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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7092 - Espio Boobies Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E36fOpk-Yg [Embed]

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em6-SjjaYQE [Embed]

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September
Sonic the Hedgehog 73 - 18 September

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483515495
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Do we need Spring Broken storytime?
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yes we need to make silvershitters feel bad
i also suggest someone storytime 64 right after
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what training is this...
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Y'all I'm literally shaking. I can't believe the secret cabal of Fartchie fans are trying to destroy the game canon! Sonic Team worked hard to craft a perfectly consistent, beautifully fleshed-out world and these racist americans, still angry about Pearl Harbor, have set out to destroy it with their furry memes! This is NOT okay!
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I love Tailiona even if the ship is toxic. It reminds me of Krillin and 18.
That shit is boring as all fuck so no.
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ken penders' comic came out.
We need a Lara-Su Chronicles storytime.
Unfortunately it seems that no one here was enough of a meme lord to actually buy it.
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quite literally
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Lesson 1: the morning jay gets the worm (or something like that)
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Those are some of the ugliest OCs I ever seen
I wish it would eventually happen. I want her to be even more of a toxic cunt to Tails only for him to do something that makes her reassess him. Then she breaks his heart again running from her own feelings.
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>Annual was delayed to 9/11
If there's anything we've learned it's that delays do not ensure quality in this franchise. Spring Broken was delayed for months and it was still shit.
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>Freckle wolf on bottom panel
>Long-haired Fennec(?) girl being attended to by her much older sugar daddy
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>Blaze wasn't even in this issue despite being on the cover
Kyle: And Sega seems to have a bit more of a hand in what IDW is doing, and I mean Sega globally, not just Sega of America. Although apparently Sonic Universe was seen over by Sega of Japan, I guess?
Ian: Yeah that was a weird thing. After a point regular Sonic was just going through Sega of America for approvals but Sonic Universe, being the new title, had to be overseen by the Japanese team specifically. Same company, same arrangement, same creative team in a lot of cases and nope, it's a different product therefore it needs to be closely monitored.
Kyle: And yet there were a lot of elements of Universe that were just like the same as the main comic. But yeah it makes some sense that over time there would be more oversight.
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Rough looks cute here
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Sex with these two blobians.
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>tfw Jewel hired Rough and Tumble to shut down the competition, so she can sweep easily
Sega has always been a legendarily poorly run company
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It's almost hard to believe because, when it came to character writing and worldbuilding, Universe was by far the superior title.
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Both of them are pretty cute.
at no point was tails feelings considered
you are a sexist and an oppressor
I still can't believe this is the guy who was meant to be sold with Sonic and Shadow.
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You forgot to include a sad Whisper in your post
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I still can't believe that someone at Sega of Japan looked at that, said "Yep that's Silver", and then let it through
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The Four Horsemen of Boy Boobies
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The Japs see Silver as a twink in their fanart so it's fine to them.
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bring back espio being larger than knuckles.
Silver was an uwuboi everywhere and always. No one took him seriously ever since everyone in 06 made him their bitch.
>Sonic, Tails and Vector team-up
Well that's a first in the history of the series.
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Has this issue caused a rise in Silver x Rough shipping yet?
The covers don't always reflect the interiors accurately
Tails's heart has been hurt by her too badly to accept her. Her realizing she wants Tails and then realizing she can't have him anymore is the tragedy of their story.
>It reminds me of Krillin and 18.
Except Krillin actually had a chance.
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This has to be one of my favorite SU arcs, it's up there with the Chaotix Arc where Mighty finds Matilda. I wish we got more fun Pirates of the Caribbean-esque adventures with Blaze.
>this comic remembered that Vector has bubble gum and Charmy is a speedster
Now this is trivia I love to see.
Krillin was an asian manlet and she was a giga Stacy, I'm sure they are in similar positions.
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Good morning. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband.
Rough is the closest thing to modern Fang we'll get in this comic.
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I feel like Silver and Blaze were meant to be partnered together in this issue and Blaze set fire to the plant to spare the others but because she was taken out, Silver did it himself.

Notice how we never see how he did it in a flashback which showed him with the matches but Blaze can start fires spontaneously.
I thought that was Clutch
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I'd call it the best Blaze storyline in Sonic comic history because she gets to show off in all kinds of ways, and you wanna see more of her world too, shit feels like the better half of One Piece. It's what Blazefags like me have been demanding from IDW and Sega ever since.
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Clutch is the Breezie/Mammoth Mogul Expy.
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Haru has giant tits. Blaze doesn't
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Vector's gloves aren't colored and Silver looks shorter than Sonic and Espio here
>if Flynn didn't kill off the robot pirates we could have gotten a Blaze Miniseries based on her destroying them
I can't believe Blaze has been sitting on her hands for 2 years.
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How you rate this issue?
I'd still smash tho
Vector is engaging in nudism
Good morning! Did something happen to the whiteboard from yesterday? I don't see it on the booru
This shit was garbage
5/10. The art carries it hard
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Don't talk to my wives like that.
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>Sonic and the gang does nothing interesting and just fuck around
IDW continues to be disappointing
>if Flynn didn't kill off the robot pirates we would have gotten nothing
ftfy anon, you didn't lose anything because you weren't going to gain anything
Silver being all alone here feels wrong, where's Blaze?
I don't get this ship
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If that purple rat could get a miniseries I don't see why Blaze couldn't. She's way more popular than him.
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My headcanon is that they're just in hiding, and after Blaze left they attacked.
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Eh, not very exciting. The main conflict isn't THAT engaging but it does its job as an excuse to have the characters interact, the art here is very nice though.
Also Rough looked extra cute, look at this handsome devil.
He got a mini to shill the game coming out that year. Blaze is never getting another game.
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blaze and fang should have a comic together hahahaha
>hover handing
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>dat void
They stood next to each other
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I have to agree with anon, Rough looks surprisingly handsome in this issue
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Twitter meme
I want to cum on her glasses
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Hi /sthg/, I don't visit often I just wanted to ask you anons two questions. What do you think of Hill Top zone's music, and is there a consensus here on Shadow's game?
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Espio the bug chaser
Surprised it wasn't smothered for being lesbian erasure.
>Spring Broken was shit
I hope we can finally get more news on Shadow Generations and Movie 3 next month.
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They are like three times smaller
More like this AI chad
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I wasn't the one hosting, and I don't have the full canvas. It will probably be posted later today.
He really is a lightskin
espio's type is canonically nerdy girls who are good at office work/computers
I see. Thank you. Also that's a very cute Espio
Espio was into Bride of Constant Vigil
That was his mother.
She was his mother.
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did i fucking stutter
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she's get ting ready for hibernation
No one wants to see Blaze partnered with Silver other than braindead (and usually female) shippers. Blaze is a cool character and she deserves her own stories in her own cool world, Silver is a gay jobber faggot whose "bad future" universe has been uninteresting since the start. Silver doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Blaze.
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Talking to a modern Sonic fan. I asked them what other games they play, they only say they play Sonic games. Not even normie shit like Mario, Zelda, or Fortnite. Ask them if they watch any anime or read manga. They say no, and that they only read the IDW comics. I see that they draw, but only Sonic-related art. Ask if they watch Netflix or watch movies. "I just finished watching Sonic Prime."

