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Previous: >>483554005

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>FoTM flop
Genshin gets better with every update.
Every new area they have added since Dragonspine has been better than the last one
Music has constantly been on top of the industry
Lore gets deeper and more interesting with every addition
Scenery gets more beautiful with every new release
Archon quests get more interesting then the last
World quests continue to be supreme kino filtering all the subhuman IQ retards
Character kits are fun and bring new and interesting teamcomps and playstyles
The game continues to ooze with passion and attention to detail not present in any other game
>But muh [HEADCANON]
>But muh salescharts
>But muh homos & fujos
>But muh incels & femcels
>But muh e-celebs
>But muh other games
Don't care, didn't ask. I can form my own opinions and don't need someone elses approval over what I enjoy. You can't gaslight me into not enjoying something
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sex with alhaitham
Your ritualpost flopped, Genshin won, is winning and will win.
on my dick
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Childe SOON
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Neuvillette Wormvillette Flopvillete FLOPPED
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I feel so bad for Kokomi. Fontaine took everything from her
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>Raiden bday
>not Raiden OP
What is wrong with this general
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should've been Archon, should've had Neuv's kit
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This is what you nerds will be in approximately 10-20 years LOL! Poor and decrepit surrounded by waifus
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This can't be about wuwa
It didnt make it a month
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I have to admit I agree with all these points especially the ones about music, scenery and world quests. Those are my favourites.
Feels pretty good to enjoy things, dare I say based even.
>wants other people to do it
if you are a xfag it's YOUR duty to do it, not ours
There were multiple you deranged schizo
So nothing's going to change? ok then
but dude in the video is married and have kids
How the actual fuck did Furina’s first rerun flop? I thought she was basically the one unit from Fontaine guaranteed to make money.
How badly did she flop?
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>Main DPS
>Flat chested
>dark skin
>From Natlan

Are you rolling?
I sure as fuck am.
based enjoyerGOD
Threadly reminder Furina, and Ayaka, are for you.
>Owns a house
>Has 2 children
Man I wish.
They reduced her from having a personality to having absolutely nothing
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the ocean and city of fontaine is pretty good but you cant tell me the landmass of fontaine is good, it ruins every trailer with its weird unnatural colors and landscapes
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she mogs all Fontaine hags and is less tomboy than Furina
Recurring player after 2+ years, so these are my new genshins
How do I build them?
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she did worse than xiao yae rerun in 4.3
pretty funny
>doomfrog became doom-miria
>hope frog shows up
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Siggy would have been a success if she looked more like this than a Blue Klee
if only they didn't waste Enkanomiya and desert 3 on shilling Neuvillette
Just because you can walk on water doesn't mean you're good.
I will roll for all dark skin Natlan females and I will make them bear my children. This is my duty as a spanish man, no way around it.
I don't care about anything else
Neuvillette is retarded
No 2nd SQ, no hype.
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Nahida is really cute.
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where is ayaka's romance story then, its been 2 years
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Da Hydro Archon...
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yep, melusines have cool and unique animations, people would roll for that reason alone
buti guess small indie company please understand, cant make a fourth body type for playable characters
>4 Gaming
>2 Rosaria
>1 Kirara
>2 books not called The Widsith
>>>Only 1 Noelle
I guess I spent all my luck on winning the 50/50
redpill me on buddypoke
is furina's basic attack worth levelling for overworld?
Talotard is the WORST cop EVER! ! !
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I love Nilou
>no playable aranara
>no playable melusine
>no playable stone giganigga
shit game
No You should crown it anyway
no but i triple crowned her anyway
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i want to fuck this creature BADLY
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her ass is fat
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>two years from now no one will remember wuwu wawa
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incredibly based
What the actual fuck if I’m reading this right the banner barely outperformed the literal worst performing banner in Genshin history
How the fuck did Furina crash and burn like this? Is Sigewinne the ultimate flop?
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That does it, I'm filtering "flop".
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*holds whistle menacingly*
wtf potatokeks said that new 5 star loli sigefloppe would save genshin...
unironically a very cute scene
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I completed Byakuyakoku recently and there are no mentions of Neuvillette or anything related to the surface world beyond Watatsumi.
Where did you get this idea?
>2 years
You mean 2 months?
He’s already better than 100% of gig
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I love this cabbage so much
The cuteness is too powerful
she lost the archon token which is what made her popular in thw first place
outside of headcanons her characterization sucks massive fucking cock
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We love Talochard here
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Raiden day - Raiden wallpaper
you are not reading it correctly
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Genshin just doesn't know how to make interesting and appealing character anymore. Just look at Arlecchino, she was the most hyped up harbinger since the trailer and she flopped. why? because she was an absolute nothing in the story and had her lore retconned. why did the writers do that?
yeah, she literally declared that she was going to make you fall in love with her
whats fat xiao thinking right now
holy shit hello 1234userkills!
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Ive been doomposting her for a while now because she looks like Klee and her nonstop heart motive + generic 90s anime nurse oversized everything makes feel so void of personality. Its like they wanted to make her feel special and unique and overdid it.
well it worked
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We all knew Flopwinne will flop, why are you all acting as if it is big news?
The writers have a burning hatred of male players and female characters.
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More ass than Furina
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Wait, so only i thought Sigewinne can fly while holding the bubble?
fucking i feel scammed

Why dosnt she fly?
How do I keep my job and my food intake intact
The problem is regular melusines just mog her in design
Food and shilling his next homofaggot poison that'll make the game sink even lower.
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Outside of Siggy, I have yet to find a Melusine who's personality isnt fun to experience. They always are just kinda out there and it makes them super likeable.
No one wants to spend money on a flavour of the month unit when they can spend money of a live2D of their waifu in a bikini.

Mihoyo should give up on trying to make money past the x.6 patch until they have the balls to give us swimsuits.
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>Murata is a honkai expy
>Himeko is famous for dying
>Natlan's chapter is about resurrection
>No one knows who the current pyro archon is
>Mihoyo is keeping natlan's info and the name of the pyro archon a secret
>The only body type we're missing is a potato shota
The female archon is dead and gets resurrected as a shota
imagine if the whistle was your penis haha wouldn't it be funny
RDR2 sucks and flopped lole.
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Now that the dust has settled, they did fine all things considering
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>Pyro/Anemo/Geo chads time
>Cryogods time
>Dendrogoats time
>Hydrobros time
Electrobros? Is it finally our time?
what’s the opposite of flopped
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Bwos, which f2p weapon is good for c6 Furina? Is Festering still good enough?
I have Nilou's paddle, but her paddle should stay with Nilou.

Also, why am I not hitting hard enough? Her NAs are doing like 80k at most each. Using the MH set, 1% on Akasha, even.
I thought she would do like 1mi vaporize hits.
She works better as a GT character, but healing with her c6?

Here is some cute Bweh Furina
Lowest selling Archon…
what makes Neuvillette such a universally beloved character?
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I feel in love with these lil creatures from the very first Fontaine teaser, hoping the skipping police slug would be playable. But nope.

