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Previous: >>483236760

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Official Release Trailer | Waking of a World

>Opening Cinematics | Set Sail

>Featured Cinematic | Saving Light

>Global Launch Trailer | Waking of a World

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Mnʍɐ¿ Mɐʍn¿
Where is Lucia?
I will breed this bird!
Can't wait to roll for her.
We got god roll 3 costs yet ...
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>patch is literally Loongspine Mountain
Does that mean we will get Jade Mandarin Archipelago with summer Ma Xiaofang, summer Baizhi and summer Yangyang?
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Is there a good reason why guns can't parry at all?
Cuz they are ranged i assume is purely for balance purposes
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Baizhi gameplay is so shit I just can't

what happened to the cosplayer with the fat tits
Yinlin can parry, Verina can parry, Encore's third basic can parry...
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Yinlin love!
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Literally in the first scene of the game.
Accurate resource calculations?
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Yeah, I'm thinking Nikke won. Bigly.
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Sex: YES!
Is there downtime between 1.1 and Yinlin banner ending? I thought 1.1 is in the 28th but Yinlin ends in 2 days.
Ok coomer
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flat atk > fat atk
Holy sexo... Maybe I should give Nikke a shot after all...
>if only it had gameplay...
She's probably busy
Maybe mihoyo put a virtual chastity lock on her as well
is that the new unit or just a skin ?
Is Shikikan be able to talk to her or will she be shipped with other girls while he stays in the event cuck cage?
Event is locked behind certain characters which you need to have built.
Maiden is already skks wife?
She also slobs up his office space by being a disgusting neet
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Can't wait to visit the onsen with my wuthering wife.
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Yeap fuck that game
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Sanhua is made for large pulsating insect DICK!
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>download game client
>wait an hour for all the files and verifying bullshit
>get greeted by this
I'm going to kill myself.
which? event? Characters?
Dumb question but I had a look and didn't find anything. The 1.1 maintenance starts on the 28th of June but when are we able to download the update? Is it the case that when the servers reset on the 28th, that the launcher will have an update to download, or something?
How do they handle these things with Punishing Gray Raven?
>has literal blue dick popping out of its abdomen
wtf Kuro?!
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Even has mini hands to grab her!
Not sure if it will help but this was posted on the official discord for someone who was having this very problem:
Where is Sun Wukong?
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2 minutes would be doable if these asshole exiles weren't there. They really just designed this stage to be done with Jiyan/wind only and then just recycled it for electro without consideration for any other class.
Died of excessive tit fatness
They should make a glacio bunny themed female resonator next.
/dbs/ is 2 boards down
Bro your Baizhi?
PGR has swimsuits skins.
I'm sure WW will get them next year.
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>you'll have R5 within a couple of patches
once again people defending the weapon system out themselves as being unable to do math
getting a 4* is a 12% chance
they have a 75% chance to be a featured 4* resonator
then there's a 50% chance for the 4* to be a weapon
then there are 15 4* weapons meaning a 6.66% chance for it to be the one you want
this all totals to
a total of 6000 (yes six THOUSAND) rolls to get a 4* weapon to R5
so unless you're magically doing 2000 rolls a patch, no you won't get the R5 in a couple of patches
in conclusion you'll be stuck 40% behind the sig for 99.99999% of your wuwa career
nta but sex with Roxy
Roxy a shit, Eris is the best girl.
God I love it when the female mc is the hottest girl in the whole game
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You didn't fall for the DEF Taoqi meme right anon
Sounds like a flop material in that case
Seems accurate at least?
In which case the people that used up their waveplate cubes at UL40 or below have lost more than a week's worth of resources in the case of fully upgrading a character.
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>no tacet mark
This one was so close to perfection
Kakarotbros, are you rolling for Jinhsi weapon or are you sticking with Lustrous Razor?
If Kaka was a cute girl she'd get a 5* weapon, he just gets the BP sword.
>Calculating the chance of R5 weapon from the character banner
Nigga what is wrong with your brain
What other meme is there to fall for and how many stars in tower did it bring you?
Wait... How do you build her then?
I'm using the bp weapon
I'll get Jinhsi's weapon if I accidentally pull her whilst rolling for Sanhua.
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Why the fuck would you want Jinhsi's weapon on Calcharo?
How do (you) pronounce Jinhsi?
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Did you buy the giga upgraded BP?
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regular one
You put the rover echos on her and only use her on the echo grind. When going tower and holograms you use a proper character.
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how do you pronounce wuwa?
whew whoa
Crit stat stick. But if the passive really does matter then I will stick with Lustrous and cope with 50/200 crit
>uhhh retard???? just spend 300 rolls on the limited weapon banner lol
you don't need the 4* weapons at that point
What event?
Just use spectro rover
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Jean sea
What are the supports in game so far? What are the characters that can heal?
Gin sew
Verina is the premiere healer, but Jianxin, Baizhi and Spectro Rover can do it as well.
Illusive realm, they only give level 60 trial characters and don't even give trials for the hardest difficulty
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GachaStation 5 Release News?

Are there already some FOMO Event Weapon who will i miss? Is it important?
>doing alloy smel using yinlin
>1800 score
>use jiyan trial
>4000 score
No jiyan=bricked account
I noticed that but didn't feel really strongly about it. I was surprised we got trial characters at all.
Likewise, I tried clearing level 70 with my level 60 yinlin but morning aix just 2 shot me could have cleared if it I wasn't a shitter.
You are right in one regard, though the fact certain characters are locked outright isn't good at all. it's okay when we get trials but see half your roster be unavailable for the last stage blows.
Not rolling for jiyan was my biggest mistake he's just so fucking easy to play. I thought i wanted to be a danjin main but really I just want to kill everything with a giant green loong.
You can beat illusive realm with level 40 Baizhi though?
alloy smelt just comes down to abusing the stage mechanics
I have never seen a more skillful moving of goalposts, amazing
Absolute skill issue lmao
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71% of the earth's surface is covered by water according to NOAA. If an animal the size of a blue whale can disappear for months at a time, what else is down there?
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wustering desire will be in 1.1
>no cooldown on the effect
That's pretty neat
Shame it's only usable on Jinhsi and she has better alternatives
60 jiyan trial btw. which is natural
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>he skipped WuWa’s Koo Kool-Aid
Damn. Guy looks so much better in this.
What does the alloy smell like?
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How true is this? Yinlin's VA mentioned in her broadcast (link in pic) that she needs to redo her lines because they’re too intimate for the normalfags, the devs think the original dubs would turn normies off since they want to keep that audience.
I thought you mfs said the for (you) group won in the past 2 threads.
Good. Any more than what we have, and it would've been too much dicksucking.
okay let's entertain your retardation for a moment
let's assume you're only rolling when the weapon is featured
12% chance for a 4*
75% chance to be a featured weapon
33% chance for it to be the one you want
total of
that's a total of 288 rolls on the weapon banner
with 2 weapon banners per patch and a 20% chance for the one you want to be a featured 4* that's a total of
so, once again
>you'll have R5 within a couple of patches
is straight up wrong
and this requires you to roll specifically for the 4* and completely ignore if you want or need the 5* which is beyond retarded. in reality it will take far longer because you'll skip suitable banners because you don't need or want the 5*
AND costs almost 300 fucking rolls
AND gives you 4 5* weapons at which point you don't need the fucking 4*

