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Previous: >>483467873

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
>Smeagol Dojima
Maiko is a thousand times sexier than N*n*ko
there is only Lavenza. Maiko is a flop
I’m thinking of adding the word “flop” to my filters.
I can’t think of anything of value I’d be missing
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Which Persona girls would be the best at lying about their previous sex partners / pretending they had none?
it's literally canon
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saw a fic where door and aigis were poisoned by an aphrodisiac and started fucking like wild animals
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Need large amounts of Aki's cream
That was yesterday. Today is Wakaba Wednesday
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That’s kinda gay
wow thanks yukari
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I don't think doctors are allowed to dress like this...
Damn Aigis I didn't know you were starting to enjoy the beatings
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I hate myself
Food ¥20,000
Data ¥15,000
Rent ¥80,000
Art Supplies ¥360,000
Utility ¥15,000
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. i'm dying
is evil
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She is a small fairy
>Art Supplies ¥360,000
just buy some ketchup and mustard from the general store. problem solved
Boy you guys are going to look dumb when it's revealed the fairy is evil.
is not evil
I love fairies and elves.
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just ask your mom and dad to handle your money
There is nothing indicating Gallica will be an evil fairy
Which hentai doujin is this?
They're dead and sensei turned out to be evil.
all fairies are evil
good morning my wife
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Flat is justice.
sflc automatically enters my head every time I see Yukari in a classroom
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That hip
Futaba getting DP'd on livestream...
Who is that
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>stop licking evil women!1
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what is sflc
My wife.
>orange hair
must be mitsuru
imagine if mementos mission had porn
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cute wife
I wanna do lewd things to this sexy boy.
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In P5 the Royal, what are the best Persona bases? AKA shit that already has great resists and reflects etc where for just two or three defensive passives I can make them incredible.
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Would be nice if there was some website where you can filter personas based on their resistances/vulnerablities.
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Well congratulations! You are a smol fairy indeed. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
we need more persona characters with fluffy hair
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Pushing Yukari away while rushing to make out with Junpei after Tartarus
/pg/ will say this is fat
/pg/ will say many things
Is there? I genuinely don't know.
>Casually burying a finger in Yukari's ass while you sit around and watch boring movies with her to pass the time
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milk time
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Why does a shadow killing robot need floofy hair?
what's her reaction
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Translate it weebs
>When she hasn't been pregnant for 5 minutes
shit artist
How does it feel knowing that persona characters are straight and this series is homophobic?
They can make good stuff once in a while
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It says:
“Well, EXCUUUUUSE me, Joker.”
Joker x Goro is canon
They were too based and flew too close to the sun with this game. We'll never get this again.
My cock x Your mom's ass is canon
>it's okay when women do it
>Blood heals me.
>Pain purifies me.
>Death delights me.

