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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7091 - Espio Won! Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

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>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
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Previous Thread:>>483490818
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uh oh, what's going on here /sthg/?
>sonic is a custom model
>blaze is a barely modified modern model
What is the point of this picture? I just see Sonic being stupid enough to insult the one guy who can easily free him. Also;

>Amy: "I don't care how mean he was, Silver! That doesn't excuse leaving Sonic buried!"

>Silver: "He also said that the only thing worse than being stuck was that annoying pink stalker harassing me WHILE I'm stuck."

>Amy: "...did he really say that?"

>Sonic: "Well, those weren't my EXACT words..."

>Amy: "...leave him behind, Silver."
This has become a rough year for Silver and even rougher for Silverbros.
Storytime Lara Su Chronicles or Spring Break
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this is a shipping thread
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I'm honestly starting to feel bad for Silver, like legitimately.
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There is really no hope for this man after they let IDW drag him like this and it's meant to be canon.
ESLs are not allowed to comment on the english language in America
We just need to have a scene of him relentlessly beating someone to near death
You shouldn't. He's a low quality character.
Silver would be Atashi according to IDW. Lol.
Know what was also canon? Issue 64.
Sonic and the Black Knight was the last real Sonic game
>Amy is introduced as being infatuated with Sonic
>modernshit made it worse
>Tails is introduced as reliant on Sonic for guidance
>modernshit made it worse
>Knuckles is introduced as being played for a fool
>modernshit made it worse
the greatest fictional character of all time
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It was written by that nigga Daniel Barnes, right? Kek, he tried to make Sonic speak the niggerbabble and thought we wouldn't notice. He got flamed HARD by Twitter people kekekekek, not even black sonic fans wants Sonic to act Niggerly
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So what happens in Spring Break, I don't read IDW slop but I need to be prepared when shitposting about it
IDW has a Japanese translation, right? Imagine Silver being drawn like Uwuver and doing this shit but keeping his masculine way of speaking. That sounds really funny actually they should do that here too
Do Lara-Su please.
Silver gets BTFO by Rough and Tumble
>nintendo-exclusive gimmicky bullshit no one wanted or asked for
that is extremely sad
where can I read that shitty spring comic?
Why the fuck is he still voiced by Jojo.
Tangle, Whisper, and Blaze don't appear in it despite being on the cover.
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So he's back to being Axl?
eggman should be killed off
Knuckles was introduced as playing Sonic for a fool. He clowns on Sonic throughout two games. Then after Sonic gives him his best shot in Hidden Palace, Knuckles shakes it off like it's nothing and goes after Eggman.
ok ESL
Is nobody going to point out how odd it was that Rough and Tumble were just allowed to participate in that flower contest despite being escaped felons at this point?
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i wonder how the comic is changed for japan honestly
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Sonic should have a human AU
I guess Barnes' work on Scrapnik Island was more the exception than the rule then.
I hate storyfags so much
the japanese draw silver as a googoo gaga baby bitch too so that ship has fucking sailed
They seem to be treated like mere bullies and troublemakers now.
You say that as if Surge and Kit weren't welcomed with open arms into the Restoration despite the damage they caused and multiple instances of attempted murder.

I'll bet you anything bleeding-heart Amy vouched for them.
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dont think about it
Are there any pics anywhere?
Eggman should have joined in too
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Can we go back to the comics focusing on Fang?
The censored the lesbian pride gradient in that one panel iirc. It was posted here before
Storyfags would have you believe sonic and the black knight is within the top twenty sonic games
IDW flanderizes its own OCs.
There was a time when Sonic games had good stories and good gameplay. But that was before green eyes.
That was fake.
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this is the only eldritch monster I know how to draw. I was also experimenting and trying a no under sketch style so if it looks sloppy as fuck this is why
Sorry let me rephrase it *ahem*
wasn't that penned by Daniel Barnes? Quite the audacious move, attempting to have Sonic engage in what some might dub "niggerbabble" The audacity! He clearly underestimated the discerning eye of the readership, who promptly roasted him for that panel.
Are you satisfied?
That was real.
Cool stuff fwa, very cool.
Knuckles was introduced as a goon for Robotnik who did nothing to stop him while he raided the island for emeralds, destroyed ancient architecture and relaunched the death egg
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Touch fluffy tails
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We have amassed at least 25 years of Silver slander from this year alone with IDW, Twitter memes and Lythero's video
That was proven fake.
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Green eyes robbed us of so much.
fwa called out
That was proven real.
The mandates ultimately saved Shadow from a similar fate.
I just completed Dusty Desert as Silver. Was that part at the end the ball puzzle that's supposed to be super awful, broken and unplayable? It wasn't at all. Things like these make me wonder if the version I'm playing was secretly patched by SEGA or something. It's either this or people just like to constantly lie about this game.
>Marine and Cream playing pranks on Tails while he is sleeping
Did they though? He's not exactly in a great standing as is.

