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shitty OC edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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Progress anchor reply to this post with your progress so anons can find it easily
Today I bought a $750 desk for my dev station
Any idea for what sort of game I should make?
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>his game doesn't have plushie merchandise
post gamedev cats
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Just put a finger inside my arse
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I'm in the middle of setting up an office and bought one of these. I built it yesterday and it seems solid.
Should be in that office in the next week or so. Just need to get couches and a new tv.
I kinda want to write a fat ugly weaboo into my game so I can sell ironic Fumos of his character.
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How many years of training to learn how to model and texture like this.
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had a funny idea for an item thats basically just stick drift. in return, you do 25% more damage
looks like absolute pretentious shit
About 6 hours in Daz.
That's daz3d
Yep, view from inside of the cockpit.
That is pure ludokino.
Seeing the controls, all of it. It's those little things that devs should care about.

This is good.
man the /v/3 ads are getting really out of pocket now
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Still copying common lisp into chez scheme. Not much left. I had some code that wrapped coordinates properly (torus topology) that I'm copying right now.

We are entering the great age of ai porn bait spam
It's a desk anon
the casings fall a bit slow, no ?
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Reposting from the last thread.
How do you guys feel about NES graphics but in 3D?
Holy fucking kino! Finally tanks and mech combat. Even has snow and trees.
That's default DAZ settings, so about thirty minutes. Getting DAZ to not be total shit? That takes a lot longer.
What's the likelihood of people autistically researching the source of every asset in my game like this?

Because this is something I DON'T want to happen to my game. Not going to explain why.
Stop retexturing assets from other games anon
You're gonna get caught
I like it when done right
You need some work though
>Because this is something I DON'T want to happen to my game
It can work
But I'd avoid zooming the camera in and out
It just becomes a noisy mess
the panel looks a bit different but other than that looks almost identical to my flexispot desk. stand-devving can be kino but then my roommates who live under me came back from holiday and I got too self conscious about pacing around whild thinking and the whirring of the desk going up and down :(
i'm adding similar items to my game and my rule is that +damage is not something that they should give - it has does nothing interesting and has no synergistic potential
>Just need to get couches and a new tv.

prodev please go
Is this godot?
My game is about shooting and killing sort of realistic people.
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Free idea:
It has been years since Hotline Miami 2.
I think something that captures that energy and tone would do well.
Bonus points: Add in a PvP multiplayer mode
did it feel good?
You're making a mecha game now,
Yes, Mecha Combat Area
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I'm doing this except it's first person.
How do I budget art assets for a game? Per hour? 30 hour game is 30x1000usd?
Wouldn't it be better to budget it per asset? Also depends on what kind of asset.
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>posted question in old thread
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what is
https://steamcommunity.com/app/348020/ - Bloodbath Kavkaz (delisted)
Spoiler alert - players aren't exactly 'two cakes!' at these games.
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also secondary question, is it a bad idea to have a sprite infront of the camera as its child to act as a "filter", I already use another one in animations for fade out effects. I just wanna know if godot has a built in function for that and if i'm being a dumb caveman for doing this instead
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Look at all these games made 5+ years ago
Are you retarded?
>players aren't exactly 'two cakes!' at these games.
The "two cakes" meme is a lie.
People will shit on your game if it resembles a different project no matter what. Even if the resemble is unintentional (Yes, that sometimes does happen, but none of you would know this since you don't make anything worthwhile).
did you go out of your way to pick the worst looking ones or something
Maybe make a good game then.
>I showed up to /agdg/ too late and now its just crab posting
Are your ideas just /agdg/ game but better?
Post your worthwhile games?
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just playing with Perlin and marching cubes.
Settling on this meshing, going to just flesh out the 32x32x32 chunk from surface to the depths and then start multi-chunking.
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Hotline Miami isn't an eyecandy either
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At least pick a good one


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Green grass horizon. Blue sky.
All coming together.
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just like make cake
thank you anons
When is Vine coming back?
Hotline Miami looks good. It understands the cheesy 80s splatter action move style it's emulating and uses it extremely well. Most if not all of the games in that list are clearly trying to imitate the look of Hotline Miami without really understanding what they're doing or why they're doing it, which is why you can immediately tell they're just cheap ripoffs.
after all those posts i thought the terrain would look more interesting ...
Nope. A quad mesh attached to the camera is the right way to add 3D post-processing effects.
im a corona tourist, is vine some oldfag or this chick ?
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>hey, where did my cake go?
>suspiciously caked-shaped game developer:
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is any rpg guy here
i tried to make a formation system using spring arms rofl
Post source code implementation
Vine is a (alleged) woman who used to dev here like 7+ years ago.
She's a solid artist who released Cavern Kings and worked on some Shovel Knight game.
This random Fiverr girl being Vine is an old meme.
It could have but I no fans to buy it
>Cavern Kings was 10 years ago
>still in early access

man, that's a great idea, branno gonna love it
>stick drift
What's that? Mouse cursor set to move on it's own regardless of player input?

Any hemorrhoids? I got like one big one and maybe some smaller ones. Should probably have them removed as I'm sure they're the reason it takes me a good chunk of the toilet roll to wipe clean. Not to mention the occasional bloody wipes.

I never got the two cakes argument. It never works out like that even with multiplayer games.
I literally have no idea how to compress stuff, so like 95% of my game's total file size is just music.
big brain
Okay google, >>483351809
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the coming days are mostly going to be me playing around with terrain generation and realtime systems to iterate on the terrain edits.
he probably did it the good and correct way
it's just 8 spring arms pointing out from the player with a raycast down, then you set the characters.nav_agent position to that rays collision point
why is agdg so quiet on this
>this is what passes for 3D modeling on AGDG
could be worse i guess
>Even if the resemble is unintentional
tell me about it. a few of my designs ended up appearing in other games. both of us unaware of each others existence. designs that arent even in other games so basically unique ideas yet lo and behold other games have it. if i do it now im gonna get called a copycat and furiously called out by fanboys who have become self appointed torch and pitchfork legal team of said game.

that woman isnt vine. that woman for the make game meme is someone hired off fiverr. don't think she does that anymore but i did stumble onto her tiktok/insta at one point. she is pretty cute and not freaking fat look most ameriburger women
I prefer talking about my game than talking about other people's games
Unironically, using base meshes, VDM brushes, smart materials, texture packs, etc is how AAA companies do it nowadays. Building everything from scratch is a fools goal.
>However, it it mostly playable in it's current state!
>Maybe some crashes here and there but definitely no multiplayer.
What's there to say? Seems reasonable. I'd also abandon my EA game if it flops, and there's no hope of it recovering.
Dishonest post. The important aspect is putting on the final touches.
>that woman isnt vine. that woman for the make game meme is someone hired off fiverr.

That's what I said.
Taking an existing model and using it isn't modeling.
Taking an existing model and making some clothes and stuff for it is modeling.
yes it is moron
oh kek didn't read the final line
LMAO 3dlet cope
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>have function that depends on two values being equal
>doesn't work
>know for a fact MATHEMATICALLY values in situation should be equal
>slap some prints on
>see this shit
>it's godot's fault I don't know what integers are
4 niggas in a box
>t. Mathlet
Is that a Amogus family.
thanks anon i'll try it out
don't care negative zero is NOT a number not reading your magic math (scam) books
will players of the 2024 age who need load/quicksave/save be angry if I make it a rogue-like with lives?

You can gain lives during play.
I just think load/save/quicksave take out so much of the stakes.
imagine for just one second lads, just bear with me for a moment, just imagine it you're sitting in your room "devving" and she comes in dressed like that. plate of cookies and fresh milk.
>anon how's the game coming along
>anon what are you doing play (insert favorite game)!?!?!?!?!?!
>no cookies and milkie until pwogwess happens
how do you respond to having 0 gamedev progress in such a scenario? you finally got the girl but now your progress has gone down the drain
I prefer 5ft 8 minimum red headed women who are 3D artists and say "Thoughever", "Thoughbeit", and "Thougheverbeit" and put their finger to their chin when considering something carefully because they are such a dearly.

