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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #202 - The King is Back in Town Edition


>Mario News and Releases<
「!」Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has officially released!

Future Release Dates:
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD releases on June 27th, 2024
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree releases on October 17th, 2024
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership releases on November 7th, 2024
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

Current News Links:
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD - Overview Trailer (ENG)
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Officially Revealed
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD - 6/18 Nintendo Direct Trailer
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Officially Revealed
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Officially Revealed


>General Paisano Links

>Netplay Guide

>SMA4 level editor (SMA4 Mods - Smaghetti)

>SM64 Mod ROM hacks [ replace () with a dot ]
https://rentry()co/romhacks (Guide for newer players & for interest)

>Etc. Interest
Post any SMM2 / SMW levels ya' got!
Post gameplay videos!
Share your Strikers club and builds!


Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/TUNl6JxSI7E?si=wfj1KgA41DF80pVw


OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw


Previous World: >>482836783
How would Luigi fare in Silent Hill?
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Daisy, my beloved.
He would get raped.
by me
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he would do about as well as he did in castlevania
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It was extremely annoying how Smash Ultimate cutscenes were willing to kill off anyone except for Kirby, because Sakurai has bias towards him. What a soulless era of Smash.
king boo solos both verses. luigi would be fine.
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I love Luigi
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It's time to choose.

Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi, or Super Mario RPG.
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Mario + Rabbids
I prefer Kingdom Hearts
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Thoughts on the Mario Mandates being proven real YET AGAIN? Mandate deniers have been NOWHERE TO BE FOUND since this was posted

Nobody really cares.
>what? nintendo isn't using a bunch of literal whos in their park who haven't even been in a game for decades? MANDATE!
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The Mario mandate never left.
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Femember when they gave this nigga a new design and then never used it again? Fucking swear man they show no respect to Kong lore man shit.
It wasn't a new design, Bamco just leaned into the theme of K. Rool having a new costume each game. Him being a pharaoh playing baseball is no different than him being Frankenstein or a pirate or a boxer
>A literal who
If this was pre-2018 then yeah, sure.
he still hasn't appeared in a DK game in over a decade, until he gets back into the games he's gonna remain distant from DK.
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so we're just gonna forget when /v/ spammed the shit out of this character when he got in smash?






Wait a minute. Minions... Rabbids... What if we get a Mario cross Minions game and Super Nintendo World gets flooded with Minion shit? They already plague most of the damn park. Imagine minion in DK cosplay getting in over fucking K. Rool?
Bro is acting like this is the early 2010s
Rabbids and Minions have nothing to do with each other.
Take your meds.
uh that's racist anon they can't do that
Damn I guess Smash Ultimate never existed and was never one of the most popular titles on the Switch
>K.Rool? You mean that Smash character?
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listen here you dumb bitch the MINIONS is a copy a cheap imitation of Ubisoft RABBIDS from RAYMAN okay? They're both dumb and annoying and evil yep that's ancient rabbid lore they're basically interchangeable. Minions are going to show up in Mario Movie 2 it's so fucking obviously it's all fucked the Mario mandate and mutated into fucking... MINION AIDS!
It's probably just this simple and not the result of any mandates. To the public normies visiting the theme park having tikis as the generic baddies makes more sense than random crocodiles
>Damn I guess Smash Ultimate never existed and was never one of the most popular titles on the Switch
Contrarians love to ignore Smash's success. This general in particular has a hate boner for Smash, for some reason.
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>generic baddies makes more sense than random crocodiles
nothing in mario makes sense what are you talking about?
>for some reason.
it's rosterfags it's always been because of the rosterfags they clog the thread up like crazy with their autism
whats with the link to the elden ring general?
What would you do if Luigi started violently cumming outside your house without end and didn't react to any other stimuli?
knock his hat off
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>King K. Rool? who's that? Sounds like a bitch.
I can't believe he really said that Nintendo has no respect for their ips this is almost as bad as having Toadsworth get hanged in the TTYD remake.
This is hands down the most incorrect response that post could've gotten.
How many suns are there in Mario and why are they so angry
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What a slut.
Stop being dishonest, you know what he meant.
Mario RPG
You're too old to be acting like this.
Ok but the smash bros trailer of K. Rool is fucking cool.
Genuinely the only time I cried a bit during a reveal, when you see DK, Diddy and K. Rool attacking eachother just like old times.
nobody played dk country returns the tikis are about a radom as crocodiles
>b-b-but the hd port!
what fucking normie is gonna play that game? they gonna buy mario party jamboree not fucking dkc returns
His, Ridley's and Banjo's reveals genuinely made me feel like a big, happy kid again watching them live. Especially Banjo's.
I didn't get my other most wanted, but I'm thankful for those three, at least.
just because he got in a fg crossover, doesn't mean he's suddenly all that relevant
And you're too old to be making retarded posts in a Mario thread within a mongolian basket weaving forum. Yet here you are.
How the fuck do you beat the Shadow Queen? I got Grodus after realizing just use multiple target attacks, but I’m really struggling with her, I’ve tried her three times so far and the closest I’ve gotten was the first time, second phase and she had I think 65 HP left? What tips/tricks do you guys have? Also, I went back to my last save before exiting and noticed a pipe, is that to an item shop? That may help.
It's about context, the families that buy Returns HD (there will objectively be some) will recognize the tikis, and for the families who don't it will be far easier for them to understand DK fighting generic monster tikis than the Kremlings and K. Rool, and aesthetically they just fit better with the land which is attempting to resemble Returns... you know.. the game being re-released strategically around the time of the expansion's opening?
Looks like I struck a nerve.
>nobody played [The Donkey Kong Country game on the single most normalfag console]
Same can be said for Marth and Ness. Which Fire Emblem ended up becoming a popular IP and Earthbound is now considered to be one of the greatest JRPGs of all time.
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What if his hat leaped onto your head and you became the Luigi?
Be impressed by the volume of cum at first then start to feel worried because it won't stop and he won't respond. And then I wake up.
Then I guess I'd be Luigi violently cumming outside my house and wouldn't react to any other stimuli.
How would you react if after waking up there was a giant green cum stain on the wall of your house where Luigi was?
>people always complain when bowser is the bad guy
>people always complain when k. rool ISNT that bad guy