yet again people defending the dogshit weapon system out themselves as retarded
just got fired wuwa bros.
dont think will be able to whale on chingli
What did you do?
Except I'm not the guy you've been responding to, I only jumped in to point out that it's stupid to calculate weapon R5 on the character banner.
Why are there no leaks?
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Sigh... I'll let the team know we'll be moving EoS forward AGAIN.
Hope you bounce back fine bro
they laid off a lot of manpower, for cost cuting
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>he played wuwa AND browsed /wuwa/ at work AT THE SAME TIME
Are you risk of getting ban by tweaking engine.ini bros?
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I need Chingli to release already bros i cannot wait anymore
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But they did? Yinlin’s original line probably sounded a lot sluttier that they have to tone it down. Her lines and CQ still have a lot of (You) pandering
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You could learn to spell her name right in the meantime.
yeah sure bwo
either way even if you're rolling on the weapon banner it's not "a few patches"
and it only makes sense to do the char banner because the people who are skipping the weapon banner are the ones who need 4* weapons
if you're going ham on the weapon banner you you'll have a fuckton of 5* weapons and don't need the 4* to begin with
You ARE breaking ToS by doing it, but it's a safe bet that punishing people for config edits would be a colossal pr blunder even by Kuro standards, from which they have nothing to gain.
You might get swept along if it suddenly transpires that some hacks also relied of modified inis or something like that, but I'd treat it as reasonably safe.
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Erufu sex!
Don't think you're wrong, 280 rolls on the weapon banner is a lot
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I have bright idea: You are forbidden to orgazm till her release...
so if i skip changli and jinshi the next character will be stronger?
>Go easy on me
I'm glad the localisation knew exactly what they're doing
It it is another male, then yes.
was jiyan really better than yinlin everyone told me to skip him
The fairy faction won? That's going to be interesting. I guess we will see a complete stop of the pandering when 1.1 comes out.
Jiyan is the best main damage dealer in the game.
Now post the gameplay
Jiyan is getting powercrept
Yinlin is not

It's that simple
Original waifuraper Crownchad coming soon
>Paga accusing other pags of being pags
That last thread was hilarious.
Rolls for Chingchong or save for Changching?
>punted Chixia so hard she can't bear children anymore
>talk to anon ingame
>dc's randomly
>hour later he's deleted from my list
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Tags: Guro, Rape, Mutilation, Body Horror
sometimes people send me invites but i don't have people added how are they doing that?
Yup, HSR has reduced to this, Firefly is so broken they just upped the bar way too high, people are going to fucking eat shit on next patch
So we can agree that hp/def substats have a higher chance that any other stat right? rigged pos
Press the Globe on the top left of the screen, you can send invites to anyone who appears there.
I wonder how many of players didn't realize that they cant use neither trial of thier own Spectro Rover if they are switched to Havoc.
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Should have stopped at +20 man
I don't know why it's so difficult to understand this system
>I guess we will see a complete stop of the pandering when 1.1 comes out.
I will just quit if they just completely remove it, we will have to wait and see I suppose.
0% chance
You were asking for it by still going after that second def roll.
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rookie stuff
aren't those good stats?
We seriously need a crit damage rectifier. Inferno rider refuses to give CD echoes
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I just wanted my wife Yangyang to be strong... I thought I had it after the 2 def rolls, it would definitely be crit rate...
I don't have tuners anyway, took me 30 fucking attempts to get crit on +5.
It has 3 garbage stats so it's trash.
Yiyan is trash even Chixia mogs his wet towel dps stop coping
crit rate is generally better because you start out with 5% but 50% crit damage

>took me 30 fucking attempts to get crit on +5.
Self-inflicted pain
You should go to +10 at least
I am so bored bros...
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100% the map
None of them had anything useful at +5, it was def, hp, def hp, and some lowrolled 8% bonuses. I only go past +5 if it's attack%, attack, ER, either crits or at least a high rolled damage bonus to something useful.
I repeat
Self-inflicted pain
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Get a fucking job and friends, learn a craft or new language get outside your comfort zone there's so fucking much content in life you'd never run out in a million years even if you speedrun it holy fuck useless directionless zoomers.
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Uhhh bro? Your rover? Your rover bro?
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NEVER use concerto for Her, bring her in and do what she needs to do and then leave.
ALWAYS use concerto for her you can pary with it and you get to see wood pantsu it's a win win
Pulling new characters are bad.
Focus saving on just one single character DPS S6
Not sub, not support.
Then you can pull with your dick after.
i pull for whoever i want nigga
>Needs dupes to make up for lack of skill
My encore already has stringmaster and crit rate subs on every echo. I just need a crit damage main piece now with crit subs but CD echoes just refuse to drop
I will play however i goddamn well please, SEAman.
I am at work bro
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If you are a gameplayfag and care about scores while also planning to not spend money
you are a retard, you already fucking lost, you will never keep up with the powercreep and by the time you get your maxed out S6 character, it will be outdated by the newest shiny thing at S0

you are a clown and deserve to get laughed at, the only winners at these games are people who have enough disposable income to be happy and f2p waifufags who will only pull with their dick
Post some chibi jinhsi pls
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chinks aren't gonna be happy bout this...
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>Muh powercreep
Don't tell me you're also unskilled at rolling characters on the first 10pull
Don't pretend like there is any content that justifies whaling
You can clear everything f2p
But piggies will pay for it because ???? lmao
is it a bug that Yinlin doesnt say anything when opening chest?
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Based SEAcucumber destroyer
My money is on the whole system being dynamically rigged, they do that a lot.
Basicaly it's rigged so you will get one good piece every x weeks to keep you engaged but not too many so you keep sitting on the treadmill. If you lose interest in the game and stop logging in they'll throw a few crumbs at you to get you back. It's how matchmaking works in competitive games too, if you win too much they match you with shitters to tank your rate and vice-versa.
if content was a requirement for whaling gachagames wouldnt exist.
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I can't skip this fucking cutscene
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made to transition so that jiyan will like him
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I'm getting Jinhsi dupes + weapon because i love her.
You wouldn't get it ironic post-ironic weeb.
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Breeding Rover...
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breeding rover...
Just realized that skindentation
I have a respectable chub now
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Honestly bros, instead of echos for all slots.

