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Previous: >>483519442

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Pyro Archon
Story make Apep angry
Can be both on-field and off-field
C2 meta
C6 buff herself and on-field character
Have some mechanisms that make whole team survive better

Nothing related to Xbalanque can be leaked because of spoilers

Source: Uncle K

Guys I don't think Apep really appears
It's more like "a story plot that makes Apep angry"
Original sentence is: 氣死阿佩普的故事情節
We need a Firefly expy to revitalize the game
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Lucky Kaedehara Kazuha...
the pyro archo will be male and a shota
that's a cute jugon
Lyney/Yelan - 28
Zhongli/Tartaglia - 0
Neuvillette/Hutao - 63
Wriothesley/Venti - 0
Furina/Baizhu - 81
Ayato/Cyno - 0
Navia/Ayaka - 6
Yoimiya/Raiden - 0
Xianyun/Nahida/Ganyu and Shenhe's skins - 42
Xiao/Yae Miko - 0
Chiori/Itto/Klee/Eula/Albedo/Hunter's Path/Beacon- 0
Neuvillette/Kazuha - 0
Arlecchino/Lyney - 33
Wanderer/Baizhu - 0
Clorinde/Alhaitham - 0
Sigewinne/Furina - 0

The ones that sold:
>Furina's debut

The ones that flopped MASSIVELY
>All the reruns
>All the skins
>An Archon’s first rerun (Furina)

What fucking went wrong?
join the 41% kleecuck
Toilette flopped
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Nahida is really sexy.
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The best!
Sigewinne bouncing on my lap
How the fuck is xbalanque the pyro archon? Dainslief referred to the God of War as she
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>we know literally nothing about natlan, both in game and irl
>make up headcanon about it
>get mad at it

What is this mental illness called?
/gig/, genshin impact general
i am afraid its terminal
4.2 killed the game. It's that simple.
>throw 20 rolls at furina
>doesnt show
oh well not goin any higher than that!
social media
> It's more like "a story plot that makes Apep angry"
Fanta Furina, Xbalanque and the Pyro Dragon are having a polygamous relationship and Apep doesn't like it.
wormvillette flopped
>the God of War as she
murata is the god of war and she's dead
the new pyro archon is a shota named something else
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I'm only hyped for the Bina.
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Shotacon game
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I wish hoyo was capable of something this simple yet good. get ready for latino version of meropide lol.
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Me and my husband
>4.7 flopped horribly
>Nobody cares about 4.8

Quick! release the leaks
Wanderer killed 3.X
Neuvilette killed 4.X
There needs to be a genshin without playable males.
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Wormrina flopped
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> Clorinde/Alhaitham - 0
Bitch made my husband flop wtf
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sex with alhaitham
You sound like you're that close to transitioning anon
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Xbalanque will be a manlet because they want to avoid another Neuvifuri situation which they are now straying away from as it almost killed the game.
Shippers will be less motivated in shipping Xbalanque with the Pyro Archon, a hag, this way. Oneeshota aka /ss/ is a thing, yes, but most normalfags won't take it seriously.
>Does this mean that the archon will be pagbait
Not necessarily. They just want to avoid a shipping scenario between the characters I've mentioned
our pyro archon
or xbox and dendro claymore
she'll be a bigger disappointment than arlekek
Azur Promilia soon
Please go play it and stop seething on /gig/









Wanderer is literally, and I mean that in the literal sense, a tranny.
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bros is my pork now at acceptable level?
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
You would know.
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The xbalanque and zhongli be like
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>They just want to avoid a shipping scenario
why do males terrify waifutrannies?
Was giving her a big ass really necessary?
they've literally made neuvfuri art this patch thoughever
that's a really meaty porkrinde. good job.
I guess that looks like a decent Kamisato Clorinde Lawrence
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The Bina could never disappoint me.
You're putting too much hope into Genshin's writing team.
I bet it's gonna be
>Xbalanque is doing everything in the plot
>Not-Murata is there just to be pretty and maybe get sad backstory or smth
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>Sigewinne is C
>all of Rhinedottir's creations suck dick
No wonder she's exited from the world. Hell, I would've done too if I had all of these losers as my children and grandchildren.
>between the characters I've mentioned
They are now focused on yuribaiting and fujobaiting, like before.
Lyney didn't flop
Neuvillette didn't flop
Baizhu didn't flop
Arlecchino didn't flop
/gig/ owes these four an apology
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>/gig/ hates Furina
Wtf /gig/, how could you?
>made neuvfuri art this patch
>if you like girls you're tranny!!
/gig/, ladies and gentlemen
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>replace zhong and chiori with C1 furina + kuki in my Itto team
Just tried 12-1-1 and my clear was like 15 secs faster. Will try them with xianyun too since her heals are far better.
Honkai Impact Turd FLOPPED (twice). kys self loathing misandrist AGP troon
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Xabalanque is a fucking JJK Shonenkino expy. He's not some gay Troonvillette. Natlan is a Shonenkino region. Husbandofags and waifupags can go shut the fuck up.
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Share! Share!
I haven't seen it unless it's the chibi one
Which jjk character is this? Sukuna's long lost brother?
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Post your Siggy clear
I'm told Furina has some sensitive nipples.
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Wanderer is literally, and I mean that in the literal sense, a doll that Raiden made as a test for the Shogunbot.
Okay where is Gojo
Should let gentilhomme Usher play, I bet he could better
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I got really unlucky, but even these shitty results were enough to IMPROVE my overall luckiness, that's how bad my luck is in general. No regrets, she's a really fun character at C6.
GODvillette (Genshin's Sephiroth) >>> your gay ass brown dwarf
Fuck off
raiden likes shotas
Sigewinne is so fucking terrible in coop I'm waiting for this dumb bitch to heal me and her bubble takes two years to land
>Lyney didn't flop
>Baizhu didn't flop
>Arlecchino didn't flop
According to the current /gig/ narrative they are all below Neuvillette so they flopped.
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Did she make Scara retarded on purpose?
And they will revert the state into shipping war again once the storm calmed like the before of the before
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Holy shit mihoyo is shilling Dehyalou
the shock that a loli and a the archon hebe was too much for them to handle, so they quickly try to find a scapegoat to dump all their frustrations onto.
I really hope hrt diluc deletes his twitter
>Genshin's Sephiroth

Delusional people like you belong in a psyche ward
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Sigewinne is actually Zhongli tier braindead at keeping you alive and is specifically made to work with the best character in the game, but retards already convinced themselves she's bad
if thats okay then i guess i can go back to farming hunter/troupe because my pieces from that domain are absolutely terrible
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>sigewinne beyond doubles off field skill damage
if Xbalanque looks like this i'll roll
according to /gig/ standards, xbalanque is gay simply because he shows his tummy.
It's spelt psych ward you fucking nigger
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*turns him into my husbando against (You)r will*
Alhaitham's wives
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>Genshin's Sephiroth
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Why are there so many Artifact sets that hand out all these whack cooldown effects?
Isn't the best one just the Gladiator set which grants ATK?

