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Sad edition

Previous thread >>483119468

Buy Plat
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Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
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Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
how do i build mag?
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For the new event mission. They took out the loot cave, but during one of my runs I noticed that the pod ran out of energy right before reaching the last level and no one would rerfesh it so it satayed there and enemies kept spawning. could it be possible to farm that? I dont know if they infinitely respawn because Ihad to go so I went down and got more batteries. how can we test this?
>another bad ritual post
I always knew you're mentally ill
What's up, Grendelfag?
it's GrendelCHAD for you, bozo
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you make new thread for this? you cod stay in last
Someone help me. Some tiny greenish/blue deer is following me around Cambion Drift. What is it and what do I do with it? It won't let me capture or tranq it.
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Warframe™ Jade Shadows™ update powered by Monster Energy™
>called EmberHotwife
>no one has sexually harassed me yet
Is Degath good? I like horses and Kaiths are the Warframe equivalent of them, which is partially Degath's theme.
I'm not online
she is overpoweringly strong as a weapon platform yes, and her new augment allows her to spread doom through melee influence
>weapon platform
schizo dogwhistle
>partially Degath's theme.
That's primarily her theme, she's the Headless Horsewoman
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I do not enjoy how the jade eximus metastasized into the rest of the game. They are extremely annoying on Zephyr
move, faggot
I shall helminth silence instead.
delete alchemy
make alchemy more important
>roll dante
>almost fall asleep
>hp damage modifier doesn't go through overguard eventhough IT SHOULD
i should've played saryn
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>delete alchemy
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forgot image
>improve alchemy
We're approaching the pinnacle of the bell-curve
When are those cowards at DE going to make stalker a properly playable frame?
what are the best weapons for archon hunts?
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Question about liches. Do I need to clear EVERY node before getting a chance to kill them or do they have a chance to spawn on all the missions?
Also is the kuva seer good or should I just turn her into a railjack crewmate?
play circuit
the ones that deal the most damage
The latter, clearing nodes just makes it more likely
Kuva Seer sucks, unless you got a high percentage roll you should convert
Thanks bro.
they have a patience bar if you open their profile
the more thralls you kill the more impatient they get
Never, the next quest after 99 will have him die heroicly saving us or Sirius (It IS what Jade wanted) from something we should have easily dealth with and we wont get blueprints because of convoluted bullshit like "wally did a wall and wall make no frame saltker".
are you Sirius, or Orion drugs?
>he didnt buy the full jade pack for plat

I'd rather re-install destiny than to touch circuit again after getting all the incarnons.
Seer kinda meh.
Crewmates kinda meh too. All they can do is defend and if the gun sucks theres no point.
You can keep all the Lich weapons in the foundry until you have enough to make a 60%.
Then you don't get to play as Stalker, sorry
What do you mean by a 60%?
>as a weapon platform
i want secondaries like you to leave my fucking frame alone, good lord
Has been one of the best frames in the game since her release.
That's retarded. Just let me grind the frame ffs.
Based. I'll farm her then. Thanks!
play Ash
only edgy teenagers want to play as stalker
Literally who?
Aren't we all teenagers here?
>start eda
>join some cunt's game
>clearly russian
>somebody else joins on their mum's switch
>2 minutes into alchemy the russian retard starts standing around on top of a statue getting downed over and over
>leaves the game after he dies in some random corner
>host migration
>get disconnected
It's always the same with these niggers
The majority of the game is for edgy teens. Defuq you mean?
play with friends only desu
You can combine multiple weapons of the same type to raise the inbuilt element from the lich to a max of 60% extra elemental damage
Just be aware her building changes drastically whether you use the augment or not
You want some range, maybe 130%, without the augment so Scythes actually spread Doom
Range also affects the horse runtime
With the augment, you can drop range together with efficiency, max Duration and the rest into Strength, since your weapons already apply doom by default, as do your abilities
High fire rate auto weapons feel so weak brehs, quartakk, soma, tenora...
cause they deal less damage anon
>dagath got an augment
MY BIG TIDDY WOMAN HERE I COME in more ways than one

Galvanized mods carry every automatic and you can use the exact same build on every one and do well.

Quartakk is not an auto weapon, it's a semi\burst rifle.

Get the incarnon.

Get the prime and mod it properly.
>get incarnon nightwave mission
>didn't even start new war yet
let me finish the necramech grind ffs
thanks for agreeing with me
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Oh I meant kuva quartakk, got the incarnon as well for soma but they all feel like shit when I have to dump my mag onto single enemies when my arca plasmor can clear entire hallways. This is my build btw.
What did he mean by this?
>game about cool sci-fi ninjas with guns
>look inside
>edgy teens like to play as cool sci-fi ninjas with guns
wtf anons???

Toxin Proginator means you should take off high voltage for viral and go hunter munitions. If you don't like hunter munitions go for a heat proginator and mod for status/heat spam, or magnetic for eximus/aptitude buffer.

Swap Vile for Primed Shred or normal shred for punch for horde clear and compensatory fire rate.

Crit delay is mainly good on weapons with high enough crit chance to warrant it, but can be fine to use for the sake of ammo econ. Swap hammer shot for rad mod, or hunter munitions.

IMO, kuva quartakk may be better with heat prog and going full status effect spam modded for viral/rad/HEAT
I want stalker because he is basically THE sci-fi ninja with gun... at least to me. Plus I love the helmet.
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>basically THE
>at least to me
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>he didn't hold down 2
Thanks, this build was magnetic/toxin to kill the corpus for the event, I'll slot in primed shred and farm another heat quartakk for heat spam.
I finally did it! Was a bit of a mess because I've never used a railjack before.
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yes, I'm 18 years old (3rd season)
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post your fastest elevator rides
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>grakata is primary
>twin grakatas are secondary
redeemer prime destroyed that fucker
It's so you can have THREE Grakata.
grakata gunblade when?
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>mfw grinding necramech parts
just let me do new war already holy shit
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tick tock
tick tock
your day of the rope and the AAACK is nigh
just ask your clan mates if they have some
what's that?
You'll grab Clem by the legs and swing him around. Speaking of clem, when was the last time we saw him?
I'm 18 (1st season)
I'm not the russian
>tfw 2nd time within a month
Is ember getting another rework? I went to look for the date in their posts, but just found information about her new skin. Is she getting that heirloom skin with no touch ups?
Ok, I finally found the information, it was video only but the gist is

>1: remove hold, range 2m -> 3m, energy 25-50 -> 25, guaranteed heat proc on aoe
>2: at max heat, energy/s 10 -> 4
>3: energy cost scales 75 -> 25 (full heat), better improved collision

>healing flame augment: any overheal becomes overguard
>purifying flames augment: status cleanses self
she got the mini rework in the last update
i m getting these all the time
the trick is to never giving rebb money while farming all the plat you need yourself
i am not that strong.
Thanks! I'll be sure to get the augment then. I do love a good weapon buffer.
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>tfw my plat supplies are running low and I havent got one in a while
I just fucking know that the next one I get will be just 50% off and then I wont see a 75% in a couple of weeks after that
>human whores
>not big tiddy robots
lmao fuck off with your gay ass gookshit
looks great
I'm trying to play saryn on SP as a weapon buffer using venom dose, toxic lash and roar (replaced miasma). molt is for shield gating (brief respite) but it's fucking impossible to stay alive, molt takes too much energy and I run out when I need to cast it to get the shield gate back and I get got.
I don't have emerald shards, I'm assuming they'd improve my KPM and thus there'd be less enemies to rape me or something.
Thanks for reading this blogpost.
So, with the augment you can finally replace one of her abilities, right? her 2? What'd you replace it with?
you're just shit mate
try playing something good
like rev
also use equilibrium if you can't into energy management and stop being SO SHIT or even better stop playing my girl you SHITTER
At least y'all been getting 50s and 75s. Been getting 20s for half a year now. I'm feeling insulted.
I've built her recently with the augment and either I don't understand something and it's just not clicking or she's fairly iffy to use even if strong
or I need better arcanes and shards and whatnot
She's very power hungry and then her 3 and everything else in the kit depends on you having to constantly be killing everything
Maybe it's easier solo but with other players it's hard to maintain momentum, and if you lose it then you're pooped because your 3 is on CD and you have no survivability outside of abusing i-frames until your energy runs out (which happens fast)
use rolling guard
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Anyone have a drifter cosplaying as one of the backstreet boys?
psf + nourish = Golden God
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>when was the last time we saw him?
he is squatting in iron wake
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I NEED a thigh job from Freyna
she's waiting patiently to get blacked by the guy on the left
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Why the fuck doesn't Kahl join up with those guys anyways?
canonically built for a Kaithe
your mother certainly is
The Flop Deslopdant is what happens when soulless gooks combine destiny 2 with warframe but somehow manage to leave ANY fun out of the game
But hey, you’ve got your cosmetics with monetization outta the ass just like with all the other Nexonshit!!
why are u mad?
why are you a retard with a disgusting fetish?
ZAMN, my mother looks like THAT??!
think about what u wrote..
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>implying that warframe and d2 aren't hypermonetized outta the ass
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Not Saryn tummy sexo
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now search for sneako chair, because that is this anon's >>483272502 favorite place
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>Umbra canonically roams around the ship(s) scaring Ordis once a while (our Orbiter is actually connected to a much lasger ship if you pay attention to your roof)
>Stalker could at any moment he wished invade our Orbiter and shank the Operator directly
It really shows he is killing Warframes out of obsession at this point. He could always go for the Tenno and bypass all the security.
I didnt play much of d2 but warframe is very modest with it’s pricing so long as you wait for 50-75% discounts (provided you buy plat at all instead of trading it, which neither tfd nor d2 allows as far as I know)
think about killing yourself
another projection?
you blew your bump too early
wait for atleast page 6 next time
you seem to be projecting considering you're into the whole watching horses fuck people thing
Not him but how different is the build for low fire rate weapons then?
>bypass your orbiter's security
>kills the operator
>ordis seals the ship and sends it on a course into the sun
>extra crispy stalker will never get out of here again
the easiest (You)s I get
Stalker just likes to hand out with Umbra.
Kinda sucks because he is an Excalibur but his skills make him Ash but better.
And also because since he is Ash but Better you just feel how bad Ash is in comparison. Even if you do build Ash with Marked for Death you won’t achieve the same results because Stalker’s Marked for Death is an unique boosted version that deals the maximum health across the range and Stalker’s unique passive will guarantee bullshit numbers.
Meanwhile Ash will be stuck needing to work out with Eximus while got really tanky after the update
>le I was merely pretending to be a retarded horsefucker
good one plebbitor
Did you enjoy it?
ok miga-incel
why do you entertain an obvious shitposter?
he does shit like that every thread
What are some thing I should do before trying Steel Path? I stopped playing after Fortuna released and have been having fun, but SP is kicking my ass. I feel like all my old weapons are shit. Trying to get a Kuva Tonkor since kuva weapons are good. I also recently got the galvanized mods and that helped.

