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Previous iM@S Thread: >>483493187
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (June 26th): >>483562942

>Archive of >>483436429: archive.is/T2Rmo
- iM@S 19th-20th Special Party on July 26th, 7PM JST: >>483541087 >>483541286 >>483541515
- iM@S NEXT LIVE @ROHM Theatre Kyoto Main Hall on Aug 24th/25th: >>483556114
- SS Upcoming Sol Qamar Event "Barakastoria" on June 28th: >>483530321
- Jimuteki Shinography nomination artwork for the Next Manga Awards 2024: >>483516378
- SFP Upcoming Another Costume Gacha Part 4 on June 27th: >>483516635
- SC Upcoming SHHis Event on June 29th: >>483527954
- SC SHHis at KIMCHIKURA Fes VOL.03 with ILLUSTAR in Korea on Aug 24th: >>483555573
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" merch (June 26th to July 7th): >>483528917 >>483529231
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" key visuals (June 26th): >>483529406 >>483529567
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" Half-Zip Sweatshirt illustration: >>483530498
- SC x AVIOT earphones collab 4koma 4 raw (June 26th): >>483516085
- SC Sex with Toru: >>483561897
- ML Sex with Karen: >>483511890 >>483564653
- TD Open Air Bath Day: >>483498397
- Blooming Clover [encore] chapter 6 preview: >>483546406
- DS Ai's birthday tribute 2024: >>483535279
- GK SuperGroupies merch (June 26th): >>483533679 >>483555508
- GK Mao's MV artist's artwork (June 26th): >>483521206
- SM Memorial Book rescheduled to Feb 21st: >>483511202
- VL x MY NEW GEAR merch coming soon: >>483559248
- VL Manaka 4gamer interview (June 26th): >>483538089 >>483548015
- VL Tweets (June 26th): >>483531675 >>483542316
- MOR #298 Summary: >>483565587 >>483549175
I want to marry Minami Saki.
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Brace yourselves. We're entering the prince threads now.
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Little shit alliance
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oh no
>Hiro is featured on pixivision

How can your idol even compete?
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Loving this dork!
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sex with meg
>event ended and I forgot to spend all my susume tickets
its over...
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all me
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I’m quickly starting to support this pair…the frail genius masochist and the weak innocent spoiled rich girl….
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>forgot to spend cinderella road tickets
>forgot to reply to Temari's good night message and now I have 14 missed calls
>forgot to play CG
>forgot to play TD
>forgot to play SC
>forgot to play SfP
Whew. At least my daily GK quests are done!
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Well, here's my predictions for the 20th anni lineup
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Gyarus are so powerful that they make me, a flat chest connoisseur (and no, I don't mean lolis), appreciate their ample bosom.
Hana my beloved
Is it Sakuya giving birth day or something?
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i'm already struggling to keep up with 3 gachas so i can't imagine doing 5
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Oh right. This is gakuen's first danketsu event. I wonder if they'll go the safe route and give it to their main trio.
It's Thursday, June 27th!
It's Sakuya's Birthday!!!
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Was bored so I made a little MV for 1st Call
If they go with a Kpop theme for 20th anni, I think Mikoto, Nao, Akira, Tsukasa, and Baba should be there.
aren't they celebrating 19th? we'll have to wait a year for the song, and by that time GK is not going to be on main trio only shilling mode
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Happy Birthday, Sakuya!

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We'll never get another VOY@GER ever again. Hope y'all like another main trios only song
I imagine that for the 20th anniversary they will do either all main trios or maybe newer secondary trios for the branches that have them (i.e. Starlight and C. First)
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Giving Sakuya the complete and happy family she'd lost for her birthday.
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This will be the 19th anni song
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He did it, the madman
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The only way we get Cloverworks/A-1 to animate something again is if Bamco releases a new console game that's only on Playstation and PC.
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Best doggo and best future mommy.
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Lewd woman.
They should get Mappa instead
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Is it gojover or so fucking gojo back?
The best case would be a Bamco owned studio like Sunrise. The worst would be one of their studios that specializes in 3D anime like Anima.
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Seriously why they couldn't just let us use the tickets before the next event starts? Another thing I dislike in cinroad are the grey tiles that doesn't give any song type bonus, forcing you to go to the event page and spend a ticket to get out of it.
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I can’t get over how pointy the chins are in GK
I prefer Kamogawa
Anyone have the meta support list for rests?
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SM/SC composer still making GK covers. This time he's covering Koukei
It's gojover because Gojo jobbed again
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Sasuga overrated FOTM manga
Shut up Bocchi, your manga is also overrated FOTM
I'm pretty much skip every caravan and cinroad ever since they annouced the content reduction
You can skip posting here as well
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Manaka's members-only stream will be on June 27th, 9PM JST

