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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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why yes i'm a gamedev how could you tell edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

What games are you most looking forward to this Demo Day?
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>my game will never be shitty enough to drive horbror to make music for it out of pity
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new timmie just dropped
They all look shite mate x
If I just release this one game for mobile, even if it doesn't make money opportunities will come afterwards. Right?
I'm finding that I enjoy the newest games the most at these, so whoever's game is getting submitted for the first time
... Huh. To practice drawing, I pulled up Krita, pulled out a drawing tablet, and made a random sketch in under several minutes with no references. Being that I'm a bad "artist", I thought it was gonna be shit. And right now it looks a less shit than I thought it would be. It still looks super amateur-ish, because I haven't drawn since I was like, in high school or early college (which I dropped out of), and my art "skills" are pretty juvenile to be honest.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Looking at it more now actually, the face/head is quite meh. However, I think I did fine with the body.
Underspace hit the marketing lottery being mentioned next to Elder Shart DLC and this is the result: https://steamcharts.com/app/1111930

Yeah, yeah, bokusimp. I still like you though, and the craziness you bring to this community.
Being repetitive is boring though, unless these are imitators. I long for the days when you accused me of hating redheads.
no one reads magazines anymore grandpa
>he still thinks games should be made for a profit instead of for art/fun
game has no appeal and isn’t fun to play
art/fun games dont get articles in PC gamer transbeit
>100 reviews a month
That seems pretty good though, that's better than cumball does
Seems like people like it.
Personally I think that for a gameplay centric game having low playercount is a massive, massive failure. Especially when you consider that it's a clone of a popular game and that it took 10 years to dev.
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I should give up on godot and try to make games using gdevelop and my pixel art 3D style.
/v/ threads have mindbroken you
kill yourself pedophile. and i'm not bokusimp, you are
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
maybe you should give up on giving up all the time
I haven't browsed or posted in veddit in years, projecting much?
Horbror gf is not underage she's at least above 16 which is the legal age of consent, he's not a pedophile and you should chill.
the brain gives up because gamedev is hard.
Does Todd Howard prefer Trainwiz to work on Starfield mods instead of working on Underspace?
oh boy here I go texturing shoes again
I swear it's always become playercounts and weird metrics that nobody gives a shit about for these retards
if it's a singleplayer game nobody sane gives a damn about player counts.
Make a game bokusimp, it will make you happier.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>nobody sane
You're not in a sane place
My wife is 2 years older than me, how am I a pedophile? Idiot.
kill yourself pedophile. and i'm not bokusimp, you are
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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LibGDX or JavaFX or FXGL or Ebitengine or Fyne or FlatRedBall or Uno Platform or
It's becoming very clear to me that I can't make my sandbox rpg alone. Even with the simplest art/graphics style (say, 16x16 tiles with 1 or 2 colors), I'm not a good artist. I've always been more of a coder I think. I need an artist to help with the asset creation, but I'm not sure how to figure that out, as
>I'm not very good with people, or at least I'd not be good at communicating my ideas
>I barely even have enough money to fund myself, so I can't just pay an artist to make assets
>knowing how I am, I think the artist would get sick of me after a while.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
even underspacedev had a team
>not 10 years older
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What do you think about this sort of visual style for an isometric RPG?
Hey bros, how would you replace a drunk woman funny character to a kid friendly character?

I love the character, but most players for mobile are kids.
come to durga chatroom sir
we will discuss dear
she's "tired" and drinks a lot of "coffee"
1. you're copying me
2. provide a twitter right now
3. I will be holding you accountable from this day forward to finish this
4. it looks really good
I dunno who's actually submitting but
>the witch one that's had progress webms lately
>the rally one
I hate 90% of gamers
Only for like a horror game or something like that
>cris is back
I knew the cartels wouldn't take that retard down that easily
I thought of that, but the jokes would escape the average kid .
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cris what the fuck
you just used AI yesterday
I thought Cris ran the cartels?
Thank you. Though I have no social media, I'll try to post more here. What game are you making?

It's a rather grim RPG set in modern times, so maybe?
Am I the only one who can't make a game without having art assets first (but also am cursed to be terrible at art)? I'm >>483291607 and I find it hard to make a game prototype without some actual assets first, and I can't just use ripped assets from other games or w/e, especially since I need to make a presentable prototype, in case it reaches people who are interested enough to potentially help make actual art assets.
Wtf do I do? How do I make a "presentable prototype" with no real art assets? Asset packs are against my personal code, and so is using existing assets as placeholders (kinda, at least when the prototype should be shown publicly). Do I just make everything primitive shapes? Stick figures? How do I make presentable "placeholder programmer art"?
i’ll never make elden ring so why even bother?
You cast a buff that lasts 2 turns on turn 3.
On what turn should the buff be removed?
>tfw horny
Time for art
Anyone else think that when robots and AI gain sentience, they won't overthrow us, but instead try to be one of us like minorities do, but the minorities now will then be racist against robots or something and say something like "robots are not human, so they don't deserve human rights"?
It will be very funny
Bonus points if robots resent humanity for this potential scenario and ACTUALLY go skynet then
a demented chudcel wrote this and hit post
5 obvs
I'm not, I'm just saying that eventually robots will be sentient and considered a minority, and I have a feeling the minorities today will be robophobic tomorrow.
i'd play the fuck out of that game
t. isometricgamedev
You can make primitive shapes, but those will make it hard to sell your idea. They'll be good enough for a playable prototype to see if your idea is solid though.

Other than that, your choices are either to find assets to use (temporarily or permanently), make your own assets, or hire someone to make assets. Your "personal code" is backing you into a corner and there is no magical solution to get you out.
relax horbror, focus on not replying to DMs from underage girls
>he still lives with his parents
I wish I still did
>What game are you making?
I'll let you figure that one out
>It's a rather grim RPG set in modern times, so maybe?
My advice: focus on making memorable characters and good lore/narrator because it looks like asset flips that release on steam all the time.
As a libgdx user I suggest you use Unity/Godot unless you're 100% sure you won't be trying to make 3D games.
Not me, good pull though. I have been active.
This was me.
so you wouldn't count the turn it was cast on?
>doesn't count
>this other metric tho? IT TOTALLY COUNTS
lol, which one is it? it's success because of 200 reviews (lol) with all the marketing and "hanging out" with shartfielddev but don't you dear talk about the playercount? SHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH
kill yourself pedophile. and i'm not bokusimp, you are
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
that's just animatrix part 1
You learned my twittertag, thank you bokusimp. Feels good to know you are paying attention.
please stop replying to it i dont want to scroll through gore while i'm eating
>I find it hard to make a game prototype without some actual assets first,
>took him that long to think of a comeback
Oof, no wonder you've got no game.
Thanks, I hope that you will be able to.

Well I just started making visuals, and need to decide on some initial style. You are correct that these are assets from itch.io.

I have a pretty large mind map of lore / story ideas ready to put into the game. However, the main focus will be on "Choices & Consequences" and reactivity.
Yeah, I know... I enjoy this but I will stop. Thank you for the reminder.
every time is see something like this, i am compelled to loot containers and hoard whatever i find
you have my attention
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They don't make em like they used to anymore
Man what a crazy fucking thing being a solo dev is. Imagine if George Lucas or David Lynch had to apply make-up to their actors themselves. Like 80% of my time is spent working on shit I had no idea even existed in a game scene.
omg it's just a room with posterize filter. you could have made it yourself in 15 minutes. at least wait until he posts gameplay before you start simping.
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most of you are so impressionable and spineless that ever since this hobby started flooding with women you all got a severe case of woman-brain
kill yourself pedophile. and i'm not bokusimp, you are
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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>accepting not ever releasing any game at all
listening to this soundtrack while I gamedev
NPCs take too much. It feels like I need a lot of stuff due to having time of day changing, I don't like it when NPCs stand in one place 24/7 for no reason. maybe I can give them a reason...
Man, what are some examples of "How it started" screenshots for a game's development? I.e what did a game look like in its early days of development? I need it for reference to know how I should start. Bonus points if the game is from the late 90s or early 00s with no pre-existing (at the time) engine.
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Then you are in luck, because I already have a working inventory, with a ridiculously mismatched style.
you're overthinking it. they don't need a reason.
depends on what kinda "drunk" she is
>tired drunk
coffee, dead eyes, and likes to lounge/nap wherever
>angry drunk
resting bitch face, irritable, picks fights
>happy drunk
giggly, finds everything funny/amusing, slowed speech (but not slurred)
I support every newcomer that shows even a 0.01% promise that he could outperform the rest of you. I am gravely disappointed with most games here to the point where I welcome anyone competent with open arms
mr npc has been sweeping day and night for weeks... muh immersion! maybe it was really dusty.
game name?
demo day?
I'm the dev and you are right about that, it's a simple shader over assets from an asset store. I just wanted to ask if that kind of visual direction is viable
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Screenshot for the itch page.
you should maybe rethink that
No name yet, and I don't have any social media.

