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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Tracklist for Vengeance OST

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny video featuring Alice

Previous Thread: >>483108237
The future of SMT is bright.
AI image?
>off topic OP image
>porn linked in OP
report thread
First time playing SMT proper, honestly not even past the tutorial yet, but I don't think this is going to get explained in the game.

So a Nahobino is clearly like a Rebis, fucker even has a dual hairstyle, but what the fuck does "Nahobino" mean?
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They should bring back the forgotten fiend
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I love my retarded Chaos wife
In the game it is a demon who regained their knowledge or something? Idk the story fucking sucks and the lore is very vaguely explained.
It isn't a real japanese word afaik.
It comes from Naobi no kami, a trio of deities in Japanese myth. They cleaned Izanagi after he came back from the underworld.
Where is Heavenly Ikuyumi? I got the Tsukuyomi essences but can't find that one
Why is Mastema so memeable
Why Satan's demons so weak compared to Demi-fiend's?
I don't get why he uses demons.
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am i reddit?
Because they want the fight to be actually fair and not RNG bullshit.
Did you also name yourself Joe Biden.....
No, i named my self Joe Dirt.
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me and my pet
He looks lik a retard
I forgot SMTVV was supposed to be a gay game while I played it. The only thing I could focus on was how sexually attracted I was to Yoko.
next time soul hackers 2 is on 80% sale, im buying it. I really like the shading on the demons.
Metaphor won.
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it is a good game. If you go into it not thinking it's supposed to be SH, you will get more enjoyment from it.
I need Tao sucking Sahori's futa cock
what's the secret to the gogmagog fight, I thought he had super low accuracy at first but he's just murdering me even with fully debuffed accuracy and mirage
Please don't bully the pet. Its hot his fault that he has long blue hair
>Using buffs
mandala system did nothing wrong
If you bother or willing to put resources into those demons, dog can be a decent hitter. Giving dog resist physical or anything and watch deaths door proc. Birb has the stat to run a support build.
According to this video you don't have to play the Creation Route in order to get Godborn Mode.

Also, what do you think of these ideas for build recommendations? Any tweaks or improvements that you'd suggest, /smtg/?
>It's so over yoko
>we're so back tao
this is a very weird way to do alignments
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This is just a brutal mogging. Tao doesn't start being pretty until she goes Panagia.
yoko chaos pilled me
Didn't you faggots say that V has good animations? What the fuck is this shit?
Because you only have 3 turns to kill them before he absorbs one compared to Demi-Fiend's 6
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I'm suppose to lose the fight vs the 4 qadistu? they are kicking my ass and I keep resetting the fight, didn't have trouble at all fighting any of the other bosses till now.
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So did Marduk set the Mandala system or what.
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can anyone make an edit of this image but with yoko?
Here’s hoping I can still work Wrath Tempest into my Luck build later on. At +3 it’s not quite enough damage though I still would like a non-ailment dependent AoE attack. Got Mad Gasser’s essence and definitely want to upgrade Syphon to Great Curse Syphon but I’m not sure if I should save it for a more Poison focused endgame build since it also comes with Blight, Toxic Cloud, and Poison Adept.

I’d imagine it would look something like
>Toxic Spray +9
>Poison Cloud+9
>Wrath Tempest+9
>Poison Adept
>Poison Master
>Resistance passive
>Great Curse Syphon
>High Phys Pleroma/Murderous Glee
It was the Great Wil iircl but every person that takes the throne is retarded like real people so it keeps getting messed up
I saw this last thread and loved it. The filename is the cherry on top
It's kind of odd. What's said is that Marduk basically set up a bad example, from taking the throne for the first time and becoming a ruler, so other gods and humans imitated him (and on top of that set a curse stopping snake gods from using the throne). However, he is never said to have created the throne itself, so, yeah, it all seems to be actually set up by the Mandala System. Obviously someone would take the throne at some point and he just happened to be the first one.
So did they nerf unforgotten memories?
Off topic but damn I want to impregnate corrin and nibble on those knife ears
Those were just retards.
whats wrong with it?
How the fuck does mastema just hijack tiamat
someone post a meme of the 4chan moth
Because god lets him.
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Don't question the shitty writing.
The way V-kun grabbed her hand when you go Chaos…
yeah theres a lot of forbidden tao x yoko yuri vibes
It is mentioned since his intro that he can control demons, but yeah, the way they talk you'd think they mean just random fodder. They should have had shown him taking over a big time demon before that. Although it's possible they added those lines about him controlling demons ONCE they decided they had to reuse the Tiamat battle, which is why beforehand it's just words (and most if not all of them not even voiced) rather than a real demonstration.
Energy Drain really isn't that good in V I don't know what this guy is on about. If you are going to take an action to restore MP might as well use an item.
Honestly, it feels more like Tao is the chill lesbian who hangs out with you, and Yoko actively wants your dick. That scene before the Lilith kill proved it.
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Reminder that your demons love you and hope you love whatever form you fuse her.
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Literally the lewdest shit I've ever seen in Megaten.
And the way she puts her hand on his chest? And that genuinely loving smile? Jesuuuus. I thought V was supposed to be a fujo game. Sisters, what happened??
megaten where you can sex demons when?
It's the non-canon ending so everyone acts OOC in this route. Even PM, who has no real reason to even protect Yoko since she's trying to destroy everything.
It's an Aogami essence skill, and you get it after you get the three keys. It's across the bridge.
>non-canon ending
Devil Survivor also have lines when the demons acknowledge they're still themselves after fusion, but


>So thy desire is to increase the power of Thor? I see... I shall leave it to thee...

but IV and V clearly go with fusion being more like you're sacrificing the demons to summon an unrelated to one. Story relevant demons in IV often have lines referencing the story when they're summoned. In VV, when you get a demon to "utmost trust" and fuse them, the new demon has a relationship reset, but if you then go and summon back the fusion component, it will already have the bond maxed and you won't get that again.
Bench dialogue does explain Koshimizu's reason for going along with it, although it's all still thrown together since you'd think that'd be something addressed in the main plot.
It was supposed to be Soul Hackers 2 until the Christian megacorp Microsoft got involved
>heavenly ikumi gotten after murakumo
Why do they do this to is magic bros
>Has less content
>Doesn't get a unique final boss, just Mastema and Tiamat(For poor reasons)
>Ends on a shitty "Let's hope things get better" when compared to other ending that fixes everything with no repercussions
>make new grill
>advertise new grill
>make new grill route half baked
what the fuck was atlus thinking?
Doesn’t Koshimizu literally say that he’ll trust your judgement and act as his brother would? The dude’s got nothing left, the world being destroyed and remade at this point isn’t really an issue since Tokyo seems to always be built no matter what, it’ll eventually come back, along with him. Yoko’s final solution is not even far off from his myriad gods ending in CoC.
They rushed VV out quickly.
STRBeano is canon just be lucky they gave you new toys to play with
Don’t worry Magicbro we’re still the best build for the most part on low level runs.
It's kind of funny considering the pre-release interviews saying that Base V was too law focused, but this time it'd be Chaos focused. I guess they did talk about "chaos" in the sense of a darker narrative with twists, and that part is true, but they also mentioned Chaos in relation to the in-game alignment and that ends up shafted in the end.
>put charge/crit aura/impalers animus on arahabaki
>MC put inflaming divinity on arahabaki
>Now your damage dealers have luster x2 + charge/impalers
Tokio is basically a mirage held up by a miracle that is already fading, dude got nothing to lose anymore.
Open world is a meme
Dungeons are an image macro
>charge/crit aura/impalers animus
Those don't stack.
V isn't open world.
SMTV really isn't open world though.

I wonder if they'd actually try that though next time.
It might as well be open world since it has the trademark elements of one like Ubisoft towers or korok seeds.
>Ubisoft invented the concept of obscuring your map
>BotW invented collectibles
/v/tards have brain damage.
Wasn't there something about them thinking there was nothing wrong with the original writing?
It's honestly astounding how they handled the tension between the two, compared to Persona. She actually acts like someone who's into a person, weird how she was more intimate than any Persona char
There was an interview where they claimed they purposefully left out certain elements from V's story, since they didn't need the focus. But now this they'd give players a look into various of those elements.

Looking at the actual game though, I'm pretty sure that's bullshit. The new snake/bull lore even contradicts the original script (Atum was mentioned as a former king in base V, while according to VV he went to the through, but couldn't claim it due to Marduk's curse).
On the other hand, some of the new content does fill plotholes from the original, like whole Crest of Ra stuff. Amum Ra had the throne but got beaten by a bunch of Sumerian gods and had his power stolen by them in the form of the Ra crest, which is why just obtaining the Ra crest would make demons able to participate in the race for the throne. It's an actual Nahobino power from before YHVH's condemnation.
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The protag's jp voice is very masculine compared to the en one, it's like a whole different character entirely
Name five open world games that did this before Ubisoft and BotW as they're the ones that popularize the concept. You won't and I don't expect any replies because you have nothing to back-up your post.
this dose is a bit too much for me Herr Doktor
what the fuck yoko. I know we said we were going to restart from scratch but what the FUCK why does it just end with us chilling in a void
It is just Far Cry 2 but Vfags will deny that because the zones are separated by loading zones just like that game and pull their "akshully" crap to defend the garbage open world that feels more empty than Fallout 3.
Fog of war as a concept has been around for a long time.
Banjo fucking Kazooie has collectables.
There, /v/tard btfo’d, you have to go back.
>a linear game
>open world
Yeah remember when I could go to Taito from the very beginning?
Oh, wait…
Big maps /= open world, retard-kun.
Because the ending is retuning the world to void/nothingess/primordial chaos to create a new world. Stuff like that happened in mythology where the world was first nothingness then the world gets created.
>Tao: I won't let you destroy the world!!!
>BTFO Tiamat and Mastema
>immediately runs away like a bitch with Goko
Zelda had collectibles since the 100 Gold Skulltulas in Ocarina of Time (which wasn't even open world). The towers to unlock part of the map is more of an open world things, I guess, although the abscesses don't even have the map interference anymore in VV.

