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Previous: >>483514987

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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My E0S1 Yunli jades are safe, but my Xueyi is very very sad right now.
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once and for all
who did it better
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The Sigga continues to win thoughbeit, that's why he keeps getting nerfed
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KEK even in DU KAKAUrine flopped
I like all of them
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>enemy nerfs
we are no better than genshit now...
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I'm going to beat V6 today... I hope...
i got 25 tickets and 0 pity on the weapon banner. i lost my previous 50/50 on ack's weapon banner. do i still get the guarantee, and can i get enough tickets before firefly's banner ends?
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You DID beat Aventurine in DU V6 before he was removed right? You aren't a fucking pussy?
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OK I've had enough, what the fuck does the "thoughbeit" and "thoughever" shit mean? I thought I'd catch on eventually but over a year into this general I still have no idea what the fuck this shit is supposed to be.
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Topaz RAPE
I'm too new for that
Good, fuck "Muh difficulty" fags. It's a fucking gacha game. I want to take it easy. If I wanted difficulty I'd play a real game. Gacha games are supposed to be comfy.
Basically a meme way of saying albeit and however
Gl nigga that sam is going DOWN
Cirrus I can understand, that shit is ridiculous with every summon getting +2 advances and the fact it can spawn via occurance instead of just being an endboss
But were people really having difficulty with Aventurine?
what's wrong with him in V6? the only time i got to final boss on V6 i met cirrus and got anally raped.
I didn't even seem him. I did v6 once and never did it again.
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Ok Sam is just very easy, not surprised the first time I didn't get True Sting I won. I fucking hate bugs so much.
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GuMo, i hit my 300 pull 5 star and dont know who to pick, any ideas?
so far ive got:
Clara E1
Yanqing E1
Bronya + Battle isnt over
Thank you :)
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>this is Kafka's EN VA
oh no no no no EN bros, our response?
time to plan out some rolls. how good/meta defining is
>Lingsha (based on leaks so far)
follow your heart bro
I went with e1 bronya personally
I met him at V5 and he oneshot Gallagher in phase 2 so I just left.
Did people find him hard?I thought he was the easiest boss, just switch your team and he's a free win.
How much of their """skill"" having completed V+ diff comes from E6S5ing everyone anyways? Just be glad Mihoyo has kept on testing everything without hyperwhale setups in mind because they could easily refuse to do that.
>ack's cocksleeve
>must roll for firefly havers
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My girlfriend is so cute
>But were people really having difficulty with Aventurine?
Yeah. Youll be surprised by the amount of shitter
oh no no no it's a picture of a mid woman who's appearance has absolutely nothing to do with star rail... it's so fucking over... holy shit..
>ugly face
>ugly voice
please tell me it was a volunteer job and nobody paid this manface
How the fuck can you not understand people having difficulty with Aventurine? Do you literally not understand how his boss fight works? If you have a character like RM that can ONLY single target you're basically fucked because they're 100% going to get killed off early. There's nothing you can do about it. He's an absolutely dog shit designed boss. Easily the worst boss in the entire game.
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nuh uh
stop posting pic of my mom nikker
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I'm rolling Jade because sex and Yunli because big greatsword.
Maybe Feixiao if she has good animations like Yunli.
>He's an absolutely dog shit designed boss. Easily the worst boss in the entire game.
Cirrus is by far the worst boss design, even if she's easier to beat than Aventurine in DU.
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And Japanese women are cheating on their partners and even killing their babies for a nigga that looked like this. What's your point?
I'm not a JPfag so all I care about is the quality of the voice itself, not who does it.
bwo... you change your team at any point.
you literally just bring a shielder and you win
I only saw him 2 times in V6, I beat him with dot hags and even with fucking JOBking, easiest boss in my opinion.
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>Kafka's EN voice
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>pick 2
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Saw some Jiaoqiu vids and his stack generation is pretty nice. But since I already play sustain less I'd rather enemies don't get a turn, especially current ones.
Still looks like an NPC so that's a skip.
Good luck on those who gonna pull for him though.
I don't know about love but I sure want to pump my dick with her vaginal walls and ejaculate deep into her pussy
Changing your team is not an option in DU, you make a specif team for the build you have, you can't just unslot a character that's crucial for it to work.
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any secrets and hidden stuff in the new patch?
>just change your team bro
>when you've spent the entire time building for that team with all the bonuses that effect them specifically
Great plan.
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When are we getting a character voiced by Yumiri Hanamori? Bonus points if she uses her Yanfei voice.
special drinks in the bar near the stage
I kneel...
For me, it's the true mastermind of the Ten Stonehearts "Amy" Amethyst true name Fischl and her Aetherspirit Simulacrum of the head of marketing development Oswaldo "Oz" Schneider, that she can boss around.
omg.. THE toshiyuki moshisami????
>Ugly voice

You know once upon a time I agreed with you. But everything sounds good now after hearing the fucking horseshit that is Clara's eng dub.
You can't make this shit up fucking lmao.
me and my daughterwives
im between Clara, Bronya and Welt myself
Or we can remove his dog shit ass from DU and not have to deal with obnoxious restrictions. I like Mihoyo's plan better.
wtf, why does captain nemo look like /gfg/'s daughter?
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So what's the Firefly/Ruan banner revenue? Got both, just curious given how long Firefly has been hyped up.
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How is it that even though English dubs of Japanese media have existed for so long, there still aren't any English VAs who can pull off a passable loli voice?
I got both + RM LC but didn't spend anything. I don't know how they count stuff really.
rooroo wa yaburu tame ni aru
pretty good
There were tons of hidden Sparkle fumos, and the golden tokens finally have a use (albeit not a particularly exciting one unless you've been itching to know whats under March's bed). The cars you can buy in golden hour can now be used as a gate between there and the ship too. Thats all I got tho
I didn’t care for fischl in genshin but I’d unironically pull for her expy here in hsr since I’m so starved of a blond girl.
Nobody knows wait until July for sensortower guess
huohuo sounds fine
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I need a second team, can't clear Apocalypstic shadow or PF or Memory of Chaos at the moment.
Who should I level up and what teams (other than FF break) would be with my current roster
I dunno man, one voice actor being trash doesn't make other voice actors fine. In some games half or more of the VAs are so shit I end up muting them. Same with games that have trashy soundtracks I guess.

It's a boomer opinion, but overall it feels like the sound in many games is much lower quality compared to pre-2020 games. It's like they don't bother trying anymore because players slurp everything
Skill issue, I was doing a fua build with topaz/ratio/ruan/galla and just switched topaz/ratio for yanqing/kafka
link to the original please?
Firefly's text messages are so adorable
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>There were tons of hidden Sparkle fumos
Hearing her act out different goofy scenarios was the best part of the patch and I'm not even a Sparklefag
God I hope this becomes real
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You need RM for break.
Also you don't really have a second team. Just do as best as you can. Maybe Clara, ting, lynx instead of Natasha, and asta once you get RM for firefly

