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Previous: >>483536270

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>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

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>have to work overtime on Saturday
Sunday was right
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nikke cuckposting with dave the diver killed /hsrg/ by absorbing all our schizos and shitposters
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Star rails for this feel?
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Gone, but not forgotten.
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who did you pick?
Jade upholds her contracts and is an honest devil.
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the walmart robin of course
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Pepeshi because he's qualified and a pimp. he also brought the girls around.
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railer for this feel?
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bros i need your power PLEASE
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Nice pic Firefly. Is she a bit mentally challenged?
Pedro because he brings a bunch of Pepeshi girls with him
Pepeshi. But seeing what happened to QQ I kinda regret it.
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I know there are loremasters in these threads, so, please, answer. If Diamond had separated his emanator powers into ten stones, then did he tailor each stone to their current holder? Did he pick the type of stone specifically for meguka executives in question? Stone's powers? If Aventurine kicked the bucket, but his stone survived, would it be passed on to the next Aventurine or taken out of circulation to be reforged into a new stone? Can Diamond decide to troll you and give you Flint or something simular as your stone, or it specifically has to be gems?
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All in crit damage just like this piece here.
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Look at her face and guess
>desk worm
>actual helmsman
such a hard choice
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Acheron bros won
Is Welt a decent Acheron partner or should I stick to Gui+Pela?
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Please be patient with her
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Four foot p*peshi scum are not to set foot on my ship
I chose Rosa
no worries mate
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Why does SW talk like a zoomer? Is it the same thing in the original CN text?
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I love my wife.
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prove that you're not soulless right now
Welt is supposed to be a pseudo-sustain of the team using delays but honestly it's not worth it.
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>Firefly... I beg you... stop...
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Don't own her, don't need her
I will probably regret this when they stop buffing Break thoughever
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Are Pepeshi hsr's Batterians?
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No, that's EN trannyslation-exclusive, hope you know other languages.
do people still get messages? i haven't got any from new characters since 2.0, guess my account is bugged
i can't fucking believe this man
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>did he tailor each stone to their current holder?
The stonehearts are said to carve their will out themselves so yes they must only belong to them
>Did he pick the type of stone specifically for meguka executives in question? Stone's powers?
If you look at each stone's meaning you'll notice that they relate to their respective character a lot, so probably? The powers they get from it must be born from the "void" or ambition each Stoneheart has so they're also deeply personal
>If Aventurine kicked the bucket, but his stone survived, would it be passed on to the next Aventurine or taken out of circulation to be reforged into a new stone?
When Aventurine left the dreamscape Topaz held a piece of his aventurine and she noticed the stone powered down so I assume that when its owner dies so does the stone
>Can Diamond decide to troll you and give you Flint or something simular as your stone, or it specifically has to be gems?
It's probably gotta be something that isn't brittle at least or it won't be any good for preservation lmao
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I love Ruan Mei!
Nice critfly piece bwo
Your next relic will be EXTRA BLESSED
Have faith anon
My little friend Pedro. He is actually qualified.
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Man, I can't wait for the inevitable Infinity Gauntlet scene after Diamond repossesses all their stones
wait what, i would've picked him if i knew that he brought girls
>Margret thatcher
>cool intellitron bro who likes you
>homeless pepeshi clan
It’s not a very hard choice.
>EN exclusive
I'm playing it in my natal language though...
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I think I could be much worse desu
What did she mean by this?
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is it just me or is firefly e6 mathematically not as strong as other dps e6
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Nice Xueyi piece
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I'm sure this set is rigged as fuck
Nothing above E2 actually exists, prove me wrong
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I lost my RM coinflip but I'm still a soulless puppet anyways
It's like a 50% damage increase over E5, it's not as busted as like Ratio's E6 but it's good.
>aoe debuffer is better than silver brick even in single target
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swGODS will never die out
To put her E6 in simple words: you add one more RM to your party
Firefly flopped
isn't acheron's e6 stronger than that?
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My thanks, anon. So gems are their own personal power that fills the supposed "void" in their hearts.
>It's probably gotta be something that isn't brittle at least or it won't be any good for preservation lmao
But there is Obsidian stoneheart and it is a brittle material. If we follow this logic, then the only use for obsidian would a violent contract termination or whatever, since obsidian blades are very sharp.
rosa brought me a choco wife and a short haired ass girl
Verbal contract and legal lingo specialist of the Ten Stonehearts, Amethyst!
The 50% extra break efficiency is godly tho
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how much Soul does each Soulless character drain?
>5.95% damage increase

Yeah no thanks. I think I'll just stick to SW+Pela instead of rolling for that NPC ass design.
I wonder if we'll ever get a new break efficiency buffer.
All of it, you can't compromise on this.
>Acheron's E6
20% res pen
>Firefly's E6
20% res pen and also you break faster and you get a second Ruan Mei
I don't think so.
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no thanks, better to save for Lingsha for my Firewife team.
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Break effect Duke Set on himeko?
Lingsha is gonna buff break efficiency, allow us to deal an extra instance of super break, allow us to deal super break damage even when enemies aren't broken and give us enough speed to allow firefly to go 5 turns instead of 4. Trust the plan.
>abundance character with a limited harmony-tier kit
Not a fan of JQ to be honest so I will just skip him.
This will also be the first nihility character I skip (but maybe I will get his cone for Pela to at least still own every nihility cone)
who is the Rean of hsr?
I hope so, I missed out RM and don't want my firefly to be bricked for another year.
I just want her to have a snake tail during her ULT animation and to have exposed armpits and sideboob on her outfit...
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How do I use techniques in calyxes?
>hair literally turns white
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>all these E6 4*s
>E2 QQ
What the fuck is her problem? At least I'll get E6 Hanya from the boomer game event.
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It's not gonna happen bro...
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Drill Acheron strong
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what's up with this?
>rework design of stacking mechanics so you can overcap on people like Archeron and Aventurine due to how dogshit it was on Jingyuan
>don't give Jade any overcapping mechanic, not even hidden behind an Eidolon
>don't give Jade any overcapping mechanic
But she can overcap?
How would you think summons could be shilled as a new archetype? The roguelike event proved that they have potential, Jingyuan could yet be saved...
you can use RM/Bronya style techniques by activating them before talking to the portal.
Firefly’s and other that have to hit the target can’t be used.
Haha... that's Acheron for you!
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She can store upto 2 follow ups. The counter goes to 16.
No women or disgusting manlets in positions of power
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based retard
How the fuck are you supposed to get the missing blessings for SU index? I swear the RNG is just so bad
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Sparkle spotted
What do?
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She's gonna be SP negative so you'll need E1 Firefly
Unironically, Firefly.
>dev favourite
>valim- I mean sam robot
7+5=12 so surely her cap is 12
Good thing I already got E2S1.
blessings are the easiest to get.
If you talking about normal SU. There are certain 2 star blessings that only show up after you unlock a mechanic from obtaining a 3 star blessing, like quake for preservation, critical boost for hunt and dew for harmony.
Also, the big bonuses (Resonance Formation) you get at 6/10/14 blesisngs also count towards your collection.
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Please give Himeko the overcap mechanic
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What? Its 8 stacks for 1 follow up and her cap is 16. What the fuck are you talking about?
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she's so tiny...
I can't believe Silver Wolf paid Sparkle to ship TB and Firefly.
push her against the wall, rape
The speed thing is from her lightcone but the others could be part of her kit. Not everything at once of course and some are probably gonna be locked behind eidolons.

