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Previous: >>483270643

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Hi wuggers!
Jinhsi's smelly boots
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Dead game dead threads
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How to win 50/50?
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What will my astrite income look like if I only want to main one team? How bricked will my tower be?
How to lose 50/50 so I can pull for dupes and guarantee Changli?
First you WU and then you WA
Is it friday yet?
Every child you sacrifice to Jinhsi brings you closer i've sacrificed billions so far and i'm getting her on my first 10pull this is a fact.
You can't get more than 15/30 with one team.
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hi bwo
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This changes everything holy shit
You can solo one side of the tower with Havoc MC you're good
You need 3 teams, extrapolate any extra info from that. there are no "Mmmmmmmains"
Literally impossible without a grouper.
The only Jinhsi combat footage we have.
CN leakers are shit.
I got 3 stars for right side floor 1 and 2 with just spectro Rover. The tower effect is pretty good
I salute the Yangyang
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>log in for the day
My account is permanently damaged... Should I just reroll at this point?
I will brick my account for Jinhsi, she's worth it.
What if I don't play rover though?
Man why the FUCK is Jinhsi a broadblade user? Makes me mad.
>male Rover on the promo
So she can slay Jue more easily
enjoy 12/30 then, if you're fine with it then you got nothing to worry about, its not like you're missing out on 10 pulls every reset
>comfy 18/30
Meanwhile I'm here shitting blood against these FAGGOT golems that cuck me on the third floor
You fool, you buffoon !
This is the end for you post UID so i can report this immediately.
Then accept 15/30 forever and move on.
Or stop being a "maining" autist.
Why aren't you playing a strong character that you get for free?
> go try tactical hologram
> get one shot by the slightest skill

is this supposed to be like this? seriously not enjoying this game the more shit I unlock in it.
You fucked up so badly your only way out is betting reincarnation exists and reroll your life.
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Anko pussy.
lmao you thought the game would get easier?
dodge nigga
dodge nigga
You just got filtered nothing wrong with it, you're also going to get 1shot in tower btw so look forward to that.
hologram is the dark souls of the game. It's the hardest content designed for the people who enjoy very difficult fights.
Reminder to all using 4/4/1/1/1 and 2 2-set echo effects:
Throw Jué into your set if you can. It's literally free passive damage.
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More hairy than i expected.
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get the bell echo, its good for learning the tougher bosses as it gives you a 2nd chance essentially.
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ok that explains it lol
anyone else going for 2x standard 5* swords before anything else? I feel like swords are the best weapon type in the game, and I enjoy playing havoc mc+danjin
>that explains it lol
Bro I know this too well, I ALWAYS forget to switch my Jiyan out for a good character
so doesnt matter getting my characters stronger, they will still hit like a wet noodle huh? good to know it wasn't just me neglecting stuff but its just the way this shit is coded.

I was dodging, but got hit by an aoe and my character was just dead...

Well, fuck, I do not want to sweat for literal peanut gems, this was supposed to be my comfy game lol

Well, that might be it, unreal engine and hot hags are simply not enough
holograms aren't fun when most of their moveset oneshot you
so delay that difficulty until it doesn't
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NTA but morning aixe and the monkey merc'd me through bell, Verina s1 passive and food.
This is just pure BS and not good design when the fights are around 5 mins a serious oversight and will just alienate people like me.
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Exploring the burning city was pretty fun.
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Absolutely yes, pic related and pulling for Changli. I think everyone should do this. Unless you have a gun user.

Should've built your Taoqi broskis
What level hologram are you getting buttblasted by? Just curious
At what character lvl will I be able to do the 2nd set of towers. I'm lvl 60 and I was only 3/24 last week.
You don't have to do it. The rewards are minor. Hologram is an epeen thing. People do it for the sake of the challenge/accomplishment.
I cleared it at 60 with +10 echoes.
Completely filtered, you have no valid excuse or complaint here
Anon, that's not in his shitposting script...
How many teams did you use?
dont get hit next time
I absolutely do, the passive says as follows: Verina protects a party member from fatal damage
There is absolutely no excuse for this level of bullshit if i only fuck up ONE time.
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4 characters, other side looks similar
Make some food that buffs your HP 30 or 40%, that will let you tank another hit. Or simply dodge the attacks
Does food buffs work in tower?
I have all the characters I want from the regular gacha. Should I start pulling for weapons or are the character fragments more important?
no, only holograms
will Jinhsi use the full spectro set or could 2/2 spectro atk be better?
Weapon banner, as you can get 4 star characters from it and its a guaranteed choice at 80. You will get the standard 5 stars eventually when you lose 50/50s
not a shitpost, just a new player that is unlocking stuff and getting fucked in the process. It was lv45, Aix I think, the bird (I have no one built because I really havent explored the map.. calcharo at 40, yinlin at 50 and baizhi at 7. dont talk about weapons either anons...

yeah, I was trying to do the pioneer thing for points and I saw holo stuff at difficulty 3 and decided to give it a shot...

If we meet IRL, you better not get hit by my massive cock anon, its gonna leave a bruise
>simply dodge the attacks
You argue in such bad faith, how am i supposed to dodge EVERY fucking attack during a 5 minute fight when the patterns keep changing in some bosses there's no consistency like learning the patterns in Elden ring and having an improvement curve and the iframes are down to less than half a second (i checked) in some cases.
>I have no one built because I really havent explored the map
>dont talk about weapons either anons
I mean
What the fuck do you expect???
She has a lot of dmg% in her kit + sig but at most I'd expect spectro/atk on 3-costs to be enough to balance it out
Sounds like your account just isnt ready for it. Once you increase your SOL level again and have some echos it will be much more reasonable. I didn't clear the first 3 until i was at least level 50 with some +15 echos.
Put it on weapons.
You can get 5* character dupes by getting spooked on character banners, but not weapon banners.
5* weapons also provide quite an upgrade over 4* weapons by their raw stats, so unless you also roll on limited weapon banners they are quite an improvement.
People have calculated that attack + spectro is like 4% better if you use her signature. You should go with the one with the better subs.
levels give more hp and def
leveling your 1-cost echoes give more hp
just chill with it if you're not into no-hit runs
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male rovers POV
Also forgot to mention but super important, bosses here act like niggers and sometimes bait your dodge and just leave their wing hanging up there for no reason just to rape you the next second how am i supposed to know when to JUST DODGE BRO in that case.
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>Jinhsi requires her weapon for her not to be a brick
Are you seriously going to spend 240 rolls for one unit?
3 costs not set bonus.
>brick this brick that
We don't even know what kind of vertical investment we'll need to 30/30 in the future, maybe none at all. She'll get the bp broadblade and it will service.
Don't sweat it so much bro, just learn their attacks and try not to spam. You get 2 chances with your dodge until it cools down gotta make them count.
She uses the fullspectro set, and 44111 is only for S6 i believe, but it's significantly easier to farm although 4331/1 shouldn't be that hard either considering you only need 1 spectro + 1 atk% 3 cost rather than 2x spectro.
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Its LITERALLY 50% weaker than her sig weapon.
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if anyone dares say wuwa has visually cluttered combat just show em this
I mean all of the 4 star weapons are bricks compared to the 5 stars. They just give so much more ATK not to mention their substats and buffs
>50% weaker
you can't into math
I bricked my account for yonlin
I bricked my account for jonhsi
I bricked my account for chongli
And now I will save
Don't respond to the anime avatar. They're a no life shitposter.
That shit is impossible on mobile. The latency and performance make it fucking ridiculous
same but-
I got Yinlin s1 and weapon
I NEED Jinhsi and her weapon
i NEED Changly and her weapon
i NEED Camellya and her weapon
i NEED GeshuLin and his weapon
And now i will save
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The math is already out you stupid bitch.
How embarrassing, enjoy your brick.

