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Previous Thread: >>483446078

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jun. 11 - Jul. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Childhood Case File
[Current] Jun. 25 | New Neural Upgrade batch (EM-2, EVO3, Falcon, Px4 Storm)
[Upcoming] Jul. 2 - Jul. 22 | New Mini-Event: Maze Guess

[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 11 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thieves
[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 4 | New Event: Cartesian Theatre
[Current] Jun. 20 - Jul. 4 | Ranking Rerun: Pointcaré Recurrence (City of Nightmare +)
[Upcoming] July | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | New Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Dazzling Arclight] (Mayuri Shiina)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Truth-Seeking Kronos] (Kurisu Makise)

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
Where the fuck is promised oath for collabs anon?
El Psy Dorkroo
>have to spark Kurisu (got dumb shrimp twice)
>then this happens
>180 for Kurisu
>50 for Mayuri
I don't regret skipping Luna and Taisch now
mica losing wandering earth, approaching bankruptcy
filial son mockery
Puzzle is the next BP.
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Wait till you find out who's core for a steins gay team.
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I am no longer asking
When is 2 coming out
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Not too good but I've still got a stockpile of around 100 rolls. I might just do another 10 on the mayuri banner for the frags.
>anna is going to tripcode here
Bwos... kits or frags...?
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What a blast from the past
>voiced animation specifically for the collab
woah . . .
bro it's already out you missed the preregistration bonus
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already too late
the fuck is your post have to do with girls frontline?
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dumb bitch
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How the hell did they get 'shitpost' past the censors?
Me when /gfg/
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You have to spend AT MINIMUM, a total of THREE-HUNDRED SEARCHES. 300. to get the Banxsy skin. What the FUCK? This is where I'm at after spending 180 to get BOTH of the new characters.100 more searches is OVER $125 dollars. Is there additional missions I don't know about? Secret unlocks? Is Mica fucking INSANE?
Forget shitpost, daru calls antonina retarded multiple times.
The time for money is now. Cough up the dough, anon or it'll be your knees.
They realized too many were hoarding quartz and tickets.
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the only way I could justify this is if there's another character coming out I could roll for, sure. Unfortunately both Banxsy's skin and the collab event end at the same time. I can't fucking fathom they would release another doll in the middle of the collab either. What the fuck are they smoking.
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Well with my luck it takes 300 searches to get both Kurisu and Mayuri
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>I can't fucking fathom they would release another doll in the middle of the collab either
Except that they often release the next banner/event during an ongoing one's last week?
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Collab =/= Regular Event.
DAYUM, I look like THAT?!
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>120 for tuturu
>50 for kurisu
>4k quartz left
wow i guess i wont be getting anything in the anniversary
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I just watched the first cutscenes and the one to get the free rolls and this already has more souls than the GiTs Collab. What the fuck happened ?
Its called PNC has competent writers and always has. The same cannot be said of Girls Frontline.
GF1 has competent writers, they just tend to be absent outside of major events.
It gets even better and this is just the beginning. It's like I'm back with the VN, every line is gold so far.
Just look at how cute (You) are! They got the OST too so it's really coming together for kino
Gits has been dead for a while bro
I hate Shits;Gate
I hate Shits;Gate
I hate Shits;Gate
Told you fucks it's the best collab so far
Whoa buddy get it right we got the Netflix GITS not the OG one.
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an intelligent collab for intelligent PNCers like myself
>they just tend to be absent outside of major events.
Not even major events are safe if we go by Isomer.
Isomer only got bad when the Lunasia plot took over. And how many years ago was it?
Don't act like Slow Shock was anything than garbage.
the vall-ha11a collab was pretty good
GITS collab was terrible. Couldn't even get Tachikoma as a tank. The units suck too.
Only garbage I see is your taste.
What the fuck does this mean?
SS was a bit obtuse until SKK, Mr. God Jackstar, the Unfathomable Abyss, the Dancing Stardust of Sagittarius, the Blazing Inferno of the Frozen Hell, Second Principal Leader of the Incomplete Brigade shows up and starts going full scorched earth on Paradeus and killing Nyggers and taking heads.
I'm only talking about the GiTs one. I didn't like ZombieLand too
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Well bro, given that the most recent event is also Lunasia plot, this time with time fuckery, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you.

I'm sorry but SS at least had a character in the focus, love her or hate her. Every line spent on the bland Mary Sue that is M4 is a line wasted.
Is Kurisu supposed to powercreep Eos?
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Which was, unfortunately. The last chapter of the event. The best part. Death to all Nyggers. I'm glad Sana got zero fucking screen time and wasn't even a monster-of-a-week because we technically never properly fought her in-text.

>A-ange let me take over for you... UWU
The whole plot line with RPK-16 ended in a fucking dumpster fire and easily the worst pay off of anything I've had to endure. It wasn't even cool.
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I will ask again: where are the promised free oathes, Riko?
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Yes, I love frog.
Personally I didn't think it was that bad but it needed a better introduction. Instead of throwing olhou into the middle of the chaos
Well one of the free ones is in the scam missions that requires rolling multiple times. The others might be in the challenge mode that's coming out in a few weeks.
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CERN is after me so i dont have long. if i dont make it to our prearranged meeting point, make sure that y
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your japanese shaman as requested
Eh, I really like using Purin. Somehow she ended up being the only good thing about it.