The duality of man...
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Is it me or did they trace over 3D models?
For some reason it always felt natural whenever Mario spoke full sentences in japanese
Mario & Luigi until the day I die.
Why is his cum or his dick always green in these weird hypotheticals? Also if I woke up and saw that, I would not register it as cum, I'd think it was some other fluid.
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Well he is japanese
>Why is his cum or his dick always green in these weird hypotheticals?
Because he's green and his cum can't be red or yellow or purple because those are Mario, Wario, and Waluigi's colors.
>Also if I woke up and saw that, I would not register it as cum, I'd think it was some other fluid.
You would probably know because you saw his big green dick shooting massive globules of green cum on your walls.
And because you can smell the strong wafts of cum stench making their way up your nostrils.
I don't get it and I've been watching that show.
The other time I cried due to a Smash Bros trailer was when they revealed the god damn upside down Dorito Faggot Pokaymon Cat....
Because it meant Geno got shafted again.
I thought "it's so over" until last year they randomly decided to bring Geno, and by extension SMRPG, back from its grave.
Frieren tells a demon to kill herself.
Mario told Bowser to kill himself.
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>Geno, and by extension SMRPG
>considering the game he appeared in a footnote because you're that hyperfixated
Which bro gives the best fingerfucks?
>considering the game he appeared in a footnote because you're that hyperfixated
wtf are you trying to say esl-kun?
or did you have a massive stroke?
probably mario, he does backwards long fingerfucks
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Nintendo official store in Tokyo, what would you buy?
All 5 of those Poochies. They would be my boys, and I would love them like my own children.
The entire pile of Daisy, the entire pile of baby Daisy, and a DK.
And position a luigi to look like he's getting banged by two yellow yoshi before I leave.
Not your wife
I would buy a Rosalina doll, study it, take it apart, and learn it's secrets. Finally I would use my new knowledge to tailor a life sized Rosalina plush doll which of course would have an articulated skeleton inside it.
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>position a luigi to look like he's getting banged by two yellow yoshi before I leave.
Done on your behalf, anon.
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I want that P Switch
Absolute legend
You're not supposed to give it what it wants
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Bonus: Baby Luigi
Don't be a stick in the mud anon.
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What if mario had his own archie comics?
Luigi does a "bang, bang!" with his finger guns for a reason.
Probably a Yellow Yoshi to set it on fire.
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Some villains, would you buy one?
I guess it has to do with him being created by japanese minds and so he's made to fit a certain japanese mold more naturally.
Yeah but Wiggler and Nabbit being there is rather questionable.
Had a Waluigi back in the day. Dogs got ahold of him, and sister spilled tea on him. I'd prolly get a replacement.
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he already did
That says Valiant, not Archie.
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it all looks that same to me nigga
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damn peach kinda hot though
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>The comics start as Super mario bros super show-like slapstick. Everyone has their DiC cartoon designs
>Becomes grimdark and tryhard edgy later down the run. King kooopa rules 99% of mario's world. Princess Pauline bands together a ragtag group of mushroom fighters and Mario to fight off koopa
>Pauline has a fake-out death after falling off of bowser's castle
>Mario kills king koopa and the comics go down hill from here
>A King koopa from an alternate dimension named Dry koopa attacks main universe mario after killing his version of mario and gets his body destroyed after this fight. He has his soul transported into a new body resembling his modern bowser design and takes on the updated name
>The kongs are are basically stand ins for penders' echidna autism complete with donkey kong getting microwaved with magic coconut energy as a baby.
>Luigi becomes a massive cuck and gets dumped by his girlfriend and cucked by mario twice. Also he somehow is able to summon multiple versions of himself from other dimensions to become titan luigi
>An evil Mario from another dimension named Maverick becomes Mario's rival.
>Pauline and Mario are a couple, peach is simply a big mario fangirl instead of a love interest
>Wario in a dark alternate timeline marries Pauline and defeats Mario
>Donkey kong gets magic radioactive powers and kills bowser in another timeline. He is also glowing bright green for some reason.
This sounds awfully familiar.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this is meant to be referencing things that actually happened in the archie comics somewhere.
>The comics start as Super mario bros super show-like slapstick. Everyone has their DiC cartoon designs
>Becomes grimdark and tryhard edgy later down the run. King kooopa rules 99% of mario's world.
Yes that's literally just super show anon koopa in super show is a king a roman emperor, hitler, a mob boss, darth fucking vader.
You bet your ass it is.
1993 mario movie would be satam, and spiral off into it's own mega comic series that would be cancelled in 25 years.
>evil Mario from another dimension named Maverick
what about Orima?
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>It gets revealed later that mario's world is actually a future Earth after the alien Tatanga race attacked with genetic bombs. All life is either wiped out or mutated into Toads, Koopas, Nintendoians, ect.
>Nintendoians and the koopas/toads all go to war with each other due to xenophobic racial tensions
>Bowser/King Koopa is literally worse than hitler and instead of robotizing captives, he
turns victims into monsters via black magic.
>Paluine strips naked and dips into a pool of magical orange juice to talk to god
>Bowser.Jr has multiple clones of himself. One of them adopts the name "koopa kid" and turns against bowser
>Daisy is a rock band singer only created as shipping fodder with mario. She gets paired up with luigi in an alternate timeline for no reason
>Mario gets lost in space at one point, returns to earth and gets slapped by pauline for some stupid melodrama
>Pauline gets transformed into a koopa monster by bowser at one point and is pitted against mario
>Bowser locks kamek in a cage out of sheer cruelty and leaves him starve to death while replacing him with a robo clone
>Mario and Kirby for some reason get a crossover, Bowser and dedede team up.
>Entire multiverse gets rebooted, the entire previous timeline is wiped from existence, retconned and is morphed into a new one that is far more accurate to the game's lore.
>Pauline, instead of being a love interest for mario is now in a lesbian relationship with rosalina
>The comic reboot universe gets canceled pre-maturely due to nintendo revoking the license from the archie company for IDW
>new writer obsessively makes "obscure" references, makes sure to shove them in your face, and has characters quote song lyrics verbatim constantly (even more noticeable due to the smaller pool of songs to pull from)
>Mario spends pages upon pages giving out-of-character speeches about sparing people (99% of the time, these speeches are in the favor of literal murderers and irredeemable scumbags)
>new writer forcibly inserts his lesbian Toad and Goomba OC duo, but can't actually make them lesbians within the comic itself (thankfully)
>OCs still take up way too much screentime
>Bowser ends up making a female plumber using Kamek's magic (complete with an even wimpier Luigi analogue) to fight the Bros.
>too much time is dedicated to retarded drama with OCs nobody cares about
Comics officially get announce, but it's all written and drawn by Ken Penders. How would you feel?
With pure, abject horror.
Would of made more sense to have crash bandicoot as the crossover franchise.
>>Bowser ends up making a female plumber using Kamek's magic (complete with an even wimpier Luigi analogue) to fight the Bros.
Using antasma as a starline stand-in would make way more sense. They are both complete suck-ups who use swirled patterned stones who thought they were winning a game of 4D back-stabbing chess with the main villains until they were outsmarted and killed by them.
Good point, but I wasn't sure if I should include any RPG elements since the posts before mine didn't.
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Anon, there have been joke comics posted about Ian Flynn writing Mario for a while.
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You don't even have to make Pauline the equivalent for Sally either, Toadette works fine for Amy.
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is this a sonic raid? what is this rubbish bro? you're fanficing mario if he a bad comic wtf
imagine the court case between penders and nintendo for the rights to his wario OCs
>wapeach becomes real
I know, I know. Being in both fandoms since before you can read affords you that sort of knowledge. I just like to dunk on Flynn whenever possible.
The bastard.
Wario will become real in 5 seconds
I am once again asking for tips on how to defeat the Shadow Queen…
I'll give you some when I get to her later today
Do you have any life shrooms? I'd just focus on getting Yoshi (if fully upgraded, if not, Goombella), and buffing Mario and the partners attack until you can do a lot of damage to the Shadow Queen. What's your FP pool like?
Let me know how it goes for you, I died three times last night.
I have no life shrooms, I had one but my partner died during the Bowser and Kammy fight and used it (wish the life shroom worked on Mario only), but I saw there was a pipe that opened, does that take you back to get items? As for partners, I have Goombella, Vivian, and Koops updated (first upgrade, I know you can upgrade them twice) and the rest have their base stats. For my FP I have 40, then you didn’t ask but my HP is 75 and BP is 12.
How the fuck are you dying three times? TTYD is literally one of the easiest JRPGs ever, it's something a little kid can easily beat
You should probably buy some life shrooms then. If you get Chet Rippo to rearrange your stats I would maybe nerf your HP and get more BP, do you have any decent badges you can't equip, like ones that increase Mario's attack? Yoshi is better for pure damage than Goombella, but if you upgrade Goombella a second time, you get a move that sacrifices her turn to let Mario move twice. If I were you, what I would maybe think about doing is get the charge badges for Mario and your partners, charge up tons of times, and then unleash moves that hits multiple times for massive damage. Yoshi is the best partner for this in the remake due to the power bounce nerf as his Ultra Rank move hits a set amount of times, but you can still use Goombella for it. As for the pipe, I'd try going down it. I never needed to use it. Either way I'd backtrack to Rogueport.
Are you going to have Bowser make Geno after losing his memories too
Go back to rougeport, they add a pipe that lets you go back to the door in the sewers without having to backtrack.
Go to twilight town, they sell the cheapest life shrooms there, get as many as you can, and also get several dried shrooms, so that Zess T. can make you several mushroom steaks with the life and dried mushrooms, which heal 30 HP and 10 FP.
All of the bosses have been fairly easy except Gloomtail I beat the first try but almost died, Grodus I struggled with twice but then defeated him after realizing just do multi target attacks each time (fiery jinx is busted). But the Shadow Queen is rough, closest I got was 65 HP left on her on my first attempt. The other two attempts she had about 85 HP. Her attacks are strong and her healing move is OP.
>nerf HP
Why? I feel like I barely have enough HP as it is, unless the badges really help. I know some I have are like attacks are weaker but you take less damage.
Thanks, I’ll try this.
Yeah by cheap I mean they're 10 coins cheaper than in rogueport, but still.
I assume you have an ass load of coins since they're so easy to get in the remake.
I'm at level 120 in Super Mario Run. It's one of the few games I play on my cell phone. It's good
Yeah I have over 1000 coins so that’s fine.
What is with Mario RPGs and fetishes?
I just think it’s a little fucked that they give you a few levels and then make you pay instead of just making the game paid
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>yet another game getting bashed on because a youtuber said so
many such cases
it's mediocre overall but has some of the best combat in the series
>It's good
no it's not
i still come back to the Remix 10 gamemode every now and then
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Vivian controversy would be at an all time high.
I saw people on twitter upset at how Peach was portrayed in this game despite it being her best portrayal in this series.
I love that when Mario and Luigi have their eyes half-closed it gives the impression that they have long eyelashes, they must look so pretty with their long eyelashes.
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Going off my previous TierMaker post, I decided to make it a live voting poll for Nintendo Switch Mario games. I want to see what /smbg/ thinks.

Vote here: https://live.tiermaker.com/71815368

I made it last a week since this general is slow. I'll repost it again in future threads if need be.
>instead of just making the game paid
it used to be paid it was 10 dollars for an auto runner which are a dime a dozen and barely any power ups too I mean I didn't think nsmb could get more watered down but here we are
The situation with the Shadow Queen is that after a certain point it becomes a war of attrition based on whether you can consistently do more damage per turn than she can heal with her hard-to-block hand-sucking HP drain attack. If you're able to overcome that the fight will end. When it comes to the game's few hard fights, there's also this really nasty thing your partners can do where they'll suddenly die and steal/waste a Life Shroom, so keep your eye on their HP, too.
It's okay. Still absurd it's started getting new but Tour gets nothing.
Maybe they'll work on Tour again after the next console Kart launches to cross-promote.
new events*
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Better it's bad enough we already lost Dr. Mario World. Man I can't believe they shafted DMW over mid kart tour and milquetoast auto run. Fucking travesty. Look at this asshole even Miyamoto knows the whole "play with one hand, eat while you game!" is bullshit. Most people cannot multi-task you dingus #fact! Bro really made a 10 dollar Cookie Run clone good lord.
>When it comes to the game's few hard fights, there's also this really nasty thing your partners can do where they'll suddenly die and steal/waste a Life Shroom, so keep your eye on their HP, too.
Yeah, that pisses me off, I wish it was only for Mario instead of the partners. I was so mad at my first attempt of the Shadow Queen, was my best one so far and I probably could’ve gotten a little farther had my partner not died in the Bowser and Kammy fight (it kills me too because Bowser and Kammy were at pretty low HP) and stolen the life shroom.
Why wasn’t SPM an RPG format and was a platformer instead? Did Nintendo not think an RPG would suit the Wii?
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RPGs are inherently not fun, I say.
By the way, have you heard of a little game called Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland?
That's a lot of Luigis.
That's a lot of fucking Luigis.
Cringe waifufag.
Francis seems like the type of person who would believe in the Mario Mandate.
I still can't figure out how people jack off while looking at porn on their phones instead of their computers, and this fuck thinks you can play games on them with one hand?
>Why wasn’t SPM an RPG format and was a platformer instead?
Because it was originally just a spin-off in the Paper Mario series.
>Did Nintendo not think an RPG would suit the Wii?
No, you fucking retard. SPM was just a GCN game that was ported to the Wii. They ended making it mainline because it was the first Paper Mario entry on the Wii + the team wanted to work on other projects like Warioware and Fire Emblem. Then for AlphaDream they simply preferred to stick to handhelds.
they wanted to experiment
>he uses his hands to jerk off
kek ngmi
The problem is using one hand to hold a phone and also navigate multiple images while the other is jacking it. And what, do you just hump the bed or something? You could hurt yourself doing that.
>he doesn't have an onahole stuck in the wall
lmaoing at your ass right now hips are all I need bro no hands or arms nigga
>SPM was just a GCN game that was ported to the Wii
NTA but sauce? I feel like that doesn’t make sense considering the Wii was out for months before SPM was released
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Guaranteed (You)s
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Then he'd be right.
1837 892748 48483 49 3838 288282 3828 363 36 36363 277.
I read this once and it made sense, I always believed the theory for SPM was that it was originally a different/original game which explains the amount of OCs and why they’re the main focus of the plot (Tippi and Bleck’s love story in particularly), but Mario got slapped on it to sell better. Nintendo did the same thing with Kirby’s Epic Yarn, it was a Prince Fluff game but they didn’t have faith in it so they slapped Kirby’s name on it and added him to the game so it would sell better.
>NTA but sauce?
>Announced for the GameCube through a trailer at E3 2006, to be released in the fourth quarter of 2006.Nintendo opted not to have a GameCube on the show floor for a playable demo. GameSpot listed Super Paper Mario as a finalist for its E3 Editor's Choice. Nintendo confirmed a release date of October 9, 2006 later in May. Super Paper Mario was set to be one of the last first-party GameCube games, but development moved to the Wii in 2006. It was released in April 2007, becoming the first Mario game for Wii.
>The kongs are are basically stand ins for penders' echidna autism
Ah, that would explain why Nintendo does not use most of them anymore
Thanks, never knew that
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Ticks me off that all those whackjobs see characters like Vivian as is walking billboards to promote their mental illness. He/she/however-you-wanna-toss-it-as-long-as-it-isn't-troonshit has a really cute design, and it's wasted on garbage like this because all they care about is that they have a new toy for their propaganda (like Bridget before this) and they're going to milk it dry for all it's worth.
Why are you so easy to fucking bait my god.
If I sees 'em, I gripes at 'em.
>you will never milk Vivian dry for all she's worth
There's nothing to milk. It's a shadow.
how can a shadow be trans?
how can a shadow be a living creature at all?
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>ohh you gotta mario confused!
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>Haha, wow that's pretty nea-
I NEED Vivian’s cock
Tanabe has scarred DKC forever in addition to murdering Paper Mario outright and he's about to get away with both because the money will vindicate him at every turn.
Luigi is a slut.
Luigi is a whore.
Luigi is not that one femanon's boyfriend.
Reminder the Tikis are in MK8. Kremlincopes would never.
Did shadow queen in first try
I had like two badges that increase Mario's damage and one that increased my partner's damage, I abused power lift because you get so much star points this late in the game with stylish moves.
Nice, gonna retry later. I am definitely going to use power lift and get some items. What badges did you use?
Keep in mind I had 45 BP
But here's the major ones
>quick change
>power plus x2
>power plus P
>flower saver
>defend plus
quick change is especially important
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Somehow, Vivian made me appreciate the beauty of vagueness behind the japanese way of handling ambiguously gendered characters. I don't even think she's trans, or is a trans icon or anything like that. Labels are nothing but black and white ways of categorizing. I accept her as a girl and recognize that she may physically be male, but in her heart, she's a female. I don't think labeling her as trans was ever the point of her character. I think it was to identify that you can be whatever you want to be despite what others tell you, which to me is more powerful and effective than dumbing down her story as a trans allegory. And I say this as someone who has nothing against trans people too. I even relate to viv in a lot of ways myself. I just find it disingenuous to the character and others like her. This seems to be the common way ambiguously gendered characters are handled in japanese media too, since you'll never come across a game or anime where a character outright states what sexuality they are like bi or trans or pan or whatever. People should stop limiting their way of thinking amd focusing so much on categorizing everything.
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Mario says you'll-a never be a woman
I repeat-a,
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Now you're taking things too far!
I have a friend who is trans (he's super critical of people who just adopt the label to get group protection). Very chill and never talks about his condition, not even when the subject comes up in conversation. He's just an ordinary person who has ordinary hobbies. If only the others in the alphabet community could be that kind.
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>He's just an ordinary person who has ordinary hobbies. If only the others in the alphabet community could be that kind.
Nta but this is how I wish it was. Just an normalized aspect of someone that they don't always need to be obnoxiously loud about. I know I don't have any desire to tell the world how proud I am of wanting to be a different gender. That kind of stuff is personal and precious to me alone.
Thanks, I do have flower saver on. But dang I kind fucked myself, I only have 12 BP. I guess I viewed badges being less important than FP or HP.
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General speaking the ones you see often see from social media are just attention whores, the average person doesn't make that shit there personality.
You've got me there. It's easy to forget how much the loud minority can easily misrepresent the majority. Too much exposure tends to cloud my own perception.
Many such cases. You even see it here in this very general.
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Don't you start up with that again. I know what you are.
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shit > Xananab > Stanley > Vivian > Oogtar > Yellow Yoshi
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>posting fami goy
not in my general mama fucker
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I don't get Nintendo, why were they so quiet on some of these games? We had no idea about the rest of 2024 and the first half was just remakes and then they drop a 2D Zelda, Mario & Luigi and Mario Party.
They needed to keep some suspense I get and hold the Switch over for its last year since next year we get a new console.
Sex with Yellow Yoshi.
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I deeply apologize.
Ok Luigi
Don't have to.
First attempt on the Shadow Queen tonight, didn’t beat her, but got closer than ever with her having only 40 HP left. Gonna try again and buy another healing item.
>rosa if she goth
Now we're talking oh yeah!
Mario rpg doesn't count because
1. It's not a serious
2. It's basically the common ancestor to both series.
You can't be a serious.
I really don't get this mindset.
Even if you've never heard of of a character, what's wrong with introducing them to a new audience?
People are going for Donkey Kong/Mario anyway, it's not like using crocodiles or tikis will even make a difference. Just use what makes the fans happier instead of oblivious normies. Hell, a lot of parents know nothing about Mario or DK either, so a lot of that stuff is new to them too
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It reminds me of that cancerous Smash mindset of "character has to be relevant for them to be in the game", even though Nintendo has shown time and time again they will throw things at us out of left field, and yet people still think they can somehow predict the company's behaviors. Pay posts like that no mind.
At least you're not playing the original, where you had to sit through those 15 minutes of cutscenes again every single time you fought her. The worst and most real consequences losing an RPG boss fight has ever had.
People lose to Shadow Queen?
Obviously? She and Macho Grubba are the only taxing battles in the game.
Watch porn on portrait mode instead of landscape and you can easily jack off.
Or read hentai which will fill out the screen in portrait.
Anyways, I wish I had a Geno amiibo right about now to cum all over it.
No :(
im replaying bowsers inside story, and i know this sounds like faggot shit but the amount of sexual tension between bowser and midbus...
Mario characters don't know what sex is. If any one of them ever ejaculated, they would immediately decay into a desiccated husk that could be used to summon the Devil from a fireplace.
Ooh, do the one where you call Miyamoto a petulant boy-king again!
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Shadow Queen is hot
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Folks...I think Daisy might be a bit crazy. You see what she does with the royal treasury!? Who needs that much art of Luigi!?
>rumors that she has a dildo hidden away in her room molded specifically after his cock
truly off her rocker
>Has it
>Refuses to use it
>She just pulls it out and looks at it as if worshipping it
I'm planning on getting LM2HD since I never played the original, but has anyone here played the original 3DS release? did anything change between it and the remaster?
Here have a Vivian with Massive fucking tits cuz I felt like it.
It doesn't look like anything changed. But unless you really want to play online or don't have a 3DS, I'd just pick up a copy of the 3DS version.
She’s a huge difficulty spike from the other bosses. She’s the only boss I’ve died to other than Grodus.
I didn’t find Macho Grubba to be that bad honestly.
vivi milkers
I saw a few people mentioning a next generation reboot here. If there were, how would it work?
>few people
One person. And once he's bored of this shtick he'll move on to the next one, like how he previously kept insisting on Wrecking Crew being rebooted.
And there's a chance it was your posts and now you're just trying to bring attention to it.