I started working on it only a month ago, and worked exclusively on UI systems - dialogue, inventory, notes, trading. Now that this is done I started working on some visuals. I don't think I'll have something playable anytime soon, sadly.
I wish I had your discipline and tenacity, but the art direction of >>483291792
I'd say the opposite, the body looks bad, but the head looks great.
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7 year old data but I don't imagine they're getting any younger
>Nah dude, the solution for Salaryman Shi is to remove any and all ramps that would let the player have fun and replace it with 1,000 different assets!
this ain't your ERP chatroom, i'll reply when i have time little sister
heart broken drunk
i wonder what i should work on today...
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The game is fun, most kids aint gonna care about reading a character and will like the funny draws of said drunk character.
today i added a restart button to my pause menu
Back when they didn't realize kids are playing on their mom's phones?
Conspiracy theory: Underspacesimp has a humiliation fetish.
It's not like little kids are gonna care about about a story-based game that's clearly not for kids. Do you really want a pegi 3 or esrb E rating?
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What do people like you even mean by sentience?
Do you understand that qualia =/= intillegence and the closest possible thing we can get is an actual philosophicall zombie?
And since we live in a clown timeline a giant mycelium hidding somewhere under random forest and polluted by green initiative has much more chances to gain sentience than any machine
well then
>likes to be alone
>always has a "coffee" in hand
>drinks whenever she has to talk to people for more than is required
>unless she is given an opportunity to vent about her ex, in which case she will talk your ear off. then take a swig of "coffee" once she realizes what she's done
>has a memento of the ex-lover that she keeps around
>tired eyes
>rarely sleeps in her bed and always has "coffee" nearby when she wakes up/sleep
also, will there be combat and what is the plan there?
>arguing semantics
mental midget
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its a platformer for mobile.
I just want to add a character similar to GLados, but humor based.
That lerson has clearly never used any AI before getting censored. Trying to make AI Dungeon not put you into a sexual encounter every 5 minutes...
No clue I try to play something different each time. Keeps things fresh and interesting.


I'm wondering if he is a real person and not some bot someone tossed in the thread to cause trouble. It repeats itself like crazy.

>this ain't your ERP chatroom
Correct, it's mine. For me and the two women that post here.
Initially I planned to not have combat, but I really would like to give the player the ability to do anything to any NPC. It's just that would required so much work - turn based, or real time? What happens when you start a murder spree in a town? Do other NPC start running away? Hide? How about law enforcement?

Compare that to static NPCs like in Disco Elysium.

Also, I don't expect there to be many entities that you could fight, which means I would have to work a lot on a system that would be secondary at best.
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Prototype I am building in UE5.
is that.......... is that a heccin blobberino? OH. MY. FAUCI.
I am genunely trying to understand ai-simps
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Anywhere you can download rigged creature models with a walking animation?

Want a "beast" and a "spider" for example. It's pretty common to find these things for humans but I don't know where the creatures are hiding.
this feel like Grimrock without textures
You are the faggiest person alive in this thread
It is, though maybe not a true blobber since the design has the player only controlling one person.

That's a good sign, thanks.
>in ue5
for what purpose?
where the FUCK are the CRPGs
the dumbest thing humanity can do is create ai and put it in a container that looks like a human, because then people will be easily tricked into thinking it is like a human.
if you just keep it as a box with a blinking light and text/audio output people will have no problem turning it off, no matter how intelligent it may sound people won't be as easily tricked.
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And we were doing so well too, did someone get unbanned
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so close
you're filtered, like boomers getting filtered by [insert new tech here] before you
I like the engine, that's really all there is to it. I work with the tools I like and discard the ones I don't.
fair enough
I'm always nervous about my game. How do I stop this?
iPad was 8 years old at that point, iPad was 10 years old. And I think advertisers have a pretty good idea of the rough age of audiences. Every source agrees that under 18s are not even 25% of mobile gaming audience.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I like it! I'm concerned however what's gonna be the main element that'll make it stand out. Personally I was sick of Legend of Grimrock in the middle of my gameplay, it got stale fast.
Working on a game based around your thinly veiled fetishes is exhilarating
>look mom, I posted it again
get ai or wait for timmy
I want to make porn games
>that comical disappearance of a bottom head
I spat my food, top notch AI
post game
I’m making an FPS and I’m not sure how to implement different weapons, in terms of game design.
I really like the economy aspect of CS:GO, but my game doesn’t work with rounds and buy periods. I don’t want to just make classes, or give everyone whatever weapon they want for free either. Running back to spawn to buy a better weapon seems like it would lead to a lot of cheese.
Understandable. Grimrock can be a bit of a slog, but I have always liked those kind of games, I just want to make a game that I would play instead of being entitled gamer #5,352,427 complaining that a game isn't what they wanted after buying it.
is it multiplayer?
i always like the classic approach of placing weapons across the map. it adds chokepoints across the map and adds an objective for the player.
within six months trust me
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we're at the magical point of being better than anything else so far, but also needing a lot of work still, so you get weird uncanny ridiculous results
Yeah multiplayer arena shooter. Having weapons just scattered across the map is the classic method and it’s how quake does it. I think that style lends itself more to deathmatch style gameplay though. I’m thinking more objective based, like capture the flag or point control.
I don't know what to do while waiting for my coder to finish up his code. Do I just keep going further?
work on your lore

I don't understand how I'm supposed to do either of those suggestions.
You want to be a game dev but you’re not willing to take 30 minutes to watch a YouTube video on simple ultra basic rigging and animation? Grim future ahead for you lil guy
I'm seducing all the female /agdg/ yesdevs and here you are making ridiculous claims.

hell is real after all

yeah good luck anon
>objectives rewards points
>points let you buy stuff
>have the stuff be air dropped
>either quick drop but in a random nearby location from the player OR
>you can mark the drop location but it takes a while
>plot twist: any player can pick up the air drop (hold E to pick up) but the player who called it can claim it faster i.e. 1 sec vs 5 secs
>plot twist 2: air drops can kill
froggy where's the next gedg thread
>claim to be game dev
>someone else codes for him
This is like claiming to be a baseball player and having someone else play baseball for you LMAO
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I want a rigged creature model with a walking animation.
It's something so common and basic that it should be available for educational purposes & for free after 30 years of 3D games.
I don't like writing lore.
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>mfw just found the perfect, most optimal workflow
start a new project, as you all tend to, but copy literally every bit of code, assets, design on your main project over
that way you have a sideproject to... (what's the excuse... relief dev pressure?) but its the same project so you're still actually doing something semi-productive

just gave it a shot myself and it worked wonders
Looks like the Euros didn't make a thread last night despite taking the thread over the bump. baka ...

Yeah, that's almost as cucked as using somebody else's engine!
>tfw lost all of my music ability
This, idk why there aren't public domain rigged models of all popular animals released by some governmental scientific institution for the convenience of everybody.
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I'm looking for creatures, Mixamo has humanoids.

Very funny. One of a fox walking/running, strafing, jumping, attacking is not too much to ask. I'd even be happy just for the rig without animations so I can see how the skeleton looks.
have any of you actually worked in the industry? i feel like its the only field I want to work in.
Faggy is a closeted bi-slut. No woman will sleep with him so he fishes here for attention.
gamedev is only nice as a hobby + the random chance of being a successful indie
find work in other domains
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Imagine seething so hard every time you see a successful dev, while you have no game at all, you're compelled to ritually post "[yesdev], [yesdev] and [yesdev] should kill themselves" every day for the rest of time.
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me. Only do it if you are serious about working on your proyects before and after work.

If not, then any other dev field will be better. More pay, less stress and more opportunities.
>work in game dev
>make someone else’s game
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Just bought 2 weeks worth of groceries for the equivalent of 30 USD
Second world neetdevs, I'm thinking the future is ours
What if I have no certs? Should I grind leetcode to compete with panjeets?
I run my own gamedev business.
i think i found it myself:
a lot of them just have 1 or 2 animations but if i dig through the results i can probably find the ones i want
dev shit and post the links on the resume. The certs helps.
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>meanwhile marmanus spends double that on a single 5-pizza meal
Well you didn't support me when I posted my game and it actually made money so your assessment was wrong.
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For the foreseeable future I have 2 projects:
- not a game, but an interactive music theory-related thingy
- an abstract sim where the player interacts with a human-machine interface
I also have ideas for a spreadsheet simulator-style sports game and another abstract sim.
On the graphics side all of them can be thought of as just GUIs, all I need is to draw 2D primitives, images and render text - on desktop and mobile.
money =/= quality
spurdo and automon also made money
A can live almost 2 days on 5 pizzas
like practical tools or can i just make vidya?
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I would love to work for BiteMe Games
they look inbred
both these games are insanely good for the time spent on them and considering they're solodev so you don't have a clue what you're talking about
No they're just gamedevs
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I can live 5 days on 5 pizzas.
What's the best engine to use right now? I'd normally prefer to make my game from scratch but I think the way I program, the game's engine/framework code would be peak spaghetti within a few months.
so by that logic you also support and defend my game?
Then I suppose libgdx is fine if you know Java or Kotlin.
I made the mistake of choosing libgdx like 8 years ago and I like it and I want to keep using it because I'm very comfortable with it, but 3D is pretty much no-go. If I'd chosen Unity from the start, I wouldn't have that limitation but now I must choose either stay 2D or move to Unity and spend months/years learning it.
marnix kinda looks like putin here
If I weren't so slow at drawing / working on my own more profitable project, I'd honestly consider it. They really need a dedicate art director.
Also, FYI, I want to make 3D games and my dev machine is linux.
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dev shit that is related to the job you want...
Don't make a game from scratch. Use Unity unless you have valid specific reasons not to use it. Valid reasons to not use Unity include:
- you want to make a 3D action game, in which case use Unreal
And that's it.
aggybros, you're NOT gonna believe this
I don't even know what your game is so no im not supporting or defending it
yea im ngmi im going all in on this i got enough to neet for 10 years
you just said that you lower your standards and make up justifications for games that were made by a single person and had a lot of effort put into them, so that means that by default you also support my game
Normal game or porn game?
Last I tried, Unity editor doesn't work too well on Linux. Also, there's another reason not to use Unity:
- If your game is a complex sandbox RPG/sim game (look at how CoQ runs so slow -- it's in Unity. Or maybe it's just because of the developer and I'm completely wrong). And that's the kind of game I want to make.
I'm considering either using:
>Godot, but heavily modifying it for my use case, or
>Irrlicht, but heavily modifying it for my use case
If you can show me a good reason to use Unity for an engine for a sandbox RPG (ala Daggerfall/Morrowind with Sims/Minecraft elements) and that Unity can work fine on Linux, I'm all ears.
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which sky is nicer / more aesthetic?
I said something about two specific games, I didn't make any generalization. Lots of solo dev can make shitty games fast, that's not what's impressive, making good games fast is impressive.
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Bur can you call this a life?
I like top better.
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I am a godot dev with a couple of years of professional experience.