And now we enter the region of tipi huts and sandnegroes once more. I miss fontaine already..
they shouldve made the ordo plot the AQ and had arle be cater furina be ann focalors be rene and they shouldve slapped in sandrone to be seymour and neuv be mamare
having the oceanid home region be completely devoid of any schizophrenia in the AQ was a retarded choice and having a fucking spacewhale be the boss with the main antagonist being fucking absent was even more retarded
Just make her 4 star or a free 5 star because of her shitty sabotaged kit and bland design and everyone would be happy. But hoyo is some greedy dumb fuck.
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flipped ;^p
>going for used goods C6 that everyone has
>just because he's a metacuck

fucking kek
I really doubt madam ping is lantern rite unless mihoyo starts doing time travel stories
Cloud Retainer I can understand but madam ping really doesn't seem like someone who'd just go "haha I'm back to normal!"
Just doesn't feel right story wise
Rainslasher or and EM/ER claymore
EM Pyro Crit dmg artifacts
HP sword
HP HP HP artifacts
Black tassel
HP HP HP/Healing bonus artifacts
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I beat and reped my wife Scaramouche today <3
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You need Key for big vapes
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Remember Genkeks, when they'll eventually close the servers, you can always hop on and play the passion project game
I got her c6 because she is best girl and deserves the best.
>But why not go for r1?
I lost my last coinflips. And all my 5* were at pity.
>passion project

Flopping harder than Itto and Chiori is fine.
what's the point of posting here if you're just going to have half the thread filtered? why are you on this website if you can't take a little funposting? isn't discord more your speed?
Yeah I hope the make the TCG a standalone game if that happens
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Lady Furina why did you flop…. They’ll make me gay now…
It is my time to masturbate to Kequeen ass yes.
God I love this fool, if only I could get her constellations...
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>mihoyo expected Furina to sell
>Put bait weapon banner and bait character with her
>She actually flopped
They thought they could repeat baizhu furina banner
I hope this would be a wake up call for these retarded developers.
I assumed that Furina would still perform alright just on account of being the hydro archon and one of the best characters in the game.
Holy fuck, did Hoyo make an ENTIRE FUCKING NATION of characters nobody wants to pull for?
>furina gets called as not the archon
>furinafags post that stupid little plush thats marketed with the rest of the archons and the shitty TCG card with furina on it that represents fontaine
>furina flops
>hahaha guys shes not the archon
disingenuous faggots
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Archon who? Where?
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Remember when we had good 4 stars?
But I tested her with the Key and the hits were not that strong.
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>Mint picker
>best girl
>worst written character of Fontaine
>terrible design
>boring kit
Sis I....
Why do these two always get shipped together?
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>Keka/Raiden sidegrade that didn't get shilled in the major quests
>1+ year old main-DPS that doesn't need any cons
>Trash 4* lineup
yeah, they did ok
Why is /gig/ still pretending sigewinne's bow is bad?
Spamming the same unfunny tripe buzzwords and copypaste posts for 300 threads is only "fun" in the minds of mentally ill little brown boys.
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>renowned perfumer
/gig/'s toilet...
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>all things considering
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>nigger tier ai slop
>nigger shadman
>one of the best characters in the game.
metafags dont give a shit about the game anymore and her writing is horrible
I'm really curious about those spammers, to be honest. How boring do you have to be to think that kind of spam is fun?
>How the actual fuck did Furina’s first rerun flop?
because the game is dying We will never recover from the flop that was Sumeru
Hoyo sided with the loud minority but these after that Shipping survey
I don't think is safe to play zzz, Genshin just show how much hoyo don't care about any game that doesn't have Honkai on their official title
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phew... furina c2r1 with ER sands is just enough to get to 40k, even without double hydro (its like 47k)
They don't mention him by name but there is a prophecy about the hydro dragon being reincarnated as a human.

They wasted really good build up and foreshadowing on his character
You need to use her burst and be in Pneuma mode. My Furina does 80k non-vapes without any other exterior buffs/debuffs.
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Predict Sigewinne's ownership
What does flopped mean in your context?
She's a fantastic damage dealer and has a distinctive personality with a fairly unique look.
From what I've seen she clears enemies faster than Neuvillette.
So what is the flop? Bad sales? Is that how you judge the quality of a character?
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One artist forced it long enough for it to meme into existence.
They've never EVER interacted.
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Focalors would not have flopped. Better character design and personality than Furina
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oh know know know
Do you really think you are not boring and that your posts are actually fun?
Blue Teppei is not a personality
is meant for >>483568747
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>log in
>hit autoplay
>2x speed
>alt tab
>mute game
>passion project
Just a few troon artists spamming arts of these two everyone else ships Yelan with Pantalonie
Isn't that kind of low? What artifact sets? With buffs and reactions how much damage do you get?
disingenuous retard
Two cute girls from the current region (one of whom is the most meta character in the game) selling worse than a rerun of two males who are both bricks is not a good sign.
>They wasted really good build up and foreshadowing on his character
hey just like they did with arlecchino and blunderer
mihoyo writers are physically incapable of doing payoff they can build something up but it always crashes and burns and the copium tank is starting to run low especially with how they spent the dain quest doing nothing but build up for something that will end up being completely meaningless
Arlecchino is all looks without substance. The most "evil" thing she did was scare Furina.
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Now imagine if Chevy was in that banner.
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>log in
>hit autoplay
>2x speed
>alt tab
>mute game
>shitpost on /gig/
>shitpost on /hsrg/ at the same time
>passion project
her butt looks infected
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
I am honestly going to miss underwater exploration so much bros... It's by far the best thing they have added to the game. I don't really take combat into account here, but the exploration itself is super cozy.
I could do 250k vapes with sac sword. Check:
>Pyro application
>Res Shred
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Please roll for Furina… you are rolling right? Why are you making her flop?!
real, I don't find any of the new characters interesting, they are just there
9%, sigewinne for all accounts is still a furina healer, but I don't think she'll be snaking her way up like baizhu did since baizhu at least had teams before furina
No. It is very much meant to you.
Your spam is boring. I can't think of anything unfunnier.
I would rather read a sociology textbook than reading your posts talking about how fans of a character are characterpag and things like this.
>not using the mod to remove bubble farts
weakest pc player
for me it's you sometimes
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NTA but every other harbinger gets to be the highlight of the region (Scaramecha not irminsul'd hatguy) she is just there.
>They've never EVER interacted.
That's what confused me. Shame the artist that forced it couldn't have picked better ships because those two designs are sex
Literally who?
i don't roll for cuckbait especially useless ones
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>an entire fucking anime episode
>3 trailers
>entire patch dedicated to her
>stole furina's second character quest
>a FEMALE harbinger
>neuvilette tier meta kit
>hyped / built up since 2 years ago
Imagine all that and still barely 1/3 of hutao's sales and popularity, how embarrassing....
It was only good the first time.
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Well. These two turned out to be just as popular as the shitty prison arc they spawned from.
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>Fresh screenshot
Supreme kino awaits you in the near future anon
>two easy cyno/dehya tier skips before colonizer archon
I don't even look at the ass, underwater regions are just that pretty
Ah, sac sword? Yeah, it seems like the best f2p option to c6 Furina. R5 sac sword? Or r3 or lower is good enough? Don't want to take away my Qiqi's sword.
Blackslop will unsurprisingly flop.
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u ok there bud? all i did was point out your obvious samefag, why are you implying I spam anything? also, you arent contributing by bitching on the thread like a whiny faggot, here's your last (You) since you seem needy
Anon clearly meat personality as in the actual character, she is strong but people only use her for that, there's no character appeal
I don't remember anything close to this, it was mostly about internal struggles for power and political interests taking advantage of children sacrifice to keep the status quo. Do you remember where is this mentioned? I don't recall any prophecies but I do recall people in power making up bullshit.
Truly embarrassing. Fat Xiao needs to be fired
Waifuchads don't like dykes, no surprise there.
>Flat dark skinned hebe
Sexo, so much sexo
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That's Yae and Ayato's child on the left and you can't convince me otherwise
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It's just GT. I only use her as a sub DPS, C6 is only for completion. 80k non-vapes with 0 buffs/debuffs can go up to ~400k last time I put my stuff in a calculator. If you want a vape setup you need more EM + an EM buffer.
>kleecope Flopped and dabbed on
>childe status: Mega flopped and dabbed on
>zhongli status: Flopped and dabbed on, plus geocoin crashed
>albedo status: Flopped and dabbed on
>ganyu status: Flopped and dabbed on
>xiao status: Flopped and dabbed on
>keqing status: Mega flopped and dabbed on
>hu tao status: Flopped and dabbed on
>venti rerun status: Absolutely dabbed on all these jobbers
>childe rerun status: Mega flopped and dabbed on
>zhongli rerun status: Flopped and dabbed on
>eula status: Flopped and dabbed on
>klee rerun status: Mega flopped and dabbed on
>kazuha status: Mega flopped and dabbed on, failed to "powercreep venti"