So this is just my acc not being on par with the requirements, and I need to get more stuff. Because I do NOT want to play a one hit kill game. Even PGR wasn't like that, and so weren't other games.

thanks anons, you're alright
>Male Rover
>Jiyan + Weapon
>Skipped Yinlin
>Pulling Jinhsi + Weapon
rate my brick
I think even at higher levels they might have a super move that one-shots you but that's just monster hunter tier which is fine by me since we can cart once or twice without wiping.
certified fag
I'd skip Jinhsi's weapon if you already have the generals.

Pull for Yinlin's weapon or Yinlin as a character for Jinhsi (but at that point you're risking the 50/50 not really worth), you can also use the 50/50 on changli and use the standard 5* weapon on her.
absolutely. Honestly there are even some puzzles that require you to do some quick double inputs that are absolute hell on mobile
You're gonna be in debt buddy.
Sorry, but I can't do that to my wife. She is expecting the best.
If she was expecting the best you'd be pulling for yinlin too...
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>Jinhsi is a brick without her weapon
>Changli is just sub dps encore
Easiest skip in my life.
Still single i can tank some debt
I dont even know what the combat cancelling shit is because i dont think its possible on mobile either. Maybe some autist manages, but no way the average player can
I have done extensive testing unfortunately, elemental damage% is superior in every single case.
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>Someone complains about wuwa? Just compare it to Genshin

Buck. Broken.
Though i don't enjoy her gameplay or her AGE, you are making some sense anon. I will consider pulling for Yinlin a few times.
The only valid reason to play on mobile is to do dailies while on vacation.
right but the difference is having one skill compared to an entire arsenal of abilities that demolish the player, which is less manageable
silence potatokek
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I agree with the second anon, I could not see myself playing on mobile.. feels the game needs fluidity that most people dont have on mobile, let alone animation cancelling and shit.
God damnit...
I haven't been able to post that gif for years
mobile is for poorfags anyway
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Just show Dendroslop.
Verinas 12 year old cunny..
I dont have much of a choice bros... if I could get it to run on steam deck thats my only other option. Sorry bros..... go on without me
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I am so sorry bro ...
??? you're the first to mention that game in this thread you schizo.
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Ok, now I will roll for Yinlin.
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>first time we see Jinhsi gameplay against enemies is via a fucking ad
Why are Wuwa leakers so garbage?
Just did a 10 pull when i saw this, got Taoqi which i didnt have. Nice.
I just coomed to Baizhi...
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Good enough, I'm not salty at all about not having crit damage substat, nope
Tower is such a chore it's really just a dps check isn't it?
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Kys pedo
I just coomed in Baizhi...
Post liberation
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>3 years laters theyre still using 3 sword niggas in there
I have a hard line rule where crit rate sub is required but 6,3 and 6,9% are unacceptable. It will always be cope no matter the other sub stats.
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Its more like an AoE check in all honest.
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Rover is a woman eater!
they'll add ways to increase the number, bwo. Trust the plan
boobs unironically too big.
Bah, her dress is better anyway
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>this is what rover does all day in Jinzhou city
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Does jinshi AOE if so I'll pull.
If anything i only expect them to add something that lets you reroll the effect and value rather than just the value.
its ok bro, you have plenty more games u can play comfy on mobile. and steam deck has good titles too.
me in 2 days
is that...?
most of the time it will average out to 7-8 a piece on your characters, youll waste significantly more resources fishing instead of just settling
I hate the second stage with the wolves who jump 50 feet away and the mushrooms that are spread just far enough that you have to pretty much single target them.
Such bullshit
Just started, I got both lolis and ahoge martial artist as my free pick. Is my account blessed or is this game just stupid generous?
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would you level this further?
/wuwa/ - porn and mihoyo spammers
take it to 25, I believe in the lil fly nigga
you're unironically too gay
probably, I'm happy enough with 3/5 and that already has 2
At least in the early stages of the game, it will definitely get tossed once we have enough mats to min max
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You're expected to get 3 out of 5 standard 5* characters
just be glad you didnt get spooked by the furry twink
I would go to 20 if it was a 3 or 4 cost, but 1 cost only raises your main stat ATK% by like 2% so i would just use it for now. It also depends what set it belongs to
spectro set (for jinhsi)
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Jiyan and Jianxin are the only reasons I'm able to clear 18/30 on the tower.

Without them I'd have been screwed.
Thats pretty nice but i would still just sit on it until you get her
All I've done for more than a week is login and do dailies. Where the FUCK is the content?
fat whore. why try to shit on the thread posting this no clue
First gacha?
gonna fap now
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Bro your echo farming???
How do you expect to clear content if all your echos are now going to be SHIT
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>stand next to mushroom
>wolves come to you
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Jianxin being able to solo floors 1-2 on both tower sides is so good for stamina, underrated character
>one wolf comes to you and then jumps away again after getting hit a couple times
Wow, amazing strat, if only the wolf didn't have 200% hp compared to the normal version
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Have you done your 10 point blank aimed shot kills with Chixia yet for the achievement?
No? You haven't? Go and do it right now you lazy shit.
i have 46 blue tidepods and i already have gotten my three guaranteed standards

do i roll for the weapon banner or do i try to get encore
Post your stats
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> got encore, a great dps
> got verina, best healer
> got monk for tower later with pull

looks good to me
had no idea how good Taoqi was for my wife Jinhsi, so happy i pulled this milk god
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>endgame gacha content
you rike?
I wish there were more evil lolis in gacha
Normal underboob looks better not gonna lie
We will never have this for any of the girls because...?
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Yeah, she's been surprisingly a lot better than I expected.