You aren't supposed to clear end game modes at your account level. But anyways with your roster your second most viable team will be Clara+Ting+Bailu+whatever, Yukong works but is a pain in the ass to play. QQ is the only somewhat decent carry option but I doubt you have the eidolons to make her work and quantum-weak enemies are on the rare side.
NO! No more expys. I piss on your expys!
If Fischl legit comes to HSR I will cashspark E6
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ipc is an instant skip for me
I'll probably roll a E0S1 Yunli too. I've only got 70 pulls now but skipping Jade should be enough.
You don't really have anything for a 2nd team
You can go Clara/Lynx/Tingyin but you need some other Harmony or Nihility debuffer
On the airship there are hidden readable items in the pool, a creepy intellitron with an achievement if you talk to him, you can park your speedster in the lower deck, trotters having sex, and you can invite Cocona to have a gig on the bar.
true we need more blonde girls
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>ran FF relic stage 100 times
>ZERO brick effect substat on any brick effect set
why couldn't they have at least made yunli ice or lightning or something
having the clara sidegrade be the exact same element just kills any reason to roll if you've already been spooked
>"I'm sorry, it seems the Family doesn't own the rights to that song"
Lost my shit lmao
nahida expy in 3.0 gweilo
E1s1 Blades what we gona do?
4000 stamina well spent
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"Expies" have to be the most boring and unoriginal pieces of shit """""characters""""""" mihoyo has ever come up with
The worst thing is that faggots wank mihoyos creative bankruptcy and WANT expies
Yeah. I was planning on rolling cause I didn't have Clara but then she spooked me when going for RM so no I just think what's the point? I'm not dumping that many rolls on a slight upgrade.
I hope her design is just as sexy.
Sei pok-kai...
I've got over 350 pulls but I'm a paranoid bastard and worst case scenario I might spend damn near all of them for E0S1 Yunli and have very little left for Feixiao and Lingsha...
>t. Retard
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>meanwhile cygames and their endless rage of bahamut re-re-re-re-release
The first perfect 4000 point apo shadow team is Ack, Himeko, RM, Gallagher

We all love Ruan Mei here
Crazy that even in gg full optimized gigawhale teams that Gallagher still makes the cut
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Horse game soon though
>3.5 years late
cum in clara
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expies are cool because it's usually not a 1:1 copy of the character (except for welt and himeko i guess), if you're very interested in them and there's somehow not enough content in the game that involves them then you can check out mihoyo's other media that could have them and find joy in finding the references in their characters and dialogue, and they'll be able to put in a bit more effort in wholly original characters since expies have some amount already written and designed about them
i for one am interested in how many fucking versions of bronya (my beloved) exist
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i like some characters who happen to be trapped in a shit game
Now that they hyper-nerf Nihility path in DU I kinda want a Nihility unit whose ult is not damaging but shits out all possible DoTs. Maybe I'll save for them. Absolutely not rolling for a male thougheverbeit.
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Tizocic II did nothing wrong.
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Cum in Yunli also.
When Screwllum releases
Ruan Banjomori Mei
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She's been carrying my AS, MOC and PF teams too
Himeko love
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For me? It's this Bronya. SW is a close second though.

It's because AS is pure break check and he probably deals the highest toughness damage outside of Firefly. The whole team exists just to break the enemy toughness so Acheron can kill them.
Yes, slight.
You must post a DU6 clear before the nerfs to be able to join our clan.
Honkers want their characters to not be in a shit game, so they beg for expies in mihoyo's newer games. They are still in shit games.
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Yes, slight.
>le expies
stop using redditspeak

speaking of alternate versions of characters, though, i wish we'd see more of them in hsr itself than just bronya rand and silver wolf
After Cocolia fuckhead.
How is it not obvious he's not meant to have any redemption?
He kills entire hotel's worth of people in their sleep EVERY YEAR so people don't choke on NFT soda in the dreamscape and die in their sleep (???).
He might as well liked killing people for the sake of it. You lot would totally screech about "problematic" and "mysogynistic" players if we were to ask for playable, say, Phantylia.
She's still the only non-limited 5* that's E0 (and that one copy was from the depature banner).
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>if we were to ask for playable, say, Phantylia.
She's coming in ver 2.7 as a 5* Quantum Destruction "Tingyun" bro
she's my only e6 5* in the game... I don't use her anymore...
everyone else is e0, e1 or e2
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>Himeko love
goddamn right, we love himeko over here.
can i do apoc shadow if my fireflay isnt fully trace maxed + e0 + hertacone lv70? i did moc 36 stars. im just wondering how much harder it is
Totaler krieg
so hows jade + yunli duo?
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>get 2 spheres
>glamoth DEF/Break
>penacony is Lighting /crit rate
Fuck you Yanchink
Fuck you
clara+tingyun+bailu+march(so you could skill on clara and have her be targeted)
in the future replace bailu or march with either a sub dps or another harmony
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I hope it's going to be nutty, having a blast counter with Jade must be good.
I'm going to run Yunli, Jade and Robin for the ultimate FUA rape
Apoc Shadow seemed easier than MoC for my Firefly team, mine's E1 but no RM
Give it a shot
I fucking love how much hp boosting we can get in DU
The mara effect especially could work very well on a harmony character for hp scaling dps
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Can I realistically get Acheron + lc and Sunday + his lc or Eidolon?

Probably because AS is just a pure break check in the current iteration and FF excels at breaking. Enemies take massively increased damage and you get full ultimate refund on breaking the boss.
If that's all you want then yeah, it's possible. But you have to skip nearly everything else
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Amazing for PF and very much dependant
on which boss you fight in MoC
I hope Yunli doesn't require Jade to be good. I might not have enough for Yunli's cone if I go for Jade and end up losing a bunch of coinflips...
And I still want E0S1 Feixiao and E0S0/E0S1 Lingsha too...
I was originally planning on getting Yunli but hearing that she's dog shit at E0S0 put me off. I'm not in position to be rolling on cones with only 120 rolls.
We don't even know when Sunday releases, if at all
the fuck, it's not even her shill patch damn
when is sunday coming bwos?
When you fuck him hard enough
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>watching youtube video
>uploaded 12 years ago
>december 2011
Bros I thought 12 years ago would be 2007-2008 at latest what the fuck?
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Green sex snek expy when?
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>rolling for jade when she is only good in PF or with Blade (in PF)
>rolling for yunli when she is just a clara sidegrade
>when jiaoqiu is required for acheron teams
>and when feixiao is required for FuA teams
>and and when Lingsha is required for Break teams
don't be retarded
Heads up! The wheels are spinning
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>>when jiaoqiu is required for acheron teams
>>>and when feixiao is required for FuA teams
i want to lick mobius' armpits and sideboob
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>waiting for HSR characters when ZZZ is coming
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>Firefly gets mega shilled
>she's pretty much the main heroine at this point
>start to realize what's going on
>yanqing gets a female playmate
>topaz and aventurine gets onscreen interaction in which aventurine called topaz beautiful and jade even said that they have "good relationship"
>murderhobo sex fox general feixiao has a male fox for a partner who may or may not have feelings for her
>mfw it won't be long until my waifu gets shipbaited
fuck you, firepags. are you proud of yourselves.
I hope you all die in a ditch somewhere and nobody weeps for you death
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retarded question but what's silver wolf's deal?
like she randomly involves herself with you despite seeming pissed off about it