How am I supposed to know which is good?
Thank you Yelan
Thank you Hu Tao
Thank you Furina
for not allowing my homotrash chars to completely experience the shame of failure in sales
>Xabalanque is a fucking JJK Shonenkino expy. He's not some gay Troon
maybe its because im white and as such do not follow shounenslop, but i was under the impression that jjk, just like every other contemporary shounen, is a fujo franchise
i only ever see women and homos post it
keep coping spic
our brown femboy shota will btfo SHITvillette
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gonna try out more teams today
lumine only likes one shota and it’s her BROTHER
Her pets have to be laughing at her.
go to sleep nigga you been shilling this brick for hours
It is.
Who do you think is trying to force "shonenkino" in here?
No team wide interruption resist? Not Zhongli tier, simple as
>jjk expy
if he's gojo then who's his geto?
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
That's not beyond double, but it's a decent amount. Just note that at C0 it's still pretty bad, since you only get 10 uses per skill use which are shared between all party members. You CAN use sac to reset the skill and give you 10 more uses, but this costs you in added damage because you don't have an HP% weapon in that case. Her C1 is basically required for her to be useful when it comes to that buff.
Nothing surprising about that at all, still skipping
does she have ir?
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>neuvfag having a melty and saying the n-word
who triggered him?
nta but you should shill a brick to your dick
Just like Genshin then
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>Story make Apep angry
Dragons are getting btfo'd?
Or is it because "le friendship, dragons are humans too, racism is bad" kind of shit?
I mean, if fat xiao adds a playable yoruichi I'm sure nobody will care about your own pandering so everyone wins
Ive never seen a good post with a Navia picture attached
Oh, you're absolutely on spot. But faggots gonna cope with "muh kino".
At least we gonna have decent time saving for Snezhnaya.
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It's because gods bad, dragons good.
Remember when this game was about humans rising above divinity?
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Isn't it crazy how Yelan+Hu Tao banner will remain as the most profitable for the rest of the game until EoS?
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Stupid Nara.
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Yes, and?
These niggers have spent months saying a healer that buffs is somehow worse than healers who only heal. They're too far gone.
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>put 2 non bricks together
>sells well
Wow.... revolutionary
>Chinese banner
>chinese event
>chinese 5*
Chinese game
Counterpoint, Baizhu
that plotline doesn't even exist outside of liyue
the game literally opens up with you helping a dragon
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>Why are there so many Artifact sets that hand out all these whack cooldown effects?
In order to make weird kits viable, mihoyo needs to release specific artifacts that would buff those playstyles without buffing everything else.
>Isn't the best one just the Gladiator set which grants ATK?
No, because not all characters want ATK%, not all characters who want ATK% are polearm, sword or claymore users, not all characters who want ATK% and are polearm, sword or claymore users want to spam normal attacks.
Also, sometimes the 4p effect of other sets is more viable. Like, even though Keka CAN technically use the 4p and 2p effect of Glads, using 4P TF not only buffs all kinds of her damage instead of just NAs but also allows her to reliably lower the cooldown on her skill in order to spam it more. This isn't the case for Fischl, however, who can't make use of the cooldown lowering effect since she doesn't take the field. However, as a skill-based off field damage dealer, she can make very good use of the 4p effect of GT that gives her basically a massive damage buff for free.

>How am I supposed to know which is good?
You can either check with the slightly unreliable in-game guide, or use this one

As you play more and more, you start to become more saavy and more knowledgeable on what sets are good on whom.
Good rule of thumb is that "the more specific of an artifact set a character can take advantage of, the better said set is on them"
Example: Sethos is a bow, CA based quicken abuser, which means that he wants a ton of EM.
Is there a set that just HAPPENS to give EM and just HAPPENS to buff charged attack damage on what just HAPPENS to be bow users? That's right, Wanderer's Troupe. It's his best set.
Nyo, we helped a GOD get his dragon back, because it was bullying the good people of Mondstadt. We didn't do it for the dragon's sake.
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Should I do Clorinde's quest first, or Sigewinne's?
My criteria for a good story quest:
>little to no focus on NPCs
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Skipping Furina and getting Sigewinne.
And no I don't mean skipping her cons, I skipped her even during her first banner, fuck fat xiao for pulling that fake archon shit.
>a healer that buffs
>is better than healers that only heal
>hasn't dropped below 50% usage rate since his release
i don't see how this is a counterpoint
Baizhu shouldn't exist.
He's a prime example of Liyue ICHIBAN
Want a healer? Use him
Want a shielder for some reason? Use him
Want a buffer? Use him
Like damn, the nigga's loaded. And he's just a feeble scaly.
They didn't like that plotline because that would mean people don't deserve to be governed heavily (like China)

The bad people (ROC) are Celetia. The good people (Sovereigns) are CCP. We need to free Teyvat from the clutches of evil and let the benevolent CCP rule over us.
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Neuvillette+Hutao and Neuvillette+Kazuha didn't sell as well as that banner
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isn't it funny how neuvtrannies, the ones who popularized tiktok hours, now have to cope with QQ hours only to get mogged by Keka and Raiden's 4th banner?
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switching Yelan from 2pcHP2pcHydro to full emblem may have been a mistake. I almost got all the pieces the first two weeks but its been two months and not a single crit rate/dmg circlet...
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A new anemo boy when
Wait, why is so much of sigewinnes power in her C2?
35% res shred and a large shield... You'd think at least some of that would be in her baseline kit, say on charging her skill or something.
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Carried by Furina and Neuvillette purely for the healing
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>Bennett quadruples DPS damage
>Baizhu enables reactions while holding TTDS doubling DPS damage and shielding for IR
>Xianyun enables plunge giving highest multipliers to characters like Diluc and Hu Tao while holding TTDS
>Kokomi can on field and do respectable damage while driving reactions and being effectively immortal
only pedophiles will shill S*gewinne over these
>Wait, why is so much of sigewinnes power in her C2?
Where have you been for the last 3 years? That's the mihoyo standard. ALL characters get a massive power bump at C2, with C1 being the QoL constellation
His cute daughterwife
His son
An acquaintance of 500 years
>he's just a feeble scaly.
weakest reptile worshipper
Same. I impulse pulled and then at the end of 4.2, when it turned out the 'real twist' was that she was a human all along, I didn't get her C6.
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>Carried by Furina and Neuvillette purely for the healing
anon, the only reason why neuv uses baizhu instead of literally anyone else is because the IR he provides is invaluable
and he's been a staple in whatever hyperbloom and quicken teams he can fit in ever since his release just for the buffing alone
people really rolled that buddypoke right before natlan?
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>plunge dps
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I hate Artifacts.
I have a spare C6 Freminet laying around. Is XQ/Fish/flex his best team? Since he needs both superconduct and freeze?
>large shield
>he doesn't know
>Lantern Rite leaks this early
Either they're trolling OR they're desperate.
>Xbalanque is manlet brown sukuna
>Not this kino batman
this is literally capitano
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It's kinda strange how everything orbits Neuv in Fontaine and they literally can't live without him or get a pause from sucking his dick, and yet the fucking God of China is a broke jabroni bum who works as the fucking gofer for a teenage girl who buries corpses all day.
Genshin is just desperate, I mean their Archon rerunning is flopping live as we speak and Fat Xiao is scared
He also FLED.
>Make entire character just to give her weapon to xiao
Xiaoshilling is insane, he gets new buffs every couple of months
Nitocris is so lucky...
>no one gives a shit about Natlan
>"h-here, we gonna get Ping later on! Xiao mains gonna get new weapon too"
gee, I wonder which one is it?
>anon, the only reason why neuv uses baizhu instead of literally anyone else is because the IR he provides is invaluable
C1 neuv has no use for that, his burst is an unironic dps loss in that team, you just skill to build furina stacks and swap out
he's bis there because the only other option that doesn't make the team lose dps is clunky shit like petra zhongli
Yeah but what the fuck, C1 is a complete meme by comparison, with a normal "improves her passive talent and skill" thing.
Then C2 is "bam, godlike sustaining powers which also lets you not play a Aero unit"
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we all do
just do whatever the guide tells you to do, you'll figure the rest out eventually even if it may take a few months
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i tried that same bloom team but with barbara and couldn't clear. how much time left you had on 12-1-2?
this is literally Fahkumram
>fontaine god does paperwork all day and night
>china god fucks teenage bitches all day
>goes to shady boat to fuck preteen bitches all night
>Furina rerun is flopping
>Nobody cares about the game