I thought making friends with a Sonic fan would be easy, but it seems like Sonic is ALL they're interested in. And it would be fine if it was just the occasional person, but It's every Sonic fan I talk to. Why is this so hard?
> is there a consensus here on Shadow's game?
Consensus, far from it. But there are a few anons here who like it a lot, myself included, I like the combat, exploration, the novelty of seeing shadow with a goddamn machinegun, the built-in excuse to replay the game 10 times. Some complaints about the movement i never could quite get, but I'll agree that some missions suck balls and I remember taking alternate routes to simply avoid doing them.

> What do you think of Hill Top zone's music
It's a bit farty in some passages, but fun throughout most of the song, that said it's not my favorite. The highs annoy me a little bit.
is this pokemon pasta
Tell them to read Archie, start to finish. That whole thing actually rewards the autism you put into it.
To be a Sonic fan requires it to be your hyper-fixation because you'd otherwise realize how shit it is and move on.
>espio donates his gem to jewel
>it's just an excuse for him to talk to her
We can write this one off another mid book. There was nothing bad about it but nothing good about it to be memorable.
>There was nothing bad about it
...You mean besides the fact it fucking sucked?
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Great freaking character, silverfags
Worthy successor to Shadow indeed
>They kept Uncle Chuck
the only defense for the comics so far have been "the art is good"
Ah, I understand, it's divisive everywhere else, so I'm not surprised it has mixed opinions here. I think its level design is superb and while I agree that the missions are sometimes annoying, I enjoy that they can occasionally take you to unique parts of the zone that you wouldn't otherwise have a reason to go to. Referring to Hill Top Zone's music as farty is pretty funny, definitely fits how it sounds to me. The only other question I have is if the IDW comic series is worth reading. I've been going through Archie from the very beginning with the miniseries and intend to go all the way to the end, so I wanted to know if IDW is at least decent. Just from what I've read here so far it sounds like it's mediocre at best.
Niggas be like
>"Wahhhhhhh Archie bad"
But when IDW releases a new issue
Nobody said that
Evan flick her bean to this.
Protip: They aren't the same niggas. There's more than one person here, despite all evidence to the contrary.
I would never recommend Shad05 to anyone outside of the fanbase, and I hesistate to even recommend playing the original unless you're really that into adventure era Sonic.
StH is definitely not beginner-friendly, and I think fan opinion on it will vary, but I think it's at least worth trying if you're familiar with Adventure era Sonic.
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>Rouge's legacy to the normies is coomershit
Pedro deja de pensar en porno
Blaze and Whisper worship this
That was always her legacy, dumb newfag. She's the fanservice character that even non-furries agrees that they would fuck her if given the chance.
Fondling Rouge's Ears__
>I wanted to know if IDW is at least decent. Just from what I've read here so far it sounds like it's mediocre at best.
Unfortunately yeah, it is mostly mediocre with some alright moments. the Neo-Metal arc at issue 7 or 8 or so is pretty fun, but after that the comic is a bit eh with only a few individually good moments in some issues.
Great know I don't know which colors are the right ones.
Darn, I hate when this happens in comics, always makes me assume the colorist doesn't care that much in what he's working, but it was probably just a mistake.
That's disappointing, I've really enjoyed reading Archie so far (I just got to Brave New World), I think it benefited from being able to do seemingly whatever it wanted. It's not perfect and the Knuckle Mini-series is pretty autistic, but I think it's fun regardless.
Spring Broken? More like buck broken
Post sonic characters irl
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She looks like she's seen things
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<- her
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Chaotix mission:
Steal Jewel's panties
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>Uncle Chuck, panel 2
>skin condition and bad eyesight squirrels
>pierced bad haircut gangsta alligator
>acute petals
Do gardeners really say this?
>gangsta chicken pushing a 40+ year old woman's home decoration
>it's time for action!
>We shall do menial labor!
>Silver's flower needed more soil!
I guess it is canon that Charmy has brain damage
I don't know where to begin
>just as planned.jpeg
Ah... yes... it... all makes sense now... yes...
>the flower catching fire meant the other plants weren't sabotaged
>How you rate this issue?
3/10, scoring hiring than zero for the art alone. I assume girls would like it.
Conductor I know it's you posting this.
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>I guess it is canon that Charmy has brain damage
>I don't know where to begin
Charmy is a child
>I know you posting this
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badass bitch
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Sonic shouldn’t be a SoL. So much of IDW seems to hate action. Even in the city arc the main focus was the diamond cutters bickering.
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bring back fang's comics
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self inserting as a strong female is based
I don't self insert, but I like seeing women fight.
ABT characters are overdesigned
my cute badass wife!
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Poor, predictable Conductor.
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Blobians should be cute and round, not lithe.
Fartchie Artchie
they're just game models
Why do peeps call Archie characters blobians instead of mobians
The Conductor has a fat wife a fat wife!
The Conductor has a fat wife and he's a big feeeeedeeer!
We've gotten used to it
It's funny.
Also they have blob feet.
>Sonic shouldn’t be a SoL.
Sonic can do SoL well as shown with Sonic X. It's just that IDW does it in a way that's not very interesting and something you can actually see the Sonic cast do.
The conductor's wife is the most grabbable one there is, you can dig your nails into her and she won't feel it
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Calling this "open zone" is bullshit. It's not open world at all. It's barely a sandbox. Just the same boost pad bullshit conventions, but instead a linear hallway it's in a box. If they were going to blatantly rip off BOTW, at least let us turn supersonic after the tutorial island, and fly to the rest of the 4 islands in any order we want. Restricting the potential fun of the game just to experience so boring story is so lame. That's why I hate derivatives. They never fully understand the underlying decisions on why the game was designed that way outside of the surface level.

Anyway, this game is crap. Music is ok though.
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Controlled sandboxes are fine. There just needs to be more interesting setpieces with unique mechanics
Turned out great!
I still think it's baffling that people consider this game good because it's going through the Colors phenomenon.
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Sonic characters for this feel
no more guns zone

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Bowser's fury did the same thing basically and it worked there
sonic and being turning into a generic kids show "hero"
Too bad this never happened, Surge is a jobber unfortunately.
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Human food wasn't made for blobian consumption, it's like when we introduced processed food to Polynesians.
I love /ss/ too
But this mediocre game isn't as bad as the last mediocre game. That means it's good anon!
It was just a Mobius 20 Years Later reprint.
Sex with underaged mobian kids
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remember when mighty and ray were relevant and then got thrown away like a used condom after mania's marketing cycle ended
Fang getting flustered and terrified when he sees Trip!
is immoral, which is why Sonic will not have sex with Amy until she's grown up
M&R were only let out of the vault precisely because they were in it for so long.
Super Sonic? Yes very based.
Release the Honey
It boggles the mind how there are people who genuinely like Ken Penders writing. Is it just just because he's not Ian?
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wow, just like trip and fang
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honey mustard
Ray and Mighty the pump n dumps
Yeah, that's what he says to the public.
you mean ship and bang?
Anyone storytiming Lara su Chronicles for us?
Sweet and spicy sauce
Damn, will Sega take action? That's actual copyright infringement? Sonic and knuckles are in that
The question is how was it unexpected
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Honey the Pedophile
>Honey hears she's finally allowed out of the vault.
>"MEOWSERS! Someone call my personal trainer!"
it was cool having so much pedo representation in archie, in idw we only have blaze
Honey, Bean and Bark! The Dream Team!
like all goths
the dream team is mario and luigi
They're the anti-Chaotix, and Fang and Trip are the Anti-Mighty/Ray
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My headcanons? Normalized.
it's because whisper canonically has cancer
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Is Honey a goth? I mean original Vipers version.
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>Hey look boys, it's your ex-boss!
We need Fiona X Nine art.
Personally I think the whole rest of the cast should take a backseat to Sonic, Amy and Knuckles, becoming cameos AT BEST (if they appear at all). Sonic, Amy and Knuckles should be the new "Team Sonic" and should be the primary playable characters going forward. Tails is dropped from Team Sonic because he just doesn't appeal to modern audiences, sorry to say.

