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Previous >>483294074

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Kyokutei Bakin Pickup Summon
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Minamoto-no-Tametomo Pickup Summon
2024-06-07 21:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Sex with Yuyu...

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let her cook
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Kama Love!
Don't forget how they're helped us.
We know, Kuzu
I wish the autism lords would not use /alter/ as their battleground for Gudao vs [other male Type-Moon MC].
post gssr please
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just 13 more days bros...
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>those who fall inside [Kiara's hole] experience orgiastic pleasure before they disappear, and are absorbed into Kiara while basking in ecstasy.

Do you like this lore-accurate depiction of Kiara's NP?

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what are we rolling bros
Post Ember Teams
Juicy. Can you make her fucking master in Amazon position in this artstyle?
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Yesterday that ws me. I tried my best and farmed all I could. The 11th roll even had LOADING
It was a Gogh CE, which I didn't roll until then.
It sucks.
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artrum kino is better
ew i hate this type of titties
Is there any way FGO could course correct in order to become cool like BA and Honkai?
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It's so over
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oh my god bob is drowning
someone help
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Little Kama...
You could have prevented it by making a new OP
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What do you think of Nito, bros?
I think she’s cute and sexy.
which one
I don't care that much, it's just kind of annoying.
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For some reason for me, it was the Lu Bu CEs that got stuck on loading multiple times, drove me crazy. I’ll recover from this, but the /m/fag in me is screaming, especially since I been getting Gundam X recommendations on the likes of YouTube right after failing to get him multiple times in a row.
someone remind me what am i supposed to do in this game
Reminder your an idiot outing themselves as someone that never played the game.
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Her shtick got real tedious after a couple scenes in Camelot and before the Avenger version her design was honestly kind of trash.
this is just playful teasing
Assuming you're not a veteran, just save up brapples for half-ap Anni stuff.
The one with Arjuna, Morgan and Musashi.
Read and farm
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I agree with your assessment of the situation.
>everyone moved in to a shitposting OP thread
Yeah, I l'm thinking /alter/ is back
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And thus I'm done with Ooku...
Yes thats the only thing you can do it seems when exposed with facts from the game going against your pic.
Just farm doors or something idk
Sure, I'll help!
I think I should still have some spare millstones lying around...
i am floor
I agree with the shitpost.
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I tried it around 20 times and NAI can't do it.
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There's no shitpost though?
Double down on your retardation is your strategy it seems.
Why are the TM folks such a bunch of pedos?
I am sword, Yagyuu
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hey /alter/, newish-veteran-latelet here. looking to finally get some more BROs if anyone cares to have a player such as me. i have skadi and castoria with tea time set on my second and third page respectively. 7 slots open!!!
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she squeezed my dry again
Hagkek tears are delicious.
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it's funny because Demiya looks like a filthy nigger
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servant for this feel?
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sent, kiara in all
we call them negroes around here
I'm starting to get the sense lippers will never ever make a good post.
Brain damage like yours is sad to see.
need segregated threads from lippers
based lipper??????!!! WTF
Holy cope + projection + L + no u
What do you dislike about them?
You wish, NIGGER
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Lip love!
If this is your way to ask one of us to go get your care taker we can’t help you I’m afraid.
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>Melusine is the most beautiful being in Fairyland
How will hagkeks ever recover?
imagine having jalter barf up chewed up, half digested snails and frog legs onto your lap
Bob looks cuter desu
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Now you rest
urinal night
Kiara lily sex
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Oberon love!
If you could have sex with one Servant, who would you choose?
Jack the Ripper
Eric Bloodaxe
I want to end it all.
Bro your 2nd & 3rd supports have the event CEs, you forgot to put swap those support parties to the event selection instead of normal!
Do you think Rin would still have pursued a relationship with Shirou if she'd known he would never eat her pussy?
Archetype Earth
Shut it, Morgan
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why does /alter/ hate the russian milf?
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Ah shucks, forgot the image.
Shes from Ukraine doe
Teen mom
She's slop
(You)r wife.
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part of russia
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Look at what I did to this thread with just a couple of images and a few words. I'm an agent of chaos /alter/...
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Yes. I will. It will be a long rest this time I think.
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Would you really fuck her when her adoptive daughter would be all smug about it forever afterwards? Imagine she is fingering your squishy prostate and Koyanskaya would start laughing at your moans saying you’d probably get babied by her mother for how powerless you are
I don’t care voidstance
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post bad end flags
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whoops. thanks for the catch. i still dont know how to set the support page very well.
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Fate/Grand Order?
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Who issued this to her?
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No problem, I’ll send a request. Sieg in all.
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Impressive how I can accurately deduce the real number of posters here just by knowing the pattern of your posts. You're all so easy to read.
Accrued Login Bonus
My hands, those tits.
My knife, her lines.
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>used all my quartz rolling for Kiara