I'm thinking of building Aalto a little bit just to help Jianxin with an extra dmg boost.
I really regret wasting my time on Encore, Jianxin really is pulling her weight.
We should have underboob and overboob at the same time. We shouldn't have to chose between them.
*cough* *wheeze*
help I cant stop leveling vibrators and replacing them as soon as a slightly better one comes out for these sluts and im about to hit union lvl 45 and use selector box on another one.
let's say kuro buffs tacet field by 2x permanently. should they compensate players who spent on it before? and how?
Sex with Changli
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Wu waz rovers n shiet
praying for Discord and Variation to be on the Jinhsi weapon banner, free concerto energy breaks this game
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Which 5-star weapon should I choose, bros??
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Why did they decide to launch the game with green homo dragon man instead of Jinhsi and Changli?
she its fat that its why.
just don't pick the broadblade its ass
katana or pistol
Which character do you have that needs a 5 star weapon?
This is what I see when I close my eyes
So you can't reroll for them without losing a month+ worth of progress/
Another day of full map clearing and no ATK or Spectro % 3cost this game is worse than mintpicking
Anybody else having massive ass ping spikes lmao
atk% 3 cost is a meme
if you are that desperate just use 2p lingering
Do you think Kuro regret doing that?
yes, happened a little yesterday too
Just stop farming until 100% rate on gold echoes at least.
stay salty shitter, encore is a top tier dps
There is a negligible difference between a 80/20 and a 100% drop rate when the base droprate is 20%. Every useless echo you miss out on is more farm you have to databank merger in 1.1 anyways. If you start farming at 1.1 instead of now you'll be grinding forever
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She isn't, she's fucking trash.
No AoE and her damage is SHIT unless you feed her Yinlins sig.
But think of all the millions of potential players they could've attracted with such a stacked waifu banner in 1.0
Was it worth sacrificing all those people just so they could kill rerollers? They ended up giving us a free 5* ticket anyway.
Haven't heard such an illogical argument in a long time
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Theoryfags said that 1 atk and 1 spectro% will be more damage for Jinhsi
shes unironically excellent, amazing damage vs bosses with just the bp catalyst, works amazingly with yinlin or sanhua who have aoe, git gud
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Are you retarded?
They'd make no money if everyone just rerolls.

Imagine thinking you know better, now stop your bitching that you aren't able to reroll to get the units you want now, faggot.
If you roll her weapon, MAYBE
You should check the math on that yourself
i salute the yapyap
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>amazing damage vs bosses
Irrelevant when everything in the tower is spread out enemies.

She's trash, call yourself a stupid bitch.
20% chance to get a gold instead of 16%. 4% increase.
Unironically doesn't matter, because everything in the tower is damage sponge, so her burst is still good against them.

There's also no good char vs spread out stuff yet. Yinlin needs to waste too much time marking them all (+the human stage needs the female elite to die asap so you have no real time doing so anyways), and the wind shit doesn't have enough range.
Everyday you miss out on echo farming you're also losing out on data merge echos. Which will be 100% by the time 1.1 hits anyways. You're limited on the amount of echos you hit even if you're going to get a 5* 100% unless you plan to join everyones world like an autist.

Also it's always better to just start the habit of getting used to mintpicking echoes rather than delaying it and saying you'll do it next patch cause you'll keep delaying it when they decide to do another echo improvement in 1.2
After only doing my dailies and logging off for the last couple weeks I was so damn rusty for tower.
I'll go back after getting Jinhsi and playing through 1.1
>brings the wrong units for the stage, which btw the mob ones are easier than bosses where encore shines
>cries that shes bad
stop being a shitter
>There's also no good char vs spread out stuff yet
yinlin is top tier but you can make do with rover danjin double dreamless + positioning.
oh yeah how could I forget jianxin too, who can solo mob floors.
Not the guy you're talking to but you make zero sense.
It's not about maximizing your farm. It's about maximizing your farm per time spent. Nobody wants to have 20% purples and then RNG merge them to maybe get a few usable ones out of it.
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Both Jiyan and Jianxin can AoE all those shitters easily.

Hell, Jianxin can solo both the entry level floors by HERSELF on both sides.
Encore with Sanhua and everything can't do it because she's just too garbage she can't deal with spread out units.
Encore is fucking TRASH.

She is forever the wrong unit because she is bad.
I am not looking forward to the skyrocketing cost of everything when i reach UL50, getting from 40 to 50 has been magnitudes faster then ffrom 30 to 40, doesn't even feel like a week since i got to UL40 and i'm already a day away from 48, stop the fucking count
We're already declaring shit to be bricks or not barely a month into the game?, give it up, you'll just look retarded later
>xhe rolled for jiyan
confirmed shitter Lmao, imagine rolling for the most boring hold left click to win character.
Encore with Sanhua actually takes skill to play which you clearly don't have
its already looking retarded right now
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>Encore with Sanhua actually takes skill to play
Yeah, getting Yinlins sig for encore so she can stop being a complete shitter takes SOOoooOOO much skill.
This is silly, you should always use Jue, due to the dot giving you stacks when she outros. No idea why it's not use in the first.
>he doesn't know about monkey cancel or the airtime ICBM combo
Encope shitter spotted.
>so mad he xe can't even reply to the right post
lets say in 1.2 they'll make databank 22 a 30% droprate in echoes instead of 20%. Will you completely ignore echo farming until 1.2 and let your jinhsi/changli using nothing? Might as well just get started now there will always be improvement to the system but you'll still be limited by the daily amount of echos in your world.
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>Seething so hard he replies to the wrong post
Holy fucking kek
You must be spending cubes because otherwise there's no way that'd be possible.
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I only reply to the wrong post because you're all massive faggots.
why are you posting anime girls if you're a homosexual male roller
Yes, I am not farming echoes with a 30% droprate, I simply do not care. There is no content that warrants it.
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>merely pretending
Most people are 46-47 currently if they used 5-10 cubes (not too sure i have bp). You're getting 2x xp from echoes until 1.1, then we're also getting Union XP from echo databanks retroactively in 1.1, add in the story quests/side quests/chests in 1.1 and most people should be hitting UL 50 by the end of this week or start of next week.
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Please melt down harder
so? sanhua also has tech
You can brute force with Encore by button mashing the same rotation over and over again. Jiyan takes no skill but dont act like Encore does either
>most people should be hitting UL 50 by the end of this week or start of next week.
Only if you're a stinky NEET.
You're playing as a girl.
You are a homosex, now go erp as one.
I've used all my cubes + gotten the bp but zero astrite refreshes and I just hit 48.
I've got so many 3 cost echos locked it feels like im STEALING from kuro, 2 double electro heron and 1 double electro flautist today alone off the top of my head. Also 2 double healing bell turtles
>moving the goalpost
must be hard with those stubby child legs kek
>Login and do your dailies every day
>Make sure to spend your energy before it caps out
>A whole month to explore the map
>Do the events on time
Not that hard to do while not NEETing it up unless you're very casual
>level them to +10
>no crit
who gets the last laugh eh
just counted ive got 19 ready to recycle, you know me well anon
Bro... I just hit 46 how do you expect me to hit 50...
hitting 50 is just gonna make echo farming slower
Now start tuning them and try not to an hero out of disappointment
The ones sitting at 47 and close to 48 are day one players
then again its more of a speed bump until you upgrade your chars to 80, then it goes back to comfy
waiting for that 1.1 cost reduction of course, shit is pure robbery
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With Camellya.
Will having sex with her further my goal of marrying Scar?
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finally I got it for anko bwos!
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nice mod bro
Anon, i don't mean to scare you but i think Camellya might be a tad bit crazy, so you should probably reconsider putting your dick anywhere near that minefield.
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This is for me currently, and it doesn't include any of the xp from 1.1 yet.

