (how long should he crouch for, how fast should he jump, etc.)
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frogdoubters in absolute shambles
divide the space in virtual cubes, once you reach the end you move into the next cube and the world space is recentered
> people aren't playing fifa 18 anymore, what went so wrong? Will EA ever recover?
Why are there so many Wolf3D clones all of a sudden? It’s like everyone forgot Doom already happened in 1993.
Wolf3D =/= Doom
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That’s my point. Making a Doom clone makes sense because Doom hasn’t been made obsolete by another game. Wolf3D however is completely obsolete, because Doom made it obsolete, so it makes no sense to make a Wolf3D clone when you could make a Doom clone instead.
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Alright aggy-kuns so are these the best avenues of getting some form of gamedev gf? Easiest to harded
>successful game chad
Likely only fangirls, female devs that want to team up with you due to your success
>music chad
Likely art chicks and fangirls. Horbror for reference with his art gf.
>art chad
Likely music chicks or fangirls only.
>code chad
Good luck you're gonna need it lol

The music goes well with the trailer Notubel-kun
I literally just need enough money from my game to buy a car so I can take women on dates. I don't care about getting "status" to get a girlfriend.
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Anyone want to do a game jam with me?
this was amazing. damascus I hope you are taking notes.
how nice i think i have the starting stages of arthritis. kept getting a random twinge of pain in my wrist today and maybe yesterday. this is tiresome, it feels like im on a slow descent to worse health. how long until i need an artist gf to handle drawing all my art?
You can still stop it if you get on medication asap.
Dont wait until it fully sets to do something about it.
>the starting stages of arthritis
more likely carpal tunnel
Just stretch and rest more?
I got a scare like that after grinding art for 12 hours a daily and it turned out I had to stretch more, I saw the literal devil when I was doing the wrist stretching but it got better after that. I hope that's the case for you.
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is AI finally useful for game dev?
I don't know
not really. It's ok if your game is generic slop for undiscerning customers. but if you are passionate about your game and want to make something unique, AI sucks
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rate my MC
kekd at the lunge he does at you with the tongue going crazy. will this be in demo day surpasser anon? you're surpasser anon, right?
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decide for yourself
holy kino
it has potential in the horror genre
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this is just what I need for my games cutscenes.
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make a dark souls MYSTERIOUS lore dump opening
NTA but it's because i've done NSFW for so long, doing a low poly game thats not straight up porn but has cute furry girls is something I want to try.
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I thought licensing official Fumo merch of your game was very hard.
Maybe my dream is achievable after all...
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doubt there are meds but if it keeps up i'll probably make an appointment

yeah that

hope its simple stretches otherwise every aspect of my health is going downhill enough to block me from attempting much in terms of employment. eventually gamedev if this keeps up
How do I get into philosophy to make ultra deep lore for my game? Start with Nietzsche? I want my game's story to be so deep that people make 30 minute essay videos.
>Just have a game that has 8K reviews bro, it's not hard
You just need cool names, like "Zanzibart".
if you're asking this question and for some reason think Nietzsche has anything to do with it, this is likely not going to be a strong point for you.
Accept that you're a lorelet and play to your strengths instead, or hire a loremaster.
where to find loremaster old wise sir
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I guess so.
The time frame for AI sucking passed like 6 months ago. Anyone downplaying its ability to enhance your solodev art and make shit people cant even tell is helped by AI are lying to you.

Same with code more so now the newest chat GPT is really good at C#. Dispite AI getting massively better each year and month to the point where no solo dev should go without it, every single persons public opioin is AI sucks but the usage is something like 60% of all devs are using it from indie to AAA and not telling anyone.

Do with that what you will.
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They are only found in the unlikeliest of places
ill start using it once it can do good 3d models and/or animations
>making an ai generated video out of an ai generated image
We are reaching levels of slop no longer thought possible.
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>great for making BG art
>if you wanna make multiple pictures of the same character design, you need to train it first
this is specifically for 2D AI Art
also, you don't need to go full-AI. you can make a rough sketch and AI can fill it out for you with better/cleaner detail and colors.
works the other way around too, where you let AI generate the image and edit it as desired.
if you focus on using raw gens, it will be an inconsistent mess. you need properly trained AI models and a willingness to edit if you want to maintain cohesion.
most applications i've seen are in VNs, but I saw some trying to use it in platformers, while others use it to for inconsequential stuff like background trees, rocks, textures, etc
I've used it to generate some model ideas for the game, and some music track concepts. But for actual full game dev it's still pretty hands on human. Not sure about the coding side since while I can see it doing smaller stuff code wise, i cant imagine it can string together a fully working engine to do X/Y/Z.
not with that attitude
>9 AM in Mumbai
>AI posting starts
every time
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rate my art
Has AI put game developers out of a job yet?
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rate my wizard
The needful has been fulfilled.
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we can get sloppier.
Is it truly spaghetti code if works exactly how you want it to
most ambitious application I saw of it is in a porn game.
in that game, you end up doing repeated sex acts, but new pictures are generated each time sex happens.
you could extrapolate that into any game where you're expected to repeat an event over and over but want the visuals to constantly change. like if you have a game that has an "Explore Forest" function and you can generate a new Forest image each time.
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s-she's fast!
do >>483226069
>This machine. I hate it.
>Because it does exactly what I tell it and not what I want it to do.
Being able to upgrade any of your weapons/stats at any point in time, anywhere


Needing to be at some kind of "hub" or "home base" in order to do that? (which you would likely go to after every big mission)

For a shooter.
>Maximum usage limit exceeded
I'm out. lumalabs.ai you only get 5 generations per day.
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Progress report. I haven't finished drawing the candleabras, and I haven't looked into god rays yet. Getting the lights to look decent took a ton of tweaking.
>you need properly trained AI models and a willingness to edit if you want to maintain cohesion.
nta but i gathered this, feels like a hassle as ive reached a point where this stuff (putting in effort) just feels like a bother even if potentially useful
Find an item that lets you upgrade. Makes it more fun
mine has this. i went with option two as its a safe location you go to after every level, except last boss level. makes the place feel more useful that way
That is what I'm doing. Each transform has an integer vec3 index, that defines the "chunk" it's supposed to be inside, and every time the player moves outside this chunk everything is shifted. But there are so many tradeoffs that I was hoping there would be another approach.
found the main enemy for my game, nothin personnel
good job man! godrays can be done simply with a fanning out mesh/cone with a fading out gradient texture. would work in just about any engine.
Come on anon you can do better
Please bake the lighting if you haven't already
I was not expecting that crotch
how are isometric games like baldur’s gate 1 made
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how's this
>bake the lighting
>can't shoot the candles and make the room dark
as far as I know it's just 2d with some masking to denote areas that are impassible or behind a structure, the isometric part is just provided by the art.
What is he listening to?
Yeah, it was a snarky comment, and not my proudest moment, but it does apply to a significant number of indie devs. I tend to enjoy the contributions from anons who don't use assets from the marketplace. The demoralizing part, is devs who are getting screwed by Sneed, and totally reflect the behavior; even though Chuck thinks of them as "subhuman."
Perfect for a cult of trannies
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Congrats on your bottom surgery!!
It looks just like the real thing!!
The environments were modeled in 3D and then rendered and used as a 2D backdrop.
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Has /agdg/ ever even made one single CRPG?
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>Anon, could you explain the 2 year gap between your last job and now?
I gooned alot while failing to make my dream game and project hopping. Would you like to play one of my demos?
I made a playable demo for a class project
how to do this 2d?

t. did it using lines and a transparent color but no gradient iirc
Im 27 and i have never had a job.
I wonder what the boss man would think if i told him that if he freaks out when he hears someone took a 2 year break from working
I'm working on it.

let's set the scene:
You're on a tropical island. There are chocolate elves, amazons, pirates, and colonists.