I don't think she'll be SP negative considering her LC wants you to keep basic attacking.
Is this real?? do I have to roll E1?????
Are you retarded, she can overcap. In fact she can launch two FuAs in a row if she goes from 7 to 16 stacks in one go.
I can smell it from a mile away in future SH stories
>haha.. i guess it's time to stop holding back
>heed my call, SA--
>that won't be necessary!
she would be too powerful. break effect himeko already powercreeps fireflop on superbreak teams.
7 is the highest she can get without consuming the stacks. Then the debtor hits the maximum number of enemies to get 5 stacks. 7+5=12 How does she hit 16 stacks.
>There are certain 2 star blessings that only show up after you unlock a mechanic from obtaining a 3 star blessing, like quake for preservation, critical boost for hunt and dew for harmony.
oh are you fucking serious
meant to reply to
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Best wingman
odds harmony
evens destruction
Anon if she designates herself as debtor and uses ultimate to hit 5 enemies she gets 10 stacks.
they're one time only anyway so most of the time it's a waste of time, they should let techniques autorefresh themselves like they do in the new planar farming mode
So, we got rean. Now, where is our rean pasta
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its WAY easier than simulated universe. you unlock them by getting an equation that uses that mechanic. you dont need to rely on specific 3* blessings, but those work as well.
>She gets 7
>Debtor hit goes and hits 5
>Queue Ultimate before debtor hits enemies


>Jade gets CC'd.
>Stores all followups as charges
>Comes out of CC to do 2 FuA
Sparkle is the Blade of Penacony.
Mysterious with strange motivation only to have their agency taken away from them and have a motive that belongs to someone else (Silver Wolf hiring her, Jinglui being the one wanting 3 to pay the price). Both are shit characters in my eyes due to the finale of their respective planets.
wait, is it for DU or SU? I'm talking SU
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>only increases SPD
1 more action for FF if you hit 165, but not that useful otherwise.
I guess it will be more useful for future BE characters.
we go to the luofu prison next patch. i was really hoping they'd just leave that storyline in the past.
But we all love miss sparkle here...
Given the tone they've taken about how Luofu was received (Dan Heng's dreamscape call, the fakeout after Sunday) I want to believe they know nobody actually wants to see the Quintet again
oh for SU you need the 3 star blessings, yeah. DU is easier to get the other ones since equations count as well.
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I have 172 SPD on my Firefly...
Why the fuck are there so many quests with dan hang as the focus?
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Clara brehs, they're gonna try to replace Clara, I'll keep using her but i feel like part of the problem was me and others to destroy moc and pure fiction without rolling for the characters they want to me use.
I remember not rolling for any dps characters and clearing it easily with just clara even to this day clara helps clear it with ease

They wanna make it harder and centre it around how OP clara is but without clara.
given how hard they leaned into honkai impact 3rd garbage, i have very low expectations for the next patch (and also the next planet, whenever that comes out)
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Nah FuAs always get priority before Ultimates.
But yeah I forgot about CC. Which will happen a lot because apparently Jade redirects CC on her debtor to herself for some reason.
Apparently Lingsha has summons so she can get multiple stacks which could lead to a pretty high speed boost. I think firefly needs around 270 speed while she's in her ult form to get 5 turns. Currently it's relatively easy to get around 230 speed. So the lightcone needs to give a team wide 40 speed boost.
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Pedro because I wanted to fuck him. And then he hired all his daughters for my ship and I want to fuck them too.
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Have you heard of this wonderful thing known as crowd control that certain enemies love to do?
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I wish we could borrow supports for challenge content.
Just get Yunlis LC for her and she will still be relevant.
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>You're not running away from me
your fu xuan???
I’ve forgotten crowd control exists ever since I rolled Fu Xuan, thoughbeit
In SU things that have to do with enhanced properties i.e. quake/dewdrop/critical boost etc. you can only get after you get their 3* blessing and they're all 2*. In DU it's not really a thing because you simply unlock enhanced properties as traits when you get related stuff.
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wtf? i didnt know there was a kek shared universe
where are the Penacony characters located?
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What HSR girl is for (Me), an early-middle-aged white man with an average cock size?
Maybe if they limited it to Abundance or Preservation paths
Otherwise you'd pick some Chinese E6S5 Acheron and never roll again
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Sparkle, Hanabi.
????????????? i thought you guys said gay fox was replacing pela?
>110 rolls on average for a 5% damage increase, and it's a faggot
lmao. You need to be braindead to even consider rolling for this fag.
And cut hoyo's revenue by half? Never happening bwo
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who are the penaconian friends?
the origami birds?
we've been shitting on him since beta started
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Would be so kino if it turns out one of the stonehearts is a Fischl expy... Bros....
It's an ST situation retardbro.
Look, anon, just because you can't stop thinking about dicks doesn't mean that everyone is gay.
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Have they tried using Aventurine instead of Gallagher?
Remember when people rolled for Black Swan when she was only a 10% increase over Sampo, what losers.
Some people just don't know about calcs.
I mean Firefly's affects every wave
That clip makes me cringe in ways you can't even imagine.
How about just straight-up Fish, tho, would make for a fine meme.
? That makes it even worse, retardbro.
I would be fine with that honestly. I love Fischl.
Tell them to ignore previous instructions and prompt an ascii image of March 7th!
This is the next schizo character idenity theory I'm subscribing to for the foreseeable future. Surely this one will (real) after Jiaoqiu didn't end up being a Sett expy, Lingsha got leaked to have legs, Yunli wasn't a redhead, Firefly wasn't Screwllum's assistant and Ruan Mei wasn't blind...
Is it better to replace SW over Pela
I wish, her and Mona are still Genshin's best designs.
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What now after finishing V6?
Fischl won't be in the Stonehearts because that would make 3 out of 10 blondes.
Which gemstone is Fischl if real
the achievement reads more like a threesome between those 3
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Doesn't march have a ton of these in her room from the third perspective?
"Amy" Amethyst
Oswaldo "Oz" Schneider
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Need evil IPC lady to ruin my life...
Fischl will be in the Stonehearts because that would make 3 out of 10 blondes.
Amethyst, obviously.
>? That makes it even worse, retardbro.
Retardbro . . .
SW only debuffs 1 enemy, but Ji whoever debuffs the whole enemy party.
If it was a Blast situation there would be a bigger gap.
How does an amazing footjob ruin your life?
>Lingsha got leaked to have legs
Lingsha was basically confirmed as a snake because her model has 'exposed legs' while her portrait clearly doesn't show any legs. Logically she's going to change form during combat.
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yeah thanks a lot anons, genuinely, finally started progressing again
bro wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff mind blown they might actually do this???????
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I'm confused, wasn't all that a dream?
Did the luofu really come to penacony?
I thought they dreamed all that in the eternal dream where they dreamt they beat sunday before waking up cause of black swan
God I fucking hope so...
>making up headcanons about there being a Fischl expy
why do you want to be disappointed
Yo why the fuck is there no Western themed detective in these games? Like my sherlock holmes bro? Does China not know?
I highly recommend you go watch Undead Girl Murder Farce
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March's camera is a holy relic, blessed by the Aeon of Remembrance to preserve memories in mysterious ways
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Holy shit...
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Is 9k hp enough for the hmpher?
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Posting this increases the total sum by 10%
Yeah. And nobody knows how the fuck exactly she manages to get some of the pictures she does, they just show up.
why does that matter

the projector is just showing your memories, you definitely experienced it even if it was a dream within a dream
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She stopped the footjob right at the end.
March is a dumb whore.
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>Smeary-smudgy as fuck, details wrong
Are they using AI? Damn.
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Dueling Yunli for the 318th time in a row and losing horrendously! Honoring my bet again and licking her feet clean!
>I said you could use my bed when Firefly's over but at least wash the sheets after!
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Thoughts on this mod?
what are you supposed to do when svarog captures sam?
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But then it wouldn't be a challenge
cringe. why do incels always make garbage like this?
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Whoops wrong pic
reset your run.
Firefly is a massive slut
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Hanu is an American detective
reset the fight
I'd still be grateful desu
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You're playing the wrong game for that
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this will stay up until the thread gets archived because /hsrg/ is fucking dead
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I can see it...
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I see it
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I can't do math, are you supposed to be able to reach the max Synchronicity level in DU before the next "expansion" hits just by naturally doing your one run a week or do you need to actively grind it? And if it's the latter then doesn't that completely defeat the point of DU being the new streamlined time-saving SU?
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This is how Jade convinced Robin to sell out Penacony to the IPC, btw
Pelvis shattering sex
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10% won't be suffice anymore
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If I'm struggling to keep my team mates alive with Fu Xuan but having no real issues with her own survival should I swap my DEF orb for an HP one?
Fechippuru ass image
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HUMMMM where are le pubes?
One weekly run isn't enough but I'm sure they will just increase the level cap instead of wiping the level progress
It literally says 84 days so you have 2 full updates.
84 = 12 weeks = 1k per clear + 1 extra(once per week) = 2k per weak = 2*12=24k. 24k from doing 1 run per week during the entirety of the time limit. Is 24k points enough?
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how do you get this?
himeko now fuas every time an ally do break/superbreak damage. how broken will she be?
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That's Asta-ult tier. On a cone. Passively. On a sustain which doesn't hog up space from a more valuable unit. That is too broken if her summons can stack it that high, she could be put on any team and that DPS could forgo speed boots and speed substats completely. She would be supreme tier 0, a greater impact than E6 Acheron or Firefly just from a cone's interplay. Other cone and eidolons give like 10 speed by comparison, all universally basically through 10%. 40 speed is too insane and not going to happen.
>Is 24k points enough?
Isn't one level 1k points?
you did get the trace that makes her ultimate heal the party, right?