I plan to use most or all of my crystal solvent's for talents/echos so I can hit UL50 Jue Mats by the end of the week before reset.
Another day of absolutely fucking nothing from tacet fields
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this, pure lovey dovey sex with Lady Jinhsi instead.
and then fuck Camellya's brains out while Jinhsi is asleep
I have considered your proposition and decided to disregard it completely.
Me in two patches
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>rolling for a brick that needs her sig to be decent
>not rolling for the chain-nuke Archon
Finished dilating after seething xirster?
>rolling for a homo that needs another homo to be decent
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I await to see your tears in a few days saying how you regret rolling for her.
So just get her sig what's the big deal
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Should i scrap all my lingering tunes pieces? are they bad even on mid game 2 piece bonus?
Is sig the new sub dps shitpost?
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Actually she's my wife and she's going to look so cute riding around on her limited sword.
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>240 rolls for one unit
But I started day one.. I did miss the dailies of day one though because the launch was like 1 hour before reset
how bad will the melty be when jinhsilets realize the game is unclearable without her?
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I'll do it in 20
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>regret rolling for her
no one would regret getting this cutie
Unironically I don't actually find Yinlin that attractive. Changli, on the other hand...
Yes, it's literaly the same guy as the Jiyan is meta schizo who only started saying that after getting spooked by him while "building pity"
It won't be unclearable but I do expect there be a big damage difference between her and what we have now. Expect people to say how easily they cleared x with her and posting big dick damage per screen shots.
We'll just save a billion astrite for Geshu Win
unless you get lingyanged on the way I guess
And you'll have Jiyan idiots crying about powercreep, totally ignoring the fact that he's more of a comfort dps. He's made for easy grouping and parries. He's not made for pure damage. He's simply the strongest we have now because he's our only limited dps. Jinhsi will be our first pure dps that's good at nothing but.
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Any guesses on geshu's kit? I want to see him being a 5* danjin that actively kills himself.
theres no way shes that strong, we don't have any units that pair well with her, and by that I mean coordinate attacker + skill damage buff or spectro buff, yinlin works but she works with everyone, and verina is verina
lingering cope is only good if you are too lazy to farm the real set otherwise it's always a waste of tuners and exp
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why is my welkin red
berserker style with lifesteal/damage reduction or something
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I hope you all skip Jinhsi.
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She's going to absolutely shit on everyone in terms of single target damage.
not rolling for your ayucka expy
Wow. Still skipping.
ermbro this is the darksoul of gachas...
her tight body and sexo eyelashes will be mine
>higher damage on lower hp
my nigga
not my nigga. Lingering tunes + 4 star BP heavy blade is what all f2p+ should aim for. Most cost effective setup by MILES and will clear all content until the stronger echo sets come out
As much of a meme as it might sound, lingering cope is unironically good on lingyang.
That's the countdown till Kuro deletes your account unless you renew your subscription
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>people think Jinhsi will be good when NOT A SINGLE UNIT IN HER BANNER IS GOOD FOR HER
She is a fucking BRICK.

She does skill dmg and pair her up with Sanhua??
She's spectro and they pair her up with Danjin??
She doesn't even care about her ult and they pair her up with Yapyap???

I probably will skip her because I don't really get the
>this new unit powercreeps all these other units so you have to roll for her now!!
Wouldn't it be better to wait four or five banners then so you really feel the unit upgrade as opposed to rolling on every single banner? It's like upgrading a GPU for a brand new one when yours is years old.
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ugly bitch
back to genshit with you, tasteless samefag
Not when you actually want the character for the character. Them being strong is a bonus.
This is exactly why I want you all to skip Jinhsi. Only true Jinhsi lovers should own her.
Her back and scapular are mine
Cant believe the yakuza horse gacha is coming to global. Now I can look at horse waifus while grinding out echoes.
How many rolls are expected in 1.1 again? I have about 190 saved up.

I want as many 4* dupes on Jinhsi's and Changli's banners as possible, but I also want Changli. What's the best strategy here?
>need ascension mats for Jinhsi
>need to do the double drop echo event
>weekly bosses just reset
>Just one schizo shitposting Jinshi
>Pathetic whimper of a chorus vaguely repeating his bullshit to no effect
I feel conflicted bros, /hsrg/ taught me the harder the brickposting the stronger the character
How about you get a good base roster and then roll for units that add fun mechanics or unga bunga damage?
for me? its both anon
Do you want Jinhsi or not?
>Just make the game boring
there is new weekly boss in 1.1 I hope you didn't brick
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The best strategy would be to not be poor and just swipe.
Nigga save your weekly boss attempts, 1.1 release this week, save the attempts for Jinshis divine bvll since he gives trace matts that jinshi and changli want
where the FUCK is the info for 1.2 bro im too used to hsr leaks
That game's going to get absolutely shit on in the west. People don't know how f2p unfriendly it is because they assume Cygames are generous gods.
Not particularly, I wouldn't mind getting spooked by her though as long as I can still guarantee Changli.

