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Previous : >>483341091

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
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I'm sure it's common for most women to own a 25 inch green dildo.
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My tigerwife
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>t. Rafina
No WAY, fag
I can't be the only one that doesn't care about performing in any aspect of the game mode at all
Towers not done, pvp minimal, H and VH untouched, FH is a lv6 clear and that's it, characters costumes not enhanced, sitting on stockpiles of crystals and AC

I just come in get my free rolls, roll for new characters PV and log out. I am excited for Nebris.
If her ATK buff stacks, I might +3 her. Also, I assume both buffs apply BEFORE attacking the 1st time?
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usually it works like that, yeah
Holy shit
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[Nyanx3] will be a casual/midcore cunny guild.
>Love this game
>Don't be a dick
>Must love cunny to an autistic degree
>Must play daily and be open to guild contribution
>Combat power doesn't matter, but being active does
>You are progressively making your account stronger
>Meanies and retards will get banned, no questions asked

Post UID / Username to reserve a spot.
Spots will be reserved for a limited time. After that, first come first serve.
Can also send UID here with a burner if you don't want to post on the board: CnfRou@proton.me
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Isn't this that one guy that shows this shit but then doesn't share a way to use it?
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>all these replies
absolutely revolting, you faggots have no taste
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Someone buy and provide
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Almost forgot
Dave the Diver's property
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so this is what I get when I tried +1 Venaka..
cum glutton...
Is it stupid to focus only on magical or physical damage characters in this game?
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If you guys think this is hotter then OG. It's unironically over.
Ar first no. But eventually you'll need too make both teams
new cutie here
how do i go about collecting tickets to stock up for the next limited?
checkout the towers
It's okay but you'll start building both eventually.
hard/very hard character packs give out like 200 pulls in total.
Dave is so lucky.....
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FH is tomorrow. I still don't have my homework done...
Eclipse dakimakura
>vagina line
which chapter can I buy celia buy her field ability
Celia randomly appears in any pub
Might as well recruit Lia then...
i have a blurred memory of obtaining her in her chapter inn, the pagan tower or whatever is called
You got lucky, ch6 recruits are Eclipse and Layla
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Bro. It's called cameltoe
nigga scared of using adult words, has to invoque camelids
I like boobie dots
Recruit all the 3*s and she will show up in no time
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Took me like 3 attempts to figure it out, and I'm a retard who relies on guides. It's quite easy. Just make sure your supports are stacked with hp
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>not a new animation/girl
nipples too large for Venaka, also the breasts in standing DJ Venaka pose were a little deformed/weird, otherwise great job!
not the baker but wait for today's patch (probably)
I love dopamine release
Lia bro aske for Lia op
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My first 10 pull (picrel). Can anons give me a QRD on anything I need to know about the game? inb4 newcutie
Read the faq in the OP.
Check the links in the OP, there should be a newbie guide.
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Will you roll for her now, knowing she is not limited?
This game :D
I love it
I have 300 tickets just for her. I'm going all out.
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+3 With her weapon, i'll get the rest with powder shop and monthly costume upgrader
Gotta save some for New Justi too
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who of these fuckers should i hire?
im a newcutie has a mega barebone roster
At least to get a +0, which is my typical endeavor with targeted draws I don't have.
get Olstein, he passively gives you free stuff every day.
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Months later and she's still my favorite girl. Wish they'd give SRs more costumes.
Sowwy bwos, I requested liatris.
He fell for the MSGK's sweet talk...
I can't invest unless I know who the limited actually are. Will pull one copy and a homo Lathal for homescreen and +3 respectively
None, get Diana from chapter 10.
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Her whole design is sex, and being younger than her sister makes it even better. If I ever commission BD2 porn, it'll be of her.
Play the campaign and enjoy the story for the most part. Level the characters that you like, preferably the 5* ones. Don't spend 5* scrolls that you get from the story on the first 5* character you see in a pub. Just ask specific questions here, the general is fucking dead when newcuties aren't posting here. OP has some helpful stuff.
>The update on June 27, 2024 (UTC) was scheduled to be carried out without maintenance, but as there are update contents that need to be worked on through maintenance, maintenance has been carried out.
>■ Update Schedule: June 26th 11:50 pm (UTC) - June 27th 1:20 am, 2024 (1 hour 30 mins) (UTC)
Maintenance never ends
>younger than her sister
You see her when you pull 5* weapons
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Ailee, the weapon girl.
Post FH teams please Im busy tonight and need something to copy fast
so when are we getting first anniversary units?
Saving my tickets for mega sex Loen. I might drop 20 on Nebris, but the rest will be down to daily free pull luck. I don't need her and I've learned from the collab not to waste tickets now.
+2 officially takes me out of the Venaka-let zone. No one can argue otherwise
who are these sluts anyway
That outfit isn't much different than her normal one.
In fact, it's more conservative, the only thing she could possibly disagree with is the color.
You can get +50% damage if you swap teams and use switch tactic
Please explain, I usually keep the same team running until they die. I've never been good enough to swap mid way through.
I do think it's the hot pink color but it also has more ruffles, frills and ribbons. It's arguably more fetishized than her original.
She knows getting an outfit means she's getting sent onto the battlefield, and she already dreads having to repeat the same fight over and over until a crit lands.
I thought they were the same...
better than getting mist Gary like I got spooked with
I feel like Schera's nipples would probably be dark, big areolas and have little cracks on them
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I have it on authority Dianas nipples are puffy and inverted
Well that's obvious. Justia's too. Diana's are probably light brown while Justia's are most likely a very light pink.
Refi probably has inverted/flat nipples too since they haven't fully developed yet.
Phys team until boss uses C1. Then switch, magic team gets to damage weakened boss and can trigger C1 one more time. So 2 damage windows.
Venaka looks strange, but Dalvi and Angelica are nice
Thanks anon. I'll give this a go.
what does C1 mean
my sluts
when one of my champs dies in an event fight
i have to go back to the campaign and go rest at a tavern to revive them?

who thought this was a good idea?
dotgg has fiend hunt guides, basically Fiend bosses have their moves marked as S-1 S-2 S-3, C-1 C-2 C-3 and so on. Usually a move or 2 activates after special trigger, either boosting your teams attack or weakening the bosses defences. Chaining a specific part of a boss could activate this for example.
You can revive them, nigga