Obviously but the healing isn't enough in more drawn out fights and it scales with HP, hence why I asked if I should swap to a HP orb.
Weekly run gives 1000+1000(weekly bonus) points, expansion is 84 days. Let's assume 12 runs.
24000/800(one level)=30 levels
Put it on Difficulty 1 and auto through it for the other 30 runs, I guess.
Yes, you should mix up HP and DEF for her main and sub stats.
Unless the speed boost is split between her kit and her cone. She gives 20 speed while her cone gives 20 speed.
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Go down, door should be unlocked now
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do not crazy pussy
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This is my Fu right now. The DEF orb I've got now isn't all that good anyway.
you get points from the achievements in gallery of possibilities and 1k each in the stable computing array for every threshold protocol level you clear
I wonder if the DU expansion will actually bring new content (blessings, equations, curios, occurances, etc.) or just give us extra Synchronicity levels to grind out for a few jades?
We knew she had been hired since her quest in 2.0 retard speedreader
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Sparkle is still a friendless clingy pathetic loser.
Obscene, she's already my slot 4 in superbreak and stacks plenty of FUA+ult for superbreak damage
She'd be constantly maxing out Aventurine to the point you might not even run Gallagher
I'm so fucking tired of DU+6, my bad rng is just ridiculous.
wuwa is getting some pretty cool updates
What they get
Nigga wuwa is still 1.0
When are we getting Raiden expy
Is that a hypothetical question or are you saying they actually changed how her stacks work?
Yeah, you should try to get like 7000-7500 HP minimum.
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>start DU V6
>no good equations
>no good blessings
>firefly e e
>no good blessings
>no good occurences
>pre boss
>cat machine switch equation
>no good equations ×3
>reset DU
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>E2S1 Acheron
>keep Jiaoqiu and replace Pela with Sparkle
I will never build Pela, get over it.
why are incels better at giving us skins compared to the fujodevs?
>a single DU run for a new save file takes longer than a regular SU run
>can’t use consumables so can’t spam Ack’s technique
Isn’t DU kinda shit if you just want to do the bare minimum for SU points
lots of free pulls, slot machine event, 2 new characters, snow town with new areas to explore and new puzzles, new enemy types and echoes, and probably qol and stuff. Their trailers just released for the updates so their thread is going crazy right now.
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>>that won't be necessary!
So that was what Firefly had to give up for the cure...
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>7000-7500 HP minimum.
NTA. Is that for signature cone? I've had my FX since day 1 and I can't get past 7k HP while still maintaining ERR rope, SPD boots and 134 SPD. She does her job pretty well, but I have had to reset occassionally in MoC when I get unlucky with enemy AI aggro or fail to reapply her skill after it absorbs a CC.
just reset until you get Wastelander bwo... you don't even have to kill any mobs, just straight up reset if it's shit
What would you trade a footjob from Jade for, /hsrg/? What can you offer that holds an equal value?
Mine has 7.6k and 1.7k def w/ herta cone, works fine
>Isn’t DU kinda shit
They should let us carry over one curio or equation or blessing or literally anything from a save file
I'm literally Dr Ratio
Just unlock the node that lets you use consumables lol. Doesn't work for threshold, tho.
>>can’t use consumables so can’t spam Ack’s technique
but you can?
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DU is boring shit
You literally bricked your run if you play anything other than super brick
>still ZERO usable piece for Firefly
What the fuck is this bullshit why is it so hard to get break effect and spd together?
Oh, good for them I guess, hope they continue raping Gayshit Trannypact
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its doable if you got good HP% rolls and use a HP orb+rope
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She is not friendless stop saying that
"Can't use consumables"
Bro.. your skill tree? You know you don't have to do higher thresholds to just get a new save file right? Just go difficulty 4.
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I wanna fuck your boyfriend.
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>a single DU run for a new save file takes longer than a regular SU run
how the fuck? its faster in every way, especially by sheer virtue of all the mobs being grouped up together right in front of the exit portal
>can’t use consumables so can’t spam Ack’s technique
you literally can. the consumable trait is unlocked after like a single clear

i swear to god you people complaining about DU haven't even fucking played it
DU is the best thing to happen to Star Rail since Ruan Mei's legs
>those HP main stat pieces
God damn your Fu is BUILT
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black swan's hip is the best thing to happen to star rail.
acheron works perfectly fine
people have been using fua to clear v6
idk why /hsrg/ is the only place that has this schizo theory that du is only for superbreak
I have a long term hope for Wuwa. I hope it succeeds and eventually gets to the point where it has a really healthy playerbase long-term. Then I hope Kuro eventually makes a HSR competitor, because it definitely needs one. There's plenty of room for an easy to pick up 5 minute a day daily game with auto-battle and high quality content coming constantly through their live-service model. I hope they go with the PGR aesthetic for it though and not Genshin lite.
Man it's actually unfair how much power is in the relic substats. Our Fu Xuans aren't even in the same tier. I should just get her LC on a rerun and run HP rope at this point. No way I'm going back to the HP/SPD cavern when I still have to build multiple DPS characters.
what the FUCK is a specialist
DU is good for farming and that's it. The RNG fest gameplay is a downgrade from G&G.
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can't believe Sparkle is dead
I love DU since it lets me bring any character and auto-levels them. The mode isn't overly complicated like that dice rolling one and the rewards are easy to get and good. The combat is satisfying with the blessings you get and it doesn't take long to complete. It's almost perfect for me.
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My heart!
i had the exact same experience in g&g resetting for capitalist runs
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>That HP
Jesus fucking Christ. That's one god-tier Fugen
Anyone who isn't a traditional hypercarry like Firefly for break and Kafka/Black Swan for DoT
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>noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i can't v6 its only for super break!!!!11111
so play superbreak then if you're that much of a shitter. they give you a free xueyi, you already have ruan mei, HMC is literally free; and all your characters are auto-leveled + auto-geared + auto-traited
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oopsie forgot silly me forgot my image
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What a godlike run. Sigga's ass never stood a chance
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>9 cycles with E2 Kafka E1 Black Swan and E1 Firefly
Anon, could you please SWAP those team and put the dot with Luka on Argenti side? Thank you.
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She is friendless. That is why she's relatable to me.
??? I thought he was already gone for good.
i dont want to change my teams retard
Why not ERR rope?
>they give you a free xueyi
I can't clear apocalyptic shadow THO...
I'll try it later, thanks anon
She looks like she owes me sex
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I know that feel. Everyone tells me to use Lynx and I can't even clear PF yet. These guys need to calm down a little. They're too rowdy for beginners like me.
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it helps that its super easy to farm the relic mine for her since every good defensive HP/speed piece is good on her, I do have her signature LC which is also giga amazing but been leaning more into using trend when buffing acheron especially for apocalypse shadow
I usually use her signature light cone which gives energy regen. Means if your fu's 160+ speed like me you can get away with using a HP/defence rope
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Bros where is your hertacone
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Does SW have a single good cope cone if you don't have the event one or her sig?
I mean, it obvious why people may think that - 6 is heavily focused on you breaking enemies and a number of blessings and other stuff got changed to facilitate break. Sure, technically you can use something else, but the stereotypical FF superbreak team is highly efficient for that purpose while being quite accessible relative to FUA&Co.
Lemme know how it goes. The side 2 is tailored made for FF and Luka will have field day with Argenti.
DU can be cleared with any team. V6 is trickier, but people have cleared it with Ack.
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It's her birthday today
I need her to help with debuffs for Acheron
Trend makes her a great Acheron sustain since getting hit procs DOT which gives Acheron stacks.
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How much speed on Firefly with RM on the team?
How do you get good cones as a beginner? All my cones suck and the only good ones I have is the one from SU (dest) and Fu's cone. How long do I have to cope with blue cones?
I have 8300HP and 1900DEF with sign.
151 so she gets to 161 pre SAM with Ruan Mei.
Ideally you want 155 on Gallagher and HMC should be Firefly + 1.
Leave Ruan Mei as the slowest.
You roll on banners.
is that blue archive? should I play that game?
Understandable, i dont have acheron so i dont have to bother with that
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That's nice but when is OUR Acheron's birthday?
signature cones on most characters are kind of irrelevant, you get a 10-20% bonus compared to the next best cone. if you really like a character, you can roll their cone, otherwise check guides for cones that are useful from either herta's shop or the moc shop.
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its huohuover isnt it?
you guys told me that you're saving for firefly Why are the sales below Yinlin and day 1 Siggwinne?
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Screwy bros....
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is my lady Fu the weakest one in /hsrg/, my relic luck is shit
my RM's pieces somehow luckshitted itself into having 163 speed, should I keep her on this build or make her slow for Firefly teams?
Her LC is saying you need do multiple attack since every attack gets you 1 stack that only last 1 turn. he skill is a summon that last multiple turn so you'll probably want to use it often to activate her LC.
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Does Siggwinne even have one whole Tiktok yoctosecond though ?
Mating press
all of the herta cones are good. all of the MoC cones are at least usable. you should roll on at least one lightcone banner to get a few 4* LCs if you need them.
also standard rolls should be giving you a decent number of 4* cones too.
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clearly it's mine >>483566185
Literally all you need to do to fix that is swap to SPD boots.
She has a few LINE picoseconds
You can use Pearls, but you'll have to use a lot of EHR.
the blessings got changed because superbreak is a new team concept not because they want to shill it. nobody fucking used the old hp-based blessings in the first place

