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Previous >>483247908

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Kyokutei Bakin Pickup Summon
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Minamoto-no-Tametomo Pickup Summon
2024-06-07 21:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Lip love!
Yuyu love!
Reminder to use these filters to enhance the quality of threads
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Kama Love!
K4ma saves the day again...
Kama is a cat
what does this filter
Filter Vegans...
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this works, blue archive fags proving themselves to be some of the worst posters. again.
I browse the archived threads so that I can see the deleted posts. Why would I hide posts?
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Opinions on people who draw/commission art with them or their self inserts with servants? I'm thinking of commissioning me with my waifu.
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I think it's incredibly based.
No you don't understand! I need it to be more Reddit!
what are some servants?
I'm not autistic enough to think that's a good idea.
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Depends on who is your waifu
Might be really based or really cringe
>Hello, This is Sharon from The Cults HR. Yes we received your application yet again but alas your application was denied
>But as a freguent regular applicator you have accumulated enouhg points for free NP3 Parvati! how fun
It makes it less likely that I will save the art desu
Can you give some examples?
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I had to buy 5 big packs to get NP1 Kiara. Get on my level.
You can't just dump a bunch of MD5s on me without telling me what they are.
I think it's completely retarded. If it's so important to be your selfinsert adding another man to the mix seems counter productive. Just do it with AI
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Kama Kamaleon
>Just do it with AI
Soul doko?
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let her cook
This would be ok>>483294589
This would be extremely cringe>>483294680
This would be awkward>>483294771
Can't say about that one because of certain posters but you should get the idea>>483294868
rather keep the self insert stuff to myself
I would rather commission a cute image of my servants and that's it
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>Having another man draw you fucking your wife is more soulful
I'm ok with being a soullet
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My Cernunnos got some new friends from Nintendo New York.
>Having another man draw you fucking your wife
When you say it like that sounds like such a power move.
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>Aoko's third append is bonus damage against Sabers
But why?
Pokemon collab will save FGO
If it's for your own enjoyment whatever but I hope you don't care to share it because nobody is going to repost except to laugh at you so it's otherwise pointless fanart.
Summer Kiara came in a single, and now regular Kiara came in a multi. I think the sex cult is calling to me.
Fundamental advantage over Aoko sex, and wieners are clearly saber class
>orangutang anal sexing Rin
Well bugger me That sounds something that should exist.
A lot of people like that girl who draws her self insert master with Astolfo, though
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I wish her in every CQ that doesn't involve the knight classes and as a nightly cumdump
Take your meds anon
But I'm not the one who is willing to commision an art of a servant with the real me
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it doesn't
keep your filthy thoughts to yourself
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Very nice
That's because when a girl does anything cringey it's seen as quirky and endearing. Also doing it yourself gives you more credit than just paying some asshole
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tomorrow will be 7 years....
I'm still butt-devastated about the 24+ hour day where we couldn't log in and it broke everyone's login streak. I think that was the closest I came to quitting since they refused to fix it even though when the same thing happened on JP they fixed it and allowed them to keep their streaks.
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Yeah, I kinda felt it as I was typing it. Still it feels kinda cringe in this context.
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>he has only 8 saint quartz
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Nice reward for evil deeds.
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Bro, several artists draw themselves with their servants, why do you think there are so many fat old man x servant doujins?
Should nuns have asses this fat?
>Captcha: ASSH
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I don’t even have the screenshots of /alter/ filling up /vg/ that day but I still remember. Literally because of that, I never bothered to do the Jannu welfare event because I hated her so much for reminding me about it. Vitch’s Ivan raid gave me flashbacks but I was at work when the meltdown happened.
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What do you think of girls wearing platform footwear (heels or sandals)? Do you think it’s cute?
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Fun fact, Parvati can very easily 6CE now. She refunds 70% a wave with Summer Skadi.

