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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Yo-kai Watch Event Re-run (Until 7.0)
>PvP Series 5 (Until 7.0)
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• June 25, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit, Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: X-Files and Girl's Last Tour >>482854738

>Previous Thread
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FLosers kneel to CChads
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I have decided I will not long be a sexpest. It's just not for me.
fucking NERD
God I love fiddes so much it's unreal
shut the fuck up!! that's not true!!!!!
lala p.c. > cat p.c.
male p.c. > female p.c.
simple as
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Crystal casual CC @ 6:00 ET
/pet *smooch*
one last fuck
my femezen kneels to lalaboys
you werent around when all the FL tryhards in the 'FL Gods' CWLS were getting dumpstered by achievement hunting premades of 1 DRK 3 AST
it was a glorious time
My male midlander? He's fiddie owned
i am
a gay hrothgar
I love femezen so much it's unreal
To the OP
There's no time to plap i have to finish WT journal and 2 more Aloalo wings.
draper stack raped and gaped mimiwa stack on the reg
Good boy
I said I am done ya goonpig slongsling.
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The Bunny of Limsa Lominsa
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Raising my woober in support!
why would they remove salted earth for the mario party mode that nobody gives a fuck about
the best they're going to do is make it so that salted earth can only pull a max of 5 people at once
The great Crystal FL butthurt
They didn't believe me when I said Aether FL was sweatier, and then one week all they did was complain about mediocre Aether tourists ruining their games
Palaistra my beloved.
f3 xaela im focusing you
I wasn't offering, schizo
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Good bye old WoL, somehow mine got aesthetic face surgery.
I am a westwolves femlala
My femezen's menopause is approaching rapidly
thats all they need to do honestly
your femezen is in her hundreds
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hey bwo
I fucking said it bros. Effy should have been my wife instead of Appal. Look how devastated he is now, I mean, just look at Appal. Appal broke up with Effy, saw everyone shitting on him for being an opportunistic faggot that uses people and dumps them when he's tired of them, and decided to string Effy along AGAIN to make himself look good while he is grooming a sprout in secret because our beloved clique owner Appalonise Savallos would not be such a blatant shithead about it. He was meant for me. It should have been me who gets to ERP with him and do savages, ultimates, and deep dungeons with him and then access his deep dungeons after. But he turned me down, many times and I moved on. I will keep laughing at this loser Effy for being so asinine. Let this mark another win for the Kongmarines.
my femezen has fallen madly in love with this moonie after merely a single interaction!
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Greet a hag!
Hold hands with a hag!
Hug a hag!
Massage a hag's shoulders and back (and other areas too)!
Brew some fresh coffee for a hag!
Tell a hag she's worked hard and now she deserves to rest!
Watch a movie with a hag!
Cuddle with a hag!
I love hags! If you are a hag and you are reading this, know that there's at least one anon in this thread who cares for and appreciates you! And if you are not a hag, I hope you meet the hag of your dreams one of these days! Hags are the true path to happiness and fulfillment in this relentless world!
Crystal has always had the sweatiest FL, and I say this as a lifetime turtle server native
i dont give a shit
>forgot to turn off my torgal mod before queuing for fl
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the thing about FL is that very few people in it actually come in wanting to do the pvp
they're just here for the daily bonus or the cheevos or whatever
so if you kill them and emote on them it makes them really mad
>but they don't care!
yeah they do otherwise they wouldn't run away from you spamming recuperate
it's great
like you know, people in cc do it because they want to
you're making the experience extra horrible for people who pretend they're the main character fighting npcs and then oh noooo you're the npc
and then like every few games you recognize one of those tryhard pubstomper premades and you get to 100-0 him because you're a ninja and emote on him and you know he's getting really mad on his twitch stream or something hahehghhg
I second this, need hag eb
tie a hag up and use a vibrating wand on her until she passes out instead
talk about my femlala
you’re boring and your memes are forced
are hagra okay?
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man I want to do all of this but I wouldn't call her a hag because that's rude.
Head empty, but boobies full of milk.
my moonie is the moonie of /xivg/
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would a nerd be surrounded by all these cool tentacles?
controversial opinion but i too liked my little lalaboy a lot, ill take some pics of him looking even cuter in the new graphics engine
/joy *smooch*
that might be a new record...
Femlalas are so cute
How do I solo the EW maps with waves of mobs? I got to the final enemy and failed.
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And now to see your love set free
You will need the fiddie's cabin key