Though it would be nice to have a 50/50 left over for 1.2
I am rolling Jinhsi to bench Calcharo
I am rolling Changli to bench Anko
Nobody can stop me
can't wait for nuTingyun bros
>didn't prefarm before tacet field event
oh boy you FUCKED UP
This is possibly the worst choice for a comfy gacha, try ba or hsr or something
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>Encore already powercrept
Anko and Changli are run together though.
What 3 cost main stats do you want on Moonlit? Energy regen seems like way too much damage loss? Do you just go atk/atk and roll for sub stat energy regen?
I wouldn't spend more than maybe 40-50 rolls on Jinhsi's banner then.
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and thats a good thing
I figured so, thanks for the input
>double fusion
I won't allow it.
I honestly prefer this game’s combat over dark souls since movement is significantly more fast and fluid while still being demanding
>limited dps being better than standard dps
no wai
i have 4 star options for all weapon types but rectifiers. please just drop at least one from the weapon banner...no more yuanwhu dupes...
I have havoc% on my Taoqi monnlit set
>limited dps working with standard dps
based kuro looking out for loligods
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>Anko spilled her yogurt again
Let me lick that off of you
literally me
I don't want to farm out multiple though
I kinda lost interest after the leaks about her having white hair.
Well you only need enough ER%
Given good substats, you might not need any ER% mainstat at all
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Jinhsi will be the Eula of Wuwa.
She will come out, she will be shit, everyone will say new units will come and beef her up don't worry.

And it will never happen and be forgotten.
Eula is pure sex thoughtbeit, jinshi is a stick with no appeal
You can button-mash pretty hard but playing them well takes pretty significant skill yeah. I’ve been playing them and verina for a week and I still make misplays fairly often
bad take
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>changli rollers
not interested in BA
anon, I left that hole, and I do NOT want to go back. mihomo games are a waste of time.

I probably said comfy game but didnt mean it as an afk cookie cutter type of stuff. just a game where I logon, see my chars, improve them and feel good, logoff. rinse and repeat until new hags get added.
>not wanting to loong the sticc
post Eula's ingame model
You won't =)
Jiyan will be the venti of Wuwa,
Will get mogged by some random literal who of the same element.
and no one will care aside from the homos and femcels who rolled him.
I just spent 2 minutes trying to find people for coop, is the game ded?
I can't wait for 1.2 to tease another main dps, and this nigger has to go on his parade of a clown show all over again as a coping mechanism for his brickyan faggotry.
Yunli is my wife (I will divorce her for changli)
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Remember to never stop toooooning
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nothing wrong with Euler's ingame model at all
the problem is that she's a terrible unit
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>Jinhsi REQUIRES coordinated attacks
>people falsely believe more will be made that will perfectly fit for Jinhsi

>wont happen
>no other coordinated attack unit pops up
>Jinhsi forever dogshit
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How will the homofags feel when 1.2 reveals that neither are men? You're in a rude awakening if you think male banners will be as common in this game as Hoyo's stuff.
>2 brick stats
That's just gambling. You got randomly lucky.
The next 5 echoes will brick at +25.
Great more time to save.
>posts shitty edit
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More like jingliu of wuwa
Great when she releases but powercrept to irrelevance 5 months later
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Do my niggas in coop count as coordinated attacks?

What flavour of mental illness do you have that makes you write posts like this?
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Truly the dark souls of gacha
The fate of a selfish dps.
yuritroon reject from /a/
Lost to Yunli...again...forced to lick her feet all day...again...
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I have to.
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Dead game dead general
Nah breh, Dark souls had way more jank that's babby tier
I hope there's at least one non-chinese guy.
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Cant wait for our Paimon bwos
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>everyone hates Jinhsi now
what happened?
Same shitposting that happened before Yinlin dropped

Jiyan pullers need to vent somehow
It's the pre-banner shitposting that will happen every single time
>One tranimeschizo is everyone
the 'yaka comparisons happened and while she won there's not much in it
By everyone you mean the same anime avatar faggot that has been doing this for weeks?
its the part where shortly before a new 5* comes out everyone starts doomposting and say shes shit and unplayable then as soon as shes out everyone rolls for her
Chang WON
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ayaka was beloved at the time, but then newfags came and ruined it.
Just like Firefly, am I right?
Holy FUCK the Yen is almost at 160
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Nobody here hates her except for the one schizo, you haven't seen actual pre release shitposting
Can I mod the retarded chink censorship out of this game without getting banned?
I couldn't find mod related information in the OP
I got bricked not rolling for the standard 5* weapon. Don't be me.
The Japanese economy doesn't believe in raising wages. They have no good way to combat inflation.
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Does the UID schizo post in any other place on this website that you know of? It's important, I need to know all of them.
This, standard 5* banners are useless
Since when can Verina use instant transmission?
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Jinhsi isn't even good now.
She's bad, VERY bad and she has so many requirements to be used properly.

>NEEDS her sig
>NEEDS coodinated attacks
>NEEDS different elements

Building a teamcomp for her is a straight up nightmare because of it, she will never be good because of it.
She can't even effectively use Verina who is universal because Verina is the same element as she is so she gets fucked over.

She's so bad not even Verina the UNIVERSAL BUFFER of Wuwa is a bad matchup for her.
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Pagfly slopped and flopped HARD thougheverbeit

Holy based, my VPN will be ready
>Verina the UNIVERSAL BUFFER of Wuwa is a bad matchup for her
But that's wrong.
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Reminder that both Verina and Yinlin fit into every single team and provide incredible boosts to it.
If you rolled for Jiyan instead, you're bricked in the long haul.
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You are wrong.
Verina literally hurts her kit by providing the same element.
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ignore the avatarfags blatant shitposts
If you rolled for Jiyan it means you're a homosexual and you are bricked in real life.
What the fuck, I rolled for Yinlin. Am I bricked?
It’s only good as a cope two-piece if you’re on your way to a full set with decent stats
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The irony coming from an incel.
Verina is a slight downside during her on-field time, but she isn't on field for long. And her ult fully stacks, because it's a coordinated attack. Those count separately and give 2 stacks.