I'm fully convinced he won't come out of the Generations Remaster looking any better.
fuck she's beautiful
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Rest assured Nakamura San will save my boyI'm hoping hard
How did you approach the ball puzzle?
No marine, spitroasting tails is not a prank
That sounds like premise of a porno
I think it's better than being a wimpy, pseudo-gay that everyone still makes fun of like Silver.
Shadow being a cool character from a good game instead of being a lame character from a shitty game is what saved him.
>We raped you in you sleep and made you cum inside us. Now you have to take responsibility haha
mmmmmm micky mouse
eati at mcdonals
its just a good old shaving cream in one hand and feathering his face
practice their stealth infiltration skills
It's better for him to potentially look like budget Vegeta than it is for him to be what Silver currently is.
Nakamura has allowed all this shit to happen for years. He's not gonna fix anything.
like what? Trunks? Trunks isn't in great shape either.
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Penders won.
Does he even know how he's written?
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Why didn't you draw my silly request? I replied first you know? Wasn't that the rule
>10 points to stealing a pair of his socks
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Ok, to end this debate once and for all:
Pretty much every claim that Iizuka said only male hedgehogs can go super, either leads to nowhere or to an unsourced statement on https://ultimatepopculture.fandom.com/wiki/Super_transformation
>Takashi Iizuka has addressed in public that Super States are currently restricted to male hedgehogs, explaining for Knuckles and Tails' loss of their Super States.
This statement seems to be the result of Ian claiming this was the case: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Super_transformation#Trivia
>In both 2015 and 2020, Ian Flynn, a major writer for Sonic's narrative in the series, claimed that "only male hedgehogs" (Sonic, Shadow and Silver) were allowed to assume super transformation, despite Sonic Mania Plus in 2018 giving other characters like Mighty and Ray's Super States of their own.
I refuse to touch Xitter, so I can't confirm. However as the same trivia says later:
>Morio Kishimoto, who has directed most of the major games developed by Sonic Team in recent years, said that he had never heard of such rule, assuming that the Super State users in each released title depended on the games themselves instead.
I found a picture of that tweet:
So, yeah there's no such rule.
Judging by how Japanese Silver has always been written the same, he might not.
Silver stopped being Trunks years ago, now he's a "fluffy uwu boi"
Nakamura is probably completely unaware that the comics exist in the first place.
Now he's Steven.
>People are actually buying it.
Lmao! Archie Sonic died just for this! All my keks!
So is this the equivalent of hate-watching, like how Velma became popular? Or are there people actually invested in Penders' shit?
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I honestly think that going the route of Raiden and redesigning his character alongside a new direction is the only thing that can save Silver's character at this point. The boy just has no dignity left.
No you silly billy, she just chooses the ones she likes and does them whenever
Don't worry, it looks fine. Thanks.
silverfags be like
>yeah rivals is a shitty game but silver is slightly less of a queer!
Shadow was one of the 2 decent characters from a shit game
I hit the ball slightly to the left so it doesn't fall. Then I hit it again, until it reached the boxes, hit it to the direction opposite to the boxes/hole, then forward to the next set of boxes, repeat until the goal.
Rough and Tumble were always low-tier low-threat gooners, if any villains are gonna show up to a silly competition it's gonna be them.
I think the original claim came from the allegedly Sonic Bible during the Meta Era.
Archie SHARTnic fans would love it.
mmmmm torturing coolorfag with my lineart choices
don't worry bb i'll suck you off
Or maybe the whole dumbass concept shouldn't have been in a sonic game
It could have been Surge and Kit instead?
Replace Silver with Sonic, and Rivals with Black Knight.
>Penders won.
What if Silver was made to have the personality of Trunks from DBZ Abridged? His naivety partly just comes from him being slow to grasp how insane everything and everybody is, and being more exasperated by Sonic and Shadow's way of handling things, similar to Amy and Rouge?
Thank God for Penders, shit, he made banks off of it too
Like they'd give a damn about flowers, Rough and Tumble on the other hand are the type to just go "yeah we totally love gardening, always loved it, in fact no one loves gardening more than us" and then bullshit their way around a competition as if they have any clue what they're doing.
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Or, it's a lot more simple than that, super is a blanket term that has 3 separate meanings and everyone is just confused.
>the transformation that only Sonic, Shadow and Silver can achieve at the moment
>transformations achieved with magic rocks in general, including Perfect, Devil, Ultimate, etc.
>gameplay mechanic once you get all 7 emeralds like in Mania and Superstars
>my silly request
>images of third world children burning alive
what the fuck bro
Can you color this, assuming it already isn't colored?
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Found the article that also had the information. Just to be clear, it isn't originally from it, just the alleged information gathered. It's mostly outdated now, though.
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Superstars was the perfect time to address it, and they pulled the concept of super powers out their ass just to put sonic and trip above the rest of the cast
^^;;; Sorry, I unfortunately don't feel comfortable doing that request. I think someone already drew sonic doing the greenshirt guy face though!
The difference between Raiden and Silver is that Raiden was designed to be a bitch on purpose as part of the narrative of MGS2 which made his reinvention in MGS4 serve as sort of a meta joke about how fans reacted to him while still advancing the plot due to his overall relationship with Snake between the MGS titles meanwhile Silver was meant to stand next to Sonic and Shadow as part of the narrative of 2006 but that game failed, people hated him and due to being seen as a liability they basically dropped him into the hands of the fujos instead of actually developing him.
Part of me hates seeing people have to discover how Silver is supposed to be portrayed on their own, but yeah. Silver's naivety is also in reference to his black and white views on justice and his willingness to shoot first and ask questions after. Where if he sees someone suspicious he's going to assume you're actually a murderer and he's going to beat the shit out of you because he just hates the idea of you existing that damn much.
The only thing that can save him is remaking Sonic 06. He can never progress with the shadow of the original game over him as his debut.
What?? No it was this one>>483511935
Aww man I want you to add Surge in it
So what is the point here exactly? I thought the problem was that the "puzzle" was broken, not that the concept exists at all. I also don't see why it shouldn't be in the game, but that's another matter.
An 06 remake wouldn't fix him not accomplishing anything or the comics fucking him up.
It's actually half and half. There are people who unironically can't wait to read it, but those are hardcore Penders fans (which exist).
fwa can you draw me
I remember reading this forum post in like 2014. I still don't know where I can find the original source, whatever this book is. I think it was just made up based on random interviews at this point.
Whos arms was whisper crying in?
Archie comics are the only thing Silver has carrying him.
Male anon.
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Holy shit, just make it fun and interesting to play, it's the fucking gameplay that matters. you guys are fucking stupid
A couple of powerfagging feats doesn't excuse what was literally the spawning ground for IDWver.
Sure!!! Which cute malesonic character are you?
I THINK it was from Sonic Stadium?
GOTF Silver was spawning point of uwuver
I mean that's still just a fan forum. It makes it sound like they had access to this official "Sonic Bible" document that they were supposedly leaking the information of. That's what I want, not some unofficial interpretation of what it says, or whatever that post is.
I think the funniest thing about those feats is that he never actually beat Scourge or Enerjak. Sonic had to trick him into wasting all his energy and he served to distract Enerjak while the other echidna girl got the sword to drain his energy.
I personally like uwuver because I hate silver and want to see his character ruined
Gameplay can't save the character from his reputation as a retarded twink
GOTF was a fujo fancomic.
I used to hate silver but now I want to like him
Odd, this didn't show up no matter how much I searched.
It doesn't seem to be some sort of official page, just some fan from Tumblr (https://aawesomepenguin.tumblr.com/post/618136370788139008/sonic-article-the-2010-sonic-bible-explained ) and it gives no citations. Also aren't the Sonic Bibles notorious for how bad they are?
Yes, and that fujo got her hands on the real thing because of it.
What's wrong with Silver's gameplay?
Oh!!! Can I have your autograph?! How is your husband Elias?
oh please. sonic and shadow have been dragged through the mud far worse and far longer than silver has. but they have the legacy of actually being fun once to keep them afloat
>His stories and characters basically defined all that was Archie Sonic as its identity.
>Demoralized the relationship between Archie and Sega and which paved the way for Archie to drop the license after that clusterfuck second crossover.
>Even though he didn't outright win the case, all his characters were surrendered to him.
>Sega is too piss-scared to introduce more echidnas because of the lawsuit.
>Is about to make millions selling his book based on the universe and characters no matter how grotesque it looks.
Ken literally got away with it and won and his grandkids are probably going to grow up in wealth because of this.
>Cream and Marine sat on the beach outside their tent late at night, looking up at the sky
>The sky was clear with no light pollution or moonlight, the sound of waves calmly lapped the shore
>it was warm summer out, no one else remotely around, and they had nothing important to get up early for
>Marine drifted in and out between casual and dirty conversation and allusions, mind picking, and telling Cream about astronomical and navigational knowledge she knew
>While Cream had been on adventures before with Amy, something about this was different and exciting, being away from her mother , finally making friends with someone her own age, and learning things she would not hear from anyone else, all while not under a threat from eggman or urgency to save the world. She could finally relax in a way she hadnt before
> in this moment, Cream was finding a new sense of independence
Well....he got him.
he looked like a tard, waddling around in 06, while sonic and shadow were at least trying to be exciting
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I like Silver because I found out what he was supposed to be and I really enjoy that concept a lot. Now everytime I see something like IDW it makes me irrationally mad, but that's just what happens I guess. I feel the same way with the other characters as well, but it's definitely the most obvious with Silver.
Archie Silver had a really likeable personality when he wasn't bumbling through his traitor arc. That more than anything is why that version of the character is beloved.
I asked gameplay, not looks
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This is the heart of the matter. Sonic was a Smash hit and so was Shadow but Silver was stillborn. People hated him in 2006 and the only thing which changed is that people hate him less now.
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I (Espio's human wife) drew a silly little lizard and a silly little whatever the hell this is.
>Espio OP
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Picrel but with Shadow
>Silver is modern Mighty
Well they both like world peace
It's actually much more simple: As Kishimoto basically said, it depends on the games.
It's... Perfect.
it was sluggish, finicky and tedious. it exposed how little sonic team actually understood shadow's success, by making silver a hedgehog but denying him the traits of a jump ball, spindash or any kind of speed
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>and the only thing which changed is that people hate him less now.
"Now" they just laugh at him. I don't anyone really "hates" Silver anymore. They just find him a joke. Something you don't take seriously.
Let me guess, you're a Sonic youtuber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12DvWdZaH9k
>Rouge's counterpart is Trip
>Shadow's is Fang