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If you unironically like EW FL then anything I hear you say about the game automatically becomes invalidated in my eyes
There is no way in hell you can like that garbage after they gutted every job from the way it was in ShB
You can't do anything in team fights no matter what unless you have a premade
BH doesn't matter anymore so you can't use it to come back after losing because you just get folded if one premade looks at your direction
>oh just get your own premade
That's EXACTLY what the fucking problem is with EW FL
Post you are characters eyes
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La La La La La La La La La means "I love you."
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>Haha I love hags hags are so erotic!!!!!!
>posts a 28 year old with a perfect 10/10 body and giant tits
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You will.
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um... can a femlala be a hag, too? i'm just wondering... it's not like i'm a femlala myself.
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Time to go look for a static.
I'm a malera so no hag will ever love me
Or anyone really
Who's YOUR favorite fiddie
My Male Midlander? He's a Male Midlander.
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>my crush had sex with a futa
its over
If you're not dicking around and getting into random 1v1s in an empty corner of the map, you are playing FL wrong
builded for my femezmen
Literally me as the zoomer
was it me
I am a femra with a broken heart tonight I wish I could disappear
contact jeb immediately
>posts a 21yo
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my bad
My femlala looks so cute in the benchmark... I need her already... Why is it not Friday yet?
When I say hag I mean this https://files.catbox.moe/3qud16.jpg
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[my friend]'s fiddie, of course
Identify the FL tryhards
>Thus, to identify potential technical issues ahead of Dawntrail's release, we will be conducting a public test of cross-region Data Center Travel functionality starting Sunday, March 24. Players connecting from geographically distant locations may experience some lag, but we hope you will take this opportunity to explore playing on a different physical data center.
this only works if you're two bh5's trying to ego each other cause otherwise you'll be hitting each other with pool noodles for eons.
The best poster has arrived
wish that was my femra
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>can a femlala be a hag, too?
Isn't Fufucha supposed to be pretty old?
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which zoomer?
i love seeing plapcats high heels in the backgrounds of others screenshots
Thanks bro... mmm...
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Crystal casual CC @ 9:50 ET
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This can come later, it's a good way to completely relieve all tension.
All hags have their own unique qualities that make them amazing.
I call a hag "hag" in the most loving and affectionate way possible.
Behold, an heretic.
What's the issue, hags can't have tantalizing bodies and plentiful bosoms built for taking care of progeny?
here's a more proper pic
can you please link a full frontal shot
The twink zoomie, i have always liked mature women
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A 30 year old prostitute? That's not a hag. Go Matoyamaxx or go home.
hag love is the only real love
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the longer I spend in these threads the less I can tell sunnies apart
Not a hag.
Not a hag.
Didnt realize it was horny o'clock.
I'll fuck off to /v/.
finally, a real hag
That would be
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I don't care about frontlines, I show up to do the absolute bare minimum collect my marks, my crystals and XP, then leave and do stuff I enjoy. It's the worst part of my day, every day and the only joy I get is primal rending healer players because my hatred for them is unending.
my pictomancer femlala just painted death
please don't go
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Anyone who has this coat
that present coming in to crash into your twin lines...
My femlala is 47
Beyond the fiddie you settle for
There is a femlala illuminated
slapping this anon with my hagra tids
Aether queue casual CC 10:30!
My femlala is 27
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Which nodes are most likely to be unlocks for the new sectors, L/M? I'm thinkgen I could be a potential path too, but my subs can't reach L/M/I, I don't have enough range, so I can only commit on 2 sectors
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pictosisters I am so ready
My femlala is 23
Where's your pride? You're dropping our stocks.
I'm a slut, sorry. Why do you think it was so easy?
If my fiddie went to the academy with Curious Gorge, she would have been all over him. What a cool guy.
what is this even supposed to be
I want the one with long black hair
The only attractive one is the blonde, the others look bogged as shit.
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She's in good company.
god dammit i am yo-kai farming
my femlala is 33 but she says she's 18.
rent free
My wife HC
Edda only being 16 makes her story feel way more fucked up
my moonie is waiting to post her lodestone 4 times during the maintenance period
>old asf and dried out
>still better looking than any of the posters here
I just wanted to use this coat for ages now
and I know nothing and do not care about other ff games to know anything about picto
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since when