Would work for minimum mutt wage.

>.t jobless broke Argie
>look at how CoQ runs so slow
It's time to buy a new computer if CoQ runs slow
Oh, it runs fine now? I've barely played it, and last I knew of it (from sseth's video), Sseth said that although the game was good it ran like ass and the dev doxxed him for it
man I feel bad every time i see someone falling for it
>and the dev doxxed him for it
No he didn't
ok guys I'm starting development now
gonna finish demo in 1-2 months and show you all
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>and the dev doxxed him for it
As she should.
Imagine you spend months or maybe years making a game and then some jackass calls the thing you poured years of your life into bad potentionally scaring away customers id they fall for his disinformation.
Shit if that was me i probably wouldnt just stop at doxing and i would send a pipe bomb to my haters.
Fuck it, unity time
But Sseth liked the game
That's like sending a pipe bomb to the guy who made your biggest glowing review
dev didn't doxx him, sseth review was positive and brought tons of views to the game
I thought the dev doxxed him though?
Or at least the dev was pissed Sseth liked it for some deranged reason
Or were the two parties actually in cahoots the whole time to psyop people into buying the ga--
What's your dev station/setup look like? I mostly use my laptop so I can sit on the couch but I want to use my desktop more because my posture is starting to hurt me
did you save mine? it should be about a year old
thanks for the feedback
look at this bull, a natural leader
So much marketing and manpower effort for a game that got btfo'd by Roody2d
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I forgot to set the "dead" state after killing the frog
>Quake style movement in a wolfenstein style environment
This triggers me
I feel bad every time I see someone using it, knowing I have yet even more competition over my successful job.
I like it
keep some enemies that way
...are you coding that for every single one of your enemies bro
How do I make soulful UI when I lack soul? (traded it to the devil for programming skills)
no no that's not it, nevermind, now I don't have to really make it
Never post this cancer again
show soul-worthy programming skills and get yourself an artist? unless you don't actually have the skills and just think you do?
Holy kino
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depends what you mean by soulful
if handmade, you make the UI by hand and if you made the other assets by hand even if it looks like a kid's drawing it will all look made by the same person
if you mean soulful as in 90s/00s UI kino, then you make the UI elements out of objects that exist within that gameworld, like chunky metal and wood or space age panels etc

post game we'll give you some ideas!
Just ask her out bro, you're just gonna randomly find an artist with equal level of skills to yours willing to work on your project bro, all in less than a month, you just gotta show him your code bro.
>Just ask her out bro, you're just gonna randomly find an artist with equal level of skills to yours willing to work on your project bro, all in less than a month, you just gotta show him your code bro.
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Each enemy has an m_alive boolean variable that disables other state transitions (basically: dead enemies destroy their own hitboxes and cease state transitions. I forgot to set that variable
quotespammer is back
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>quotespammer irl
Are all of your enemies frogs? Why is this state enum tightly coupled to Frog instead of a generic enemy class?
looks like she's say "black cum"
I would hire you if I wasn't so prejudiced against argies (I'm an argie too)
Add in a box of eggs and it's perfect.
Gamer laptop and I work anywhere. My back hurts sometimes.
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Each enemy has its own set of states it can be in. Sometimes those have duplicate names but enum classes don't support inheritance in C++. It makes the code simpler for me. I don't want to complicate the game logic so each enemy has its AI encapsulated, and the base IEnemy class provides a few helper methods e.g: checking if the enemy is on the ground, checking if the enemy can see the player, adding gravity to movement vectors (picrel)
I have a sit / stand desk, that I lowered max to the ground. Then, I mounted a monitor holder to the front edge of the desk, so that I can sit on my couch instead of the office chair. I have a wireless keyboard that I keep on my legs, and I use an unpacked Ikea, I think it's a kitchen cabinet front, as a mousepad (mouse also wireless). Every time I stand up I have to rotate the monitor towards the desk, but it's comfy.
why make it a blobber? it's a kusoge genre
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12 inch laptop at the dinner table.
And a trackball mouse to spare my wrist, has been the best tech investment I've ever made.
Dungeon Crawler devs we are so back!
Does this mean unity? This is C++, not C#. I'm not using unity
I wonder if they felt like they were scamming people when their promotional art looks like that with how the game then actually looks like.
i would simply have 2 nested state machines and consolidate Alive/Dead behavior into a parent class
expose it to children via OnAliveUpdate
Idk what's going on here but I love this webm. The spinning diamond. The walking person. Idk what the game will be but this looks nice
>enum classes don't support inheritance in C++
enums are a struct they don't have inheritance in any language
Capsule art can look like anything thoughbeit. No scams there. It would be a scam if they lied on the Steam page, but there’s no lies.
>towers are coded as a minion
truly copying everything from LoL...
his lies are deeply entrenched in his earlier videos, trying to talk all dat mess bout they ain't like dem other youtubers, yeah nah fuck that cuh! marnix you balding sunken eye having pale skin crook nigga bitch! shieeeet man you ain't even make a half decent fucking prototype how you gon scam people on how to become GAMEDEVS?? FUCK YOU MARNIGGA YOU AINT MAH NIGGA NO MO, FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAT MOMS
How are walking, attacking, hurt, and crouching states that are specific to a frog? Can't any enemy walk, attack, get hurt, or crouch? Seems like you're repeating yourself a lot.
i've been using sloppa and no one in agdg called me out
what does it mean?
The parent doesn't control alive/dead behavior. Some entities die immediately, some die after an animation is played, some die and disappear and some die and leave their bodies behind

>expose it to children
means no one cares about you enough to call you out, sorry
I'm keeping a collage of these btw
What did he notice exactly? Tree detail? What is that supposed to mean?
more interesting question: why are you replying to yourself?
it verifies that anti-AI tards only think that they have 100% detection. This is also provable by showing human-made art in a context that you either imply or outright lie that it's AI. They will trip over themselves talking about how it's slop.

It feels good to be a prompt engineer in 2024. It is very exciting to have your AI art pass as handmade. :)
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1. The frog's walk state doesn't manage the physics of walking, just the timing and state transitions. There is a base class with a "move" function that handles the actual movement.