I saw some comic about her cracking puns and the mc cracking puns her and then fucking but i don't know her for puns
I'm saving indeed, but not for homo or huntbrick foxians
Gonna have to wait and see on Lingsha's kit before deciding to roll
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I don’t use Danhomo and don’t have Black Swan
>"Big Daddy (?)"
You cannot be serious
lose some wait
>every fucking trailer has dogshit rap music in it
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>shit setting/gameplay with bara furries present
Hard pass
She's a tsundere.
>shit graphics
>shit gameplay
>shit pander
>shit music
give me one good reason I should install zzz
Didn't watch but why does every video end up using fu xuan? She's dead weight in pf. Either use no sustain or a sustain that offers a lot to the team like huohuo.
which one of these is for (Me)?
She's stereotypical computer nerd with negative social skill
Im getting jamiroquai because i think he's cool
Feixiao seems cool too so i'll probably get her aswell
If lingsha isnt cool, I wont bother
Im picking up argenti on his rerun too
not rolling chinawank characters, I'm waiting for 3.0
Jiaoqiu will flop. I'm completely certain of it.
>associated with Feixiao
Yumes will feel cucked so they won't pull. Homos and Fujos don't pull straggots.
>NPC-tier design
"Regular people" won't pull because he looks boring.
>Pela sidegrade at E0; Guinaifen sidegrade at E2
Metafags won't pull because he's a brick.
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He seems like a bro
I'll get him
>Yunli at the edge
>Yunli and Fu on the opposite sides
Retard alert, why are all leakers so fucking horrible at actually playing the game.
Best DPS Honkrail?
They're totally going to shill Gallagher by wrongly assuming Lingsha needs more healing output and less break effect buffs than him aren't they.
Did we ever get Prometheus valk? I quit playing after Thus Spoke Apocalypse and just login to finish the story after it ended.
>not turn based
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Since today seems to be the VA debate day, when is Brittney Karbowski, best known for playing Mikoto Misaka(eng), going to get a role?
Apparently Topaz Yunli is better than Jade Yunli everywhere but PF.
Yeah he's fucking garbage. What is mihoyo thinking releasing a flop like that?
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Clara is objectively a shit DPS
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EN VA is not relevant
>both need their signature cones to function
FUA really is the biggest whale bait team you can run. Shame cause it looks fun.
Also just clicks yunli ULT as it lights up. Doesn't even parry with it lol.
>you can play as a pig
based, they have balls unlike the other mhy games
too bad the gameplay/story doesn't look that great
They need to move his DoT either to base kit or E1 otherwise he's just an Acheron slave for people that don't have Trend.
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Well, I lost ANOTHER 50/50.
But I got something better than winning the 50/50, all things considered.
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KR, JP >>> CN >>>>>>>>> EN
I used to like her a lot when I was just starting out watching Anime actually. Does she still get roles? I don't know if newer seasons of Slime have gotten dubs, I haven't paid attention to dubs since 2018 if not earlier.
ClaraGOD... I kneel...
I can't do it. I can't 0 cycle MoC even wit hAcheron and Firefly.
I might be retarded.
why are you retards so obsessed with meta 24/7? you don't have jobs, you don't have lives, you don't have sex, yet you think about pixels all day long? fucking poorfaggots
rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero
Topaz has two great 4* options in Swordplay and Final Victor.
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Damn, I kneel. I barely lose 50/50s so I only have E1 standards at most.
everyone in r/honkaistarrail_leaks will pull him because he's the only male support
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
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No yunli needed here
She still gets roles. Slime recently got a new dubbed season.
There are some great EN voices though like Ratio, i wish i could select VA per character.
How much of an upgrade is Yunli cone for Clara over Blade cone and Clara cone?
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Thanks for keeping the bad luck from the rest of us
Im gonna rape your little thight ass
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WHAT THE FUCK, I thought only the MC could see them.
She didn't see a single fucking one the entire time?
What about when the mc was on the edge of the ship surrounded by them?
Did she just ignore every single one?

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another one...
calm down sis
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Hmmmm... dead genyeral.
Massive just because of the 500% aggro increase.
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I only have one of these characters
>over Blade cone and Clara cone?
Aeon is slightly better than either of those if she can keep breaking enemies.
Yunlicone is probably huge on Clara thanks to the taunt value increase.
Big words from the weakest limited harmony character
>japanese weebshit
Oh you don't even know.
I lost the 50/50 on... Aventurine, Sparkle, Kafka, Firefly, Firefly's C1, Ruan Mei, Black Swan, Huohuo, Blade, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, and Luocha
hello guys its me genshin impact general please pick up your sparkle poster he wont leave us alone
>>and and when Lingsha is required for Break teams
You do know that leak was a shitpost right
All right, thanks. I'll consider rolling the Yunli cone then.
>no わがはい
quite literally kusoge
you're playing an anime game and posting on an anime forum retard
the arcade origami birds are just memes created by the family for the game, anyone can see them
the TRUE origami birds can only be seen by the MC and other memes
hypercarry will become meta again, just you wait
>Lingsha is required for Break teams
>Lingsha is required for DOT teams
Which shitpost do I believe bwos
>No boku-ko
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Go on without me my friends... I'll see you... On World 10 of Regular SU...
the real leak from many months ago already confirmed that lingsha is a break-focused support
For me it's ore-sama. Only Tail uses it
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But she is elation
since when is 2d/cartoon stuff that wasn't made in japan considered "anime"?
plot twist: it's a counter support
so he got nerfed in the story mode and straight up deleted from DU? why does sigga keep losing?
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Well, i hope the *5 quantum destruction is a hyper carry then. I don't want to waste Sparkle's monoquantum passive
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Haven't posted there in years, but I'll make a sparklepost there now just for your mass reply
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>literally a stripper
ENkafkakeks, your response?
clarachad... you lost a 50/50 but won the game called life...
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Why does Sigga get a sexy hag and a sexy slampig as his partners
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We need more girls who speak in old-fashioned Japanese like Bailu and Jingliu. It sounds incredibly hot for some reason. Watching the Spice and Wolf remake has further reignited my love for that type of speech.
Yes I do have a voice fetish how can you tell?
I mean also mathematically too. Firefly will have a rerun where she's still 50% to obtain, Clara won't.
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I started about a week ago for various reasons and I gotta say: how did they actually manage to make a story worse than Genshin's? I hated almost every second of space China. Does it get any better?
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Why did they remove Aventurine from DU? I thought he was fine. Definitely putting "too easy" on the next survey cause of this.
He's literally so strong they have to nerf him to not make the playerbase anxious.
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>Literally does porn before getting famous
Ironic weebsis, our response...?
final fantasy is better
Penacony, sidequests with NPCs too, is actually good.
Cargo Crate Simulator 2023 was an outlier.
Everyone hates Chinaslorp. Penacony saves it but they force us again to visit Chinaslurpfest
wait for dr.primitive
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Xianzhou was much better than Liyue. If you disagree then you weren't there during genshin 1.0.
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when we gonna get x1 speed version this thing?
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I DID IT!!!!!