Condition trigger, every fiend boss has a condition that gives buffs or something if you do something specific, like doing X amount of chains in a tile or using DoTs
she's white not a brown person
Bro, there's people who can revive. Helena, Lisianne. And there's my wife Eclipse who can literally teleport you wherever if you've got her skill maxed out. Dying team mates shouldn't be too much of a problem, unless you're doing something wrong and 99% of them die every fight.
im two days in, i aint got allat shit niggas
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I've been pulling miss summer schera to +3. am i bricked?
Event fights don't save dead state of the characters. Go next fight and they will be alive again
Some anon made this
So is this game doing alright? Seems very generous with pulls and stuff. Also what banners comes after summer?
no pp schera's actually decent in all game modes even though people say just pvp
sportswear then more summer
I don't think we know beyond that. Possibly kimono? The Johns were kinda awkward talking about it
fucking disgusting
you pube fags ruin everything that could potentially be good
We don't know what banners are next except Summer Justia rerun and anniversary Justia banner.
>pube fags
adult woman fetish
do you have more Dianas to share?
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>John will never do a competition again, because he knows Loen will always win
No. There were also edits for admiral Sylvia and idol Gran but I don't have them saved.
Game makes almost 1M$ every month so we should be clear of any EoS threats it all depends on how john uses the money
Should I roll Diana to +3 or wait till tomorrow for the new choco slut?
Roll Diana
I'm gonna grab 1 Nebris and spend the rest of my rolls on Diana
Decent chance its summer before sportswear desu

I know in the dev notes they spoke about the field day event first but if the sports outfits are levia and loen, who are both fire, it's super unlikely for the devs to release them during off season, and it wouldn't make sense to bring back fire so fast when we had it for eris last week

If the summer event is slotted between anni and sports, it'd fill in the gap perfectly

They also showed the silhouettes for summer, but not for loen
They said the sport event is in July and the beach event is in August
Are there more limiteds on the horizon?
Thanks anon. That's a nice chunk of additional damage you just got me. I appreciate it.
Is there a mega of all the characters from Brave nine?
Yw, but you got minimum lv10 threshold before anyway
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imagine Diana sitting on my face
I know, but my plan is to eventually reach level 10 on day 1. Still a ways off. But it beats my level 5 clears back when I first started way back
yeah me
I guess there is no way for the monsters in the story packs outside the cave hunts and the main stories to have a higher level, right?
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Lv10 on 1st day is 344m damage. It's +5 full teared Venaka + Dalvi, and probably +5 full teared Nebris and +5 Vanguard Gray
>Also what banners comes after summer?
honestly they should do reruns and then a halloween event. way too many costumes already this summer
What does that mean?
How can I sloppa gen bd2 porn?
Condition skill 1
>halloween event
pumpkin witch Scheherazade
yes two limited during beachside angels plus two new other swimsuits non limited
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>ctrl + f P***
>zero results
Are we finally free from the menace?
>have tons of rice
>cannot make rice balls
Why is Justia is utterly useless?
Never trust a girl with horns
I think he is busy schizo posting about the announced Nikke collab. I saw the forbidden word there today.
If you're looking to level up. Slimes are the way to go.
I already used all my rice balls.
>announced Nikke collab
>look it up
this is april fools right What the hell?
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Bro hes tryna bring more schizos into the thread
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dave the diver wtf is this shit
She can sit on my face.
Time's almost up. Remember to +5 Elise while you still can. Her summer alt will be meta. Trust me bro
I read on the guide I should get her +2, so I roll for more Venaka now?
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imagine Diana and then Sylvia sitting on my face
pancake anon
She's got a solid magic resist reduction. If you plan to play a magic team, she's well worth getting to +2 and beyond.
Yeah, I wanna play Magic so I'm gonna keep rolling her banner, What about the weapon though? Is it a must?
Exclusive UR weapons are nice but I wouldn't be rolling on the weapon banners ever. Eventually you'll be able to craft non exclusive UR gear, which is very good and doesn't require spending tickets to get.
Holy shit, I thought people were just shitposting
KEK cuck collab
Nyo. Character copies > weapon always.
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I did it!
Someone fill me in since I've just checked and have no fucking clue. What's up with that Nikker collab?
Weapons are never a must, unless you're an omega autist min-maxing for Top100 ranks. It's like an extra line of stats over an UR IV
Are you a homo?
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Way to go newglutti. Also your teams all over the fucking place :( I'd swap out Kry for a buffer. Helena would be idea with Dalvi and Venaka.
from what I gathered, they're collabing with some diving indie game that has fat gay men and niggers
or something
Virgin or pedo?
HAHA, why though?
Nexon is my favorite multi billion dollar indie company
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>lvl 8
I was too cocky after Berseker...
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>lvl 8

Bro your +5 max teared Sir Gisgray?
Yeah I know, I am still really unsure on pretty much anything in this game
I wanted to try and just burst stuff with Dalvi and Venaka, but Dalvis skill is middle (one behind) and Venakas skill killed the guy behind so it would go into the backline.
So I just kinda dicked around and re-tried a bunch and got lucky to hold off long enough and have Krys + Eris nearly nuke her in the last 2 turns. Guess me being a newtard makes Eris better due to chain shenanigans. (I assume more chains = better)
Bwos /nikg/ is laughing at us and calling us a cuckgame again..
Go make a /v/ thread about it
More chains are always better. It's part of the reason why Celia is top for the reroll target.
Because you went in there and provoked them.
And how exactly are nikkers related to us? I don't give a fuck about the state of their thread or what they're saying and neither should (you).
Got it, gotta keep rolling on her banner then.
Im on chapter 5 and im barely using the field abilties, which one Is important to upgrade? I only use the cooking one because I like to watch the new dishes, also Is the sniper girl with the red dress a good character I love her autistic "bang" everytime she attacks
It's cuckschizo getting bored again. Nobody gives a fuck. Report and hide.
Dispatch (Olstein/Diana), Crafting (Layla or Fred) and Alchemy (Schera) are top priority.
Next is search/absorb/dash.
Just one more.
Elise is okay but useless without some luck and big investments.
Ok thanks im gonna start using those More, the game has been super good with the rolls but i think im gonna save some gems now, im happy with the coomer costumes it gives me already
PvP implies i'll be fighting another player
which means there's a chance i'll have to kill a Justia
i can't do that...
You better delete the game
I want Glacia to sit on my face.
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I want to lick Glacia's soles
Get in line.
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putting my nose on her parties, where the middle line runs. suffocation
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Sup brown cucks??
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shota seeded...
Nikkechad here. Since uninstall Brown Dust 2 and installing Goddess of Victory: Nikke, I’ve overcome my cuckold fetish. Now I only want to be in monogamous relationships with loyal and faithful partners, I no longer fantasize about watching other men (specifically Gray lookalikes) have sex with them. You can do it too, if you want!
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>sage seeded, what an honor
He's good actually...
How Many gems you need to secure a banner Unit in this game ?
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Don't sniff her anons, the Queen is reading...
AI gen her feet again please...
*plaps her ass while she tries to appear emotionless*
You're guess is as good as mine. I've done a single 10, got someone, other times I've dong 100+ pulls and got no one. 2000 gems a 10 pull if that's what you mean.
200 tickets = 40000 diamonds
You can subtract like 14 rolls off that because of free daily rolls, so it comes out to 186 tickets or 37200 diamonds
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yes or nyo
I'd go in there knowing full well what would happen, and still slap her ass. Bit of luck she'd either sit on me and choke me out, or outright uppercut me unconscious
pvp yes.

