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Visual Novel General #6496

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>483452259
they see me joppin
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
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Karen JOP here. They got me, I love Karen now
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This TL's so weird with word choices sometimes. How does "ganbare" become luck here, for what reason.
I guess its good overall, the TL notes are a mixed bag of pointless and insightful/helpful with the writer's intent. Not entirely free of mistakes, but its ignorable
Kill yourself Karenschizo
>wish fulfillment ge with childhood friend and hetare protagonist
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Necessary condition does not lead to a single inevitable effect anon. Also if there are randomness in the world then it would mean that not everything is caused necessarily, plus you just denied quantum physics because it was proven a few years back that it is based on randomness
I agree there are no morality under hard determinism
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i have free will, that's why i like oppai so much
i have free will, that’s why i love karen so much
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I didn't deny randomness. I only said that having a random number generator in your brain that controls your actions can't be called free will
Thread off to an awful start. Man, I hate pseuds.
Yea I hate jops
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Why can't Toukos just win for once. Loser name..
>can't save all the girls
Yea I hate oppai
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rehabilitation and reduced recidivism among career criminals is a sham, they have no impulse control, are low iq and will never change.
Your brain doesn't control everything - you don't have to eat when hungry or have sex when you want to. You can just not do it. You can literally just ignore your brain and bodily needs and die.
Its true that you're influenced by your hormones far more than the average person believes (a slight hormone inbalance is all it takes for you to no longer be you) but it's not like you don't get a choice.

Free will exists. It's harder to say whether that's (You)r will, if the (You) doesn't exist as something stable.
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this is what happens when you don't drink enough water.
I don't believe in drinking water
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You get headcrabs?
>You can literally just ignore your brain
by using your brain btw
Disabled girls are so moe. The extra vulnerability and the need for assistance they have really activates my male instinct to protect, I just want to love and support them. It’s a shame there aren’t more but then again that just makes the ones we do have even more special.
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Then you just don't really have a clear definition of what you mean by determinism anon, because having randomness in my brain inevitably denies casual determinism for my actions. But I guess I can see your point about it not being a will per se.

But I personally would argue for things like souls, which would be my "will" and would have an effect on the material world. But for this, you would need metaphysics first as a basis.
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Funny how my post about the convenience of relationships in the previous thread generated a debate about free will and deternimism
Any VN with a gigolo protagonist?
Yeah, but so what. It doesn't wish for its own destruction, thats (You)
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the JOP reply did that, not your post.
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>but it's not like you don't get a choice.
That's exactly the point where free will stops making sense. You read moege every day until you one day decide to read a plotge because uuuhhhhhhhh
And it's not like you decided to read plotge because you got sick of moege and wanted something different. That would be a decision with a cause and not free will. You just started reading plotge. When and how did you decide to do that? If there's a thought process that made you arrive at the decision to read plotge then every step of that process was determined by the previous steps and thus it's not free.
saar, what a beautiful video saar
sex with brown 2D girls
you tried but its a bit too dumb anon
>determined by the previous step and thus not free
these steps were determined by you too though and you can just choose to break it andnot to read plotge

>the illusion of choice
>both lead to romancing a heroine
scales have fallen from my eyes
>literally spreading shit on toast and eating it
you can't make this up
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Here my friend for you to wipe your mouth, there are still some residues left
>these steps were determined by you
No. You can apply what I wrote to every small decision and see how free will falls apart
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VAs sure are doing a good job in this -ge
Might be due to having to cover a wider raneg of emotions than the average game demands
If you mean that hunger or something sways your decisions then it still makes no sense - since you can ignore hunger, you still chose to eat or not to eat Thats true for every single small decision you make. Besides you can always ignore the leadup and choose something nonsensical from the "chain's POV"
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>if I ignore the randomness at the moment of the event and treat it as inevitable because it happened in the past then determinism must be true
anon this is just very dumb
Do your fucking job, janny
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just reread fruit of grisaia and all of the girls routes' ending (except blondie) feels so satisfying and now I feel empty
any other /vn/ for this feeling?
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Koikari was pretty popular two years ago
I can't self insert as a handsome male. It is impossible to fix my ugliness...
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>the straight laced class rep asks for a smoke
Kino. Would be so comfy to see it animated
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>since you can ignore hunger
in this case you would ignore your hunger to prove your free will. But here's the thing, you did it because you had this discussion on a chinese basket weaving board. Yes the brain has the ability to ignore inputs but there's always a reason why does that.

I'm not saying that randomness can't happen. You might act randomly all the time but that doesn't give you more control over your actions than determinism
What VNs should I read--ah, never mind, the universe has already decided for me.
these reasons are free will, retard. Reading things doesn't magically lock you in, I could do something to prove you wrong or I could just not do it. im done with this retardation
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What? Can you just not change the size of the mahoyo window?
And why on earth are these letters so big?
What the hell?
no offense, but you sound retarded desu
None taken, as a matter of fact I am retarded.
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Everytime I guess which one leads to the bad end, I get it wrong.
Drama-ge are built different
Yeah anon, your definitions are really wacky. I feel like you are arguing against a caricature of free will where I need to have complete control over the world and reality to have one.

I mean, if I can act randomly without prior events determining it, then how is it not free will for you?
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I like the outfits in this game. Can't tell if it's more because of the old artstyle or actual clothing choices.
Is Ace Attorney worth playing after the main trilogy? I heard it's pretty bad.
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I feel like thats contradictory...
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>Reading things doesn't magically lock you in
It locks you in after your brain predicts that proving someone wrong on 4chan will give you more dopamine than reading a VN.
There was an experiment where people were put in an MRI and had to make a decision. They also had to press a button at the same time.
The scientists were able to predict the decision by looking at the brain activity before the button was pressed. So the brain made a decision and you only become conscious of it after it happened. Nobody decided anything.

>I feel like you are arguing against a caricature of free will
Too bad nobody can define the "real" version of free will so that it makes sense.
>I mean, if I can act randomly without prior events determining it, then how is it not free will for you?
You could call it free will but it's not what most people think of when they hear free will. You can't control a random action. There's no doer involved in that process, it just happens
You can see your brain as "you", in that case. After all, you exist physically.
She belongs on /vn/
The experiment was 99.9% flawed and engineered to reach this outcome. Its not exactly a hard choice between "get a cake" "get stabbed in the face", you know the drift. Experiment results are often unreliable, especially in recent times.
Oh and yeah to begin wiith that experiment was about mapping out the brain - they "predict" which button you'll press based on what you decided - they see your brain where the decision is made, it takes longer to press it than to decide to press it.