Got LM2 on release, it was really good for what it was!

It looks about the exact same, just using player models from LM3 and upscaled LM2 assets for the rest.

Controls still use the X and B from LM2 for looking up and down, which could get annoying considering we have the secondary c-stick with the Switch. I hope they give the option to turn it off, but I kinda doubt it.

Mission-based gameplay, so expect to go in and out of the same mansion like the paintings in SM64.

The online mode is fun, but if you're not that interested in it and have a 3DS, I'd recommend getting it on there instead.
Never forget that Mario party has a canon timeline
Nah, just was genuinely curious as anyone who’s mentioned it literally just makes it the plot of current games just with the characters kids, making it pretty pointless.
Bro the game releases in 3 days
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SMB3 Pixel Brothers.
Looking at the DF video on LM2 HD they actually did quite a lot on the graphics, it looks nice.
They probably got paid to say that though.
The reviewer quite literally said LM2 is his least favorite LM game.
Paper Mario ranked

>gameplay wise
PM64 > TTYD > TOK > SPM = CS > SS

>story wise
SPM > TTYD > TOK = PM64 > CS > SS
Tantalus, who did TPHD and SSHD, is behind LM2 HD, not NLG
Unless you haven’t played the original remasters are a complete waste of money unless there’s actual new content. Even then it doesn’t justify the price sometimes I don’t think think Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe should’ve been $60 for an hour of new content (the epilogue, which takes on average 1-2 hours to complete) and more minigames, $50 would’ve been more appropriate for the game.
CENSORED Luigi "cuckoo" animation
That bean seems to really like those socks...
congrats on being able to keep track of time rofl
hope you enjoy it
I find strange not many people ever bothered to speculate about Peach's origin story, hell, not even I did until the movie brought it up.

I dont like many things about Peach in regards of the movie for the little I've seen, but I do like the origin story they gave to her, at least in theory. I dont know the details about how it was done in the movie, but I like to think Peach did come to the Mushroom Kingdom at such a young age to know nothing but her life in the kingdom. Got so involved in the lives of the toads and won their hearts with her natural sweetness and care, and since she was more capable than the average toad, everyone agreed to make her their ruler.

Whenever Peach is portrayed as some kind of mother to the toads, my heart just melts, it's adorable.
I like my Legendary Super Princess headcanon that Super Crown type objects were needed to give Toads the princess form but Peach is the princess of legend being born in her princess form (no super crown needed).
Basically my headcanon power levels go like this: Power Up Peach (fire flower etc) Princess Peach > Super Crown Toadette > Power Up Toads > Toads
And theres also the wish birth headcanon where all characters (minus things like yoshis) are born from wishes which is why Jr. has no mother because people are born from their parents wishing, and not from intercourse. Basically the Toads wished for a princess stronger than a regular Toad so the Star Spirits sent a stork with Baby Peach. It explains the storks in Yoshi's Island, Bowser Jr. having no mom.
What the fuck

Why does treehouse suck so fucking much? Even lazy ass remasters aren't safe? I can at least understand why a full remake would have stupid ass changes
>Bowser Jr. having no mom.
I thought the implication in Sunshine was that he had a mom but it wasn’t Peach
What the fuck does this have to do with Treehouse
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you do realize these animations play at random right
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No they don't, why are you lying? The animations in that scene line up exactly except for that one.
Should I get Kirby and the Forgotten Land, or Paper Mario Origami King?

I ask because I'm really in the mood for a game where you can collect 3D models of all the different characters. Feel free to suggest others
origami king is fun but forgotten land might be a better purchase
Oh yeah. This was a hell of a game to play through puberty. She's especially alluring if you interpret the end of her model in the sarcophagus as the curve of her hip.
FL. TOK is pretty good, but FL is fantastic and the best game in the Kirby series. I’d recommend both though.
Yet another casualty of that retarded
>WHOA there, sport! You can't just make fun of crazy people!
bent they've been on lately.
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Imagine being so nondescript you don't even get to be "the fat one"
the troon the hag and the FAT
>Mario 64: basic Mario in 3D
>Mario Sunshine: Mario with hovering and projectiles
>Mario Galaxy: Mario in space
>Mario Odyssey: Mario with transformation ability
What will the gimmick for the Switch 2 Mario be?
I love Yellow Yoshi.
I love
Peach isn't good in general.
IIRC, it was even in a Nintendo Power article about late Gamecube games, most of which ended up either getting scrapped or ported to the Wii instead.
Interior decoration
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>Yoshi's Island fans when the GBA port has tons of good control + level design changes and 6 new levels but is missing two graphical effects (the game is ruined)
Then make Yoshi's Island Deluxe with the graphic changes reverted and choice between original sounds, Mario Advance 3 sounds, or a new arrange soundtrack and sound effects.
How come Yoshi's Island 1 is celebrated, often considered even better than SMW, yet all the sequels were flops?
>we get another Peach game
>it's literally a baby game that was forgotten on launch day
>we get a Zelda game starring Zelda
>it's in that awful funko pop art style nobody liked
>opens with the conceit that she doesn't use a sword because she has her own identity and isn't Link
>it turns out she just copies environmental objects instead of doing anything relevant to her character, so she might as well have no identity in the first place
Jesus Christ, Nintendo
The exploration and side quests were always more fun in Zelda than the combat anyway
The sequels aren't flops at all. Just say they aren't as good like any normal person
>it's in that awful funko pop art style nobody liked
Funk Pop wishes it looked like Zelda.
>>it's in that awful funko pop art style nobody liked
>he think nobody liked the chibi art style
>he doesnt like chibi art style to begin with
I know this is a bait, but imagine being this much of a tasteless retard...
Don't bother, with /lozg/ dead AGAIN they have to discuss their series in here AGAIN.
>nintendo made the tranny the hottest
Nintendo Switch track record:
>Saved Mainline Mario
>saved Mario RPGs
>saved Mario Party
>expanded Kirby
>saved Pikmin
>saved Metroid
>mixed bag on Smash
>ruined Zelda
>ruined Pokémon
>ruined Mario sports
>DKC, F-zero, star Fox, Mother still unjustly forgotten