You stop by the local island tavern, glass of milk is what is ordered. Refreshing.
I'm 29 and I've never had a job
I totally believe that. Nevertheless, after job-hopping a bit in my 20s, I stayed at my last job for almost 30 years. I've found that money isn't everything. I know that's pretty much heresy around here, but it's been my truth.
you guys either live in europe or have good parents
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she looks just like me fr fr
thank you anons
as a pirate steps in, The Hero realizes there are pirates surrounding the tavern, looking in the windows and about to attack.

Finishing the glass of milk, he turns to the camera with a sly grin and a shrug, and says: "Boy I sure hope you remembered to Quick-Save...!"
On hearing this, the tavern keeper puts his palm to his face like "oh brother..."
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Remember the Kenshi developer Chris Hunt said he quit his dev job because he never wanted to work with another man's code ever again and worked security while making his game?
I'm making a rogue-like.

You have lives, and you can gain lives during play through feats of heroics.
Right after I finished tech school, and I was waiting for my first technician job, I worked for my friend's home remodeling contractor company for a couple weeks. I was the "helper," so naturally I got all the shit work. At minimum wage too. He kept jerking off, paying fractions of what he owed me, then "forgetting" how much was left, etc. I think I ended up only getting about a quarter what I was owed. This was a "friend" (note the quotes). I can only imagine what happens with the dumbass bitch contractors who hire laborers from the side of the road, local Hispanic district. Those Sneeds don't have any recourse (kek if you don't count the local MS-13 chapter). I hear fuckers tell me about the "wait to clock in" gig. Many "help themselves" to their employers' assets. I don't condone that, but I also don't condone getting ripped off. Large-scale, white-collar employers reap fucking billions from stolen wages. My first job was hourly and I made money over my standard wages (an honest employer - defense contractor, audited with a proctoscope). But yeah during my exempt career I encountered all kinds of nickel-and-dime behavior. Those nickels and dimes add up to new Porsches in the driveways of Sneed managers.
Getting shafted for your first jobs isnt too uncommon but your friend does sound like a piece of shit. Those people tend to get ahead though because they have no sense of guilt are morals.
I got shafted too for my first jobs and boomer response was 'ya gotta start somewhere'.
Honestly, I always get impressed how tthose illegal mexicans manage to save money to start their own businesses eventually while being ripped off by laborers.
based except sadly he's a cuck
is that a requirement to making it as a solodev?
>'ya gotta start somewhere
Not him but to this DAY I still bring up the time my parents forced me to the paper run as a teen. Took 2 days, 300 houses, we lived in the most hilly part of town, all for $7.50. Not per hour, that's per the whole week. This was in 2010 too so it's not like I was earning 80's money here. And you know what my parents response to it was and still is? "Had to start somewhere.". Fucking cunts I was BEING RIPPED OFF HOW'S THAT OFF TO A GOOD START???
talking to boomers be like
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wtf bros when did 3D Ai models get this good? I thought we were still stuck with blob potato models

No wonder you became a game dev.
eheeme...... Anti - AI bros........ ehmmm.....
I'm sure that there's a bunch of video game CEOs, drooling over the thought of firing all their artists, engineers, etc. and doing everything with AI. That may actually work. For a year or two. Then, those who learn to leverage AI and add their own skills will knock those CEOs into the skip. It seems like Cris is currently having a difficult time integrating AI stuff into his work; but that's more because the stuff he does, and the platforms he uses, are currently not a particularly rich AI substrate. I suspect that will rapidly change, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do.
Weren't this discovered to have real modelers making the models quick for low pay? Or is it real ai this time?
>Likely art chicks and fangirls. Horbror for reference with his art gf.
Yeah I think a lot of people here are thinking "wow he got a gf because he's a gamedev, that could be me next!" but they're forgetting that he's also a musician which is objectively higher on the coolness scale for women. Hell she even approached him to get some music done for her game at first, try having that as a programmer.
this is realtime
Did another round of playtesting, this time playing like a noob would. It was still fun. Can’t be anything wrong with the game, it’s the world that just doesn’t understand it.
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>All of these 3D models were generated by AI
How do we cope traditional 3D artists...
Were getting replaced...
learn how to texture paint
I've was on DD43 and 46 (Or something around that time) will I have to start posting my game again here before I try for the next demo day?
>Already 1K sold
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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they not like us
How often do you guys refactor code?
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but can it generate plappy little goblins i can coom to?
No. CRPG is like one step behind the MMO pipedream in workload quantity.
>eric barone
he doesn't post here lil bro. go take it to his twitter or something.
Not even close.
Every time I add a major feature, I spend a few hours.
In a race, when the third guy passes the finish line, the distance between them and the second place, isn't the same as the place between the first and the second place.
Nevertheless, he is third.
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Honestly I've accepted my fate that I wasted a decade of my life learning this stuff thinking I'd have a career. I also find it actually kind of cool because it's awesome technology but I will be there in the darkness laughing at everyone else when AGI hits and every human skill becomes useless like mine.
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learn to mine
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So that's it huh, we're really just gonna let the Basilisk get built.
I tried it and its shit for anything custom(ie hasn't been trained on)
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I found a black goblin model someone generated.
Not very plappable though...
Apparently using a reference image helps a lot with that sort of thing
>billion free and paid 3d assets already exist
>but oh no there might be ai slop free and paid 3d assets soon!
the plappy coom goblin was generated with the lumlabs ai people were spamming a while back but the pieces were made separately then combined in blender
Frankly, career is a spook. You just do things you get paid for. Maybe the stuff you've been doing falls out of grace, and you need to adapt. Maybe you just find something you'll be paid for better.