Amy should be reworked so that she doesn't chase Sonic. In fact she is not even outwardly interested in him at all. Amy is the confident and capable brains of the group, while Sonic and Knuckles are the ones who compete for her attention, because they are both infatuated with her. Funny antics ensue, and this puts Knuckles back in a primary rival spot. After this shake-up in the formula it should be acknowledged that since Amy is the leader due to being more capable than the other two retarded idiots, their team being called "Team Sonic" was decided on by her because she considers Sonic marketable branding, much to his embarrassment. This is funny because it breaks the fourth wall and alludes to the real Sonic series as a franchise.
Most of Sonic X sucked. It only became passable when it became an action packed space opera.
they would understand each other that much, i could never be able to draw romantic lovemaking on that level
Is Knuckles also going to pull a Sonic from 06 ?
This but switch Amy and Tails
Her gimmick was having a double life as a fashion designer/fighter and a normal school girl
>Personally I think the whole rest of the cast should take a backseat to Sonic, Amy and Knuckles, becoming cameos AT BEST (if they appear at all). Sonic, Amy and Knuckles should be the new "Team Sonic" and should be the primary playable characters going forward. Tails is dropped from Team Sonic because he just doesn't appeal to modern audiences, sorry to say.
>Amy should be reworked so that she doesn't chase Sonic. In fact she is not even outwardly interested in him at all. Amy is the confident and capable brains of the group, while Sonic and Knuckles are the ones who compete for her attention, because they are both infatuated with her. Funny antics ensue, and this puts Knuckles back in a primary rival spot. After this shake-up in the formula it should be acknowledged that since Amy is the leader due to being more capable than the other two retarded idiots, their team being called "Team Sonic" was decided on by her because she considers Sonic marketable branding, much to his embarrassment. This is funny because it breaks the fourth wall and alludes to the real Sonic series as a franchise.

I'm so tired of Sonic characters being rewritten to the point they're not even themselves anymore.
Mighty and Ray are just Sonic and Tails clones. They were vaulted for a reason, they’re completely redundant.
please kill yourself. no offense
Yeah I'm sorry anon it's a boring day and I was shitposting.
Had a dream that i got to see the third sonic movie early via some early screening program, it used game music but only from the midpoint of the film onwards.
Crisis city appeared but it wasn't in the future it was just a city that's always in a crisis.
That's just Satam


Ah, yes, a perfect representation of the degradation of human society. A strong and iconic male friendship ruined by the libcunt feminist agenda ! Very clever.
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>Crisis city appeared but it wasn't in the future it was just a city that's always in a crisis.
Paramount, hire this man.
Anyone else getting tired of IDW characters being posted in these threads?
why do sonic fans these days talk like corporate drones who cannot possibly concieve of a franchise that doesen't specifically work like power rangers..
If I had a nickel for every OTHER franchise that is allowed to have tons and tons of redundant characters (Naruto) who are obviously just variants of the protagonist and his friends (Naruto) but get added to every single game to fill out a roster of 100+ characters (NARUTO) I would be a billionaire
I'm tired of you being alive
Ray for sure but Mighty can be unique amongst the cast as the pacifist monk type.
it's free
Tails is a Ray clone, Ray was first
>bringing up Naruto of all things when it comes to character handling
That show was the breeding ground of Potential Men/Women in the 2000s
Yeah, I don't even follow IDW. Only read up to the end of the metallic cum virus (forgot what it was called) then dropped it because I was bored, and now it's the only thing people talk about.
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Archie is never coming back, deal with it
FUCK YOU! I'm sick and tired of you Americans trying to destroy sonic with your racist agenda. Sonic's real creator at Sonic Team gave us perfection and you disgusting pigs keep trying to ruin it with your agenda. Sonic Team knows better than you do! There's a reason they're fucking making the games and not you.

If I fucking ever see one of you people at a con it's ON SIGHT, Richmunk
if you knew who i was you wouldn't ask for this
Get Sonic Team to release a new game and the topic will change
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Does Fiona have a victim complex? Someone made a good point last thread about her essentially being her own worst enemy.
The debate of if there are too many characters in the Sonic has always been and will always be completely retarded.
Shut up scribbles, I do want you working for paramount.
>Open up shonen game adaptation from anime i have never seen
>It has 300 cool guys in it
>Not feel overwhelmed or annoyed just happy
>Oh cool this red guy has a sword
>Oh cool this blue guy does energy blasts
this is usually my experience with games full of characters i don't recognize.
People say stuff like Mighty and Ray or IDW characters (I don't read idw) would "Confuse" the audience. I'm not sure what this means exactly. Is it going to scare them? Do you mean confused like deer when you honk at them? What's the bad thing that's supposed to happen here?
I remember booting up sonic heroes, not knowing who anybody fucking was by the mid point, but not feeling the slightest bit bothered by that.
I didn't know Silver Mindbroke so many people?
I miss her jiggle so FUCKING MUCH!
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Fiona's molestation victim
Please be patient, we're Sonic fans
It sucks that they don't jiggle anymore because now it's like she has fake tits.
Sonic fans worship Sega and they are also retarded niggers. There's your answer.

Also, this literally applies to all IPs. Even mario, one piece, and marvel
>can't open youtube anymore without seeing 40 "Sonic movie trailer leaked???" videos
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You forgot to mention her STIFF ears!
It's disgraceful to this character!
You missed the point so badly
Sonic fans worship Sega and they are also retarded niggers.