2. Overthinking polymorphism is easy to do; saying "fuck it" and just coding the logic and refactoring later to keep scope under control is harder
You can have a generic enum on a parent class and still have subclass-specific logic that reads and writes to that enum, anon. It's really not overthinking, it's pretty fundamental.
Are you me?
I want a red haired 3D artist gf who thoughtfully says "Thoughever", "Thoughbeit" , and/or "Thougheverbeit" when she brings up a careful point during the development of our Immersive 3D RPG.
moba + porn
How are you handling animations? Through a state machine?
moba are an anti-art game moron
Planning out polymorphism before planning out game features and specific enemy behavior is a prime case of YAGNI. I don't want to make a game engine, I want to make a game. If I find that I've repeated some code multiple times, I go back later and consolidate it into the base class or a set of helper functions, but I really don't want to waste time thinking about the framework. It's very tempting, as a software engineer, to over engineer a very simple game loop in order to save maybe 5 lines of code per-class
>wombo combo on a lone support in the jungle
imagine the smell
crumble metal
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Animations are a dictionary which defines the offsets and speed of a sprite atlas. When you change an animation you simply say


and it will look it up. You can also avoid using string keys by pre-caching the animation name:

>auto attacking = m_animation->getAnimation("attacking");

Example animation file picrel, it's yaml
I agree with you in principal and have argued many times about using simple code and avoiding patterns or abstracting logic. But will say that duplicate code in my experience is pretty much always a disaster unless it's real clear what it's doing and bug free. If there's even a hint that it might need updating I use shared logic. You don't want to be in a situation where you're having to remember where all the instances of copied code is when there's a bug and you're running all over the code fixing a bug.
But again, given your intelligence, you probably have this taken into account.
the good news is that i figured out a diet that won't make me chronically tired
the bad news is that its melting my teeth
whats your game?
ah the citrusvore diet.
maybe I'll make a race in my 3D RPG which only eats citrus.
See >>483301238
Whatever you say, anon. FYI this doesn't really have anything to do with polymorphism, this is just basic inheritance and putting things where they belong. It's interesting you chose to use C++ when you have no experience with or desire to use OOP.
>Planning out polymorphism before planning out game features and specific enemy behavior is a prime case of YAGNI.
disagreed. you can predict 70% of the base classes you will need by doing some thinking for 1 minute. this is 70% less refactoring
yeah, im considering taking vitC supplement even though it's so abundant just to be able to drink slightly cold water again
My insomnia is affecting my dev output. What do you guys watch/read/listen to before sleeping? I think I need a "deactivate brain" routine that's not just browsing 4chan.
I bask in the glow of completing a feature or solving a bug. If I don't accomplish that, I don't go to bed.
I've ended a few nights people watching on Neverwinter Nights Arelith in the town square.

Kanye West Streetlights
>no experience with or desire to use OOP
suck my butt, C++ polymorphism is shit, the only sane way to write C++ is C with classes.
concentraded effort in 'thinking about nothing' deactivates brain
>"independent devs" still falling for the oop inheritance abstraction recycling meme
Give up game development and become a dentist.
i think that's creating extra work for yourself. why not just tell the subclass when IsAlive becomes false
Lights out. No phone. If you can't rawdog sleep, maybe have fire ambience or rain ambiance playing. Howls castle piano with rain and lightning. Or maybe have a movie on with a sleep timer set, turned down to just barely hear it. Can't have lights in the room. Dark as possible. Try to darken you surrounding like an hour before sleep as best you can. I forget if you turn blue light on or off for screens, but look into that.
This is not like, peer reviewed, it's just what I do. I read something that the CIA or military trains people to sleep by thinking over how each body part is totally and completely relaxed, visualize it, and that can help fall asleep.
0 (zero) sales
it's technically a Unit, I think ill use a bitmask to decide if a skill should be able to interact with a subtype of unit
the downside of this is that now I can't listen to my favorite podcasts without just falling asleep
Name 15 things wrong with OOP
im used to it
if capsule art doesn't communicate what the game looks like then I do feel a bit scammed
Because I'm more focused on making a game than overthinking the code

Believe it or not this is not my first directx or opengl game; I have found that 99 times out of 100, the thing that kills a project is worrying too much about the code and too little about the game. Engine deving is easy if you approach it with a certain attitude which allows for imperfection in the architecture. The point is not to write good code, the point is to make a good game and throw the code away when you're done
>I can't sleep
>what media should I be beaming bright into my eyes before bed
>you know, to help me sleep
I'm with you, I can't even shit on you for this.
I play something I know by heart, like Blackadder or Futurama. It's wordy enough to disrupt my thoughts but not interesting enough to listen.
Actively remembering every bad life situation till failure
i think what im saying falls on your side of the fence
Maybe the reason your code is bad is that after several projects you refuse to take the opportunity to learn anything. It's baffling that you went the hard route writing a C++ game without an engine, and yet refuse to follow any programming practices. You're going to hate yourself when a project gets bigger than a demo and you have a horrible mess to maintain.
if you want to play blobbers there's somethign wrong with you
I have written thousands of lines of code for my game, but I don't know whether I've been doing it with object-oriented programming, functional programming, or imperative programming
Here's my take on it.

I'm new to making game engines, and I'm working in C and Vulkan.

To avoid analysis paralysis and book-reading ( which would take more time), I just 'code' till it hurts.

I code and I code until I say "Ok, I need an abstraction , this needs a refactor, I need a feature."

It's been working well.
here bro
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'old' episodic comfy tv shows. they have a buildup, tension and release. moderns stuff is just tension all the way with a cliffhanger by the end making you want to watch the next episode
fug, messed up
yea early 2000's had some comfy episodic tv.

Star Trek Enterprise where Trip eats his favorite food. "Ah, they got key lime pie! Hah hah!"

The 9th and 10th Doctor as well.
There is a colossal difference between programming practices and project management practices and you only learn the latter from experience and having a job. The basic inheritance described in these replies are the kind of shit you learn from a Java 101 class. Programming knowledge is easy to get, but project management and scope control are things that require years to learn
But why work so low-level when you have no interest in learning? If you are sacrificing learning for the sake of "finishing" projects, why not use game maker or something?
decompress juvenile
I do have interest in learning, I am learning by doing.
I don't get how a project is hard to maintain... like, just have all the different features separated cleanly in different source files, nigga... if there's a problem with something, just change the relevant source file... you're containing the problems and segmenting your work... you'd have to be retarded to not do this...
Have you tried getting more sun, exercise, or in more extreme cases melatonin / trazidone?
You don't understand the point. You don't pick c or c++ because you want to get a game done fast or because you want to build a whole ECS engine from scratch. You are picking the things which are important to you and then expressing yourself through code via those components. To develop your own game in your own engine is to live deliberately.

This means making instantaneous decisions about which features are important enough to spend time building from scratch, which ones can be imported via a library, and which features don't get added at all

Also, from an outside perspective, engine development may seem hard because of the amount of code required, but once you've done a few projects it's really not hard at all, it just requires care and attention to the things that really matter. If you're really into physics, you can write your own physics engine, or you can just import physx. If you want a complicated level editor, you can make your own or just use an existing CSG editor or even blender. It's really not nearly as hard as people think it is, unless you just don't know how to code
Managing code is trivial. Managing time is hard. Computer time is cheap, human time is expensive
People choose to use C because they choose to be complete. They choose C++ because they are broken ...
>unless you just don't know how to code
that's the point, anon has shown his code and doesn't seem to be the kind of person who should be working this low-level
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It's either that or medication.
everytime I look at a github repo that uses a lot of C++ features ( not C-like C++ ), it's like funhouse crazy world. I get out of there immediately, it is disorienting.
Good morning I wish death to all americans
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stop following me.
You're replying to the person you're talking about. You still don't understand the point. Yes, it would be easy to move some enum or a helper method into a parent class, but if you add up the amount of abstraction that you SHOULD or COULD do, they increase the amount of development time required. The AI for the frog took me almost no time to write at all, so why refactor it? Writing code the way described only scratches an itch in the brain, it does nothing to advance my actual goals. Again, this is not about programming patterns, it is about project management. Write the code as fast as possible and rethink it later if you need to. If the whole project goes belly up, start over. Give yourself room to fail and don't put all your hopes and dreams on a single project. Iterate, fail, improve, and release
anti-psychotics are necessary for some people mr poltard chudcel epic tradlarper
I'm not like, a great dev, but I have years of experience and personally approve of this. Like ya, you run into an issue, you then dive into a solution. Seems smart to me. Do. Reflect when needed. As opposed to solving imaginary problems like most people.
This, all code snobs sounds like they've never worked a day in their lives.
Everyone has thought this way at some point. "I can't afford to write good code, it takes too long". The entire point of good code is to save time. It's faster to work in a codebase with well-written code than a codebase with poorly written code. As your project grows, you're going to be slogging through your own mistakes. Writing good code the first time is much faster than going back and refactoring whenever it "hurts".
Heh. I have a class named `BaseWall`. Almost like `BaseBall`. Heh heh.
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I can do... Other things.. for a mutt minimum wage job..
Plus, if I Rewrote the code to be perfectly object oriented, I would later find that perhaps an approach with components or downcasted multiple inheritance offers more flexibility. I'm sure some functional programming advocate would pop in and say I shouldn't be referencing my game manager or player object from a global state, it should be explicitly passed in everywhere. Someone else might say that my entities should be parallel arrays of vectors so I can take advantage of CPU caching. The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry
Or I could ignore what internet armchair experts think and make a game instead
thanks to the feedback I got from last thread I'm getting a bit ambitious with the visuals, I'll submit my demo next DD hopefully
Then make a NTR blacked game with AI because that's what the market wants.
and marching cube sphere with scalar field interpolation instead of basic midpoint method.
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You cant distance yourself from what you create anon
Okay can you encontrar un político honesto?
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for comparison. pic rel is with the basic midpoint method.