She's really good.
What makes that so fun?
>can very easily 6CE now.
>with Summer Skadi.
>summer skadingus
Uhhhhh Quicksister... We don't have summer skadi "now"....
>hur dur humans bad
Why was Part One so rife with this? I expected better from Nasu considering his love of Greek mythology. Did he never look into the philosophy from the country?
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sometimes can be cute, sometimes can look dumb. it will depend on if it matches the rest of the outfit
>hur dur humans good
I've forgiven you, but not albert
yes I do like them. completely unrelated but today I learned nobuk is wearing heels in his A3 that little fucking slut
We don't Summer Skadi yet that makes you wrong
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My point is if you're refunding 70% with Summer Skadi you're easily refunding 50% with Caster.
>if you're [...] with Summer Skadi
This is a false statement, I will not be doing anything with skadingus, therefore your "point" is null.
>plugsuit oberon to farm 3/3/x
Yeah I'm not using Parvati
Okay, cool, I don't have any other Quick AoE lancers besides her and Valks, and she is better in my practice
I commend your spirit, but alas, none shall take the throne.
show her clearing morganfest 90++ if you're so great
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Every son's dream
Is arc worth getting beyond NP1?
True, but I rather they take off the lipstick
>Is arc worth getting
She's not worth getting bellow NP5
I prefer lipstick on the testicles...
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you either get her at np1 for trophy purposes or np5 120 for gameplay with no in between
NP1 Arc is genuinely useless without MLB Lv. 100 black grail, but then why the fuck would you roll for 5CE trash
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lol lmao
Me in the middle
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>np1 for trophy purposes
that's me.
you roll for arc because:
you're a gameplayfag/whale
you've read tsukihime and like arc
you're a collector
or any combination of the 3.
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For comparison, she's roughly equivalent to Melt and Caster Artoria with 2 castoria NPs. (parv has attribute disadvantage, she has a 10% damage debuff while melt has 10% damage buff.)
She's not worth getting unless you're going for NP6, 120, max appends, and 2k/2k.
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>needs three enemy waves and plug and three meta casters
I wouldn't call skadi meta.
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Quick is meta!
me also
but i'll try to get 2 copies and see if I can make her work
>trophy purposes
Why though? Who are you showing off to?
Filterkeks will miss this thread kekarooodle doo
If you like her, sure. I just want one copy. If it was Ciel though, I would go for NP5
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Rider-Class bro...
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anyone know what the rate for a specific 4* spook is?
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Comedy gold!
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I love Cnoc, simple as.
You rock, Cnoc!
Collectors don't need a reason beyond miring their gains
And Arc is a rare servant with no future rateups which makes her more exclusive
Extremely soulful support from castoria, a great character from LB6
Extremely soulful support from oneron, a great character from LB6 and support from a s*kurai character with her potential squandered
2 Sakurai characters as support.
based horsecock enjoyer
3% is the chance of getting SR servant
1.5% is the chance of getting a rate-up SR servant
It's better if there are multiples of them on a rate-up though
Woo! You rock, Cnoc!
>whitewashed Medb
You forgot that Quick has Jets the most popular and beloved TM character
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I want to worship Kama feet, it’s unreal…
I'd white wash Medb, if you know what I mean.
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Was she black before???
Anytime should watch out someone else in the thread is making better jokes.
apparently it didn't work because nobody gives a fuck about cnoc, kwab
>Medb but she loves your self-insert and is a pure maiden
Nasu must have been real desperate to concede all this just to make her popular. And it still failed in the end.
Silence, jetskek.
None of you understand Nasu.

Not like I do...
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Stop posting here Takeuchi
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Arts and Buster have female Jets
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The quick lancers pretty consistently outdamage the arts lancers.

Not sure why this graphic doesn't show the BG setup for Parv given she can do it, but w/e.

Yeah, quick's worse refund but every event CE is 50% charge nowadays which makes even irregular nodes doable for quick servants.
should i be looking for a job or nah?
>reddit spacing
Let Lip get a swimsuit you hack!
you can always do that tomorrow
Why is this line triggering a response in my dumb brain
What is it from
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>muh damage
who cares you're doing a dead week node not a 90++
don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
and we're back to this kusoge crashing every run
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Congrats on outing yourself as a tourist.
>reddit spacing apologist
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>Reddit invades during the election tourist season
>People invent a term to identify them
>This is shocking somehow
Based anon outing the tourists
>instead of being a whore and making love to everyone she spreads love while being a pure maiden
at least it's a true alter ego
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Strawberry ice cream?
leech off your parents until you can leech off your kids
>influx of tourists from reddit
>tourists use reddit spacing
>people see more reddit spacing
>people point out the reddit spacing
Not that complicated, but I guess whoever made that image thought he was clever or something.
i wish i was still a neet
>pink pantsu


