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Bring Back Ignus Edition

Previous thread: >>483261059

Buy Plat
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CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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Post your favorite Ignus skin, I'll start
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
This is better than the Heirloom skin imo
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Post your floof shelf, I'll start
Yeah, I didn't really feel inclined to buy the Heirloom (price gouging aside) because I never take off Harka
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This is clearly a woman, you can see it by it's bone structure. Just because she's wearing a male boot and a guy fawkes mask and they all have a conscience it doesn't mean she's sudenly multiple genders.
>average grineer woman
>feet on wisp
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Get more floofs senpai
delete alchemy
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I have a goon shelf instead
least homosexual /pol/tard
Is this on a switch? Also that must be the cum jar
no the screenshots just at a higher resolution than what I play in game it doesn't actually look that bad. But I am playing on a potato pc
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inaros watching what I'm doing with his urn from storage
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>he didn't grab the limited time kino unreal tournament skins
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Which character deserves a quest of their own next now that Stalker has a "ending"?
I think Captain Vor should get something soon. He's been Orokined for literal years now.
Tyl Regor. At least Vor shows up in Duviri talking about the Wall of Bones and shit. Regor's last appearance was just narrating Citrine.
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At least they remembered he existed for the Circuit.
Nef Anyo has been totally forgotten. Ever since Deadlock, he's been replaced by Parvos and we don't even know what he's up to. DE refuses to do anything meaningful for him, I mean for fuck's sake they had concepts for his boss fight 10 goddamn years ago and we STILL have "The Sergeant" taking up a spot for him. Let Nef Anyo get some kind of comeuppance which also leads to a boss fight.
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"Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm."

"Look at them. They come to this place when they know they are not pure."

"My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesise this moment?"

"Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void."

"I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus key, the Void called to me. It brought me here, and here I was reborn."

"We cannot blame these creatures. They are being led by a false prophet, an imposter, who knows not the secrets of the Void."

"The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity."

"Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key."

"Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus key. Forever bound to the Void."

"It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth."

"Impressive, pity you must die!"

"That will not happen again!"

"I offered you glory, and you choose this?!"

(upon defeat, variant) "This death is temporary. My existence is forever. I cannot be destroyed!"

(upon defeat, variant) "Behold, they cut me down but still, I speak. I am energy and I cannot be destroyed!"

"What a waste! Your scarred vessel comes to beg once more! You will never pry the Janus Key from the clutches of its rightful owner – I, Captain Vor, have ascended and the Void salutes me! You will die a lifetime, an eternity, a universe of deaths before you are blessed by the endlessness of this place, this paradise. I will never close an eye to the gift that is the Void. Even as my flesh hardens, a wall of bone awaits my joining."
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>redditspacing it
tube top reb wew
This. He's cool and also has a more interesting story than any other villain. If DE wanted to pick someone for the sympathetic villain role then a scientist who's trying to cure super cancer is a lot better than whatever they're doing with fucking parvos now. "teh corpus never use slaves or cephalons!!!!!!" meanwhile the fortuna gulags are full and sark is ducttaped to the cuck chair in the index
bold choice with the mom jeans imo, but I will never not respect her being a huge dork
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it's like you didn't even finish conservation
>"teh corpus never use slaves or cephalons!!!!!!" meanwhile the fortuna gulags are full and sark is ducttaped to the cuck chair in the index
That was all under Nef Anyo and Frohd Bek, if DE gave a shit they'd try to emphasize Parvos as running his own Corpus sect, but instead they're treating him like another Nef
I think Nef will get his when the we finally fight the 3rd Orb Mother lol
KEEEEEEEEEEEKAROOO we're still waiting. We go into Space Souls before fucking Orb 3.
I respect dorky women because they aren't putting up a façade and are chill enough to be that way in public. Women who think they are too good for everything are lame as fuck.
I completely forgot that parvos was so down bad for protea that he got stuck in his void goon cave
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I think Rebb HATES those standalone disconnected slices of game that Steve loved, and she'll probably never touch them again, like what she said about Railjack, unless she decides to significantly revamp them so they're much more connected to the regular gameplay.
Which means Orb 3 never.
You guys got Inaros builds? I have no idea what I do with him now that he is so different
if rebb doesn't give us orb 3 i'll go back to liking steve over her.
To this day I cannot believe they actually went through with railjack. Maybe it was because the launch was such a disaster but it feels like a fever dream thats still there after you wake up
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>Day 4 of farming for Hespar Blade
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just buy it on the market bro
He was plapping her cheeks for centuries, then popped out and saw the nu-Corpus made a mockery of his teachings
And then he was like "fuck this I'm making my own Corpus populated only by my own harem"
Dude knows what he wants
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No. I'd rather spend that 170 on a skin I will never use than waste it on a weapon I will chuck into the garbage once its ranked.
I think railjack is amazing, but it needs to be better integrated into the game. The gameplay is there, but it's too much of a island content right now.

I wish we got what we had in Tennocon, being able to summon a railjack on openworld and then leaving into the atmosphere. Get rid of the railjack mode and move those nodes over to the main chart. Gian Point was amazng, more of that please. And allow us to select missions from our railjack like the Orbitor make it a oribtor-lite and for gods sakes rework the main cannon so we can shoot it while piloting the ship.

Steve had the idea but it needed to be better integrated. I get why Reb doesn't like content islands.
>not use subtext
I thought Parvos running his own Corpus sect was obvious.
You'd be surprised by how many people missed or forgot about the opening to Sisters of Parvos where he makes his own Corpus. Although it doesn't help that DE has only been using Parvos and forgot about Frohd Bek, Alad V (who might actually be dead this time), and Nef Anyo to help differentiate.
>who might actually be dead this time
Keyword might.
>he thinks ballas is actually dead
>he thinks Minn is dead too
>his own Corpus
Procuring a giant table isn't particularly difficult. The entire "Corpus" was always a loose association, a cartel, at best. They trade with each other and the literal enemy trying to kill them. The Founder coming back and setting up shop is, in no way, forbidden, and he probably doesn't even need to flex that hard to get resources and investors.
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you think rebb will post more like this?
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The... signa? The fucking halo is pretty nice.
Not nice enough to pay real cash for, but, ya know, it's nice anyway.
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I didn't say anything for Ballas. We already have Ballas 2 chilling in Duviri so that ship has sailed. Nothing's been said about Alad's fate so he's Schrodinger's Alad right now.

He floats the idea of starting a new Corpus after Deadlock, and the disappearance of Frohd Bek and Nef seem to point to that happening
>The Corpus shall know a violent restructuring, but with time enough to face the impending threat from Tau with renewed and absolute vigor.
>Or not. Perhaps the rot is too deep. Perhaps the father should abandon his children. Perhaps it is time for a new philosophy. Hmmm.
It's not impossible that he did restructure the Corpus and kick out Nef and Frohd, but it would make more sense if his "Sisters of Parvos" Corpus is a separate organization, that many of the old Corpus joined up for. It would also allow Nef and Frohd to still have a role in the story going forward, if they're clinging to power on the old Corpus.

>She fulfilled her purpose. She bore an heir!
real talk parvos came back to a complete shitshow. one of the main people in charge got pozzed up by everything in the galaxy that moves and the other invested all the liquid assets into crypto
As long as Alad V stays dead I'm good.
>He floats the idea of starting a new Corpus after Deadlock
Oh, I remember. That's another thing with Warframe's storytelling - not only is it fragmented like a Dark Souls lore, half the narrators are unreliable, and some just straight up lie to you. It's certainly A way to do storytelling, but the dopey spectator characters that serve as a stand in for the audience exist for a reason, and even our own Tater Tot has access to information we do not. Otherwise, this is just a simple Cosmic Horror Story.