The tranny will either be the most sex one or an old guy with a beard. It is a role of extremes.
>ruined Mario Sports
how? they just continued being mediocre, Wii U and the 3DS started it.
>ruined Zelda
lol cope
>ruined Pokemon
3D Pokemon was never good
>DKC forgotten
it has 2 ports, it's far from forgotten.
>nintendo making shitty games for a dying console
It's hard to say my exact feelings on Pikmin's situation as a fan of the series since the first game. On one hand, it's cool that more people can appreciate it now, but on the other, the Pikmin community took a nose dive once 4 turned out to be popular. It went from having rare but cozy discussion to having those certain obnoxious types of people in it causing their usual bullshit.
>Unjustly forgotten
I think these days if you asked a well-seasoned Mother fan about this, they would probably tell you otherwise. I dont know the details, but I take Itoi was making the Mother games solely for his child, once this child moved on, so did he with the series, this was already happening during (or before?) Mother 3's development. Trying to revive the series in such terms sounds pretty bitter it kind of makes you feel Mother is better off done with for Itoi's sake.
You mean you DON'T like being invaded by swarms of mentally-stunted middle schoolers who constantly run the same tired jokes into the ground over and over and display such an absurd lack of self-awareness, it makes you retch?
...yeah, me too.
Mother hasn't even been forgotten. It's getting all kinds of merch lately, and just had a concert. Itoi is done making games, but he's still plenty involved with the IP, considering he owns it and all.
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I love him too
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That's just modern humor in general. I was pretty cringe myself when I was much younger so I'm not really one to talk, though it was nothing compared to the extreme of what kids/tweens/teens do now.
I'm almost afraid to ask.
both of them because they're wearing gloves
Here, I whipped up an example of the type of "joke" they consider to be peak humor.
Well it seems to have more variety than just Bulborbposting.
Since Mario and Donkey Kong both appear in it, I'm gonna call Punch Out! a Mario series.

That being said, when we getting a new punch out game?
At least port the wii game to switch
Still no confirmation that this is in the switch version btw despite at least one person claiming "Oh we've seen it in preview footage already!"
why are you obsessed with something you're not gonna buy
>ruined pokemon
>ruined sports
I'd call it mixed
Also, I'd say it hurt Mario Kart considering we've been on 8 for 10 fucking years now.
bad takes
>>Saved Mainline Mario
Odyssey and Bowser's Fury don't really grasp what made 3D Mario good, so no.
>>saved Mario RPGs
A grand total of 1 new Paper Mario game came out for it of medicore quality, and the first new RPG is being released this year, so no.
>saved Mario Party
Didn't the 3DS move away from the car format first?
>expanded Kirby
>saved Pikmin
Pikmin 4 isn't a terrible game, but aside from a new mainline coming out I don't know if I can say it inproved things. I don't mind those retarded memes and I think they started before 4 was revealed, but features like auto lock on, Oatichi, weird timeline stuff (but there's indications it's only a localisation thing?), and lack of cool new enemies means it's a pretty nixed bag.
>saved Metroid
>mixed bag on Smash
There's good in there, but we'll see what the next Smash is like.
>ruined Zelda
>ruined Pokemon
Pokemon was ruined before the Switch.
>ruined Mario Sports
From what it seems like, sports are an upgrade over the 3DS/Wii U era.
>>DKC, F-zero, star Fox, Mother still unjustly forgotten
No new games, but DKC having every game available on Switch is good. F-Zero got a battle royale which is better than nothing, Star Fox is a slow burn like Pikmin is, there's probably something being cooked up, and yeah for no translation of Mother 3. Though it's a blessing it hasn't gotten one with how TTYD's script was treated.
>car format
I think my most controversial Mario opinion is that I didn’t hate the car format. I actually kinda liked Mario Party 9 (maybe it’s nostalgia), 10 was just ok though.
>Odyssey and Bowser's Fury don't really grasp what made 3D Mario good, so no.
Funny to say considering those are the best Mario games.
>best Mario games
3D World and NSMBDS exist
MK8 is the second-best Mario Kart game and it doesn't rely on a busted mechanic for its popularity so it is fine.
You, me, Super Mario Party Jamboree when it launches.
See you there.
The best Mario games are 64 and the Galaxies. Odyssey and Bowser's Fury are better than 3D World trash, but otherwise arent great.
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This image was a mistake
Sorry zoomer, but the Galaxies are better than your Mario games on Switch. You aren't in some special group with 64fags.
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What do you think a Whacka Bump tastes like?
Like a donut, only saltier.
...so, a buffet roll.
>calling other zoomers while defending Galaxy
you're not very bright are you
>Galaxy is...LE bad...because....
If you didn't want to be instantly outed as a zoomer you shouldn't have posted your zoomer Spongebob meme. But at this point, it's really just zoomers who missed the train that shit on Galaxy in an attempt to prop up their childhood Wii U and Switch games. The people who disliked Galaxy back in the day were worn down by the sands of time.
Wii is THE zoomer nostalgia console you troglodyte. Jesus christ you might be so young that you wouldn't know this.
The Wii is old enough that only really early zoomers played it to any significant degree. Later zoomers were stuck to their parent's phones and eventually the Switch. So yes, you are a zoomer. There would have been doubt if you hadn't posted an image that only an underage could find hilarious.
>The Wii is old enough that only really early zoomers played it to any significant degree
you really are trying to die on this hill aren't you.
>Odyssey and Bowser's Fury don't really grasp what made 3D Mario good
Odyssey is literally as perfect as a 3D Mario can be, and even if it's not your favorite, it's the most similar to 64 so idk what you're talking about
>A grand total of 1 new Paper Mario game came out for it of medicore quality, and the first new RPG is being released this year, so no.
The fact we got remakes at all is proof of a shift in Nintendo and more hope for the future. If it was TOK alone I'd say it's a failure, but the remakes are nothing to be ignored
>Didn't the 3DS move away from the car format first?
That doesn't mean they were good
>Pokemon was ruined before the Switch.
The 3DS games were still salvageable, but on switch is when it hit the point if no return
Only a zoomer would be acting like this. You're proving me right.
I think you're looking for alphoomers.
two retards having an argument
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I still remember seeing a relatively big anti-localization censorship account on Twitter post about how they butchered the scripts for the Switch ports, and half the quote retweets were *those* people going "Actually, us true Pikmin fans don't even care, in fact it's better because they removed the icky stuff and we love eating shit!". I don't care too much for Pikmin, but it's sad to see how compromised that community is now.
>Odyssey is literally as perfect as a 3D Mario can be,
It lacks enough meat on it's bones for that. It's like how Breath of the Wild scattered so many almost meaningless collectibles over the map exactly done slightly better.
>it's the most similar to 64
That's Sunshine for all of it's flaws. 64 had a bunch of stars in one level, but the levels were sufficiently compact. It was more open, but you didn't collect a bunch of filler stars between the seven in each level. Odyssey's worlds are more open, but it doesn't hold a candle to 64's courses.
>The fact we got remakes at all is proof of a shift in Nintendo
I'll believe it when I see it in the next console.
>That doesn't mean they were good
>The 3DS games were still salvageable, but on switch is when it hit the point if no return
Because of Dexit? Dexit is pure trash, but that doesn't give Gen VI and VII a pass.
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I'll amuse you for a bit, because you love this buzzword so much yet don't actually know what it refers to.
The oldest 'zoomer' is born in 1997, meaning that when the gamecube launched they were 4 years old, the gamecube went on to last until 2007 when the Wii launched, and even then Nintendo still sold stock. That means the oldest 'zoomer' was more than likely to own a gamecube if they had owned a Nintendo console at this time, or a gameboy advance.
The Wii lasted from 2007-2012 and sold a a hundred MILLION stock, and even during the Wii U era continued to sell because of how popular it was. Usually kids are very young when they get into video games, around 4 at the earliest or maybe as late as 7. They either get to own a console, or can play it at a friends house.
So what does that mean? The Wii was undoubtedly the winner of the 'console wars' in its generation, with DS also winning the handheld side. That means most kids born 1997-2006 that got into video games would have played a Wii or DS game.
Hell, Nintendo STILL produced Nintendo Wiis post Wii-U like the Wii mini, so let's say the very late gen Z would still have a chance to experience it outside of hand-me-downs.
>The oldest 'zoomer' is born in 1997
>Um acktually!!!
Nobody cares, only zoomers try to pull out year divides to pretend that they're older. Year divides are full of shit because life doesn't work like that. You aren't going to get a dramatic transformation between the last milennial year and first zoomer year. Zoomers are the iPad generation for the most part. They're the Fortnite dancing, skibidi toilet embarassments.
The very earliest zoomers would have owned a Wii, hence the very embarrassing to see Wii Sports nostalgia memes you see sometimes. But as a whole, zoomers were more likely to play Angry Birds, Flappy Bird or Temple Run than a Wii game.
based truther
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And there we go, you move the goalpost.
>That means most kids born 1997-2006 that got into video games would have played a Wii or DS game.
This is the truth, I was born in 2002 and my first console was a Wii and I got the DS shortly after. But as you said
>let's say the very late gen Z would still have a chance to experience it outside of hand-me-downs.
Hand me downs are key. I played the GameCube a few times because I had older cousins who had the console and my younger cousins played my Wii because I had it.
No anon, this can't be true, only the oldest of the olds can own a Wii!
Nope, zoomers like you just hide behind ever changing generational boundaries.
i owned a n64 because of my sister, the first console i got to actually buy was a wii so it checks out
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Why the fuck is there no sequel?
mario sports mix is pretty close
most games like these it's usually because nintendo gets asked by the studio, not the other way around
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>Because of Dexit?
No, when they made it completely open world and ruined the sense of progression
I see AI has reached 2009 in terms of what it considers a decent Mario parody.
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Make a Gay Luigi.
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>Some of the quotes are from Mario
Luigi really lacks identity.
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Not that anyone gives a fuck but this was debunked now thanks, ironically enough, to Treehouse's localized dialogue being too different from the original Japanese
Isn't Luigi's Mansion 2 made by westerners to begin with?
Heey! Heey! Heey! Heey! Heey! Heey!
mario galaxy's movement is ass.
For me, it's Bluigi
The movement is perfectly suited to Galaxy's gameplay.
>original japanese
>real job
he's had numerous professions Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins is literally about him paying his taxes
the original is the canadian subs you fake fan
What would you like to see in a Hoops sequel?
Naked White Mage
I wonder how Jap Treehouse's LM2/LM3 scripts read.
Warrior F, Maya, Jessica.
>>Saved Mainline Mario
I was gonna ask if Mainline Mario needed saving but yeah it probably saved 2D Mario, at least.
>>saved Mario RPGs
>>saved Mario Party
really depends on how Jamboree does. Super is mediocre and Superstars is a 7/10 at best, even when doing what people liked about the old ones.
>>expanded Kirby
true! Even though Forgotten Land is by far the best Switch era Kirby game.
>>saved Metroid
Haven't played Dread or Prime Remastered so I have no stance on this.
>>mixed bag on Smash
Smash peaked with Project M
>>ruined Zelda
Zelda was always overrated
>>ruined Mario sports
yeah, probably
>>DKC, F-zero, star Fox, Mother still unjustly forgotten
DKC got the switch ports and F-Zero got 99, but yeah Star Fox and Mother are dead.
Shadow Queen round 6 here we go
>Project M
I'm not even talking about the gameplay changes to cater to meleefags, I'm more about the new stages and costumes then anything. Project Plus is pretty good too, although I haven't played it that much.
I laughed. I'll admit it.
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What's with the freckles
Post Luigi's disgusting slop that he expels from his body on a daily basis, polluting the natural environment of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Artists are fucking stupid and love to "enhance" Daisy in particular.
Can't polish a turd.
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I am now halfway through the achievements for Mario 2 For Super Players. Just six more playthroughs lmao
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You also can't improve on perfection, which is the phrase you meant to use.
Lost Levels Gaming
Oh shit, cool trick
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Lost Levels Gaming #2
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Impressive, but not as cool.
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Does Mario ever reflect on those he couldn't save?
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I was going to give them credit for the red crown, but then I saw their own "contribution" with the freckles. 10 points from Gryffindor.
Finally finished TTYD, feels good after defeating the Shadow Queen five failed attempts. Overall, I really liked the game. When I first started the game I wasn’t feeling it, but after chapter 2 it quickly turned around for me, with chapter 3 being my favorite in the game. I loved the gameplay and the partners. I definitely get why this game is so loved and I am glad I finally got the opportunity to play it thanks to it being ported on the Switch.