how many gens to get hands and feet right?
Go for it glutti.
Why is she so cunnycoded for my dick?
Damn thats a lot, but im new so im not really sure how easy Is to get >>483612738
gems yet
*chokes on her braps*
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thicc thigh loli
chibi sexo
More with feet and crotch focus i beg
Damage report? +3 Venaka in 200 pulls. Not entirely bad, could've been better though. Tempted to try for 1 more then +5 from the shop.
don't do *it* bwo....
Can I get any more Evil Castle coins without having to wait for the ranking reward?
I got 380 and need 3 more for an 3* ability book, it's driving me crazy
210 for +1
But I got a lot of dupes and bought Lathel and Helena so I'm not dissaointed (or at least this was enough to cope)
you get daily evil coins from the pass.
>Damage report?
2 copies of Diana in 210 pulls (not counting exchange). Currently debating if I wanna stop at +3.
Oh there, actually an reward for the mission to complete for the pass and not on the pass rewards itself
Thanks anon, love u
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>anons are hopeless foot boys
Same honestly...
+2 Venaka in 197. I doubt I'll pull another copy in 3 daily pulls so I probably just sit at +3.
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Anyone ever get this? Never moves from this angle even when characters attack.
Waht the fuck that's really good
I got it the other day, fixed itself after the boss acted.
Bless you anon
didn't wanna say the g-word but...
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Show her soles off please
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Anyone else find it interesting how both Glacia and Teresse both wear blue bows in their hair, and both are the hottest girls in game?
Also have to add never stop the nail polish man I love it and appreciate the effort so keep adding it
bwos she's 18...
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>156 cm
the zoom in is a very good effect. i joined the game for her pov
I did not expect Angelica to be a mage unit, seeing as how she uses a sword and is a close combatant.
Can you make a school Glacia sloppa if I provide you screenshots for training? (If you don't have her)
We get guilds today don't we?
when negris live?
It isn't worth it to keep rolling, right?
I should convert into that dust thing, right?
Well, I don't really complain, but I'd prefer Venaka, eitherway cumglutton +1 is good too, it's also important copy. Now if only they reworked fixed damage, but it seems like they'd rather rework Yusti and put her as a new character kek
Nyo, more like august.
3 hours
For real? Wack
>keep rolling
With what lmao? But yeah, I think I'm gonna convert her, had very unfortunate pulls this update.
I'm tempted to roll for +3 Nebris, but I have a feel the summer limiteds will be strong and I'd rather not brick myself on a unit that goes into the standard pool.
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>ywn have Glacia step on your face and smother you with her feet until you pass out from oxygen deprivation
Why even live?
>the shit I have to craft to have 2 geared FH teams
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I have her, gonna train tomorrow
>less than 2 hours before FH begins
>still haven't made a team for it
>still haven't done dailies
>the server suddenly decides to poop its pants and not let me in

John it's the second time already fix your potato
you lost
Any Loenbros on? I think it's time we establish our dominance by setting up the best guild now.
Holy based
love the panties *sluuuurp*
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am I still newglutti?
Yes. You are until you've done some hard content.
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>I've been here so long, I remember MANUALLY doing all dailies for months

Newgluttis will never understand my pain. No Celia succ on hand.
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this is some kind of joke right
Imagine Celia sucking on your hand like some sort of depraved masochistic mutt
If anyone has a fixed video of Codename Sherazard's home screen, please post it.
I want it because it's naughty
yes actually, I can't remember the last time I had to manually log in
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It's weird, I didn't have any problems in May, but in June it decides to log me out every few days,so annoying.
It made me do it just now i figured they changed it with the update
What chapter should I unlock the very hard mode hunting grounds for first?
the lizard one
7 then 10
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Foot fetish is for brown people, post Glacia's pits and then we'll talk
im jerking off to diana ass
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for reference
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>see cute small girl
>she wears cute frilly clothes
>literally feel compelled to kneel and submit
what is this...
>Eclipse keeps her dead lover on display
>Rafina is a pervert who only lusts for orcs
>Diana is an alcoholic
>Justia is overweight and loves wimps
>Schera puts things where she shouldn't
>Yuri doesn't wash

Bros, are there any normal girls in this game?
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I can't generate nice looking feet
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it's a struggle, anon
this is what 90% of my gens look like while I'm trying to cherrypick
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I feel you bwo... Hands+feet RNG rolling even with editing. Head has been exploding when adding nail polish. Still need to figure out the right denoising level when inpainting those.
aaaand it's down
Dalvi SPH
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This ai art is on the verge of birthing a monster
what did she mean by this? rafina lora when btw? time to make orc'd canon
Why would I ever respect an AI creation enough to cum on it
>this stupid disconnection error lasted until maint
Okay fucking John, Negris +1 from 1st tenpull OR ELSE
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I'm getting Niggris with cope powder, I need to save for the limiteds
+3 Nebris in 14 pulls. I'll post results as soon as I get her.
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why doesnt john want me to play his game
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This seems to help a lot, but is still not perfect https://civitai.com/models/308615/odor-feetanimeponyxl
What prompts and model?
It's autismmix with this lora https://civitai.com/models/323575/granblue-fantasy-psxl-or-pony-style-lora
How many doros until I can play again
What comes after maintenance?
The real maintenance begins.
(Maintenance never ends)
wrong general bwo
Nebris cumming home to daddy
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It's back up.
If you are lying...
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So many paid banners before, where's the backlash!?
Any new celebration ? They will give me 10 ticket again to try my luck right ???
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this but with Diana
Minimum. Or else we won’t have even begun to enumerate the bugs.
Bwos is Venaka banner still up? I didn't check the ending date
Queen Glacia is not for lewd.
Yes, there's still a week left
Yes, it's Code Name O Elise that's over
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it's up(for real)
enough of your lies
we're so back
It's down
no, its actually up
150 rolls no Elise