Venti will be the most successful banner of all time forever. No one is touching his 31 million dollarinos. Kleecope lost to Venti twice. You will never be Japanese.
You will never powercreep Venti.
Your Childe will never be popular.
Your Kleecope will always be powercrept.
China and metachads forever own you.
wuwa will outsell genshin this month and you will seethe, cope, dilate, shit and piss yourselves
Because you were mad the other anon said he blocks your spam.
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I've already jerked off to Furina 3 times today
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Honestly, what the fuck are they doing?
It has to be deliberate at this point. They KNOW the homeland will never EVER roll for anything that even remotely starts to seem swarthy, and yet they still do this.
fixed my account byu winning the coin flip and getting furina. i will never ever understand why i thought wormsley would be better than her. fucking hell.
I'm one of those who try to find everything in a map and I did not like the underwater. Having to swim back and forth multiple times to see if you've missed anything was not enjoyable
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>another fucking 5* hydro catalyst
What's with the obsession with hydro catalysts and pyro polearms? I'm fucking tired of this bullshit ngl
It's pairing the spares, they're both Liyue hags with no particular association to anyone else at the time and shipperfags can't let characters go unshipped.
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Everyone knows I literally made up that "name" out of nothing. And everyone knows I refuse to post proof my boogieman exists.
yeah Honkai impact 2
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>Log in
>Jump on mushrooms (can't auto)
>Kill the same enemies (can't auto)
>Mint pick (100 times - can't auto)
>Walk 1 kilometer (can't auto)
>Read wall text from 4036346th NPC (can't skip)
>Fast forward 15 minutes, phew finally done!
Gonna top-up for Jinhsi and ChangLi
They're listening to vocal western twitterfags.
Hateful faggot go suck some dicks and calm down ok?

Was Signora the highlight of Inazuma?
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based af fan comic, his 3d renders are superb and could be confused with in-game screenshots
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>flat chest
oh yes...
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SHUT UP! this is REAL gameplay that railkeks would never understand!!
i appreciate the sentiment bwo
If you ever feel sad just remember there are people who think Claymore characters are good
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>he forgets mihoyo is a privately owned company and can do whatever they want
Oh nonononono shareholder cucks
Sovl. Doomkeks will tell you gameplay is bad
link is deleted, but i think i know what you're talking about. pretty fucking good.
>They're listening to vocal western twitterfags
Oh man, Wuwa can meme this.
I rolled Cyno and regretted it. Big chances of those two being bricks like the other tanned characters.
Ah, I see. I'm using Festering Desire.
I think I will use her as a subDPS and give up on making her a burst DPS.
>furinas humiliation extends beyond just ingame humiliation
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It's Raiden's birthday and you're wasting it on someone else?
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Please roll for Furina gweilo. Don’t you want me to keep my job? She’s the most well written character
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>dark skin flat chest hebe young girl 5 star
Who even wants Skyward Pride? The only Claymore Characters I have are Gaming, Dori, Beidou, Noelle, and Chongyun
Sounds good bro. It's weird how this beats the ever-loving shit out of the Archon quest. It's paced so much better and you can just roam around and explore in some dense cozy underwater caves. I quit for a few months after doing the Prison part of the Main-story and it just killed me inside. It's nice having some fun again.

I could see that being annoying, but I still think climbing every mountain is worse. I much prefer being able to move around freely compared to running/climbing
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We love Cutefly here
Eh I was just testing with R5but you want refinement that is best for your rotation, I belive its R2 or R3 but take it with grain of salt, I had XL with almost 300 ER and Fav, Sucrose and ZL, first E to get your fanfare and healing, second E in second form to rape the boss
Noelle has a great design but Gaming > Noelle in terms of damage
Chevy is great too
how long does it take battle chronicle to update abyss clears
I want to post my sigger clear...
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>wanting someone to jerk off to your wife
Kind of gay, my dude.
>log in
Can't be Star Rail
No, I want you to retire
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>playing the game is a downside
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>literally 80% of the thread is me talking to myself
God, it's insane how mentally ill I am.
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bros... I think we're gonna get RAPED on the monthly revenue chart
is there ANY reason i should level a character all the way to 90
nyo.... iansan was meant to be geo catalyst wtf....
Furina failed the same way all the other meta reruns failed
There's nobody pulling for meta on reruns anymore because anyone who would is already playing during their first banner
Elemental reactions scale off level
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>Sales flopped
>Dumped and forgotten the very next patch
Specifically you need Klee (pyro + def down) + Sucrose/Nahida/Kazuha C2 (EM buff) and more hydro res down (best option seems to be Siggy now) to hit the 1 million vape showcases.
transformative reactions. mostly you want your dps to be 90, you can skirt with some supports at 70/80 even, but HP scaler supports will want to be 90 too
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It's okay if our sister game tops it. We're only anti-WuWa here
transformative reaction level scaling
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>neuv flops they double down and shill him harder
>itto flops and they double down and shill him harder
>cyno and yoimiya both flop and they give them 2nd SQs and have them appear in a lot of events
>furina flops
yes her death is the highlight of inazuma story arc and she isn't even playable you dumb fuck
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I am a pathetic failed troll CONSUMED with trying to attack people who tell me i'm a failed troll. Reality literally hurts me.
Why are we being raided by Wuthering something fans again?