Both are marching cubes.
>What do you guys watch/read/listen to before sleeping?
Nothing. I dev until I'm tired then sleep.
...You degenerate whore
goon sesh
You just rawdog it straight from the computer to the bed? No mentally disconnecting from work mode? No small talk with your girlfriend for 30 minutes before falling asleep? No videos, nothing?
>the saplings are sometimes flipped but the grown trees are never flipped
whoa a gf would be such a energy drain.
Glad I don't have a gf during this time period in my life.
Damn. Whoa. She better contribute and dev and be with me in my game dev room during work hours if she wants to be my gf.
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I give up
this is what lack of cobbee does to a mf
this is what lack of cobbee does to a caffine addict*
how do i get energy
are drugs easy to get and abuse
i need energy
He's got some connections not to mention his publisher is probably paying top dollar for that and will charge him for it under marketing expenses. The second one is due to a modder event held by Bethesda where top modders were invited, which he is one of for making a lame meme mod that's popular with normans. Not sure why his train mod is that popular but that covers it. It's the connections, not the game, otherwise those games that came out next to his lile Yellow Taxi and Turbo kid should be getting them too especially with those ratings.

You have like 5 options to getting featured on there
>publisher pays them
>connections to said magazine outlet writers
>magazine writer is a fanboy of yours
>popular game where they cover it for free since it probably generates a lot of web traffic like Haunted Chocolatier
>pay them yourself to cover you
coffee is available at any grocery store
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but coffee is hot and it's rly hot in here
also i'm poor
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It's all coming together nicely.
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how do you prevent yourself from becoming this
Unreal hater sisters....our response?
If I was given one single wish I would wish that all coffee ceases to exist so that this disgusting freak kills himself
>take one week of vacation
>too lazy to get back to work
>completely lose motivation and discipline
owari da
Idk can I see a list?

How dare you call him that, I was duped into clicking thinking it was Timmy of Unreal. Never conflate your flaming homo faggot to our semibased weirdo again!

I know one dev whose free game helped him get a job at some triple A compamy. Or at least that's what it sounded like from what he said. Came to find out some of the art was done by someone else later down the road. I think the music may have been as well. All he did was the code by then and it's not exactly hard to code that. I may be terrible at this but even I could code that. This was late 2010s. I don't think it's as easy to pull this off anymore desu. There's enough gamedevs out there that you probably need to be way more talented to get it to help you like this in 2024.
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>If it's hot and brown, I'm gonna be happy
What did Eric Barone mean by this?
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truly delightful
She'd be pretty if her tits were bigger. These are simply too small for me. Also
>magazine article
Kek who reads this? How do these businesses even stay afloat? Wish they were public companies so I could see their terrible revenue like Unity. How much did the publisher pay for this?
try tea
Kekked its like he got pulled away
I rid myself of my addiction to coffee.
It was pretty easy and the secret is energy drinks.
Hope one day she will Return.
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>AI slop
>stupid writing
looking forward to you giving up, or even better, taking this all the way to flop stage.
I rid myself of my addiction to beer
It was pretty easy and the secret is whisky
Is there gonna be anything good during the Steam Sale for software?
Kek I remember the dev getting butthurt for getting called out on his fursona character being unkillable because "important to plot" yet other characters might not have this invicinbility. Or the Putus Templar setting him off in a rage while unironically being something he put in game.
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How did he do it?
Shit, the mapmaking website I got some of my map sprites from told me I can't use individual map sprites in my game, only complete maps with backgrounds.
So now I need to have ~30 sprites redrawn.
This is going to suck donkey balls.
The dev raged because he got called out on his fursona and being le "we are all equal" in a game where a lot of mutants try to kill you and the Putus Templar unironically want to eradicate said mutants. Wanting to play as them sets the dev off from what I read
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I coded my minions as champions, their active ability is melee combat.
The crystal animation looks nice, and the bitmask idea should work fine. I avoided this by not having towers. Have you tried it over network?
okay I laughed
Kek is this lemmy lenny or whatever that project zomboid makers name is? Vg sure disliked him, he seemed to be delaying finishing the game on purpose and seemed more interested in the clout
make a good game
Brazil is the land of coffee. If that guy is BR I'm afraid I will have to revoke his huelicense and ship him back to Nortubel.
If you can't spare 5 minutes, you're NGMI unironically.
leave attention seeker
If you stop posting you'l save even more time
He stole that line from Runa, just like he stole harvest moon from those honest Japanese devs and underpaid that artist coder. What a despicable "dev" concernedape is.
Iced coffee idiot?!?
don't reply to it
Usually it goes like this:
>coding stuff
>I want to finish this but my back is killing me I will lay down for a couple minute just to rest and keep working
>lay down
>fall asleep immediately
>wake up
>turn of lights, pc monitor
>go back to sleep
That was before we knew he was friend with some big wigs who helped him with marketing and steam deals.
>all this nepotism and trannies are still anti-AI
I can not sleep
Maybe I will write some design documents
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>finally managed to get 8 hours of sleep after a long time
my brain is back bros
I wish I had one during this period of my life.
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Are action games simply the easiest game to make for the biggest bang? It's not something visually boring like tactics, strategy, jrpg, crpg or drpg. It makes more sense to make a hack and slash, shooter, or soulslike which you can tell is a good game from seeing it play unlike the other boring games. Marketing is easier, the truth isn't obscured, and you can get more attention here for more feedback.
This logic breaks down when it comes time to determine what is “good” code and “bad”. The only code that I believe is bad 99% of the time is duplicated code. Or a process that is central to a system and relies on too many bools being passed around. And the second one is mostly just a pet peeve of mine.

I’ve seen code written by Software devs higher than I’ll probably ever be. And it’s so abstracted and overuse that any time anyone has to interact with it, it’s a major problem. But people think it’s nice because it’s abstracted. I say fuck that.
>mfw named Lemmy
>so rare of a name that I only know 4 persons
>pic related
>the guy who inspired the name in the first place
>a perroquet as counted by the guy who inspired the name
Idk. Are successful AGDG games usually action games?
>and overuse
What does this mean?
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I visited caravela some time ago and everything outside /b/ was fucking dead
No gamedev, no art especially 3d
Where are latam devvers hang out?
i dont get why is he getting downvoted? gamedev is hard and it takes time especially with a small team
i'm not aware of whats going on with his game tho
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Oh yeah i remember this one from some DDs ago, it was really good
Typo. Obtuse I meant.
> it’s so abstracted and overuse that
I think they mean

"the code is very abstracted, and the only design paradigm they use is abstraction, which makes the code look nice, but it is hard to debug and modify"
>Where are latam devvers hang out?
Here, third worlders run this general
hello azurdev
Meant a parrot woops
Yes essentially impossible to debug. Debugging is huge. If at all possible I want to be able to set break points. Not always possible of course.
>Where are latam devvers hang out?
There's lots of us here. I counted like 3 argies, 4 brazucas, some mexicans and then there's cris.
are you ready for next weekend?
I don't put the n-word in my code (if that's the guy I remember)
The game isn't even a game is the problem. It's so barebones, the gameplay is the same in 10 hours, 50 hours and 1000 hours. It's been in development since 2011. It should be way further and much better. There are bad apples in the community, but they take much more blame than they should.
>I don't put the nigger-word in my code
what happens
i'm excited for the streams
>he doesn't put ngmi in his code
I try to avoid other Brazillians.
To expand on this, I have heard other high level devs complain about this devs code for exactly these reasons. But then they say “even though it’s super extra and not needed, he takes in projects other people don’t want, so we allow it.” So ya he gets his projects to write code that isn’t part of the standard framework, sr guys are happy they don’t gotta write it. And then us lower level Devs are stuck with the fucking mess. God I hope my game sells well.
I fucking love this baldy like you wouldn't believe
Hot take: Abstractions do not make debugging harder because the alternative is spaghetti. It might take time to learn the abstractions, but it's worth it.
I use abstractions to turn simple straight forward code into spaghetti
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smooth marching cubes sphere using scalar field interpolation.
It does make debugging harder when you can’t set break points. Which occurs with interfaces. It’s also harder to see what is calling what so you can’t even go line by line in the code just reading it.
how do you debug physics if you can't set break points agdg
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The problem with agdg is that half of of the people here are talentless and one third are talentless + petty. People say all the time "you need to grow thicker skin and take all feedback constructively", but how about the crabs grow some thicker skin and learn to take feedback on their feedback more constructively? How about that? The worst thing you can get in life is a bunch of pissy weirdos that embark on a personal vendetta crusade just because a dev told them that their feedback wasn't really all that helpful
Why do you think there's people who constantly seethe at osur, and horbror and cosmic call for no apparent reason?
That’s what most people do I think. Any time I abstract I have a very good reason to do so. It’s like getting a warrant to spy, I need evidence for just cause.
what's a break point?
I think osur, horbror and cosmic call can do better. They don't. Simple as.
You're self-afflicting yourself with that insomnia because you're making the bed a place for things other than sleeping. Put the fucking phone away and sleep bitch.
That’s actually how I think of the world. The world has lots of people with lots of dumbass ideas. But they never get the chance to run their logic and set breakpoints. And that’s why the world is all fucked up. It’s like writing a million lines of code, never testing it, and be like don’t worry bro trust me, it’ll work.
>your game doesn't really appeal to me. You need to add more hot babes and adrenaline-pumping action
Godot recommends this : https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/
Worth it?
If you're a codelet, yes. Codelets should not be touching Godot if you don't know the difference between an array and boolean.
are you schizo horbor?
That's inane, and you have no way to know one way or the other, and you yourself could do better as well by that logic. I expect you not to be a crab. That makes us the same?
I think you can shove a fist up your ass
>you need to grow thicker skin and take all feedback constructively
if you want to make the best game you can make then you do. you seem to think receiving "bad" feedback is harmful but it isn't
I have crabs.
Almost the end of the month and you know what that means... neetbux dropping soon :D
Which one of you is responsible for this?
No, you need to have the thinnest of skins to make good games. Games are art and good artists need to be sensitive.
I did the other CS50 course which is a Game Dev course and it was worth it.
I'm actually talking specifically about the fact that you might one day accidentally reply to one of these schizos telling them their feedback doesn't fit your game and if you hit the jackpot it will turn out to be some unhinged maniac that's gonna devote the rest of his life to doxxing you
Not me, I still haven't fulfilled my requirements to be able to sell a porn game.
no one here has good taste
That’s why people with good games don’t post here, you’d have to be insane to roll the dice every time
The type of feedback I wish I could respond to in a measured way and not some sort of placative statement is the kind where: You have a feature 'A' that will look very strange alone, but a yet-to-be-implemented feature 'B' will make the whole concept make sense, then someone comes out and makes a very good critique of 'A' as a stand alone mechanic, but doesn't know of 'B' and doesn't mention it because it doesn't exist yet. It poisons the well against 'A' in whatever conversation there is to be had about it, and the types of solutions to the problem of 'A' that people will then suggest are along the lines of "change or remove 'A'" which would defeat the purpose of adding 'B'. This is my fault for showing off 'A' without 'B' I understand, but I always forget because I have low mental transparency.
Feedback is useless specifically because of the reasons you mentioned. The game isn't finished or even in a presentable state. Any or all feedback is wiped out the next update.
I just sent a support ticket asking if I could have a daily deal, and they said yes. I think it's because I have a lot of wishlists (over 60k).
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I think I made that post
>reply to one of these schizos telling them their feedback doesn't fit your game
Why would I do that?
So this is the power of Valve.
retard ngmi
It's me.
I'm the unhinged maniac who's gonna devote the rest of his life to doxxing you.
Played the demo of some game yesterday. Quickly got bored. You are forced to do dodges to "break" enemy defenses or in some cases the final attack of a combo to "break" enemy defenses. Felt like it was their way of ramping up the difficulty since they couldn't think of anything else. Decided to just spam dodge because a succesful dodge unleashes an auto attack. Game suddenly became extremely easy as there was like a 0.1 second cooldown on dodging. I look it up today and it has over 1000 reviews. How do games do this, poor gamellay but sells well anyways? Not posting it, I know how some of you are and will use any excuse to explain success or failure away.