I'm assuming I should just keep farming the event mission for now to get the arcanes?
It's like they tested it on consoles only. As host I have jade fuckery on me every half second.
>bypass the security
>kills the Operator
>You cannot kill the Devil
>nothing happens in the grand scheme of things
Arbitrations. You unlocked them with the Steel Path didn’t you? Go visit the Arbiters of Hexis with your prizes from it to buy Galvanized Mods.
Are there any classes that play like Vampire Survivor?
You just like... put down a turret or you have some sort of permanent damage aura that deals damage to everyone araund you without having to aim and the game plays itself for you and you just have to move araund to avoid enemies and thats it?
Gyre with her augment
that doesnt mean anything, for all we know you could have joined 40 sec into the first part of the mission
Few come to mind but both with their problems.
The turret frame can spam turrets but they all have low duration in spite of the huge firepower.
While Warframes with damaging aura come with either a huge energy cost or range problems. When it’s too strong it gets either nerfed or remodelled to encourage more movement.
The first that comes to mind with a power like that is Equinox. Equinox will make everything in range bleed which makes decimate the lower levels. At high levels she is mever killing on aura alone. Her actual deal is when you turn off the aura you will spread accumulated damage to everyone in its range equal to everyone that died in it.
See? She can kill everyone with her aura powers but you will need to give an input. There is no standing around AFK and killing everyone.
none that do it with no further input, gara's splinter storm scales infinitely and creates a few meters of instakill zone around her but you need to constantly stack and refresh it and enemies won't just walk into it to die either
If it’s just moving without aiming there are some but nothing as convenient at standing still and the game farming itself. Like, even Warframes with cloning powers will have the clone stop if you do nothing for a few seconds.
Dagath, Garuda and Dante are some frames with really huge AoE cleaning and little thinking on your part.
Garuda is the one you would like because she is based on Elizabeth Bathory/Carmilla. She can consume her blood for energy to use her skills and she has vampirism skills to drain blood from the enemies to replenish. Her main source of damage are her gaurs talons that will fire slicing everything either as a blast in front of her or augmented to be a smaller distance but all around her.
And she can be farmed as early as Fortuna.
The other vampire Warframe, Revenant, takes cues from Vlad/Dracula. But he plays more as an immortal that brainwashes people. He has a more powerful percent-based vampirism than her but he is worse at killing AoE, better ST
Reminder to turn off cross play.
>buy Galvanized Mods.
>recently got the galvanized mods
Anything that's not galvanized mods that I need to get mod wise? The last meta I remember at all was:
>Argon Scope
>Condition Overload
Don't know if anything similar in strength has released since. I got the new Semi-auto mods and so far its not looking good after using one on Akbolto.
>do upwards of 20k dmg per shot
>downside is you shoot every 3 years
does resource booster double mote drops?
Friendship with Wisp ended, now Nova is my (old) new best friend
You're talking about Arbis, right?
In that case, get Preparation, Rolling Guard, and Power Donation (for your nova) from Arbi Honors. Try to get Adaptation and Combat Discipline from the rewards too
No. Unfortunately.
>t. used resource booster and didn't get double.
sex with Worm Queen
sex with anon below me
I'll keep farming arbis for the rest of those. Rolling Guard is probably better for my Vauban since he seems to get nuked by status effects.
>Power Donation (for your nova)
Holy shit I didn't even notice that, thanks.
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I've been trying to get an anti-Corpus build for my Opticor Vandal. This seems to work pretty well on the ascension enemies, but is it good for higher levels? I had Hunter Munitions on there, but I swapped it out for the toxin. Is this good or should I get a forma for Serration? Maybe a speed trigger?
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>People are suddenly talking about the things I like and use

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i just want her to crush my head with those thighs desu
Thanks for posting this, adding to filter now.
she's not real tho?
>Kuva Tonkor since kuva weapons are good
get with the times grandpa, kuva weapons are a yesterday's fad, incarnons are the hottest new thing on the block
Favourite companion? Sentinels, Kubrowe, Modular MOAs, etc. all count
taxon, of course
Helios Prime because I cant be bothered to farm anything else since then
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i just bring my kitty with me, he doesn't do much but vaccum and the crit dmg are good to have and i enjoy his company.
This is a hard question for me to answer. I love all my pets, but I'll pick my Raksa since she's my oldest
smeeta? more like smegma
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more like feeta
did they nerf wisp ass with her prime?
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Western Devs need to outsource character creation to Korea.
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>first step, set your computer's time to 1971
ashbros how are we feeling this patch?
Yeah, you slow bitch
Is the kuva kohm any good or am I hurting myself trying to farm it?
Warframe 1971 is the sequel to Warframe 1999
Disco themed skins for Saryn, Rhino and Wisp
Man WF1971 would piss off the Russkie when he has to do bumps of cocaine
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>We keep going farther and farther into the past
>We turn Jesus into a warframe
What's his kit?
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>Stalker and the Acolytes are their own Stalker faction that gets neutral damage from everything
So what do you mod for combat against them? Viral/Heat?
>warframes take 3 days to craft
>jesus returned 3 days later
Yes anon, viral
viral increases health damage taken
he can walk on water in open worlds
bullet jump
>we now start traveling through time taking genetic data to create powerful new frames
Are we fate/stay now?
Being nailed.
I mean we are already playing as people with powers that control way stronger one-army heroes. It’s probably the closest you could get to servants.
>albrecht goes back in time and gives the CIA the technocyte virus
>dark sector is now both a sequel and prequel to warframe
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But Freyna is used goods, anon.
I mean Saryn quite possibly is too, but we don't KNOW that yet.
Ballas personally fucked every female frame at least twice for quality assurance before shipping them out.
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>ballas rn
Magus lockdown and magus repair will get you through most of it.
There are daily missions for steel path where you will have people carry you.
So it seems like every frame with major lore was a big deal before getting down with the sickness. Based off that create lore for frames that doesn't have any

>Rhino was an lunaro player who wanted to get stronger
>Protea was Parvos' right hand (his first "sister")
>mrlets being happy in chat when my relic reveals a vaulted rare part
I get warm and fuzzy feelings in my chest when those rare moments happen.
Helios for scans, smeeta for anything with drops.
Adarza for straight crit buff.
Oxylus for fishing and scanning plants.
Classic sbb
Hound for 10 stacks of every status effect on enemies for priming
Smeeta for double drops
Diriga for an alternate primer
Nautilus for grouping
Protea was a Parvos design assembled by Ballas according to the Prime trailer. By the quest she was his bodyguard.
Considering Parvos know about Tenno it’s likely she had her own Tenno Operator.
Rhino Prime is one of the Proto Warframes like Kullervo but he was likely the first recorded case of being calmed by a Tenno per his codex entry.
Styanax stands apart: the Leverian explains the reason he didn’t have much is because unlike the others his deeds are extremely recent, likely referring to his animated trailer.
based wispastaposter, I don't ever get perved on with my wisp I get told I look awesome or so cool or intimidating and asked to share my [Look]
excal umbra bros...
why is sentient surge doomping...
Did everyone seriously forget that The Sacrifice explicitly exposes Umbra is a LATER model?
Ballas outright says that the man would become a surrogate for the Tenno. This means Umbra was made when the Orokin already knew that Tenno controls Warframes. This means he ISN’T as old as those.
He is an autonomous Warframes but was meant to have a Tenno piloting to leash him to the Orokin.
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>kavat damage against 20+lvl enemies
I really tried to make a toxin blight bramma work but I have to go back to my merciless viral blast slash explosion machine, it's just too good and I was actually struggling hard to take heavy things out in a timely fashion without viral... the damage rework has once again crystallized my loadout
maybe, but you type like that lone tenno schizo so I'm just not gonna believe you
Post it please, I'm fishing for a bramma right now
correct. it's obviously thematic schizo, but without his trip.
please mod corrosive
The more I use Jade the more confused I am about her whole kit.
She's supposed to be a support frame but she fucking sucks as a support.
99% of the time the only buff she'll give to teammates is an increase in weapon damage, that's fine but too little for a "support".
It would be a different story if all 3 of her 2's buffs could be used at the same time.
So far Wisp's mote alone takes a big ass shit all over Jade's "support".
Even Dante and Styanax piss on her too.
i played the game on and off for years so obviously i missed updates/feastures
correct me if i am wrong but since when did we have infested on orokin tilesets? these jade eximus alerts aren't even normal invasion alerts, the infested straight up replaces the spy vault drones aswell
>juggernaut on orokin tilesets
>can fight infested on normal orokin tileset without going into derelict
it's kinda cool
does anyone actually use pets for dealing damage?
We had the tilesets but as a separate Derelic section that needed specific coordinates. When they revamped Deimos in Heart of Deimos they fused that tileset to Deimos. The Orokin Derelict instead of being some lost ship in the Void is actually the overworld of Deimos where the Gray Strain was released by a pair of Orokin scientists in a mad but effective last ditch Scorch War tactic to avoid the Sentients destroyin the Heart.
As for the Jade Eximus: the Belly of the Beast alerts have a crapton of them but now they are a class of Eximus like the rest. They will spawn in any mission but I’m not sure if it’s only for the duration of the event as Ordis said the Vestigial Motes will remain but Jade’s Volatile Motes are finite.
I thought dagath's augment was kinda poopy but you can become invincible for almost 30 seconds
pretty based too bad about the cooldown
she's an off-support, she gives ability strength and healing, plus does damage with 3 and 4
I never stopped being an edgy teen
Get invaded by a console player.
>ability strength
Only during the few seconds you need to recast 3 or 4, then you go back to weapon damage.
>plus does damage with 3 and 4
That's fine but has fuck all to do with support.
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>Absolutely hated K-drive so ignored Yureli
>finally make a Loyal Merulina build to show off new skin fashion
>it's actually viable and I'm not forced to use the Kdrive
Oh shit well guess she's added to the rotation now
Oh this is neat
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this generally lets me keep moving at full speed while carpetbombing with just a liiittle bit more restraint and focused intent than in its heyday when I could mindlessly coat every surface in my LoS with explosions