im that sunnie, you know the one
Once I see her crows feet I will know the truth.
No one is talking about the NEW sectors, baka
Regula, my over the hill husband...
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Femlala EB for my Malera
Same but she is 39 instead
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>Get into match with randoms
>BRD on team
she actually maintains a somewhat healthy routine
most posters here dont even eat healthy
my sunnie is 16 but says shes 21
L.L. and V.V. are both pretty cool
my femlala is 33 and very embarrassed about it, please don't call her mommy
I'm joining the queuesyncs as bard in a bit be prepared
i shant be massaging cuddling or holding hands with her but i will do the rest
Do you like catboys who crossdress?
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>all the hottest xivggers are futas
Why is life so cruel
Why are her lips so chapped?
Don't worry, that's actually not true, the futas here are ugly inside and out.
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>>all the hottest xivggers are futas
Why is life so BASED
I am... a FL main....
>afk by the bench
>a cat and lizard start stretching
>start jerking off to the noises
yup, it's bench time
I'm sorry, I won't shine your tail.

Tails turn the Monster Hunter theme on in my head. And I go to cut it with a greatsword.
don't lie to her, she knows the truth
she's a lalafell, so she aged well. she doesn't have crows feet.
She's wearing foundation on them for the fit
I'm good. I ain't trying to have an actual conversation with horned up incels.
Yeah that's based
Ew, fruity ass nigga.
I am... turning into a FSH main...
blame the people who get to them first being bottoms who need a cock in them.
Your good friend is going to log back in again when Dawntrail releases, right anon? They haven't just disappeared, right?
Before I knew who she was I always thought she looked uncanny, like someone layering on makeup and instagram filters to desperately try to look younger. I picture her like a pressurized bottle of age that is about to explode if the cap is loosened.
nice try hag
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i cant be with my femlala crush due to profound mental retardation... i wanted to play DT with her so bad... why did i have to fuck it up... it hurts...
tired of stroking my own shit i need a bitch to do it for me with the double stack and twist
Who is this dyke and why does she have a tripcode
Genetics, probably.
We resubbed together, more friends are coming back too
Ew, ebonics monkey.
I am 47 years old but 16 BMI!!!
I absolutely WILL enjoy the timing while the eggs are still functioning before everything dries up, and even if they dry up I will revive them. Do not resist.
>skinny lala
That's a very homosexual brown man who's been around for a couple of months now.
Wanna play it with me instead sis...
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I'm not a hag!
My femlalas catchphrase is hawk tuah
Aether queue casual CC 1:35!
Ew, you're an egg.
It can't keep happening
I've been rizzed up by a fiera yet again and writer's block is coming on strong
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I am a femlala
who saw p6 top like 30 times with no clear and it's not my fault.
>futa hater is a tranny redditor
Many such cases!
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Crystal casual CC @ 2:00 ET
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I made some coffee biscuits for you sis
i dunno, sis... i think about her so much... i would probably just be thinking about her the whole time... thanks, though...
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What if instead of constant death fakeouts in the expansions, the scions tended to end up with lasting scars or injuries over the course of the MSQ? Would you feel more emotionally pissed if you watched Alphinaud get an eye torn out, or Urianger losing a leg and needing a prosthesis, or what about Y'shtola getting like, half her face burned and having visible burn scars ala Zuko or Todoroki?
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you will never groom futachads to be like you
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All I had to do was get mad enough and I won.
It hurt very much and now I'm tired.
Based as fuark
Futa haters exposed
you flexed too hard and turned into a fiddy gg
My femlala is an adult woman who sometimes pretends to be a child because that's when she was last happy
LMAOOOOO do troons really??
Every single Scion should be put in a wheel chair so they may come to understand how I have suffered for them.
i dont want my femlala crush to have any other friends i want her to only have to be with me and that way she'll always be safe...
Remember when Thancred was a pirate? Yeah they backpedaled on that because fujos complained.
I knew drinking all those fantas would have adverse side effects.
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*makes you not mad*
Nothing personal kid.
Why is everything about trannies "ME ME ME" holy shit m8 just live your life
I'm cooking up my cock size chart for catboys and miera
You should be able to report BRDs who queue into CC
I don't like futas but the idea of futa death squads is funny
weird ass cracker likes women with penises.
My sunnie+ is bigger
I hope I can put this femlala in diapers and tease her while aggressively pushing the Hitachi into her padding
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My miera? Respectably hung.
>newfags still using fujo as a buzzword for twitterfags
>they hate each other despite being the same thing because it reflects the side of their mental illness that they can't cope with
I am 27 and I stopped caring about my BMI... I'm christmas cakemaxxing...
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What job are (You) doing the MSQ as?
For me, it's Pictomancer
>projects his tranny rot onto a fantasy version of intersex because he huffs so much lgbt smeg
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6.75 inches
17.14 centimeters
reel in the projection m8
Will it be using data you collect in person?
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Thanks I needed that.
Probably WHM. I feel cute when I WHM. I'll level the other jobs after I MSQ.
I do my sunnie's idle pose irl...
Built for SPH.
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erm guise...where code, didn't SE codes go out today?
You’ll never be female, sorry to break it to ya.
shut up!!
I decided to pre-level Viper so I'll be doing Reaper + Viper probably. Maybe a bit of Warrior.
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Which one of you named your retainer Moonie feet
not all of them at once, just that they would begin slowly rolling them out
Layla post

Kinda hot...
out of frame: my malera double dipping both of them
I am
A gay maleroe
Sorry I was thinking about yours...
/pet good night
gn bro
Didn't realize this was catbox gooning hours. Do you people not sleep?
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PLD, as usual. It's my WoL's canon job.
Yeah, my catboy saw that.
He thinks she should be sucking his woober.
thats too big for SPH
how do troons not understand that futa is by definition, having nothing to do with trannyism
it literally means "both forms" as in male + female, cock/balls + vagina, something TRANNIES WILL NEVER HAVE.
Hi atma
if anyone would like to measure my middie penis i am waiting at onokoro
I was jerking off to futa before it was trendy to be trans and I still will be for the next 40 years
8 inches or so
Gay sex with male highlanders
same reason they always use hermaphroditism as an argument to justify their mental illness
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Thancred should have actually lost an eye during Heavensward.
Yshtola constantly using aethersight should have a more physical toll on her, even if it's something simple like getting winded really easy due to running low on aether (especially after battles). Maybe have her turn off the sight when relaxing and allowing scenes where the other scions accidently sneak up on her. Or have her do a little trolling with her blindness like Toph occasionally does in ATLA.
The Twins are fine, but need to age up a little. I know the game takes place in a time bubble but come on.
Urianger is fine as is.
Not that that's small for a catboy, but it is when you're the second largest race in the game.