I would have preferedd the top slot be an Echo while the rest of the slots are kino armor pieces
I will roll for my wife
How jank are Baizhi's rotations? Thinking about building her for Jinhsi
>mfw Americans have sex with their gloves on
I don't know whether this is based or just sad.
1.1 story looking pretty good
For Jinshi, one of the 3-slot should have ATK instead of spectro ?

Is that with or without her weapon
so fucking cringe
With her weapon. I'm guessing the idea is she's oversaturated with dmg% at that point
Wouldn't want to get any disease
based as fuck
This but genshin. Imagine this with genshin model.
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Dead game
Did her throat recovered from all the cock sucking ?
can you post preg test img on its own based anon
Doesn't matter in these games. Go with the pieces with better substats
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Real question. Is Fem rover the best looking female MC of any gacha game, ever
Fuck man I'm trying to play through Genshin again after 3 years, it's slightly miserable.

The world is fantastic, but what the fuck is the combat? How do you go from honkai impact to that?
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>the gloves stay on during sex
I will now play your game. Where do I sign up?
Well genshin is a visual novel with the bare bones of a video game build into it
just use Furina Raiden hyperbloom to skip all combat…
That was their american cosplayer. They needed to hire someone new since they're shooting in a country with a functional public transport.
You have all the facts you need before you. You only need the courage to come to a conclusion.
the song says “you can leave your hat on” not your gloves…
use the 3cost bird echo as your main one
>"Set sail to Mt. Firmament"
>gets on a train
What did Kuro mean by this?
I need a side gacha while my side gacha has downtime
Just play NYT Spelling Bee during downtimes.
Nikke is pretty good as a side game
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I honestly feel bad for the guy responsible for game performance optimization.
I can run the game smoothly, zero stutters with a medium build (Intel 12400, RTX3070). It probably runs well on his PC, too.
But there are people claiming that the game is a slideshow on a 4080... trying to debug this kind of performance problem on someone's PC must be a nightmare, where do you even start unless you go to his house to inspect that PC?
For me, it's Snowbreak
4080 with zero problems since launch, beginning to think its a user issue or just blatant hoyo niggering
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Sorry Wuwa but it's EoS for you
Latest Genshin killer just annouched
Honestly I don't believe most of them. People probably have performance issues on their potato devices, then lie about their specs.
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I'm only in it for the horsehebes
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4070Ti with no problem whatsoever in Highest setting
I can easily hit 120fps if they add the option bet
It's up
I'm still waiting on the videos for all these supposed performance issues.

I mean this is running on an Intel CPU integrated GPU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOE68c-bobw

/v/ loves webms. Where are the stuttering videos?
>you now remember that doujin where special week gets bred by an ojisan with a horse dick
I can promise you that most of the complaints come from mobile gamers.
4080 Super with no issues besides the GPU sometimes crashing, but thats likely an isolated issue that Im currently troubleshooting
Haven't seen any either, at this point it's just bullshit to me. It's always just vague "performance and optimization issues", but nothing is ever described or caught on video.
My guess is the people who are having issues with non-shit devices are getting fucked by the anti-virus going haywire (as shown in some screenshots) and most other people are just getting fucked by using HDD or having dogshit devices.
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Literally me
I have a 1660 super and 5600x
Everything maxed with zero problems
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I played it during the jp launch but the breeding rng is too much for me.
They are way too late with that.
What time does the server reset?
5am EST
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Midnight server time
You can breed them?
I have a i7 3770(yes it's like 13 years old) and a 1070 and this game runs smooth
Had to upgrade to an SSD though
just noticed Danjin has a huge ass compared to the rest of her body
Oh. I fucking burned through all my waveplates at 4:30am thinking server rest time was 4am.
i have a i5 4450 and 1060 and it runs fine for me, it ran better day 1 even.
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i want encoome in encummy
That's fair actually, I wouldn't be too surprised if some people had issues with the anticheat. Maybe they've got something else on their device that's triggering it.
You never know what weird things might happen. To this day Genshin still disables my internet every few hours and forces me to unplug and plug the cable back in, which makes no sense.
ive had stuttering in the mine, and i dropped frames when the ice showed up for that one quest, still, the inexcusable issues are in mobile, not pc, don't know what that anon is smoking
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The wuwa killer...
hory shet
from 4 niggas in a row to 4 years late
does this have any gameplay? it's just the girls running on auto?
the gameplay is just management with a fuckton of RNG that you offset with your pulls
There's obnoxious stat manager training before the auto running
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Male Rovers, we need to have a discussion
My sources are telling me that a high percentage of male Rovers are using the Dreamless echo. To explain why this is an issue, men are willingly transforming themselves into women. I believe this is a slippery slope, leading to unnatrual and immoral outcomes.
Please ensure you're using the correct Crownless echo, and report anyone you see using the Dreamless.
I agree anon, Horses are too nice to deserve beeing made into women…
this looks kinda cool does it have sweeps?
I regret choosing male Rover every single day.
The ending of Jiyan's quest made me feel really gay because because of the sexual tension between us, when he was talking about his seed.
How long before all the Wuwa content creators take up this game?
>You won't BELIEVE what killed Genshin...
No, the gameplay revolves around doing an entire single campaign that usually takes around 30-45 minutes
So they just... run? Lmao.
Does it at least have good (You)pandering?
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Sar this is a Wuthering Waves general
>shill a character
>no banner date
mihoyo fags cant even shill properly
See I won. I only played 5 hours over the past month because I knew they'd fix everything in 1.1.

Now I get to experience the game as it was intended, the director's cut, while (you) have to reroll.