You'd think if they worshipped Sega, they wouldn't bitch so much.
This but unironically. It's high time Sega cocksuckers, especially the jap purists, are called out on their corporate worship of Sega.
It's either anti modern fans or anti Archie fans saying that shit. Any true sonic wants more and more and more mobian characters
>marvel ensemble games never bother to explain every character to you
>They just assume you know who Ulgor the Imperator is and move on
>They will even include multimedia characters like X-23 and Agent Coulson
>Meanwhile 90% of the characters on the sonic wiki are one offs who can never appear in anything
wtf am I even looking at?
>You'd think if they worshipped Sega, they wouldn't bitch so much.
They do bitch, but they bitch to consumers who have brains and want quality from Sega instead of accepting slop
It's a side effect of the shitty friends thing. Something something Don't Want Shadow
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based and truth
Is that... A RED Sonic?!?
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>Any true sonic wants more and more and more mobian characters

My point is; who cares ? Whether there's a lot of characters or not has, in my opinion, just no relevance to Sonic itself. That's why it's so retarded.
>Hey Mario, I see what you've done for Peach and Zelda, can you do the same for me?
>Mamma Mia! I can't even give Sonic a chance anymore!
Amy is for blue hedgehog cock
He's called Mario >>483584125
it's subtle
>Any true sonic wants more and more and more mobian characters
I want more monster characters like Chaos actually
the wrinkle in her swimsuit?
Amy's shitty little implants she got from Detroit
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it's not a wrinkle
How would you rank these IDW seasonal one-offs so far?
If you are implying that's a boob you've never seen them before, that would be a very deformed boob.
No wonder Sonic hates her. Ugly titty having bitch,
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I'd have to remember them to rank them
Silver and Blaze haven't been playable and decades, and Gemerl has never been playable, yet archieniggers really want to add more characters.
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a jealous woman typed this
>Whether there's a lot of characters or not has, in my opinion, just no relevance to Sonic itself.
It does. Sonic having a big cast is good. Metashit era showed that
Winter one was good, as far as can I remember.
Surge the sex gremlin
That's a good point. I'd really want for Silver and Blaze to be playable again.
i love this song so much I imagine him trying to sound coherent and then devolving into his insane Shadow obsession once he hits the last minute, the oppressive noise at the end while he repeats his mantra is so funny
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I'm having sex with Blobians!
Filler within filler.
All 3 are playable in SSS. And Sega being shit at handling the IP is not an excuse as to why there shouldn't be more characters
he beat his girlfriend
Sorry Goku but you already married a h*man woman and she is the only living being in the universe who can kill you
Not a video game.
Like all things, it's good if it's done well.
Stories are fine, but it must kept simple and not rely on world destroying monsters every time.
she reminded him too much of Amy Rose and he snapped
>but it must kept simple

Small brain
>pacifist monk type
Isn't that what Espio already is?
Blaze the GYATT
it's a fold in the swimsuit you silly hornball. Haven't you ever seen a tiddy before? Amy's milkers are FAT.
Goku said this while kissing Sonic... While Amy watches...
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>there's a new hunter in town, jerboa boy
>people who dislike my favorite sonic games are all bad people irl
i am psychic
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They're not bad people just retards
Espio literally threatens to kill Eggman multiple times
Having Eggman and Eggman Nega is redundant. Nega’s screentime could have been spent on an actual unique villain instead of “Eggman but slightly more evil and condescending”.
Not my fault Sonicfags are addicted to bloat.
Sorry if the franchise does it best with sime plots like the early games, before starting to get ludicrous in the middle of the 2000s

Beside, normies wil stil think of Sonic as a simple series, no matter how Ian Flynn or someone else tries to up the gravitas.
She looks pretty with makeup and blush, but that attire really isn't fitting for her.
Nega only seems redundant to you because you don't know who Eggman is.
>Isn't that what Espio already is?
He threatens to murder multiple times in Heroes you retard.
Espio is a ninja with all the murderous beliefs of one.
>wil stil

Yeah, you're making me understand very well why you need simple stories...
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i like my amys with low calcium
Trip imo should be a little stacked but with emphasis on her muscles and less on her soft curves.
That still makes Espio a more effective hero than Mighty will ever be. What can be expected from a Sonic recolor who has spent years doing nothing but staying locked in the Sega vault?
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Hmmm nice
Mighty was having adventures off-screen.
Just mistyping on my phone.

Beside, if I wanted complex stories, surely i don't choose Sonic games when RPGs and VNs exists.
Team Secret Freedom Fighters
>Mina (Speed)
>Fiona (Flying)
>Dulcy (Power)
Eggman and Nega can work, if Silver had his own series where he is the Sonic of his time and Nega is the Eggman of his time.

But 06 shit the bed.

So no, nega isn't redundant per say, he just never had the opportunity to work out
Wasn't that only in Archie?
I caused an uproar on Twitter and people fell for bait.
Why do people call Eggman Nega redundant? he is the Eggman of different settings so he's only as redundant as those settings.
sure you did
My problem with the super scourge arc is that everyone should be fuckin dead. He's literally directly attacking tons of base form characters, many of which don't even have powers.
Wha happun?
Team Fucking Freedom Fighters
>Bunnie (Flight)
>Rotor (Power)
>Antoine (Running away)
I’m just repeating what Iizuka said, anon.
i just think people don't care for eggman nega

Well, to each their own. Personally, I feel like forbidding Sonic games from having complex stories is pretty small-brained.
more like this. More plump mobian girls
I said simple, not sterelizzed or infantile.

The franchise can do drama, but info dumps and weird writing are not the answers.

Adventures and 16-bit did it better.
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>Espio? I know you're there...
Fewer people care about him compared to Sally
What separates them is their maturity. Eggman has the mind of a child, his cruelty and his ambition comes from his childishness. Eggman Nega is an adult, he carries himself with the maturity of his adulthood, but that also raises the potential of his danger.
Nobody knows who Sally is.
Which game characters is Sally more important than?
Eggman Nega and Marine. Sally goes right beneath Silver in terms of relevance
Super Sonic Pissing
Are you high?
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>Penders' comic has echidna tits
Why doesn't IDW have echidna tits?
Sally Acorn is more culturally relevant than Marine the raccoon
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Why are Jewel and Tangle so horny for Espio
That’s a localization only thing.
He's not trying to kill them, just incapacitate and humiliate them. Scourge, much like his tenrec daughter, is not supposed to be a serious villain, he's a dumb loser trying to prove to everyone (and most of all himself) that he's more than a shitty Sonic clone.
Are you high?
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New shitty Friend just dropped, she trans ferret and fucks Eggman Nega.
More people know about Sally Acorn then Marine the Raccoon.
Are you high?
What if Big hit the gym?
You just posted it.
Big is the Good Buu Sonic, he's actually unbeatable.
Why must everyone turn into a Sonic cheerleader?
It's the other way around
Why does big have zero presence in early 2000 fan made fight animations
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My OC has nothing to do with Sonic and if his twink ass showed up in her stinky redneck den she would rape him deliverance style
Because like Buu he removes all stakes. He's to OP.
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Is anyone else here seeing something weird with the reception for newer Sonic games? Since a couple of them were bad, so many haters are just choosing to believe that the rest of them are junk too. I think it's strange. I mean, I know that some were terrible overall such as Sonic 06 (except for the storyline. It was pretty intense) , but when Sonic and the Black Knight was annouced, I immediately saw people saying how unrealistic it was. Come on. Sonic is of the adventure and fantasy genre. In his series, Sonic can be whatever they throw at him, just like how Mario is all of a sudden a soccer player (No offense to Mario fans; I am a fan too!)

Ahah, sorry for my nerdrage. I just really wanted to get this out, and I really wanted to hear people's opinions. Keep in mind, i'm not flaming or complaining about the critic's opinion, but rather, I'm talking about the people who play the games or who just see it and choose to comment on it.
This is considered too mean spirited for modern sonic and is extremely off brand
Your OC will never be canon. I'm truly sorry, anon.