Usually every patch I have to relog
goongods i kneel
The Queen!
Is it hot time yet
Summoned by the sloppa gods
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Nebris + Android Lecliss (+2) in 40
It's that shrimple. Her potential stats are the same as Venaka, but ATK% instead of M.ATK obviously.
>100 pulls of nothing
>get olsteined
it's over... nebris doesn't want me
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Damn brat
A tale as old as time.
Why does Summer Justia have two kiss marks on her boob? Who tried to kiss her boob? Isn't it gay for a girl to kiss another girl's boob?
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At least weapon banners are always blessing me.
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First glasses, then a sword, now my own ittie. Is this good?
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+5 Dupes
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This is the wrong hag nyooo
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My dream might become a reality...
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Next ten roll brings her home. Thanks John
I roll - it's hot
As shrimple as that
Get Queen Glacia to +5!
>got her on 20 pulls
yeah, I'm thinking hot time
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Too easy... Thanks John.
Should i finish up the spark i wonder
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So excited first 10 Eleanor pops on Nebris..................................................Fuck you John you are dead to me
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jesus Venaka is a rapist
Maybe with spark, Using property ticket on water right now sounds like a bad idea...
newglutti here
whats the best food i should be making to maximize healing?
I will never recover from this seethe for sure. I'm glad Lathel is gone
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Also got her weapon in 20 rolls. I hope i'll be as lucky with Alt Justi later
Just level your characters to heal them.
Going to an Inn. Cooking is an old work and is being reworked for a relationship system. Just go sleep at an inn. Optimally, save your pinpont on one story pack at an inn and then go back and forth when you want to heal.
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bwos i hit the jackpot
THE Brickstruction
BTW, S.Nebris's bond stat is the same as Venaka
14.20% atatck, 104% C.Damage, and 30% wind damage
I like Venaka more
she does mic checks and has a cute meme attached to her
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Three males. Three fucking males in a row yesterday (I’m this guy >>483525303). But you know what? I want Nebris. Her animation’s hot. I wanna use her for my physical team. Today’s a new day. I roll the daily free roll. Nothing. I roll the 10-ticket. What luck! The costume collection is completed. Eleanor shows up, but the event mission complete doesn’t. This is fine. Maybe I got Zenith. I don’t have her yet. Another dupe for my Angelica couldn’t hurt either. A five star at all is lucky. It must actually be hot time. But it’s not hot time at all, it’s FUCKING H*MOSEXUAL GAY FAGGOT FUCKED IN THE ASS TIME BECAUSE I GOT a ANOTHER MALE FOUR TIMES IN A FUCKING ROW!!!!!! WHY ALEC?!?!! WHY IS HE FUCKING SMIRKING AT ME JUST LIKE GRAY YESTERDAY?!?! DID THEY JUST FINISH RUNNING A TRAIN ON NEBRIS AND NOW THEY SHOW UP TO MOCK ME FOR MY PATHETIC KEKOLDRY WHILE THEIR CUM DRIPS OUT OF HER HOT BODY’S FERTILE HOLES?!?!?!?!?!
> +1 in 100 pulls
I'm kinda tempted to pull more, but I'll have just 150 rolls left...
>Negris gets 50% property INSTEAD of atk if she already has a buff

Jesus she's even worse than she already was.
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oh god my dick
Random Eleaneer out of nowhere.
Yes, she's not that amazing. But the only other wind phys alternative is Gray, so.
The fucking patch won't download
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60 rolls for +1
Not bad I guess.
Wait a minute, the Nebris costume is not a limited one? What the actual fuck.
It just means this costume doesn't need dupes more than +1 and it's just a buffstick for her future default one. This costume is not about damage at all, since you can't even buff her before she buffs atk for herself. What a fucking joke of a costume for the gyaru goddess, ffs.
oh no no no...
Small hot time window open quick
I haven't rolled yet, and I won't, waiting for the limited costumes.
she's a literal ticket trap. john knows she's irresistible and will eat up everyone's ticket stack before fat sweaty loen and the 4 new swimsuits 2 which are limited
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Power of property draw...
Gee, I get TWO Nebris
bros it is NOT hot time.
I repeat, it is NOT hot time. Do not roll.
Venaka is better kit wise
Venaka is better PAWG wise
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You're invited to the secret Seir fanclub. I'm the only other member.
Kill yourself niggerfaggot.
Venaka is better because it's like she naively doesn't realize how sexy she is
PAWG yourself PAWGgerPAWGgot.
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Five males in a row. It’s not even useful for gameplay purposes, what the hell am I going to do with POOL LATHEL? What did I do to deserve this? Do not roll I repeat do not roll, this is not hot time this is GAY HOMO time!!!
I ran out of tickets and still no Nebris... Not touching my dia stash though
I am so sorry bro... I should check the time more closely
Why does he have a shota face
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>burning tickets on non-limited
It's like you want Schera to laugh at you next week.
try getting original lathel seeded it stings even more some how
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Fuck you. Just… fuck you. I’m done. I actually threw my phone againssty the wall my screen is cracked right now where the keyboard is I don’t even care I’m done

kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture Lathel kill rape torture lathel
I'm not rolling for Justia no matter no broken she is
Show me Rephi anon.
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>a-are you...rolling the gacha in a gacha game? AAAAAAAAAAAH HELP ME NIGGERMAN, I'M GOING INSANEE
shut up
could be worse
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>buy property selection ticket
>it's her +3
But I wanted Teresse...
Bro, just let them go bankrupt in real life.
I am +5ing my wife Justia.
>>buy property selection ticket
Where do you buy those and with what currency?
Kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and gay kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and gay kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alec and Gray kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill kill rape torture Lathel Alex and Gray kill rape torture
Game need more tentacles fanservice here.
1200 golden threads
I feel like that fetish has been completely abandoned, you pretty much never see artists do it anymore, most you get is non-H series making tentacle porn references.
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>rape Gray
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Am I bricked?
kill yourself bragnigger
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What do
The 3000 gem for random UR IV gear pack is up. Let's gamble
Used to be in the red and now I'm seeing green. Most of the luckgod pulls you've seen the last week has been me. Holy fuck.
hmm nyo
I'm not falling for that, John
Sheeeesh this Nebris champion got a GYATT frfr

My gems about to get cooked pulling for this PAWG
Nebris anal impregnation
so is the new justia the 1st anniversary unit? when will she release?
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Lmao this game suddenly feels like a rigged scam. This is easily my worst banner ever, with my 2nd worst being Venaka (380 pulls for +4), week 2 player btw. Decreased rate up odds in the first 30 minutes of servers opening? I hit the 100 pity once and then I reached 90 again before getting an off-rate 5 star on Negress's banner. Not even pulling on her shit anymore.
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I wonder if she'll be limited or not
I hope she is so I feel special for having her
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Hordefaggots are lucklets, what else is new.
I find Nebris cute rather than sexy
sorry bros I just came on Nebris
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I think Nebris is an ugly N

still less than irl pubes lmao
Kill yourself niggerfaggot.
When is hot time?
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John please... just give me a loan on these marks...
This man is FUCKED
15-30 minutes after the daily reset
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>most you get is non-H series making tentacle porn references.