Man, soon as I saw what that event was about I lost all interest in it. They waited this fucking long to follow up PL's ending? Fuck off, I've got a glowie to save I don't care about Elisa or M4's gooncave.
>Yessir I love rushed climax to the demon lord's castle where the supposed ultimate weapon only shows up for like five minute, the question that had been building up doesn't get answered, Laplace being pulled out of the writer's ass, more confusing concept like the lake, and the overall unclear status of like half the antagonists!!!!
>fucking dumpster fire and easily the worst pay off
Ange realizing that she fucked everything up was worth it. She didn't get away with a pat on the back
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>Well one of the free ones is in the scam missions that requires rolling multiple times
It's not limited to collabs characters
>he others might be in the challenge mode that's coming out in a few weeks.
Fuck it, i'm oathing Kurisu now
shirobako collab doko
Okay retard.
Nice chapter 3 retard
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>The kurisu's skin is a reference to Seira-tan
Ange already realized that in MULTIPLE EVENTS dedicated to the fact that she's a fucking retard. Getting it one last time before RPK-16 turned into a skinwalker and gooned for 48 hours straight didn't give me any sort of catharsis. It just made me more upset when the rest of the chapter ostensibly accomplished nothing with any of the characters we actually give a shit about.
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>roll for kurisu and mayushii
>get instantly flashbanged by 2 deals for a total of 60 dollars
fuck off Riko
Goodnight /gfg/, please don't let the shitposters burn down the thread during the night
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new boss
it likes to do a map-wide nuke that deletes everyone's stability
I didn't notice that! God bless Chaos;Head. The OG anime is still great.
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Wait. 1.5th anniversary is now?
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>Swift Crackdown
I'm am so fucking tired of that set.
be honest, how is BA's writing compared to GF's?
Check your mail. Willow gives 10 rolls
completely different tones, but imho BA's still stands up better as its more consistent
I know nothing about BA besides the porn
Never played it. Only save pics of Minori
BA's is better just on the fact that the first 2 years of the game aren't slapdash garbage.

That said, anyone who like's the main themes of BA is either a teenager or someone who has never interacted with children in their life. The idea of "Don't stomp on kid's spines until they're emotionless husks." is the bottom of the barrel, not revolutionary.
Different tone overall, although BA is more consistent. Every single GF event from Poincare Recurrence onward somehow fucking dive in quality in that regard. They kept introducing more problems with no clear answer or conclusion. Remember the plan to bomb berlin with collapse bombs? what the fuck happened to that? Imagine introducing Erma as a goddess right before the game ended. Laplace being asspulled to be the le big bad who actually had connections with Ange isn't good writing either.
Completely different tones. I would say that BA highs are pretty good but most of the events are legit boring
>Remember the plan to bomb berlin with collapse bombs? what the fuck happened to that?
Have you tried reading?
>Remember the plan to bomb berlin with collapse bombs? what the fuck happened to that?
You legit spend a good ass time diffusing those bombs.
Yeah been noticing that too. Important characters kept appearing without any mention or foreshadowing before their debut.
>Comparing character based episodic shenanigans with a sci-fi/cyberpunk/Slavic horror/alternate history guff
People might hate what I'm gonna say, but it's apples and oranges.
There's more of them even after SKK diffused them in MS. Morridow led SKK to one of it's cache, but then she escaped and we completely abandon the search and start investigating about Stasi's connection with Paradeus
I literally speedread the event due to college time constraints and I remember the gameplay being about bomb diffusal in different places. Also bro, you Machlian?
Anyway anons is it okay if I disrupt the current convo in favour of the question: Should I make the theater collage of all the doroos?
No new names for the final day of theater btw.
Reminder that the true end of the collab event is when you see everyone on the event page, not just one or two characters.
Consider yourself warned.
The bomb defusing mechanic at the final MS map is all the bomb they need to defuse in the story.
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So this is what happens when you are a filthy speedreader
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I forgot for a second that Mayuri's VA is Kana Hanazawa.
>say stupid
Happens all the time
So... How come every single one of these games have flopped? Are the games just bad or is it also bad luck?
So everytime someone posted antonina it was just her trying to earn points for the KJbowl?
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Fish? Why fish?
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There's more of them. PR's early story focused on getting Morridow to spill the beans about the bombs. After Lunasia saved her from Grig, she lead SKK to one of paradeus' cache, but admit there's still more of them. J then fucked around and found out Hopps has been manipulated to transfer it to the airport. SKK goes to the airport, Morridow escaped, and we fucking abandon the search.
>zero explanation, more name calling
I accept your concession
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Morridow sexxxxx
Prison Warden getting confessions from prisoners reeking of fish. (Semen).

Basically she doesn't want to know you jerked off to her.

Or there's the multiple stories about Jesus & Fish. (He is even represented as a fish.)
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The fact that he's a /bag/got is the best part.
Sorry, wrong video.

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I chuckled.
notice how you can't provide any rebuttal and even think I'm talking about MS in the first place? Oh geez I wonder who's the speedreader here
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Why do you think you're worth the hassle?
tutturuuuu xDDD
>everything I click on spams me with cut scenes
aiieeee, I just wanted to burn some keys before I have to go into the wage cage
Skip and read later, anon
>The bomb problems has been resolved by the end of MS you fucking speedreader!!!!
>Literally the next event
>but admit there's still more of them.
Wasn't she fucking around with skk? She was always one step ahead in retarding that.Pretty sure all the bombs got deactivated
Are there any farm stages? I dont mind the long cutscenes, in fact I love them but I've been sitting here capped for hours
Summoned by the heavens!
Summoned by the earth!
Summoned by the Andes!
The mysterious hero born from Akiba's womb!
It is I, Alpacaman!
It's always funny to see faggots getting proven that they're actually the speedreader with the memory of a goldfish
>Wasn't she fucking around with SKK?
There's actually more and Bramedb manipulated Hopps into transporting them to the Berlin airport
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you unlock them after clearing Stage 02 in the third world line
who cares nigger
read PNC
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What's he doing right now?
Sister got triggered. Show her some understanding.
>Get proven as a retard
>w-who cares?!
concession accepted. never reply to me again, retarded nigger.
So... I'm guessing not anytime soon?
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el psy kongroo
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Why is there a chinese translation of this clip? Why are there chinese translations of other clips of this woman? I've never even heard of her, did this clip become a chinese meme somehow? What the hell?
You are raging into the void.
Who are you proving wrong?
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Sex. Now.
mayuri or kurisu?
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Super cool Gaowife!
I just unlocked it after speedreading the story
do not
Being super special
How convenient that we also have Suomi whose other specialty besides ice support is restoring stability.
That's because GitS sucks lol
Maybe unpopular opinion but S;G was always better science fiction.
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Uh oh, SEAnigger hours are starting!
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What did he mean by this, Graybros...?
>even the story UI changes to match the VN
holy SOVL
yeah okay tranny
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>speedreader seething
Here, have a hot doll to jack off to and then go to sleep
That's just stelle from honkai star rail
That part is in there
That's a boy.
Ghost in the Shell is a franchise on a downward spiral