I love Sonic. D: All the games are good in my opinion, some better then others of course but...

I guess alot of people might dislike it because of the fact that every Sonic game is pretty much the same as the last one. I don't mind it though D:
Because he didn't have any (good) sprites
This. I think people are sick of seeing the same thing a bit. I also think that they got a bit upset that it even fell into a slump and thus they are making the new game seem bad before they even play it so they won't disappoint themselves,that or they want to kill the Sonic franchise. Who knows?

I personally liked the newer games I got my hands on but not as much as some of the older ones.
Espio has the hots for Jewel
Tangle wants to claim that twink ninja ass
Imagine the outrage if Ella showed up again and was still voiced by Mike Pollock
No shit she is not family friendly
I agree that the constant running got repetitive, but it wouldn't be a Sonic game without running o_O

I was pretty surprised with what the critics said though. They preferred having Sonic Unleashed filled with repetitive running rather than the brawlier (is that even a word?) Werehog stages. They also remarked that those stages contributed to the lower ratings.

Ahh... I really hope that Shadow Generations will be good, and not so bashed and flamed.

I agree. the classic games are always going to be fun. I think they should bring back the Green Hill Zone like they did in SA2B. I have to admit though, the bosses in the 3D Sonic games are always epic. They never cease to surprise me. Perfect Chaos, the FinalHazard, Metal Overlord, Devil Doom, those guys are scary epic!
as a fan of sonic since the beginning, i have to say that newer sonic really truely are not up to par with what we had in the past.

barring non-platforming mario games (mario sports, mario party, etc.), that series made the transition from 2D to 3D perfectly and did not lose any of the elements that made the series good in the first place. sonic, on the other hand, did not do very well. as soon as the series hit the dreamcast, it started to go downhill, and while the dreamcast versions were enjoyable, they marked the beginning of a clear loss in quality that seems to get progressively worse over the years. they really need to take a cue from sucessful platformers (like my example of mario) and really rework the series.

that DS version that was 2D and meant to be like an old-school game was a huge dissapointment because it had so much promise but really failed to deliver. i have played a couple of other newer ones (nothing really comes to mind in regards to the titles), but they have all sucked so horribly that i doubt i will ever pick up another sonic game again, which is really sad, since i loved the series back in the day and still love the older games in the series (and not for nostalgia - don't bother accusing me of that).
Amy is not sonics girlfriend
Sonic adventure 2 battle was the last good one, me and my friends still play it. what pissed me off most, was even though everyone loved the chaos, THEY GOT RID OF THEM! Hell, the chao garden was the best part! Im heard a new game will have a chao garden, ima buy it if only for that. CHaos were so much fun.

What I think sonic should do, is make a game where you control everything. liek Shadow the hedgehog, but without the predetermined routes. Let them choose what adventure, who to believe, and have multiple things possible. the new games are to stiff, non-flexible.
Sonic is anons girlfriend
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Which character do you think will be tainted by the Sonic's Shitty Friends meme in the future?
I'm sorry Fang, but your sister's got it...
Definitely Shadow. He got hit with it the first time due to overexposure in bad to mid products and we could see history repeat itself again with SxSG
Ahh, the older games were truly classics. I've still got hope for the newer games, though. Sooner or later, there is going to be a game that will wow us. I just didn't like the flaming of games that didn't even come out yet, and the flaming of games that the person may not have even played yet.

I still got hope though! WHO'S WITH ME?! xD Ahahaha...

I agree, the Chao garden was definitely one of the game's best features. No wonder SA2B was on the list for the most games sold for Gamecube (They were twelfth, just behind Paper Mario, the Thousand Year Door).
Thousand Year Door was the best out of the PM series too, in my personal opinion.

On topic.. I'm playing Sonic Unleashed, and well... The controls are absolutely terrible compared to some of the old games in my opinion. Oh, and Chao were a form of epic win like no other. O:
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round kitty
Big has a nice fat ass
The Chao garden became my favorite part of the game D: After awhile I would only play actual levels just to get stuff for my chao or to get rings to buy things for them >.<
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Main thing I don't understand:

What's the difference between the old and new games?

I don't get this..."quality change" people keep talking about.
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How will they reconcile her with Eggman Nega's origin?
Both rush games end with the Eggmen teaming up. They’re so identical in powerset and motivation that they seamlessly function as one final boss.
how about Cunny Hill Zone?
Marine should be able to fly with her tail (yes like Tanuki Mario)
To me the "quality change" is with the controls and stoyline/characters. In my opinion they added to many people to the cast now that don't have a good storyline to back them up making them rather pointless. (Team Chaotix I am talking about you.) Also some really horrid voice acting at least in my opinion.

Also it may just be me but the soundtracks now are bad, sonic was one of the better games when it came to the music at least to me. (I remember listening to the soundtrack forever on Sega CD for one of the games when I was a kid.)
I also miss the chao system, the things where so dang cute.
her tits weigh her down
I think it's just pickiness. Just because there's one game that you really like doesn't mean that all the other games are supposed to be the exact same thing.

Sonic Adventure 2 is my favorite, with the Chao Garden and cool plot.

But I've just played Sonic Unleashed (got it for Christmas) and I'm actually liking it. I didn't like that Secret Rings one because of the bad controls, not because IT WASN'T LIKE OLD SKOOL.

Yeah, I think it's pickiness.
Male coomers are the fucking worst man.
They can't just be normal and like Amy or Blaze or Rouge, they have to be fucking gross pedophiles.
They can't just like on model bodies (unless the character is under the age of 10), they have to like Blaze with blown out ass and tits, disgusting sfm models with hyper genitalia.
IMO porn should only be for women to consume. Most men just can't handle erotica or their own sexuality.
Bless the few male coomers that can appreciate the on model bodies of the older Sonic females. The rest of you are obnoxious shitheads and you deserve your celibate, lonely fate.
Amy is for me, specifically.
Sometimes it's just people being picky, other times there's good reason. There are good reasons not to like Sonic2006 or Shadow the Hedgehog. But even when the game focuses purely on speed and makes you feel like you're moving ridiculously fast, people still find things to gripe about (Secret Rings comes to mind)

I got the Wii version of Unleashed for Christmas, and it's what I expected. The daytime levels are fantastic, but I'm not sure about the night levels. At first I played the game using a Gamecube controller, and the controls for the werehog segments were terrible. (Shoulder buttons to attack? Are you kidding me?) But when I switched to the Wii Remote and Nunchuck, I liked the nighttime stages better as at least they did a good job of mapping the proper motions.
Minafags are pretty consistent about not wanting her to be a busty michiyoshi body
I loved Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Rush, the old Sonic Adventure games, the one Sonic battle game for the Gameboy Advance...

I can't play them anymore, though, simply because I can't keep track of all the characters they're introducing. xD It's like, five more each game. A bit confusing.
>I loved Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Rush, the old Sonic Adventure games, the one Sonic battle game for the Gameboy Advance...
>I can't play them anymore, though, simply because I can't keep track of all the characters they're introducing. xD It's like, five more each game. A bit confusing.
Ahh, so true! I didn't understand all the hype when Blaze was first introduced, and now she is such a main character (Sonic 06, Rush Adventure, S+M Olympics, Sonic and the Black Knight, and SRZG). Even though she has a super form.