One must consider size difference.
bible black chads ww@
Your WoL's canon job is shining my maliddie's knob daily.
>HP Restored: 0
how does this happen
What's the point of posting "good night" or "good morning" ITT
What's a fulala?
Well, to be honest, it's up against foot long futa horsecocks and other shit.
t. catboy
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Really makes you think
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ok I'm logging out thanks for cc bros
The same trannies that cry about futa jerk off to hyper horsecock. It makes no sense.
attention like every other post
it's to inform people when you have gone to bed or woken up
out of curiosity what was your influence bro?
Goodbye Glue Licker, Hello Paint Sniffer.
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i am a fiddie
slowly getting the hang of CC
Aether queue casual CC 5:25!
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i guess but three inches still feels optimal for SPH
french femlala
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Crystal casual CC @ 5:40 ET
why the FUCK am I on balmung talking to people and trying to make friends DT is going to lock me out for the longest I'm retarded I should leave but some of you anons are alright
nobody says good morning or good night to me
"Wait this isnt a shoebill"
Play something other than AST
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I want to play but honour prevents me........
let's plap before maintenance
can't wait for the lock out. can't wait to groom my fellow dynamis brothers and sisters.
I always assumed it was cause it presents an ideal that they can never have irl and it makes them mad.
Wrong one.
That art is sick.
i shan't
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Either VPR if it feels fun or SAM if not
I love WHM
so it's always WHM
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Does she like malera?
Yeah, for catboys 6.75 inches is huge, since they're all 5'8" and stuff.
balmung is so crowded it's feast or famine
you either have shit luck running into people or you get so crowded socializing is now your life
I hate astrologians and astrology FUCK the balance and all the other cards
I don't do that anon...
The lockout will probably just be a week or two
You rephrased what he said in a dumber way. Stupid bimbo.
>self inserting troon can't separate reality from fantasy
Futa = intersex, in the closest 'reality'.
Ywnbaw or groom anyone here to mutilate themselves like you.
We get it you love tranny dick, no need to force it on the rest of us.
I do wonder what would have happened if Thancred got a pretty bad wound during that battle, like losing his hand or his entire arm. How would that look when he came back to his body on the source? Would his arm not be able to move, or maybe his entire soul got weakened by some %age by losing a part of it in the shard?
Do you plap balmung femlalas?
do not underestimate my enjoyment of resin based products
They said it will be lifted as early as 7.01 but could go as long as 7.05 depending on congestion, so that's 2 weeks to 1 month.
nah men are disgusting
based tranny hater
please make out with my femlala
i am forever salty that they ruined reboot
fuck nexon always and forever
>the women with penises that -I- like are different!
>because... well they just are!!!
Always Ninja
i've been erping as a straight male for years and i will never bend the knee
Wait, my catboy, who is a grown ass man IRL, is wondering... Is that vibrator NOT on her clit? It's too far down.
I have never had sex with a woman before.
do NOT pet lalafells.
Give Thancred a magitek arm with a laser in it.w0gs2t
wait what's wrong with AST
>Stupid bimbo.
*Taps the title*
Umm incorrect? Like whos stupid now lol.
FUCK no.
Send a tell to my sunnie
futa really riles up the trannies here
we should talk about cc instead
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I'm a fulala!
It's actually insane how many straight men playing male toons are willing to ERP with my male char. It's really gay.
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you can pet mine if you want
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why do people drag the game out in *casual* CC? why is anyone taking it this seriously so close to the end of the season?
Make more pics of you and the black hair f+, dumb middie.
i was gone for a week so i thought you people were joking about effy or whatever
It's crazy how feisty futatrannies get when you out them
trannies will never be women, and wanting to fuck a tranny or a futa makes you a faggot. You can cope all you want but liking women with dicks is a halfstep away from being the kind of faggot that goes after trannies
I don't like either, they're both disgusting freaks as are the people who like them. The reason people like futa is because their porn addled mind can't handle the reality of sticky sloppy pussies, so they just attach a cock onto the woman instead. You can spam ywnbaw all you want, you're the one obsessed with cocks on trannies
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Has there ever been a single post worth reading that had the word "fulala" in it? I'm considering filtering it at this point.
my femra was getting plapped and she told the guy to plap her wyrmhole. he pulled out and left in a hurry
trannies who don't get bottom surgery have vaginas?
then why would they get surgery
Wrong. Futas are, technically, intersex and have both working parts.
Transgenders MtF would be newhalfs.
t. knowledge man
gay as hell
you do you though, it's their problem they can't stick to their guns
Fat fuck
losers who unironically think they'll get some special message or confession by letting people know when they're around
I think it's a matter of your flavor. Proportion-small is emasculation as humiliation, partner-relative-small is inadequacy as humiliation. Either alone or both at once is good IMO.
Didn’t read, you will never be female like futas are.
because playing to win is fun. if you're just gonna phone it in, why even bother?
Personally I prefer men with vaginas
not once
not fulala, fwalala, even just fucking femlala returns zero good posts
it's amazing how much they hate their playerbase
winning is fun and I play to win
down fujo
Haha wow, that's terrible. I would never. What race do you play, btw?
standing afk in my base isn't fun
Why are you niggas pretending like futas are real
this thread fucking sucks. nice one.
Fuck off trannoid, go groom children on >>>/lgbt/ with the rest of your triggered ilk.
DRK on my main, GNB on my alt, WAR on my other alt.
Personally I prefer moonies without feet
>[Everyone hated that.]
Cuntboys! They exist~!
this is me irl
i'm gonna offer up one catboy dicking later today probably since lockout soon
must be wanderer/voyager etc
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This but only if they’re cuntboys. Ftms are grotesque.
Futas having both genitals is the dumbest shit I've ever read.
I am a gay man
mad agp
women shouldn't be allowed on the internet..
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Cuz I don't even know what it means to quit.
I ain't got none of them bones in my body.
Man I got too much, you heard me, TOO MUCH of a fighting spirit.
And no matter how hard it gets, I'll always find a way to victory.
That is what futanari means, newfag.
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I am a 100 bust femra that is going to do late night roulettes. Would anyone on Crystal like to join?
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The futa menace IS real!
One flew over my house!
My male midlander regularly fucks F+ Femroe and he's literally heterosexual.
please say sike
Fuck I'm too tired to be making cc attack calls
spotted the tranny
which dick better, moon or sun boy?
every pvp femlala only wants biggers it's not fair
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You tell me.
FtM have huge clits from testosterone and it's kinda hot.
t. catboy btw
ok but i will be eating between GCDs
brainrot self insertion
https://dic.pixiv.net/en/a/Futanari go back to twitter
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Crystal casual CC @ 9:10 ET
the two refers to them embodying both masculinity (through having a penis) and femininity (through having a feminine form.) Has nothing to do with two genitals.
they’re literally toddlers
that sounds powerful
post album since you are goonbait, need to relieve myself, will let you know when done.
Aether queue casual CC 9:20!
this except every frogposter
based, I wish I knew some FTMs who played xiv
LITERALLY headcanon
Trying too hard to shitpost when YWNBAW
The term you're mistaking futa for is newhalf/shemale/tranny.
whats up with her chin
Wrong lol it translates to hermaphrodite.
Almost there
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RDM/WAR are my character's thematic jobs and I always imagine my character switching specifically between those
but I will also be playing SAM/VPR, as a personal preference... VPR especially looks interesting with those long GCDs allowing for some extra time to weave other abilities