AI is going to destroy my field in the next few years, or the very least reduce my department of a half a dozen guys to one. It is no big loss for humanity, but I know that personally I will have to adapt.
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Is making a horror game light-hearted ruining the immersion ?
>mfw posted the wrong reaction
This is why you should do something else as your main job like dropshipping while art is your hobby you do for fun.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Depends on the execution. I can see it being pulled off well and using the light-hearted sections to le people loosen up for the horror sections.
I don't think humans can really be replaced as easily as a lot of do-nothing middle managers would like to think, but on the way to society finally realizing that, a lot of people are going to lose their livelihood in a world that unfortunately sees food, shelter, and medical care as a privilege that must be continually earned through enriching the already wealthy.
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a friend told me my game lacked texture, so I literally downloaded textures online, made them monochrome, and applied them to the wall and ground. should I make the whole game like that crabsisters?
At the very least it will lead to less people being able to do the more work in the same amount of time, which will still mean lots of people losing their jobs
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Yes, I don't think "replace" is the right word. More like making fewer people more efficient, so they don't have to employ that many people and department. The bright is that individuals might also be able to get more thing sdone, that they would have needed a whole team for, a decade ago.
I disagree, as the tools become easier to use and more powerful there will come a point when the mainstream, currently clueless masses will be able to just generate amazing quality stuff on their phones, leaving the artists in an even worse spot. The only thing I can see as a silverlining is that as more AI content is generated, it will start getting trained on itself and things could get pretty fucking stale after a while without new human input to feed on.
>Then, those who learn to leverage AI and add their own skills will knock those CEOs into the skip.
Pretty much, having the money to throw hundreds of specialists at a game is the only thing AAA studios have going for them, that's their moat, if AI weren't just a meme and could put hundreds of people out of work then their moat is gone and they have nothing to offer.
>It seems like Cris is currently having a difficult time integrating AI stuff into his work
Even if cris weren't retarded AI seems hard to integrate into gamedev. Like I hope you only want one character portrait and no other poses because if you do that character will look slightly different and probably be wearing different clothes. Even ai voice acting has been ruined already by overuse.
Synty is SOVL
>not programming the candles to switch out the textures once they've been put out
>phycological horror vs gore horror
Maybe it's a bit much? I think I prefer the first one but second one definitely helps bring out some depth.
Ai voice acting that is indistinguishable from real human voice and has sliders you can move around to change the tone of each word is what I really want. I have no money to pay voice actors and I don't want silent NPCs or mumbling nonsense
why is gamemaker bad?
Several years here but not 10 years. But ehh like the other anon said, career is nothing more than a glorified job. Not like I was heading anywhere well paying. So that lessens the burdensl but man every 5 years gamedev success gets noticeably harder to pull off. I think the odds of makong it off gamedev will be abysmally low before we even hit 2030.

Unironically naming one of the things the normie locusts invaded prior to the gamedev invasion. If you were early enough you probably got rich off that.
Your assumption is that improvement on what you see now will be exponential or even linear, because you probably missed the last 10 years of developments in machine learning and from your perspective LLMs just apeared out of nowhere and seem set to take over, well they're not going to. What you see now is pretty close to the peak, all improvement from this point on requires exponentially more data, and all potential sources of training data are currently being rapidly contaminated by last generation's LLMs like an Indian river being shit in and then used for cooking and drinking water.

AI doomers pipe down
my game is an orblike if that helps
not even open source like unity and unreal
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how would that work? if you put out 1 light, the light behind it should vanish, if you have a lightmap, the whole area is usually baked, not individual walls. this could get messy. if you manually put 'lit' walls behind each candle, it's kind of a pain if you want to move a candle.
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>Ai voice acting that is indistinguishable from real human voice and has sliders you can move around to change the tone of each word is what I really want
It's almost like AI is always just 2 more weeks away from being actually useful...

Well it's easier for you to get a job and pay for voice acting than it is to wait for some AI startup to develop the tool you want and then give it to you for free forever.
I enjoy GMS2. But I also decided from the beginning that my game is going to be a 2D one, where all the graphic is just different sprites, and I will never do even an inch of modelling, texturing, rigging.

I also would never recommend for anything that makes heavy use of UI elements. That shit is a pain to program on this engine.
Wow your parents unironically were terrible, why do I get the feeling yours might not even give you an inheritance? Mine are disappointed that all I keep getting are shit jobs and that my degree is useless. They and I were sold on the idea it guarenteed success by society. Now look at all those college grads working those min wage jobs they were threatened to be stuck in for life, heh. Now Im unemployed and gamedevving. Gamedev is unironically my best chance of not being a failure when it comes to money.
Damn, you go, king! Keep on winning!
Because it's a dinosaur engine. No reason to use it in 2024 when better options exist.
>worked security
I keep hearing this shilled by /biz/, how hard is this as a skeleton? Not like my degree is of any use, just worried about confrontation when I dont look physically threatening besides that "im dead inside look". Would be nice to come in with a laptop and gamedev for hours with minute looks at the security cams.
>inb4 I get screwed and thieves show up while Im devving
>They and I were sold on the idea it guarenteed success by society.
Same here really. Now I just realize they were as clueless as I was, on how to succeed in society. Going for the most marketed path, of sending their kid for higher education.
>multiple light sources
didn't account for that, sorry. I was assuming that you only had 1 light source for the room.
it doesn't work, or is too tedious, if there are multiple
A programming language cannot be soul, soul is what the person makes with the technology, not the technology itself
I have a friend who works security, in the EU though, so it might be different in the US. Obviously depends on where you work and who do you work for. Most of the times though, it is about just dealing with people. Maybe helping out someone who is lost. Remember, you are a security guard, not a bouncer. If shit goes down, you are to call the police, not play a hero, or corporate military.
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>programming language
i’ll be real
i’m a huge fucking brainlet and i can’t understand godot’s node system
>monch monch :)
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Making sure of something before cutscene work.
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>nodes are easy to understand bro :)
You're talking about an AI tool so powerful that it will make dumb people smart, and artlets artisic. That sort of tech is so far away. Only slopheads addicted to the dopamine cycle of proompting cope that the tech as of now has any value besides being a toy. I've easily spent over a hundred hours gooning using AI chatbots, and its already starting to lose its appeal, just like games do when you start getting a feel of how they "work under the hood". The drive to learn, understand and refine that "stuff under the hood" is what seperates consumers from artists/developers, and the more people delegate their thinking process to chatGPT, the more need there will be for people capable of original thought.