Persona character for this feel?
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Can you anons remind me why faggots like and latch to this series that makes fun of them and is filled with a lot of things they hate?
>If you want a Persona game that's queer-friendly and are willing to deal with some old-school JRPG jank, try out Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment!
These faggots did not play these games. Oldsona is filled with dialogue that they would find objectionable but they don't know that.
Because their end goal is to try and co-opt everything and make it into another arm to support their movement. If something even slightly and accidentally offends them out of ignorance, then it isn’t enough for it to be killed, it must be remade in their image, and so their drones go to work and infiltrate.
Mitsuru's hallway lesbian...
Jun and Tatsuya is totally optional and is pretty nakedly exploitation.
Maya isn’t a lesbian.
Ryoji is a relic of Portable’s femc stories being crammed into Makoto’s story, but I will grant you, Atlus West is full of activists now.
What about brown? I never took him but what about him is lgbt? Is it that he shits his pants and thus he panders to the diaper crowd?
Don't forget trans characters like Aigis and Naoto
>Maya isn’t a lesbian.
So having a same sex roommate is now being a lesbian.
You know, I used to think it was sad that the terminally online never had friends so when they saw two cartoon characters who are friends, they automatically assume they are romantically involved, but now I know that the terminally online are now jobless neets who never left mommy’s house, even just to go to college.
It's mostly literal trannies who do this. Same reason why without fail all aigisfags think yukari and mitsuru are lesbians. They're projecting.
It makes sense. Becoming a tranny comes from a deep hatred of the self so they wish to become someone entirely different in the hopes that someone, anyone, will actually like them.
I don't think waifufags are the ones projecting a gay relationship onto those two. It's mostly just annoying twitter/leftist types that are often gay themselves.
Nanako is fucking six years old.
Nigga have you seen the average aigisfag on twitter
Like 75% of them have tranny flags and if you talk to them almost all of them ship yukari x mitsuru. Even the troons here are the ones spamming yuri and pegging all the time.
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I'll never forget this
I don’t know if this applies to aigisfags, but what he says makes sense in principle. I know that a lot of shippers in fandoms like “pairing the spares” to ensure that their ship is the “correct” one. In this example, they would be getting the two main threats to their ship out of the way. Guess nobody cares about fuuk.
I guess when I see "aigisfag" I mostly associate that with the old school ones that are mostly just male waifufags but you're right those guys have pretty much been replaced with the people you're talking about.
It's going to be hilarious when reanswer comes out and demolishes their trash ship forever ensuring a total Yukari victory. I don't even get what the appeal of Aigis x MC is... probably just bad media literacy or projecting their own inceldom.
The new breed of Aigisfags aren't as good as the last
/psg/ died...
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Why did she do it?
Aigisfags were never good.
That's what happens when nobody bumps it
Why are they dressed like that?
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they can't even keep track of their sumire bot, it stayed on the last thread until it hit image limit after everyone else moved
Aigis isn't trans, robots don't have sex.
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So unethical yet so sexy....
She's trans coded and her social link is exactly the same as a gender transition story.
Made to make pregnant
Stop projecting Naotosis
I'm pretty sure he fell asleep running it and didn't manually switch threads.
Oh, now I'm a Naotofag? You've accused me of being just about everyone because you're latching for someone to shit on when you can't defend yourself. Who's next? Annfags? Maybe you troons need to face the fact that literally every other waifufag here is sick of your bullshit. No. One. Likes. You.
Aigischads continue to live rent free in Yukariplebs heads lmao
>Oh, now I'm a Naotofag?
>Don't forget trans characters like Aigis and Naoto
fuuka can heal your sp in an emergency thanks to the backup can of soda she keeps in her ass
Ai maybe? None of the main girls would lie to you.
did you get tired of replying in the dead thread discordtranny
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they are ripping off ann a lot with the new content
I love both of them
When I started playing EP I was sure I would like it a lot more than IS, but now that I'm near the end I'm not so sure about that.
A lot of the cast's development outside of Baofu happens during the last dungeon.
I love my wives
Which one is a better mother?
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which persona girl has the tastiest poosay?
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But I actually like the characters so far. I would say that IS is a game with many high peaks and low valleys. EP after the amazing start, maintains a consistent quality, but does not reach the levels of kino of the previous game. This may change with the ending, idk.
Sumi and Chihiro
Not really, a lot of the endgame is repeated from IS. Outside Tatsuya's sin being revealed, not much really happens outside Nyarly dying. Mainly due to the game's themes about fate not being a thing and how people can change for the better
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Chie. All that sweat makes it even tastier
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But only one has the canon romance, and it's not Aigis.
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Did Aigisfags forget that Yukari was literally designed to be the main love interest from the very beginning?
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Don't care, I am reading nunya shitty xitter tranny tier takes, just here to post Junpei
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AVGN video about persona 1 when?
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>let me get this straight, they made this character black, only to make him talk about fried chicken and be called a monkey… WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
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it legit writes itself
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Holy shit guys
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Ruining Futaba for any other man
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play tactica
I'm not touching any spin off garbage
Cute art.
Now why would I go and do that?
It fun
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Don't think about it Sakurako, it's a video game, you have so much fun with video games, don't you?
cringe desu
barely any better than twitter persona fans playing it on youtube
start a rumor on /pg/ - Y1000
Makotofags actually enjoy all the NTR she gets
Tactica 2 is releasing next year
My persona is Abbadon and I want to be Ann's human toilet
P6 announced ALONGSIDE 2 spinoffs for it
I cannot stop thinking about Ann's boobs and Chie's butt.
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durr I'm Mothman durrr I suck hurrr durrr
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i think fuuka is cute
What about brown is gay? Literally all he does is be comic relief. Unless this is something in p2 which I haven't finished yet.
mishima/shiho lovemaking
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pls new arena game
plapping haru (makoto is holding joker's hips, thrusting his cock in and out of their mutual wife)
Cute and canon!
As gigantes tetas de Ann
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Built for Ryuji Sakamoto
How big?
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hug your waifu
What's it like?
What has prevented P5 from fading away and prevented P3 from being able to meaningfully draw attention away from it?
P5 has a lot of content to explore gameplay wise. You can fish, you can do on dates, or you can work out. P3, mainly reload, doesn't have as much depth for it's content in terms of interactivity.
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need to cum on her face
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She's mine /pg/
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>cool evening breeze
>beautiful moon reflecting on the ocean's surface
it's nice
Persona 3 was made when everyone had much lower stadards writing and gameplay wise. Modern audiences have plenty of great JRPGs to enjoy, even ones within the Persona series. P3 is a product of its time and it feels very dated, P5 however is one of those games that's a timeless classic.
sounds lovely
This is soulless. She should be more plain looking than that.
Yosuke said she was really hot
Yosuke's standards are in the floor
To an extent it depends on who you ask, some people were all like "I can't believe not even P3 could meet the standards a lot of fans have" but what I think it comes down to is P5 pretty much living up to its rep while P3 was seen in a way different lens these last few years than it was even in P4 Era for example in a way that made it so it could never do the same.
Who's the Tifa of persona?
No one else comes even close I don't think
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Threadly orbs
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The devaluation and oversaturation of media in general has lead to a massive decline in art being valued and respected as a whole as things are being compressed. Where before the individual piece was considered to have value, but due to streaming services combining everything together makes things have a harsher competition as it effectively only has the value of the starting price of the service, where attention is the only thing being valued, where feelings are pushed to be about the service than to the individual product. This leads to the slow death of creativity as products are made to maintain your attention for as long as possible, no matter the quality. A success vs a failure is all connected to attention instead of sales or reviews. AI is also accelerating this, as most companies are now sueing AI start ups for privatized AIs to do the same things, but where organizations own what is used to make infinite recreations of what they made years ago, since they know they will get people's attention.

The decline of Fatlus's overall output is connected to the rising demands of the industry overall which industry wide is going down the shitter for the idea of consumer convenience, which since people have tasted it already, cannot be taken back even with all of costs.

Eventually, due to how many services are competing with each other aggressively, the one what is free but has ads will win overall, which is happening with video streaming where Tubi has made more profit than Disney+.
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Say something nice about every Persona game!

>Best Story
>Best Gameplay
>Best Characters
>Best Soundtrack
>Best [...]

You cannot post unless you mention every game!
This isn't AI
>Best Story
>Best Gameplay
>Best Characters
>Best Soundtrack
>Best Atmosphere for the small town
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Makoto's the canon love interest of Joker so she can't be Tifa.
It's mostly a discussion on why Atlus is probably going to have a reason to put less into the bigger games and more into spinoffs, due to being forced to battle for attention due to Game Pass and PS++.
Haru haru bo baru banana fana fo far fe fi mo maru haru
I only played the three good games though (3-5).
I will unhead you if this is intended as an insult to Haru's honor
Forehead needs to be bigger
It really is no wonder Morgana's such a simp
After next week's news half the fans will be simping for Junah
If she actually did look like this she would be covered in semen 24/7 and the most popular girl in her school. She's supposed t be ugly in universe.
Who's editin this?
Sorry persona 4 too shit to be best anything
I wonder if they'll reveal all the other party members or just her, she was in the demo showcase already with the black furry guy, only the brown 3 eyed girl hasn't been shown off outside the trailers. In the demo where they're at sea when you check the map they're going to a place her tribe lives
Would she ever let him hit?
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i ship
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Gets to fuck pretty much every Persona 3 girl in the mind of P3 fans, even those that don't like it think about it a lot
Women hate him because he wants to have sex with one girl

What went wrong?
What does "Satriakal Ji" mean, Fuuka-san?
Can someone translate this to English? I think the last two words are "good morning".
Bloody basterd bitch newfag scum
Koromaru is a chad that doesn't struggle or want for anything and Morgana is the virgin "My Lady, please let me smash, I'm not like Ryuji or other guys" so he comes off as pathetic and desperate in comparison.
Unironically couldn't stop thinking about Koromaru busting a nut in Fuuka whenever he did his happy "arf!" face.
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You can call me....

