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Previous: >>483542141

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
>floprinafags going through the 5 stages of grief on /gig/ in real time
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
Toilette flopped
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Scaramouche is really sexy
>Furina Rerun actually performed worse than Neuv and Itto's rerun
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>echo picker
wormvillette flopped bigly
Dookhida is really smelly
>rolled sigewinne
>remembered i already have kokomi
what do i do now
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What the fuck were they thinking?
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Happy Birthday Beelzebul and Baal
They weren't.
Stop falseflagging on /gig/
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>mint picker
>echo picker
>crippled rail
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Let's see /gig/'s Sigewinne abyss clears!
You don't pick them like like you do with mint, you have to kill a bunch of fuckers and pray they drop something.
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where did the genshin killer go?
didnt the get some trailer or whatever?
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Bros the nips are laughing at us..........
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For me, i's my beloved kekaposter.
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put her on the other half of your abyss >>483554538
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urina flopped
wormvillette slopped
and shitstaine shitted on the game
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How many characters does the average AR60 player have?
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Childe SOON
floptaine fucking flopped
wait its a chance to drop too like diablo?
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>Electro-charged stages
>Raiden E
>Beidou Q
>Neuv spin
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>have all the soulless metafag units/teams including a C2 Furina
>still barely scraped by with 3* in this abyss 12-1 with only 17 seconds to spare
Not sure if it's because I'm a mobilefag or because I have no skill
You should have hid the levels
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Nahida is really sexy.
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still leveling her up
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gig is going to get raped next sensortower, and then going to get raped again by natlandian bbc
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>spend 5 minutes doing a domain for gear
>run around the map for hours
>fight hilichurl tier enemies
>maybe get an item with random stats
>only 17 seconds
I had only 7 to spare, no neuvilette though
wuthering gays
gayshit impact
star fail
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whose Noir? left or right?
nobody who still posts on /gig/ is even good enough to clear the abyss these days
Yes. Stronger and unique enemies seem to have a higher drop though. But not mobs. And the Artifact system in Wuwa is a much more RNG than Genshin's because they can have elemental dmg substats and the set themselves are rng too...
Has anyone ever used this
This doesn't exactly make /gig/ look good either.
Does anybody recall anu Collected Miscellany NOT narrated by Dainsleif? Just watched Sigewinne's, and was surprised, but not shocked, to hear Neuvillette narrating it. I think there was another one narrated by Alice? But don't remember which.
one underrated aspect of Sigewinne is she keeps refreshing Maracheusse hunter crit buff on your carry
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I have 71 characters
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Wormvillette, Slopvillette, Flopvillette FLOPPED hard
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
Teapot builders.
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post bricks to scare /gig/
Threadly reminder that Furina is for you.
Dori's is actually narrated by Alice (??? I know)
>in the top thread on vg
>dead general in a month
20% for echo with 1 and 3 cost.
90% for 4 cost echo but only 15 times per week before it drops into 20%.
Strangely, 4 cost echo also has drop pity. If it didn't drop, the next attempt will be guaranteed.
This anime was incredible I am literally the producer
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tried another team
Me, and also don't forget to put Itto in your party to get double woods.
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I have 66
Where is Star Rail? Didn't they just have the records breaker character?
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I skip all males.
What if I don't want her
Emilie's NAs make her seem like a Liyue character, not Fontaine.
>I think there was another one narrated by Alice?
Use your brain, it was obviously Wanderer's.
But on a side note, I now remember that he was talking shit about El Pedo which I found surprising at the time, but it makes sense now that we know he fucking hates Rhinedottir's ass lmao.
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Imma rewatch it SOON
Oh yeah. That was the one. Not sure why Alice narrated Dori. Just a weird choice.

Are these the only 2 characters not narrated by Dainsleif?
You must be one of those kinds of people.
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Honestly, I could post most bricks in the game.
>Itto even spooked me getting Shinobu
>Xiao and Albedo spooks too
>Cloud Retainer
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so are we getting an actual hydro archon or is the collection permanently bricked to be 6/7
I think it was Aloy's
eheheheh nipples
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tectone needs to come back to save genshin impact
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My wife Clorinde was my 69th character
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Dori is descender or someone that has connection with Hexenzirkel.
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Enjoying summer, /gig/?
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unless they somehow drag egeria out of her retirement home, no
It wasn’t suppose to end this way
Pour one out for us like you did to Harambe
Sixty Kuro cocks in Da Wei
>pity 80
>still no Furina
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Based. You made me recheck it as well. Still have it on the drive
then throw her to the rifthounds
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>Didn't they just have the records breaker character?
didn't break any in China and Japan. very mediocre performance in both China and Japan She made less than the average Inazuma character
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Oh, but you have something better now.
She broke the record for the biggest flop in gacha history. I don't think they even made back the money they spent on advertisements for her
>Dori's is actually narrated by Alice
Of course, how could anyone not enjoy summer?
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I have a bunch of characters at level 89. I'll update it with Sigewinne once she hits level 89. She's level 85 at the moment because I ran out of books.
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Neuvillette currently has the Hydro Archon Authority.
>completing two stages of the event doesn't give you full encounter points for the day
Literally what is their fucking problem?
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Could have more but I rolled Wanderer's cons
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I'm a lazy bum when it comes to achievements.
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>throw my bubble out at an enemy
>after hitting it once it leaps half way out into the ocean onto some torch for the rest of its duration
>Another story of Melusine discrimination
based cunny master
>dave the diver
fucking hell lmao
I had my bubble target a tumbleweed in the desert, its so fun
is every Paimon poster a retard?
>Hydro Sovereign Authority*
It was never the Archon's.
I hate pickupeables in character kits. Guoba's thingy, waterballs, that one weapon dropping leaves or whatever.. Such a chore to interact with.
Aloy, Dori and Wanderer
It will be 5/7 once Natlan's sovereign takes away the archon's power
xe flopped and no one likes him
they should have made him the old archon like they wanted to instead of this disgusting pussy shit
That's more due to booth*ll though who sold nothing because he got powercrept by the literal next release after him in break teams.
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If I was a master I would do all loli, but the hydro shields on the 2nd side are just too much for just Sigewinne's hydro application. Maybe next cycle.
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My wife is so cute on her birthday!
shit is gonna be more like 10/7 in a couple years probably
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I want to fuck and cum inside their tight pussies. God they're so fucking sexy.
>HE narrates it
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I am livid, fuck 50/50 scam
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But you don't need to pick up his balls he just sucks them
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Happy birthday Ei
And welcome home Furina
Don't worry, sister. One more Fontaine patch and Neuvillette will leave your walls.
Dori and Alice actually know each other.
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Is there anything i can improve about my Furina? What form do you use at c6?
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probably less than 60? I did pay some money.
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>leak from tieba uncle
-the two main shilled teams of natlan will be murata's and columbina's, it seems that they want to recreate the success of raiden and ayaka during inazuma
-the burning team will be a non-meta meme team like mono geo, safely skippable
-murata will release in 5.2 and will be a support/main dps hybrid like raiden, her best team will require the hydro female released in 5.0 and another character released in 5.1
-xbalanque is a pyro support and will be required by columbina's team
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>5* star hydro catalyst flat chested brown hebe
I don't even need to look at her, I'm pulling.
>Arrive in Natlan
>Random hillbilly remarks that travellers rarely come visit them and asks us where we came from
>Paimon says we just visited Fontaine
>'Ahh, the city of justice! Lord Xbalanque has told us all about how the mighty Iudex Neuvillette watches over the nation'
>Genshin will never be this soulful
I hate the chinks and their bland soulless writers
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Returning player here, I've almost completed Sumeru and I hope to reach Fontaine soon since I pulled Furina but now I can't level her up