The main reason why I'm following Tentacle Hole manga, I need more tentacles porn!
i like how Nebris twitches after every spurt of my cum lands on her sunkissed back
They're micro-orgasms
the loathsome
was there news about the anniversary unit. is the new gyaru good to go all the way or just a single copy good enough.
Uh... Nebris really isn't strong
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its ok i clutched and got her in 2 10x, i got gems to spare for next event, i was just wondering if it was worth it or not. my diana is +3 so might dump for her... but wanted to know if the future units were gonna be busted or hot
So is Negris good for you?
For your soul yes
Kit wise she's an on-element specialist. Not very flexible against non-water enemies.
She's good for my fat cock with an oversized foreskin that hangs lewdly off the tip
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This body type was made for men like you
For my penis she is
The fat bastard onahole bodytype
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Hopefully her base costume will be better
I'm following the progression checklist in the OP, but I want to try and get the welfare Dalvi outfit to +5 before the event ends. I'm only at the start of SP-2, and I've already cleared Summer Knight on Normal. Hard's giving me some trouble, and I'm running low on resources. Should I just speedrun to get access to Path of Adventure, or is there no reasonable way I can get the SK Hard clear before the rental runs out?
is it give random 5*?
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This is my reward for rolling 350 times for PP Schera +3
holy 270k
100 fucking pulls on Nebris only to get nothing but Lathel and V Gary. Its over for me
You got the superior wind unit. Be thankful peasant.
yea I've never had a banner this bad
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Thanks John Dust
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The time hath come
>No Pop-up notification
It's over already
the paid banner Nebris pull gar is so bad as well literally you get the honor of pulling 40 3*'s in a row before getting a single Nebris no dust either
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It's not
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>>No Pop-up notification
I always wait for that before I start feeling good
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Some people want the notification gone...

No, I want notification to appear from the beginning so I know if I get banner characters or not.
I literally cover the top of my monitor when I roll
so should I roll for venaka or nebris? both are kinda coomy
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Venaka is better with 600% damage and 50% MDef shred. And new players got +5 S.Dalvi for free
Venaka is better gameplay wise, both are worthy of coom though
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
I just delay looking for like 30 seconds, always hear to know it's a 5* but then don't get spoiled by seeing
700% with potentials. Also she has the highest base magic atk in the game so far.
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>And new players got +5 S.Dalvi for free
New player here and no the fuck I didn't.
Hard Summer Knight is not something an account less than a week old can contend with easily only playing a couple of hours a day.
Very hard summer knight just equivalent to your normal story pack...
shut up green momoi
Are you expecting a new player to speedrun all content of a game that's been out for a year in 2 days or something?
Not sure what to say here other than that I ain't gotten gud yet. I might be able to get +5 before the event closes, but odds are evens I could get stuck with the +3 S.Dalvi I have now.
You a whole month anon, you can easily clear hard and very hard in a week or two. Just dump all your resources on Dalvi and Venaka if you have her.
You have*
You don't need to beat hard to get the dalvi copy, just accept the level with Elin.
She's main story related of course she wont be
How can you tell how old an account is in this game?
The mission says you need to clear Hard and accept Very Hard. My current roster can't clear Hard yet.
I don't think it's particularly challenging, I just don't have the stats to not get one-rounded by the enemies yet.
i remember there is an achievement for that
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I have pool schera at +2 bwos... I don't know how much longer I can go... the resources are running low....
Meh, I'm getting network request timeouts.
This sucks.
In return, the gooks should make pics of whitebolt yuri lezzing out on Rou.
Venaka hits like a motherfucking truck
Are merges for costumes that important in this game, or is it just winmore/PvP leaderboard stuff?
Bros I wanna stop sucking at pvp
bwo i think it's only you. haven't had that or the disconnects you had before patch
Roxy sex
I was getting the same earlier
i'm a fcking moron, i just wasted 3k mats trying to reroll zenith's exclusive's to hp% i didn't realize it was the fixed stat....
I just got Diana, Is she good? I rolled her banner because she is hot.
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congrats on getting a juicy pawg
i love that shit. Huge dopamine hit
>roll for veneka day 1
>titty queen of outfits shows up
>see 3 notifications pop up at once for venikas banner for an instant +1
She is so hot man.
i started about 3 days ago and did very hard. the secret was this costume for Kry with a baseball bat. it does 100% of an enemies hp to enemies behind it, so you can easily kill the taunters or the boss in the first turn. outside of that, just keep restarting the round until venaka crits.
*Clears over half of level 9 with free Dalvi*
*Refuses to elaborate*
It's almost as if she was specifically made for this fh
so many pawgs holy moly
i am freaking broke bwo, don't know how can i handle new justia and the summer costumes...
this game needs a latina
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I got distracted watching funny vtubers and forgot the update was today