Its more complex than that anyway - you don't always choose dopamine, else you would masturbate endlessly - convenient image - or be unable to say no to that or to food.
Picking the "good"/"happy" choices is something you will do even with free will because why the fuck would you not? retard.
>Too bad nobody can define the "real" version of free will so that it makes sense.
Neither can you define determinism coherently so thats that
>You can't control a random action. There's no doer involved in that process, it just happens
Never said that there is not a "doer" in the process also randomness don't mean it is without someones will here is a definition for you:
A random process is a sequence of random variables whose outcomes do not follow a deterministic pattern
>You could call it free will but it's not what most people think of when they hear free will.
lol most people don't even know what is epistemology or metaphysics
>things are because reasons
>free will ghost believer
>just.... do a backflip onto a cake and then ask your brain was that your brain or was it (You) because a brain would never backflip onto a cake but you just did so you have just proven that you are free
I love Kuonanon the most !
I am determined to have hate sex with an evil woman.
Granted, I don't remember much about that experiment so it might've been flawed, but the fact that most or at least a lot of brain activity is unconscious is accepted I think.
>you don't always choose dopamine, else you would masturbate endlessly
Not very convincing when the refractory period exists so you don't fap yourself to death. A better example would be doing chores now and reading VNs later in peace, but that's also because you'll be able to get more pleasure in total. Also drug addicts.
The point is that you have a reason to refuse immediate gratification.
>Neither can you define determinism coherently so thats that
I'm using the common definition of determinism as it's found in the dictionary. i allowed randomness to show that it doesn't make a difference in the amount of freedom you have.
>randomness don't mean it is without someones will
But HOW does it work. HOW do you make a free will decision? Give me the steps
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As if I will let you touch me you buta
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>mc and heroine bicker over everything
>random observer says "naka ga ii na"
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How is snow presents not out yet? It’s been 100% TL’d for months now. I’d even read it now in summer like a heathen, just need more cute Kotori kino.
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We all have free will here. It wasn't because of you
And you refuse immediate gratification because of free will. You can still refuse gratification entirely and starve yourself to death, its and irrefutable proof of free will.
>unconscious brain activity
Its complicated, but thats not the brain making choices for you. Its like breathing, its something so obvious you do it without thinking about it, i.e you make the choice unconsciously.
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I love traps the most !
>implying butas want anything other than moeblob heroines
I only read plotge.
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I love NTR the most!
You can still kill yourself in a deterministic framework if living is a net negative.
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>drops her weight
Human brains are designed in a way that nothing will be more negative than death. You'll get used to life no matter how shit but thats a whole other can of worms
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>You can still refuse gratification entirely and starve yourself to death, its and irrefutable proof of free will.
As a matter of fact it's possible to mindfuck yourself so hard that pain and pleasure lose their meaning and thus influence over your thoughts. But the brain still works mechanically even after that.
Ask a buddhist monk if he believes in free will lol
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It feels like it lacked something again..
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Mitcher is the best girl though.
same energy
I feel need to I act on it (sometimes). It's mine need so it's mine will.
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Sana's Vagana and Banana
Formerly Sumika's
we need a non-cucked version
does she have a cold?
Okay, I will use the first two definitions. It my dictionary search pops up then.

>Determinism, in philosophy and science, the thesis that all events in the universe, including human decisions and actions, are causally inevitable.
We already agreed that this false as there is randomness in the world and not casually determined.
>Determinism entails that, in a situation in which a person makes a certain decision or performs a certain action, it is impossible that he or she could have made any other decision or performed any other action.
You allowed randomness in the brain, so this is also false. If you think that (you) are not independent of the brain, that is.

>HOW do you make a freewill decision?

I see a water bottle. I get up and take it into my hand and drink from it.
Metaphysically, it is: (You) get stimulation from the material world and (you) decide to act on it or not.
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too much smoking
I love /vn/ the most!
The F/SN remake is looking great
Uwa... kimochi warui.
manko ass nigga
Cigarette smell and taste coming from girls makes me horny.
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Apollo Justice and DD aren’t very good, but SoJ is alright and the GAA duology is kino
The first Edgeworth game is meh but the second one is peak kino.
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Ahh baka, kechi usotsuki
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Too bad they can handle it well
ges where every route is canonical at the same time?
C A N T *
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Hidoi hito
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Thanks, modern AI toys are so much more fun than craiyon.
I feel like these routes could use more "certainty". As a whole. Feels like you have to unpack alot of lines and situations yourself, which is kind of a pain with how extremely "dense" it gets. Being more straightforward would be nice.

Then again the entire point of it is that they're lost teenagers, so having it any other way might not be possible.
It wasn't exactly clear whether Shinobu wanted to get back at Touko, or was jealous of her, or why the entire thing even happened as it did. Maybe im just too used to things being spelled out explicitly since we had the line where she says she wanted Touko to get defiled Then the whole thing kind of "fixed" itself once MC broke up wih Touko. Like Shinobu lost her reason for sleeping with him and wouldn't have to guilt trip herself as much anymore and why she kinda went back to normal over time Or maybe im just misunderstanding something. That's the problem with leaving it vague..
what is modern today will become old tomorrow
we are literally not ready for the shitposts that AI will be able to create in five years
Planning a trip to Japan. Any recommendations for places to pick up JOPge?
kill yourself off topicfag
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Qruppo HQ
Live a long and happy life thread contributing king.
Shinseikai in Osaka
They could have a "normal" relationship if they were different people, but what they have now is shaped entirely by what they think they want out of a relationship.

Touko is the only character that really knows that she wants it all, but she is unable to change anyone else. She can only change herself to reflect what her partner wants.
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Man I wish I were in Japan
Didn't ask weeb
Just get a japanese spouse like Ken-sama
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>you will never be Japanese
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>you will never be yasashii
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I love traps the most!
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I love NTR the most!
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>They could have a "normal" relationship if they were different people, but what they have now is shaped entirely by what they think they want out of a relationship
thats just nonsense. Shinobu didn't really want a relationship to begin with and MC wanted to help her Unless you meant that regarding Touko, but in that case it was just the MC unsure if he felt more for her than lust - in Shinobu's he realizes he cares about Touko and that's how they almost have a happy relationship
>Touko knows that she wants it all
that's only partially true, she admits it could have been anyone else, she just needed someone to appreciate her. So she wants *someone's* heart, not speciically MC's. Arguable whether she even wants the body since she only had sex so he wouldn't leave her
back sprites are so kino
That's not a backsprite, it's a CG.
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>you will never be Omanko Keniichi
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petty semantics, same thing
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yeah i agree
It is not easy to find a Japanese girl where I live, and the few I meet tend to be fully westernized ones. But I am still hoping for a kind girl to waifu them.