That, and also chocolate women with golden eyes.
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Vampire Survivors monclone where you run around with your monsters following you automatically using their various attacks on enemies. Each color corresponds to a different monster type (electric=yellow, blue=water, etc.). Maybe it's wave-based like Brotato and you have a little bit of downtime before each round to manage which monsters you have out and what their attacks are, letting the player experiment with different builds and synergies between monsters.
this is a serious idea I actually think it could be pretty fun
No, there are plenty of games with not just no saves but no lives. One and done. Provided it is good it doesn't matter. And you might get coverage for being mean to disabled gamers or something.
Taking this.
I don't even want to add saves outside of a few select areas along with 0 reloads. It's a roguelike where each chunk of the run must be continuous until certain points where you may Save & Quit, no continue just quit. If you want to continue playing there is no exiting or reloading if you die. Not sure how this will be accepted when some games of yesteryear didn't even have a save option, just play the whole thing in one single run. Whereas I'm giving the option of leaving in a few select points of the run.
So it's fair to take over 10 thousand dollars for a project promising multiplayer and never actually deliver it? Where did the money go
A real girl would take a baseball bat and smash your pc if she saw you devving because the computer is stealing your attention which belongs to her and only her not encourage it.
this exact post word for word, but replace monsters with anthro babes in bikinis
anthro babies in bikinis*
So I was watching some gameplay of this action game that uses floating text and what I noticed was that the text displayed on screen wasn't actually world space.
The damage text appears in world space at first until the camera is looking at it, afterwards it turns follows the camera rather than just hang above the targets head
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You have until next friday to finish your demo.
Get to work now!
my ideal 3D artist gf would be with me next to the whiteboard in my room, with her 'hmms', 'Thoughever''s , 'Thoughbeit"s, and 'Thougheverbeits"s. As we plan and indulge in creativity together.
Don't mind me. I'm just iting pork.
Please let me work with you and be your friend
Unfortunately that girl is not cute to me.
It is also worth noting that food and beverages are forbidden in my room, where my PC is located with the exception of water so she'd not be allowed to bring milk and cookies.
Your scenario is cute, however.
I'd simply make progress in that case.
>over 10 thousand dollars
lmao you must be over 18 to post on 4chan
Ed, Edd, and Eddy but they have to make a game to get enough money for Jawbreakers.

What game would they make?
There's near 0% chance I can actually do all the needed stuff to make it demo worthy by then.
I'm busy doing homework I can't work on my game...
>It is also worth noting that food and beverages are forbidden in my room, where my PC is located with the exception of water so she'd not be allowed to bring milk and cookies.
Most gonna make it dev in agdg.
heh, kid, I remember when I was in College like you.

Oh those were the days. Red bulls, Ramen, pulling all nighters to study for my Algorithms exam.

heh heh heh heh, You'll be alright kid. Keep your head on straight.
but how useful was algorithms to game dev
You're welcome :)
I hope it's fun
My game is simply too good to let it be known as a 4tranny game, get fucked dorks
very useful
It's useful, but anyone can learn it online.

College is inflated with electives.
So you think conning people is a fair thing as long as you're over 18 and it adds up to over 10 thousand dollars?
a rogue-like deckbuilder pupperino-like metroidvania comfy survival horror-like.
Okay google, >>483354925
jawbreakers isn't capitalized, attention seeker
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This is correct right? Player movement under physic updates, checking inputs under regular _process?
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I've just worked on my engine, I'm chilling at the end of the work day.

This pic is my mentality right now.
sorry bocchi I'm skipping this one
Check for inputs inside _unhandled_input
I check for continuous inputs inside _process because using unhandled inputs causes my character to horribly jerk around when I try to move.
you literally cannot work on your game in this heat, it is impossible
i will have to delay my game by two months just to wait until autumn
thoughts on grinding leetcode in combination with gamedev?
10k is pocket change in the adult world. It's 10k times less than what Star Citizen has scammed. Go cry to reddit about it. People ship less complete non-EA games all time time.
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Anyone else here just wishing for the day their current game is finished so they can finally work on a new game with their improved skill set and able to do things the right way now that they know what they're doing? I just want to be free of this game already! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I want to work on a game without this overwhelming pressure!
solve the problems you need to solve.
I guess it'd be smart if you want to get a programming job though.
see global rule 2 then leave
Grinding leetcode is only good for interview questions. It's less practical for actual development, since during development, you can always just look up the answers.
I'm waiting for the day I get my shit together and actually start working on a game.
It's been 3 years. I can keep waiting.
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This but she's a short stack with long brown or blonde hair. Who cheers me on.

Likely another skip for me. I don't even have the itch page set up.
(A)woken looks better
It's to help me get a job and supplement the gamedev side
>attention seeker has no game and just sits in here and attentionposts all day
what a monumental waste of time, you could've had quite the game on your hands had you actually used that 3 (three) years wisely
do you need a job?
it's just going to drain your time.
You underestimate how bad I am at everything. 3 years is nothing.
I have so many ideas I'd like to work on but I can't. It feels like the moment I project hop it'd spell the end of gamedev for me and I'd end up being someone who'd dev for 10 years with multiple incomplete games under his belt due to project hopping over and over.
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Make games now or the rim monster will eat you!
You've both learned from your projects. It was not entirely wasted time.

Reuse code where you can and work on what you like.
yea that's why we say that ideas are meaningless here. it can take years just to bring a garbage idea to life, let alone a more delicate and complex idea
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Remember to pre-order Thomas Brush's Twisted Tower!
A remote tech job yea, figure knowing how to code might be able to get me hired even though the job doesnt even need it. I got filtered by one of the applications related to AI learning. I only know how to code for solo gamedev and not actual work.
ugh that game is going to go gang busters
You don't understand anon I've been swallowed by the Sunk Cost Fallacy Monster. I cannot project hop now. I want to just cut the scope hard and rush it to completion seeing as it has poor amounts of wishlists.
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And buy his course and pinstripe and subscribe or else he wont be able to feed his family...
Then say you're only trying out the new project for like a 2 week vacation.
when I make my YouTube, I just can't sell a course. I won't do it. I don't agree with it.

All is online for free. I can't bring myself to sell a course.
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A toast to indie videogame development
He's literally me...
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I'll toast to that
All you need is ONE game to start selling courses. This guy made his game with Unreal Blueprints. SPOILER: He quit 2 years ago.
sell the course but also seed it for free online
How do fat people muster the strength to show themselves in public?
I'm just going to put it up for free on YouTube.
nice lumpenconfidence
except you dont have the money
or the looks
or a gf
or the talent
or even a game
I must say the most genius idea of all time was naming the horse in ER torrent so when people look up ER torrent they get lore and screenshots instead
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found this on /g/
>she baked a cake
Making his name a brand with his back catalogue of shit games is a bold move.
who's been stealing our OC?
where? I don't see it in any recent /gedg/ thread
probably Faggy bumping his dead general
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haven't seen that image in a while, made me remember the "hey ladies, do you know uhm" 4 panel meme format from 13 years ago whatever it was called
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He made a cake
Not any more than having the same company name be on all of his games.
I'd say it's more of a turn off because nobody knows who he is and you need to have a massive Ego to even consider slapping your name on the front of the box.
why did these comics die out
This happened to my buddy Eric
Serious question, what part of being able to release a non-shovel ware game on Steam would be impressive to an employer? Marketing? Time Management? Dilligence?
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>doggy is laying on my lap while I work on my game
he's not fat, his shirt is just padded with 1000 dollar bills because he doesn't trust banks
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he ate all the cakes
Hello Aggy Daggy! Looking to get your game seen? Make sure to submit something to A.G.D.G.'s demo day number 57!

Don't ever stop believing that your dreams will come true! Just like make game ;)
Because cringe culture overtook sincerity. Rage comics died out right around the time the idea of the neckbeard/fedora wearing Reddit user really took off, partly because they were really popular on Reddit at the time and got caught in the crossfire.
nintendo ruined peach for me with the 3d mario movie, i dont look at the character as anything good any more
The truth is they don't care. Only whether you have big names on your paper and are at least a 5/10.
Hey, a few questions:
What's the best kind of placeholder asset? Temporary asset taken from an existing game? Assets from an asset pack? Primitive shapes?
How long should placeholder assets be in the game in development before it's time to get actual assets?
And, for a Daggerfall/Morrowind-like game as a solo dev, should characters be 3D in the style of PSX games, or 2D in the style of NES games?
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you know what to do \AGDG\
Your own.
As short as possible.
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I want to make a game like chess but horror(parody) for a jam, kind of like shotgun king.
Since aggy daggers always have great ideas I wanted some help.
kill yourself
Fuck, didn't mean to quote, I'm retarded
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i think it was all the versions that were intentionally made to be terrible, gave them a stigma. pic not related since i never saved the intentionally bad ones (this one is just bad i guess).
Marnix doesn't sound very passionate when talking about games
>I'd say it's more of a turn off because nobody knows who he is and you need to have a massive Ego to even consider slapping your name on the front of the box.
Yeah this is why its a bold move. I didn't say it was good.. simply bold and has the potential to backfire. You just know he is going to try to piggyback off that game that NYT (or whatever) said was brilliant. Hes so gay.
What does that have to do with mario 64 peach and cakes though
Also, illumination peach != nintendo peach
Can you show a still image? The compression is fucking you over
>just playing with Perlin and marching cubes.
Uh, what happened to dual contouring?
What does
>sound very passionate
mean? You talk like you're high when talking about games?
What if I can't into art or I'd like to focus on getting the gameplay and code working first?
>How long should placeholder assets be in the game in development before it's time to get actual assets?
Until you've worked out if whatever game you are making is worth pursuing.
if you're skilled enough extract (steal) models from games you are inspired by and use them.
it helps with motivation and also prevents you from running into the problem of "oh shit, going from cubes moving around into an actual animated 3D character is fucking hard".
Nothing changes.
that's because he isn't, he's passionate about grifting as a game dev
There is no best placeholder. It's a placeholder. Just use whatever you find to be the easiest to work with
There's no rule for how long. They should obviously be removed before release. For demo days here placeholders are fine, but if you're going to be putting a demo on steam or showing it to other people you probably shouldn't have visible placeholders.
>And, for a Daggerfall/Morrowind-like game as a solo dev, should characters be 3D in the style of PSX games, or 2D in the style of NES games?
Jesus fucking Christ
>what happened to dual contouring

I was tired of trying to get it to work so I switched to marching cubes and am going to focus on actual terrain, building out the chunk and terrain game.