So /cuckg/, how is Nebris?
Relax bwo, she will return next year.
I'll continue rolling for Nebris because of SEX
What the hell is 'Today's Quest'?
The purple quests from the quest board
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roxy is +5 base with weapon oops
Maybe I should put refi on team 1 and use diana on team 2...
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WhaleGOD... I kneel...
Idon't think you had to actually clear very hard, just begin it and you'd get credit for dalvi+1
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Bwo I just did lvl 7 with this team. You should be able to do it too.
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Am I...retarded?
I can't figure out how to make that work, or my +0 no tear diana isn't enough.
>8 SSR including the guarenteed Nebris from step up
even with 3 of them being threads I'm ok with this, evens out my Vanaka step up being only Venaka
I don't care for Nebris. She insists upon herself.
This is pretty depressing
Took 95 pulls got spooked 3 times lathel, vgray, kendo justia before finally getting my queen nebris.
>i had an UR weapon pop from free draw today
>it was just gynt's glove
>do a single pull
>get a repeat
Ouch bro I hope it's her
newglutti here
why do you get 2 teams?!
Once you get to lv6 you get two teams
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Maybe your gear it's the problem. This is what my Venaka and Dalvi look like.
Only used a tear on Venaka's range node.
How's Nebris? Worth getting to +3 or just a copy for collection?
+0 or +1 for sp reduction and stop. Trap banner shes not limited and we have 4-6 new costumes with two limiteds rest of summer
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Dunno man. Going with +0 Diana not enough but more likely I'm just a brainlet.
Are you triggering the bosses conditional?
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holy fuck my physical team is so shit, literally gave up and slotted eclipse in to give SP.
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+0 it is, I'll leave it to fate if I +1 from daily rolls.
Is that the new Justia costume they showed in the dev notes?
Try this https://streamable.com/owjsxh
Make a second team with whatever you have to finish it off.
for newer players it's a big boost but if you can get 600,000 in castle it's honestly pretty bad. The best options are usually armour/helm pieces to roll full DPS for but there's so many brick weapons/necklaces/rings. I've honestly always felt like I could use more IV armour
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Finally finished with the story. It was surprisingly easier than the previous packs. Am I still considered a newglutti?
Think the worst you can do is my Eris banner, and even then it could technically be worse. Rolled 400 and had +3 even with 2 hard pities & 1 trade in. The 50/50 miss honestly feels so bad & it's worse if you have a decent chunk of +5s, 300 thread is really shit even though monthly thread consumption can go up to 4.6k
wtf this looks impossible from a new players perspective
For f2p ideally you want enough merges for the -sp.
Venaka is one of the rare units in the game that's good in both pvp & pve, i was really hesitant on rolling before the limiteds but I couldn't really find a reason not to just outright +5 her this time around. She's missing a costume though but with this one being 3 turn CD her up time is high enough to disregard that. Also these potential tree stats of new characters are fucking cracked, they're really powercreeping there.
Varies from costume to costume, but in general they're pretty important. Generally QoL costumes have cut off points where they don't get significantly better, most of the cutoffs are SP reductions. Damage costumes & team wide buff costumes are really important to +5 and tear, and in general the overall damage gained maxing multiple costumes on a carry is exponential.
I was in your spot 2 months ago.
cooming on her back
Which ones are the best characters to recruit from the pub?
Guys, was that 3k dia UR gear worth buying?
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After Optimization. Holding back Tears for PvP... Could've Teared H.Lathel, Nebris, Venaka, Dalvi And also Reroll c.dmg (refi C.DMG+125%) for more Magic. But with them removing crit dmg caps soon, I rather just wait.
I think she has the best body in the game. Eclipse is a close second but I like JKs more than older women.

I'm tempted to +5 her but her skills are horrible..
New players should try and get to level 5 on day 2.
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Contribution in case those wandering about the new units.
is it important to always buy the event UR gear and max it?
i only did it with the axe a couple months ago
You can probably safely tear Venaka, Seji's level 10 clear didn't make use of 2 turn CD, and she benefits from being fully teared in PvP too. He teared Nebris's AoE though which honestly I think is pretty shit but that's probably going to be a difference maker. That being said you're 210 mil off might wanna see what he did different.
holy brickaroni
It's probably the most important thing in the shop other than the tears. Even oldfags will buy it since a SSS UR 3 is comparable to a BBS UR IV in many situations.
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wtf bwo, i didnt know
you guys need to make a better beginner guide
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Well, this is my limit, just enough damage to 2 shot it.
I'm going to +5 my booty goddess for sure!
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I don't wanna be that guy but the newbie guide has come a long way, it used to be people getting bricked by outdated SEAmonkey youtube videos about content that literally doesn't even exist anymore
How much damage do I need for a level 10 clear?
I feel like everyone has shit rates this anni, in two months of playing I haven't seen such shit look for everyone else, I don't even have pulls to pull her anymore lol, bricked myself
Check the table on dotgg.
Iirc the threshold is 145kk
Is there a simple TEXT or RENTRY guide for pvp
I hit dia 3 and I don't think the single wiggle defense strat is going to work out very well anymore
I just want to know the basic cornerstones of a good offense/defense without skipping through some fag's 40 minute video
is the pc client fucked?
Can someone repost the ntr meme with nebris? It was hilarious
Wiggle defence is supposed to be bad so you could burn your rating points easily.
I'd say just check other people's teams, what kills your attack party the most.
The comp that is getting me filtered the most is 3 tanks and 2 dps. I tried to copy that and my wr got better.
Fuck off, retard.
After the rating change in pvp I don't lose as much rank anymore even if I lose 99 times. I'm actually getting matched with people with strong defense now...
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Why the fuck are these separate stacks?
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Anon who said he was skipping Nebris here in favor of Venaka. Still don't have Venaka's UR gear.
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Still had 13m after team 1 but managed the rest with team 2. I think I missed a chance to cumulonimbus early on...
Was able to throw in my +0 base Dalvi during the downtime too.
Oh yeah on my Venaka I've teared damage and cooldown which I guess was a mistake. Oh well.
177k is what I finished with. Vanguard gray did the most for phys (+2 nebris and +1 vanguard gray)
Normal Dalvi did most of the damage. (celia, zenith, bride refi, helena)
Do you have Diana or bride refi? You will want them in here
Did you tear you Vanguard Gray? I only got 150M
Also, tearing Venaka for dmg is sort of a mistake unless you just love her. Even though her stats are good, she's not comparable to Dalvi for wind or Roxy for magic (or Loen but you already have a built Roxy it seems.)
Why yes, I do only max tear pure blooded virgins.
>the 3 tickets I got enough was enough to do a 10 pull
>do 10 pull on Venaka, get one
>use those 10 tickets on another, get one again
>go for it again with those 10, nothing
Yes, I copied that team 1. But since my Venaka is only hitting 4 squares her damage drops off without slapping a target on the center...
No, but my phys-side did very little damage. Phys team just triggered the vuln for the magic team pretty much. I just used vanguard on the very last turn before the swap so it would hit while the vuln was up (also had g rafina up here.)
Pic unrelated?
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Literally me
Note that my base Dalvi is +5 and that is probably where the difference is (no tears on base dalvi however.) Also, I have a teared up Zenith +3 so that might also have done it. B rank Helena +5 and teared too.
For anyone struggling with this fiend hunter. Another anon gave a really good tip. Gear up your best team as much as possible. Use the first crappier team until C1 triggers. Switch to team 2 on that condition and double down on nukes damage. Make sure you save some SP for the second team to go all out on the turn they switch in. Newglutti's, use Diana in the second team.
You dont need venaka and nebris here, the free +5 summer dalvi alone with diana and refithia is enough to carry up to 10th fiend. Feel free to skip the two bitches
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Literally me
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Oh shit it got better
>was able to throw in an extra venaka thanks to the cd tear, plus that bump to +4
>73,485,329 on level 8
More than half, I'm done for now...
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Thanks, got better results this time. At this point in time, just bottle necked by gear / rerolling gear.
>restart from previous turn
When the fuck did they add this? What are the implications? Will they balance content around crit fishing from now on?
Bro, did you miss the previous livestream?
>What are implications
It's unfun to restart the entire fight if you made one mistake
I want them to go even further, so I can set conditions like "if x units aren't dead/score isn't x by the time the turn ends, restart the fight automatically"
Why is venaka last dont you want to use her mdef shred ?
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Save your tickets. Loen will be drenched in sweat this time. Almost swimming in it.
I love Loen but if she's not limited im gonna have to go with +1 only, do I truly love her or am i becoming a metafag
You won't be able to resist with student Loen
You become a metafag that truly loves her
Octovius I should receive an immediate molestation-debuff whenever Nebris is in the team.
if she wears japanese bloomers i'll coom
I failed to get base Loen...
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A bit too late for that. I rolled for PP Schera
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I want to say that the anni is a great success. Usually when I'd log on at this time and start with lv1 fiend I'd have 15-20k ahead of me. Now it's 60k+. They are advertising and it shows.
Any ideas?
holy whale
Whale doesn't stuck on lv 8 bro
Day 1 ftp btw
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Team 1 nukes him down to 17M HP, but Team 2 struggles to bring it down from there to 5M, any tips? I got Nebris +1 today, but don't have the slimes yet, should I try again once I build her, or swap around stuff in team 2?
Have you bought the red slimes in the event shop? Have you ran out of your reserve rices?
I spend the rice daily on slimes or ores, I never have reserves.
Zenith on magic team (replace dj)
Bride refi over diana on magic team
Evil Tower of desire challenges rewards some rices
Make team 2 team 1. Swap into team 2 as soon as the first vuln comes out. This will be enough
Is Blood Glutton Justia worth it in the golden thread shop?
No. And her new alt version is soon
Got 500k more damage with this
She's mainly used in >pvp (+5) and F2 of Tower of Pride by users who want to max score. Her aoe is nice but fixed damage makes her useless in all pve content outside of Tower of Pride.