Funnily enough I meet with lot of chinese girls.
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>the final bad end of the route is a "harem" nukige end where Shinobu brings Touko to join their sex
kek based

Asuna nee-san next.
whats that
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A girl
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This atri makes you forget things instead
I see.
No, really, what am I looking at
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>Funnily enough I meet with lot of girls.
fuck off normalfag
>same image dimensions
i like michiru
We appreciate consistence here.
>seeing chinese girls in the street means you are normalfag
Sorry for not wanting to starve and needing to go to work and school.
You better be
ge ft. shota MC raping the heroine?
>work and school
where is my tatsuya route
The last game is the Tatsuya route
uni and side job to have some money and pay for tuition if needed (I am not well off)
It's consistency, esl AIshit spammer.
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>everyone I don't like is the same person
sorry for your loss
the new Funko pop is looking fire
But I do like you...
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Don't worry I will find the gold and become rich hehe
At the point of Walkure's release, the censorship laws were so restrictive that they couldn't even show pubes. You see this in the contemporary VNs of Walkure's time period. LUNE's Aku no Onna Kanbu is one, for example. Old BISHOP titles didn't even draw pubes because of it, and when that was changed all their updated versions included pubes on/off options. Sansha Mendan's original version vs the Immoral Edition release.
>tfw not born into a filthy rich japanese family
Why is life so unfair bros?
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sana and her banana
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Hayami belongs on /vn/
No, that's not the right milk to drink little girl!
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Put down that evil milk. We don't want you grow up more missy
Just spent like an hour staring idly, wasting time.
Post melancholic/bittersweet romance tracks
>Just spent like an hour staring idly, wasting time.
a /vn/ poster I see
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I don't use AI, memelord.
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its too late
Same but an hour jacking off to loli doujins
same but
Good, pubes are obscene and have no place in the media of any principled country
>heroine can use the toilet by herself
old and busted
If she can’t then how are you supposed to have the classic scene where the mc opens the door while she’s on the toilet
Why did Subahiba go to shit after the 3rd chapter? It was such a fun shizokino and then it went to shit with boring "revelations" of "secrets".
Sounds like you answered your own question
Scaji couln't keep his futa and yaoi fetish to himself.
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Any moege route where the confession happens after the first sex?
Those were actually fun scenes.
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Nekonyan posted stats for the sales data Koikari (steam version)
What does this say about the industry?
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no homo btw
wtf I thought China was supposed to save VNs
they don't care for bakage
no one cares about asashit
That was the English release
All of that happens in the 3rd chapter, discordbro.
kill yourself scatmasafag
I'll have to read sympho rain soon
>USA only 31.1% sold copies
>Yet NN translations still replace metric units with imperial units
>muramasa out of nowhere
kill yourself diaper
>scat mentioned
>immediately thinks of muramassa
nta but you just exposed yourself
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Do it for her.
kill yourself inbred spamming faggot
she looks like my mother
Canadians won.
Hilarious how they keep making the "majority" argument to change it while most people are ESLs from all around the world.
Asakawa YUU
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gonna take a while...
draw her naked
please keep doing these, they're so sovl
go back to making charmeleon 2
Can I get some edgy heroines who act smug but are actually retarded?
>not Green is my Pepper
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too big. make her half the size of the others.
At least draw Meiya. Or Yuuhi
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I can't recreate the soul of that shitty touchpad
vomit, are you trying to make me not read it?
kill yourself
fucc your succ
Maybe if she wasn't a pink. I've been burned before
malding karenschizo
Who hurt you, anon?
You'll appreciate Asuna's route.
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Why did it flop?
No one cares
>anon stalks new steam releases to take an active player count screenshot 10 seconds after they unlock just so he can post "why did it flop" here in /vn/
never change king
We all bought it immediately on JAST
sasuga ushiromiya sherlock
Of course a /vn/ anon would never do something like that.
your time is more valuable than this
don't lie anon you know it's not
Anon, he's been doing that since like 2018. You're a bit slow to only be clocking on to it now.
Oh I caught on long ago, I just want to let him know I appreciate his antics
keep up the good work, king.
Shinobu and Touko were a toxic co-dependent relationship, where Shinobu got strength from protecting Touko but somewhere inside of her resented how much she sacrificed to do so. I believe that is partly why she got so much pleasure in seeing Touko defiled, and why she got so guilt-ridden after. By the end of her route, she is able to start thinking about living for herself instead of for Touko.
Touko similarly appreciated Shinobu for her protection, but resented being enabled to never improve herself. She reached out to the MC desperate for a change, to finally break out of the perpetual cycle of stagnation.
But yes, all of the endings in TenInai are very abrupt. I understand wanting to leave things ambiguous, but they needed some padding.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
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back to >>>/a/
Chiaki WA2
Chiemi Raging Poop
More like ShinoPOO lol.
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I fucking love evil women!
meant for >>483571526
Chiemi is smart though.
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traps =/= men
he is a cute girl
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fuck japs...
What's the best way to read Tsukihime? I want to play the original before the remake. What's the best translation group to look out for with Tsukihime?
Did you know that Bubby is yiddish for grandma
and also slang for breast
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there's only mirror moon....
oh actually? how is it? I find their Fate/Stay night translation to be incredibly iffy
I have to say Umineko is higher quality than Muramasa but because Muramasa is published by JAST I have to give it the win
Janny, do the needful
Schindler's List wasn't as kino as this post
Plus it's been translated by /ourguy/ moogy.
Please tell me Kara no shojo isn't going to pull an umineko. If the male teacher with brown hair and the nurse are the same person and the murderer I'm going to lose my mind, because I'm starting to kinda suspect that.
okay i guess? its what we've all read, you don't really have a choice in the matter. Not like its ever getting an official release like FSN
>higher quality
>65/100 on the website that actually matters
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Holy mindbroken
But no you can cross that theory off the list
I found these two:
-Tsukihime TsukiBako Edition / English Patch v1.1 and v1.2 [Mirror Moon]
-PLUS+DISK TsukiBako Edition / English Patch v1.2 [Mirror Moon]

what's the difference between these versions?
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>straightforward mommy nee-san that'll just heal (You)
if the above expectation holds true, yeah.
The game's depressing even if the endings appear hopeful.