Even at its best it was more pretentious than deep. Of course s;g is better.
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Fuck no, the old stuff is still there and far better
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Antonina used Temblor!
It was very effective!
I don't remember that much since it was a long ass time ago but she had a completely different agenda didn't she. Also wasn't that used to bait SKK to go the airport and J to another place since he knew about the cargo
EOS for real, boyos! Totally for real this time in two weeks! Totally not clickbait!
>everyone saying all the girls are breeding for other people
Old GitS is only better relative to how bad it became later on, not when measured up against good science fiction series.
Also I doubt they would set fire to the whole place since there some bigwigs there, but again I don't recall much of the events. I was planning to reread the entire story again from the beginning and summarize my thoughts on it
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What, are they rerunning her banner?
Are we going to get more free ten pulls? I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the Eos banner...
I really should too. It's probably been literal years since I have read the older events. I had to skip some due to traveling.
Beat the event bro
Obviously, why else would they put in Luka if not for this one gag?
Luka should have been an oathable doll and I might have rolled
I'm sorry that your life has devolved to having to even crawl vmg shay..
Whatever you say xister
they put estrogen in the vegetables beware
Antonina, get rid of 'em
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Grasping at straws now are we?Just admit it's your own posts bro
>Friendship of Paired Wings
Why the fuck it's not available day 1
Can i trade them into normal oath, if i use oath now?
Apparently these have a cap.
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This is the best skin in the game.
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Thanks mr skeletal
Does he actually think he's fooling anyone?
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I got one ten pull from the Antonina one. Are there more in the main event?
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Poor Undine...
Used the free roll. One pull nigga.
How could they do this to Ms Tutturu....
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>soft pity for kurisu
>hard pity for mayuri
the trap was a trap who could've thought
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Feels weird having a good collab after so long.
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Happy birthday Undine and the Undinettes
They finally got a good IP to collab with. The effort put into it helps too.
how insidious
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>GFL2 JP server
reroll guide?
never played Steins:Gate but shrine maidens are automatically the cutest girls
Also like the event so far
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>shrine maidens are automatically the cutest girls
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>30 rolls for Mayuri
>out of rolls for Kurisu, currently at 30
Maybe not today, but eventually.
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Which do I go for when rolling again? Neural Kits or Frags? I always forget.
>other her and Turing
>now I have 5 daughters
>Now die, you mongrels
Can't believe they even put that one phrase in collab
It was a joke in Steins;Gate, that Daru VA is Gilgamesh VA
Haha, ain't that the truth
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Shitposting on twitter, watching anime and playing ESO2. Most likely a still a virgin
I reinstalled Robotics;Notes just to take screenshots of Taku's tweets
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pretty sexy and smug for a supposed shy shrine maiden
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Should've added THE sexiest girl too
Is the starting cutscene for the pnc event rewatchable? I won’t have time to play for a few days but I want to do my dailies.
Why do they keep switching between spent keys to farm tickets and having to spend keys on farming stages?
It's EP1
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bring her back
We'll find out methods of rerolling when the game releases
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>mica outsourcing the publisher
That doesn't sound good
Mica's proven time and again that they don't collab because of a series popularity, they do it because they're serious fans
JP has always been outsourced. It's the reason their schedule is so different from ours
So it is rewatchable, right?
>Coverage of CN, TW, KR, JP, and EN
Hard to tell if Mica made the right call with this publisher
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Is it me or SKK looks kinda... asiatic? I came at peace with him possibly being slavic, but fucking mongoloid...
Heheh, Shikikhan
Mongoloid doesn't mean Mongol you mongoloid. Why are you surprised that the anime character looks like an anime character?
What if I'm 18/f/adelaide?
but anime girls are white?
How often do you see them fucking dogs?
I get what you're getting at but they weren't going to make him the average Ivan.
Yes, SKK is part of the Finno-Ugric Khaganate
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More often then you think
I told you bro. SKK is literally me.
newfag here
Got Makise Kurise Kuro and Centaurasi from the banner and will hopefully get Tuturu too.
Any good teams for Kuristina or she i just be myself?
okabe can relate to talking autistically so they hit it off
Mongoloid race nigger, have you ever been to school?
Anon. MICA suck at self publishing. Look at GF1 and its consequences. Having someone else helping them publishing their games sounds like a good idea as long as they don't fuck up the game.
Sunborn of Japan is still Sunborn. Still MICA but in Japan
I'm calling the ATF.
I'd ask if you could read but you're posting in /gfg/
The three Collab characters are pretty strong together but I recall some anon saying that they work pretty well with other comps
The good ending would have had him be Nordic
at your level just b urself, you won't run into anything requiring meme teams for a while.
its the same people that published reverse collapse btw. Haoplay is a subsidiary of X.D.
ok ty will just run the 3 collab chars with persicaria and croque
inb4 global ends up having dogshit MTL translation like the reverse collapse demo did
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also to add they already were the publishers of KR
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good cat...
Oh so if we either get Hokunt or Haoplay, we get dogshit translations either way. fun!
Nigger, what are you at? Anime characters don't look asiatic.
Yeah you're pretty much set really. Croque is really strong despite being free and cat is decent healer and with a free revive.
>XD global
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Dolls that will help me rob a gas station?
>280 rolls for both
Fuck...I hope next banner is someone shippable. These 2 fucked me hard
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Why the fuck is Yuzhong running a shell company in a shell company?
With the promise of cake and pats, all of them.
money laundering sheme
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Correct, they look feline.
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Isn't his family tied to the CCP? Just give them their cut and you can forget the triple VPNs
the ccp will use yuzhong as the end goal of killing gachas in CN for good through societal chaos
Kurisu is ideally used with Mayuri, but what ties them together is Abigail AI3, because of a bug that doubles her buffs on Kurisu and her illusions and in general anyway. Your tank and medic choice doesn't really matter despite the game pushing Okabe onto them.
For your last unit, Taisch is a good reserve pick for generating ult, and you can use some other support like Turing AI3 or Nora AI3 for extra DPS
So Imoko is a CCP plan all along
hidden chinese cloning technology to give all gacha deprived males their state approved imokos..
This event is great. The story is interesting, the characters are not trash like in the GiTS collab, and Banxsy even got sexually assaulted by an octopus.
wont there be a possibility that the bug is fixed?
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should I make a collage of the theater dorks or no?
The remaining filler banner is Penumbra, who is not skippable if you want to use Hatsuchiri and/or Bonerville but otherwise skippable if you want Sugma/Nascita, and presumably Lewis.
Bonneville, Shale and Belladonna are tied to Engrammatic Eclipse in a way so they'd be skipping over the spess arc if they get hastened.
Very low.
In China game will get review bombed if they stealth nerf unit through bugfixing
So usually units get just powercrept instead
It's still not fixed on CN, and regardless Abigail will still be a good support for Kurisu because Kurisu is crit focused and the only other crit support is Hannah who is currently too unreliable.
>not trash like in the GitS
The character did their purpose in the collab, there was nothing trash about it.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't John Titor a guy who'd call up a radio show in the 90s or so claiming to have come from the future and make a bunch of shit up?
You're wrong
Hey this reverse version is pretty- is that Dr. Pepper?
Please understand South Korea is yearning to be liberated by their Northern betters
what if chong got north korea to publish GF2?
NTRing Okarin
will the glorious leader voice the commander?
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Literally me.
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He will have the Russian dub of Kryuger be voiced by Putin and SKK will be Steven Segal
What the hell is -tann? 20 years watching anime and I've never run into that one
>no Prigozhin to voice Yegor
Worst worldline.
You have to wait another 8 years for him to awaken from his coma in Belarus
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What was this?
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Um, Hannah, um, Turing??
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It's a more moe form of -chan
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I question your 20 years of anime if you've never actually heard of tan.
Where's the damn farming map?
Me on the background (cuck duck)
Anon, most /gfg/ people legit came from the heartlands who never know anything anime. Give him some slack
>Wake up
>Pull 100 for Kurisu
>Pull 100 and pic real
I got so many spooks when rolling for tuturu.
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>Look at GF1 and its consequences
I've seen worse.
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50 rolls for Kurisu, 60 for Mayushii.
I really need to stop rolling the frag version. But 50% chance of banner 3* compared to 27% on the neural kit version is kind of a big difference.
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After the entire story.
Yeah but you get less 3* so it's kinda dumb
Very cool GAOwife
>got both Kurisu and Mayushii
>got Banksy's skin
>355 rolls left over
Dorkstar doko
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Right after the collab ends to drain everyone's quartz.
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Just don't be a collectionlet
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Cute racing bun
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>can instantly identify the dolls by their usernames on the shitposting board
Love these dumbasses like you niggas wouldn't believe
I didn't quite get fish-related confessions until they mentioned nun business.
i love fish sticks
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Q&A is back
What important issue?
Didn't get that one too but the rest is pretty obvious
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>new Hanyang skin
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Confessions should have been the only clue you need.
>looking for the interactions on the Mayuri skin i only found a special one when you touch her feet
this game i swear....
How did you miss the news?
>finally 5 star my doll
>A-rank skill
you mean spirit?
*my spirit
Yes, also garbage skill
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>fix fairy grind cancer in gf1
>brings it to PNC
Thanks Mica!!very cool!
Gotta make money out of the 5 whales keeping PNC alive.
First you must suffer, then latecomers will have it easier.
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oh no, I'm a dork.
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which of the two new girls is relevant from a gameplay perspective?
I requested the collage, do it
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Antonina is a cheap scrub.
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If Erika was here to witness this...
They both good. Pick your fav if you can't roll for both
Where is the anon that is always up on par with meta? Need a qrd on the new mods