>It is just Far Cry 2 but Vfags will deny that because the zones are separated by loading zones
It's not just that they're separated by loading zones, even within a single zone in V you often need to find the one path to advance through the ruins rather than the locations being actually open and with various of access. An actual open world design would be very different from V/VV's maps.
she even leaves you in her route unlike yoko
Yoko also leaves in the cutscene though, she just stays for the battle. It's just odd that they did that for Yoko but not for Tao.
That's a progress gate is, retard.
Remember when San Andreas had the cops in your ass if you go to the other areas early? That's why.
Yoko’s a hit so expect a proper heroine for VI.
Just summon her back from the Compendium. They just lazily copypasted that shit from Neutral end.
Nigger you CANNOT possibly be saying that V has the same kind of world map as SAN ANDREAS, you have to be pretending to be retarded at this point. The Da’at’s are separated and linear, V isn’t open world. The closest that V comes to open world is Taito, and even then I’d say that doesn’t count. You can do some of the gyms in Pokemon Red out of order, and I wouldn’t call that game open world.
Because if you couldn't use Yoko vs Lucifer then she was only with you for a grand total of 2 boss fights. It already feels halfassed enough as is when her only joining for the last 1 hour of gameplay.
I was really surprised when she didn’t show up in Taito.
then why don't we get to see the world we create like law does?
They probably wanted to give Tao her own section since Yoko had one in the 1st area of da'at and they were together in the 2nd and 3rd area
It just sucks because it means you only get to use goddess Yoko at the very end and you can't even use her while in the new form.
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Breath of the Wild mindbroke /v/ermin irrecoverably, every game that has collectibles will have them compared to Koroks, every game that has big maps will be called open world
It’s genuine insanity
It has to partially be a language barrier kind of thing, right? Like they’re ESL and don’t understand that the term open world doesn’t just mean there’s a big play area?
Because you will be gone by then and they wanted to focus the FMV on Yoko assuming her role as Lilith.
Going over defensive like that is telling.
Yeah, in New Game+ it's not an issue. you can bring Tao for the final battle. It's just if it's your first playthrough where she leaves and you can do nothing about it.
They just ported over the final section of True Neutral and it stuck in the coding.
Yamai status?
Right before you obtain PM's 3rd essence he will tell you why he's going along with the destroy tokyo ending
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they put up VV advertisement in shinagawa station again, but since it's election season it looks like it's election advertisement too
>politicians are demons
Based Fatlus?
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another pic
I'd vote amabie
>Check the skill power of Anansi's unique dark skill
>it's weaker than Mudoon and has no secondary effects
Is this some kind of sick joke?
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this could've easily been the final boss
he hates VV with a passion
radiou 3 trust the plan

The gimmick is that the instant kill chance isn't tied to elemental weakness.
It has a 60% instakill chance
How does a Magic Beano work in this game? I've heard it's better than Phys?
I asked myself the same question until I found out the hard way in his boss fight
Breath of the Wild didn’t invent collectibles, but I’ve always assumed that the Miman are based on Koroks since they’re both weird little collectible dudes that you give to a bigger weird dude in exchange for rewards.

I think V’s map design is also influenced by BotW’s emphasis on vertical exploration.

This is tinfoil-ey, but I also kind of suspect that Aogami was supposed to recover his memories by finding his essences but they changed it to just the one memory at Tokyo tower because they didn’t want to take too many ideas from BotW.
when did you realize vv is soft-feminist?
When you cut off the phallic hydra heads. It’s an obvious metaphor for castrating the patriarchy.
I do not comprehend.
The trick is to make sure no more than one or two of them are up to support Lillith. When the full group is out, they can do a dumb Magatsuhi special, as well as heal her. Spam AoE. Namaah is easiest because she’s weak to Phys.
Vesk is still malding about Lilith lmaooooo
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Amanozako and me are gettinf married! Wish us luck, anons :)
sorry anon she already said she'd be my waif
atlus are retard, news at 11
you know why
It's not?
lucifer still is for some reason
>Expect a retarded heroine for VI
Oh god no
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Does V have way more reliance on switching out demons than other games? Like it feels like every boss fight I'm switching my demons either because I ran out of MP and MP items or because one got killed (on hard). It's a nice change, gives demons in stock way more purpose other than just being fodder.
Doi demons are given special privileges over Kaneko demons
Doubt anyone cares too much but Yung Mahn's English voice also did the grunts for Hare of Inaba and Gremlin
IV:A does too.
>mermaid's chest is obscured

If only
in times like this I wish she would go back to posting jerk off instructions
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Vesk is not happy.
I think it does. Attacks and spells cost more MP so you’re more likely to run out during battle, and it’s a lot easier to recruit demons in V, so the obvious solution is to have a deep roster of demons that you can rotate through.

There’s also a general shift from resource management in the field to resource management in boss battles. Most encounters are optional, and most of your exp is going to come from quests rather than regular encounters. It’s also easy now to keep your HP and MP high in the overworld, and MP mostly becomes an issue in boss fights.
>Voices Shinji from NGE
I doubt Doi Lilith is forever. They’ve always gone back and forth with Kaneko’s own designs, and main story demons, like the Qadistu, are reused less frequently.
How do I get her back in vengeance? I've completed the quest where you have to beat her on the full moon. I entered taito but she didn't show up and I don't remember where the final part of her quest starts either
why do some people just want atlus to make the same game over and over again?
Would visible nipples bump up the rating in Japan? It’s kind of weird that we have genital demons, but all the topless female demons have their nipples covered.
Why are western MegaTen fans like this?
>twitter screencap
Yeah, I see this as a VV thing due to Lilith having heavy plot relevance this time, along with the Qadistu
to be fair VV is still a remember nocturd? type of game
hell even demi-fiend is a party member
>Lilith isn't allowed to get a makeover
Misogynist scum
>I doubt Doi Lilith is forever.
People said the same thing about Apoc Satan or Odin, which are still being used to this day. There's no real reason to ever go back to Kaneko Lilith as Doi Lilith isn't a redraw of something from a different artist(Like IV Merkabah) and her design isn't restricted in a way that only makes sense in Vengeance's story. So she can be easily used in future entries and spinoffs.
This is not the first time Lilith has been replaced with new art, and I'm sure it wont be the last time.
Anyone that complains about it now only because Doi did it is a retarded faggot nigger and all twitter screencap posters deserve death.
Eventually, there’s a Tengu in front of the Diet building who gives you a quest to bring Amanozako to her. Follow the lead on the map.
>comes from pseudo mythology
They should be smart enough to know that a shitton of their favorite games also come from the same sources. It's always been a problem, what?
replacing old demons with new art would be fine if the new art wasn't strictly inferior. why can't we get more sukuna hikonas and khonsus
That's not nice to say to another person.
Doi Lilith isn't "strictly inferior". this is your opinion
Short-haired dyke Lilith was fucking garbage. Doilith is 10x better. Fight me.
>That's not nice to say to another person.
that's normal in 4chan. I say kys here all the time
it's the old design with a bunch of noise and greebling added, it's pretty bad
>he says about a rerelease of V which was aping Nocturne, in a game that rehashes Lilith in a main role for the bazillionth time
But Doi Odin has only been reused in V and VV, and Doi Satan in VV. Kaneko Satan was in Soul Hackers 2 a couple years ago. I think we’ll see a mix of designs going forward, which has generally been the norm for SMT and its spin offs.
difference is all that "noise" is supposed to represent something
I like the old lilith, in fact I like all of those designs but pretending it's objectively worse and everyone agrees is dumb
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>the sluttiest slut of history
>the sluttiest slut of today
true but the pic is a guy complaining that it's not enough like nocturne
Kaneko Lilith looks like she wants to kill me
Doi Lilith looks like she wants to rape me
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>mix of designs going forward
I also feel like this is going to be the case too
someone needs to send her that picture of Japanese Megaten fans mocking westerners for overthinking stuff lmao
Japanese fans hate the new lilith design too bro
>The previous (incomplete) version cost over 8,000 yen, so why not make us buy it again for another 8,000 yen or more instead of DLC?
It's the kind of content that DLC would add for less than 4000 yen.
>For first time buyers, it may still be good because they can enjoy two scenarios and improve on the unsatisfactory parts, but this vengeance is still underpowered on the Switch and the graphics are blurry to the point of being distracting.
>The pc and ps5 versions have higher resolution and much cleaner graphics, so those with multiple hardware should buy those.
>Atlus has released full versions of both Persona 5 and Shin Megami Tensei V at a later date at full price, so I guess they will release another full version of Metaphor at full price.
I think that the number of people who will seriously buy Atlus products on the release date will decrease significantly in the future due to the overzealous full version business.
>This kind of business that makes fun of users will only strangle you.
damn the japs are mad with this
But why? Are they just into twinks THAT much?
Honestly, I’ve come to like that SMT is heavily influenced by Barbara Walker bullshit. It’s almost like her weird takes on mythology have become a mythology onto themselves.
That’s assuming they modelled Doi Satan two years ago and would be ok with it debuting as DLC instead of it being a superboss in Vengeancd. Doi’s mainline designs replace their older equivalents, it’s only Persona where they haven’t adopted any Doi designs at all
I see people like her though
Agreed, sorta. The way that myths can be twisted and mixed is already something so prominent in real life, and there's some really interesting concepts that they end up finding. That whole jewish tengu stuff is insane, but makes SMT stand out a ton compared to all these other mythology heavy series.
I could take both kaneko lilith and doi lilith
Thinking on it, especially given Atlus' tweets about SMT5 being a "series", it really dispels the illusion that these are simply products for getting the most out of an HD release and not passion projects to "fix" what the director thought was wrong. I think about how Catherine was really the only real departure that Atlus has had from MegaTen since they went HD, which is coincidentally when they were still owned by Index. The issue is that Sega/Atlus is definitely trying to squeeze more blood out of the rock than it's going to give. Just slapping some more onto a property like a "Persona 5" or now "SMT5" is easier than creating a new game and creates value by reusing assets and easy marketability by reusing characters that people are already familiar with.
>IV Lilith is so bad people act like it never existed
>Walter posting in the replies
Hoy truly is universal
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Is this why she sperged out and deleted everything again lmao.
>Less than 100 likes
literal who account
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another buckbroken anti-doi cuck LOL
fuckin LOL shes private again, people were agreeing with her and those that were opposed to her opinion werent being negative at all.
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Needs to just delete social media forever if she's this mentally unstable
even having been spoiled on the new outfit I think that whole sequence after beating the bad bitch 4 and setting aside Dazai's post-diddling PTSD was pretty damn good overall
Is dazai a foreigner? One student set Jouin high school gets a lot of foreigners enrolled and dazai himself is one of them?
I thought so. I guess Amanozako doesn't join you in taito like she did in creation
Not sure where the interview is but pretty sure the devs for SMTV mentioned at one point they were excited for BOTW during development and did intentionally include elements that were inspired by it.
For demifiend and Satan, should I use mother harlot OR naamah essence with repeal phys? Also do the virtual trainer battles carry over to NG+?
>he can't appreciate Doi kino character design
baka my head
>The Kaneko Lilith erasure has already begun
you can't null/repel/drain phys for demifiend but otherwise those are good essences for satan
I'm starting to think maybe /smtg/ anons say vitriolic stuff with no basis due to their personal biases.
anything i can do to minimize shader decompilation stutter?
Doest that fuck up his jav rain and his other demons using melle skills? I guess Naamah with repeal phys frees up one extra skill slot for Naahbino so ill go with that.
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if you repel phys he spergs out and oneshots you with gaea rage, the best thing you get is resist phys
If you repel or drain phys Demi-fiend starts spamming Gaea Rage. Resist physical is best against him.
wasn't that already obvious when sh2 came out
Why does she do the nahobino hand pose lmao
Japanese schools are known for being strict, especially when it comes to dress codes, but Dazai over here is breaking all of them, makes me wonder if it's because of his wealthy family that allows him to break school dress codes?
he just has that much dope ass swag
I don't like how V copied a bunch of it's demon affinities from Nocturne. Michael and Uriel both using Fire and Black Rider + Pale Rider both using ice pisses me off. Strange Journey fixed this but we just had to pull things straight from Nocturne.
What's the endgame big damage skill loadout for a str Nahobino?
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I thought that just makes him target the one demon that doest have immunity to phys? I do have a few demons like that but yea I went over board and gave most demons null phys. This is my current build. If I go with Naamah+resist phys ill have an extra skill slot open what should I put in there?
Paraselene Blur is underrated imo.
Doi said their school values personal freedom and boys can wear skirts so I don't think they enforce a strict code
revival chant is pretty nifty
Paraselene Blur takes too much set up and opportunity cost. Murakumo is just a crit beat stick that shits out press turns. I haven't played around with any numbers, but I'd actually wager that there's probably a threshold where Lunar Hurricane beats out both by just having sheer number of hits that crit.
paraselene blur has the highest damage value out of any single target skill but it requires some setup
How about Mag Beano bros...
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holy shit
heavenly ikuyumi doesn't require a lot of setup and does pretty good single target damage
Unless they changed something in Demi-Fiend fight you can have still have some demons with Null/Drain/Repel Phys. Having all Null+ on Phys simply causing him to spam Freikugel which had like a 20+% chance to crit. If you have at least one resist phys demon out he'll just use Deadly Fury.
I've never played a persona game before, if I enjoy playing SMT will I enjoy playing persona?
If you like VNs and SMT you’ll probably like Persona.
Lol no
It depends, try p2 and p3 fes
Murakumo for Demi-Fiend
Paraselene Blur for Satan/True Masakado
Hurricane Tempest once you've grinded 999 Agi
How would past MCs react to Nahobino?
But is it inferior to Str build? I also saw some purely support builds with Beano basically just being the one to buff, debuff, tank, heal, and fill up the Magatsuhi gauge.
I have SMTV vanilla and got both "Neutral" endings, is it easy/fast to get the other two endings?
I never tried the Law/Chaos path, better beat them before buying Vengeance for the new mode.
I think if she said something like giving the players the option to chose between different designs it would have been fine. Cause Dx2 does it and it's generally a good thing to not let old designs get forgotten
But she had to throw a Doi vs Kaneko tantrum
Honestly, they wouldnt care
I get not being into Doi Lilith. But its weird to pretend the original wasn't also full on sex appeal, like she's a naked lady using a snake as a boa. Also complaining about pop culture references when Doi's features are just meant to be crumbling clay skin + turning into a demon. I shouldn't be analysing the machinations of a mad man.