Maybe I'll go back to dual contouring later, it is trivial to switch between meshing. I can make this minecraft cubic blocks quickly if I wanted to.

I just need to focus on other parts of this game instead of hyper fixating on the meshing, and marching cubes is simple and serviceable.
I don't get the impression that Marnix or Thomas really play video games.
just talking about peach since >>483358185 is completely off-topic anyway. just assumed you wanted someone to talk with.
>illumination peach != nintendo peach
both are just princess toadstool, got the nintendo stamp of approval on it.
Thomas definitely does, I'm pretty sure he said in an older video that he used to be addicted to WoW and still plays a lot of League of Legends.
Marnix doesn't and it shows.
I feel like Daggerfall-like/Morrowind-like is becoming a meme term now.
Have there actually *been* any indie games of this type that *actually* released?
I expect him to list some examples or recall a past time of something that inspired him to get into gamedev out of the 20 videos I've watched.
Babe wake up, new low effort streamer bait game just dropped.

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How do I make a game that makes people clap?
nolgorb bros its fucking over
>Vinny Vinesauce even calls it streamer bait in his notification text for his stream
This is now the second time I have heard of that game. First time is said notif. And so far all I know of is the name. And I think that's enough.
>WoW and still plays a lot of League of Legends.
Just like me. They're more like crack cocaine + second lives than games though. Thomas seems more cheerful when talking about games in comparison.
i literally had this idea like fifteen years ago
I'm also making a Daggerfall-like. Our games can live side by side. I'm sure we'll have vastly different settings.

personally, I'm going to make all assets in-house for a look that is specially my studio's.

personally, I have a smaller game planned which will use the Sprites like Daggerfall and a bigger game planned that will use 3D models for characters. Two different games. Two different scopes.
>I'm pretty sure he said in an older video that he used to be addicted to WoW and still plays a lot of League of Legends.
He could just be shrewd and picks games to say he played. I listen to him sometimes. Last time he was talking to another dev and he pointed out that you should know about the genre you are making and then followed up later with comments about how he got a friend who was into shooters to play his game and give feedback, which was all very useful because
>I don't play shooters
They found a cool idea and turned it into a game where you could play with your friends
It's a meme term precisely because it doesn't exist. People want one, where is it? Are game devs stupid? Just make the game people want. Stop doing whatever stupid shit you're doing no one wants to play.
lol my girlfriend was just asking me to get this game. It looks kinda fun ngl
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How do I make a game that makes people crap?
This was done on Roblox first
robloxdevs truly are the finest
PSX style has become a bigger meme
Just because you don't want to play a type of game doesn't mean no one does anon
That kind of thinking is limiting
There are people who genuinely find great interest in clicker games probably (unfortunately). It's no different for sandbox RPGs (except the want for them is understandable)
Game idea:
Don't kill yourself

It plays like a normal JRPG but quite often a random option will pop up saying "Do you want to kill yourself? Yes / No" and you need to select no. Sometimes the JRPG battle options are replaced by this prompt. Sometimes the prompt changes the Yes / No order.
It looks like a multiplayer version of getting over it.
seeing more than one dev say he is making a Daggerfall-like is lighting a fire under me like you wouldn't believe.

I'm going to no life this.
horror games already did it
Hitting yes makes you gameover I assume?
Wdym by lighting a fire?
motivating me to work my fingers to the bone.
A style can't be a meme. It's an aesthetic. 16-bit isn't a meme just because it's from the 80s.
This, but it's a soulslike so you can't roll away every encounter. I just made you a million dollars.
ay yo seeing other devs saying they making a daggerfall-like awakening that lion in my heart.

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Fuck it. I'm actually going to make a daggerfall like for real, and my daggerfall-like is gonna have 2D sprites instead of any fancy modular/animated 3D models. The sprites are gonna be like NES dragon quest sprites. If people don't like it, then oh well.
Vampire Survivor but it's a Souls-like
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Guilty, I have posted it a few times. But I don't think I've posted it recently.
can't wait vegetaposter
Bro this is activating my testosterone to work extra hard on my dagger-fall-like.

I'm feeling sacrificial right now, dawg.
> I'm actually going to make
your going to work on it for a week then get bored and move onto the next project after adding movement,a basic attack, and 1 enemy
Same, going to work on my Daggerfall-like this week.
Damn dude you don't need to call me out like that
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literally me...

>/agdg/ will cause an oversaturation of a specific type of indie game before there's even any good indie games in that category
Will you cry at my feet once I do it a hundred times and release that as a bundle?
BRO , MY TESTOSTERONE IS ACTIVATED RIGHT NOW. Thanks for the motivation. I'm ready , bro. I don't even care anymore.

Work on daggerfall-like
Physical fitness.


God Bless you guys. May our Daggerfall-likes live together in harmony and customers buy all of our Daggerfall-likes to get different experiences of their favorite genre.
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We posting bethslop OST now?
This song always slaps
>have ideas
>have pros and cons to all my ideas
>this makes it impossible to start working on them so I just sit here doing nothing
Daggerfall sucks
True, the best Elder Scrolls game is clearly Redguard
It does but if you made Skyrim mechanics with Daggerfall visuals then you would be the third richest indie game dev of all time
Why not Oblivion or Morrowind?
I ain't making Daggyfall though. I be making Daggyfall but good!
Because Skyrim sold 60 million copies while the other two sold <20% of that. You're going for mass appeal and Morrowind definitely doesn't have that.
Releasing 1 game on Steam then applying for a job at Valve
So you can do what?
Valve has like 400+ employees yet they don't seem to make games
The biggest ones are
>Porn game
>Clone of FOTM game
Especially porn games. 18 million posts thread about making a porn game and the amount of porn games that actually come to fruition a year you can count with single digits.
>Skyrim mechanics
Which are? Physics? Dual wielding? Broken leveling? Mountains?
>the worst part of skyrim combined with the second worst part of daggerfall
for what purpose
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I'm not going for mass appeal, I'm just making the Daggerfall-like that I want to play.
It's not a thing, so why not?
daggerjam when
You're going to have to figure that out yourself champ. Play Morrowind/Oblivion and then Skyrim and figure out why Skyrim is much more popular.

To make $$$$$$$
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can't find a single good royalty free song that fits my game
Millennials have been starving for a Morrowind clone for years. You think they play Morrowind and keep modding it to this day because it's got no appeal?
It's got appeal but 4 million copies isn't 60 million copies.
I mean if you want to make a Morrowind like and make a few million dollars then I won't stop you.
But I'm telling you how to make it YUGE.
Slow to level anything even moving. Veterans tell you just to break it with alchemy.
Terrible forced scaling that ruins every other good part.
The worst of the bunch but you can choose your scaling and you don't move as slow as a snail.
If the mass appeal is in an ironic fashion due to how hilariously stupid the game can be (in terms of code, physics, ai, etc), yes, but oblivion does that and more
Oblivion is like the king of jank, Skyrim is just the prince
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I've had so much free time to do whatever before DD I ended up putting in an intro cutscene. Most of it is reused from the first trailer aside from one shot. It might not look like much but it was hell trying to get this to run without the use of a video player.
>The worst
I meant the least worst.
Nice is this like a flash game? New grounds vibes
>the least worst
kek this is what I see nolgorb anon as

because typical redditors hated them, i usually enjoyed them
TES games are good despite the jank. It's easy to recognize and easy to forgive. None of the Oblivion and Skyrim jank is truly game-breaking, but the same can't be said for Morrowind.
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Spent some time optimizing draw code on fires for incendiary rockets.
Skyrim's atmosphere and world is what carries it.
I doubt you could replicate either of those things with a Daggerfall-esq visual style.
>literally just snow
what did anon mean by this
Yep! Every asset has been drawn in Flash 8 for authenticity. Some buttons and stuff are default Godot things though.
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>Morrowind this
>Daggerfall that
I've identified the perfect game to clone. It has just the right amount of popularity that people will instantly recall how much they loved original when they see my game, but it's old and underrated enough that I've never seen anyone else attempt to clone it. You all are in the presence of a future millionaire.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA STOP IT!!!!! tfw i will never have a cute blonde smile at me like that

Kek the literal wall climbing from Super Mario Sunshine. Maybe I should just start making streamer bait so I can make it and then actually pursue the games I want to make.
hmmm time to watch roblox devs work hard and copy the good ones and sell them elsewhere where roblox won't screw me with a hard cap on graphics or a 50% revenue cut
Morrowind had a good story and choices. Daggerfall is a sweet journey around the continent and some interesting actions. What's the connection?
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Screenshot from my upcoming morrow-like
Daggerfall has a really particular atmosphere to me, it's likely nostalgia goggles, but that's pretty much all it has going for it.
I'm really looking forward to Wayward Realm but a little disappointed that they seem to be going bland skyrim-like more than soulful daggerfall-like.
I will now play your game
>look it up
>description is literally just patting themselves on the back for working on games that belong to bethesda and vague posting what their game is about
hes got alot to say about your game
??? Give this dude some (you)’s he just mogged the past 5 agdg threads with one webm
Is a 2 minute song too long for a level that only lasts about 45 seconds?
this is very good.
Pizza Tower has entire 2-3 minute songs for a section of a level that you'll only spend a couple seconds in.
This guy hates everything so it's hard to take him seriously
Holy fuck this based youtuber destroyed a le epic quirky redditor dev, gotta give him a sub now
pilot is very cute, what's her name?
People are not capable of sincerity anymore, and they're even less capable of writing in general, given how the only things they read is internet arguments, discord, and text messages.