it's ammo hungry so aim for crowds (make them, if you're less lazy than I am) or save it for heavies
what's the issue I'll just drop them if their connection is bullshit
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so how long until they nerf/adjust/fix this setting to scale with fire rate? 2 maybe 3 hotfixes?
I expect it in the next hotfix for hildryn alone, I haven't even played with it yet but I can imagine there's a lot of other shit that's busted in the same way lol

idk how else you can get legit sustained fire at those rates in the game other than grimoire (maybe noctua, energy permitting)
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ty rebb
what part of "off-support" dont you understand?
I don't think the interaction with balefire is intended since its a charge trigger and not semi so it might actually get fixed. as for the other semi auto weapons I'm REALLY hoping they leave the fire rate as is so I can use my -fr lato riven and not lose out on dps
I haven't had any issues with energy on her even before i put on Energize, maybe put on Equilibrium
Her augments 25 kills is going to be alot easier solo but still fairly doable in mp missions
be sure to use Brief Respite and Catalyzing Shields, evne with the Augmentt her 1 still shieldgates and procs Viral
Ayyy nice thanks anon
I'll get my hands on her in a few hours but so far my impression is just that if I have both a wisp and a jade in my squad one way or another I'll be happier
>that framerate
you sir are retarded
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so which is it?
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>basing his opinion on streamerniggers
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guys i put ophanim eyes on ivara and now she looks like this what do i do i cant take her out on spy missions in this state she'll get stuck in the vents
They purposefully slowed it down to get a look at Valbooty retard-kun
>unironically trusting the opinions of tuber-fags
>weebs malding because their slop can't run smoothly
what the fuck
>open vid
>"this moffugin gaaaymmm maaan yoo i be stuck in dis shieeet"
why do (they) speak like that? is it a conscious thing or like a genetic defect?
bix nood magnee
why do (you) speak the way you do?
I can hardly understand him
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his whole gimmick is being all about slash damage and finishers but not scaling up in a world where reduction bypass has been made less meaningful and enemies are spongier than ever... I've kept him shelved for a while sadly, and this update he feels even worse for damage, but I still love seeking shuriken and the novelty of FINALLY having a blink teleport on him with wrathful advance after idk a fucking decade of wanting it
When will they add RTX to warframe
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Ah man she's got that internet gas on her
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What warframe would you like to see pregnant?
Would you like to see another new pregnant warframe?
is finisher damaged nerfed or bugged? currently can't kill SP enemies front or back with finishers after opening them with abilities like dessication.
Dagath with a Kaith baby
Which progenitor is the best now after the status changes?
Equinox Prime Moon Forme
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spiderframe that gestates hatchling companions and lays eggs
yeah they should rename it to "visceral" and make them scale with % of hp because right now they are fucking useless against anything with the scaled-up HP, I spammed like 12 finishers in a row on a toxic ancient (not even an eximus) and it was just goofy as hell till the prompt changed to mercy kill
I see. So it wasn't just me then. Hope DE fixes this. I already suspect it had to do with the enemy health buffs.
nice I mean you'll probably want to fuse it up for a higher bonus anyway so really not bad if you didn't already have it, otherwise if you feel compelled to sell it for the internet gas... well that's always a conundrum
Oh she's got one of those ephemeras? How much do the brap stink lines go for
>this show aired 35 years ago
hounds fuck shit up, they outdps most pubbies easily
Hello, Covert Lethality dagger?
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>Lich keeps calling me little meat and is being flirty
that's nice and all but the finishers we used to have on other weapons used to kill things at levels that they don't now, not to mention CL is still just doubling a flat number that will struggle with the same issue even with higher finisher multipliers that higher base damage weapons are already exceeding anywway

I think you've misunderstood the problem but that's because it's nothing new, it's just the same old flat vs scaling debacle DE has never quite grokked
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just mute that faggot
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I am gay for Ordis he is so cute
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Is Covert Lethality good anymore?
i get them all the time. i just don't log for 3 days
>extraction capsule got stuck
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>can't throw the first battery at the capsule because some asshole managed to clip through the closed door that leads to the elevator
I literally haven't even tried because I just assumed not after all the hilarity in the past, but do things like wormhole or switch teleport work? back in the day I'd always be on liki or nova for pub runs of any kind especially events just in case players or objectives got stuck or needed ferrying to a hard-to-reach spot
boo hoo my wife is dead
I have subsumed Wrathful Advance over my Ash Prime's Shuriken. I feel free, I feel happy.
I'm burnt out on ascension
I'm glad there's alerts so I can get the last 100 or so mote bucks I need to buy 2 energize sets. Then just casually doing alerts when I log in to do sorties should give me enough to buy the ephemera.
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So is that some programming issue or is it fucked? Cause I was trying to have fun with my Fatal Teleport Ash Marked for Death to larp as Stalker and I just assumed it was the Jade Eximus that is tankier than the rest but if that's true then Ash is fucked.
Your mom lets you have two teleports?
sadly I put it over his blade storm on my general use SS/FT build... but having a targeted teleport AND a shorter range point teleport/alternative attack is fucking great and kind of what I always wanted for him

honestly I'd drop wrathful advance on him again if they just let his 3 target terrain/space
Did overguard get bigger?
Operator doesn't seem to go through it as quickly as before.
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So what have you guys been using against armored units now? Corrosive? Heat? Viral?
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check this out
>Enemy stat scalings, such as Health and Shields, now grow faster as enemy level increases, in compensation of the loss in Enemy Armor and to make Shields more engaging to deal with.

I'm personally convinced it's "working as intended" but they didn't really think about this interaction, not necessarily a bug or anything, but the upshot is all enemies now have higher scaling values for their Health and Shields so the total raw damage you have to do (ignoring DR) is now much higher, which is probably also why we see a funny disparity in damage dealt % vs kills looking even funnier now

honestly finishers and slash ticks should go back to bypassing shields like they used to and get a higher bonus multiplier on armored targets regardless of their base faction/hp multiplier

Yes, they seems tankier
Mostly I just mod according to faction but if it's some bizarre enemy I still go Viral+Slash/Heat.
Guess Finisher mechanic itself needs the rework now
>hitting damage cap with harmony and melee afflictions on 2x heavy slam
This game has no future.
Status doesn't matter anymore, only raw damage to get through overguard.
Yeah it really seems like that now, back to Damage 1.0. I like it
Jade eximus are definitely tankier than other eximus. Wouldn't surprise me if they took eximus spawns and changed them to jade, making them eximus eximus.
You need to buy out all of the arcanes to trade for vosfor.
its just a cultural thing like that other anon said why do you talk the way you do? You probably don't talk the way you do consciously but some one could point out irregularities in your speech
I don't need/want anything from that gacha shop.
Hell, I still have hundreds of acolyte arcanes I haven't sold.
Am I the only one who things these alerts should be giving their normal rewards as well?
>incarnons are the hottest new thing on the block
My brain is going to explode if I have to multitask even more
You don't need incarnons.
The Felarx is unironically better if you don't use incarnon more and the rest are for shitters and riven sellers.
meant for
Went and checked my ivara railjack intrinsic farming build and it still kills everything with stealth finishers in steel path veil grineer. 200k, 400k second hit; then sometimes crits for double those.
>what is magnetic
I don't know anon, how does it work?
just go play angels bounties, unlock the laetum, phenmor, felarx, and whatever the dagger was called
all three are easy to obtain and are complete powerhouses
then do arbitrations, unlock all the galvanized mods
i hope you've already farmed up corrupted mods from deimos derelicts, too
if you haven't already, you need to be maxing your mods out as well
Magnetic Changes:

Damage to Nullifier Bubbles has been increased
Minimum Damage raised to 300 Damage per shot.
Maximum Damage raised to 1200 Damage per shot.