More like tourists called anyone they disagreed with reddit in order to pretend that their opinions did not belong here.
Neat headcanon sis, I did not ask howeverbeit.
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Here's your banana for the day
File deleted.
But we already had the Pokémon collab with the Trung sisters event, also
>both turn based combat
>both have “servants” that you battle with
Why does Pokémon experience unprecedented growth and we’re stagnating? It’s not like the latest Pokémon games are that high quality either.
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That's right, we are bros.
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Artsfags? Our response?
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Show me one node quick can 6ce but arts cant.
Pokemon appeals to the children which is a massive market while Fate actively filters people
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is there any welfare anyone cares about?
I think it's pretty interesting that I've only seen people care about characters that you have to pay to get,
Probably because they're actual games no matter the quality which is inherently better than a gacha. The pokemon gachas aren't very popular for a more direct comparison
Me buster
me win
blue an green tribe sukk
nobbu, kuro, jeanne alter, scathach, kintoki, paisen
Ignoring alts of already popular characters like Scathach and Jalter, the ones that come to mind are the gudagudas (besides chacha)
They're generally pretty well liked and get decent fanart numbers
>Constantine called Don Quixote a kind ordinary man
Holy crap that's the hottest thing someone can be in Type-Moon. Being an ordinary person makes you a ladykiller for goddesses, monsters and anything non-human. Nasu even went to expose everyone wants to fuck Mikiya from KnK because of how ordinary he is.
No wonder the Don Quixote has a horse princess waifu.
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I care about Cnoc na Riabh
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I’m calling you out bro…
shiki,kuro and bb
uhh goghkeks?
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>Saint Quartz
>It's not a holy rock
There are big Ranmaru fans in /alter/, not to mention original BB. Iyo seems popular enough with JP.
Another one falls for the horse pussy...
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>namedropping your bro
>big Ranmaru fans
Still no 100 or 120 ones
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My King appears once again…
Will Ebora betray us?
There is at least one 100+ Ranmaru
What happened to Ati? He just stopped posting entirely
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He do be slipping, frfr no cap.
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>uma musume global gets announced today
>it's 3 years behind JP version
finally we won't be the laughingstocks of /vg/...
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How are my dracobros today
that shit won't even last a year
there's no market for it here
>mystic code on 2nd wave instead of third
>artsfrauds exposed
Love to see it!
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>Doesn't rule anything and is subservient
Brave of you to assume the won't catch up.
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>he's already coping about speedup
Astraea rules… my heart
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Doesn't clear without it
is it even out yet?
also I'm already seeing the usual suspects crying about lewd horse art being made.
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>isn't a sword
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Oh no no no
It's not looking good
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>Is a sword
I fucking love Ooku
Now do Summer Ibuki instead
>unprecedented growth
I can see that...
You colossal fucking retard.
I don't know, I figured >>483296351
is him
coping that we have another year until we get her on NA...

Quick is saved
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Elden Ring
you're playing a dangerous game anon, i've been banned for posting tamer stuff...
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He just CAN'T clear it bros... There's no POSSIBLE way for him to clear this node...
It's so OVER Artsisters....
Is Ati trolling or unironically just stupid?
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Draco bride
Irish are black now
Master is quite alright in Agartha
no it literally just got announced today with the announcement of Cygames US
>wouldn't breed silence suzuka or daiwa scarlet
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Happy Friday!
Ati doesn't even have summer okitan
this is just the morgan webm spammer who is obsessed with the gameplay and also shills her
>is a spear
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Oh, I guess that's plausible.
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pokemon version is that they're both on the right side of the bus
but it's Monday...
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>Is Japanese
Is he ok?
What’s wrong with it?
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yes, all lancers bleed through their mouths. its a class skill
Ok bros, what toppings are we ordering?
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Foreigner is the Erotic class, so Japanese Servants can qualify.
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I miss the Circe poster.
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Anniversary quartz for her
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I miss him as much as I miss the tumor I had removed.
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nude loli
barely censored
pregnant loli
implication of having been fucked by the horse pokemon
mods on /alter/ might be more lenient than other boards but I've gotten a warning recently when I posted a picture of a fully clothed shota wearing clothing next to an adult women who was naked but covering her nudity up with her hands so nothing was actually shown.