This is why no one will be making Morrowind 2 anytime soon. The only ones capable are old and disinterested.
I tried playing Underrail recently, highly regarded indie crpg. HOLY SHIT THE WRITING. I understand the dev's first language isn't English but jesus, hire someone then, it's so unbelievably bad, I couldn't even enjoy the game's good points.
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I have to gamedev but it's been so long I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Guess it's time to open some notepads and maybe make a new one and write down what I should be working on. I know I left some stuff part way done. Along with jumping to a different part of the game and updating the art.

This sounds like it's not gonna be fun.
What should I read?
I'm making Daggerfall-like.

I'm willing to hear your recommendations.
I don't have any brown people in my game so I think he would find it palatable.
Did the Dread Delusion developers ever say anything about Morrowind or is that just shit people made up because of the visual style?
In order to be a good writer you need life experience
underrail is good what the fuck zoomer shut your mouth up
If you're the one making it, not at all, like >>483364615 said. If someone else is doing it, don't waste your money.
>open scene of new area i never finished
>figure it'd be better if i manually visit it in game
>hear no audio
>start adjusting the audio knob on my speaker
>realize i haven't added audio to my game
Idk why I even reached for it, my game has never had audio even after all these years. It's on the to-do list but not a high priority.
kek are you me
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Got the ability to loop certain moves working.
make the character an anthro mouse man?
Yeah I mean he doesn't directly say that its' a Morrowind clone. More that they're inspired by the immersive aspects of Morrowind like needing to rest or having a focus on narrative quests.
Though I can understand why someone not actually reading the article might walk away with the wrong expectations.
This looks pretty cool and cute, good job anon
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I don't know why I am still listening to this, I guess I find it fascinating to hear thoughts from someone who hate-played the whole game, understood the plot in detail, read all the extra lore etc. and right now he's whinging that the developers didn't include romance in the game. what a fucking riot.
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My demo is ready. I'm just resting before demo day.
design it for me.
And we have less and less of that, leading to games whose writing and all around style are just based on other games, like nobody's coming in with a fresh voice just the same old tropes because that's all they experience.

Rather than specific suggestions (though I'd say to read 'the classics') I'd say to make sure to try out a lot of things you might think you don't like. You should understand why it was important, and take something good from it even if at first you don't feel like you can relate to it at all. If you insist on a suggestion, I'd say a good translation of Anna Karenina (not too wordy or literal). There's way too much in the history of novels to offer any one suggestion though, but make an effort to read things outside what you'd typically go for (especially if you subsist on manga/anime)
How did you somehow make your lighting worse than the default unity one?
Everyone has life experience moron. The hug-less, kiss-less virgin’s feelings matter and are valid. It’s not always about being some adventurous traveling rich chad.
I've reviewed more on what I should be working on, question for my aggy fren's. How do I achieve teleportation without the camera lagging behind? I've had this issue for a long time but I believe the time has come for me to finally fix this for good. For example changing scene's the new level has the character spawn at 0, 0 coordinates. However when the player enters you can obviously tell the camera is rushing to the players coordinates. It seems the character instantly snaps there but the camera lags behind. Even after I removed the lerping I had on the camera, in the past, it still happened. Do I need to literally teleport both the player and camera at the exact same time?
>tfw I just solved my issue typing this out

If there's another solution please tell me cause idk if this is a good one. Also have this issue in situations where it's not mere scene changing but moving within the same scene
I watched the video.
His problems with the game:
1) The combat is brainless (lmfao coming from someone asking for a Morrowind clone)
2) They mention a trans character in passing
3) There isn't enough racism

I just... what?
Move the world and not the player and camera.
Oh yeah, the villain is a "mary sue"
As if most villains aren't lol
don't forget "no waifus"
yeah but if your whole life is living in moms basement watching anime, eating shit food, and playing other videogames, it will be very unlikely you have any kind of interesting thing to bring to the table with your own game.
Morrowind covers racism more than the other TES games. Morrowind combat is about prep, you just shoot bolts and fly around in DD.
way to out yourself as a dumbass with this post.
I'm not saying his criticisms aren't valid. I'm saying that his criticisms are dumb. If someone told me they didn't like my game because it didn't have enough racism then I would fucking laugh at them. Give me actual, useful feedback.
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You hadn’t posted in a long time and I will be honest I thought you joined the 41%. Glad you’re still alive I hope the demo goes well and you get good feedback sir
How would you improve tank controls combat?
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I'm someone who enjoys his body of work(the game rimworld)
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my loli game demo is almost done
There’s an art to coming on here, and giving what (at a surface level) appears to be good and well thought out advice but is secretly insidious well poisoning designed to cause the developer to dedicate too much time to meaningless features allowing me to swoop in and steal their wishlists right from under their noses
Got in trouble with my boss at my day job over not getting work tasks done fast enough. They don't know that I'm working on my game, but clearly they're getting suspicious that I'm slacking or moonlighting. I've been fantasizing about quitting the day job to go all in on shipping the game this year for a while now, but I might not even have a choice in the matter at this rate.
Incredibly unfaithful take. You have to understand the world through their lenses. The why’s and the how’s. How do they respond in a certain situation than in another? How would you know without being told? Such behavior has reason and logic behind it. That makes it multilayered and very interesting. Why they like these kinds of food? Why do they like this kind of anime? Why anime and not any other kind of animation like 40s Disney or 3D animation? Why video games and not sports? There’s endless layers to be discovered.
When I become global president/Lord of the Earth, killing people who like this stuff will not only be legal, but mandatory
Can you post game? I can either affirm your desire to all-in on the game or save you from fucking your life up forever
That's why everybody hates deus ex, right? The game where the terrorist leader starts bringing up real statistics about declining self-employment rates and the like? Because of how awful it is to be reminded of real life, deus ex is considered one of the least immersive experiences ever.
That's exactly why I stopped playing dark souls 3 after reaching the Friede boss fight. That bitch had three phases. Must be a Miyazaki gender-bender self-insert mary-sue.
>"Those of you who are my fans who watch this youtube channel we are all here because we have at least vaguely similar beliefs and we have our enemy tribe, whether it's the leftists or the (((elites)))" (actual quote from the video)