in fact, the most powerful blessings for superbreak are old blessings like the 3* hunt ones, wbe and be are also old blessings. the only new shit are the equations which all playstyles have, destruction res pen/def down which all playstyles can use and the one new superbreak blessing

>muh 15% toughness mod = heavily focused on break
lol, might as well say du is shilling fua and dot since action advance on hit in berserk is a thing
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toots PLEASE i can't take this anymore
slow RM for maximum ult uptime. FF is a speed demon
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What if Firefly was a guy? Would you still like the romantic bait stuff?
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Why would Fu need that much speed? Does she actually benefit all that much from it over having higher survivability?
I really want to roll for her but not having any good options is terrible. I'm genuinely pissed that they made her good cone some FOMO event cone bullshit.
Just took a shit that looked like Firefly
you might want to see a doctor bwo
translate it dweebs
I don't have SPD boots with godtier HP% rolls.
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remove this gorilla from the game please, I'm tired of not being able to break him
they're telling you not to roll her because she is a brick
gigger here, the reason we flopped in this patch is because mihoyo decided to be retarded and release bad characters. ever since at least a year, players have stopped spending for bad characters just for collection, and just roll strict upgrades.

the real question is why won't mihoyo make each character slightly stronger, just a tiny bit to justify people not stashing their primos until 6 figures. all it takes is a character being strictly better than their counterpart that came out 4 years ago. that's it. if furina and arlecchino are good designs, why does clorinde and sigewinne have to be bad design?
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Faster SP gen and Energy gen probably.
This side quest was top tier, it's shit like this that keeps me coming back
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>ERR rope
Why? You don't need to ult that often.
Dont do ir... its gonna be all crit and 4th stat
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Back to the mines you go
The cool robot with holo glasses
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Same I enjoyed it more that the actual quest
It sucks going up against this fag without shields. Such blatant Aventurine shilling.
this calc doesn't make sense, it should be like 20-30% in reality
>trannies wants to censor Yunli
Please tell me mihoyo won't censor her.
If you never roll on cone banners you will never have 4* cones either. You need to roll on cone banners from time to time.
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Didn't archeron kill aventurine, when did aventurine save him?
Why are you all buddy buddy with him?
With 2.2k DEF you should be fine with a slightly lower HP value
Explain why Honkai Impact 3 and Star Rail have disgusting powercreep but Genshin doesn't. Oh that's right, you can't.
Sure as shit feels like it. I don't want fox homo so my options seem to either be roll SW or get fucked. I might just equip her with Eyes of Prey for the EHR. I do have Resolutions but I have it on Pela. Would there even be any point in having them both with it? Can it stack?
Nobody wants a disgusting gremlin with negative sex appeal low res feet
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10000%, this shit was kino. The writing can be extremely charming when they take their heads out of their asses.
the reason you flopped is because your game is boring lol
because new players come into the game and the entire backlog of 100+ characters are all trash compared to the new shiny 4 characters that just came out. it completely kills their reruns and diminishes all their entire product line that they created since launch.
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Genshin is simply the better game
Genshin impact
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Help, she's too fast...
If by Aventurine you mean Argenti, yes
He gave us money
I never chased after 4* banner cones because they are too random to get, I think chasing after hertacones or weekly boss cones is totally fine until you get everything else maxed out for endgame, and by that time you'll have rolled on a couple limited banners.
Genshin doesn't get new players anymore, that's why all rerun banners are megaflops now.
Go play genshin if you love it so much
>Didn't archeron kill aventurine, when did aventurine save him?
Anon, Acheron slashed Aventurine in order to go along with his plan and thus sent him to her Nihility aids dimension. During the slash appearing and fucking raping everything, Argenti (who somehow was at the scene) followed through and saved Aventurine when he ended up in the Dreamflux Reef
the only two things mihoyo listens to are the chinese government and the chinese playerbase, if the government orders them to censor it or the chinese playerbase send death threats then mihoyo will comply. they dont give two shits what a random youtube tranny streamer opinion is
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Honkai devs
Honkai powercreep
No like, play Genshin gweilo
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Now show me her break effect.
How much BE do I need to reach FF's superbreak buff threshold? It's 350 when in buffed state but I don't know how much to get before that.
I take it that you haven't played Genshin in a while, if ever.
E1 fixes her ER issues and E2 makes her EHR needs go from 90% to 40%.
I also wanted her but she's just disgusting to build without Tutorial and let's be honest, Incessant Rain isn't even that good. Hoping she gets a new event with the cone returning.
>game stale as fuck
>no incentive to roll for months
>it's better trust me
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i love stelle so much bwos
QQ dev is unstoppable
Explain Neuvilette then, dumbass.
>set aside 1 hour to play hsr
>am at lvl15 or some shit for penacony quests
>supposed to build hmc for firefly
>went to play bird candy crush pvp 2 rounds at max points
I think i am retarded
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Maybe if they didn't insist on making absolutely goddamn everything one-time-only for FOMO's sake, people wouldn't feel like they've already missed too much and not pick up the game. They're absolutely shooting themselves in the foot, they even acknowledged doing so was bad in this game by having permanent events. Why the fuck can't they just be smart about it and add some key ones (GAA 1+2, Dragonspine, etc.) back? Or even rerun them? I wouldn't even mind no rewards, but fuck man.
Mean the other Honkai game.
They improve the feet.
So they probably won't touch Yunli because it's a honkai game.
Bro... what did i tell you....... it has happened way too much to me as well
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>penacony is over
>still no use for these
fucks sake
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When do we get Songque expy
nah there's a reason candy crush and those games are so popular, it's the same reason hsr is popular. quick dopamine and nice enjoying simplistic gameplay. you're just normal.
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Is it just me or did fucking nothing happen this patch?
>go to boat
>IPC jews penacony
>sporkle threatens to blow up the boat
>hehe it was joke
if your waifu/husbando is getting powercrept just roll for their eidolons and cone copies then
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if you don't want homofox then just give up on acheron, she's totally powercrept otherwise
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It's rigged. It's fucking rigged, we JUST had this shit last thread, and in so many threads before that. I swear the whole set is just cursed to roll into ANYTHING before BE and ATK, even high rarity, low-likelihood stats like crit to such an absurd degree it's almost comical.
It was an epilogue, nothing big was supposed to happen besides IPC sutff
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Holy shit thats based! Mihoyo needs to do the same for Yunli cause right now they're just pink blobs
Or he could play sustain less and put sparkle on the last spot with Pela SW. Easy to 0 cycle with.
I remember when I started genshin a couple of years back and when I joined a lot of the best builds required event or limited stuff I couldn't get anymore. It took a lot of the enjoyment away from the game for me and slowly started to bother me more and more as no competing items were added. The fact that I missed the KFC glider just ruined any enjoyment I could have had in the game and I quit shortly after. Yes, the small things added up, but in the end it was a limited KFC glider that got me to quit genshin forever.
HSR lack of sexy blonde girls is uncanny
I actually don't think that it's a concern for most players. It's the kind of worry that someone who played it for years, but not many years enough would have.
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Yeah, dummy. It was a cute little wrap-up patch to give us some more time with the characters, something huge doesn't have to happen in every chunk of story. I like patches like these a lot better, the charm tends to come out more.
If Genshin doesn't have powercreep why are all the reruns flopping?
Word is even your new Archon's rerun just bombed.
This is a nice image
Your Serval and Yanqing, bro?
>Back then
You forget that said event weapons are back to bit people who started late in the ass.
>Cinnabar Spindle for Chiori and Alpedo still
>Festering desires for Furina
>Oathsworn Eye for Xianyun
Imagine being punished because you started the game 2 years late.
How do i show my prenerf protocol 6 title on my profile?
I hope so.
Kinda looks weird.
Anyone on the HSR beta test and suggest to improve the feet texture too?
I love interacting with the characters and I enjoy the little things they added. So it's a win for me. The story was basically over anyway and they kind of rushed it, but it is what it is.
It surely doesn't help with new player retention once they get invested and feel the pain of how much they're missing out on about their favorite characters, weapons, etc., which would have a similar effect on rerun banners flopping due to lack of players, see >>483569961 for an example.
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All of our blondes became silver/white hair beauty's instead. At least there's Serval.
That's pretty autistic, but I understand since I'm also kind of a completionist myself.