Letora will stream VALORANT again on June 28th, 7PM JST.
Kissing Hiro’s sternum and ribs.
Nice to meet you pretty much skip every caravan and cinroad ever since they annouced the content reduction. That's a rather long name.
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Deja vu or am I just getting old
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please stop being so bitter and angry all the time
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Former, old one was deleted because of minor OCD.
Can someone post an older pic of him? He seems to have been in a worse shape now.
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Enough Sakuya to warm the soul.
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Latter, old man
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What are you getting me for my birthday, gorgeous?
It's Gojover for everyone not named Toru
Would Asahi make a good gf?
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Taka got Corona so he'll be taking a rest
I'm gonna send in the Sukuna named Hana Suzuki
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her branch, her franchise
She would be an amazing girlfriend in a couple years when she matures a little.
Toru is SCP's canon bride after all
>those SMs
HomoP please...
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>Deja vu
what kind of window xp era browser is that?
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Did the FuyukoPs swap to Toru after the Paracolle incident?
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>Working at my desk
>Sudden wave of Miyoshi Sana lust
Looks like Safari on the iOS, that bar on the bottom is a big tell.
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putting it in toru every day
What do I do with this?
Who won that enza Situation Drama vote again?
>Choosing the idol who will stay with you regardless
What do you think?
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Toru got bumped off that last election right? The PR one.
I can understand RinzePs and MadokaPs. Mikoto literally has a banner right now.
At least Yuika is doing well.
First one was Kiriko, Luca, Fuyuko.
related to that, some butthurt guy here early suggested other Ps spite voting against toru, but I think he missed the big picture: what are the odds some of those toru votes are spite votes against madoka?
Are there KoitoP’s?
That doesn't make any sense.
is there a reason to be mad at Madoka?
hayami saki
I was wanting to know the winners of the 2nd one but I found it, seems like it was Rinze, Toru, and Hana.
It's all headcanom from our local SC schizo times.
SCPs really are the next SMPs
Madoka has never won any of these elections, despite the memes.
Hayami Kanade
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I'm proud of them.
None of those are SCPs.
When is the groom vote?
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It's just a general schizo like this >>483577070 post, not an SCP. The other replies point out why this is stupid.
SC posting do be like that nowadays. They are cooked.
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Kiss kiss
What the fuck bro. Stop cheating on your idol with Kanade.
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Only really care about these two pretty girls, and one of them won a banger hip hop song ssu.
Wonder what a non K-pop Nichika song will be like.
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Good good. They should feel resentment and hated towards their own unitmembers.
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What the fuck is bro doing
Only the ikemen SCs are allowed.
Would do the same ssu
kanade is for illicit and clandestine affairs!
More like hatred towards other units
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Random idol to lust for.
There's only one person feeling hatred right now and it's you.
MadokaPs hate ToruPs and vice versa but the other units like their members.
If I will be cheating on my idol, it would be with Koume or Kaho.
>Wonder what a non K-pop Nichika song will be like.
Fairy Girl?
He's unsubtly samefagging to pretend otherwise.
Isn't P trying to chase toru away instead, so she can find her own idol way or something?
More like neglect their medication like you SM fags.
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>3% higher learning bonus than base SSR with no drawbacks on starting stats
>cheat item after upgrade
These banner SSRs are sooo unfairrr
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Unlike those losers at Noctchill. I love my unitmates
>Fairy Girl
It's an okay song, but I still think she sounds like Hinata there.
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Hina Greens
All idols should be yandere for P. Like pre-SS Mayu tier yandere.
Cute gamer feet
not my fuyuP
I don't believe you. I've seen your private tweets about Mei and Asahi.
Don't you get tired of using the No True Scotsman fallacy constantly?
Idols who call it X instead of Twitter.
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All reds should be by default.
I'm gay but
*X (formerly Twitter)
Not every SCP likes all the idols, you know? Or maybe you can't accept that?
How is he still doing this

It's been years
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I dislike Hana.
Would you still call me a SCP?
Honestly for the best, or else it would be a fight between Toru, Madoka and Fuyu with Rinze and Mikoto fighting for 4th and 5th place respectively
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Today is Pyon's birthday, say something nice about her.
NTA I know there is people that don't like everyone. It's just pretty retarded the way it is expressed in here usually (headcanon lies and bad memes).
she's very pregnant
>she sounds like Hinata there.
Okay she's not that bad.
How close is she to giving birth at this point
>if you don't share my opinion you don't actually like idolm@ster
Hope she gives birth during the stream.
I thought that was obvious.
It's honestly annoying that he keeps insisting Ps can't dislike any idol.
that's what we call powercreep
it's insane that it's so early though
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It falls back to this sort of argument
>You don't like Plove? You must hate Im@s
>You don't like this popular idol? You must hate Im@s
>You don't like this obviously bad management? You must hate Im@s
4 person Senya Aria at 6th was hype. I wonder if it was originally meant to be 5 members or if Mei was a last minute replacement for Hiohio?
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Bocchi rocks, though.
No one is saying you can't like things, you fucking retard
Throwing an autistic temper tantrum the moment something you don't like is mentioned makes it very clear that you're not posting in good faith
> Unpopular idols, those are alright to attack, not like someone is going to come and defend them.
Based on when she announced she was in the stable period, she should be due around November so for sure she'll miss 11th, first live she'll miss.
Absolutely this.
NTA but it's better to do it here than on Xitter. At least you don't have a name attached to your posts.
Didn't he used to be a bodybuilder?
Hinana would be a great love interest to a public morals-type guy.
There's a big gap between saying "I don't like idol" and "IdolPs hate these other IdolPs because *insert headcanon*", but you know that.
This is not your fucking dumping ground for shit you're too scared to say on Xitter
So on top of it you are a coward. What a nigger you are.
>At least you don't have a name attached to your posts.
Meanwhile, that SakuyaP on twitter would not hesitate on how much she hates Hana.
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Skipped neck day, unfortunately.
Ps shouldn't dislike any idol. But that doesn't mean that those who do aren't Ps. They're just horrible, terrible Ps. It's like some parents shouldn't have children because they horribly abuse their kids but that doesn't mean they aren't parents.

>>You don't like Plove? You must hate Im@s
This is true, the other two are not. iM@S was built on P love. To disregard P love is to disregard everything that iM@S stands for. Besides, most of those who think this way vastly prefer how Love Live does things, and actually do hate iM@S.
>They are unironically talking about xitter and xitter personalities
I feel sorry our SC posters have to waste their time with these outsiders.
Do it on Twitter so you can become the next Cross
I can't quite find it right now, but Mei was in the illustration for that group, so she was likely always meant to be there.
>all those replies calling you out
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Metafagging and branchwar = gay and cringe.
Post idols instead.
How suspicious of you to defend Plove when we have many idols who are likable that didn't rely on that aspect?
It'd make sense someone from Twitter that has some standing on the im@s community to use this place as a way to vent. What a sad dude.
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Natsuha, you're wet!
So this is nu-/@/ huh. I can see why our good posters left.
SC discussions never used to be like this. What the fuck happened?
she was but in a little corner in the reflection of a mirror, which almost feels like a last minute edit
Hopefully all of them get hit by a truck in their third world shithole
Twitter refugees
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He's another insecure Plove enthusiast.
Don't pay attention to him.
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Oh my god it's literally just the same five angles every day
>Xitter bullshit
>Plove vs Yuri
>LARPing as a P to branchwar
>doomposting iM@S or /@/ ("all our good posters left...")
Every single fucking day for 9 years
AmanaP became bitter when they released a better version of his idol.
you can leave anytime if you don't like it here
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This thread set a world record already.
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this got really gay
talk about the birthday girl some more instead
I maintain that Awakened Miki was the main reason why iM@S was able to get as popular as it did early on.
Besides, they don't have to rely on it and have their entire personalities based on it, they just have to have some of it.