I think persicaria would look cuter if she had freckles
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Do all the mods
I still want to know when we will be getting the m16 anime dorm furniture that they forgot to hand out
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When M16 comes back.
Requesting Junya's shirt with gfg five grass colors
How much longer until the free 95 event ends on PNC? I wanted to start, but I don’t want her tainting my account like in GF1
Just dont accept the rewards?
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the translation...
I legitimately don't understand why this comparison makes some people so angry
free oaths doko
Check the "free" banxy skin rewards.
the collab exclusive ones?
just do the story and you'll get them as rewards
I'm talking about the collab free oaths I was promised!!
Anna would definitely hate us. And that's good
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can i get uhhh daru mating press femkj
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hate or "hate" like she hates KJ?
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Fuck off
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Are you ready?
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god she's such a retard
No, I'm not ready for this place become even more of a shithole somehow and all of the secondaries taking the bait multiple times a day
yes I'm ready to wait another 4 months for release
Relax, it'll only take 3 months and 29 days.
If GFLEX becomes too popular the newfags will get uppity and spilt off to make their own general so don't worry too much about that.
>collab farming maps come with auto battle
oh yeah, is comfy time
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>girls frontline line exilium xilium
Nah. My money is on December 2024. Just like CN a year ago
PNCBros, Neural Kits or Neural Fragments in search mode?
Neural kits always
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If you're short on searches, frags. Chance to get spooked is considerably lower.
If not, kits.
Frags until you get her, then kits.
Is there some kind of guide for tonk/mech parts skills?
I know that ideally you want shield generation on Missile Launcher MK1, but that's all I know.
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In HopeDog I trust!
Take preemptive Christmas SOP to celebrate launch month.
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>exilium japanese panese
The fact that there's no EN link worries me
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KJ is a bigot!
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>is not fujo
lmao even
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KJ can smell fresh boypussy from 5 miles away
>everyone is using trips
Fucking no thanks
Why did I blow 100 rolls on characters I don't have the kits to upgrade and therefore can't use...
Because you want the character?
Because exclusivity be damned. That's why
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The Oasis is a dictatorial police state. Everyone who stands out even a bit gets arrested on the spot.
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Because you're an impulsive idiot.
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kill Riko, behead Riko, roundhouse kick Riko into the concrete
Kuro, what did I tell you about defamation?
As punishment, your stream is banned again.
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Nah that stuff is reserved only for Culo
1, because she deserves it
2, because it's funny
Also stupid kot
Smoch Riko, patpat Riko, give Riko your entire salary!
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Gimme back Ranko, MICA you cowards!
So, was this anon right?
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Is that comic sans?
It's a collab that's highly unlikely to ever return. Better to have the option to spend kits later than not at all.
holy fuck what a sloppy edit, did they rush this event out or smth?
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Looks like that's all there is to the Q&A
See you next month i guess.
KJ really should get outfits for their 3D avatar....
>you don't even see their 3D avatar most of the time
I don't care...give Femkj her cheongsam
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W-what's a fish-related confession?
It was comic sans originally in CN they didnt change anything. Written in english too
Should be Erika's handle but she's referring to Zangyin in that username
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>KJ really should get outfits for their 3D avatar....
I agree.
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No seriously what's a fish got to do with confessions?
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Is it slow for everyone else?
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you know
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I bet this horny slut is tired of people pointing out how she stinks of fish all the time
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W-what is she doing?
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Semen toilet
Fish doll? You mean Hatsu and the other one?
Grooming you.
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>KJ grooms kot into becoming a better leader while kot grooms KJ into being a sweet coffee drinker
Would be funny if it's a less discussed plotline. Back in the autumn festival KJ was literally eating sugar cubes
She is trying to give us diabetus.
Around kots never turn your back
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She only gets off to other men having sex.
Real or implied.
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180 orgasms
Did you know anon? If your soundposts remain inactive for too long they'll be deleted from catbox!
Keep them healthy, post yours
You're a goofy goober! WA!
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If you convert, she'll step on you and call you a worm.
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Then would you consider a more wild, free spirited redhead?
Erika is proof that Gustavus Adolphus did nothing wrong.
This disgusting kot is doing WHAT?! alright that's it
total persicaria hate
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I want to eat tough redheads
Don't be a pussy, that's just 1/3 of what the original Persica puts on her coffee.
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Et tu, Kimie?
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now for the final ingredient
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It's all Croque and Nora's fault. They corrupt everyone.
I'm sorry, but no one plays with my sugar intake
from today, we will throw all the Persicaria coffee in the bin and she will be forced to watch
FAGMILY, take me, let the water in
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I fucking hate this game at times
>he fell for the frag scam
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bark bark bak
I know, my luck is atrocious.
So many fucking jiggies and for dolls that are already maxed out.
You guys didn't pick neural fragments to do more spirit rolls?
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yes yes drink the coffee professor....
if you don't get her within 40 rolls you're going to get her in the 80th to 130th
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Why are Mica making me want to fuck FemKJ more than usual?
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Same here anon, I had to spend 290 rolls for both of them. But at least I got the ''free'' oath from the event, so I could oath Cutekay thanks to that. So is not that bad after all
How did they fumble with GF2 FeMC so hard?
>120 rolls each + Free rolls
I will never recover from this
Now saving up for Space Machlian
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Professors want and fear this thing
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They missed a diner dash minigame in this collab what a missed opportunity
I might have to start buying monthly quartz card, because I don't know how am I supposed to use all these limited units they keep throwing out without doing at least 180 rolls on each of their banners.
Uh, so free rolls are tied to mini-game right ? it's not a login reward ?
yeah no login, they are on Antoshit thing
Okay, thanks alot
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pls understand, we have to make her relatable to our female players.
Did MICA hear her VA's voice and think about eating ASMR? Like Welrod's Christmas lines?
We have female players?
>spirit from the collab came with B and C rank skills
did I get unlucky?
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Oh no
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This thing better be mega op by the time it's done with how difficult it has been to promote it.
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You'll have to report back. Chances are you'll be the first person to actually use Mk 47
is the only way to get the Banksy skin to pulll on random shit? I already have the SG dolls...
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I'd give Anna-tan my Raging Storm, if you catch my drift.
Surely we'll get another regular banner in due time...
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Uh, Okabe...what did you do?
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YEEEEEEAAAAAH! my funds are safe. Space Machlian here I cum
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Go Visit them
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hope so
>Pandora is the face of GF1
Now that's a surprise
>Alpaca on the front
Yeah, no. I would rather delete myself
>s rank skill
>its the one that didnt even make the cope list
my condolences
Once you max leveled her, you can swap them out
its okay anon, is scripted
It's that fucking skill.
cute alien
He did a silly oopsie whoopsie.
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Is her 2nd skill correct? Only 2 types guns at the start of the battle? So her (HG) + another type?
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yeah that's right
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>15-20 people only
MICA's finance is so dire they can only afford one studio tours only?
yes they are dying bro, for 8 years already
Yuzhong really isn't afraid of death eh
That really sucks, like it's only usable by RF/HG echelons
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Life is the road to death.
do I need to read SG before this event?
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Wanna try your luck, bros?
No but it more or less reuses the original's plot
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Bros....Jashin's mom is kind of hot
Make sure to ask chong when he's releasing jefuty2
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Heard GF2 got a dorm voiceline update yesterday. Can anyone post them?
We haven't had any new doll voicelines ripped since the game was released, anon.
I heard there was some update on the latest patch. If anyone can post them I'll gladly tl them.
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So what is this expression trying to convey?
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there's been an update but nobody compiled them yet
I wanted to TL the new doll lines since december. But I heard they locked all voice lines in an encryption. So i had to give that up.
your permissions sir....
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W-who would, right?
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>tfw no tripfag gf
Imagine how many times she has posted her tits to anonymous imageboard. Imagine the autists connecting the dots, and finding out that famous scientist is posting her her tits to the internet.
The permission sir Liddell
Am I the only one whos game got fucked after today's SG update? I log in, see the home screen for half second then it goes black and I can't perform any action. Reinstalling doesn't help.
A certain current top 1% Vtuber already did that years ago on /b/
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Damage reports? Over 200 pulls for me
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Mayushii you bastard...you did this...all of it....
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Any dork interested in using my PNC referral code? Here it is: 995x3
>new event came out
>no hype
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>Thread is full of S:G screenshots
>No hype
sar do not redeem the (you)
How nice of Saiga to offer to help bathe Uncle and Samo
Well shit, the second half of the S;G story is pretty awesome that I think everyone should just experience it themselves rather than me screenshotting it. I don't care if this is just a retelling of S;G because it's still very good
>("The gaze" has ultimately arrived.)
>(It was just an anonymous email with a simple message, yet it brought back all those memories—)
>("Remember, you chose to escape.")
>(He hasn't done anything yet, but that's just for now.)
>(This invisible threat has been looming since that day. While I'm not afraid, it clearly knows I'm more concerned about others than myself.)