Quick! bring out the leaks! Please generate hype! We need people to care about Genshin
It's because it's easier to make up something more believable with lantern rite as we know liyue characters, while we have no idea what any of Natlan shit looks like
>Fontaine is such a gigantic FLOP that they're already leaking as far as 5.4
theres literally 0 chance of that happening and nobody wants that. its going to be either carp or the furry from chenyu vale.
anon it's at least 10k, probably 15, ok it's not massive, but it's significant since she also clears any bond of life with 30% extra efficiency and heals for 25k or something.
>neuv is the only one with the luxury of feeling siggy’s fat ass on his lap
It’s just not fair
Has he ever been right about anything?
nahida is dendro
her c1 is arguably more valuable
c2 only matters for res shred
Nigga what? If anything we're getting less leaks than in previous years.
Sumeru and Fontaine characters were leaked MONTHS before their initial patch.
She literally has a finished design
Not the first time. C2 made Raiden go from "great support, okay damage" to "Power creeps nearly everything so far". f2p builds were getting 3-400k nukes
Make it Changsheng
Can't wait to roll for brown Sukuna in Genshin.
>88% CDMG
another non-ATK scaler
~20 seconds, just make sure that the Lectors don't get apart from each other so you can aplly hydro with Babala and Nilou's rings.
>the only good thing about Fontaine is Furina
Repeat after me:
Our wife, the Hydro Archon of our heart, Furina.
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He is right about Alhaitham and Zhongli know each other before le retcon tree rewrite the history.
3500 instead of 2800 extra damage for furinas skill which already hits for 10-14k.
You won't even notice it, maybe the extra bounces do some small thing?
I love lady freena
She's a reposter and a part of a Chinese leak cartel
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Ok guys, perhaps you won't believe me but I'm going to say it:
There was no excitement, no sense of wonder, mostly disappointment because you didn't like the concept they picked for specific character.
piss off pagther
>she works with furina
We have known this from the beginning, retard bro. Rolling furina c1 + bennett gives you more damage than furina + siggy
Hold up. I'm going to leak very important highly classified information... The Tsaritsa is cryo (subject to change)
Do you have C6 Mika?
Also XQ is fine but Furina is better
A reverse trap in Floptaine is the only one who overall sold the most in this cursed region. Grim.
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baizhu is a non-character without neuvillette
90% of his supposed utility is useless in his most used team
no one uses >b in 2024
He's one of the more reliable leakers. Uncle Klown and Team Mew straight up make shit up on a daily basis
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Give me them Pantalone leaks
Arlecchino does
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i was hyped as fuck for captain r i still love pork tho
Pantalone wears pants. (Subject to change)
>Threw a 10 roll at Furina after getting sigewinne
>golden starfall
I know it's bait, but damn I'm tempted to go grind enkonomiya and untouched world quests for guaranteed Furina C1...
But people were hyped for Arlecchino and her design remained the same?
fine use cum retainer
this dude literally eats seamen
He's like C2 I think. I hate his kit so I've never even built him. And since I wouldn't be using Mika, I couldn't use Furina as I couldn't deal with the HP drain. If I need bonus dmg I'd use Yelan, with Zhongli for shred/not needing a healer
nah, i can't even remember any single concept leak that i've liked
AQ is one of the biggest reasons for it flop
another is absolutely boring 4.3-4.8 filled with random people who barely have any importance to the main plot
they are just characters in a vacuum with their own stories nobody cares much about
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So Sigewinnes R1 is really only to boost her own healing and personal damage, and my Elegy is just straight up better for buffing the team?
hxg shartluc is a man
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Can't wait to roll for brown Sukune in Genshin.
The Genshin killer...
>another is absolutely boring 4.3-4.8 filled with random people who barely have any importance to the main plot
>they are just characters in a vacuum with their own stories nobody cares much about

what does that have to do with fontaine? every region is like this, hell even HSR is structured like this
A Fontaine interlude
Furina and Neuvi SQ2 would've made people remain interested in the game and their reruns

If the leaks are true and HP really is waking up and sending Celestial envoy's in Natlan, why not do that in Fontaine interlude?
get with the times gramps, arle uses chevy nowadays
>3 brown shotas
I want to fuck emilie
The sisters are here.
Shut up Pagmine.
Go marry Cheld.
>no leaks from Natlan so far
>no one gives a shit about "excitement and wonder"
>only people who care are niggers, only to see if they got "muh representation"
You couldn't be more wrong.
>Electro sub dps
we need oliva
>Not leaking Xbalanque because of spoilers
he really is an archon, huh ? sometimes I wish I could avoid some spoilers, I feel like the reveal would be kino
Personally I would pick Zhongli over Yelan for that.
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>brown characters
>right from the fucking get-go
They're really trying to kill this game as fast as possible to make room for that Honkai MMO.
There is no justifiable reason for Neuv/Furina to not get a second SQ, even more, both of them should have gotten one
Is hyperbloom the best neuv team if i don't have kazuha?
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That shit is still 4 years away
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>see ei birthday art with aether
>oh man time to stir up drama on /gig/
>scroll through quote retweets for ammunition
>see this shit
actually, you know what? never mind
i suddenly don't feel like doing that anymore
nah fuck that
I'm tired of Fontaineslop
>See twitter
>Faggots only care about how brown the characters are because 'm-muh representation'
>We know chinks would never roll for browns