Spotted the LLfag.
forgot to mention asking Ps to leave every thread
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Fragile Plove anon is fragile as always.
>You don't like this popular idol? You must hate Im@s
You're thinking of T7S
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It's part of the reason Gakuen is doing so well, but he doesn't want to hear that.
Don't forget the
>constantly the same anons sexualize the same idols
>stale discussions of which idol would take the most cocks
>lmao ntr is good :^)
>sexualizing the underage idols and mostly the U149s
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hello? idols?
Thats all you know to say, /bag/roache.
>"Son, I used... most of my life to bring down... this im@s general on 4chan... but it was worth it... im@s is dead..."
>"What? im@s? Yeah there's some 4.0 vision thing going on with idols in space, what about it dad?"
>"That's it dad, I'm pulling the plug"
What the fuck happened to Tamaki
Add a /bag/ mention to the bingo it just happened now.
Be kind
I honestly could have sworn that Mei's signature was at least there. I guess I can't know for sure, but I won't rule out her inclusion being a late change.
all of that is good, seethe
Oh yeah, if you are a coomer who gets off mentioning the same bullshit over and over then yes, it is good.
dumb male loving P
For a pathetic coombrain like you, yes
Still angry about 6 months ago, I see.
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It probably was.
I'm convinced that anyone who's against Plove this much is part of the woke movement who insist on shoving LGBTQ+ bullshit in everything they touch.
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So we finally reached Macross.
Thanks for confirming my point.
>muh evil woke westoids are the one who find me obnoxious
literally every weeb general hates bagshitters with a passion for a good reason
>Awakened Miki was the main reason
it wasn't, the 3d lives were
reminder that this was before MMD
actually MMD was made as a recreation of imas
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Or maybe teenage girls falling in love with a man in his 30s is disgusting and gross? Stop being so pathetic.
Yes it was already brought up we got EN twitter fags in here.
Well, he's not wrong. Gakumas did make everyone mad. It's just that a miracle did occur and it turned out to be a success.
Get help
Don't reason with him, those types only care about the lewd aspects of the franchise.
Plove and /@/ has existed for way longer than BA, galge games too. You are out of your fucking mind if you think this is just a BA thing when it has been ours first. Kill yourself.
The coomers itt need to get help
This Hime looks extremely possessive
>those types only care about the lewd aspects of the franchise.
You mean 99.9% of the thread?
You and a bunch of literal whos you stalk on Xitter don't count for even 1% of the fanbase, let alone "everyone"
Instead of shitposting you could be checking out reposts of im@s NND videos on xitter!
all yuri posts are disingenuous and made in bad faith just to bait, but this take is far more retarded anon
>Hates SideM
>Hates Plove
FuyukoP is so fucking based
I like how he called P-love people insecure and now he is just screaming about other franchises and labeling anyone who likes it a coombrain. Truly a xitter moment.
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I think what mindbroke him is pic related. Look at how he frames CG in the most positive light in your image and how he thought U149 was doing way better than it did. Now he's going out of his way to shitpost about SC all the time because Cinderella Girls is being pushed aside to make room for Shiny Colors. Which is why SC posting has changed so drastically this year.
Yes, and most weeb generals are also infested with wokeshitters.

It only became gross because woketards like you kept pushing the idea that it was gross due to feminism. Now a 30+ guy can't even date a 20+ woman without 30+ hags calling him a pedo.
Because it is gross? Don't try to justify otherwise
Feminism is what's gross.
I want you to take a moment and reflect on the fact that 99% of the shitposting in this thread is very obviously coming from one person using multiple devices to samefag

Think about how much of a failure you have to be to live a life like this
USD/JPY is 1=160 now. Buy your merch/figures/acrylics fast before the Nips manipulate their currency again.
Aren't you suppost to be on you xitter pretending to like imas in SEA circles screaming about how U149 is le based and redpilled and and that Kaoru is your 9 year old wife like the retarded annoying secondary you are because being horny is all your pea brain could process.
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There's a difference between dating an underage girl and dating an adult woman.
God, how pathetic can you be?
Well, I guess it's time to filter the t-word
none of these words are in the bible my nigga in christ
"suppost" isn't a word.

Congratulations for exposing yourself as the ESLfag. Again.
Retards like you is why GK being a success has given terrible consquences to the general.
Who should I tier for in 7th anni? I’ll let you all decide. I’ve got 200k jewels saved and a lot of drinks so if /@/ wants to get on the end roll this is the time
worst general for shit fans
Having headcanon about schizos doesn't help anyone.
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We already know you consider 20+ to be underage anyway.
All 3 of these posts are exactly 91 seconds apart with equally terrible English.
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the apple
YuikaP. Save us from the FuyukoP
2 and 3 have perfectly normal english

keep grasping straws GK tourist
Why? Because it finally exposed the woke crowd? The only problem is that you lot hadn't been exposed earllier.
>Twitter tourist backlashing at GK
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The tourist being you, yes?
Nobody cries about evil wokies as much as horny ironic weebs do.
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go big, go kotoha
I've got this revolutionary new method of stopping the alleged shitposter without adding fuel to the fire.
Its called not feeding the troll you retards.
It's perfectly valid to shit on Mao's character writing. Even the nips agreed
Let's be clear here: he's doing all of this because he was "salivating" over the thought that GK would flop and kill the entire franchise. And now that it's the biggest success in years, he's spent every day since GK's launch desperately trying to drive GK out of the general to reclaim the narrative.

>Retards like you is
This is not correct English but keep digging that hole.
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Feed Tem Tem instead.
What about Rinami "thinly veiled onee-chan bot" Himesaki?
That second post is definitely not normal English, at least not one a literate native speaker would write. Sorry, ESL-kun.
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It's always amusing to see people use Miki as an example of the epic super based P-love, pretending they've played any 1st Vision game at all, yet being unaware that Miki had a genuine reason to fall in love with you.

In contrast to the cookie-cutter garbage that GK is pushing.
Rinami has nearly a meter of ass so she gets a pass.
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Leave Mao alone. She just wants to be a cool prince idol.
It would have been retarded if it wasn't true.
I mean she's not P-Love but she's still written like utter horseshit.
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ironic weebs get the rope
>She just wants to be a cool prince idol.
Everyone wants her to not be that.

