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Previous: >>483557376

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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I don't think so
haha what if Sparkle and Firefly kissed?
that would be so funny
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>most mentally stable fireflybro
i said XUEYI thread wtf
Hmm, truly.
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I want to rape both Ruan Mei and Firefly
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Save for the Snek.
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>nerfed boss fight
>removed from DU all together
They FEAR the gamba man
Another day, another waste of resources as Acheron relics don't drop again.

I'm this close to fucking her off.
Sigewinne won
Jinhsi won
Firefly lost bigly
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Ruan Banjomori Mei's fat saggy Meis...
Who won?
Who lost?
His dice mechanic really should've been for the entire team. Some characters literally can't reach the requirement due to lack of AoE.
I think that' he's a poor fit for scored stuff like MoC or AS, but to remove him from DU seems a bit much.
Meanwhile, me owning Firefly: oh, another good relic. can't wait to increase her damage by 0.01% again. Not like I have anything else to do with the energy anyway.
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wurmchen flopped
Show your Tiktok picoseconds Sigewinnebro
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If I'm planning to use Jade with Topaz/Robin/Aven against non-quantum enemies, would the quantum set still be her BiS?
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me in the car
Wasn't it for your entire team in DU or something? I only fought him a few times there so I forgot.
My wife firefly's perfectly sized perky titties...
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No the fua set would outpeform qua in that situation
Cyrrus was definitely worth nerfing, because it felt to me like your run needs to be quite a bit better compared to getting anything else.

Aventurine is fine though. Meme is in SU. Why can't he? Meme is honestly a bigger problem, because only dots or fast kills can beat this. And in v(gigabloat)6 that can be a serious issue. More than Aventurine I feel.
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>"jiaoqeron is 10% better than silver brick!"
>open a showcase
>newly spawned enemies have full stacks of the debuff applied immediately

another "10% better than sampo" moment
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That ain't glowwormchunliban or whatever the fuck she's called though.
Turn wasting mechanic is not a good thing for time attack mode
especially with how RNG it is
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Here is your Firefly summer outfit
Bro.. you shouldve made it instead of asking, i even gave you my aproval
Boyfriend shirt Firefly would sell millions
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I spent almost all my stamina from Acheron banner's release to firefly banner's release just constantly farming that cavern and this is all I got for it. I absolutely HATE that cavern.
Fucking kill yourself already.
It's both though I think the party roll only happens in the third phase? Even still, it's asking you for like 40+ which is good fucking luck if you decided to use a team that doesn't consistently shit out 5 hitting moves.
FF can just superbreak the other other sides with no issue. Ironically, the 1st phase is much harder for me since it's unpredictable. I can just Auto the 2nd and 3rd even on V6 because it's only RM and HTB getting nabbed.
I'm still using the SW relic set for firefly and farming iron cavalry only on daily TBP
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Say something nice about Sprinkles
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Hey bro look at me winning using ZiggerWolf bird!
I want to come back to this game but I can't clear shit. My relics suck and I think I really poorly invested my acc, sans getting sparkle and ruan mei. Any tip to unbrick my acc?
>Break Luka, Pela, Acheron outperforms Silverbrick, Pela, Acheron in MoC 12
He really is cool and Gamer Wolf really is a brick.
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We love moms here
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Awesome dude!
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What a week, huh
i understand loving a character but rolling e6 will just ruin the game for you
Roll firefly and its unironically fixed
I'll get him for Acheron but he seems pretty whatever for any other team.
Your account can't be unbricked
On a scale from one to Mythus, how schizo is the "we're still dreaming" theory?
All three of them owe me sex
Actually they would make for a great PF team
How the fuck do you play Xueyi? I tried her with hmc and rm and it felt like complete antisynergy.
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If Kafka is your mom then SW is like your aunt right? What if TB asked SW with help jacking off? Haha
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get Kafka
God I love my mommies
We died to Welt blackholing our brain on the space station.
Everything after is a death dream.
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saggy moms....
>not even lv80
>shit relics
>traces probably not leveled
>"what can I do?"
What's worse than a metapig is a metapig who doesn't even try to make his team meta viable
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Clearly the eyes of September 11th

HMC is total waste of a slot if you aren't fighting imaginary enemies. And with Xueyi you then want quantum+imaginary enemies which pretty much dont' exist. So from the beginning your team is fucked.
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Ain't that a Family x 4chan reference?
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stelle...have some self worth
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you play her with Tingyun, RM and maybe Bronya or Robin. she fits more into a hypercarry role than a superbreak dps
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you know too much
I already leveled most traces though. Do you think that I at least have the right characters?
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How is relic farming going for you, firebros? Post your builds.
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My cool wife who can catch bullets mid air…
>zee yi.png
it's more like shoe yi
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>he doesn't know WAKU WAKU
You are not a real scholar
You think that isn't known? That said SW can never compete outside of pure ST and ideal scenarios.
But Pela? Her dmg amp isn't much worse than what this guy gives you, sadly enough. If you have Pearls s5 that is. If you then have RM e1 or Sparkle e2 things get even worse for him.

Example: Pela with pearls (56% shred) on top of a Sparkle e2 causes 50% bonus damage on the enemy.

Fox guy caps at 40% without the cone. 55% in total in case it's ultimate damage. If you also add the cone 58%/73%.

Is that worth a limited?
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Shouldn't be
ruan mei would never make that expression.
this art is completely devoid of soul
Stelle has two moms
>leveled most traces
>not 80
Yea, you didn't levelled most traces
You can make monoqua and acheronswan teams, thats good enough
based fireflybro
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Just need a better chest and rope now and I'll be done. Will probably keep farming till I get over 300% BE with 155 speed if that's even possible.
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Teach me, gojo-shizo sensei, Latinxball sensei.
your next rope will be attack% critrate/critdamage/speed but also on the wrong set.
If he let's me ult twice as fast with Acheron I'll get him.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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still pretty shit but im not gonna budge from grinding relics for the next 2+ months until I get a proper good 4-set for her. Main thing is shes at least 150+ speed so she can go vroom vroom in MoC & apocalyptic shadow
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this is true
Surely her fellow masked fools frens really like her too!
The ony character that is E6 worth is Robin because you can build any meme team possible with it
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Fun fact that all the short females in this game are lolis
Himeko is strong in PF and even used in other modes too
BS is strong with Kafka in dot
Any superbreak/break character like Firefly is strong with Ruan Mei and HMC. Gallagher is free in the selector, you could have the team ready.
You have E6 Pela, Acheron, Silverwolf and trend Gepard
You even have Seele, SW, Sparkle, Lynx for Mono quantum
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Bro I swear every single FF planar has dropped with flat def+eff+effres today, how the fuck?
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I should have been allowed to choose Sparkle over Firefly
it just depends, I have e6 silver wolf and she feels underpowered compared to many e0s.
>Pela vs Jiaoqiu
Why not both.jpg
Just need 5 more speed and im gonna continue working on another character.
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DU just upgrades my traces right? no relics?
It's 100% rigged bro. Even the cavern is fucking rigged.
yeah i guess bricks like her and blade are fine
Hey that doesn't look like Spa
If you replace your hat/chest eith god relics you can probably make it to 300
Thats why I limit myself to either E0S1 or E1S0.
Wait did you actually manage to get over 300% BE outside of combat or is that in combat with HMC?
it's more about how much faster you get stacks than the damage amp
Outside of combat
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>have brickhill
>have ruan brick
>now E5 gallabrick and brickfly