As for my comments on chapter 8 as I did it for each chapter, I thought it was great. The Shadow Palace was super cool to explore and I appreciated that the puzzles made you use each ability, really gave it that final dungeon feel. Gloomtail was a good boss to start with to show this meant business and was the end, almost died but made it by the skin of my teeth. Grodus was a good boss, died to him twice but I was a retard who wasn’t using multi target attacks as much as I should’ve, third try I realized and he was a piece of cake. Bowser and Kammy was a fun fight albeit pointless over to the plot, but I liked it and loved Bowser saying “what’s a finale without Bowser”, it’s true. Then the Shadow Queen was a great final boss despite her difficulty, I wish I went into the game not being aware she was the final boss as I did have some foreknowledge of a few things but Beldam being the mastermind behind it all and manipulated Grodus was a great twist, I didn’t know that ahead of time.

I liked the ending too and the credits were fun, I liked that each character posed. I also liked seeing what each character was doing now though I kinda hated that Vivian forgave her sisters, particular Beldam, so easily. A bit sad I finished the game, but I am gonna do the Pit of 100 Trials tomorrow so I do have a little left.

Chapter ranking of the game: 3 > 4 > 6 > 8 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 2

Rating of the game: 9/10

Ranking the series after playing: TTYD > SPM > TOK > CS > SS (never played PM64)
No, no, I said what I meant and meant what I said.
Do you eat your spinach?
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do you think bobbery deserves a hot young wife?
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>What's with the freckles
Daisy does look good with freckles.
>Artists are fucking stupid and love to "enhance" Daisy in particular.
That's because Daisy is good for contrast in terms of character design when you put all 4 main girls together (Yes, I am counting Paulie). Not to mention Daisy's design choices are still some kind of mixed mystery as far normies are concern, so that allows room for going nuts with experimentation.

...That said, while I like my daisy mildly tanned and with freckles, I absolutely loathe everything about this render >>483508823, and that includes the freckles. It's like the artist was sitting on the fence about using N64 Daisy and Switch Daisy as a foundation and used some kind of middle ground that doesnt look good in neither sides. Edges and other points are neededly softened. Details are mismatched and those freckles look so out of place and poorly spaced in the cheeks it's absolutely jarring. Not to mention WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE TWO PAIR OF PUFFS ON THE SIDE YOU HAD ONE JOB!!

God, Im triggered and Im not even a Daisyfag, if anything Daisy is still my least favorite of the main 4.
As it happens, I do.
Like, for real, not even for the Popeye bit, I'm legitimately fond of the canned stuff that comes out like dark green slop. One of the finest veggies out there.
I don't get what the mystery is regarding her design. It's pretty obvious if you haven't been in a coma since the N64 era where everyone assumed she was more tanned (which she wasn't). It's been pretty consistent, save for her hair color darkening and lightening from game to game.
Some freckles are okay. But that is entirely too many freckles. >>483508859 btw.
Why did you have to include spoilers?
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There is no mystery anon. Idiots think sarasaland is a desert and see that she's a bit tanned compared to Peach and take the retarded liberty of assuming she's black or indian or some other shit.
She's consistently drawn darker, with the wrong eye color, and other assorted things to a much higher degree than any of the other Mario girls.
I'm not even saying it's all nessesarily bad (I personally think green eyes fits her), but it's something that happen way too much.
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>sarasaland is a desert
He didn't play the game kek her empire is definitely more than just a "desert" anon.
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Thing is, the truth about Daisy's skintone is not exactly common knowledge among most people. You know she wasnt actually tanned back then (or now) and so do I (admittedly I found out very recently), but not many people know this.
And why does the mystery happens? For the same reason not many people realize this fact right away: Because the closest comparison point for Daisy is Peach, which displays a huge skintone difference that easily tricks a lot of people into thinking Daisy was/is actually tanned. But then you compare her with Mario and realize Peach's pale skintone was/is the true outlier all along.
Actually you're not entirely wrong, the misconceptions about Daisy and Sarasaland caused by the creative liberties taking the mainstream only served to needlessly convolute the mystery, which you're right, it isnt a mystery, but that's why I said "as far as the normies are concerned". They just dont know.

The problem is not only quantity, but also spacing and distribution. Commonly, freckles distribute in a radius all over the cheek and nose areas depending on the quantity and condition. In this render they are confined soley and exclusively to the bottom of the eyes, not even on the nose where they are usually more prominent. The artists should have given the freckles more freedom to spread around the nose, below the cheeks and even the side of the eyes for better effect. Wish I could make a sketch real quick, but cant right now.
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4th main girl is Peachette deal with it.
Your power-up isn't even a real character and is doomed to spinoff hell after her first appearance.
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It's canon deal with it.
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TL;DR, they wanted to surprise the player and for the game to not be familiar.
Anon, don't respond to bait.
She's insignificant. Deal with it.
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>4th girl is Peachette
Oof, you could have easily made that argumet with Toadette and I'd give you credit, but you decided to go with the Peach Reskin instead. Yeah, no, in no way Peachette is relevant enough to even be considered a character on her own.
>but it's canon
So is Pauline having way more relevant apearances throughout the francise than Peachette LMFAOOOOOO.

This. I hardly see Peachette making appearance in any game from the franchise that isnt roster-based outside of U Eat Soup DX
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>all these weird interpretations of her are just a result of people regurgitating headcanons and misinformation
Legitimately baffling to me. It's not even like any of these changes to her design are recent. She's been this way since the early 2000s. Literally the only thing about her that's changed is what shade of orange/brown her hair is.
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>Because it was originally just a spin-off in the Paper Mario series.
As much as it logically makes sense due to the change in gameplay, shorter development period and it being originally for the GCN I have never read anything to actually confirm the intention when making Super Paper Mario was to have it be considered a spin-off. On the contrary with interviews like >>483519547 in mind it seems it was on the table that it could have stuck around even (obviously not what they went with considering Sticker Star was almost traditional as well, but it was a possibility).
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Who's that guy
They're the same character anon. How many playable appearances does Pauline have compared to Toadette? Heh yeah sorry pal but reskin peach (the powered up version of reskinned toad) is is way more relevant than Pauline or as she used to be known as "Lady" lmao deal with it scrub toads 1 mayors none!
You guys should really read what was typed instead of seeing "Sarasaland is a desert" and ignoring the entire context of the sentence.
Which ironically keeps bouncing around lately again.
Toadettefag (just the one) getting uppity again
Toads were literally known as "Mushroom Retainer" at one point
Yeah so? way more interesting than just lady. Never forget that the waluigi of the toad species toadette gets more love than pauline, rosalina, and daisy by nintendo deal with it
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Where did this myth of Daisy being a desert princess stem from anyways? Because she just happens to be standing in front of the Birabuto pyramids on the SML cover? Or maybe because the theme towards the end when you rescue her is a remix of Birabuto's theme?
Birabuto is as far as a lot of people got because SML is not a very good game, so when they think "Sarasaland", they think desert.
*looks left* *looks right* *whispers*: It's because her dress is yellow/orange and the first level is the desert one
>the waluigi of the toad species toadette
she has been in way too many games to be called that
she was even in odyssey and maker 2
It's quite literally secondaries just looking at the boxart.
No you dingus she exists to be a partner to Toad just like Waluigi exists to be a partner to Wario they have the same origin for existing
yeah except for the mountains in the back and grass on the right
Or maybe it's a janky portable launch title from 30-odd years ago that isn't worth most people's time.
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I wouldn't call it bad, but it's definitely very rough around the edges. It's a shame too because the creatures there are interesting. Of all the games that need a remake, it's that.
Land 2 decidedly outdoes it at pretty much every turn, but it makes sense with the extra few years of development knowledge for the console.
Aka what doesn't draw the eyes of the average person compared to the pyramids and statues.
That has literally nothing to do with what I said.
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What about Mushrooms?

I think I prefer it fried honestly, respect to those who eat it raw.
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Fresh spinach is great on cold sandwiches instead of lettuce.
I prefer fresh too. It's a fantastic healthy snack standalone
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Im pretty sure this is a troll/bait given the wording, but Im going to bite.
>Toadette and Peachette are the same character
In Peachette's debut perhaps, but outside of it they are treated as two separate entities, if they really were the same character they would be treated as a sole entity. This argument also applies to Metal Mario and characters of the like. And even if they were strictly the same, you cannot attribute any merit to Peachette for instances she is not even featured in simply because Toadette is. It's like saying Peachette is relevant in TTYD because Toadette is there. Makes no sense.
>he thinks character relevancy is determined by playable appearances
With that logic even NABBIT is more relevant than Peachette. If we go by that logic Bowser wasnt even relevant to the franchise until, what, Super Mario Kart? No, character relevancy is also determined by role weight. Peachette has no role weight outside of U Eat Soup DX, whereas Pauline, as much as a McGuffin as she was, has more relevancy due to her role weight. And this is specially more true after Odyssey giving her more role weight past the Mc Guffin state. Besides, arent Peachette and Pauline close to each other in playable appearances? Paulie was in one of the Tennis games and also Battle League and Tour.
And that is without saying how lazy of a character design Peachette is you might as well think she is just a Peach Reskin, because she and Peach use literally the same design foundation.