As of right now, the only two potential uses for ""AI"" are voice acting, and generating sloppy smut literature for a cheeky cum.
Nodes are literally just a class. You use nodes as objects.
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another zero progress day
If you think visual scripting is even comparable to nodes then I don't think you're smart enough to make games
theyre just scripts
I am kinda curious how viable it is to actually make a game like this. Is the performance of such a game even viable after its all said and done?
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What do you guys use to create levels in Godot?
it's ok for what it is but limited in scope
if you are making a mario clone, sure
but if you use unity or godot, you will be able to recycle those skills to make larger, more ambitious projects later
it's pretty much psychologically unmanageable
visual scripting is a noob trap
supposedly a game made entirely in unreal blueprints will have about 10%-20% less fps than c++
Engine language you know what I meant you obese fucking cat
I understand the system but theres like 600 of them so I don’t know what 90% of them do
you don't need all of them
i just use area3ds for everything
/v/3 inspired me to start working on a game. Trying to get a game made for the next year's show is a nice goal to have.
Yep same deal here. Certain specialized degrees give better odds, but those are few so unless you already know at 18 you'll probably fail at picking one of those. The majority of degrees seem to require you to either be female or someone with some form if connections/social standing for it to be of much use. Nothing more than a piece of paper for a checklist. *sigh* idk what I will do but I'm really hoping a few scenarios play out to maximize my chances of getting financially wealthy. But the next several decades are starting to look rather grim for me. Just one successful game and I can be free of the wagecage
The guy who made pseudoregallia did it in unreal blueprints so there's that:
based based
Tileset created in Blender.
Then just create a gridmap node in Godot.
being possible doesn't make it pleasant
The textures are really noisy and make the image too busy and unclear. That said, I think you can salvage those walls. You can leave the black floor, and the contrast can be used to differentiate the walkable area.
In any case, take into account that with that dithering in the walls you are basically adding extra shades to your 1 bit game. You probably should look at other 1 bit games and see how they solved their graphics.
>celeste but his tranny dick flops in 3 dimensions instead of just 2
damn, chuds btfo on a whole 'nuther dimension
>marnix and sasquatch getting called out
No excuse.
Same. I think I'm depressed for a multitude of reasons. One being my game is ngmi unless I implement multiplayer.
Anyone tried composing on android tablets? I cant be sitting on daw trying to come up with ideas, i rather be doing other crap like graphics or code, whenever i have idea im nowhere near pc
Any apps anon would recommend?
I would ask mu but they know fuck shit about music
Im not complaining about godot, Im a solid 60% done my game and ive basically only used characterbody2ds, collisions and area2ds
AI music is shockingly good while at the same time being almost completely unusable due to it being difficult to manually correct. Human musicians sampling from AI generated music is going to be a really questionable legal situation in the very near future.
The roof looks a lot better, the walls not so much
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>specifically mentions euro
this but AI... kino
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I can't find a single game that tried going the full dithering-texture route for a game like this, it's always minimalism Minit style, which is the one that inspired me in the first place, in my opinion this noisy artistic direction is harder to pull off so I need to keep training my art skills
Had a super long post but doubt most would read it so all I want to say is, I hate gamedev grifters. I blame them for turning gamedev youtubers into gamedev grifting youtubers and for causing a tsunami of gamedevs to appear all clout chasing because some youtube grifter popularized it for self serving puporses
Is the guy a grifter or the people he's talking about?
Chet is not a grifter.
it's supposed to be a prison cell with 2 mattresses bro I need to level up my sprites if you see a roof it means I'm cooked
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I didn't watch much, I was talking about the grifters in general, not him. He seems to be calling them what they are. Although in my rage I msy have exaggerated the part about gamedev teachers turning into gamedev grifters as I havent really watched much in the way of tutorials after I became competent enough. Still, sad seeing the useful ones not getting much traction, wouldnt surprise me if most quit or become grifters with a dash of teaching every now and then. I did seedevs who taught at one point get an audience but I get the feeling some became grifters. Code monkey now just feels like a grifter. He's no different than Marnix but at least Marnix seems entertaining as he's clearly just flopping about trying to succeed at gamedev. Code monkey just became like that Blackthornprod guy grifting clickbait for views. And yes even that Jonas Tyroller or whatever his name is with the Snail game is a grifter. Doesnt even do tutorials just acts like hes some gamedev genius even before succeeding. Had he not had that audience, I doubt his game wouldve succeeded.

Yes Im full of anger at what the grifters did to gamedev. Hobby or jobby, they ruined it for us
AGDGers I need your help.
Here's the dealio:
I'm looking for a remote job with very minimal hours while doing gamedev on the side. At this point I dont care about the pay just looking to fill in the employment gap. Like a job for stay at home moms. I worked a wagie 9-5 for a few years prior to lay offs.
My main focus is making games and using that to get into the industry to get insider info and improve as a dev and eventually make my own studio.
This pic might be better quality. This is what it feels like happened to gamedev
Same down to a fucking T. Sometimes I think back to my Uni days with pride. Other times I wish I never went, did something else, a safer bachelors perhaps like geology, got a job working in an Australian mine company and earning 6 figures. But no, didn't work out that way at all. Didn't help I graduated literally 3 months before covid hit. It's been almost 5 years now and I still don't have a job that uses my degree. Signed up to be a simple librarian a couple weeks ago and if I don't get it I might just cry.
just like make game
Ohh, I see now, if that is how it is then floors thend to get smoother where people walk over, maybe something like this https://files.catbox.moe/v96fu7.png
> I have no malice towards the dev
You should since he's a piece of shit.
sell shovels
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>600 billion asset flips shovelware every day
what did he do?
Do dropshipping.
Very minimal hours and you do it from home.
Isnt everyone doing that? I'm going to look into it tomorrow though, just applied to 50 jobs and I want to dev and maybe fap
>computer randomly elongating inputs, ignoring inputs, and double-pressing inputs on my keyboard and mouse
>restart didn't fix it
Well, it's over.
Why would you get a irl job when you can sit at home dropshipping from ur desk and earning 10x the amount of money
Just go on aliexpress find something that looks cool put up a listing on Amazon with a new name and resell it for 20x the original price or you could even go highter i saw one tjme someone reselling something for 216x the original price and people were buying but you should play it safe with just 20x the original price
Easy 20k+ a month from home
Time to go to the gym, workout, then gamedev
If this actually worked neets wouldnt exist
Working out is a scam that makes you age faster.
Xer's larping
You need to invest into marketing and shilling your junk product
also dropshipping meme was popular for 6+ years so it's oversaturated af.
Sorry, the agdg inner circle does not hire people at the moment.
Where I'm from you need a masters in library science to even have a chance for a librarian job. They pay 6 figures here for that job too. Graduated almost a decade ago, I am a shameful failure. Best use I got out of it was a girl acting hyped at me at a wagie job for having the same degree she wanted. Idk how she didnt connect how useless it was when I was waging the same job as her degreeless self. I think she got a degree eventually and is now a.....hairdresser iiirc.

