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Happy birthday Ei!

Previous: >>483505704

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
this one
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How old is she now?
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Scaramouche is very erotic.
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Ignore the c2p thread.
Happy birthday to Kazuha's hot wife!
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this one
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I pick this one
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I just fought this bitch
thanks cum2play
this one
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>Raiden's birthday
>kleepedo/cum2play working overtime
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I love my cute abusive husband Scaramouche :)
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yea I am thinking cum2play losted again

seaGOD has made the decision to bump this thread instead
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Our heroes
uh oh cum2play melty incoming since no one used his shit thread!
Real thread here
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Is sigewinne selling well?
I can already see genshin being #1 in monthly revenue sales
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I call this sigeWINNING
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anyone got a Raiden toot webm?
...and Y*lan
...and k***a
Time to put your cock cage back anon !
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Lol no
Kaveh's is the only one so far with any practical use, a shame really
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I prefer this thread.
The ones that sold:

The ones that flopped MASSIVELY
>All the reruns
>All the skins
>An Archon’s first rerun (Furina)

What fucking went wrong?
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first archon rerun to flop, what a disaster
So how come we never got Zhongli's loong (dragon) form?
>ran out of oceanic chunks
NOOOOO what is this material? WHY DID I RUN OUT?
Where do I get some fast? I don't have more than 5 minutes per day to play this kusoge.
wormvillette flopped!
Sigewinne will be good with Emilie.
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Are you buying?
maybe sig is right...
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Of course you would
Didn't we see it for a short amount of time at the start of the Liyue archon quest?
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the western audience has decided to blackball siggy
you can expect a major flopping report on July 1st
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Bet it will be only around 20 mil
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Childe SOON
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What is the best artifact you ever found?
shut the fuck up cum2play
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>cheld just being used as a cumdump on the 2nd half
the 11th of the 8 fatui harbingers...
Y'know, in terms of human compatibility, melusines...
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Are you rolling for Ayaka in 3 days?
holy shit theres a skip button in hangouts
Ayaka isn't that pretty...
cum2play status? mindbroken
aetherGOD status? WON massively even
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Yeah im thinking WuWON BIGLY
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Siggy is completely useless for me, but if I don't roll for her, I won't be able to say I have all the lolis anymore...
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Threadly reminder that Furina is for You.
Which came first? That thread or this one?
>cum2play and aetherpag always appear at the same time
uh uh
You get it from underwater/sea Fontaine enemies like the crabs, seals, basically everything that isn't a person or robot
That one, but this one is free from pairing spam. So if you want to post pairings, go there.
Why this thread? Other one was posted first
Doesn't that mean that they're not the same person? but same discord server...
Will Fat Xiao be fired for his failure (Fontaine)?
you lost cum2play
try again next time
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This piece of garbage
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she looks so ugly
why do people shill her again?
fucking red miko is 5x more attractive than this temu ayaka
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Calling him "cum2play" doesn't hurt him quite as much as pointing out the fact that he is a potatocuck. So I'll do the needful and post it again: https://rentry.org/kleecuck
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I'm noticing..............
Is Sigewinne's signature weapon bugged for anyone else? I can't seem to get all three stacks, not even with a fully charged E bouncing on the enemies.
he will be promoted instead
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No one cares about your raiden btw
Stfu paimon youre UGLY
>why aren't people using my shitpost thread
neither is she....
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hating paimon is redditcore
he posts from multiple devices
the cuckspamming started about a year ago, when someone made the pag notice that cuckposting would be more succesful than posting scat
the idea is probably to push aether vs cuckshit in an attempt to make people take his side
Saving compressed images on your Android phone is thirdiecore.
why did furina flop bros??? the hsrgBULLS and sparkleGODS will destroy us when the sensor tower chart drops.....
We love Paimon here.
Is there any evidence that spenders have lowered gacha rates?
you liked him in sumeru tho?
Is Sigewinne actually good in any way? See seems pretty terrible. The only reason I'd even consider getting her is for my loli collection.
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I am guessing Mihoyo is embracing Inazuma identity as the waifu region.
We love Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder here
not him, but meme images don't have anything to lose. maybe for actual artwork sure
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BAHAHAHAHAHA! I won’t be paying for your Chinese scam gambling game buddy! Give it up! I hope your game dies so the Chinese nuclear reactors die and the gaming industry recovers.
Sigelose is dragging her down.
If you have a loli collection and you still have to ask this, you do not deserve her. Unironically just uninstall.
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She's a Furina slave who unironically performs better than Bennett for sustained team dps.
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So because your pag is present, all of a sudden the image can be perceived as a waifu one?
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Genshin flopped
me on the right
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better than not posting with images cuz you can't afford unlimited internet
i'm gonna flop inside of mutsuki
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Remember Dahlia?
she's awful don't fall for this misleading webm where anon has constellations and isn't using a true buffer like Bennett for comparison on team DPS
if he wanted to be honest he would compare with Bennett buffed Navia attacking
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What did the pagmon slurper mean by this
I flopped, slopped and plopped...
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Where do I find primogems quickly
shes a cocksleeve to a cocksleeve glued to furinas hips
>free from fun
Aw we can't have that. Femcels don't deserve human rights.
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Nahida is really sexy.
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so just like shota
loli is also a net negative
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Nice buddypoke Genkeks~
Nice Aqua Genkeks~