And the warning was about posting sexually explicit loli/shota content.
maybe the mod was just in a bad mood that day but it surprised me.
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Where was the tumour?
In my skull.
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Consider bird feet
but how is voyager a foreigner then? I don't get an erotic feeling from him.
A bone tumour? Was it hard to remove?
you might be too gay to appreciate little blonde boys
wouldn't I have to be gay to find boys attractive as a man though?
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Non-Lovecraftian Foreigners are fakers.
yeah but you are too gay for that
Kuroha is a virgin right?
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Now that the dust has settled, who was right in the end?
It's only gay if you're the receiver.
servants with this feeling???
Yes. Allah will give you 70 Kurohas if you blow yourself up.
Eric Bloodaxe
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So once again alter
Cunny or Mommy?
I don't know who that is, Drake
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Season 2 when?
Jing Ke really seems like she would stink good
Eric Bloodaxe
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53 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
looks fine to me bro idk
Not gonna lie, first time watching the webm; I thought the Riyo Guda would be come running in from the side.
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>xu fu soon
>summer skadi soon
The best timeline.
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>Main Interludes: Ooku, Tunguska and SE.RA.PH
Are main interludes just code for, "please roll for this evil woman we made"?
I never understood why there were so many people who just happily accepted getting treated like 2nd class citizens and even defended it.
Is Bocchi worth watching?
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I thought she was a mother?
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Evil women mog good girls so obviously
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I was fighting Bayle, the Dread with my bro Igon.
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Did I miss anything by skipping this event? I was reading it until I got to the servant introduction and realized it was some japanese gook shit event and lost all desire to even grind it.
Need gudako wife
>he's posting spoilers now
unironically the worst poster in this general
I like both, though I prefer the cunny as too many annoying lesbians keep claiming adult draco, like big red hair nobu, is a lesbian icon
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Last night I took my boo on a nice romantic date
And I went to pay the check and she cracked my skull with a pasta plate
Said, "I don't mean no harm"
And then she broke my arm
And that's the kind of charm that I appreciate

I've always got a concussion
(Please don't die, no, not for a date)
My spine's been fractured six times (Oh! Geez! Stop! Please!)
But the fastest way to this boy's heart is to take me down with martial arts
It is an indian event though.
I love evil women.
I don't know I also skipped this event as it just felt really stupid
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She wants you to believe she is evil.
nah, the lipper is worse
Chaotic Good girls are the best.
The "story" is just poovati defending the emperor's whorehouse as a sacred institution while Gordy gets his dick wet so you didn't miss anything of value.
Saw the servant was some japanese author again and just didn't care.
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Oh you mean the Bakin event. Though you meant Ooku.

Skipchad, I kneel...
>using summons
You didn't beat him
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Except when BB puts on her swimsuit, then it's Chaotic Evil that's best.
No idea what are you trying to say
Perhaps, learn English first?
Next you'll complain that people use weapons and spells.
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I don't use Spirit Ashes or the NPC summons. This was the first time I summoned in Elden Ring, and only because of the questline.
In the Dark Souls games I only summoned Lucatiel in Dark Souls II, because of her questline.

It was a really fun fight, both me and Bayle were 1 hit from death in the end and he did the thing where he circles the arena in the air, so after dodging his landing I used Ranni's Dark Moon which nearly killed me since the moon was hiding his face and I just barely saw the sparks around his mouth around the Dark Moon at the last second and realized he was doing the grab attack and just barely dodged as the Dark Moon hit him and got the kill. Pretty much everything south of the starting zone has been 10/10.
No, I'll probably do Ooku since I missed it and void scramble and they're part of the main story.
Its required for the quest
For the last time.
I'm NOT playing Ooku again. You can't force me. I don't want to be Tokugawa. I don't care about the floor. Don't "Kama..." at me. Fuck that shitty labyrinth.
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>Is homosexual
If doing the quest means cheesing the boss with summons then it's not a quest worth doing
Stay mindbroken, loser
its not even cheesing, the summon increases his HP and igon barely does anything to him
splitting the boss's aggro gives you an inherent edge in any fight
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>he doesn't have Tokugawafication fetish
yeah its called strategy
you mean cheese
and you reek of it
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I thought it would be fitting for that fight. I know you can summon Hornsent to Messmer the Impaler but I won't do that. Lucatiel also doesn't help much in Dark Souls II but I wanted to do her questline.