Some characters benefit from this, such as Nilou, Nahida, Kazuha, etc
Usually those who depend on HP and those who want you to have full EM builds, since their reaction damage depends on level.
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my c2r1 raiden and i love NTR
The Byakuyakoku Collection Vol 5
Enemies get a 1% damage reduction for every level above yours
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Unironically one of the best games of all time.
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>where is ayaka's romance story then,
But we got two for Ayaka with Kazuha
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Thanks brehs
i could titfuck your raiden while you watch..
Is it more of a damage per screenshot thing?
Furina’s TIGHT ASS couldn’t carry Sigewinne and Clorinde this month. FUCK!
>shill him harder
This is wrong, neuvillette was already predestined to have content like our boy kazuha
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>Seigewinne is standard 5* tier
>Furina is functional at C0
>No Kaveh or Chevy to shore up the banner
I really don't understand their thought process
>no particular association to anyone else at the time
This is such clear bullshit I'm surprised anyone stuck to it
How the fuck her popularity and presence in the fanbase straight up disappeared after she released, wtf?
Meanwhile Alhaitham sells well and they destroy him with shartveh
Bro, our sister game is allied with any general that is against us
They wasted hat guy post boss fight, Arlecchino was worse because they clearly had no real plans for her character despite being incredibly popular.
her design is shit, her kit is boring
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>sells well
he was mid
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She does nothing during the entirety of Inazuma, does not appear at all and dies like a bitch, executed by a playable archon in a 10 seconds cutscene.
That is your highlight? Really?
In that case why is Arleccino bad? I would say it's a similar relevance, fairly close to none. Except Arleccino is in fact playable same as Raiden.
They never liked her, they liked Funina rape
why is HSR rabis much more soulful than our own /gig/?
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Do you use indicator mods for gameplay, /gig/?
Everyone flopped after 4.2, shouldn’t this alone tell you something?
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She sure did try her best but unfortunately she isn't surpassing the test
no i have hands
she lacks personality, she's boring
she was supposed to be a loli pugilist
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Nahida did not flop
Who's the best written character (npc included)
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>Furina is functional at C0
she is useless outside of neuvillette teams without at least C1
they hoped people would have rolled C2 to salvage old characters but everyone just gave up and started saving for the guaranteed natlan powercreep
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Besides the gap moe of everyone thinking she's a monster but she's a nice if somewhat oblivious person, what does she have going for her? She did literally nothing.
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Because she's actually a womanlet and doesn't want to rape Furina.
no and I dont feel the need to, I can "feel" when they would be back up, its just second nature, one thing I would like to see is shield HP or something like that
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>upset at being called an autobattler
>cry about playing a game
No? My characters are build properly so they can burst off cooldown
that quest was legit so fucking bad I wonder how anyone who isn't being held at gunpoint can say otherwise
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>Navia flopped
>Blackswan flopped
>Sparkle flopped
>Chiori flopped
>Arlechinno flopped
>Aventurine flopped
>Neuvillette Rerun flopped
>Boothill flopped
>Pagfly flopped
>Furinas Rerun flopped
How will hoyo unironically recover from this? The entire past 8 months have been completely unprofitable flops in both games with exceptions of ACKeron and Xiayun.
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>Nahida's 3rd banner did better than Furina's 2nd
How?? What does she have that Furina doesn't?
I completely missed that, thanks for delivering.
Not much of a shilling in my opinion but good to see some consistent development I guess, even if the character himself became annoying.
She’s boring. People get tired of the stoic extremely strong serious gimmick
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for 1m vaporize hits you need weapons/constellations on supports
but steal the paddle
5.x will introduce enemies that steal Neuv balls
If you don't roll Siggy now your Neuv damage will be cut in 1/3 or 2/3
There are too many dumb dumbs on /gig/
She’s a real Archon, unlike Furina
it's not even that she did nothing, you can nothing and still be an enjoyable character, she fails at being engaging. her past? nothing about it is interesting, her edgy persona is boring and her goal is broing too, she even has connections to jkhaenriah but somehow they fucked that too
f2poors only got 30 rolls first half. it will look better after imaginarium, trust.
an archon status lole
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Pyro Noelle, soon.
I was there nigga, Shenhe's closest association at the time of her introduction was CR who was a bird and Ganyu who she wasn't familiar with (and was already shipped with Keqing). She was shipped with Yunjin in the early days but that lasted as long as Eula/Yanfei. Meanwhile Yelan is closest to Ningguang (who is also already in the biggest Liyue yuri ship) It is mostly because they're two tall women who look good together.
>hutao remake for a kit
>shit writing on par with ayato
she was 2 MORE WEEKS the character and people coped that they'd fix her character in her SQ and make her interesting but then they just did nothing so everyone left
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pagpags don't have money to spend so character flop
right now genshin is more of a pagpag game than star rail, every banner in star rail gets 24 tiktok hours at minimum, it's a game for wealthy high class people
meanwhile in genshin even the gigashilled archon flopped because pagpags are poor and can roll the character they want only after saving for 6 months
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>Hack games
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I like her
>she is useless outside of neuvillette teams without at least C1
Define useless. My C0 Furina works great with my Raiden and Alhaitham
How come Furina's constellation is herself if she's not the Archon?
mihoyo??? explain?!
she's the typical girlboss taken to the extreme
she's a hagdyke just like yae/raiden
if makes no sense how she's suddenly so forgotten and unpopular
Yelan has a line about liking Yanfei which has much more substance than Yanfei talking about HuTao.
People just don't ship it for some reason.
Yeah because she’s meta. You don’t like anything about her as a character
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Ei's birthday is officially over in the east.
Last year's gave more art, but this year wasn't too bad.
yeah the brazilians who praise neuvillette all over the internet weren't there to put their money where their mouth is, pretty predictable
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>Neuv after 4.2? Flopped
>Furina after 4.2? Flopped
>Arlecchino? Flopped
>Rest of the Fontaine jobbers? Flopped
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She has actually teams, furina has 3 "teams" and the rest are just people coping replacements, meanwhile nahida is nearly carrying her whole element and her C2 is basically an element wide buff
She can vape 3 times in the combo if I remember it right, it's for burst damage.
a land of constant war (pokemon battles)
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HSR they spent a turbo amount of money on marketting penacony and yet only ACKeron recieved a decent amount of tiktok hours while the rest were all below Arlecchino who was a turbo flop.
Genshin is far more expensive than HSR to develop for and maintain and the banners are all doing barely better than the cheaper game. So hoyo is losing money.
Is this any good bros?
A VERY impactful c2.
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>Does nothing
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Is Neuvillette the strongest playable servant?
Is he closer in strength to the Archons or to the Visionary tier characters?
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>HSR is a game for wealthy high class people
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soulful non-shit natlan exploration will revive genshin
I also find raiden boring mind you but she's an archon, the majority of players just like characters because
>omg! le archon!!
arlecchino doesn't have that, she's a harbinger but they are never game changing so meta lovers don't ballistic over her, if she were an archon she would be one of the most popular ones just because she's an archon
I still remember when /gig/ claimed C2 Furina was better than C2 Nahida
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Arlecchino jobbed to WHObin lmeow
Inazuma was pretty terrible outside of her scenes
if my schzio theory is correct that the pyro archon will scale on DEF because no archon scales on DEF yet then you have won
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>HSR is a game for wealthy high class people
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What? She's cute
An SQ2
>doesn't understand gacha
you really are in the wrong genre lmao, maybe go back to your console slop on /v/ seems to be more your "sped"
me too but it's clear everyone expected her to become the next blockbuster character so it's sad how things ended up like this
>has no idea how to use Furina
Post checks out
post the stinko birthday letter, pagbro
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Pagden/Shenhe cope weapon
How the fuck is Arlecchino “cute”? Her in game model is ghastly
Holy ESL
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>replying to wuwajeets
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I really can't believe arlecchino didn't get a steady fanbase like childe and scaramouche
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Isn't it obvious? No one likes Yanfei
your raiden and alhaitham would be better off with other supports, she is suboptimal there
without a team wide healer(dps loss in most teams) she gives like 30-40% average buff, about half of what she would give at C1
her damage without full stacks is worse than yelan, so even on the sub dps side she isn't contribuiting much
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I thought most people disliked Nahida's actions in her 2nd SQ
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Just admit you are a faggot
Go ahead and open yshelper, and than post the top 100 furina teams and the top 100 nahida teams
Than I'd like you to try and explain why furina would be better than nahida
>the "furina is useless at c0" schizo is here again
bro it's been months.
Neat. It beats out Jade-Spear on Raiden right?
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Archon with an actual personality VS de`powered, now mortal shell whose only existence is to make the BigD look good
It is pretty good for Ei for the ER
Yeah, sure. Good baiting I guess.
Its alright, /gig/edditors won't understand it anyway
he is literally who in lore but he sold more than anyone other non archon who isn't Yelan
Regardless of that, she still had a quest to sell her and make her relevant. Furina has nothing
nahida enables teams and saved an element packed with hot women
furina restricts teams and needs c2 to not be a cope outside of lizard teams
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>x character flopped
oh no no no.. he doesn't know about the secret iPad sales charts!
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no he didn't, ayaka sold more, ayato sold more, neuvillette sold more and on and on, his sales were average
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>Restricts teams
That is someone's son
It would be funny if that turned out to be accurate because at least in my experience, the Petrichor domain has shat out more DEF artifacts than any other so far. The amount of otherwise decent DEF pieces I've gotten from there is borderline absurd, even compared to the normal DEF Impact experience.
Lesbos are a minority and she's just a FOTM for moids
Which girl has the best churled porn? Asking for a friend
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i just need 20 more rolls....
Siggy already steals his balls.
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>One artist forced it long enough for it to meme into existence.
And now she delete everything and doesn't draw genshin anymore
this should work
>spam ESL
>no argument
Concession accepted little pussy
it's on par with the catch
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flat is justice
I even thought she was going to be more popular than both
It's great for speedmax Candace hyper carry
yeah thats the one i saw, pretty good.
Genshin is not doing too well, not sure whether MiHoyo does even care at all or not.