And she just accepted it without fighting back.
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THANK YOU that account was incredibly fucking annoying and insufferable whenever I saw it on GK posts
What is it with anime profile pictures and being the most racist people on the internet?
Cockteasing us with imas lore again...
>yet being unaware that Miki had a genuine reason to fall in love with you.
Everyone is aware of this fact. That doesn't take away from the fact that her P-love was what made her that popular.
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Holy shit. I "get" it now. I finally understand idolfags. Minmaxxing your routine, beating the cheating bullshit AIs, winning the first final exam, seeing (part of) the full live, taking pictures without the shitty camera angles... It's so fucking beautiful. Seeing your idol shine is so fucking beautiful.
he's just baiting you, he doesn't believe in anything he types, not even once a discussion about shipping has gone beyond saying "this is so much better than p-love"
You do know that shitposters can just samefag their own posts right? It's easier than ever since the removal of the IP counter.
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I wish you didn't post this during shitposting hours thats pretty interesting.
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I want her writer to be fired this instant
>non imas image
ah yes just what we needed
That's nice. Don't post non-imas images next time.
that's old news at this point though
what do the AS genwunners think abt momoko(well, rinko), julia and reika tho
or are they still on their "the leak is from the land of liars" cope
you don't truly get it unless you follow thread etiquettes
Baiting, sure. But most LLfags do genuinely hold that belief. It's just that they no longer have a leg to stand on after the LL games collapsed, so most don't bother to elaborate on that belief.
He also baited about that but never told us
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instead, preteen girls should be falling in love with men in their 20s like in the good old days
Her tits are too big, I'll make her do gravure instead.
>non imas image again
of course the guy desperately defending being a pedophile is a tourist
don't we already know the reason though? that they simply couldn't fit two more routes for the initial release
so he's not telling, not like the reason't isn't just this >>483585160
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You're right, that should be the job of the locals.
You are ok with the shitposting but a non-im@s Pic with an actual post talking about the game gets your attention? I hate every single one of you.
The real reason is probably lack of money, Bamco was going through a hard time so they likely just scrapped them to save on production costs
No one is "ok" with the shitposter (singular), we've wanted that retard to fuck off for ages
>non-im@s image
Go away.
I'm being ironic, and you're wrong in thinking it's all me
that might be true too but namco didn't even expect akemasu to get popular
He went from being /ourguy/ to someone we swept under the rug and now other franchises and newfags can claim him while we washed our hands. We truly are the best.
I'm glad this cunt got harassed by the gook police.

Weeb communities have never been the same ever since his garbage meme became widespread.
What a freak this guy is (insult)
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So how do ASfags feel about GK?
I've noticed various ASPs getting into different branches for some recurring reasons:
Columbia involvement plus Annin.
Literally 765 but expanded.
Small-ish cast in a small office setting and some of the heaviest P-love in the series.
Did genwunners ever complain about DS? I forget.
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mizzymoto accompanied by lady elfson
You skipped a branch, sweetie
Akemasu ran off of an HDD and saved on magnetic cards, there was "room" for them in a technical sense. It was either time, money or a creative choice.
Not sure about the ones you mentioned but I got into SM after AS
The only fossil friend I know didn't even gave it chance, but he also never really cared for SC either. On the internet and Japan where it matters I see they were more positive about it.
They did on the now dead project-imas forums site. They really wanted DS to flop (it did too)
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Free radio omakes temporily hosted on the Imas Channel for a week:

501 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUATa_MEQEI
502 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gLX4pHnKmg
503 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdL-a_3ybeg

296 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baksj4yQeyY
297 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSzVc0prCTM
298 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XREAbCa-cB4
>nazi symbol (black sun) and "aryan" in username
this guy is underage isn't he
Sorry, I usually forget SM. But admittedly I haven't seen as many ASPs into SM outside of JupiterPs.
At least they're helping others from flopping now (they didn't do too well)
Least obvious raid award
ASPs who like SM are usually into Jupiter or Ryo
damn I almost forgot to log into GK today
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Hey Harurun show her who's the idol boss.
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Flops strong together (maybe not)
I remember that weird "Unofficial Idol" category.
Zoomer IQ is in the negativea.
I converted from ASP to SMP when SM came out because I'm homosexual, does that count?
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How did the community unanimously agree that Hiori was a Futa idol? Which GK has a penis?
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sorry but although this general may be 90% your personal shitposting playground, I won't let it get to 100%
Kill yourself futanigger
why did you use that word
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Her unitmates are succubi and Hiori is a codependent wreck, not that hard to imagine that if she had a Hiochinpo it would constantly be milked.
mimi should milk hiori too
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This but kigu
Who are you talking to?
You may be new here and not know, but 4chan has the function of linking to replies, like I am to you now.
Try it!
This should be the only kind of art that Hiori gets.
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aye aye
The title of pissdol shall only belong to Moogs and Moogs alone
Yayoi, this looks lewd.
no i wont give you the (you)s you crave
I disagree. Every branch should have one.
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Her Saitama-genes are showing
More transparency.
Hiori stopped hitting Luca and accepted what was happening to her. Luca could hear Hiori’s screams turning into moans and her breathing hitching. “Are you close Hiori-san…?” Tears welled up in her eyes. “How beautiful...”
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Why is Nao so harapeko?
Hiro is getting a doujin already?!
Who should the 346 rep be then, Mirei or Asuka
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I wanna post something, but I think I'm going to save it for later today when I get the rest of my tribute set up or at least after I wake up. I would post this part I have done now, but I'm running on fumes and should probably check over it after some sleep.
Arisu is also in the running.
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Me on the right (offscreen)
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Makabe surrounded by sexy ladies.
>making a post entirely about how you are gonna make a post later
i don't get it
Who is the artist?
And how is your post complaining about it any better?
still have 4 days
I stopped following this gook after the gore shit. Otherwise he draws good Chihayas
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this is /@/ ?
and it's not even comiket yet
comiket itself will surely have several books for each character
I can see Madoka overtaking.
Go away with your shit list already.
Hiro is the best GK. It's only natural.
there's some real normalfag shit on the bottom, utter cringe
>Mano x Toru
>Hiori x Mamimi
>Meguru x ???
I'm afraid to ask and look, but what was it exactly?
It's your own shitpost list. Fuck off.
>someone spent time making this image
I got a chuckle at the intention of making a list like this, but they seem to hate it.
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Was that the chihaya one that was linked a few threads ago?
It's like how the vanilla fags visit NTR doujins just to leave their shit post. Just ignore their posts.
IIRC Chihaya corpse with the intestines falling out
>the shitposter is now resorting to iFunny-tier meme edits
New level of desperation reached
i'm glad artists aren't drawing her like a loli
Yes but he did another one like that months ago that caused me to unfollowed him.
I still dont get the comment the pther day saying toru is more popualr than madoka in the inner circle. Madoka has objectively better commus and has excellent and unique chemistry with P.
Pixiv R18G shoukd be expanded to include other gross fetishes. That way I can see less of them when looking for idol images.
Ignore it, it's someone trying to normalize his shitposts.
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Too meaty.
You already have guro and scat included, what else do you want man
I mean she has literal Chihaya proportions
Bestiality, specially with insects. Purely grotesque.
I was going to post a cute Sakuya but I don’t think you guys deserve it.
Fix your shit.
I don't know what this "inner circle" is but popularity isn't always correlated with quality. Now I have no idea if Toru is genuinely more popular than Madoka and I don't really care, but it could be that Toru has more attractive traits to Ps. I can see some people preferring the "easy" P-love girl who pines for you while playing hard to get, plus childhood friend fetishists. Anyone have that Haruka childhood friend copypasta?
Nobody cares about Sakuya anyway
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chuckled at bug mammoth being included
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I like loli idols and I like Hiro, but I agree. She pushes different buttons.
Besides, we have China for that.
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She’s literally me.
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I care.
To me Hiro's appeal is definitely more "waifish, frail girl" which is separate from loli. Plus her personality is definitely more young adult.
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My bridal Kaori will be shipping soon, I can't wait to add it.
Momonui, but now with clothes.
Why is she like this?
the last thing this general needs is ERP
No it's Sky, S(a)k(u)y(a)
both futamis
Nobody cares about that unpopular prince idol except you.
>listen to Saki's song back to back
>new song doesn't have the Boom Boom Pow that Fight My Way had
How many times have you spun that umbrella
nice bush
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NTA but I really don't like using SKY because it looks like the actual word. Oddly enough I knew of a big dog named Sky.
>Nobody cares about that unpopular prince idol except you.
Be more specific, there are three of those
You don't actually hate Sakuya but you use any chance someone speaks up about any idol to shitpost.
Go big or go home
I actually can't get it to spin without it falling so only a couple.
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Mao isn't unpopular