I won.
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I can't fucking wait
They are way too late, why would I play this after being playing the JP for 3 years?
anon yinlin would be way more useful on that floor if she wasnt your main dps
lol, the Yakuza own these living Lamborginni Racecar animals they don't allow any japanese artist to lewd them without serious repercussions so theres virtually no (You) pandering and no actual hentai doujins.

At most you will only get some lewd artwork but nothing too explicit.
You're just being an overthinking schizo.
There was no sexual tension between them.
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totally bro
I felt physically sick when I tried to do dailies. Gonna take a break until 1.1.
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I self-insert as a 700 pound psychic gorilla controlling the Rover.
She seduces lesbians and brings them back to me.
Enjoy the general's seed lmao
1.1 won't fix that.
>TRANSforming into evil entity(female)
Anti hetero attitude
>MANifesting demon lord (forma de puppet) wife after freeing her from her strings to fight for you
Based and male fantasy pilled
Unless you want the game devs and doujin artist to get their hands cut off by the Yakuza then the answer is "no". It's carried by majority cute waifu designs with some idolshit and if your a horseracefag, those are the 2 things most nip wageslaves are.
mRovers are built to be mating pressed by jiyan's dragon cock.
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ToA reset today bwos. How are you doing so far?
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Trying to beat 4th stage Electro tower with Yinlin - Bai - Yangyang, is not going well
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what the fuck do I even do with her?
what does she even do?
Ignoring it like last reset
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Right side is pretty forgiving
Didn't bother with anything else yet
Nonstop pitsex
Shields, crowd control ult and heals. I use her as a sub-dps support. Nothing is immune to Kung fu.
pretty much confirmed by cn and you can go check ACE doing the same in nikke and pubg, it is a shitty tencent anticheat that causes stuttering with many configurations
Well she heals the whole, have very good dmg so she can main DPS even to be quite honest, she have a team wide shield, she can group enemies and she fairly tanky as well
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Comfy 18 stars first try, don't care about the rest
Kung Fu Fighting
wrong tab, bwo
this game is so fucking dead and boring. I think 1.1 is a definite flop.
based, this is the real sovl clear
I think I'll try to do it properly when I get lvl 80
Jinhsi's dragon pussy
I regret spending 100 bucks on this dead ass game
18/30 with shit echos, almost all my echos are +10 to +15, only a few +20. Only reason I cleared floor 3 on both sides was Jiyan, that teleporting healer is such a cunt
>not even the baiters are getting replies anymore
owari da
I can't believe I stopped playing genshin for yet another flop. Did the same thing when tof released and I guess I might be doing the same when project Mugen drops
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Pick one bwo
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>mfw i dropped 100 bucks on this dead ass game
So...we rollan?
No, I'm done with the game
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Me on Thursday when I do the same
Forgot pic
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Yeah when we get something to roll for
I have a $500 budget for Jihnsi
Forgot your Yunli pic bwo...
I love how wuwa keeps botting their trailer view count LMAO. Just compare view count to the number of comments. Fucking yikes
"god this game is so dogshit bro i can't get anything"
>get energy regen and healing bonus back to back for verina
"wow haha this game is amazing"
no, waiting for Camellya even though I have no proof she's next after Jinhsi and Changli
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Why do they change the rover cosplayer? the previous one was perfect with her huge tits
reminder to top up pre patch in case the payment servers go out for a bit like they did with yinlin
I promise you they won't lol
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Hmmm, no, I think I'll roll first, then see if I'll need to top up
I think it's time to take a step back
Shafted to cosplay Taoqi
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The booba lady lives in Boston and it's probably too much effort
That's 4000 litres of coca cola
>we are so dead even the /wwg/ retard left us
It's so over...
1 day long threads soon bros! Then we can cope by saying how it's comfy!
at least your next Dreamless with CD will be +5 once you recycle this one
Why does it look so jaggy, is that on phone ?
Hsrg never even slowed down this much lol. This is kinda pathetic
Trust in the process bwo
Phone, settings on ultra
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>Got another one
Fucking hell this shit is cursed. I'm calling in the exorcist.
Patch should be up on the 27th for est right?
See you guys in this same thread tomorrow!
what?, its not the day yinlin banner ends?
We were supposed to be the genshin killers, why are we speed running tof?
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ita kunai yo
Tof unironically lasted longer
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I'm going to coom
Pretty sure its the 28th in China time
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fake tits lemeowwwwww
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Reminder that moids should not be allowed in straight people’s spaces
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>tfw tower of fantasy had a better chance of killing genshin than us
As far as turn-based go. I prefer reverse 1999 over star rail.
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>/hrtg/ niggers sad attempt at raiding because they have 0 interesting banner after firepag
Project Mugen better deliver something good now that 2 genshin killers killed themselves
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She's cute
Genshin is already peak. It's all downhill from here.
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Changli and Jinhsi gameplay PVs in Akiba

I need ATK% main stat on my 3 cost for moonlit set verina right? Spectro Damage if i want less healing but more DPS? I have enough ER
I used 5* weapon selector for pistols, but i can't choose between chixia and aalto
would have been kino if spectro and havoc rover had 2 different stamina bars for the tower
Is aalto even usable at s0? Or do you really need to have at least s4?
Are we rollan for Ayaka or Yae Miko
What are those?
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The west better not create any horse porn or the yakuza will come after you.
Which of the tacet fields is better if I'm farming electro? The Glacio or Fusion one?
this just sounds like tempting fate
Fusion because you can farm for Chang Li
They can't stop me.
Glacio set is only truly good for Linyang, i would pick the one with fusion
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>He doesn't know
>unlike fictional anime and manga ... based on real horses
Yet they have no issue lewding characters based on real historical figures for example. If FGO characters can get ero doujins then so can horses.
Genshit is killing itself right now with characters nobody actually wants, a dogshit preschool-tier summer event and zero hype for Natlan. It's never been more over than it is right now for that game.
Safehorny Kronii*
Rover isn't a nigger
That's someone's horse
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And it's still doing infinitely better than this game since they actually built a community that worships it
Thx bros
gb2 reddit
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What is she doing?
>they keep busting nuts to figures like jeanne d'arc
>"don't lewd our horses"
motherfuckers, you started this
$140 million first month. No covid buff.
Who cares about community of retarded children like you?
Meanwhile Nightingale's granddaughter is alright with it lol
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>0 hype over Natty
Holy fuck you've just reminded me how dead the hype is for it... Not even Smellu was this dead... It's so unironically over for them kek
God I wish Zeus ulted on all genshills worldwide. Would become such a better place.
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>dead genshin is still more alive than us
>/wuwa/ - Wuthering Waves General
>4 hours and 43 minutes ago
>387 replies
yeah i think we're dead
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it's so funny the different kinds of attempts the /hrtg/ troon squad has tried to antagonize responses from /wuwa/ to no effect. It just starts to sound more desperate for each other try. HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Y'all wanna be black so bad lmaoooo
The thumbnail is a great comparison of how night and day the model quality differs kek
You know it's over when they don't even want to bother rejuvenating the game's visuals after 4 years.
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Nyyoo not my Ecerebs, please comeback we wirr give 3 purrs if you reinstarru gweilo
Never gets old.
>ping randomly going back and forth from 90 to 350 every second
what's going on now?
>Picture is grey and white
>its le black cock!