But if you are at the top, you can do whatever.
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Because the initial edge attraction was literally all she had going for her.
Her weird powers and glitching? It means jack fucking shit and is literally just there to look cool. Wanna know more about it? Wait 3 years for the Khaenriah arc, assuming they haven't forgotten/rewritten it by then.
She has literally nothing going for her besides that, and I can't wait to see how they ruin Bina the EXACT SAME WAY.
Are ipad sales separate? Because almost every single Jap artist is using ipad to play Genshin for some reason
thats the keka ganyu porn artist, shenhe yelan was forced by the guy that makes those unfunny webcomics about kazuha stealing hats
Humiliation ritual: the thread
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Everyone is saving for the Firefly expy in Natlan
It still tracks cause scaramouche was also a god
what do you think is the highlight of inazuma then?
Ayaka dance?
Fucking teppei?
thoma jobbing?
yae's shonen training arc?
It's definitely Signora, her boss fight and her execution, which was raiden's showcase as well
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How do I get enough rolls for her?
noooooo i miss their ganqing arts...
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I also really like her
(and no, not beacuse she's meta)
I know it may not seem like it at your age but acting contrarywise doesn't make you appear more intelligent.
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This game fucking sucks
>retard doesn't know how to use Furina
She's a DMG% buffer you fucking idiot. Nahida is glued to Dendro comps but Furina can be slotted onto most teams
>[News] mihoyo has funded multiple real life projects including a nuclear reactor
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I love her little wings and how it flutters in her NAs
Wanderer was created by Ei as an extension of herself so they both have the same hexagonal constellation, anon.
Use your brain please.
I will never get the Internet bullying. Just draw what you like. Heck, draw what others don't like and block your comment and message section. Then again, that was an actual troon and troons keep on having mental breakdown every other second.
>shills NA users and hydro
>he still can't make it over 10%
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One birthday ends another begins, it's her turn now
I would've taken that over the Jean I got. You might've just unbricked your Dehya with that con, whereas Jean will always be dogshit.
negom was a girl(girl) anon
Fusion will never work. It's a massive investor scam.
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/gig/'s century of humiliation....
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50/50 loss is aids
wut, jean is furinas best healer and can vv?
a receding hairline does not grant you wisdom, boomer
if it did, you would be wise enough to know its possible for people to have tastes that differ from your own and not just pretend to for attention online
>autobattlerfaggot opinion
imagine caring about something like that.
What imaginary metric are you guys using now to determine which characters flop?
I love little girls.
uh oh zoomer AND boomer melty
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That's nice and all but can you prove furina has more teams being used in abyss than nahida? I already told you how to
>hey I wonder what's up with the red moon and glitching, I'm going to play her quest to learn mo-
>ok but the red mo-
Furina needs a group healer or to play with Nuev(maybe Wrio). Meanwhile Nahida fits in literally every dendro team.
LINE hours for JP
TikTok hours for China
Candy Crush hours for the rest of the world
Now that the dust has settled… why did WUWA flop?
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Pretty sure she was a lesbo. Also, I call everyone a troon that is not normal. Saves time
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Rolling for Iris
she has no presence in speedruns at low cost
the current top teams for this abyss in nga runs are gaming, raiden and arlecchino, the gaming run preferred c2r1 xianyun + a melt enabler over her, while she just doesn't fit with arlecchino and raiden
she sometimes get some scores with neuvillette but often even with him she gets outdone by vape xiangling
uh oh NAHITROON melty
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>Jean will always be dogshit.
What...? Shes one of the best supports in the game
Who's Wuwa? Is that some new leaked character?
>ayatodev adds another waves of enemies after pyro lectors to fuck over childe
>still lower than childe
Furina's usage rate is twice as high as Nahida's retarfbro
but she also draw shenhe yelan alot as well
It's a genshin downgrade when genshin already exists.
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>arle molests furina and shits on her for doing nothing but eating cake and sipping tea while watching opera
>her voiceline about furina is about her telling her kids to make and send cake to her because characters having negative impressions of each other is haram in mihoyo's mosque
oh wait she will be black? nvm then, I only saw flat chest and got excited, oh well
>unironically replying to the nahitroon
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Slug tail.
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Her usage rate has always tracked with neuvillette's usage rate, again I literally told you how to find the information to prove if furina has more teams but you are refusing to do it
Same reason why every mmo fail back in the day
Banners on the first half of the patch always sell better (BP refresh). Nahida's latest rerun was also during CNY, the spending season in China.
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I like alrecchino, my father
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powercreep is not actually real in this game, you can find success with any character
it killed genshin in korea thoughever
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It's just not very good
if it came out before people were used to hoyo levels of quality in a gacha though, it'd probably be universally praised
She is Hutao's main yuri ship is more popular on pixiv
You find success faster with characters than other characters.
Everyone has c6 Childe
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the only thing flopping here is genshit and its outdated gameplay & 3d models
why is hoyo so pozzed
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Even the Xittertrannies are making fun of Furina flopping
how come the game doesn't look like this when I play it
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All it takes is one of their characters to use their opposable thumbs
>pagden profile
This ain’t 2021 anymore bro the blue tranny gets more arts with Hu Tao now
That's because Neuvillette needs Furina, not the other way around.
no elemental reactions
another dogshit fucking artifact grind
lying about infinite farmability
I disagree. Furina/prototype amber Nahida/Kuki is Alhaitham's strongest team. Furina/Yelan/Jean is Raiden's comfiest team
RaidenGODS… we kneel
it's way different for arle's market
women love flirty delinquent that is a bad person but has a soft side for (you)
tsundere that actually wants affection and was hurt before but, wait, he opens up to (you)!
she acts like a strong independent woman that will step on you but in reality is a good girl, not many males like this trope, lesbians like it more but there aren't many lesbians in the first place
>All 3 characters have the exact same hair and eyes
>Mouth is drawn over
Man you really aren't helping your cause
Uh oh, Nahidatroon melty
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Why are the banners always 1 semi recent 4 star and 2 irrelevant 1.x shitters everyone already has at c6+
What if they placed Chevreuse AND Gaming on this banner, would it have sold better?
>low cost
More like low cope. Speedruns on low HP bosses prefer 4*s due to faster animation time, that's all there is to it. Go see the Ranjit event runs for better speedrun comparisons.
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do you have a gayman pc?
when neuvillette gets powercrept and replaced by a new broken dps, furina usage will crumble and the copers that are trying to shill her for other characters will disappear overnight
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Wuwa may have been a flop, but it succeeded in exposing Genshin and hurting its sales.
But my furina team with characters who already have better teams!!!!!
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I only care about a character's popularity and lasting impact on the community, in proportion to their role/prominence in game.
>nahitroon still having a melty
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I'm proposing a new measurement for sales:
Star Rail hours for Genshin and Genshin hours for Star Rail
Wuwa doesn't make money so they don't matter
which characters do you think fit that criteria?
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Dead gaem. Waiting for Exilium.
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I am caught up to the story now
Even the normies have started to notice huh? Grim…
Definitely, but they wanna save chevreuse to prop up nilou and navia reruns
>-60% from the previous month
genshin is dying, doomchads won...
Same for Baizhu. Kazuha is the only character that will survive the death of Neuvillette.
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Gouba, gettem
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you nigger said the game flop in japorn, what the fuck is this then
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whatever helps you cope at not being top dog best 3d gacha anymore
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what did you learn
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Only metric that matters
>self reporting site for min max metatrannies
It fucking sucks
not sure its fair to classify a third world "queer" femcel larping as an anime video game character on social media as a "normie"
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which side are you on?
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Strong waifus.
Weak waifus.
That is only the selfish perception of people.
Truly skilled players should try to win with the waifus they love most.
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Furinatroon having a melty from her flop and is spamming projections lmao
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Encore is keeping the game alive all by herself honestly
Hu Tao
Now post their current sales charts. Kuro ripped off Nips so now they aren't playing anynore
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Hold on I'm curious, what scene did you think was any good outside of the first time meeting Raiden with Thoma?
built for white cock
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We both know why you're here and not in your general ranjit. 24 days was your "top dog"'s lifespan
Gamers? I think I love Sigewinne. She's an amazing healer, and her ultimate punches out some amazing numbers. Before Sigewinne, my only healers have been Kuki and Barbara. I'm coming home, gamers. I've got my Healer. Already have Furina, and will have 3-4 patches to build up Primos for Natlan.