This seems to be the goal, I think we will see entries diverge on the bigger demons but share the little guys.
That is good and bad. It implies that demon did remember you. Bad because you just lost 1 sutra.
Just get Vengeance, you can replay Creation in it.
I don't want to play everything again if I'm gonna do the new route anyways.
I do have a save before the stair choice, but I forgot a lot of stuff.
Even in Vengeance something is off with the story
It misses somehow the darker tone, not sure how to put it
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I prefer Soul Hackers Lilith
It's probably the lack of human casualties.
can't believe kaneko fell for horror vacui and big boob bright colour marketability
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>Doi's features are just meant to be crumbling clay skin + turning into a demon.
pic related, what jack frost would look like if he was turning into a demon
I would the snake, but not the girl
I think his art peaked in DS/SH in general, but the few DeSu/SJ designs are good too.
Kaneko of course would never use black wings to suggest an Abrahamic figure is maybe a bit demonic.
His post-soul hackers stuff was drawn to be easy to model. I wouldn't say he peaked, he just transitioned to a different style.
a-are those wings...????
I thought that only happens if you leave his demons alive for to long?
Unironically her best design.
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>>Kaneko of course would never use black wings to suggest an Abrahamic figure is maybe a bit demonic.
>doesn't include an example of Kaneko using black wings to suggest an Abrahamic figure is maybe a bit demonic
Is agrat's queen decree any good for the super bosses? it seems kinda weak to me or am I just missing something?
But he's already a demon and he would turn into a black frost.
The whole Kaneko vs Doi thing is the only reason why I come here everyday
I figured you at least knew enough to figure it out. Come on you can do it, think of an angelic figure associated with controlling demons.
>Darker tone
There is way to many goofy things happening in Vengeance for it to have a darker tone then Creation, V-kun's failed transformation comes to mind.
I miss Kaneko, please remake Strange Journey in 3D and bring back him.
It's the most brutal and mature game anyways, fuck shonenshit.
>Doi's features are just meant to be crumbling clay skin + turning into a demon.
>"turning into a demon" includes angel wings
>this is much clearer than the previous lilith design, where because she didn't have black angel wings you couldn't tell she was a demon
Are you retarded?
Finish your own game first.
>this is much clearer
People figured out who she was from the first time they saw her. Using features associated with a religion but putting a basic mocking twist is a pretty straight forward way to show a demonic side. A feature already used to show Mastema's association with the demons. It isn't a competition, both do a good job. I understand you are mentally ill Vesk but you can just say you aren't fond of his style instead of making up problems.
Raidou are Kaneko's pet projects and they are far from grimdark.
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>People figured out who she was from the first time they saw her
Because it's a half naked lady with a snake? That has nothing to do with the wings.

>Using features associated with a religion but putting a basic mocking twist is a pretty straight forward way to show a demonic side. A feature already used to show Mastema's association with the demons.
"Association with demons" is not "becoming the demons". Mastema's shiftiness is shown in multiple ways, but his angel wings denote he is an angel.

>It isn't a competition, both do a good job.
If you remove them from Doilith the design language is still the same. If you remove them from Mastema you hurt the overall image.

>random accusation out of nowhere
Because god wills it
He was given access to a power higher than the throne, YHVH or even Mandala itself. And that power is the writers making something up to save on development costs
They buffed Carnage Fang? What the fuck??? It was already a cheap Akashic Arts but now it does more damage too?
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We need more designs like these
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I don't believe you genuinely have a problem with the wings. Complaints about Doi lost their way once they went from this element is wrong, to nonsense arguments about this part didn't need to be included. Cause you kept the attitude of trying to prove him wrong and that he lead smt astray.

>"Association with demons" is not "becoming the demons"
I think a good way to show something is demonic is to show something associated desu senpai
New law ending found
Please understand, Doi demons desperately needs all of the good shit despite already being extremely good already
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>fully armored
>but no greaves
>just panties
What did they mean by this
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what could kaneko have possibly done for fatlus to try and erase him from HIS franchise?
I will claim Metaphor for /smtg/.
Just wait all normalfags getting filtered in the first dungeons.
VV Won! Vesk Lost!
The game will be easier than P5
Comparing Maria(Kaneko drawn) with Danu and Inanna(Doi drawn) is ridiculous.
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What the fuck is this?
I don't know why you hyperfixated on the wings in the Jack Frost image when it also had pointless spikes and holes.

>err actually you don't really believe th-
Ad motivism? Really?

>I think a good way to show something is demonic is to show something associated desu senpai
Your premise doesn't support your argument. You think "angel wings" denote "demonic nature" more than angelic nature. Your sole example is an angel.
Idk but metaphor will definitely harder than reload (the easiest atlus game)
>Maria had a unique attack in her NINE boss fight
>has nothing in V
>shares her innate skill with Artemis (obtainable on any route 40 levels earlier) in Vengeance
There's like 10 innate skills that give magic attacks crit chance. But could I please know what percentage of crit chance that might be Atlus? Because if it's 10% then fuck off.
What now for Megaten after VV being a huge mess?
What does this imply for the future of SMT?
How do you get the choice to fight the Secret Neutral Lucifer in the CoV? Do you have to be neutral aligned or some shit?
beat shiva
They're leotards, not pantsu.
>Shin Atlus
>A team of /lit/ fags doing dungeon crawlers
>Shit Fatlus
>A business company
How did it turn out like this?
You cannot sell dungeon crawlers anymore.
>could've modelled the body for one and had all 3 as edits in the PS2 era
thanks bro

lv99 lucifer is a more challenging and interesting boss in my opinion. Assuming you were able to beat shiva without over leveling yourself.
Old SMT was never about selling
And it sure as hell was never about taking a wider audience into consideration
Shit tons of tonal whiplash.
Even Kaneko sold out to nft
Is it untrue?
So it classic mudo? Based.
>I don't know why you hyperfixated on the wings
Cause I explained the rest, this is part of why I don't think you're genuine. You've noticed the difference in Doi and Kaneko's style is more details, so have made it a mission to tell everyone details bad. No matter if they are serving a purpose. Its made to give the impression of her clay body falling apart and warping. That's a perfectly fine reference to make and a good way to show she wasn't always this demonic figure. Visual story telling is a good thing. There's not any actual problem with this design element outside detail bad Kaneko would never. When simple and complex designs are perfectly fine. The complaint use to be Doi included incorrect or incongruous elements. You've not been able to let go of this complaint so it must be wrong when his designs have so much going on.

>Your sole example is an angel.
Who is a bit of a wrong'un. But again here you are incapable of engaging with the idea this design element is meant to characterise. An Abrahamic figure has appropriate imagery but warped to denote an evil status. There is nothing inherently wrong there.
They all share a sprite in SMTII with Tengu, Archangel, and Power
Mental decrepitude. Altersschwache.
He got fired and someone talking him into making money. Happens to the best of us
Ikuyumi for basic stuff, Moonlight Frost and Thalassic if you wanna push for multi-hit
What she malding about Lilith for?
excuse me
had been on 3 save slots a while, level 53 decided to make another slot
around two hours later, went to put white dracostrike onto a fed-up nekomata only to realize accidentally fused her at some point, had saved in that state too
a little under hours is a small and annoying price to pay but fuck, I don't think I've accidentally fused away a demon as far back as I can remember
Is kannabi viel worth using?
Doi bad help me NFT man.