anyway, you fags lied to me about her, she's awesome and she's got 2 E forms? Uber Kino, she works so freaking well with Hu Tao and Keka
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Thank you asterisk schizo. We love you.
i will never stop complaining about this mary sue and his dogshit writing until eos
i will keep sending surveys across multiple account about how shit neuvillette is, and there's nothing you can do
Yes. For the Aloy Collected Miscellany, Alice narrated it, but the credit it given as "Supplier of Lord Sangemah Bay". Then 1 year later, for Dori's Collected Miscellany, Alice narrated hers as well. Dori's full name is Dori Sangemah Bay.

So they basically had Dori's character planned out 1 year ahead of time, and she had a connection with Alice.
>Neuv is Alice and Dainsleif tier in the eyes of Hoyoverse
It's over...
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I've been thinking, how many official titles does the Traveler have so far? All I can remember so far are Honorary Knight of Favonius and Honorary Senior Researcher, along with more local titles such as Golden Nara
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all of them
>but now I can't level her up
her mats and boss aren't locked, just walk there
>/nikg/ rises /hsrg/ dies
>/bag/ rises /hsrg/ dies
>/wuwa/ rises /hsrg/ dies
>/gig/ rises /hsrg/ dies
Im noticing
>Didn't they just have the records breaker character?
Lol no she performed around the same as Neuv despite him being memed as a flop for months and FF shills saying she'd be the best selling character in all of gacha history
its not bad just a weird choice for a collab
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Post graphs/charts.
>He listened to /gig/
post yfw when Navia/Nilou rerun gets Tiktok hours
That's not the issue.
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Surveys don't do anything~ Mihomo don't read them~ Kekaroo~
There's a teleport at the north eastern part of the desert that can take you to Fontaine for her boss and ascension mats
>xbalanque is a pyro support
hopefully this means offensive support
would be the first 5* male offensive support since Kazuha 3 years ago...
I can't have feelings about shit that didn't happen.
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>complain about last year's Lantern Rite
>lose ten 50:50s in a row
>praise this year's Lantern Rite
>win every single 50:50 since
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Post your Furinas so I can feel worse about mine
Swordfish II captain, First sage of buer and uuuuh
>My ass, of course
Forgot what title he got in Liyue but he's also the Captain of Swordfish Squadron in Kokomi's Japan-ISIS.
If you don't have the Narwhal unlocked, you just have to go to the adventurer's book and go to the boss fight from there
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>Murata is diluc support
>her claymore will be his new BiS
>new 5.0 hydro female will be another member for his harem
It will appear Diluc will remain UNMATCHED in every possible way for another region
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>tieba uncle
No way, I told them I wanted more waifus and they will listen
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>First sage of buer
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just refreshed my welkin a bit for the godly siggy + furina banner and just in case someone in natlan interests me
Just a reminder Inazuma had three debut banners with zero douyin hours and it was easier to beat back then.
>you fags lied to me
>Abby's Spiral logs Furina usage at like 85%-90%
Take your meds schizo.
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I doubt this will have the intended effect.
everything I have asked so far came true tho
i also asked them to ship him with wrio and here you go
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I was saving a while but decided that my love for Furina is too strong so I dumped most of it on her yesterday, so she is C4 now. I still have a bit left so I might try for C6.
colombina is a cryo dps, no?
Yeah I forgot about the Swordfish II Capitan, but does anyone other than Nahida recognise you as the First Sage of Buer?
I guess I should also mention The Holy Blade, although that is neither given to you directly nor is it really an official title
hsr is a low investment game
its like 3 hours of main story with some events also >autobattler
Loombi is the last seelie and will get the new light element.
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Remember how during 1.0 days you were amazed when your Tabibito used their ultimate and released a tornado and it passed through Guoba and would turn into a fiery tornado? Whatever happened to cool elemental reactions like that? Ever since then, all anemo does is a shitty swirl that procs the affected element once and then runs out of it.
wuwa won
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>mono geo
>meme team
I'm still rolling Emilie and maybe the hydro catalyst as I don't have a limited hydro (no I won't roll for the current banner)
Firefly's success really did a number on genshin's sales, huh?
Pyro Traveler will be top tier meta. Trust the plan. Two more months.
Remember when characters could give elemental infusions to other characters? But then mihoyo decided to start giving characters their own infusions that cannot be overriden...
Bro your lynette burst?
Thanks, but I'd like to do it more organically
anyway, it's just a couple days, meanwhile I'll try to get her C1
>last seelie
the last seelie died when Nabu Malikata died
will likely be a melt dps, they won't touch freeze until tsaritsa
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Odds I renew welkin once again and continue to further my sunk cost
Evens I get a sandwich and let Natlan leaks decide whether I keep giving this dogshit game more money
Where do you think she will fall on the tier list?

Is she the new best character? Is she somewhere in S, but not the top? Is she a solid A, but nothing too special? Or is she a horrifically disappointing B/C/D tier?
>Whatever happened to cool elemental reactions like that?
That still happens with Lynette's burst. Hell, even Dendro MC's Burst has a similar interaction
Is zero even or odd?
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how should I feel about this
I heard Shaoji's masterpeice in 2.2 was 8 hours long
people who say that don't have a proper Itto team build
he clears about as fast as my Neuvillette team unless there's some elemental shield shilling
I will start learning Indonesian so I can use /gig/ more effectively. Wish me luck bros.
With the first Archon rerun flopping, it is now confirmed that Fontaine, despite having the most 5 stars, is the least selling nation. What are our thoughts on this shocking revelation?
your account is saved
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>Neither odds nor evens
>Coolest title
The First Sage of Buer
>Lamest title
Swordfish II Captain
>Cutest title
Golden Nara
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She's S tier in making me pee white
you should go all in on blue fates and getting C6
at least its keka not qiqi yeah, I do not mind playing keka.
where is the dendro infusion character we haven't had a character give infusion since Candace
she makes my pp hard and thats what matters
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I'm rolling Columbina.
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Barbara rapu
nail fontaine and kill off the entire region so we never have to see those useless ass bitches again
it's time to admit that the character kit design in this game is not particularly interesting and is held back by the overreliance of the reaction system, which means mihoyo has no room to experiment with interesting and unique combinations because no reactions = low dps and having more than 2 elements interact would break the game.
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Which tier list? Any tier list thet doesn't put her above every other electro in the game is full of shit
Marriage update to get back yumeCHADS and incelGODS back into the game. Fujoshits have no money.
she's electro so just slap her together with nahida + fischl + flex and she'll be solid no matter what
Pandering to white lgbtqp xisters in Natlan will save us.
I'm not going to sugarcoat it bros. I unironically think HSR finally killed genshin.
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What did they see?
anemo still reacts that way
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>Sales are declining? Release 3 more BoL bricks
It's kind of necessary in a game like this though or it would just be powercreep central where the only thing that would motivate metafags from rolling is a bigger number.
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That they fumbled the region impressively. People went into Fontaine with such optimism and anticipation after the utter snorefest that was Fagmeru, and look at what we got.
aether sissification porn
How does /gig/ feel about Iansan being a 4*?
So, here's my Bounty for current banner
Furina, Diluc, Kirara, Chevreuse, Gaming, Rosaria