am I winning?
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Only good piece is the chest.
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>32 pity
>Still no E1 Ruan Mei
Woe is me
Holy. Can you post your relics if possible? I wanna see how they rolled.
>Friend rolls E6S5 Acheron
>Constantly whines how the game is too easy and he's not engaged
Reminder that whales are mentally ill
>anon got fucking killed
>e5 galla
>not e1 FF
>no sigs
>having two breakwhores but only HMC/bugmei
what's the plan here
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The fellow autist who made this needs to update it, Firefly is clearly a qt atashiko, not a boring watashi hag.
It upgrades everything, if you have no relics equipped it will even give you a full +15 set.
Which means if you have good +14 and below relics you want to +15 them otherwise they will be replaced with the mediocre welfare relics making the character worse.
Yeah I'm gonna keep farming cavern+planar till I reach my goal.
Boothill doesn't really want HMC, Bronya is better, and he can work without RM but it's not ideal.
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f2p firefly bwos,
whats the average of average b.e. % for her? is 180 average enough?
At work now so cannot log in at the moment. But there is some +4 and one +5 break piece if i recall correctly with some spread speed and att% subs.
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>Whale friend lost his job
>Also has E6S5 Acheron
>Can't help himself and whales for Firefly as well
He even told me he was going to skip Firefly cause he's got no income. Ridiculous.
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Hello, there
The angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim
Of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night, we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

Where are you? And I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick, strange darkness
Comes creeping on, so haunting every time
And as I stare, I counted
The webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
Stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me, you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
Don't waste your time on me, you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
Stella's EN VA makes her a hobo from california
Meanwhile JP VA makes her a pretty girl and actually cute
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will bologna help?
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200%BE is achievable on relic/planar set only
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Someone explain what the fuck QUA stands for RIGHT NOW
Maybe it's the motivation needed to get a new job.
so we're not getting any actual good leaks until 2.5 preload?
guess i'll stop coming here until then
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Qua is a Latin word meaning "by, by reason of, or by virtue of". It is used to introduce a subordinate clause that explains or clarifies the meaning of a preceding word or phrase.
Im at 196 so far, got super unlucky with good boots/sphere rolling anything but useful stats
>secret vow
Nigger what are you doing, use the hertacone, vow does nothing for ff
>Arlan cone
Why are you coming here for leaks?
Esse est percipi...
Damn dude. You might have the current best firefly on the leaderboard if you upload your build to a site like https://www.mobilemeta.gg/honkai-starrail/app/relic-scorer cause this is the current best firefly according to their leaderboards.
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I have an in combat 187 SPD Boothill with a 185 SPD Bronya and it's funny getting 8 Boothill turns in the first two cycles.
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at very small scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It provides a mathematical framework for describing the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior of these fundamental entities.

At the heart of quantum mechanics is the principle of superposition, which states that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured. This is famously illustrated by Schrödinger's thought experiment involving a cat that is both alive and dead until observed.

Another key concept is quantum entanglement, where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon has profound implications for information processing and communication technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

Quantum computing leverages these principles to perform computations that are exponentially faster than classical computers for certain types of problems. Instead of classical bits (which are either 0 or 1), quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits, which can represent 0, 1, or both simultaneously due to superposition. This parallelism allows quantum computers to explore many possible solutions to a problem simultaneously, making them potentially powerful for tasks such as cryptography, optimization, and simulations of quantum systems.

However, quantum mechanics is also known for its counterintuitive aspects, such as wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle, which states that certain pairs of physical properties (like position and momentum) cannot both be precisely determined simultaneously.