Does Morgana get shit for lusting over a minor? Since the "fanbase" loves to fixate on that, I'm surprised I've never seen anyone complain about that.
Now what happens if they fuse with the potara?
it's straight from smtvv
Ann Babamaki
How can a person be this wrong?
one girl but she has Ann's tits and Makoto's ass
Specifically over Ann's age? I doubt it. Hell I don't even see people use that against Teddie.
American leftism
>Best Story
>Best Gameplay
>Best Characters
>Best Soundtrack
>Best Atmosphere for the small town
>Best Story
>Best Gameplay
>Best Characters
>Best Soundtrack
>Best Atmosphere for the small town
So many AIsloppers and not one brave enough...
"Ten! I will wait until I've counted to ten to eliminate you."
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Best soundtrack if objectively correct. Them's the brakes buckeroon. LIVED IN BURIED MEMORY
Not this one
Nothing, sorry
Best plot twists and character portraits
Best characters, atmosphere and plot
Best social links
Best presentation and execution
which p2
What makes P4's social links better than the other games?
IS mostly
I feel that in Persona 3 most of the SLs are a bunch of unhinged assholes while in P5 they overcorrected that and everyone ended up being just victims. P4 is a nice middle gound imo. Being a boring small town it makes sense that you end up meeting a lot of different people. Also, the SL of the main characters are more interesting.
I see, thanks
I will never understand people fond of P3's story and cast
orbs in da 'ospital?
it used to be very different in terms of tone and context
They will help you feel better
It was the first one he played so it must be the best, it's why P3fags are so disillusioned with Reload. It must be the remake being bad and not them looking at the game through rose tinted glasses
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Ginko a cute
>You can't actually like anything, it's just nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses
Come on man. Reload or remakes aside, why can't people accept that you can actually like something?
If I see anyone put anything other than Persona 5 under best gameplay, I just laugh and disregard the retard's post.
Sex with me
Because most /pg/ posters grew up with P4 and t to be contrarian you had to pretend to like P3
Can we have soulful portraits in P6?
All of Persona is a JoJo reference. Personas = Stands.
But they all play nearly the same.
Not with Soejima gone
Things being similar doesn't mean they can't be compared.
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Nanako can't even compete
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bringing orbs for patients instead of apples
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Hey, wait a minute...
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Why did she do it?
Not everyone can eat an apple but anyone can enjoy an orb
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exactly 1 blowjob tall ToT
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Maiko's maikos
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I've never actually played a Persona game, I've just watched cutscenes of 4 and 5 royal on youtube. Should I actually play the games?
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Don't worry you're just like most persona fans
Maiko's pure, stop degrading her.
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Why are G*mers like this?
Yeah they are fun
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Begin your peesona journey with P3F, grab the pcsx2 resulator and the game iso
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You're going to anime expo to meet Hashino and Soejima and play their new game, right /pg/?
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Massaging Ann's anns
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Will be doing this. Thanks
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on the beach
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I wish persona was a porn series
It does get some porn at times
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Anything can be porn if you are honry enough
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Gachas are great for that.
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Why did they make Maiko so sexy and then Nanako so ugly?
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Gachas are just horny, I want an actual eroge.
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Based. We should unironicslly get this.
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P6 Digital Download
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Ahhh Kamoshida-kun kawaii
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where are the aifags when you need them
Damn, Shiho got raped by this?
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Hello Rise bros
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I married my cute wife. Here's what happened next
Bra spotted
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Fuuking fuuka.
Would you marry aigis if she was real?
1. post p3, she talks and behave more like a human
2. she loves you as much as she loves makoto in p3
3. you can't have piv sex with her, for obvious reasons
4. she can't receive pleasure but can serve you with her hands and mouth
5. you can only touch her core once
6. you can't cheat
7. she will leave you if you're an asshole
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P4 bro here, how's it going?
i keep wondering what the wedding would be like with her
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>for obvious reasons
Would you like to share with the class, Anon?
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she was horny
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Close your eyes

Cute wife

Loving Rise
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Shoutai Wo Misero
Why does he have a big nose, like a gaijin?
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People would look past the beatings and the rape(s) if he was a standard handsome bishounen like Joker
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Hagvenza > BIGvenza
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Duh, it would be far more valuable to have her than a fuckbuddy any day of the week.
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These hags... Teasing young men... Correction is needed...
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Why are they looking at me like that?
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Would you marry Aigis if she were BLACK__?
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Persona but you get a motorcycle
Persona but you're the town motorcycle
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I want to ride

Her robo-pussy would still be pink - think about it.
All women are white on the inside
just fapped to futaba
Why does my head hurt, help
I've had at least 2L of water and I wasn't on the sunlight at all what gives
Drink more water
JWU from a nap where P3P is not about personas at all and it's just a bunch of high school kids being cringe
All of the characters in P3P were just one big friend group
Keisuke was sick for most of the school year so he couldn't hang out but when he finally came we find out he was dating Saori all along and he just rests his head on her lap
Ikutsuki was gay but he was so popular with women because of his looks that he would have sex with them to gain power
Yuko and Kaz were still not getting further than first base
Akihiko decides to confess to Kotone in front of their group and everyone thought it was the coolest thing ever
Hidetoshi had a love triangle with Mitsuru and Fuuka of all people
And Junpei got engaged to Chidori
The school also had the layout of an airport for some reason
why her of all characters?
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cute sho
i can fix him
Vroom vroom
Needs more art
the fervent exposer of persona to the west has proven to be a massive mistake
Hidetoshi is based even in dreams, what a chad.
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Based. Keep up the good work
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Resting my head on Yosuke's...
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Stop jerking off so much.
>1 days absence of vit D induced a migraine
lol newb
Peersona has been the bane of millions of my future children
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casting marin karin on junpei
Damn she looks tired
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I am gonna do things to Kawakami that have never been done before.
With the amount of times I ate beef bowls she honestly should have been a social link.
>Rio being completely forgotten even in fanfiction
Nozomi x Rio is now present by omission.
Haaha gaaaaey
Persona 4 for everything except gameplay, Persona 5 gets best gameplay
Casting Samarecarm to heal everyone at the cost of my life
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Who can possibly tame them?
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>go to work
>get paid
>buy loads of aki merch
>only eat instant ramen until next payday
How sustainable is my current lifestyle?
Yes but there is nothing wrong with that pic, retard.
I need the sequel of this AAAAAAAAAAAAA
You will eventually run out of Aki merch so this is fine.
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Childhood friend with Junpei
Everyone knows the childhood friend is canon and only contrarians think the manix pixie nightmare stands a chance
How do you tame breasts?
I need to get groomed by an older woman...
What kind of sequel are you expecting?
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me and my wife
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Me fr
Something like this
imagine the pregsona
Imagine Junpei fondling your thighs under the table as you are sitting next to each other for dinner and he just won't stop and his hand moves towards your ass, fondling your buttcheek gently but firmly and you have to pretend that nothing is happening while Yukari and Fuuka are talking about the clothes they bought today but all you can think about is how Junpei's fingers sliding over your skin and groping you is giving you a boner and your stoic demeanor must be cracking because Yukari seems kind of offended that you don't care about her new swimsuit and then your mind wanders towards sex on the beach with Junpei
Okay, legitimate answers to -
>Who could theoretically tame Lavenza’s Breasts?
And while I think it isn’t a very long list, I do think there are a couple of responses.