Should I whale for Arc?
>random space rock randomly crashes into random uninhabited area in Siberia
>random bunny randomly decides FUCKING NINGEN
>Japanese sun goddess randomly decides to throw some divine favor in the direction of Siberia
>suddenly EVIL OF HUMANITY for some reason
That was weird.
Funny Vamp EX
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Melt love.
Hope I get summer skadi so she hits harder.
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53 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
Identify my posts then, hotshot.
You should get a fuckload of SQ if you're not a giga latelet shitter
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Which ascension was for me again? The last one, right?
Too lazy to look, does she really have a skill called that
All of them
All of them.
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Evil Fox-Bunny is cute. Simple as.
She's only for (You) when summoned from a friend.
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Come back if you dare~
Damn, Cockto gets to cock those toes?
Can Void use void stance?
Nah, she just enables it
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Do you like nun Servants?
I like slut servants.
Bros, they are dropping the ascension quartz...
It's pretty much been confirmed.
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still the queen
Imagine the pelvis breaking sex with those thighs plapping on top you…
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We are all screwed!
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Why didn't they just let her be Daji anyway? Would've been way hotter
>Yang, Kiara, Caren

Which other Servants are nuns?
Eric Bloodaxe
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nasu probably said no also they had no idea what they were doing with that character.
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Bros.. I'm scared of doing it
I imagine that every day.
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Good evening, I'd like to order one(1) good post, please.
Of what?
jobbing to year one upgraded mobs?
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How long until Arc now?
How much can I still save?
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How is she a nun?
dumas' whore
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>doing Ooku blind because I don't feel like opening wiki tabs that eat up 500 GB of RAM each because of ads and spyware
>get to a big ghost node
>bond party wipes because of some dumb gimmick
>swap for class advantage to somebody who needs bond
>still wipe
>swap to the OP Servants who are already bond 500000
>out of AP
I fucking hate this shit. Fuck you, give me more slots. What the fuck is this limited party bullshit? This isn't a tower climb, fuck off.
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She's a giga slut which seems to be a requirement in Fate
your "arcbros" everyone
Wait is this real??
Have people checked with Albert?

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She won't be able to hold it in anymore the moment she hits bond 15, be warned.
Eat shit, poorfags
Nuns have to be virgins.
When it happens she turns 15 and will be too old.
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Are her toenails black as well?
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I forgot to list Chacha, who was also a nun.
Somebody wouldn't just go on /alter/ and lie about news
Actually, no.
You can join a convent at any point in your life, at least historically.
Charlotte used to be a nun, until her convent was shutdown by the french revolutionaries, of course everybody forgets that
lmao no
The ascension quartz just flew over my house
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Where is the proper source of such claim?
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>makes every challenge quest into a complete joke
Nuns 2 the Nunnening
*unzips cock*
Right here, aesc.
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It was me, I fell the foul beast
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Wake me up when the anni drops
But I don't want to spend 2500 turns on CQs...
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>i-it's not like i want to rule the world with you or anything...!
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>good post
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Could someone answer me something? I was searching Kemono and found this: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2874849/post/96344601
But Dobrynya once a while talks as if she is the husband inside the wife's body. Isn't the Servant just the wife, completely wife, posing as the husband?
>Extra class servant
>non-damaging NP that gives crit damage
based based based
One good post coming right up!
Sorry for the wait >>483330198
liz_transparent.png LOVE!
I'll take a Luvia with a side of Bazett to go
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I would use a hypnosis app on everyone in the top row
based bald ojii-san
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Good night, bros.
>going to sleep when stanley cup finals will be in couple hours
lipbro i...
Sent, Barghest in All.
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What's your FGO guilty pleasure bros?
Shrine maidens aren't nuns.
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She is and in the newest interlude she claims her love for you as a mom.
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Based meltbro(true)
based cuckbro, we have same
>She is
>and in the newest interlude she claims her love for you as a
Momwife together with her daughter and I'll fuck both raw independent of whatever the writer wants.
Dont cry
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Post link
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Good night Lipfriend.
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I think I'll do it on the 2 year anniversary
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Hmm a dog telling to some sit in the corner…
Thanks for explaining and the extra info.
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I specifically pick grailed Castorias and Skadis when I'm using Gong
With love and care.
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Nice cock.
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Looks like bedtime has come for mom.
>when I'm using Gong
I usually cave and use command seals on CQs. I do want to do them without them, but chances are I've tried like five times and it's 8pm after I've been working all day and I don't particularly care to take the L and try again for pride when I know the strat would've worked with one or two different choices, when I could just press a button and clear the last of the bosses health.