Unless you do shit like Yuanwu or Monk sustain, she is your best choice.
I'm not autistic. I will continue to call them wishes, primos, and constellations because those are the terms that everyone is familiar with, not astrites, convenes and sequence nodes.
Shut up Encore, you're getting powercrept by a menopausic turkey and you're gonna like it!
Even if you do get less stacks with her, her damage buffs more than make up for it.
Please answer my question anon kun
Now I dont feel so bad about missing up on the GENERAL. he seems fun but I saw jiggling tits animated on ult and my dick took the wheel
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For me it's Nekomiya, Soukaku and the chink cop
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>shitposting with the cunny queen
shoo femcel
>I'm not autistic.
Stopped reading right there, come back when you've fixed thjis
Just call them pulls and dupes, autistic retard
Anby gang
I'm sorry to hear you like getting seeded by tall green notchinese men.
You may try to repent but i'm afraid your illness is terminal.
bro, are you lost?
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>bricked in real life so he pretends to be a video game character
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How much do you want Jinhsi? If you knew ahead of time that you will 100% lose the 50/50 to Lingyang, would you still go for her?
For me its games without homosexual furries
>he seems fun
Absolutely not. His optimal rotation is incredibly boring.
Yeah it's always gonna be this kek. I don't even know what they're called in this game

Miyabi for me
If you knew the future then you could prevent it. Lose the 50/50 beforehand then you can't lose the 50/50 to her.
what are you doing in wuwa then
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amassing my harem? what kind of question is that.
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Not rolling for her but if I lose to that faggot on Changli I'm uninstalling and charging back my BP
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cute and canon
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I cant lose the 50/50 to lingyang if I already lost the 50/50 to lingyang bro
Those 4* more than make up for it.
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For me it’s miyabi and the idol/robot cunny
I have C8 Mona
the sky is the limit
I'm going to call them rolls, gems/paid gems, dupes and stamina like mobage did before spamming me with 3edgy5u terms for the same shit became common practice.
I want jinhsi and changli, then I go wave mode
I hope I lose only one coinflip because I only have 24k astrites right now.
Losing one 50/50 to the lion is ok b cause he is a new unit but I would still pull
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I rather have hrtroons than rejected yuritroons from /a/
yeah but i'd be salty af
God I fucking love waterkuma
I lion'd myself just for her, that's how much.
Did you do the first time top-up bonus with a VPN? you're practically stealing from Kuro it makes sense not to.