Why am I supposed to listen to this shitter, again?
Why? Did you watch it with the English voiceover instead of the Japanese one?
I think I'm going to make my own Kingdom Hearts. I was always partial to the Looney Tunes' Hansel and Gretel.
desu his viewcount and base is proof the times are switching from left majority in culture to right wing and a lot of AGDG can't handle that since they came up into development when it was it was hot to be a far leftist tumblr dev the agdg discord is full of em.
Taking 3-6 months off from having a day job is not going to fuck up my life forever:
How expensive are raycasts to use? If I have 300 entities raycasting twice each per frame, is that going to kill some poorfag's performance?
>comparing the political commentary in deus ex to fag indie devs randomly adding trannies in a game
Didn’t watch the video but I know you’re retarded. Maybe he is too, but you definitely are
Ok post game regardless I want to see what you view as quit worthy. I’m not a crab I will give honest feedback
It should be trivial if you implemented them right, but only profiling will tell.
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Playing with more realistic textures in my level editor
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how does it feel knowing there are artists out there who can draw much better than you, but your art gets more money because you can make a game with it?
Good thing RPGs don't need good writing.
>ancient evil awakened
>some royals
>some peasants
>magic legendary weapon
It's that easy.
>shit gameplay
>shit story
checks out as garbage
>>"Those of you who are my fans who watch this youtube channel we are all here because we have at least vaguely similar beliefs and we have our enemy tribe, whether it's the leftists or the (((elites)))" (actual quote from the video)
I agree with the fantasy racism. It deffo adds to the game, particularly when one group are cannibals.
>not all cannibals
too much noise
You should give him a medieval fantasy sword in his left hand for close quarters combat or potentially a staff that casts fireballs, imagine?? Guns, swords, and fireballs. Now that’s what I call kino!
Based as fuck. You could include all of the /agdg/ worlds.
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Yeah they're placeholders. I just had ai generate some brick and concrete and then scaled it down. I just wanted to play with the aesthetic a bit to see how I liked it. For real textures I have a decent digital camera that I take pics of walls with and then I mix them in Gimp
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Yes, he has valid points with shit like the lack of fantasy racism, the problem is the editing doesn't back up his points well and he ragebaits
>why prove a point when you can just yell "trannies woke politics leftist writers communists" and instantly get the approval of your audience on whatever you're talking about
SHIT, DD after this one i'll add it.
>from making a game
kek even
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I made da Dinosawr!
I want a gamedev bf
low iq take
You want someone to bust your crust?
I need literally any gamedev I can talk to as a friend that isn't a corporate wageslave
I'm a yesdev but I'm alone in a sea of corpodevs
meant for >>483370538
You are a man
You are gay, or very lonely. Either way, I’m sorry
>I'm a yesdev
Holy fuck that would be awesome. You could even put Cris, Tomo, Pomao, etc. I worked for a Japanese video game corporation that took “formal methods” into overdrive. They made amazing hardware, but it was damn painful for software Sneeds. That said, I don’t know if it’s really possible to do shit with a team without at least some degree of formality. Best practices are a great place to start, and I'd suggest the degree of necessary formality is inversely proportional to the experience of the team. If you've a lot of experienced devs, in a mature team who've been together a long time, the formality doesn’t need to be written down in words. I work alone, or as the sole technical god in a diverse team. I’m really experienced and don’t write shit down. But I’m also fucking formal. It just doesn’t look like it.
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Let's just say, the best of us know.
Google cosmic call
kek formal methods is much more specific than formality and writing things down. theres a degree of proof you achieve with formal methods you dont get even with design documents, reviews, and the usual tests
Weird considering how successful video games made by Japan are? Whatever they're doing is working. They're the most creative and not trying to be universally appealing.
>3 hour project turned into a 40 hour project
I hate this hobby so fucking much it's unreal.
Agreed, but “writing things down” is like a euphemism for the many aspects of a formal approach. The main issue is that we get so wrapped up in the process that we fail to do anything. It’s a question of balance.
Oh absolutely, the corporation I'm talking about is pretty much synonymous with "Quality." It's a religion there. In most American companies, the running joke goes that if you've got "Quality" in your job title, your career is over. At this company it means that you're a high priest. The devs there are the best I've ever seen. They never report a "Not A Bug" They can back up every report with exact reproduction steps. They find the most obscure corner cases by hand (they hate automation tools). They have 3000 line Excel spreadsheets. If even one row fails, the whole shooting match (like an entire product line) comes to a halt (so they are forced to cross their t's and dot their i's). They seldom have "opinion-based" reports, and when they do the report is presented by the manager after long discussions. The company I worked for is renowned as one of the highest-Quality video game corporations in the world.
me except 3 hour project into months long project
it doesnt seem like youre describing formal methods tho. youre describing plain old bureaucracy
what is formal methods
Not gonna argue. I know these days anything that imposes any guardrails or boundaries at all is “bureaucracy.” It’s funny, but there’s a hell of a lot of structure in today’s gaming industry. It’s just not called “process” or “formal methods,” but “this is how everyone does it.” And yeah, it's pretty much a requirement when your workforce leaves every 18 months.
when is /v/3 ? There was a deadline recently so it must be coming up

lel, i was there for that
>when is /v/3 ? There was a deadline recently so it must be coming up
looks good

if flash had multiplayer it would have been there, there's probably a single player version of it somehow where you control two characters at the same time connected with a rope
i think you still havent grasped what formal methods really means. formal methods is very much not "how everyone does it" currently. its not "project management forces us to write documents" lmao
formal methods is proving your software correct with math
>roblox won't screw me with a hard cap on graphics
Tell me more about this.
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please mod Daggerfall Unity instead, make the game better and learn how to make game stuff while your at it.
make a good enough contribution and it will make help people find your game later and you might even connect with other devs who you can rely on.
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Progress: 20 minutes put into my vidya project. Wasted alot of time procrastinating the whole day but I got something done atleast!
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The solution I came up while writing this works! Had to do two varieties as my code for teleportation is different in two spots. I don't feel like refactoring all this. It's race to finishing this game and moving onto a new game. I just have to finish it and the code won't have to ever be cleaned up.
Why are you arguing? By the way, that corporation is very much into “proving software right with math.” The Japanese really like math, and this corporation's got hundreds of patents describing their testing and validation methodology. Hell, Watts Humphrey wrote a book describing a personal formal methodology. Can’t remember the name, but I think it was a big deal in the 80s. It goes a bit overboard, but it works well for devs who follow it completely.
What was your solution?
>me opening the editor 20 minutes before bed
>organize the file folders a little
>in my mind: counts
>Why are you arguing?
because you keep saying things that dont sound like anything at all like what tla+ is. humphrey's personal software process is just another project management methodology; it has zero do with this topic kek
>find an old tutorial for some pathfinding algorithm or something
>check latest vids on the channel
>he's using a falsetto voice now
this keeps happening
Based frogdev mogging troomdev after she returns
Blue said use poonity
Okay! You know what? You're right. I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, and you win the Internet. Cool. Have a great day!
>wanting to wrangle with DFU
damn that sucks to hear, would you mind posting the example you just found?
what? you not being a productive dev?
Almost the same as I mentioned above, teleporting the camera to the same coordinates the player is being teleported to. Well except the z coordinate. Did have to wrangle the code so it could get a hold of the camera via code to affects it's position.

I'll have to adjust it further because once I move the character's back to being selected on the main menu, the camera will have to be retrieved differently otherwise I'll get error when the characters are instantiated moment before actually entering the scene where the camera is at. I forgot about that part, not sure how I'll handle it if I reach that point.
recent one(today) was blender animation tutorial channel Crashsune. falsetto is an exaggeration but he's heading there.
I'm on my pomodoro break
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I really love my cute game dev friends so much...
fake, bring the real one back, agdg didn't deserve it
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Great work cunnyman.
Keep it up.
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He's back, I was unironically considering pretending to be you within the last few weeks or so.

It'd be funny if you're not the original and are just an imposter like how I was considering doing it.
clicked in on something random and was about to say that he sounds normal but then the end of the video came

how very timely
It's literally just damaskus, retard
This guy sounds like a potential flaming homo. Fuck he even has a useful blender tutorial yamero!!!!! Why can't I find someone who can teach this stuff and not be some variant of open degen
>donut guy
He doesn't count, he doesn't teach that well. It's just a fucking donut, I want to learn how to do 3D!!!!!!! I don't like him either anyways.
dread delusion is dogshit so he's right..
I posted my game idea before but I had another idea. In a game you can fly a plane I want to add a feature that lets you take shits out of your plane and view where they go with a sniper elite camera to see if your shits hit enemies and that. Good idea?
Will be a contender for bottom 5 demo day slots
Man I feel bad for culture war bugmen like you, I'm sure a leftoid is saying the same shit about a tranny video making views. This is the result of a Godless society.
5 views 0 downloads.
I'll download it but I won't play it
derek elliott is ok
Did you know that you don't need tutorials? You can literally open blender and start modeling
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who drives the cars? cubes?
I'll bet anything you're young, and also you blame everyone from parents and teachers to peers and friends for your own personal failures.
Go ahead and tell me how right I am.
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I made a new thumbnail for my game's reveal trailer and also in the last 3 weeks I've completely revamped a lot of the game to make gameplay more focused on action. Fixed countless glitches as well but nobody ever notices that shit lol

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It is tuesday
Time to make a fighting game.
I will use a trip once I start posting docs
>I took that personally
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What is a yesdev? I haven't been here in a while
>username: Progchad
kek saw this the other time but never said it. reminds me of the anon with the tank game over here >>483363192. literally multi leg tanks in both games
Oh wow didn't notice this, thanks for showing me
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the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>browse his channel
>that high quality cloth
Wow I don't think I can reach that level any time soon. Now I just need someone who can teach anime style.

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While I my brain shuts off working on my current game, I'm ruminating on how exactly I should put together my dream game and keep it within reasonable scope. I don't have the artistic prowess, but in terms of event density, I have some ideas for how best to manage all the actions and NPCs over the course of 7 intricate days.
Museum, or coconut ice cream?
everytime i look for advice online i forget that the winners dont post online and the losers love to write essays about their ideas.
there is no good advice online, even books are too academic.
either you know someone who made it or you are all by yourself and have to figure things out by experiment.
but you should never listen to the vocal losers online.
actually i feel like the internet is mainly a place for losers. the winners only use internet to promote themselves or to make money, but they dont socialize online.
jblow streams all the time
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beri kyuuto
Congrats on making the schitzo list DOJD dev!
You have no excuse to not have verticality in your shooter after 1993.
Use any idea/advice, build upon it, scrap, or use it, keep your head down and ignore the vocal angry losers.
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post your daggerlikes and morrowlikes
or your lore
+100 pts for posting your map
>and the losers love to write essays
like you're doing right now?
kill yourself schizo pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>that cat has more of a game than I do
it's over
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4 Elven Sage Orders.
Air ->Yellow
Water -> Blue
Earth -> Green
Fire -> Red.
Pure ludokino incoming.
Long ago, a cat after having traveled for a long time and seen many things, coughed up a hairball. That hairball is the very world we stand on today. There's mysteries and beings beyond our imaginations within it, but it's ours and we thank the cat everyday for our creation.
>that cringe thing my game's MC said 15 years ago
It's over, day ruined.
>but they dont socialize online.
nor offline. they just sit in their empty mc mansions eating candy.
What game is this?
That is Jak and Daxter
did that cat actually make that or is this faked somehow?
That's Sprocket and Zippy
It has so much sovl how could we ever compete?
master studies
by making what you want to play, not what the market trends say.
I think the best way to limit scope for something like that would be setting (ie, a military outpost). I would also work radially. Figure out the main story, fogure out some side stories, and connect everything together from those centrap themes (with respect to everyone having their own damn life)
I really really need to eat something seriously sweet
I'm fucking addicted
Does getting a schizo mean I’ve made it?
this is the truly insidious part of AI images, you start not being able to trust anything
yes of course he made it, it looks just like him
I now realize soul just means
>this is something I think looks good and don't see often
Masahiro sakurai posts online
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The cutie devs shall rise once again.
Yea, that's why you don't have one.
they will share 1000 illegal cracks, but they wont make a single post explaining how they cracked it because "it's illegal to post tutorials on cracking software". weird world we live in.
but it convinces me that people tell themselves fantasy stories about robin hood crack devs in order to stay in denial about all the malware, crypto miners etc.
anon ain't gon recover from that
What do you mean. it's illegal to share cracks.
Stupid tutorial baby, not everything can explained like that. Go back and work on your game instead of being a filthy nodev.
>coconut ice cream
i unironicaaly have some gelato actually, really high in saturated fat