First and most obvious, Lavenza is almost entirely at the mercy of the other Velvet Attendants. Liz, Margaret, and even Theo are almost instant victories here - Venza’s little sister vulnerability means she’s excessively weak to proper older sibling hijinks. She’d also be tamed by Igor (and canonically Yaldy I guess) but that’s a bit obvious too.
Marie is an interesting case. I feel there’s a possibility of the taming going in Marie’s favour, especially Awakened Marie, and a big factor is Marie’s very straightforward and literal interpretations. Lavenza can’t apply her usual vexing methods on someone like Marie - they just wouldn’t work. It really all hinges on if Marie gets too embarrassed to keep going - the ball is in her court so to speak.
So now we into some of the more fringe picks, because we’re looking for ordinary humans (or as ordinary as Persona users can be) and let’s be real - most aren’t gonna be able to do it.

The Nanako + Maiko tag-team could attempt, but that’s still a difficult challenge. It brings up the possibility of Lavenza entering as a tag team herself - thus splitting her power and increasing her tameability - but it’s not like taming the twins is going to be easy either.
I think Fuuka (priestess girls in general stack up okay, with makoto being by far the weakest of them) unironically has a good shot. She has a lot of good traits for the match-up: she’s a butt-appeal girl so the chest competition that she loses doesn’t actually hurt her appeal that much, and she doesn’t fluster or falter in the way that Lavenza is looking for just like Marie. I still think Lavenza has better odds here, but it’s not a sweep at all.
Yusuke has a very strong matchup. As long as he’s fed he tames her.
Nozomi would win, he has bigger boobs
Quite homosexual
Chiddy doesn't have a penis
If anyone is curious why Metaphor's spell names are different from mainline SMT/Persona, it seems like Hashino took the names from Digital Devil Story Megami Tensei. Seems like he took making this an anniversary title kinda seriously
did you checked?
Casting Marin Karin on Aigis
What does Lotus Juice even do when ATLUS isn't calling him
Imagine the pregpegsona
masturbate to chie
I'm... Lotus Juice?
This is how I find out??
I need to look in the mirror and rethink a lot of things
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Now before I talked about my experience with gameplay and the overarching plot. If you didn't read those, the TL:DR was gameplay is pretty okay and the plot was very well done. The only a few gripes I have with the game is that they shouldn't gamify the dialogue and they should make the game harder. Dialogue trees and classroom questions have a reward crucial to the most valuable resource in the game, the overworld calendar, which puts a lot of pressure on players. I feel it compels gamers to cheat for the right answers and take out the immersion in the game. If you wanted to put rewards for building affection with characters, haven't something lower stakes that allow players to try, but not so much that it would be folly for them to not cheat the dialogue system, like armor or skill cards like it does with the exams. Something that is more of a gentle reward, not a backbreaking currency that cannot be allowed to be lost.

The second problem with the game is that it's too fucking easy. In the early game I was starved of resources and options and had to learn patterns and try to get lucky. After you get Fuka, everything was a cakewalk with persona I could make being stupid overpowered, even though I was playing on hard. There were no challenges in the late game. I really liked the one guardian who attacked weaknesses but was on a rotation of different elemental spells to encourage blocking, but nothing like that happened afterwards. I was playing on hard and nothing stopped me once except for some high counter nonsense at the top of the tower. I don't grind so I don't think I over leveled. The tone is supposed to feel doom and gloom and I'm taking almost every guardian first try. I think this comes from three things: The Night Hour is too long, the enemies are too easy, and thaumaturges are too overpowered.
i miss ost posting
learn english first
He raps on tracks that could be Persons music
I think the only thing to elaborate on here is that the Dark Hour should have a timer, which was my first instinct. The stress of the first boss was significantly improved with the inclusion of a timer, and they should have improved the dungeon crawling with having a timer to keep people from doing the dungeon all at once. That way it encourages multiple go arounds each day and cycling back to the next day to try again to get deeper. And I think this should apply to all the bosses too. It's called the Midnight Hour for a reason. It's an hour, so everything should be on the timer, just like how the calendar system is meant to progress the passage of time whether you like it or not. And it wouldn't be a micro timer, but a macro timer for the entire lurch of the combat gameplay. After I finished the game, I learned about the original's fatigue system and it sounds fucking genius for encouraging the backups to be utilized and add more shakeups to the roster. I wish there was a mod like this, so I'd be encouraged to play the game again.

Third, I like the art and the graphics, but it's just not gloomy enough. I think more dark shadows and more art direction would go a long way to compliment the darker tone of the story. Everything is just so colorful or bright, or the combat arenas are to void of environment. A thing all artists learn is that darkness isn't something to be feared to add to your color palette. Just throw some black on their senpai.

But now, I want to talk a little about the characters in depth.
Okay now what
My favorite character from S.E.E.S was Aegis. She's a cute little toaster. She's so pleased to be used by humans, that you can hear the satisfaction she gets from being used as an alarm clock. It's such a adorable feature of adoration from a machine to the flesh. Her social link was also not that simple. When she laments that she can't feel the wind, it spoke volumes to her yearning to emulate the human condition. In everyday life, human personify everyday things and objects and see everything in this human lens that everything else feels and thinks humanlike too. It's vain really that humans will see a cloud slide across the sky at an inopportune time and lament how the cloud is personally spiting them. And Aegis's likeness to humans is already astounding, but as a machine she doesn't see good enough or almost, but sees that gap between where she is and what she isn't. 26 is almost the answer to 4x6, but 24 is the actual answer. That's how a machine would see the situation and her coming to terms with that gap between herself and the mortal experience around her is interesting. I liked using her in my main combat team, mobs or bosses, I just liked having her around, even when she couldn't hit a miniboss with blocks or resistances, I still used her. Perma rostered.