I think most of that should have been spoilered lol
Seems I had it right for the most part then, aside from
>thinking about living for herself instead of for Touko
I guess thats also why she rejected him so strongly before, because she had this idea that he belongs with Touko
>Touko reached out to MC desperate for a change
Didn't really get this feeling from it, moreso just desperate for human contact, since Shinobu was more like an oppressive mother to her and their relationship was too strained The change followed naturally rather than as a goal
>abrupt endings
The endings are fine imo, the buildup's just right. Issue's that the routes themselves don't spell things out the way modern media do so its a surprisingly heavy read, even if fun because it actually leaves room for imagination and discussion. If I had an issue with the endings its that there isn't some more ichaicha to compensate for the drama, but that'd probably ruin what the game's going for so an empty complaint.
>mattering anywhere
Maybe on planet 5/10 if it wasn't for that true route.
Umineko is not as popular as Higurashi. The fact that the ultimate solution was not given to fans in episode 8. From what I could find online, Japanese "fans" were furious (to the point of breaking their copies of the visual novel) with the conclusion as they wanted a red truth about who is behind the murders.
Please tell me Fate/Stay Night isn't going to pull a muramasa. If the fun heroine with purple hair turns out to be a mindbroken schizo (male) who wants to destroy the world I'm going to lose my mind, because I'm starting to kinda suspect that.
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She is not male, at least.
The original Tsukihime translation is good, way better than their f/sn TL. The Kagetsu Tohya TL is pretty rough and unfinished though, but its readable.

plus disk is extra stories, you want thttps://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3874450 and should check/replace the OST tracks as you see fit - I think some originals are better than the tsukibako versions.
I feel hopeless that my life will never end. I never belived it even once.
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>If the fun heroine with purple hair turns out to be a mindbroken schizo (male) who wants to destroy the world I'm going to lose my mind
does this torrent include the H scenes?
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New 3x3 just dropped
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This is not what HE would've wanted.
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>retarded girls 3x3
you cant have 2 girls from the same ge... its illegal
thanks! I'll download it now
ushiromiya anti-christ
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>best nukitashi girls
Holy based
I can't say that you have good taste, anon
New Little Busters tl is in the works.
>Home run edition
that have the h stuff from ecstasy?
Very good taste, anon.
What're you reading now?
>instead of translating an untranslated game we'll retranslate a game that everyone has already read
I hate TL teams
Tsukihime Re tomorrow
>much more accurate translation
I don't read keyge but it'd be fun to compare. Hope someone does
The previous translation was terrible and lacked the ero content.
Why would they translate anything else when the popular titles still lack appropriate treatment?
Based. I'm still waiting for part 2 before I'll read TsukiRe, but it'll be interesting to compare it with the old version.
Name five things wrong with the previous translation that is more than "they changed the jokes"
>I don't read keyge
why not?
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Who's center?
on vndb this new one is listed as 12+, wonder if that means they're not going to do the ero stuff.

If not that's kinda retarded, since if there's anything LB needed at this point it's someone to go back and hit the ecstasy content.
Suzuka Gozen from Fate
some gacha whore who fucks shotas and isn't even from a VN.
they are just retranslating the steam version for some autistic reason
why would I subject myself to such a waste of time. They're just not good, much more valuable reads to spend time on
I've only read planetarian. Tomoyo After sounds worthwhile but likely only as a tl;dr of its themes.
shota paizuri
all vns are a waste of time
Need a new chuunige.
>why would I subject myself to such a waste of time
hory retard
only all-ages are waste of time
literally everything humans do in their lives is a waste of time
where is my salami h-scene
Nah, just plotge
Retard mindset
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She's in the gacha but isn't from the gacha.
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No hentai?
well she isn't from a VN either, so puzzling as to why she's on a VN 3x3
They changed the jokes, sayings and quotes, rewrote conversations, altered catch phrases et cetera.
>nooo you can't change the shit jokes to funnier ones!
>everyone else
any examples?
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Sakura did nothing wrong.
kind of..? but its like you spent all your life catching up with "the bold and the beautiful", I think we can all agree that watching LOTR, reading some philosophy and engaging with other "valuable" media is a better "waste of time".
Basically keyge are slightly below or equal to moege in terms of wasting time, its just empty'ish hour dumping that gives you no self improvement at all in return, nothing of value to be gained.
>got creampied by MC's bully and liked it
>he doesn't know
She's my all-time favorite and it's close enough
Don't insult my Kuonanon.
how do you know if you didn't even read them
>Manga/Gacha is close enough to VN
it's really not, your 3x3 is invalid
>cuckshit favorite
and no, not a visual novel so not close enough
>he reads vn's for self improvement
just kill yourself unironically
Sorry @mybrothers
Yeah, read the VN.
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Any heroine you unironically hate?
meant for keyfags
copecession accepted
Sakura is just a worse Kohaku. Not sure what Nasu was thinking.
any good self improvement vns?
This fucking bitch, her entire route was a massive waste of my time. I'm still mad
Any chuunige
why would i need to read them? I've heard enough about them, I've seen enough screenshots, I know the plots and I've seen their adaptations which were only barely worth it, despite less time investment
fucking KYS nigga
will you be my imouto
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Got it locked in on steam now, thanks guys!
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Teaches you how to play baseball
self-improvement is a waste of time as well. literally nothing you can do to pass the time has any more inherent value than anything else. As a human being you have the prerogative to make judgment calls on what's worth your time or not, but those value judgments aren't real or objective in any way.
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>muh justice
>muh rules
>plays hookie to get backshots
>becomes a cop
Yeah, fuck Hazuki. The "villain" was right.
dude sex friends lmao
mental retardation
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>sex friends
What's so bad about it?
It is nice to read something that doesn't have a character or the MC tell you exactly what the intention of what someone said/did was.
found the darkie
Higurashi taught me that clothes are the one thing that separates man from the animals. A person should never be fully naked, you always at least leave on the socks
They aren't even translating the H content, so it's literally pointless.
Are vns an acceptable teaching method for social situations to autists and friendless virgins?
>self-improvement is a waste of time as well
So you're saying education is a waste of time and you wouldn't mind never going through elementary school or spending time with such individuals?
I think its an objective fact that a famous author or philosopher is a more valuable waste of time than a 10k+ episode telenovela. You could technically disagree because "its all an equal waste of time" but that would be admitting you see no difference between bottom of the barrel and masterpieces either. In other words it'd be retarded or arguing in bad faith
What a dogshit UI. MINIMALISM IS GOD (aside from the calender date in the corner, which is a staple)
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I read VNs to feel loved.
Couldn't have expressed the worthlessness of your opinion any better.
You don't understand nihilism enough to relate to that anon's perspective.
What is the worth of value? What is achieved in perfection? Nothing.
Something like that.
>a famous author or philosopher is a more valuable waste of time than a 10k+ episode telenovela
a 10k episode telenovela is an achievement in its own right for sure. Preferring the work of a famous author or philosopher ultimately comes down to a value judgment, imo there's no real difference between them in the grand scheme of things. Humans in general may find more worth in one of them, but human life is meaningless anyway, so it reduces to 0.
Yuka from 11eyes
Blue twin from Kunado (the red one is cool)
Sora from Baldr
Sakura Matou
Mari RxR
Maho Sankaku Renai
Don't be upset because no one cares about your pointless retranslation of something everyone that gives a fuck has already read. If you were going to do it then you should have at least done content that actually isn't translated.
I read VNs for self destruction
That or retranslate something that was truely botched, like Fortissimo
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mako's makos
I love white women
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>Sora from Baldr
Thoughts on Nanoha? Sora's tsundere shtick wasn't too aggravating and being connected to a fetus for 10,000+ years wasn't that bad, all things considered. But I hated Nanoha for being absolutely useless.
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It's just a retarded worldview if so, which I addressed as such.