She just has terrible writing.
CFs betray, don't you know that?
sakuya is for sex and only for sex
Why is Hiori so gay?
>You don't actually hate Sakuya
Interesting gaslight, anon
>Induced feminization
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Kigurumi Yumemi Riamu on vacation
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just so you know, this coping and seething isn't gonna make madoka magically win the voting lmao
It's not a gaslight when you use that exact same angle with any idol thats the topic of the thread.
I call it misogynist gaslight when it came to Mao.
If you think about it, Sakuya's tits are rather large.
Now try it without Twitter buzzwords.
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Mao's scenario is very genderphobic
love those
Sakuya will highly likely comfort you and be your loving wife after that bitch Mitsumine cheats on you multiple time and leaves you after a public scandal. Btw, MMM will laugh at you, Kiriko would just give you a blank stare, and Kog will cheer you up but it feels toxic because she completely ignores your feelings.
I mean yeah she probably wont win and thats fine. Toru got heavily shilled with the sfp anni and the anime and madoka just got a bridal support card, I dont think many know that toru already has a bride cos
Ain't me, I like Sakuya and her hairy body.
making this too easy m8
>double downs
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That's MORE Twitter buzzwords!
Please go back to spoilering that stuff.
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it's not gay to love cocks
cute, nice curves
I hate Hana
hana outta nowhere
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Great isn't it
Mao was a mistake
At least anon can't say I like her now because she was not the current thread topic.
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me and who
This is hot. I’d fuck you if you turned into Mayu.
I like cute boys like Mao and Haru.
Im@s should introduce a feature like the Majima Everywhere system from Yakuza but with Hana instead.
I can't be both. So someone else will have to be this Mayu.
Evolution of Saki Mizushima
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very cute
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The video my sweet daughter sent me for father’s day.
Thanks, Elon.

Mao's character writing is very transphobic and a violation to her right as a ftm
Shiki-kun it's like 3 AM in Japan go to sleep
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I already put her into cute frilly dresses and no one stopped me, Mao is next.
Haru didn't get mad at you for doing that?
Shut up Asuka's VA
sell me on sakuya
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I like how her gender is canon now
It is very unfortunate for him but they can still change it for the localized version.
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Honestly this is one of my favorite SSR in all the game.
She has big tits and a meaty pussy.
The fuck does this mean?
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"This post is extremely low quality"
Mao is a transformers fan.
I dislike chocomint ice cream but love peppermint patties.
dogs are man's best friend
big dog = more friendship
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Why do a bunch of terminally online losers on Xitter now think they speak for the entire community
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Chocomint tastes horrible yeah. But the color is good.
it means tomboy
way to ruin the mood, kana
Where's the next page
>peppermint patties
I'm interested.
I think it's just kana sucking dick
sakuya = golden retriever
temari = chihuahua
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Have you ever seen a gakumas fan who doesn't think that tho
her writter
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sexually assaulto
Temari is more of a house pig.
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no, anna is for marriage.
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No Anna let's play this instead.
Tbf all the leaks and discussion happen on xitter. The first reputable leak for GK was after all shown on xitter. /@/ is just shitposting and posting fake leaks
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it's how it starts
Would you rather have a Temari GF or a Tenka GF?
Is that Totally Spies
Tenka since I’d get Amana as a bonus.
Go backsu
Tenka will be wallowing in it's own shit all day will only come out to look for food. Temari will be going all buhee if you're not rubbing it's belly or feeding it.
No that's cat noir from miraculous ladybug
I'm pretty sure Toru has consistently beaten Madoka for awhile now. They easily the top two with no other real competition though. Both of them have a lot of really popular commus and being attached to each other like Osakis helps

Madoka's arc has been stalled for a bit which might be the better explanation than just secondaries though
Even better, give me the artist
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Temari since I'd get Misuzu as a bonus.
If you seriously think toru is better written tham I madoka, I have to disow you from /@/
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I like when anna keeps her comfy sweater on