Good thing Andrew Hussie or Toby Fox aren't involved, or the fourth wall breaks would be too much. Or Alexis Kennedy and his friends, or we'd have an earful of esoteric anarcho-communism on top of "fascism bad", "capitalism bad".
Sometimes I think we take for granted how good we have it in Warframe
I just wan't new lore with cunny queen. It's been 2 years since voruna.
Gosh, New War was so disappointing. I remember Steve saying he was excited for Worm in that quest. Didn't even appear.
Every Ignus skin has some kind of popped collar or turtleneck and it really bothers me for some reason.
welp is a fun 100 hour ride but after experiencing whisper in the wall's story im done with this game. single expansion turned warframe from a fun space ninja game to wokeframe ill come back if they fire rebecca and remove the star wars esque politics from future storylines
and the only ones that don't feature dismembered women baka
But anon, it has already been fixed. Jade Shadows quest is about plapping warframes and getting them pregnant.
>100 hour ride
>whisper in the wall
> single expansion turned warframe from a fun space ninja game to wokeframe
do mrlets not have to complete the sacrifice or fortuna or zariman or new war or
IDEA: We should be able to slot the same mod twice. However, the drain would double for the second copy. So if we already have Intensify on (11 drain), the second Intensify would have a 22 drain. Set mods would not apply for this.
Frost doesn't.
Also covering the neck makes it easier to have the transition between the neck and helmet. Otherwise it can look kinda weird since helmets can be swapped out.
>retard filtered by gay a couple
Holy shit it works. It actually works.
your operator, a child, is forced to engage in a homosexual act with a grown man via transference inside of a statue. how is that okay with you?
he has to be deliberately missing the story to be this mad
OMG the Lotus is grooming literal children into becoming interdimentional trannies????!!!!! HURRY SOMEONE CALL JORDAN PETERSON
this is bait but i'll reply anyways
How much can you even sell a Lich with ephemera for?
me, a grown man is forced to engage in a heterosexual act with your mother via penis inside vagina every night. how is that okay with you?
wait, you mean when the statue reaches out to hold the other statues cheek? are you that thin-skinned?
Slot unranked adapatation for 2
Slot second unranked adaptation for 4 (6 total)
Behold my 99% DR (that's usually more like 77% DR half the time but that's still pretty good)
that statue that YOU are forced to control and rub the other statue being controlled by the gay man in the walls
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You don't get it, that's how they groom you. First the Lotus seduces the Tenno, start their sex life early amidst the 3000 thousand years of puberty, and then BAM you're employed into a sex ring inside sanctum anatomica forced to engage into homosexual sexual acts with giant statues. The sentients did this.
Who cares you still get oneshot by the time you're against level 1000 enemies
Also Adaptation would still have its 90% or whatever cap
Turns out Lotus's nursing handjobs and mommy incest roleplays weren't worth it after all
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No one tell him about Nuptia
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The Lotus would never do such a thing!
>hurry tenno, those statues aren't going to fuck themselves are they?
When was the last time we had an event with level 1000+ enemies?
Only one I can remember was... 5 years ago?
it's amazing how you let one guy clearly shitposting completely derail the thread
all you have to do is literally not reply
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I can't stop thinking about those leaks. If they really are adding a romance feature in the game, we're going to get a whole new wave of r34
the disruption one? no way, I mean I kind of tapped out of events after that one, but I thought we had a few since then that scaled up where people were poopsocking... or was orphix venom really limited?
theres nothing else to talk about nigger

at least its on topic
anon even if it's bait it's still funny to poke at that retarded narrative. Also for sure someone in here would've agreed with him anyway, there's always at least one.
lotus brewery telegram has a bunch of 1999 leaks
Where Stalker frame?
VectisIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]VECTIS INCARNON ADAPTER
AtticaIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]ATTICA INCARNON ADAPTER
TysisIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]TYSIS INCARNON ADAPTER
MarelokIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]MARELOK INCARNON ADAPTER
GramIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]GRAM INCARNON ADAPTER

Can't find the other stuff
How is this suppose to work? Another rotation week in duviri?
Omnia Cascade reaches level 1000 after about 35 minutes and level cap after 1 hour.
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>Saryn with a kubrow named "Knotty"
Just looked at it. What's with the Arthur having a stalker helmet? Don't have telegram so I can't see other hidden posts.
was this posted in the brewery? I cant find the post mentioning these
how is this related to romance?
i believe in banshee soprana's leather thigh highs and exposed thighs supremacy
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heres them all in 1 pic
no one has time for all that
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Thanks boss. This is interesting stuff.

But what was the Arthur stalker explained at all?
realest 10o hours
>yet even more islands
instead of the same mod twice you can only use different mods with overlapping effects, eg. point strike + critical delay. both mods get wrong polarity cost before forma
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>your operator, a child
You know that you can use your drifter? Why are you still playing as a child?
you cant use drifter outside of duvuri and new war
>he took the bait
press 5 in your orbiter
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>MarelokIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH]MARELOK INCARNON ADAPTER
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>Love Dialogues
uh oh stinky
>my father kissing me goodnight would be considered a homosexual act by this anon
Me kissing your father goodnight is considered a homosexual act by me
>no mention of new incarnon adapters
so is this >>483366157 anon just talking out of his ass
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28 runs and I finally got it boys. it takes on average 20 minutes for a run. fucking awful and i see why it sells for over 150 plat
now to farm the aeolak...
Personally I don't believe anything. I'm going to stop paying attention to these ""leaks""
amprex incarnon soon
There some shit I can DL to mine this crap myself or is WF a custom thing?

the incarnon stuff wasnt posted in an image it was 482820528#p482865292
My combo image was from the thread before that
should be banned tbqh
90% of the shit that gets posted to the brewery is legit. might as well be the fat beaner himself that posted them.

if its not from the brewery then its fake and gayer than fucking another man in the ass
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Where is the third game goddammit? Even Metroid Prime 4 got announced.
>if its not from the brewery then its fake and gayer than fucking another man in the ass
there were plenty of other projects before that did the same thing to varying degrees, I can't imagine there aren't still

seriously I keep listening to apocalypse and trace rising while grinding wf holy shit it's so hype, but honestly idk I was really kind of put off by the vibe and structure of 2... I hope there's more of a return to form or at least leaning into the original's aesthetic if we do get a 3rd
How do I start selling myself
Should I go Toxin or Heat on Kuva Zarr?
Should I go anal or Oral on Tenet Reb?
why not both
I am manifesting amprex incarnon. my vril is stronger than that tranny's
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>Omnia Fissures don't count for the Nigwave mission where you open 1 of each relic type
Because AV2 did away with the Metroid-like combat. It’s like AV1’s combat was one Rebecca and AV2 on Steve:
In 1, you have a gun and it gets proper upgrades that affect the firepower, range or how the projectiles travel. Trace also plays much more straightforwardly with the glitch mechanics. Most of the upgrades are curveballs in how a Metroid upgrade works but you essentially get the same results.
In 2, Indra starts finding any primitive object she can find and fights with it like a pickaxe or boomerang so she doesn’t have the same firepower and you are forced to go stealth or arduous combat against the mobs. You can’t go on glitching people like crazy so at most you can hack some power of the enemies or select powers of the “bosses”. We don’t even have proper bossfights, being immortal in both mandatory ones. Instead of using the glitching mechanics to break through the map, Indra has to travel through the retro breach world etc.
2’s gameplay basically throws away combat due to that so you are left with solely exploration. In doing so it ironically proves Metroidvanias *need* combat in spite of all the praise they get for exploration. Even most of the plot is stuff we have to piece together from scattered notes and the deadly disease we are spreading turning NPCs into monsters whereas in AV1 we had Trace’s flashbacks to help make sense of most of it.
yeah nah cause that'd be too easy
buy plat
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>love dialogues
>romance options
>preloaded new variations of incarnon weapons
Isn't that it?
didn't mention each weapon specifically. which is weird cause last few batches of incarnon that did get leaked each weapon got mentioned by name + their evolutions
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>dating sim elements
damn shame, I really just loved the sensation of exploring and getting stronger and more familiar with the glitches

>We don’t even have proper bossfights
that was the biggest disappointment to me
>In doing so it ironically proves Metroidvanias *need* combat in spite of all the praise they get for exploration.
100%, even the lightest of the best metroids/metroidvanias on combat still had meaningful checkpoints where you have real fights
Anyone know what causes you to be immortal in the simulacrum? My shields just refuse to deplete and I can't die.
have you tried toggling the setting deez nuts on your chin!

Did you turn on the immune to damage option
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At this point i am going to assume that you are Liger.
Stop being such a faggot man.
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thank u rebb
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>just doing the alerts is way more profitable and time efficient than the event
your [Vestigial Motes]?
your [Free Arcanes]?
your [Free Affinity]?
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Ligger hasn't released a single attractive female...well anything.
>Free Arcanes
Free indeed - they are just gacha fodder
and not like Ive anything to level up
Dr. Disrespect said in his discord that he's considering trying PVE games like Warframe as he's stressed out. Will his audience ruin the community with tourists or will it overall be a good thing for the game?
literally who
graduating from pvp games to pve games is when you truly grow up
Probably a good thing for increased revenue. Never heard anything about his community though. I doubt how well his viewers would take the game though because in my experience it isn't fun to watch
He's probrably gonna say something stupid and piss off Steve then get banned like that other dude on twitter
i think anyone following that retarded pedophile is going to wash out of warframe if not because the story is """too woke""" then definitely because simple math is too hard or them
>Build rev prime
>Absolute snore to play

Wish I knew this before I spent all this time.
>inb4 he records someone in their helminth
Hello my friends I might come back to the game after a 3 year hiatus. Don't want to make a new account but I want to start the "story" from the beginning, is it even possible? I honestly forgot how main quests work in this game.
Sevagoth with new augment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jade.
he's a god
I warned you
Also my favorite frame back then was the cowgirl aimbot, is she still good?
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You can replay most story quests now, go to your codex.
You could also make a whole new account.
You could also just wait a week and play TFD.