Going on a wonderful date with this corpse I found in the corner of a building
Your bratty boy banner?
(I glanced at Suomi beside me, finally accepting that Groza was just an exception. An unexpected gift from him for reasons unknown.)
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>Your bratty boy banner?
but Kuso isnt rerunning yet
What could go wrong?
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Does MICA rerun collab events?
I think I'm going to skip S;G, there's like 5 dolls that I want coming up on future events and I only have enough for 3 pities.
Before I do anything retarded, pulling is the ONLY way to get her skin right? I had some pretty bad luck today and I'm just one ten pull short?
Anon disguised as Dtut shows up but it turns out the guns were real
as far as PNC goes we have no evidence of collab reruns. I honestly dont really think theyre worth rolling all things considered in the future. Kurisu is her own dps style and Mayuri is gonna have too much competition in synergy based comps
Are any of the new dolls worth rolling for?
A man in white overalls doing a Hataraku Saibo cosplay shows up, he claims his wife is Daiyan.
Yes, pulling is the only way to increase get more levels.
I honestly thought it was gonna be worse. Getting the skin was really easy with 2 limited banners. I wouldn't even mind that shit returning for future collabs.
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>Does MICA rerun collab events
Only a few got reran in GF1 and it's to be determined in PNC.
I'll just roll for them in case since the only ones coming up that will roll for are dork star and Shell.
S;G is NC's first collab, so. Meanwhile, GF did receive two collab reruns, namely DJMax and VA-11 Hall-A.
Just got spooked by Zangyin.
Did she get a good AI or is she totally powercreeped by like 10 snipers already?
Chinks also rerun GG when we got the collab in 2018.
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She's yet to get an AI as far as I am aware.
Depending on the willingness of the IP holder. DJMAX and VA-11 Hall-A actually are willing to rerun collabs. Can't say the same with other IPs.
Chances are S;G can't get a rerun
Wasn't Taylor Swift a frequenter of /soc/?
When is global going to run the Honkai Gakuen collab?
Right after they add the swing to the black market.
>They said transportation expenses will be covered to some extend
>Anon is from some bumfuck nowhereistan
>They had to fork out thousands of dollars to fly you to Shanghai. Visa approval be damned
It's a crapshoot.
Blazblue/Guilty Gear never returned, although it did rerun on CN. Valhalla and DJ Max got reruns. Who knows if GSG, ZLS or GitS will ever return. But what we do know for absolute certain is that never again will you witness The Division collab.
Might as well grab them now and slowly build them up as your kits allow.
Assume collabs never return. Even limited units will eventually be rerun while collabs might never
Don't be stupid,roll on the Collab units. T-dolls will get reruns but there's no guarantee the SG characters will return
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Snake doesn't have a AI and well...
she's cute that's all that matters
Is the best grill and supaa hackaa in the collab?
You know the anwser
>Critical Cascade isn't actually over
>still doling out missions and maps still available
Mica what
The only real never ever is Division after jewbishit got asshurt at bantz, the rest of the collabs that haven't rerun yet are old/niche manga series that their publishers are probably glad to whore out to some literal who mobagay.
>after jewbishit got asshurt at bantz
thanks, love me some Banksy so I was gonna get it regardless just wanted to make sure. Much prefer this to fucking bingo at least
>Sometimes there's subs
>Sometimes there's none
We can never escape the MICAjank
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Not surprised, but I'm amazed anons could connect set of tits to someone behind a virtual avatar.
shes still totally powercreeped but she'll be easy T1 if she gets an AI, her kit is just lacking "now crits"
tldr - Yz wanted Division 2 but lacks the cash, so he gets Div 1.
Proceeds to write a story that makes fun of all the stupid bugs and glitches within the game. Ubisoft reads the event, is unamused, pulls rug.
>Kurigohan is considered a summon
Hope LOVE now for the level 50 skill roll
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Snake is made out of oath material
Snake LOVE
The collab story was based off Chong's actual experience with the game and makes fun of it, like server issues and clipping bugs, which jewbishit forced mica to edit out a week or so after launch.
>All these S ranks
What the fuck, I only have one
Did I miss a mechanic to increase skill rarity or what?
>imageboards still exist in the year of our lord and savior 2064~8X
>Trips are enforced upon everyone
>Chuckfull of bots
Good thing by that time we would all be dead anyways but still. What an awful time to be alive
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kuso stop ban evading
Don't forget his steam review of the game
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Reverence and Faith have their worst s rank skills so dont worry about that. Hope is the only one where I got anything good
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check it
not even total hit the amount needed for hard pity
>Played 500 hours
>Left a negative review
>Played another 300
I'm not sure why they were butt hurt, sounds like he was a true fan
snek already crits, her main issue is being bargain bin eos
Somehow both companies are buddies of sorts. GF1 actually freely uses their music in game and their anime spinoffs
>VA-11 Hall-A
Used to be fine. But chances are if they're doing it again, they might force you to collab with YIIK
Ubi are a bunch of things skinned faggots. So no more from them
Who's the publisher again? It is possible for a rerun, but who knows
Just wait till they want funding for Season 4 or 5 of their anime. That's how the collab came about
I dunno how Cygames works
Masamune Shirow is actually desperate for more capital that he'd actually like if MICA paid more for reruns
Haha very funny
>Valkyria Chronicles