Also got Fischl to C6, Gaming C2, Amber C1 , Noelle C1000
>0 tiktok hours archon
It's a fucking wrap boys, I'm not spending any more money if the game is going to eos soon
I don't feel anything about this game anymore. I'm only here out of habit.
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It's ok, we still have the iPad sales.
I’d normally say Furina’s region fucking flopped so kill her but since she’s not the Archon and has no aura, kill Neuvillette off for failing the region.
What's the opposite of sunk cost?
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it killed itself
star rail didnt write 4.2 or make 3 character remakes sandwiched between a fucking plunge support and whatever the fuck garbage siggy is supposed to be
4.1 put a damper on the hype with that prisonslop quest
4.2 killed it completely by sacrificing furina's aura to neuvillette
A good game.
That could be true. It's definitely easier to work in this system, because there's less that could go wrong (ie. a character that's so absolutely busted that it shifts the power level curve too high).
No one cares outside of the 1 guy rolling for her
sounds about right
they gave away collei, lynette, all the mondstat knights, and xainling for free so i assume thats why she will be
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>Lol no she performed around the same as Neuv despite him being memed as a flop for months
because both Firefly and Neuv made less than Inazuma, yes less than what used to be a flop like Kokomi and Yoimiya in Japan
that was to be expected since all the characters that appeared in the Chapters trailer are 4*
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It's okay guys... If the game keeps flopping they'll have to pander harder like what snowbreak and GF2 is doing
>a 4*
In this economy? No way. Every Natlan character will be a 5*
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If Furina was Seele expy she wouldn’t have flopped
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Why do you care if the game is popular or not?
I would play Genshin even if it only had 10 players global
>girlfriend 2
Is this a dating sim? I've never heard about girlfriend 1.
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Furina flopped.
fofo... *smoooch*
>between a fucking plunge support
It really annoys me how poorly people talk of Xianyun.
Her kit is great, it's unique and cool, it's really strong so what is it that people are unhappy with?
I swear if Xianyun were male people would be complaining that male characters always get the cool kits.
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It might as well be
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I'm literally shaking, he's truly the best writer in the world.
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>still pretending CR is a bad character
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>I was planning to reach pity once and for Furina c1.
>Wanted Noelle cons, didn't mind Rosaria cons, didn't want Gaming.
Result 4 Gamings, 2 Rosarias, 1 painslasher, 0 Noelle. At least i won the 50-50.
>character that's so absolutely busted that it shifts the power level curve too high
>First Archon rerun flopping
You see, that’s the problem here. Fontaine just shot itself in the foot by making one of the anticipated and interesting characters boring, dumber, and weaker than Paimon in the end
Bro your diluc
Bro your cyno
Bro your lyney
Uh, Diluc? Lyney? Cyno? Jean?
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Wait why do they separate it by iphone and ipad? Does that mean when salesfags post iOS charts that it's mobile only data?
Are Cyno and Tighnari, you know...
NTA but i didn't like how lantern rite was entirely focused on shilling Gaming instead of Xianyun
Anon, it's shills that don't even play the game
only people who hate the game care
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how does he do it?
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Please don't forget about his sister too
Unlikely since the only region so far without a 5* loli is Inazuma. That's 4/5 regions so far so I'm betting against you 80% unless they reveal there's another.
Finina slipped
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Now add the android sales xis. Even with the iOS price increase after Cyno's banner, Fontaine and Sumeru still managed to outsell Inazuma.
She had an SQ too, new events generally shill the 4*
Italianbwos, is Arle a real name?
getting pegged by Lumine? yes
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is she ok?
yes, I know what I said....
Fun fact, Zhong is the only Archon that doesnt have a twin.
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She's perfect bros

I needed her so bad for my Hu Tao
Now we're finally happy
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its more of a
>game has gone to shit
>cope its the most popular and successful game
>*posts shitty graph*
>d-d-d-doe-doesn-doesnt count
some drank the toilet water though and and might genuinely think popularity means its good
and there is the much easier explanation of wanting to see retards seethe and scream at each other
>5* gets a kino storyquest
>4* gets an event that can't even be played after it's over
no but Arlechino is
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Just a sub DPS, throw 3 or 4 NA when you use your E and then you start your rotation
Upset that they didn't even try but maybe she will have a worthwhile C6 like Lynette, I will be rolling for the her Hydro and Geo oneesans
Azhdaha is kind of a fat grounded twin of him.
tiktok hour status?
spoil the quest for me bwos i can't unlock it yet
why is Sigewinne a human now
good friends? yes they are
so siggy is a support support? what kind of niche is that
are there even any teams that would benefit heavily from that over a support who simply buffs the main attacker?
i'd read the entire event if it was everyone in liyue attending CR's stupid fucking kite making workshop
thread theme
it was a very simple story about a father-son relationship I still have no idea why /gig/ got so buttmad about it when it wasn't even that long
Not yet. Latern rite dlc will reveal that he has a twin named Ghonzli and he summons TWO meteors in his burst
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The story and dialogue used to be easy and fun to follow but now everyone wants a skip button. The game also used to have sexy character designs for artists to draw. Do you guys think the devs are actively self sabotaging because they're beyond bored with this shit and want it to die so they can move on to another project to work on?
He has twin pets though.
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>sludgewine story is literally trans shit
Can't make this shit up
egeria never had a twin either
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Is this how I Siggy?
She will have 63k with resonance
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she wanted to be more like neuvillette so she morphed
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Baby, take off your coat
Real slow
Take off your shoes
I'll take off your shoes
Baby, take off your dress
Yes, yes, yes
You can leave your hat on!
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Guizhong will be revived and become the new geo archon
a sound investment
your third b is upside down bro
they're making a honkai mmo
basically dawei saying this is fucking doomed I'm making my own genshin
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, but no one cares about this character enough to know what's good.
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I’m tired of Genshin flopping. I’m tired of demos not hitting 1 million. I’m tired of low billibilli views. I’m tired of low sales. I’m tired of being a laughing stock. I’m tired of not being the king of gachas. I’m tired of being laughed at by normies. I’m tired of not being mainstream anymore. I’m tired of… losing
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>Son reconciles with his father who finally accepts him and doesn't see him as a failure
Yeah, I wonder why /gig/ didn't like it
They just really don't want females to have any kind of lead relevance anymore.
I seriously can't wait for this shit game to die.
>everyone pogosticking is cool and unique
>when Xiao was doing this since year 1 and got old fast
Your newfaggotry is showing
Alright, cya
C2 removes the need for meme hydro swirl to do damage…
But outside of that she’s a healer with some damage in her kit.
When GTA 7 releases frfr
Yoimiya and Kokomi released in 2021, that is all Shenhe, Ayato and Yelan.
Now they know what ganyu's downfall felt like. Still hope they kill her though
>if you're not having fun
quit genshin impact
>if you dread having to log in to do your dailies
quit genshin impact
>if the only reason you're playing is sunk cost fallacy
quit genshin impact
>if you want a skip button (it's not happening)
quit genshin impact
>if you want the game to become overtly coomer bait
quit genshin impact
>if you're more worried about sales then the actual game
quit genshin impact