You'll still be f2p
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>I rather
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Everyone loves Anko!!
Except me
"Main DPS" is the most boring playstyle
why would I top up when I still have like 16k asstrite
and her manko!
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I am UL40.
Are there no more rewards after this in this particular category or is my game bugged?
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Cunny, doko?
No that's it, you beat the game.
male rover is so lucky...
I FINALLY 100%ed the entire map, minus a few supply chests that are still at 99%... but still. Feels good
shes a hybrid tho
you can use her until you get concerto filled and swap out with the easy to build explosion, its surprisingly fast
I'm waiting for a pantsu mod.
I fucking hate her voice and animations though
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You could at least say it with some pride..
Happy pride moth
Need a big weapon if you wanna surf on it
Thanks, big fan of moths
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>$100 purchase with top-up bonus: 130 astrite per dollar
>subscription: 600 astrite per dollar
It just isn’t worth it unless you have a lot of disposable income
I haven't used her seriously in almost two years. I wish her C6 did something nice but no.
Itsa me, WuWario and my brotha WuWaluigi!
they basically powercrept her with furina
>but also uglier
Why did Genshin decide to throw good character design out the window?
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I still love her.
wet socks
>Jinxi comes out
I want to have sex with furina but I’m a gay pedophile so I don’t know how reasonable my perspective is
>freeze getting made irrelevant by not reacting to dendro
useless astrologer only good for the bedchamber
Swap cancels should be quite doable, you just do a thing then switch chars. I think the only ones that might be tricky are like flautist, that need you to keep the input held while swapping.
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idk about uglier, she grew on me despite her eccentric outfit and not as slooty as Mona.
So much cut content. Hopefully we get the character stories. Otherwise, all the Part One characters are done
Every single design since not-france has been a travesty
holy based
Can I get first time top up rewards again if I use a VPN? I didn't realize you could do this when I first topped up :')
Yeah of course
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>I luckshitted the Stringmaster in my first single after using the free and store weapon banner rolls.
>I will luckshit Jinhsi's weapon with the free weapon banner rolls.
All you have to do is trust yourself.
I always assume I'll lose the 50/50 to the worst character (lingyang being the one here)
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well im a straight pedo and I find her plenty fappable
Genshit threw character design out the window when they started putting those damn butt flaps on all the female characters, Mona is basically the only one you can actually see any ass on
I'm already ready to throw away with UL45 account to reroll to her and her weapon.
cute feet
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Is this like the gay equivalent of when a straight guy wants to fuck an anime boy because they were drawn so feminine?
Is there a setting that reduces the size of the pointer? It covers like 7% of the fucking screen
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I just hit 40, now I can merge all echoes right? That's all they're used for, just rerolling and not exp?
hellloooooooo /hoyo/
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something like this perhaps
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Let's consider this logically
If I already have Jiyan why should I even consider pulling for Jinhsi?
>when they started
they did that since the beginning, the difference is early characters were meticulously made to show their ass whenever you jump or attack or whatever
You should skip, there's no reason to roll for two characters with such similar names.
Optimally you could wait tillhitting databank 21 for 100% chance of gold echoes but if your not autistic about it just go for 80% and start merging.
You wont have Spectro dps for Tower
my slutty scally magistrate
I don't see inventory limit on echoes, if there are no limit then I'll just wait
I don't even level my eqipped echoes anyway
I like your style.
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same here pal
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You fags still playing this garbage? What a bunch of fucking losers lol.
When there's face down ass up pics of you circulating on the internet that is slutty.
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its just the clothing baiting you, hoyo loves to put girls in boyish clothes
Euler's cape isn't too bad
I saw the videos
I saw the pics
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The pure virgin magistrate
When is Jinhsi being released?
Jue took her virginity away when it revived her.
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There is a limit but its set at 2000 so unless you're genociding the map daily you wont be hitting that soon.
Why is her head so fucking BIG it's like a looney tunes cartoon
thursday i think
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databank 21 requires ul50.
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Any more Jinhsi the reddit edits? I like them
Sky is the limit
What is the appeal of feet?
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there it is, well at least clearing these things are easy
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Jinhsi's slutty back.
I'll let this one slide
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Holy shit we are DEAD.
If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.
so who we rollan? for me it's
Changli --> Camellya --> Phrolova
Jade --> Yunli --> Feixiao
>no white eyebrows and eyelashes
You wouldn't say that to my face. I'd fucking buckbreak you.
cumming on Jinhsi's tacet mark!
bro your Jinhsi?
>he plays hrt
>also skips jinhsi
I hope you get decapitated by a truck when you take your shit scooter to your scammer call centre.
Brick without E1 bwo, be careful
i like big tit rover more
Projecting much, poo?
I buckbroke that dumb bitch you call a mother and made her squeal like a pig TROONFREAK
Happy pride motnh faggot
>no summoned pet dragon
>no scales on her arm
>no hymen
Omega ruined
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If I ever have to see your fucking troon face, you bet your fucking ass that I'll tell you to snap your damn neck right then and there.
Bland and boring.
Just Changli for now
I also don't have any plans for rolling anyone in HSR for the forseeable future
Meet me at the Red Square 10PM Moscow time on June 29th. I am going to fucking break you, buck.
Sorry Pajeet, I was born in Central Europe. Maybe clean the shit off your monitor next time, or actually do the train needful that would be better.
very true
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Oh god I'm talking to a real poolish janitor KEK. Make sure to clean the back of the toilet too.
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>If I ever have to see your fucking troon face, you bet your fucking ass that I'll tell you to snap your damn neck right then and there.
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For VPN double rewards, does it have to be on a PC? Or is my phone VPN too shit lmao
Skip->Yunli->save for 5* Tingyun
Shark -> cop
skip->save for natlan
but enough about your mom
Don't do it bro they are just trying to get you banned for abusing regional pricing.
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why are there so many shartfail cucks here? It's a literal lgbt game, there are characters with lgbt coloring, and the supposed "waifu" character princess carries the mc, like that's blatantly made for femtroon MC players.
The most you'd do is say "y-you too" after I fuck you in the ass.
Not sure if the phone works but you should be on the browser for top ups at the very least.
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Yinlin can solo it just fine.
Taoqi is so cute, Baizhi looks like a BBW in this
anon is literally shaking as he types top fucking kek
Any Jinhsi bros rerolling with me in a few days?
>and the supposed "waifu" character princess carries the mc, like that's blatantly made for femtroon MC players.
Oh...is that why fireflop flopped so hard?
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OMG LMAO Happy Pride mnth indeed MIHOMOfaggots
I have a job and disposable income so im just going to swipe if it comes to that.
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wouldn't be surprised
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>off field dmg increased by 100%
Does it work on calcharo death messenger + swap out?
Pride month is based.
All the star rail girlies got a whiff of the incredible testosterone leaking from this general they had to come take a peek
Do these games have pride month events?
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I can't deal with work anymore guys. I'm going to lose my mind.
lmao i had already forgotten about this
I love how fat they all are
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Delete this image NOW
that might overstep their CCP bounds, but I bet the devs wish they did.
Take the neet pill sis
Genkeks, your response?
shit taste
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Me too, waiting for the 1.1 update is literally giving me anxiety.
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I can't. I don't want to be homeless.
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how much longer do we have to wait bwos...
genshin would never
I don't have him.
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I can't focus it's to the point where i've started making dumb mistakes at work this isn't comfy.
What does Dreamless' breast milk taste like?
3 or 4 days, I can't tell anymore because of timezones
looks pretty straight to me tbdesu
Try not wasting time posting here you fucking idiot.
3 days+ maintenance
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I don't have that one shot where they zoom in on her lips unfortunately.
Jinhsi (+ weapon probably) -> camellya
Very doubtful jade roll -> yunli + weapon
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Bag of salty coins
You're not my boss silly girl
cope homo
>but I bet the devs wish they did
unless they have a death wish, not even from CCP
Why didn't Rover just fuck Dreamless anyway? Is it because Jiyan was there?
>tranime troon avatarfagging
kill yourself
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devs tend to be left leaning, partly because they have no union and are treated like replaceable slaves.
That's pretty good. Imagine the resources you'd need to level from 90 to 100.
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that wont fix genshin, hoyo doesn't put in effort anymore, unless its to make another attempt at milking players with a spinoff
>forcing toddlers to do abyss when only <10% of total players do it at all
It's so over for genkeks lmao. Anxiety incoming
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Phrolova sexo
more like nerfs incoming
I feel like we need a higher waveplate cap or lower costs... I log in and use them all in like 5 minutes.
>Timegated resource for clearing baby content
Oh no.... what will we do, wuwabwos...
I want to cuddle with her, gently stroke her hair and tell her everything will be okay.
they genuinely need to half tacet field costs, cause why on EARTH can you only do that 4 times a day max when you will always need echo exp
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Phrolova Love!
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>all those post-sumeru units look like absolute shit
Thank god I dropped it during Dehya debacle... Saved myself total disappointment.
Is there even any gay NPCs in wuwa? I feel like you can't even go 5 minutes in HSR without running into a gay character.
only lingyang I guess
nah, and i doubt they'll make anything all that gay, except for the (You) pandering
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>First character you meet when you wake up is a homo dragon trying to kiss you and canon prideflag tranny
Should've quit right there but the fomo kept me going for 6 moths i'll never forgive myself.
sleep early, gonna do just that
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>my reaction when Wuwa goes on a total meltdown because Jinhsi is a brick
I fell for that exact same trap anon...
We need 1.2 drip to tide us over for 1.1
>4331/1 shouldn't be that hard either considering you only need 1 spectro + 1 atk% 3 cost rather than 2x spectro.
gonna pull for furina tomorrow because i have 30k gems and I just wanna roll on some shit
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>my reaction when the avatarfag troon inevitably ropes himself
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Give me one reason why you're rolling for Jinhsi.
And I'll give you one reason why you're a stupid bitch.
Holy shit that's gay as fuck.
That's the animue shitposter that people shouldn't respond to. He just talks in circles and baits yous. It's pretty obvious
So that you'll bully me every thread until EoS :3
Cute and canon.
guess it's time to filter brick
You should it catches a lot. Also filter "stupid bitch"
It's his favorite besides brick words
i already have stupid bitch filtered
No one knows how long the maintenance will be though, so 3pm pst on the 27th.

They basically copied the exact time that Genshin does maintenance so they'll probably be up by 7pm pst on the 27th as well.
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Call yourself a stupid bitch!
Why did WuWa flop?
If it flopped the servers wouldn't be open
started with a worm banner and it's just more mixed toilet slop.
I fell for Fofo. What a waste of a character to have trapped in that shit game.
>Open wuwa
>Another case of hoyo rejects obssesing over the daddy who owns them
Many such cases
people don't actually like open worlds that much + the beginning of the game's story is SUPER shit
nothing to obsess over when our game is better, much generous too.
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>much generous
much more*
>forced abyss
Watch it needed to have captured every star to get 1 lvl book
i made a mistake i'm never liivng this down in my whole life it will haunt me until the day i meet the rope
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too late gigturd
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What did you do anon?
don't use sorano gifs for your abhorrent posts you absolute troon
he responded to the anime shitposter
is it true this game is harder than any souls game?
any lingyang mains itt?
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You guys said that 1 spectro and 1 atk is good if you get Jinhsi weapon right? I will go with this.
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Kakarot is her father?
its only hard if you can't parry
but in this game you have gun users so you can just focus on dodging as well
thus, its easier since you have auto aim guns
fromsolp isn't hard
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With Taoqi and Verina buffs active. This is the average damage with a very low 50/180 ratio. Signature included.
Only the holograms
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>Jinhsi NEEDS her sig
>Jinhsi NEEDS coordinated attacks
>Jinhsi NEEDS different elements

Name a single unit that is this needy while providing nothing.
She can't even AoE.
She can't parry.
She attacks too slow.