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Based and redpilled
Wormvillette flopped.
what did knotlou mean by this?
Me, I do this.
Watch uppity homosexuals who kept spamming their scrapped faglet and their shit popecope headcanons save face by fagposting after this post.
there is absolutely zero thoughts going on in her head
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Isnt a 1,000 year age gap in a relationship a little bit weird?
"Straight men" don't spam shipshit, faggot.
Honor of KANGZ remains UNRIVALED btw way.
TencentGODS won!
Hoyodrones LOST!
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Post something cute
Remember mummy girl?
>paimon moe
can't spam genshin lab anymore?
It kinda is but Kazuha doesn't mind.
RDR2 flopped lole
>the best message the company could offer about their new character was shes cute
so shes not even meta, that is hilarious
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straight men don't post pagther
nice endgame genkeks
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Unironically this. The sooner EOS comes the sooner we’re freed from this sunk cost FOMO FOTM treadmill
You're laughing
Our game is dying and you're LAUGHING
honor of kangz is trying so hard to gather the sea audience
SAD! they will only be popular in china
In your wallet.
BA anime flopped kek
What's up with the usual rabble being so desperate for the past few days? It's quite unsightly, much like seeing a thirdie in a civilized setting. The effort and "quality" of their posts have sunk harder than whatever latest Genshin killer there is too.
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kissing each of his cute little toes...
making sure to give each one a lil suck before moving on to the next one...
watching him squirm in arousal as my tongue plays with the pads of his toes...
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>isn't using a true buffer like Bennett for comparison on team DPS
>if he wanted to be honest he would compare with Bennett buffed Navia attacking
Tell me then. How much damage does my Bennett contribute to my team?
>least disingenuous brick shillpost
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>could've got that cute prison goth girl
>get ugly ass sigewinne
>only pedos will roll
and you wonder why the game is dying
why don't people just play dota?
fucking budget laptop from 2015 can run it at 60 fps
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>Raiden birthday artwork gets posted
>schizo posting intensifies
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I miss her...
Lady Furina...
BA anime's BD sales alone beats Genshin's BD sales by a country mile LOL
>78 pity
right now she's useless wait for her rerun
i like siege SQ
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gn ganyubwos
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Just ignore them and they'll stop. It's just chibi art which is nothing.
She’s trash
Considering the fact that Mihoyo been slowly erasing the traveler from other character art, yes.
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Mutsuki is just a hebe Nahida.

Normalfag opinions like yours don't deserve to be respected.
compare the two teams on normal rotations if you want to be honest
Bennett adds more damage to Navia than Sigewinne is adding to Furina
She's better than Dehya at least.
By making your Navia E’s go from 300k to 500k, retard
so sparklefag didnt wanna give a source on this and i decided to find it myself
seems like there are no public leaks since its a very fresh account with not a lot of traction
genshin impact
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She is objectively not.
So seeing a picture like >>483519442 wouldn't have you think of her as a waifu? You'd need Aether's presence in the picture so you can see a woman as a waifu?
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Did 10 fuckall pulls on the Furina banner for fun (already have her C2R1) and lost the 50/50. Thanks for the free guarantee on the Pyro Archon, dumbass chink game LOL!
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She's the best support of the best support in the game, what do you think?
dehya will be t0 with emilie
>Raiden's birthday
>kleepedo, who hates her with a passion, crawls out of the woodwork to cuckpost
>trying to reason with a naviafag
you are wasting your breath lol
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>great characters like Lyney
You have HIV
You have AIDS
You have GRIDS
You have HPV
You have Anal Worms
Dehya will be forever overshadowed by Thoma
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She’s isn’t even better for Neuv than Dehya
lose some wait
Dehya needs Furina to be usable.
Sigewinne need Furina to be good.
Big difference.
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You have HIV
You have AIDS
You have GRIDS
You have HPV
You have Anal Worms
it really is naviafags always trying to brick other people's accounts
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>Dehya is le bad
it's not 3.x anymore, retarfs
>pyro on damage not hit or NA
I don't think so
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You are obsessed with me. I WARPED you.
Really not good mostly because furina isn't that good still, while Fontaine gave out a lot of DPSs maybe 3 of them use furina and all of them don't have room for sigewinne or sigewinne ends up being a side grade for someone else
Maybe natlan will change that but we'll see
>rolled dehya day1 on her banner
>shes still c0
this game fucking blows cockass
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and what anime has genshin released to compare that to faggot?
Pyro Alpedo(forma de chiori) when
10 seconds of that and I would explode all over her feet, a hot sticky mess on her toes and soles
kill yourself kleecuck
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I just used Dehya's burst against a Cryo mage and a Hydro mage, and my burst simply ceased to exist because I was frozen helpless...
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>siggy sticks out her ass in your face in all of her normal attack animations
.... slut slug
Kill yourself Raidentroon
Unlike with dehya's buff, you can use sac to reset sigewinne's buff, making sac her BIS at C0.
>floor 11
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that's a woman right?
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Yes, >>483519442 is my PoV. I'd rather see that than see a faggy twink in the image. If you're different, you're probably gay.
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yes you can see her pretty pussy lips in the video
>skip dehya
>get her c2 in a few months
Skill issue
None :3
Which is exactly the point
Genshit LOST
Post your raiden
Don’t care
Fuck off Koult, I pirated Elden Ring
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holy fuck potatoes are so ugly
mods will save this game
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yes, here is an old cosplay leak from her
this is all i could find, peace out /gig/ers
genshin impact x2
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She's better than Venti
damn this really proves kuro is botting wuwa views and comments
>losing 50/50s

That’s no skill pal
>top .5%
I regret getting spooked by Dehya Lawrence
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>genshin but looks better and for straight men
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look at the puffy nipples on this shark bitch
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Thanks sparkle poster
Thats stupid as fuck faggot