woah she's asking for it
Phoneposter so mad his twinky fingers slipped all over the keyboard.
Did she really need to sit on P's lap to do those gacha rolls?
from some fantia link a few threads back
Chiyuki got into a little accident
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Hold awn why my panties kinda wet right now?
I am good luck (in her mind, in reality she only got a SR there)
An idol's most powerful technique.
Tits too small.
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she's just an innocent little 14歳 bunucn with no ulterior motive
Toru’s commus are like “oooh what is she like underneath her airhead persona” but they’ve never once shown her be hones so I can only conclude there’s nothing beneath the act.
Although it blew my mind when I realized that Toru’s words were actually all references to Movies she’s seen.
EW, WTF sis
Kana’s saggy fupa when she lost weight.
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lmao, see ya loser
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This but Temari.
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Phoneposters have auto correction tho?
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Reminder, if you cleared SotE after the first patch then you're not a real gamer.
Temari is an 8/10 but Tenka is a 15/10.
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Tenka is 44kg and Temari is 51kg
that new jet set radio is going to SUCK DICK
nah that's you.
Okay, now bend over Anna
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That's the point of Toru. There isn't an act and she's always honest but she's very difficult to understand and constantly gets labeled one way or another by people when she just wants to be understood without compromising herself
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I once referred to Toru as the Madoka’s ideal personality to face adult life - one who can be transparent and not give a fuck.
I was so fucking wrong, Toru is the toxic antithesis to Madoka’s progression; the ultimate rejection of society, never ever letting up the act even for her closest friends and beloved Producer.
She ate half the pizza.
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nah she'd win
I cleared all the early CoDs and MoHs on the hardest difficulty a long time ago, I don't need to prove anything.
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why was Kana so disgusted at me for?
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Shadow of the erdtree
for not fucking rio?
how does she do it
I don't know where you get the idea her personality is an act. She just has communication problems.
>This is an adult-rated manga about Kana.
>There are no dere elements, no pleasure degradation at all.
>Recommended for those who want to be hated by Kana-chan.
I was hoping for more Annasex, but it is what it is
I'm just starting to think that reading comprehension is not your forté
What if I finished it before the patch but used summons whenever I could?
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just an anna sex cameo
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bun set radio*
You did well, Madoka Higuchi. I wont forget you for as long as i live
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I'm not sure how
Her character is honestly awful. Not sure which is worse, knowing how much she hurts madoka with her actions or is completely dense about everything around her which makes her even more disgusting
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Elden Ring is iM@S
more like sloppa of the erdtree
Sumika is proof that the gyaru trend is dying.
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You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
You're awful, Murray.
Not to be underdog
it's a loser
To be upper dog
hard mode: no "just is"
I'll just not clear it at all then
No idol needs that much lube.
>Outright misrepresenting a character you don't like and you don't understand
Yeah I'm thinking the elden ring talk is better.
Haven't seen that pasta in a while.
If people can speak off topic I can post non topic images too you hypcritical faggot
Sumika is proof that every rule has an exception.
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>Sumika is wearing this
You might as well.
That’s Mikoto. There was no reason for her to ghost Luca’s texts all these years when she of all people should’ve understood their unit disbanding was a decision solely made by the idol agency.
The fact that she has never been held accountable for all the anguish she has caused to the girls around her is irritating.
>offtopic Anna poster
Low quality hours, I see
That’s exactly what the shitposter wants when he posts about off topic video games.
I bet Anna never finished Elden Ring because she’s a baby that plays baby games
Nina? Kaoru?
You're a louse, Roger Smith.
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She plays MMO's so she is a baby by definition
It seems that many other posters want that too, going by the number of replies.
No that's Tenka and her 3000 hours in Minecraft.
OK but without the words on it
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Sumika needs to apologize to me
Also if you watch Luca’s intro, it frames her as an unhinged psycho stalker but it was Mikoto who was subtly gaslighting Luca into appearing that way.
small holes need small amounts of lube
maybe she's going to shove a bad dragon up her ass
>Elite: Mei, Yui, Goomy
>Good: Rika, Houkuras, Kanana, Karen, Lisa
>Fine: Rinapoyo, Tsukasa, Sumika
>Only good for the kid diddler memes: Mika
Has anyone ever seen Tenka finish a video game?
Shut the fuck up newfag. Dumb bitch.
Unfair list, Mika was also good for the radio show.
CoD and &tacticals are Imas.
I barely watch those, sorry pro
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/@/ is the new water cooler (general)
Just talk about whatever
I don't really like Toru that much but I'll take the opportunity to autism over her since people aren't getting her.

Toru's problem is that she's hard to understand, straight up. Not just on some meta contextual level because we rarely get her perspective even in her commus, but in universe. She doesn't reject society, she just doesn't know how to interact with it. From her STEP we see that she wants something from the world she can't put into words and doesn't know how to get, her fixation on SCP isn't just that she has a girlish crush on him, it's that he represents her goal of self-actualization, climbing the jungle gym is a metaphor for her desire to reach her potential. In her GRAD we understand that she has problems giving up her every day and will chafe against even SCP to protect the things she cares about, we see Toru attending a failing movie theatre constantly to watch a movie she never finishes and that she'll have to destroy eventually for her current promo job, which is pretty heavy handedly a metaphor for how she can't grow up from her every day life and her work threatens her peace.