shut up retard.
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mb bwos, wrong general
I got this all of last week
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Hmmm nyo.
Small Indian company pls understand
it is funny when I see them run towards a wall and then get really disappointed. kekypow
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Don't lie to yourself bro, that's a nigga.
I mean, this one isn't acceptable with only a 6.9% roll for crit rate and only 2/5 useful stats.
You forgot to quote the post xister >>483294629
>Parry phantom mephis
>Can't move afterwards since I'm locked in parry animation
>Real Mephis goes in for a free hit
Was this a bug? how the fuck was I supposed to parry them both?
Dodge twice
Switch caracther or dodge the clone and parry the real one.
Bros, why are we dying if we have these huge content creators on our side? I don't get it...
You can dodge and parry at the same time
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Open at your own peril.
>still looks like a bobblehead
This is pretty bad bro
And you paid so much xp for it
I'm only database level 14.
Can we finally agree on the huge heads being terrible for the overall character aesthetic
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Who are the 1.2 characters? Should I pull Yinlin?
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Camellya and one of the dudes probably
It's a 1% difference if you have her signature weapon, the idea is basically to just hit whatever has better sub-stats and it allows you to farm easier.
This made me laugh earlier today when the video was posted. It's been so long.
>no male characters in the near future
Genshin is simply a better game.
morning aix is a nigger
Still better than tempest mephis
lmao nice character genkeks!
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>one of the dudes
I'll skip Yinlin, then.
Hello friends, i just bought a cheap starter account and i'm looking for advice. What am i supposed to do/farm?
Echos echos and more echos :^)))
Do whatever is the most fun.
Open interactive map, open all chests. Farm boss ascension mats until at least UL30.
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this is a fucking lie btw
it doesn't work with Plunging Attacks
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My phase is too low to benefit from this but getting everything gold makes me feel accomplished
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
kys hoyocuck
Yea I noticed that also, really fucking weird all these field modifiers are so weird.
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>Event that takes 60 waveplates each time 3 for three rounds
>Can't do shit but stare at Taoqi, Baizhi, and Jianxin's breasts for several hours
Gacha games fucking suck in the beginning.
When's our plate boost?
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kek git gud
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who the heck told you to grind echoes for a whole month
I agree. Open world farming for echoes is boring I wish they expanded the roguelike part that was fun to repeat.
What's an echo?
>D-does not count if not max roll!
Mental illness
How do I unlock this cutscene?
The same thing happens in real life.
You might as well kill yourself right now because its only gonna get worse from here.
should I roll for jinshi? I'm not sure it possible to get 2 characters per patch? or is it just 1? f2p btw
I am quitting this game because of the excessive amount of racism in the community
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Dead game
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>The exact same tower enemy layout 3 times in a row
This is just lazy at this point
you use her as a sustainer on ER set with turtle as the 4-cost, since there aren't any good def-scaling dpses yet
They're still staffing up, if Genshin could survive 1.0-1.5 and 2.5 WuWa will be fine.
What i want most is DMC's Bloody Palace, 100 floors per week with 1 life highest score is saved for the week, perhaps some triangles or XP tubes as rewards
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Have you tried not dying?
That seems to work pretty well.
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Are you aware what game genre this game is for you to demand something like this? Retard lmao
But now spectro damage is boosted not aero!
Is that difficulty 4 or five?
Anyway just abuse intro attack and ultimate i-frames
We're getting a new roguelike for 1.1 and probably every following patch
English please?
>genshin is simply a better game
Explain how without sounding like a butthurt children.
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What is it about my message that your understand? Your brain shrunk to the size of a walnut due to excessive echo farming?
You're replying to UID schizo aka built pity on Jiyan retard aka sub-dps schizo aka characters actualy cost 240 pulls because weapon banner is mandatory schizo
oh so that's why my Yinlin did shit damage in that tacet field.. I was thinking she was a brick
thanks for clearing that up bro
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wrong thread, my bad~
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what does the thumbs up mean?
It's not exactly meant to be beaten yet, so it does make sense. Why change stuff when people have largely not even gotten 24*.
Developing the roguelike mini-game further would be a nice distraction in-between patches. Hologram 7 and 8 when btw?
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Lv 80 should be V
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Not him but reposting it because i think it's funny
Why is 1.1 taking so fucking long I WANT TO ROLL
They're dtf
Any site like paimon.moe that tracks achievements for this game?
It's right there, illiterate bro.
Jinhsi looks so soft and fuckable i might kill myself out of desperation
They're putting the finishing touches on the hidden sex scenes.
Objectively speaking. The world will be a place without any male in it. Except me of course.
do not redeem the ball saar
>pagpag sport
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>i have a college exam the day before 1.1 drops
i fucking hate it
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why aren't there any new announcements? Character PV? Drip marketing? Did Kuro just say it's a lost cause and run off with the money
Based on how Yin Lin went don't expect a Character PV until her banner drops, and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't bother with drip marketing until a day or two after Jinhsi's sales to encourage people to swipe for their 1.2 banners.

As for patch rundown videos I don't expect us to get get those. Making those types of streams are actually really expensive and resource heavy.
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Good morning wupags.
try harder genshit eater

Uhoh gigger melty
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massive success
This doesn't fit my narrative. Delete.