Your logic is bullshit, bet ya mom regrets not swallowing your IQlet-ass
For those of you that pulled Siggy's weapon, how is it?
sounds like in a few patches everyone will win some brown girls and boys
wait til usage rates release. people spamming kokomi and baizhu being bad til those made most of the shut up
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still dont have a single 50+ CV artifact
this is pretty close though
How can AYUCKa compete with THIS??????
am I supposed to switch between pneumosia for c6 furina in coop
Who the fuck is cum2play?
Don't worry gro a batch of negros will be our first big win in a long time
sparkle's kissable lips...
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where is wuwa? trailer just dropped but no hype whatsoever
i haven't heard of it until today so im out of the loop
im guessing it means you can't play a game without coom factor anymore
raiden's birthday letter confirms two things.
1. she is scissoring yae
2. she likes dango milk
>are you half-melusine?
I am now installing the better Ayaka simulator
why does the animation look uncanny?
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Despite people saying they pulled I've yet to see anyone else clear the new abyss with sigewinne BEFORE the easy mode version next month
none of those weren't already confirmed
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I have quite a few
They're all shilling in /gig/ for some fucking reason.
most people already have abyss complete. you'd have to find someone who didn't do it 4 days before reset
wdym? The bots are hyping it up as we speak on yt
>can't spin like her fatherhusband
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Gooning with Wriosexley to slug lolis
For me, it's the original Raiden
bruh, both of these are Raiden 101
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Found the /gig/ger
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im not seeing what's ugly there
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yes give me that and i will give you sex
Would have been doa like Chevreuse nigga don't kid yourself
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It's over for Genshit.
Don't look at me, I'm just a 34-35 star scrub who improvises teams each cycle. I can't be bothered to reset unless I get hard walled by something.
Ran Xinyan last month even.
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For me it's Raiden Bosenmori Mei

he is a spamshit cuckposter that outted himself with the name cum2play username lmao
>not playing again with the new character
If you find it let me know
>highlights of Raiden's birthday is Yae and muh dango milk
even after 3 years, nothing has changed.
I feel sorry for the genuine Raidenfags itt.
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I hope more people know his plight. It's unfair that I can openly pick/lust lolis and people thing I'm just joking or being quirky. I would hate to imagine if I was ugly and got discriminated against for doing the exact same thing.
Gives a lot of HP, but not enough to get her to hit 65k (max out her buff) without running at least one of the HP artifact sets. I'm using EoSF for her personal damage, but even with HP/HP/HP main stats I only get to just over 60k with it. Not bad of course, but due to her low base HP it's really hard to get to that cap.
We love dango milk here
i mean a few hours ago they were using some other shit site to doompost whre she was C-tier in that list
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And her chibi art was just a nod to her first SQ. This sucks.
Swap jean and kuki and I'll believe you
>that chin
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as a neutral spectator, i can safely say doomposters are winning
it's my birthday today
Say hello to Pope's new Shota in Natlan lol
Why does she have a tranny chin? Yuck!
pagden flopped
>posts rabifly
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go back to your thr--oh it got deleted lmao
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>genshin but looks better and for straight men

wuthering worm flopped lol
ever since masQUEERAIDS of the shitty ended doomchads consumed genshin and started ruling /gig/
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You mean her Siegnature weapon?
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Happy birthday
What is this? Cleavage? On my Mihomo game?
I need a link for this
I can easiliy make you several recordings, but you'll be disappointed.
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As a biased observer, I think doomposters lost hard.
>Navia/Ayaya: 6
>Chiori/Itto: 0
>Sigewinne/Furina: 0
They should show her hanging out with Kazuha
There is no such thing as a neutral spectator
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we need a potato shota
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This is my raiden. She is a superconduct bot
Man… Fontiane truly flopped… Jesus… we had warned you in 4.2, this shit will turn people off

>all 3 of them
I will forever be grateful of Neuvifuribros for getting the aetherpag away from Ei
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>make cool and sexy boob sword character that felt menacing, give her a great boss fight that drives it home even more
>super popular, breaks records, lots of art, people know about her because she was that popular during her heyday
>reveal she is actually a retarded neet, the cool raiden was just a robot
>a good chunk of her popularity dies, only basic waifufags left(who already liked her when she was cool so they gained nobody)
I still can't believe they were this retarded
You rarely see popular characters get handled this poorly.
>hydro dps
Finally, we dont have enough of these.
How do they keep making her uglier? HoT is still the best after all this time
latina gods did we just win?
I can almost imagine him rawdogging Murata into submission, damn.
The Sigewinne/Furina banner would've broken sales records if they made both of them hags, and also made Neuvillette into a hag to decuck Furina.
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You know what the best part is?
If this is a shitpost and they aren't brown, the npc trannies will fuckin explode like never better since their hopes got raised.

Like I want some sexy brown girls, but damn that meltdown would be too glorious.
For me, it's the original first version of Raiden Mei (2014)
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>meme category
the guy who made it put MH at max stacks for some reason
embrace the meme
So I am new to this game but I actually got nahida.
Eimiko was always transcoded thoughbeit
>kleepedo moving on to cuckposting to falseflagging as a hagfag
sheesh you sure haven't changed your MO
>muh heckin chungus boob sword