Account went private so we could be missing out on even better premium malding.
only for the superbosses honestly
>Tengu and some Angels use the same sprite

she's having a bipolar episode
Do any of the stats have "soft caps"? Curious if I should respect and maybe change around a bit to try and tackle Satan. I know Godborn gives me more levels to work with but mostly just wondering if the difference in say 150, and 200 STR is actually noticeable. Yeah, I'm retarded but I'm genuinely trying to actually beat the superbosses this time.
SMT II & if (PSX) translations when?
After Devil Summoner and Card Summoner
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Well yeah, most demons in SMT I and II (or just early MegaTen games in general) share sprites between each other.
Isnt devil summoner done already?
lol isn’t Lilith a Succbus and a whore don’t really get fan service issues literally the most wrong demon to complain about it.
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No, and it probably won't be unless someone else releases their own patch ahead of that faggot CJ and his gaggle of goons like they did with Persona 2 a year or so ago.
Fate anon, why is it that Jeanne seems fine in chibi form, but looks like some lazy big titty expy in official art, meanwhile Jeanne Alter looks rad and unique as hell?
You can translste the script with muliple quality MTLs in a day. All you need to do afterwards is implement the text. Can't be that hard.
Are we really that desperate? Look at the state of the Black Book translation to see how bad that shit can be
>quality MTLs
I'm sure there's some difficulty involved, I won't deny that, but it's clear these retards call dibs on things and just sit on them. Gideon did it with if for ages, CJs doing it with Devil Summoner. Tom and whoever else he works with pumps out translations like crazy compared to them because they actually care and aren't in it to get notoriety. Even the G-MODE games are getting translations by what I think is literally a one man team, and they're actually coming out.
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>Ad motivism again

>No matter if they are serving a purpose. Its made to give the impression of her clay body falling apart and warping.
>But again here you are incapable of engaging with the idea this design element is meant to characterise
YOU are incapable of understanding that just because Doi intends one thing, it does not mean it is effective at doing so or a good idea. "It's meant to look like clay falling out" doesn't really matter when it looks like she was attacked by an ice cream scoop instead. "It's meant to represent her becoming a demon" doesn't mean it's actually good at representing that. And "angel wings represent demonic nature" doesn't work when they represent that something is an angel.

>The complaint used to be
Doi's design language has been criticized for being shoddy for years, just look at Zeus. "He was seen as good but we see him as bad, so he's half good half bad" is not a thoughtful or interesting way of looking at myth.
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I wish I had an exact answer, maybe the color scheme? Also Jannu isn't some lazy big titty expy, she's a cool saint, first and foremost.
>multiple quality MTLs
lol, lmao even
Morrigan had a model in NINE
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wait, does Nahobino's appearance change in godborn?
it's a mod
any mod that makes the game GOOD?
I kinda had a feeling that it's a mod but damn, would have been awesome if godborn changed his appearance

Doi Zeus is good. You might think the two-faced design is too much but I think it's fitting. Zeus is literally famous for sometimes being a dickhead. More than any god in mythology Zeus deserves this two faced depiction. Also the silhouette is really strong. Couple that with his 3d animations and delinquent attitude and you have one of the most unique and memorable demons in the franchise.
have you ever read a MTL doujin before? even the most resent ones suck ass and are so badly translated but those are porn that usually have a simple plot, imaging translating a megaten game, it would be impossible to undertand.
Yeah I'm gonna assume your motivation cause you're unreasonable. You can dislike something such as the holes, but playing dumb saying they make no sense he'd add them to any demon just shows you were never giving it a chance. You're still refusing to engage with the idea of how demonic aspects can be shown as inversions of holy ones. That's not weird or controversial in the slightest but your stuck repeating but how could something angelic be used to represent something demonic. Despite the series having an example of just that. Not liking what he tried to represent is fine but that's just a matter of opinion. This is very much different than Zeus referencing Kamen Rider W which has no Greek relation. But Like I said you're purposefully unreasonable cause you need to hold on to the same old complaint. So I don't think this reasonable idea came through well is held as an equal complaint to this incongruous element has no place. I don't agree with >>483264531 but I can at least respect an attempt to be reasonable even if it is forced.

Basically I'm just replying to show how the Kaneko vs Doi debate has largely broken down.
Just a few days ago there was a Japanese Greek mythology researcher complementing Zeus's design and portrayal in VV.
Implementation and skill issue. You were never supposed to copy paste the MTL results 1:1 as the final text.
What you ARE supposed to do, is doing 3-5 different MTL engines, translating the source text 3-5 times and then evaluate the consese of all translations in proper english sentences.
This works. Very well, actaully. And it doesn't take nearly as much time, as properly translating it word for word.
If I knew how to modify old Sega Saturn games I would fully translate the game in proper english in less than a week.
It just takes a while sometimes, and implementation and editing require a lot of hands depending on the project. The EPP translation was a bit rough, but they're open source iirc, so it should be easy to edit it up. CJ's group got CCC off the ground, and that game is a mountain of text and hacking.
Right now, Tom is in a bind with some translations since he's still waiting on the original hackers to come back. Nothing he can really do there, even if he has the whole translation done. It would be really unfair to pin those 2 projects on him, since it's out of his hands. One of them, I think, he still is waiting to get more text from. If anyone feels like it's going too slow, just offer to help.
t. worked with Tom before
With this amount of effort you are better of just learning Japanese.
Reinserting the text alone would take so long, learning Japanese would honestly be faster. Or do what the rest of us do and play something else until it's done.
Moronic post. What effort?
Learning broken Japanese takes years.
Learning fluent Japanese takes a decade.
Comparing text and writing english sentences takes hours at most.
Or you could like read a book and create a fangame universe with so much passion

*Cough cough* Kogetsu *cough cough*

All Megaten books should be translated do that it's easier
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True Neutral is still the best ending for SMT V.

Also why doesn't Mastema do anything in the Vengeance Law route if he doesn't want you breaking the Mandala cycle? Does Tao not break the cycle and why does she suddenly advocate for Mandala in Vengeance Chaos when in Creation she still guides you to the throne regardless?. Does she not know Lucifer is there to break it?
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>Right now, Tom is in a bind
No hate on Tom, I was praising him and the guys he works with, just want to make that clear. He's always been super nice anytime I've talked with him. CJ and his crew can blow me though.
Guys I gotta say I want the books translated more than the games, so I can see their writing style
Broken japanese + checking up a dictionary, or copy and pasting text into multiple translators each time? Just learning basic level reading and getting yourself familiar with the basic vocab of the game is infinity faster.
>That mod
Yep, that's heresy.
Vesk status?
>each time
There is no each time if you make it properly. Also you delusional if you think you can understand nuances an MTL couldn't comprehend with just "basic vocab".
Either English is your first language and you have no idea of what you are getting yourself into, or you are coping hard. Very hard.
Guys I'm telling y'all, translate the books first before the games, the books have so much more in them than the games soo... please focus on those, imo I think books should be respected more than electronic yap
Absolutely mogged
Way more accessible since not everyone can play or beat video games, so please it's simple translate the books, so I can show my grandma or best friend and probably they become SMT fans
Opinion dismissed
> Faggot
> Sodomite
> Likes same gender

Opinion discarded

God judges you regardless
I'm esl and I know intermediate level Japanese. What I'm suggesting requires around n5-n4 level of japanese knowledge, if you have a moderate appetite for language learning.
You can feel how you do, bruv, all good. Some people can be annoying even if they do their work well. I just don't think the holding thing is real (except for Gideon), and felt like someone could say the same thing about Tom and start shit. They've worked together before, and they were okay, probably just hacker trouble. Speaking of, I have heard on the grapevine that one of theirs lives in Ukraine, slowing down things for a while. Complicated, since it's not one group, but several that CJ just organizes for at times, so I have no clue who is on the Devil Summoner project.
Sex with Anahita.
There simply no fucking way you will understand the context of every demon converstation with just n4
Then do the books first, cause they are all written easier

I wanna read the raidou novel then the devil summoner ones then the soul hackers ones then the SMT 1-2 ones and idk some other Megaten novel
True neutral is the first ending and Tao's ending is the alternate universe happy ending
In my experience it's the exact opposite, specifically for demons that talk in all katakana cause machine translation often gets confused by that. You can understand it way better yourself.

Anyway I don't mean to say machine translation isn't useful, but it's no replacement. There is an effort that must be made translating things that have context spanning over a lot of text, and either some fan translator does it or you yourself.
I'm a hafu and read the megaten novels, but translating is not my forte. It makes sense in my head, but I don't get how to properly write it up in english with all the prose
>Zeus is literally famous for sometimes being a dickhead.
This isn't unique to Zeus, nor does it represent him well. Unless you think Enlil should have a similar design because he caused a flood, or Amaterasu should because she was known for cursing and killing emperors. It's low effort whether you're using the motif for Zeus or for the Christian god. It is not the role of gods to solely dole out good things, and designing them in such a surface level manner is indicative of a lack of familiarity with myth and how religions function in general.

>You can dislike something such as the holes, but playing dumb saying they make no sense he'd add them to any demon just shows you were never giving it a chance.
I accept he meant the holes to mean one thing, they just don't execute it in an effective or meaningful way.

>You're still refusing to engage with the idea of how demonic aspects can be shown as inversions of holy ones. That's not weird or controversial in the slightest but your stuck repeating but how could something angelic be used to represent something demonic. Despite the series having an example of just that.
Your ONE example doesn't match the actual scenario Lilith is in. The idea you could slap black angel wings onto anything to say "they're becoming demonic" is laughably stupid.

>This is very much different than Zeus referencing Kamen Rider W which has no Greek relation
No, you're just focusing on the similarity with another design to ignore what the design is actually saying. Ironically you're ignoring Lilith has no relation to angels while claiming making her angelic is a good way of showing she's demonic. "Abrahamic" religions did not slap wings on everything, and invoking an unrelated class of beings does not make for fitting imagery.

>Basically I'm just replying to show how the Kaneko vs Doi debate has largely broken down.
It's "broken down" because you throw out argumentum ad motivism at the drop of a hat, you chode.
The DX2 demon modder says he plans to add at least 1 or 2 demons to VV a day, and he can't do the guest characters like dante and bayonetta due to some lack of their textures, not sure what he means.
Translating the novels needs you to know a lot more cultural things that I don't know, I am not at the level of proficiency to comfortably translate things in any context and be sure it accurately represents the original text and neither do I have the proper knowledge to translate literature in any language. There's a reason it's a profession and requires people to spend years learning it.
am i gimping myself for later runs by skipping debuff/buff skills in favour of damage dealing in my demons?