That said I limit myself to only using CS' once per story chapter and only for the climactic main boss fight (eg Cernunnos)
Do they fly higher than their non grailed counterparts?
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No shame there. Cernunnos was a bitch
They need to. Otherwise Amakusa would grab them out of the air.
T-thank you
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Thanks, I'm very proud of it.
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I kid, I kid... Please don't curse my summer rolls.
Pffft, seen bigger
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M-mine too
It alrea5has an owner. Go away.
gudako is in this thread?
Raikou when her son refuses to summon her because she's drawn by r*ita
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Is this the whore-medb, or okay-medb?
Fae medb
das geh
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Soapy servants (Brought to you by BB)
The flop one
Charlotte lived in an abbey, but I don't think she ever became a nun.
That doesn't narrow it down at all!
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Fae Medb is my Faedb!
No, but really, when is Arc coming?
25th at 21:00?
Check their fanart numbers
Medb mogs Cnoc so hard it's not even funny
Which spooks do you hope for while rolling for Arcueid?
The 6th on reset.
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>9 year old character has more fanart than a 3 year old one, who's just become playable
Get those quartz ready and get HYPE
Wait, that's a long way off...
cnoc and medb are both wife
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Never mind, looks like she did.
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sugoi is god
Cnoc is also sharing space with the other main characters from LB6 who all got a gorillion fanarts. Plus being year 1 doesn't guarantee love
See: Mata Hari, Artemis, Drake, etc.
Yes. The 25th we're only getting 30 SQ from the app release, the actual anniversary will happen on the 6th because that's when the panel is happening. Arc is the anniversary servant so she's not coming before that.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
Medb? The summer servant with the least fanart?
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Whenever I hear this song I can only think of this version
I’m bored. Do I roll on Kama or hold out until Summer Skadi.
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for me it's
Why are there so few transfolx in the GFO NA community?
It is because the main target demographic are Fate fans who are mostly millennials who are old and therefore have "old fashioned" views on things?
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Who is your favorite nun in FGO?
who cares about clapshit

when is summer again, september?
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Roll on Kama if you want. We get a lot of quartz this anni anyways.
Should I go for NP5 Arcueid, or NP6?
who cares about summershit

when is gudaguda again, october?
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NP 3, if you aren't retarded
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how will kizu finally rolling his beloved Kama affect /alter/ in the upcoming week? i wonder, i wonder!
stopping at np5 is soulless
Is Alberto still the boss of FGO NA?

Haven't been following NA politics for at least a year.
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Jalter + Salter
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Is this a falseflag against kama haters to associate them with /fgog/ or an actual /fgog/ nigger in /alter/? Can you tell me the truth this time?
Why NP3 specifically?
Enough coins for lvl120 + still a big NP punch?
It's literally an /fgog/ nigger. His entire career started with a MTL shitpost.
Which one of the classic "Big 3" shounen manga should I start reading?
Naruto, One Piece or Bleach?
t. fgog historian