TOP 0.1%
TOP 0.1%
TOP 0.1%
TOP 0.1%
TOP 0.1%
Nah, you people deserve him after you fags shitposted every single females that I rolled there.
>force us again to visit Chinaslurpfest
Martial arts tournament will be kino and redeem the slopzhou luofu
Wei is literally a weeb
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He won so hard that they had to nerf him to let th losers win which in turn means that he won
Bullshit, Liyue only turned to shit after 1.1 introduced the 2nd part of it with all the nonsense
>playing the game in EN audio
May as well just transition at that point
understandable since anxiety is the number 1 enemy of zoomies
>furry shit
>censored shit
3 strikes, im out
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Congrats on your Clara!
LMAO keep up the deworming Mihoyo, next step is removing him from the game altogether
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>5 fofo's
congrats, bwo
Seriously. Non homo FUA sustain when?
>Playing the game on a language you don’t even know.
Might as well mute at that point
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explode luckerDOG
I prefer tier lists about areola sizes and shit. this is pointless and nobody cares
>RM is needed for DoT teams
>RM is needed for break teams
which is true?
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Someone pointed out that Sparkle had less pooptok seconds than Neuvillette and now sparklefag is having a melty please take him back
what type of mental illness causes you to overroll on supports and sustains and then cope with E0/E1 damage dealer bricks?
I keep forgetting huohuo exists
Sunday is Watashi when he is in control.
Becomes Ore when he is in prison.
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Use Gallagher in the other and you'll be fine.
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Am I a LuckGOD or a Lucklet?
why'd he become so savage.....
dot has no support yet so RM goes in the team as a universal support. they should get a dedicated support luke break effect and fua at some point
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
nah, you cucks shitted the thread for a whole week
its your problem
>please take him back
Nah he fully transitioned into becoming a gigger. He even uses genshin terms (C6R5 for example) in this thread.
Talk to him about LINE minutes or something, I dunno
She's hot.
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>Wild goose chase to FInd adepti
>Find offerings for Xiao
>I have no mora zhongli, so now you have to do chores to get him some.
>Make perfume
The only thing good as a part of the liyue quest was the NPC Yin'ger.
How does one struggle with his story fight? I don't even remember it happened.
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Thank you, I love her very much
im literally sparkle
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Genshin's horrid writing, lack of character improvement updates, annoying time-waster dailies, and locking events behind listening to characters talk about their favorite soup for over an hour is why I ducked out. Star Rail has improvements in several of those areas that is making it more tolerable at the moment but story is overall not one of them so far.
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>Proud of bingbong hours even though he killed Floptaine and the game
Your general's fault for introducing the retarded poopsock metric to shitpost about instead of laughing it out of the general.
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>t. Monolingualnigger
the biggest lie gallagher told was convincing the world he's a 4*
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Just one 50/50... please bro...
I also speak Viet so fuck off
Robin is better for DoT, haggots just refused to roll for her
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The DU menu just uses your own model.
Someone with a Stelle account, post her DU menu with nude mods on
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
Not even the devs care about Robin
In 4 days
Where is this from?
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>tfw when your girlfriend is flatter than you
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>Black swan talks to slow
>Sunday talks to much
robin is literally ayucka and i hate her
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Where is this?
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>MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friendACK
Cute, they must've seen P3R's menu FX pipeline and copied it
>Black swan talks to slow
But I love her soothing and calm voice
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>SW confirms Hotaru loves and understands fashion better than her
>Perfectly manicured hands
>She got her ribbon in order to differentiate from the other clones and highlight her individuality
I now want a fashionista/modeling event starring Firefly, Robin and Kafka
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>Star Rail is so loli depraved they started calling Sparkle a cunny
on the ship, where firefly and jade spoke
interact with the projector
Go to Jades room and interact with the projector thingy, then you can initiate a dialogue with the attendant and tell them to bring you your friends (you choose who comes) to watch a movie with
Most LGBT couple in Mihoyo eventually get infest with omnipandering but some straight female stay consistent.
Dan STILL doesn't come if you choose the Astral Express btw
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>(you) canonically get frustrated that you can't peek on Bronya x Seele yuri via dream spying
Wtf, the Trailblazer is literally me.
bros, come boost gig, sigewinne came out but we're not the most popular general for some reason...
Yeah thats because he is a faggot. Fucker never hangs out with the group. Its like he's hatching an egg in the astral express.
Silver wolf literally can't stop thinking about us!
When is Dan getting a personality?
Anybody else absolutely love the major side quests and event stuff?
Aetherium wars, bird bejeweled, bartending.
Also the longer side quests like the corrupt queen who lose her memories, or helping doctor blue.

It's so well done and you can tell they put effort into making in enjoyable compared to the main story and anything else which feels generic and bad in comparison.
The actual combat isn't a selling point for me though the simulated universe stuff is fun.
Nah just u cuz ur a faggot
So why did SAM attack the mc, archeron and black swan?
I'm genuiinely lost if she was firefly and they knew the mc from when they were a sterallaron hunter
>Fucker never hangs out with the group
It's because they wrote him as an absolute charisma vacuum and don't know what to do with him. Even Welts old ass brings more to any scene he's in than not Sasuke.
Post the screenshot of that anon who wanted to act like Dan to get girls after watching episode 1 of Shield Hero changed his life and his opinion of women
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
I thought/gig/ loves cunny? What happened
Palegods, why do shitskins and pagchuds hate us? Why does every brownie dream of being a white male?
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>post her DU menu with nude mods on
best I can do is this
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Wait, they actually went there instead of just teasing it
I too am shocked by the quality of the side quests and minigames coming from genshin, where they clearly just stopped giving a fuck.
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Very cute
/gig/ only loves that dragon guy.
Also she's not meta.
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Sasuke at least had pride and edgelord attitude going for him.
Dan's supposed to be the straight man for March's jokes, I guess, but he just comes off indifferent and gloomy
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both gig and hsr got infested by normalfags and people against loli, i even get warned and banned for shit that's slightly lewd and stuff that isn't even a loli like fuxuan or QQ
Teaching firefly how to play Katawa Shoujo
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SW is jealous or she likes MC too, and Firefly knows it
reminds me of someone...
>What are romance games Trailblazer? Could you practice them with me?
My very subtle cute wife Firefly
they all betrayed us for ff14
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No I'm busy falseflagging as an GF2 CHAD somewhere else
>Welt spend his alone time watching anime from Earth on his phone
tech otakus save the world......
Choco girls fuckin when...
blame the shitters here for not outing all the fucking normalfags and tourists. now 4chan is 40% reddit 40% discordtrannies
hopefully never
>Why does every brownie dream of being a white male?
Consider this anon, would you follow The Abundance if it could make you white?
Revealed his backstory way too early as well so what the fuck does Danigga even have going for him?
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works on my machine
maybe get rid of the ritual posting tranny schizos that make up 99% of /gig/ and ill come back more than once a patch

>what the fuck does Danigga even have going for him?
Well he can go super Saiyan in a heated moment and surprise a powerful villain I guess. That could be neat
Why did Sparkle sperg out and offer to send bomb dolls when we invited her? What the hell is her problem?
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This one?
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>E4 Fofo
Give me a way to get rid of troons and I'll do my best. These cockroaches can't find anything to do with their lives no matter how many months go by.
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We need brown wife
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>replies instantly because she has no other friends
you'll win 5 50/50s straight from here on out
what is with firefly screaming her lines on top of her lung?
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Is there any point to increasing Threshold Protocol for the Cyclical mode?
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she has autism pls understand
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I guess at least it still has ATK, right? Haha...
you do know your moves deal less damage if you don't scream at your opponents right?
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damn tina
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Fun Sparkle fact: Sparkle Sparklers are canon!
She'll just get DEYHA'ed. It's better this way. In a lot of ways view Serval as a melded Deyha/xinyan apology character.
Glowworm-chan my beloved
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Rate my first 36* MoC since reinstalling 15 minutes before Ratio disappeared bros. I was genuinely worried that Clara won't meet the dps check since Firefly took her Aeon LC but even the cope S1 Arlan LC pulled through and did the first half in 6 cycles, could have been 5 if she had Aeon. Also holy shit I'm surprised with how good Welt is in sending all the enemies into the nether realms, with Welt ult > break > RM ult break > Welt ult again the puppets literally only moved once and that was on the phase transition.