Additionally, we now show the minimum and maximum damage numbers against Nullifier Bubbles, with Magnetic attacks displaying the buffed damage shown above, while non-Magnetic sources will display the original, unbuffed damage.

Reduced Shield Regeneration by a percentage per Magnetic stack against affected targets.
Upon Shield/Overguard Breaking a target, the enemy will now be dealt Electric Status damage for a percentage of Max Shields/Overguard per Magnetic stack while also forcing an Electric Status Effect.
Magnetic stacks on an enemy with Overguard now allow for bonus damage to Overguard, similar to how Magnetic affects Shields.
Working on a load out for each faction. For corpus it's mag with tenet weapons, both magnetic. Thoughts on what to use for other factions, I have almost every frame
the easy ones from Zariman are some of the better incarnon weapons, and you can get one of the blueprints at rank 0 for 3,000 standing (i.e. one single bounty)
>Phenmor is a bullet hose
>Laetum is an Acceltra that doesn't run out of ammo
>Innodem/Praedos have built-in speed boosts
also Boar Incarnon is kind of insane now after the status changes, you can get that one from the same dude for plat
Fucking Miracles
how much more health should mobs have now? i remember the exo gokstads having a million or two HP (not EHP). wiki is likely not updated yet
just highlight over a mission node it says what the faction is vulnerable to at the bottom
Why do Youtubers like Equilibrium so much?
Mag with Tenet Plasmor
Mag with Tenet Plasmor
Mag with Tenet Plasmor
Mag with Tenet Plasmor
Mag with Tenet Plasmor
I have no idea what the actual numbers are yet but I wonder if rj didn't get hit the same...
because it's the easiest way to handle energy economy when you're designing a build for illiterate browns and literal children
on that note, are ground finishers bugged rn? went to test my valkek finisher build and she just wouldn't do the finisher move. all she did was normal melee attacks
>just go play angels bounties
Guess I'll farm the angels, I just need the pinions and I can craft the Phenmor.
>if you haven't already, you need to be maxing your mods out as well
Yeah working on Syndicate for Fortuna to be able to farm Profit-Taker. Not that I dislike the index, but to max out gains I have to play with randos who suck.

>also Boar Incarnon is kind of insane now after the status changes
Did they rework shotguns again? I thought they were still ass due to how each pellet would divide the total Status. I miss old Tigris Prime.
>FINALLY having a blink teleport on him with wrathful advance after idk a fucking decade of wanting it
That kills the purpose. You won’t be playing as Ash you will be playing as Kullervo Light
Funny enough that's my corpus build, feel like it could be better though, got a tox/damage/pt/-ps riven. Any build/roll ideas for it?
the gimmick of incarnons is they all have an alt fire that you charge up by getting headshots
they also get a selections of perks, and a huge stat buff to the standard fire mode
So instead of using a weapon just for priming Viral we will be using a Magnetic primer?
Every weapon in your arsenal now needs 3 setups:

Primary: Corrosive+heat , blast, magnetic +toxin.
Secondary: Blast+electricity for semi autos, viral heat for high rof secondaries, magnetic toxin with fortifier for utility.
Melee: Blast + electric if using infuence, magnetic and toxin if not.

Some exceptions:

-Bows still use viral+hm. Use aptitude on those since its multiplicative.
-Snipers should use gas and deadhead.

You do not need viral anymore since the reduced DR cannot stand against direct dmg+crit.
nvm they are activated by pressing the "action" key, aka the key you open lockers with
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Yes yes, good good...
Now show us the gameplay. Not the Unity models, the gameplay.
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hoog monsert funf fight
oh look it appears to be a bullet sponge monolith boss. Yaaaay....
god that ui is dreadful. I never realized how good we had it
also the graphics fidelity is a lot lower than the trailers led me to believe
shitter lmao
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you'd be better off playing exoprimal then TFD, at least that game has cool suits and isn't nexon koreaslop P2W
both are dead game anyways
oh that'd be my fault for playing on a potato with lowest settings lol
Jade is such an incredible Warframe. I just love how her kit synergizes perfectly with her, same with Qorvex
how exactly? it looks like ash and has 3/4 of his kit, and I use both teleports for different purposes

you might as well say the same about any subsume, kinda dumb
Whatever happened to the anime gacha genshin clone warframe ripoff game? i really wanted to play that
Does nekros still work on the sister? I haven't had a double drop in the past 5-6 runs
I actually ran out of forma.
I guess it's time to quit.
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>google spoiler
>the graphics look like shit
i know graphics aren't everything + i play decades old games regularly so it shouldn't be an issue, but it still looks really bad
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noba is huge
Nexon does have fun games but if you're older than 10 then you know every single one of them has some of the most cancerous mtx in gaming, will that stop me from playing TFD? Honestly don't know
huh I'm impressed it scaled that low most games these days are kinda lazy with their low settings
fixed last hotfix
> Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions.
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Has anyone made a reference table for the new damage type weakness/resistances?
no they patched it
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>mfw spent 1k on forma
ran surprisingly well on my 1060 which can't run warframe after the lighting updates at a steady 60
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i just know by heart that ferrite = corrosive and alloy = rad and shields = toxin
the rest dies to corrosive
.... = ......
>warframe but bad
yeah check the previous thread
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>TFD shill
nah it's cool though
>Have to spend a full month aboard the babyvater for a buncha FOMO shit & Energize
>Did they rework shotguns again?
no, they reworked status in general
Boar spits out chaining beams with like 300% status chance, blast/electric or blast/toxin will shred everything you point it at
magnetic innate
radiation mod
60/60s for corrosive/heat
Galvanized hell/savvy/acceleration
primed point blank and ravage
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>not taking his time to forma all his frames and weapons and just leech of the event with a booster like it was ESO with real rewards.
all my play is spent on forma and weapon slots
I love DE
Do alerts, anon.
They're faster and give more baby juice.
Though if you want to take the elevator, remember that the mission goes faster if you toss in fat energy baubles. They give a speed boost for a little while.
Bad elevator rounds manage the energy, good ones manage the speed.
that shit looks so cheap
>"i prefer real bosses like the sergeant"-trannies
>Frame: Yahshua
>Passive: Different states are applied depending on % of energy reserve filled; teammates that assist your kills receive your current state bonus for 7 seconds: ("Father" | 100% Energy | +200% Ability Strength & Range, +2000 Overshield), ("Son" | 1-99% Energy | +35% Ability Duration & Efficiency, +25% Reload Speed), ("Ghost" | 0% Energy | +20% Movement Speed, -40% Enemy Accuracy, 5 sec invis upon entering state)
>Ability 1: The First Stone - Toss a deadly fire/impact projectile that does more damage the healthier a target is.
>Ability 2: Exalted Cruciform - Bear a large cross in your arms, channelling a buff/debuff field that inflicts differing effects based on your current state. It may be used as a blunt instrument of violence.
>Ability 3: They Know Not - Splay your arms out wide in the midst of battle, boldly goading enemies into attacking you. You gain energy double the damage you take; a fatal blow will prematurely end the stance and apply all three states at once for 15 seconds.
>Ability 4: Cruciform Flush - Plunge the long end of the Cruciform down, channelling your energies through it and into the ground, still projecting an affective field, albeit larger. Periodically, shockwaves of impact and heat are blasted outward. You cannot use the Cruciform otherwise until retrieved.
I can count 5 other frames that totally shit over Ember and another 6 that get damage reduction without all that shit gimmick overheat bullshit.
I am mad that Pablo won't fix Ember ever again, she is still mediocre at best.
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No, i prefer real bosses like Profit Taker. Even bosses like Nef Anyo are better because you're not limited to shooting your guns and using a shitty grapling hook like in your gook game.
Imagine calling other trannies while you're playing as a female character lol
NTA, but you are a schizo
Someone made a list last thread. Here's my own chart

this shit doesn't exist anymore
I'm tired of hitting report button on TFD-trannies posts, but i will never give up.
hold up. last time i checked, acolytes could NOT gain any viral stacks. did they change that now?
>Here's my own chart
huh? where?
that's fucking gay...
>I need like 52 orokin cells to produce all my new stuff
>most I ever got in a single Helen Saturn run was 6 after 15 waves with nekros

literally why? do you HAVE to? which of the things are you missing and which do you feel compelled to grind for later profit?
Unless you are good at losing hp, like despoil Nekros, equilibrium is pretty shit.
>here's my own chart
>forgot to upload chart
Also keep in mind that viral still beats the shit out of everything. I finally found the new armor -> DR formula and I'm gathering my thoughts and putting together a spreadsheet for that, too, plus the actual (probable) differences between heat and slash ticks.
>NEED to get energize
>All these cosmetics I want to farm or they're gone forever
Shit sucks, I want a good chunk of shit but the like 100hr grind is gonna suck ass
>he lacks critical information
they will be gone in two weeks, just like the russian xDDD
Properly built sister's hounds will kill faster than you if you get distracted.
Looks annoying to read
Sergeant and Phoris are only real bosses left in the game. The rest are just lame puzzles with invincibility.
did you just blow in from stupid town, buddy?
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because half of it IS annoying to read. That's a comparison of the new versus old resistances, and old resistances were a ridiculous clusterfuck. Here's just the top half
wake up, gramps
no matter how many times you post it, i can't get enough of your Yareli
great design anon
nta but literally what the fuck are you talking about? isn't it even more worthless with shards that replace it and make pickups better? those are amazing on my nekros
equilibrium used to stop functioning if you had full health or energy
when they did the pet rework they changed it
now it will keep working as long as you're missing health or energy
IE they made it actually really good now
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the moar you know, ty
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Im updating it since I got the final dead faction shoulder while I was formaing her but thanks, I finally made a loyal meru build and subsumed tempest barrage to be a real shitter.
Equilibrium works anywhere. It's why Protea is so good with it as Dispensary lets out empowered health orbs which will then be turned in a lot of energy
Nekros, duplicate robot mod and I thinks theres one that refreshes abilities. all combined with spare parts
This is a great chart. Funny enough I do not miss the Old extra resistances
but they didn't do the same to Equinox oassve, this fuckers
how did you do that?
fucking amazing what it used to look like, I used to sperg out over every little change or addition because it would make such a difference potentially with how complicated it all ended up being... I think it might even still be a bit overly-complicated honestly but it seems way more approachable to mod around as a player now, even if we lost a lot of nuance
I actually did end up buying the forma bundle for Jade.