any other self reports?
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Because that's the optimal point to stop, beofre getting hit with diminishing returns hard.
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I still don't get why Sabers have class advantage over Lancers
Read La Blue Girl instead.
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Which servant makes you feel the most comfortable and content?
They can chop off the tip of the spear.
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>"Rikyu" is a title in Zen Buddhism, stands for "giving up the desire for fame".
On /alter/ you reddit negro.
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My King(wife)!
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I'm not a schizo
I'm not a schizo
I'm not a schizo
Saber Shiki.
Maybe it's because of nostalgia, but she feels so calm, strong and dependable.
Can you guys chill with racism?
Naruto's pre-timeskip was pretty good. It builds all that stuff about ninjas being weapons and following your dreams and how people like the Uchiha were unjustly being wronged for that and how effort matters over talent... and then the second half throws it all to shit, ninjas are weapons, the Uchiha were 99.9% composed of traitors planning a coup de'tat, Naruto is basically ninja Jesus blessed by heaven and hell etc.
Bleach is a ride because Kubo is a troll and knows how to make the most retarded of hypes and plot twists work. Imagine if someone wrote Chunguska but Chunguska ends up being so retarded it cycles into being unexplainably awesome. That's Bleach. Bleach is crazy.

But One Piece triumphs over both because it's ongoing so you will want to talk to people about it.
Imagine a spearman fighting a fully armored knight. Unless you are Diarmuid the spear won't help much.
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Do you own all the manga volumes of Hyouge Mono?
Is this Tokugawa Ooku thing canon? Do I need to play this?
The virgin one.
What about Boku no Pico?
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Nasu wanted rock paper scissors relationships, and he already decided Archers > Sabers. So that meant Lancers lose to Sabers.

I forget how it works in Fire Emblem. I remember it's the opposite in Fire Emblem but I don't know if that means Swords > Archers in FE which sounds equally counter-intuitive.
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Technically a monk, but still
Do you know where the fuck you are, nigger?
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Bleach>OP>>>Naruto for me
if i'm going to read shounen, i prefer it to be one with good art and designs
No we cannot you.. you...
Every event is canon but SERAPH and Ooku are especially important since they involve Beast III L/R
My nigga.
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Lmao no backgrounds.
It has no manga.

sent, oei in all
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These ones.
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Good taste
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No. I read them on Mangadex.
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On /vg/ and not on /b/
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Anytime sex
The mature female tag is making my hag Chacha pudgy...
Hey, guess what
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Comfy mom lap, comfy nap
oh, it's the alteraschizo hour
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Should be around September to connect with Halloween
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Why did they buff a bunch of fags no one cares about?
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I have given thee courtesy enough
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>Takasugi: 5500 yen
>Douman: 5500 yen
>Caenis: 400 yen
What went so wrong with Caenis?
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Who is the best Bleach girl?
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The kinds of people buying this cringe shit are women so the males will be way more expensive because higher demand. Notice how Jannu on the left there is also only 660?
she is brown and a tranny
What does anytime smell like?
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>still on Ooku 4th floor
Kriem's perfume
Ohnonononono jannu is a 660¥ hoe?!
Me bottom left getting a huge whiff of Altera.
I’m a man and I buy mostly male character stuff…
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As far as consoomers go there isn't too much distinction between fags and women so it's all the same really
do your parents know you are a homosexual?
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>I don't remember many lore accurate foursomes or threesomes of servants (aside from the cups) though

>The Forinas.

Hey not a bad suggestion, they actually work great on foursomes and threesomes
Only women and gays buy these.
why are u gae
yu ar ge
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ah yoo heeah foh schpeeeeerit chuunin
I don't play games with female protagonists.
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you do not play games with character creator?
>posted from behind the ramen shop
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wait, do the other class relationships actually make sense to you?