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I gotta finish reading the 4th one soon.
It's the 2020s and hate is masked under ironic humor now. Look at Velma with how many people clown on it.
Thanks, I hate it.
cute chameleon.
That is truly horrific, you got the penderisms down perfectly. Espio looks great as usual.
He was supposed to be a mink before the team made Nakamura change it.
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>Well they both like World Peace
literally me fr fr
They wanted to make a telekinesis focused character, so that's what he revolves around. It seems you want him to be something he isn't instead of looking at what he is.
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woah, a true scholar amongst our midst
So who is the OMEGA?
>3 Hedgehogs
How many times are you going to repost this?
>Shadow's is Fang
It isn't actually Metal Sonic who is Classic Shadow?
EggRobo is Classic Omega.
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The unsourced statement on Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki (garbage btw) originally came from Sonic Fandom Wiki https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Super_transformation?oldid=2103291, I think they just copied the page years ago and the Sonic Fandom Wiki page was edited since.
nigga, don't look at me. i'm just trying to explain why this fruitcake gets clowned on so much, and why sonic team gave up on him
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What would you have made her do haha?
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Amy's tig ol' biddies!
I stalked Ian's reddit account and learned that he dislikes eating mayo so now I put mayo on all my sandwiches to pwn him
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Oh man, It's fucking painful
Get naked and let me play with her ears
BJ or somethin', I guess.
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Silver's potential...
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it's in the filename
If Silver was written in-character in Spring Broken, he would've joined Vector, Tails, and Sonic on the case to solve the mystery just because of the whiff of injustice and foul play afoot, but it's just a wet blanket in the comic.
Why Ian dislikes mayo?
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Kinky mexican wrestling roleplay
I get the concept of Silver, Nakamura just failed that concept.
Sonic champions movement with speed.
Shadow circumvents movement with warping.
Silver controls movement with psychokinesis.
goons, not gooners
>Silver starts heavily drinking every time an IDW issue that features him is released.
Silver is a cursed character. The movies will butcher him too.
There would have been a scene of Silver thrashing Rough and Tumble like a maniac just because he thought they'd be the likely culprits.
It's gotta be some failure when even Twitter doesn't like an IDW Sonic comic.
I also eat a lot of mayo.
>Silver controls movement with psychokinesis.
but the ass munchers at sonic team needed to drag the game out as long as possible so he's on foot most of the time
I don't think Silver can even work in the movies since Movienic is quite similar to the current portrayal of Silver, but is more energetic and witty. Unless Fowler really wants to lean on the Trunks analog and just watches the Android/Cell Saga to get the gist of a "Trunks the Hedgehog".
I remember being so impressed by the character shadows in SA2.
Why are mobians more deserving of compassion and understanding
Gabs seems to be in full-on cope mode.
What she say?
>>Sega is too piss-scared to introduce more echidnas because of the lawsuit.
>>Is about to make millions selling his book based on the universe and characters no matter how grotesque it looks.
Why? Because of Spring Broken? Doesn't she write Silver that way?
silverCOCKchads i....i....give me strength.....*cough* *hack*
They deserve what they give out
On the bright side Movienic being so close to Uwuver, as well as Silver being an antagonist, might actually force them to portray Silver closer to his aggressive and manic anti-hero depiction.
>Spring broken was bad, it gets a half pass because the writer isn’t even from sonic, so probably didn’t know the characters. Still weird how between the main book and the one shot, there is no common ground. Silver action were very anti silver, even comparing to victory garden
She's also gotten sick of uwuver
Dead serious.
I'm starting to feel bad for the lil' potential fella
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Mostly a bunch o' pussies.
>draws uwuver
>says she hates uwuver
>keeps drawing uwuver
She gets what she paid for.
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>knuckles in sonic 3
I'm probably one of the oldest anons in this thread, and I still lose my mind everytime I replay SA1 or Heroes, because of the footprint effects on the sand
Kids these days don't know how amazingly futuristic that shit was back then
I know what I said.
I see. It's unsourced there as well.
She got baited by one of the covers with Blaze and Silver.
What is even his "potential" again? Coming out of the closet?
neat, thank you!
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I'm tempted to assume Blaze WAS supposed to be in the issue but Sega said no and it was too late to remove her.
I'm getting tired of blaze being in art pieces or group images she has no business being in
being remotely fun to play in a remotely finished game
I'm like that but with some seventh gen games rather than sixth gen
>too late
This comic was delayed two months
To be fucking fair here, WHY is Blaze on the cover if she's not in the issue?
Never stopped Knuckles from doing the same thing.
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Jewel so fuckin' fine.
Probably to remove Blaze from the issue. Kek.
Would an open world have been a better fit for Silver than Sonic? I feel like Silver's powers would have made him a better fit in that regard
Maybe that's WHY it was delayed?

Delays are nothing new for IDW, but two months is a bit long even for them.
>>Is about to make millions selling his book based on the universe and characters no matter how grotesque it looks.
This is the second worst outcome for him behind a total flop. If he makes a significant amount of money then Archie and maybe even Sega will come after him but this time they'll actually care. And rather than going for a reasonable out-of-court settlement they'll be looking for a hard win or, if that's not possible, will threaten to clean out his savings with a drawn out battle so he'll accept a much worse settlement this time.
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I have the hots for Jewel
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Shitver was never good
IDW was never good
Every single character so far has been mutilated into a caricature of how ian see's them in his headcanon. Just OOC moments everywhere. Not even IDW's own OCs are safe from being flanderized into one note shitty friend fodder.
Sonic comics in general was never good with the exception of universe.
There was no way for them to make a third of a game's worth of sickass psychokinetic dogfighting spectacle or whatever. At least that's obviously the way to go when you acknowledge that the Tornado sections were a Panzer Dragoon reference.
I doubt it. If they wanted to sweep him legally, they could've done it when his case was going on and any point before this moment in time. They obviously don't care.
The reason no more echidnas have been introduced in the main games is because SEGA for a long time had decided to focus on Sonic. Even now that they're using more of their already existing characters, they seem to be cautious about making a game with all the them, so adding more in the near future seems unlikely. Also pretty much all his attempts at using "his character" have failed. Spectacularly.
either silver would be painfully slow or devcheat-tier broken
I think so. Silver being able to fly around with esp abd manipulate objects puts me in mind of gravity rush. I think map design has a shitton _otential with him in mind.
Yes, unlocking cool new moves and a focus on combat and exploration fits very well with Silver, or Blaze for that matter. A Frontiers game in Silver's future, or with Blaze in the Sol Dimension would be cool as hell.
We don't know
It's just nice to see even the twittards can't prop this one up.
>maybe they've been changed but I wouldn't call it mutilation or anything like that
>hard disagree archie was amazin
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Fine taste.
Link to full?
We've been over this. Frontiers gameplay fits Silver better than Sonic.
I remember someone saying in a previous thread that Ian stated that Universe had mandates and the main comic didn't. I don't know if that's true, but it rattled me regardless.
They haven't cared because he hasn't been making big bucks or cutting into their bottom line. If his ideas actually took off to a significant amount of success then the crooks would absolutely be after him.
Open worlds should be slow for the most part
Yeah, I thought so too, especially when I saw ultrahand in TOTR. Link had very silver-esque abilities in the game
We can only hope it happens someday. But I doubt it will happen within the next 10 years
The head looks alright but the body is pretty terrible.
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Why? Frontiers doesn't fit Silver, it may be open world, but an open world SILVER game would be way different than Frontiers
I think someone said Sega oversaw Universe more compared to the main comic.
so the ai fwa pics are just contentschizos newest plan to scare someone off right
Lets see yours then.
We'll see. Either Ken succeeds in giving corps a massive middle finger or we get Shade back.
>read the thread ready to be a disaster
>specially people shitting on silver
>literally a comedy issue + shit wiring
lmao jesus you overreact so much
At the most I'd just want a game that explains who the current Silver is, if he's not from 06 then what's his deal?
This is the kind of strange and nearly inexplicable management decision that I expect from sega so I can believe it.
We're not freaking out, we're casually shitting on Silver.
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A whole special of Silver being a retarded Twink on top of everything else he's gotten this year is not helping.
>lmao jesus you overreact so much
You're surprised by this? They think Silver having a gardening hobby makes him a faggot.
I think you forgot something.
It does.
This has to be the most overlooked Sonic music track. It might be a top 10 for me personally, it's really damn smooth. The part from 1:40 is so wistful and reflective. I never get tired of it, sometimes I listen to it for like two hours straight whilst browsing the '4