you don't even care about her
kys cuck nigger
he is for femdom amazon position
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I would give my left ball just for the chance to sniff Sigewinne's vagina.
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Are we ready? Yes we ABSOLUTELY are
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Cute melty
I feel his pain, fuck vain people
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You now remember kamisato aeeeiaaaahhhdoh
>being grateful to a cuckposter just because he's cuckposting someone else instead of ei
Kill yourself
more brown bricks let's go!!!
Melusines don't have vaginas.
is that a loong (dragon)!?
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wait so after siggy banner ends next patch is 5.0?
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Imagine all the future cute sigge mods. She is far superior than kokomi, heals the same but doesnt need on field and burst to do so, just her skill, i dont get the doomposting
Yes, they have cloakas
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Next beta is 5.0
Sigewinne's bubble can imprison all the (skinny) Fatuis and all the Eremites.
No, next patch is 4.8
On the menu: Emilie's banner, and the shortest summer event featuring Kirara and Nilou who get a skin, as well as Wanderer
He's in my team daily thoughbeit
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Genshin could NEVER
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I like how traveler needs to keep her in check
Sigewinne has a human body.
I'm not getting excited preemtively
She might end up looking like Emilie
Oh right...
The Aetherpag was beefing with Eimikofags before.
Now he's completely diverted his attention to Furina and nvfrstans.
It all makes sense now...
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>state objective fact
>get accused of being some random schizo
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Paimon's been a real bitch this region...
cheld's gf is so pretty
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At least Raiden is 100% straight in another universe
>all the lore about how Raiden invented smithing, Inazuman martial arts and advanced puppetry, basically build a mountain of corpses to have the current Inazuma of today
Can't believe that Fate already wrote a better Raiden with Samurai Remnant's Saber
Imagine if she powercreeps Neuvillette because of his region flopping so horribly lol
I think only women care about "cute"
No nude mods = no roll, baby girl. I'm sure you are cute tho
>genshin copying gbf draphs now
too bad there's no ttds for bow
>entire patch to save
oh yeah it's all coming together
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She's straight in this one too.
these leaks man....
it's uh.... disheartening
but that's okay, everything is not finalized

I still have my 4.8 stream & natlan trailer
Literally impossible unless they feel like destroying the game faster than star rail is even going
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>seething over the brown boi already
like clockwork
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The absolute state of this faggot game lol
My Neuv's CAs do more than that. How pathetic
Nobody's believing that bs at this point, bro.
I mean there are still things that can hard stop him, like the tulpa and hydro slimes
Can't wait to see what gay porn /gig/ and china start blaming his design one like what happened to lyney and freminet lol
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Sigewon canonically has the biggest butt out of every loli
Why does gig love bringing up real life politics lmao
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>capitano vs pyro archon cutscene
>capitano's head gets cut off
>you see his helmet and body limply fall to the floor
>pyro archon walks past his lifeless body
>suddenly a blade thrusts through her chest, revealing capitano holding his head in his other hand
How would you react?
>felt the need to post an image to support his falseflag
>could only manage a thumbnail
It is speculated that Pyro Archon is a younger Himeko expy and is 100% the focus of the AQ. She fights Capitano, you and, the Celestial envoy and will most likely end up winning against them all. Would you accept a female Redvillette shilling?
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nice kids game
Hope it really is a muscular shota. I want some meat on the twink.
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gayshit impact
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If there is a just god please let Xbalanque look something like this.
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Bigger than Sayu?
Literally XBULLanque.
Natlan women will be BRED
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sigh at least sparkleposter is biological female
I'd rather have that over whatever the fuck bagbag trying to do here
maybe its a tanned cutie like chloe
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did this really warrant a post-preload buff?
Politics permeate every aspect of reality.
She’s a Himekp expy, ofc she’ll be strong and shilled to the moon
>sigh at least sparkleposter is biological female
when is she posting feet
Yes, lv100 Fontaine characters get special buffs while everyone else gets nothing
Hope you enjoyed genshin impact
Ok but seriously, why is Paimon such an evil bitch??
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i just care about her
i need this
she needs to be a 5* heizou
wrio fucked it up by being a retarded skill CD gated dps

i want to always PUNCH
i want skill to BIG PUNCH
i want burst to BIG BIG PUNCH
I was traumatized after seeing JJK faggot ass porn popped up in my booru tl
trust me, shonenfaggotry will bury genshin six feet under

might as well quit genshin before it's too late
If Furina was a Seele expy she wouldn’t have been a jobber and flopped
cute meetup
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she's f*ench so I doubt her feet are clean
We love Raiden here.
Post your Koko.
The 4 star geo polearm, Iansan.
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What do you think of my team?
Just got furina.
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>fill your algorithm with gay porn
>somehow blame genshin
You’ll die alot
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I don't believe you
they will never let fat xiao and the femcels that took over after inazuma touch their honkai daughters, there won't be expies anymore
remember when we had hope for emilie
cute smoochable latelet, now roll for sigewinne so you can actually use your furina
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Thank you for creating Scarasex, Ei
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I haven't bothered cooking anything but pita pockets since Sumeru dropped. anything above green recipes require too many ingredients for me to bother remembering to gather.
wtf is that ugly ass monkey?
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newcutie cutether...
so lucky
4.7 feels so utterly barebones compared to 3.7...
i don't even have an account, retard
literally appeared on a homepage out of nowhere
I seriously have no idea what in the actual fuck they were thinking with Siggy. Like they might as well have just put her on the standard banner if they were going to make her such a monumental who gives a shit.
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for me it's tasses ragout
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>another male dps
Wow. What a nice idea.
it's a fomo trick, after 5.0 she will get a new passive that makes her busted and people will regret skipping
Then pray she's a 5.1 character, lmao.
She's 100% a Nanatzcayan tribe character, and their area is the one closest to Sumeru, and the one featured on the trailer. There's less incentive to release her later on.