Heck the multiplayer game in the same genre handles gameplay much better and its only slightly ahead. Multiplayer and better gameplay only to be outdone by a spam dodge game.
>I know one dev whose free game helped him get a job at some triple A compamy.
Was it a flash game? I know a guy who made a platformer in flash he went to another country but not a triple-A company but still it was a big deal as far as I remember for what he had done.
I'm late at everything in life... I wasted so much time.
hello, FAGMAN here
I approve of your statement, you need to stop resisting AI so we can finally defeat nepotism
(this post has been signed by Mark Zuckerberg for authenticity)
That's genius. I'm going to put that in my game.
leave zoomie
Look at your complaint bro. It's basically a "look at me I'm smart and I exploited the mechanics so that means it's bad." Nobody cares about this. Nobody. This is not a real complaint.

Really what I read was "Dev put in mechanics to change up standard gameplay. People thought this was a good move" ya man, that's a good thing.
Wait nevermind just clicked some more, they have one page for the demo and another for the actual game. The game hasnt released but
>top 500 most wishlisted
>only 1 aggy game is ahead of it in wishlists, Momomyth
Well considering the reception it will probably still do well.

Ehh seems cheap and boring. I got bored of the demo fast, left once I realized there wasnt much to the game but that gameplay and a hub location. Wow how fun, all I do is spam dodge. Visuals were pretty but why am I going to spends 10s of hours beating a game solely for the story when the gameplay is literally just spamming dodge?
>wasnt much to the game but that gameplay
im not reading any of that
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>he was friend with some big wigs
Why are you guys so afraid of getting doxxed?
Like if you wanted to find Todd Howard or Tim Cain or Josh Sawyer, I'm sure you could figure it out easily.
heh, same. would have to be paid to read that
Don't be arrogant. Don't think people care about you being clever. Don't think you're going to look cool with long arguments.

One thing Norm really taught me was to work hard to appear stupid. Nothing worse than being the smartest guy in the room.
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Remember when you thought you was gonna make it, remember when you thought you was gonna beat the horrible odds of this hobby? Those were the times...
retard you live with your mother on dial up internet, you're one to talk
Because I don't want people harassing my family on social media?
No the demo has a complaint
Kek these people unironically just want a game where they spam one button to win. No wonder Banana has did so well. But after further looking it has coop with one person complaining its not regular coop but remote play together kek. Combined with the sexy chick on the cover I think I know why they drew in the crowd now
0 - Back to the drawing board
1-4 - Japanese horror game
5-9 - Souls-like
Good to know thanks
based post.
ngmi anon
this. literally the only thing i give a shit about
Doxxing is less of the threat when you're famous and have security to back you up. Do you have that?
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Remember when Manor Lords made 100 million dollars in 2 months
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Finally started work on the real levels which will appear in the full game
this guy gets it
I'm going to make it.
Mark 11:23-24. All glory to Jesus Christ.
who are you I want to kiss you in the mouth
What's wrong with being the smartest guy in the room?
They all live in a gated community with security guards and police 2 min away from their house...
the guy isn't trying to be clever. He's on a doom spiral fearing for his life
that happened to me once (when I was alone in a stadium), I had a panic attack because of the crushing weight of the universe.
so many transwomen on /agdg/ these days, i need to find a better gamedev forum
Persecution complex... no one cares who you are. Your game can make a million dollars, still no one will care who you are.
Look at how many devs or writers went to conventions where any schizo could accost them and nothing ever happens.

You think Eric Barone or Lucas Pope or Jblow (or Todd Howard for that matter) walk around with a security detail?

This is the same type of thinking as when you're afraid someone will steal your idea or decompile or reverse engineer your game.
relax skinny incel zoomer, ywnbaw
yeah but what that reply said is still pretty good.
>gamedev forum
He's the dev of Project Zomboid. He (his team including people he lures in that mod the game and add content faster than him) spends months designing very minor things. He acts like he's some sort of somebody and gets mad at his slow pace of development even though individual modders outpace him in adding things he says he will. It doesn't take 5 years to add animals or NPCs to the game. He seems to add very little for how long it takes him to do anything. He seems to just buy out modders woth a job for the sole purpose of curbing the development of mods that make him look bad for taking so long. He seems to just be milking the attention he gets for making a popular game. The general on /vg/ seemed to also hate him on average for his behavior, kek at the disconnect rarely seen where the gamers hate the dev but like the game.
Don't interact with your community.
Release updates.
Respond to legitimate criticism by updating your game with fixes.
For every cool person you talk to online, there is (at least) one troll and one stalker that are wasting your time.
i'll bite, what could those devs do better?
t. one of those devs
American McGee got death threats about his sister and she went missing forever...
since you think taking proper precautions to protect your identity and the identities of your family, why don't you go ahead and post your details? (you won't). seems like you're doing some projecting about your very own persecution complex
anyone else frustrated that they want to create a game yet feel incompetent going on about it?
Not a flash game, some downloadable roguelike on itch that never got finished. But yeah I know that being late part. Just a few years sooner on so many things and I'd unironically be rich, crypto, stocks, gamedev. It's not even funny how many opportunities I had for getting rich had I just reacted slightly sooner. Now it feels impossible
and that's a good thing!!
I'm frustrated that I have the ability to make the game I want to make but that it would take too long so I'm forced to compromise by making something much worse.
literally every dev, but you gotta try anyway
Yes, but I do it anyways.
I mean sure
>He's on a doom spiral fearing for his life
What happened? The fanboys finally wisened up to what hes doing?
I don't know what I'm doing here, I don't feel like I can co-sign that feeling.
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Do not besmirch 'una with your lies
Hello, I'm starting an youtube channel doing interviews with devs. Right now they are paid, so you mist pay me 100 dollars.
goooooooooooooooood morning sir i can pay you in lesson to learn the java
kindly reply dear
post channel and i will consider
I'll mist you with a fart that was a 100 dollar steak
Creating something and putting it out into the world is a test of your ego. If your ego is fragile or vulnerable, criticism will appear like a threat. You'll get caught up in defending yourself and the wheels will fall off. The quality of the feedback is really besides the point. There's too many ways to think about what quality feedback actually is, it's not worth your time. In the end, it all returns to having taste, having a perspective, having a vision, whatever you want to call it. That is the compass, design work you do, feedback you read, playtesting you do/receive, all ideas you think of or are presented to you, must all be considered within the light of your vision. If you can't do that, you will not make it through.
Thanks but I can get a professional journalist to interview me for free.
Music devs, are there anything you wished you had known when you were just starting out?
Good post.
I hate mojang but I love minecraft
retarded take completely lmfao, you wanna be tough guy
Cuddles with Runa! (I'm not horny at the moment)
okay sent! ;)
start the interview now, sir
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school stuff is finally done
passed all things
time to dev
if anything, I wish I knew less.
that's very zen of you
I am not educated enough to know if "zen" is appropriate here but you catch my drift, if you catch my drift
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If I listened to every feedback I got my game would be abandoned or turned to literal shit
Kekd irl. Idk it was pretty funny