He's fucking boring, and that's saying something, I main Octavia.
>dust off the playstation to see what warframe community is like there
>multiple Ash's every lobby
>more users have mics, but those that do sound black
What exactly is it with black people and playing Ash?
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>boretavia main with arthritis from spamming croutch thinks rev is boring
I don't like Korean asset flip slop
>still shilling tfd
Now post the gameplay.
god of boredom and sleepiness
I call him sleepy rev
Fucking press 2: the frame

>Press crouch 5 times and afk for 50 seconds shitting on everything passively
>Press 2 and guess which enemy is effected by your 1 then spam 1 on everything then reave and spin your mouse in circles
>End up energy starved because you guessed wrong on which enemy was effected because they're not clearly marked
>Other build is just press 4 and watch Rev spin

Boy yeah let me tell you, this some high APM action
>le flop deslopdant
Why are you so afraid of competition?
he's just harrow with zero input and no weapons platform capability
What's wrong with posting the gameplay? Why do you avoid it like a vampire avoids sunlight?
what competition? unoptimized ue5 nexonslop with none of the fun of either destiny or warframe?
The only thing going for it are the coomer designs, which you've already seen all if you've played any of the betas, except on release all of those designs will be priced outta the wazoo
Also buy an ad
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
you are afraid indeed
You have to be 18+ to post here, nonny
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>it became "wokeframe" in Whispers in the Wall's
>not Rell being actually autistic
>not Father being completely henpecked
>not Ticker being transsexual
>not Onkko having to fake his own death so his wife could be taken care of by his friend
Nope. It took that retard all the way to the end of the main questline and see a man cup another man's cheek to realize.
Ok you got me. I'm afraid. Warframe will die (actually[for real{totally will this time}]) next week and you'll be laughing.
>no argument
concession accepted
the movement sucks
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the fuck is happening?
idk, you tell us anon, why do you care about the buyer prices of trappy prime
did you get your wii fit trainer ki ball emote? I did
i fucked your mom in her ass
>wii fit trainer ki ball emote
the what?
that's terrible, are you okay?
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>I remain
>the great...
>and terrible...
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just scammed a guy
he wanted 16 plat, I gave him 15. i am feeling devilish tonight
>Can remove Voruna's wolf heads on the shoulders
>Can't remove Voruna's wolf heads on the hips
why not
wait for her prime
i just sold 12 crushing ruin and 5 sets of fragor prime within 20 minutes
what the fuck?
They're using an algorithmic trader program. Once the buy/sell values are within a certain profit threshold it automatically makes buy orders for the item at a price where they can resell later.
>can't remove Dagath's horse heads on the shoulder
>can't remove Dagath's horse hoof shoes
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Bros, I did NOT know you could pet your dog and stuff on your ship. I am so happy. My inner white woman is now pleased.
Finally got wrathful advance on my nezha and ash I am one happy man. All thats left is to find out if it works with valkitty claws
I got scammed last night from a garuda neuro that was 13 but the guy gave me 8 but I was too tired to notice or care
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>>not Onkko having to fake his own death so his wife could be taken care of by his friend
This one never fail to make me laugh whenever I go to cetus. A Literal cuck shed right behind konzus shop while konzo brags to you happy he is that he gets to fuck saya before every mission
whispers in the gloryhole was pretty outright faggy, thats why i didnt like it, you can handwave away all the other story beats because the entire cast of characters are fairly inhuman in nature until whispers in the gloryhole.

Glad they took a step back and had a simple story (with a kind of stupid ending) in jade.
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I want to go for as much puncture and corrosive when fighting grineer right? I'm just trying to get something that can kill normal grineer while hunting my lich.
Imagine if you could have 3 umbra intensify that all max each other out (231). If you used 4 it could be 308 lmao
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And then this is my primary.
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Mesa you mean? shes okay.

You can revisit any of the story-quests you already completed via the codex to refresh your memory. There is no need to make a new account at all. Watch a youtube guide on coming back to the game, there's heaps of them, it'll stop you from doing anything stupid to brick your account.
wtf, warframe lore was actually based all along??
>unironically capping and agreeing with the finnschizo
>he doesn't want a hoofjob
>discover how fucking broken a setup is
>barely anybody is talking about it because it involves a very unpopular frame
>scared to mention because nerfhammer
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>anyone I don't like is a schizo
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Space Jews are exterminated by a faction that are even more sneaky and cowardly.

Unfathomably based
I'm assuming you're a somewhat new those builds should be fine considering what you have access to early game but liches have their own resistances so corrosive might not work but that should work for the normal units. also is that the zylok as your secondary? put hornet strike on it if it is its a semi auto so having high upfront damage helps to make it feel better
send it to me privately
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Where do I go for ERP
sent :)
thanks bwo, received it and sent a complaint to DE
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has anyone tried it on jades belly?
haha, imagine if she fisted you elbow deep with glove on, haha, like who would get off to that haha
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No I've got a fuckton of hours I'm just finally reaching the point where I can't just mindlessly unga bunga everything. Mine says it's resistant to electric and toxic so I was trying to avoid those.
>generic sluts in shitty armor
no thanks, i prefer my faceless fleshrobots
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BASED faceless chad
just like in the USSR manual says
i've used it on garudas futacock
What emote are you talking about
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haven't played since the nariman? tileset thing
the colours of the game got too much for my eyes daily for weeks and weeks with all the fucking explosions and change of enviromental colours every time i move from one room to a hallway and then to another room etc etc
well actually i did play "for the story" with that old man and excalibur/mag stuff when they take off their helmets and there's a human in or whatever? something about going backwards to learn what happened with that gold/blue floating thing, lloyd? he's actually a memory sealed in there who was a gay dude that helped his gay master that is like some smart guy or whatever that started all this shit? i dunno i forgot and dont really care anyway
is the game worth playing since then? once it turned into yet another reputation farm/grind i kinda got bored of it
after playing warframe for over a decade now im starting to have no issues dropping the game immediately and never touching it again when i get tired of the repetitism, which, lets be honest, is the entirety of warframe
however i just hope there is some reason to return other than "new grind just dropped"
the jade story quest is not worth it for me because i have 0 interest in that frame and if it did link with stalker why did they wait 10+ years to introduce it or even mention it for the first time? lazy/bad idea just randomly plucked out of thin air and put into the game
there has to be something more...
oh and as i looked for a picture to attach to my post... i heard about the saryn prime give-away on their recent twitch stream i think it was? i hate that, giving away primes for nothing when other people had to buy/farm it
oh it was zariman not nariman wasn't it
>however i just hope there is some reason to return other than "new grind just dropped"
bro this is warframe you are talking about
rhino roar is broken now i know
like you getting triple or even 10 times of effect
yes as you can see literally from the line directly above that one where i mentioned about that
ok so im guessing there is no reason
are you guys still doing dailys for reputation with that old dude in his place? he's in some like steel coffin and there's a fish that talks and some other animals in water filled glass jars or whatever
a bird
and i dont know what else, i didnt even run a single mission with them because its just so over-done now
you unlock steel path yet?
Anon i do reputation grinds because i like the gamemodes, like disruption.
Also there's some elite weeklies, like Deep Archimedea and Circuit.
yes but is it still for the old gay guy in his old memories that come from behind the necralisk thing with lloyd etc
the next rep grind after zariman..
or is there a new one since then? if there is a new one i could check it out but if its still memory old gay dude in sand then theres no reason (can you tell me the name of the current hub pls lol, im trying to describe it as best as i can so you know what i mean)
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Whats's the best melee arcanes now
sanctum anatomica
yes you grind for the gay dude and his fish
if you have a true lootmaxxing grindset you must do at least:
>daily sorties
>arbitration SP daily
>the circuit SP and regular weekly
>netracells or deep archimedea/elite deep archimedea weekly
>reputation grind for cavia/holdfasts if not maxed out
>kahl weekly if not already bought everything
>jade mote farming daily during the downtime
>prime/prime trash farming daily during the downtime
>steel path arena if low on endo
>the index SP if low on credits
>not PT
>not index AND pt
shaking my head desu senpai
how long do you think until they add a new rep hub?
heavy attack 1-shots the sissy
then your still early to mid game you still got a lot of toys left to unlock but that build you have should be fine for where your at
I have 14 mil credits and nothing to spend it on wtf are all you buying that you have to do profit taker and index?
1999 will literally be another one
Buying primed mods/energize to sell later.
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What if 1999 is new war tier?
Big time traders are constantly low on credits.
half of that is newfag shit
who even does sorties anymore
he doesn't deserve a story fuck, this guy. he only exists for argon crystal drop and he cant even do that properly (50%)
>me before realizing it isn't from void cascade
>thinking hes above newfag shit
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>people still fail spy
>people still screw up Kela puzzle
he has that augment for his 1
The New War was a disaster on nearly every front, literally the best thing about the update was the Nataruk.
yeah and when will that be?
In terms of being 5 hours of poorly written nonsense? Highly likely
ok thanks bro.
My warframe is strong.
2800 hours ingame and I still cant do the rotating target bit without ignis
ngmi when you waste time on pointless shit like that
Mr. Fish-o-nah-chee? It flew away! Hey! Chase it. Chase it!
sorry chuddie but you're just gonna have to accept that im setting off every fucking alarm in the game
why do you feel the need to do spies in a group?
My operator is cute.
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My operator is bumping /wfg/ while I farm prodman autographs in the index.
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>pregnant warframes
>ask if warframes have sperm
>get kicked from region
>implying mrlets in wfg know who john prodman is
Lotus keeps a Tenno sperm bank.
And she insists on getting the samples herself
ewwwww, the hag is not getting my sperm!
disgustin goblin
You're not allowed to use Yareli.
Relax, she's a doctor. Or at least she says she is. She's just doing a standard procedure
How am I supposed to goon to this malformation of human form
If DE didn't want me to grief, why did they make Limbo?
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I got called a chuddie in trade chat.
Trade Chat just flew over my house
Amerimutts are so brainwashed by woke game devs filling their games with generic, ugly brown women and trannies that the sight of a game with realistic attractive women disgusts them. I hate using the term brain rot but it quite literally applies here. You should go to do the doctor's office and get a testosterone test because I guarantee you that you have low-t affecting your braincells.
Probably some regular human npc, maybe a merchant, or an actual warframe dude whose regular warframe counterpart will be one of the rewards from that content islands
You should get the FUCK OUT from this thread and shill your gook slop somewhere else.
how did you manage that?
>Amerimutts are so brainwashed by woke game devs filling their games with generic, ugly brown women and trannies that the sight of a game with realistic attractive women disgusts them
I'm completely with you there because I play another korean slop and love it, but I personally play Warframe for the humanoid blenders, not pretty faces
Sure, I'd like it if all the NPC's in Warframe looked like actual human beings instead of amalgams of chromosomes from various primates, but it is what it is, and I don't have to look at them too often
'Here' won't exist when Warframe gets blown of out the water. This thread will be dead come next week. Most people I know are sick of the shit DE has been pulling and are looking forward to a game that actually listens to the community.
Is it worth selling Kubrow imprints if I have a Chesa?
>hasn't posted gameplay yet
too busy fucking your mom
Imprints are there to be given to MRlets who are struggling with getting specific breeds of kots or dogs
They are otherwise worthless after masking kits were introduced
why not just watch porn
I foresee that his name is Amir and he will be a fucking nigger. Canadians can't live a day without fucking niggers.
God, i hope they won't fuck up Hildryn.
Imagine getting filtered by Warframe.
How do we respond without sounding mad, wfsaars?
their porno is also filled with trannies and negroes
gameplay footage?
I very much doubt all of the frames will have counterparts in 1999
Probably just the classic ones
And I hope they'll make Equinox into a dual-personality schizo
Pornography is going to require an ID here soon, and just because it hasn't happened to the colony yet, doesn't mean it won't in the future with how prudish your protestant party is. Gaming is one of the last bastions of attractive women in the world. You go outside and it's all ugly troglodytes with crooked teeth, you open a magazine and it's filled with fat goblin models preaching body positivity. Games like Stellar Blade have shown that there is a desire to see more attractive women like society once valued. This isn't just about a game it's about the culture of society.
No, you don't. You just made that up.
the movement sucks though
Sure, faggot, go make a general and stay there and we will be watching from here how that parody of a game will flop in a two weeks. And then how you will do a backflip into a noose.
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thats not tfd
>muh movement
>in warframe where most missions are timed endurance
The nexon shill better make a general for his shitty game in one week so he stops spamming here.