I'm trans btw.
Who cares? The game is dying and flopping. Let's predict the sales for June instead.
Nahida will remain relevant and a GOD

What will Furina have other than back to back banner flops?
i'll never understand why people are calling this a flop
yes it's unpolished and generally a pretty bad game but it does fine
You think about cock a lot don't you, faggot?
>tfw no PAGrina
>no PAGhida
>i get to laugh at both troons
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I bet you dont have a single Sara pic saved on your PC.
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it has plenty of waifus, jinhsi and her white lashes is pure sex
check sensor tower or his tiktok hours, he did really well
>there are people that still care about the harbingers after Blunderer and Dinducchino
Dps that powecreeps Neuv will have his own Archon cocksleeve and metafags will use Neuv's teams on the other side.
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who is having a melt reaction?
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i barely remember it already
Japan is always the biggest spender on any gacha that is available to them. The only exceptions are Hoyo games since they have mass appeal in China.
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name my team
Jinshi looked like she had *Aerial* gameplay so she may as well join the shota-faggot as a dead character
Alhaitham/Furina/Raiden/Baizhu is a great team but no one uses it because of Neuvillette....
the nahidafag, over people not caring about xher potato
I'm with childe, I'm a neutralchad
Reminder that Nahida is only popular in second and third world countries
Did you guys notice how Siggy's heart watch on her waist has a needle and the needle moves to the broken heat sign when she gets hit? I tested it and even at 1 hp it doesn't switch permanently to the broken heart sign. It would have been soul if it switched depending on HP value.
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>all the 500+ year old gigaboomers from the Cataclysm era are on the conservative side
im not using it because i dont have baizhu
hydro will get the cryo treatment sooner or later
Why would you play this when you can replace furina and Raiden with yelan and kuki lmao
So why is Siggy a half human?
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Holy shit. People kept saying it flopped faster than ToF but I didn't realize just how bad it was
The Fatui are boring to me after Floptaine
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You can just ask for Sara pictures, no need for reverse psychology.
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you can play the game and find out
Now THIS is the real news
Huh I never knew she was popular in China and the USA, good to know.
Too many reactions depend on Hydro for that to happen. It's the best element for a reason.
I remember everyone making fun of "tiktok hours" but then the genshinlabs chart died so the sales shitposters here were forced to use it
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Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
she drank corpse juice
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She drank corpse juice.
Why isn't tectone talking about this?
which character made genshin fall to 71st place
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furina will end up on the rejects banner with this blunder isnt she
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Oh nonono Wuwa keks?
>genshin is dead
>genshin will tos
>genshin this and that
>still the least dead game after almost 4 years
You just posted the biggest flop of floptaine dumb floptranny
Not doing her story quest it can barely be called "playing a game"
Aight cool, thanks
remain ignorant
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I can't believe a furinakek actually got mad about the truth of the game lol
Your lizard onahole will never measure up to the goddess of wisdom
Are you guys going to commit suicide when genshin inevitably gets EoS'd?
I'm a french lesbian and I liked Arlecchino before the writers turned her into a goody two shoes bleeding heart dindu. The "memory wipe flame" twist wasn't even good since there's no way the current members of the house of hearth didn't meet ex-members in Fontaine before. There were absolutely zero reasons for them to act all scared of being actually killed.
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the only correct choice
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I didnt, it must be when she gets hit physically and not having her hp being drained
Remain ignorant.
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easiest skip of my life
The worst part about Arlecchino is her walk/run animation. She should be using the male animations, she's very masculine.
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too busy getting spit roasted by Mizkif and Asmongold
They won't EOS Genshin because they need to keep up the illusion that star rail and honkai impact will last forever
Kurumi status???
The worst part is the held CA "run", it looks goofy.
>Goddess of Wisdom
>is more retarded than Dottere
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>5.0 flop
>5.1 flop
>5.2 archon
>5.3 flop
>5.4 Bina
>5.5 flop
>5.6 flop
>5.7 flop
>5.8 flop
power crept by a dyke
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>he thinks bina wont flop
They posted their hand before and it's not a man hand
she doesn't use the default hag one, her walk is unique one with more subtle hip sway
>Xe still thinks archons will sell
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just like their posters
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Genshin has not aged well
keep seething juan
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Wuthering Waves... FLOPPED
>no transbian posting
>doomposting through the roof
After the Furina fiasco, no Archon will ever sell
It'd be really funny, but I doubt it as most people don't really have the courage to commit suicide

they should though
Qiqi is even worse
This feels like a sick joke bros
how is she so buff
Disgusting, stop posting western "art" that turns them into men
I've been posting her damn near everyday
>no transbian posting
explain this then >>483575512
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C6 Furina rollers, this is how she's intended to be played:


If you're still running 4GT and just using her as a Baizhu sidegrade at fucking C6 then you need to learn to git gud.
Thank god it isn't two cute girls I'm a Kokomilet so I'll save for the hydro catalyst
Not that anon but
>The Vision Hunt Decree is now in effect
I'd argue Genshin peaked there
Shitstaine killed this damn game