It also causes issues because of enemy targeting. Like Bayle would target him with a wing slice, but then mid animation he would aggro on me and hit me even though I saw he starting an attack towards the summon so I thought I was safe to attack.
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>Bakin event
Yeah, whatever that is about. I just didn't care. Even if it was miserable I thought the board game event was one of the better ones.
strategy* google it
summons are an intended gameplay mechanic
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Ooku makes me mad because the literal supergod of the universe loses to the landlady who washes the sheets in the shogun's personal whorehouse. I don't care about conceptual weaknesses, that's just comically dumb.
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Servants for this feel?
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>I don't care about conceptual weaknesses
Nasu cares though. And he LOVES it.
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smart boyfriend
Do it for the golden Fous, anon
Evil bitches...
I want to motorboat those tits platonically so Gunnhild won't curse me.
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Thank fuck we're getting at least 600 sq this anniversary
What is sex with Kiara like
should i roll for kiara
What is she looking at?
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I mean with that logic wouldn't using anything aside from the bare minimum equipment be considered "cheesing" in these type of games?
>Using armor
>Using weapons
>Leveling up?
if the game gives you the items to be used why shouldn't the player use them?
I never understood this mindset of the
>You didn't really beat it
mentality if a player doesn't play the game a certain way.
I think it's just as insane as saying someone didn't actaully clear a challenge quest in FGO unless they did it solo with a non 5/4* servant.
The point of the game is to have fun and if you're having fun using summons/magic/OP weapons/armor then who cares?
Just like I'll keep using my favorite servants regardless of their rarity.
my cocka
who is jets

Enjoy getting unbirthed.
my penis (it's big from her perspective...)
She's good for farming and for CQs
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They're just used so randomly and literally they use all value. Like, why does it matter how strong anything is when you can just be like, "AHA! YOU RHYMED YOUR CASTLE NAME WITH SOMETHING AND NOW YOUR INFINITE MAGICAL ENERGY IS FORFEIT".
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WTF Shiki
What does your cock say?
Roll for summer Kiara
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Lancelot ride F-16 in his NP
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I did it and hit pity. My Arc and summer savings are gone...
No, it's an F-15J.
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Reminds me of players getting mad for using Zweihänder in DS1.
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>Fun fight with fun mechanics
I fight
>Unfun fight with annoying mechanics
I summon
simple as
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Her boobs are big, bouncy and really fucking soft, and her nipples get hard easily
Her ass is round and also soft, feels great to grab and slap your hips against
Her pussy feels like a thousand little tongues coiling around your dick at the same time and not letting it go
She's a great kisser too, knows how to caress your lips and your tongue, whichever you prefer
How would Kama footjob feel like?
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Source me up bro
If you skipped everything then you missed a bunch of minimum effort mats from the dog expeditions. A Grail, 6+ lores, Gold Fous, a decent Sure Hit charge CE.

If you just skipped story you missed Izou being useful and screen time for Barg, Oei, Lobo, and some backburner Archers. Tametomo taps into the historical period with Ushi and Tomoe and IIRC some of the Hideyoshi stuff that Rikyu will touch. The overarching story is like Scramble where it's an interdimensional submarine fight, but also with some father-son regret themes about being warriors born in peacetime.
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Footjob and footwork should be used interchangeably.
My pizza.
Footfags should kys them'selve's
They hated him for telling the truth.
If you walk a lot for work, do you have a footjob?
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footgods should love ourselfs
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I bet Gogh is awful at footjobs
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1 Melujob please
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Post your favorite servant’s feet.
wall of shitter cope
Shit hours being forced by voidstance as usual
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go ahead post your blindfolded no deaths run
I am not him, I am just a humble feet appreciator.
Does anyone want AI art of a female Servant getting spitroasted?
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Kiara please
we have ebora for that
Sex with the nerd
Eric Bloodaxe
Little snek
Who is there?
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Okay lets say it is coping, is it wrong?
Because your cope about only using certain builds/items or you didn't really beat the game is factually incorrect. Using any tool the game gives you to beat the game is still beating the game correctly.
Only using outside tools such as cheats/mods/hacking would be considered not really beating the game.
Ai general
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>Trying to get three separate entities to work
>Trying to get a functional blowjob
That's hell you're walking into.
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You guys do know that arc will likely never get a rerun right?
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AI is unironically Fatecore
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Caenis my beloved
she is still in gssr
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You know that you don't actually know that right?
regional positioning and inpainting makes it not too hard to do consistently, especially if you're not really changing the two males/futas doing the spitroasing and just changing the subject getting spitraosted,
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whenever hoyoniggers get uppity and need to be reminded who owns the gacha market they can re-run it whenever they want. just look at what happened during the draco re-run
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I remember the time when we had drawfriends, they were good times
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My horse husband(wife)!
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what is she drinking
You're really underestimating how much shit can go wrong mate.