Waiting 24 hours for one is complete bullshit. The most important shit locked behind wait time.


I'm about to grind 100 blueprints and then quit for a while but use the app to build one a day.
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DE steals again
poe did it first in 2021
>ywn wake up with Yonta and Aoi sprawled out over you
why even live
>when they did the pet rework they changed it
>now it will keep working as long as you're missing health or energy
>IE they made it actually really good now
Huh, I honestly didn't know. Thought it still only worked with the pet-armour mod
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I agree.
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The animation in the arsenal or get the last dead faction armor? Armor is in the nightwave reward track
What are the most human looking frames.
Bumparr prime
Kuva tonkor is actually really busted. Largest aoe of all explosives while having a rather latge reservr, and uses the crit negative firerate mod perfectly. Especially paired with hunter’s munitions. No fiddling with incarnon headshots required.
the earlier ones ig. excal best design
suit yourself bro, more japanese pussy for me
oh so the armor is from nogwave thanks
Thanks. I thought the old resistances were reasonably thematic with a few notable exceptions. It was really nice that almost all armor in the game was Ferrite, so until armor scaling became bullshit you could just take corrosive against armored enemies, and it was cool how the story expressed itself in game mechanics. One example is you could see Grineer used to be part of the Orokin empire because Grineer machines share a health type with Orokin and Entrati robots. I haven't gone through and checked, but I've also seen someone else say that lots of Grineer weapons were effective against Corpus and infested, and lots of Corpus weapons were effective against Grineer and infested.
Hounds or Helios.

Hounds are cool because with the bond mods, it finally feels like I have a zanuka-like companion that's a massive help to me.

Helios makes like easy with new content scans, and has great armor shred.

Diriga and Nautilus are nuts for their own reasons, which I enjoy, but not as much as the previous two.
>Largest aoe of all explosives
I can name one off the top of my head with a larger explosive radius and I suspect there may be more
https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Kuva_Bramma (not to mention the cluster bombs for even more effective range)
Diriga and Hounds can kill better than some player builds in steel path,
>it was cool how the story expressed itself in game mechanics
absolutely, that was one of the aspects of the game that enthralled me when I first started because I wanted to have fun matching those concepts up to real numbers, and that got me to make my first damage spreadsheet (starting from a copy of the damage resistance table as it was)

this all makes me think I might sit down and fix up a new version of mine, it wasn't focused on DPS or TTK at all but rather calculating the damage exactly for a given attack and target (quantization and all) and accounting for realistic Hits to Kill
old system sounded cool and made sense on paper, but in practice no one really made use of it and just went with the same 1 status type, rarely switching in niche scenarios.
it's kinda sad how we needed this change but i'm glad they didn't force the old system any longer, it just didn't fit the game anymore
she's a girl anon, no matter how hard Ligger tries to gaslight you
now that you mention it frames have been slowly drifting away from a humanoid look
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There's a TRILLION Asian women out there and they literally all look the same. Worse, Aoi isn't even good looking and was created by Ligger. please don't tell me you're one of those people that think

Asian = good
All upstanding bipeds, 2 arms 2 legs, 5 fingers on each hand. Same shape and skeleton
The best part is I was one of those autistic people that liked to switch elements for factions anyway. I didn't have to change much for my weapon builds.
calm down Chang, I just like punk girls
and warframes
and Mag specifically
True, but the problem is that bramma has shit ammo econ. Though tonkor’s 7m aoe is still rather massive, especially with fulmination.
That's just fucking rude I'm not some gook. But I'll give you credit for liking punk girls. I just think Ligger can't make females at all. Maybe it's the artstyle or engine, but Aoi is just kinda uggo.
>bramma has shit ammo econ
fair point but that 1.3m difference with % scaling on both range mods and falloff makes all the difference in the world (even with tonkor's reduced penalty at max compared to bramma the base crit/damage/radius numbers are just so much higher) and I still manage my ammo pretty well by relegating my primary slot to the big crowd melter/heavy option instead of my real driver for specific or meaningful targets like my secondary slot is, hell I can just spam all the way through an exterminate fissure with it like a dream so long as I'm not literally shooting at nothing all the time
>Maybe it's the artstyle or engine, but Aoi is just kinda uggo.
I could be wrong but isn't it also their first like, full face model in-game that isn't kind of a standard euro or african facial shape and look? I know we have some asian-looking traits and blends for drifterator but it's a bit different
That’s fair. To bear in mind that tonkor synergizes really hard with primary merciless where if you reload as soon as you shoot you get some nutty aoe uptime where you can basically constantly shoot. Secura penta might be good too with its napalm augment but I gotta test more
margulis? little duck?
It's really hard to make a European drifter. I have yet to see one that doesn't look Asian or black.
My god you are fucking cringe
Hello Ligger
ah yes, both famously not white or black and definitely asian characters/faces/traits

eh maybe I'm not as sensitive to these things but the white drifter faces look pretty white to me
>white drifter faces look pretty white to me
good one.
aaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee send me back to EVE

What does f in /wfg/ stand for? W is obviously warframe and G is general..
lol ok better bust out the ol phrenology books, buddy
I suggest you get some glasses. Maybe plebbit can help you out with that. I heard they love liggers shit over there.
oh mb i guess i misunderstood. anyways both look good, why couldn't they make Aoi's face not ugly?
you fucked up
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what about this?
I was kind of joking but you're actually like one of those hardcore racists huh lmao

>why couldn't they make Aoi's face not ugly?
idk but that was my point exactly, I don't think they've directly modeled an asian face before so maybe literal skill issue? technical limitations? it could just be weird art direction or ligger's fault in some "woke" way but I think people itt are a little bit extremely sensitive about that and look for it everywhere beyond reason
It’s fucking trash a shitty band aid for the "Potato disables all your abilities so enjoy recasting them again" when using Excal Umbra
but it works?
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Lmao no, it only works on his exalted which you should have replaced, you still have to recast your subsumed Roar/Eclipse/Nourish evesingle time you go potato
No one said anything about "woke" or being sensitive. Ligger just makes ugly shit. Especially when it comes to females. It's not that deep.
So if i run a dash build he'll still turn off my roar?
amprex is kinda back
this >>483319208 . ligger just hates women. end of story
see the post below yours and literally any time ligger gets brought up, it's like a sickness with these people
>Ligger just makes ugly shit. Especially when it comes to females.
what else do you mean? zephyr? I honestly don't know what else he's worked on for any female characters

>>483319239 [Deleted] LOL COWARD
>but you say it like it is a bad thing
yes, in fact, I do think unfounded hatred of others based on their birth demographics is a bad thing and you should probably get over it you fucking loser
Sounds like a retarded build but yes

Unironically mogged by Tenet Glaxion
Did they touch-up Ember yet or is that when her Heirloom drops?
how is it retarded? It's and exilus mod.
>dude the plot twist of Second Dream quest is how ALL Warframes are alive and the Sacrifice shows they are turned into monsters needing (You) to pacify them
This Augment is a disgrace. No, you can’t claim it’s letting him “rest” it’s so wrong to use that
>what else do you mean? zephyr? I honestly don't know what else he's worked on for any female characters
valkyr? khora?
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Is this normal.
First time going here after new war to farm shedu and i get 3 of the parts but man there is too many of them.
nope it's not
looks really fun tho
Hey is this Latron mod worth it in the Nightwave shop? It says On Hit: next shot deals 20% more damage, stacks up to 20 times.
there is at least 7 sentients there. I counted
see I literally didn't know that's why I asked
okay, that one's pretty gross, but if you could drop the anchor arms it would look fine
what's actually wrong with that one? did it include nerfed proportions or something?

and again, neither of those have human faces, so while I don't disagree aoi looks weird and kind of ugly (I like her anyway) I'm personally still not clear on why

I promise I have been here (this general, this board, and this website) longer than you, little hitlerjugend wannabe
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now count sentients in /wfg/
So then go back to livejournal or gaia instead.
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>mfw had to farm protovyre and this never happened to me
khora deluxe's concept looks meh but still better than the ingame model. shit looks like she's wearing diapers and venari looks like ronnie mcnutt. it's really shite
I think most people dont like how much shit there is on her and considering how THICC she is, it can be off putting. also that typophobia or whatever its called
personally I like it. but I also like Yarelis deluxe and Wisps Somnium skin too
TTK is the metric to look at right now if you really want to get in the weeds, not that you need to. The armor strip from heat counts up over two seconds, gas and electric do 1 tick/s for 6s starting immediately, slash, heat, tox do 1 tick/s for 6s after a delay of 1s. I think blast is 1 tick after 1.5s and a big AOE on kill, which should make it pretty good for clearing trash but pretty bad for single-target DPS.