Her relationship to Madoka is the really important one to talk about in this regard, it's probably the most interwoven pair after the Osaki twins, I think their STEPs released simultaneously even. Toru actually respects Madoka quite a bit and the strain on their relationship is one-sided from Madoka's side. Madoka is sort of Toru's every day life, Toru's other friends see her as special and treat her that way. Madoka protects the "normal" Toru, but she denies the "special" Toru which is where their problems exist. Toru needs both and looking for that understanding is core to her character.
>sneakers in water
Disgusting, Sumika is now the worst GK.
She never finished Elden Ring because she’s too busy having unprotected sex with adult men to learn Maliketh‘s patterns.
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I liked Mika better when she looked like her kisses tasted like cigarette butts.
Hell yeah bro, off-topic shit is the best, honestly, anyone so vehemently attacking off-topic posts is a shitposter.
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I’ve played a lot of online video games but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an im@s reference name.
bros? The odekake in gk is all in hiragana but can it also be written with the kanji for exit?
It's not off-topic to want to reipu anna
Where does male Shiki rank?
So off topic shit is good because it doesn't attack an idol who is likely someone you don't even care about? How is that any better?
Dark Lord Meg will be purified and redeemed by my chinpo
Deguchi is exit innit?
Has a figure for some reason tier
This Mika kinda looks like a tranny.
Put that effort into understanding commus next time.
I hate Homo X Joker, he's at the very bottom
I must've missed the Elden Ring commu.
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No, offtopic is still bad, but the current discussion is so incomprehensibly terrible that it's somehow making offtopic seem preferable by comparison
In my opinion the worst part is the flat ass
Someone was nice enough to explain Toru to you already.
It's not as bad as that one official Basa back picture.
Now that was Hank Hill ass.
The SOVLfvl Mika
What does Toru have to do with >>483597886
I don't get it.
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new moko just dropped
Noctchill story is about finding purpose while staying true to themselves. From transparent to finding their own color.
If you explain sarcasm to the robot he might stop functioning, let him believe whatever he wants.
I'm gonna fight you
That's why Rika is better
yeah it's sometimes written 出かけ or 出掛け
I named my character in Monster Hunter World after my favorite idol.
My username in the fitness community I’m active in also references her.
It's just zoomers of whatever stripe growing up around anime.
You see the same shit on the other extreme.
If you must talk about vidya at least talk about better games, who gives a shit about Elden Cringe at this point? I already played Dark Souls over 10 years ago
Bring back SOVL Mika
You are so retarded you completely lost the chain of replies.
Here start over
>Outright misrepresenting a character you don't like and you don't understand
>Yeah I'm thinking the elden ring talk is better.
Was said in jest. Do proper thread policing by following up the conversation.
Va-liv leak
Manaka's birthday has her in workout gear
I hate this Angelica from rugrats looking Mika
never cuck yourself by becoming a doomposter / branchwar shitposter
Ace Combat Infinity with the liveries.
This shit has been happening for far longer than that, I'm afraid
See: K-ON fans
Man whenever this card is posted I always find more fucked up stuff the more I look at it.
Original CG art was sovl and had more personality.
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Kigurumi Igarashi Kyoko on the streets
Natty P?
Hot, this doujin is for me.
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Manaka's workout should have her in birthday suit
No, AmanaP.
Still doesn't give you the excuse to discuss off topic shit just because you have an Anna pic.
What are you on about? I don't care about or mind Toru posting or whatever, I'm just complaining about that one AnnaP that always posts about unrelated games.
okay, AnnaP
Then don't quote me retard.
thanks bro
found it
is this the cursed pics thread?
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None but I've sprayed im@s fanart in other servers and finds others that does it.
Someone post the amusement park one then. You know who.
You can’t post that Mika without posting Basa. Come on now.
Anna "fans" barely talks about their own idol. She's only posted as an excuse to talk about off topic discussions
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If someone posts Haru next to their footy posts, that doesn't make them a HaruP.
the Chie one?
>I've sprayed im@s fanart
You what
That is my cue.
See you later, /@/.
I quoted you because you were literally defending off-topic shit, I don't give a fuck why you did or how you're trying you justify it, you're just as bad as any shitposter.
Is this the Dean of the school with zero personality?
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Chile LOST
>shitposter loses their mind when anna is posted
>also loses their mind when hana is posted
Sana be careful, you might be next.
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AI-looking Chie-chan.
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Speaking of, I'm watching the Euro right now.
Did you cum on a print or just a screen?
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shark sana points at you for being ______
i saw someone that named their character after ranko in an mmo before
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Let's have a duel in the next MOIW, fellow /fit/P.
>Takes every post at face value
Kill yourself, go apply for a janny spot instead of replaying.
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There's something evil about this card, maybe it's the liminal background.
MOIW 2025
throw her into the water
Weird massage.
I havent logged into any of the imas games in months...
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Let's fight kaijus, Umi.
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same except gk
Huh, your ESL is showing... Interesting.
I only log into GK, I should probably visit the theater for the anni
She looks like she's about to give me a footy
someone whos gonna become cucked into becoming a branchwarring shitposter?
And yet it is so telling that you apparently don't have a single issue with the last FIVE HOURS of literal schizo shit but one easily ignored offtopic post is enough to get you to start namedropping posters and clutching pearls over the current state of the general
Do you really think people can't see what you're doing?
Why is there no one in the whole park?
I'm just helping her stretch
im@s creepypasta
I actually meant Home Haruka. I'd post it, but I can't find it for the life of me.
It's the same faggot who started playing detective with lowercase posts yesterday, almost the same time. This nigga does nothing else.
We know, Anna shitposter. That’s why you like to post off topic.
haruka with hyper-realistic bloody eyes
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Is it wrong that I just want Madoka and Hinana?
now you have done it
I hope they show these at next months live.
There's a reason we don't talk about the 14th and 15th AS girls.
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Do you think I am here 24/7 or something? but I do find it curious how nobody seems to call that particular AnnaP out who uses that gif, and every time I do it (I have done it a few times in the past, I must admit), I get shit on by multiple people, and now you're implying I am the usual shitposter, this really is a lost cause, as is the state of this general, I won't bother anymore then, if you guys love off-topic stuff so much to the point of going after those that call it out, then just enjoy it I guess.
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You know what would be an awesome way to start off Idolmaster S2? If we learn in episode one that Producer actually babysat Haruka when she was a little girl, which would make Producer Haruka's osananajimi!

So the episode would begin with Haruka having a dream of her as a child playing with a somewhat older boy. The face is concealed at this point, of course. The dream includes loli Haruka telling the boy that she wants to be an idol when she grows up. She also says heart-attack inducing shit, like "I love you! Let's marry!" and stuff like that. The boy responds by promising her that he will do all he can to help her become an idol.

They seal their promise on a piece of paper that they seal inside a tin container which they then bury underground as a sort of time capsule.

Haruka eventually wakes up. She initially thinks that she only was dreaming. However, she begins to remember that she actually had a childhood friend. She asks her mom about it, but the mom doesn't remember the name of the boy. She only remembers that he left one day because his dad was posted in a job far, far away and eventually lost contact with them.

Haruka spends the rest of the episode trying to figure out who this older boy was. The episode ends with Haruka realizing that Producer may just be her childhood friend. What would follow is a 4-5 episode arc scattered throughout the show that develops their romance.

That's just the basic premise of it.

I haven't figured out all the details yet. It should be done the same way Chihaya's story was done in season one, with little details scattered about throughout the show leading to an epic climax around episode 20-21 where Haruka discovers that Producer is the older boy childhood friend.
i see you get that as well
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Nao never got a figure.
Well most people would want Toru and Modoka, so yes.
I called Home Haruka at 3AM prank [SCARY][GONE WRONG]
He’s just trying to defend the shitposter who’s part of his favorite branch.
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Here's some of the following things that must happen for the HarukaXProducer overarching arc to be amazing:

1. The story climax should involve a Miki and Haruka rivalry. Not full-on hatred or anything like that, but an exploration of what it would be like to have former friends turn into rivals fighting for the affections of the same guy.

2. A hug between Haruka and Producer. What's wrong with a fucking hug? I'm not asking for a hardcore sex scene. Just a fucking hug.

3. Throughout the build-up to the climax, there should be a TV interview with the Producer asking him why he wanted to be a producer. Producer should say something along the lines of how he promised a little girl he knew who he considered his imouto that he would make her an idol.