I cant give up on gamedev now, going back to the wagecage means I'll probably be stuck waging into my 60s. I can just keep gamedevving instead and hope I pull of some good enough success so that I can just keep gamedevving instead of needing a job
>Working out is a scam that makes you age faster.
If you dont do excessive cardio and avoid creatine and eating junk to bulk youll be fine
how is creatine bad for you? literally one of the safest supplements
Suppose you have an animation which holds the first frame for a dynamic amount of time, then proceeds to the rest of the frames and ends.
would you write code to stop the animation mid-run or create anim_entry(looping) and anim_finish?
water retention and makes you bloated, there are accounts of it causing hair loss
>water retention
yes it makes your muscles larger (more water retained) and you gain water weight
never happened but who cares.
>hair loss
This is false.
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>gonna miss this demo day too
No Tomo, no DD.
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Do you think in a first person game its important for an accurate hitbox on a weapon swing, or is it better to make it simple and hit a larger area? For comparison, Skyrim just does a linetrace like 10 meters in front of you.
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I exaggerated
bro you've been at this stage of prototyping for half a year?
Just move on. roll with it. make game.
I didn't write it properly, it was a customer service role at a library but it's a small-ish local one so I assume they'd get the employee to do library shit on the side regardless if they had a masters in "library science" (for real, what the fuck even is it? It exists in my country too). I've been in that same situation too lel, when I was a waiter the really hot Russian new hire started doing the same degree I graduated in, although she wised up pretty quickly, quit the degree and became an OF model. Sadly never found her account but she's doing VERY well off so good on her. If this gamedev stuff doesn't work out I'm probably eating buckshot, I'm not even joking at this point.
I think it is important. Maybe extend it slightly so you don't have get up the enemy's ass. Making sure that the combat is more than striking in the enemy's general direction though, is important for me personally.
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I don't know why but it stopped working, recreating it
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Well its been 2 hard weeks but I managed to get a basic combat working, right now the only feedback to what's going on are the hp bars and the text messages. When I finish the back-end I'll start with animations and more visual feedback. After that I'm missing:
>Cutscene System
I've done a crappy one and I need to remake it to be able to do more scenes.
>Dungeon System
Its basically maps but with a couple more things going on.
>Milestone system
To check how the player progresses and which areas are unlocked
These are going to be another month, once these systems are done I'll be able to go forward with level design and asset design.
Hopefully full Demo for the end of the year?
I love this webm
Calling all smart devs:

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same, had to go back to work a couple weeks early so progress halted completely. Next DD for sure.
unplug controller
When I was messing around with first person fist fighting combat I found if I made the hit distance accurate it felt like it was falling short. Best to extend it a little bit, set it up so it's easy to change so if play testers point it out
I have a state machine for my player movement, should I have a state machine for animations as well or is this dumb and overcomplicating things?
Do you think one day, for absolutely no reason, Todd went up to the lead programmer and said "you know about that sword hitbox you're about to implement? Make the impact point exactly 1.4 meters farther."
No anon, they made this change as a result of testing and seeing that "accurate" sword impact didn't feel satisfying enough in first person, and that it was probably frustrating trying to hit stuff. So implement whatever core mechanics you need to have and then see how it feels and which you like better. Games aren't like architecture where you plan every single detail on a blueprint before you start working on the building, and then follow the recipe exactly to the millimeter, they're more organic in nature and grow through various pushes and pulls along the way.
In godot, when should I use physics_process and when should I just use process?

My understanding is to use physics_process when I am moving entities (players, enemies, physics objects) but when should I just use process?
I use process to handle user input.
First person melee is usually extended because it's hard to gauge melee range in first person games.
I'd say have an extended melee range unless you have a specific reason to not have it.
Another tool to make melee easier and more intuitive is the Halo Energy Sword lunge.
Could have it check if the enemy is out of range and if they are, your character will simply lunge or step forward a small amount to make sure the attack lands.
I don’t know ive just been using the physics process like a tick counter kinda deal, basically for everything and only make other processes to include in the physics process. Probably not what you’re supposed to do but it works for me
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redoing my uv maps
cool story nigga
NTA but I want a gf that likes gamedevs, not one that likes chefs.
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i developed those at 14
I would like to again thank the anons who posted stuff about finishing a game in its shittiest state possible.

It led me to a video from the dev of Thronefall and Islanders about his way of launching into a project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5K0uqhxgsE

All of that with some thoughts unlocked some ways for me to get back on Treasure Seeker and finish it somehow. I'll take Tetris as an inspiration to make it the simplest I can, scraping tons of stuff, and turn it as a little Arcade game instead of something more roguelite/RPG. Worked on it last time in Febuary but I did not make any WIP webm in 8 months.

I'll try to jump on the ship again to publish something for Demo Day. Are there still streamers playing some stuff on DD?
Dear /agdg/,
Due to unforeseen complications in my renderer, my engine will not be ready for this Demo Day 57. Alas! But there is always next time!
I will keep you posted!

P.S. poopoo peepee
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>> Progress Update
Changed the colours and started implementing the doctrine cards.
This looks well made.
Why did you not take the best looking screenshots you have, instead of mediocre ones?
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My Game is absolute fucking Ludokino
will never even have a demo
I think I'll be skipping the next Demo Day as well
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I sure hope you're not making a conventional game that can't compete on graphics OR mechanics OR niche appeal.
If you're a small indie, weirdness is your best bet for success.
instead of textures, use the dithering to emphasize light/shade.
there's also Return of the Obra Dinn if you need a 3D example of a detailed 1-bit game
i dont enjoy playing wierd games though and i ngmi
It will have niche appeal, since only I'd want to play it.
synty is a brand of flat shaded low poly 3d model packs, anon
too much to do and almost none of it is new content
>process runs as fast as humanely possible
>putting input management in this function allows for the most responsive controls
Why did this elude me?
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I only make games that I want to play, theyre called good games.
there's also Repose, or that typing game with the ghoul, crypt something
quit gamedev and become a firefighter
That's how I did it really. But I also am using a 2D game and animation is just the switching of sprites instead moving the models.
How do piercing lasers in games like POE actually work?
From what I can gather, despite the graphics and vfxs. There's a set tick rate so even if the graphic makes contact with the enemy it wont trigger until the tick actviates. Otherwise players can just abuse it by flicking the laser in and out of colliders
>pedophiles complaining
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Is making porn games the only way to make money from game dev? How long it takes for the patreonbucks flowing?
Calling madodev and auradev. The heroes of /agdg/. The 0.1%.
welcome back!
there are a few, usually the entire Saturday has back to back streamers
kill yourself pedophile, what good is money when you can't succeed with it?
It's the only way to make money if you have no talent or social skills, which applies to the majority of this general.
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>the video game section of a dank memes and amateur porn forum?
>a dank memes and amateur porn forum
>dank memes