At the time that I looked into it, viral was both the best damage type and the best status type so there was no reason to switch. I was so fucking annoyed at all the effort I put into looking shit up only to come right back to the original conclusion.
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>le gb2>>>/gaia/
I started using both only after I found 4chan you fucking niggerfaggot retard

well, I guess if it looks weird or off to people who actually care about khora I can't say otherwise, it still seems like the sentiment around ligger's designs is pretty overblown and quickly turns into a bizarre kind of virtue signaling
>TTK is the metric to look at right now
it's really not though, that has never been my approach to this game, like noted on the status for sure but I'm kind of doubling down on my obscene direct damage approach and minimizing actions per target because I feel incentivized to do so more the longer I play and after these recent changes
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>roar/eclipse/nourish on Umbra
...but none of that really fits his theme except for maybe roar??? I would never.
Put your name back MRlet shitter
>I was so fucking annoyed at all the effort I put into looking shit up only to come right back to the original conclusion.

Yeah, but you know there's always going to be a best type but at least we have alternatives. I'm still trying think how I feel about Blast. Magnetic feels good now though.
answer me you sluts
did she get her "rework" yet
>Valkyr deluxe isn't wearing a jacket, that's actually her skin and muscle ripped apart and you can see her vertebrae
>khora's ass i literally on a cage.
>Zhepyr is a man
>Male frame designs from Ligger are just a walking ass, to the point of stopping being aesthetic and just gross
Denying that liger hates women for real is just being extremely naïve or just oblivious
if you check the OG Valkyr design you can see the tits being slit open too, even DE thought that was a little bit too much
I think the guy is really talented but he is a sick fucker and he hates the feminine form
Yakub warframe
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Pablo just changed how her energy economy works.
She is still a below average frame.
Yes, i am mad.
Gooks are Koreans Chinks are Chinese
When do I get a primary I start using more? About to get to Europa and 99% of the time I just dash through using my melee weapons, even upgraded primaries dont feel worth using yet
>I started using both
And you shouldn't have come back.
It's very simple.
see this is exactly what I mean you're hysterical bro get it?
>Valkyr deluxe isn't wearing a jacket, that's actually her skin and muscle ripped apart and you can see her vertebrae
but... that's literally every warframe's anatomy, we got fucking citrine shoving her geoderus in your face, it's all body horror like why would you try and apply a different standard here?
>khora's ass i literally on a cage.
>Zhepyr is a man
>Male frame designs from Ligger are just a walking ass, to the point of stopping being aesthetic and just gross
look if that's your opinion cool bro, I just don't see it, I agree he's obviously got an extremely gay male for the male view take on his art that emphasizes or overblows masculine traits and I don't find most of his designs appealing but I think to say he hates women is actually unhinged
I'm pretty sure that Anon is just retarded or baiting for (you)'s. It's hard to tell now but I'm leaning towards the former considering it's summer.
Is there a way to make her 4 not ass? I'm trying to build her and it isn't impressing me.
It's not an opinion, he favors and sexualizes every male frame and does some unappealing shit to the females.
Citrine is a walking rock, Valkyr is flesh torn apart to the point that even DE censored some stuff.
I don't know if you are this retarded or just want to antagonize others because you feel alone.
>if you're not part of my super special stormfag cult you don't belong on 4chan
>repeat my samethink or go away! wahhhhhhh!!!
>blacks and gays and women in my warframe makes me mad!!!!!!
how about you go back? odds are you unironically used reddit and facebook before you found 4chan, you fucking normie
wow, you really are a snowflake if you think someone not agreeing with you or seeing your point is antagonizing you
No, i have 45 formas on her and i love the design but she is awful.
There must be around 20 frames that does what she does more efficiently, being damage reduction or nuking the screen.
only thing i can think about is that he didn't want to undo Fatfuck's vendetta against Ember for some reason.
yes, you swap it with xata's whisper
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what am I in for
retards like you should be treated with the same contempt as twitter runoff that thinks batman or whatever is fascist for not having enough brown characters
I'll remove the last part because it made you feel sad.

>It's not an opinion, he favors and sexualizes every male frame and does some unappealing shit to the females.
>Citrine is a walking rock, Valkyr is flesh torn apart to the point that even DE censored some stuff.
Better you lil' cunt?
your helminth being full for 1 day
You're trying too hard.
Hard to say why you think that someone calling Liger a degenerate faggot that fantasizes with dismembering women and want men to look as gay as possible is twitter material.
A big jump to the new age of meta, a small for female Warframe domination
Lol ok newfag
/wfg/ is like the 'Lord of the Flies' and we are voting you out. understand the signals, weirdooo.
no you drooling retard, you're still applying bizarre selective double standards and not substantiating
>ligger hates women
what you're communicating to me is that you're personally made uncomfortable by these designs and want to make that someone else's problem, and that's kind of... weird?

>misogyny is when i can't goon to your artwork
thank you reddit very cool
>I don't like what's posted on 4chan because it's not like livejournal or gaia
>Other people should leave 4chan!
You're quite silly.
I'm glad he came back, the sooner 4chan stops being this american politics echo chamber it is today the better. Gamergate and Stormies were a big mistake.
and you're quite a bit less clever than you seem to think :)
I already thought ligar was based but now I'm assured of it.
back in my day, moot and /new/ and yadda yadda yadda... nothing to be done now, we're all here one way or another
It wasn't gamergate or racism. It was cellphones getting internet access. That's what caused the most rapid decline in quality across the boards.
Well that and interests from glowies due to /pol/ being more influential than it should have ever been.
i like to eat crayons
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Holy Cringe.
I fucking hate the summer.
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Me on PC but every other mission and they are all jade eximus.
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sounds like a perfect fit, welcome to /wfg/! (Warfame Ffurries General)
If you can't see what's behind Liger's designs that your problem buddy, you seem to have a hard time interpreting art.
Compare all male designs, and women designs and come back.
If you can't notice a pattern then you are just illiterate.
me too
related: how do some people oneshot the event sister in a SP full lobby? is it stacking damage vulnerability like banshee's sonar? shouldn't it still be affected by damage attenuation?
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>dismembering women
wow how could they do this to valkyr
>status is all useless due to delays
Things we always knew.
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woohooo hello best friends
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>hating women is what ligger would have wanted

webm related was canon like 50 years ago when miyazaki first concepted demon's frames
Explain me the lore behind Styanax being mexican and being naked with pasties now.
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>hating women is what ligger would have wanted
I don't see it, maybe someone whose frontal lobe has been obliterated with hentai consumption could tell me what liger meant by this?
That's a man baby, Xaku is clearly a woman
Gender bent, again, liek Zephyr
>Take female frame
>Make it clearly male
Liger wanted Xaku to be a man, so he made Xaku a man. Now Xaku is they/them because it's a male deluxe and a female base.
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If you had a hand at fully reworking Banshee. How'd you change her to make her good AND fun?
Pablo is a niggerfaggot that can't or want to fix Ember, easy as it is, he will never touch Banshee to a significant degree.
Please anon let me dream. You're not Pablo, so at least show me what you'd want her to be.
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>the literally they/them frame
>clearly a woman
>i have to share this space with these people
i'm one of the few retards who thinks only her 4 needs a full rework. all her other abilities are fun and thematically correct . her 4 should have its augment embedded onto it and have it give some form of damage reduction, since she's fucking paper
better start eating... >>483324056
>He believes that a female with a male arm is suddenly conflicted about her gender
Ironic that you think that you can call anyone a retard.
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Am even more schizophrenic response than I was hoping for, /wfg/ never disappoints
>conflicted about her gender
aww, he actually doesn't know
Let Helminth subsume 2 powers already, and you can fix all old gen frames.
They usually have 2 good powers and the other 2 are complete shit.
The lazy fix is to add the augments to the default powers and call it a day.
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Im gonna need you to calm down, look at this picture, and think about how unhinged you sound
>i have to share this space with these people
You've been told to go back numerous times now. Not your safepace.
>Let Helminth subsume 2 powers already, and you can fix all old gen frames.
this is true, but already busted frames would still benefit a lot more and wouldn't fix the powercreep issue, but push it even further
I don't care to be honest.
There are only two genders anyway.
>Female hips and frame
>Male arm
Yep, that's clearly a them
>helminth can now subsoom all 4 abilities
which one's do you pick and what frame for aesthetic reasons
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>theres like 3 frames with different genders inside this frame
>this is literally the frame identity
>but lemme ignore this and project my /pol/ conspiracy theories here because i can't interpret anything by what they actually are
You're gone.
>There are only two genders anyway.
bro... you are so deranged and fixated on this that you're forgetting the words they and them exist and are used completely outside the context of gender or not specifying gender...
I won't share my super duper combination anon.
Literally a woman.
No shit you can't see Liger undertones if you have a woman in front of you and can discern what the fuck you are looking at.
I'll make sure to use that prhase as frequent as possible from now on.
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>Retards unironically giving a fuck about gender of something that DE ruined
>Crying about how something doesn’t fit a "theme" total schizo made up
Increase your MR you losers
>Literally a woman
>Can't specify gender
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>every poster not parroting the company line about my insane culture war bullshit and derailing the thread over it the way I want is the same
Its unreal how far the pendulum has swung, maybe it's cause I have less tolerance for it as I get older but the sjws complaining about rescuing princess peach being misogynistic circa 2014 were not nearly as obnoxious as the crowd of /pol/niggers that spews the contents of their liquefied brain onto every character design that isn't ripped straight out of a doujin
Sure thing breh
At this point i'll just let you think that, i'll keep in mind when someone shits on Ligger around here what the reason might be lmao.
Just let him think that, we both have nothing to lose poking fun at some literal schizo.
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>Can't specify gender
oh my god bro learn to read, I'm saying the word is being used in a way that does not denote gender OR an ambiguous gender or lack of one
are you ESL or just from the south? xaku is literally MULTIPLE NIGGAS

seriously, I've also gotten a lot less tolerant of it because it's so deranged and obviously pushing a real like cohesive agenda far more than anything "woke" or "sjw" ever did (even though I'll still make fun of them all day)
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are these niggas for real?
Where did you see me type all that out?
i switched sides, i don't want to spend my life like Mark Kern having a melty on xitter because the chin of that star wars bitch UE model looks odd.
>if it has an ass it is LITERALLY a woman
what's the problem with liger's skins then?
You know you can identify gender based on skeletal structure, right
xaku is made out of 3 frames, at least 1 male and at least 1 female
It's summer, so probably yeah.
NA hours for you!!
Are we being raided?
I just finished upgrading Jade and it is fucking ridiculous.