She is brick tier.
if they ever improve resource gathering ill consider making a glacier set or a lingering tunes set for him. From my understanding hes fine just more work. He can also avoid monkey attacks easily.
any attack 3 cost only reduces damage by 4%, assuming the same stats
if you get lucky and the substats are better on the attack % piece than you won really, there is no difference.
lol who says this game is hard? it's easy as shit, the only fights that are remotely difficult are the red echoes
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If you're an Anko bro the puzzles will be harder than playing any fromsoft game.
I fully expect people with good subs to be hitting 100k on her nuke.
>waaah I got baited into rolling for Jiyan, please dont powercreep him already I beg you!
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>Signature included.

>all the data is with sig because otherwise she is full brick
>240 rolls for her to be decent
The hardest fights are the level 6 holograms. They're much harder than the red echoes.
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do not respond to the anime poster
C6R5 will be hitting at least 200k.
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>1.1 coming in 2 days
>5 hour thread

I remember how fast we used to be. Damn, the hype died fast
im still jacking off to Baizhi's ass and thighs
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My DPS- Damage per Screenshot -wife Jinhsi
I wish it was 2 days.
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That's just the nuke. That's not take into account the damage everything else is doing. Her basics, the first part of her skill and jue + jue's dot.
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No stream?
No one even uses this bitch for any content. They lost the moment they didn't make her a summer alt.
>use our dead character on our dead game
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And in the illusive realm with its crazy buffs, she can pull off stuff like this.
it would be nice if a stack of 30 gold echo tubes wouldn't evaporate when going to level 20 in two echos
>locking power behind content no one likes to do to increase the engagement numbers
that worked so well for granblue lol
Central Europe = Poland
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Yeah, i'm feeling uppity as a future Jinhsi whale
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Reminder to ignore, filter, ignore and report the mentally ill troon avatarfag spammer. His characteristic posting pattern mostly includes pictures of random anime girls. He will often try to attention whore and rage-bait people by pointing out various things like having a higher UID than everyone else / everyone having a lower UID than him being a "reroll shitter". Often makes various homosexual ERP engaging attempts, rants about Jiyan being the best character while everyone else is a sub-dps, baits people into believing that every character is a sub-dps and therefore sucks (compared to his jiyan) and often goes on entire gaslighting tirades about it. He also provokes various other thread derailing and offtopic activities while seeking all the attention to himself. Stop giving him attention, stop enabling him.
If this is the real, I think it's a really weird decision. Most of Genshin players are casual that don't even do Spiral Abyss.
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Lost? But I'm literally playing that game right now? It's not like I have it downloaded or anything, but by looking at that image I've experienced 100% of the reasons to play that game.
Retard. Simply don't reply. Any replies you see are samefagging. You're probably him, anyway. This is the only (You) you'll get. If you aren't, you're a fucking idiot. Both options, kill yourself.
i didn't reply to him though? I screenshotted the image of someone else posting to him
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Silence schizo
>check japanese wuwa threads
>it's the shame shit with hoyo shilling
all this tells me is that either they are literally paid shills, or hoyodrones are that insane.
Jesus Baizhi is fucking STACKED
Mortefi is so lucky...
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>yangyang wearing granny panties
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I need to level EVERYONE
at the same time even
there are people that already spend all day shitposting, pay them 0.03 yuan per post and they'll do it all day long
>they can afford billboard in akihabara but still won't give us 1.1 livestream
that was a pretty nice shot
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>traveling around at 150 hp
Danjin players
I hate ESLs
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Every Danjin roll should come with a free bundle of 100 inhalers lol
average danjin gameplay
Imagine clearing right tower floor 3 with Danjin. She just suddenly dies out of nowhere 5 seconds into the fight.
What happened to all the hype behind this game? Feels like legit no one talks about it anymore.
It was flavor of the month for less than a month?
How old is Changli?
dead week before a patch, people will talka bout it once the patsh drops.
>where is the hype 3 days before content
Hag years old
danjin gaming
>What happened to all the hype behind this game? Feels like legit no one talks about it anymore.
>Last trailer got 2.4M of view on yt, almost 6M on bilibili
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Old enough to start worrying about her eggs.
It's just this thread that is dead. All the shitposters on /vg/ rushed to shit it up before it even took shape, until they realized they were pretty much replying to other shitposters, falseflags and double falseflags. Anyone that wanted to talk about the game turned 360 degrees and walked away day 1 for the most part, so all we have left is a handful of posters that could deal with filtering and ignoring the garbage.
You mean THIS?
I think it's mainly because this no one's A game. This is a side game people play not their main. They primarily post in the general for their main game.
Jinhsi back this, Jinhsi thigh that
When are we going to talk about Jinhsi pits?
only people that care about posting speed is shitposters
its an undeniable fact since your lives revolve around bating yous
And the poll has proven that most wuwa posters play HSR so that's likely their main game. A good portion of them are BA too.
Let's put it this way, in 5 years she will be in her early 50s
She's probably the girl in the video in the crowd. So she's only slightly older (maybe 10y at most) than Jinhsi.
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Are we getting YinLin's keyboard bros?
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HSR was fast as fuck days b4 firefly banner thougheverlastingbiet
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Lucia if they weren't so uniform with her hair color, put some stray hairs man fuck
I am tempted to, but things like this feel like they are for display instead of usage.
>A game
>Main game
That's.... sad
You play a gacha over thousands of hours over the course of years, bro. You only play a single player game for like 20-60 hours and then drop it, unless you're ultra poor and that's the only game you can ever play.
ive seen holo 6 clears on mobile. massive skill issue bwo
I suppose that can be part of it, or rather that being such a faithful copy of Genshin for the most part, you already know what to expect which is login-logout gameplay, daily commissions, square peg in square hole puzzles and a breadcrumb of combat every patch.
To generate some enthusiasm for the game Kuro would have to depart from the Genshin formula in a way that makes you excited about it not being the exact same ride down to the minute details.
Probably also spited a lot of the players who expected to full star abyss with their gamur skillz because the game is the dark souls of gacha only to find that it's still a dumb stat check.
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>Jinhsi pits
Ok, fine. Here you go
They aren't very good
Not feeling any of these. Pretty lame desu
>he didnt do his holo and ToA
fucking rumao
Anyone's ping constantly in the red today? It actually jumped to 999 and isn't registering hits now.
They need to understand their audience are casuals that use full size keyboards

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