You don't need to be here, life is too short to waste time with something you hate. Go play something else, go invest your time in anything else that picks your interest.
basing your happinness off of how many random strangers enjoy the thing that you participate in is incredibly pathetic tbqdesuhonest. Maybe you should do some soul searching instead of analyzing the number by each youtube video like a fucking loser lol.
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Eating strawberry cakes with Furina!
>normal people think a game is dogshit
>they quit and move on
>/gig/ thinks game is dogshit
>mindbroken and can't move on
Btw way, where is my favorite iPhone poster Koult aka RDR2schizo aka @1234userkills on YouTube?
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>I'm tired of [list of things that have nothing to do with the actual game]
i miss his dogshit posts so bad like you wouldnt believe
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It's true! Please (help me figure out how to) play Girl's Frontline 2!!!
Cloud Retainer getting scammed by the tea merchants and the whole Shenhe eavesdropping portion were the best parts of Gaming storyline at Lantern Rite.
I’m tired of trolls
kys slurper we are staying and we are going to save the game from you
>faggot does a gay little dance
it sucked
>siggy got quickswap burst but her skill takes forever to reload
kinda rerarded
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Who is this good for?
That's why you either use sac bow or get C1.
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>king of gacha
>still gets mogged by the rerun of a naked loli in fgo
Know your place filth, I was here before you were even conceived
>most of fontaine is underwater so her jumps dont do much there
>chenyu vale is press T to explore
>natlan will have the dinos
>plunge kit fucking blows cock since i picked xiao from the 1.X dps options and got sick of the pogo since it feels awful to play especially against enemies who fight
her E jump steering also shouldve been a thing every character not locked to a 5*
>plunge support
>only increase damage but plunge mechanic is still ass
>need to animation cancelling to archived the same plunging speed as Xiao.
She is trash, only good for woop woop and eye-candy.
genshin flopped
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Disgusting Whores of Teyvat:
* Mona (gotta pay her rent somehow, does anal)
* Eula (clan Lawrence destitute led to daddy issues and extreme autism, she then takes revenge on her customers by chopping their dicks off with her claymore)
* Babala (sells herself to bribe her producer but she's too stupid to realize people just use her as a cumdump)
* Noelle (managed by Cyrus, too stupid to realize she's being managed, thinks the sex work is art of being a good maid)
* Xinyan (needs money to win her freedom, is managed by Madame Ping and is advertised as an exotic creature)
* Hu Tao (managed by John Lee, specializes in necrophiliacs and feetfags)
* Shenhe (also managed by Madame Ping, specializes in giant lovers, tits vore and such)
* Whorimiya (specializes in everyone, including hilichurls, beasts and genocidal harbingers; especially loves NTR'ing others)
* Kuki (does it to get back at her family, cosplays as a shrine maiden for the religious types)
* Ayaka (reverse-whore, has to pay men to fuck her because she's so goddamn ugly)
* Kokomi (has to please the resistance fighters but still asks for payment to cover the costs of her HRT)
* Ei (managed and gaslighted by Yae, too autistic to realize she's being used)
* Layla (doesn't remember doing it, does it to fund her xanax addiction, Dori sells it to her at ludicrous prices)
* Collei (for eleazar fetishists, managed by Dori who gaslights her into reliving her past abuses)
* Nilou (freely offers herself to everyone, especially Eremites, much to Dori's dismay)
* Dehya (signed a lifetime contract to serve as Durnyazard's dedicated scissorer, much to Candace's dismay)
* Candace (offers herself freely to Aaru villagers and Eremites to keep the peace)
not for Xiao for long, since soon they are going to give him a new sig weapon
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i hope you guys get paid by Mihoyo as analysts for the amount of time you spend obsessing over their numbers
Xiao, Arlecchino, Cyno, Raiden if you don’t want to fish… honestly it’s good for every polearm DPS
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Imagine zhong's hot twin sister...
The person who canonically owns it. Or Cyno I guess. Or you could cope with it on Raiden.
based Fischl is pure
Oh it's pretty general use tier, that's nice.
As Koult himself said
>caring about gacha sales is retarded because the Chinese are planning ww3 with your gacha money
I love how only 10 giggers posted their rolls yesterday lmao...
>shouldve been a thing every character not locked to a 5*
that's how I feel about Ayato's ability to hold m1 to spam NAs
I don't understand why they don't give us the option to do that on all characters
Imagine if things went differently...
>Chinese are planning ww3
chinks dont even have a combat ready aircraft carrier
Time to spend more money on Genshin then
As Koult himself said
>Imagine caring about chinkslop games skibisales when there are actual games out here
/gig/ would literally still call him/her a tranny
/gig/ would call her a dyke and a tranny
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Any new harbingers' leaks? I still want to know what radical and conservative mean
looks good to me, that's how I'm building her as well
You mean their paper tiger? Lol they're the first to bend backwards when US sends a Carrier in their shores
excluded fontaine btw because they're all whores so no one really is
Who gives a fuck, they're all flops anyway
Koult opened my eyes when he said I could buy a masterpiece like RDR2 with 60$, which costs exactly the same as 30 rolls.
If they kill off Neuv, Fat Xiao will just make it so they erect a giant statue of him in the middle of Fontaine the size of dragonspine so you'll have to always see him in the horizon
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hkvh big love
Copulation with melusines
your mom flopped on the neighbor's cock
Even like this?
Now that archons and sovereigns are confirmed flops, what are they going to shill next??? Witches?
Pretty much yeah.
Imagine they do the same in not-russia, where the Archon is not the archon but is someone mind controlled by a male who is the real one and hiding behind the shadows.
That way they can sell her by saying "oh look guys she's not the bad one".