She cannot die in mid-air.
Can heal, revive, buff, armor strip, stop people from moving.
Steel Path enemies have 0 chance.

I don't know if a nerf is coming but the only flaw is the choir noise when she uses her abilities is super annoying sometimes.
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what's the deal with them?
You're still here?
I can see if that's what you want your end point to be, but isn't it sort of odd to start with that? The actions you take happen over time and you often still have to account for DoTs or heat strip being on a delay. How do you differentiate similar shit like spraying an Acceltra into a crowd vs

What pissed me off was how much better viral+HM used to be over everything else. Viral damage and status used to be so effective that you'd have a good time to kill against Corpus with like 2/3 their EHP as shields.

depends on your time to kill
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Sorry i forgot it was just me and you (My tulpa) in this general, let me reprhase:
Am i being raided????
You're still here?
Bitch is ugly but I'm not playing it because its Ubisoft.
I will miss Viral+HM but it's going to be nice trying other stuff at least. Armor not being so busted means we can have more variety. I will say though, the Jade Exmius units feel ALOT more tougher than any other Eximus. Maybe it's the Overguard or heath changes but they're always the last one standing. I notice my Slash builds don't do enough to them as fast too
NTA but Warframes are made/cloned from people, so yes they have skeletons, not to mention Xaku has a clearly visible skeleton under the armor. Xaku's skeleton is definitely female, and the armor seems to come from both male and female warframes.
>isn't it sort of odd to start with that?
not really, my approach has become finding the stick I can hit hard enough with to deal with most things in shot so I can be on my way or never have to stop and not have to whittle things down or rely on a combo meter or *shudder* "prime" them, like nothing conditional I just want a reliable floor for my minimum damage output with an understand range of rolls for multishot crit status proc etc per attack all very well-defined and will always build around biasing toward a higher consistent minimum than a higher average or maximum damage per hit/attack/action

so it all kind of started with the question
>can I calculate EXACTLY how much damage I will do to a given enemy with a given weapon every single time?
and that gave me confidence in my answers that ultimately informed my gameplay choices to accommodate my preferred playstyle, plus it was kind of fun

of course I understand for a lot of things DPS/TTK are more relevant but that's just not what I was curious about
leam actually plays the game and understands kpm
>Puts on a male's boot
>Suddenly genderfluid they/them snowflake.
what about any of xaku makes you think the name or concept has ANYTHING to do with gender, and not simply being the amalgamation of several different entities? point to a single thing you fucking lunatic
xaku is intersex aka hermaphrodite
don't @ me you crazy lgbt+ freaks with your insane terminology like"genderfluid"
IgnusDei >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ligger
Xakus gender should simply have been random orokin ramblin thats impossible to decipher or simply read "No"
that void amalgam goes way beyond whatever the fuck these retards think non-binary is
based, not even a competition
post 1(one) good Dei skin
inb4 people post skins and you shit on them because you're a ligger.
They should have just committed to the bit if they wanted to make a half-n-half.
But they didn't, so they made a female and said it was half male. Then they made a male.
DE just has piss-poor execution.
Also for pride month they released a pregnant frame who's gender is Attack Helicopter.
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I just want to PUNISH other players DE please let us have real PvP stalker invasion mode, giving us this taste with coop mode is too much
we both know the trannies and plant based meat men aren't going to like you messing with their heckin wholesome co-operino chungus good doggo pve
I would only want stalker mode to bully console players. You just know there someone there that would do that too, just spend all day hunting console players.
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wrong now open up you're getting voidpozzed by stalker whether you like it or not faggot

the planet/mission selection they showed off at tennocon was appealing tbdesu but I'd still take a pure random queue for player matches eligible for target marking so you can't deliberately bias toward console players (obviously once you get in what happens is up to you), they clearly showed off a proof of concept for the general mechanics working well with this event now they just need to change player-stalker's team when he joins

I mean they could hypothetically even let you do this with other player marks like the zanuka hunter and G3 too
I'm in your corner bitch tits. Plauer controlled Stalker or Gustrag would be great but the WF community would shit themselves. Knightmareframe would make a 11 minute video on how PSF and nourish are the best ways to counter Player Stalkers
I just want the stalker helmet man. It's all I ask DE :(
They're /pol/tards, so yes, unfortunately.
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the player input models would have to be pretty different for both too I imagine, stalker's seems like it just works 1:1 since he's basically a standard warframe in the lore and the mechanics
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Based and correct
>All thematically and aesthetically match with each other
>All match the frame's base silhouette
Meanwhile Ligger
>Does whatever gay theme pops into his head, none of his skins even look like they belong in the same game
>All drastically change the frame's base silhouette
tfw every single one of those skins is what I use and always will but completely forgot ignus even existed
On a scale of 1 to Plat Exploit, how likely it is that blast will be nerfed?
I think his rhino and loki are mid but that's the worst I can say
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We lost him over a petty dispute which really sucks in retrospect
>Mynki insisted Ember needed a dumb mohawk fin and a dress
>IgnusDei didn't want to compromise and left
If only one of the two sides was less stubborn and compromised, and now Mynki doesn't even work there anymore and new Ember skins (like Pyraxis) don't even have the mohawk. The whole thing was pointless
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Holy fuck
His Rhino is still peak, and the Loki skin was good as a concept but DE fucked up the modeling and made it look like plastic.
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Absolutely true. Everything you said. God damn I wish IgnusDei was still around, Aoi would've actually been attractive.
Fuck Ligger.
Ignus was right
All just because of the ember Mohawk disagreement... which that same shit is ignored today for new skins... actually unreal dude.
If DE had any sense at all they'd at least invite him back to do a new contract skin, I don't see why they should hold a grudge if Mynki's gone
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>I don't see why they should hold a grudge
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xaku's face plate is part of the male warframe so picrel is what you're rabidly defending as an inarguable woman
I really want Ignus back, so many more frames now and they would look nice in his style. I don't want anymore Wisp or Baruuk Deluxe skins from Ligger. It's been years I'm hoping maybe DE and Ignus can work together again. Fuck.
me irl
>Xaku is wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, therefore Xaku is mixed-gender
Would umbras AI be able to use knell properly?
Except it's not a mask, it's his entire head.
How many dudes have asked you to wear a paper-bag?
Or been more subtle and said they're really into masks?
Mascchads win again, maybe if breeders weren't such petty retards you losers would have better femframe skins to coom to
>xaku is wearing women's clothing therefore is a woman
so true, happy pride sister!
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Quick, post a Liger skin you actually like.
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I just noticed, it's one of the rare skins from male skins from liger that has pants.
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I think the point that all you idiots are missing in this retarded argument is
>Xaku is feminine leaning, even if it's a ""they/them"" because hivemind plural nonsense
>Xaku occupies a female slot both for release order and prime order
>Xaku's original concept was a woman
>Ligger purposefully took that feminine frame and made it have broad shoulders and a male body
That's it, don't sit here for hours arguing whether Xaku is a woman or not, that's aside the point, the fact is xhe was feminine leaning before but Ligger only likes men so he had to make it gayer.
He did the same shit for Zephyr, who IS explicitly a woman, but you can see on his artstation he drew the concept with male proportions and turned her into a masculine robot because he hates women.
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This is clearly a woman, you can see it by it's bone structure. Just because she's wearing a male boot and a guy fawkes mask all they all have a conscience it doesn't mean she's sudenly multiple genders.
>Harmony Scythe Melee
>Harmony triumphs over hate. Its Heavy Attacks instantly kill enemies that are open to Mercy kills. Defeat hordes in this manner to empower allies with extended Melee Range.
>Heavy Attack kills activate Harmonic Resonance, a buff that increases Status Duration by 30% for allies.
was I lied to? are these both different buffs?
bursas are cool
Remember that period where /wfg/ wanted to fuck Bursas for some reason? H-Haha, I remember
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>Xaku is feminine leaning
Behold, a woman!
You are arguing with a Summerfag that unironically likes Ligger. Just call him a nig and stop engaging. They probably also believe there are more than two genders, you're not going to get anywhere.
Now that you mention it Nezha does have nice hips
I didn't say a woman, I said feminine leaning. That's not the own you think it is, there's a reason why everyone calls Nezha a femboy/trap, because he's also feminine
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>Remember that period where /wfg/ wanted to fuck _______ for some reason? H-Haha, I remember
You can literally put anything there and it'd make sense
Not an argument, fuck off retard
This is the funniest way possible to fail to prove that xaku isn't a dude
but I'm not arguing with you, just calling you a schizo, get help holy shit
I need to know if Xaku schizo thinks traps are gay or not
pregnant xaku
How am I a schizo for stating facts? Try to actually refute anything I said instead of making an idiot out of yourselves. I'm not even the original anons any of you are arguing with, if anything the people going on for an hour about whether Xaku is a woman or not are the schizos because they lost the point
>Ligger purposefully took that feminine frame and made it have broad shoulders and a male body
>This is clearly a woman
vlad's art has done irreparable harm to the thread economy of /wfg/
wfg is a trans-positive space!
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Okay so you're just trying to bait me or you're blind, gg
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Playing railjack with randoms is fucking awful
Anyways I managed to clone myself
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Gara? Never seen lewd art of her. I know there is some of Zephyr, as I have one saved. Wish she had a better deluxe skin.
it's what the lotus would have wanted
>Do no believe what you see with your eyes, believe what I tell you
Oh no, Anon's a religious leader! Begone, cultist, this is a secular board. We don't worship the man in the sky here, we worship the man in the wall!
Are the fallopian tubes on the female part of Xaku also made of that void sloppa on their neck
"if its hips are wide, fucking it isn't gay" is an uncommonly based take for dubyooeffgee
what are you going on about? I don't think I said anything like that, please calm down schizo
Is there a worse feeling that seeing a scrub with your fashion?
getting cucked?
>impregnate her
>she goes into the skeleton form and the fetus falls out
what if jade stuck her spiritbaby womb into citrine's excavated indent while they hugged?
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How this argument sounds
so based
Silly anon, you can't be cucked by a 2d picture.
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>liger sucks because his skins don't make my penis hard
is a based take but moralizing about how this means that he is idealogically opposed to women is so fucking gay it borders on mental illness
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it's true though, if it's feminine enough for my dick it's feminine enough for me
Jade has taught us that preggo frames have a viewing glass cocoon.
Xaku would naturally form such a cocoon and carry it around.
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I can't believe it's back
I think it's a bit retarded when Khora's deluxe has the widest hips and juiciest ass of any frame
>stick a trypophobia inducing grate over her ass
>make it look like she's wearing a diaper
>tits are literally spikes
There's more to sex appeal than proportions, he got the proportions right but intentionally sabotaged the other aspects
shut the fuck up schizo
Says the schizo who refuses to have a meaningful debate
Hmmmmm nyo
Also, 'trypophobia', really? Are you a thirteen year old girl on Instagram who picked the idea up because she saw all her friends doing so?
trypoid what?
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>engage with my fake scenario!!
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Khora's deluxe is a fucking travesty.
Nothing makes it look good.
Frankly, it's a problem with all her skins
Whether or not you have the condition doesn't change he intentionally designed it in such a way a lot of people would find unappealing, retards. Also wow the instant defense force has arrived, are you all part of a discord?