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Then he would be deprived his minute of attention at Anime Expo
Bloodaxe King
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holly based
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Get ready for Arc, boys
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I mean I just through this together without really thinking:

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, fmuc,
full body, 3girls,
large penis, large boobs,
saber alter, small boobs,
spitroast sex, vaginal, oral,

<lora:Expressive_H:1> <lora:MuchinPDXL32V1tx1:0.9>

and got this on the first generation:


this is with zero regional prompting/inpainting or fine tuning.
can you make brown kama licking her own toes?
got lucky on getting kiara early
should i push my luck and go for a dupe?
i think i should quit while i'm ahead
Yea, now fix the shroedinger's fingers and the half torso. That's where the problems are.
based LocalCHAD
NAIcucks would never
I hope this artist does nudes soon.
Can you make Kiara being fucked in full nelson position while Kama licks Kiara’s feet please
is left for me?
And give Kama penis
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no she is mine
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Can you make my life better?
What's a good sex position for AI art?
basic anal
Drop the 'I' and you migth be unironically right
adult or loli kama?
futa auto-fellatio
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hmm, I'm feeling some sorts of feelings.
Low T
Adult one
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Corkscrew piledriver
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It's so hot theres literally nothing else to do but to goon all day.
can't wait to see brown kama licking her own toes
Is this an allusion to the Kama… samefagging?
stop masturbating or you'll go bald
NAI is great at spitroast, but I can't get reverse spitroast to work.
it's good at all the simple ones that have a gorillion references to work with
What the fuck is a reverse spitroast
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Theres no proof of that.
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>Ai genera
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I'm already bald.
Bullshit. I'm Chronic+ and I'm caveman style.
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lmao baldy
how old are you
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Case in point.
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who cares anyway lol
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>fapping daily for 15 years
>full head of hair
it's just genetics, bud
why the fuck are you avataring with castoria then
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Musashi Miyamoto
do Nobukatsu
One guy between two girls obviously
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Lorewise, I feel like Baobhan Sith smells really bad. I don't know why, that's just the vibes she gives off: that she smells rancid and unwashed
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She canonically reeks of sewage
Nobody asked, big guy.
Im sorry i dont have a horsedick okay
It's okay I'll just let Caenis mating press me again
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if i have dupes of 4* servants that i don't particularly like or use, should i sell them for rare prisms?
or is that a bad idea and i should np them up anyway
You are Kek
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If you never use them, why would you upgrade their NP?
What are you quoting?
if you dont use theres really no reason to go past np2
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based retard
People here will say to only burn after you get NP5 but I don't really agree. I weight it based off how useful the servant is + how much I like them. I'll take the ones I like up to NP3 or even NP5 but others, I won't even go past NP1. NP2 is a good stopping point for servants I don't dislike, in my opinion, since there's diminishing returns outside.
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Eh, you may want to use them someday so just NP up anyways
Get everything to NP5.
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/alter/ is an old man general.
Every cute girl you see here is an old man inside.
>lowercase phoneposter
>should i just burn random dupes for attention lol?
say it again in a couple of years
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ugly and stinky
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right, "caenis"
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Born to goon
Forced to cum
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beautiful and with pleasant kot fragrance
ugly and stinky
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based sissy femdomcuck
don't ever post this servant
As usual voidstance getting mad his cat is getting fucked by dogs again
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Born to edge
Forced to goon
wanna know why?
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that's exactly why
I should ask AIbro to make some Charlotte lewds
he is still making his masterpiece with brown kama, takes a lot of time
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Young wizard apprentice anon…
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jeanne (archer)
don't see her bow
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>Trying to get three separate entities to work