Does Genshin Impact already have a "Firefly?" A character deeply tied to the Traveler's story and implied to be tied to their monomania towards certain things (Firefly with trash cans, or in this case Traveler being canonically amazing at cooking.) And most importantly, near-explicitly written to be (For You?)

Ayaka comes close but she sucks at cooking.
So Furina is just not good at c0? I got scammed...
how do you flop faster than your previous game
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I'm playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, reminds me of 2020 Genshin a bit
man if that happened to me i would uninstall and delete my account on the mhy account admin page. no cap. i'd be done with this game.
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>Firefly with trash cans
Are they really trying to turn the shitty trash can joke into lore? That shit was only funny in 1.0.
oh uh flopschizo melty
she will do nothing while the game will tell you how mysterious interesting and dangerous she is while having her do literally nothing that warrants those labels
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>Wuwu shills really worked overtime for a game that couldn't stay relevant for a month
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>talking about the state of the game is doomposting now
The biggest scam of rolling fro Furina was that I thought she would improve my Xiao team but it made it worse
I first installed genshin after I ran out of content in that game.
just vote "Dindu" retarf
the first one that comes to mind is hu tao who is extremely popular even with literal 0 story relevancy
She isn't melee, can infinite dodge in the air (and dodge counter) and her aerial combo doesn't reset if she dodges so she shouldn't be nearly as bad.
>Are they really trying to turn the shitty trash can joke into lore? That shit was only funny in 1.0.
Firefly is SAM, a giant gray robot and her outfit has a cute little ribbon that looks very similar to the trash bag ties. Yes, they're implying the Trailblazer knew Firefly before the game.
just got 50 (you)s bros
nahitroon melty lmeow
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The faces remind me of omikron characters where it's a png stretched over a polygon
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Nahidatroon having total meltdown
Raidenfag is having a melty again...
we know her and Capitano are dindu's already
>firefly is supposed to represent trash
wait actually
sad innit? genshintrannies just cant cope with the fact that their game is dying
Genslop shitstaine wormflopped
Uh oh Raidentroon melty!
at this rate, childe will be the most evil harbinger
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correct file here
I regret investing in HSR
in genshin, even when im not playing the game, have I ever regretted INVESTING
holy shit
I love Furina so fucking much
unless you have dps who can self heal or your team already uses a strong full party healer she is a sidegrade
Roll your own C6 Furina poorfag
They're both about as strong but Baizhu's IR makes his team comfier.
>open video
>c6 klee
>close video
I finally found out where she lives and I'm planning to buy a bough of flowers and ask her to dinner
which video was this
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>muscular woman
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>Doomkeks' opinions are irrelevant until Genshin breaks 100
You can cope and seethe and spam all you want. Cold hard facts don't care about your feelings
>hydro archon
Never was and never will be
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The war ravaged lands...
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uuuuh post team/relics?
i love Candance but was away from game for a bit and too focused recwntly return on fufilling my roll for Furina, Neuv(done) & Arleccino(done + weapon) goal
actually shes only c2
there will be a lava biome... trust
Somehow, /gig/ is still more usable than /wuwa/ right now
no one at /gig/ can tell sexual dimorphism, most of this general still thinks the eimiko eye poster is a man and not an obese woman
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HI3 is that popular?
where does she live?
Those are not the shoulders and hands of a woman
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>turns your columbina into transbina the transbian dyke / cuckbait ship with capitano
she's now well written no need to thank me
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Okay, can we just take a second to ponder over this line?
>Nothing related to Xbalanque can be leaked because of spoilers
Jesus fucking Christ, I don't know what the hell is going on with this world anymore.
>giant gray robot and her outfit has a cute little ribbon that looks very similar to the trash bag ties.
Nigga what? Also they arent implying anything the MC was a stellaronkek before we've known about this since forever loreletbwo
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>later in natlan 5.6ish celestia will fall down
>its the reason why this area is so empty
>when it falls we will go and check it out
>while investigating we realize celestia has been dead this whole time
>its the reason why they are inactive, no nails, how furina was able to trick them, etc
>we find a ton of shit we dont understand
>it will kickstart our adventure into snez cause of the tsaritsas' plan to overthrow celestia
>Teyvat is in a panic, its starting to turn to chaos
>we need the help of the harbingers and fatui to help fix it
>this leads us to finding the door into khaenri'ah for 7.X
Source(s) it came to me in a dream. Via uncle /g/
i don't get why people aren't more upset about this
is it because i'm a newfag?
Are you talking about /gig/ only? Because Arlechinno fans are the most hostile group in the fandom. They pick fights with everybody.
Furinacord is getting uppity
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you're not STILL blaming Genshin's failure on Neuvillette are you?
just filling out the map
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>24 days
>it took tof 4 months
holy shit this is just DOA
Neuvillette is just a symptom of the cancer that is killing Genshin
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it was a team effort from every 4.X release
4chan has lost...
the world quest will probably just be some grimdark shit instead
isnt she the only one that hangs out with dottore since she doesnt care about what he does
We need BigBoss to btfo the leaktrannies again for a 3rd time
where the fuck are the summer event leaks
Semi newfag here. Is it worth it to try and pull a 2nd or 3rd copy of furina? I probably have enough primos.