FouL is a reliable leaker.
what happened in 3.7?
>makes you immortal with one button
>pairs well with furina
>buffs skill damage

how is that standard tier, retard
The alhaitham powercreep is here
they are mother and son....
Emilie won BIGLY
>4.7 feels so utterly barebones compared to 3.7
not even close
so buddypokes shitposted chiori and pork while sigewinne is going to be the worst selling banner in history?
Buddypokewinne, and the Geo characters Chiori and Navia flopped immensely, so they downgraded Iansan's rarity

probably supposed to be paired with emilie and the pyro archon, if you are straight you can just give up on dendro and safely skip both
He + Emilie will be broken
buddypoke won
yea I think HSR will win again despite being a chinkslop. the bar is really low.
You don't play the game and it shows.
>need to roll for a male to pair with Emilie
Wow, just saved my gems cause I'm not rolling for her anymore now.
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why do shotas make anons so mad?
what will be our narrative when he outsells fontaine females ?
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I will never... EVER!!! forgive mihoyo for REMOVING LAYLA'S VILLAGE!!!!!
Do you think Ei created Scaradouche to satiate her sexual desires?
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>/gig/gers expect kino shounen war arc from Genshin lmao
It would be some pokemon level tournament. This is an all age game, can't have content harmful to chink kids playing this game
3.7 was the TCG flagship event...
4.7 is... whatever unvoiced towerslop flagship event we just had...
it only means one thing anon, we gotta make a new one.
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>he's never heard of oedipus
He won't wormfag
>5.0 + top up reset + new 5* male after nearly a year
there is no way he sells bad
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Sigewinne's story quest was great. Fat Xiao did it once again.
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I can already see Algaytham's usage cut in half.
I have a question /gig/.
I only started playing earlier this year, and I'm just starting Sumeru right now.
I have yet to wish on any banners, and I have like 60 rainbow fates and 50k primogems.
I keep hearing that Furina is really really good to have, so for that reason I'm tempted to wish on it.
I havent even gotten to Fontaine yet. I know nothing about Furina and I don't wanna spoil the story or immersion for myself by having/using a character that I haven't met yet.

So i guess my question is...
Is Furina so good that she's worth getting, even if I just end up sidelining her and not using her til I get to Fontaine in a couple months?
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So, what two best teams can I make with my genshins (I am using taser rn)? Who should I be on look out for? I have 100 rolls saved no guarantee.
>5 days to clear the event
am i imagining things or are events getting shorter and shorter? my anxiety levels are unironically rising
bro... >>483526083
he just need to exist to outsell them, he has too much advantage
whats it gonna be /gig/ ?
I wonder how ugly it was. Must have been an awful place.
Emilie is an off field dendro, they both need a good, reliable source of off field pyro
Technically depending which one it is, it's his mom or his sister or both.
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He was supposed to be Alexander noooo
He still cute tho
yeah, I will just skip everything and save for columbina and her cons, maybe grab C0 pyro archon if she isn't a homo-locked support like C0 furina
whats the plot?
which females?
flopping during anniversary & new region would set a new record
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he definitely put a lot of love and care into it
maybe potton was based off his experiences
Toilette flopped
Natlan looking to be the land of brown shotas and hebes
>schizos are already shitposting an unreleased male character's sales
>one without a design, even
Mental illness
He will flop like dragvillette wormfag
4.7 has increased gems for abyss and the theater coming next week (permanent abyss sidegrade)
For literally NO reason whatsoever, the events this patch have very short timers.
Typically it rolls out over 1 week, then you have the full 2nd week to clear, or longer if it's a major event.
We're getting this one over like 5 days with 2 days padding to finish.
>2 in 1 sistermom
that's so fucking hot.
I'm already shitposting cheld's 11th rerun lmaoooooooo
>Emilie is an off field dendro, they both need a good, reliable source of off field pyro
Don't care. If the only Emilie team that works requires him. I'm not rolling for Emilie. Sick of characters being sold as a combo deal to work. Especially when one of them is male.
I thought that's the dendro boy.
I think Xbalanque is a tall male :/
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with a dendro dps the gap with the signature will be a lot lower I guess
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I pulled Furina on my 3rd ten pull. The next ten pull, I got Diluc. I did 3 more ten pulls, and got Furina again
man learn the most important rule and having hard time coping
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They are bored since they have been seething at Neuv for a year straight. Last time they only seethe at Kaveh for 6 months before moving on to Lyney.
Shitbalance is a brown manlet who looks straight out of JJK.
How come we haven't seen the Raiden Shogun since 2.5?
I should really build yujin
Anyone got their own build they can share
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Alright, I'm gonna fucking say it. I'm tired of lying to you guys.
Sigewinne is fun. She feels good to play as, her teams are peak comfy as the entire party is always topped off, she's borderline immortal and her own skill basically maxes out her health, she doesn't need her burst nor any ER% management, and she does her job with minimal clunk.
She was worth the pulls.
Sieg backstory, slight meta Fuck You for wanting Melu Sigger like Xinyan's hair down appearance for GAA2.
And then that Nick Cage John Travolta movie Face Off.
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Xbalanque is a boy too
Idk if he and the dendro boy are the same character. His title implies that he's pyro.
But we just saw her a patch ago.
>a year with no 5* male
you're acting as if stinky homofujos are the one who have been carrying the game.
he will not sell.
brown + shota will never sell.