life being meaningless doesn't mean it can't have value. if everyone adopted this worldview we'd be never have education and the objective enjoyment of life would be way lower than it is now. Aswell as the length of it etc. its just retarded,
Nanoha was shit and cried too much, but at least made me laugh sometimes (i.e., Noi gaslighting her), and didn’t STEAL Chinatsu’s rightful victory
>life being meaningless doesn't mean it can't have value
value is a matter of perspective. Can a human find value in their own life? Sure. Does human life as a whole have any real value? No.
Somebody post the Baldr Kino webm.
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If you want immediate self-improvement, lose the fear of rejection. Go talk to a woman, ask her out on a date.
Is there any Sora hater that's NOT a salty Chinatsufag?
thats not an improvement, quite the opposite
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I seldom run into a heroine I truly hate.
I usually blame the writer and route, or maybe even the MC's way of interacting with the heroine rather than blame the heroine herself.
I will say that Maho of TenInai is a very stupid girl that made her own misfortune.
>Ask woman on a date
>she rejects you and posts about it
>thousands of people now know about it
>gets wormed in every place
>services rotting granpa
>enjoy taking MC bully in her
>extreme doormat to the point MC bully thought she liked him
>have delusions about pure love with MC while doing the aboves for YEARS
Sakura did everything wrong
if you reduce it to base and go back to the basics, when we chilled in caves, then everyone had value because the tribe needed you. Life also inherently has a point - survival and reproduction. You can reject it, sure, but it's still there.
>thousands of strangers think about it for two seconds and then immediately forget
Why should this bother you, assuming this even happens
This was easily the worst route of the VN
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If you want immediate self-improvement, do your reps
Wrong and go back to the streets
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if you do this in current year its probably not going to end well. Tinder and other dating apps are the reality, especially for zoomers.
I am usually an absolutely massive "I can save/fix her" fag and even then Sakura does nothing for me
Not for those who want to get married to a nice girl
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is there a more horrifying concept than a game full of "Icansavethem" girls where you actually cant save them
>11eyes anime on blogposting
All I hear are excuses
>Life also inherently has a point - survival and reproduction.
You basically touched on the root of it there. We exist like the animals exist, to live and reproduce endlessly to the extent we are able, as driven by our biological imperative. Any value or meaning people attribute to life/humanity or its work beyond that is an accident of our overactive imaginations.
it's just such an alien concept nowadays, feels like the last time I had to be guessing intents en masse was in middle school.
Modern world truly is rotten
>7x5 bingo
You had ONE job
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all me.
If you want immediate self-improvement, stop coming to /vn/
Where's everyone going? Bingo?
Should be one more so it can be 6x6 BINGOR
respect her
Fujibayashi Ryou
Education and heightening of the living standard is in line with the goal of survival and reproduction though. So is value - from the most basic "chasing a chicken for 10km vs chasing a mammoth for 10km", its just more complex now.
"Valuable" entertainment/media = Education = higher living standard = survival of the species.
>survival of the species
>actually thinks humans are in any danger of going extinct
You could've reproduced instead of posting this
aren't JOPs over represented?
">Valuable" entertainment/media = Education = higher living standard = survival of the species.
Except the end result of those are lowered birthrates aka death of the species.
You're kind of arguing my point. The base goal hasn't changed, only the emanations of it do, since we're as as species clever and insist on believing there's progress to be made and value to be realized (even though there's not).
Funny thing about his reasoning is that less educated people have more children, same with lower IQ people generally
Since the atomic bomb we have had the capability to eradicate ourselves in a couple of hours
animals don't give a shit about survival of the species. they will fuck each other up for food.
of course they care for their young, but that's because the young depend on them, and the parents feel pity/love for them
Any VN where the heroine gets raped by a sympathetic character who isn't the protagonist?
>get cucked by her
modern reproduction is weirdly dysgenic in that it seems only low iq people have children while people with the best genes go childless. Whole worlds gonna turn into Brazil