In summary, quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory that governs the behavior of nature at the smallest scales, with far
If there's one thing I've learned about my friend is that he's a massive liar. Wouldn't be surprised if yours is too. The best part is they always put their new units on support so you get to see their lies in real time.
>I'm only going for E2S1 Acheron
>3 days later he has E6S5 on his support
>I'm skipping Robin for Firefly
>E1S1 Robin shows up on his support
>Dan IL is really good at E0 he's so much fun!
>E2S2 Dan IL on his support
Like fuck man, so glad I cut ties with this guy
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Help... I can't slow her down...
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I see you standing there tonight
it's character collecting game
i want to see what upcoming characters to roll for
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G&G is such a chore to do what the fuck where they thinking
I don't get it.
What do his overly invested gacha units make you glad to cut ties with him for?
Just switch to attack boots bwo
is it?
it helped me clear the new su to the highest and even did well on moc lol. so didnt bother replacing it.
also, im using the herta cone on dhil or jingliu lol
looking at it, your rolls are more than an average stat. 3 rolls on b.e. on one slot is already good, no?
If you add a "-ck", it's the sound a duck makes.
gold and gears is great with the exception of the dice system requiring so much setup. its just too much. Being able to pick buffs/debuffs for final boss (and select final boss) mogs the fuck out of DU in that regard
A site that keeps track of characters an relics? Interesting, will check into it when i get home. Including mine i have seen better stats here than the one you posted now.
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Powercreep will make E6 a brick eventually
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Holy fuck lol that's exactly what he does. He said he wouldn't roll for Firefly, then I see him with E0S0 after he's caved. He'd chatter about Firefly and how it was worth it after I point out that he actually still rolled. Few days later she's already E2S1 and not a word from him about it until I notice and bring it up.
Add more SPD for Firefly and Gallagher for Ultimate spam desu
>207 with cone
Bro... you need to farm for break, not speed
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This bread... was left in open air since yesterday...
Because he constantly lied to my friends and I about how much he spends. This guy has been in the exact same financial situation for the past 6 years even though he's "saving to move out". No job, student debt, still in school, lives in parents basement. He's the most irresponsible spender I've ever seen.
Arlan cone is basically a worse statstick because of FF self healing prevents the buff from activating
not to mention it's also a DMG buff, which is useless
...for blade
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That's it? Why do people capitalize it like it's some acronym? Especially when FUA exists, it's a really shitty way to abbreviate it and doesn't even save that many characters.
Having to do those thingies and have a certain bar to fit the story or whatever is happening is overwhelming..........
Arlan cone gives dmg, and superbreak doesnt use damage for calculations, its a dead stat for her, the only thing that cone does rn is being a stat stick, a bad one at that
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got it through auto battle
Is this your first game or something?
Are you supposed to put Vonwaqc on Harmony MC, Firefly is too fucking fast I'm not farming more SPD pieces.
It's because you have 40 break too little (if you have RM)
Being too fast isn't an issue, but some of your pieces have 0 break and that hurts you more than the speed helps you.
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All my rolls go into SPD for some reason.
>it helped me clear the new su to the highest and even did well on moc lol.
Because FF is that strong. Dmg boosts dont do shit for her, she needs BE and Atk
HMC is Firefly Speed + 1 without SAM transformation, that's it.
I just don't see the effect of such a lie.
Who cares if he's a perma-loser? Doesn't affect you in any way, right?
MoC carried FF with the buff too
and DU is literally made for FF with all the new break buff cards
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Sex with my mothers!
It'd have filtered me as well
Does this really matter? Just FF ult after TB's turn
How do I get Harmony MC Eidolons? His Destruction ones didn’t transfer over
Tick tock! Time is money buddy
clockie statue in peacony
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how the hell am I supposed to built a Firefly and Boothill team when there's only one Ruan Mei
Do the story anon and explore. A lot can be obtained at the clockie statue.
If you do that for moc cycles thats the difference between losing an action or not
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Removing Aventurine from the divergent universe during pride month is homophobic
You know you don't have to use Fireflies ult as soon as it lights up like some sort of sperg, right?
You dump Gallagher and you use FF and BH together.
What does that mean? I just got to Fu Xuan becoming a general. I started last month.
why does he have doll joints
It's just a stupid name for it, especially when no other elements are abbreviated, even if they have longer names.
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Not really. Your HTB just needs 155 speed and it's fine. Firefly can be faster without any problem. You aren't forced to use the ult immediately.
Add Feixiao to the list. It really does need to be hammered into people that supports are just so much more important than FOTM dps
how much speed does gallagher and HTB needs
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Easy. Ruan Mei goes with Boothill and HMC goes with Firefly.
Add Himeko to the FF team to make a very good mono Pyro super break.
>not pressing the big red button instantly
that's a waste of action value
Your IMG? Your PHYS?
Which light cones from the MoC store are must haves for my account? I can only get one right now, but I want to build my cone strength.
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It's fine, all you do is put the unit as a reserve while you play other teams. You play normally until you run into a wall and then "pull out the big guns" and clear the obstacles. But that's mostly for DPS, if someone loved a sustain or harmony that much then pretty sure you can use them E6S5 all the time no problem.
>elements are abbreviated
Imaginary is literally named img here very often when talking about it.
Also it is no rocket science to understand what it means.
155 ideally. If your FF is E0, put Gallagher on Multiplication so he can print SP for the team.
If she is E1 put him on What is Real, only HMC will be eating SP
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Where can I find the clockie statue? Is it in the Yanqing/Fu Xuan/Luocha universe?
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>no fofofriend to play competitive candycrush with
fall of an aeon> stellar sea> don't need the others
Destruction and Hunt cones are much better than the rest.
It's in the next planet after the space china stuff
Which characters do you have that are lacking good cones? The only really great ones from there are the RatPiss hunt cone and the two Erudition cones.
>gallagher and HTB
>155 ideally
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Is it worth dropping some BE and some HP to get 155 spd? My HTB and gallagher are both sitting at 150 right now
That's not the MoC shop
He said MoC shop not Herta shop you readingcomprehensionGODS
On Penacony, the planet after Space China.
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they're all trash
That's 161 with Ruan Mei, should be okay for now. Don't go too high in speed because some thresholds are for 0 cycle troonery and will suck ass for regular runs.
Okay thanks. Is there a time limit on getting his Eidolons like >>483584251 said? I was planning on grinding side quests for Jade to pull Ryan May but maybe I need to put that on hold
Origamibird PVP should be a permanent gamemode
Either of the Erudition cones and QPQ, everything else heavily depends on your roster
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Not everyone is a phoneposter and has autofill on and it's just easier type.
Isn't it part of a permanent event?
Gallagher's cone. It's literally the only decent one you can get from there. All the rest are just awful.
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How do we kick this saggy slut off the Astral Express?
No it's a clock joke you can get them whenever
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>he skipped Stelle the sexy autist
They can (You)bait with every character but I love this girlfailure
>Don't go too high in speed because some thresholds are for 0 cycle troonery and will suck ass for regular runs.
...wait, what!?
Ask Sparkle.
>but she isn't there
not now MCwarsposter
Keep sending question marks anon, surely at some point I'll answer you in details.
Calm down incel Heng just wait her out
need a fourth slot to complete the autistic trio of fofo/stelle/ruan mei
>get the one that's literally worse in every way than a 3* cone
really nigga
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She's part of the team
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no amount of eidolons will unbrick your sissylus
Erudition Cat cone for any Erudition DPS
Past and Future for Bronya/Sparkle
What is Real? for Gallagher
Fermata for Kafka (cope, use the gacha cones, like GNSW, you need S5)
It's Showtime for Black Swan (cope, use the gacha cones, like Eyes of Pray)
Final Victor for any fast Hunt DPS (cope, use the Herta shop cone)
Flames Afar for any HP dps, like Blade (cope, use the Herta shop cone)
Woof! Walk Time! for any Destruction DPS (cope, use the Herta shop cone)
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>ACKeron is still the best dps
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>want to use xueyi
>Found i was farming the wrong fucking relic set instead of the quantum one
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My eyes are up here.
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he BROKE you
As long as your characters are in order, things should be fine? Mine is always RM->HMC->Gallagher->Firefly but the lowest speed unit is 155 before RM’s boosts which makes her 165. The only thing that messes with it is the percent boosts in DU
>Still Farming the quantum one
Farm the new break effect relic set, has the same Def reduction
Did sustainschizos switch to dps now?
Can't wait to see the same boring webms every time a certain character is mentioned!
how is getting more speed going to "suck ass in a regular run"?
sounds like some speedlet cope to me
uh oh jingyuan brick confirmed
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I understand it's referring to quantum contextually, it just seemed like it may have been referring to some kind of quantum team type. I also basically never see IMG.
Because builds for 0 cycling and your average runs aren't the same.
It's an old one anon. You can see how stupid it is when SW can just dispel that barrier. Still retarded that a multihit attack doesn't take it out though.
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>SP unfriendly
bwo your E1??
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Glamoth's finest titties
someone post the luochud webm where he gets killed by jingliu
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(My) POV
So what are the origami bird tiers? My view:
S: March Bird
A: Robird
B: Silbird Wolf, Trailbirder
D: Birefly
Is Argenti just impossible for F2P? Istg this fucker just summons more than those retarded bugs and has all the cancer mechanics in one bossfight(talking about the Astral Express fight)
That's good kek
It doesn't, but I try and motivate and encourage my friends on a good path. Responsibility and trustworthiness are invaluable in relationships, those who don't value these are not worth your time.
>Thought it was Megumi
Lol. Fucking cat can't work faster. Let Yutajo job already.
Kek'd Thought it was BITCHgumi at first
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Yeah, I'm already looking up
Trailblazer Bird is the S tier one. It literally plays itself and you win without knowing what the fuck you're doing.
Silver Wolf one should be bumped up to A, it's potent if you know what you're doing.
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Is this from Twitter or Reddit?
I think they just have a gambling addiction
Holy fucking KINO!!!!!!
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This is what the average player's team comp looks like btw.
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I'll be honest, it seems highly unlikely for FF to run out of skill points even without eidolons as long as she's with Gallagher, unless she continuously does advance with a blessing or some shit.
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nah that's just the braindead m*le rollers
>just roll who you like
team dice is only on the last phase. First 2 phases everyone has their own individual one.
>homofujo retard is the average player
I like to think this is not true.
>Always the DPS faggots
When will they understand that you fucking need supports
just keep randomly skilling with ruan mei for no apparent reason (retards do it all the time) and you'll easily run out
>4 dudes
that's the average tranny player, not the average player
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at least they're good at candycrush
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RollWhoYouLikeBros.... Not like this
works on my account
trailbirder is dogshit, you're just hoping to luck out with non-overlapping useful explosions, he's only better than birefly because they only cost 5 meter
silbird wolf is not that good, super bombs are less useful than line bombs (unless combined with a line bomb) and 7 meter is steep for only 1 (you can chain them but then they clutter your board and max out at 49 if there's no line bombs)
Now I wanna make a braindead female roller team.