Junpei is a neat character. I've said this before, but I'll say it again, Junpei wasn't meant to be you're typical, "bro". He's more like a MC who failed to get the role. He's flawed, very flawed, but has a good heart and the determination to make it all up. He's kinda goofy and a dick, but he's real sweet and nice too. He has vulnerabilities and is trying to cope with them rather than overcome them. You know what just occurred to me? You know who he reminds me of? Kaiji. He's really just another version of Kaiji, the ultimate loser. I liked him a lot. During the combat I used him during the early and late game. His crits are legit and his thaumaturgy was easy to fill.
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Fuka is nice. She's kind and also wants to be useful to others and willing to put in the extra effort to do that. Even with things she has no clue about she's willing to tackle head on to help others. She's a cute little pumpkin. Also her abilities are so fucking useful. I am glad they gave her an ability to shortcut trial and error first attempts before loading a save. It's both powerful, yet restrained with the first turn wait. It's like the developers are testing the water to see what players will tolerate for a seamless game experience without pressuring the player to look up a guide.

When I first saw fanart of Ken, it was with FeMC lusting over him. I rolled my eyes and thought, "fuckin fujos". But after playing the game, I get it. You could not have designed a better SS target than Ken. Wearing shorts like that, with that adult-kid attitude. Yeah, he's practically begging to get SS'd. Shotalicious, if ever a term were made to define him. But there is no FeMC, so I putting all that to the side. Overall, I liked him. He felt like a nice kid, who was trying a little too hard, but was ultimately reliable and fun. He was alright in combat though he kept getting one-shot by physical attackers, so I benched him at the later portion of the game. I heard people liked his secondary thaumaturge, but I never used it since he was the only one who kept getting knocked down.
P6 will have an empress who doesn't have an awfully long midface
actual mental illness
At first I really didn't like Yukari. She was a real bitch at the beginning to my main man, Junpei, most of it was completely unprovoked. Now you only get digs at people like that unprovoked and that often for three reasons, 1) you're the best of friends, however Yukari goes to great lengths to distance herself from Junpei, 2) you're Jewish and from New York but Yukari is Japanese and lives in Tatsumi, or 3) you're a bitch. Yukari is a bitch. However, this doesn't hold up forever, and near the endgame she starts treating others better. I remember hearing it online, that SEES aren't friends when they formed, and putting that into context, I guess it makes more sense why she has more bite at the beginning and softens after she stops being suspicious of Mitsuru and SEES at the middle of the story. Also, when Junpei was crying tears of joy for Chidori's confession and Fuka and Yukari were crying too while ease dropping, I really flipped, because I was crying too and it was nice to see her able to be in our boy's corner finally.
Yukari is a healer. While Ken can heal, Yukari is a designated healer. I mostly just used her in bosses at first but used her more in the late-game to level her up for bosses and Monad. Also, easy as fuck thaumaturge to fill up, holy shit, especially with her personality bonus. She never went below 3/4th SP.

Shinji is the man. I loved the cut of his jib. The Clint Eastwood vibe he gives off and then the soft underbelly of how he acted others when they weren't looking. That scene in the monitor of how he faked being asleep was so freakin cute. And the way he speaks at the very last bit when fighting Nix, I nearly teared up. What a guy.
Koromaru is a dog. He barks. I like that. I liked his story and his background with the priest and being an all-star good boy. He was great. I appreciated his character as a mascot leagues better than Morgana and Teddy, cause even though Koromaru could "talk" with us, he was just a dog-like dog who barked and liked eating dog food, and I appreciated that. He was cute and nice, and wise. Great chemistry with Aegis and Ken. Unfortunately, he leaks SP like a motherfucker and I often benched him. Probably the wrong choice, because he got crits like crazy in hindsight, and uh, I was worried about SP, but I had like 10 precious eggs at the end of the game, so uh... I screwed up, since he would have hit a lot of weakness hitting in the end game...

Mitsuru was so good. If she was in P4 or P5, she would easily eat up the competition for best girl anywhere else she goes, but she had to be somewhere so hotly contested. Unlucky. She is so well put together and so fucking mature, complemented by that dynamite figure. And that sheltered princess attitude during her social, a damn shame she doesn't have her social unlocked earlier, because she would have monopolized so many romances, before people found other characters. Despite that, she's so damn good. Unfortunately, I never used her combat. Like she even had the slut gear and even then I felt like I was forcing myself to use her when I took her off the bench. She just never felt powerful like the others. What a shame. She would have been good in the early game too, cause fights were longer back then and she would have been able to use statuses to their fullest during then. She really feels like an early game character forced into the late-game on every level.
Cute Makoto
Akihiko is last mostly out of obligation. He's still fine, a cool guy, but somebody has to be last. He has good characteristics of a good senpai and a good mix of mature senpai looking out for his kohais as well as a big muscle dumby and a bit dorky. Man, that bit from the console of him comparing himself to Junpei was so fucking funny. Also, his "social link" was rather charming and nice, especially his connection to the police officer and the award from his sister. Unfortunately, Akihiko ended up eating more bench than anyone else. Maybe it was just the wrong fights he came out for or he didn't proc enough stuns or crits, but he just didn't feel impactful except for his ability to use strike damage and once I got a skill on someone else, he ended up never seeing the Twilight Hour again.

I'll talk about he other social links at another time. Sorry this took up so many posts and what not. I just thought about the game a bit and wanted to get my thoughts straight on this. Unlike P4 P5 there was a lot to think about and things I wanted to get straightened out in my head.
Why doesn't this student council president have a boyfriend?
She’s a lesbian
She hangs out with that transfer student a lot. The one who got in trouble with Kamoshida
Based Mitsuru Appreciator
> Wearing shorts like that, with that adult-kid attitude. Yeah, he's practically begging to get SS'd. Shotalicious
Put this in the OP
Because of that she's scaring away dudes since they think he's teaching her how to be a delinquent
So sexo...
The sequel to metaphor should be Simile
Ken is cute af I have always liked him. I get what coat saw in him. As for his try hardish attitude it actually fits since that lil fella went through some shit, which forced him to adapt and act accordingly. Most of the hate he gets is either from r*edditors or literal tourists who only latch and parot opinions from other normies.
Persona 6 final boss theme
Man, you missed out with benching akihiko so early. With an auto buffer on the team he becomes an absolute beast who constantly spams his theurgy.
>Have portraits up to upper body
>Cut at shoulders for in-game dialogue
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two reasons why P5 > P3
I love big fat asses
me too
>As for his try hardish attitude it actually fits since that lil fella went through some shit
Oh yeah, it definitely fits. Actually, it made it that much cuter when he was gushing about super sentai. Very gap moe.

Such a shame, FeMC isn't in reloaded to promote this more.

Maybe, but the game is so easy, I don't think it matters much.