AND SILVER. He's pretty okay, I guess, but I don't understand why they're not really promoting him. I mean, if any new character should be added to more games, it should be him.

Chip is most likely not going to appear anymore, like Shahra and Erazor Djinn and all those little buggers xD And the Black Arms... and Shade, and...Emerl?
Which days of the week are posters the most active in /sthg/?
They are one of the few good ones
I stopped playing the new Sonic games, but I did love the older ones up to SA2. I was a huge fan of Sonic and he was a sort of Hero of mine to look up to as I was a small child. Being Sonic's first game was released in 1991 and I am only 18, it's obvious that I wasn't a fan at the very beginning.(Is there a year old who plays video games?) It was really the character, the personality that I grew to love. His shows, games, movies. They were fantastic because of that independent and strong personality he had.

As soon as Heroes hit the shelves, he started to take a downfall and honestly, he is just not the same. It's like a complete flip and if the old Sonic and new Sonic were to meet they would end up fighting with each other. In Heroes, he was all about "Teamwork" and then new characters like Silver(seriously, this character was made by a seven year old and it's OBVIOUS), Blaze, and many many others. It's just hard to play these games because it's not the same Sonic that I looked up to. If you watch his old cartoons, like AOSTH, and about when he is a Freedom Fighter, or even read the comics. That is the Sonic I thought was great.

The new show, Sonic X does show /more/ of his personality than some of the games. However, the freedom fighter whom was stuck on Mobius with Sally Acorn, Rotor, Bunny Rabot, and then there was Manic his brother and sister Sophia; what was wrong with them? They were great characters IMO.

If Sonic returned to his normal self(No werehog, no shadow mode; he really doesn't need to have a knight form and such. Super Sonic was enough.) then I would feel inclined to play those games. I guess I am weird like that, but if you imagined your role-model as a child completely changing perhaps you'd understand how much it'd hurt to see it. Even if it is a fictional character.
>speed and attacks are identical to Sonic
This is false. Blaze is not equal to Sonic in speed like Sonic is, and her abilities spin on a completely different axis.
Sonic should go die in a hole. He's like the Michael Jordan of video games. Once a great star, now a low celebrity desperately trying to make a comeback in an age where no one cares about him anymore. By trying to be new and different, he's making himself worse. Sonic started getting « Cow Poopy » when he made the transition from 2D to 3D. Now I do admit the possibility of a good Sonic 3D game isn't impossible, Sonic Adventure did 3D quite adequately, but after that it was just one bucket of « Cow Poopoo » after another. Now if 3D wasn't enough, it wants to do dual-world gameplay trying to be "cool" like Metroid or Legend of Zelda instead its dousing fire with gasoline, the night time events are just like « Harvest Goddess » of War except minus the fun. Neglostia is the only reason why Sonic even exists anymore, and thats a fact.
Ahh... I understand what you're getting at. I kinda grew up watching and knowing Sonic as well (Not the comic series and the TV series, except for Sonic X), but I guess I'm kind of clinging to false hope that they'll rejeuvenate the series. I just can't admit that the Sonic series is failing after SA2, even though I assumed that I enjoyed some of the games after.

Hmm.. now that I think about it, SA2B (Since I never had a Dreamcast) was pretty much the only game that I had actually enjoyed, along with SADX. When you went through the stages, it wasn't just random running or finding emerald shards, you actually knew that you had to get somewhere, like seeing the way off of Prison Island in SA2/ SA2B.

Ahh.. sorry if I was being a little blind to how different the newer games are!
How gay was Spring Broken?
I'm here every day
Why are they together?
The problem is that Sonic is not a versatile character. He has one standard thing he can only do in the games and it's difficult to enhance that and not make it shit He's not a Mario or anything, he's a blue hedgehog that runs a lot.
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i drew a shadow vs mighty
Catastrophically faggy.
nice job
Espio proposed to Jewel and gave her a diamond
Silver and Rough started dating
Like father like child...
Perfect for thread lore
Shadow + Sonic + Knuckles = Mighty
Paramount films now with 400% more misandry
when will whisper redeem hollywood?
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Shadow's ass isn't as nice as Mighty's
New titty oc?
Espio won the flower contest and flirted with Jewel.
I can't believe they turned Perci into a bunny rabbit
Jokerians have ass?
Cute buck teeth
when the metal gear movie finally comes out and is the first non-shit video game movie
I want to suck his dick
she's a minor....
>She's brought to Sonic's dimension.
>Still doesn't do anything.
Lmao. Maybe they're just hacks?
How can you tell? is it because most Sonic ocs are minors?
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People are replying to this with "Sonic fans have one joke" but isn't the idea just a little bit funny
Just another kawaii background OC that will be thrown straight into the vault, never to be seen ever again.
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nobody cares
Tdfwnn pls draw more punches
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I can’t think of one fandom so obsessed with a child getting killed that isn’t Sonic
So is Amy but Amy doesn't have that much boobmeat
Why doesn't Silver just kill himself?
Jurassic Park
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Untapped potential.
The sad thing about the sonic movies is they are held back purely by the need to make everything a family road trip adventure
>the pacifist monk type.
When has Mighty leaned into this in his recent appearance? They just write him like Sonic.
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The colours of Tails' shoes are also reversed
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All proof that Vanilla is best girl.
i think he says he doesn't like fighting when bark shows up in IDW but he still fights bark
Biggest she's ever been and it's only just about equal
Listen Anon. There are minors and then there's Sonic minors.
Minors start at 18 and under
SONIC minors start at 12 and under.
Does that make sense? It's kind of like how your dog won't even live to be 18 let alone be a minor at 18. But you know, the animals are sentient and live about as long as a human (presumably), so you kind of meet in the middle. Any Sonic character under 12 is prepubescent and therefore a child, therefore its gross to fuck/want to fuck it.