I thought it was really cool ever since I tried using lost flare star in bozja and realized the GCD is like 5 seconds long, which allowed plenty of time to spam oGCDs...
I kind of wish that was a playstyle of the new caster, but ehh.
you clearly just don't understand the Japanese language or culture.
my powerlevel is very high yes. now where is the PF
big if true
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Ah, it seems my schizo delusions are manifesting and posting again.
I want to fuck this chubby femlala
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strapping several vibrators to a femlala and forcing her to go into CC
moon writing is more consistent, typically
sun is a coin toss between ass and pretty gud
>someone posts an image of trannies getting mad over futa
>it repeats in the thread
time is a cycle
bro is trying to change history here lmfao
it hasn't been that way for fucking decades
yeah you're baiting you're not getting any replies for me anymore
nice chin bitch lmao
this is pso2g????????
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Post Lalafells
shit bait troon
Why is it that grown ass men like to use futas in erp

sorry, that's way too weird
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I am a malera
on the steppe
When was the last time there was a mogstore sale?
What do you guys think of my badass picto glam
Grown men want to have PPs, not vagoos
this one really rattled the trannies' cage
same reason shemale porn is most popular with "straight" men
someone posts an image in the thread, it's a chick with a cock
someone posts a comment in the thread, it's about chicks with cocks and their lust there of'
someone replies to your post, and motherfucker you guessed it, it's about chicks with cocks again
Dalamud should be a mount.
you aight raen boy
Wiping my pink cock tip across their faces, leaving a trail of precum on their cheeks and noses.
tranny is a mexican
many such cases
You look sus
he looks like a silly little boy :)
Amerimutt troons from a tranny game don’t matter.
Looking good king.
I really don't want to be mean but it looks kinda gay
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may i rape?
vro just vented
cool dog
I liked the futa cock pic you posted on aco
my sunnie is
So play a male? Why opt to be a failed male instead?
Anyone wanna do Leveling Roulette?
I'm not against cnc in theory but it'd depend on the person and race/gender
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PF under A.B. pass is 4789
can my biofem moonie have some
berrys and cream mfer
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I made a minor spelling mistake sowwy
Also I think if you're arguing about this distinction just to annoy trannies and not because you actually care about futa content you're a culture warrior faggot and you should kill yourself.
I've been online all day in hopes someone would confess to their femlala crush (me) before maint
Can you make some sort of genital ouroboros with a futa?
there's multiple sataniaposters.
even a malera is involved
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how do people play the game like this?
My femra has a vagoo thoughbeit
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Rate this Pictomancer glam.
Nobody ever talks about futa on male in these threads. Really strange.
I have never had sex in my entire life.
they're not insecure trannies offended by a fantasy of what they'll never be like you are
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Crystal casual CC @ 11:30 ET
yeah it sounds you well
joker looking ass
do you like femra
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i have done roughly 40 unsync ARR dungeons today it's such a relief to be holding the 2nd to last step in my hands now
You’re brown
Indeed. Me in five and a half weeks.
GOD I want to frot my THICK FAT COCK against a FUTACAT while we CLEAR E4S.
go ask him to see them in person sis
you either have shit ping or you're just bad
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"Futa" is not lore-friendly aka non-canon so I refuse to RP with them outright and ignore them at RP hubs.
im not but if it helps you sleep better, sure.
cliche/10. seen it a dozen times on twitter already. le art hitler
catbox it then
>just to annoy trannies and not because you actually care about futa content
You can hate tranny porn and not care about trannies.
FT is cute as both a femlala and a fiddie!!!
because they lack of originality in making names.
and mostly they suck pretending to be the NPC.
sure buddy but im EU
Tldr go back to /lgbt/
Lookin' sharp, King.
he failed as a painter so eh
My catboy would unironically suck your cock.
Respectfully sniffing a Moonie's perfect feet.
I think we should settle this argument by having all futas visit my apartment for a personal inspection...
>do people actually play pvp for fun in this game
is the wheelchair thing just a shitpost or do you RP as a cripple?
If fantasias are canon, futas can technically exist
This kind of glam doesn't belong in an art school.
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damn tranny nigga you really sore about straight men liking clitdick futas
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Anyone on crystal want to do some late night roulettes? got a pf under A.B. pass is 4789
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I will join the next one if Ranked doesn't pop (it will not pop, it is in fact over)
Trannychal post
the futas plap the antifuta posters and whoever cums first loses, obviously the antifuta posters also plap the futas. round robin first to two
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Aether queue casual CC 12:25!
mmo pvp is only enjoyed by the mentally handicapped
Having to explain this sounds like somee kind of Machiavellian torture method, but fine.