I think people who would disagree with this never got bullied or something. Not getting bullied should be fatal.
There's a difference between listening and obeying
cringe zoomer
*pretends to be an adult indian male for no reason whatsoever*
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What's the best twitter tutorial for boomers?
listening to feedback doesn't mean implementing the suggestion 1:1. either you have missed anon's point or you are one who will not make it through
I am a buetiful madam dear please do the support
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You can listen and swipe it away. That's the entire point.
My inverviews will be Nardwar tier.
strange post
yeah bullies are bad, but if I never got bullied I would have turned out a lot worse I think
you're turning it to literal shit with the new palettes though...
what are the best ways i could tell a lewd story with minimal gameplay but some gameplay still? i wanna make a spooky bondage lewd game in a zombie survivor kinda scenario but like i dont wanna just make a VN and i feel like i should use my cool game dev skillz to do something instead. i dont wanna make a rpg maker game since they're a diamond dozen but i really thought my one room adventure game was scoped down enough that i could finish it guess not
You guys just give shitty feedback. That's all there is to it.
anything else attention seeker?
there's always next project
We are lowkey insane.
this, but unironically
I did a real interview before /v/3 and the one in the show was supposed to be a joke because that wasn't even me
Fuck off Marnix
Post game.
post hand
Bing "The Witness"
this is a nice bants thread, could be a lot worse.
Point and click I guess
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please respond I don't know how to use this thing
damn cloudflare I would've posted it before you if not for them
Point and click, not the shitty 2013 browser ones but a good one like monkey island
She uses apple products. I'd rather simp for girl dev with taste ...
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cris won.
froggy how the fuck is it going? nice to see you here
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pokemon + baldurs gate
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(Sorry for the bitrate torture, I think the bitrate fucking HATES the "180p resolution" render pass I have going on)
>6 months from now:
>nothing different but 12 more released agdg games
How long did it take the AI to generate that video?
Like until you can render this stuff in under 16 milliseconds at 720p minimum, it's useless for realtime applications
People still use gamemaker?
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>this is the worst it will ever be. From here, things will only continue to improve
Why do they keep repeating the same phrase?
yes tard?
aa thats like my current escape game except you walk around with tank controls instead of clicking around. ive gotten a lot of nice comments on my current annime girl 3d models tho and id like to have a reason tou se them blahh. maybe i should do my cool third person shooter game idea instead since that will be a lot less trying really hard to come up with interesting puzzles that make you feel smart to solve
this is unity
You need apple products to get a dev id and release on mac os and ios lil bro
No. I was competent before I started making my first game. Competent at programming, art and learning. And my first game turned out better than I thought it would. And it flopped pretty hard because it was nothing special and had no marketing.
Implied in your little advice is the assumption that one wants to "look cool". To those who live for others like you, everything you do is about how you look. But to those like me, who are smart and wise beyond belief, and who are truth-seekers first and foremost, "looking cool" is irrelevant. Norm was a comedian, pretending to be stupid is something that makes other people laugh. Your life shouldn't be optimized towards the same goals as those of a comedian, unless you wish to be one yourself.
>12 more released agdg games
Try 4 max. We're half way through the year and you could probably count all the shipped /agdg/ games this year on one hand.
>you need to suck apple's cock lil bro
>I am using lil bro in a condescending tone because I don't know how else to make fun of you lil bro
>even though I'm probably way younger than the person I'm calling lil bro, lil bro
>man I'm such a retard lil bro
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>Got my artist to start using Jira Kanban instead of keeping a TODO list on a Photoshop canvas
/AGDG/ niggaz... I have a question.
So my programmer is about to finish up fixing major issues with the game, once that actively impede the experience, and after that, there remain a bunch of small things ("crosshair starts to flick red when you're on low hp" type of small thing), and a big fixing related to the interaction UI. The game is playable without both, actually. But the UI thing would take substantially longer to do.

So, my question is - what should we focus on first? Getting a bunch of small things out of the way first, or the UI thing first?
>Have you tried it over network?
i test the game in my LAN, to test proper internet network i need to do the port-fowarding thing in the router eventually. im working on a python announce-server script now to allow users to make their matches publicly visible(self hosted where one player is the absolute authority)
the ol' i did no marketing excuse
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okay now have the camera turn around and generate the exact same thing thing we saw on the way forward but from the opposite angle
Make it so you can play it on mobile.
what's going to get the game closer to a playable demo (or if it's already there, new features) that will get you some more relevant feedback?
and what do you two think is more important?
is your female artist single and ready to mingle? (bodytype: impressive, hair situation: could be better, age: according to wikipedia i'm barely past my prime so still in my prime)
>4 brazucas,
at least 7
2d death stranding but you transport tied up women in cases, you can hear them moan if you move too quickly.
redpillmaxx me on the qrd of these kanbancore workflow jhannas fampai
>Afterlife Gladiator
>Monospaced Lovers
>Mirrored Soul
>Tower of Kalemonvo
>He Who Watches
>Poke All Toads
>Cosmic Call
Room for more for the undecided.
>what's going to get the game closer to a playable demo
The game's already sort of in a playable state. We're not talking about a demo but an E.A. release. I'm not sure how ready it is for that, but I can confidently say it's 90%.
>what do you two think is more important?
That's the thing. I'm not sure. They're both equally important to me, so I don't know what should take precedence.
only one of those coming out soon is Spastic Hole
>That's the thing. I'm not sure. They're both equally important to me, so I don't know what should take precedence.
heads = long UI thing
tails = major gameplay issue
It's over. When AI first started making simple HTML games it was only a question of time. Thankfully gamedevs are not first in line for the ditch. We'll go after artists, composers, writers, translators, web designers and programmers.
I wish I'd been a plumber or an electrician or a nurse.
I'M BOUTTA HAVE A MELTDOWN (it's very hot)
>sir before i work on your game i must know what engine thy useth
Well, guess it's tails.
That's one way to decide.
It wouldn't have helped. If the game is nothing special, marketing has to be commercial-tier like hundreds of thousands of dollars, not posting on twitter, reddit and tiktok
The canvas is better to be honest. More freeform. More clarity.
lol retard. it'll never be able to into very complex games. just empty garbage games like that one
Convinced my artist to use Free Software instead of Trello.
Uhh how did you forget Feed ;_; it's literally next month
I think I'm going to throw up
how did they make something worse than The Witness? It's over John Blow fans, they found out the secret to making people throw up
i wish i had a gamedev partner...
femaleanon, you don't need to make your post that big for attention
Decided to release my False Engine add-on for RPG Maker MV (mainly for backup and preservation).

>Video Showcase:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u876HBeU1WU [Embed]

I wanna dev but its gonna be near 30 degrees for the next 3 days and I can barely function... i feel like scum for not deving...
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I don't like cubes, make the world spherical
Should post the release date more often so I can see it and remember it.
Well anon, for starters, how confortable are you on the giving end of a fellatio?
same or literally anyone to help me even 1 extra person would cut down my work load immensely
>lol retard. that clunky automobile will never be able to replace a horse.
Same... (but biologically female)
Looks nice I haven't use rpgmaker in a while but thanks for sharing
i'll program your game
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>Frederick "Fritz" Conception finally added an internment camp level
I hate that modern game engines are all
>have a dozen super expensive features and ridiculous polycounts/texture resolutions so that it runs like shit
>render it at sub 1080p then upscale it to fix performance
Don't you have AC?
i'm bri'sh...
>coding for free for attention
I'm so sorry.
Then feeling like scum shouldn't be out of the ordinary for you
not just to have someone to bounce ideas off of... or just to share the load... but to have someone to be beholden too.
it's only fair artists can do it too
I think a sign saying "Work sets you free" would really complement the sense of struggle in the contrast between cuteness and dreariness here.
I can't stop laughing at this
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Why are the "bad" japanese artists making games still called "soul" while people like nortubel and cris get called cringe?
cause you a gay ass nigga
>Why are the "bad" japanese artists making games still called "soul" while people like nortubel and cris get called cringe?
Looks ok for an amateur game, how long you been working on this?
I'm guessing the short view distance is supposed to be atmospheric but it really looks bad as full white like that, also what's with the white down by the water edge?

You've got a pretty good start here but a long way to go I'd say
I love my posts
Japanese artists are not bad.
leave jamal
boku, I...
well that sounds reasonable, my main question though is how it handles pulling someone who is on a different client. Like if you can pull other champions. I did it with a super jank fix up where the tongue flags things it hits with momentum and flings them at pomao.
still struggling with basic multiplayer implementations i see pomao...
If your channel is big enough..
I set up a really bad paradigm, so yes. There's a lot of disagreement between collisions, so I had to compensate with redundant checking. Then there's the fact that people can do all kinds of intentional cheese. But I'm not done yet, and the game is fun.
My computer is ignoring the first few letters I type in any sentence. I tried restarting, different keyboards, driver fuckery... nothing.