Are there any girls who really benefit from 2 or 3 copies even if I don't make it to C6?
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Furina is the strongest character in the game by a margin so big that it's not even funny.
Unconditional, 100% uptime off-field damage plus a team wide 70% damage buff. With the only downside being that you need a healer in the team.
C0 Furina is perfectly balanced, anything beyond that breaks the game.
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Listen to this. It’s not too late to turn your life around. This poor girl has wasted her life and savings over gachas. How sad, another victim.
Why do people STILL reply to sparkleposts?
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>24 days
Snezhnaya's firefly will save this game
Indeed we need, friend...
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Defend this, /gig/.
Shortcut to kahenriahn after capitano blows it up by deflecting the Natlan nail
it's because they're either payed by mihoyo or they don't know a damn thing
the empty gig zone
furina is based cause she makes it seem like whatever shitter you wanna onfield is doing huge dps
There are no leaks retard. It's all cloutchasing faggots making shit up
i blamed wrio's shitty prison
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It's about time we have a serious discussion about the current state of the game.
so gig, does fontaine have a main overworld quest i must follow to actually play through the map without roadblocks, like the sumeru dessert?
i havent explored most of fontaine yet and i want to get primos.
you are talking about a single twitter e-celeb that in between picking fights with both incels and femcels and posting her sexual fantasies in google translated japanese in reply to official genshin accounts spends rest of the time crying how she is ugly and no one likes her irl lol
Yeah enemy hits. It just moves for a second and goes back.
She peaks around c2
I knew someone that played it near release all the way back in 2016. Probably one of China's few "high quality" mobile games when it released.
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The empty 4chan area...
a little bit, but its not the same as sumeru sadly
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Great to finally see you Yelan!
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we're going to have to start a dialogue..
Upset by what?
Focalors doesn't even talk to (us) at all, and Natlan is going to be the same kind of slop writing where we're just there while doing nothing.
I know, it's the post itself that makes me mad
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>Got c1 Clorinde right at the buzzer of the banner leaving
>Use her with Mistsplitter and c2 Nahida
>Still feels like worse damage than c0 Neuv and Arlecchino

I fucking hate that actually fun to play characters aren't allowed to be T0
Newfag here, I thought Neuvillette was stronger? At least it seems like people talk about him like he is
just use Venti. You don't need a good team for floor 9-11 to 3 star them all
my edgekino region's trailer featuring pokemon and grass
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I like my dad
>wuwatard is still here
go to /hsrg/ or something, fuck off
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We already are
>24 days
Different roles. She's the strongest support, she doesn't directly do damage, she enables other characters to do damage. He's the strong damage dealer, aka the unit doing damage.
I still don't get what the fuck are those things btw
so which npc should i follow now?
i have done the melusine quest and the one with the floating water cubes already, but that's about it.
and also the main story quest up to date but that usually doesnt lock exploration
neuv and arle are top meta though and they have access to vape. chlor is GREAT at c0 though. especially with MS and c2 nahida. you really can't expect much from electro
remember when Furina was a bratty mesugaki and Arlecchino was evil?
One is a dps the other is a buffer until c6
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Genshin has hit an all time low on Bilibilli during Fontaine.
What happens now?
She is the best buffer in the game, bwo
I have to get C6 furina if I want to use her as a DPS? Fuck
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>in genshin
Genshin has always advertised itself as colorful and happy on the surface. The last time they tried to go the edge route (Inazuma) it failed horribly
Genshin is flopping and dying but that's a good thing!

we can finally be free!
neuvllette is a main dps
Furina is a buffer + sub dps
She BUFFS you and DEALS DAMAGE at the same time
its mostly the narzissenkreuz questline, it starts underwater but most quests you will get before going into the area, its not one big quest that helps you unlock more
Those copies of dead people she makes with her powers
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This fox...
Is furina good with arlecchino?
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I'll be honest I stopped playing Genshin some time during Sumeru. they gated the exploration behind boring ass world quests and I just couldn't be bothered
idk chasm is pretty much the best expansion in the game and it has plenty of edge
Remember when Raiden was a fearsome warrior woman able to cleave entire islands in twain instead of a scared little girl obsessed with dango milk that feels insecure over her own servants being afraid of her and needing pep talk from her pet fox?
chevreuse is the only way for electro to be truly meta, dendro is a low cost trap
sure C2 nahida brings a bit more damage, but the setup and multiwave problems she brings aren't worth it
24 days is kinda repetitive these days
Yes but no. Even with her C6, all she gets is a few strong attack before swapping out, which you will never use anyway because using her healing part of the C6 is far more valuable. Her skill though is where most of her damage comes from and it's really strong. C2 makes it really really strong.
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>Shills in full damage control
Why are the other elements not allowed to have T0 dps? They should just give them bigger multipliers to be on par with vape but they are fucking cowards
That was the Shogunbot.
Ei was always a shy, japanese housewife.
Miko is for (You)
>Ei was always a shy, japanese housewife.
Not only a retard, but a speedreader, too.
she's a lesbian pagpag-kun
Sub optimal, very difficult to get fanfare stacks to the point where you are better off using a different team load out rather than shoehorning it
I played since release, it was pretty good compared to other mobile games
Neuvillette is broken
Furina makes everyone broken
Hope this helps
Too bad I can't fucking wish for Chevreuse since she wasn't in the latest Fontaine focused pyro OR electro main dps banners.
Seethe about it, pagger. It's true.
Arle and Neuvillette are not great because of vape, this isn't 1.0 anymore
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amplyfing reactions are still king in this game. everything else is sub optiomal. keep coping and seething.

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