VN for this feel?
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Just do what you want bro
/vn/ - everything but visual novels
Atomic bombs are far less threatening than you think.
What a load of shit. An atomic bomb will only kill people within 200-300 meters of the impact point.
The only reason they were so effective in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was because those cities were built out of fucking wood that started burning. Even so most inhabitants of those cities survived the nukes and only died many decades later of natural causes.
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This. No need to justify your actions to strangers on the internet, much less try to convince them to join you.
how many nuclear weapons do you think we have anon
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Not nearly enough to cover the whole planet.
new virtua fighter is looking fire
But that imaginations are really important as it give assurance and good feels for you that you are not alone or meaningless so you don't self delete
Kind of but not really religious people also reproduce well (the fundamentalist and not the cucked kind) so we will have a kind of smart fundamentalist elite with massive retarded underclass
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If nuclear bombs are so powerful where are the 2clear bombs?
god i wish that would happen
nuclear & wild
I'm so fucking badass...
they finished your mom's dildo
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is this legit bros?
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to have a 6x6 bingo, I have to erase the free space and two new entries
Mozaiku kakera hitotsu hitotsu~
the majority of people have always been retarded
Kill yourself.
I don't drink from the gangbang river. That would be you, NTR-senpai
I won't. Next step of your master plan?
you should start adding armpit hair too
See >>483600893
Kill you myself.
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Masada is a great-grandson of Osugi Sakae and Ito Noe, two of the three people killed in the Amakasu Incident.
Why did he make the murderer of his ancestors so fucking cool?
No, that's disgusting, same as anal hair. Now normal pubic hair is hot.
VNs where the villain tanks a nuke?
>and add two new entries
i am afraid you already used all forced memes
/vn/ has to offer, sir
The only hair that doesn’t belong on women is leg and facial hair
this but pubes
the funnier part is how those two are in the game too (but his grandfather's name changed a bit) and they have a parting ending before any possibility of having kids
what did he mean by this
No Game No Life
This summer...
>*Gangnam Style beat starts playing*
Doctor JOPpenheimer...
Is about to find out...
What being trans lated...
Is all about...
>*music cuts out*
>"My le bubby..... is a le incel...!?!?"
>*cuts across the discord to gambs*
>"Well, I wouldn't exactly call him an incel..."
>3 seconds of silence as they stare at each other
>*music cuts back in*
>Letters float up onto the screen, spelling JOPPENHEIMER
>want to read more of teninai but don't want to take a break mid-route so have to wait till tomorrow
Bearded lady enjoyer…
both magical and real nuke
>4chan Cold War experts
>planet retard
>umineko is good
there is a lot memes yet
>seething about Umineko out of genuinely nowhere
They see me JOPpin'
They hatin'
If you read Maho now instead of Asuna, you can quit mid-route without a care in the world.
>NTR is a nuke now
>An atomic bomb will only kill people within 200-300 meters of the impact point.
If you ignore the heat wave and radiation sure. The truth is most humans in a few km radius who aren't underground are done for.
>simping for Uminegro out of genuinely nowhere
kill yourself
what would these hours be called? yuro after work hours?
quick we need something to bring us all together again
kill yourself
>NTRmasa out of nowhere
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I would call this morning but I'm a neet euro that happened to just wake up.
For me, it's remembering that high quality visual novel localizers like JAST exist
Lesbians getting dicked 'ge?
>woke up at 8pm or later
nigga wtf
Happy now?
I was saying boo-urns
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Dies Irae
Eden's Ritter
Yes, it is prime euro hours. If you want to deflect a bit you can also say that it is NEET American hours.
mushihimesama is better
>popularityfag for a poll who nobody cares about
i care
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unemployment changes people
I think umineko rocks and muramasa sucks
If Marie is already a Transcendence God at the beginning of Dies Irae, why doesn’t Ren’s scythe just instantly cut through Kei’s sword (or anything below Reinhard/Mercurius level)?

Does he ever actually eat one onscreen? I only remember nuke being mentioned speculatively as potentially being able to off the weaker LDO members, but never used.
haha.. Maho seemed like a good girl, even if it'll have to be inherently cursed because MC will have to cuck his bro.
I will not yield to the anti-Maho propaganda, even if only because of hairy smelly s;g0 Maho making me fond of the name.
I did that for a while too because its more comfy to live at night if you're not going anywhere
cliff analogy?
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She isn't. She becomes one thanks to Ren "teaching" her emotions
we hate to witness it
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>!give up!<
I thought the point of her learning emotions was to transform her from a Transcendence type into a Hegemony type so cuckchad could pass on the throne
we should kick all-ages fags out to >>>/trash/
It's been so long since I read this that I remember next to nothing about it. I might have to pick it up again
janny sucks
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Oh my God! JC! A bomb!
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love for pinks
maybe in nega-/vn/
You can't just say the n-word bro...
Name one (uno) good pink
even I know that's some vtuber whore
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holy gigaflop
americans aren't even off work yet
sigh... once again it's up to the CHADmericans to save the day...
>buying VNs
I don't remember that much. But I think both could emanate? Ren does afterall and he's just transcending
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He eat a supernova onscreen at the last battle which is kind of like a super charged nuke. But yes weaker LDO members most likely take a nuke to the face and survive.Also Eleonore was mentioned at one point to as hot as a nuke
We all bought it on the superior JAST store
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Ren was always hegemony type, snek used him to turn Marie from transcendence type to hegemony type
Does both Amatsutsumi and Aoi Tori have MCs that can mind control people?
I'm sorry but as soon as an artist or writer does only bad ends NTR I lose all desire to experience their works
Ren’s normal Beriah is transcendence, but his Atziluth is hegemony
Eleonore remarks on his Beriah type changing when he goes edgy red mode in Marie’s route
>someone wasted their time translating this
Kokukino pubenado
>Marie’s route
*Rea’s route oops
What's the deal then? I know one of them does
No, in Kei route he become transcendence
i don't remember anything from that route to be quite desu
>Bloodied Euphy
The exact moment that changed a generation.
Amatsutsumi's MC (and Kunado's) have the power to control people with their voice.
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it is the one Ren come to hate the dead and where Reinhard and Mercurius disagree for the first time. Also it is the route where Bakasumi gets a husband because merc wanted a new babylon so he talked her into becoming a whore
Truly a NTR moment of all time
that guy looks pretty good. women wouldn't care, they would stick fuck him
...and then proceed to fuck another 5 random men the next day
I c.