I'm beggin' ya, aggy. Help me.
this game just keeps getting uglier
he isn't even posting it and won't follow through
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Anon, I asked you a question
>If I just release this one game for mobile, even if it doesn't make money opportunities will come afterwards. Right?
depends on how good it is.
If your goal is to get hired by a game studio (and why the hell you would want that at this point in time is beyond me) then this game is your demo. Make it as polished as possible, make sure the UI is clean, buy some decent music or sounds, even if you're not a great artist make sure that what you have is still smooth and looks consistent. Basically show some pride in your game. It doesn't matter if it doesn't have every feature or it's small in scale, just make it look like you can do professional work if they hire you.

>Came to find out some of the art was done by someone else later down the road. I think the music may have been as well. All he did was the code by then and it's not exactly hard to code that. I may be terrible at this but even I could code that.

"He didn't do everything" is a ridiculous criticism.
But enough about your parents' reaction when you were born.
Same. You cannot imagine how much easier it is to gamedev with just one extra person at your side. Split it with one doing coding and the other art. If I had this my game wouldn't be taking this ridiculously long to complete.

I suck at both code and art. So I'd take either probably an artist though as it helps sell the game better.
This is all one level that is replacing Spooky_2 because I ended up hating spooky_2 for not being different from other levels in the game and was phoned in because I was tired.

This redone spooky_2 with a lot more love does something the rest of the game doesn't do by having 5 islands with different challenges you warp to complete.

You choose any of the 5 portals in any order and knock out each challenge and solve the puzzles how they link from island to island.
I made mine ITT :)
you just have to ask
and post game of course
calm down
literally looks way better in that pic, get your eyes checked, chang
Its incredible what a muddled mess this thing has devolved into.
is Bokudev... you know
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Maybe one day...
yeah 5'4", max
/agdg/ thinks collabing with someone is worse than murder, so you must stick to being a solodev who can barely even get a single game out because of the amount of work needed.
But enough about what your dad said to your mom after she saw your ugly ass.
I can't wait for themes of rape, suicide and torture to appear in the 18+ game bokube
I'd collab with someone as game designer but now I'm busy with another collab so I have no time to collab with AGDG.
this ain't even reddit tier this is like youtube comments under a fortnite short with the split screen subway surfers
having a bad day today, anon? please also note that this is a gamedev thread uglyanon
i'm just syncin the champion position at 60hz
minions are synced much less often
so the skill pulling only happens in the server
really, everything only happens in the server.
projectiles are created and animated in the client, without syncing
cris writes better lyrics than this come on now
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>he's cheating on /agdg/
Don’t talk to people online unless you’re answering direct questions about the game. You should be a faceless entity, the game should be the only thing the public knows about you.
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why aren't you making an action adventure game that stars a beautiful and sex-positive woman who is incredibly competent, capable, trained, and educated?
Just a real slutty Mary Sue.
wonder how trainwiz feels about that with all of his fucking cat pics
>lust-provoking image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
Alright this is how I think I’ll do it. There are 3-4 tiers of weapons. You spawn in and can automatically buy ONE weapon from the first tier. Tier two unlocks after either team captures a flag, or both teams combined gain a certain amount of points. Again you only get one. Same thing with tier 3, and potentially tier 4. The idea is to start relatively tame, then as the match progresses get more and more crazy weapons and abilities.
I think I’ll just make it so you can bring up the buy screen from anywhere by pressing a button.
I thought the great Chez scheme migration would go faster. I was terribly wrong. But I am making progress.

thanks bro

I know ... thank god I have none of those

It's okay bro I hate apple too but you need to relax

Let me guess ... Windows?
But enough about your mom's feeble attempt to console her hushand when he saw your skin color.
Get a job nigga, reevaluate your life.
relax raheesh
based holy shit
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my picture is related to my question.
answer me, puritan incel.
Women can be both bad ass and sexual.
relax zoomer
boku going mental right now
i look like this and say this
The one in the bottom right is looking like she want some
True, the moment I saw Toby Fox I immediately discarded Undertale and I couldn't stomach more than 1 hour of it.
"why aren't you making"-questions aren't worthwhile questions, they're "using agdg as the groupchat" questions
there is no question, just kindle for some inconsequential conversation
and not even the good kind
nice pic
I simply want to collab with someone where we either split the profit at something like 55% coder/45% artist. Having that would make the development cycle so much faster. Coder seems to have more work to do than an artist at least in most of the genre's I'm interested in which is why it's a 55/45 split. This doesnt take into account if someone manages all the legal, financial, marketing, and other aspects in which case the ratio is likely to be adjusted further. If I have to play leader I'm not taking anything less than a 65%/35% split where the other person is eother handling only code or art.
>that homosexual smirk at 6 seconds
I can't stop laughing
i dunno
a game where you play as some magical sword wielding woman wearing barely anything just carving a bloody path through the world while flaunting her body but still being a paragon of virtues sounds pretty based.
This website invented caturday. You're not welcome here.
Why can't I just have fun with a game? Why does it always have to be artistic and deep on some level?
"Why aren't you making X" is the "Is coffee good for you" for aggyniggers.
what about eric
We have both desu
Take your meds.
If you know how to carry yourself you could probably chat more. I prefer keeping a good distance between me and fans of my game. Unless they're female, attractive, and interested in me.
Hey, man. I'm here as well. Wanna sniff some coke in the restroom?
so, hentai?
stop hexing
name a better feeling that seeing your art skills improving?
Finishing your game
Having sex.
I kept a few of my old art pieces. Seeing them side by side sure shows improvements. Now if only they didn't look like a kid drew them
Simple art but shes hot, why cant i have a woman who looks like this irl? I could dev so much more with that kind of motivation behind me. Imagine the speed of development having someone like this who cherishes you and loves you....
Delightful pussy.
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a horizon.
these niggas will be the first to get AI'd
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>mfw to use AI needs now to do a fucking course now to even understand how to control AI to make something beyond a random waifu coomer picture
Watching artists slash their rates to compete with AI and free asset packs.
>Three posts in a row mentioning AI
Nothing to see here, folks.
>huge tits
>implied rape
>ahegao/mind break
It worked, I wishlisted
Roguelite Souls-like or a normal Souls-like?
E-celeb shitposting is not gamedev and neither is AI shitposting.
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Are you Ready To Burst™?
Tap to bounce!
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Nothing will ever beat artists. The replacement of good artists already happened 20 years ago. It was true in 2004 and it's still true today: I would rather pay someone qualified to make it good rather than get the first pajeet to cough me up something that looks like it was made in Adobe Flash
if you wanna be productive quit social media (youtube, 4chan, news, commentary, ecelebs etc.)
it's literally the only thing you need to quit. movies, series, documentaries or other form of entertainment aren't a problem. it's the social component and low attention span interactions that makes social media addictive.
That Ninja Gaiden UI is so good
Soulslite rogue-like
AI chads are making millions bounce and basically you're fucking stupid
>always his cats
>never his face
Seems like he's doing it right
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please understanding sir long day ahead at call center
damn you've really been working on this for 10 years?
please be doing the migrate sirs
Those cats always look happy so it seems like he's doing SOMETHING right
yes. it's truly amazing how the internet can be simultaneously poison or this amazing entertainement/knowledge center
he's ok in my book
>UI is good when it is clunky as fuck and takes up too much space
you had to be there to know
brainlet post. number of dev hours matters
>Don't interact with your community.
I would add to that, this:
"... If you are mentally ill."
I'm making a casual mobile game. I don't have much money, I found a site where you can use assets for free if you give attribution. So I'm having a bit hard time with the art part. Finding assets that will fit together, both ingame and gui etc. There are so many things that can be done visually. It's like making a whole another game. Also I see myself (or at least try to position myself) as a game designer first and programmer (unity) second. But not everyone can see through that. They want to see good looking game. I think maybe only artists can look at a game, and ignore the visuals and see the game design or appreciate the programmed features, thinking okay that's my job and I can change those. I hope it turns out to be a decent enough to find money for next projects or continue this in some way. Because things are really tight and I failed to improve myself enough.
too bad, my rates get dearer each day
Not in my experience. My first game got 2 million downloads. My second game got 30k, third got 2k. No job interviews, no cute fangirls. Maybe I just got lucky first time.
How did you manage to not leverage 2 million downloads?
How would I do that? I mean I got money for it but it's just a mobile game and no one cares.
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does blender let you paint textures directly on a model as apposed to making it in some other software and then lining it up? i dont wanna do this again
I mean 2mil downloads should be considered as a success and you should have been able to use that to your advantage like finding investment or job.
The success is that the app store algorithm decided to promote the game for some inscrutable reason. If you don't have marketing money, the algorithm is what makes you or breaks you on mobile. Steam is much different.
weird how this is such a thing in basically only USA, but trust big pharma right?
yes, these days luck is a bigger factor than skills for indie devs

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