It's also a bit depressing that out of all the characters I rolled for from 1.0 to 1.1 way back then, literally only fucking Clara still pulls her own weight.
She's the lovely gorilla robot wife, so it's only fitting.
Bwos have you noticed the lack of "Praise of High Morals" coins? Penacony barely gives us any...
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You can go on Hoyolab and screenshot it and call us all pussies
I need like 50 more self modeling resins...
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Clara is so broken they needed to make a direct powercreep to her copying her exact mechanics but better to make her less relevant. Not that she still won't be better than ever since Yunli shilling period is just Clara shilling period anyway. They really don't know how to balance this girl, not even the gobblet niggers are enough to stop her
short hair yomi is cute
Her voice actor had the sense enough to know that lines like "I will set the seas ablaze!" should probably be read with a bit of passion. The other actors didn't fair as well.
yeah holy kek
Ok but when can we get a playable alien that isn't "human but with small animal appendage teehee"
Damn Penacony, slutty planet with loose morals!
i want a jabba wife
Sex with Eve and Jelena
Well aint that something
Wait for ZZZ, furfag.
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I only saw him when grinding DU normal but compared to sam cirrus or argenti his phase 3 dice mechanic was way easier than phase 1/2
Is that Jade's real name? Makes sense with all the snake stuff
Don't worry bro, you'll get an Intellitron in 3.6 :^)
For me it's the sidebraid
At least four tails, tho.
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Cute March
damm bro, probably a teenager
Her signature looks like it says Eve, yeah. There's also this suspicious readable in 2.3
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Best I can give you is a snek, it's at least half animal now
Yeah fuck this, I'm not really a fan of her but I'm gonna pull Yunli. Trying to go through MoC with dogshit f2p characters is a pain.
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>discover hanu war
>15 stages
Save me bros
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this guy is insane, the first turn he got 300
Her hair is ugly...
I'll take it.

I am.
It's 1 (one) pull per 16 stages. Ask yourself if this is actually worth it.
Bro your lingsha?
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>Trying to go through MoC with dogshit f2p characters is a pain.
Are you new? If so you SHOULD be rolling for FF if you need serious offense for your account.
Would you rather have another Black Swan and Ruan Mei whose lines aren't even audible unless you have earbuds?
I already have an FF team from this banner, but you need 2 for all the endgame stuff.
>stages aren't completable until you've played it once to memorize target popup order
Yeah it's shit
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im fucked arent I
the one on the right is the least harmful
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>Can't beat MoC with standard characters
>Rolls for a character worse than a standard 5*
Sending you good RNG for your curio reroll

I don't know why they made so many DU curios effectively "you lose the run"
Nikke's new collab is fat ugly man and bbc ntr pandering. We won.
dice fucks you the least
Dunno I feel like Nikke won
Yeah I took the dice. Luckily it didnt give me any brick curios. The run continues...
>deleted from DU
I never even got the chance to fight him...
If it's early on, I like the Jellyfish. It lets you buy out the entire shop.
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Did you roll for Firefy, /hsrg/?
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I just found out that talking to guests on the Astral Express gives you 10 jades the first time.
I've literally never talked to anyone on the AE before today...
What the FUCK were they thinking with the Jellyfish?
My boothill raped him
Must be a skill issue
selfinsertbros cant stop winning
you can visit the guestbook and get the jades you missed out on from killing Misha without talkin to him
Emperor Rubert nigga is instabrick
Jellyfish could give you the 4069 fragment reward if you can find a store domain after (lol)
Randomizer die unironically your safest bet
JP ads?
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Good job anon, always love seeing a Clara clear. Welt instead of Gallagher in your super break team is a bit strange to see, but guess your other sustain is only Gepard that wouldn't work with Clara.
>It's also a bit depressing that out of all the characters I rolled for from 1.0 to 1.1 way back then, literally only fucking Clara still pulls her own weight.
Funnily enough, Himeko is also one of the best characters and being used everywhere lately. So two standard 5* are doing better than the limited 5* of 1.0
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>went on buying some peaches
>Thread advanced by barely 100 posts since
/wuwa/ is also slow despite the 1.1 update trailers. What gives?
Yeah. I kinda feel bad though cause I'm not too sure I can secure ching chong characters without spending wage points.
>last shot is her White Night sparkler animation without the sparklers
Strange choice
Rolled 2 copies of her so far and her cone, still holding out hope for a 50/50 win into E2
always depends on the cycle wich 5 star is good
last moc gepard in acheron team was fine
>Welt instead of Gallagher in your super break team is a bit strange to see
NTA but you can use literally anyone in that final spot and still clear. You don't need a sustain. I've tried Robin and Himeko and both teams cleared faster than using Bailu. Himeko DID die, but that was just unlucky RNG with the enemy AI.
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How do I stop it from saving images as these weird "m" versions on mobile? It only happens sometimes.
People are sbusy hitposting in nikg
The "Read Chan" app I use on my android phone doesn't do that. I prefer it over using the mobile website in chrome.
I have Robin and this is FALSE. She's just very close so she's a good substitute. DoT has BE scalings, even if people think it's a meme.
Man you people are fucking terrible at this autobattler
Does anyone else steal a pair of their mum's heels and jerk off on their hands and knees whilst licking them, pretending it's Jade?
Kill yourself phonefag
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Firefly won
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>Shitting on people for using phones in 2024
>In a phone game general
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Just change filename?
>do i still get the guarantee
> and can i get enough tickets before firefly's banner ends?
Depends on how much of the content in this patch you have squeezed dry already.
You should at least be able to get close and might have to resort to using "that" if you really want the cone
Pretty sure you're the only one
You and your people ruined this website, kill yourself.
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>NTA but you can use literally anyone in that final spot and still clear. You don't need a sustain.
Oh I know, super break can make some really funny teams. It was more that Gallagher has great synergy with Firefly beyond just being a sustain, helping with breaking, break vulnerability and being able to generate all the SP that Firefly needs. Welt is best when he can spam his skill so he can ult more often, which clashes with the ridiculous amount of SP Firefly uses.
are you salty he's playing with a bird that has a soul instead of MUH META CANDY CRUSH
Thanks, I'll check it out. I dunno why they insist on making you save shitty versions when it already loads the full-size one, it's no less hard on their servers.
>She's just very close
/vg/ overestimates how essential the "most optimal" support is for a lot of teams, very close is more than close enough
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I've been around since 2011, kill YOURself. Posting from phone occasionally is convenient if you're in bed.