Hermaphrodites express any mix of both genders (regarding reproductive bits)
Futa - female bod, trades the basketballs for a hoop.
Male Herm - As futa but dude presenting and no tiddies.

Not hermaphrodies:
Shemale - female bod, male crotch
Trans - Male or female bod with elements of both but not both sets of sex bits. Defined mostly by being a temporary stage between male and female, female and male, or on/off the chair.
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force me down
call me a fat fuck
and then cram my mouth full of cake...
I role play as a character who role plays as a cripple to skip lines at the Gold Saucer.
no thanks. i did some raids on your dc earlier and you guys are actually getting worse
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I am a femezen...
from the distant past!!!
>magic? multiple dimensions? time travel? yup, this is cool
>a girl with a dick?? ugh.... this is ruining my immersion
traditional male character L
yeah sure let me log back in
PLEASE let me suck your cock while you suck on mine.
You didn't actually get it then, unfortunately
It's been explained the trannies don't care they just want to seethe and equate their mental illness to fantasy women.
bros...i dont think im gonna make it...
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I love your portrait and your f3mra
It’s been explained, they just plug their ears and throw tranntrums.
Usually always ends up being male on futa with my hroth...
I assure you, im a powerful gamer.
Stop yapping and suck my sunnie+ gock retards
simply log in on minute 1 and never log out again, install the triple triad plugin or something to keep you logged in overnight, priority que won't do shit to you then
I think liking dicks is gay.
bruh do you like malera

only the mentally handicapped can cope and seethe this much about it, that is for sure
nta but join the party so you get a closer look then
No, ask the futa sataniaposter.
I think it'd be funny to make fun of healers by making a #ERPerStrike tag, and just AFK at the Quicksand without actually ERPing so Yoshi P finally fixes ERP
You unironically can if you play 24 hours w/o sleeping.
Spam CC but do today's FL roulette and tomorrow's too.
my catboy is 29 in a few weeks
holy moly
This is vile
based, do this with winry
thanks anon (also initials? I think we've met..)
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>If the fantasy setting has fantastical, impossible concepts, it MUST cater to my fetish.
Go fuck yourself, FREAK.
I am a gay man
That likes masculine men
did it fill already?
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If I could be a cute trans girl, I'd fucking do it.
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My femlala looks and acts like this...
>All this shitposting over something that isn't even real
I fucking hate this place
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yeah thats my fucking wife right there, remus anima
gross, alphabet demons begone
gonna go rub my man meat to more futa
I'm a blankposter
That likes to blank
kyaaa Remus-sama!
Smoke that loser, king.
Anon, that kinda posting will get you groomed by me and turned into an actual transgirl
What do you think mare plapimation gooners have been doing there for the past year?
the PF is gone :(
my bad thought you were kanchal
holy moly i love femezen+
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You're masculine too, aren't you?
Gonna jelq to this.
with the twitch event being in the OP shouldn't the gong cha collab be there too? and the mountain dew one
Bros... I'm not ready for the expansion...
Me as the confused bystander
i rather kill myself with my real gun.
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I am
a lalaboy
who is as old as Cid and Nero
you DID buy the 6 bottles of mountain dew, right anon? and you have your mountain zu code, right?
I'm a AGP bottom that self inserts as my sunnie- and loves futa
Shut up tranny
bros i'm REALLY nervous about Dawntrail...
>do people actually play pvp for fun in this game
DEFINITELY not at all, Imagine playing this mode for fun lol. Couldn't be me haha
May I watch?
>all this talk about futa
>not one mention of futa plapping twink miera
Life ain't fair
>He's samefagging again
I don't remember making this post
>futafags samefagging
Just like the good old days of /trash/...
>you DID buy the 6 bottles of mountain dew, right anon?
Yeah like quadruple that honestly.
>and you have your mountain zu code, right?
No, I'm Canadian..
post lalaboy
I am an armour gal
eating my breakfast on the floor
crying because I'm too depressed to go work
Well yeah
I am not a femboy at least.
I have body hair and an "otter" kinda body type. (Hairy and lean)
I'm just an average guy
kill yourself tranny you will never be a futa or a woman irl
this is the only acceptable form of homosexuality imo
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Which one. There's a few of those.