How about Fu Xuan, Firefly, Acheron and Sparkle.
And I don't want to be friends with a gambling addict that asks me for money because they missed a bill.
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I'm so fucked
it's the people that think you can use Huohuo or Fu Xuan in place of Gallagher on a break team
No it'd be something like JL Ack Firefly and then a Huohuo
I rolled all of them lol
Kinda unfair considering you can actually make a coherent team with all women since they're more available. Are there even any male buffes/Harmony outside of TB?
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I am just now "passable" I think. I can still do a lot better and need to fill traces out too.
Replace Sparkle with JL and you're all set.
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>Not a single roll on atk or spd
Time to commit a crime
Team dice got absurd. If your whole team couldn’t AOE, it was over, I started having to go against 48 and 64 dice. I wouldn’t have removed him as a boss entirely but his dice being every other turn was bullshit
just start farming bro, you'll be done or almost done by the time her banner is up
Jiaoqiu soon
>no tracks
Luckily I never dropped below 10
From me I’m fight him with Gallagher E2, Firefly, HTB, Bailu and I can’t deal with him. LC are Natasha one for Gallagher, Firefly is the one with Misha, HTB is the 3 star one with the trumpets, Bailu is Quid Pro Quo. Lvl 50
I thought Sigga is giga broken?
>Acheron buffslut
>Not even a proper DoT unless E2 (currently)
W-Which v can I beat like that?

Fu, Jingliu, Acheron, Firefly...
Which one is better for harmony supports assuming they have equal substats. HP% or DEF%
>camera no longer targets wombs
Not broken enough to carry jobbers like Blade and Juan without actual supports or a way to build SP
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HMC, Welt, Sampo, Gallagher superbrick team
>He never got board clears after board clears with Silver Bird
Skill issue.
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Got a lot of purple drops this time. I remember farming for BS and getting jack shit.
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What did Stellaron Hunter Sam mean by this?
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>rolled for character's eidolons that I like
>don't activate them because it make game less fun
am I insane? Is there anyone who does it too?
>board clear
>caps at 49
enjoy fifth place
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gallagher is shit, I rather use FoFo E1 for extra speed buff. Also Fugen is almost mandatory for clearing high difficulty SU/DU
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For me? Yunli.
SW is the most useless 5*. Will 3.0 bring a system to enhance old champs?
that's not your husband Luocha, that's my WIFE Yaoshi
They really need to add an eidolon/constellation toggle already. I did the same for a few hours because I wanted to compare the difference
What relics should Gallagher even use? Should he use the new cavalry break set?
I think it makes SU more fun because SU is all about getting stupid high numbers.
S---: Trailbirder (only for its luckshit and retardproof qualities because of low barrier 5 meter chaining)
A: M7bird
B+: Robird
B: Birefly
C+: Silverbrick
Why's the white man being caressed by black hands
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We can have both.
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He's Vanhal's expy.
Either new one, or the old 1.0 break set. Or mix any break set and hackerspace to get 160 speed. Planar depends, if you use him in break - new one, with Acheron the old critd sharing one.
No but you will have a chance to roll for Platinum Wolf.
Maybe they'll implement an eidolon toggle in the future for people with weird preferences.
Did they give up on the whole texting thing? Why hasn't Firefly texted me?
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whats that one relic you leveled up that makes you seeth or have a mini-melty whenever you think about it? pic related just replaced my previous worst relic ever
birefly kinda high imo but if you're weighting luckshit higher in general it makes sense
>Levelling ATK boots
Why? Even if it rolled max SPD it won't compare.
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>QQ is 141 cm
>rolled for character's eidolons that I like
>don't activate them
yep, mental illness, just dont roll them retard
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V1 is probably so easy this won't even be an issue, but let's see!
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>That team
Is there any point in doing threshold anymore if you finished V6? Besides for "fun" I guess
>New Endgame Event
>Get my ass Destroyed by Cocolia
>Freezes 3 Team Mates and Attacks 3 Times Again

Okay, who have i to pull for that?
Blade is floof
that's a compliment
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Holy team: Hags and Firefly
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yea, either really. Just have a sustain that can provide resist or clear debuffs.
>You must have Silver Wolf in order to pull for Platinum Wolf.
I like it.
My only healers are Natasha, Lynx, Galagher
My Shielders: MC & March7
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Bros this is so fucking cool

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>Forget all your troubles and go with the flow
>Forget about whatever you may never know
>Like whether whatever you are doing is whatever you should
>And whether anything you do is every really any good
>And then forget about banana when it sticks in your throat
>And when they make you want to bellow but you're stuck in a choke
>And you forget about the yellow from the beckoning man
>He'll make you take another and make a mock of your plan
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is this good enough?
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For me, it's the Path of Preservation (Pink).
So what do you do when your team that has normally been crushing it comes up against a boss that wipes you if you can't weakness en masse regularly?
Do you just go farm a bunch to level characters you're not going to use again?
you dont have a limited 5* sustain, do you?
How much is it outside of combat?
Shading on SAM looks a bit off. Like it's more worn out, which does makes sense.
Never really have that issue. Example? If it's story you can just go double sustains. If it's anything else like MoC, then I cut my losses and just shrug.
retard, just show stats out of combat
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Any eidolons? Gallager or Lynx at e2 might be the best you can do
if thats in combat stats, you arent even close.
in combat:
>260 speed
>600% be
or you are trash.
Nah, nothing like that. Just upped my EL right before what is apparently a pretty rough boss fight. Don't have any strong DPS built yet that match the weaknesses here (read: jing or boothill)
Also not spending on ff, so it's not like I can just ignore the mechanic either.
Swarm King, just upped to EL6
you wait for march 8th

team 1 - FF + HMC + RM + Gallagher
team 2 - Boothill + Bronya + March 8th + Aventurine
what boss is it?
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>Swarm King, just upped to EL6
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I wish Robin did more stuff
They're all hags
swarm king? dont worry about break. just do the mechanic.
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I hope ChiMarch work with feixiao or whatever th name is
cool but consider this