Thanks, restored all the lost resolution instantly :D
Firefly hasn't sent me a message today...
Weekly CONTENT for gameplay enthusiasts
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Jesus christ that's just pure old fat man ntr bait. I like fishing games but that's too much.
Welt is fun, but Clara and Bronya might be worth your attention more depending on your roster.
Get Bronya E1 if you don't have a good sparkle already or get Clara E1 if you don't plan on getting Yunli
Some of use understand the importance of tradition, you heathen. Now check'em.
I'm not 15 so I have no need to raid other generals
Sorry, she's too busy deepthroating me to message you.
Sure, I just found it funny that the latest content favors the standard 5* so much. Himeko is normally just for PF, but she was actually very useful this time in MoC and AP. You wouldn't really expect something like that to happen when the game is 1+ year old
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>which clashes with the ridiculous amount of SP Firefly uses.
bwo your e1?
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I'm glad SH blew up an entire planet of furfags after they became destructioncels so Ifrit's faction can rise and get invited to Penacony.
Only furry I'd tolerate in this game would be Brother Hanunue and that's just because of his history.
Himeko and Gepard might also be worth considering depending on your PF performance and the sustain units you have
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Getting Yous from them would feel disgusting
>some of use
What a fucking mess. Who okayed this?
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>roll for the roll coded characters
>skip the skip coded characters
This game feels solved.
>Dave the diver
The chill game everyone recommends for casual players that are Steam Deck owners? The diving + restaurant management indie game? That Dave the Diver?
Why the FUCK are they turning that into an NTR collab???
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>Dave the Diver collab
Uhh what?
That clear didn't have E1 Firefly, so that is why I was confused. But yes, E1 Firefly is just stupid and can make that last slot very flexible, but E0 Firefly is kinda restricted to just Gallagher.
I've been grinding Firefly's relics since her release and I'm still using placeholder +15 relics for her. There's none I can really consider great, this is really gonna take forever.
Some of youse needs ta be taught a lesson!
Sorry that was my phone's auto correction :^)
>Brother Hanunue
Was he an actual Borisin or something? I just assumed that was an abstraction like Clockie but didn't read the lore too closely
Kek are they going to have an old fat man ass jiggling all over their screen?
Dave is gonna fuck the waifus with his fat cock obviously
>I have two sides
>fat ugly bastard
>black guy
>NTR beach guy
I think their general will be unusable for a while
Just got roll all 3 Rupert Curios (even if they're Destroyed) and get the super Rupert Curio!
No, really, that thing is a stupidly highroll payoff if you do.
300 Frags, 3 Blessings, 3 Curios per Domain you enter with no downside (aside from some other Curios), and 60% Crit Dmg in battle.
It gave me a run that beat an All Hunt blessing Ruan Mei.
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I feel this, holy fuck. I have gotten exactly one (1) atk chest for her and roughly 15 crit rate chests, despite the odds for crit rate supposedly being half the odds of ATK. This shit is fucking rigged, 20% drop rate for atk chests is a lie. I swear they tweak the individual drop rates in domains around whatever's popular.
playable polka kakamond when?
I think he's a "werewolf" which are different species? I think in Duran Planar Sphere it gets explained that borisins are quadrupedal and behave more like mara-struck, in that they're sentient but always have a murderous drive.
your Himeko?
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Your Himeko?
Pardon the reddit link
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/hsrg/ is dead!
mousepads? posters?
>different hair color
>different hair length
>different hair style
>different pose
Yep I better go read that reddit link.
Welt if you want to complete the set.
Otherwise Bronya or Clara if you use them.
go back
desire sensor is real. I even used 2 fcking self modeling resins only to have no break effect on the first one and a break effect on the 2nd one but no got upgraded only once.
We have been over this already.
Sunday was right by the way. Look at our world. The rich are using the poor as slaves. We think we are free, but 90% of the population are pretty much slaves. The poor can't rebel because they've been indoctrinated, thinking that having internet and food is enough to be someone's slave. Nothing is changing.

If what Sunday wants to create happened, there wouldn't be slavery anymore. People would live the way they wanted.
that's how you become a commie
congrats, dumbass
Okay Sunday
It's fine as long as it doesn't flood the game like Artoria, isn't a focus and just nostalgiabait, or simply has the same appearance and/or some similarities.
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There's nothing wrong with liking kids.
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>randomly dies to feed the stellaron that keeps the dream alive
sure but why do birds fly?
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My man Stephen is a professional slacker
because they forgot how to walk
to eventually get tired and land
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Calm down, Robin.
Remember what happened to the Space Japanese.
why do people sleep?
The Charmony Dub!
Because we're sleepy.
so that someday... they can crash to their deaths
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Is 155 speed Firefly a meme or is it worth dropping some stats for it? My Firefly is sitting at 2.5K atk 152spd 260BE and i kinda don't want to grind anymore
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I would build her all the same
goodnight bwos
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Because I'm not a robot yet so I cannot go without resting my squishy flesh body.
>unable to get 50k points in fantastic tales on the blade nodes
>don't change anything
>use autoplay
>it does it easily
I kneel, AI gods. You are simply better than me...
This would be a cool idea for a character desu. Cute ponytail witch girl that clicks her fingers to conjure items and furniture out of thin air to smash enemies
I'm at the point where I can 0 cycle one side of MoC so whatever brick they throw at me, I don't care.
BRICS will change the western hegemony. A system of true harmony. No more handful of countries dictating the Order for everyone else while they themselves do not abide by their own Order
I've never considered seeing if the Auto just plays better than me.
He's got big ideas that could pan out except the part where he wants all those lives he harvested with Stellaron to revive Ena the Order.
He's a maniac who believed people who don't believe in his God deserves to die anyway. All his beliefs about what utopia means has been nothing but a pragmatic lie.
This is why I think he wouldn't want to redeem himself. He deserved getting stuck with another manipulative sociopath like he is (Jade).
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Is there a list of possible occurrences yet? It will be nice to avoid the encounter events if I knew I had them all. Also it's hard as fuck trying to get 16 of the same path blessings to unlock the final lore blurb for the collection.
that's what I do when I can't do it myself
I'm just too retarded for this game, I guess...
>fantastic tales
FUCK that event. Worst part of the worst planet so far.
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Do you care about 0 cycle MoC? If no then you're fine.
I think it has the complete list now
Odds of a Kafka + Black Swan duo rerun banner? Or a Dr. Ratio + Aventurine?
>Also it's hard as fuck trying to get 16 of the same path blessings to unlock the final lore blurb for the collection.
Not having the blessing resets on pickup and having the more expensive resets in the forge thingy does make it harder for sure. It's also not a long mode.
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>account seed isn't rea-
Why didn't her game succeed... She should join Star Rail!
It's the same people that find Sunday to be a hard boss the boss requires you to use are characters (which there are a lot of mind you) not the maggots only want to use single target characters, they get their shit kicked in and cry out powercreep.
>total warps top 4%
Aah. The whale reward is real
Can someone explain to me why people are getting speed substats for FF?
Unless you're using her without RM, just having speedboots already gives you 4 actions per ult right? Unless my nigga Guoba lied to me
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I don't know if I should bother rolling for Yunli. I don't plan on rolling for Jade and I don't have Topaz so I don't think I can even put together a team for her and I already have Clara. Should I just get her cone and put it on Clara and then save for snek?
Oh shit a new one
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I get that china doesn't roll for monster girls and stuff, but surely even a green or blue human would sell to them, yes?
What else you gonna get beside atk% or BE%
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It looks like it, thanks bro.
Yeah, I don't have a good idea on how to actually achieve this besides hoping for the ruan me that gives all blessings. I've been trying to pick the same path and buying out the shop with no luck so far.
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Wait I just realized, Galactic Baseballer wasn't a permanent event? What the hell.
More speed is always good. Get back faster into your ult mode. Not get utterly fucked by a speed debuff.
Yeah only the first event of a patch is perma
>Not get utterly fucked by a speed debuff.
sounds reasonable enough
Don't worry bwo, you got the total heap of garbage that is hanu's prison break instead.
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>find out Artwork Exhibition doesn't boost the probability of upper floor occurrences and reduce probability of lower floor occurrences
Let me control the RNG just a little, please
Kakaurine sounds like caca urine lol.
Why'd you guys call him that
>message wasn't converted from voice
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Damn, I was kinda looking forward to it. I heard some good stuff about it.
>all those people back in 1.X who thought Himeko was a total brick
lmao even.
Meanwhile, no one has mentioned characters like Bailu, Gepard, Bronya, Welt, Yanqing, and Clara for months.
kaka(vasha) (avent)urine
I believe the point of calling him kakaurine is precisely because it sounds like caca urine. Am I explaining the joke to lizard brain alien visiting Earth for the first time?
This shit is fucking rigged. Nigger ass game. NO other set would give these rolls.
>still can't get perfect on the blade node
>travel log keeps showing the event as uncompleted
its pissing me off
just give me zzz already...
I want grace
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Hard to be a brick when you get a mode designed for yourself and don't have a limited 5* sidegrade/upgrade
Just realized we're back to 4chan instead of 4channel.
nice off-piece bwo
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She cute
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Peepeepoopoo is funny
I also got a 1 crit rate 3 crit damage roll glove piece
Game's actually rigged
The only thing I miss from g*nshin
It's been like that for 6 months at least
Keep that shit, it may be useful in the future
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BaiLORDS where you at?
at least its a solid rainbow/2p for your other dps bro
I mean to be fair to Bronya she herself is still really good it's more that all her teams she is good in have fallen completely out of relevancy.
Caelus has such a beautiful harem
If Firefly's set is rigged, we should just farm sets with decent 2pc bonuses and drown in break effect like we usually do.
I 100% believe they are rigged.
Maybe not by the order of release, but each set definitely has different bias.
Salsotto for example only has double crit stat once in a blue moon even for jade-refreshing whales. Meanwhille Iron cavalry gets them every time I farmed the grand theater CoC.
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this should always be the crew from now on
Why are himeko fags so insecure?
Last MoC and next MoC will be Clara shill stage while Gepard is S5 Trend bot for Acheron team, but you don't see them gloating.
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You can't keep Bailu down forever Hoyo, one of these day's you'll fuck up and put in a boss that doesn't debuff or accidently make a cone interaction that lets Bailu cleanse
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This count?
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how can i improve my pure fiction clear.
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Clara's never really been worthless, Himeko has risen from the ashes and feels like she only gets better lately
I'm celebrating it too so I get that anon
Is it true that in relic farming, if you clear it slower you get a better spread of substats?
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So, real talk, is rigging relics the way they're getting around regulations on disclosing/adhering to gacha odds? Since stamina refreshes are such a huge part of how they try to monetize the game. This shit is awful, I've seen so many pieces dodge and weave into seemingly rare stats instead of the extremely common ones they should.
what's the bigger brick?
>missing kafka's selfie
>letting cocona go
>missing ack's farewell cg
Bro... surely Post-OP or Quid Pro Quo are better than the Bailucone, even if it's S4?
replace gallagher with herta
On Acheron side. Try kill 1 or 2 enemies before use Acheron Ult.
Looks like your relics/traces are holding you back since the teams you are using look fine to me.
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I don't know what you're doing wrong on side 1, I had half-built FF relics and managed to squeeze it out
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use fu or gepard for trend bot instead of galla
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This shit is fucking boring me to death. "Investigating" a totally irrelevant, made up crime in a dream. Who comes up with this?
I missed all of those
why does clara look slightly aroused
if you got trend light cone put that on fu and swap gallagher for her
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Do I still count even if I switched to GODpard for my Acheron team?
>Masked Fool following Elation
>supposed to spread humour
>has the most boring event ever
My expectations were certainly subverted.
That was probably the worst quest in Penacony, Sparkle's second appearance is a lot more fun and less busywork
What do you mean "getting around regulation"?
You also can't directly buy warps but they still have to disclose the odds
>waaaah waaahh waaaaaaaaaaaah
lmaoing at (You)'re life