Seriously, I know this is a bait and all, but what compells you to go this hard for Peachette when you have a way better argument with just Toadette?
I'm not reading that bro
I read that.
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Good, Luigi doesn’t deserve a win
As expected of a retard of your caliber.
NTA but it’s a 20 year old game
What if Mario got the chaos emeralds?
luigi lets his bro win because he's cool like that
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What if you went back to your general?
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He's won (my heart).
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>file name
you trying to start a war fool?
blue toads have the chad pass, don't kill them.
Blue Toads are just Red Toads, hiding their true colors.
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>luigifags seething and crying over this little snarky orb
do they really?
Daisy murdered this thing when she heard it was talking shit about her man.
Characters who relentlessly shit on other characters that don't deserve it tend to be disliked.
>characters that don't deserve it
Luigi deserve all the bullying, nerd ass looking bitch
Daisy isn't even canon to Mario and Luigi.
Oh, yeah? Well, I think you smell bad. Go shower, stinky.
>Character that was introduced in the 2nd worst entry in the series only really exists to be a absolute cunt
Yes. I'm glad she finally got kicked out of the series after five entries.
Her first appearance wasn't in Dream Team though
>Daisy isn't even canon to Mario and Luigi.
Daisy's in sarasaland during the events, awaiting their return there for an rpg.
It's the same Mario no matter how much you hate Daisy and Daisyfags.
why doesn't mario just kill bowser? is he stupid?
He likes Bowser.
he tried that back in 2006
At this point im pretty sure mario doesn't know what is actually lethal to bowser. He had the whole universe collapse on him twice and still came out unscathed.
If we take in consideration that Luigi Mansion takes place at the end of the series, then Mario managed to permanently kill off Bowser.
Except Mario didn't considering that there are games that take place after Luigi's Mansion where Bowser is alive.
If we're talking about release order, then yes. Otherwise the Luigi Mansion implies Bowser died for good and he hasn't made a appearance yet despite the perfect opportunity to do so in 2 & 3.
Daisy doesn't exist in the Mario and Luigi verse.
It's the same Mario, but only the same Mario. Mario 64 confirmed the existence of parallel universes.
Mario Kart Double Dash takes place after Luigi's Mansion and Bowser is alive in it. Additionally, you also have Superstar Saga taking place after Luigi's Mansion as well as every other Mario and Luigi game.
No he did not, Luigi Mansion constantly getting referenced in games where Bowser also appears
That's King Boo in the Bowser suit ;)
>Mario Kart Double Dash takes place after Luigi's Mansion and Bowser is alive in it.
Nobody treats the Kart titles as canon. Otherwise this implies that the Mario universe takes place in the same universe as Splatoon, Legend of Zelda, and Animal Crossing.
>Additionally, you also have Superstar Saga taking place after Luigi's Mansion as well as every other Mario and Luigi game.
In that game, Luigi acts like he never meet E.Gadd before. Which wouldn't make sense if the game took place after Luigi's Mansion.
This makes me assume bowser must have gotten killed in 64 and then gotten resurrected sometime during the gamecube era. There's also NSMBDS where Bowser jr basically revives him again for the final battle so it's not totally out of the question I guess.
Marioverse would like to know your location.
Super Mario RPG had Metroid, Zelda, F-Zero, and Star Fox references. You can also extend that to Kirby being canon because Samus cameos in Dream Land 3.
So yeah, Mario very well could take place in the same universe as Splatoon and Animal Crossing Splatoon even started life as a Mario game. Mario Kart is also referenced in the RPGs.
>Luigi acts like he never meet E.Gadd before
No he doesn't. In fact, Luigi knows how to use the Poltergust 3000, and E.Gadd shows off the Poltergust 3001 in Superstar Saga.
Parallel Universes only exist when Mario builds enough speed.
Who says that Mario hasn't mastered being able to build up enough speed to go to parallel universes?
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Evil turtle hands posted this.
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>So yeah, Mario very well could take place in the same universe as Splatoon and Animal Crossing Splatoon even started life as a Mario game.
That doesn't make any sense because Splatoon lore has it that the entire planet was destroyed by nuclear warfare, causing the sea level to rise as anything that wasn't sea creatures to die off. This means the entire Mario cast got killed off before Splatoon events, so either the Inkling from Mario Kart manage to invent time travel before the nuclear war, or the Kart titles are non-canonical.
>In fact, Luigi knows how to use the Poltergust 3000, and E.Gadd shows off the Poltergust 3001 in Superstar Saga.
Luigi used the Poltergust because was a simple reference to Luigi Mansion. E.Gadd and Luigi are still acting like they don't recognize each other, which deconfirms it takes place after Luigi's Mansion and more so that this is a separate universe.
its a 7 year old decision so yes that was old news
oh but it does
Who says that the Splatoon planet is the same one as the Mario planet?
Space travel has been a thing in Mario since Mario Land on the Gameboy with Tatanga, with stuff like Samus in Mario RPG being a space traveller, and of course the big one, Mario Galaxy where Mario can travel to galaxies in the blink of an eye. So Inklings can very much canonically appear.
>Luigi used the Poltergust because was a simple reference to Luigi Mansion.
Luigi knowing how to use it means it takes place after Luigi's Mansion where he was taught how to use it. E.Gadd and Luigi not recognising each other is headcanon. You've also glanced over E.Gadd making newer Poltergusts than the one in Luigi's Mansion.
There's nothing that suggests Luigi's Mansion happens after Superstar Saga, quite the contrary.
So take your "Mario is in a coma after eating some bad mushroom spaghetti" tier theory and discard it.
nah they don't fuck the family's the real fans get the say
they can just play the original superior trilogy on same system with the online model already
no he will not we wrestled Metroid back from his grubby mits we are halfway there with paper Mario and we will do the same with DKC
they are a cheap portjob no one likes the shitty tikis
Retro Studios is now back with Tanabe
Metroid Prime 4 is a Tanabe game. The plot with Sylux is something Tanabe talked about almost a decade ago.
and? we will still force him to follow OUR mandates
and? thats actually cool, other m is non cannon we won and he is following our demands
other m wasn't even his game, the fuck are you on about
>so either the Inkling from Mario Kart manage to invent time travel before the nuclear war, or the Kart titles are non-canonical.
Or maybe just come to conclusions that the guest character stuff isn't a canonical part of the game? Much like having metal mario and mario race each other at the same time?
The most likely new character for the next Mario Kart game
I want to throw it in a wood chipper.
Bowser’s gotta be immortal
>SMB celebrates the 40th anniversary next year
time goes by fast
>smash melee: peach and bowser
>smash brawl: Wario
>smash 4: Rosalina and bowser Jr
>smash ultimate: Daisy and Pirahna plant

Who will the new Mario rep in Smash 6 be?
I remember Excess Express being longer...
King Boo
They can't hold him back any longer, he'll be a villain for the fourth Luigi's Mansion in a row and we need more villains in general.
The Mario cast are all actors in the mainline and story based games (see Mario 3)
The sports games is what the actors do off the job.
Bowser is canonically dead but the actor is alive
>tfw born in 2006
Geno and Mallow.
I you’re referring to the chapter itself, I feel like the chapter was unfinished. I enjoyed it, but it seemed to be building up to Poshley Heights and a confrontation with Beldam, Marilyn, and Doopliss and then it just ended up being them taking a fake star and having to go through an easy platforming challenge to get the real star. Train part was good and I thought it was a decent amount of time, but Poshley Heights took about 10 minutes, very disappointing and anticlimactic end to an otherwise good chapter.
Grats anon
Pauline, King Boo, Waluigi, and Toad (I know he’s in Peach’s attack, but he could stand on his own) seem most likely
His skin melts off his bones and he dies in the first NSMB.
Then Kamek just revives the bones and later the whole body.
I unironically wish Tanabe was in charge of all mario games
That's cope because the Bowser is dead theory is dead. Accept the truth. And only Mario 3 was a play, based on real events. You're confused about that one Miyamoto quote when it's more like cartoons where characters can take on different roles in games. Basically Popeye. He isn't an actor in canon, but he can get put in different roles in different games.
4chan really needs to raise its age requirement to 21
I'm arguing with children here
>Mario characters are actors headcanon
This is and always will be stupid because it's just a misinterpretation of what moto said. They're only LIKE actors because the characters are versatile and can be placed in multiple unique situations and roles.
I can’t believe multiple people here weren’t even alive when the first Paper Mario game was released, that made me feel so old.
It's not like the posts are different, the 35+ year olds are all manchildren anyways they post in a Super Mario general in 4chan
Starlow has never said a word about me though.
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Have you guys ever consider the fact that the Mario series is nothing more than bizzare dream created by Sonic in a coma?
Where all my 2002 niggas at
Same I was born on June 26, 2006 at 14:59:23 UTC
Only talk to me if you were born in a year beginning with 1
Where all my 2004 niggas at
>anon was born december 31, 1999
I was born in 1999 and got a ass fetish when seeing Daisy strikers artwork + got a vore fetish due to Yoshi Island.
Here bro. Good year to be born.
>tfw turned 35 this week
Save me from this hell of youngins posting.
>turn 20 in a week
You're at the peak of your life
I turn 25 in a few months and I've realized I've wasted my whole life
Haha oldfags
>I turn 25 in a few months and I've realized I've wasted my whole life
I feel like this and I just turned 22 a month ago. The feeling gets worse?
>usually wielding or seen near bob-ombs
>occasionally used to reference wrecking crew (his signature kart in MKDS, his theme in DDR Mario Mix)
Why is Waluigi always associated with destruction?
>baby pauline
he's evil
If you just neet around while having other aspirations for years, yes.
Should the character vs character events come to a console Mario Kart?
Fuck no.
Why not
As a Ridley fan, I'm feeling apprehensive about the one-two punch of Raven Beak and Sylux effectively reducing him to the King K. Rool of Metroid, particularly given the former's uproariously positive reception, and the maverick Sakamoto's stated intention to move the series away from Metroids and Space Pirates (though we'll see how long Nintendo lets them go on without the titular staple before making them pull a "THEY'RE BACK SEE BUY IT")
Because the concept itself was dumb and the only way they could do it in an acceptable way is just picking a team and your racer doesn't matter.
Being forced to either pick a team you don't care for or not be able to pick your favorite character is retarded.
they shoved him into samus returns which was still pretty recent, I doubt they'd get rid of him permanently
Could have it exclusive to an event mode that happens like once every month or so.
A skinny lanky man with a mischievous mustache is built for devious destruction, my good sir.
don't be picky anon
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>Black Bloomers
The implication that Pauline wears black panties is doing things to me right now.
Waluigi is literally inspired by classic mustache twirling villains like Dick Dastardly or Professor Fate
>If you just neet around while having other aspirations for years, yes.
Well I got a degree that I didn't want but I am applying for jobs.
His appearance there at least served the narrative purpose of bridging the gap between his final appearance as a cyborg and his fully organic form in Super Metroid. It could be argued as necessary. Fun fact: Prime 3's models for Meta Ridley and Omega Ridley were somehow switched around. If they ever remaster 2 and 3, they could potentially correct this, but probably won't.
How the fuck did they manage to mess that up
I can’t wait to play Metroid prime 4 before I even beat the first game (it’s really slow and the GameCube I’m using is shitty)
Mario Kart 8 made a huge mistake by making all characters available from the start.
Unlocking characters by completing challenging tasks is what makes the game worth playing
The Wii U version had you unlock the characters by getting gold in the Grand Prix.
He never used the scuttlebug anon, it's also canon that Mario goes for 100%.
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I don't think Camelot knows who Dikku Dasutarudari is. He's pretty much just a Time Bokkan henchman.
MK9 waluigi dlc costume if nintendo wasn't FUCKING around.
I took Super Metroid for a spin about a year ago and while there were elements I thought were fun I just couldn't get into it because I needed to follow a walkthrough to find much of anything and having to constantly swivel between the walkthrough and the game itself rendered the whole experience tedious and unfun. I guess I'm too stupid to play this genre. I did love the Wario Land games that took cues from it, though. Wonder was vaguely going for similar directives at times, and I thought they could have done a little more in this vein.
What's to say that Mario didn't discover how to build up speed which accidentally launched himself into a parallel universe? What if the Mario we're playing as is saving the princess or playing Tennis or Mario Kart, and after he completes his quest, he has to start the next BLJ as he hopes the next parallel universe is the one he comes from, Quantum Leap style?
When we getting a new Wario Land?
Warioware is fucking shit shovelware. Give us real games
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>And so, Mario finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home…
The ending being dependant on how fast you complete the game kind of kills Metroid for me. Especially when it's not that fun to 100% Metroid to get the slight better ending. I prefer Castlevania not really doing anything like that.
Yeah, I like to take my time when you're meant to explore the levels. At least have a HURRY UP mechanic if you want to encourage speeding through.
>got a degree that I didn't want
then yes you wasted your life
Castlevania II has different endings depend on how fast you complete it.
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>Castlevania two?! more like craplevania poo! kneel in a corner, and a tornado takes you away?! what were they thinking?!
Yeah, although I guess doing what my parents wanted was the price for them helping with my tuition.
Waluigi. Geno will be DLC.
Play some of the newer games instead and see how you like them. Metroid Zero Mission sort of tells you where to go next at times, Dread is all around fantastic and its level design guides you throughout the game despite not actually telling you where to go.
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>The ending being dependant on how fast you complete the game kind of kills Metroid for me.
What are you talking about? Metroid never had endings locked behind time conditions, or ending variations for that matter. You're talking about the end splash screens that are dependant of your final time and/or item percentage and those are purely optional and have no impact on your overall experience unless you go out of your way to care about time and item percentage.
>I prefer Castlevania not really doing anything like that.
You mean the same series that has not just ending variations, but entire endgame content locked behind key items, triggered events and whether or not you're EQUIPPING CERTAIN items?? I have nothing against Castlevania, but goodness has it done worse than Metroid on that specific regard lmfao.