>the first region we will go to is very likely the Nanatzcayan tribe area, it is the area directly west of Sumeru

>said area was also definitely shown on the trailer, even starting off with the Geo saurians

>Nanatzcayan people are known for mining, excavation and gem appraisal

>Ayaka, Lyney and Lynette were released on x.0 because their areas were immediately accessible on the region's release

>Cyno was released on x.1, because he's the desert representative

>Iansan looks like a Geo character and uses some tool a craftsman would use on the Travail trailer

>5.0 is said to have a Geo polearm 4*, female

>Navia and Chiori are Geo 5 stars

>Sigewinne flopped bigly

Buddypokesisters... I am running out of copes...
is there a single character /gig/ does not call a tranny? It's a general problem not a character problem.
they had better start it, NATO clearly doesn’t have the balls and will just keep getting btfo in urine for another decade.
He’s just paranoid because he’s a SEA and if China gets more money, there goes his country


Carrier is obsolete, easily destroyed by submarine torpedo or anti ship missile. IBM alone is enough and China has plenty.
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How are the "pull for who you like" crowd doing this abyss? I'm so glad I rolled for Raiden Shogun and Neuvillette and cleared this Abyss no problem.
literazlly no one cares about witches, not even lorefags
>60$ / 5$ is 12 months of welkin
>one welkin is 3000 primos so 12 * 3000 = 36 000
>one roll is 160 primos so 36 000 / 160 = 225 rolls not accounting for starglitter
Sorry but your Koult guy can't count
>Raiden Shogun
Idk just use any other hyperbloom activator
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It's fucking over. They'll have to bump the age rating up and give us the sex update...
Hey man, don’t doubt my guy Koult ok? He’s a real gamer
idk i just delete everything with my c6 furina
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Are they wrong though?
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Mihomo betrayed us. The writing was on the wall when they remove Klee's unique walk and made every loli a meh healer except for Nahida (Yaoyao being better than usual).
At least we aren't HSR where they get 0 lolis in 2 years.
Rolled it over with Keka and Clorinde
Lyney is my best built character. I’m a straight, cisgender, heterosexual male. (true)
Rare fun fact about Koult: He is a fan of Chiori and Lynette
>Chinkslop missile not on par with tomahawks first made in 83 are good
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It was cancer with the characters I like but I managed (Raiden is C1)
the sinners
Do you fap to him tho
i bet this guy last year was writing the same post but with Scara kek
>Raiden’s birthday
>everyone talking about Sigewinne instead
What the fuck is wrong with this general
you have HIV
you have AIDS
you have GRIDS
you have HPV
you have anal worms
you have severe brain damage
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I tried to make an "infirmary" room for siggy
I'm 100% sure that whoever is at the helm of this game now regrets only having 2 male archons
Almost every character
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>tehe, look guys. My post got 31 updoots! I shall now crosspost it in gig.
Shillvillette killed Fontaine all on his own while Scarafaggot was just a drop in the ocean of AIDS infested feces that was Sumeru.
No one actually likes her. They just liked her boobas. And people stopped giving a fuck after realizing the 3d models all suck ass
is meant for >>483559892
that's the exact opposite of what I said.
I'm telling people to quit if they don't enjoy anymore you doofus
>Enterprise btfoing the entire Japanese navy despite being a carrier
>rewriting history now
keep sending in those surveys bro lol
Based but isn't using MH without Furina a bit suboptimal? Whenever I see showcases of his clears on youtube people usually seem to run 2p2p.
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Then why the fuck are you talking about the unlikable trash slug all the time then
At least Raiden is still good in the meta
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Scara is straight.
Then why did China buy a Russian junker carrier to practice with and then build 2 new ones to start working out the kinks?
sigewinne's butt is too big
>finally do the Fontaine Archon Quest
holy fuck Archon quest is really long and fucking boring

No wonder why this game is dying
Based straightGOD
>Still need to teleport away first
Man fuck these dumb ass devs
straight up gay
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>At least Raiden is still good in the meta
cool change
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God damn it anon.
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I only roll for who I like, and I didn't have any issue except with the pyro lectors.
But that's mostly because I didn't understand how their shield functions with elemental application, because the game never explains it.
They already copying shit out of wuwa now kekaroo
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is Furina c1 worth it or new characters is better?
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what did they mean by this?
She wants buttsex
Because she's new and easy to shit on? Meanwhile what the fuck has Raiden done after her sq?
sad but as anon say >>483558396
Neuvillette only cares about Melusines
nahida isnt a twin thougheverbeit
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>Now add the android sales xis.
That's both Android and ios sales tho
my bad, Neuv still made as much as Yoimiya. Firefly made slightly more so I was wrong. Congrats to her
Carriers made battleships obsolete you vermin, the only thing that could make a carrier obsolete is either nukes or orbital strikes, which one is prohibited and the other doesn't exist yet
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>>At least Raiden is still good in the meta
Neuvillette BTFO, I'm rolling
>americans woke up
>thread became shit
Every time.
>do you still enjoy genshin like during year one?
>if not, why are you still here?
>if yes, what do you enjoy?
meant to quote >>483558818 for the second part
I am a former dolphin/whale, don’t roll for constellations unless you’re willing to swipe. In the future when you lose a 50/50 and you remember you spent gems on a useless damage boost instead of new character you’ll regret it
Not really, Wuwa has 1 minute cooldown and didn't need to teleport to somewhere to reset the boss.
She's too hot and feminine looking to exist in modern Genshin.
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>all it takes for the game to get bare minimum qol changes is for it to flop
I wonder what else we can get if it keeps flopping
>do you still enjoy genshin like during year one?
>if yes, what do you enjoy?
Combat, exploration, music, lore, story, characters, scenery
Sex with Sigewinne
If the new character is Sigewinne then C1 Furina is better.
Sunk cost
>her left hand leaves a trail of dendro
I guess it's an effect of her C6
>why is everyone talking about the featured character on the banner
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Have you wished her a happy birthday?
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Fontaine charas I rolled as (true) f2p
which was all that I wanted
now saving for Natlan
By QoL you mean they are desperate and small enough that they are willing to take the chances with the CCP who don't have eyes on them since their game is so small.