see my above quote
what is that retard in the back doing?
My Honkers deserve their LC.
Cocona ofc. Who cares about Ack and we get enough interaction with Kafka
I think I'm in love bwos...
How many cycles did Acheron and Himeko take each on MoC12? Before I got my Firefly I had to autism reset on MoC12 for hours to get a perfect Acheron (E0S1) side where I cleared in 3 cycles, so I had 7 left for superbreak Himeko (E2S0) with E0S0 RM, E2 HMC and Bailu to work with and just barely managed to do it.
You're Rootin' Tootin' Point 'n Shootin'?!?!?!
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Yeah, but they don't have to disclose the odds on relics. Relics are basically a secondary gacha, especially for whales. It would make sense to rig a totally undisclosed and unscrutinized sector of your monetization, it's not like anyone can prove it.
I care about Acheron
umm that's not a retard that's the galactic baseballer bwi
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>we get enough interaction with Kafka
??? She has barely 100 lines in 14 months of hsr
The real key is to run behavior metrics and rig odds on a per-player basis that still even out to the advertised odds across all players
>Who comes up with this?
Sparkle. Sparkle came up with it, the friendless loser.
Just have big enough sample to see the actual odds per set. But i doubt anyone is autistic enough to do that
Clara isn't that tall
My top team is same as yours and I reach 40k with some luck. But my bottom can't even reach 20k and my Firefly is E4 if it's matter, I use her as Himeko driver
Man fuck that event. I still have no idea how the fuck to get max point rewards on the Blade shill ones.
superbreak himeko should be able to do the second half in 4 cycles. and ack could do first half in 2 cycles if you minmax her and try hard.
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Not seeing her smile
>and ack could do first half in 2 cycles if you minmax her and try hard.
Yeah, if you have Pela with Pearls of Sweat unlike ME
>my Firefly is E4
WaifuKING I kneel
Not getting blessed by a Sparkle Credbit is the biggest brick of all.
Uhh I don't fully remember. Think Acheron took 4 and Himeko was 5. Redid it recently with Firefly instead and took 7 cycles in total, so Firefly going to 3 cycles makes more sense with that distribution. But my Himeko was on her PF crit build, so no BE and using the sigger planar. So needing 7 cycles for super break Himeko sounds way too high. You should need a max of 5
How did he flop when he actually just filtered shitters? If anything that makes him even more based.
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I am gonna rape March
>So needing 7 cycles for super break Himeko sounds way too high. You should need a max of 5
I assume my lack of Gallagher and low HMC Eidolons were the cause of that.
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Great description of this "event".
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Fellow Robin players, is E2 worth it more than S1?
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>This shit is fucking boring me to death. "Investigating" a totally irrelevant, made up crime in a dream. Who comes up with this?
Please stop bullying Sparkle
>the most boring event ever
But that was the Clockie dialogue vomit movie event?
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It hasn't steered me wrong yet
>Have it rigged until it becomes obvious by usage/refresh metrics that someone is trying to run data, at which point the odds even out
It's so perfect, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
You could just skip through the entire movie slop, for this shit you have forced walking sequences as well.
I gonna rape Hanabi and hundred of her Furmur.
Did anyone here even roll Robin?
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>I gonna rape Hanabi and hundred of her Fur-
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Yeah, approximately 160 pulls more expensive.
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Why isnt Mihomo making the fumos
Hoyo is really slow with merch for some reason
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Obviously. FuA is hsrg's core after all
E4 HTB does help, but you get 150% BE for free from killing the trotters. So you should still deal high super break damage even without E4. Were you making full use of the action advance from the trotters? Gallagher helped a lot with soften the toughness, but think Himeko should still be able to break them every cycle. Breaking the boss should be easy, since two are weak to HTB.
I want to grab her boobs from behind...
>lack of Gallagher
Bro your candy crush event?
I told you guys they were going to have problems with Aventurine boss down the line.
They're releasing plushies but it's chink charas only + March as of now.
Is Firefly for pump and dump??
>Were you making full use of the action advance from the trotters?
Yes I was.
My Firefly, despite her cope relics, still manages to clear way faster than Himeko. 4 cycles if I run Bailu sustain, 3 cycles if I run anyone else like Himeko herself (kek) or even Robin just for the action advance
That was before Firefly's banner, I have him now. Still gotta level him, his traces and his cone tho. Works for DU at least.
They literally have the chink factories near their HQ what's so hard to walk for 5 minutes and talk with someone from there
>4 hour thread
why the fuck are we so slow?
No, she's for caring and breeding.
Mihoyo don’t have the capital to spend on merchandise because they spent it all on nuclear reactors for some reason.
deadgen for a deadge
Fireflop killed /hsrg/ with her slow as fuck banner.
Imagine the challenge of hunting down a chink factory that will actually produce the merch per the contract instead of running with the money/spontaneously collapsing
Will BS even do something during the chink arc or is she chilling on the express? Do we have any infos on that?
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Bros what's some HSR related chinkshit I can get from Aliexpress for like 5 euro? I want to order a case and a stand for my phone from there for 5 euro but to get free shipping I need to spend 5 more on my order. I have no idea what to get.
>one week into new patch
>already on life support
What killed the Elysia of HSR hype
She's for hitting in the belly with a hammer on the 10th month of pregnancy
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uh stelletroons, your response?
extremely based
and how exactly are they going to determine someone trying to "run data"?
you can just farm the same relic for 1 month straight, which is what most players do, and you'll have rough estimation of the odds
>4 cycles if I run Bailu sustain
Huh, maybe then Gallagher does make a big difference. I got those 3 cycles with a really badly built Firefly, less than 180% BE with her S1. I was even surprised how fast it went, was just doing it for fun so didn't even expect to clear it. Gallagher does add a lot of toughness damage with his ult and enhanced basic, so it does make sense that you have less downtime with him.
>Still gotta level him, his traces and his cone tho. Works for DU at least.
He should be relatively cheap to level. Not only does he get a discount on materials since he's a 4*, but his trace level don't matter much. You only really care about his talent, and with the amounts of delays a break team has this can already work at a pretty low level. And his best cone is multiplication, which also gets a discount for being a 3* LC. Think you should be able to get him functional in less than 3 days
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>aventurine so strong he had to be removed