>I like to take my time when you're meant to explore the levels.
Thing is you CAN take your time if so you choose, there's nothing taken away from you for doing so. The splash screen variations are merely just a reward for challenges that are already arbitrary and self imposed as is. Most of the time you're chasing these splash screens for the sake of bragging rights, in which you're committed to the challenge and not the reward itself.
>At least have a HURRY UP mechanic if you want to encourage speeding through.
That's what the splash screens are for, actually... you are not meant to be encouraged to hurry up on your first playthrough, you're meant to be encouraged to hurry up on subsequential playthroughs. Do not get me started on how flawlessly executed the speedrun aspect of Metroid truly is, cause I will ramble.
Not him but the Metroid community has called those different endings since the beginning.
Also the Prime games have extended ending sequences based on item completion.
I'll probably do that. Been itching for something to play that I haven't before. I really just want the next 3D Mario but that'll be a year out.
Who's the composer on Brothership? It didn't sound like Yoko. I didn't hear a single "Orchestra Hit" sample in the trailer.
Yeah, but either you call them endings or splash screens, it's goes down to semantics, because they dont really behave the same way as traditional ending variations.
The splash screens dont do anything to the story or overall experience other than offering extra fanservice (or telling you Samus is a chick in case you somehow didnt know). The only instance in which this isnt the case is AM2R and Samus Returns that expand upon the ending by showing you an extra cutscene highly relevant for the Metroid lore (unless you already played Fusion, in that case you might as well consider this fanservice too).
>Also the Prime games have extended ending sequences based on item completion.
I do know about those, at least Prime's, but not about the others, though I still think they are more fanservice than anything.
Why is prince mush so powerful
Well, yeah it is just semantics, but that's what the community's been calling it for decades. It's all the same to us, really. Most of us, I guess. I'm pretty sure it goes back to strategy guides of the day calling them different endings.
Going through Metroid and getting a bad ending splash screen puts a bad taste in my mouth, and I don't like rushing.
>You mean the same series that has not just ending variations, but entire endgame content locked behind key items, triggered events and whether or not you're EQUIPPING CERTAIN items?? I have nothing against Castlevania, but goodness has it done worse than Metroid on that specific regard lmfao.
A bad ending in Castlevania isn't really an actual ending. By properly exploring the castle you're going to eventually find clues to unlock the true end path. But the most important thing about this is that you can do it in your own time. There's no rush. Being rushed the entire game sucks.
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>A bad ending in Castlevania isn't really a bad ending.
Some of them are. The Sorrow games in particular.
Though they do unlock the Julius modes, so can they really be called bad endings...? Hmm...
It's more that the bad endings in Castlevania are there for the most part to tell you that it's time to fully explore the castle. I don't really think of them as real endings, more like a check to see if you've been exploring the map properly.
Hard work, determination, the power of friendship and superior oriental martial arts folded over 9000 times.
>Luigi's Mansion 2 HD has been leaked for a week, but no one knew about it because it leaked only in japanese
It leaked in 2013.
>Going through Metroid and getting a bad ending splash screen puts a bad taste in my mouth
...Anon, the worst thing you can get in terms of "bad endings" in Metroid is Samus facing back ashamed of you and that's only in Metroid 1 LMFAO. If you find very distasteful to see a fully armored Samus standing idly for a "bad ending" to the point it brings a bad taste in your mouth, then I REALLY dont know what to tell you lmao. There's nothing wrong with "bad endings" in Metroid, not for the story, not for the game, not even for your heart lmao.
>A bad ending in Castlevania isn't really an actual ending.
Kek, you missed the entire point of that whole paragraph. It's not about the endings per se, it's about how much endgame content is locked behind random stuff when in Metroid it's all very straightforward.

>Some of them are. The Sorrow games in particular.
Tangent, but Im going to call Dissonance's "good ending" bad, not the "sad" kind of bad, but the "dumb" kind of bad. Then again Castlevania always had some wack writing.
>Though they do unlock the Julius modes
Do they? Last time I played Aria I got it after I finished the game with the good ending.
HD, jackass.
NTA but does it matter? It’s the exact same game in HD
I misremembered. Aria unlocks it with the best ending. Dawn unlocks it with either the bad end OR the best end.
>If you find very distasteful to see a fully armored Samus standing idly for a "bad ending" to the point it brings a bad taste in your mouth, then I REALLY dont know what to tell you lmao
It ends the game on a sour note, you go through the game and it essentially tells you to do better next time at the end.
>it's about how much endgame content is locked behind random stuff when in Metroid it's all very straightforward.
They usually tell you what that random stuff is, either in the bad ending itself, or when you get hints on how to avoid it by exploring optional areas of the castle instead of not veering much off the beaten path. Chances are, if you explore the castle as much as you can, and you've experienced the bad end, you'll know what to do to change the ending. But the big thing is that there's no real time limit, if you want to start grinding souls, or going to new areas without knowing you need an ability you don't have to progress you aren't going to get penalised at the end. True ending variations are also pretty minor in most I've played and usually just change a single line or two of text if you've gotten everything so that the obvious is confirmed like the paper thin love interest showing more explicit interest in the protagonist. Castlevania making you discover how to get the true end yourself isn't a bad thing.
So what’s actually new in LM2 HD? Is there anything of note at all?
Did anyone else use to get triggered as fuck when normies called the 3DS "my DS"?
What the hell are you talking about?
give it back jamal
you control luigi like you do in LM3
anon i can only get so erect.
Nastasia & Mimi. (1/2)
I mean they would call the 3ds a ds despite it being a new console and totally different
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>you go through the game and it essentially tells you to do better next time at the end.
No, it doesnt LMFAOOOO. In fact, the game doesnt tell you anything AT ALL by the end, other than showing you item percentage (when applicable), time and Samus just being there, however you take these is completely and totally on you.
That's exactly the point Im trying to make, there's nothing in any ending that suggest you that you should do better next time (except maybe NES Metroid's worst ending, and even that is subtext), that sentiment comes from yourself and only if you are aware and mindful of the speedrun challenges. You can easily pick up a Metroid game for the first time, ignore the time and item percentage and be all cheeky once you realize you spent 15 hours on your first playthrough.

>Castlevania making you discover how to get the true end yourself isn't a bad thing.
Fair and I really didnt state otherwise (by calling it "random stuff" Im just generalizing). But again, that's not the point of what I said. Im saying that Metroid is a lot more straightforward in game progression than Castlevania is, so critiquing Metroid's progression in comparison of Castlevania for not being straightforward is just funny. Then again, at this point we are reaching "Metroid VS Castlevania" territory, which in my opinion is comparing oranges to apples, so I'll leave that at that...
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if miyamoto says there's only one Mario, then what is this...
have you played 3D World? it works exactly like that
It's still "a" DS. You don't really need to be pedantic about it in casual conversation, but specificity would of course be important in other contexts.
For me, the existence of the different screens you can get is the game telling you to do better, so you can get the best pic. But at the same time it's not one that really pushes me to want to get a significantly better screen, still kind of sucks to see though.
>so critiquing Metroid's progression in comparison of Castlevania for not being straightforward is just funny
I'm not sure it's really a progression thing. For me, the main thing is just that I know I can take my time in Castlevania, get some music stuck in my head while I try and find which way I have to go, and it won't really affect anything. Whereas with Metroid the timer is always ticking in the back of my mind and it makes me want to rush instead of properly enjoying things.
This is just retarded game design. What's even the point of this in a game with easily revisitable levels with easy to find 1-ups??
>mario and luigi in november
>new 3d game next year
>new paper mario likely 2026 or 2027
We’re eating good mariobros
I do hope people don't expect a TTYD sequel as the next Paper Mario.
I’m not expecting that at all especially since the next game has likely been in development since before TTYD remaster was released
Interesting enough though TOK to the next game will have the longest gap between any paper mario games (not counting Switch TTYD since it’s a remake)
The wicked djinn Tanabe has most likely been too wrapped up in his wretched little Prime vanity project to have really worked on a Paper Mario in the meantime.
big if true.
This is a very strange game of Mario Golf.
honestly something ive thought to be cool is optional difficulty options when starting a new file, things like "cant revisit levels" "world resets after game over" just little things like the classic games to make a repeat playthrough a fun challenge.
>This is just retarded game design. What's even the point of this in a game with easily revisitable levels with easy to find 1-ups??
You are wrong for a multitude of reasons.
1. Collecting all five Dragon Coins in a single level isnt exactly easy as far as grinding lives is concern as you have to play the entire level and risk losing lives in the process.
2. Once you get all Dragon Coins on a level, they dont respawn when reentering the level.
3. Dragon Coins respawn on a level when you reset the game, but a game reset also resets your life count back to
4. Save for very specific spots throughout the game, 1-ups arent exactly easy to grind.
You can make this argument of 'easily revisitable levels with easy to find 1-ups' for Yoshi's Island 1, but most people dont even bother to grind lives so early in the game with the tedious method of "enter level, pick up shell, jump, throw shell, 1-up, restar level, repeat", specially when a game reset erasing all of your grinding.
I literally just played SMW to check lmao.