Reminder he hasn't posted gameplay footage because it looks like absolute horseshit and it is already p2w since the 'prime' characters are real money only and they have already released them.

Imagine shilling for mobile game tier shit as a competitor to warframe. No, jerking off to maid suit gook coomer models doesn't make you manly and you havent exercised for 1 minute in your life
my test is literally off the charts because I do tren and the gook descendant is hot fucking garbage and you should fucking kill yourself in the most painful way possible or else I will come to your house strangle you and then rape your mother
It's certainly not acrobatic. I wish people would stop using "mobile game" as an insult, and move on to something else as a pseud's way of saying "I think thing bad".
movement still sucks
member when everyone thought that this looked good
He has no real arguments
go back
also warframe is literally a mobile game
Shut the fuck up, I didn't ask you anything, shill.

is the only argument needed.
And you don't have real gameplay.
Warframe's movement allows you to bypass the entire game. It's the entire reason there is not a single challenge in the game. Your brain has been fried by zoomer shooters and ritalin.
So what elements should I be building now? Is it still slash/viral?
Was trying to sell some glaive and Ichor Rivens and some dude tried haggling it down, I'm not against that but he went too far down, told him "X is as low as I'm willing to go bro." and he just said "OK chuddie", I replied with lol and then didn't follow up.
Slash is fucked
Heat is the new king
blast/toxin or blast/electric
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tick tock
tick tock
your day of the rope and AAACK is nigh
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You need to stop samefagging. Post gameplay.
Whatever happened to the Drifter getting a Tigris like the trailers, or using Nataruk from the New War?
Have even slower movement than old Warframe and duller sound design is NOT the play.
>thematicschizo is seething
Do I just replace Slash/Viral with Heat/Viral or Heat/Corrosive now?
Blast is good now? I read up on the changes and it doesn't seem all that better than just being able to do more damage with Viral or Corrosive
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retard here, how do I choose whether to bring fast/slow/neutral nova in pub content? Ie netracells/archon/the circuit
>/dg/ aint scared of this
>/wfg/ is scared of this
Why though?
Because Destiny is a better game than the forever beta test that is Warframe.
speedva for netracells
If you're still here, the generic mod config most guns use is
>multishot, crit chance, crit damage, 3 element mods, % damage, fire rate
Don't worry about sticking to this too hard. The best general use elements are viral+heat, but specifically for Grineer you'd want to do corrosive and something else.

Do viral+heat if you wanna be lazy. Corrosive is pretty good if you can get it for free, but I wouldn't mod for it on a damaging weapon. Blast is good for clearing trash mobs, but difficult to mod for because it blocks you from heat, viral, magnetic, or cold.

bring speedva for low/medium level content where kill count matters, like regular Defense, Exterminate, Netracells. Bring slowva for everything else
On an unrelated note, some French dude is trying to sell a dual Ichor riven at 10k. Is he delusional or do they actually go for that?
they were good but not 10k good
i've seen that gaz tv youtube guy shill them before
maybe something changed with the status rework dunno
I'll run some tests with viral/heat and corrosive/heat. Thanks dude
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>argue with someone over frame builds
>he brings up aznvasions videos

just think about whether you need to kill faster or you need more cc in general
for the kill? slow
for other missions? if defense then speed everything else can go slow
definitely slow even for defense but you might want to not use her 4th on the first rotation because it's piss easy
later on it's actually better to go take it slow
He is probably just trying to drive up the price after hoarding them, if I was a shit tuber I'd do that.
azninvasion usually has some good points to mention but ultimately make fairly unusable builds but I dont think ive ever seen him as wrong as the Jade video
>but ultimately make fairly unusable builds
which is why his videos are only for those who want to minmax or for those who don't mind playing in very specific ways
in other words: for the generic player his vids are for entertainment at best and not for recreations(they most likely can't recreate his builds due to lack of resources anyways)