This shit happens all the time, the less successful something is the more developers can get away with stuff like this.
Let’s speculate. What if, and by that I mean a big IF. But what if, at the end of the month, Genshin somehow makes 100m. How would you doomposters spin it?
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nowhere near the same as during the first 3 patches
im still here for sigewinne, nahida and the tsaritsa
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My enjoyment has definitely dimmed, I'm not really enjoying the new characters, from the last two regions I can say that I don't care about any of them, I'm only staying for Snezhnaya
The fact you have to make up this corny, illogical situation is a sign that you know genshit is dying but you are afraid to admit it.
i can ALMOST see it. you're on thin ice bud.
We flopped...
Imagine getting so triggered that someone said a character you dislike is meta so much that you post guro of her. Mental illness.
I'm in Snezhnaya and I don't recommend to stay here.
Sunk cost, want to see Natlan and sunk cost. Also sunk cost. Oh did I forget to mention sunk cost?
Clorinde.. forgotten
I know gig fights a lot with fontaine vs sumeru but I don't see what makes them "great" both are shit, I miss 1.x and 2.x
w-what happens next?
It’s almost as mentally ill as repeatedly bringing up Raiden vs. Sigewinne every thread for the past month.
>Of course not
>I still enjoy playing, but it’s just not the same way as I felt back in 1.x,2.x, and the beginning of 3.x
>I enjoy looking at my waifu, that’s all, also I hope maybe Furina will get a SQ2 (I doubt it, she’ll just be forgotten)
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Only here due to a combination of sunk cost and my rampant pantyhose fetishism which basically means I'll be skipping Natlan and assuming I still care, will return for Snezhnaya
Okay genshitters, I'll let you have the win this time
using months instead of the actual banner obscures their actual sales and counts Wrio (an actual brick) also using JP is silly as Ayato/Venti had the second highest sales ever more than any Raiden banner.

I hate Neuv btw.
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siggybros? how we doin?
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I'm holding on to the slight dim hope that things are going to get better. They aren't.
Without the proper lightning, genshin models are creepy.
70 3/3/3
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I don't get this sunk cost argument. You spent money because you had fun right? Now that you aren't having fun anymore doesn't mean you didn't have fun in the past. If you buy a tasty sandwich you don't expect to somehow eat it forever
what do you think the carrier group is for?
me as yae
sunk cost isn't a real thing, retard
>Emilie, dendro-burning support
>new 5*, dendro-burning dps
exploration mainly, but also collecting and building the characters, trying out new teams, the characters quests have been great as well
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You can still pull me back in mihoyo, give me the Childe wedding
You’re right I was definitely happy at the time but I just wish I was smarter with what I spent on. I have cons and weapons on pretty random characters I don’t even like that much
Genshin models are creepy.
Obviously not. This game doesn't innovate enough to make the game feel fresh even 4 years later.
Because I don't dislike it enough to drop it yet. Also I'm stupid enough to hope that things will do get better later.
when i log in for 10-30 minutes a day i have fun
Every minor and major local deity (and outlanders) went out of their way to help some retarded selfish kid get the leg up in a silly dispute with his father (who's right btw), they faked scenarios to make him look more competent than he actually was and turned him into the center piece of the yearly country celebration. How is that not ridiculous levels of shilling?
Nta I agree but I wish you didn't add the food analogy in the end holy shit
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So what exactly was the point of Ousia/whatever the fuck the other one is called? A leftover from the light/dark faction war leak that got rewritten?
don't worry about it
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This is a criminal that served her sentence in Fortress of Meropide for drinking a potion that's made from dissolved people. Say something nice about her.
>everyone is placing their hopes on snezhnaya
oh boy I hope they don't fuck it up, someone shot fat xiao so he isn't involved
Why do we suddenly hate Genshin?
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C6 is 4HoD or 4MH
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An idea that sounded good on paper, but then someone at the meetings reminded the others that they're making a Gacha and not a proper game, so they can't make it TOO limited and interesting as that would limit players that didn't have access to it. So it got reduced to a babby tier puzzle mechanic with extra steps.
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Damn, even doctors are playing Genshin
the artifact grind is horrible
Bronislava Alekseevna, the Tsaritsa...
are you five year old that only knows love and hate? no one is saying they hate it just that it got worse with time
that zhongli looks weird
>uncle K
>hrt diluc
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I mean I just made the analogy at the top of my head but it makes sense no? You don't expect a one time payment to bring you endless satisfaction.
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I wish you could eat a sandwich forever...
Lol I saw that on twitter, he was showing off his waifu collection
Am I crazy for thinking C0 Furina is incredibly overrated?
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Hilarious how there isn't a soul that thinks Natlan will end up being good. Hopefully it's such a massive shitshow that they're forced to cut back on the content made to appeal to twitter women instead of the audience that made Genshin successful.
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Kokomi is LITERALLY me!
She's not overrated she feels bad until C2
Just like any limited 5* character, C1R1/C2/C2R1 or bust.
>venti, childe, zhongli, albedo
but women were what made genshin successful
I got my first Jean when rolling Furina is she good with her?
I'm excited for natlan
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based truth sayer
what.... exactly is your complaint about ousia/pneuma?
No, its just her teams comps being fairly limited at c0
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i was playing a normal anime game yesterday and kept thinking about how theres nothing this soulfull in any good 3d gacha. Genshin is the closest to a slice of life anime but 90% of the time its more like a fantasy story, and wuwa completely misses the mark by only having grey moments, even the city somehow looks dull despite all the npcs
doomkeks need to have some buzz word to rally around
I hope to see a Furina expy in HSR. Maybe they’ll do her justice there. Nahida in HSR would be cool too
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All I ask from them is Childe's backstory
No, it's fucking hot and theres a shitload of bugs everywhere. I wanna move to Alaska or Finland or somewhere where its winter 90% of the time
This is with the topup reset. Yeah Neuv is a flop
summer isn't what it used to be thanks to global warming, now you don't enjoy the sun now it fucking burns, fucking sun i hope you die
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I got Tighnari nigga, I ain't posting that.
You could set up a manufacturing plant where a continuous sandwich would be produced.
coping with sac bow since I somehow destroyed all my recurves
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It's more like if you bought some shiny expensive go-kart because you really loved the track and enjoyed taking your go-kart out on that track. Then slowly and slowly that track gets dumbed down with speed bumps and all the things that made the track good disappear.