A breeding machine. Actually the way Akihiko and Mitsuru looked and acted older, I thought for a bit that the Twilight hour was disproportionately aging them compared to their peers due to the extra hour their living through, but I crunched the numbers and it's not enough from freshman year to senior year to actually grow them up.
>She's a cute little toaster. She's so pleased to be used by humans, that you can hear the satisfaction she gets from being used
Are you that guy who routinely fantasizes about her being gangbanged
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>/pg/ acts as if fatlus wont release P3Roulette in a few years
Hulkenberg's got nice cleavage.
Persona 3 Tactical Reload comes out 6 months after the answer dlc. With even more costume and battle theme dlc. It's probably going to include the Persona Q and P3D outfits
I love boobs
You like the wrong franchise then
It shouldn't have been like this. A crying shame really.
No. This is the first time I posted mentioning her. I post about Yuko and Ayane
You mean like this?
Sorry, still not posting the face
Character is 18yo though, trust me
Why does Atlus even need to do Emerald Platinum pokemon rereleases anymore when content updates and dlc exist
Is this legal?
Out of curiosity, is twilight hour what they call the dark hour in the jp dub?
Nah, I just mess up the name every time.
No, still Dark Hour
They call it kagejikan, literally it would be like Shadow Hour, so Dark Hour is a pretty good localization for it
>my heart is purified
can you make it so one breast is being pulled down and the other is being pulled up? Or both are being pulled to the sides?
dlcum can only help so far
proper revisions require working from ground up with competent artists
Looks almost too real if not for ugly-ass fingers
>He didn't install the canon proportions mod for Reload.
Sucks to be you.
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Ah, I see
Neat, I thought jikan only meant "time" cause of Dio desu
My wife
My dick is going to explode.
Metaphor OST: Final Boss Battle
Chie is dumb and stinky.
She's a big girl
das kute
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Unplayable without mods.
Fair point, I feel like after Royal, you could probably have an idea of what to get right and what to avoid gameplay wise where you wouldn't need to overhaul a mechanic or entire dungeon for example. They probably already have a remake girl concept in mind though
Fucking god. This is the stuff right here.
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I want to use Aigis
im NOT clicking the link fuck off
Why keep underwear? Gimme nude Yukari mod or gimme death.
True, both are necessary but I'm trying to avoid this
Just go watch porn you disgusting incels
Do you eat raw chicken too? Dressing in ways that accent her body is better than nude.
I sorta do too
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Can you do this for non-rori girls who you can actually post full pics of with fear of being vanned?
Like Ohya, Fuuka, or Marie? For example?
I make porn
you misunderstand, i get migraines from the sun
probably a lack of sleep.
I didn't say I made good porn
Can you post the Gallica portrait?
Aigis thrussy...
becoming a NEET is your destiny
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Empress' boobs
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Nicely Ann'd.
So much milk her hair turned blue
I Reject!
Empress Butts?
Makoto used it every single night after Tartarus.
Also true!
They are stacked...
The bottom of her dress is about to flap like a flag in the wind.
I have my psychiatric evaluation tomorrow, wish me luck sisters!
Are you ok? I wish you luck
This is the reason why so much of /pg/ dislikes P4, they can never forget that P4 made fun of them
do tell if the doc was cute also wishing you well
Remember to get your grippy socks on before they lock you up in the asylum :)
Is Persona the ultimate cuck game? You choose answer choices to help another guy fuck the girl you love, while you sit there sad, alone in the dark room.
Your MC is really bland but he has some personality based on the answer choices having different flair to them between games so he's not really fully a self insert, the girls in Persona love that guy, not (you)
That's a gay way of looking at it
I never self insert as any of the Persona MCs
Good luck anon
I self insert into the persona MCs
They're so docile and tight
they had too much power with the crossdressig stuff in dancing
I self insert into the girl being piped fast and hard
Please be in london
persona MC sexo?
which one
I am Junpei and Akihiko in this pic
Do you ever like
canonically kiss mitusuru?
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Most persona games than not have big boy bikes
Me too
In game? No. Fun fact: P5 had it being a cut feature.
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all of em
someone reupload please
It's mostly P4 where the MC actually gets to ride the scooter. The rest are mostly anybody not the MC.
We need a tier list.
fatlus literally got ZERO balls
The only actual depicted kiss is Margaret right? With that moan
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I canonically fuck Mitsuru every night and I watch the recordings of her showering and using the toilet in the command room too.
>oldsona irrelevant
Maki (and not Elly) kisses the protag at the end of P1, and Im pretty sure Ginko kisses Tatsuya at the end of IS if you pick her during the Taurus dungeon iirc
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I didnt work today but I still want to kill myself more than any other day this week.
Soejima peaked with Mitsuru and has never come close since
but they all sexo?!
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Love yourself
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but i wanna get stepped on by tats and have kinky perverted sex with piercy
what would it be like?
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Imagine playing a high school JRPG where they don't or won't show your teacher kissing you
I have hated myself ever since I was a kid. That is literally never happening at this point.
Completely agree. Atlus should have the balls to show this if they're gonna let you romance these characters.
Happy beamu
Esposa Anne
Persona 3 Reload has disproportionately large save files compared to previous two remakes.
Happy life with happy wife Anne
Unreal engine is like that
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That's really not improving my absolute cataclysmic state of life
Takamaki Annpit
Happy beamu will help you make your life better