Firefly is too young. Practically a loli but due to Silver Wolf's existence we'll call FF a hebe for now.
The mechanic is "break the boss to explode the bugs since you're not mass breaking the bugs" though.
you kill the bugs to debuff the boss if you cant break the boss. it also controls the rate the bugs spawn at if ur not hitting the boss.
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Second boss down. With 10k points afterwards. None of them deal much damage, but they just do it A LOT.
Fucking Firefly building Ach stacks. And I have that Erudition gold that gives me triple Ach ults...

Add to that all that freeze. Enemies can't act.
I'm gonna be honest, that event is really tough. When I was new the bugs + argenti himself was basically impossible for my roster of 4*s and gepard to clear

leave it for now if you can
unironically why do so many women play this game?
like if you check twitch 90% of the streamers are female for this game, compared to something like genshin or even WuWa
and the tiktok community is almost exclusively women
I'll give it another go, but bugs have less weaknesses than the boss. Really just need to get up a normal or quantum dps to start killing these things.
>why do women play a game with hot men
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Firefly love!
The men are infinitely superior to genshin
If I had to guess, it's because it's "easier" to play since its turn based.
the boss takes basically no damage unless you pop bugs first. once you get 10 stacks wail on the boss and he melts break or not
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This is like the billionth mention of how good looking/handsome/beautiful TB is. It's kind of funny that they're canonically considered attractive. Is this how they get away with doing dumb autistic shit all the time?
Because it only takes a couple minutes to do dailies and keep up with the game. Genshin is unironically too time intensive for girls.
This game needs more femboys
The guys are way better than Genshin's, even the male MC giga mogs theirs
because it's mainstream and the story content is trivial (so they don't get turbofiltered).
that's all.
Just release Sunday as a gigasupport Ruan Mei sidegrade that goes with every other male character so they can be retarded and still win
aventurine makes me wet bro and mihoyo keeps printing great 5* males for me to roll for
>Firefly gets her perfect supports to run alongside her banner
>Aventurine's banner was followed by Topaz and Robin, the last two pieces to complete his perfect team
>Yunli is rumored to run alongside Huohuo's rerun, her best sustain
why doesn't Genshin do this?
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You running V6 anon? I just cleared it myself, wishing you luck
My HMB died in phase 2 of the boss (Aventurine) but somehow it didn't really matter

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Fyrefly Type-IV... SNACKTIVATE
>Yunli needing sustain
Lol? Firefly is explicitly special though since it pretty much gives her her whole team.
He's running V1 with a schizo team.
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>Genshin doing anything ever to increase QoL for players
lol kek lmao
no fuckin way this many months later people are still getting filtered by Boss Aventurine?!? Like what do you mean they had to remove him from divergent universe??

I don’t even have his proper counters like Acheron or Jingliu or whatever. How are people this pressed?
my cute and famined wife...
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Based, now it becomes a limiter removal when content becomes too difficult
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You won't be able to luck shit all of them.
I got one copy of FF and RM here with RM cone but at some point I'm gonna lose hard.
8 won 50/50 in a row on character banner, I can already feel the disaster soon
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Fat fuck
They fudged his new dice mechanic by giving him a 64 roll. All they had to do was tone down his rolls.
Right, missed his first post. A good laugh if he clears it anyway
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/hsrg/ stays winning
Casuals pulling for meta characters but missing the build / team composition part.
Damn those scores are bad.
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>See Jiaoqiu kit + LC in practice
>It's actually decent
I don't want to roll the pink Fox. Should I just roll more Sparkle Eidolons or Sex wolf for my E3 Acheron? She already shits on content but I want every archetype to get better stuff.
whats the difference between chinese genshin and chinese genshin (PC)?
having the TB as gf/bf must be a challenge
>I don’t even have his proper counters like Acheron or Jingliu or whatever.
That's irrelevant in DU. You pick a team at the start and build your equations/blessings/curios around them. You can't just switch to an Acheron team at the end just to counter Aventurine when all you have are Firefly Superbreak or ClaraTopaz FuAkeks blessings and equations...
What's this for
HOLY, when is Firefly gonna moan like she does in Nikke?
one's for mobile phones and the other as how it indicates, is the pc version
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Alright then. A fitting end to a stupid run.
please do not roll sex wolf under any conditions
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It's actually because hoyo fucked up and he could legitimately soft lock you and brick your run with specific blessings
God, I'd kill myself if I put in all that effort and this happens
>Non-hoyo game above genshin
This is the beginning of Fujoturdslop Impact's downfall. At last the justice is served.
Dehya, Eula and Rosaria shall be avenged.... All's well that ends well.
shouldn't you post in your own thread wuwabwo, it seems pretty dead
I'm very skeptical when it comes to Huo2 being a worthwhile rerun roll desu. Not counting RM, the only meaningful rerun so far has been Kafka's.
This bitch is literally Azusa
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So just more Sparkle Eidolons?
I already planned on E1 Swan E1 Robin and E1S1 Aventurine on their reruns (already a copy of each). I just want to vertically invest now and never having to pull again. China slop doesn't look interesting at all for me.
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Gluhwurmchen won
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Topaz cornerstone form
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I kinda hate that this worked. But in the end, SU can be dumb, and this was most definitely dumb, blessing-wise. Not even Firefly was useless, due to being able to break well and providing stacks..
You think we're ever getting a support that buffs HP changing interactions for dpses like Blade and JL? What if Lingsha becomes that instead?
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TB is so fucking autistic it actually somehow loops back to being endearing
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I haven't fought him in DU, how would AA during the dice phase lock you?
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Imagine if Firefly would say these lines in HSR:

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Bronya no!
Woah, Numby is so powerful!
hsr has no fucking lolis