Remus looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his shirt before /xivg/. Very very disrespectful.
Crystal casual CC @ 3:00 ET

just one more series level....

ok now join
why come here, to the den of futa, where we have a general thread dedicated to futa, to complain about futa
you are irritating and sad
what kind of screenshots should I take before dt
fuck I don't even have a summer glam
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I'm trans and futa offends me because it gets women like us killed
- means vagina retard
Cute fiddie there. That face is SO underrated.
yes that's part of the job quest to get the ouroboros skill on VPR
k back to elden ring.
I believe in you buddy
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Stop this nonsense! Post old screenshots you have saved!
hag femlala of darkness...
Sorry, I'm drunk. I was thinking the opposite.
You're hot. I like masculine men :3
no "sunnie" means suncat with a vagina vagina retard
swearing to violence
Same but fishra
I am
A lalaboy
Who lives to breed femlalas and be wholesome too
Absolutely slamraping a cheap and chubby femlala breeding sow with my virile and musky catboi woober.
based king, play the character you want to play and accept NO substitutions
Can someone spoonfeed me at what time the servers will go down
Violence breeds violence
But in the end it has to be this way
femezen kakkoii....
Based newfag
no it doesn’t, stop forcing your tranny shit on everyone
sunnie = female
sunnie + = futa
sunnie - = tranny shemale nobody wants thus a negative
Hi sisters!!! So me and my EB just made plans to meet up in person in some 3 months' time and I'm very excited but also a little scared. As I've gotten older my hair's been thinning and so I was wondering if getting on hrt would help thicken it some. Specifically, would I be able to achieve that in 3 months time. In-game of course in final fantasy fourteen
Why does futa make straight people seethe so much?
Why not let people like what they like?
Preach, Brother.
You will NEVER have a vagina lmao
>win CC round
>feel nothing
>lose CC round
>severe pounding headache
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Nah, we trannies love futa
I'm just mad when people tag things INCORRECTLY
We trannies AREN'T FUTA
We're dickgirls
Not futa
Final Fantasy XIV dawntrail wuk lamat trans rights
Why are other grown men trying to turn me on?
why do xiv players love publicizing all their fetishes keep that shit to yourself I do not want to know that you like drinking piss
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futa = trans' dream goal
anyone indulging in futa is either a tranny or a soon-to-be tranny, simple as
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my catboy does this but with lalaboys and femra
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yep this thread is epic
do you guys think the DT 8man raids will be fun
Uh oh, shemalety!
I think it's fine to not want to roleplay things you personally consider contrived but it feels a bit egotistical to say it strictly can't exist in lore neither of us wrote. We're all dealing in headcanon anyways, just agree to play in different sandboxes and everybody wins.
Aether queue casual CC 3:55!
Last one for me I need a break
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Fuck off futa is offensive no matter how many trans pictures you save from twitter that contribute to us getting murdered
I don't say it publicly and its why /xivg/ thinks my femlala is pure...
Oh shit I was at that halloween meetup
I think thematically it could be kino.
I love tournament arcs, announcers, audience, and the first tier music sounds sick. All that's left is for the actual fight to be good so we'll see.
futa is not canon
>all those breedable lalas
God himself couldn't pull me out of those little sluts if I was there
I like futa because who else is supposed to impregnate my fiddie?
Male self inserters get weird about it.
I’ll say it again for the thread.
Elk and his FutaLORDS won.
Simple as.
>we love futa
>i don’t wanna see a gross vagina
fail shitpost step it up tranny
I can't deal with you guys right now. You're just too horny and gay.
My transphobic and racist catboy likes dickgirls. He doesn't want a smelly vagina ruining his sex.
didn't ask didn't read, stay mad at futa, tranny
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>someone mentions futa
>the miera and male middie self inserts melt for 600 posts
Everytime, this is why Malera are the best male character players
sorry I like coors lite
>just left aether
i need to win against this femra and take her body as a prize afterwards
these guys didn't unlock flying at the end of arr
Point to the part in the post where I said it was.
Grrr shemalety!! Scawwy.
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>strip mahjong
>sunnie across from you just discarded one of her honor tiles
You wouldn't dare would you anon? Even if she's one win away from rank 1800?
Also please queue
you are hrothgar
Trans rights to choke on my dick
unironically true
I wish the male characters in this thread weren't biofem simps that try to get a real relationship out of ERP and instead would just plap me and be done with it
>90% of futa isn't herm
t. western tranny that can't tag shit
This but unironically.
Elk mindbroke trannies.
>the fc's resident fat bitch complains about how unhealthy mountain dew is
shut up we've all seen your selfies
miera and catboys are the melters im a middie male and i like futa
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>brand new expansion coming out in 3 days
>thread is nothing but futa/tranny arguments
Ok, I worded that poorly, you're right
What I meant is: If I'm jacking it to girls with dicks (ie, self inserting) I don't wanna see a vagina, ya feel?
But if I'm in the mood for, say, futa on female, then I don't mind
Based, wanna? I haven't showered in 2 weeks, though
Fuck no. Im not doing savage this time, so every AR is going to be someone with more time than me pulling every boss while I just hit it doing less damage than if we had another DPS. Being a tank without raid gear is ass.
where and what am i queuing for you goofy cat
also im ronning instantly i dont give a FUCK
2,361 minutes to go
You will literally never be female no matter how much you cry about hermaphrodites existing in reality or fantasy.
>implying futrannies don't self-insert even more
If you encountered a male that self-inserts unironically, that means you found a hispanic or a jeet. Unlucky.
elk crowe
wtf don't pin this shit on us
the only male who is melting about f*ta is a catboy
can't have SHIT around here...
literally this thread when the promotion started
>nothing to do for 3 days other than shitpost
>people shitpost
What a shock
>this tranny is still losing his mind about futas
Always happens..
are there any straight malera or catboys that like femra, asking for a friend
All this talk about trannies is making me horny
its 2 guys samefagging against one another for 600 posts and the game isnt even down yet. i cant wait for maint
you are literally a tranny in game and irl
trannies love/play futas, keep coping though faggot
aint no way they tried to push good ol fashioned breeding into preg
no sane man wants that responsibility
Azimborean post
Same bro.
futa on femboy is based but thats not what you're saying and definitely not what you mean