4. After they learn the identity of each other, there should be a scene showing Producer's mixed feelings. ("I've always considered this girl like a sister, but she's a beautiful young woman now!" and stuff like that)

I know that it's all vanilla as fuck, but if done properly, it'll melt the hearts of even the most psychotic and irrational of Haruka-haters. What do you all think?
Manaka abs? she tried to sold us the muscle idol but never got any to show
Get it through your head that just because someone uses a picture of an idol, it doesn't mean they're a P of that idol. How can you not grasp this simple concept when that's not even the only idol that has the same exact images posted for the same sort of posts?
I only got Toru and Koito on the whales last year.
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Thank you for saving us, girls.
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Nvm, found it.
Now post the thread batman one.
Haruka knows she'll never have this, and that's why she'll never let the loop end.
>unpopular ML ever getting a fig in the year of GK
C’mon now
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Yeah, it kinda means you have reddit taste.
Tenka could have been the king of elde if it hadn't been for her gentle-to-otaku gyaru sister
this is why straylight is a duo unit in colabs
>one easily ignored offtopic post
I mean, if they hadn’t called them out then the chain of replies would have gotten more out of hand like what happened a few threads ago.
Can you post the ML popularity chart to confirm?
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Unironically people wouldn't throw so much shit at you if your meltdowns didn't last hours for every 5 minutes of silly offtopic posts.
kigus, mochis, and dolls
Ok we get it. You were called out for being a newfag for posting off-topic shit. Get over it and move on.
Need a gamer Tenka gf
I have my doubts, I think this person, AnnaP or not, simply likes to use that specific gif for off-topic stuff as a ritual post of sorts, but like I said, I won't point it out anymore, it's pointless.
I have have had these "meltdowns" at most 3 times, including today, but no more.
I'm gonna win, girls, prepare your butts
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those pjs look comfy
Me inside that kotatsu taking in all the fumes.
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You get them if set her on your birthday.
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It's only a matter of time before someone makes idol analog horror.
I though ML Nao was popular or I’m just knee deep in Kamille’s art.
Black and white footage of a showa era idol where things keep going wrong in the background of the performance but no one seems to notice.
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>he keeps doing it
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Ayumu got one in the year before GK thoughbeit
Just fuck Touma dude
>I think this person, AnnaP or not, simply likes to use that specific gif for off-topic stuff as a ritual post of sorts
That's my assumption, yeah. It's like how Nana is used for offtopic nostalgia bait posts.
When I see idols in jammies I always feel like wanting to sniff them.
I'm surprised nobody's really followed up on the Perfect Blue formula yet.
Ok we get it. You want to kill these threads and make it worse.
Don’t let Haruka cuck P…
We talk about Momoko and Reika though.
My dick is too short to penetrate.
Just hit 50 kotone runs and I have yet to get this card for contests
I'm trying to find one for a good price, but all the figures in that set are kind of expensive.
Diving into her
I feel that im@s has been referenced in other games but they're all JP-exclusive ones. Ignoring nukige clones like that one Kogane.
NTA but in games like TF2 (RIP) you can upload images to spray on game textures.
ok let's see the most popular idolmaster doujins
What the FUCK
having done a lot of masturbating, i'm not sure this is true
show me
Looks just about right desu.
I noticed that most runs I get always have 1 rainbow card in them. Try taking it as your only rainbow card maybe, that includes ones given by SSRs if you have to change up your supports for a run to get it.
Did you make sure you're not including dups and translations?
They look like trash as well
She gained something better than an old throne: a lifelong servant.
How dare you? YD's Madoka doujin is top tier.
> Madoka
The ultimate degeneracy, I can't believe Im@s doujin artist has fallen so low
Im@s has the most elite fans
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Happy birthday, Ema!
ahha lol whomstve?
Rubbing her exposed areas while she sleeps.
>Source? "I made it up"
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What the fuck dude
Yuriko you'll fall in love with me. And your seiyuu too!
isnt madoka also the most popular idol for fans of imas?
>NTR really is a popular theme among im@s jp artists
It’s gojover
Her head is HUGE!
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ohh kanade
our home and native land
NTR is popular with Japs, period.
For some ungodly reason.
Bitch ass culture.
it's not their culture that produced this lmao >>483594235
I love this guy's SC and proseka stuff.
HAHA that's just as bad
I can read popular units rimming the dirty asses of some rich dude while drugged up out the wazoo and feel nothing but arousement. But when I saw madoka, finally opening up to P, see him with toru half naked in bed something broke in me forever. I know its not canon but it could actually happen
That's another type of degeneracy yes.
Gentleman, I have cummed inside Momoko's ass
I want Kana to badmouth me to my face while acting innocent in front of everyone else. I want her to look at me like walking garbage. I want her to click her tongue when I manage to use it against her
I want her to say things like I only had kids with you because I married you I want her to tell me she only married me because there was no other choice. I want her to insult me with her cute voice. And then when I'm passing of old age I want her to cry as she says she didn't mean any of it and not leave her alone. I want to turn normal Kana into bitch Kana.
Excellent work, Anon.
All those skebs
>I want to turn normal Kana into bitch Kana
Most idols will naturally become more bitchy with age.
i wrote this
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let 'em, yuka. i'm joining
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I am nearly done updating the OP. Please wait warmly.
Meant for >>483611835
don't do that
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This is Mei’s fault.
yeah yeah yeah
Asahi's cunt?
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I can't... push my R Saki...
I can't even go past third challenge with their basics SSRs
China and Hiro are the type to have a relationship lasting over 2 years without having kissed yet, but once they do their sexual desires overflow and they just can’t stop exploring each other.
I think you just suck. I only had 2 memories of SR Temari and made it pretty far
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isn't that the one with fake akira?
still nowhere near as shameless as that one bootleg mika(don't have the link, was posted here once)
>uses uchi
okay, more shameless than i thought
I don't remember seeing her but there is a bootleg Sakuya.
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Didn't they also have a giant titty Anya in one of their older titles?
a bootleg, GERMAN(????) jeanne alter also lmao
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we're on ya, anya
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My apologies for the delay. I will be a short while longer.
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Obscene. I like it.
Titty shark.
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Mio is unforgettable.
Sharks aren't mammals
i don't know who that is, but that's really pretty
>doesn't want to gravure
>does porn instead
Why is Kogane like this?
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New thread: >>483617556
Cute thread: >>>/c/4333521
Nude thread: >>>/e/2836133
Lewd thread: >>>/h/7933007
Seiyuu thread: >>>/jp/47109670
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She's a huge whore
You are, once again, too stupid to use the correct filenames.
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kosmo bot is not stupid and ugly!

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