>this guy brings up aznvasions builds
>check build
>it's fucking garbage and i'd need to use multiple specific weapons to make it work (it would still be unfun and uncomfortable)
>check aznvasions profile
>has 0.1% playtime on frame
>bare minimum + testing on entry level steel path and never touched it again
>meanwhile i've been experimenting and tweaking the build to my personal preferences for atleast 3 weeks now(which is still fucking nothing but more than a few hours of gametime for sure)
>check the guy's profile who i argued with
>he doesn't play the frame either
extra organic bumps today
Can you go back to shilling nexus-shit?
I feel like I get a lot of people asking about my equinox build because
A) Im usually doing 91% damage dealt
but more importantly
B) Brozime said Equinox was like C- tier and it baffles people that im carrying them
>fake scenario
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Nice one anon
fucking subsooming, I dont have enough shit to constantly replenish calx, and rubedo is running out too fast
i will play your gook game if it doesn't have a forma system
Wait until you'll inevitably run out of Bile, and will need to spam Fortuna's Eye on SP to have anything to throw into it
I don't get Equinox. I press 4, get 1 slash on enemies, hit 4 again and nothing happens. And there's people saying they destroying the map with it.
is he the guy who beat his wife on stream and then cheated on her in a bathroom
While 4 is active, all enemies health values are added to a pool, so you let it accumulate for a bit and watch the number. When 4 is Disabled, you detonate a blast with the total value divided by the amount of enemies.
In Belly of the Beast, a good range equinox reaches the entire map, but also entirely vertically. As long as other people are killing too you can wipe the entire elevator chamber every 30 seconds or less
for bile I still have a nice decent stash of coordinates, voidgel orbs and cryotic
with calx I have shit besides rubedo and a bit of grokdul (I aint giving it hexenon)
where the FUCK is pets rework part 2
What happened?
Read a few news about this but everyone is beating around the bush.
yeah, the good ole dr disrespect his wife
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>he doesn't have the bear backpack from the beta
27th account complete. Time to restart again and larp as a new player for our wholesome chungus community.
the elusive new warframe player
I want to eat Ember's asshole out.
Did you do that after just waking up?
Equinox 4 charges a meter based on the HP of enemies that die in range while it's channeling. When recast 4 to end the channel, Maim/the day form version it detonates all that stored damage in a large area that goes through walls. Equinox is extremely strong, but clunky to play and most of her 7 abilities are either not unique or not strong.
He will be gone soon.
>2 more weeks
how do i connect my wii remote on steam
shove it up your ass
you need to connect it through your bussy port
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>argue with someone over frame builds
>he says its not "thematic"
blud thinks this is google
i already play wisp and trinity with buttplug.io but id like to use my wii remote for the fun of it to see how it plays
You've been saying that for over a year and he's still here...
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GOAT movement though
The Corpus are the good guys.
so true.

another 20 gorillion credits to the ostrons
whatever happened there
Alad V is the protagonist and hero of Warframe.
>the way he is swinging that machete
I don't know why it made me cackle so hard. I'm such a simple man.
our response?!??!?!?!??!
Warframe meanwhile: >>483401727
That's goated movement and melee play, now post TFD's bullet jumps
You need to get serration, or amalgam serration even better.
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Bullet jumps are soulless zoomerslop. Warframe was ruined after they deleted coptering
Warframe was a better game with better movement when bullet jumping wasn't a thing. TFD is returning to the time when Warframe's movement was truly skillful and tactical.

coptering is gay shit and I'm tired of pretending that it was good
I'm glad they removed it
This, bulletjumps = bastardized flying. They had to make new Jupiter to utilize it.
Bullet jumps are the reason why warframe's pvp is dead btw
even the ui and art direction was better back then
>muh m-muh MUH maplestory!
Was 20 years ago and you are still seething
That's the best thing that could've happened to it, really
Old movement sucked and parkour is faster than coptering
bullet jumping is basically coptering
>go fast if you build right
>get stuck in wall sometimes
>dual heat swords
>no heat damage
>paint flames onto a sword
>no flame damage
>looks cool
I hate warframe boomers, they need to die.
No tech involved, may as well clouwalk or titania fly
Rolling is way faster than bullet jumping.
Bullet jump -> double jump -> roll -> slide -> bullet jump -> repeat.
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Any sevagoth nuke builds?
Reminder reb removed this from warframe...
Yes, plenty
the brothers...
No, fuck off.
I don't want the best frame in the game right now to be nerfed.
>best frame
That's not Saryn or Octavia.
>best frame
Thats not bumparr and seetharia.
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can't decide whether I want to keep his 4 or not. I have his claws/shadow full forma'd and modded but I don't pop it very often
Did they nerf the operation mission last couple of days? the enemy spawnrate seems less and i dont get 3k endo anymore after completing it.
I cant find the patch notes for it.
>tiny range and duration
yeah what about it

Since the tfd shill STILL hasn't posted gameplay. The troll webms look unironically better than this
>its just a worse Anthem
jesus christ my expectations were low but holy fuck
good morning wfg what is up
looks pretty good
I wasn't really going to play it, but it seems like good fun. I shall give it a try.
Looks ok
They have grappling hooks? Awesome, sadly those are useless in warframe (valk) due to bullet jumps. My fav part in titanlall2 btw.
Wow! Look very nice!!
Yeah, warframe is "just bullet jump, lol"
Which Frame is this
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if you want to spam cast just dump duration and get a grouping tool like mag pull (closer they are to eachother the more damage they take)
but then you have to get a subsume on his 4th to something that doesn't use duration
range 175% or more prefered
also since you are spam casting don't do triple umbral like >>483406494 , you are better off playing with brief respite and 2 augur mods

subsoom over 4 if you want only nuke
otherwise i'd highly recommend if you go gun-nuke hybrid to get nourish for energy economy + extra damage and for pic rel
1 energize proc with nourish is 450+ energy and all you need is one orb
>triple umbral
I'm not a big fan of open world
Skip 1999
What happened with gloom?
I'll skip back a bit further and save the Soviet Union.
Looks really good! (5 dollars have been sent to your PayPal, remove this part before posting)
Stop posting niggers.
Favourite open world? I really like Caimos Drift, I love the Infested
im not a huge fan of the open worlds ill be honest but if i had to pick id probably pick fortuna simply just because of the orb fights theyre very fun
>80% of this will be cut content
fortuna sucks donkey dick
>huge empty map
>everything looks the same
>everything white and grey
>now there's mud everywhere and it's even uglier
Fortuna and drift are nice, though drift mining is suicide inducing. Only part of plains that I like is eidolon farming.
Waw saaar vary naice hot a wat bhadibiat
>boreal spawns aerolysts
>game crashes immediately
wow DE, thanks, very nice
very nice posts sirs.,.. congratulations.
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new content when?
a week ago
This kept happening to randoms I never actually found a group that could finish the mission. First mission of the set we got a MISSION FAILED the second someone inserted the data into the console
yeah, cambian is so much better
>ugly red tint
>everything looks the same
>retarded fucking "caves"
>dumb fucking beacons
>can't archwing anywhere without getting harassed by infested maggots
>but at least you can walk on the watter
map size is smaller, better bounties, better standing system, better npcs, better gear & associated warframes
>infested but immune to status
It was shit like the rest. Most of the fun of the game is running through levels and open world has none of that.
jade shadows more like jade sex
you mean immune to VIRAL which was the dominant element back in the day when it was first released. scott must've hit his head while working on his truck and thought this was a good way to make the players diversify their builds, but what happened instead was people just started modding for corrosive heat instead of viral slash for deimos content.
>the West has fallen because vidya doesn't cater to my sexual desires as aggressively
touch ass
What Frames dont use their guns and just fully use their magic spells only.
I want a magician frame that makes it rain fire or maybe one that shoots fireballs that explode or something i dont want to aim a gun guns are lame if i wanted to shoot people with guns i would play Call of Duty.
protea :^)
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saryn, ember, frost, volt........
play the gunslinger mesa
This made me think of a warframe universe Alex Jones. He would be Nora's rival and spout non-stop conspiracy theories about the Tenno.
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are operators a conspiracy? do they basic rank-and-file grunt know that the warframes are just meat suits? obviously the higher ranking know that we use transference to fught them, and some of the lower grunt hear this but do they think it's real and understand what they are sent to fight? or are we just walking calamities to them?
THe 3k endo is a mission reward. They fixed it so the mission actually drops Jades shit so the rates reduced.
Nah, they were still worth it.
Grineer will call you Tenno scum on sight. They're probably fed propaganda that conveniently leaves out the fact that a grunt is hopeless in a fight. If a location is destroyed or wiped out or a ship is destroyed by a warframe I think they're not saying who did it either because that would be extremely demoralizing to the rest of your troops. They probably just blame the other faction instead.
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the one where they go salute the sun and then kamehameha you
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>mfw trying ot build necramech
What's the best way to do silver grove atm?
Ivara prowl, nekros ripkas, hydroid?
Plus spare parts?
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Void+overcharge of emotions cause reality warping known as Conceptual Embodiment.
Gathering tablets around Duviri we learn the Drifter made a deal with Wally just like the Operator but he got Monkey’s Paw’d as “I said I could save them all and I did. Never said I’d save you” so he got stuck alone in the Zariman.
Mother Entrati wrote the storybook Tales of Duviri based on stories she wrote as a kid with Albrecth Entrati and her books were issued around so children could control their emotions via cautionary tales to reduce Void Contamination as it reacts to emotions. The Drifter goes insane and the book and toys are some of the possessions he had in Zariman so it’s implied this is what he immersed in while the madness slowly took over him and then stranded there this caused the embodiment of the fairy tales into a section of the Void.
This is all a good thing actually as the cautionary tales STILL work as a barricade against Wally.
something wrong with stalker's face cam
I want my wallrun-backfip combo back like you wouldn't believe, why did they have to give us the gay wall hop instead? why not both?
this looks like complete ass, what the hell? it's slower shittier anthem without a flight model and instead a grappling hook that doesn't seem like it preserves your momentum or lets you even swing around, I had more mobility and style with my fucking tipedo 10 years ago let alone parkour 2.0
guess who woke up
the unpaid DE intern they placed in /wfg/
>suck off my garbage koreaslop or you're a shill
do you not have your own general? you retards have been actually shilling this trash for like two years, but the past few months have been relentless
>immediate melty
>Everyone says Torid is busted
>Get it
>Get the Incarnon
>It's ass
I don't get it
no headshot requirement and high riven dispo, that's it
base torid is just acceptable but nothing amazing in my book, i actually enjoy boar more because it has 2 good modes instead of just 1
It's the most broken weapon alongside glaive prime, post build.
I just never liked the torid, always felt disconnected from the damage I was doing
Why is he stuck on the bottom of the ocean again? I forgot.
What affects sisters' damage attenuation? I see people melting them in the event, but not sure what's really good against them. Damage vulnerability like equinox' rage?
trying to unlock incarnon for innodem is a proper London experience
it's random, just bring a status hose
They have random attributes.
Yea, figured they have random vulnerabilities/resistances, but there has to be something else. I bring the same build every time and it usually takes 5-10s to kill them, but sometimes they get 1-2shot. Doing squads btw, so I'm assuming someone debuffs them or something. As soon as I stop hitting them they receive far less damage from my teammates, so it has to be someone's debuff + my damage.
he slaps
you have to be the one that shoots first and you have to hit hard
if sister teleports away or goes invulnerable then she resets the damage resistance so you can hit hard again
time your shots/hits for these periods and don't use auto rifles
although if you have a riven'd rifle like burston then it will eat through the sister at a consistent pace despite the damage reduction
>10 minutes to do an exterminate mission in the circuit and kill 180 enemies
>With Saryn
I finally found it, the dreaded phone user host.
>time your shots/hits for these periods and don't use auto rifles
Ah. Well, I use melees lol I'll keep it in mind anyways. Thanks, anons
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Trying to make a bone-y cow skully theme for mesa, thoughts on these two?
I shouldve also said that the left is more leaning into the spectral-grim reaper-shade vibes and the right is obviously leaning far more into the bone vibes
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>secondary outburst has been fixed
This is our time Mesa bros
They need bring that frame-diddler back.
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post what you got this week
I got a temporary ban
thats what you get chud
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What's a good subsume for the tweaked Ember?
I have thermal sunder rn to proc blast but I'm thinking about putting ophanim eyes on for the extra heat and slow
what did you say?
I love how he came back to job in the circuit, I don't think he needs a quest but he does deserve more screentime. he should have a chance to pop into any void-related missions (Zariman, Labs, etc), and maybe have an appearance in a quest, completely sidestepping Wally without explanation
who cares about invigorations
left is more ostentatious, I like it
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When they buffed Hydroid's tentacles to not shake enemies too much, they nerfed the tentacles to not hit or effect anything they can't grab.