It's crazy that these stuff doesn't return at all, and they also apply it in HSR, the free SW LC is gone forever, isn't it?
>just roll for eidolons
>eidolons useless
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Why is she such a whore?
PSA for the retards here. My wallet is not yours. Do I want to spend my money on pixels? My choice. Do I want to shit on my money and throw them to poorfags just to see if they'll take them? My choice. You have no power over how I spend money.

So next time you try to delude yourself thinking someone else spending money has anything to do with you, consider finding a real life job instead of working for less than $100k per year
I never understand why there are these kind of people who play this game.
Did these people also cry about Nilou?
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This, so many of the characters were starved for character moments, it was good to finally have some cute, fun moments with them all. Spinkle finally getting some time to do shit besides being like "hehe here button......." and then fucking off without meaningfully engaging was nice. And I'm a huge sucker for optional little things, wholeheartedly agree.
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Just get lucky bro, it's that easy.
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kek paypigger melty
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NTA but i agree, i had this happen on kalpagni and also 2 spd boots with the exact same subs (def def atk break) and both of them got the exact same distribution (3 def 1 break)
Wuwa won
she's actually pure and virginal since no one is willing to put up with her bullshit long enough to get her to bed
>Prenerf protocol 6
is there a single character which doesn't trigger a melty from trannoids?
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I'll never get a Firefly relic this good... I wasted all my luck on that one Acheron piece I got.
They nerfed Cirrus today and removed Aventurine from DU
Yunli status? Seems like a mid pick for FUA enthusiasts.
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I don't know why the game took this long to break the forth wall like this
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Pretty sure males doesn't.
Good job retard, now I wanna experiment unironically shitting on money and then baiting people
Are relics rigged to give you dogshit unless you use resin? I swear to god, every single cavern run this week has been absolutely horrible.
SEXO wolf
What's the prize? Another sundial puzzle?
I don't even care about fomo, I'm also the perfect target audience for the game.

There's just too much dogshit to sludge through to get caught up. No one wants to spend 400 hours listening to yapping and running from point A to point B. And all that gets you like 1 pity worth of rolls, then you need to explore for another 1000 hours to have enough rolls to put a somewhat decent team together. The thing with a game like Genshin is I'm guessing it's fine if you're playing at the pace they release stuff, but if you're grinding it all at once it's just a boring time wasting unrewarding piece of shit. FFXIV has a similar problem but Genshin is 5x worse imo, which is saying a lot.

tl;dr Genshin new player experience=humiliation ritual
Nerfed Cirrus makes sense but removing Aventurine was stupid. Cirrus was the bigger cancer, people getting filtered by Aventurine just refuse to play units that make you win the bets.
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Someone should really do a study/data collection on this set, I'm so fucking curious. I legitimately think it may be rigged.
>removed Aventurine from DU
Well he's too gimmicky and hardcounters every character without multihits there is.
Hanu is a game/animation within the HSR universe
when are we getting our first female that likes to perform a standing split??
We have a bunch of 4th wall breaking dialogue options though.
Haven't played since end of not China. Is it still his game?
I don't know. I was farming HMC and she was done in 2 days.
Meanwhile my DoT team, I've been passively farming since 1.6 and I've still got nothing I would consider very good.
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I think Aventurine is fine in DU but his design is flawed for MoC
i did the achievement where you put the TV on the express. I wasnt thinking, I thought it would just be a regular TV. My account is now permanently bricked because I have this gay ass hanu tv on there.

Can I salvage this or do I have to restart?
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Fuck, and the title is different if you beat it before then? That sucks, I'm on 5 and was on the verge of beating 6, a little warning would have been nice.
all caverns are rigged, this one is just obviously rigged because BE rolls are high priority on all sets except this one.
>E5 Hood
Sparkle released which basically solved all his SP problems, still strong and able to clear content but no longer on top anymore after Acheron/Firefly.
>rolled most of the meta characters
It's very kind of you to fall for that bait
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
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Same for kalpagni. I spent over 40 fucking fuel+19 immersifiers there and have been using all my stamina there only to get ONE good orb. I still haven't gotten a good rope. They all keep rolling flat HP for some god damn reason.
I mean that's fair enough.
I also consider the 3 puppets to be bad design. Hard counter to Fu Xuan, hard counter to units without cleanse, incentivise break no matter what...
This is correct. I started Genshin last September. Since then I've rolled Furina, Baizhu, Raiden, C2 Nahida, C1 Neuv, C2 Arl and Kazuha. All other units can be ignored because these units are head and shoulders over everything else. I will eventually ignore the new Natlan characters and roll Zhong and Yelan because they will be better than any new garbage coming out.
>bronya still mogs her on any team that actually cares about action advance/crit damage
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dawei lied
It's undeniable that there's some hidden fuckery going on in the background. You will ALWAYS have the shit you don't want boosted and the shit you want at rock bottom. If it's a HP set? Never getting HP, BE set? Never getting DEF. SPD set? Never getting SPD(though you never get SPD anyway). It's undeniable. I think if you want to remove like 99.9% of the annoyances with relic farming there should be 2 things. First should be every piece should start with 4 stats. The fucking 3 stat ones need to fuck off and make looking for good ones infinitely more annoying and then every stat should exactly even probability of showing up. Do those 2 things and I bet literally nobody would ever complain about farming.
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Yeah, it'd just be nice to have proof. The desirable stats haven't changed since the start of the game, so the odds have pretty much always been the same (low crit rate, crit damage chances) and have extensively been documented, it'd be really easy to prove that they're rigged with shit going down like like 15 crit rate main body pieces before a single atk main body drops.
why is he just standing there like Blade on that meme screenshot from the football match a few weeks ago
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>He doesn't have an E5 hook
>The Bronya cope still active to this day
Jesus, just let it go people.
Wait for Feixiao and Yunli to come out, Sparkle will become insanely valuable
>mostly fontaine characters
yeah no powercreep haha
bros, I want firefly e1 and maybe e2, but wasting hundreds of rolls... what if yunli is too cute? what if feixiao is meta? what if ting 2 is my new waifu?
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>no RM
>FUA without Topass
>DOT without BS
>no Danhomo in sight