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unique animation when?
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Why does paper have the advantage over rock?
>POV: you are me
that's just how the weapon triangle works, it's for gameplay balance reasons
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But the other beans of male characters aren’t all that expensive either?
No they don’t
I’m a guy though?
A spear beats a sword if neither of them know what they're doing
A sword beats a spear if the swordsman is more skilled
A spear beats a sword if both of them are skilled
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Because paper can cover the rock
Can you buy me one and ship it to me in CA? Ty in advance.
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Bah gawd!
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Are they about to set up some character development where Raikou Lily gets her Mom instincts from her?
I unironically look like this.
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Store cleared, finally
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become a millionaire by selling pictures of your asshole online then
So we buy figures right?
no I'm a pure virgin.
I pirate mine.
hoylt sex badang
I don't
I hide my power levels
Nah, what's the point. I'm just waiting for the AI to start making 3D models so I can 3D print them.
Van Gogh is best.
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And other merch
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Also after like four big packs worth, finally getting a limited 5* from 1SQ summons is nice.
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Also forgive the quality but is the price of Douman’s thing being more than all the others because of popularity?
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I hope he gets at least one ero doujin
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I've probably spent thousands of dollars on figures.
nips seem to love doman
I think he is the reason why heiankyo is among the most popular chapters
/alter/ owes me hand holding
Words cannot express how much I want to breed gudako...
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Could be rarity, these cards came out like actual baseball cards, so some could be rarer.
You don't know where those hands have been
Need AiAnon to make GudaoxGudako images
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Thank you my lippa, for getting it. Truly my greatest ally.
i really want her but they're so expensive
Got mine for 100$ did it get worse?
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Nendroids ate usually cheap.
150-300 dollars per figmas. Of course depending on quality and popularity, but cheapest are like 80
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Actually huh I haven't checked in a while but they're not that expensive, I should get one soon then, Abby really works as a nendo
>3rd pic
Please more like this.
Is it bad if I’m a guy and most anime figures I get are male characters? I have multiple Gil scale figures…
Is Kama still worth pulling if only at NP1?
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Yes, but only of my favorite.
there's nothing wrong with being gay in the 21st century
no one is going to kill you for that
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>free 30 sq on the 25th
This is useless to me. Tametomo's banner is already gone at that point...
/alter/ is stupid, you can like male characters without being gay
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Give them to me
Isn't this a VS card? Now that's a nostalgic card game.
Can I like penis without being gay too?
My Xu Xu funds grow
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Not at all. I'm planning to buy this and I'm positively straight.
Why are we not getting the Arc anni rateup on our actual anni but a dead week instead? When is the Arc rateup happening then?
why do people ask this question every year?
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Those are Xu Funds.
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>Why are we not getting the Arc anni rateup on our actual anni but a dead week instead?
It's been 7 years and people still don't get it
>"people" wasting on a non limited 3*
alter is more retarded by the day
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but you will get more SQs for Arcueid
remember you need np3 for her to be good
you can roll for Tametomo in the future
I don't get why they insist on calling me gay just because I enjoy giving a cock suck behind the ramen shop every now and then.
Yeah, but she's cute though...?
She's cute and I unironically want her more than Arc.
Link to this figure’s page? It’s quite hot
I don't take shit from someone who can't spell correctly.
I thought you need np5?
Is this all we get. 30? I thought we are supposed to get hundreds
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not really
np4 is more than enough
I want to suck on a girl’s titties while I cum inside her…
Nah, guys are cool.
Loli work very well as nendroids. The kama one is adorable.
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Your opinion means nothing to me
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>limiting yourself to 1
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I can give it a try, same servants or some other combination?
Unohana easily.
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Being the last bro from the old guard here feels really lonely sometimes.
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what the
I lost a lot of cum to Rangiku.
And you know this… how?
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I may as well ask again, since I'll get the rest of my artbooks somewhat soon in the warehouse and will have to set up a shipment. Does anyone want a romancia 2 special edition sent to them for free?
BB, Melt, and Lip if it's possible.
That veteran didn't keep up with the memes
I need those tits in my face.
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Please let me know what you think.