Nobody falling for the /gig/ psyop anymore. troons in shambles, go back to your cuck game giggers.
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>every thread
Delete this before we get more hoyo drones shitting all over the thread
The Kuro Arc begins...
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wtf japan, not cool
Nohooo !! they are very angry at kuro i read it on leddit !!
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Unironically looks like an Elden Ring attack lol
Do yourself a favor and use an AI filter.
been a while
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im semi-convinced it's just a small discord squad of giggers just out to derail every thread by posting about hsr, sales reports, e-celeb shit, doomposting, that gig slug, and other off-topic images, scared that their game might die coz wuwa could potentially turn out to be a great game if left unchecked.
My stamina...
Perfect dodging costs no stamina, iirc
I'm simply not going holograms until I'm max level with completely built characters.
>Set SFX quality to low
>Sanhua's ice still covers everything in sigh
you didn't beat holograms
might as well have cheated with chixia slow mo
do you think they'll do the same to zzz?
Bold of them to assume i won't just bell and Jianxin ult that spam
and your dodge counter resets, so as long as you dodge you can dodge the next one
same, waiting for powercreep characters in a year so i can kill the highest hologram bosses in 10 seconds
Should I build her or encore? Or neither? I also have jiyan (5* LR) and calcharo built btw and Im also pulling for jinhsi so I will have three dps. Still have the 5* weapon selector box
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I seriously hope you aren't planning to roll for the Jinhsi brick.
Should i reroll for yinlin or reroll for jinshi
This post has been FACT CHECKED by real CHINESE PATRIOTS.
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Buy a yinlin account and grind for jinshi, easy.
>an advertisment is leaking now
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I need Sanka to cover me in ice from toe to penis
Ankor is as close as this game gets to faceroll t0 damage, chixia is great post s4 but you need some understanding of timings and burst windows at least.
this looks like a bad one piece movie
Lmao these can't be real people
The quests
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i kinda wish zzz released now honestly, so they flock and doompost there instead. There's like a core of hoyodicksuckers and then there's like just the giggers who already have this sunk-cost mentality and don't want their obsolete game to die. The former will probably be so-so coz they'll consume any slop hoyo makes. The latter will turn on zzz on a heartbeat and doompost every banner like they do with hsr and wuwa, just you wait. KEK
>got buttblasted in /gig/ out of all places
>scurries away like a little rat under a broom to cure his butthurt

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damn theyre right. look at how much more.... complex and interesting... genshin's.... gameplay... zzzzzzzzzzz
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giggers have sunk cost delusion so bad that they will unironically defend attached when confronted with this >>483300545
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NTA but the cope is hilarious and palpable, are you mayhaps lacking in self-awareness or just sunk cost too deep?
Just post the Emilie/Changli animations side by side
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They typed that while picking mint btw
wuwa is so dead now
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Scar’s onahole
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We lost the battle but not the war xister. Let's regroup on discord and come up with a new strat /wuwa/ is just laughing at us now...
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No way they're talking about the fucking thing, right?
>Your general is already more or less dead and the game has just released
This one's actually right ngl, the only time this place isn't dead is when it's seething about genshit/other hoyoshit.
go back to genshit shitter lmao
Encore does alot more dmg than Chixia.
same such is the life of an f2p
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You need to remember that these people don't play games, they don't read games, they just use the most popular game as a cultural phenomenon to give them a general topic to post about on social media, then they use it as an excuse to branch out and have off topic conversations.
There's no reason to speak to them or engage with them.
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Getting popular for what?
Wuwa should stay niche and only pander to heterosexual cis gender male like snowbreak.
>no cunt zipper
it's trash
based and same
fuck artificial difficulty
I vill now buy your overpriced skin
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>People having unfavorable opinion about my game? They're simply not real gamers, it's that simple
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weren't they jizzing over arlecchino or something because her animations were flashier compared to every other genshin character?
For Jinhsi S0, are her secondary partner options mainly Taoqi or Yuanwu? I saw a discussion suggest Yinlin but the theoretical calcs only include her if Jihnsi is S6 and I wonder about S0
This but unironically
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Genshitters getting uppity again after Mihomo dropped them another gay kiddie demo
Yinlin is so strong you can put her in any team and she will outdamage whatever buff setup you have for your DPS just with her off-field damage
Yes, it's just cope.

someone post the webm of the 4 gigger nigglets that can afk after they throw all their goombas at the enemy.
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Don't post that trash in wuwa... we are wholesome general.
holy shit shes so cute. i used to think genshin was shit but they make 11/10 characters
Yinlin + Verina
anything else is just a cope
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>all those blatant butt shots
i thought this was a normie game why is this trailer so pedo?
I need to obsessively monitor gacha revenue and youtube views because I am a loser who gets a boost in self esteem if my favorite gacha game is more popular than other gacha games
this but unironically
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We know gigger.
>tech otakus save the world
pedo company
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but baizhi literally has the tall female model
everyone but anko and verina does rumao
wuwa could never
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For me, it's tall and fresh.
>AI slop
stop linking your own posts retard
Wrong, there are actually 3 female models but it's hard to notice
>encore/verina (short)
>baizhi/yinlin (tall)
>everyone else (medium)
If genshin is so bad, why are copying its end game?
I want painfully thick...
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>heh, let me praise my own slop. they'll never see it coming!
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>game is so dead in Japan that people post AI shit instead
what troons unironically consider as top-tier and skill-dependent gameplay

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Is she considered medium or tall?
holy retard
I love enemies being so unbelievably spongy that you need to abuse the elemental system to do anything instead of getting good with individual movesets!!!
prone bonejin
the fuck kinda name is neuvilette
Anyone really like both this and genshin? I enjoy both but really cba to do dailies in both games anymore
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Borgar is cute!
You realize Hsr was just as dead at the end of a patch for like half a year right, this isn’t a unique phenomenon
should never*
Uhhh why is she dressed like this?
I do like my borgars.
I dumped genshin like a couple months out from launch, this and hsr are my only gacha as of now
It's not really "abusing" if that's how the game was designed to be played, but yeah I like that Wuwa characters are more self sufficient and don't require 2 or 3 off-field buffers and elemental applicators in order to kill things.
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ENG dub Yinlin also voices Miquella in Elden Ring. I thought that was a nice tidbit of info I'd share with you guys.
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I heard you like slop of AI here
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For me, it's gorgeous
>6 hours and 23 min
le fromsoft VA also voices other things? HOLY POG
>game so dead all wuwaggers have to post is ai and koikatsu slop
ahahahahahahah oh no no no no no no
So I finally unlocked Gold Echos, but I keep hearing about how expensive the costs are. When you start out, how do you go about tuning echos and leveling them so you don't waste shit?
im hungry
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b-B-Baar gor=?
Did the shitposters and fotm people finally leave?
I got 80 rolls banked for next patch and if I dont get jinhsi Ill quit. Not getting her weapon btw.
>design a skill based game
>make the end game time gated, rendering useless
Just wait until 1.1 theyre lowering the costs across the board. I just burned through 100k credits upgradings like 10 or so echos to +10 with tuners
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take a look at gig
star rail is pretty great, no other gacha really compares
me too I'm finna order a 'za
How can wuwa or genshit ever hope to compete with a tenchad game?
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how much content will 1.1 have
there's no point rolling characters without their weapons lil bro
Just focus on correct main stat and set