>theurgy gauge doesn't even reset after a ko
Reload is for babies
the combat mod made to make it harder accidentally buffed it too.
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How did it do that?
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Marge would never fart that hard… unless you asked…
Maybe gooning will help.
Apparently it can be lost more easily, but the effects are stuff like fully healing the party and giving max buffs types of OP.
She looks like she hates men.
Maybe killing yourself will help :D
Yeah i'm asking
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idk man she seems to like Joker
>I didnt work today but I still want to kill myself more than any other day this week.
My every day at work
The only reason why it's good Persona has no multiplayer, is because stuff like this won't happen
Main guy behind the savetf2 movement that has been collecting all of the signatures without revealing what is being done with them is an insane drug addict.
Well then that’s too bad I don’t actually have any margaret fart smut to post so you’re out of luck
>is an insane drug addict
That made me laugh ngl. I already sold off my painted weapons in preparation for the Summer Sale. Got $22.22 in total
TF2 hasn't been good since mid-2008
just like Persona
>70% of the thread is just coomers jerking each other off
>10% is the spam bot (I guess he was banned or has passed out)
/pg/ is fucking terrible, what is wrong with you people
Metaphor will save us
/smtg/‘s started to talk about Metaphor…
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>have a functioning sex drive
>what is wrong with you
Why are you a faggot? If you want to talk about something else then post about whatever that is. If you hate coomers then play or discuss games that don''t have hot girls.
>According to Hashino, dungeons will play a major role in Metaphor: ReFantazio. But don't expect to see all of them in one playthrough. Compared to the more-linear timelines found in Persona, Metaphor offers a bit more freedom at the cost of having to make hard choices and not only how you spend your time, but where.
>"Imagine if you go on vacation," Hashino explained. "You go to a city and you have 10 places listed on your travel log. Some of these might take two days to enjoy, whereas others might take half a day. Some might require a guide or more preparations, others might be a bit more safe. But you can't do it all.
>"In this game, you travel a lot, and when you get to your destinations, you have a choice of multiple dungeons you can do. And all these dungeons have different difficulty levels as well, so it's kind of up to you on how you choose to spend your time. In this way, there's a lot more freedom."
Thoughts on this? It's a novel system but I can see completionists getting mad about it.
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This is really cool and I hope we see something similar in P6. Having more reasons to NG+ would be great.
use /h/ or /c/, thats what they're there for.
Either this is oversold and someone's gonna devise a way to see everything in one playthrough which will become the definitve 100% guide everyone follows or the choices are gonna be next to meaningless to no one's feels left out that they didn't choose x when they were in y area. Or maybe it's true and 6ou have to consider and comit. Would be interetstng though because when P5 was originally gonna have you travel to different countries, I wondered how that would fit witb the calendar system and social links. Gonna have to complrte all you can before the month is over like always I guess.
I think it’s incredibly based and that guidefags and perfectionists should fuck off.
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P6 will abolish the daily calendar system
It'll be great if they can deliver on it
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This board is for talking about how you would impregnate Mitsuru buddy. Tell Atlus to release Persona 6 if you want more discussion to return
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But the optimal run. Billions must follow the exact same path.
Meant for >>483630697
Metaphor feels like all the ideas and systems Hashino liked but couldn't use them/expand on them in Persona
>he doesn’t understand dating sims but is posting in a dating sim general
Please don’t keep making that mistake. You’re going to disappoint my telepathic-blue-haired-cat-eared-child-body-wife-who’s-the-heiress-of-a-multi-billion-conglomerate-as-well-as-a-highly-renowned-space-fighter-pilot-who’s-into-cosplay.
Majora's Mask did this in 2000.
Why would anyone choose the easy dungeon with less loot and xp?
it's another one of those days when I wake up and thank god I'm not a fan of P3
Same person, also the guy who schizos out about P3 every thread - oh wow he did it while I was posting lmao >>483631767
Isn't the consensus that it's your spam bot?
New 'pasta
When I first saw fanart of Ken, it was with FeMC lusting over him. I rolled my eyes and thought, "fuckin fujos". But after playing the game, I get it. You could not have designed a better SS target than Ken. Wearing shorts like that, with that adult-kid attitude. Yeah, he's practically begging to get SS'd. Shotalicious, if ever a term were made to define him. But there is no FeMC, so I putting all that to the side. Overall, I liked him. He felt like a nice kid, who was trying a little too hard, but was ultimately reliable and fun. He was alright in combat though he kept getting one-shot by physical attackers, so I benched him at the later portion of the game. I heard people liked his secondary thaumaturge, but I never used it since he was the only one who kept getting knocked down.
But you could and were supposed to explore them all in one playthrough. And according to that article Hashino wants you to have something to discover even after post-game (??)
Just wanna kiss Sumi, just wanna hug her
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Where does it say anything about postgame becuase I'll tell you right now if he wants to put real effort into the post/endgame that will make me rock hard
Probably for when you aren't strong enough or aren't very good at the game yet, Hashino talked about making this game challenging but also accessible. So there's difficulty levels and harder dungeons. It's a pretty good sweet spot and rewards players who take on the challenge.
Dramaschizo, you’re not exactly subtle
I can't remember if P5 was this obnoxious with the text explanations, but Reload explains so much to the player that it feels like a fanwiki.