https://youtu.be/86p0308-WB4 (Sonic The Hedgehog - Dusty Desert Ruins)
It does
there is a lot of insecure people here o its not a surprise
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Farming is manly
Gardening is for faggots
They are not the same
Why would he have a gardening hobby? He's entirely dedicated to protecting the innocent and ensuing the safety of the natural world. He should be out planting entire forests worth of trees or rescuing people from Eggman attacks or natural disasters.
Silver planting an entire farm for disaster relief could also be cool.
I like gardening and sucking cock.
So yes Silver is a faggot as I speak from experience.
Silver should be doing full on reforestation, not fucking around with flowers and fruits.
Could have sworn the idea was starting a garden as a gesture of fixing his own world/time/whatever.
This. If Silver was a farmer that would be different. Being a farmer actually helps people since you're supplying food for the populace. Sounds like something Silver would do on that count alone.
>giving corps a massive middle finger
there never wouldve been a court case if he had been a real artist instead of working for the man in the first place
hes a poser that signed up to be part of the machine and then got pissy that he was just another cog even though it was his own decision
>entire farm
This is the type of creative powerfagging that I love.
Which character doesn't have shitty friends?
Silver is not a sissy.
Part of Silver's character is trying way to hard and biting off more than he can chew. He should be straining his powers in an attempt to better the world and help others, and if anything he would find a flower contest as a waste of time like Shadow would, even if he would respect the idea of one because of his love for nature and natural beauty.
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I dunno man
Blaze seems like a pretty shitty friend to have
Yeah it's Marine because her personality would mean she would ditch Blaze at some point.
Marine will never be ruined by the shitty friends meme.
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Been having lots of fun learning to paint today!
Might take a few requests just to practice some more.
Draw Tangle making this face.
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Eggpawns! Don't care what they're doing!
i mean if i'm a survivor of some close to an apocalypse i am cherishing every moment on a normal world nd being very overprotective so nothing can go wrong again
He's a flowery, timid, stupid, slutty, affectionate klutz.
He's not just a sissy, he's a fucking girl.
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Marine pedaling one of those japanese goose boats, please
Sex with Zeena
are drawfags just the sonic to contentschizos eggman?
Tangle dressed as Yamato or Luffy
Sex with Xes
Silver is a protector of the future and sees value in maintaining the long-term health of the planet.

>vanity gardening
Silver is a tourist from the future that is fascinated by things he doesn't experience often and sees value in short-term fun.
Gabs is funny, because she's the one parroting Uwu gayboy loser Silver in her fanarts, but then she hates it when people actually perceived him that way? I try call her out on it and she fucking blocked me? dumb bitch
Why is Silver such a sissy. Who asked for this
Where are his panties...?
An autist with enough drive to make her dream a reality
she and evan did the same damage sadly
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IDW doesn't understand his backstory beyond "he's from a devastated future". Having to fight and struggle through hell, constantly being surrounded by enemies, being aggressive due to growing up in a hostile environment, his empathy and love of smiles because he was surrounded by people living despair, his drive to protect peace. None of that is explained to the writers at all.
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>Zeti mating involves the female biting off the male's penis once finished for some reason
Whisper surrounded by a pile of candy wrappers and cookie boxes
Zetis don't have genitals.
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He already finished that picture.
Silver creating a comically large Minecraft tier farm so he can sustain his coleslaw addiction
Rogue is black and red, genius.
Reforestation is the best course of action precisely because Silver's from the future.
By the time he gets home, all of the trees he planted in the past would've been fully grown, he technically doesn't have to wait for them to grow at all.
It's a step above what Sonic did to make good futures in CD, instead of preventing damage to nature as a precautionary measure, he's actively cultivating the ecosystem.
The whole idea behind the garden is that he never had lush plant life in his bad future. It's trauma baby crap for Steven Universe the Hedgehog, not some one who lives to help others.
Seconding this, eggpawns are so cute
wait Josh Trujillo wrote the issue? PFHHAHAHHAHAHAH
no fucking wonder
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Why? what did he do before?
That's what I said.
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Big brain post
Forget the stupid Time Stones
THIS is the one thing from Sonic CD that Silver should use
What was the question?
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Don't make the pictures. I just repost them, ol buddy ol pal of mine.
what the fuck
>he ships Fang and Blaze
they are making Silver act like a goddam alien to his own planet because he is from the future
what is colesaw?
when and where bb
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Can do!
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Sonic characters for this feel?
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do we have any piece of art of Silver eating coleslaw but in a retarded uwu way
Doffy literally is just a young eggman
Not yet.
need some good music
Mimic is the closest thing
Why doesn't Silver just kill himself?
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black ice by stu hamm
That would involve Mimic actually succeeding as a villain skilled with deception, and he's proven to be more of a short-sighted moron who needed authorial bias to keep his current identity from being exposed.
Mommy Blaze won't let him
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It's hard to write smart characters if you aren't smart yourself.
Silver's body is half as strong as Tails' is!
Damn those rings are low poly...
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i need to see silver being surprised by cd roms
What's funny is that Xitter clearly wants to call Uwuver a faggot, but can't because they would get cancelled in a heartbeat.
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According to Taxman Lagoon City Zone was supposed to be a Mania stage.
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exe stuff is really its own thing now, and by now I mean as of years ago
>one of the best songs in the game was a holdover from mania
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That's not what your screenshot says, it only talks about the music, the zone was different
>That would involve Mimic actually succeeding as a villain
he got his team killed just like dofly killed his brother
..You guys hear that?
>this was Heavy Rider’s original stage
Learn to read kek.
Doflamingo killed his brother personally, Mimic was too much of a pussy to do it himself since he needed Eggman to do it with a trap involving his androids.
That's referring to Hidden Palace Zone, for which the music was originally conceptualized. Then the music was completed and used for a different zone in a different game.
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i like playing as the golddigger bat cunt in sonic adventure 2 but hate the levels so fucking much they are a god damn drag.
Is it time for this to go back to being a boy's series yet
he is happy
what about you anon?
It was time for that a while ago.
Delicious sound.
other than the Egypt one not really
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I was just kidding, guys.
The back of Rouge's head is so enticing just look at how scritchable those ears are
>even comparing to victory garden
What did she say about Victory Garden?
>Rouge moments before doing sex at me
About what?
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>Silver does get his own game but it's just a shitty Animal Crossing ripoff
I will be the one to set your Knuckles free, true
Cleanse yourself of them cum stains that's in you
Streaking doo-doo, loud sounds
Are the elements that keep me cucking
I am fucking my own ancestors
Nothing's gonna stand in my way
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I'm gonna be honest, I don't really see the issue with Silver being kind of feminine, because I think the dynamic it can create with both male and female characters around him can be interesting. There are degrees of masculinity and femininity, it's a gradient that exists in real life. To put this another way, I'm not sure what people want or expect Silver to be that doesn't result in him stepping on someone else's toes when you take him out of a vacuum.

Sonic and Shadow are both assertive types that take initiative often.
Shadow and Knuckles are both stoic badasses.
Sonic and Knuckles are both reckless hardheads when they want something done.