Remember to thank Pablo next time you miss your double drop with Nekros.
finally got off my lazy butt and ranked up Fortuna. did Profit Taker kind of without preparing and just ran out of time in the last phase. afterwards i heard Void Amp cycles it's res so can you just do that and not worry about some "have every single damage type" bullshit?
Wait a second...
If Vor is void touched and got that quantum immortality, does that mean... he's a tenno?
Been a while but I think so, archgun and shit can help. I would think people still run it so no reason to go solo.
People who unironically believe hydroid and frost havent been buffed to fuck are completely delusional. Ember is also extremely poweful atm due to overguard, less energy requirements and reduced armor DR. You can literally kill in sp by spamming fireballs.
How do i get more frames i only have the sword guy but i dont like him
excal bros...
Excalibur anons on suicide watch
you buy them with plat on the market
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>have completionist autism
>play this fucking game
name a worse combination
200 items to go
kill bosses and do quests, or accept an invite to someone's... orbiter...
Try amber on new event
Nef Anyo
Tyl Regor
A confirmation whether or not Alad V died would be nice
stupid fucking dude got mad at me for the 1 mil trade tax DE puts on primed mods, he kept accusing me of trying to take his credits, HIS FUCKING CREDITS!!! i can't believe how brain dead retarded trade chat is. fucki
keep several options but yeah just cycle the shield. also I recommend solo if you want to actually fight the thing, otherwise a chroma will just carry you
You stop playing because sword guy is the best.
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never mind its still not working correctly in multiplayer...
being an impatient fucker causes this game to be a money black hole, add FOMO to the mix and you got a nasty combination
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the magnus copus of my suffering is the codex
>or accept an invite to someone's... orbiter...
How do i do that.
he wants you to whore yourself out
The kuva weapons broke me.
How do i do that though.
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finally got one of these
its one of the coolest bows I've ever seen
cringe white-bones, they should have a tinge of yellow
>can't complete the archon hunt because the final mission always gets some fucked up bug
>loadout name
you're on your way
Do it solo. Whatever the bug is crashes every host when he summons the aerolysts or whatever they're called during phase 2.
>crashes every host
*crashes every client
so thats why all my teammates disconnected from the fight
i don't think i even saw the disconnected notification
I don't know why, but sometimes, I write words that sound the same phonetically but are written differently. I never doublecheck what I write either.
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I got mom and made her into a valkyrie
Clean your fucking orbiter anons
>enter someone's orbiter
>infestation mold everywhere
>empty dirty nitain extract canisters
>nano-spore culture growing in the corner
>Kavat got turned into a Vulpaphyla
>Plastids engulfed the entire floor
>Tipedo covered in so much mold it counts as Lesion
I have once again officially ran out of stela...
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I'm lazy with the loadout names
I will have sex with you in exchange for Warframe platinum coins
That's really cool what SnS is that?
okay, come to my orbiter
I think the servers are melting. Last night I gave up when a host migration froze the capsule meters away from extraction.
This morning, I got lucky and was hosting but when the sister spawned I got a massive lag spike that I thought the game was crashing, but it was everyone else getting disconnected after a ~10 second freeze.
The GoFarm (Gaforn) skin
Thanks anon. Hope you use your Kaithe in open world stuff for max style
Yeah prowl and tentacles did not work on the silver grove specter. Will try Nekros I guess next. Moss farming is aids. I have 6 of the identical 6% drop chance from this apothic.
I was just in a mission with 4 Jades.

She is definitely getting nerfed. Too many players are having fun.
How do I clean my noggles?
>Make sandwich while checking out featured items on the market
>Add mayonnaise to my sandwich
>Walking back to personal quarters
>Trip on my Kavat and spill mayonnaise on my Yareli and Saryn noggles
I tried wiping them down and gently scrubbing them with a brush and soap but it still smells like mayonnaise
I have never had this be for a frame I would use.
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>make primary blast Nukor to test and see if I should farm an ice one
>wondering why my halo keeps popping in arbys of all fucking things
>remember the blast rework
>could it be?
>test it
Looks like self damage is back on the menu boys
damn what armor is that
What the fuck are invigorations?
try cumming on your noggle then inserting it in your asshole
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Frost is worse but not immensely so.
>I think the servers are melting
Warframe doesn't have servers for missions; that's why host migration is a thing.
Some of the names in this game take me back to those early MLG days

Mulciber, from baro
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the clan names are pretty spicy too
I have been playing for over a thousand hours and never saw this screen.
I have surveys on too
Warframes are canonically built for Kaithes
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>Cat Lady
>Cat Lady Ver. F
what's the difference
also where Project D (picrel)
Cat lady is Equilibrium/Lycath's Valkyr
Ver. F is Finisher boosted Valkyr that one anon uses
Project D was Dagath until I finally got a solid build with her.
i see.
looks like a mobile game being played on blue stacks.