In other words, not exactly a high priority for a new player
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seems like 182m in fiend hunter is my limit this time
>roll 100 more
>get nothing
Fuck gyarus
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What does the Stats Reinforcement Effect mean?
Can I keep Diana at +4 then get the upgrade selector next month to save for anni (or any limited characters that might be coming soon)?
Yeah, why not?
Try swapping team 1 with team 2 and just using the phys team to get the damage vuln on the boss. Magic team is a lot stronger so this might make up the difference, if not I've got no ideas.
Property damage buff, atk buff, etc. Her first use of the skill is just to get the atk buff and you will do it unbuffed
Stats Reinforcement = Buffs. If you use her skill before Nebris gets any buffs on her, she'll get a 50% ATK increase for 6(10 at +4) turns. If you use it after buffs, she'll get a wind dmg buff (extra elemental dmg against water).
>Voice: Justia-dono
>Subtitle: Justia-san
....but why
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Newb here. I played this little event more than the actual story today, kek
I give up on beating or tying this guy, hes insane
Excellent. Lord Gray will be most pleased. Yet again.
This have to be the most newbie friendly FH in a while
https://youtu.be/RTHCH8bHRHk this guide was very helpful
Now I feel dumb about rolling Nebris above +0
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I'm venakawinning
For armor and helmet gear, do you just roll for more offensive stats or more the defensive ones like mdef/def and hp?
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and in another 20 rolls
Yeah it's an easy one. I took Nebris to +2 as well, it will be a great costume once she gets her alt IF the alt is also good. Phys wind is just Gray otherwise which is mainly dots (for me at least, I don't have much PP or manager)
so nebris bikini outfit will be added to the general pool later?
so no reason to FOMO

good, i love her so much and i need that fit, but im a newcutie with no tickets
>just have +5 diana bro
what should i be getting from the event shop?
i got all the tickets i could, anything else a newbie should grab?
"#1 The UR gear piece + 27 upgrade tokens (together in one purchase = 5700)
#2 3x Tears of Goddess
#3 Draw Tickets > Ancient Crystals > Refining Crystals
#4 Rest is as needed. SR Gear can be useful for completely fresh players, but the above takes priority.
#5 Dump the rest into Refining Powders. You'll thank me later."
You should be able to get everything important as long as you log on daily to do 5 battles (just do repeat rewards if you can't beat next stage), field quest, and one try on the fiend battle
thank you

what are the upgrade tokens called?
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Yes you need +5 Diana for lvl10 FHs. That's why everyone is advising to roll for her.
But 145kk threshold is achievable with less than +5 probably.
>loli Diana
>notebook in one hand
>bottle of jack daniels in the other

found the beads
so i buy 27 of them, and use all 27 on the UR gear?
Can't check rn but it should be some fancy looking item that you can buy 45 of, it's a crafting material specific to the event gear which is different everytime
Buy 27 and use them all at once to upgrade the gear
It costs 3 to upgrade a weapon once. the shop ones are different because the upgrades are guaranteed. They will not fail to upgrade. 9 = 1 letter. Every weapon has 3 letters , so it's 27 in all you need.
it upgraded to +9 with all SSS stats, is that normal?
Yes that's fully upgraded.
Event gear always upgrades to SSS
I tried this but my Dalvi doesn't deal enough damage ;_;
newcutie here, any paid packages that are worth it?
i would love to grab shehezerade bikini version before i miss her limited run, i only finished story pack 7 yesterday
monthly $4 and $8 have the best value
Buying both monthly dia packages (they stack) is best value
Also do the side story cartridges for free tickets first if you haven't
i havent yet, i just assumed i need some juicer high CP to event attempt them