This game is dead
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Manlet Oliva
well, you now gonna say it does not contribute to the decline of interest in fontaine?
yes it was always like this, but can't they do something about it?
no archon SQ, nothingburger Arle quest, quite short Dain quest, flagship events are getting shorter (a lot shorter)
if you are f2p there are no reason to even login until 5.0
just use Siggy for the res shred.
>Aethermains are gay
What would it be about? Them fucking each other? All the lore and shit about them are in the world quests read the fucking game
It's literally the most hyped region yet
>only people who care are niggers, only to see if they got "muh representation"
That's just usual shitposting the same was before sumeru, but then it turned out to be the best region in terms of popularity an revenue
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They're gonna make the female "archon" a useless idiot compared to their shilled homo again..
She's a healer and zhongli is a shielder
They aren't even remotely the same in terms of braindead
now that's unnatural
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>this is what they latch onto nowadays
ohhh how the mighty have fallen
Chinks unironically rolled for Dehya more than Navia (and Chlorine, and Chio, Siggy even)
And that's despite the knowledge of her being a future standard banner.
Bro your Jean + Furina? Your Sucrose? Your Sayu??
They have to be women right or are all aetherfags this obsessed with him
>180 cm
H-holy fuck
But what if Xbalanque is really an archon ? maybe he is training her to be the next archon
>madame plung
>females are dumb
fantasy reflects life
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So of xbalanque is the 1st pyro archon when did murata ascend? Also there's no way she's the conquistador looking archon
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Mondstadt expansion in 5.4.
If you want to know more about what my crystal ball tells me, then too bad.
How can he even be an Archon? Pyro Archon has always been female
Should've just made Furina remain as the human leader of Fontaine like Jean and Ninnguang, Neuvillette remains the true God behind the scenes. They butchered her character by making her a bumbling idiot like Nilou.
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This tweet was somewhat confusing to me as I was under the impression that the is a symbol for lesbians, or at least sapphics. I looked up this person's profile, and while they indeed identity as a lesbian, they post a questioningly high amount of BL art of Aether and Childe. Must be some zoomer thing I'm too old to understand.
I hate little girls.
Furina plus a healer will likely still net you much higher damage than any other option.
>you die because you have no sustain
you're supposed to run thoma or dehya bwo...
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Shut up maybe.
imagine lumine with womb tattoo
she was never anything more than an idiot, why the fuck would she be a leader?
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>posts fanart
Trust me, there's a lot more to "latch on" in that regard!
>when did murata ascend?
like everywhere else, everything can be traced back to 500 years ago.
>male pyro archon is going to be a gigachad shota
>female archon will be useless and incompetent like all other f*males
You rike? Better pay up gweilo, so we can continue writing gems like this.
If Xbalanque is the 1st Archon that's an unironic rewrite.
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idk who to put with my sigewina
Well... it could certainly be a talking point for her SQ2. Coronation of Lady Furina.
uh just dodge and use your harley's burst?
Lorelet here, please explain.
or just use burst to heal?
It's almost like the conquistador archon was a fake design created by leaktroons
holy mogging
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who said there can only be 1 archon gweilo
>impression that the is a symbol for lesbians,
for some reason 4chan decided to autofilter out the two Venus symbols touching letter after I pressed post
will it be kino?
What's the best Raiden c2r1 team these days? Still national or is Sara/Chev better?
>dragons in the trailer
>leaker says there are only 5 dragons
Okay but who is the other cryo archon
>why the fuck would she be a leader
she was a leader for 500 years
Actually, I wouldn't mind Xbalanque being a pyro archon - it means I could skip entire region!
I kneel
The conquidator 'Archon' is the fake Archon, just like Focalors and Furina. Maybe she'll ascend in the end if Xabalanque really is the master and Fanta Furina is receiving training.
Murata was the pyro archon before the catslysm so everyone assumed she was the 1st one
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F-Fat Xiao, m-my knees...
In the manga story taking place during Vennessa's time, Murata was already the Archon for a long time. Unless Xbalanque is older than Zhongli and abdicated at some point, no way he's the first Archon.
>so everyone assumed
And therein lies the problem.
>Okay but who is the other cryo archon
Is obviously Seele, is anyone even doubting it ?
Gaming is really fun to play and I have him at c6, but I hate his design...
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The real twist is that there are two Archon bodies??? Fatui get the gnosis again??? Traveller jobs and does nothing again??? Holy shit I didn't expect this at ALL!
What about furina and focalors does neuv mog her too?
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holy shid they stole baldurs gate 3 puzzle
>archons are the only unit that sells, what do we do
>let's release multiple archons per region
this REEKS of desperation more than the average /gig/ger reeks of sweat and cum
lmfao, I feel exactly the same way
>Unless Xbalanque is older than Zhongli and abdicated at some point
So there's the solution. But also
>people going off leaks
>people thinking they know the full story
C'mon now we don't know what happened thousands/millions of years ago.
No way...
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>no pity
>pull first 10
>tying noose.jpg
>fuck it, pull another 10
I have defeated scamoyo this day
They didn't release one in Fontaine
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Good one
I kneel
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Xbalanque is going to be female.
I think it would be pretty cool if there were two archons
I felt blueballed from Sumeru, imagine how KINO it would have been if Rukkhadevata, Malikata and Deshret were alive
11 pages, just like Aether
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Genius. I kneel.
The Furina failure needs to be studied. Amazing design, potentially amazing story, but they fucked it all up. It's not even particularily about Neuv, I could still take him being made the actual archon, but someone supposedly acting for 500 years is still a shit actor, incompetent at everything, and as intelligent as fucking Klee. After the main story and her story quest, I don't think anyone cares about her anymore, even the writers. Second SQ never.
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you just posted one of her best teammates
They stole BG3's 3 entire game with Clorinde's quest. Yes BG3 invented roleplaying.
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navia/sigewinne/furina and...
hmmm... if only there was a geo friend that navia could use... a geo friend that dealt good damage, doesn't need to rely on clunky geo construct mechanics and deals off field damage with their skill to optimize siggy buffing...
Genshin is just one big Groundhog day
Another Bronya
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Archon war said so.
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I got curious about my OTP
Suffice to say, I'm a little glad
Hmmm... nope, doesn't ring any bells.
hag bronya (evil, seething because her seele died)
hebe silverwolf (pagbait)
Furina's story in a product like Genshin doesn't work since it condemns a character to perpetual irrelevancy.
But the Wikipedia critics and Redditors told me she was a masterpiece?
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It is done. My build is probably shit though so I need to continue the artifact grind. I so fucking glad I didn't get fucked on weapon banner.
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it truly is a mystery what other geo friend I could use... maybe noelle?
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I'm sorry for doubting you, Fat XiaoGOD...