If you want to give Silver any or all of these traits, you're shoving him into spaces that are already occupied and just pointing out the fact that he was truly a mistake of a character and doesn't have anywhere to belong. Silver has become the way he is because he needs a personality niche to fill. There's nothing wrong with him being on the more feminine side of the slider, it's realistic and if he was written right it'd give him ways to bounce off of everyone else.
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I still don't have much experience with rendering metal, but I'll try again some other day.
because it was entire focus on comedy without nothing worth salvaging
like the cheapest comedy with all those reaction faces
this is nothing new from Trujillo
Chaotix? didn't do shit
Myserty? none
jokes? reaction faces
Well just because its an inaccurate portrayal doesn't mean its inherently bad
He is a warrior from hell on earth and a juvenile immature teenager. It makes no sense for him to be a faggot.
i want to put my penis in blaze
Sorry, I'm no going to be compelled by a character that acts like a fag.
It makes total sense for him to be a faggot for that reason. He was given literally no time or opportunity to emotionally develop outside of fighting.
no what he is a fish out the water but on a more positive side
This entire shit is a problem because women are writing with that awful "muh baby" mentality
he can be more sensible and even slow to adequate to the present but what Evan writes is an entire different character
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Silver isn't supposed to be stoic at all, he's the light to Shadow's dark, the manic and aggressive one who cares so much about the world and it's people that he's driven into a righteous rage without even thinking, as opposed to Shadow who at times doesn't even seem to know why he cares to protect the world at all, remaining cold and distant. Sure they're similar, but Silver is far different enough to stand on his own, and he doesn't deserve to have his whole character retconned and destroyed just because you think it's better this way.
Then commit to it by making him gay.
better hope shadow's symbiote wings keep him above a 74/100
The fuck is wrong with you? He can absolutely be all those things. He is literally fucking trunks and should stick with that character basis. You know why people like trunks? Because despite him living in a shitty future, he has his father's pride and cockiness and it shows. He usually is grounded and down to earth, but in a fight, when he cracks a smile, you see that other side of him that makes him fucking cool.

THAT'S what silver SHOULD be. That's what he WAS in 06 and rivals. Don't even TRY to take that away from him. He IS assertive. He IS a cocky asshole. He IS reckless with a heart of gold. He's fucking silver the hedgehog.
>a life of constant fighting, struggle and suffering will make you gay
what did he mean by this?
I'd fuck Silver
trvth nvke kicked up the dust good work
eh silver really represents bad end sonic aka sonic on full despair
He spent his time in-between fights protecting the innocent survivors of his ruined future. Silver being an emotionally stunted loner is headcanon.
Silver should be written like this but with altruism

Could be.
...I can't believe my very eyes. A tumblrfag that actually...gets silver? What kind of sorcery is this?
you're right, Silver should act like Porky in that video
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Pretty sure it is.
this kinda gets it more than Evan at least
Built for COCK
I don't care what these IDW FAG writers say
Jen-hen sama...
based and based, these are true silverfags
I have never seen a more grabbable groin
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Silver is about hope in spite of hopelessness, even if he fails to keep up the chipper attitude like Sonic manages to. Silver should never stop fighting as long as there's the slightest chance that he could still pull through, and as long as a single person needs his help he'll never stop fighting, even if it means he needs to abandon his time and change the past to do so.
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The way silver taunts sonic in 06 will forever live in my head rent free. The way he just walks up on him as he's been brought to his knees from silver's esp attack as silver throws his arms up with so much arrogance HOLY FUCK pete killed it with this scene Its so FUCKING GOOD
Tangle when she sees HUMAN COCK
Replace "chicken" with "Iblis Trigger" and "eat" with "kill" and I'd say you're good lol.
Where's the silvaze guy?
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the only reason he believed mephiles is because it was the last chance to save his future
he represent the last hope , total despair the last light and opportunity to change course
is a twisted version of a hero
for me its this pose easily my favorite moment of him
for me it's hot because age difference and cucking sonic. that's what he gets for what he did to tails anyways.
>age difference
wtf are you talking about. Shadow is basically the same age as sonic
I love how much of a shithead he is to sonic. We don't get to see it anymore these days but I SWEAR silver just HATED the fuck of sonic back then. Even in rivals he treats him with near vehement levels of disgust it's hilarious
>cucking sonic.
>what he did to tails anyways.
What are you even talking about?
character ai is far too cringe to be usable
it's a worse writer than ian is
and that's saying something
He's an Archiefag, just leave him to his padded room.
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For me, it's the part where he goes
>Is this a joke? How could someone as weak as you cause the destruction of our world?
shadow is way older than sonic.
Come on Ian is a semi-competent writer don't say that
raped to death
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Classic shadamy KEKs
Picking the scraps that CHADnic leaves behind
He never wanted that roastie
Too much of a BASED cunny enjoyer
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>age difference
Stasis is the most realistic form of time travel.
>cucking sonic
They are not even dating.

The second most famous slap in archie.
Silver doesn't actually hate Sonic, if anything he's inspired by all the good he does, even if he thinks that Sonic could spare some more time to play hero. The only reason Silver was so antagonistic to Sonic in 06 was because he was lead to believe that ALL of the death and destruction in his future was caused by him, and he wanted to torment him as a result because he believed he deserved it for all he did. Silver does this to any monstrous villains he comes across, simply because that's just how highly he values the lives of the innocent and the safety of the world, and that any threat to them deserves the worst he can offer.
Also a good line.
okay but what is CHADnic what is that
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Master and Student shouldn't fuck.
I like it because Sonic gets to be by himself. Free as the wind. I don't honestly think he would care that much about being cucked, he doesn't seem like that type of guy.
he's shit and he needs to fuck off before he does any more damage to the brand
well good thing they don't i guess
i fucking love that scene because represent how silver was ready to kill the iblis trigger to save his future at any cost but then he says sonic doesn't look or feel like it can destroy the world hence the "is this a joke" comment , dude got that something fishy was going there but because he is so desperate he still tried to end sonic right there. Amy protecting Sonic make him doubt what he was doing was good.
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She knows how to seduce a man.
A fucking attosecond
Hahaha honestly can't help but admire the guy taking on these big corporations and succeeding and then flourishing afterwards not to mention doing all of this while being one of the most cringe people to ever live

kinda based
amy loves black creatures. shadow the (black) hedgehog
Superman would win
Oh I just mean hate in the tsundere kind of way. Even in TSR he gets annoyed by sonic's laid back nature in the face of the uncertainness he's been feeling. He absolutely does respect sonic but every now and again It's like he wouldn't mind pushing sonic off a cliff just for the fun of it.
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Sonic WISHES he was that fast.
*destroys the entire of sonic universe with ease*
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Sonic would do that because he's a slut for humans and kryptonians are just better humans
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need I remind you what the "S" on his chest stands for?
sonic could not beat super man but maybe shadow could.
*smacks ya ass*
no he isnt. If you were cryogenically frozen for 50 years you'd still be an underaged faggot
superman dresses like a faggot
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Not even close
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>"hehe, now it's your turn Mister..."
I believe Sonic is faster. He is a speedster with access to the one thing more powerful than the speed force: the toon force.
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>Father... I'm in love... With... With... Miles Prower....
Look I know that you're mad that your favorite fanfics have been made fun of and that people mock Superman for his son being gay and Lois cheating on him with Batman, but you can't just keep raiding every thread you see and posting nonsense.
sonic is a faggot
You need a real man.. not some kid...
He's not really a cartoon character though...
Amy, that's Silver
It used to be a lot better before 20 lobotomies and ever-increasing censorship. That said I use GPT and Claude models these days, but if you use instruct models enough they begin to feel soulless.