Also I'm considering swapping Da Vinci Rider for Bakin since Bakin feels like she'll be less common long term, not sure. I like both as characters quite a bit.
Yeah, from fate I have Melu Miyu and Illya and they're all really cute
>I lost
Fucking casual. You are no /alter/bro of mine.
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I don't see any of my old bros posting here anymore.
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big iori dick ONLY.
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I am still here
I'm here bro.
hello kizu
>Please let me know what you think.
You got Castoria in the Caster slot and all your skills are 10/10/10, this is sufficient from a mechanical perspective.
Soulless from a humanistic perspective however.
Is Protype Merlin a must have support?
I'm very confused if you like hags or lolis
I look like this.
lol no
she is tamamo 2.0
Do I have to max ascend my servants now or can I wait for the exp boost on anniv?
>5 Prillya characters
>Random BB out of nowhere
Prisma Mooncell next arc?
Interesting take.
I think it's just a master mission. You could wait as long as you want
It doesnt matter
I like red. You have red servants so that's good
Unless you're running some ultra specific arts crit team, I don't see here being useful at all. Tamamo is clearly better for stall since Merlina has no actual ability to heal, only raise max HP
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Sakuralot doesn't sprout octopus tentacles that I'm aware of.
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Hollow god, I now announce /alter/'s defeat. Their shitposts are old, their posters are frail, their OC is stagnated. As the last oldfag, I declare invalid multiple of their decisions, numerous of their frustrations and all of their influence. With this blow, the mods will be shot down. Ring the bell of reformation! Fate/Grand Order
I would just assume that's making Lancelot's tentacle things more summer themed
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That actually sounds like a really good idea as well, I assume you want Lip on the center sucking dick and the other 2 on the side?
To be fair neither does BB but as to the original point, you can use pretty solid deduction and recognize that it's just normal Sakura.
I'm still here bro. I'm the discrete one
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NP goal?
Did you not manage to 120 Seiba? Or was it some other dude?
Doesn’t raise max hp heal? It’s an effective plus hp to the current hp?
He's likely going by summer BB's stage 3 sprite
Discrete like a hammer to the face apparently.
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NTA but put Melt in the center. I wanna see them try and figure that shit out.
Alright thanks guys will just do it on anniv then
I don't want her in my Chaldea then
I know what he's referencing, still not octopus tentacles with Summer BB either. I think we've both seen enough hentai to know not all tentacles belong to Octopi.
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I got this today, is this impressive?
>0 held
Nah bro, looks like your stash is fucking empty.
is Kazuradrop or Violet possible with the new revelation yesterday?
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Why soulless?


Red is a very good colour.

I'm still working on it. She didn't show up in her most recent rate up for me. So she's still NP3, Bond 12. So for now I'm hoping for a surprise copy, an early free copy from the FSN anniversary campaign JP got, or reaching Bond 14. However, I refuse to backline bond farm her, it's a waste.

120 will be my reward, eventually.
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Being the last bro from the old guard here feels really lonely sometimes.
Where's my picture?
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Failing to roll Tametomo sucked. It hurt pretty bad though not as much as it did in other failed rate-ups I had.
But at least I finally got it why failing in FGO hurts so much it kills my desire to play for weeks: it’s because there is little to no consolation.
FGO’s rates suck TOO much. If I play any other gacha I at least walk out with something else, even wrong SSRs. But in FGO I might roll hundreds of quartz and get nothing. I think rolling from Don Quixote to Tametomo I got a total of 4 SRs (Don Quixote isn’t among them) in over 500 quartz without any SSR whatsoever.
I haven't tried, gonna check after I finish this request to see if they work
What shall we do if a cat meows...?
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>surprise copy
a newfag made this
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here you go
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Hello rat
lol they botched this tranny's model up so bad. disgustingly wide face
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Who the fuck turned out the lights, I can't see shit!
Imagine the smell.
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you'd have the oldfags in the image, only a newfag wouldn't know, rat
>Why soulless?
There's nothing notable or interesting about your support. Outside of a few outliers it's basically just NP1 SSRs which is the support equivalent of white bread and a cup of water. Like yeah, it does it's job and there's minimal to complain about from a mechanical aspect but effort and dedication are soulful and this just looks like you grabbed a box of Captain SSR Crunch and poured yourself a bowl and called it a support list.
Saber being on the Road to 120 is pretty common too.
Is that what you say when you look in the mirror?
are you quite literally only capable of making "n-no u" comebacks?
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accepted and LOCKED bros. still open for 2 bros. i have tea time on both castoria and skadi on pages 2 and 3!!
Don't listen to him your support isn't soulless
Those are the only ones needed when you fit the bill perfectly.
It's ironic because all of them are shitposters/avatarfags
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Your time is over old man, go and die in the forest.
That's all you deserve really.
All the models in arcade look awful, so no they didn't "botched" her. Nor is she a tranny.
Whatever you say rat
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Even my dead body shall never touch grass, you...zoomer...bi-i-i-t-ch
keep shitting and pissing your pants, rat
Don't lie to the poor boy just because you feel bad for him, anon. You're devaluing the concept of something being SOUL by lowering the standards which ends up suiting nobody as those who have soul supports are now being told they're as soulful as people who's supports are standard.
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sent, bunnystolfo in all
i'm pretty sure it's more along the lines of you being a complete lucksucker-level autist that has to repeat the same things each day like a broken record