I just hope I can clear this shit on time
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I am somewhat of a vertical investor. I want C6R1 Neuvillette on one half and C6R1 Furina on the other half, since having both on the same side is excessive. I am willing to level up anyone here. What are the best teams I can assemble to make the most of these powerhouses?
Gacha games honestly suck if you like a particular character and aren't just collecting all jpgs. Raiden will be a dango obsessed retard until the EOS celestia fight, where she /maybe/ gets a 10s long cut scene of her doing a lightning slash, and that's it. Hangouts were supposed to fix this, but as usual hoyo fucked them up totally.
We know that a significant portion of exploration will rely on transforming into stupid looking pokemon for traversal, negating one of the main draws of rolling for new characters for people like me who play solely for the BOTW-like overworld content. We know that they plan on focusing on longer and more taxing storymode cutscenes, which implies the overworld is a lower priority and that barren coastline in the latest map update is a sign of what to expect in later patches.
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You now remember the original plot of Fontaine according to leakers™
>class warfare between surface and underground Fontainians
>light vs dark faction
>one group is led by Furina, the other by Navia
Successors being a thing already invalidated the Archon war results pretty much, it's not like celestia seems to give a fuck either
Based but this is not the abyss, with all of the pyro shields.
>spend 500 years conducting trials
>lose to paimon twice
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>Focalors split herself into divine and non-divine halves
>Pyro archon splits divinity in two
Your response?
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>Zhongli fled to avoid paying for child support
at last I truly see
Sounds better than whatever we got
Xbalanque is trans
release two archons to make up for the lack of archon in fontaine…genius
Let's be real, which character isn't eternally irrelevant after we leave their region? Even the archons have been forgotten.
Just tried siggy. Didn't like her. Burst is Nuevs skill which is nice. But not nice enough to replace kokomi. What's gig's verdict?
It was rewritten into the trash we got instead.
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hello fellow /gig/gers, I just busted the fattest nut to Siggy, how are you all doing today
That's besides the point. You people are retarded for taking leakers seriously.
pyro archon (murata) is dead
killed by capitano
fontaine showed us that archons can die and can groom others into being archons
the new pyro archon is a male potato shota to round up the bodytypes
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>couldn’t even last a whole day at first in Japan
Uhh bros?
No one cares about your porn addiction you fucking pedo.
I swear I already saw this "leak" months ago during Lantern Rite, also saying that Xianyun and Madame Ping were both already finished but Ping was delayed to next year.
Sig in the character trial feels like a fucking 3* character, while Gaming is a 6*. What were they even thinking?
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Itto lmao.
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>vertical investor.
oh no no no.
Yep, that's the problem with selling characters. They become entirely irrelevant as the new shinier character needs to be sold.
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Why are both Zhong and Neuv dressed and look like women in this pic?
You can lie to yourself as much as you want, Genshin's progresses at a snail pace and we already know what characters are going to play a role in the future and the only human will be Kaeya.
Venti, Zhongli, Nahida, Ei, Neuvillette, have all been hinted to to return in a future plot.
This month will be a disaster as usual
Neuv being the hydro dragon leaked pretty early though, we will most likely know the identity of the pyro archon in a few weeks
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Thinking of what I should order today in honor of Raiden's birthday.
the story got worse because of the budget increase, it isn't the original story you got attached to in the beginning, it's a pumped up story that's the result of everyone's desperation to pour money onto the game
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Depends on its passive. High crit dmg weapon has low base atk substat. People really undervalue atk stat in this game.
Horse pussy is just too strong... Didn't even have to slow-climb like Sigepoke, they just slammed right into first place...
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I'm kinda tired of rolling for shitty loli healers
I really hope that Iansan is someone who doesn't heal yet is good in her hyper specific niche.
>im white
Of course you are.
Obviously boba tea (dango milk)
>Chlorine lasted a whole day
>Siggy already fell off for less
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Level dehya for furina
Level collei for neuv
The dice mechanics in Clorinde's and Lynette's quests is 100% BG3 inspired, though
BG3 was in surveys too
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How do you even pronounce Xabalanque
A man can dream. C2 Nahida, c1 Sig, and c6 Qiqi better carry my ass. These kids are running artifacts I borrowed from other characters I spent months farming. I am nervous Pyro shield will filter me but at least I'll be able to consistently heal everything
The birthday mails just piss me off at this point. The AI they use for it gets 2-3 keywords like "dango, Yae, Inazuma" and then spits out the slop we get served. If they're going to be the same trash every time, don't even bother.
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4* lynette-tier DPS free character go give you the tunneling Geodrake as your starter.
Hope you enjoy.
The game was fairly popular in China, censored as it was. Not at all like Japan, where it flopped miserably.
Oh no no no, pedokeks1?!?!?!
Your last cope!?!?!?!?
>dropping hints of an upcoming Avengers Endgame war against Celestia
I wonder who is going to fight this one
Approximately shbalankay
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I hope Iansan is Geon Catalyst and uses huge heavy geo fists, and she fucking launches herself with them, jumping around and dealing aoe damage.
Have you ever played a table top game
The worst fate. She doesn't deserve that treatment.
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Furina gave birth to a worm!
>#1 on Arlecchino banner, then lose to Nikke
>#1 on Clorinde banner, then lose to Wuwa
>#1 on Sigewinne banner, then lose to Uma
They were conspiring to destroy us...
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I always pronounce it as Eks-ba-lank
she's a geo claymore shield support with split scaling
Reminder to not roll for a single character during Natlan to make it flop and show mihoyo that you don't want brownoids or malewank. Save your primos for Tsaritsa
>archons called 'the seven god/七神'
>somehow they have more than one archon in some region so its not actual seven
>make archon war meaningless
this might be the most hilarious retcon more than irminsul if they really do it
I found your account btw
do furinapags really...
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Plot twist traveler doesnt job
Do you think that Fat Xiao's interns played an actual DnD instead of BG3? Let's be real.
Genshin's elemental reactions were inspired by DOS, btw.
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>Save your primos for Tsaritsa
I'm already there.
I'll get Columbina too, because I'm a Cryocu...Chad.
Opinion on brown gacha characters is a litmus test.
To expose first gacha troons.
Are anyone else's rolls weird? There's this weird thing happening where I'm getting a 5-star early (10-20 rolls in) but failing the 50/50 everytime, and if I want to win, I'll have to reroll all the way to 70-80 pulls. This has happened to me three times, on Clorinde's banner and on Arle's banner and now on Furina
It's pretty obvious that got retconned at the last minute and now we're stuck with half the population of fontaine living in the sewers for no fucking reason.
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defend this
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>immediately assumes i am some sort of a shipper