are you lost?
>replying to an 11 hour old bait post
are you retarded?
I think you don't realise how successful aura and mado are, the majority of porn games make no money.
I made a good game, but it's not good enough for modern audiences. it would have been a hit in 1997
Maybe, but AGDG porn devs keep getting extremely successful time and time again. I'm also AGDG so maybe I have a chance.
with that type of rework you might as well start fresh. nothing wrong with abandoning a project(unless you do this chronically)
Dont do the buckshot anon, that's a stupid idea and you know it. Just cause it's rough doesn't mean you should end it. If you're that close to ending it drop the gamedev and get some help rather than making an irreversible mistake. Please anon dont do it. Talk to family, pick up the Holy Bible, just don't end it.
one-eyed kings in the land of the blind
>cr*s infiltrated the d*scord again...
>want to learn godot
>Find out gdquest course
>See how it's endorsed even by godot devs
>"Must be really good!"
>Buy course
>Dude really just made a clone of the tutorial that's in Godot official docs
>The "course" has less info than the average 20min YouTube tutorial
>It takes literal months to add any new lessons
What a fucking waste of time and money. No wonder everyone expects everything Godot related to be free, it's GARBAGE, and not worth spending a cent.
I know there are grifters in game dev, but the fucking godot devs endorsing this garbage is sad
Could you make it with the tools and knowledge of the time?
>start fresh
>never learn to finish games
>get stuck again
Refund it
Not graphically.
Never ever pay for a tutorial. Also why would you even buy a tutorial if you are too cheap to shell out for an engine in the first place?
>inner council had to kick cris for the 13th time
now I don't know if the camera filter is worth keeping if I go in this direction, it's not a horror game anyway (streamable link because webm too big https://streamable.com/vjkmvk , its heavy work in progress)
He never tried joining the real discord
What actually 'is' the best way to learn Godot (and other engines for that matter)?
Like I keep picking up a Godot or UE5 tutorial video on YouTube and thinking "Is this guy even good at programming or is he spit balling?".
I just got a 6 figure remote tech job, 1-2 hours of real work per day. Not bad
>tfw enginedev
>tfw automatically superior to others using commercial engines
>but where's your GAME
Anything that's cosmetic, visual or GUI related. If the player has 120 FPS, visuals won't be as smooth if you put them in _physics_process. For me, physics is for "logic" and process is for "visuals". I handle collision detection and set the entity's "position" in _physics, but the sprite is actually moved in normal _process and always tries to match the _physics position.
looks cool
>state machine for movement, another statemachine for animation
Exactly how I did it. It works, but adding more stuff to it is pain, because I spaghettified it too much.
osur's discord is cozy
I abandoned too much. Finishing this even in a state that will displease me will actually help me beating perfectionism.

I completed a hundred of musics and some EPs before, some shit some less shit, yet for a dev project the feel is something else. I can't let this corpse rot rent free in my head, I'll get it out no matter the state or it'll kill every dev stems in me.
> A new let's play! (of my game)
"Oh God, so horny." ~ watch Barako play False GamerGater XD

remove screenshake nigga there's no massive enemy smashing you into the ground you don't need it
definitely better without the camera filter
tho try a version with just the screen edges faded out and only by a small amount. just enough so that the white pixels don't touch the edge of the display
why polish a turd? if bokube is a turd, is this your life the next 5 years?
>paying grifters for content that can be found for free
There's lots of long tutorials on youtube on different kind of games, you just need to get good at searching stuff.
Don't know about UE but godot see above, pick up some long tutorial to get the know the engine and then try to make your own projects checking the documentation. It might not be ideal but you'll make the most out of it this way.
you must be qualified af to get something like that
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How can you make a good game when THIS is what you're up against?
Hit the notification bell or ill delete my video.
i'm gonna make a game that's so successful that journalists HAVE to cover it, and i'm gonna be extremely antagonistic to all of them
Damn I'm jealous. Per contract I can only remote 2 days a week.
I don't polish it, I remove 75% of the useless weight.
THEN I'll see if I polish it.

>Hit the notification bell or ill delete my video.
The bell has been rung.
>time and time again
compare this to yomi hustle, va11 hall-a, necrovale, underspace, crumble etc etc

if your game is good, people will buy it
it's as simple as that
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roger that
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>Anything that's cosmetic, visual or GUI related
Advice I was given earlier was to also put input in there as well since I guess you would want the player's input to be as responsive as possible.

Also what would you consider cosmetic? Currently, I have it so certain animations during certain movement states like pic related where my character lands. Would this be considered cosmetic?
I will try giving this a try really quick to see how it works.
There is a piece of information I'd like to communicate through color alone. Is that fine if I also let the user change the colors in the options menu?
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fuck I appreciate you dawgs
thanks for being alive. This timeline would be awful without you
I think giving the user that kind of freedom would be somewhat troublesome. It would be difficult for people to share information on how to play the game. Say what if red text means something and blue text means something else, what happens if the player changes OG red text blue and viceversa?
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Actually, I found some obfuscation and encryption software the other day. When I integrate it into the build I'll prep a demo for /agdg/. Probably not for the coming DD, but the one after if I get the upgrade and transition systems implemented.
Thanks, Anon!
no, becoming a builder is less shameful than becoming a yesdev or staying a nodev
love you anon, i might anonymously call you a nigger but i really do just want you to make it
soulless comment, to be frank
Thank you anon, you're the best.
How to spot a newfag tourist.
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My first game thanks to which I moved out of my parents house and got a girlfriend (now fiancee)
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Thanks anon, glad you like it.
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I grappled with this problem for a long time. NEVER only use colour to communicate something. Always use at least a silhouette or movement.

I have a background in evolutionary cognitive behaviour and I've recently been greenlit for a PhD in motivation and engagement. For UI, appeal to the basest evolutionary human behaviours. Our earliest ancestors, when hunting, relied on movement of prey or the general outline or silhouette, many animals had coats and colours for camouflage to either hunt prey or escape predators, so colour isn't as strongly correlated to distinguishing different features.

This is why strong silhouettes are such a critical aspect of UI design and character design.

Pic related. Bad design. Grey scale it and you can't tell what is what.
This is actually spot on, it’s why nortubel gets praise and everyone spams his posts with “sovl”, because they know his stuff is shit and they aren’t intimidated.

Make your game so good that the talentless hacks here seethe and cope every time you post
Thanks anon. Sorry if we are not always nice with you, or just productive, but I am glad you're there.
this is probably wrong, no one calls bokube soul
Who was destroyed in AS ~1000, the Union survey vessel or the Al'Makhtar? Because
>were summarily destroyed
implies it was not the vessel because it's in singular, but if it was the "humanoid Star Nation" that was destroyed by a single vessel, why give them such a memorable name?
That’s because he’s developed a bad reputation here and the posters here hate him personally. If he was a nameless faceless anon he’d get 10+ sovl replies every post
still counts
even if he only lurked and barely interacted with the thread, it's still an /agdg/ game
oh my gamedev music of choice?
loop this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjhZ5uqIok
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Good pickup. I'll need to get a second pair of eyes on this lore document.