Hoping aetherroom is good (chatbot NAI is cooking).
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>Father... I'm in love with Sonic....
Sorry, Tails....
Sonic... Sage is just a distraction...
why is she so perfect?
Whoops... Meant for: >>483531550
Chatbot chatbot chatbot everything ugh why can't we just go back to the old days of autocompletion models
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>Straya loli
Distraction..? Nah, I just go with the flow. And so should you! Enjoy life to the fullest!
>Picks up sage and runs off
They're essentially very sophisticated autocompletion models, anon.
Sage wants to be Sonic so she can have Tails
I'm glad the Silver problem is finally being addressed. I didn't think it was something the fandom was ready for yet.
The huge tits help, too
that is not even superman , its prime
i checked the rape tag on the booru and you guys rarely draw rape there's literally one page
Sage liking Tails makes sense, Tails liking Sage I'm not so sure. What could Sage do to get his attention?
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Of course.
Ara ara? :3
>*Chases after the crying fox boy*
well people also just dont tag shit
or even upload it come to think of it
like is sparky getting buttraped by hella even on the booru
How do we save Silver?
It's not a way past cool thing to do.
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>Sage this is so wrong! You can't just pretend you're Sonic and-
>Are you not enjoying this?
>No! I'm not!-
>You namesakes say otherwise, Miles.
>*His tails wag uncontrollably*
Rerelease 2006 without any major changes.
unless sega actually want to do stuff with him there is nothing there
also Evan is a legit problem because her writing go to parody levels of uwu
Big fucking same
Tails wife
>Sonic runs off with sage to fuck
>Sage seduces tails by turning into sonic
>Rouge hunts down tails after sonic steals sage from him

>Random marine lusting

Only on /sthg/.
which comic is it that everyone is shitting on silver for? i'm still catching up on the comics he seems fine so far
he needs to appear on a movie , tv show or game doing something cool and having an arc
other than that you are just putting a band aid on the problem and making things worse
It's time to face
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Sonic fell for Sage's trap and is being GOOSH GOOSHED by Eggman
>>Random marine lusting
It's not random to be attracted to such a perfect woman
evan has done irreversible damage to Silver
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Buck breaking in the sonic universe
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Black alien hedgehogs get the least screen time.
Remaking 06, Nakamura's dream coming true and Silver finally gets his own game, or the movies portray him in a better light and that becomes the Silver that pops into everyone's mind due to the normie exposure.
Do you still do horny drawings?
remaking 06 is unironically a waste of resources
because i am 100% sure SEGA is going to fucked up again
and you cannot imagine the level of scrutiny a remake/remade 06 could bring
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Someone should redraw one of those Saitama and Tatsumaki doujins,
but with Sonic and Sage
At MOST perhaps she understands that's a fanon thing and not the actual Silver.
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>Nnng, you're not... getting away with this... EGGMAN-
>*Sonic glances at the active monitor. Sage is kissing Tails disguised as him...*
The Mina yesterday wasn't exactly lewd but was definitely horny.
Can you draw this happening with Whisper and a male Anon? >>483518781
i fucking hate sage for what she represents
she killed eggman as a character but this place is not ready for this conversation yet
she didn't
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She's just Eggman's Bowser Jr. She's not gonna diminish Eggman's villainy.
No fuck off
I'm not an artist.
2006 doesn't need a remake. If you have a problem with it that isn't "I hate everything about this game down to its core ideas" then it's something they could patch or change. The idea that this game is somehow fundamentally broken is anti-Adventure propaganda. If you like Adventure and have a problem with 2006, it's most likely something that could be patched or added.
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post the full one you coward
She has the potential to ruin Eggman's character. If she just goes all out on being just as evil and obsessed with world domination as Eggman she just becomes another version of Metal Sonic if instead of hating Eggman he worshiped him.
sonic is slow as shit? silver is slow as shit? shadow mechanics are unfun to the point of being unplayable
So it's exactly as I said, make a patch to make them faster. I don't know what Shadow mechanics you're talking but again it's most likely something that could be fixed with a patch instead of a full remake.
>2006 doesn't need a remake
>a guy spent a good portion of his life making it better
A guy who doesn't have access to the original source code. I'm talking about SEGA.
i mean it already exist , is called project soleanna
but that is for hardcore sonic fan , not the general public
that is what you are not taking account
Why do you think they sold LW and colors? because the reception they got first
very silly very nice
It needs a remake because the PS3 state of the art is super dated by now.
*the mod is called legacy of solaris
my fault
the models , all the cut content , the bugs that are code base
Just imagine if something like Colors HD happened to the remaster of 06
this is why i only trust fans to do it justice
Nobody cares about Lost World. That game is proof that all those demands "Sonic should be like this, not like that!", no, nobody cares actually. Nobody talks about that game, nobody plays it. Same goes for the Boom games. Actually, those are even worse.


>already starts bullying Tails the first time she sees him
We know.
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It's a great game it just has a bad story. If you put the same gameplay in a game with a good story everyone would praise it and see it for how good it is.
We'd need to start from scratch.

I'd want him to be a primitive psychic, an actual unga bunga, a futuristic Tarzan who's first solution to any problem is to hit the problem with large rocks and he talks telepathically because what the fuck is language.
A lot of Sonic fans like the story, especially the Mephiles stuff.
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That would be really funny.
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whisper..... whisper!!!
>A guy who doesn't have access to the original source code. I'm talking about SEGA
There is a high chance Sega doesn't have it either all things considered
>Lost World
Lost World
Holy shit
Oh, sorry.
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>better models
>fix gameplay so is fast and feels good to play - everyone but blaze is fucked
>new engine
>introduce cut content
>fix the story and kill the kiss at the end
>new cgi scenes
>cool easter eggs
>fix the boss battles
>upgrade soleanna
>clean textures
this is the bare minimum for a good remaster of 06
the only good thing from that game was the level design
i don't trust sega at all
sonic fans when characters develop
I don't like this joke, it reminds me of how flanderization turned knuckles into an idiot and that makes me sad.
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>kill the kiss at the end
Double Down, make it longer
More tongue
They could do all this and non fans will still say the same things.
He's still one of the goats despite it
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instead of kissing elise will ride sonic's erect nose
That actually hurt my feelings, what the fuck, man?
Have her take Sonic's dead hands and put 'em on her tits 'n ass!
Thoughts on Sally Acorn?
>>fix the story and kill the kiss at the end
Stop with this meme
>Elise has uninterrupted graphic breeding sex with Sonic's dead body and gets pregnant
I will now play your game.
espio clears by putting bitchnic on the floor
What if instead of the kiss she had to stroke Sonic's cock to get him revved up
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Overrated, why didn't people rally for the cool cyborg instead? We even got a replacement on with Rusty Rose, even though she wasn't as cool.
whisper is sexy because she always looks like she's on the verge of tears
what do you think of the 3DS version?
She sucks Sonic's soul out of the air and blows it back into his penis like a balloon.
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haven't played it but it looks alright
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Do you think Fiona would have eventually fallen in love with Tails if he had persevered?
based , fuck lanoshit
Her one normal arm bothers me, give her four robot limbs for the sake of symmetry and we'll talk.
see >>483536145
violently ooc, fiona would fuck ANYONE before Tails.
>All gold fur
Looks better imo
So the issue with 2006's gameplay is that the characters are, slow, then? Other than Blaze, apparently. Is that what's ruining the experience for most people?
>classic tails watching his future self grow up to be a bitch
no? he basically felt in love with a robot
if you think yes then you are a pathetic self insert because those two don't match together
barbie on the other hand... why the fuck wasn't she his wife in the future instead the choose....mina lmao
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oh great it's fetish shit
>Silver in the back
>"So this is the Iblis trigger!!"
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It might be her boobs.
whisper is maximally kissable
Not sure how that's a big ask, but sure.
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lemur robot pussy...
every single character non named blaze is unfun to control and play
add the bugs and the game is a legit chore to going trough
Name one Sonic character that hasn't been fucked by shitty writing since their debut

Knuckles became an absolute fool
Rouge isn't allowed to actually do villainous things anymore the most she did was steal a fake chao egg in a non canon spin off free VN nobody played
Tails gets more and more cowardly by the year
Amy went from violent stalker to mary sue who was reconned as always being able to fight on her own and keep up with Sonic even gets to roll and spin dash now
Shadow went from chunni confused boy to cell saga Vegeta
Silver went from determined quick shot to basic bitch who needs a cat to hold his hands
Blaze went from hard ass who can only be friends with little girls to Silver's baby sitter and soft tsundere
Cream went from brave kid to befriending super beings like Gemerl, Ariam and Blaze only to never really see any of them again in actual games
Omega never changed they just dialed him up to 100 and made him a meme factory
Big never changed he just became a meme
Chaotix never changed from heroes they're just super easy to write
Eggman went from dangerous guy nobody really takes seriously to to guy who seriously needs to die by western standards
Sonic went from a guy who doesn't give much thought to his actions but really fucking hates true scumbags to a guy who gives weird hypocritical speeches about controlling others while saying he doesn't want to control others

I can't believe IDW peaked at the return of Metal Sonic arc and it's been downhill ever since, I can't believe sega peaked at 2005 and it's been all downhill since but most of all, I can't believe that these characters have such loyal fanbases even through all they do is fight each other and sega over how this character is suppose to be, how they want them to be and how they ought to be.