i could care less about your shipshit, furina is just a waifu for me, just like loom. keep grasping for air though
Not weird at all, all late pity and lost 50/50.
>It's pretty obvious that got retconned at the last minute
According to your gaping nigger asshole yeah
Is it just me or are the 4.X character quests better than the previous ones?
How does that detract from the fact that there's plenty of fanart to choose from?
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my niece will be visiting me soon for a few weeks, what do you recommend us to do together during that time?
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What am I defending?
She's a cute retard and is very fun to have around.
Show her your Faruzan!
>Ganyu: Yes. Now that the spirit of Rex Lapis has returned to the heavens, only Barbatos of Mondstadt remains of the first Seven.
Unequivocal proof of massive rewrites. Can't even keep their own fucking story straight. Welcome to Retcon Impact
Remember when Fontainians were REQUIRED to pray at the fountain so they could have children?
Yet Fontaine has a huge orphan crisis all of a sudden?
Really makes you think, huh?
>amazing design
everyone said she was ugly and looked like a boy when the design leaks first came out but then /gig/ gaslit themselves into liking her because she was the archon and had a brat personality
and then both of those things turned out to be fake lol
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Father and son activities like fishing
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When are we getting imaginarium theater, next week?
I mean, defend her, Defend her smile. Defend her with your life
My niece is autistic. I took her to the zoo so she could look at horses which is her special interest.
Next Monday
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1st July
sumeru had some nice ones too, they were just overshadowed by stinkers like nilou or cyno quest
Men × Men cannot breed, you degenerate homo.
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Because it would've put Neuv and Furina in an unforgivable bad light, and they need to sell these morons. People already call them incompetent and retarded, now imagine if they also just allowed half the population to live in total fucking destitution as all they do is eat cake all day and go to the operas and cry all day about mundane issues.
Rolling for cute girls along the way
Dehya was the only good one
no, they are all about npc crisis and don't build up towards anything related to the character
those aren't men they're cartoons
nah only tighnari’s and dehya’s were good
yoimiya’s and baizhu’s too but they not from sumeru
the rest were unbearable garbage
not with that attitude
>Dev 1: Fuck, people save for months and only pull for archons and maybe sovereigns these days. There's only 2 more archons left. How do we make more money?
>Dev 2: Make more archons
>Dev 1: Genius
Teach her the code of Bushido.
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how many rolls are we getting 4? I may have enough to gamble another furina by the end of her banner
Wrio's and Neuv's were good though. They revealed stuff about their pasts.
treasure this smile, this moment in time
I got C6 Furina under 500 rolls
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my original post never even mentioned fanart, you somehow latched onto it once i called out your fall, lmao
Learn Java with her
Morax has canonically taken the female form in the past, read Rex Incognito, lorelet.
I liked Tighnari and Baizhu (not sumeru but 3.x) quests
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>Men × Men cannot breed
Explain THIS
so why does he insists on cumming inside of me :<
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Thanks for taking one for the team, nerd!
What about Futa x Trap, because I have a few doujins...
Zhongli is a god. He can make anyone pregnant if he wanted too
They are already in a bad light, Fontaine is a crime ridden shithole worse than Meropide
Finally a playable old lady.
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what went so wrong with furina? even if no longer archon she should still be popular and she is also the most meta support in the game
wait horsepussy is still selling?
I thought it was pat its prime?
Nothing is wrong with Furina. Neuv and Kazuha flopped too. This game is dying
>neuv is a justice fag
>but he's so retarded and incompetent, that navia is allowed to run a mafia
>not to mention all the corruption inside the police
won’t ever not make me laugh
Return in a future plot that is probably jobbing to hype up the shades/sinners
Even without them doing shit like "trying to hype up a future war with Ei and Stinko during the rock event, it's somewhat of a no brainer that the regional Deities + OG Deity would pop up when we start digging into the past+ their superiors
They allowed Ei as a body double and since celestia is snoozing, I doubt that they'd react to two Archons in broad daylight.
Especially if only one ends up holding the gnosis or it's stashed away like with the other ones
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What if he's actually right lmao
You guys say the same for FGO, but both still occasionally give Genshin a run for it's money.
And that's despite one being a low-cost turn-based simulator and the other being Im@s but with horses.
>he pulled the weapon banner
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>not to mention all the corruption inside the police
Arrest this misinformation spreader!
Popular characters should attract new players. A lot of people started playing genshin just for Raiden and Nahida
>I thought it was pat its prime
Yeah, as much as GI is, and you know how much of a meme that statement is in terms of staying afloat
Is Finale better on her than Black Sword?
I noticed that the most loyal players of this game are actually manletfags
Game is actually dying, and it has no chance of recovering. In an MMO, you can release a new expansion, raise the level cap, and make everything before it obsolete. Genshin is designed in a way that's impossible because they want you to do every quest, forcing you through HOURS of bad story that killed the game in the first place. It's going to be a slow death, but Genshin will NEVER recover to its former height, let alone surpass it, I can promise you that.
>Nothing is wrong with Furina
A female Archon flopping on her first rerun for sure indicates that there's something wrong.
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I love my hotwife Furina.
I need to breed this creature
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>You guys say the same for FGO, but both still occasionally give Genshin a run for it's money.
Anniversary and Summer in particular, yeah, and both are coming up too.
This year for sure!
>furina was prevented from ever doing any real work
>by fucking melusines
>navias family never thought to move their city above sea level over centuries
Its amusing the only 2 slightly competent leaders had pretty much 0 influence on the overall plot.
>wrio builds a boat for a flood that doesnt matter
>arle does nothing and wins
they aren't right till we get the lineup of the characters in game/concept art, so until bigboss destroys leaktroonses ego, nothing what they say is real
Yeah, that the game is losing popularity. This is not unique to Furina.
Yeah, the game is dying. Look at the marketing budge. They started spending less and less.
Chevy's personal damage and burst doesn't really matter, right? Can I just slap Black Tassel on her instead of Rightful Reward since it has a higher HP% bonus?
Genshin men I (male) would breed:
>Venti (out of hate)
Worst cop ever.
I need more Siggy material.
How do I use C6 Furina efficiently as an off fielder?
Man, imagine if Genshin had straight men working on it and we got girls with above average breast size like this.
genshin doesn't have playable shotas and never will
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>don't want malewank
>Save your primos for Tsaritsa
Bro snezhnaya is going to be THE malewank region
>11 fatui Harbringers + Pierrot
>4 out of eleven are female
>One is dead
>Arlecchino has been released already in Fontaine
>Columbina will be released in Natlan
>Only Sandrone is left and she is largely connected to Fontaine, her backstory and lore was already explored here and will be irrelevant in snezhnaya
EQ swap
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>flopped harder than Chiori
What went so wrong, bros?
I never roll for males anyway.
Siggy ownership rate predictions?
>looks like a boy in shorts