Ah, the classic Topaz experience.
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Leave glowworn to me
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>Can't be swarm su difficulty 4
what the fuck am I doing wrong, I've done rememberance, hunt, and eredition. This shit is way harder than G&G and DU with modifiers
Despite our LARPing that we want to bang Sparkle or whoever, the girls in this game are not actually "problematic", which means wamen are not immediately repelled like they would be from a coomer game proper.
Its an encounter designed around a single team comp from a limited banner months ago. Not even the 5*, the 4*s needed have already passed their promo increase period too so newfags have been literally blocked at that story fight.
If they haven't added it to Genshin in years I don't think they'll add it here. Specially because I don't think we have any eidolons that can occasionally actively make a character weaker yet.
>kanji something like "Origin god"
>somehow manages to spell out "Genshin Impact"
How do the chinks do it?
They still pull for Acheron and Firefly. Also core supports like Ruan Mei at least until another male powercreeps her.
>tfw you got promoted 10 ranks and ipc upgrades your numby
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> Dehya, Eula and Rosaria shall be avenged....
Amen, brother.
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>Roll Aventurine
>Face roll all the dice with his shields
There must be a combination of hunt blessings that make you enter an infinite loop when you hit the dice.
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I beat diff 5 with hunt, elation and abundance, with blade and welt.
its kinda hilarious who Adventurine can just solo Every single Sim Universe and DU.
why is PC lower than mobile's version, I dun get it
imagine being this bad at a turn based game
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There are also these

(SAM Starcrusher mod)

(SAM bodysuit mod)
ah, that would explain why they didn't do something like make him use the dice less often
autistic trash pandas get firefly gushing
how the fuck did you do that with welt. the problem I'm having primarily is having 0 damage on anything i try
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tits perfect size for sparknabi
Do I upgrade these (HTB)?
bugs get giga-fuckin slowed when welt weakness breaks them
We can mod this shit? Nice.
What kind of tos we talking about it? They don't have skins, so do they even care?
Crazy how much better she looks
they're completely useless
waste of resources, main thing you wana max is her talent+ultimate
They're useless, but I max everything because I'm autistic.
I maxed out all TB forms except Physical(I skipped Sparkle so I can't make him work ever)
Skin mods are free real estate so long as you make sure to hide any account relevant information if you show off those mods ingame
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NTA but it's 1 week for first offence, and you wont be at any risk if you use 3dmigoto by my experience, and also never show your UID in sc, only if someone snitches on you can get you banned
Everyone mods HoYoverse games especially Genshin like it's Skyrim and Minecraft.
I wonder if we'll ever get upgraded/alternate versions of anyone outside the AE crew, DanIL style
Sorry for shilling my channel
What teams other than break can handle V6?
Hmm wouldn't it be easy for someone to just Photoshop someone else's UID and post pictures while using mods? Would be pretty fucked if hoyo banned them for something like that. Has there been any cases before of someone getting banned for using mods?
Nice, so ffxiv rules. I can handle that.
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im still grateful that our cunny clara is 10x better than other gachagremlins
I will never quit this game
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>beat V6 against Argenti
I feel like he's the weakest boss in this mode lmao
Literally permabreaking him with Firefly and Gallagher
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>wanted to check another account
>try to log in
>"Too many requests, try again later"
Anyone else experience this?
DoT, Preservation. You can even go invincible Preservation + Abundance if you get the right shit (overheals converted to shield).
thanks, now im convinced to roll, the combat flow looks pretty satisfying regardless of the damage
Sam also feels very easy but I haven't tested nerfed Cirrus yet
Because we're stuck with Green fairy SAM instead
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go crazy
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Just go full hunt, don't even let the bugs attack.
V5 nerfed Cirrus was pretty trivial, got Argenti in V6 like that anon
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Kek latebro, did you really think this chinese game would end their big hyped story on chinawank? I did too, the fakeout made me so mad I stopped playing for a few hours
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Can you not talk about ffxiv please? I'm forced to skip DT launch, because I had to move. Thanks.
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yes it does

Wakey wakey twitterfags

>Fu xuan

>All lolis that's a fact

Why do you lie?
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I fell for it and wrote a rant to my gaming bud that I had to walk back
etna sex
Skipping JQ so I guess Pela is worse in that team what I can live with a 2 cycle
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GODvilette the UNMATCHED...!
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>The one other disgaea player is in this thread
Holy based.
NTA but I imagine the logic has to do with SP economy, 0-cycles often rely on zerging so you blow your buffs, ults, and SP quickly. If you manage to fail the 0-cycle you might be so out of resources that you can't clear in a reasonable timespan, or your characters just outright die.
I think in the context of having "too much" speed this is irrelevant, since you can just basic to get back your SP if you know you're going into cycle 1 with no buffs, but there are other scenarios with things like slow Ruan Mei where if you can't 0-cycle your DPS plummets for the rest of the fight, or if you're using gimmick strategies in general, like FTB with Acheron, etc.
Hence this another anon saying
>Because builds for 0 cycling and your average runs aren't the same.
They are not the same and have different pros/cons.
Who's the girl to the right of silversex?


I would buy an official Sparkle fumo.
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Never heard of a ban for using mods because someone photoshoped someone elses UID over a screenshot with mods
The game DID have a ban wave at the start but apparently there was also overblowing of the bans extent and that the ones getting banned directly fucked with the game files which is a big nono, skin mods overlay the skins over the existing model which doesn't fuck with files(I'm not a modder so i don't know the specifics)
she has expanded
Tempted to get E1 Ruan Mei but I finally decided to save up for E1 Fofo instead.

Feel like getting Fofo QOL improvement would feel better than mere increased damage.
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I don't care about the text but I see Frieren so I upvote!
The Raven

so they say
You guys must have cracked teams to to PF because my team can only get 2 stars on pf 2 and no stars on pf 3.
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How is your Yanqing coming along /hsrg/?
It honestly was such a bullshit ending if it was real, so I get how you would rant about it. And 1.2 set the standard so low that I would have believed them fucking up once again. But it's funny in hindsight, even if your rant was a bit embarrassing. For me, I legit just stopped playing until I slowly realized how many plot threads they didn't address. I even wrote a notepad of shit they didn't mention in the ending. So it was quite an experience to half hope half dread booting the game, basically ready to either be proven right or just drop the game entirely. And then slowly realizing that they actually pulled off the fake ending
>Fofo QOL improvement would feel better than mere increased damage.
It does, it's also nice for the help with meeting speed requirements. I fucking LOVE Fofo. E1S1's her on release.
everyone has an E5 Herta
Where's the content
E1 baby! No one can stop us except for one double wielding slut!
Level 20
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It's okay, newcutie. Every journey has its final day. Don't rush.
Wait, I never leveled that bitch. Are you telling me I need to level her now? Who goes with her? I don't have adventurine btw.
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It finally happened, Kafka lost!
Pulling Jade and yunli then I think I'll be good for a bit as the homo banners come through to finish the year.