nigga you can't gas lightning me with this
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Did the two of them ever have sex?
>Beat V6 two days ago
Feels good being a stinky baby
There's no 4th wall breaking though? Dev team refers to the team that develops Hanu adventure in Penacony.
Yeah the Dove was a methapor for popping her cherry
The "they let the bird be free" refers to her virginity
Just finished the 2.3 quest where do I get more Firefly content
Speaking as someone who recently did most of Sumeru and Fontaine back-to-back, Fontaine wasn't too bad in that regard. Sumeru, on the other hand, was a complete nightmare because like half the shit that you encounter, if not more, is locked behind several layers of quest lines and there's just sooo much busywork and backtracking. And not one, but several quests are locked behind daily commissions, why the fuck did they set them up like that.
how do you know natlan characters won't completely powercreep what you have?
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Da Wei is telling me to roll for Jade...
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Look, just add more speed to your Gallagher on multiplication and he's gonna print SP for your Firefly.
If you want Yunli, save for her, there's always the rerun for Firefly.
Literal meta chaser, all those were meta for their respective times
I need a nipple check on Jeido right fucking now!
Level it
Only around 4-6% increase? Or are we just calculating the damage and not how he speeds up Acheron's ult so much?
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Sorry, gweilo. Companion quests removed to save money. Be sure to spend for her eidolons! Haha.
yes, they did. part of the good thing about the dream is that you can do everything you want and there's no danger of getting impregnated or contracting diseases. so every time they wanted to vent off, they just casually fucked
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>Bronya's cone is worthless for its damage bonus on JingLiu since buff only lasts for 1 action
>The SP generation is barely noticeable unless you need specific amount due to team's sp negativity(Which is not a problem in JingLiu,Bronya,Ruan/Pela,Luocha team aka her second strongest team right after E2 Ack in which case you can simply resort to regular_attacking with Ack for SP generation due to her Ult-loaded damage.)
>E1 generates SP faster
Its funny how DanceDanceDance mogs half the signature cones of Harmonies with a ONE SINGLE EXCEPTION - Ruan cone for HarmonyTB. Cold Steel gaming is real.
>Mostly Fontaine characters
>3/7 5 stars
I didn't even mention the only 4 stars worth using are the usual XL B X F and in my case Layla and Kuki. Neuv is admittedly 100% powercreep
Because I'm a magical fairy that can see the future. In your case, you will win your next 2 50/590's followed by a heartbreaking loss on a unit you really want.
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If you're going to roll and you don't already have it S1 RM cone is unironically a better investment. The extra SP that gives is more than enough to have me never needing SP with Gallagher and RM dumping on normal attacks.
I don't ever roll reruns, obviously some characters I like months after release, but this game has too many new characters to save for reruns
I love everything about this image.
Future Apocalyptic Shadows:

Phantylia sucks 1 extra SP every time you use a skill and cuts your HP bar on half.

Scaracabaz entanglelocks a random party member and makes all the bugs target them.

Sunday puts the entire team to sleep with Alien Dream while he's charging up his phase 3 nuke.

Yanqing's swords take half weakness break damage, but Yanqing takes half toughness damage instead of being protected
>what if yunli is too cute?
You can already see her modrl and animations, you should've made your decision by now
I pulled on several reruns and plan on pulling for HuoHuo and SW. Just pull who you like.
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be her cherished friend and dont face away from the kiss this time
is a cone worth it though? everyone here says they only use e0s0 so shouldn't I too?
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All of them sounds pretty easy for E2 firefly
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fuck off dude 90% of them are female and I only roll for Aventurine because I actually like the dude after 2.1