Game on normal has basically been a cakewalk but ill do CoV on a harder difficulty i guess.
That doesn't explain why Mastema doesn't do anything during the Law route and why Tao advocates for Mandala in the Chaos route. Makes it sound like Mandala is still a think if you go with Tao's idea.
The feet on Doi's lilith look like they're intentionally mocking Kaneko's inability to draw feet.
No, why would I? Marsh already has that covered, if you meant the old Nakajima ones. For everything else? Why would I spend my time doing that instead of replaying SMTII for the 5th time?
Doesn't the True Neutral ending pretty much invalidate Yoko's ideal ending? You remake the world free of the influence of gods and demons but it ends up being mostly the same anyway.
Yeah that sounds like a lot of work, why would I?
These really need some nicer 3d materials, they're glossy all over at the moment. Mind Dx2 doesn't have any so they'd have to be custom made. Still, fantastic project. Hopefully people figure out ways of making it so they can be fused normally or even have them appear as backup in fights.
Apparently she has reported to the e safety commissioner about sharing her nude photos around.
> If you have downloaded or shared images of me, then there's a possibility of you being charged with possession/distribution of child porn and/or being blacklisted by ISPs.
>Those photos were when I was 17
>etc etc
For those who have been simping over vesk and sharing ass pics, lol
I really wish we just had normal people scanning shit.
I didn't save the pictures but I did see them, what happens then?
I just wish she would stop schizoing out every couple months.
To put it in perspective
Every anon who has (You)’d a vesk picture, downloaded the cat box, or even commented in a thread with the vesk picture, are uber fucked
Sorry buddy......
>involving females in anything
when will people learn, all they do is corrupt everything and make it all about themselves
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>Lie about your age
>Post your nudes of your own accord to your own public social media
>"Ha jokes on you it was cp because I lied, now I'm gonna try getting you ruined out of spite"
Very normal behavior for sure
does this dumb bitch really think she's gonna get anyone but herself into problems for "distributing" CP when she's literally the creator and original distributor lmfao
sounds like she has a case though if she's been working with authorities
they should add a JOI voice pack dlc for the qadistu
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>You might think the two-faced design is too much but I think it's fitting
Nah bro, that shit is the corniest thing of his design, a little nuance could help.
right, so does that go against anything I said?
>post suggestive photos on twitter
>mad people saved them
Unless there's some actual private photos that were spread around, I'm not entirely sure how this surprises her lol.
added picrel to support your point
youre going to jail lol
The death of smtg…
You're going with us bud
We'll be cellmates
>Artist draws some art for a niche and obscure series
>Anons arrested around the world for possession of a schizophrenic girl’s nudes she posted at 17
What demons will you summon in jail?
are there any normal scanners left
Where can I find the SMT 1-2 novels to shit on your pussy niggers with MTL
I will only translate 1 page to see how it's going
Chronological order or you will have to hang yourself. Sorry bitch
vesk scanned that one
If you open that google drive your IP is directly forwarded to the Aussie government, don't do it
I am not part of your shitty general I don't know who this literal who is
I found this trannys Google drive but it's just all roms
>what are VPNs
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>tfw I survived VV without Idun
Give me at least the title of the SMT 1 novel
But did you without Konohana Sakuya
final story
>shit on your pussy niggers
what did the 4chan moth mean by this
>if you write me a strongly worded apology then I wont sue you
>locked dms and privated
retardation detected
What is even happening, didn't she post everything herself directly onto her own account lol
What is Arahabaki's Innate skill Affable Hospitality do?
It says allies get the same support effects but that doesn't seem to work. Buffing itself doesn't share the effect.
Quiet now
>had drive link saved for months
>haven’t opened it lately
How fucked am I?
she's reporting everyone that reposted it online
I love being attracted to men, I glanced over that whole thread and now I can call her a psychopathic bitch however many times I want lol
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Oh, I see. I wasn't even aware they were being reposted, I've been gone for a while. I'm surprised she ever even posted actual nudes, but I seem to be unaware just how unwell she is. Thanks.
Maybe its the critical/pierce bonus effect?
MTL nigger here
My OCR doesn't work on my shitty old Win8.2 work pc so you will have to wait 2-3 hours until I am home
Hate you all
she is beyond unwell
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What game should I play if I want to play a game with more Mastema shenanigans? Have only played SMT VV... Strange Journey Redux sounds interesting, is that one good?
what the fuck did i woke up to
just play the original, redux is shit
he's also in smt4 for like 3 minutes
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SJ is a tough call imo. Great game but you can either play SJR with some great additions but a worse story, or vanilla with a better story but missing out on totaly Shekinah glory.
>lawfag being a schizo
I like some of Doi's demons, but dislike some of his other demons.
Deranged schizo shit. Vesk who stealth uses theses threads and has been astroturfing discussion about herself revealed that she was lying about her age and was actually underage in the thirst trap pics that she posted to her own public twitter account, and is pressing charges against anybody exposed to them in order to spite people who criticise her.
There's medical conditions where people go hypersexual and start having sex with randoms/become extremely paranoid/start stalking people/start hallucinating and then have to take meds in order to avoid episodes.
Welp, they changed the story?
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>all tweets deleted
Meds taken?
This is what she does, anon: has a deranged schizo/bpd meltdown then deletes everything and acts like nothing happened.
The addition of Alex makes changes, yeah
you could make an ocean eleven style soul hackers game with this premise
>all those 999 stats
I haven't gotten to Godborn yet because I'm getting destroyed by Satan, but good lord how long must it have taken them to grind those out
Ocr itself can get a lot of stuff wrong
Just learn Japanese...
Literally nothing will happen. She has a random meltdown every other week. She'll soon threaten suicide or whatever. Nothing will happen. And then she'll pretend nothing happened.
if I play the canon of creation will I not be able to play the new are? if not, is it going to be shorter then?
Probably needs enough meds not to have an episode.
But bro, she said those anonymous sites have everything on the server...... it's over.....
You are a fucking moron who doesn't even know what OCR is
Gonna use a tripcode while you're at it faggot
>/smtg/ - obsessing over e-celebs general
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Gonna be honest with you guys, really got to level with all of you here. I really enjoyed VV.
>tfw i'm gay
If I'm being sincere and straightforward with you, on god with no cap, I am honestly glad you enjoyed video game for real
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Thanks man
It is sad, but Fatlus would rather make stuff over they already have designs for than to make new demons overall. Mainly since most of the new stuff looks like pokemon. I think Digimon overall is a lot better with having cute designs and some really awesome ones that Doi is trying to emulate, but he really only focuses on either cute or sexual instead of having anything really awesome.
>doesn't play video games
What are you doing here
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When is the next Raidou game?
Hopefully never
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I just wish they would bring back demons from Persona 1 and 2, they had some rad demons there.
True, but they would have to remake most of the designs, and Fatlus is lazy. Most Kaneko demons are using modified PS2 models which aren't bad, but shows how much they care about not remaking anything even when they could use Dx2's models.
Zaou-Gongen is a subquest boss. There are a lot of nerfs that target bosses.
What demons would you like from P1 and P2 ?
I sent an apology for making jokes about it and she blocked me. It sucks having a conscience.
>even when they could use Dx2's models
Sega created the Dx2 models and doesn't let Atlus use them. Yes, it's retarded but that's how it is.
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When he did make cool, non tokusatsu shit you called him cringe, but I guess that's a dangerous topic
I just dont like the face desu
Not sure why this design isn't being reused.
>nigger with lightsabers
sure i will make him bang 2 girls
I dunno anon but it might have to do with the fact that one of the characters that fused to make him is a human character only relevant to IV/IVA's story. Wild guess though.
What the fuck is a Kogetsu
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She's extremely mentally ill, I know she had that hentai google docs thing too where she posted an image of her own butt in it randomly at the end. But outside of that I don't know of anything else she may have hidden. Every month they go on a mentally charged tangent and do something stupid. But for a while they have been grasping at straws to "keep on scanning" even when it's hurting them while doing it for free by rescanning scanned demons they already scanned. It's a shitshow all around.
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Off the top of my head? The Journey to the West gang from P2 (would be cooler if Sanzang was a woman desu), Kiyohime, Black Widow, Salome, Pairika, Sumizome, just to name a bunch.
The original character donut steel of a mentally ill attention whore
Is this one of the drives that had her shit on it?
I'm gay, it couldn't be me
This is what I was thinking too, didn't she put unsolicited pictures of herself in some of her content as "surprises"? Doing the bait and switch underage shit is genuinely evil malicious behavior. Does she seriously think shes owning anybody and not just destroying herself and painting herself an insane psycho?
Not like she has a great reputation outside of her braindead simps anyways
Either just ignore them when they go off or don't pay attention to them, they are always going to have a monthly mental break episode for attentionwhoring for more donations.
>Every month they go on a mentally charged tangent and do something stupid. But for a while they have been grasping at straws to "keep on scanning" even when it's hurting them while doing it for free by rescanning scanned demons they already scanned.
This just sounds like super compulsive behavior. But at least in Australia if you end up in hospital, you won't be left with a million dollar bill and there's centrelink bucks to pay for hobbies like SMT.
>But at least in Australia if you end up in hospital, you won't be left with a million dollar bill and there's centrelink bucks to pay for hobbies like SMT.
Australia was paradise all along?
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>didn't she put unsolicited pictures of herself in some of her content as "surprises"
Oh wow, this is so much worse than I thought lmao. I thought this strictly over posts she made on Twitter, not hiding it in scans.
I don't understand why anyone would be surprised that this hoe is actually insane, I remember when she encouraged people to DM her JOI account and then used her main to try and "cancel" all the simps that actually did while acting like a victim lmfao
I'm just nervous for participating at all in discussion. I sent an apology even just for that and got blocked. I'm not sure what to make of that, but I feel anxious just from having replied to posts.
You're fine anon, I highly doubt she's talking with authorities and if she was they'd recognize her insanity pretty fast
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Relax. Unless you saved an image directly from the google drive and shared it somewhere, I'm pretty sure you're fine. Realistically, nothing is going to come from this.
If you are renting it will be shit because in Australia property is a shitshow pyramid scheme. If you are a NEET, it's pretty good. If you pirate, it's pretty great because ISPs don't give a shit what you download and generally everyone pirates the fuck out of everything.
kek you're fine anon I can tell you're young
I just don't want anything to do with that, you know? I was being sincere in my apology because I don't like child abuse, even if she posted it online herself.
No, they just feed you to the local fauna if something goes wrong.
Australia is chaos aligned?
Sex with Vesk
Fuuma Kotarou and hades had some nice designs in p2, especially Hades i really liked it
As long as you didn't download and share the images nothing will happen to you
Are they really when it's against their will?
Only images I saved were scans. I didn't even notice anything lewd other than the one she posted directly on her Twitter and I can't help that I saw that when she posted it publically.
A shame he's a Persona and not a demon, would be lovely to see him in 3D.
Then you'll be fine. She didn't even post anything naked on Twitter afaik, just suggestive. Be cool, man.
>Hades gets a design
>It's based off his Disney design because Doi loves Disney films growing up
I know buty i feel his design as a persona was pretty good at least compared with other personas
She posted an ass picture and that's the one I saw. I basically told her "I joked about it and I feel bad now that I know you were a kid". I didn't know she posted anything other than that.
So was Vesk hot? Don’t leave me hanging here
Obviously, nothing is going to happen.