Same, I only have 80 rolls. But mine isn't taking into account the astrites and rolls that we'll get in the next patch. Still, it's looking kinda grim for us brother. May the luckgods be with us in 3 days.
but wuwa is a tencent game bwo
Invest in energy regen
>there's no point rolling characters without their weapons lil bro
What do I do then? Wait half a year for enough rolls to get a single char + weapon?
Goodluck to u too. I hope to get her because her animations look great.
Tencent owns 14% shares in Kuro, that's not enough.
the patch has a good amount of rolls, plus we're getting 10 of each ticket the week after
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If I spend credit on echo levelling do I get a refund in 1.1? Someone in this bread said so
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We are going to get 93 rolls in 1.1, you should be able to pull her
You just like VN's which is okay.
As far as gameplay and exploration goes nothing even comes close to Wawu (for gachage)
I'm not going to risk it, I can save for 4 more days.
Pulling a chracter is easy but dupes are what is important.
if you're poor then yes, or get lucky
Quick question before I start playing? How does the ceiling work in this game? Coming from BA.
I never played hoyogames before.
I cant find it in the patch notes nyoooooo
if theyre giving us anything it will be a big flat sum, just chill until then you'll have more tubes when the patch hits
Never level beyond +20.
Tune first 2 substats, only keep upgrading if they're good.
You want a decent set first with 2-3 good substats. Don't bother with perfect substats.
It's best to level all your echoes equally, don't overinvest in one.
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I just want to get jinhsi at the very least, and I'll gamba the rest (if there are any) for the booba turkey. Here's to hoping we get more apologems from Kuro
Working on it.
Who utilizes it best right now?
I don't even care about VNs I just love turn based and tactics type things. I like building a team that plays off each other, there's a lot of fun to that.
I think so far the wuwa characters don't have a huge amount of interaction with each other or very distinct kits, which I'm hoping they build on over time.
I dunno what you mean about a ceiling.
I forgot to login again
A char+weapon is dirt cheap even if you live in Mejico or something assuming you have shit for luck.
Is this a call for help?
Good or bad, wuwa bros?
It's usable
Ever heard of the phrase jack of all trades, master of none?
Gacha ceiling. How many pulls do I need to do before I can redeem the banner unit.

good enough for cope in the meantime. It's rough farming 3costs.
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The thing is sometimes I accidentally parry the clone because it come out of fucking nowhere while I'm in the middle of comboing the real one. I dodge parry too sometimes in case I fuck up the timing but nothing I can do if I'm not prepared after an accidental parry. Also I tried switching during parry animation and didn't work.
good crit% roll at least, what's with your 4 cost? You're pushing +25 on 3 costs before finding a gold 4? madman
Bro i can't remember the last time i didn't autobattle. This includes Swarm disaster - Pure fiction - MoC of chaos - That new apocalypto shadow thing etc.
It's not a game when all i have to do is put square in square hole and click V but maybe that's just me.
As for your arguments about wuwas you're not making any sense and now i doubt you even play the game.
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70 if you lucky, 140 if unlucky
Bros when is 1.1... a new event.... anything...?
I actually quit because of the autobattle, really showed the combat is secondary in that game. The whole match your element break system is braindead too
I refuse to spend money on gachas that run on GI's gacha monetization model.
Ive spent over 300$ on PGR by now but I wont pay a single dime for wuwa.
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>they removed the aero bonus in the tower
What the fuck???
At least remove the shitty electric.
The hologram boss fights are so badly designed. They just give them really shitty cheat shot moves. It's not fun, it's stupid artificial difficulty meant to frustrate you into spending.
>inb4 skill issue
Post your difficulty 6 Mephis clear
Not farming echos yet, I just spent this double event to get some fusion and electro echos for Yinlin/Yuanwu and Encore/Changli. My stamina otherwise went away for skill materials, so I simply just don't have any electro gold 4 cost to use yet.
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Big numbers jack off my autism.
Have you tried
Playing better?
Post clear, faggot
take 10 minutes to complete your 5/5 set you lunatic
The worst part is they're leaning into brick effect making things even MORE braindead.
I just watch a VOD of someone playing the story these days.
You do you boo
NTA, but he makes sense. There is a lot of silly things you can do in SR, tons of different team choices and ideas for builds that are all very valid. In Wuwa you can't.

Of course SR embraces casual audiences, so if you either whale enough or just don't care about high end content, you can just follow guides about what to do and click auto. But that's not the only way. You can do that here as well, but instead of auto its mindless button mash.
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What's this random NPC doing here?
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I think the fact that I can't beat level V yet on anyone is a good sign, you were just filtered bro
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git gud dummy
>Verification not required.
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How our guy feels about the game a month in.
No need yet, because my focus is clearing content still, my map 100% exploration will dip into 1.1 as well and building Encore for the time being is more worthwhile, since I have it on 2/6 by luck and also has Stringmaster for it. Can't focus on everything at the same time. (Encore also has a purple rider on it.)
absolute highest possible is 80, but in practice you wont go past around 75.
pity is 50% chance to be the rateup character.
If you lose the 50/50 you are guaranteed to get the rate up next time.
Memphis aside they're all incredibly well telegraphed though? The only reasons you could possibly have for not clearing is lack of dps because no 5* weapons, bad artifacts etc or skill issue. You shouldn't be dying to them.
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>got my 18/18 again
So good, but Encore is genuine fucking SHIT, total shit.
skill issue
>1 month
>still can't 21/28
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Don't fall for bait from the non related anime shitposter
I was accommodating you because i'm bored but you went into fanfic too fast, work on your shitposting
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Encore set me back hard, I fell for the meme and built her.
And she ended up being garbage that can't AoE worth a fuck and is only good apparently if you buy Yinlins weapon.