As far as I'm concerned, Amy is basically the same as an 18 year old.
Nega usually acts no different from Eggman.
So we can agree now that IDW is straight up worse than Archie now right
I love cunny
That's not true
Nta but I have a shorter explanation for you. Unlike Tails and Cream, no part of Amy's design, characterization, background, or voice direction makes it obvious she's a child
I love Vanilla but unfortunately she's ruined by lowest common denominator male coomers and will ruin my porn enjoying experience of her by putting in incest of her infant daughter in 90% of the porn she's in. It's kind of like the Nicole Watterson porn. There's some great porn of her but anyone that just wants to enjoy a hot furry milf is going to be bombarded by loli,shota and incest.
It seems like Lanolins mom might have Vanilla beat because at least the incest of her being lewd with her daughter isn't gross pedo shit.
Nega is more into Murder than Normal Eggman.
Honestly IDW Eggman act like Nega now that I think about it.
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I like Marine and Sage with BIG BOOBS!
My future wife is right once again. How does she keep doing it?
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Minors in the Sonic universe are below 6 In my headcanon
schizo is copy pasting this from another site.
that was kind of obvious
>IDW blandness
>Archie drama
Choose one.
Cream's creation caused irreversible damage.
But that's an issue with Any kid character in any game/show It's not cream's fault she attracts knuckle dragging pedo apes.
the writer is literally a faggot
At least the drama is stimulating and memorable. The only thing I remember about the Winter Special is the cameos.
Yeah. I'll take insanity over sedation.
Agreed. Like with Sonic, when people find out Amy's age it comes as a shocker. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY in genuine good faith is like, "woah wait hold on wtf Cream is 6?!??!"
Thinking Amy is hot is like seeing a 16 year old girl at the beach in a bikini. You don't know she's 16 so you enjoy her fat cake until you notice her friends all look like they are 12 and you realize she's a high schooler. You didn't interact with her, so no harm no fowl.
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drama sells, blandness doesnt. Drama can potential give you good moment, bladness can't.
It was always than Archie, and it will always be worse than Archie
It's a cartoon gremlin shut up nigga
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I'm gonna say it
Women with moderate bust, little sag, Older, into ooowie goowie romance, is very attractive. I don't like that everyone draws Hyper Bimbos I need more romantic shit to jerk my heart off.
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>its a cartoon
Which is why its fine to draw porn of characters with more adult bodies.
But when you are getting a chub to child characters with obvious infantilized bodies, even if they are fictional, this is where problems start to arise. You need to ask yourself why you fetishize underdeveloped bodies. You can use the "its a cartoon" as an excuse but at the end of the day, in a franchise with so many hot characters with a wide arrange of post puberty bodies, you are sitting here stroking it to a little girl.
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Hyper based. You're a true man of culture.
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Don't care nigga
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Sonic would NEVER say this
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Why did he lie to her? Is Tails evil?
You can't look at yoai and say you aren't gay because it's cartoons, you clearly have an interest in dick, that's why you looked it up.
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Buggu had been cheating on Espio
Giving false personal information to a machine is morally correct.
Does this also extend to futa?
That's how she plays in SRB2.

Maybe even in Advance X when thr demo will hit.
Fighting game logic.
>I don't want to fight you, but I must.
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>met him when he was 4
>is now 8, maybe even 9.
>more than half his life is correct
Unless SoJ specifically says they met when he was 8 and it's all been one long year for the last 35 years, then it stands.
I'm gonna say it:
Associating a moderate bust with romance is only one step removed from associating a large bust with sexuality. Implication by omission.
People should not be encouraged by any cultural standard to even consider getting reconstructive surgery to try to fit into whichever lifestyle they wish.
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>>met him when he was 4
you guys jump through all these hoops to justify your lust for cartoon children only for people like colono to draw marine and say that he's into her because she is a child
That makes likely bisexual, you like dick but it needs lots of female aspects for you to want it.
/sthg/ is not one person It's two or three probably
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/sthg/ is a simulation
none of it is real
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didn't real lol
>teenager best friends with an 8 year old
is sonic a loser?
Actually, it's much more than just that. This isn't the matrix, anon.
Colono is not me and he doesn't make Marine's tits bigger than her head so I do not care for his art.
All I want is a woman with abs but artists are cowards.
Tails is the only person who can keep up with him.
woman with abs and cute blobian boyfriend is based
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Based, muscular women are very attractive.
None of the sonic characters have abs
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Self hating black man
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He has certain tastes
Nobody wants to admit that sonicpedos are whats keeping the franchise alive.
No it's not. The pedos ruin the franchise. Rouge and Amyfuckers are the ones who keep the franchise alive.
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marine is fun to draw
everybody but me has an incorrect understanding of sage's character
I was gaslit into liking cunny because twitter users and lewd artists are equally retarded and keep shoving my preferred body type under that umbrella (petite, small chest)
>Sonic Thread Simulator
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Yp_YAK13f-0?feature=share Sonic characters for this feel?
What if Shadow fought Dark Sonic?
marine is a MENACE
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Blaze is a witty kitty with itty bitty titties
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I know what a petite woman looks like I never fell for that shit, give me proper proportions.
Small tits don't equal child body.
>NOT pedochads
lmao okey
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Betty Butterfly.
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Can you draw Marine like this?;
i want a female character with a similar build to big and storm
I'm ok with tiny tits
Only way it would happen is if Sonic thought Shadow killed one of his friends on purpose, like Tails. Shadow would need to actually go on the defensive and prove that Sonic was making a mistake because he would straight up lose and fucking die otherwise. It'd be neat to see the cold and aggressive Shadow actually be forced to appeal to emotion and talk down a fight instead of being the one to do the killing.
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I only look at aged up adult SEXmy rose who's matured and knows she isn't owed Sonic's love and Marries me!
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Sonic fans not seething over Smash challenge.
Pedos are literally ruin societies. Chads build them up. I'm sorry that you are unable to feel empathy and as a result will never be loved by anyone.
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Already did kinda

Blobians are all smooth and rounded off. Big is described as muscular by some NPCs in SA1. They simply don't show musculature.
so like a giant thunderbolt?
Does /sthg/ have any conspiracy theories?
Cool. Now make it bigger.
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I just try to ignore all the cream/marine pedoes lurking.
this is attractive i like marine
one of the drawfags is an employee at sega
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>All of human history has been built by men who had harems of girls aged 12-16
lmaoroflbbq good one kiddo.
And then you woke up
Advancechads, how are we feeling about the Last Cloudia collab?
>even back in ancient history where the life expectancy was 30, people still thought fucking kids under the age of 10 was repulsive.
Eggman isn't the real villain of this franchise
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fixed your lame artwork
the sprites look more like SSF2 than the advance games
Technically they're more of an orangish color, but this is better.
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then who is it?
the concept of a teenager was invented in the 1950's, before then they were simply considered to be adults, and the "teenage rebellion" is most likely a result of treading adults like little kids
that but with big's/storm's eye shape as well
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oh really
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so we need indian human blobians
got it
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The term teenager is recent, but adolescent and youth was still used to describe young men and women that were too old to be children but too young to be considered proper adults.
and these days you're a child until 25
I'm 28 and still treated like a child
idk when you work in management you quickly realize that for whatever reason 21 year olds are retarded in ways that 26 year olds never are.
not familiar with transformers
pls explain
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What if Sonic met Bowser?
we only have 2 canon cunny anon, we have to count the archie ones too for more
mighty's little sister from archie (she's green and a cyborg)
fish girl from archie
>we have to count the archie ones too
If Evan never got involved with Archie, would Silver's character still be salvageable?
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I rather talk about Religious shit over pedo shit.
desu. I'd rather talk about neither and just focus on Sonic...
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shadow dominates girlbosses and makes them squeal
shadow turns tomboys into janegirls
i assume it took a lot courage to write this
it's such an unpopular thought
english please
The only reason Silver is still salvageable now is because the Japanese version is still a cool murderous maniac who cares too much about the people he cares about. It doesn't matter how fucked up Silver gets over here because it's practically just parody at this point, and as long as someone remembers and enjoys Silver for what he actually is and is actually supposed to be he'll still be salvageable.
If Shadow is fearless, then who would be fearful?
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I never lose my confidence.
now et us discuss Shadow CHADLY Chesto Hair.
i think shadow should have white fur coming from his ears to match his chest
That issue was beyond fucking terrible. How can it be worse than fucking fancomics?
this is one of the better archie arcs but its severely underrated because it comes out of fucking nowhere and focuses on a character who didn't matter
Context clues.
>I know better
>but you're still here
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Here we have a catholic in their natural element.
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It be like that sometimes
The foul demon emerges from it's fetid den
the Tommy Turtle and ADAM arc was so good. Sonic goes Super
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Sonic is already broken as shit in the game, anything else would make him Brawl Meta Knight 2.0
Shadow gets:
>His own movie.
>His own campaign in Sonic Generations where he grows some rad wings.