maybe it has something to do with her being super weak if compared to Reinhard? She didn't exactly accumulate many souls
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She so belived merc that she was even holding on to this delusion in afterward when she become 50 or so and all the other protagonist stayed late teens because they were immortal lol. But Bakatsumi even ended in promised eternal hell in her own route.She really could have been more honest and confessed to Ren before all this started.
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I still won in the end
sounds like the true love of the anon who fucking loves used goods
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>Chuunytroons talking gibberish
That's why I hate chuuny and shounenshit.
that's exactly why I love chuuni and shounenshit
Salt yourself, buta.
So you love juvenile nonsense, gotcha.
it's called kino
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Yes. I love silly childish entertainment and I love moege too. What are you going to do about it?
It’s all kino to me
Dies Irae moege FD doko
Is Aoi Tori depressing, because I'm not in a good mindset to play anything depressing.
You have a mental age of a 10 yo kid
Nothing. But you may be a homosexual.
i know you are but what am i
if reading games with relationships and sex with cute girls all day is homosexual I guess I'm gayer than trapfags
It has some heartbreak in it
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You are a based chuuni brother
Moeges are ok, but chuunyges are inherently gay.
cunny in my chunny
cummy tummy
Post new white women
Ohhh white woman
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Black woman
NATO is good and righteous.
What about a moege where you don’t date any of the heroines but are just their gay friend
anons life
What's next, moege where you are a heroine? Wait a second
Name one moege where you are the losing heroine.
oog ogg white woman oog
Anon's Life
any ge where all heroines fuck your best friend instead of you
ge where all the heroines are your bro’s used goods
Any VN where you can go back in time to impregnate your mother to become your own father?
never should have trusted albanains in the first place
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Saw that slut's reviews posted here as gospel. Mainly her take on Amakano 2 being the second fucking coming of Christ or something. Meanwhile this tourist bitch whines about rape jokes and rape h-scenes in her other reviews. Tourist cunt. That's why you can't trust women's opinions on eroge.
anons are only prison gay
She's right though.
If only...
>complains about dubious consent
>likes rape
I don't understand 3DPD women
this is really funny because she liked a rapist guy in an otomege she reviewed
There's no woman on the internet, thou?
Right when you are a tourist subhuman. If you feel offended by such humor your opinion or this medium cannot be taken seriously.
Your NTRanon?
Because those weren't romantic.
>Saw that slut's reviews posted here as gospel. Mainly her take on Amakano 2
No one here gives a shit about Amakuso 2 AIslop or what some e-celeb has to say about it.
Never seen this bitch before, but if people quoted his reviews, then solely to make fun of him like moogy.
How do you rape a woman in a romantic way? Asking for a friend.
you put on some smooth jazz
What's the easiest way to filter a woman from reading a VN as early as possible?
>make fun of him like moogy.

That would be the normal reaction indeed. But alas...
rapist protagonist
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I love women
I praise her just to make you mad. Never read her reviews btw.
Melty Blood's existence has always baffled me
philosophical themes
yasashii protagonist
Why are you so upset that someone who plays moege doesn't like rape?
Rape is bad tho

That’s a child
What did Nanaya mean by this?
Women have much better taste in VNs.
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The rape jokes are problematic because the MC doesn't look like chad
she don't liked this because the mc was not a chad but a average guy which gave her the "ick"
She’s right tho.
>Rape is bad tho
Rape isn't real.
meant for >>483615359
this and especially focus the protag on raping their "independent" self insert
He's right tho.
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Did we really have an AIshit OP all day and no one complained?
kill yourself retarded spammer
>CHADtificial CHADtelligence OP
>blind and retarded
>retards x retards
Cope AIsir. You will never be a real artist.
Women write better romance overall
We love AI art here since it adds oppai and pubes to girls
What? All ages yuri trash and feminist garbage like Fata Morgana?
i'm calling you retarded for not being able to tell what AI is with your garbage ganges river eyes
Where did anon go wrong?
Nta but you're blind if you can't tell that the OP image looks exactly like first gen AI shit.
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Are they off work yet?
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Born in Europe. Wait for glorious America to login
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7 peak is not that bad
Why are you talking about yourself, Almadajeet?
Plus adds clothes to indecent imoutos
We love technology here.
That's very impressive that a visual novel from 2018 used AI generated art.
Nah, it just looks that bland.
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should I read when the seagulls cry, rewrote, or lil busters
Kek, luddite BTFO
You'll read alll of them eventually, the order should be decided by your current mood since they don't even share a common genre.
read fate
nah another 2 hours or so should get us to the west coast
fyi, if you weren't here to see it, /vn/ got annihilated in divegrass tournament and sent home

...by the Dominions general
I didn’t realize until the chuds started attacking you just now that it wasn’t
Still looks like sloppa even if it isn’t though
We hate Mr. Manager here though.
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Wait it isn't? No fucking way, it even has that cheap blur effect.
I read those first two in that order. Getting around to busta moves busta rhymes
this is what we get for getting rid of danny (a.k.a please bang my wife). Soul of the team right there, and you faggots voted him off for pure fucking gyarus. Shame on you, shame on all of you.
Is it an AI tho? I seen similar artstyles in late 10s ge when AI can't do things like this.
cheap blur effects are much older then AI
I packaged all my shart into a single visual novel. You may know it already as "Dies Irae"
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loli if western woman
Is it possible to get a non-installer PC version of danganronpa 1 and 2?
Sure here you go my guy
I refuse to associate my VNs with gabenware
but one which have sex or some will "tolerate it"
men are the romantic sex.
Now go compare that with moege H-scenes.
>severe mental retardation
Why is she not going full Kill Bill???
Does anyone have a guide on how to translate a VN? I have this short nukige that I like.(japanese is not the issue im just retarded in a lot of ways
I don't blame him for assuming. I hate how much "bloom" is in those CGs
great for me to get off but for them this count as "love dovey" not a cute date with cuddles
If japanese is not an issue why do you want to translate it
Step 1. Figure out what engine it's in. VNDB is good for this
Step 2. Figure out if tools for that engine already exist. Google and git are your friend.
Step 3. Learn how to use the tools to get into the game files, replace Japanese text with english, and re-insert them into the game. This will take some trial and error, but if you're not a retard you should be able to figure it out.
Step 4. Translate
Step 5. Release patch
He wants to share it with his /vn/bwos, JOP scum.
i'm not reading this wall of text but yeah the best romance scenes i've read are mostly written by them
you need to put together a team
Still better than purpletrash.
Few years back I wondered what do people mean by "bad art" now the same people call everything "AI art". In other words they're blind and anything they say can be safely ignored.
anytime someone calls art bad I hear "soul"
I insult bad art without calling things AI doe
for now, but when the (You)s dry up you'll go for the stronger hit
How do you even read a vn if you think a page from a book is lot to read?
VNs only show you a sentence at a time
I only read things I'm interested in. I love NVL the most by the way.
No, bad art is called "SOVL"
Art made by people with no soul in their body is called "AI art"
Why do so many VNs make the protagonists' dick have black skin in H scenes even if the character is japanese and clearly has a light or yellowish skin tone? I thought only americans had a bbc fetish.
you wouldn't your cousin
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I would, but I wouldn't kiss her
Stop reading plotge
ask me how i know you're a retarded caucasian 18-year-old
>Why do so many VNs make the protagonists' dick have black skin in H scenes
I have never seen this, but I don't read NTRge
I fucking love this because it makes cucks mald
I'm a seamonkey and I'm 24. It makes me curious because my dick isn't black so I don't know why a jap's dick is black.
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>supervillainess taunts you with her slutty armpits
What to do?
I don't understand this mentality why not share the joy I had with others? It's not like it is a literary work of art that's untranslatable, there at most 3 kanji puns which are all explainable with 1 line of text.