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>d*vs balanced out the archon gender ratio
Surely they'll do the same for Harbingers right? Capitano will be our firefly.
He's referring to manlets
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CLUNKY. Got to mediocre thanks to Chev/Furina/CR damage buffs
Unsalvagable,even with F or Clam
Decent, if outclassed, meh shielder and healer, good battery
Only good for rolling around. Still fun in overworld
Her kit is the equivalent of Anudda shoah, even with Dendro
Good thanks to kit working well with element
Decent. She's just a healbot with dendro app, functional, nothing special.
Ehhhhhhhhh, you could do better with hydro healers. It's not a bad kit, just really mediocre but it works with BoL buffs and stacks for off fielders
They are not even men in that drawing, look closely, Zhong has tits and they clearly wearing female clothes.
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Low, healers are never respected.
every nation since sumeru is malewank and so will the abyss nations too
All I want is hag rosalyne and Pantalone
Hu Tao is basically the same and her banners were always big hits.
yes and he's wrong
the only thing that matters is her hp reaching 40k
The part that people don't understand is that :
>1- TikTok's revenue is fluctuating. To be more accurate, it increases by 50% to 60% every fucking year.
So 40 tiktok hour in September 2020 isn't the same shit as it is in june 2024.
>2. Tiktok's revenue is public
That's why people use Tiktok as measurement, not because it's stable.
>3. T-The game is dying
I mean, it's still beating every other gatcha gane except their sister Star Rail, which just had a banner with their most universally loved, shilled and Meta character.
So by this logic every single gacha game on the planet except Star Rail is dead or dying.
>*is a boy in shorts
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Lower than Chiori.
Because you posted fanart?
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Should I do some NAs first for the healing or not?
I rolled for the slug instead of C2 Furina, btw.
>since Sumeru
*since the start
Japanese players call them shota
風ショタ etc
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Same story? Did he just do what he was told again?
Do Honor of Kings, PUBG and Tencent Video grow every year too? They are always top 5. Why can't Furina beat Tencent Video now?
I don't get this meme, FGO has a bunch of female artists making coom
The titcow in particular was even more sexualised with her base design from her original game, and the artist was female.
yes and they're wrong
That's what I'm doing.
C2 Furina is a cute buff but not massive.
Sieg is a big pickup and C1 Sieg is pretty huge.
>the people who invented the damn word is wrong
lol okay.
3.0 was scara wank. You know the archon bends over backwards just to dindu him
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>because you posted a picture on an image board
the lengths you have to go to keep yourself relevant is hilarious. keep finding excuses to save your crumbling tower
do we have unironic tencent shills here?
Scara was wanked for 1.5 patches.
The rest is unironically remembered for being the birth of Genshin's official yaoi bait.
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Wada is absolutely a national treasure of Japan.
Hello I'm tencent shill, please go play wuwa and tof
Stop at C5 if I don't plan to play Furina as an on-fielder?
you've never head of people intentionally using a word wrong?
Lyney's JP VA called him a shota in an official video
>crumbling tower
You really are deranged aren't you?
genshin flopped
honkai flopped
zzz will flop
that doesn't mean anything, VAs are idiots
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If Lyney is a shota, does that mean Lynette is a loli?
Siggy is cute like really cute I can’t believe it took 4 years for this game to add top tier cunny
crazy how flop after flop has kept the biggest gacha publisher in business for over a decade
Does Wriothlessly work with Suckweiner?
I guess you'd have to use them in a freeze team instead of mono cryo or melt.
If you're going that deep you should honestly just grab C6 anyway
I know you say you don't want to play her as an on fielder, but if you wack the enemies a handful of times you'll still create a healing effect that stacks in duration so you can swap her out for someone else. This also lessens/removes the need for a healer
Don't know if you really don't want to use her NAs but it's something to consider
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>kills furinas rerun
time to apologise /gig/
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wormvillette flopped btw
>in game
If you weren't an illiterate faggot who doesn't read, you would know that what you said isn't true
there is a lot of information about the lore of Natlan.
To think this all started because of Firefly's massive success.
HSR irreversibly destroyed our prestige.
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I'd buy "game is still doing good" if only we didn't get significantly shortened main events with less and less voiceover and quest parts. Hell this patch we had fucking voiceless "main event" that only included like 5 stages of some semi tower defense bullshit.
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Rhinedottir says; Human experimentation is alright!
I got C4 furina, how much ER that she need now
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>broke on jades digging for 50/50 on C2 Firefly
>broke on primos digging for 50/50 on C1 Siggy
It's been a rough 2 weeks.
come back I wasn't done arguing in bad faith
about tree fiddy
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Gender war doesn't exist there. In Japan women only compete against other women, they don't compete against men. That's why they are not afraid to give men what they want. The opposite in China and Korea.
You can see this dynamic in action when Inori Minase (Furina's JP VA) 5ch posts got leaked and she only praises or shit talks other female VAs.
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Personally I'm subscribing to the (cope) theory that theatre is where all the budget went but since it's permanent content they don't want to associate it with flagship events so they just offloaded the rewards onto some meme event (cope)
people have been shitting on event stories, the devs listened.
firepag flopped thougheverbeit?
Nta but does that not make rotations awkward? I've never used Yaoyao, is she similar to her?
Yelan'a patch didn't have a voiced main event btw
They just released an archon quest and timegated it as an event
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furina flopped cause i made her pregnant
i dunno
Wriothesley/sigewinne/furina/charlotte maybe?
>wormvillette outsold firepag
>raiden the bocchi mei tied with furina
lol? is this real? i thought shartrail was killing gayshit?
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how about you flop your balls in my mouth
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how tight is her cunny?
>wormvillette (carried by hu tao) outsold firepag
Honestly wish there was an option to just not download new voice data, I don't play with it enabled and don't care if the quests have it. I prefer them unvoiced because it makes them easier to blindly click through since there are fewer prerendered scenes.
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Imaginarium poses
firepag was carried by ruan mei, without her she would have sold less than dan homo
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>every penacony character besides ACKeron was a turbo flop
why were shartrail niggers doomposting for the past 5 months again exactly?
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I very rarely use her as an on fielder. Frankly she's not very good at on-fielding at C6, at least compared to others at that level of investment. Her C6 is used to remove the need of a healer on your teams, makes team building very easy and makes many more comps viable and of course increases damage significantly as you can swap in another support or sub dps.
NA NA Q - done.
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I love Sparkle, best girl in Star Rail. Only Silver Wolf is close.
I also got my sigger in Star Rail just like I got my other Sigger tonight.
How much money others spent does not concern me.
Yea I might take a break. It will be my first time after having 2 years streak of not missed a single daily.