The only people who know that you downloaded scans is Google and they don't care (literally, every single fucking year, someone uploads pokemon roms to google drive to /vp/ like 1 week early and even nintendo could do fucking nothing except take down the link).

Just avoid talking to people on the internet who are known to be crazy, especially on social media. You download your stuff and go. There's actually a lot of crazy people in the upload scene, especially on private sites so the number one rule is to never engage - get your stuff and go (unless you are saying thanks or something)
>buffed carnage fang AND made him obtainable 2 areas earlier than creation
Even still, unless bare cheeks were out, you're fine bro. At most you'll look like a weirdo but its not anything worse than what teenagers post on Facebook every day for their entire family to see.
>He double down on the Lex Luthor equivalent and makes Hades a business man.
So I shouldn't think too hard on being blocked after apologizing for being insensitive?
so they will hotfix lucifers unique right haha?
lmao even
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you should stop thinking too, it's bad for your body desu
You shouldn't have apologized in the first place, but thats another story.
I'm not sure what Australia has to do with that.
They did do a patch after V launched so I see it happening. I also think the gravity things in Shakan are super bugged to where you can only use them while standing at certain angles, another annoying thing they can fix.

Yeah, I planned on going to sleep 3 hours ago and haven't been able because of anxiety. I don't want any trouble and I felt like it was the right thing to do to apologize for being rude.
Meant for >>483278006
since impalers animus is nerfed, is impalers glory as well or still the same?
No. Just make a new account to get around it in case they post a post with new scans or something, before Elon has another meltdown and decides to charge money for new twitter accounts.

Also don't apologise to random people, just delete any posts that you think are relevant. Because they don't know who you are unless you tell them who you are and being blocked is normal, but there are certain people out there who will take that a lot further than others.

Finally, sometimes people will randomly block others all the time. Like one time I put art in a public list of good artists, didn't otherwise interact at all and the artist blocked me. So don't think too hard about such things.
Don't worry so much anon.
idk i only use critical and succession kek
Thanks anons, I feel better. I just hate that I have to worry this much because I'm not sure how to react. I feel bad for her and hope she gets help.
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>fight Orochi
>think this will be easy because I already know his weakness
>enemy turn
>8 fucking Press Turns
>also has Dragon Eye and Murderous Glee to get even more turns
>whole fight is just watching him bang his heads against my party and also doing a decent amount of damage each hit
Fucker made me use all my Physical Dampeners
doi zeus should have an erect dick, fucker even wants to fuck beano in demon haunt
murakumo crit aura or murakumo bloody+murderous glee?
Dazai is one of those types that absolutely shouldn't have power like what the fuck. bro goes from the chill lawfag that wants to do the right thing and cheer yuzuru up to killing yuzuru because muh obey gods law
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I made him workable
That's called based
Anyone have the most recent confirmation on how to fuse Lucifer?

I saw this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/1dms1ad/i_unlocked_lucifer_early_vengence/

So far what I've done is:
1. First playthrough on CoV Law- defeated Satan to unlock Godborn, defeated Lucifer on level 99 form
2. Planning on starting NG+ CoC True Neutral playthrough- when/how do I fuse Lucifer in NG+?
Why in God's name did Atlus give Fionn a healing innate skill?
Mythology. Also it works with items.
have you even tried this?
it doesnt work
arahabiki's passive doesnt seem to work
ive tried casting all sorts of buffs on him and they dont spread at all
I am more worried about bondage angel being gone desu.
>lucifer doesn't work
>arahabaki doesn't work
classic japanese
I beat the game on a first playthrough, made a clear save, reloaded my pre-clear save to fight Satan and unlock Godborn, and then when I beat the game and started NG+ on Godborn I unlocked the ability to fuse Lucifer when I went to the World of Shadows.
Oh is Lucifer only available for fusion on Godborn?
What is the Law option after Khonsu? I got sent to neutral even though I thought I made Law choices.
You're talking about the Creation side-quest? Initially you gain law points for killing him, but in the 2nd battle with Khonsu Ra for some reason you gain law points for sparing him, at least in the original game.

If it's Vengeance I don't see why you're worried since that's still tons of alignment choices afterwards.
I didn't get the prompt to fuse him when I did a Reborn NG+, so I guess so?
>the pop up that tells me my choice determines the story comes up after the choice
what the fuck is this shit
which was I supposed to do? what even is the difference
No Vengeance.

To answer my own question, trusting Khonsu is Chaos. Interestingly Yoko says they're a lot like humans to each answer. So the Law option of don't trust pushes her to have less faith in humanity.
They’d usually only go after people who saved, posted, or solicited for them to be posted, and that last category they probably wouldn’t go after in a case like this, so you’re probably fine. However, all the people saying nothing will come of this are in denial. Maybe nothing will happen, but there’s a non zero chance people get in deep shit for this. A lot of it comes down to the behavior of LE in whatever specific jurisdictions are involved, and that’s very hard to predict.
the decision between trust demons or no isnt law and chaos
apparently its chaos and neutral
trusting demons is chaotic, and not trusting them aint quite law (which fits, this is yakumo's answer imo)
Is the CoV chaos route as bad as people have been saying? I’m about to face off against the Qadistu in Shinjuku, and I think I’m too deep into chaos to change.
By route people mean the last couple of hours. A few bosses and cutscenes. Chaos is obviously pretty repurposed and you have to dig around to justify some bits. Law getting a new original designed boss, and Chaos getting Mastema is also pretty sad. Especially with one big missed opportunity. But its fine, I still find it more interesting than the original game's endings. A lot of SMT games don't have much original content for the routes at all so its more middling than anything.

I like the ending itself cause it feels like a real attempt to address the problems chaos rather than a sneaky and I'll be the one to rise from he ashes.
its the fact that after the whole of shinjuku, yoko fucks off the story during taito and the final dungeon, only showing up after your way deep in empyrean
could have made for a more interesting route split if you actually got to play with panagia yoko doing quests (maybe even justifying why the bosses with the keys were changed) and you could even have a proper showdown with dazai having a trashtalk battle with yoko
i guess they saw the difficulty when they killed aogami: it meant koshimizu (ironically the chaos rep in another route) wouldnt see eye to eye with yoko's plans
Law has a better boss fight. Although the boss music for the chaos route boss is one of the better tracks in the game, so it has that going for it. Story will be a matter of taste. Personally I found the law ending to be silly and unrealistic, and it crumbles into pieces the moment you introduce free will into the mix. I prefer the chaos ending story wise.
Law has a better bossfight and Chaos Yoko doesn't have finished animations.
Hopelessly ideal fits Tao pretty well. It might just suck, but so does every other system. Might at least try to make everyone's lives better if suffering is coming regardless. SMT endings are nearly always flawed (or should be) but here I think they did a good job at constructing both sides of the argument. There's times we should press on positively regardless, and times to tear it all down. They're reasonable, in a wacky extremist way.
The ending avoids touching on it, but obviously the Nahobino and Tao have to be manipulating people. No way the Yoko in the ending has all her memories.
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Raidou Novel - Page 6 evil MTL

I did this now during my work break in less than 30 minutes without any of my MTL tools at home. With tools I would takes around 10-20 minutes per page. Note that the last sentence was without the context of the following page so it could be wrong.
the grammar is off desu
>google drive?
jesse what the fuck are you talking about
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What if I have Lilith from the original smt V and transferred the save over? Will she just get erased or something?
> Hopelessly ideal fits Tao pretty well.
Well another aspect of law is socialism and communism and you know how those always end up in real life.
Pretty good?
Hey babe, how do I make the coolest demon?
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Nice joke
lmao, what the hell? That's so retarded.
Get the rori birb doobil and make it powerful with passives
Is Pallas Athena in VV?
>make it powerful with passives
How do you do that?
You find and get the doobil essences and use them on the doobil birb to make it big and strong
Playing Strange Journey atm, it's laughable how hard /v/ used to dickride this game. It's pretty low on my ranking right now just for the shitty fusion and battle system. Why did Atlus abandon press turn randomly for no reason? Also here's your 1 (one) demon source, hope you use it wisely unless you want a horribly unbalanced grind to get another one :D
Redux was a nice upgrade. I don't get the malding over the new endings
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>the better yoko
The complaints are really more about the new girl popping up in the old story and telling you the endings turn out badly.
I still can't believe that a freaking gacha game has more freedom for players to choose which version of a demon they want along with giving the old ones 3d models for the first time.
I think people are greatly misunderstanding Tao's ending. It's kinda ambiguous, but even so I don't think it's about literal wish-granting. I think all she does is remove the rigged system that means only certain people can get what they want.
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>Redux was a nice upgrade
>endings turn out badly
is that really a surprise? chaos creates a hell strongest of the the fittest world and law has everyone be perma mindcontrolled to get along and worship god
more like the gay yoko
got bored of V last year and dropped it halfway through, i think. does Vengeance add anything special?
isn't that literally all yoko wants? why is yoko so retarded??
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Just recruit him
Yoko and Tao seem pretty gay for each other desu
Yoko thinks it will all return to tyranny because there will be a God at the top and humanity will mimic it. She wants to completely remove the concept of ruling.
Nice arguments
So Shakan is just recolored Demon King's Castle?
That’s also Law hero from SMT 1. Law just turns good people into cocksuckers.
>they turn the mexican black
It has more of a running narrative in the new story. Also more sidequests and general content spread around the overworld. And the rails make it easier to traverse it.
Outside the new gimmick, pretty much.
It is so similar that it makes me wonder why they even bothered
much easier to navigate too, though time consuming
It reuses the demons with a bad excuse, but the actual room design and gimmick are completely different.
I remember the booru having an anon’s detailed analysis on SMT If… is there any where else I can read those posts again?
Probably whatever the hell project mask is.
Is Temple of Eternity exactly the same as in original or a bit different?
Imagine young Maya from P2 dying slowly from radiation poisoning in the SMT timeline after the nukes
Is that fucked up or what
The layout is exactly the same
>magatama (III)
>weapons and armor (I, II, SJ)
>leveling up demons + equipment (IV + Apocalypse)
>essence fusion (V)
Wonder how VI will handle the protagonist learning skills and their affinities.
Really? It was braindead easy to navigate since I just turned the screen upside down every time I switched planes
Never claimed to be an English teacher
Either you give me feedback for grammar/tenses or you leave it
SMT hero probably just has an office job in the Persona timeline. Probably got a mortgage.
IMO IV and IVA are the best since they encourage you to level various demons instead of a select few
Cybernetic injection
Is there any megaten e-celebs that aren't insane or annoying?
You kinda have to be one or the other to be into this series.