A yunli and clara team looks like 10/10 fun.
who the hell is gooning to knockoff Raiden Shogun
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Will Fexiao surpass JingLiu for the honorary position of being best possible Acheron contender in lore?
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I love a woman with a hot wheels tattoo
>Acheron has bangs over one eye
>Raiden doesn't
Shogun who?
Jing Yuan with prep time could destroy Ack
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"blandfly has no art" posters...... where are you?
Nips have a questionable taste
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Oyakodon… strong…
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will we ever get another kino squad in the game?
You can use whoever you want, but Herta is a free 4* unit that does a lot of AoE follow up damage. Himeko is another good one. But any strong teams can clear. It's just a DPS check in the end.
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please roll for Argenti
>those faces
I'll be honest Raiden Shogun was terrible in Genshin story and HSR made her really awesome.
Always has been.
I'd imagine she'll just be Jing Yuan tier, Marshal Hua will be able to compete with Acheron I think.
but Raiden Shogun is the knockoff???
Fuck no
Impossible, even if she's stronger than Jing Yuan she's still a Luofu general-level jobber compared to those two.
Who keeps making these POV beatup animations?
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Herta is pretty useless now. Everything's adjusted to Acheron's damage, and PF is about more than just breaking enemies. A 15k crit from Herta FUA won't cut it anymore.
TbqH stop building standard or free characters including Ratio
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Boothill has more art than Firefly
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huohuo sidegrade
I think we will get one eventually but it won't be until they add another HP-draining character (not Jade) and/or decide that Jingliu needs some sorta buff. An abundance that boosts damage whenever any characters lose health seem like such an obvious support for HP-draining playstyles, but Hoyo doesn't seem interested in that or buffing old DPS anymore.
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I will roll e1s1
>Muh Raiden
Can't cook so she's not a Mei.
not me but I personally asked for them
What about ur Jade fgt
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How does one prepares against Event Horizon that can be unpredictably extended?
JingLiu aims to replace Hua as an Admiral so she considers herself to be topdog fighter of all China. Fexiao is said to be "Strongest fighter" so her being only Yuan tier will be disappointing.
uh, source?
>Joachim Nokianvirtanen
Is his powerlevel over 3300?
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bros i don't know why but the bird event theme makes me feel nostalgic and a bit sad?
also whoo finally got a win after dozens of losses.
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What's wrong with them? They're cute.
>15k from herta fua
LMAO, if you're lv 50 sure, and its probably low for that level too, she can easily pump 150k per fua in PF
>he didn't play hi3
You need to be chinese and use lofter
Is she really called "The Strongest"? I thought all we had was some vague shit from Retardshang calling her better than Mid Yuan and that the Yaoqing was able to take 5 different abomination alliances down during her reign as general
Funny you'd mention that, it is in my near-future plans to build him and I even have some mats for it, but I'm all out of balls.
>Nostalgic and a bit sad
Interesting, what for? I'm actually really curious.
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jade isnt idrila anon, therefore its more important for me to get argenti instead
Congrats anon, once you get the swing of it you'll rake in wins pretty consistently
who would win
raiden bosenmori mei “acheron” ix’s nihility emanator or one peach (there is a pipe bomb inside)
just buy them from the shop?
show me
Hmm nyo.
she'd tank the pipebomb
oh wait, I found it