You don't even deserve a (you)
I'm not xem, man. I just like Urushu and her fat ass, stockings, and waist. It's erotic.
You're in no position to call anyone a thirteen year old girl
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>looking for a shedu build to see if it's viable again
>kenya live tv broadcast appears on the search results
>i'm watching a kenya news channel right now
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thank you teshin
ligger hating women is what (You) want, please keep your fantasy to yourself you freak
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>come back to /wfg/ for the first time in 2 years
>land smack right dab in the middle of this riveting ongoing conversation
buy urushu for the animation set
I'm not the guy (?) with the reddit """""phobia"""""
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>he doesn't like when i say nyo
I just generally don't like khora, there I said it, she's a thematic and mechanical mess even with obvious chain linking her whip and cage who I only bring out for the index when nora asks me to
also her syandana looks good on garuda which is rare
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it looks wonderful on my grendel.
easiest fucking (you) of my life
this general gets worse each day
It's what Jade would have wanted
Welcome home
I dunno why someone hasnt done Loss.jpg with Stalker and Jade
T-thanks you too!
I kinda get where he's coming from with the thematic stuff. It's really weird when I start a mission and I have Mesa, Yareli and Wisp and they all do that stupid stomp at the same time with Grendel KHOOOM. When did Nourish get popular anyway?
Seems they redesigned it. Harmony is based on dishing full status damage straight away to the point heavy kills increase status duration and therefore overall damage.
What are you sperging about now, poopeater?
I'm actually really disappointed, I held out on complaining because I thought maybe that was the bonus only unlocked with jade or something - a team melee range buff would have been amazing
Got a lich with the magnetic aura, the weapon itself is mr fodder. Try to sell the lich to someone or just take the weapon. For those who care, a 33% kuva karak
gay game, get over it
I doubt anyone bothers buying ephemera-less liches
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>he hates women.
I think he's just gay man.
>game crashes when boreal summons minions
thanks steve
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Maybe you just hate men.
by this logic shouldn't a tranny with dominant fem features be considered a woman and not a man?
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I hate this fucking month.
idk, i was really looking forward to a new support frame but..
Jade just feels eh
her buffs are ok, Judgment is honestly a shit mechanic, it should slow instead of her 3 so enemies actually stay in it longer and her 4's alt can do decent damage
also no clue what to build her for, the usual str>duration>range just feels...meh
Her exalted weapon feels like shit. It's like a pea shooter, and the only real damage it has is the Alt-fire but even then something shit doesn't die fast enough for the amount of investment needed.
>Jade just feels eh
>5 drain per second
>+ cast drain
>+ altfire drain
>4's normal fire has a T E N (10) % chance to apply Judgment
fucking why
yes, what do you need help with anonymous?
post build
I figure I'll play her like dante on rare occasion with maximum sustain for attack helicopter mode plus some moderate range/dur/str just to keep up the buffs and fly around

the numbers look really underwhelming considering you can't mod it like other exalted weapons
how about you ligger my balls nigger
So lets say I'm not interested in any of the arcanes I can buy with the event/ascension currencies, but I can buy the arcanes and disenchant them for valefor or whatever the fuck Loid's dust is called.

Which arcane packs should I be buying?
You should still be buying Energize to sell.
In my womb. Unbothered. Moisturized.
Current ephemera count
Cold and magnetic

Toxin and magnetic

Hunt for weapons or more ephemeras?
5 more days anon, you can do it
imagine being such a loser that you click on that clickbait
>the usual str>duration>range
This tells me all I need to know about why your builds suck and excel at nothing
I was just doing my EDA and netracells with only her 4 and still doing the most damage on the team
literally a build issue
her 4 isn't an incarnon but it still fucks pretty good
you're not buildingit right
Is the fastest way to kill the sister of parvos in the jade gamemode banshee + xata's whisper + laetum/vasto?
it tells you precisely nothing and pretending otherwise just makes you look like a retard
i ain't watching that
idk bros making a skin where a woman has had her skin and muscles peeled off and fashioned into a coat with needles shoved in isn't something a mentally healthy individual does
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Literally posted a couple threads ago
Maybe it's just me cause I'm only getting frustrated with her 4 against the Corpus in the event. Jade Eximus Units feel tanky as shit unless you nuke them with a strong burst damage.
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>he doesn't have the unreal tournament skins
literally just stack heat status and crit
archon vitality and pistol elementalist will quadruple your damage
Who said I don't?
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Why does Hunhow have a womb.
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Well I'm a dumbass.
Just checked now and I had her exalted on the wrong build.
because he's a birthing alien
It's a metaphorical womb. Sentients are asexual and Hunhow reproduces by having pieces break off of himself.
Or at least, that's how he was introduced. DE has gotten very hamfisted with the "muh family" metaphors and now I don't know if they genuinely forgot Sentients reproduce by budding
I feel your ignoring the context of the frame which said skin was made for
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What the fuck
Valkyr is not a gore frame though, at least not in the same as Garuda, she's a berserker/cat frame. Yes the original Valkyr had been tortured and had pieces removed but it was scifi/robot gore. It looked like her outer shell was peeled away to unveil a robot and that was it. Ligger turned that into literal guro, making sure it actually looked like bloody peeled muscles (DE even made a new shader for it), and that's kinda fucked up
>I'm only getting frustrated with her 4 against the Corpus in the event. Jade Eximus Units feel tanky as shit unless you nuke them with a strong burst damage.
Their extremely squishy with her 4 especially paired with the defense strip from he 3.
Are using serration? remember theres no arcane so have you have to find another way to boost her base damage unless you plan to have her damage buff constantly up
>you can't mod it like other exalted weapons
wait I'm retarded, I just didn't have it unlocked... you can mod it...
>wahhh they desecrated the female form I'm UNCOMFORTABLE
why are you such a snowflake holy shit shut the fuck up
Close. Fission is a method of reproduction but they stay linked to the may mind. Which is why fracturing War was so dangerous to him. Likewise, when Gara slayed the giant Sentient of Cetus, all of the fragments scattered became brainless, seeking to reform.
I believe the actual reason Hunhow has a womb even though they keep referencing him as a male and Praghasa as a female is either some reference to Aztec mythology or to the reproduction of crustaceans since Sentients reference them in design. Most obviously, Starfishes.
>ligger hates women
>uhh no he doesn't
>he made a skin with a woman's skin explicitly peeled off though
>wow what are you a snowflake just deal with it
how far are you willing to shift the goalposts to try and keep your bait going
not the same person retard just chiming in again from way before in the conversation like fucking hours ago you goddamned schizo retard snowflake [buzzword] motherfucker, nobody but you believes this bizarre assertion that ligger hates women
Its a deluxe skin man its a different take on the concept just because the gore is mechanical doesnt mean its any less gore putting a spin on that and making it flesh doesn't move away from that. Hell you can argue that who ever came up with the concept and design for valkyr hates women for making her damaged like that but its suddenly ok because the insides are mechanical?
Yeah good point anon.
I think ligger's older art proves he hates men by the same logic
you sure have a really deep personal investment in this conversation to "totally not be the same person" who keeps chiming in every time someone mentions it
maybe you're the real schizo, take your meds and calm down
IgnusDei was just better because he wasn't a faggot.
We should be able to customize Yonta's clothes
Thats shit
New ded
based and true

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