i wouldnt be surprised if he posts here anonymously
yes it can, you can explain how you cracked the game in the readme, so people can replicate it themselves if they dont want to risk viruses.
and OF COURSE they always tell you to disable all your anti viruses lmao.
kek this. they dont share it probably cause their jamming all sorts of viruses keyloggers and other nefarious stuff into it
I have a very clear setting, it's moreso in terms of event density. I've worked down setting as much as possible.
Would sex scenes cause issues when it comes to consoles? Explicit graphics aren't mandatory, but I'd like to incorporate such events.
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>cute blondie
>my two weaknesses in life put together as an incentive
NNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHH I'd do nothing but gamedev. Anything to please my blondie and secure my cookies.
Why the fuck does making a good game have to be so hard
If your game has realistic rendering and the characters are ugly you can have them fuck. If it looks like anime sony will crush your balls for even showing cleavage
As I said, I don't need graphics. A view of the dresser, maybe the foot of the bed shaking, is fine.
It's anime though.
It's not though?
I was supposed to work on my game today but... somehow I forgot...
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Somehow... Procrastination has returned.
no it doesn't. all my assets are royalty free slop.
Same. I do it all the time; especially with previous employers, and their competitors. I am often told What A Bad Boy I Am, because I won't work. I cry myself to sleep over it, every night.
It's kind of a meangingless buzzword and sometimes used ironically especially on here when someone posts something that's inferior.
when you see someone on /agdg/ saying that they're doing your game idea, that dawg in you start coming out.

Saw numerous people saying that they doing Daggerfall-likes today. and that dawg in me ATE the procrasination.

is it a coincidence that the people who scream the loudest about their ideas being stolen have never released a single fucking game?
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Remember to clean your laptop between each session. Those things get dirty!
didn't say my idea was stolen. people just converging on the same idea. I didn't make Daggerfall, lol.
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Daggerchads we stay winnin
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Are you me from 3 months ago?
Now add bats and fantasy women and we’re 50% to Daggerfall.
kino how do I do this? 3d to 2d render?
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may our daggerfall-likes exist side by side in the Golden Age Renaissance of games. All selling fantastic.

God bless.
is this a darkmessiah-like?
It's crazy how many games never get progress further than this
Where are you three months later?
heh i'm really disliking how so many people keep converging on my ideas. however i don't say a word when it happens. it only draws attention to it and might someone to think it actually is a good idea rather than writing it off. there are just far too many close calls. i can't work on all my ideas at once! that'd be frequent project hopping between many different games! however i am partly irritated because if it ends up being the idea that sets an anon free, then i'll be raging that it could've been me if i project hopped to that idea. the second being when it's a unique idea and someone else does it first where not only do they get rich, i get called a copycat of their idea when i already had it prior.
please put mojito the cats texture on these boxes so I can relieve some stress. thanks.
If I learn Unreal can we collab
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I rendered a 3d model into sprites using Unity and then put them together into a sprite animation with a script handling the direction change based on the player's view angle.

I'm sorry but mine doesn't exist.

At the same point I was 3 months ago. I got as far as faking sprite shadows. I would've needed to tackle scripting the whole sprite generation pipeline because I was doing far too many steps of it by hand and I couldn't be bothered with it. 3d is way easier to work with.
You're not going to be cursed for simply wishing others blessing in their ventures and praying for blessing in your own ventures.

Mark 11:23-24. Thankfully, reality is governed by the omnipresent Mind who cares about you in particular as well as your fellows. ( His mind is powerful enough to care about even feeding the animals. )
Then you might be in some trouble.
But hey, be based, make your game as you wish
don't worry, your daggerfall x egglike secret is safe with me.
for this style a blob shadow would have sufficed.
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Why arent you shilling your game on facebook or youtube? They are the 2 biggest platforms.
I'll let steam organically decide if my game should sell a lot or not.
is this vroid or live2d
I wanted to do them Duke Nukem 3d style. Shadows ain't the problem. It's the hassle of the 3d to sprite pipeline. It could be done in Unity and mostly automated but I'm not convinced the payoff is worth it when you can just make a proper 3d game instead.
Hello sirs.
is it just me or is /agdg/ full of kids under 21?
he cute
>likes daggerfall and morrowind
>making boomer shit like wolf3d
is it just me or is /agdg/ full of kids under 121?
why didn't you just make them sprites like in the original?
Pick better screenshots for your Steam page. And maybe put them in order for the worlds, having the horror world screenshot last.
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But anon that's what I did. I prerendered 3d models into sprites.
sorry, didn't know how they did it.
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Well Daggerfall used a mix of drawn and prerendered sprites. A lot of the villagers were drawn but unanimated. Monsters were prerendered with the exception of Wraith and Ghost those might've been drawn.
Kids now about all about boomer shit now. Shit like Doom is practically on every platform imaginable at this point.
zoomies ain't playing any of that

old games are too slow for their tiktok fried brains
It's just scary when others end up with the same ideas as me fren. Knowing how bad I am at this I'll certainly be outdone. Who's gonna want my burnt cupcake when some anon's made an exquisite delicious three layer cake?
None of us are going to do the game idea exactly the same as the other person. We're each going to bring our own unique spin to the genre.

Customer will just have more variations in his favorite genre to choose from.
>I don't think they had insurance
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im going to sleep but tomorrow im gonna start my next project :)
this time make the end of the project first so you can say you have a complete game.
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I know this webm will come in handy to yall. Be sure to save it for future use
me when i post my progress and check my (you)'s
Good night but if you put something on a cat again I murder you (joking but not joking)
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Design documents progress.
I hope to finish the design process by the end of the day
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what in pater's name
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raper is a 1v1 local multiplayer lightning game for touch based devices
When I'm serious about my design documents, I write them so that anybody could read it too. You have a stylish writing but I can't read it.

No idea if it's a nice tip but I noticed my own documents where more potent to me when the writing to them was accessible.
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My hand writing comes with encryption
>dig up my gdds from when I was a kid
>oh nice, this will be nostalgic wonder what I was thinking back then
>can't read shit
How do I deal with potential controversy surrounding my game? /v/ told me to ignore it (unless it's something serious like legal stuff).
Hmmm, I could write more neatly but it will mean writing slower.
No, this is a good tip, If it gets to thw point where I struggle reading it that slows down work. I should improve my neatness.
my handwriting was also retarded but all the teachers learned how to read it like my mother
How do I know this isn't just a load of bullshit? Using shovelware as your example isn't exactly enticing. Nobody has serious expectations of a game called "HENTAI NAZI" or "TYRONE VS COPS" anyway.
>Shilling your blog
what kind of controversy are you expecting and what's the worst thing an offended party could reasonably do?
lol ok. I wish made snkrx money
I think the story of my game has the biggest potential to cause heavy controversy.
>what's the worst thing an offended party could reasonably do?
How the hell should I know?
a vague reply like that doesn't help me help you . I might know! I have seen things...
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What's in your guys' tech bag?
My game quite heavily leans narratively on politics and conspiracies. Is that clear enough for you?
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>SNKRX money
SNKRX money is just software engineering job money, probably less than that. That $128K seems impressive until you realize that's over the course of 3 years.
Dunno about you, but I use the paper for stuff that is 1 step more concrete than a whiteboard.

With a whiteboard I can easily shift shit around, delete, copy... When I go to the paper for design, it's that I have already an idea that I planned in my head before.
If I plan on redoing my shit on paper, it's not a GDD anymore, it's a DRAFT.