But you still have the expensive go-kart that you like and want to use it on the track you used to like but it doesn't exist anymore.
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you have the hydro traveller and Lynette
exploration is not bad sometimes. went to shit in Sumeru but there are fun parts still
When Chiori rerun?
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Why are there so many russians on the coop tab
they made her a shota bellboy, that you see three or four times in total.
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Childe is married to Xiangling!
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Serious question, will we ever get Guizhong? She is a real cutie
Honestly Neuv and Furina’s kits should’ve switched. Furina should be noob friendly. Neuvillette would make more sense to walk over water and have control over pneumonia, plus he could summon Leviathan or shit in battle. Furina can go Hydro pump away with ease so that noobs enjoy her.
Straight to the bargain Inazuma banner
>even doctors are playing Genshin
100% doctor of Gender studies
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I regret skipping CR for c3r0 Chino.
C2R0 was more than enough.
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i got a new fridge and my power goes out when the compressor on it kicks on and my AC is on at the same time
they're obviously on separate circuits but i'm still losing power
i don't know what's wrong and it seems like an expensive problem
i think this is called a brown out i'm not an electrician
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Xiangling is for dawei
skill issue
this new event seems rushed as fuck, there isn't even NPC
naah probably a chad cock/tit-chopper from thailand or indonesia or whatever.
>playing genshin on phone
uh I thought doctors were supposed to smart
Good. The worst part about new events is having to talk to a fucker. And also needing to teleport to a floating domain for no reason.
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Can somebody explain to me what just the FUCK happened? Alberich was berating Loom in this scene for abandoning the Abyss but she decided to join him anyway according to Dain?
just don't have a shit phone? genshin runs well on phones
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newfriend bro.....
Nobody gives a fuck about filler throwaway NPCs that exist to waste your time with chatgpt dialogue.
>to make him look more competent than he actually was
he'd moved away from home working as a literal bodyguard while continuing to be passionate about dancing in the hopes of one day being able to pursue it professionally
no way my tiny pecker is getting past those cheeks
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Why are you letting me flop?!
she sympathised with his grief and helped him
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you do know that iOS gets exclusive features, like 120 fps without getting banned
That’s HSR, not Genshin
Can’t wait until July 1st when Siggy has lower usage than Raiden
my point stands, genshin runs really well on phones
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>summer isn't what it used to be thanks to global warming,
of course these retards are here in /gig/
I hate this fanbase so much
here is a (You) for effort but most of them are forced memes.
Honest question for doomposters and/or people who complain about the state of the game: What are you expecting when you voice your concerns here?
Do you think mihoyo devs are ITT? What's the point?
Cause I gotta be straight with you guys this is starting to look like a serious mental disorder on display. I get that we like to have fun shitposting and all but I think it's time to stop pretending and face the reality of your actions.
There's not much to discuss with haters and there's not much we can do even if we agree with criticism so why pursue this behaviour? What do you get out of it?
I've seen similar stuff with addicted memo players who end up consumed by hatred, bitter to their very soul. Do you really want to end like a deranged mmorpg player? Why not let it go?
>event ends when the objective is met
wanna frot?
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>>>nooooooooooooooooo you can't talk about genshin on the genshin general
everyone play Genshin on phone
she abandoned khaenriah not the abyss
People don't go to 4chan with expectations. They go to 4chan to get away from them.
sorry I won't support any character your human garbage seiyuu voices
same reason I skipped Nilou
This can easily be turned around on you: what do you expect from relentlessly defending Mihoyo even if they objectively did something wrong? Are you a shill by chance, or do you just want a circlejerk like reddit where all negativity is silences?
bwos i have Furina C2 with Festering Desire and Navia C0 R1
Should i get Navia C2 or Furina's Signature?
xianyun rerun when
she’s going to have gigs use rates, she’s the only hydro unit so every hyperbloom shitter is going to have to use her.
>Why do you discuss genshin? You should only show support!
Do you have critical thinking or are you at kindergarten
>even doctors are playing Genshin
isn't that Wuwa? or is it HSR? definitely not Genshin
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appledrones are too funny
Anal worm
>consecrated beasts finally return to f12
>the hardest chamber this abyss didn't even involve them
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it always burned you mongrel, if anything my stupid country has even more rain and more cold days than before...
I bought more welkins but that was for Siggy not you
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I still have no idea why this charge exists. It leaves shitton of bubbles that last for a while tho
Furina's signature isn't good before C4.
the story is not complete and what we saw there is only when Abyss Sibling met Chlothar. We don't know everything that happened, only a very small part
Dainsleif can't be trusted and you can't believe everything he tells you. After all, your memories of him can be manipulated.
no that's just you getting older and your decrepit aging body being unable to handle temperature shifts the way it used to
but yes let's blame it on global warming
Rip. Mond's new map can't come soon enough.
no, before i could enjoy a summer day at the beach, now I get sunburns
yes, and?
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I just did a 10 pull for fun and got this early...
looks like HSR to me
Fontaine goddamn sucks!
use spf, retarf
>you getting older and your decrepit aging body
I'm literally 20
wanna frot?
I'm doing meta discussion and literally the first reply is from the guy who calls slurper to anyone who disagreed with him, telling me to kill myself. Do you think this is a good quality poster?
I come here to talk about fun things and I can bond with other users because we enjoy the game, we look forward for new stuff.
Do you bond with faggots who relentlessly complain?
Maybe this basketweaving forum truly is a mental asylum and I'm the odd one for expecting something of value discussed here. Could be the case to be desu.
I don’t care about sob story pitybait written by men made to pander to other men. Furina is a dogshit character
he was clearly competent and we weren't trying to make him seem "more competent than he was" but rather make his father aware of his capabilities and what other people think of him
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nta but North Europe fag here, 15-20 years ago 30 Celsius was literally a myth here, now you have it here every summer
he's autoing HSR while enjoying a wedding he is smart
Is there a Lore Reason/Sexual Fetish why Sigewinne is not in the Character Archive?
eula looks so goofy
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modcucks will get the rope 5.0
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I shouldve wished for Clorinde instead.
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>Is there a Lore Reason/Sexual Fetish why Sigewinne is not in the Character Archive?
not the point retard, now summer isn't enjoyable because the fucking temperature spiked up
20 is the new 50 because zoomies can't look away from their tablets and tiktoks which fucks their development
i rolled before doing the AQ and now that shes a useless sack of shit i feel scammed so im not even renewing welkin or buying BP anymore
fag xiao can suck a dick actually he would enjoy that shit so he can go lick shit
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smol indie company pls understand
you are dumb, when they release afun to play character with cool animation and massive tits why would you skip?
I enjoy Genshin
If you get upset by that,
so what if global warming is real you aren’t going to be able to anything about it lol enjoy slow death
There's not much room for discussion when some assblasted hater says something like
>This game is dogshit and I can't wait for it to die
What the fuck kind of critical thinking went into that? Nigga you real?
I want yinlin to rape me
a guy posting "fontaine flopped" 50 times an hour is not discussion, bro
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im gonna guess that when you where a kid you where taken out of the house frequently and adapted to the pain, and now that you are a neet and go outside once a decade the sun sticks out more, i always ended summer with a completely burned back
He can't walk on water without CR's magic.
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That's my wife.
>you are a neet
I'm not a kokofag tho
Cultists will have your quality of life improvements and means of transportation banned while doing nothing about real polluters like Africa, India, and China.
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Stop doing the frot thing, let me post Lynette faces in peace
How would you have prevented the fall of Genshin?
it's not called global warming and hasn't been called global warming in over a decade
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>shitstaine slurper and professional fat xiao dick rider getting baited episode 365
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It's a bug they said they're gonna fix it soon
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>wuwa flop has the spacetao dots
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>Spamming the same debunked shitposts for months on end is discussion
>2 moles
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I want to have knife eared children with her
global boiling you’re right sorry bro
Not allowing faggots like Tranny Xiao and cancerous women to take over the development of the game.
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haha what if we rubbed our penis together?
didn't watch it
>are you excited for Natlan?
>if yes, what do you look forward to?
>if not, what makes you think it will be bad?
there's always a small chance natlan will have a craftable hp scaling bow...
You pretend to be retarded for fun and now you are surrounded by legit, actual retards who think themselves in good company.
Is this what you wanted?
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what the fuck is a frot?
actually, no. don't tell me
only explanation for why you think the temperature changed enough in your lifetime to completely change a season lmfao, even by ¨climate change¨ stats the temperature has only risen 0.2 celcius or 0.36 farenheit the past decade, no way you can notice that
There are zero reliable data that show that this game is dying.
Scaramouche never playable, Dehya didn’t get that kit, Nahida was a hebe and tone down the Kaveh x Alhaitham shilling back in Sumeru. Also Fontaine needs to be scrapped, probably just replace it with an entire different looking area and different characters
you didn't debunk anything and as always you prove you're just mad you didn't win any of those arguments so no one agrees with your shit opinions
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cm'ere kitty~ lets frotty frot
Hope you have her C4.
Himeko expy and possible Capitano boss
anal leakage
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Emilie is all you guys are getting for the next few months. That's tragic
Tiffany jumped ship to HSR before fontaine
Just Google Image it, you dingus.
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Yes I am because I have all my hopes on Natlan becoming the ultimate SHONEN battleground experience.
Power of friendship, excitement of meeting rivals, personal growth and the spirit of youth.