even troonvilette lost to chinkliu despite having all of those buffs & getting the maximum shilling treatment
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Pic related.
>2 SQs
>dain quest
>imaginarium in 5 days
youre retarded
3.7 was literally nothing
all we got was the shitty artifact thing and character powerup screen, neither of which are used by anyone with a brain
But it could be fake..
How come we haven't seen Nahida since like, 3.6?
I mean I'm pretty sure she just does damage all by herself as long as something is burning so I doubt she needs much more than a way to keep the fire going.
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Why is the billboard putting him ass facing the viewer?
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>roll c1 funina for my noelle
>can't notice any difference in damage
Capitano will be a shota on stilts inside that armor of his.
Trust the plan.
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How come we haven't seen Barbara since 1.4 Windblume?
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He was cuter
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Why is Star Rail so childish compared to Genshin? Inazuma is widely regarded as one of the best fictional stories ever made.
its very strange.
Ngl that looks cool. Straight out of JJK. I'll roll for him.
>even troonvilette lost to chinkliu despite having all of those buffs
count how many banners hsr had in october
Gay sex with brown boys
gaming trial was unironically one of the best trials i ever played. with sigewinne trial i have no fucking idea what this team is even supposed to do lol
I mean the Shogun, not Ei
Benny Negro...
she's in my sex dungeon
So sigewinne was just quick cash
emilie is supposed hold deepwood to support the new burning homo
at this point I don't think future non-dendro characters will need her, she is a xiangling sidegrade according to TCs so you can just use xiangling for eventual future melt dps
Hell yeah, give me a cocky, arrogant shota proud of his strength. Schizodouche was just a kusogaki.
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>this dude trying to downplay Penacony as the best thing Mihoyo's put out so far
>Penacony as the best thing Mihoyo's put out so far

not even the chinks are slurping that up lmeow
they put way too much effort into her for that
Sigewinne is slow cash. If she was quick, her C1 would have been in base kit.
How reliable is this?
Sigewinne sounded the death knell,
Emilie will bury us,
Xbalanque will be the nail in the coffin.
Neuvillette first banner did not flop thoughever
jean, you need to rest
it was trash if anyone cared
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When you said straight out of JJK I expected it to look like JJK's shota.
Murata's so fucking lucky...
He did though... top up + Hu Tao and that is all he could get?
she's good as a furina healer. problem is, you will get more bang for your buck by rolling furina cons
It's fanart based on a leaker's description. Even if the general premise is correct, take that image with an ocean's worth of salt.
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Looks like Dottore
what if your only healer is Barbara?
Da Wei has abandoned us for his nuclear reactor....
JJK Chonggers...
that's my point bro, he was the second best selling banner of Fontaine, that's why I'm predicting the dendro boy to sell well too
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Makes it look like they're trying to run away which is cute.
need Xbalanque's nail in me...
Calm down Himeko.
Natlan has
>JJK brown manlet
>Brown Kaveh
>Flat brown hydro hebe who can run on water (Brown Furina)
>Young Himeko
>Capitano (Firefly expy)
>Celestial envoy (HP waking up)