Thanks for the feedback. Payment enclosed.
Nice, your game and ToK have the highest potential to make it next imo.
I wish I got a girlfriend (now fiancee)
someone should test that theory by posting bokube screenshots or vids somewhere else, in some game developer gathering. post results if you do
That would be interesting to see, but I think non 4chan gamedev communities would dial up the hugbox vibe even higher
not many shmup devs here
LOL, both will fail
He pumped and dumped the thread and you're still simping, never came back never even dropped keys. Big cringe
It's not bad enough for me to call it soul.
Remember, it's a kickstarter success.
How many AGDG games can say that?
>kickstarter success
I've seen the kind of shit that gets funded by kickstarter, I'm not surprised.
>amateur opinion
but what about my game?
what are there beyond this shithole? basedboy reddit? discord private communities? fucking twitter?
even with death of the author bokushart looks like a mobile game from 2016, objectively horrendous
I assume mostly discord, I cant imagine any are actually useful. This place might not be useful either but at least it’s entertaining
are you seriously intimidated by bokube?? lmao
Yet other AGDG cubelikes have failed like Cube and Me
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I have released 2 games on steam and made enough to work on a third so not really, more like "mediocre success opinion"
hmm so the bar is that low...
Yes? He has the eyes of a murdercube.
He's gonna shoot a school or suicide by cops at some point so we have to make sure the thread was hostile to him before the inevitable chimpout.
Yes. Just make a successful couple grand kickstarter for your game I promise I will not call it soul if you succeed on that. You might find it to be harder than you expected though.
the game, not the developer, you dumb retards
You're really hyping him for making 10k with kicksharter in 2016? Don't start spamming gore now
Thank you!
The game developer isn't a cube you retard^3
Where's your successful 10k kickstarter game? :^)
Top kek
the game, not the cube character, you dumb retard
the retard, not the dumb cube, you game character
This question should be addressed to bokudev who planned to release the game he begged 10k for back in 2017, bokusimp.
sick comeback, retard
Nah, I know where his successful 10k kickstarter game is.
>Actually, I found some obfuscation and encryption software the other day
Which software?
Third day without coffee and my head still hurts like a bitch, fuck you guys and the bean jew you got me addicted to.
Goodnight AGDG...
I mean its not night but im so sleepy i think im going to take a nap zzz
My 2D pixel art platformer isn't just a 2D pixel art platformer. It's an innovator. It's got mechanics. It's got a real, breathing world. This ain't your grandad's kinda platformer, son. It's Skyrim with jumping.
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new art skill level reached, my chuds.
>It's Skyrim with jumping.
But... Skyrim already has jumping...?
I spent like a week without coffee because I was having my teeth whitened and it was painful
I WILL surpass you.
Imagine needing stimulants to gamedev. I only need to abuse substances for social ineraction, heh, fuckin' losers.
What games if you dont mind me asking?
sideboob looks amourphous
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Just to be sure everything's used.
Yeah, I don't really want my real identity associated with this place, so I can't show you my work. But, when you see that next big FOTM indie game? Yeah, that''ll have been me. I'm kind of a big deal. When I give my feedback, you'd better listen up.
Now this is SOVL
Sleep tight anon
Not jumping like this, son! You got your wall jump, you got your hookshot, you got your double jump powerup, you got your momentum, and more on top of that! Speedrunners, yeah, they love the game. Steam reviews, 200, but Speedrun.com submissions? Inordinate.
I don't! And the backers don't either!!!
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>spending ten years to make a cube game
Not my problem.
>spending ten years to make a gamecube
Actually time well spent
I love Mondays!
Went to the gym, went grocery shopping, cleaned my room, cleaned my girlfriend's bedroom, vacuumed the entire house, took a shower, had a high protein breakfast and now I'm ready to gamedev, finally!
I wish I could clean my girlfriend's bedroom...
>having separate bedrooms
Now this is down bad
>not having separate bedrooms
>wanting to watch your girlfriend get boned by other dudes
nortubel's trailer showed so many waifus but everyone only ever talks about the african lady
>his girlfriend isn't a lesbian
What's the status on:
>goblin resort game
>that space game undersomething
Anon do you create unique object classes for the same type of object? Its not efficient code.
talk me out of adding a y axis to my grid based pathfinding.
Will it enhance the player experience more than working on something else?
If not, then why are you doing it instead of that other something?
>goblin resort game
Not released.
>that space game undersomething
Not enough according to some.
Because it's novel and actually good diversity
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Makes code unreadable. Yeah they can unpack it or look at your scripts, but makes figuring out how everything works impossible.

Works with the above. Converts C# to C++ and then to binary.

Using both makes unpacking and figuring out projects too much effort.
>Will it enhance the player experience
it would be cool, but it would involve rewriting so much of the games code
i don't think the labour required is proportional to the payout
become a plumber instead
but why?
Start a gamedev studio and hire them, there's so many desperate corpodevs out there right now.
Sex with 王艾達!
too busy cooming instead of developing, that's why you don't have a demo ....
>obfuscation and encryption software
But doesn't that hurt performance?
Goblin Resort still hasn't added porn yet afaik.
Bokube is currently remaking the graphics of his levels.
Underspace released in early access with a publisher.
Yes it also makes it so you can’t patch your game (meaning if you made small changes to a few assets and pushed the update to team, players will need to download the entire game again)
I know it's called DEMO DAY, but can I have my full release during a Demo Day and submit it to the jam?
Depends. Are you a whodev?
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>just hire them lol
Don't make me tap the sign.
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>someone unwishlisted my game
I’m a newdev
I've submitted to two demo days, soon to be three and my game isn't completely unknown.
Post game and I can tell you why
It's fine.
Yeah no it's pretty obvious to me

Egg Chef
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Aight lads, eternal question:
Pixel art (8-bit NES style), or Hand drawn (manga/comic monochrome style)?
why should I even buy it then?
>Forgets Ryunocore
>Forgets MichiVGC
Well I know that won't happen to me because I don't have 699 wishlists in the first place
I can't do it... Music is the hardest part of gamedev...
>song composed by Horbror
Game will be a success now
Because it's a free game, I legally can't sell it.
stay out of Demo Day bitch
runa op please sir
Why? Many free games get submitted
I accept your concession.
Isn't his music just pixel trash vidya music?
best place on the internet.
Good job, Cris.
My guy.
Any tips on actually good camera shake?
>goblin resort
pretty much bi-weekly updates

here's one from last week: https://webcough.itch.io/goblin-resort/devlog/749800/version-0312
Chapter 2 will have youtubetier simpsonswave/vapourwave fake80s music.
Working to set up my new toolsets, otherwise, accurate description.
please dear sir op maker please make runa thread next sir
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Mostly some detail work this week.
Currently focusing on giving side characters minor corruption progressions.
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Solo dev was a mistake.
I wish I had an Aura gf...
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Solo Dev is tough but I'm motivated
I've managed to force myself to learn 3D and make textures and sound effects and music but marketing just seems so foreign to me and I have absolutely zero respect for marketing professionals.