You do realize you can easily impose those challenges upon yourself, right? They are quite arbitrary and redundant to set as toggle options, unlike something like... say, the secret "No turning back" challenge of the first New Soup.
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Mario if he stylized
This seems about right, my predictions for Switch 2 are:
>3D Launch title
September 2025 - predicting Switch 2 comes out around here so my predictions depend on that)
November/December 2025
>New Paper Mario
Fall 2026
>New Mario Party
Spring/Summer 2027
>Mario & Rabbids 3
Fall 2027
>New Mario and Luigi
Fall 2028
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two simplifiers on ttyd and you become invincible, literally nothing can hurt you
>boxart is 3d renders
>first piece of promo material is also a 3d render
i hope we still get some nice 2d art despite this.
retconned after he realized everyone says "lives" instead of "guys"
Mario suffered a severe concussion back in the sewers of Mario Bros after getting startled seeing a critter and bonking his head on the low ceiling. He's been in a coma ever since.
The big takeaways from this are that Miyamoto's daughter married a cartoonishly stereotypical British man (another reason Miyamoto hates Rare?) and that she resembles her father to a disturbing degree that would put me off sex.
That's lame coma theories are so unimaginative I like the infection theory more. Mario and Luigi got infected by something when they got sent to the mushroom kingdom, and super mushrooms temporarily treats it. The infection causes Mario to weaken, and shrink (small mario) The super mushroom reverses it for a while (super mario). The Bros. are basically stuck there because they need the super mushrooms or they'll die. Dr. Mario is mario trying to find a cure.
I find myself wondering why Sakamoto is there
Other M was an inside job.
What should I do first for TTYD’s postgame - do the remaining troubles I have or Pit of 100 Trials? May work my way back to the top of the Glitz Pit too, I did do Jolene’s trouble as well so I could unlock the Prince Mush fight.
Prince Mush is pretty difficult because of the gimmick and Goombella I think flat out tells you what to do
100 trials I think is the way to go, but you can attempt the Prince Mush fight you can do it as many times as you want
smash 64 postcards showing mario being a schizo
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it gets worse when you reach 31
Try 41
nah they are pretty damn fun you're just a miserible /v/fag who will never be happy. that being said i would love a new wario land but we need to completely revive the 90s glory days for that to happen
better times...
the bad ending of Dawn of sorrow is better than the good ending in my opinion
oh but i do
not looking forward to it
oh no no no no
look at this dude
wait until you see the
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I just beat SMB2 eight times to unlock the bonus worlds. I don't even know if I'm having fun
I'm 25.
I graduated, I'm technically a psychologist/therapist.
I work at a call center listening to pajeets, pakis, filipinos and old farts complaining about their bills and I'm also expected to meet a sales quota.
I fucking hate being alive and the only times I felt alive where when the SMROG and TTYD remakes got revealed.
i envy you, i wish i were able to have a job mentally and helping dozens of people who pay money for your expertise and shower you with attention. instead i am stuck 100%ing nes games
It aint good man.
They expect you to upsell shit no one wants and 90% of the calls are "hello sir my bill too high do the needful sir" and then you see their bill and they have like $70 worth of discounts, and all you get is $10 off or sometimes $5.
So you transfer them to a loyalty department, and you ALSO have a transfer bonus.
And then you get reprimanded for not telling the customer "add this stupid ass product and pay more" and transferring.
You're having only some fun.
Miyamoto's the most handsome in this photo. God I want to massage him whilst asking about his games
You're so fucking retarded, I meant that in a game where 1-up mushies are everywhere it's pointless to collect the dragon coins, not that collecting the coins is easy
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Huh, what do you know... you're right. I misread your post, how embarrassing lmao my bad.

In that case I'd say you're sorta right, Dragon Coins are indeed a little underwhelming when it comes to the overall game design when all they offer is a 1-up. Then again I'd say they are not entirely to waste as they present a small challenge for players, and since most coin sets are usually in the middle of the way and you're not expected to search for them, I suppose they're fine.
That said, I do like how some rom hacks expand upon them by also locking special stages behind Dragon Coin collection counts, now that's a much better incentive.
You can now play as Luigi.
*turns off game*
>You can now fuck Luigi.
Well, don't mind if I do.
>game forces you to redo everything for a second time with shittier controls in order for you to unlock the last level and obtain true 100%
What were they THINKING?
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I apologize in advance for posting shippershit
Don't have to.
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This ride sucks don't fall for the hype /smbg/ long ass wait time for a slow yet short gallery shooter. And to those guys who were saying "man I'm glad it wasn't another screen ride!" it basically was what the heck?
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I hate that I can't look at likes from other people anymore. That's how I discovered so many artists to follow. In all honesty, it's impressive that the Muskman keeps finding new ways to make an already insufferable site even worse. That takes skill, so credit where credit is due, I guess.
I would like to put this image under a hydraulic press. Preferably that 300-ton Profi Press one that those Finnish guys who run that YouTube channel use. This is repulsive.
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That switch from Skype to Discord will eventually happen with Twitter to whatever the successor that shits on the former in due time.
gameboy sedator
gamer zone
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I hope it's soon because there really aren't any good websites dedicated to art. Twitter is popular for artists, but it's god awful for actually hosting a portfolio. You're constantly having to battle algorithms to be noticed, which is why so many artists end up selling themselves out to follow trends just so they can keep up, and this often ends in serious burnout. It's just not healthy.
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>brb bros I'm going in my game
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I wish I had a going into games machine so I can finally be with Luigi...
You think that's bad? what about all the japanese artists who just nuke all their art? peak tragedy when it happens
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I've heard about it happening, but I never see why.
>all that good art that's basically lost media at this point
I agree, it's sad.
I hear it's because of the stress of using Twitter as a platform for becoming an artist. It causes so much stress, and burn out that they give up, destroying everything they ever worked on. But it's weird I know stuff like Pixvi exists I'm not sure why so many people decided that Twitter is the go to place or worse the only exclusive place to show their art.
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Mario & Luigi is simply the best of the MarioRPGs.
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Which way, western man?
I got the blue and pink one on my first playthrough of TTYD, but I always liked how the black and red one looked, so I kind of cheesed the game to get it during my second playthrough.
my last playthrough was in 2014, but I checked my save and it was a red yoshi.
they exist to quell my autism of collecting complete sets
good that hellsite deserves to die
i give the different yoshi colours names in all games
Green = Yoshi
Red = Vladimir
Blue = Bruce
Light blue = Travis
Yellow = Gerry
Pink = Carrel
Orange = Roscoe
Black = Quintin
White = Seth
I've been always in awe that the pink yoshi isn't the most faggy-looking one
>not TJ Henry
Which was the first Mario game released after you were born? For me it’s Sunshine, I was almost 3 months when it came out.
Yoshis island i was 3 years old though not sure it counts but it is titled Super Mario World 2
Mario no Photopi
like maybe if the game is like y'know warioware shove it up yo own ass game yeah
Ayo don't compare my boy fantasma to the flag duck.
Funny enough in super mario world the ending dialogues after each of the castles sorta implies mario killed the koopalings. Hence why they never appeared in anything mainline until wii.
nah thats the games you play faggot
>the dkcr remaster is $60
>anons were saying this animation was cut by noa
We literally had a penguin doing the same thing in the movie
Did you think it would be cheaper?
I saw someone on twitter asking if the Mario + Rabbids games were low quality arcade games because of how much Ubisoft discounts them, this is the average consumer.
A high price in the eyes of a consumer means high quality, especially coming from a prestigious brand, coupled with the fact that DKCR is a high quality game.
LMAO retards
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The Average Consumer
>can use twitter
>cannot use google
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My heart... Dont ever feel sorry for posting shippershit.

You too, dont be ashamed of posting more family love.
The general consensus is that Google became shit to actually look for anything nowadays.
>average consumer cannot use google
NTA, but can you blame them? These days Google is so fucking trash it's fucking unusable.
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That tweet blew up for them, so they posted more art for any potential new followers.

the average consumer has no idea how things work because they aren't as obsessed with games as we are. they look and treat games as toys
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There's nothing wrong with being skeptical. This came literally right after TTYD cut off many direct mentions of crazy/psycho/lunatic/anything even implying mental illness etc.
I got Black Yoshi when I played remake, named him KDot too.
>anything even implying mental illness
But tranny Vivian is canon
Guys did LM2 HD even leak? It's out now but I didn't see any leak threads, I don't think it did.
Let me amend his statement, then:
Anything implying that the mentally ill (especially the mentally ill that lodged themselves in with faggots as protection) are "weird" or different in any way, and should be acknowledged as such.
It did, a week ago.
>There's nothing wrong with being skeptical.
there is if you spam /v/ threads on two of our threads and then bump your own post with a "gotcha" that completely backfires a day later
No idea what you're talking about.
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I think I'm gonna miss little hellow yellow.
she's still gonna be in the game just not your companion
source: saw it in a dream
She kinda overstayed her welcome after BiS in a way that her predecessor Stuffwell didn't, but yeah, I'm gonna miss her. Snoutlet seems like a fun successor, though, and we should give him(?) a chance.
They should make starlow Bowser's kamek/jammy koopa equivalent in the RPGs. I liked their dynamic in BIS.
but Kamek is already the Kamek equivalent.
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>you can get a king boo statue in mario run
Boot him.
>Mario Run in 2024
If they ever put one of the koopalings in a Mario tennis game it should be Larry because of his boss fight in superstar saga
Kendrick Lamar baby yoshi
He’s a minorrrrrrrrrrrrrr
what about it? it just received an update
human Bobbery always looks like he’s about to fight Luffy
He already ruined the site by making it impossible to browse without an account
>gets kissed once
>immediately becomes an alcoholic
I was spending too much time finding lewds in the likes of artists I followed for lewds in the first place, Mario and otherwise, so I sort of appreciate being set free from that, but it's still a terrible thing to do to the site.
Problem is a worthy successor has simply never appeared. Whatever shared delusion drove every single artist alive to the worst possible website for sharing art has kept them there instead of driving them to find another. Twitter is legitimately their god.
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The joke is that Mario's so ashamed he did that he's trying to erase the memory through Shroom Booze
Hasn’t been relevant since 2018
I guess they're designed for the people who've been playing since day 1 and know the whole game in and out. I've just given up on them and stick to playing Toad Rally.
I’m surprised nobody here is talking about LM even if it’s a remaster. TTYD got lots of attention though the Vivian thing and it being a more beloved game probably contributed to it.
my copy is getting here tomorrow
Do you think chugga is pissed he’s canceled and can’t do a TTYD play through? It indulged in his tranny fetish
LM2 is a forgettable sequel with no cultural significance that nobody really asked for the return of. LM3's already a better Luigi's Mansion experience on the same console, anyway.
Compare that to TTYD, a better game that (for better or for worse) has an immense cult following (and a cult of """people""" who worship Vivian because they misinterpreted the original Japanese), and the difference is night and day.
>forgettable sequel with no cultural significance that nobody really asked for the return of
They should’ve just done PM64 instead, or do a remaster of the first 3 Paper Mario games in a bundle.
I'd pay good money for a remake of PM64 that keeps its style intact.
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who's chugga?
I'm sure they didn't do 64 because of their precious NSO shit.
Chuggaconroy/Emile of The Runaway Guys. Back in January he got canceled because he kept messaging a tranny for feet pics
Wasn’t that debunked?
There were screenshots but I do think it was blown out of proportion
I don't know about any actual wrongdoing but I think he should be cancelled anyway for being cringe as all hell.
It’s ProJared all over again
After a long period of silence he gave the full context that was originally left out showing most of his innocence to mostly positive reception.
He's still a deeply embarrassing person and shouldn't get away scott-free for that.
If we could persecute people just for being embarrassing, half the population would be in prison.
And rightfully so. I would be among them, but I can't say it wouldn't be deserved.
Wait when? I don’t think I saw that
In April, 3 months later. It's pinned on his Twitter right now. I will stop talking about this now since it's off-topic.
I do. Treacherous Mansion is my jam (and probably my favorite location/stage in the Luigi's Mansion games).
his biggest crime was being a cringe horny teenager online
I kinda get the controversy for that one, wasn’t he 20 and the girl was 15? The tranny was a major overreaction though

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