Look at gameplay of Jade endgame. She flys and shoots fire.
>some pub just showed me you can bypass the friendship door in the corpus rework rescue tile entrance
mind blown
so what, you wanted to let us know for us to congratulate you or something?
why do you even post?
Worked fine for me, don't know if I was host or not but I wasn't solo.
this is my personal blog, faggot, and maybe someone else will learn now too
so shouldnt you fucking say how its done if you want to accomplish that? or do you just want to jack yourself off some more
you go below or by vent from high up from the sides
>he doesn't explore every new tileset when it's released
>he doesn't memorise all scuplture spawns and cache
>he doesn't find every alternative spy path
>he doesn't learn every hidden environmental interaction
jokes aside, i have NEVER seen anyone use that vent besides myself. i even ping it for retards but no one ever seems to notice
just look at the floor to the left side, there's a big obvious vent hole that I've been ignoring since it released apparently, holy shit what's your issue? do you want us to talk about TFD more? do you want me to apologize for making a post about a thing in the game warframe on the video game general board in the thread dedicated to the game warframe?

yeah for the corpus one I still really haven't, I've spent more time searching out every nook and cranny in zariman and the labs

I'm LR4 and literally only know because the pub pinged it for me, and honestly it's a weird break from (as far as I know) literally every other jail tile in the game where even if there are plenty of shortcuts inside the entrance is still locked down to entry via normal means
Yes please~
Come over to my orbiter...
>tile in the game where even if there are plenty of shortcuts inside the entrance is still locked down to entry via normal means
yeah, thats probably why some people don't know about it. I found it myself when I was dicking around and waiting for the others to arrive, rescued the hostage before they even go to the friend door. Big plus in Sortie is that it doesn't start the countdown if you use the hatch
you are one of the rarer type of wf players. like i mentioned nobody fucking bothers to look around, not even if the shortcut is spoonfed to them.
This is to keep shitters out so you can rescue without alarms.
ember frost saryn gyre mesa kullervo nezha if you pair reaping chakram with his new augment savegoth garuda dante styanax theres plenty
It' does an amazing job keeping WuKANGS out.
Added and forgotten buffs, like Stims.
I block it with my Broken War that I spent plat to rename Eidolon Broken War and slice you back with it. It has a Riven giving it electricity and combo duration to capatlize in Melee Influence so the elec proc spreads to other anons dealing damage to you all!
So it seems blast needs Orphan eyes active to self damage
pathetic. i press 4 and block both of your attacks, saving all of wfg from you
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>uses /pol/ conspiracy theory reasoning and projection as to why i should go play that gook game made by nexon which hot girls are not an embelishment to the rich gameplay
>but rather the only reason why you should cope with the shit gameplay
>still never posting any gameplay
And i saw someone mentioning brain rot on the replies even.
well thank you for being one of the types to try and spread information
>the moar you know!

this is lifechanging
>Toxic lash once again breaking the game
>cant put semi rifle cannon mod on burston because its genesis is auto
I kept getting downed by a jade in yesterday's sortie and assumed it was because of radiation hazard, but now I wonder
>can't put semi-auto mod on weapon with burst fire trigger
when is it not?
gimme a patch where that shit wasn't game breakingly good
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when I get +parkour speed I like to put that on my amber shard wisp so I can go to ludicrous speed but going full retard strength with my crimson is always temping just for the big funny numbers when you throw on other power strength multipliers
the real tragedy is charge/duplex can't take it either
True, it's just been a while since it procced of certain statuses
tell me about it
>I kept getting downed by a jade in yesterday's sortie and assumed it was because of radiation hazard, but now I wonder
Yeah I saw randoms chunking their shields on enemies I had hit with Oriphim eyes so I don't think you even need it subsumed, just an enemy effected by it
not being able to do it on dualie pistols that fire once each per trigger pull is a crime
oh guess i should redo preschool
thanks anon
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Damn I love Warframe.
Damn I love (You).
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Alright smartass, where do I put all this?
you turn them into an aya-tan
up Maroo's ass
while I watch
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I know we can decorate and all but I really wish there was just an actual dynamic physical hoard of shit somewhere in the orbiter where you could see it all pile up like that and grows or shrink corresponding to your actual mats then go lounge on top of it it all like a greedy space pirate
based pirate anon
What, like Overlord's treasure room?
GOD YES exactly, that game was such a perfect power fantasy in so many ways
When is DE gonna make punch not rely on a retardedly cranked out melee weapon/incarnon exploit to be worth using in SP? Also his rock bros (or summons in general) need to scale with level or something to not be so dogshit.
A large vsult, like in Payday2, where you can see cash accumulated as your Credit hoard grown
Its a very boomy status that just got reworked :)
>sunder is even better now
>augment adds a shitload of blast on top of your existing blast
>literally immune to self-damage bugs
did any other frame win as hard as Gauss this patch
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Ivara is the ugliest frame in the game i can't get myself to play that monstrosity.
ah so what i expected :)
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what if we could trade archon shards?
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Alright I want you all to tell me which is your favourite undead frame and why you love them so much. I want to share my passion with all of you. In case you don't know the undead frames are Banshee, Nekros, Inaros, Revenant, Garuda, Wisp, Xaku, Sevagoth, and Dagath.
>can make your tater look like anything
>chooses gay nigger
but y tho
has rhino been confirmed to be black
Garuda is the cutest and the strongest and I want her to clone herself so she can sit on my face and step on my balls at the same time
>cannibal nigger
it checks out
>just buy power
Christ, that would be something to see.
>member when everyone thought that this looked good
no. I thought it looked like shit the minute I saw it.
Out of that pool, probably Banshee/Garuda, both because they enable funny damage bullshit, be it through amplification or things interacting with Garuda's force procs. Also what this guy said. >>483445021.
Honourable mention to Xaku for providing Xata's whisper to other frames.
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god I fucking wish
>12 plain and 4 tau reds sitting untouched
>never have enough yellows

But anon the undead are the frames we made along the way..
>PSA: Archon Hunt Switched from Boreal to Nira
Why not buff caster frames, like Octavia? Or push Hildryn to 400%?
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>which is your favourite undead frame
wisp, no question
>why you love them so much
because her kit is literally a dream come true, and I love her floatiness and spooky coy ghost style/animations plus big butt
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well, we can already do that with literally every other once-was-endgame-power thing and the stuff that feeds into it (mods/rivens, endo, prime parts, relics etc)

yeah exactly, pic very related and I've already got another 30 or so slotted (maybe 1/3-1/2 are tauforged), mostly yellows and blues or combos but nearly no reds
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I mean... I said love, but I expected more passionate love instead of sexual. Garuda is really cute though, I agree with that, and I still love the idea one anon here said about how she'd probably be super protective.
I wish banshee could do more than just sonar desu. I have to force Gloom of her for Silence to be useful, and I feel no use for Sonic Boom. It needs an augment to strip and at that point I might as well use unairu for that. she needs a rework so badly.
They certainly are undead after helminth ate them.
Nidus is the equivalent of the "infected" in zombie movies. So close to being undead, but not really.
It is super fun, yeah. I use a plague keewar on her only so I can stay floating on the air invisible while I nuke things around.
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Does this come across as an undead crab or is the bleach exoskeleton and fartgas not doing a good job getting this across?

Im a huge QoL shitter and waste two yellow for parkour and cast speed on my most used frames, I still used a red or two but never full tilt minmaxxing

If fucking only I would trade all my reds for all your yellows
I had no issue with mine but that's because I brought my 200% crit chance lex so I don't think we saw any summons in my run
Think that’s because of spoilers, anon.
Is this Ivara? She actually looks okay here.
it looks great but I see it as a scuttle-y poison bog crab, not necessarily undead, idk how else you might convey that
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Sorry that's Yureli, best option on Ivara is the Kuva skin and permanent invis

>idk how else you might convey that
Yeah thought about the infested ephemera like in this weebum but it kinda shits up the crab look, still gonna test more stuff.
Is that trunma on your back?
your fashion is dogshit, cease immediately
I never played it but that seems like the right idea
Reb said she plans to get rid of statstick eventually so some day I guess
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>I expected more passionate love instead of sexual.
it's a little difficult to feel genuine affection for a flesh-puppet with neither a personality nor the independence to develop one
we don't even have a Ballas blurb for her Prime
>His daughter basically caused a cave in which he could not dig out of himself.
>His son Erra basically disowned him and refused to dig him out
>The sentient forces that once guarded him followed Erra.
>Stalker stayed loyal, until his pregnant wife went into labor, starting the Jade Shadows Quest, after which he departed in order to raise his son in secrecy and safety as Corpus forces now know where he once lived.
>Everyone is still afraid of Hunhow despite the end of the Old War.
Voruna, my beloved
how does one play Titania? she confuses me
lol why do they have megumin's staff in the background of the devstream? did reb cosplay megumin or some shit? lmao
she's taking notes from yoshitpiss and leaving elaborate hints in the background
next frame is gonna be a caster with a gimmick of switching between ice (support) and fire (damage) stances
Games been buggy as fuck since then update. Can't fish, camera fucks up, all sorts of bugs. What the fuck is going on.
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>frost rework
>no pump
I'll never financially recover from this...
Now that I thought about it, I came in while the summons were up in the pre-battle, killed those then in the final it was dead before it summoned anything.
no, it'll be a male
probably also a midget
all that kuva and plat i spent on rivens, wasted
I have never seen a more generic looking game in my life.
no, more like a potato body shape
Fuck off JustHailey.
beware of the console cromagnons who roam this board
go fast, shoot fast
bltz augment
dump range, precision intensify and positive duration+efficiency
heat+corrosive dex pixia, archon vitality for double heat proc
melee suck, but its a stat stick for your razoe flies
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I can't goon to that.
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try this
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Am I a schizo or is Hirudo underappreciated?
How many people here paid for Khora? This SO grind is complete trash.
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hello bros, what is the best way to farm sanctum anatomica? Should i just do pub extermination and look for voca or is there a good bounty?
wait until exterminate comes on for t5 bounty and use orokin eye
Rob Ford isn't real he can't hurt me
Rob Ford isn't real he can't hurt me
Not a bump, the lifesteal is insane and I barely see people use it
i run the highest mission available until the rep caps i never had to farm anything there.
If you intent on farming vocas you have to know how to solve the puzzles of those tilesets.
>Molt Reconstruct
>Life Strike
>Healing Return
there are a lot of other ways to heal these days
also shieldgate and overguard mean most frames are just never taking health damage in the first place unless you eat a toxin proc
is he about to have a melty?
used to use it years ago, haven't touched it since. i really love it but i find it useless now
I forgot about shield gating desu
Kuva Javlok when?
>83'C in Orbiter, 100 FPS
>65'C in missions, 144 FPS