The club-seer just told me in poetic terms that I just paid her yen to alter something about Tartarus for just one night, but then the game explicitly explains the feature. Let me take an educated guess instead of telling me.
Here we go again with his boogeyman shit.
What are you, a redditor that calls everyone a nazi?
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Mint Mint Blancmanche, from Galaxy Angel
The games are a bit of a pain in the ass to play in english (doable though), but the anime’s pretty easy to access, though that’s an alternate continuity that’s much more comedy focused
that skeezy pervert janitor has had more sex than me.
there's no such thing as deep red Rise you're with us on this till the end
Half of P5's first dungeon is a tutorial
Thank you Anon
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The amount of time he's spent talking about the difficulty and specifying that it's definitely harder than Persona is actually kind of weird to me. What makes it even weirder is how you have that literal retry button that you can pull in the middle of any fight which maybe they get rid of on higher difficulties kind of like in Catherine?
P5 repeats a lot of info
There is only 1 “mint” in her name, that was a typo lmao
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We need Oldsona pervert representation in the newer games.
Persona has a reputation for being really easy and he likely wants to reel in some megaten/other jrpg fans who want more of a challenge
I'd imagine retry button would be gone on higher difficulties, but that button doesn't take you back few turns it just takes you back to the start of the battle. Basically just a faster save reload
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Time for another revitalizing meal and coffee at Cafe Leblanc
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P6 mc will be blond
ryuji being uncharacteristically gentle with ann
I wish we had Nusona spinoffs that play and look Oldsona. I wanna retrofag out with the P3/4/5 gang while I wait for P6
would be based
we know, Ginko
I think 'implied' is the right word. Maybe. Or I could be coping for that matter. But I genuinely hope this wont be another 30hr lorefest with not much to discuss about after the ending.
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The other thing I was thinking about with this is how being able to save anywhere is just a standard for RPGs now. It's not something I like necessarily but after having literally removed some save points in P4G, Atlus started on it with SMTIV, IVA, went back on it with P5, SMTV, then made it to where still P3R didn't have it but made it easier to back out of Tartarus than ever, then outright revised SMTV to include save anywhere. Someone even added save anywhere to P5 in one of those hardtype mods. Have they even shown what save points in Metaphor look like?
There's an implication of alternate endings because he's literally answering any question about the game but when they ask him about alternate endings he goes from talking endlessly to
>Huh I don't know
>I can't talk about it
Which might be cope but it would be cool
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Here's your P6 MC bro
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I don't see this game coming out without there being another Goro
We don't know who's involved in the writing or what they worked on before but they more or less perfected getting people to talk about your game for years with P5
I haven't had rice in quite a while
In the demo the only save that appeared was the autosave when you enter the dungeon didn't really see any other save option there
You can't complete every sidequest in one cycle. There are numerous events that take place in different places at the same time and items that you can only get once but are needed by different quests.
I'd like to try whatever Triple 7 is selling on the counter here on the left.
Shit system, I hate any game that makes you do multiple playthroughs to see all the content especially in something like this where its going to be either a 1 minute long cutscene talking to a character about fuck all who you probably dont give much of a fuck about since you didn't talk to him in your first playthrough or a dungeon with stronger enemies versus a dungeon with weaker enemies.
This is the kind of thing they put on the back of the box to impress retards who dont see it for what it is.
If you want people to do multiple playthroughs of your game you need to actually make it fucking worth replaying an entire 80+ hour long JRPG, but they wont because they're lazy so its just going to give you to little time to see side scenes you can just see on youtube or do a green recolor of the blue dungeon you did.
I just realized that Goro is just a recolored Door
Imagine the negotiation options
Sparkling cutekari
Metaphor NG+ will have a giant Gallica super boss that you can only do on two specific days while in the Martira region. If you clear this fight you will get a follow up fight with Lavenza after Basilio joins the party at the end of the game and she will reward you with THE ring if you beat her.
>Why does the game that requires me to manage my time, have actual consequences for mismanaging my time or not make it not matter to the point where it might as well not be there?!
>come in calling other people retards right off the bat
>get basic facts wrong while doing so
the /smtg/ special
Side quests are one thing but every part of the mainline story was open to you such that you could explore most of the areas without many restrictions. Also I could be misremembering some details since I played it several moons ago.
/pg/ can't handle the truth
The short of it is you had 3 regions and 3 dungeons that you could do in any order you want but a fourth that you couldn't
What if Metaphor super bosses are reimagined megaten and persona protagonists in the style of the human enemies. Like Yu would be a giant weird TV monster, or Joker being a jester in prisoner clothes
This must happen. Atlus! Get on it now!
What if Sumi loved u with all of her heart and wanted to kiss u?
If /pg/'s proven anything it's that there's exactly one person that can't handle anything metaphor
im fucking hungy now
but I only got eggs at home
I'd tell her to dress up as futaba, tell her to act like futaba and i'd call her futaba.
I would like this a lot but I also want to understand why there's no DLC Arsene archetype when he already fits in super well with the archetype designs as-is
I mean, yes, but also it's good to have freedom like this. it's probably going to be a 20 hour game
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Metaphor ReFantazio NG+ Secret Boss Joker from Persona 5 Xbox Series X 4K60FPS
There's a guy who translated a lot of esperanto from the Vitruvian man in the NotVelvet room that just has bunch of archetype names on it, one of the archetypes is persona
This Metaphor SECRET BOSS Destroyed Me
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The Metaphor Devs Forgot To Balance Makoto Yuki
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I can already imagine it for the p4 cast. yosuke trying to sell and promote stuff from junes and the stark contrast of kanji's options being either to be intimidating as fuck or just talk about knitting
Reupload it please
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I got makoto and hag. finally got riddle as well
Good to see door dropped the silly blue hair phase and decided to show his true colors
An actual hag!? Masaka! Bakanaaaaaaa!!!!
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You have to go back.
Do the P5 girls want to ride the P5X MC's dick since it's a gacha?
I take it some of you have saved the image before it expired. Could somebody reupload please?
Based. I want Yukiko to "snrk hahaha" during negotiations
What are some good personas for the final bosses of EP?
I'm getting rid of all the random encounters with a single attack but barely scratching the bosses and need two party members to heal since the persona with mediarah is level 72.
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Anon, it’s not a flash if it lasts long
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You really only need healing spells and all out attacks. If you go to Maya's work, and enter in a code, you get something really good. Isis/Ranga are very strong too. Your level for fusion is determined by the highest person in the party, which is usually Tatsuya. The extra content can give free levels and cards.
*fusion spells
Anyone else addicted to Persona 3, 4, and 5 AI videos?
atlus pls
there has to be some fanmade chart for negotiation options for the nusona casts somewhere
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What's her deal? She doesn't look that impressive.
I don't want to cheat with te code. I already have Isis. Rangda doesn't look half bad.
Why not all in one video AND oldsona
What for? Gatekeeping for the sake of gatekeeping is absurd
Do you mean the ai joi vids?
The code persona is the same strength as the other ones at that level. With the ones that reflect a group of attacks, it makes the endgame bosses easier since sometimes certain people in your party will almost never take damage.
the what
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I don't have the material card for rangda
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I thought you meant these.
It's in sumaru castle
I miss it... I'm in the purple dungeon after the castle.
I think you can go back?
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I just wanted to post Nami in a roundabout way...
back in my day we used to just imagine the voices and scenarios in our heads
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Who's da man? Not this loser lmao
Im really sure you can go back. the dungeon music is too good to not hear again
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I haven't tried it but you can't go back to any other dungeon...
What about this negro?
>look up channel
>no results
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Fuck, never mind
Look up "arcanajoi" on google without spaces
Persona 6 but you are a timecop from 23rd century.
That's the PC one.
What if you were a babcop?
I can't cum to dub persona, especially Reload SEES
I do want Karen's time cop thing from an older Atlus game to be expanded upon.
Mitsuru has hairy armpits
Post proof.
True, someone should train a model on the jp voices and just make them say english words
Some girls are doms,
Some girls are subs,
Some girls are switches,
But ASWs like Aigis and Labrys have an actual sub-dom switch. What do you set them to?
I can shave her.
Aigis is there to serve
Labrys can put her hooves on my butt and talk about taxi fares with her mouth pressed up close to my ear
Labrys will put her hooves UP your butt.
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Can I program them to be self controlled?
Turns out it's not voiced at all, just captions and art
Post it
I cannot refute this
Nope, so be careful when you set them to dom - they might make a game from keeping your hands away from the switch if they're too intense for you.
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Maybe a switch pressing machine install on the neck

S - Sweaty
E - Erotics
E - Excluding
S - Shaving
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Contemplate the flavor...
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Thats even more pathetic
I go for jp voices everytime anime and jrpgs but OGP3 Mitsuru"s voice fits her pretty well. Haven't heard Reload though
Can someone make a Sumi thread?
No. Elly thread.
Make Gallica thread
Make a thread about MEEE
me too. I still have a soft spot for the FES and P4 vanilla dubs, even though I played undub patches of them later
Koromaru thred
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Same here
no but they’re the mc cognition so technically yes
Cuckijg yourself from a different game... Hot
It's non-offensive

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