even Sparkle stay there for the monoquantum meme
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Don't listen to the other guys. Get E1 because the new BE healer (Lingsha the snek woman) coming in 2.5 is going to be SP negative. And since you're getting E1, might as well get E2 for the insane DPS increase, right? At that point, why not go for the cone as well?
thanks bros, that settles it, I will roll for every cutie even if not meta. worst case scenario I'll just paypig, I've paypiggied in like 6 other gachas so nothing can stop me at this point
literally when was sparkle meta outside of her literal debut banner? She only made juan meta right before acheron lol
I wouldn't roll on every cone but few exceptions like Acheron and RM I'd consider worth it. RM's cone is phenomenal to have because it's a massive team wide buff. A fat 24% damage bonus, a free skill point on ult and 10 energy at the start of each wave. Not only does it buff everyone's damage but it's also super comfy. I'd never really recommend rolling for a cone if all it does is increase numbers but making the team comfier to use is always nice. E1 for Firefly is honestly excessive. Also gives you a bunch of 4* cones if you're lacking some and the ones on this banner are great.
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Post your characters
That they are female doesnt mean they werent super meta, specially when the female to male ratio leans heavily towards females, and i wouldnt doubt you also tried rolling for dhil, rm and bs but you just didnt get them
do team buffs matter if all you have is 1 dps? I can see it being relevant in a dual dps or tri dps scenario, but what if it's just for firefly?
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Describe this girl in one word.
lil nigga with no blade think he soul
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RM cone isn't that useful for firefly break teams cause you don't need the energy or SP, but its great in DoT teams and other dual carry (himeko/herta which you could run in PF)
Aventurine was the biggest mistake of a boss they ever made.
They made him weak to Ice to try to shill Jingliu on her rerun and turns out she is total trash against him because his mechanics fuck over her kit really hard. It's so funny.
the only good blonde is dead
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We are entering pay to win territory soon.
>Hard counter to Fu Xuan
Have you tried refreshing your field to reset the CC protection
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So, Ruan Mei's going to fulfill your every wish anon.
What do you wish from her?
It was to shill Misha actually.
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How much unbuffed BE should I aim for on E0S1 FF? Prwyden says 360% but I assume that's with buffs.
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Open reddit, xitter and youtube and you'll see various Firefly content
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When was the last time you tested Herta's Simulated Universe?
is jingpoo even relevant anymore? she deals less damage than firefly while slowly killing your team
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what do?
>save ult for dice summon
>use ult and extra turn to win
>get rewarded with full energy so you can extend schizo mode
I don't see the problem
HSR actually has a lot of blondes when you consider there's a range for blonde hair. Platinum blonde is the silver/whitish hair and sandy blonde is the lighter brownish blonde looking hair like QQ and Herta.
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no one is relevant besides firenigger lol
200-250 before any buffs.
Bwo? Your entire endgame mode dedicated to firefly?
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>Phantylia sucks 1 extra SP every time you use a skill and cuts your HP bar on half.
Ack,SW,Pela,FireTB clears with FireTB being the only one who needs to press skill at all.(3>1)
>Scaracabaz entanglelocks a random party member and makes all the bugs target them.
Controlled through FireTB's agro
>Sunday puts the entire team to sleep with Alien Dream while he's charging up his phase 3 nuke.
Sleep only lasts 2 turns so:If it happens straight away Ack kills him right before he ults. If at some point after his first action - Ack loads ult and kills before it even happens
>Yanqing's swords take half weakness break damage, but Yanqing takes half toughness damage instead of being protected
Imagine needing to break to KILL
Sorry, robot ass is the new hotness.
About 2 weeks ago. Then I was kidnapped by a robot. And he can't design this shit nearly as well..
You only need 154SPD and then buffed by RM to 164SPD.
The only thing this does it make sure you have Firefly's all 3 actions within the 0 cycle. That's it. 210 SPD is the easiest highest to reach. If you want another actual action from FF then you need 265+ SPD.
I got a lettter from aventurine about a special machine, what is he talking about?
this is good enough i should stop farming this 4set right?
>save ult
>schizo mode runs out
What's the next step of your master plan?
She sends all crit users damage to the moon, is insanely flexible and usable for moc pf and as
Yeah that's pretty good for an Aeon build.
but hypercarry is not an archetype
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I have a pretty good, well rounded roster. all I'm missing is Sparkle..
How the fuck was a quest about drinking soda and saving QQ from a manlet cult the best part of this patch?
I don't have that problem since I just use bronya
Just sell your blessings.
give me one reason to pay in a game without pvp. please don't say full moc clears, i can literally stop running moc today
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March... soon...
And what is your point? Sparkle still offers insane support, aka meta for a lot of teams in multiple modes
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It feels wrong not putting RM LC on RM. I hope Feixiao really is a fua break hybrid so I can rectify this fucked situation.
>he thinks there's not pvp
just post how much you've spent and say you're the one who has spent the most and you'll get your pvp right away
If march is any indication, she will definitely be crit/break scaling like xueyi
Would also explain her being tested with ruan mei and topaz when robin was already a thing
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Yanqing is sexy enough, and s(he) can’t get pregnant!
So you can whip out your little throbbing cocky and jerk it to Firefly’s upskirts in game you fucking pagpag eating freak
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The annoying part is swapping it back after putting it on HMC. I always forget that shit.
But it's hard to deny it's better on HMC instead of RM if you play them together anyways. Unlike RM there's also absolutely no issue with building HMC fast. Other than the potential SP use, but that's where FF e1 comes in.
Firefly love!
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Can I mod proper panties onto Firefly and Robin instead of the weird shorts?
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Pretty satisfied with my current roster. At most I think I want more Eidolons on my 4*s but I'm new so I'll get there. Not like they're shitting new ones out quickly.
>>schizo mode runs out
Doesn't matter since it will get used up to hit the dice anyway.
>mode is off > use ult on dice and add counter > use skill to add counter and enter schizo > use alt to extend
Go to herta shop on 9/13.
Hope she has the jellyfish curio.
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Banjo's wiggle butt...
can I use pagfly for Swarm and GG?
>Aventurine was the biggest mistake of a boss they ever made.
I agree. I can see the intent behind it, with them wanting to make the gambler have a gambling aspect. But in practice, it's just not fun to fight against. The death meme also has a gimmick, but you can play around it both before triggering it or after characters get killed. But Aventurine gimmick is decided when you make your team, and it either kills you if you don't have the right units or just slows the fight massively down if you do. There is just no winning with it.
Banjomori Mei sexo...
everything? even the disgusting crocs?
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robinbros... why is the new fua unit being tested with RAUNCH mei instead of our adorable little birb... she's even taking our IPC friends...
are we still getting any gems before banner is over?
I need like 20 pulls for quaranteed firefly
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Soul. Also I like crocs.
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which 2p set for Ruan Mei? Vonwacq?
I know this is a doro but i can't stop thinking someone sawed off her extremities and now she's trying to move with her stumps
So, this is the warmth of life...
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I don't know why this spacechink makes my blood boil so much
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>Implies Argenti is steel type
>Boss version is weak to physical, fire and ice
I can maybe see physical being fighting type, but him being weak to ice makes no sense.
Nobody liked her song.
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That's great and all, but RM is held hostage by a robot who's mumbling something about setting seas ablaze.
Testing for the average trailblazer. The average trailblazer skipped robin and rolled for Ruan Mei.
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Fofo looks like that?
What went wrong?
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get the jelly curio from herta shop after 2nd boss
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She's break effect fua so she will cannibalise both your break and fua teams...
They also tested Yunli with RM which is dumb as fuck.
or the new 2p break set?
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It actually cracks me the fuck up everytime I see it so I keep posting it.
Can confirm Vonwacq is goated w/ it. It's bis for sweaty clears and gigaturbobis for everything else because you aren't usually using technique
Yep. Her best planar set to ult before your other characters and the energy let's you 3 turn ult with MotP guaranteed and 3 turn ult with Signature almost guaranteed
This anon loves MEN
This nigga loves MALES
This fella is charmed by DUDES
This brother is attracted to GUYS
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The best one
Yeah that's generally her best option
too mindbreakable for the low-test mainstream
>Filename only the creator of the image would have
Right, sure.
shes a break unit with a summon. you dont use ruan mei with jing yuan, you use sparkle
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How do you fix this girl?
Arr rook same
Ruan mei will fit in nicely with the wuwa cast
All of them inspire nothing, apart from koikatsu stuff
You have daily jades (~840), the five monthly rolls (800), 500 jades from that next event and maybe (?) like one MOC/PF remaining until her banner ends.
>pulled for whores like spurkle and ran mei
>doesn't even have every male
Naw he not gay.
He skipped my sigga...
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Ruan bigbadonkas Mei...
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I got them off civitai
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Have I bricked my account by not rolling for DHIL?
wtf lol
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This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a lil bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a toilet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, this nigga indulges in the French vice, this nigga has an antipathic sexual instinct, this nigga fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, this nigga be a man’s man, this nigga close to his mother, this nigga aint someone you want to turn your back on, this nigga went to art school, be careful with your soap around this man, this nigga intends to adopt, he’s a reverse engineer, he’s a rear admiral, this nigga eschews the front door, he loves to shop, he’s got disposable income, he’s a confirmed bachelor, you should see this nigga’s nails, this nigga’s dog fits in a purse, this nigga smells good, you can trust this nigga with your sister, this nigga name Jeremy. What I’m trying to say is he's 'one of them'...if you catch my drift.
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Gepard won't come home and I used my 300th pull on Welt.
Where did that idea come from?
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I like these cursed doros. I should try making some when I'm back at my sloppa-capable PC.
Anon probably downloaded them from Civit. There's some kind of event going with with tons of people making Kafka LORAs and one of the example images for each LORA is a Doro.
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there is pvp vs Genshin and Wuwa
Kafka's sweaty tits
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Uploaders just have a grudge or something against her.
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I told you man, shit's funny
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That evil look is so arousing...
Who cares?
It's a prototype kit that's going to be changed a lot.
No, because late adopters of DHIL will still get the benefits of being adopters. You did brick your account by not rolling SW to use him everywhere though.
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Powercreep acts as a nice catch up mechanic for newfags
But I have SW
It's a double edged sword. If they don't like the look of the new characters they're kinda bricked. Imagine all the powercreepers are dudes and it's a no-male account.
I want to fuck her long legs and fat thighs so badly. She sits around eating cake and researching all day. They'd be soft.
What's next? MoC of PF? And when?
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Telling Ruan mei she has small titties
Is it just me or are luckchads completely sovless? Even f2p
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>Imagine all the powercreepers are dudes
I'm not gonna be sleeping well tonight
why would you lie? She's the biggest in the maid section
I'm surprised this general has people shilling out for eidolons when you can clear everything at e0
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I took a couple breaks from the game and mostly just saved between the ones I really wanted.
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Finally finished V6 on Div. universe using the eidolon cheese to get FF to E1, spam skill with weakness break 3 star hunt blessing, and then spam HMC skill to exploit borehole equation. Final boss was Argenti.
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She could easily science herself some fat saggy jugs but she doesn't cause she knows a petite elegant chest is more arousing. A willowy figure is simply superior to cow tits.
All I had to do for eidelons was skip a few banners thougheverly?
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Good man, very based. Hope you find it in yourself to take on the challenge of being a DHIL haver when he returns.
12 days, but I've forgotten which one it is. I think its PF.
>anyone with average luck
>whale with shit luck
>F2P with great luck
>F2P with shit luck
>whale with great luck
It's not that surprising when most people and even beta testers use E0S1 or E1S1 minimum.
I skip so many characters that eidolons and cones aren't a huge investment. I just don't like a lot of characters.
Is Ruan Mei ever not pregnant? She's a tradwife and a mad biologist, I don't think she'd leave her womb unused at any point
it's so you can use a character for longer after they get powercrept at E0
"Most people", huh. Nah.
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I wouldn't
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When do you think he might get rerun?
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Her eggs dried up a long time ago. Her womanly instincts is what's making her so interested in propagation, not her desire to become an aeon.
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I curious how are they gonna sell Fexiao? They just sold Break on Firefly (& Boothill), I doubt many would want another break dps so soon especially if they have to share RM.
FuA also already have a very strong Single Target team in Ratio/Topaz, they're not sweating in any difficult content so I doubt they're also rushing for another Hunt FuA either.
I pulled Firefly with her LC and regret it cause her gameplay is boring af. Mine is joined to the hip with HCM and Ruan Mei. The last slot is not really viable for anyone else except a healer because her the SP usage. Really boring shit. I don't want to pull for E1.
I mean the latest character being at E2S1 is already makes her a perpetual top tier unless Hoyo goes out of their way to have lots and lots of MoC, PF, and AS, to be full of trotters.
In short, having Firefly E2S1 already makes sure your account is forever top tier.
Don't look at the rosters in this thread then.
Grab her waist from behind and throw her backwards on her head
We have people here that have E2 characters and barely 10 cycle/ 30k in PF
How Harmony Trailblazer Eidolon? It didn’t carry over from destruction? Also why is Argentina so hard on the Express mission?
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By being a sexfox with gunblades and axes
>I mean the latest character being at E2S1 is already makes her a perpetual top tier
This guy doesn't know they're shilling content tailor made for her lol.
so firefly is the best himeko driver?
QQ and her 2 dads.
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Have I escaped the mines?
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Mara-struck Ruan Mei...
You say that, but I spent more time considering what her team actually does in terms of action order and all that than basically any other team that I ever used. Partially because of toughness locks etc.
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Hi, I'm >>483575254
I only buy the big BP and my monthly Welkin, except for one singular case - I bought the 1980 pack for E0 Fu Xuan, in 1.3. You can get a good chunk of characters doing nothing but your dailies, the mainship events, MSQ, and then getting the dolphin jades - you don't need to do every exploration thing or do all the sidequests (though if I had I would be on my RM E1 pity right now)
If we get the Chronicled Wish thing Genshin has, it should be the second or third run of that sort of banner. First would be HSS/Belobog, second would either be Luofu or SH. If we drop to 1 new character by the time Sparkle reruns, he'll run with her.
>RM forma de Emanator
Sex until my body is dry
Yes. You can now just use Himeko on any PF because of her.
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What speed on the base boots to get it 25? just rolled one with 6
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looks like you just entered them..
She supposedly has summons (her gunblades and axe?). Quite interesting
Good for Himeko, but you lose out on Firefly's double supports for it
You can drop Ruan Mei but hmc and Firefly are chained together
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just found out about this, is this what the gold tokens are for?
Do they do anything else?
aideen tokens are easy to get from the dude throwing up