Yeah but jade has them titties you can slap around like the dk bongo drums on the gamecube and the ass the size of two texas’
Absolutely based and knightpilled
Remain loyal
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you might be possessed by a heliobi, sushang
From where do the Knights of Beauty hail?
I played 2 games, won both, and then haven't touched it since.
Welt can basically perma stunlock the bugs, especialy if you use him with remembrance. During one of my Welt remembrance runs I got that achievement for making enemies unable to act for 15 turns or whatever, it was nutty.
Canonically Luocha outkeikaku'd Sleepy Juan so Luochud>JY
We have no feats for Jiaomiroquai
Sigger is lucky
Who wins?
The next planet after Xianzhou Alliance Part 2
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>mahjong art
>no Qingque
What am I missing here
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>During her reign
Who's the current Commander of Yaoqing?
i really have no idea why. maybe the ukulele got something to do with it.
For Idrila?
Sigger by virtue that luck is a bullshit narrative stat.
She lost and now she's under the table sucking them off.
Post nut regret
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I got my resin and dipped.
Maybe you feel nostalgic because it's just a shitty flash game you'd play on Miniclip
>anon regretting rolling for e1s1 argenti
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Bankai: Star Rail
Commander? I have no idea. I just know Feixiao is the General and Jiaoqiu is her counselor
>beta server goes public
>multiple Yunli 0 cycle showcases show up
I swear that catguy is so fucking dogshit holy fuck.
So what, is Yunli good now or something?
Should I be using my Herta Bond(s) on any of these Light Cones in the shop? I kind of wanted to buy some Passes instead.
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Coming alone great, I'm done building him
Melustanin, the Agate World that was part of our vote (we are not going there)
I think I will build him next if I get bored, I don't have much else to do and I'm not rolling again until 2.5 at the earleist.
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Star Rail for this feel?
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Since when were you under the impression of me not jobbing?
Nice Soundpost, but
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>Sitting there
>Decide I'm gonna play the event
>Remember that you have to do the entire main story to
Why the fuck do they pull shitty pressure moves like this? Maybe I wanna finish the main story at my own damn pace when *I* want to, fuck off.
>Should I be using my Herta Bond(s) on any of these Light Cones in the shop?
Save them for when you need a light cone
>I kind of wanted to buy some Passes instead.
For what, 30 rolls worth of trash?
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Welt is really good at pretending to be useless he is fooling everyone
Oh sorry, for some reason I thought that she's "No longer the Commander".
Why is Acheron been Bladeified? In the game she is boring and poorly written. In the thread she is infantilized retard who burns cooking and only wants to eat peaches.
>For what, 30 rolls worth of trash?
please be kind, I still haven't hit my free 5* from that pool and I want Bronya
clara love
clara sex
clara wife
You have a whole month, play the damn story
For me, it's Cao Cao.
They really should implement that Finality thing for every event
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The only person he loves is himself, damn.
Been a fucking week buddy, and 2.3 is short, your "pace" is akin to a snails stride
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outing yourself as underaged here, it was insanely popular 20 years ago, sorry no one your age has heard of it
He basically did nothing in the other game either.
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Cute lil sigga
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Everyone else is dead, please be kind
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all my wives on top...
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hate to tell you but our sister game cunnycrept clara
not his fault that topaz is a meme
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I remember when it was popular. Fuck, we've got some banners from when it WAS that popular that are still here. I just mean that not many people enjoy it anymore. And for good reason, the games past 4 haven't been good at all. I miss old NIS.
Are you actually implying right is better?
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The game has always been a niche weeb game what the fuck are you on about?
can't believe he jobbed to aventurine let alone acheron
what a fucking shit character
Damn, I wanna go there.
4chan used to be a weeb niche basket weaving forum so you were more likely to see other losers into the same niche hobbies than now where there's a ton of normalfags
we used to have regular VN threads on /a/ back in the boomer days before /jp/ and they were hardly inactive, nowadays most /a/nons probably don't even know fate was a VN
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Sorry nihon machine broke
raiden mei is the best honkai character, sorry you genshitters got a crappy version
Pretty sure 4chins still has that Etna banner.
>insanely popular
Ehhhh not really. People KNEW Etna and maybe Flonne but it wasn't THAT popular.
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Where can I buy this?
>Pretty sure 4chins still has that Etna banner.
Yep, they do. And I think possibly a Laharl one, too.
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Are you guys forgetting Welt has rebuilt his body from nothing multiple times? He's a defensive powerhouse.
damn clara really mogs other games' generic lolis
>He's good at jobbing so he can come back up time and time again.
This. I was surprised how it lined up since RM and HTB got nabbed every time then Firefly just breaks them on the next turn in auto battle.
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>He skipped her TWICE
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>attemption V5 over and over again
>finally get a good run
>second miniboss, the Deer, oneshots Gallgher
I mean...Blade also does that its not that special
b-but i had to roll for bootio (i'm not gay btw)
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Her sets are rigged to hell and back, this thread has been flooded with people drowning in quad/quintuple crit rolls that totally avoid the ATK/BE stats, absurd amounts of crit bodies on the 4pc set, and absurd amounts of ERR ropes before ever getting a single ATK body or BE rope. It's bad. Really bad.
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I don't know what to tell you except take more damage reduction or vat in a jar buffs anon
I had 50~70% DMG taken reduction, a shitton of shield and his ult constantly on tap for my V5/V6 runs
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Cunnyseurs have brain damage
uhm bwo? your ults? your food DU trace?
I don't pick the meta teams buddy
I had full offensive blessings and did some pretty good damage to the deer, but phase 2 single target horn attack oneshot Gallagher
>The deer still does nuclear damage even with stacked survivability blessings
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I just beat Messmer on my first attempt
This is probably the dead-est /hsrg/ has been one week after a new patch dropped.
wow, even with shitty relics herta is a beast in pf
brain in a vat... my own brain's deprived of sleep. You get the idea.
Argenti? It's time.
i prefer preservation but you can do it with abundance, get better blessings
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He doesn't have the core of Reason anymore so he can't do that trick.
Simply sovl, you rike?
>HI3 doesn't have bricks and tattoos
>Genshin does have a fish and umbrella
Then you clearly weren't around for the desolate wastelands of 1.4 and 1.5
Truly a Space Comedy.
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Firefly killed /hsrg/ with her slow ass banner.
I actually love HSR for this. When you've played these games for decades eventually the different colored sword, axe, whatever with different spikes and adornments get kinda boring.
yeah he does. bronya gave it back to him
Which is a good thing. It's annoying posting here, going for a piss, and when you return the thread has 404'd.
time to twirl
time to twirl
time to twirl
time to twirl
do you know who i am?
Do you actually complete all the conversions? Two cycles is too little...
I just skipped her once for Firefly, the first time I was so bored of chink slop that I stopped playing during her banner.
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E0S1, trying to get her E1 now
>Aurum Alley
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1.5 was worse
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>That soulless loli on the right
They need to pick the capverse + APHO set up again, that mars sloppa is truly their biggest blunder
This big diamond...
Light Cones felt like a downgrade but I really appreciate the flexibility in design now
And that there's no fucking substat on themm
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I was having trouble getting to 60k with my two teams before, then herta's team just did 45k by themselves like it was nothing
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We got yo-yos too my guy.
Can I get a cookie? F2P BTW
Nah, in the higher thresholds I just settled for 1.5k and felt lucky to get 4k
You don't need it
Not on V4 and up, can get really close on v4 but I have no fucking clue how anyone does it on v5/v6
No one cares.
you are wrong
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Good job
he literally gets it back by the time apho starts retardbro
this welt is post-apho 2
On v6 I can only complete the first one and get 2 stars on the second unless I get a broken run
the concept of equipping a frozen moment in time is cooler than some fucking sword or whatever
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y'all ever think about how herta has visibly warmed up to us over the course of our collaboration
she's almost nice now
Nothing to look forward to now that everyone finished Penacony and we're going back to space china filler.
ruan mei's E1 or fireflys E1?
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>time to twirl
why did oppenheimer give this sociopath the nuclear codes
>constantly see people complaining that they're not going to be able to get whaever character with the currency from the events etc

People know they can BUY rolls right? Like you don't have to rely on slogging through all the shit you don't want you can just buy rolls and ignore all the shit you want.
>calling an Zhuwaingxhulushulu a "banjo", disrespecting over 5000 years of Chinese history
You bricked your social credit score, m8
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>skipped her once for Firefly,
I'm true F2p and got her, her sig, Robin and still managed to get E1 FF. There is no excuse to skipping THIS
i keep uncovering the secrets of the aeons for her, no surprise
Post boy pussy now or I will cream
Surely the Stonehearts Myriad Celestia trailer will revive /hsrg/
RM for longevity and overall account power
FF E1 if you like her
FF will get powercrept by Feixiao so there's no point in getting her eidolons unless you just like her, she'll be weaker than every new DPS in about a year tops, probably less since Jinlgiu lasted like 6 month and Acheron only 2
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Just like how THESE people did?
All those characters look like shit. What we really need are some cute and funny characters.
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>religious themed villain
>Name him "Sunday"
Threads were giga fast during that time yes
acheron didnt last 2 months the fuck are you smoking you do realized you need 2 teams in this game?
holy fucking based, sauce?
Prove it
Those are jobbers though, not my IPC nigas
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>but I really appreciate the flexibility in design now
>And that there's no fucking substat on themm
Why would you ever appreciate that? They're robbing us of crit rate/damage with no real replacement source.
herta has a long record of not letting her planet get destroyed, she's one of the more prosocial geniuses after screwllum (architect of organic-robotic peace in the galaxy, the anti-rubert)
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Why is German so fucking funny
1-3 sprunkle thread
4-6 firefly thread
7-9 boothill thread
0 huohuo star rail general
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I just leveled a full wind soaring set with Salsotto and everything rolled BE.
I now have to gaslight myself into believing that Feixiao will scale with break intstead of attack and will get a good amount of crit rate on her cone and traces.
caterina when?
You didn't watch enough WW2 movies or/and didn't listen to enough Lindemann.
New thread
>posting new thread at 749 posts
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thank you anon, bless you anon
>wind set for a dot character
>crit rate/damage
im so sorry.
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Unfortunately I rolled, really should've skipped for Yunli
And I'll skip her again
yeah, shes a dot character. some of the leaks got it right, but most of them got it wrong.
FUA + Flopfly are both better bro
the background song gave nostalgia
sawano is goat
acheron skippers had something called foresight, which you lack. shit, you cant even acknowledge the reality of right now. shes been powercrept into oblivion by BE/follow-up.
GG is getting as many blessings as you can using transaction domain and curious
Swarm is about killing the enemy faster than they move. Hunt is your pick. Firefly should be especially great

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