the troonvillete shilling, wormney, wormsley, the xianyun sabotage, prisonslop trauma, the killing of "archon" exclusivity, the YPC's departure, the non-existent MC, fujodevs self-insert and the lack of major gameplay improvement.

It's just too much. I've been playing this game on a zombie mode for a year. I am just numb.
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Do you think Sigewinne regretted her decision after she experienced her first menstruation?
do you have the edit with the used condom?
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Chainsaw man was crazy good this week.
Genshin Impact.
I see more sparkle here than in hsrg is it that bad
So I don't even need to level her talents?
acheron had top up bonus too
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Retards you can't just measure if character x outsold character y only by amount of TikTok hours, you also need to know TikTok revenue for both of those periods. These retarded graphs are useless by themselves.
sparkle posters are just cleocord/hu tranny posters
yes please do it with me instead of him please chose me
>Do Honor of Kings grow every year too
HoK in particular. Unironically, yes. And they will be even bigger than ever before once they expand in more countries. HoK and DFO have different monetization policies and are PvP game. DFO is more recent though so we gotta watch and see.
But the point isn't that they're doing better, they're doing better at a higher rate than most other games because of their nature.
Most gacha games are casual PvE games and will never be as big.
Sparkle replaced Hu Tao
When are we getting our raiden expy?
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no dude, why would i use a condom when im trying to get her pregnant
no unless you need the extra healing
It was alright, but I wouldn't call it 'crazy good'
Barem saves the manga as usual.
no one cares about screenshots of this game
sparkle gets bullied in hsr for being a friendless loser
She was teased with Raiden Makoto, but she's dead...
yeah isn't tiktok getting more and more profitable?At this point the only measurement I trust is the monthly revenue rankings.
Cool, makes her pretty easy to build then
She only gained a human face and grew human limbs. She's still an ageless slug anatomically and will shoot sperm darts through your skin in courtship
Now add WuWa sales to make it even more fun
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We love sparkle here.
>anon just found out the shitpost graphic is used to shipost
You may be retarded, anon.
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wanna frot?
She hides her wings and tail in her clothing too, so she's still Melusine aside from face, hands, and feet.
You can't add something that doesn't exist...
Her name is Hanabi. Stop deadnaming her.
I need a new narrative to push
She's Space Hu Tao in my heart
hanabichan's tight pussy uooghhhh hanabicahn hanabiCHAN HANABICHAN uogoh.h...
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thx bwo
These are the only hydro characters released in the hydro region. Natlan is going to be the same
Come here
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What hope does Natlan have after Floptaine?
How about her E
my only complaint about koro22 is that he gives usually pettanko girls big knockers.
Like, wtf bro?
i peed white
More people C6'd Sigewinne than Furina despite Furina running twice and having 3x more pulls. What does this mean?
you know that there are also hours for other apps that show some consistency with the previous banners right? are you copers also implying thay they are all growing except genshin?
cunny gods are wealthy individuals
It means they already C6’d her on her first run
why is this chart not showing the genshin banners for 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7?
Now ask yourself how the sales websites and graphs get numbers in the first place. Exactly, everything is estimated based on their app rankings. So in the end everything's imaginary
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Has this EVER happened before?
charge your phone and download ublock
Hu troons switched to sparkle because not only it's annoying it's also off topic so it triggers people twice.
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Who is having a melty?
Furina and Neuvillette are the only characters that matter
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I just didn't even like Hu Tao anyway.
everyone already has c6 furina
It's E NA NA Q - done. A third NA is also optional.
that siggy's rollers are not metafags and is a HUGE minority?
Mother father daughter
Hydro family
imagine not getting c6 freena with your wormeru savings
sparkletranny over being revealed to be a flop
Shouldn't reruns have more C6's since the people that could only get C2-C3 etc now use their saved pulls to go all the way? Not to mention C6 Furina makes her godly
I lost coinflip on Furina for Jean. I guess the latter just loves me more.
Onto saving for Natlan!
Has what happened? Meta character on a rerun outselling a brand new brick? Yes, of course. Archon flopping horribly on their very first rerun? No, that's new.
running a train on sparkle with my fellow giggers
sparkle flopped harder than Firefly
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update your image bwo I just put my stats in
cool tattoo
Focalors is Furina's mother
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Furina's rerun would 2x-3x every Fontaine character aside from Arlecchino
you might as well come out of the closet at this point
guys you dont understand sparkle is a good character and original because she has a sad backstory thats why she is like that!!!! she used to be a good girl1!!
Not only that but they were also having a big sale during Clorinde's banner so spending was higher than usual.
Lets face it, nobody cares about Genshin anymore, the pyro archon will sell even less, and Shneznaya will be first region that makes no profits, and after rushed final chapter we are EoSing
post feet pls
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what now
Oh, that makes a lot of sense
go back to wuwa general chiori poster u are a sellout
keep going until you reach 60 in 2 years
now post nahida feet
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Now you can play the game.
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delicious newcutie...
Archon is always T0C0. No need to roll for them beyond C0
Except Raiden
How did nikke beat wuwa
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Unalive yourselves gencucks
God I hate you f4ggots
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see you in 2-3 years when you reach 60
that's just lilly from soulworker badly ripped off
what did we do now
thats a very uncreative post for a Sparklefag, you suck
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Sparkle bombed
Firefly splated
Toilette flushed
Sige lossed
Most whales will C6 on the first banner and the people slowly saving up to C6 banners are a very small group.
oh man, /hsrg/ fell off.
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Kill yourself, tranny.
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>still no 4* HP bow
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Dont bully Raiden
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does it really take that long to get to 60? it seems weird to slow down the leveling on top of only rewarding 2 moons per level.
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>I beat you Clorinde~ I'm more popular than the grand dualist!
>Geo wonned, again~~~~
>sparkle is a reddit tourist who thinks faggot is going to get you banned here
>Firefly outsold Sparkle
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i like genshin impact
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>your shitpost isn't creative enough!!! I'M THE SHITPOST JURY !!!
Is this seriously how you spend your time??? Really?
It takes a very long time yes
for no reward either
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Based only Hutao poster left are waifu poster, thank sparkle
I disagree. Whales are a minority. Majority save
>water region
>hp based element
>all weapons give attack except polearm
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It takes a long time, that's why there's no real reward for it.
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bitch, stop bringing shame to us sparkleposters
CUTEfly's success really destroyed FLOPkle's reputation, huh?
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Scaramouche is so erotic
Hyped for his event
>Apep is back
eyyyyyy I missed her
I suppose she doesn't count for setting shattering lore powerlevel fuckery because she's female
your saw and dockhand?
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Hyperbloom Raiden only needs her C0
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>sparkle shitposting flopped
was fontaine rewritten?
So does Kuki
Sparkleposters only post high-quality posts.
I only like Bladeposters
meant the crafted weapons
Judging from the accounts that have been posted here, the majority save for C0R1 or C2R1 and stop. Most would save for more characters.
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Why yes I am the shitpost jury, judge and executioner, how could you tell?
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F*ck you for turning against me. And here I thought we were getting along... wrecking havoc on /gig/... guess you're just like the rest of them.
For me, it's JingFu
She's not
Natlan plot just would make her angry rolling in her sandworm cave according to the leaker.
Post Guinaifen and all will be forgiven.
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C'mere, turncoat
dottore's side bitch
Shadow of the Erdtree was hastily rewritten and derailed the entire story with fujo nonsense
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>They think it's just one
Genkeks are such babies no wonder WuWa cucks are winning and your banners flop
uh oh. sparkle tranny melty.
>/gig/ is fast
>checks thread
>it's all shitposting
Every fucking time.
sparkleGODS own this general
I heard sparkle is the worst character of his element is that true I dont play star fail
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I'm all for chaos but theres better ways to do this
>Apep is back
>she die
well, are you still happy about her return?
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But enough about Fontaine and Sumeru
k sparkle posting is boring now
I'll filter them from now on
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I'm literally Dottore
If only 4chan had any kind of moderation at all against off-topic shitposters and trolls..
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What if Sparkleposters went back to their own thread.
Wouldn't that be wild.
Xbalanque has a COCK???
filterkek melty lole
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>needs her c2 for 100% skill uptime and have to hug enemies to trigger the seeds
>isn't an archon
Raiden is superior
>this is allowed
>but my posts get acked for off topic
what is the final solution to the janny question, genshin impactly speaking?
that explains the master-disciple relationship with the current archon, no?
So is Xbalanque tall or short?
No, he's a ftm Murata
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Its over
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>archon flops
>suddenly leaks out of everywhere after months of nothing.
heh... thats a melty
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now say that without shaking! ahahahahaha
>Shiblankay = hermit
>murata = goku
it's 5.0 beta bwyoski, those niggas datamined stuff
Guys so Im playing WuWa right now and it looks better than Jenshin
Jenshin , Jinhsi. wtf?
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what went wrong
I would be playing wuwa if it wasnt fucking chinatown fuck the chinese I dont care about jackie chang and chun li
I think the cringe sparkleposter is more in character honestly
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>Looks better
but enough about hsr
>it's 5.0 beta bwyoski, those niggas datamined stuff
No one believes that shit for a hot minute. If it was like the other cases they woudlve dripped it ages before the CBT camenout
I'm waiting for Big Boss to validate this by leaking the kit himself.
tsaritsa will make unfreezable enemies freezable
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it was fate
why is fat xiao unable to just make 1 well written archon instead of all these multiple archons
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>Baizhu bombs
>Random leaks come out that he's amazing with Furina and you should roll him
tsaritsa will have yuri sex with seele
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>Sparkleposters usually post with sassy remarks and comments about genshin
>wannabe sparkle poster come in
>lol lmao kys
wow way to ruin the immersion you fridge IQ nigger
stick to your frogposting dumbfuck. at least then your autism matches your posts
The 5.0 beta won't be available until after 4.8 is out.
if the map is designed with pokemon traversal in mind then theres no issue, just like chenyu vale was kino with the carp. They also said that while they will include world quests more into the story they will still focus on exploration, and a filler area between 3 regions is not the same as a completely new area
>doesn't heal
she sucks
UID for this feel?
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No ban though!
wish I could roll for her but I spent all my primos on furina
I have her, and that’s enough for (me).

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