Which I'm not.
Encore is SHIT.
I actually kind of missed the tranime avatarfag schizo
KYS btw
Her skill CD is insane though...I guess tranime shitposters was right. Jinhsi is dogshit Eula but sub DPS. She's trash.
Bringing this to +25 is such a waste lmao
>garbage that can't AoE worth a fuck
kek same
I will just wait for another DPS with decent AOE
The game is fun even if they give retards the option for autobattle. If they gave an autobattle toggle for wuwa would you quit it too?
My complaint (maybe I'm not far enough since I'm not at endgame) is that I rarely feel any reason to swap off my main 3 chars (I just run MC/healslut/pinktits). Like what can they really not do? Imagine if one char threw dots up and another did more damage to mobs with dots or something like that, I feel like there isn't that much interaction between kits that would make it so you want to use x comp for y, and z for v etc
Do you realize how long it will take to charge up full stacks?
it's the schizo who unironically claims hrt has more depth than any turn based games in years lmao
Read. Her. Kit.
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My Jianxin unironically does better than her on the tower.
I agree with pretty much everything he said.
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Mihoyo is banned cosplayers from cosplaying as wuwa characters. BASED. Saw this on /gig/ btw.
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>Doompost a new character
>Banner come out
>They actually OP
If i get 1 dollar everytime you retards do this, i could buy a house
>cyber chastity lock
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Besides crit rate and crit damage, what exactly is "good"? Does this mean both have to be good or just one?
I can't make any fucking sense of what this dogshit google translation is saying.
lose some wait fattie
CRate>CDmg>atk%>ER(if needed)>atkFlat>(useful type)Dmg%
After those attack %, flat attack and energy regen
I feel like the attack type % are cope substats
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will this game have sex? should i pick male mc? femc is sex but I'm not a yuritranny and i want (Me) to fuck the other sexy chinese chicks
Objectively correct.
that's a pretty wild opinion
>he doesn't know about the upcoming hotspring scene in 1.1
Has china released any gacha with non blocked porn in it on googleplay?
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what will kuro do with its gachabux for the ccp
learn to context: Basically the cosplayer is asking if she can do Yinlin, Hoyoo is telling her "mingchao" aka Wuthering Waves isn't allowed.
Rest are just keking on the situation and one guy pitches in admitting it's a corporate decision.
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You will sex your canon wife
This game will have as much sex as you in real life.
If she's asking she's a contracted cosplayer.
It's different if she was a free cos cosplayer, she could do whatever without permission.
So every other day. That sounds like too much you promise?
Hire hundreds of new employees. Hopefully they aren't w*men
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Did you see jinshi trailer ? the CCP is big proud of them
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not talking about sex with your hand
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Lots of elf sex
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Bros... when will this end. It has been 5 hours...
If you can't clear it just wait for the next phase to force it
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now go again 5 more times
Exactly. The thing is you don't need permission as an artist unless we're talking about Oyohim.
This isn't the norm stop trying to make it seem so.
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You are so bad.
only on thing can save wuwa now, kuro, release rover's reverse bunny suit
classic "it's about to die, time to go monke". just be patient bro. dodge
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>according to journalists (???)
>According to [literally who] estimates
$110 million my ass. This is pure speculation based on the game having 30 million downloads (at least one third of those being rerolls from account sellers). Provide real source instead.
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Oh fug.. ok then
That's babby numbers, it took me LITERALLY 3 days.
>real source
>does not provide PC sales

Post a real source instead.
Fine, but it will be for male Rover.
>Haha look mom I posted it again! I'm having a lot of fun this summer!
>real source
>post a literal make-up numbers
Nobody has the PC sales numbers. Only Kuro does.
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Reminder to buy your freerolls with corals, resets in 2 days rather than the top of the month.
sex with calcharo's clones
So what's the point of salesposting when 99% of people play WuWa on PC?
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>Hmnn they take this at face value on my shithole of a general. Perfect gotcha inc
Bro wtf are you doing hahaha
demoralization, radicalization, subversion
Same can be said about any other game that has a PC version.
There isnt one
It's another shitposting tactic
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I bet i can go to gachagayming rn and not find a single post about it.
I wonder what kind of rigs the typical chinks have. Can they even run the game on PC?
I DID IT BROOOOSSSSS I used food but it's only Jinzhou stew. That still count yeah?
>used food
you didn't beat it
>Food buffs
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
Almost all the videos posted on cn websites are pc, not mobile
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Food is allowed, copium revivers even, the point is you made it.
Jerk off to Jinhsi as a reward, on the house.
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>play action games on phone
Please tell me you ain't a retard
You'd be surprised how well off the average chink is compared to us... Stop listening to NPR
If you have one crit, keep leveling.
If you don't have crit but 2 other useful stats, keep leveling.
Everything else is trash.

Never level beyond 20.
Always level your echoes equally.
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If you're not playing Wuwa on mobile on its intended platform how can you truly say you beat the game?

Sounds like cheating if you use anything but mobile.
can someone post the kuro ceo? i need to fap
>more than 50% of the activity in this thread is just being buttblasted by genshit

Grim. Do all your threads look like this wuwakeks?
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happy fapping
Only up until the 4th of July.
You're the 9999th butthurt gigger to post in this thread, any words for our audience?
Does Monk give shields to other units? My Calchuro is way too much of a glass cannon
dumb stupid rintard
Actually buttblasted, like a raving lunatic. Sad to see
Jinzhou speedster arrived too slow and trailblazer was brutally raped by Yinlin...
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>My Calchuro is way too much of a glass cannon
Bro, your 15% dmg reduction???
it's like using SSRs, you should only be allowed to use rover, yangyang, chixia and baizhi along with 3 star weapons, anything else and it's basically cheating
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Wonder if jinhsi + yinlin at ul50 can 3* the ape
how do i maximize the shields/healing for jianxin?
Only one way to fina out
Also wtf why does Jinshi want Yin Lynn she's not electro?
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I finished the Elden Ring DLC and I thirst for more. I feel like investing resources into Danjin just to go solo every hologram. The only issue is that she's C3...
4* team for Jinhsi?
Jinhsi wants coordinated attacks
No way.
End of the day the only thing that people really need is 2x crit substats with high rolls rather than low, trying to go for anything else is usually cope or less efficient unless your character needs to meet an ER breakpoint. Same shit as genshin/hsr/every other gacha
Always meant to be taken with a grain of salt because they're either spreading misinformation from someone else or parroting each other.
If I have all the characters I want from the regular gacha should I start pulling the weapon gacha or are the character fragments more important?
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trying to get onset 3-cost echoes is cancer
my encore is strong as heck bwo

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