Make of that what you will
so they lied...
>tfw we're already in the forefront of dead internet theory being real
Sometimes the most passionate fans are the ones that gives the most flavorful reviews
>he spent keys?
>extend eet
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she wants crit on her ult too, shes meant to spam it to raise her damage cap but she doesnt crit on it without Daiyan. But yes EOS is why she would only be t1 with full crit. Eos is just better
Dolls playing another shit game type event when?
>dotards uppity the collab
I don't care that the dev team are dotards too
Cygames is a slut with collabs (to their own ip) so that's a maybe
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GSG's publisher all the way up is Kadokawa which mica should be chummy with, having handled GF's anthology manga (not the gelatin adaptation)
B-b-but muh interactions and banter between dorks.
where are the fem professors?
>dotards uppity the collab
>I don't care that the dev team are dotards too
The dolls play deadlock (that leaked valve game) for when? (I can tolerate hero shooters but making it fucking dota again? Please kill me)
Do I need to had played Stein's Gate to play this event?
just watch the anime right now
Not really but you would obviously get more out of it if you did.
>24 episodes
Hella naw
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thats only 8-9 hours, you spend that long on /gfg/ in one day
>24-26 episodes is too long for zoomies
Do seasonal watchers even?
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>SG collab
>no Maho
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reminder that you can pay money for Taisch now
we're collab with OG S;G, not S;G0
Anime is finally dead thanks to World War 3
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I still think it's bullshit they didn't make best girl a unit
Thank you but should've give me a (you) when I asked.
>tfw SG predicted Russia causing WW3
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>sincesoft gamer
how did she get corrupted so quickly
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She's not in the story, but you can always blame her for enabling it.
I still think it's bullshit they didn't make best girl a unit
>Truly you are a lady of culture
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Lotta is actually Lotta fun to use
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rape the maid
>erika is not a fujoshi guys
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>bug that doubles her buffs on Kurisu and her illusions and in general anyway.
that doesnt sound like a bug, Kurigohans are fully considered summons. Double dipping buffs on summons is something I do with Groove
enjoy your free Banksy skin at least
>The song does not edited for loops
>It's one whole ass song with repeats
I guess they're not allowed to edit it.
congrats on your server
and your tour
I will be with you on your wedding night
get a hobby
Do kot even?