Megaten has e celebs?
Jim Reaper
>are there any e-celebs that aren't insane or annoying?
ftfy, and no.
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yeah me
Most left. You really only have Marsh and the bird brain autist who posts once in a while here
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Running around in shakan made me hungry
Would people even be allowed to eat in a world without ruling, a predator eating it's prey is basically the bedrock of the idea of ruling, forcing your will on to another creature.
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am I expected to use 50 gospels at the start of a godborne run
Is the "Jin in the Ruins" novel worth translating?
Did I miss the namefag being cringe? More cringe than usual atleast?
Or different question
Which novels are even "translated" at this point?
She seemed to be fine with Kudlak killing humans to give higher potential to weak demons, considering that "freedom" and overall "good". So, that's probably fine for her world.
His ending on record breaker is fucking retarded

Below Zelenin and Space marine are better
The demons don't have better skills in spite of higher levels. Still, you can buy level up items there, so you're expected to farm them.
Now post all the characters that went from small sprites you could barely see to actual artwork.
At least he has principles now.
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Konohana, are you retarded?
>muh artwork
go to the fucking wiki bro
Do the added demons make the SJR roster feel not as restricted? I forget how many more there are, but on the DS, it did feel a bit disappointing how far away some of the fusions were.
When will he come back...
>Her World
I'm pretty sure she doesn't get to decide that, she left everything to chaos, so whatever comes out of it could likely be the opposite of what she wants.
It's pronounced McCool!
>Battle B2 plays for her fight
Oh yeah, just like last time. Still, if Doi managed to redraw Medusa, why not do Minotaur as well?
How do you guys feel about Mastema being featured so prominently in Vengeance? I like him and all it just feels weird to have a main character from a different game show up with a major role again. It would be like if Krishna had a major role in Vengeance despite being the main antagonist of the previous game. It seemed to me only Lucifer could get away with this.
Steven is more often than not in mainline games. I’d assume the only reason he isn’t in V is because it’s a Nocturnewank game.
I don't mind. I remember a lot of people being disappointed that Mastema wasn't in Vanilla V so I think it's fine.
Lilith herself already had major roles in SMTI and IV and now VV. And the Archangels had big roles in II and IV (in addition to I's end game).

Also, yeah, Stephen had I, II, IV and IVA.
Stephen showed up in If… if you beat every route.
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Barely any, it's kinda of a pain in the ass to even look for some of them. They appear listed in some websites, but no pages or anything is there besides the title and cover page.
Herald Lailah's divine butt...
Wtf happened in IV that warrants another redraw of her?
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how does this scale?
I think Doi redrew a lot of guest designs in IV. Also Medusa was ugly.
Where is the aogami type D? Want to remove repeal phys on my beeno and replace it with just ressit so demifiend can stop targeting my healers.
Yeah, all IV designs that returned for IVA had to be redrawn by Doi. Note that he didn't actually redrew many of them, so IVA actually has less demons than IV.
If there were any translated would they be in Vesk's tranny database?
well for starters a coma never goes before "and". also you are using too many separate points and paragraphs, some of those sentences are connect but separated in different paragraphs which makes it awkward to read
Isn't that the one with Heavenly Ikumi? It should be outside the temple of eternity.
>well for starters a coma never goes before "and"
I kinda doubt that this is true, and I made the paragraphs on purpose this way to simulate how you would read the Japanese text
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What do?
Kill him! Do it!
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fourth hidden option
>sex miyazu
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Nah, he'll live.
has anyone datamined how much ikuyumi's increases?
Personally, I like fither. Just wish the son of a bitch uploaded more. Tony4You is cool too.
Can’t tell if you’re trolling or an idiot
Could Nahabino defeat all of the previous protagonists? Power scalers, where we at?
Just that one from I saw, nothing else is there. Not sure if there's anyone or any group that's actively looking for them or taking requests.
Okay I admit I used Konohana Sakuya for my first playthrough. BUT I SWEAR ON MY NEXT PLAYTHROUGH I WON'T USE HER TRUST ME!
I seriously think about MTLing something like I did here >>483290463 because you faggots seriously take decades to translate the most simplest shit
this except I used her and hassou tabi spam man
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The time corridor in Raidou 1 still talks about a boy saving the world around the time of SMT 1, so maybe he still has an interesting life? It’s still very possible he just averted the nukes though and still ended up with a regular ass job when he grew up.
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
I didn't fuse Yoshi because I didn't understand what his unique passive does. What does it do?
basically if he misses or gets nulled/repeled/absorbed you get an additional press turn icon on the next turn. it's not very useful compared to le tabi
Aogami return sealed it for me, I’m with you bro. The “My power is yours” ost had me basedfacing
I just feel bad now about this whole situation. I feel bad for joking about it when a minor was involved, I feel bad for Vesk that people were spreading it around now that I know that fact, and I feel bad for the anons who didn't know she was lying about her age. I'm sure people would've reported it much more often had they known, hell I doubt it would have been posted here at all in that situation.
You can't remove the rigged system. It's a part of the throne, as mentioned in Mastemat's quest lines, by Samael. There's a literal curse placed on it by the original bull god, that ensures it's always there. The only way to get rid of it, is to reset the entire thing, and hope for the best.
The real question is which Vengeance route would Dagda aprove of? I want to make him happy.
You can remove the rigged system. Lucifer's entire suicide plan is about that. The Satan quest also confirms it works, since otherwise it'd be limited to Chaos Vengeance, but any ending where you beat Lucifer is acknowledged as having broken Mandala in another world.
Bros, what did he mean by this.
Probably CoV chaos or true neutral
Never feel bad for an idiot kid who knowingly posts their self like that. That’s retard behavior. I unfollowed that vapid little retard when they starting doing that “ambiguous tweet about things being over” shit and everyone going “ohm vesk don’t do this you have so much to live for”
Crybaby shit
Is there somewhere a better version of "Shin Megami Tensei: Final Story - ATLUS Official Replay Walkthrough Novel" than the potato scan on Archive dot org?
Yoko ending, probably? True Neutral might fit too if world without demons means they became elements of nature again.

I'd say Creation Chaos ending too, but looking back I'm not sure it actually restores the gods to their Nahobino forms. It's not explicitly mentioned by the narration. Dagda in SMTVV says, upon learning about the knowledge system and Nahobinos in this world, that obtaining his knowledge could work as an alternative to free himself from observation and gain true freedom. So, if the gods are actually Nahobinos (who are explicitly free from observation, there's even a npc that comments on it. The Nahobinos could shape themselves according to their will, while usual demons are shaped by external observation) in the Chaos ending then he'd probably be fine with it too.
Most underated Vengeance track?
Mandala isn't the curse though. Wouldn't breaking it just break the cycle of world getting destroyed and recreated? the new world will still be rigged. And now it's even harder to fix, since the cycle maintained by mandala is gone.
It annoyed me
>Too many options for skills and demons
>Maps are too confusing and convoluted
Not gonna lie, I'm not having a good time.
I thought the conception needed to happen because world's eventually lose all of their energy and die?
Sorry for your brain damage. Hope it gets better.
How small is your brain? Peanut sized?
You problem
It would be one of the best tracks in the game, but the whispers started bothering me quite a bit by the time I was done exploring the area.
I'm an older gamer so things like this just annoy me more than anything. Just make it simpler.
The curse is pretty meaningless without mandala. It meant only horned gods, considered Marduk's successors, could take the throne. The demons of Bethel Egypt talk about it too.

The whole point of ending the Mandala System is that there shouldn't be a battle for the throne again and your world will remain stable, rather than heading to ruin and then rebirth under someone else.
If you're an older gamer you should be used to complicated non casualized games.
Also how much is "older"?
>muh age
Let's be real you were always a retard. Born one.
The maps are super manageable. I personally can't play games like BOTW because i'm a map scraper but SMTV's levels really aren't that big when you look at them.
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>Tao created a world of wishes fulfilled
So Tao becomes a genie?
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A cute genie
It might remain stable, but under an eternal tyrant basically, and the oppressed will remain oppressed forever, since the curse is still there, and now they don't even have a means to challenge it. My thinking here based on the dialogue in the game is, that basically the curse needs to alter the world in various ways to ensure the rule remains within the lineage, it doesn't just simply happen. It manifests in various ways to its inhabitants. So, just because the world is out of the cycle, doesn't mean the curse is not in effect, and won't alter the world in the same way it did before. This time it just doesn't lead to ruin.
Yes, A communist genie that never saw Bruce almighty
Yeah now we have a bull god ruling forever instead of many bull gods.
Plus as true neutral points out, putting a stop to mandala by halting the cycle is potentially meaningless. Things will only remain the same long as nothing finds a way to confront you. Only with the outright removal can guarantee change.
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>accidentally decline Idunn's request in whiteland's haunt
>deep male beast(?) demon HEUU? audio plays
Imagine if a god/demon found out they can start up the cycle again by shooting V-kun in the face with human made weaponry?
>that basically the curse needs to alter the world in various ways to ensure the rule remains within the lineage
Nah, it's an actual lock to the throne. The Egyptian Bethel members talk about how Atum won a battle for the throne but when he attempted to take it he was blocked by the curse, since he was considered a Snake God, so his successor Amum Ra, who was a horned god, took the throne in his place.

What you're thinking about is that the Qadistu and Yoko believe a central God is a bad example that's instinctively followed by others, both gods and mortals, leading to oppression in various levels, but that doesn't seem to be part of the curse itself.