Fucking schizo franchise, I think the only thing anyone can agree on is that the deadly six fucking suck as characters

If Shade was brought back do you know what IDW would do with her?
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Tails is an incel nerd loser and Fiona took advantage of him specifically because she knew she could to go get what she wanted. That kind of power move is like the female equivalent to a man getting someone to do what he wants under threats of violence. Tails got played and the lessons to be learned from it are to not be a pussy ass bitch ass nigga loser and to never hook up with a hoe purely for her looks. If you wanna fuck her and then dump her than whatever. But if you want a relationship than you can't just look at physical beauty but how beautiful is her soul, because you can meet women who are very beautiful physical but fucking ugly on the inside; and if they're ugly on the inside than they're just ugly...Unless you just want to pump and dump but even then, don't trust a hoe.
>even gets to roll and spin dash now
it was a shit idea for her or silver to not be able to do so in the first place
eggman deserved to become eggdad
I don't get it though, I'm playing it and I'm having fun. The bugs are mostly in mach speed and some of the vehicles sections, most of the game works fine so my overall experience isn't ruined. The only thing I miss is the Spin Dash, one that actually works like in previous games at least, but I can also accept it's not designed with it in mind and play it how it is.
Based Sonic.
>every character but one is slow
>the one that isn't slow gets almost nothing
>want more 06 Blaze gameplay? Buy Sonic 06's paid dlc
I have no words.
>they killed off the only good player character for a story beat
In what way is Blaze faster? Is it just because of her sort of Homing Attack move, or whatever it's called? I like that move.
>I don't get it though, I'm playing it and I'm having fun
well, fuckin whoopty doo. most people hated it and one nigga isn't enough revenue
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I think she did try to change but got shunned continuously by the FF themselves due to her past, so she realized she had to embrace her identity and became the antagonist everybody thought she was. It's quite sad because she was abandoned and had to chose being evil to survive, that's the only life she knew.
anon a normal guy playing for the first time and even sonic fan is not going to have fun
the adventure moveset is gone , the hitbox is all over the place , omega/tails are fucked beyond repair
amy is literally a punishment
glad you are having fun but from the majority of people i talked the response is always the same
>the only tolerable gameplay was blaze
cut content like they took half of the game to finish on time
fiona and wade should be friends because they're both losers
maybe she shouldn't have opened with abusing a little kid if she wanted to be accepted
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Blaze dying was so weird to me as a kid. It was like one of those edgy animes where they clearly want you to feel sad but they didn't do anything of note but exist
I'm just trying to understand what problem(s) people have with it exactly. I went in thinking it was going to be an unplayable mess full of bugs and broken controls from beginning to end, but it really isn't at all.

I am playing it for the first time. So far I found Amy to be the least enjoyable character, but Tails and Omega had some of my favorite parts in the game.
What abuse? She turning him down isn't abusive.
Why are we even talking about 06 when Project 06 fixed it like 2 years ago? It even added back the cutscenes in stage that they lost and fixed the friends shitty gameplay
kill yourself sexist
We're not allowed to talk about the original game because an incomplete fan remake exists? That doesn't make sense.
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P06 isn't the official version.
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>Wake up Tails!
People think the original 06 did nothing wrong
because people want SEGA to sell the game officially for some reason
P06 is vandalism, they take the refined gameplay of the actual 06 and turn it into the slippery slop that is SA2
I relate to Fang, because I am a coward and weak and I stink.
Even if it was I would still be interested in talking about the original.

Where are these people? I've heard several claims to their existence but I've never seen them. I'm the only one who is here right now defending its gameplay and I certainly don't think it did nothing wrong. It's often hard to find even a single individual who speaks well of this game in any way.
>I'm just trying to understand what problem(s) people have with it exactly. I went in thinking it was going to be an unplayable mess full of bugs and broken controls from beginning to end, but it really isn't at all.
To be honest, a lot of the hatred was the shock of a game being released so unfinished. Now this shit happens constantly. SEGA, industry pioneers as always
>Where are these people?
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>refined gameplay
Even if that's the case that's just one individual with a controversial opinion, not a group.
>go to music festival
>hear one good original song
>am unable to find a recording of it and may never be able to
i think i understand a lot of feelings i used to not
Yes, the game has bugs, doesn't make the actual gameplay bad.
Don't they have an app for that sort of thing?
Tails should have just fixed the Fiona bot and fucked it.
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SOME of the "open" stages (like Desert Ruins 1) are kinda fun if you know how to properly spam the Spindash, I'll give you that
But the rest of the game it's like a bootleg Mario
I remember having fun with Shadow in 06
they advertise the game with parkour in mind
there are only 4 levels that use this mechanic well
other than that is mario slop
Can I hug you?
and you're gay
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Sonic characters for this specific feel?
>Can't cook
>Not a skill issue, she literally cannot cook
>Followed the exact instructions on timing and heat and it still ended up completely destroyed
>Can't roast marshmellows over a fire, they will simply melt immediately into the fire
>Can't even use the microwave because it will automatically malfunction
>Can't pour water into a glass
>Literally can never prepare food ever
Sonic characters for this feel?
The Sonic series doesn’t have a Krillin equivalent.
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Yes it does
Krillin would be Tom
>no you see it says gohan so he is gohan
no only his relation was like piccolo/gohan aka sonic was like his surrogated father and leave a legacy
the games and everyone show a relationship like brothers aka Krillin/Tails so yeah he is the Krillin
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>Everyone claiming for a Broly-like character
>We don't even have a real pure Goku-like character yet, since Sonic is half Goku and half Piccolo
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I've noticed overtime that my mom's cooking skills have severely degraded overtime, to the point that she managed to both burn and undercook eggs, burnt on the outside with undercooked white and a broken yolk on the inside.
I don't know how to tell her I don't want to eat her cooking anymore and it's making me really sad.
>Sally tries to punch Lanolin
>she wakes up in a hospital
>Nicole says Sally tripped on an ice cube.
Good night Fang <3
Cook for yourself you fag
so your mom is getting worse and instead of helping her ...you come here to talk shit about it....
t. 30 year boomer living with mom still
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How much of this is true?
Good night, Trip my love!
That’s pretty impressive.
But impressive
Good job
This is really good!
Holy shit, that is fucking amazing.
at least your mom is still alive
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i cannot believe that idw baited me with whisper, tangle and blaze on the covers
Looks awful, Sonic's quils aren't spikey enough
his arms limbs are too big, like a fucking mickey mouse character, his head is too wide and his ears are too far apart. Congrats on trying to break into yet another fan game tho because we totally need more overclocked and omens out there. If you get voice actors just make sure none of them are insane least we get more bad girl panties and rape allegations and project stealing
holy fuck
what a spit of nonsense and projection
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looks pretty trippy but neat.
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Intergalactic empire
HOW DARE YOU HAVE STANDARDS is all I'm hearing from you, no wonder this series is slop
Sonic X look and still looks horrible art wise
>If you get voice actors just make sure none of them are insane least we get more bad girl panties and rape allegations and project stealing
>like a fucking mickey mouse character
Yeah, we're talking about Sonic the Hedgehog
I don't think Shadow ever said that
Shadow said a lot of things in his life, I'm pretty sure could say that.
Haven't you finished all 326 stories in Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)?
Again, no real arguments and yeah, we are talking about Sonic, that's why he shouldn't have the mickey mouse ridiculously sized hands and feet , I hated it when they gave Sora mickey mouse sized feet in the first game and I hate that look on Sonic as well, Sonic is Sonic and Sora is Sora, that's why from 2 on Sora's feet went back to normal sized and Sonic's limbs weren't extra cartoony even if he still wears gloves everywhere it just shows weakness, it shows everybody sega has to overly rely on "hmm this looks familiar" brain instead of having some goddamn faith in their own fucking product for once in their miserable ass lives, they got fucking mind broken by all the youtubers who made their living off making a punching bag of Sonic and the franchise STILL hasn't recovered in fact, it's liable to return back to those days as even useless fuckers like the people who make Sonic Shorts are coming back to try and make more money off shitting on the sonic franchise for a quick buck and IDW is guilty of this shit as well they know their comic sucks and they make dumb decisions like 64 yet instead of trying to fix it they double and triple down because they think the controversy and outrage will sell the comic more, tired of this mentality, tired of this indulgent arrogance and you fucking people are also guilty of it by attacking me for not liking obvious bullshit and sucking some random anon's cock because they managed to make a bad model covering a bad model
Shit was tough for everyone in that universe, Fiona was not some uniquely tortured soul. The FF didn't shun her either, they handled her with as much grace as possible, especially since she was Sonic's gf, and he was giving her all the chances in the world. She just had a ridiculous victim complex which made her think that, since she had it kinda rough, that gave her the green light to do whatever the fuck she wants. In the end, she's simply a greedy sociopath incapable of caring about anyone other than herself. She would've even betrayed Scourge in the end, according to Flynn.
I actually did. At one point he said he wanted to kill all women. Pretty based if you ask me
How come it's okay for Whisper to take L after L and not make fun of her
If you hate Mickey Mouse, you hate Sonic and Sora.