Are we winning?
But what if they were lying about his model..
I'm not going to lie bros, Neuvillette calling Melusines his daughters was pretty cute
Rolling furina is still better since she has no bad cons. C1 gets you close to c2 and so on.
why the fuck did they make Siggy's normal and charged attack animations so soulful?
Is the leak about Murata being Xbalanque's disciple and them being close true?
Because that would be hilarious.
If I post my ID here will I make friends or is it too late
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>the second best selling banner of Fontaine
>the most flopped region
early fontaine genshin isn't the same genshin as now
people never thought furina's rerun could flop yet here we are
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siggy is good, tired of pretending she is not
>Brown Kaveh
He's also a manlet btw
>Young Himeko
>Capitano (Firefly expy)
Fanta Furina and a 40 years old looking man
Fixed you
>any m*le character ever
>selling well
wormvillette flopped
>fuck off
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>it took 3 years to get a (shitty) miss hina skin
Maybe we will get a good one in 6.x
Everything I've heard and seen about Xbalanque has been so consistent I would be very surprised if Mihoyo changed direction and he wasn't a manlet. Pyro Sovereign is the designated 5* Natlan tall male anyway.
Raise your hand up if you've ever been accused of being cum2play
Redvillette will BREAK you just as Bluevillette did btw.
shit, i forgot to check
do NPCs clap when she skills or bursts?
nah I rather play c0 Furina with Sig instead of c1 Furina with Barbara
i don't realy get this aspect of her kit
its seems pointless?
nice try downplaying your faggotry cum2play
telegram leaker said so
>being close
fake screenshot if you're referring to that dim tweet
There are no more Sovereigns. Only Neuvillette is the human Sovereign. Apep won't be playable
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My Shogun wife is so cute
It's been said by leakers several times that the pyro sovereign won't be playable. Why are you still pushing your fake leak from team china
>Apep won't be playable
But my dendro hag
>team mew posted xbalanque is the first pyro archon
do we believe?
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The war ravaged lands...
Ok, then I will say this, if 5.0 flop while having double new 5* character, top up reset, new area, new 5* male after 1 year and probably a good double banner it's truly over
the production quality is insane
I don't really care about ZZZ but after looking at their promo material I have an urge to try it out
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>1 minute apart
Is there any point in getting siggy if I have Jean
ackane flopped
Wasn't murata the pyro archon 1000+ years ago? That wouldn't make sense
I want it to be true and if I meme it hard enough Da Wei will bow to my will.
its never too late, just post it and someone might add you
i will if you are from EU
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Shut the fuck up bitch
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If you care for Meta just roll for Emilie and the dendro DPS coming in 5.0, I bet they'll be the new meta.
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Le retcon tree make everything make sense.
I have a 2 years old friends request that I'm waiting to see if it goes away
No, unless lolis make you rock hard
Huh? What about Murata then? LOOOOOOOL they're rewriting everything
>Dendro shota
>Pyro shota
What the fuck, maybe Hoyoverse Japan is right lmao
>believing leak niggers
You have severe mental illness and need to be sent to the psychward
Oh, now the Master and Disciple thing makes sense.
Frem ungabunga with supports
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Grain of salt
>back to dendro wank for the pyro nation
hmmmmnyo I have c6 nahida
War on drugs ring a bell?
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I knew they would do it
what am I supposed to see here
We need this event in Sneednaya capital.
every new character gets insane constellations that powercreep the previous ones, even if they are mid at c0
as a metafag, why roll for a worm you don't like when you can just save for cons of a character you like?
/gig/ in natlan is gonna suck so badly
I only need GODzhu.
gonna goon to emilie
Maybe we should call him Hack Xiao from now on.
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>tfw my schizo theory about xbalanque being the pyro archon is real
Too many males so no.
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>Nips can't carry Floppyweiner (God bless them though for hitting no 1)
>fake leaks galore
>don't feel like logging in to build my Siggy
Interesting maybe he trains potential pyro archons?
right about what?
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A CUM2PLAY, that's that shit I don't like
A KLEEPEDO, that's that shit I don't like
A KEKSCHIZO, that's that shit I don't like
Oh my god he's one of my fave arknights designs
there's chink divegrass apparently?
that looks really cool. i hope so too.
>boing boing boing
ok rolling for her
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>I can already see genshin being #1 in monthly revenue sales
Oh yeah? post your Baizhu if you're so great
/gig/ already sucks 9 months out of 12, at least
>the "Ode to Resurrection" theme will be about Xbalanque reviving his twin
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please undo it cheld
So Fanta Furina ascends to Pyro throne? This is just a reverse Furina now? Are you serious?
>It's been said by leakers several times that the pyro sovereign won't be playable
Why should I trust them any less than I trust team mew
It's a pattern.
Basically normalfags will not stop doing it and there's a pattern linking their politics to how they choose to act and live. In the genshin fandom for example, hag lovers tend to have right wing ideologies.
pork overload is probably my favorite team currently
Instant guaranteed flop. Thank god for a save patch though.
im confused
i thought astolfo was a boy
Well yeah twins are a core part of genshin's storytelling
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According to HoyoverseJapan, these are the five stars for Natlan.
But it's
Still, Columbina + Hydro hebe makes two hebes.
Hag is the Pyro archon.
Do you see now?
>Huh? What about [headcanon]
He was also right about Furina not being the Archon and everyone doubted him.
Iirc white was the first leaker to say xbalanque uses the boy model. But they went back on that and said he's actually a tall male
interesting to note how the fabled /gig/ """waifufags""" get so heated when a waifu is """shipped""" with the mc but stay completely silent when she is shipped with another character
someone has that image of Fischl, Raiden, Nahida and Scara going full schizo?
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How did this pass quality control?
Bro what? We literally refused to use a Kazuha x Ei thread in favour of this one. Quit it with the victim complex already.
>3 manlets
>skip all the worms
>skip the femnig
>skip the buddypoke brick
>get pyro archon and columbina
good, I really needed a save region
so that's how they are balancing the archon genders, by making two pyro archons
colonize femniggers
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Khaenri'ah goes there
Yes just roll for her, you wont regret it. I wouldnt worry about the story, just walk into the region and get her materials without doing the archon quests, you wont learn anything about her at all.
it's called a motif hth
Is it just me or the future looks bleak righr now?
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Shitpost account.
>Focalors and Furina
>Xbalanque and Hunahpu
Simply thought provoking, Fat Xiao.
dragonwank failed tiffany, so she is taking over the archon identity to sell her homos
>A male pyro Archon after 4 years
I refuse to believe it, it's too good to be true...
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The oldest leaks about natlan said there's a male and female pyro archon
So the fujodev faction is no longer pulling any punches and usurping female archons, they just rewrite males into archons now. How convenient that from twins the male archon is alive while female's been long unlive'd
So is Shitbalance still the Archon or he's not, or is it a situation like Shitbalance is the Archon and Fanta Furina is a representative.
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>chink divegrass has bvetter production value than ours
i told you the pyro archon was male
I lost pity on sigewinne. I dont think shes worth more than 80 rolls from me.
It's embarrassing to be cum2play nowadays. Not only does no one take you seriously anymore, you desperately keep up the weak cuckposting in the hopes of saving face by having no one say that you quit because you got outed as the homosexual shitter that you are. Keep fighting the good fight cum2play.
>male archon
Fuck off Ortiz.
>said that yu-peng chen quitting when everyone was in denial and didn't believe him
>predicted furina losing her archon title when everyone was in denial
femcels hate him but hoyoverse japan has never been wrong
Shaoji-dono, please grace us with your presrnce in this game RIGHT NOW.
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Your Neuvillette? Stop being greedy.
>male pyro archon
it's way easier to just make the archon a potato shota
don't why the two archons thing is such a popular trope they like
we don't need verbose slop that leads to nothing and reddit humor
Dont want
What if the pyro archon is Diluc all along?
Not only did you miss the point like a retard, but you’re also a fucking disingenuous faggot because the other shipshit nonsense was ignored.
I'm fucking dropping this game if they pull troonvilette bullshit again
>suddenly, out of nowhere, a m*leslop archon was alive all along!
Wouldn't put it past fat xiao to actually pull off something like this. If he really does it, it would confirm the fact that wormvillette is a massive flop and failure so much so that they don't care what bullshit they do anymore just to sell their homoslop out of sheer desperation.
I wonder why they kept the /vg/ league name and logo.
Why is Fontaine an objective failure? What caused this?
Y'all are already assuming the plot like how y'all assumed Fontaine's would be about a Worker's Revolution that's aimed to dethrone the Bourgeoise centered at the Court of Fontaine.
He's gonna be a manlet sis
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Rerun WHEEEeeeeEeeeennnNNNNNnn!????????
Shut the fudge up, Boothill.
wtf this year old leak is 100% correct on everything
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Pyro archon
Wanderer sold better that Pagfly
>actual gay man
Go back
Also that would've been better than whatever the fuck we got, no matter how generic and overdone it is in media
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should i bother getting 4 stars to lvl 90/final ascension? sorta just wanna reserve it for limiteds.
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>natlan is wormeru 2.0
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here you go
why do waifutrannies pretend venti and zhongli don't exist?
if they deal damage, yes, especially if it's reaction-based
>3 manlets
why are they so afraid of making a shorter male?
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Is Lumine's weakness being gassed?
They're retired
Give them a break.
I mean, yeah. But I'm just saying that his alleged info isn't contradicting what we know so far
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we actually don't know if the pyro archon is female or male btw, everyone just headcanoned it
He reposts shit from Tieba
He's not a leaker, just an obsessive ex-bf like Tectone (lolipedo version)
I am ready to drop the game bros. You can have your own brown faggotryfest in natlan. I just need to wait a little bit longer for 4.8 stream - & the natlan trailer to finalize my decision.
she must've fucked every man in the fortress
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>get called out for not having any leaks
>all of a sudden the leaks start flooding in
Very interesting
Pyro archon will be male and be a shota
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It's your fault for letting Fontaine flop, waifutroons
Dain called the Pyro Archon a she
never, get fucked
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Update the floptaine graph with this
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why didnt you send me your power...
No her weakness is being tickled. she pees if you do that
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I care
Xbalanque will look like this
Finish upgrading it bwo
So are we really gonna get that dating event in 5.x? Will Lumine players get to date Childe and Aether players get to date Furina?
Same, what the fuck were they thinking making a whole region of darkies
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More like
>entire patch flops
>even the long awaited """archon""" rerun
It's very organic.
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>8 (eight hachi) 4.x waifus
>all of them flopped
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zamm that's crazy anon
who asked btw?
so you can heal your bros in coop
t0c0 in raids soon
Your rerun (with GOD Kazuha) flopped just as horribly, troonvillette
wormderer flopped
I think he was killed and resurected into a potato version. A teen right now. This is why Fanta Furina has loli, teen and hag concept arts.
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>Murata is a honkai expy
>Himeko is famous for dying
>Natlan's chart is about resurrection
>No one knows who the current pyro archon is
>Mihoyo is keeping natlan's info and the name of the pyro archon a secret
>The only bpdytype we're missing is a potato shota
The female archon is dead and gets resurrected as a shota
>flopped just as horribly
not even close
I'm starting to wonder if Neuv will still live rent free inside /gig/'s heads when we're in the middle of Natlan.
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>Neuvillette first rerun and Kazuha third rerun (T0C0)
>Furina first rerun (broken C6) and Sigewinne release (broken C6)
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>sigewinne is 3*
Meanwhile in reality she's perfectly usable.
They'll be seething about xbalanque or some other male by then
Xbalanque is a true Himeko expy, just like Scaramouche is a true Mei expy
I cracked the code
You just know he will. You'll have the same tired shitposting a year from now, except worse somehow
this was the most forgettable shart rail fotm