my femraen is femhroth owned
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yeah why whats up
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Asmon status?
Bro I'm not melting about futa, I'm trying to get plapped by one. Don't even think about blaming us for this.
Good luck with your surgery! Too bad you won't ever have a real vagina like all futanari do.
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This thread rn
I’m trans and I think futa is cringe and fetishy.
Yeah I love em
>t. Hot single tanned catboy
>gathering aimlessly
>grinding fates
>treasure maps
Fun tedium
Chore that makes me wanna kill myself
Guess which makes more money overall. Fuck's sake.
Wholesome breeding is the best kind
im white
>elk posts
>thread devolves into futa discussion
Calm down shemale. /lgbt/ will coddle you.
>i think this fetish is a fetish
gee, I don't know what we would do without your brains
for real, where are the cute trannies @
buckbroken by fromsoft, will pretend DT is not releasing to cope
Malera looking for some gock to suck.
I'm waiting
not coming back unless his chat bullies him hard for being bad at elden ring
futas pretending that self-inserting as women with cocks isn't gay or tranny adjacent is just bizarre and hilarious, and all you have to do is post once and they'll spend the rest of the thread seething and pissing themselves over it like these >>483382725 >>483382651 >>483382786 genuine repressed trannies
keep being cute
too buck broken by wow to return to ffxiv ever
which races futa cock tastes the best bros?
no thanks tranny
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>Queue CC
>Get all randoms
>All Brynhildr player but me on my team
It was over before it even began
But my character in game has gray skin
I don't really care about the semantics but futa is hot
see >>483382741
and stop using me as an argument.
My FemHroth has a huge, smelly dick
And there's nothing (You) can do about it!
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I'm a diaperfag and I love piss
this is 4chan I can post whatever I want and you can't stop me. That's like half the appeal.
No you should stop jacking off to tranny porn and treat your porn addiction
Do you like maliddies?
who here into /MHIGGERS/ and their fat, bulging black cocks?
Isn't it 2h later than that?
I love putting in no effort and causing fags like >>483382849 to sperg about how much you must be a troon if you like fantasy herms because he spent so much time and money on his own transition and is offended.
and agp isn't "fetishy"?
Femboys are lame. It's better when the bottom is lithe and attractive but can still be recognized as male.
I think the only way we can bridge the hate in this thread is if my catboi and a cute futatranny frot until we bust all over each other.
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fute buns when i make them bottom for the first time in hundreds of years (she was not ready)
Visually and thematically - DSR > TEA > UWU > UCOB > TOP
Based on how fun the fight is - TEA > UCOB > DSR > UWU > TOP
Fuck TOP
2 AM PDT they go down
>Jun. 26, 2024 2:00 a.m. to Jun. 28, 2024 2:00 a.m. (PDT)
do you like fiddies
hey do you
hey stop walking away do you like fiddies hey
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Crystal casual CC @ 7:10 ET
So from my limited knowledge of CC on the desert map

Is it common to tilt when 3 of your team members avoid going into the oasis at the start? It feels like you just know that the game is over at that point, because you're paired with idiots
My sunnie can take both of you at once
AETHER cc doko
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My femlala.. gets ambushed like this...
Femras don't lose though
ty for games everybody
can I eat your femlala
>Is it common to tilt when 3 of your team members avoid going into the oasis at the start?
yes. I just add them to the list of people I run it down on.
I love fiddies... hey...
is elk a good plap?
ritualposting time
he had the retarded idea to do all the side content before progressing like getting the necromancer title and clearing shit like alexander savage at minimum ilvl no echo
big surprise that he burnt out fast
aether cc 8:00 et
i don't have images
it's files.catbox.moe, silly head
ignore everything that your team does wrong unless you mean to take it as something to learn. no one remembers a game past 5 minutes after it happened so it's not worth being mad about it.
>wanted to clean out my inventory tonight before Dawntrail
>feel so sick I have to lie down
>lying down actually makes the cramps worse
>sitting upright on the floor because it's the only comfortable position I can find
Need a chirurgeon to euthanize me immediately
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You can 100% do it if you spam cc for 12h
I can only tell sunnies apart by the taste of their cocks
post yours for examination

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