SImple as that.
Didn’t read.
Archie just like Fleetway tells me that these comic writers just do not like sonic characters what they like is Sonic's world, they want to use Sonic to shape their own headcanon of what that world is and some will use Knuckles too like Penders but anybody else they have no interest in, Nobody cares about Tails ever and especially nobody cares about any sonic character born after 1998 as Fleetway while it did include Amy she never once acted like the Amy of the games, When Archie started including Amy they despised her because she got in the way of Sally and their other ships so they made her a happy cuck and ran to the underaged excuse and also more than happy to turn the comic into a soap opera of who or who wasn't banging Sonic or Knuckles or Tails or even Shadow.

Things haven't changed with IDW, Surge and the Diamond Cutters are who they focus on, the game characters exist as background noise and for specials they clearly have no real interest in.

Why fucking work on a franchise where you hate everybody but a handful of characters?! Why write for that?!
Whisper vs Kit
Whisper vs Sally and her stand Nicole
Whisper vs Tekno

Who wins
>these comic writers just do not like sonic characters what they like is Sonic's world
Archie built its own universe long before Sega got any fucking clue what to do with Sonic's lore. The writers (at least the later ones, like Flynn) liked the games fine enough, the games just gave them fuck-all to work with, as evident by the post-reboot and IDW lore.
>Nobody cares about Tails
Tails had more impact on the Archie story than he does in the games these days.
>she never once acted like the Amy of the games
Flynn was more than happy to use Amy, and Sally was the cucked one for the longest time because Sega was pushing hard for SonAmy and Archie obliged. And it sucked major fucking balls because it was obvious that Archie Sonic should end up with Sally, and they were wasting everyone's time on all the shitty love triangles. Amy herself always acted exactly like she acted in Sonic X, that was their blueprint. So she was mostly obsessed with Sonic and cartoonishly violent.
>Things haven't changed with IDW, Surge and the Diamond Cutters are who they focus on, the game characters exist as background noise and for specials they clearly have no real interest in.
They do that because Sega doesn't allow them to do anything interesting with the in-game cast. Characters like Sonic, Eggman, or Amy do not have any backstories, their relationships can't drastically change, and they sure as fuck can't die. They're completely static. OCs do not have that problem, Sega doesn't care, so the writers are free to write actual stories with them.
Way to defend my point while also antagonizing me, it's frustrating how little awareness you all seem to have, which leads me back to my question, if you fucking hate the franchise and it's characters THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WORKING ON THE FRANCHISE THEN?!

These people don't have the guts to do what that lunatic Ken Penders has done
Nobody hates this franchise more than Sega does.
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Tbh I like this issue. It's certainly a better whodunit story than what we're being served in the mainline comics.
It's of course another nothingburger, but as a self-contained story it's okay. I even mostly enjoyed ABT's lineart, the characters' expressions aren't exaggerated this time.
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Silver gets another gardening issue.
Shadow gets this.
Shitver will never escape the allegations
Twitter thinks the comics are peak.
>what they like is Sonic's world
They don't even like Sonic's world because they always change it based on their own whims or they're following the Sonic Bible which isn't the Sonic World in he slightest.
The worst part is that there are actually fans who think Archie and Fleetway should be decide the direction of the franchise over the games.
Sonic's world doesn't even have a fucking NAME. You can like or dislike Archie, but you have to admit that their lore was way more consistent and structured than what we have now, and what we have now is only thanks to people like Ian Flynn informing loredumps like TailsTube. Before that, Sonic's in-game lore might as well have not been a thing, with how ridiculously vague it was.
Sonic's World is called Earth.
No, it's not. No one in the games ever called it such.
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That's a mistranslation. In the Japanese script, they only say "that planet".
>earth with tiny e
So in other words:
>"How are things on the ground?"
Naoto Ohshima and Yuji Naka describe Sonic's world as Earth
Even if that was true, neither of them has anything to do with Sonic anymore, especially not his lore.
It doesn't matter. They are the ones who created Sonic and only the original Sonic has precedence over Sonic media
If you don't care about the canon Sonic lore, why the fuck are you even talking about this?
I still think about that Anon's post about how people here will deny their autism but get in hour long rants about the width of Charmy's finger
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le sleepy adult face
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I found maggots in my underwear...
It's hogver...
kys blazefag bot
Can I have a picture of her full outfit from that issue?
I'll draw what I'd make her do.
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Kit wins unless Whisper nukes her own weapon for the Final Color Blaster.
Sally wins if she has Nicole hack
Whisper's wispon. Also her energy blades have more range than Whisper's meme combat training.
Whisper wins, Tekno is just a nerd she can beat up if she manages to hack her wispon.
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Writer of the spring issue btw.
Thanx anon
When was the last time you washed them, yourself or your room?
Was he the one complaining about people accusing him of tracing? Or was that a different retard
>5 years ago
Is that a current tweet? If not, then who fucking cares. Even Tyson Hesse memed on Sonic.
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The games are trash.
So is IDW supposed to hire bootlickers for their comic or something
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>nobody cares enough about Silver to get the color of his powers right

I like "sky blue" better but still
I left them in the clothe bucket for 5 days and was away from home during that time, bad idea.
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Good morning, I love my jerboa spouses!
going to continue to practice painting later
Can you not read? The canon lore is what was established by Naoto Ohshima and Yuji Naka. Anything that contradicts it (Forces with how it handles Green Hill and Chemical Plant) should rightfully be omitted.
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You don't even know what Oshima and Naka actually did during the development of Sonic 1.
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holy cringe and OOC
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Reminder that Nack whacked his own sister.
>nobody cares enough about Silver to anything about him right
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She retired after faking her own death
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naaah, this is just the general design of this issue
colours aren't saturated much
...the losing contest
I thought you guys hated 2010s view on Sonic
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Then it should be like "minty" green or something, not blue.
>monke is fine too
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September
Sonic the Hedgehog 73 - 18 September
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>Tyson Hesse
Reminder he's still embarrassed over that shitty comic that only exists to shit on the 2000s era of Sonic games. So much that he locked the comments to discuss the images on his Deviantart page.
Muh game canon retards really can't stop making fools of themselves. You have no moves other than whining about how "it's bad because it's not like the games!" despite your definition of what game canon is being completely inconsistent.

Watching you people talk about storytelling is like watching a dog try to understand calculus.
>So, yeah there's no such rule.
>It just how its been played out for over 20 years
Ian deals with SoA. SoA can make shit up.
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