hey just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (DU was harder pre-nerf) on beating Protocol 6 (it's easier now) I know you've been working hard to clear it (it was way harder before) and nobody can take the achievement from you (i beat it on release, it was harder)
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>shitposting SEApag was a honkek
should've known
TECH otakus, sweatie. Anime gays are not their primary focus. Read the mihoyo employee handbook that was posted on bilibili 2 years ago.
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This is my Firefly. I think she might be too slow? I have an alternative set which gives her ~2.7k atk, 160% BE and 152 spd, but I think this one might be better?
Why do they keep making such sexy robots? The Luofu ones are super SEXO too!
>So how big of an ass should we give the robot?
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Good morning bwos
She will probably watch it and try to rape Feixiao like she did with Acheron
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You weren't kidding about the cope relics
It would be funny if she gets counter raped again
Stats look decent. RM adds 10.4 speed to her, so with ult you should be above 210 speed. That is the most important threshold for her. And close to 200% BE with Aeon is good. Biggest problem is the set. The 25% def ignore is really good, since super break is basically all her damage. So I would work towards farming that set.
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Good morning anon, I enjoy seeing your posts
I'm spending all my TBPower on that cavern and I've gotten some decent Yunli pieces, but literally ONE Firefly set piece with BE on it.
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May your future drops be blessed
I thought you needed 155? What is that for then?
bro? are you trying to let them rot until EoS?
I got one decent piece after using 6 of them.
I'm saving my 12 of these for ERR ropes and my 116 fuels for emergency boss mats farming
What about AE badge? Cheap, small, can be used in public without suspicion from normalfags and only other star railers know how it looks like.
155 is for an extra turn in Cycle 1 with its 150 AV, assuming you run Ruan Mei with her
If you don't it's 165
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Firefly killed /hsrg/ with her slow ass banner.
Think my relics with that clear just had 2 rolls of BE and 2 rolls of atk. The def ignore might just be good enough that replacing the set you have with 4p cavalier on just the right main stats might already be better. Have to calc it to be sure, but it should be pretty close. The set is that good.
155 gives you an extra action in the first cycle of MoC. It's a good endgame goal after farming for months, but I wouldn't recommend going for it before you get a decent set with enough BE. One extra action in the first wave if you clear in around 5 cycles will have a minimal impact on your cycles.
Gacha analyst bros...
so all that firefly hype was fake? wtf bros...
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Firefly killed /hsrg/ by being too good
I've cleared all the content and don't have anything left to bitch about
Firefly couldn’t even sell half of Acheron.
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I was merely pretending to like her
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LOVE 600+ year old hag in the body of a 14 year old girl
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Caelus fits more with Firefly than Stelle
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she must be stopped
Oh, I thought you wanted 155 regardless with RM. I only barely cleared MoC 12 in 10 cycles so that probably doesn't matter too much now. I need BE I think.
i dont see the problem.
Isnt that what Whales can beat with their C6 R5 Every Unit?
Her stuffed cheeks and her little dance are really cute but she's still a hoe
finally a character for us architectbros
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Can we have a Xueyi thread next?
They made an original non-expy Archon in Genshin and she's the first to flop on rerun. More expies are coming.
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Inagine if that was your dick
>himeko instead of Acheron
I don’t get it.
>I only barely cleared MoC 12 in 10 cycles so that probably doesn't matter too much now.
Yeah, I don't really like that 155 speed advice too much for that reason. If you take 5 cycles with Firefly, then probably you aren't 0 cycling the first wave. So the 155 speed just gives a single action in the entire side, against the weaker part of the fight. It's been just a week that you can farm the set, so people just see 155 speed and try to reach that while sacrificing massive amounts of BE. And that single action might not even be optimal, since you need HTB to ult before that. That 155 speed advice should have been an optional stat goal that you try to reach after months of farming, and not be something everyone chases without understanding why you want that speed.
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Uh firefly bros our response?
Ded game
Ded general
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>acheron being all feminine and buying make up
>go check amiami
>both trailblazers have both types of merch
Slow thread this week?
Fireflies pag ass banner pagged the game
Yeah I'm already on 146 SPD and 170 BE with my off set pieces so I need to replace some. I'll try mainly focus on BE for now. Thanks anon.
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has the game ever addressed how there's AI and other races that when they keep talking about humans this and that it's a disingenuous
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Perfectabysm did this almost 5 hours ago on Bilibili, this faggot just copied the setup and redid it. As always its the chinks that get to it first.

Yeah but Xolze is /hsrg/core and most likely one of the anti-fly schizos
I'm pretty certain the living instruments are only a dreamscape thing
Strongest /hsrg/ stacy
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E6 Ratio is a monster though. Holy shit. Not that acheron isnt more powerful at E6 I sorta underestimated Ratio E6.
NP anon, glad I could help explain it. Mihoyo made Firefly stupidly easy to build, since RM+new planar already give her the required speed for 4 actions during ult. So she doesn't even need speed substats. And sure, you can optimize her speed even more, like the 155 speed is. But it's just like 0-cycle autism, a strat good in a specific sets of circumstances but not useful for the majority of the playerbase. If the 155 speed was just presented with the conditions when it would be good, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But the strat lost its nuances and people are just blindingly chasing speedsubs when it won't even matter to them.
>competitive player.
>literally just copying everything from someone else
1-3 games
4-6 movie
7-9 read
0 sleep

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