You have 0 tiktok hours

In before you say
>m-muh QQ hours

Genshin is still above QQ

Also, Xianyun, Arlecchino, and Navia managed to stay somewhat above tiktok
most people can’t even get a single constellation on their 5 stars, they’re not gonna go for a C6
C2 klee
C2 sigewinne
C6 nahida
C6 furina
C2 nilou
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i forgot to prefarm
Nope, Aether and Xiao Lumine and Jeht
Murata better be sporting a flintlock and a sword and shield.
Not true colonizer colonizes new clay without it.
>an ENTIRE REGION's worth of plot and characters warp around one single homoslop that caused everything to fail
>reeeeeeeeeee why do you always talk about him forget about him already reeeeeeeeeeeeee he didn't flop waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
homosexuals are confirmed dumbasses too
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For me it's Qanipalaat
How bad is my taste?
Does that mean he dies
im not believing in these leaks until big boss arrives (if at all)
plus Nahida, Ganyu and Shenhe skins
Fixed that for you, you're welcome.
Sorry your reasoning just isn't convincing
You honestly sound like you should've dropped this game years ago
>Xianyun, Arlecchino, Navia
it was their first runs and Neuv's first run also got some tictac hours.
After the Bedtime AQ?
lol no
It's twincest or BUST
you thinking about a man all day is very homosexual
Neuvillette rerun sold more than chiori and clorinde I believe
He already died and resurected
"One entombed with the Primal Fire"
6 hours lole
I would suck a dick for that artifact no joke
You forgot the Chinese New Year buff.
The same buff Hu Tao and Yelan's banner had last year.
It was always twincest
Prove it.
Protip: You can't. Just accept Sigewinne is not bad.
Not only are you actual retards, you are actual retards in denial too.
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>Xbalanque is the pyro archon, and matador girl's master
>Matador girl deeply cares about his master and wishes to be as strong as him
>Suddenly, something (Capitano, perhaps?) deafeats her master and kills him
>Matador girl is engulfed by rage and wishes to become stronger than Capitano to get revenge
>Thus beings her training arc with (You)
>She ends up defeating Capitano using not her strength and power, but wit, determination and will.
>Xbalanque tells her from the grave that she will make a strong archon, stronger than he ever was
>Xbalanque rests in peace, Matador girl gets to become archon
you have AIDS
How often does Nahida shit herself?
So why is Furina the only character that sold the most in Floptaine and is currently carrying the flops known as Clorinde and Siggewinne this month?
Natlan hype level?
projection isn't healthy, neuvfaggot
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>Yae is real electro archon
>Alhaitham is real dendro archon
>Neuvilette is real hydro archon
>its raiden issue and not genshin's overall lack of chaarcter/story progression
We're wasting all this time helping npcs and doing children's puzzles but you focus on a fucking non-canon message

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