The duality of man
Can it mean they bought it and removed from their wishlist?
Underspace's music, Marmoreal's music, and, dare I say it, Bokube's music are way better than yours. Contractors can do a damn good job.
gmi, a noetic
ngmi, a hylic
I collaborated with an artist like 8 years ago and had finished a game in a month or two. Now I'm working on a almost similar sized game and it has been years. Lots of time has passed without realizing. I feel so bad.
Yeah my guy, I have no opinion on this. Have not heard a lot of the underspace or bokube soundtracks, the marmoreal one is good for sure. Musical taste is as varied as it is personal.
One of these days I need to fully engage in Bokube. Last deep dive I did was the russian catboy/aka order roaddev games.
Bokube has always seemed fun to me, a lot of the criticisms around it seem to have to do with its difficulty level. That is a feature in my book.
Underspace seems cool as fuck, when I have more time I want to dive into that too.
whoever makes next thread just compile all the progress screenshot into an image and repeat the process each thread if there isn't a new funny agdg meme to show
Underspace’s music is shit and also very mismatched with the setting. Sounds like it’s from a nineties hallmark christmas movie. Ruins immersion.
>One of these days I need to fully engage in Bokube.
Oh my god, why? Just listen to his fucking twitter vids, don't fucking torture yourself by playing his game.
>gets featured on the cover of PC Gamer
>that only yields three (3) new reviews
It sounds like the harry potter soundtrack which keeps in line with the fantasy theme
No because it's not released yet
>Underspace’s music is shit
No taste.
>also very mismatched with the setting.
DOS era EGA or bust
Tricky, convoluted, strangely dark lore, full of weird and quirky design-choices? I think it may be right up my alley actually.
I enjoy a lot of games that give the player some big hurdles to enjoy them, many would argue I am making one myself.
Actually more importantly, unwishlisted is a separate metric from wishlist->purchase conversions
>Underspace seems cool as fuck, when I have more time I want to dive into that too.
You'll never have time, Underspace takes 20 hours to complete, if you rush it. And he keeps adding shit.
>she decided to pretend it never happened
>yet she's talking about it
nobody cares that Bill Gates was an awkward autist, nobody cancelled him
>still climbing up in reviews while you don't even have a game released
Big oof
>And he keeps adding shit.
It's an early access game, no?
I spent 120 hours in Labyrinth of Galleria, hundreds in Binding of Isaac, 20 is not that much. Still, I hardly play anything outside of demodays now. Gamedev and regular work take all my time. Working 100% over the summer now too, it is fucking taxing.
I wouldn't know, I'm not a big boy yet to dev for pc :(
>hanging out with todd and getting articles next to elden ring
Sounds like the actual metrics for success are going great
Fucking hell, you crazy bastard. Do us all a favor, and either just don't fuck yourself by playing it, or else record or stream the insanity, such that no one else will have to sit through it. I'm almost willing to bet you're the only one that'd stream it.
Or just play for 1.5 hours, refund, and tell us what you found.
You and me, complete strangers or people buying Microsoft products don't care yeah.
But people in his personal life probably do.
how many times you gonna make this post about him "hanging out" with some aaa dev? it's weird
>gets featured on the cover of PC Gamer

>>hanging out with todd and getting articles next to elden ring

How does this happen?
I really want to stream a bunch of agdg-games, fantaswat for instance for sure. Got a new laptop in february, but it is still too shitty for streaming. Can barely record long videos of DOJD. I am saving up for a good stationary computer.
I would for sure, at some point, stream bokube.
being realistic brought me $115k from gamedev in 5 years. now I'd like to know what being unrealistic would have brought in, but I can't go back in time.
If you want to collab with an artist understand that they have the upper hand. Artists are more sought after than coders. So there might be times where you have to be okay with making THEIR dream game. Its like theyre the hot one in the relationship.
my gamedev is doing technically simple games but putting a lot of work in the content. basically I'm going low on innovation and high in drudgery
what would you have done differently?
the opposite of >>483290459
actually I'd have tried harder to get a job
but if I had to gamedev, I'd try to make technically more impressive games and not lean so much on content/story
Fucker, you'll never have any time if you begin to stream games, just skip streaming. Or play actually fun games if you barely have time.
Is your laptop too weak for OBS Studio?
Do you have any interest in working in the game industry now that you have released games? You can use that as leverage to get in
Hey, that's also kinda me
imagine getting so popular that people start talking about the time you talked to them once and awkwardly invited them out for dinner
>omg lol what a creep!!
if anything it makes Bill Gates somewhat relatable when usually he just seems like a ghost
>How does this happen?
Make a good game
Today is an easy day, we will add accumulative camera shake and floating text to juice up our geimu
I do use OBS, for longer videos even my rpgmakerslop starts stuttering.
I tried recording a video of cult of damaskus once, it did not work at all. I need to get a good rig, will probably be able to do so in a month or two. Working this summer will for sure help.
When it comes to time I am hoping I may get some patreons one beautiful day when chapter 1 is completed so I can work less and focus more on gamedev and doing some agdg community stuff, such as streaming.
Pepe no!
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I present to you all, marching cubes.
it's good
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Great video, a friend told me there's an AI that can also rig a skeleton in a 3D model (not just humanoid but spiders/bugs as well).
And the AI can even give animations for that rigged skeleton.

Do you know what he talked about? I've asked him but I think he's offline at the moment.
I'd love to and I tried but my games didn't get me any interviews. Maybe if they were technically impressive.

That way we increase our chances of small/moderate success but make sure our games never become viral hits.
Swedes earn tons of money, shouldn't have a single problem making lots of dough quick to pay for a good rig. Your employer is scamming you.
is corruption and ntr optional?
>That way we increase our chances of small/moderate success but make sure our games never become viral hits.
I'm a solo dev and almost don't have any to put into my project. I can buy a few assets like music tracks but I'm not in a situation where I can fire people. And I think yo need a bit more money (also time and skill) than that to make a "viral" game. I'm literally making a game that is on mobile market already but adding new game modes to it. I just need some money to get myself up. Also maybe if it does a bit well with install counts it might be beneficial to me like being able to find investment etc. But yes I too realized that I haven't improved myself technically. I'm solo and didn't get the chance to dive deeper. That's not good to find jobs unfortunately.
>have any to put into my project
viral games often have low production values or at least their production values are unrelated to their virality
do people care more about potential playtime/content of a game or the novelty of a game?outside of roguelites, a unique idea and hook seems to trump depth/playttime.
don't talk about your parents that way
here's an AI tool for texturing 3D
thats pretty fucking neat, i hope it can do ps2 style textures
Playtime correlates pretty strongly with sales but novelty is also a big multiplier.

So if you're lacking in either, it'll be terrible. You need to achieve a decent amount in both.
the era of slop is over
the era of nuslop is in
in 5 years ai schlop will look just like human schlop.
or 5 months.

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