True Neutral questions whether the Mandala System could really be removed, but the Satan quest now confirms it works.
Imagine a demon found out Tao is weak to anal
Using the throne to turn the next cycle of the universe into monster girl quest
>t. didn't understand the ending
>but the Satan quest now confirms it works.
No it doesn't. He says you freed another world from it. Not confirming its gone for good but going on to say the system as a whole is still in place elsewhere.
My point is that it confirms you freed the world where you won. I'm not saying it freed unrelated parallel universes.
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SMTV is basically atlus sayin that all the horrible things YHVH does in the other games are ok as long as a Japanese god is doing it.
So who was Yoko supposed to lead to the throne 20 years before the start of the game?
Fellas, i’m stuck on Tiamat (Law Route?). Party is between lv78-80. Everything goes fine until i get to about 1/3 of its HP, when i start running out of resources. Is the answer to just grind more exp and items? I just wanna get this over with so that i can play Shadow of the Erdtree with peace of mind.
You want a spoiler?
It's Thor in diguise
Bless you.
Sex with Tiamat
> since he was considered a Snake God, so his successor Amum Ra, who was a horned god, took the throne in his place.
Which is funny considering YHVH’s own association with snakes in the Old Testament, the demiurge is a snake with a lion’s head in Gnosticism and his demonized form in apocalypse is very snake-like.
Try beating the boss until it dies
We don't know. Presumably someone who would be chosen by Yoko, so she might not have chosen someone yet, since the way Vengeance frames things it seems like Tao personally chooses to go with the mc.

No, YHVH presumably sealed her exactly because he didn't want someone else creating a new world and was trying to keep his world going in spite of the Mandala System.

She led him in the previous cycle, but now the Mandala System would force a new ruler, so it could never be him again and he'd have to lose and fall alongside his world.
The Goddesses of Creation aren't supposed to choose anyone. Yoko was sealed because she maintained her independence and personality. What happened to Tao in CoC is what is supposed to happen to the Goddesses of Creation.
I was just looking for that too. Thank you anon
I thought she was sealed because YHVH didn't want to give up the throne? I don't see what her personality has to do with anything.
Yeah I'm done with this fucking game, just got to Shinagawa and it's more multi level maze bullshit design.
It’s be hard to lead someone to the throne if no one can claim it do to no knowledge.
Then again last game where YHVH tried to do something similar, a messiah was spawned to kill him.
Because she can oppose him.
Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya!
What if the next god used the throne to remove the bull god’s curse on it?
k bye
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The problem is freed is not used here to confirm it is gone forever. You can free a country from a totalitarianism, but that doesn't mean it can't creep back. Mandala being some weird metaphysical system and very much still existing as thing else where. Really does not confirm it was eradicated.

People have taken this scene much further than what is clearly stated. Satan is just going you beat the game good jorb. The only new information here is confirming the system in general has a wider reach where it still exists.
Even so, I still feel gross for responding to posts. If I would've known I would have reported them, and honestly should have anyways because it was against the rules to post on a blue board regardless, but I was too busy joking about it.
I wonder, would the Mandala System allow the current God to abdicate the throne to another or are you forced to be seated on the throne forever and can only leave through being slain by another god?
Crazy how Tao's ending is just IS ending beat by beat while Yoko's ending is a worse version of TDE
I think this stuff about the Mandala System still existing in other worlds only comes because the Vengeance Chaos/Law endings claim their endings affect the entire multiverse, and that's outright denying that part, but they never say anything about the Mandala System creeping back into the freed world there
How? Are the goddesses of creation supposed to follow the creator by default or something? Doesn't that defeat the point of their job to guide someone new to take the throne.
>but they never say anything about the Mandala System creeping back into the freed world there
It didn't really need to be cause the same points as true neutral applies. Tao doesn't really do anything extra that scrubs it clean. Basically nothing was made more clear by Satan, uncertainty is an intentional part of the endings. At most Satan is adding more uncertain elements.
Honestly not surprising, because you know after this game, atlus is going to go back to law being the worst route again, and you cannot have a Japanese god be behind all the horrible shit law does or be betrayed as evil.
She -would- oppose him. It's not just a possibility. It was her role as Goddess of Creation to accompany someone new who would take over the throne.
ive saved every photo of vesk that's ever been shared. >:)
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So how's Vengence overall? I think it's just good, nothing too crazy
It's a okay title. While it fixes some issues, many of the flaws are still present. Especially in terms of writing and dungeons.
Would give it a 5.5 out of 10 or 6 out of 10 at best.
I kind of really dig the idea of Armageddon not being whenever God decides to just go to war and purge the evil in the world like as described in the bible. But instead it's when his time on the throne is up and he has to fight to keep it. How Lucifer is desitined to be his downfall after trying his best to permanently keep the throne.
I think it is good and pretty crazy. I have criticisms but on the same level I have for every game in the series. Taking a game that was entirely under baked to the level of re-releases is a real accomplishment.
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those black bars...
>Jack Salt
Explain ending to dumbass then
5/10 is pretty accurate for VV.
It's ok, fixed some things that needed to be fixed, and some of the additions are good. Overall it's still SMTV and Yoko a shit.
She is my tard wife
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If you wouldn't destroy existence for this then you are gay
Deprived of a Tao fight once more, alas
That hee is frozen, ho!
gay for tao
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Sex with her. And with Alice.
This implies that Chaos is the same, though.
What's your 10/10
>Destroy everything in hopes of a world that doesn't have Mandela(Which we don't even know that will even happen)
Nah, I'll stick with the intended ending that's Tao route
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Forgot to take them out, my bad
Strange Journey.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=g867A_RSw-s Has anyone figured out how this works yet?
Beat Demi-fiend. Got his essense. Should I use it for the affinity against satan or will Satan just spam some absurd move in response?
when the freecam ass pics dropping
Does the archaeophile achievement track between ng+ cycles? Im on my 3rd run and still dont have it
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refute this
This seems a bit cope-y, not gonna lie. Satan seems pretty clear, there isn't much more to say. Can only say that we came to different conclusions and leave it there, because this "but maybe that's looking too into it" stuff seems a bit forced to me
My Demon harem
It just means all the routes only free your world and not the universe as a whole. Which is fine.
"If that's the case then why are you working with Nuwa, whom is a demon?"
Yoko and Tao's endings say something about all possible worlds and infinite universe, but they're both really open to interpretation.
something something using her something something its not like I like her baka something something
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Danu is OP, holy.
Doi demons are given special privileges so they get nearly all the best shit in the game
how do periapts work
Since Mastema was shitting bricks at Yoko, it will probably work.
>because this "but maybe that's looking too into it" stuff seems a bit forced to me
Well that is what the game says. It is very much part of the narrative and you wouldn't insert that if it didn't mean anything. You can have a different interpretation but what Satan says is not a clear definitive statement on it being gone forever. Something the game does make on other topics. When it wants uncertainty it purposefully only gives you so much info.
No,because he mentions the system as a whole is untouched it removes the idea of being "forever"
Use it for the affinity or Gaea Rage.
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how do i get that Amalgam?
Something doesn't really add up with what you're saying though. Satan says all that stuff for whatever ending you got, But True Neutral is meant to be special in Mandala is truly truly for real x2 gone. If creation law and chaos have the same effect then true neutral is now pointless. So I'm more inclined to believe he isn't making a new claim.
Canon of CoC
thats unfuckable 30 yo behaviour
>the system as a whole is untouched it removes the idea of being "forever"
Little confused by what you're trying to say here. If the system as a whole is untouched that makes it returning sound more likely not less. None of it is a clear definitive statement to me.
>If creation law and chaos have the same effect then true neutral is now pointless.
Its bad writing and true neutral was reduced to pointless because of it, they didn't consider it

I msiread what you said
>But True Neutral is meant to be special in Mandala is truly truly for real x2 gone.
You get more of an expostion from Lucifer in True Neutral, but the actual events aren't changing. In all endings he gives the speech about using his knowledge to break free of the Mandala System. Now in VV you can even face Black Lucifer outside of True Neutral.
He does the same in Tao's route in the Satan Quest. Literally kills himself to summon Satan.
>but what Satan says is not a clear definitive statement on it being gone forever.

It basically is though.

>Lucifer says that this will be free the world from the Mandala System

>True Neutral ending though has the narrator going "Can the world truly exist apart from Mandala?" at the end.

>Satan in VV declares the world has been free from the clutches of the Mandala System.

No one at any point in the game talks about the Mandala system crawling back or anything like that. It's just you bringing that up here. What's said in game is clear, they got rid of the Mandala System in their world. The ending narration tries to raise doubts, questioning whether existence is even possible outside of Mandala, but now Satan's words confirms that world has been freed.
>Its bad writing and true neutral was reduced to pointless
Or the other idea is right and it all makes sense.

>but the actual events aren't changing
Well they do, both Aogami and the ending go on about it. The removal of gods and demons stops the cycle. Free you from it even.
Does this mod make it worth playing on PC?
> but now Satan's words confirms that world has been freed.
By having an eternal dictator
>Well they do, both Aogami and the ending go on about it. The removal of gods and demons stops the cycle. Free you from it even.
Thats just SJR ending and it didn't stop from them from coming back again and again
whoever makes the next thread, remove the schizo alice shit from OP
No, Aogami specifically says that the will be everlasting due to the knowledge that Lucifer shared. The other parts you're talking about are just a description of the world the mc envisioned there, it's not why it's breaking free from Mandala.
So when does the Alignment lock happen. Currently in Taito, need to get the 3 keys. Icon is moving left and right in Tokyo map
>No one at any point in the game talks about the Mandala system crawling back or anything like that. It's just you bringing that up here.
>The ending narration tries to raise doubts,
Come on now. You're admitting it does get questioned. Satan does not confirm anything new. All he says is yes you did one of the endings. This whole thing is focusing so hard on one way to understand freed, and then shuffling off it being insignificant in the face of the system as certainly not a sign of anything.
Alignment lock is after the Metatron battle in the Empyrean for Creation and at the end of the area after the Empyrean in Vengeance.
maybe? all the additions in that mod are modular but theres a minimap mod and 60fps mod that are also available. Those two are pretty cool.
>Satan does not confirm anything new.
The narration goes

>Can a world exist outside of Mandala?

Santa goes

>That world has been freed from Mandala

So, yes, it is outright answering that question. The original Neutral ending never talked about breaking mandala throughout the multiverse. Like I said, only the new Chaos and Law endings even go on about that for some reason, although they're debunked by Satan's words there.
new thread
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Does free mean can't come back, or does free mean not currently present? Please point to where this is directly clarified

>The original Neutral ending never talked about breaking mandala throughout the multiverse
Remove gods and demons and there is nothing to combine with knowledge. No more Nahobinos, no more cycle. At the point of denying what the ending was agreed upon to do for years just seems dumb.
As glad as I am for Aogami to come back. I miss the new normal battle theme. Shits the best track any mods or way to make be the standard normal battle theme when I play in NG+/Godborn? I wiped out enemies way to quickly to hear it
If I use it, then beat him again, will I get another essence?

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