kama is quite literally a man and the model looks bad compared to most other arcade models, the face is way wider than it should be, figures they let a junior modeler handle the officially labeled mistake
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xtime? That's me!
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I also think your support is soulful.
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>i'm pretty sure it's more along the lines of you being a complete lucksucker-level autist that has to repeat the same things each day like a broken record
How the fuck do you expect me to not NO U! you on that one champ?
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This is Nito, She has been my person ooku Janitor 3 times now.
nobody expects anything out of you but your autistic daily routines, ""sis""
I went with the rats this time. It seemed appropriate for cleaning the place out
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They didn’t post the updated one with (you) on the upper right.
Kill yourself already you /fgog/ retard, you don't even play this game, you just come here for attention.
He's right
Your support is pretty boring with any bronze SOUL grails
Go grab your Paris and take him to 120 now
Parisfag, go away. Stop trying to groom anons on the internet.
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All arcade models look uncanny, a few look great but most are fucked.
>but she is wide
Yeah the fuck up about her, all models are fucked one way or another.
The cards are nice
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This is my last chance. Wish me luck, bros!
enjoy your gold sparks Lobo bro
If Kama was able to escape because the entire Indian pantheon was indisposed, and the Indian pantheon that was indisposed was the LB version which are all some kind of simulation, doesn’t that mean Kama is technically a LB being surviving into PHH?
good luck sis
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Good luck bro
Damn Sashi is cute.
good luck
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gl bro!
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Average teenage girl self insert character be like
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Gogh-ing Gogh-ing and Gogh-ne… no more SQ.
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Sorry bro...
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Kama Kissies...
look at the bright side
tametomo is not limited so he can come at any time.
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ouch. I'm >>483323674 and know how that hurts. It happens bro.
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Sister... at least you can get spooked by him ANYTIME!
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>fight Lipper of the Sadlands
"Oneesan, forgive me."
>at the second phase, the spirit of Meltirart, the Second Sakuralord shows up on Lipper's shoulder

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Is this you?
no, but i guess since you don't like that post either you'll tell yourself it's me anyway
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donating and rolling jpegs
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Meanwhile melt and kazura in foxtail
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Miyamoto Musashi
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>Made it to the 4th floor
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>Should I whale
Yes, always
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not my problem. You can skip 25th june then

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Would like one of that Sashi with her shirt off, thank you.
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your xu fu
Cute koyan wife
kashin koji
Me on the left
You feeling the KIARA LOVE yet, bro?
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>are you ready
>summer ibuki
>have yet to finish traum
>have yet to re-do Tunguska
>have yet to now re-do Ooku
>have yet to re-do CCC
at least I know I can skip tunguska in a sitting
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I'm literally doing every node with Kiara.
Anyone tried fighting Kama with Koyan Dark? Was torn between her/Koyan Light and Foreigner MHX/Bazette as my backup plans for when Kama killed my Castorias through attrition but went with the latter
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Ganbare, momcuck chud
I'm on 5th floor right now
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>answers your summon
Based, cleared it the same way. The Ooku is literally BUILT for Kiara to rape
I'm pretty sure someone posted a clear day1.
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Go mama!
I just impregnated her to beat her
can you take this xu fu back to the kitchen? I ordered the smelly chink xu fu, not the smelly bug infested one
Guess It's gonna be a very gay GW
Let's get that mana transfer going...
he didn't even np yet...?
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I'm about to try. Just reading a bit of her skills first.
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I would happily be the scabbard to that saber
Oh man...
Guess we'll have to do it again later...
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doing ooku again
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Miyamoto Musashi Oruta
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I suck on them nipples
Honestly, the one we got was the alter, considering how much of a murder hobo asshole the original was.
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Built for geriatric octogenarians!
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Wow what the fuck. Light + Dark is such a bullshit combo they broke her bar first turn.
If not for this bullshit Nega-whatever draining full gauge every turn I'd have made short work of her straight away.
Now she would be /ourgirl/
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>bullshit Nega

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>Not one of us Tametomo bros managed to beat the singles rolls at their own game during the last few hrs of his rate up
Odysseus help me cope, the denial of dreams is bringing me great suffering
Pretty much, yeah. Nega-Bullshit is the other reason why I ran Castorias+Kiara since there’s more invul while the Koyan team is a three-pump chump. And also yeah Dark is very obviously designed to run with Lights as cheerleaders.