Meanwhile Silver gets:
>Forgotten by Iizuka.
>Another boring IDW issue where he's like "Oh sweet baby corn! I hope I win the flower growing contest!"

If I was Nakamura, I would start drinking heavily.
Silver didn't deserve any of that shit
>emerges from it is
movie sonic is the first incarnation we ever see go super "for the first time"
Does that bug anyone else? Every other time the characters are already familiar with super sonic. Except the games where ofc its not explored.
>Twisted Jokerian
They don't want a buff, they want a rework.
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>It's Silover
Where did the jokes of Big being a pedo come from?
Smash sonic plays much like Meta eranic... Lame.
He should be more stylish rush down with plenty of risky options. I don't even blame Sakurai, I'm pretty sure Sonic team wanted Sonic to look blander.
You mean this?
I want to disrespect the papacy with Marine
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Can you blame them? Sonic moveset isn't good nor faithful to the source material.
Meanwhile Terry moveset is extremely faithful to his franchise and the two whores from the worst JRPG on the Switch has the best moveset to the point they're the top 3 best fighters in the game. I would be fucking pissed that Sonic(and Snake) doesn't get the same treatment as those characters do.
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The average fan doesn't care about Silver's character any more than movie fans care about the real Sonic. Silver is popular because he's a hedgehog with psychic powers and has a cat girlfriend. People that care enough to dig into a character to understand them while also avoiding bad information are few and far between
Silver can fly at speeds matching Sonic's runinng. Why would he have trouble with a rollercoaster?
The difference is Shadow is Shadow while Silver is male Blaze
IDW babified UWUver
He hangs out with a 12 year old and a 6 year old. Plus he seems older than 18.
what trouble
don't look for something that doesnt exist
especially with silver, you have plenty of things to criticize but you've chosen the shittiest thing
A fiery hothead that tries to contain his emotions only to explode in fury when pushed too far, immolating anyone in his path?
He has an overwhelmed expression for some slower than one of his main powers. IDW has already given him a reputation a a frail coward I'm just counting the ways they're shitting on him.
Big Slander, that's why.
You would never see Sonic and Shadow like that.
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Down whisper, or you won't get your scratches and whispy-snacks
I remember most substitutes being too timid or too lazy to enforce anything.
hahaaaaa relatable
Cream and Silver should be on the "Actually Does The Assignment" line.
what was the racial demographic of your school
Here we see Reynard talking to his friend that no one else can see or here. Most people drop that act when they're 4. Reynard however is in his teens. This can be mean only one thing:
Reynard is a Stand User.
Any, actually. I went to different schools. I think the subs know the kids won't take them seriously and that what they're doing won't matter when the actual teacher comes back.
A character whose fans claim is actually really cool and desperately deserves more screen time but has been reduced to being cute and inoffensive to appeal to a certain demographic by a writer that claims to also be a fan of said character
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I like women who have pubes Honesty
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cream would definitely do the assignment though.
pedos rule this fanbase
Is that AI?
Could you make the dick Silver's, please?
Sonic Heroes and Snoys throwing tasteless jokes back then
You mean? smaller?
And cuter
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Need to devour whole....
Damn. Touché.
Surge is a horrible student.
get rid of human anatomy+make tail bigger
Silver colored and bit furry, just big enough to fit her hand and half. Please?
No distinction between the two. You're getting buffed or nerfed one way or another.
You should have just told me you were a moron and it would have gotten your point across faster.
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Nah it is against FWA's wishes to not use the model for drawing obviously underage girls. I can get away with Jewel because she is technically not underage in Sonic's universe yet has a small body.
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>Silver colored
Stop drawing sonic characters' dicks like they're covered in fur it's fucking GROSS
Then how to tell it's Silver's?
Make it his muzzle color or something then, please?
fwa herself has drawn aged up marine
get rid of that bellybutton and give her some real blobian hands
None of what the zoomers are moaning about are good either. They want another ez character to pick on Quickplay, but with "le reference" attached.
Why? My dick is covered in fur and I like to see hairy dick chads represented.
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Remember when people thought Hayden Christensen would voice Shadow?
I don't get this
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Femdom? Based.
Assertive cuddles from your wife? Based.
Amazon position? Based.
Physically Strong women? Based.
Abs? Based.
If my wife can't pick me up.
Well I'll be disappointed but I'll still love her because I'm not an asshole.
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Why hasn't Sonic raped Silver yet?
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>they're the top 3 best fighters in the game.
This is what the blue rat shills will tell you.
Wasn't there a rumor saying Silver was getting SXSG post-lauch DLC?
You can't rape the willing.
lol no
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Stevechads.....I kneel
I forgot how much I liked Mythra's smash outfit
I wanted it so badly
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Shadow if he based
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I just want another Silver Boss with Shadow.
Sonic got a good one in Generations, Shadow has also fought Silver it could be fun.
Metal Mighty
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Where does this shit about it being wrong not to romantically love people that don't meet your standards come from? I don't want someone to marry me if they don't like me. Or, if we do both generally love each other, I would like them to make anything that is fixable clear so that I can actually fix it instead of letting it simmer for 20 years before leaving our children with a broken household after we get a divorce over something I didn't even know was a problem.
You okay Silverbro?
It's okaybro, they'll tie Silver in a rerelease, soon enough.
Need 2 Breed: Hot Pursuit
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>Make character Robot
>Instantly badass
How do fleshfags compete?
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No they won't
Recolor of a recolor of a recolor.
So....Sonic > Metal > Mighty?
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Preferences aren't mandatory requirements.
It's more of a "I want thing but I'm okay if I don't get the EXACT thing"
A good foundation for a relationship matters the most, as you'll ideally spend your whole life with them.
You have to pick and choose what matters most and remember the person you'll be with it simply human too.
Stop coping. Silver is a joke character now.
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ay yo
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Good night.
How does Silver live in the future without any of his babysitter friends to watch after him?
Metal Mighty > Mighty > Sonic.
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Terry’s moveset is literally just copy pasted from KoF. You can’t really do that with Sonic.
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Fleshfags have the capacity of rape
Kill Whisper
Robots can rape, they don't even get tired or cum so they can rape forever
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Team Death Metal.
what Sonic needs is a 2d fighter
Kiss Whisper
oh no
I hate Lanolin's design so much. It's annoying af to draw.
Sounds like a drug
IDW comics are very addicting.
Is that Metal Infinite all the way down on the left?
>and has a cat girlfriend
The way Silverfags keep trying to stick a vastly more popular character on him is pathetic.

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