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what's so special about wasting your time lurking nga?
Why won't the EN one load?
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G-Flex cancelled, it's so fucking over
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>404 Not Found
This just means EN is the canon server.
Was this the UI for the actual S;G VN?
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Lunasia entering your timeline
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more or less the same
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the SG collab announcement on CN is the only reason I started playing. Worth it
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When I asked about collab, the best grill I've ment was obviously Suzu.
Chuuni disease has become an epidemic
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Same, I'm still on the first chapter but the game has been fun so far.
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post ID newfriend
Ogarin :D
Oh I didn't see your post, sorry.
>The religious characters are sexually repressed and have to turn to deviant materials
Look what you caused, KJ
Why is Critical Cascade still going on?
DSR! This once, you made a good joke.
Because mica fucked up
Blame UAS programmers
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Kurisu is a tier 0 sniper, you might not replace Eos with her though and she doesnt have much squad synergy for later teams (not that she needs it).

Mayuri is a physical version of Dush (amps physical damage instead of hash) and generally very splashable even without lab members like Okabe. I think Nora AI does something similar later but comes with actual damage

Both T0 dolls but if you want to save and dont have collab fomo you can just roll who you like.
Do I need to do anime homework for the event? I did it for GSG and snake anime.
I'd watch at least the first episode of the anime just so you know whats going on with the characters and who is who.
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My ID is 1246302. I was going to reply earlier but the game suddenly started the collab introduction.
Holy fuck S;G collab has mucho texto. I started 12 hours ago, took a 3 hour nap in-between and probably fucked around for 1 hours and I think I'm about done with Mayuri's 0 stage
i used to go to tieba too but only regurgitate things they said months back. this was when i was more aggressive. it's now just sunk cost i guess
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first VN?
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Is this good?
is summoning team skill, maybe
He already read Wanko to Kurasou at least if he's lurking 4chan
thanks bros
So because this is a VN collab it's just exponentially longer than any gfl collabs?
Is there any guide for fairies(NC)? I have no clue what's good or bad
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post your work
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theres this general guide, basically just use Hope if you dont need someone specific since she has the best general skills. You can read the specific skills ingame by checking the fairies