Thanks for the advice.
VNDB doesn't have it listed and none of the games of this publisher have been (fan)translated. So I guess I'm stuck, I'm sorry.
> I thought only americans had a bbc fetish.
I’m Japanese dough
Cum on them, let's see how smug she is now.
>VNDB doesn't have it listed and none of the games of this publisher have been (fan)translated. So I guess I'm stuck, I'm sorry.
what game is it? File extensions in the game folder can tell you. That or run textractor with it and see what it identifies the engine as. You're not out of options if VNDB doesn't have it listed
what game is it
uso desu
kill yourself
dicks are darker than the rest of the body, some colorists are retarded and make it too dark
it should still be darker than the rest of your skin
actually never mind if vndb doesn't have it listed that means it's RPGM trash and the guy is in the wrong thread
>dicks are darker than the rest of the body
maybe yours shitskin mine is perfectly white with beautiful pink tip
You'd kill yourself after getting taunted by a slutty girl?
EOP yowa~
oh i bet it matches your pink socks
you said you're SEA
this is pretty reasonable darkness though
Bubby I don't think that censor is gonna be enough...
this also if you use it more it tend to get a bit darker (you can see this with used up whores)
Thanks for the censor that really helped
more like bad coloring, if it were this dark compared to the guy skin he would have fucked hundreds of girls before
The guy who replied to you calling you a shitskin isn't me. Is that actually normal darkness for a dick relative to skin color? I don't see any dicks besides my own and my dick is the same skin tone as the rest of my body. The MC's skin is light that dick looks like african skin color
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You were trying to discredit my statement but supported it instead
We love little lolis here.
that looks like my body though
mine is quite a bit darker than the rest of my skin, i assumed it's normal for japs since I'm asian
Discolor from use
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https://vndb.org/v7263 a game from 1997 by a now no longer existing company.
oof, retro games are kind of a different beast, as are the guys who work on them
I prefer big lolis
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We love the loli requiem here
Of course we do. The same people who composed the song game us the oppai song.
I think some anons here need to watch a JAV or two to understand some basic concepts.
He looks like me
No, he doesn't
They're children, you sick fucks.
no they're not they're not even real
Hi Messi
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I literally don't care.
Unvoiced KAMIGE? Backlogged.
it's like nipple color
i'm 2 hours into CC where the FUCK is kazusa
uhhh anon I have some bad news for you
Fucking some other guys in a pubic toilet.
She's in Europe getting railed.
>They're children
got any legal documents for proof?
Is there an actual visual novel that would improve if the voice acting was removed?
don't tell me i have to forgive setsuna before i have any chance of seeing my beloved kazusa
any VN that only has females voices and all male characters unvoiced
Personally I don't think so but these options where you can mute a certain characters are almost universal features of visual novels so someone has to agree with that.
Post unvoiced kamige.
Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia.
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For your butas here it is:
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Tsukihime, Fate, Muramasa
I love Karen
Prove it
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>vtumor shit
kill yourself
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I love lolis but I will never consume vtumor slop. You should be ashamed
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Do zoomers really?
>Not the Gura cover.
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Does anyone seriously not disable male voices?
I'm a chuuniGOD so no.
If you disabled kakeru's voices during h-scenes in 9 nine then you did not experience the VN properly.
Here take it
any vtuber vns?
Loli's pussy.
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it's not good, but this one
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I would only consider reading one if there's nonstop rape scenes
>heroine with cowtits vtubing as a loli
What did she mean by this?
I get irritated when the male MC is voiced normally but unvoiced in h-scenes
flopKING will be watching this one.
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You have a good voice go on
I love this song unironically
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DarkCookie's masterpiece
kill yourself and don't reply to me ever again
meant for >>483623819
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then don't be angry
hang yourself fatespammer
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Ah, so this is how Summer is going to be on /vn/.
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sorry, but I only like women
>garbage post
>still mad
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>useless god
Where is the next thread?
1 more page sAAr.
>page 9
Be patient, I am preparing the JOP thread now. It should be ready by page 10
we are aiming for over 900?
>took off her bunni PJs the second the h-scene started
still mad
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Kami sama wa
FateGOD* btw
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visual novels
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Royal white edition
This is not a story of heroes.
I support that
>AI slop
I sleep
killys retard
>look mom i posted it again
who's Killys?
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who are you quoting
Based kokuGOD
ayo hol up cracka where dem visual novels at
Is that bubbyge top left?
janny...wtf get this guy
Janny? What's that?
stop posting garbage then
meant for >>483629098
Why did you buy this?
See? It's way better when the OP is Karen
no one buys physical goods because they think it's the only way to enjoy the content, piracy is way easier for that
they buy it because they want to own the physical good and support the creator
Kill yourself Karenschizo
No, I mean why would you buy an album full of generic instrumental?
Post a single VN OST that's similar.
reread the post you replied to and try again
Why would you support a creator of generic instrumentals?
No, I mean why would you buy
VNs want OST that you won't get tired of hearing loop a thousand times by the time you finish
Also don't want it getting in the way of the voice lines
it's true, i've put some of the frenetic heavy metal rape music from bishop on endless loop and enjoyed it for hours even though it's maybe a 2 minute loop
Don't think I've ever heard that as a complaint from someone who has played Dohna Dohna. So the mythical person you just imagined doesn't matter.
At the same time people who enjoyed Dohna Dohna have no taste in the first place. Kind of muddies the waters.
>he doesn't like prostitution

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