She only looks bad to the actual strongest Foreigner by comparison because that Foreigner is literally the strongest LB King (and because Pierce Invul is a gimmick you can replicate with a CE)
Wrong general but congrats to mihoyo for using gacha money to fund nuclear fusion research.
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Done. Holy crap that was easy. Once the Nega skill was gone she had nothing that posed a threat. I guess I was traumatized from Chunguska taking this way harder than it was meant to be.
I agree. Looking here she was a really balanced fight. And I didn't expect Dark to pair so well with Light like that with star generation and all to backup all the crits and the NP gain. Their combo was bullshit good.
Wrong game bro.....
I miss Chrissy
>>Not one of us Tametomo bros
You mean Tametomo sisters.
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I miss lucksucker
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It's still Melt Monday, post em!
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>7°C outside
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I miss pic rel
It's only 7, that's nice and comfy
It’s a shame those tits never made milk.
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que te jodan
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>all indian heroes come from a mythology their arrows that blow up mountains and are Anti-Country NPs
I know Anti-Country is basically just a fancy title cause their NPs can get offset by anti-army and the like but still
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we love nipwank here
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the wind is COLD and merciless
just went out to buy bread
never again
no les llegó la ola polar? a nosotros nos dura 2 dias mas
Nip want too strong
I love musashi
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me encanta comer caca
sopa de mikoncao
Latinx bro...
Sashi Alter when...
Hop in the Chrissycord.
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It’s too hot… I’ll die in ooku
Nasu loves dumb conceptual bullshit
If Chaldea was still on the mountain then the pajeets would be able to oneshot us
Wait a minute, I'm 99% certain this is the voice that did an example of how to pronounce Vincent Van Gogh a while ago. Had no idea.
when you give sakura ayane a kiss
that is not ice cream...
Are these models from the arcade game?
Who else would it be, retard? How many Dutch anons post in /alter/?
I'm a latelet and wasn't keeping track of /alter/ egos at the time.
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the entire population of the Netherlands
So is Krishna real in Fate or was he only Arjuna's tulpa?
that doumanfag who beefed with Shrek was also dutch
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hi Kama
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what am i eating then
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Cooling down with Kama Cream...
taira no kagekiyos pussy
looks like horse penis to me
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I don't very muchhhhh careee, for alter
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Looks like yo mama to me loooool
Wonder what kind of bra Kama is wearing
Damn! /alter/sisters look like this?
1 or 2 at most
there are not many dutch people on 4chan
most people behind dutch flags in /pol/ and /int/ are immigrants
Kuro ToT
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That's a well established fact.
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Kama GF...
0. They should have added Mondo Zappa instead.
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>Skaditree Fragments
Thought he had tits for a second in the thumbnail
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>Sakura Ayane

I breed this
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No but this picture of him does.
least controversial b2 moment
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i breed this cucks void
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Me on the left
hi ibuki lily
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why didn't Emiya or Kiritsugu do anything about 9/11?
Kiritsugu was a terrorist himself
they were on the plane mombro...
Alaya hates America
Alaya wanted the planes to hit
They weren’t allowed to.
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my Chaldea stands by our Mujahideen brothers until the very end
Quantum timelock bro it just can't be helped.
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one slut available
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Alaya was in an alliance with the Dancing Israelis, Larry Silverstein and the Clintons
Stop using Shrek's signature
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Little early for Melt Tuesday don't you think bro?
Sent ;)
I'm so sad that Drake still has yet to get a swimsuit. CE art, btw.
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Lick, Tickle, Sniff
not really, nsfw, but just in case
Why isn’t drake more popular? She’s a fun big titty pirate, figured japs would love that
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They do, but...
I bet kikes fund ntr.
You know, after Salome, I really don't think dancing Israelis are all that bad.
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why are footfags like this
number on left....
But Drake isn't Houshou Marine.
why aren't anyone making a new thread?
Why are we being threadcucks?
Would you cuddle with Salome?
Maybe they get off on restraint. Like rape but with tickling instead.
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The last /alter/ thread…
Can I just immortal team the car or what’s the best way /alter/
CQ* holy shit I’m tired

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