thanks for all the help browner dusters
Looks like a gear problem. Try to craft more c.dmg% for her.
Nah you get a set party for the first difficulty of those, they're supposed to be like puzzles but you can look up what to do if you wanna speed through
You have brain damage if you have the free unit at +5 and can't achieve 145m damage. That or you refuse to read the enemy skills.
rude :(
I got the tickets and the tears and the ancient crystals and the UR + SR equipment and the four-star rank upgrades anyway.
Should I buy the 3k UR package, anons?
Am I looking for a specific score in those 6 floors of tower? So far, I can reach ~80k per each, maybe could push it a bit more if I went crit fishing (can't fulfill the 5 element character requirement most of the time)
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100k each to get all the rewards
Just read the skills and have enough Diana dupes. You don't even need Venaka, Nebris, or Vanguard Gray.
Bit rough for a new-ish player, guess it'll take me a little longer to get there. Thanks.
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Thank you, not sure if I can squeeze the last 12M today
Try replacing Venaka with Refi like here >>483696993
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fuckng hell i wish my brain didn't refuse to watch yt videos
lvl6chads ww@
I did, somehow it's even worse. I even tried leaving the lingering buff from Venaka by placing her on team 1.
You just switch your teams right after C1 being casted.
Dalvi team can proc C1 one more time, giving Dalvi two windows for using her aoe, instead of one window per party.
Yeah that's what I'm doing, C1, switch, all casts, get hit for the magic buff, C1, all casts again. The damage just isn't there.
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Fuck this game bros. it's fat time btw
I still haven't pulled a single Justia...
Lucky you. I got bombarded with most of mine when I first started playing. I wouldn't mind if fixed damage wasn't shit.
>mispositioned Dalvi, so she doesn't get M.ATK buff from Octovius
>remembered they introduced "restart from last round" the second I pressed "restart"
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Glacia sloppa forma school stacy

https://files.catbox.moe/iql9kv.safetensors glacia (school)
>glacia, very long hair, red ribbon, black hairband, armband, blue eyes, white shirt, collared shirt, long sleeves, hair ornament, bra, bra peek, blue skirt, plaid skirt, pleated skirt, red jacket, jacket on shoulders, blunt bangs, brown hair, white panties, white pantyhose
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+1 Venaka and +1 Nebris. I'm somewhat ready for summer units.
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Great job bro
Good stuff
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who should I enhance?
B.Helena or Homu Lathel
You rorate Damage dealers according to FH. But buffers are eternal
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So this is my limit...
But this FH sure is straightforward compared to the others. It's easier than usual
I thought that was an autism hat for a second.
If you have no UR IVs it's not too bad. If you already have a bunch then no. I am not buying it myself
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holy plump
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John, i NEED Veronia in BD2 ASAP
Make her phys buffer like the first game
BTW lorewise, she's a fairy from the fallen fairy kingdom. Which Refi is the princess of.
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What is the tactical function of armoring yourself everywhere but the ass?
Refi is the fairy princess of fall on my dick
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bwo how do you have so many tickets...
do you think Diana wears itty on her head when no one is looking?
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Dunno. The BD1 church's female knights are funky like that
not him but there are packages on sale right now
Damage report on UR packages? For me it was
>flat atk book, mres/HP% crown
pretty bad, even for collection only the book was new...
Someone last thread had 900+
Any of those gem packages worth getting? Or is John trying to bamboozle me again?
what is the best character banner right now? My plan is 30 rolls on newbie then 30 on anni then burn the rest on the limited banner. If anni or limited arent worth it i can save my rolls. How impotant is selecting costumes beforehans?
I decided to roll on the step-up banner instead. Got Nebris +2, RHRou, NAngie, SAngie and GJusti. Probably a better result than gambling on a random UR gear piece.
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I had +5 from before, did hard+very hard summer pack, the tickets they gave during anni, the stuff from the JP campaign, the ticket from last FH, did some tower of desire levels...honestly, they just appeared, I had literally 0 tickets/gems after +5 both Eris.
They are probably using Korean text and voices when translating to English.

Japan is just another localization to them.
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I spend some of it and got really lucky
>imagine rolling for a perma sluuuuuuut and not saving for super Justits!!
We still don't know if Neo justi is limited or not
YUSTI ALTER will be shit. John is preparing Schera for greatness.
Justia is main character, she should be FREE!
nvm the newbie and anni banner both need premium currency??? Looks like the only choice is between pool party, DJ, and Lifeguard banners
the $17 dollar one that gives you tickets over time is decent right now. The $4.29 on that gives 10 pull and some rice is OK too. There's also newgluttie packs when you start that are a much better value than even the anni packs up right now. Also the clear story pack dia packs let you claim the first part 100 dia per story pack free just click on that part on the pack screen
imo it's not a good deal despite what some people are claiming. you get a single random piece of gear which is pretty easy to get over time anyways
I am putting together a (fire based) team.

which ones should I level up?
Lathel Liatris and Rubia. People shit on Rubia, but she's good.
I started around winter and I got lucky with a UR crit damage weapon which was worth it.
It's really up to luck.
just have +5 Diana bro it's easy
>Celia's debuffs are keeping my team alive in Fiend hunter

Fuck anyone who said she was a waste of tears LMAO
Do I roll +5 Diana or save for limiteds?
diana and get free +10 tickets while she's on the banner
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just stop being poor
I want to have sex with little girls...
guaranteed I've spent more money on this game in say just the past month than you have ever
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nigga really think that's a brag
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>224 tickets gone
>got Vanguard Gray, Olstein, Alec Destruction, Alec Breaker, and Lathel (three times)
I am such a happy little paypig cvck…
Yabba dabba doo!!
>t.sea monke
let me guess another poor person who cannot fathom that other people have disposable income and can spend money freely
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Good luck paying a rent next month
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I started now and it's 100k, holy alive game...
God damn I want more men in this game.
>Good luck paying a rent next month
kek nice esl tier English.
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>because of the chain bonus a +5 refi>+5 diana
Same bro, I need more men!
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I just want negris...
bag is leaking...
Her Tear Nodes don't affect her Attack/M.Attack debuffs tho.
I do. It's still not helping. I'll try switching up things around a bit more, but having Venaka together with Dalvi helps more than a +2 BRefi. Maybe I needed the bunny Celia.
i rolled the limited and got pool party sche. Should i keep going for +3 or try for DJ or for Lifeguard?
the implications are that it doesn't work & miscalculates SP most of the time
Celia is usually with Refi, a +1 nebris isn't worth using and I'm not sure why you're using teresse over helena
Always pull for limited, always get limited to +5.
why you even wasting rolls for +5 before last day? especially when she'll also be powderable?

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