NTA but I managed to get foursomes and threesomes to work consistently
However I don't remember many lore accurate foursomes or threesomes of servants (aside from the cups) though
who are these women? fate/grand order
sorry anon I can't do it, it really doesn't like the idea of a flexible person licking their own toes/feet.
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you've disappointed me
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Yo oliéndole las entrañas a mi hermosa Tamamo
You are alone, if you haven't noticed the majority of the thread loves them.
Thought keys activate
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the majority of the thread is 3 third worlders spamming images on cooldown albeit....
does that look like a bow to you? WHERE IS IT
she is not an archer
That’s not a foursome, there are eight people involved
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The fakest ass is usually the bounciest
ok autismo
i only see one and he is doing it on purpose
her dolphin is valiant
why are we here
im here to goon, you?
to roll
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Some boats

Oh right, I have others similar with only 1 guy but like I said, I haven't tried the same with FGO characters yet
Just to suffer.
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what is there to goon to on this all ages thread?
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Gogh is unironically one of those servants I regret not getting higher NP level on. She is so god damn satisfying to use.
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come to mama
Your support
For quartz
she is not my mama
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she is not my mama
Absolute goonlet thinking
Can you change the gauge back and forth with items? Can you re-fight Kama like with Kiara?
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goonmaxxer pornpilled
Milly…Iori is a shotacon
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When will she be old enough to drink?
she will drink when i will allow her
She would be so easy to get drunk and then use her however you like...
isnt he just gay
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reminder that she's in her 30s
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Bros... my Arc funds...
>not full gauge
Lmao, shitters
sent, kiara in all
I do whatever I want to do.
How are you expected to get Taira np5 if she only appears in lucky bags? I'm blue balling rn because of that
skipping arc is such a low T move
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hurry up and finish your ice cream so we can leave this thread, illya
nah getting like 700+ sq while skipping the boring boomerbait they thought for sure you were going to go bankrupt on is pretty kino
taira no kagekiyo
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>kara no kyoukai
More like caca no kyoukai
She has a rate-up in August 2025 and March 2026, so fucked lmao
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And what you do, outs you as a shitter
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What the fuck bros now I look like this.
i look like this
just another kintoki orbiter, dont worry
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cheer up
Literally who?
So many people getting Kiara... truly, /alter/ is succumbing to temptation.
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Good. And I will continue doing what I want.
Yes, you can redo it.
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>he stands in the corner to watch this
>tfw seeing them roll knowing she's pretty bad, especially at NP1
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Based foxy wife
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Please at least tell me you're a biological woman or I'm kms
When is the anni bro's?
i'm not a woman at all
What happened to Sei's FAT ASS?
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When AlbertGOD announces it to the world on the 4th of July
She has an upgraded NP, so she can't be THAT bad at NP1, right?
Next sunday
Anni Stream is early July 6th so unless they do an early Maintenance it will probably launch on the morning of the 7th
Shes not that bad because her skills are kinda abusted but np1 is always np1
Owari da...
Nice, thanks.
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Mine is NP2 and feel like her damage is underwhelming, good for CQs where there's multiple cavalry servant enemies though
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She's unkillable but will do pretty shit damage at NP1. But having a 50% charge, an AOE buff wipe, a skill that boosts NP gain and gains invincibility and a 5K heal on every NP negates poor damage.
>cuckpost pic
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Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were retarded, should've said so earlier.
me behind kiara
That's me behind her though
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Sticks and stones.
im going to download honkai this shit sucks
you should not attack him based on servant he likes the most
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sex incarnate
we don't cuckpost here, buddy
the general you're looking for is /fgog/
So we're stuck with a (2) on our main interlude section now? AIIIEEEEEE
is shop Oi drunk...
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Drunk Oi poops everywhere
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>we don't cuckpost here, buddy
Found the subhuman newfag.
nta, but its not about the servant he likes, but about the servant he uses to sign his posts. if he used another servant as his avatar he would obviously be called something else
Quick Herc
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Kiara is a slut. Every Kiarabro knows this and loves her for it.
>projecting your own fetishes
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>but about the servant he uses to sign his posts