I guess it depends on the project's scope and the dev's confort, but for me it's :

Also ink to me is more readable and clear. The grey of my pencils are too light and the informations don't go to my brain well.
>Just software engineering
Ok but am just a retard who downloaded unity one fateful day.
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guys, someone made a donation for my free game and paid way above the suggested value
Like last light?
> In a world where feminism won... Everything turned to shit
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*The last night
He's brazilian though so that's worth at least twice for him.
>You spend it
>Gets chargeback and now you are in debt
Nothing personal
I am still figuring out my process, but, I like to use my books for everything. I would rather not use a white board. I find even bad ideas are better kept to help refine the process.
I do appreciate this, though. I will give it a better thought once I finish this project that way I will have a reference for what slowed me down and what worked
I don't know what game you're talking about. But, not exactly. Identity politics are only brushed upon slightly and are barely present in the game (since I find them boring anyway).
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I'll make MetaHumans like this.
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How do you design levels tqbh
That scared me
>just randomly connect rooms together and create a passage that leaves out the edge of a mountain
Yeah it's to modulate. For me paper is so physical that I like to use it for stuff that is already a bit "solid". But I'm an idea guy first. I would crawl under mountains of physicality if I put everything down there.

On the other side, my difficulty is to manage myself to not use the digital space to spread all of these ideas as well. In the end the biggest physicality is the brain and the body and all the rest are extensions of it, so it's good to put the weight where one's want to exerce the force, to work the right muscle, the right body part.

Never thought of it before but I guess that's how I see it.
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my game is coming along,
but i doubt anyone will play it
I draw some basic concepts for very open areas, look at my asset packs for what may work to give said area a rough theme and look at what other games I like did within the same genre across various levels, incorporating elements from that into the final product. It’s easy to create a walking simulator with anything large scale but filling it in with stuff from point a to point b can be very fun.
Same, except gf instead...
same except I wish I was your gamedev gf
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I regret creating such a complex UI system.

Looks good though...
Because even if I did there would be no interest in it.
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Offensive manuvers completed, now I need to figure out mobility.
Errands, so, it might be a few hours before the next update
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a few bits of info from the quake mapping community, which also applies to other games of course
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cute post
>happy eric closeup.png
yesterday i wrote my design document
Have you decided on the gameplay yet?
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Godaughters I kneel...
>my game is coming along, but i doubt anyone will play it
Probably not. But, as you work on your next game, and talk about it. People will play your previous releases.
And that's how I get almost daily, a few downloads of my older games, as I talk about my newer one
kino atmosphere, I've wanted to make a game like this.
Is accumulative camera shake a bad idea?
Large enemies on death cause more screenshake in comparison to smaller enemies. Subsequent deaths add onto the duration of the current screenshake as well. I was thinking of even splitting each shake source into their own and just finalizing the values in another script. Do games actually do this or do they override current shakes?
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aww, thanks for the tip!
"Godot can't do 3D" niggers irrevocably BTFO.
Sounds stupid
I like it.
it's actually godot running unreal
That 70 characters long word means just "the game".
Germans are too powerful.
Made a progress post
These are the ex-AAA indies she told you not to worry about.
Those are the domekeeper devs thougheverbeit. Making good games must be in their genes.
>husband and wife dev team
it's not fair
how many assets are outsourced though?
>when is /v/3 ?
Next one was announced for November.
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One day this will be me
>Once upon a time, this section listed Anne and René only. Now our team has grown with some great people, and this section needs an update! We'll do that, eventually, when we are less busy making games.
I wish I had this...
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Cutscene work, dying Zharkovil.
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>Swiped both Slay the Spire II and Road to Vostok away from Unity
>Buckshot Roulette was in the top 10 best new Steam games at the beginning of the year
>Almost a full year and the development fund has never dropped below $50K
>"Can't do 3D" arguments dismantled for good
>More popular than ever
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
I find it very frustrating to use, with behavior which is not intuitive to me and constant crashing.
I just don't like the name
Wasn't Slay the Spire made with LibGDX? Was Unity even ever in the question?
How true is this agdg?
Nortubel is easily the AGDG game that is most similar to mine in spirit.
Dn, added to my read log. Might read it once I finish this wank.
How do I make a good game?
holy fuck I think i might make that musical fire emblem game i was thinking about,

I apologise to the ai slop posters

Make bad game, find out what you did wrong, try again, repeat.
What's your game?
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Slay the Spire 2 was originally gonna Unity before the whole fiasco happened. When that went down, they ported the whole game to Godot. They were probably one of the few devs that were actually dead serious about switching from Unity to another engine.
I don't want to go to work today... I'm so tired
They need to make it better. Odds are they wont within the next year and Ill have to use Game Maker
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>they made 14 games before doomkeeper
Its it a whitepill?
How exactly do you get to use touhou art? Just ask for permission or is it just mods people can do and add into the game after?
Untitled 3D JRPG Prototype
>Working and finishing multiple projects makes you more likely to succeed in the long run versus than trying bank everything all on one shot
Do people need to re-learn this every time
You know how in godot theres functions like Input.action_press(“left”) so the code can input a button for you, is there any way to target inputs that are specifically done by the code and ignore inputs done by the player? For example could I do something like, if landed: release buttons that are pressed by the computer, but not the player?
I started 50+ games before my current project. I don't expect to make it though.
>fat little sausage with knight parts pushed into
Kek, liking the models, and the snappy door makes me realize how I could implement rotation to my activateables.
>not reading your magic math (scam) books
good idea. keep your mind pure.
lol truth
I would do this too if I had the money to just simply hire godot experts to port my game
>Sister found out that I've been unemployed for 2 years (tech layoffs) after several years working there
>Hassles me about getting a job or degree
>Told her the only thing I want to do is make a game and most degrees are worthless
>Tells me to go find a job at McD's and Amazon as a wagie
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>the wishlists explosion from 1k to 40k was caused by streamers
How come among 1600 discordoids we have zero successful streamers to help us?
Is it because every one here has unlikable personality?
>how to say in 3000 words what can be said in 300.
Really, this shit is just game designer circle jerk material they hand back and forth to make GDs feel like they're doing something difficult.

The pic is a decent level design primer though.
Maybe try making tiny games for mobile for a few weeks just to prove you can bring in some money.
A lot of more traditional oriented individuals are terrified of long term projects or drought periods.
successful streamers are 1 in a million.
Money isnt really a concern here and I have a demo and a few projects up on itch. It's more about her knowing what I used to make. At the moment I have no other aspirations in life besides gamedev. It's been something I was doing while being a wagecuck and now I have all the time in the world to focus on it.
But successful devvers are even rarer and we have them?
uhhh is that an /agdg/ logo at 2:40??? does sakurai browse here... wait is he mocking us!?
Yes, because this thread is a never ending conveyor belt of nodevs coming in, swearing they're going to make a million dollar game, giving up, and then leaving an getting replaced with new nodevs who all believe the exact same thing
I didn't do the math
These videos are great. I don't understand how there are dudes who've never released a game before, let alone a successful game, talking into a camera and giving gamedev advice getting more views than fucking Sakurai.
cherry blossoms have 5 petals
Streamers need fun, and preferably safe, content to stream, to retain viewers and to capture viewers from other streamers. How much premium content is there to be streamed from the unfinished and often severely buggy demos here, many of which are developed by pedophiles? How many hours of premium streamer content? How much game sponsorship money can be gained from streaming primarily, or even secondarily, the demos here?
Camlann Games did sponsorships for Underspace, but they get a cut from the sales of Underspace, nothing related to AGDG.

For a beginning streamer that can't afford to even buy games, at least the demos here are free, and they may get a jumpstart in numbers of viewers. But that then begs the question of how they can grow their streams and transition their viewers from indie developers to larger groups of viewers. Unless they hope to target indie developers as a niche, in case that somehow, in some way, makes sense.
>I have no other aspirations in life besides gamedev.
Is there a particular idea or game you want to create? Bring some new tech to life, or have an experience in mind you want others to share?

Or is it because you romanticize the idea of telling people "Oh, I make games" when they ask what you do? Because that makes you sound creative and interesting rather than being seen as just another "wagecuck"?
It's because you people are social autists. My friend got his game played by Vinesauce on stream just by emailing him a code. That was the only streamer he emailed and it worked. Obviously there's a bit of luck involved since any big streamer is bound to get tons of emails, but if you're not even trying then your chances are 0. It helps if your game actually looks cool and the millionth Hades or VS clone.
Yes... I posted about him here once and got told something on the lines of "the things he says are obvious and useless" but they seem useful to me.
just one more feature
And how many of them are finished?
That's the redpill, you need to finish your games to actually learn.
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Lately finished a feature to identify mons during combat which also provides some info on them like weakness. The other way to identify the monsters and unlock bestiary info is to hatch and raise the mon. The ability will also be tied to a milestone system so you won't be able to identify difficult enemies if you're still early in the game.
god i love analog tech. why did these fuckers had to create goyphones and touch screens
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We're all gonna make it bros.
become a professional butcher instead
I know one streamer posted his station here then deleted the pic once I called him out
so they don't wanna be associated with 4chan
I hope Godot gets industry use and actually becomes good like Blender
how do I keep deving if sitting makes me tired?
Legends speak of a "standing desk"
I'm doing the board game thing where you use symbols instead of common words/actions in order to save space. It helped cut down card length by a lot, but I think I might've gone overboard. The text can be a bit tricky to read now.