before we reached 29 celcius max and now 33/34, what 0.2 kek?
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no looks shit
>not a volcanic hellscape like it was hyped up to be
>you dont ride the mounts but TRANSform into them
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Damn every slugnigger copying my Navia team now...
yes very tragic
enjoy your year of ching chong ding dong btw
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We love guizhong here
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sadly no... Ill probably need to use an ER sands now huh?
he echoes your sentiment with a little more eloquence
No, the Pokemon shit they show on the PV looks ass. None of the leaks sound promising either.
I'm just looking forward for Columbine now.
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here i drew a helpful diagram
I’m going to build Noelle, Gorou and Lynette because I have nothing else to do anymore or roll for.

I really don’t even understand how Genshin got to this point, I thought it would be like 4 years into the future when it would start getting shit
no it wasn't, check your country's metereological database (if they even let you check it), you'll probably see even higher records on past years back when you weren't alive, i worked at a climatological station and got access to mine and realized at least this argument was completely made up, you should be worried about this shit you live in a big city, because those are the places that can really get temporal changes that affect your health
genshin impact
still will outsell every single genshin character
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Don't you get bored of making the same completely debunked argument again and again?
Why does it feel like doomposting has quadrupled in the last few days?
Why does the creature look like a man in a fur suit?
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The fucking Mushroom Pokemon Event sealed the fate of Natlan Story and Environment
Yes, and that makes it harder to get her to 40k HP.
doesn't count


doesn't count


doesn't count


doesn't count


doesn't count

also pairing Chiori and Navia with uggo like F and Sigeshit is terrible taste
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yes but not much, I only care about Capitano scared of them making him job to the pyro dragon or traveler and getting a pyro support for my Childe
new honki patch was trash and firefly fireflopped so they are hard coping
those are the stats by the people peddling this shit, you are mentally challenged if you think summer ever was 29 celcius, thats not even hot
No chance. Enjoy another atk, er, and em bows
>the sales of the game are proportional to my enjoyment of it
even for shitposting standard, this is actually very retarded
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Uhm, these are blood-related twins.
>>>483555178 (You)
where's my XL
>+140% HP from c2
>+28% from weapon
I think ill be able to hit it
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So the Sigewinne trial is fucking retarded and doesn't even use a good comp for her. What the hell are the devs thinking? Do they want her to fail?
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4.2 will be the Wednesday after the day of the dead
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show me the debunk then
also >>483564574
himeko expy very unlikely given the fanta furina leaks
and I don't particularly like brown people
Because nothing good happened for the past few days.
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im enjoying my slug, the comfiest/fastest full party healer in genshin
A voice of reason, rare sight. Let's make a wish...
yes, and?
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just filter the f-word, baka
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>I can't believe Sumeru is nothing but rain forest, wasn't there supposed to be a giant desert!?
We've only seen a teaser you fucktard.
as long as the Mexicans are Spanish only
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I don't get it
>that's not even hot
don't know where you live but for my country this was summer like 9 years ago
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we will frօt forever together kitty
Wish result: Raven Bow
Better luck next time I guess.
Chiori remains the only good thing to come out of this shit region. Too bad her character designer got replaced
Yes, mostly because it will be the first time I get to experience a new region's release alongside everyone else which means I can participate in both lorefagging, exploran, dooming, cooming and shitposting in these threads
It's hard for me to have an opinion on the region itself and the characters we'll encounter since we currently know so little about them
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about filters...
>only 50 posts are hidden
filters are getting rusty, time for an update
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I think frotting is cute
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yeah a teaser that negatively impacted my hype for the game
slow clap for hoyo
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i'm tired of all the fags
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>nooo don’t use good units, Why don’t you have 8 useless bricks at C6 instead!
>clear invalid!
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No one cares about some wuwajeet's opinion
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The ten year plan was a mistake.
Mihomo egregiously overplayed their hand in this.
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Xianyun was cool too
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amazing how wanderer got his own video, truly a trans icon
please be a man
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NTA but shartbidet is ultra cringe and if you rolled you permabricked your account and sexuality.
It's cute and funny.
There is a difference between good units (like Beidou, Chev, Navia) and broken retarded one-size fit-all units for shitters
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>what is this homo bullshit
>oh it’s another frumpy jewess outrage baiting on youtube
I have his sig r1, never ever going to use it.
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gays and trannies will claim anything is their own kind including the people that dont like them
I rolled for Comet Azur. I used him for like a week and then benched him forever
How can you tell this designer was replaced? Do they disclose this kind of information?
Why they made Sigewinne so bad?
I dont get it. Why not throw a curveball and make a healer that dees something fun?
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Fun fact. Every character in the video game Genshin Impact is canonically straight
Neuvillette flop
>Keqing reskin but you can't even see her tits
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>throwing meds people and giving out the jab isn't fun
based superpower
my only issue with her is that her C2 isn’t just a upgrade on already existing effects in her base kit.
If she have 20% res pen and a 5% shield baseline she’d be way more fun to play without C2.
Also what the fuck is 65k HP? I had trouble getting Furina over 40%…
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post your not fake Navia clear
>exploration as always
>I can just tell fat Xiao will make this Xblanque faggot the Gary Stu that does everything and half the shit we do will be filler

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