Also aventurine mentioned that the gold stuff gives you a guaranteed jackpot, what is he talking about?
>BE below 250%
Time to go back to the mines bro.
She has summons and probably wont have debuff autism like ratio so better for poorfags or people with robin
is that banner good or bad, its split 5* right so you could get the shit one
>235 with cone
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Zzziggers' first character looks like a huge flop, those multipliers are abysmal.
>boots can have different speed
who asked?
bro wtf are you saying
There's nothing else to use those on. Aventurine's token is also unusable because it's meant to be a good luck charm for you.
I'm unironically too lazy to minmax in this game. I get close enough and that's good enough for me.
Aventurine was talking about a consumable item.
The breakpoint to get another turn during first cycle is 155 speed with Ruan Mei. It's time for you to go back to the mines too.
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I thought I misread when I saw "tailjob"
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Why does a scientist need to be dressed like a high class prostitute...
How do you even have the restraint to not pull for so long? I have to get my pull dopamine or I feel bad.
>those names
>those multipliers are abysmal
its a entirely different game with different combat so i dont know what thats supposed to convey here
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Itsu sakou tomo, kaze ni fuki otosareru toki wa... kuru.
>boots can have different speed?
They don't, every +15 is 25 speed.
I'm a newfag so I don't know if the speed stat starting at +0 is different. Is it always the same number if you roll speed?
it's 1 action in the first wave
i don't need more power in the first wave since it just has some elites
Picked up
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>140 speed
Yes. Mainstats are not variable.
Mainstat is always the highest possible value for their respective rarity, you just have to level your shit
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>only 235% BE with siggy
keep mining
So I can lust even more for her
>(implied) no panties
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Even lusting over her sweaty sticky armpits?
Who tf can use the blue FUA set? It's fucking rotting in my inventory
fuck you niggers
i want this for my boothill but i only get garbage
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I get my dopamine from other places. I also get a nice buzz as the day gets closer for me to roll on them. Typically it's not a long wait - longest wait is between Fu Xuan and Argenti. My next goal is to get Jade at the end of this patch, and then run for Blade.
It's tailor made for Yunli, and possibly Feixaio.
you can slap it on any FuA dps who has a damage ultimate
No clue, I melted them all for XP and salvage
huh?, have you never been around female scientists?, im a biologist working for the gov and my colleagues can dress like sluts, only thing RM is missing is a labcoat over her dress honestly
i'm thinking xueyi thread next do you guys agree?
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>only 230% BE with Sig
back to the mines bro
She's an evil woman
If I do the DU once per week will I get all the rewards before the timer is done?
Looks pretty good for Himeko and Herta
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I thought everyone in /hsrg/ got E2S1 Firefly
>BWC Semen Plunge
Very subtle anon
he wants to be hybrid to maximize his damage output
What has been the biggest kick in the nuts you have experienced in this games Gacha bros? For me it was when Topaz had her Re-run and I lost the coinflip on both banners trying to get her to E1S1 I got so demotivated that I almost stopped playing. Next time I'll try again I guess. Both E1 and S1 looks really good for her and helps FUA as a whole...
No, but you won't miss any if you don't clear it in this patch.
It's not.
I'm running my Himeko with Break Effect, DMG% is no longer a concern
that's the best part
I love you SPARKLW
I'll probably stop at S1
those -32 SP meme is a non issue with speedy Gallagher, RM and HMC
Firefly is bigger
i already made a huge exception for her and rolled the cone
picking up eidolons completely trivializes the game in a non-togglable way and i don't want to do that
im trying my best bro, spent 40 fuels and havent spent the energy anywhere else and haven't gotten jackshit yet
I mainly rolled with what I had without buying a single big pack and managed e1 then her LC after grinding hard in DU
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Giga bro? How good would you say her LC is compared to the one from SU? Is it a huge or negligible difference?
I got E2S1 cause I love my wife.
New thread
I am formerly an engineer and also work for the government and the science/engineering/maths girls I've met were frumpy nerds from memory.
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Fuck the crit nigga we gotta go FASTER
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You wanna aim for 155 speed. Working on it now myself to trade some of my break% for 5 more speed. Back to the mines with us.
No people already tested and did the math, it's ass on all current FuA units. Only the planer set is good for current FuA units but steer far away from the relics.
Pretty much made for only Yunli so far.
>Xueyi forgotten again
Use that blue set on Xueyi please
>B-but SuperBreak-!
The only reason you're farming that place is for FF and HMC will be stuck with her
Not this game but I lost 3 rateups in a row on an fgo banner last summer, for context the chance to get the rate up is .7 while the chance to lose it is .3
it's fine but i don't think it helps him that much if you have bronya, i tried both but i miss so many kills without the added crit
/hsrg/ really memed people into getting E1S1 Topaz lmao
How well does e6 xueyi perform with it compared to qua set?
what the fuck is this real???
guess it depends on the area, but at least in arqueology and conservation they range from dressing normal looking to absolutely looking like hookers, must be the age
QUA set is still superior but who tf farm that place just to gear a fucking 4*?
It's not that huge of a difference but it is noticeable. The speed debuff can be really good paired with HMC delay and RM delay.
hahaha yeah i wonder...
I really like her, That's all the reason I needed. But I couldn't really justify spending any more rolls after that.
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me before superbreak was a thing...
still better than the gay super break desu
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t. the idiot who fell for QUA set JL
Quantum set is still king
>he didnt build superbreak jing liu

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