In your opinion, how many symbols is too many?
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I made $18k from my games in the past year. That was all of my income. I wish I tried harder to get a job in 2010 but I fell for the entrepreneur meme and now I'm looking at lifelong poverty and homelessness despite knowing C# Javascript and Python because I can't even get an interview.
My advice for solo gamedevs: find jobs, don't quit jobs, always think about your resume, always be employable
dev while standing
That last sentence was not necessary. Makes them look like devs.
Friend from college is probably a senior already in a small gamedev studio that makes casual games.
Me? I need to go to my mom's house to have dinner.
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I just wanna grill
Oh god oh fuck no way?!
How do you not ask him to get you in?
what a chad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuI0zoKIURY
Why 27?
Haven't posted in like a week and focused on social media shilling (only got 13 new followers lol...) is the e-celeb schizo still spamming gore?
Jesus christ that is an old one.
they are devs. did you mean something else?
i actually hadnt watched the vid yet when i posted that, that clover is a coincidence
I tried. Didn't even got an interview. I tell to myself that they only hire interns and I had already finished college.
I don't know.
>Sakurai attempting damage control
if good movies and books can flop, why can't good games flop?
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Well? What do you have to say?
Because they don't rely on being shown on movie theater and printed editions on bookstores. You make a game you put it for sale indefinitely. If it's good it sells eventually
The same reason I don't make my own 3D editing software, because I have limited time that is best used on my game.
It's too hard, I can't do it.
Any tutorial how to draw twitter/tumblr/tranny/modern indie game aesthetic characters?
My first game will be a tranny game. Then I will use the money to actually make a game that I want
Lack of confidence and fear of never finishing a project.
I need more funding on Patreon or similar.
I hope she can come through and understand, then.
I actually want to make a game
Not in 2 or so days.
Post Social Media?
I should follow the yesdev way and only use the Discord.
I am one man, with one dream, many other obligations, a single human lifetime, and no formal programming education. I ball.
>only got 13 new followers lol...
I guess it's time to move on and start a new game.
Why for most devs each game isn't more successful than the last? More experience, better tools, existing fanbase, and yet so often their first game is the most successful.
cause they retards
Good games are good games and bad games are bad games.
I know not a lot of you guys use Unreal but seeing half a dozen people fangirling for a guy who spent 30 minutes dropping in mixamo animations and clicking the check box for the swords collision channel is very funny
I'm making a 3d games and I am a retard. making an engine just seems like compiling other peoples libraries for the most part so it's not even your engine
who the fuck is this and why should I give a damn about his opinion?
Life's algorythm has many variables
3D graphics and portability
Unitysisters, it's over...
My titties are sore (yesterday was chest day)
You ARE going to the gym on a regular basis right aggies?
You wouldn’t just neglect your physical health due to laziness would you?
I just like creating things that people enjoy. I've tried everything and gamedev is the only thing that makes me forget to eat or sleep. I've always wanted to make games of my own but was hesitant because I didnt know how to code.

I have to admit I'm much more grounded than I was when I first started, a majority of the time is spent structuring code and implementing systems so that it ties together nicely than when I first started.

Also admitting that you make games for a living isn't impressive to anyone besides people enjoy using vidya as an escape (such as myself).

I made a program for my coworkers to use that automated some of our work and I was really it wasn't impressive but it was extremely easy to use and that was my goal.

My end goal is to make some games, get a job working in design/UX in the game industry and move on from there. Obviously with the tech layoffs thats not gonna happen but I want to make some kind of magnum opus that I can look back on.

I don't mind being a wagecuck as long as I'm building skills that I want to learn for myself, unfortunately I dont qualify for those jobs rn.
How balance?
Everything i make is either too easy or too hard?
Is there some AI tool i can make balance my game?
Forgot to add that I want a cute and chill gf but I've given up on that dream since I chose the gamedev path.
There's nothing particularly healthy about having big muscles. We can see this by how women don't have big muscles and live longer and healthier than men. As long as your body fat levels are low and you do some physical activity, you'll have maxxed out your health from the standpoint of exercise.
But why lie to yourself? You're doing it hoping to get pussy, because you forgot you were never actually rejected for not having enough muscle.
>worrying about balance with no playerbase
Balance is something you do in response to player feedback
thanks, this is going into my unreal starter collection (new to the hobby)
lol, when does he talk about games? he just talks about game developer larping
The breakthrough success for indie has something to do with with a unique hook or gimmick. In order to build upon it they have to make something equally as good but add something new to the gimmick that people didnt know they wanted. They cant just release the same game with a different coat of paint because the shock factor is gone.
Either that or come up with another unique hook/gimmick.
I do calisthecnics which I enjoy more honestly.
I don’t lift for women I lift because I think it’s virtuous to pursue strength as a man. If you are fine being as physically weak as a 12 year old girl that’s your preference. There are also many studies done btw comparing health outcomes (for men) and stronger men on average are healthier and live longer than weak men. Obviously ignoring retard steroid users
Rofl xd
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I want to make a porn game with godot
One of the biggest anti-2d redpill I read was checking ror's reviews and seeing all the people saying how they couldn't enjoy it after playing ror2 first, it was grim...
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then fucking do it instead of posting vapid e-whores
The only people who like 2D/pixel art games are a microscopically small percentage of mentally ill women and a small percentage of 30+ year old emotionally stunted men. Everyone else, and I mean everyone, prefers 3D games with “good graphics”
Having lean mass is better than being just fat in almost every scenario. Of course if you take roidheads like Rich Piana as an example of muscle = unhealthy, you're gonna be right, there's a point were having so much mass means heart failure, but if you're not in that range having big muscles is healthy.
That's actually a
>don't make 3D as your first game save it for the sequel
It’s a
>imagine making a 2d game in 2024
This board is just too technically unskilled to swallow that pill
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>I don’t lift for women
Then you're in a minority of gym goers.

>I lift because I think it’s virtuous to pursue strength as a man
Roman marble statue twitter profile pic moment

>There are also many studies done btw comparing health outcomes (for men) and stronger men on average are healthier and live longer than weak men
I'd like to see what those studies controlled for.

>If you are fine being as physically weak as a 12 year old girl that’s your preference
It's unlikely you're stronger than me.
man really here showing his sub 2plate deadlift hands on the amateur videogame development general
RoR: Returns released not too long ago I bought it
>It's unlikely you're stronger than me
I do compound lifts and strength training, so I would say it’s very likely
It's even worse, I'm one of those nancies who wear gloves in the gym
Who doesn't do compound lifts?

>I would say it’s very likely
Can't argue with trips of truth, I concede you're stronger
cris' hand
>brown hand
Risk of Rain 1 was shit though. It's not even about the pixel art.
If you mean RoRR then yeah, maybe that's a blackpill.
What are all you doing? Get back to making games or else he will eat your butt!!!
thoughts on vendor trash?
>There are also many studies done btw comparing health outcomes (for men) and stronger men on average are healthier and live longer than weak men.
God it's so fucking easy for people to misinterpret or lie with statistics it's not even funny.
>Obviously ignoring retard steroid users
Why are you ignoring retard steroid users, but not weak couch potatoes in these statistics? Make a comparison between people who lead active lifestyle exclusively (i.e. get at least 2 hours of physical activity in a day), and then tell me whether the stronger side lives longer than the weaker, cardio side.
>posts hand instead of muscles.
You are weak. weakling. you got those callouses from jerking off strangers.
I lift because when I look in the mirror I think to myself, damn you are so fucking small.
Suitable for mmos only
Have you tried a penis pump?
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realistically why would I need one? I don't really want to nor does any idea i have actually require features not present in current engines. Seems like a load of work for nothing (assuming what you do and don't do in life isn't dictated by what impresses /g/).
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Morning. Time to get cracking.
The Lion in me awakened after I saw last night that other people are making Daggerfall-likes.

Ay, I wish you guys the best. We're all gonna be at the Top with our Daggerfall-likes.

God bless.
Inshallah my brother.
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Jesus Christ is King.
Mark 11:23-24
The person that makes the new thread will get a cute Japanese groupie in 2025.
I was gonna do it but I won't now (I'm married).
>need to wait 5 min
It's over...
Err on the side of "too easy." You’re the dev, you’re largely more knowledgeable than players will be. Put in a harder mode that you use as graveyard for all the overtuned versions of your content.

Real fresh lad, breads.
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i remember the first one on the left after all these years, i assume he was the first you saw in the game
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fucking retards
Look what you've done asshole.
This is what happens when you poke the thirsty virgins with a stick.
wait, can you set types for a dictionary in gdscript?
yeah I have shit to do for demoday, maybe killing the thread is a good idea :)
We are 'ere >>483420820
This one
I'm actually on all 4 threads.
And >>483344358
I have chosen this one due to its funny call to action.
I chose it because it does not shoehorn religion on the OP.
I am going to bump every single thread to keep it alive until mods ban everyone involved.
The hero we need.
I thought whichever thread has the earliest datetime should be chosen.
nice links, especially the archived one
Perfect year to ditch Unity.
Unity's CEO got like a million dollar when he resigned btw.
indeed it was not necessary, they went above and beyond
They just deleted the thread and nothing more actually

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