Excited for upcoming JP anni for new cuckoha cosplay pics to post for yet another year on /alter/

Morgancuck chadius maximus btw
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my Kiara is good girl and virgin
Based tamamobro
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Can Bob even sing?
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in fact i did not get angry
finally reached 2.5mil points alter...
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filthy subversive rat
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It's that time again
I'mma gonna go with No on this one...
Rookie numbers
Go back.
based even before clicking this
Kizu is /ourguy/
We know /fgog/cuck
kizu and lucksucker spitroasting kama
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Cuckposting is a part of /alter/ culture
I need visual proof of this claim
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The OC that killed fgog
i wish liz were real
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stay and post more of this shizo lol

also seibah is for gudao
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Anything you say, Castoria
>seibah is for gudao
you wish
Because /fgog/fags can’t stay in their containment general it being dead is no ones problem but their own.
its fgo/stay night canon
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citation needed
chapter 1 when she appears and tells gudao that he is her destined lover and she hates redhead dicklets
>/fgog/ rats are among us
no shit retard
sure buddy
>i am a cuck therefore you should also be a cuck
well they cant get any yous in their dead general so it makes some sense
That’s just Voidstance copying over their posts to get (You)s, he’s been doing it for a while
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yes you are
i refuse
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weebs translate
>I don't remember many lore accurate foursomes or threesomes of servants (aside from the cups) though

The Forinas.
>chapter 1 when she appears and tells gudao that she hates dicklets
So she is not for me....
guda says that "kiara you are so fucking ugly and useless holy shit eric bloodaxe is better and i like lolis more get away hag"
is 5" dicklet?
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Actually, Shirou's body is for (me).
>However I don't remember many lore accurate foursomes or threesomes of servants
Kriem, altera and Siegfried
Kriem, Siegfried, Bryn and Sigurd
you have no authority over his body
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I have this neat little red thingy,
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are you saving for kirei?
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you are robbing their happiness
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Tametomo bros, My delusions are spiking for the last 5 singles
you still shilling Kobayashi Dragon Maid people, huh
That little red thing only boosts the servant temporarily, it does not hold the power to submit a servant to one's wishes, tho if you can get a male servant to fall over you, sis, you can use that little red thing to make him his cum liberation way more powerful
my happiness > their happiness
It's over...
of course not, he is utterly useless
people joke about arc being a clapbait when kirei is the biggest clapbait of FGO
Doesnt that bastard like caster artoria?

amoong ass

Why u even browse /frog/, /frog/cuck...?
Take my energy bro! Good luck!
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Thanks for the idea...
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Bad sis
>try to generate reverse spitroast
>get this instead:

The AI is still pretty limited.
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Yes, he’s sexy
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you're a selfish jerk
I could make her happy...
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I bless your rolls.
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I lied. I'm just not into Kiara.
thank you, you are a true friend
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Reminder that you edited out a choice?
Are you sure you didn't want to generate a slurp pic...?
The only thing he's clapping is my cheeks...
He didn't say that
what did he say?
I beg your pardon?
That's exactly what I said.
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>I need dicks umu
>kiara... why are you dressed as nero....
>a shool uniform is the height of depravity especially when worn by a woman way past that age
>im not sure i really understand... what are you doing now?
>a new roman spectacle, watch as a human battles the pleasures of mere beasts in the colosseum of my womb! Let's start with the chariot races... hehe..
Yeah he did. Guda is canonically a loliCHAD
Says the retard posting an edited out choice pic
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It’s over, I did get a gold servant but it was Caster Gil spook, making him NP4
He said "I'm such a gigachad and I'm gonna fuck you so hard with my big penis"
okay that's even less believable
sorry bro you had a lipper "blessing" you it was bound to go terribly
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I'm sorry, bro...
its lipper fault
Every female servant according to /alter/ btw
Owari da… I’m sorry bro, I hope he spooks you someday
Believe it or not that's what he said
i believe you
...to Illya.
Liz love!
Buy a big pack and see how it goes
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According to the actual canon lore btw
not touching that op
See ya tomorrow

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