And dont go too overboard on s rank skills or else you'll want to kys. A rank is fine
Under the NC resources in the OP
>Spirits guide
Much appreciated
>she has the best general skills
best general stats (crit damage + skill haste). Stats are always fixed
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don't get violent lucklet
Can you make the text bigger?
Oh you're shitting me. They didn't get rid of Critical Cascade but they got rid of the tab to claim awards son of a bitch I think I still had some AI fragments there
just use >>483581885 theres a better version of the image and you can just use the icons
people still play that game?
Clearly maladjusted ones
>Critical Cascade implied leaving
>doesn't finish missions
I didn't collect them because normally you can collect the rewards afterwards but they got it ass backwards this time
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nta but I fell asleep
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I did some research and I was correct you fucking wanker.
They only do that for the event proper, extra event tabs go down when the event ends.
Are the sprits you can buy from the event shop seeded, or are they purely rng.
one of them was S tier, it's my first S and it was the one shit pyro skill everyone was getting when spirits dropped, how fucked is this system
purely shit rng
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>You get rolls(Generation Decree) by doing your daily Vulnerability Check. In the permanent supplies, spirit supplies, you will be able to buy up to 50 a week using Glitter Chips.
Motherfucking shit I bought those when the fairies first came out and then completely forgot about them. Can't believe I bricked my account like that.
RNG, but there will be guaranteed S rank skill fairy rewards later (the S rank skill they get is still random)
in this context at least, most of his stuff came from posts on the art bell forum back in 2001
its purely RNG because mines were mostly B and C ranks, but the First S rank skill for Reverence feels scripted, like I have seen EVERYONE who got her the first time get that shit skill
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Everything is perfectly fine, legal and not rigged at alI, I assure you.
Where the fuck did you do your research? John Titor first showed up in the internet forum in early 2000s, not radio show in the 90s.
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Lunasia sent him to a different world line.
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Reverence skill doesnt seem THAT bad, at S rank it applies 5 stacks which insta procs Sword Kots passive....once she comes home
from my time.. Ameli became the heroine of Girls Frontline 2... what ever you do... do NOT LET CHONG FINI
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smug ligger feet
Yeah but it means you are not using the much more flexible blink euls refresher set, just to trigger swordkot's skill a fraction of the number of times her team can trigger it themselves.
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I'm not a footfag but I have a raging boner right now
>50 rolls
>get chu of them
Why was it the RI line? Why didn't they call it the RTI line?
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Did 110 spirit generations... 0 S ranks
why does my game screen go black whenever I open a cutscene in neural cloud?
i did a clean install
I'm surprised you guys aren't more hyped that global is confirmed, I'm so fucking happy personally.
does it still have genshit monetization style?
Link me the global website.
nobody cares about shits gate anymore gramps
I literally never had any doubts it would release, it's only a matter of when that concerns me.
i cant tell which of these posts are worse
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Same problem, for me it was changing this thing.
It's actually seeded. This was my first S rank
what else to talk about? the website for the global one is not even up yet.
>I'm surprised you guys aren't more hyped that global is confirmed
Also, you're 12 hours late.
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Whoever the fuck thought that shoehorning in that piece of shit gacha into the game just because it’s successful for genshit is a good idea needs to have their head repeatedly bashed against a brick wall
You are not alone...
Maybe it's like Minecraft where the first enchantments are locked in and then it's random afterwards. You can use that to guarantee a looting 2 sword but here it just sucks dick and balls
You forgot genshit character progression and genshit weapon system
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played from global release all the way up to MS and thinking of coming back

how dead is this game by now? Is PNC more popular than the main title?
Whoever came up with gacha deserves to have their country nuked
We're finally getting the ending of the story.
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thanks for the lucklet consolation prize i guess
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>played from global release all the way up to MS and thinking of coming back
You're just like me. I did not regret coming back but if you're interested in the major story events you'll have to watch them on youtube.

Poincaré Recurrence and Fixed Point were good, currently reading Longitudinal Strain.
lol gf1 will never EOS
The story is slowly wrapping up, at least four mini events and one major event left. You missed Poincaré Recurrence, Fixed Point, Eclipses and saros, Longitudinal Strain, and SlowShock. You may have completely missed SF capture. We have tanks and mechs now and a bunch of QoL features.
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it worked, thanks a lot
Bros I'm getting erect every time I look at that banxsy skin...
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Man I felt things when the S;G soundtrack started playing. Who knew that the filler section song would make me all wistful.
You'll hate since it plays on loop for the entire collab.
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you know what you must do
But I already did
I already have the collab units.
Replace Suyeoi with a Luna, Yelena or Milau rerun.
>You may have completely missed SF capture
I have a few, don't remember which ringleaders exactly but I remember for sure I have my forehead wife dreamer.
>We have tanks and mechs now
Did they finally figure out how to implement vehicles into the game? Can't say I'm too excited about new mechanics since there was already so much clutter.
>you can remove the background of L2Ds
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I kinda want to buy the frag packs, but 74 bucks for both is too much.
well the skin is up for a month so that'll be enough time for new banners
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>well the skin is up for a month
What the fuck it's true.
Why did the chinks complain about this shit so much, this is way better than hubbles skin bingo.
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>I remember for sure I have my forehead wife dreamer.
Well if you come back now you can save up for her alter.
Vehicles aren't really necessary, so you can just b urself with them.
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Just like with the VN kek. Poor Laboratory, it's a nice track, the turnaround really slaps.
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she was asking for it.
its 270 pulls so it punishes you for having good banner luck
any way to find all the hidden animation triggers?
got the skin too thanks to no luck
>Well if you come back now you can save up for her alter.
Alright alright that's too much of a coincidence to pass I'm reinstalling.
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Before I start rolling how do I get my free tenner?
isnt it always just feet?
I'm never happy
do the Antonina event part 1 for the two tenners and theres one more in the mail
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Make sure to post UID.
The Antonina part.
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But...there was no need for confirmation? We all knew.
Fucking sweet. Someone left 30 bucks in the trash can
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Does this referral code only work for new joiners or anyone can use it?
It says it doesn't exist
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I just realized it's called @channel because Shift+2=@
It's a joke on 2chan
Oh THAT, I thought it was a game code.
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I just noticed it as well because of your post pointing it out
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I thought it was obvious from the layout..
not futaba obv
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Shift+2 is "
Dumb bitch, you're 5 months late.
Happy birthday anon!
I'll make the new thread don page 8
Happy late bday doroo
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Your faithful network security helper Anna!
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She'll make it up to you.
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Stop throwing her in the air, you could hurt her!
When's the infinite recursion kot?
new thread

Thank you.

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