what the Hekk is this, my ship isn't even particularly spammed with decorations.
it's the nu lighting
bitcoin mining when idle
the one with the book gets you an arcane. get a paralalx lander and scan with orokin eye to find voca.
it's okay anon, everyone has a coom shrine of their favorite frame. you can admit it. that's what's slowing your pc down in the orbiter
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>everyone has a coom shrine of their favorite frame
stop right there, degenerate skoom.
thank you very much
I had negative duration then high strength and efficiency. already in the simulacrum your build is like night and day
same but not that high with the temperature
i just sit down to navigation or open profile if i am afking in ship so my pc doesn't heat up randomly
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NTA but what makes a shrine a coom shrine? I just put my female undead frames in my orbiter room for funsies. I still need to add Dagath now that I think about it.
well, do you coom to them?
Not really. I wanna hug them more than anything.
he is real and he has hurt me :(
then it's not a coom shrine
>I wanna hug them more than anything.
real. i wanna hug my fav frame too. but only after i clean the cumstains
don't look behind you
Is the spandex attached to the skin of the frame or can it be taken off to reveal the frames naked pussy?
Primes still take resources to craft. Rivens still need forma, a brain to build something and time to do it. Incarnons need time and some skill to fully unlock. Archon shards are potato-tier brainless power boost.
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unironically how do i tell how much a riven is worth before selling it?
>Primes still take resources to craft
yeah totally man that 1 orokin cell and a couple argon you need to build out a prime frame are really the reason we shouldn't be able to trade archon shards, a thing randomly distributed to players from a pool of rewards
>Archon shards are potato-tier brainless power boost.
they're more like forma or mods because you're targeting a specific use/configuration with them, and still need a brain to pick the right things for your case
Would the blast Tau shard that increases damage on secondary for heat afflicted targets work on Jade's 4? Or do Exalteds not count?
there is no absolute value. well thats true for everything as its a player economy, but especially for rivens. either you are a total trade nerd that never leaves dojo and just knows, or use one of those websites that parse all data and gives you an estimate.
I just want to farm SP void cascade fissures fuck this game
Nah, if even you admit it's like Forma, then they should just sell it directly for... 100 plat, no Taus. :^)
a very simple and stupid way is to check warframe.market and see what the lowest price is for said weapon
if it's like 5-15 don't really bother
some go as far as 700 for lowest, those are for "meta weapons", they sell well
yes, I see, you have no actual argument or material reasoning by which archon shards should remain untradeable :^)
/wfg/ whats your normal use standard Frame?
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Not wanting to deal with tradenigs is always an actual argument, and a valid material reason. May the trade chat lowballers all get testicular torsion.
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>May the trade chat lowballers all get testicular torsion.
I don't disagree, haggling is like a hard interrupt in my brain and I just don't want to deal with it - what I want is my ubiquitous priced shards on wfm so I can dump my excess and pick up the ones I want
Just use market like a normal person
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every weapon is viable with +600% damage
weapons platform oberon
subsume nourish for bonus viral, smite infusion for bonus radiation
duration+range for large areas of safe ground
phoenix renewal for a safety net
Some assholes are currently trying to buy out all the rare arcanes being sold by Ordis. They are running out of credits for trade taxes.


The limited weekly supply of shards will mean someone will try to corner the market and push the price UP.
let them eat cake
so? who cares? that will give people more incentive to farm the fucking things, and it's not like players get any fewer in total because they can be traded
I cant believe we have to wait until December for this.
I detest scalpers and speculators, advocate for their deaths, and have no intention of enabling them, or giving them anything more to speculate with. I'd rather give plat to DE directly.
ok so assuming you're not just shitposting for 75O we can boil down your argument against tradeable archon shards to
>I don't want other people to make plat
am I missing something?
yooooooo this nigga is livid
wtb protea prime set 30p
wts protea prime set 110p
No. It's a good reason.
you are everything wrong with modern politics
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Blow it out your ass, capitalist wannabe. Fuck the market. There's a reason why nobody cares about massacring Corpus by the thousands.
yareli's huge bumps
>capitalist wannabe
I just want my shit, retard, and I don't have the shit I want but I have the shit other people want and they have the shit I want, so why can't we fucking trade? are you against all forms of trade? fuck you commerce and trade will always exist in some form even without the absurd natural conclusion of unrestrained capitalism, even in an egalitarian utilitarian wonderland people will want to share things and information with specific purpose and assign that value in some form or another
I don't mean to get political but how the FUCK did I open 17 relics with Gauss Chassis blueprint listed as a "common" drop and not get a single fucking one
is it because I didn't buy plat
How are these niggers level 20+ and have NO FUCKING BUILD. They're just shitting up every match. Holy fuck.
Should I get Helios Prime or Dethcube Prime? I'm missing one part for both of them and of course it's the most expensive one in both cases
All drops should be free of RNG, or weekly limitations. Only "dripfeeding" system Warframe ought to use is one that prevents burnout. No trading whatsoever.
Dethcube can shit out energy orbs
Hellos can uhhhhhhh
removing the MR requirement on quests has fast tracked people to endgame without the timegate/MR gate needed to learn how damage and builds work
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>Hildryn Prime with Noble Khora Urushu animations
you can't just make a post like this and not include a screenshot
frost getting even more buffs
has he said anything about buffing Ember's 4?
I don't care about stinky m*le frames
I like nourish on select frames that already go into high strength and get hit a lot (rhino and atlas). Especially if they support the new arcane bettery, saves a flow/energy nexus slot for range or augments which feels great!

However, I very rarely use prime sure footed or rolling guard. I’ve never found cc from enemies to be a real issue, and I much prefer to slap on shards or make builds making my frames more durable without strange gimmicks. Yet these seem to be fairly popular so idk what gives.
it was ash for a while now but recently I've been using loki a lot
Literally who?
Gauss/Volt/Nezha, depending on what I'm doing
wherever I go, I must go fast
Volt if I'm rushing shit
Hildryn otherwise
Survivability is shit though.
Ash. Invisibility, easy armor strip and ninja theme for the ninja game makes him an easy comfort pick.
Reject warframes, return to monkey.
there will be no new thread
wfg is cancelled.
nope but I agree
it does occassional fire procs now instead of fake fire but it still kinda sucks
thank god
W-what? What am I supposed to do for the rest of the week while waiting for TFD?

Hang yourself
her 1 is surprisingly good, Eclipse can be DR if damage is not needed, and if you're not doing caster Mirage you can subsume 2 or 4 to pretty much anything.
yeah obviously she's not the crazy Lv9999 idle facetanking Frame, but for general use, I find absolutely obliterating everything on screen is the best form of defence. and that's why she's my daily driver.

plus sexxo.
I guess we'll have to spam the coop general. I'm sure they'll be glad to have us there when we swarm it with warframe.
Index credit farming sucks shit (I get why they added it though).

Meanwhile Sechura is a guaranteed 25,000 for one round and like 45,000 for 3 waves, but no one ever does them. It's impossible to find a full squad. Why is that?
I would argue that's a good mod desu
I average around 60 and 100k per 6 minute run of Jade's event rn.
Sick as fuck, looks like a techno-vampire
>trade is exclusive to capitalism
you're on the same level as retirees who think that it was capitalism and not industry that enriched the world
Im free
Non-schizo thread

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