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Previous iM@S Thread: >>483569298
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (June 26th): >>483562942

>Archive of >>483493187: archive.is/eVCsN
- CG Ema's birthday 2024: >>483608491
- CG DerePa 501/502/503 omakes: >>483586481
- SS "1st Call" fan-MV: >>483571531
- TD 7th Annivesary countdown (June 27th): >>483588428
- SC Bridal Voting status (June 26th): >>483575748
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" Half-Zip Sweatshirt illustration: >>483530498 >>483587112
- GK Card Teaser (June 26th): >>483600271 >>483616204
- VL Letora streams complete garbage again on June 28th, 7PM JST: >>483574423
- SM 9th STAGE Daigo's VA's comment: >>483577628
- SM Composer covers "Koukei": >>483573789
- MOR 296/297/298 omakes: >>483586481
- TOURS Second Location Test begins (June 26th): >>483493332 >>483493636 >>483499887 >>483496259 >>483511412 >>483511620 >>483512607 >>483513357 >>483513658 >>483515596 >>483522038 >>483527718 >>483554646 >>483555118
- Ijigen Fes iDOLM@STER x Love Live! Uta Gassen web radio vol.5 on July 9th, 9:30PM JST: >>483521614

- My apologies for not including these sooner, but they weren't listed on the official schedule until a day later, and the SunRiser CD entry had a typo.

June 27th, 7PM JST: Hatsuboshi Gakuen HR #2: youtu.be/34LsxtbBdQI >>482606891
June 27th, 8:30PM JST: SFP SHHis OurSTREAM: >>483369530
June 27th, 9PM JST: VL Manaka members-only stream: youtu.be/DXoVEk73aqo
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This Shiz figure...
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It was four times btw
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Idols who can Superman S
Was Shiz's mother an angel?
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say something nice about sakuya shirase on her birthday
come on yukari let's go party

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huge whores (idols)?
cute dog
15歳 lovers.
That's the Cool S.
Her solo is underrated.
The ones 23 years old and above, they reek of desperation
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GK live or 961P live?
I will never forgive Mitsumine Yuika
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Love Maple
Something something report something ignore.
I think GK would have a less cryptic announcement.
did she die?
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tamakin lap pillow
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Yep, that's IP devs alright
Of course you think that's funny, fag.
thinkin' of that chinese kung fu girl yuka got in a street fight with
Stop bullying Cosmo bros.
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Mio is unforgettable.
Why did she do it
Whatever it is, it's going to be a live.
Good girl.
Mio is kind of slutty and the swimsuit bottom + wet t-short combo is lewd.
the little loud-mouthed osakan was like
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SideM live with CGI backflips
Runa say Maybe
It mentions the same date as the Miki/Hibiki/Takane 3D live
Shut the fuck up Anakin
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shark ema points at you for _______
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gay molesting?
simping for Narumi Runa
sexual harassment ?
Don't remind me of EmaP.
nyot funnya
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Bad touching lil' Ema
sorry....i can't help but cuck myself into shitposting..
cumming to Sakuya
Is he still on the run?
I want to marry Minami Saki.
What did Kuroi mean by this?
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they draw it on school desks
thread police...
Ema wouldn't like this.
Everyone does that.
We love Runa even if she becomes a cheap costing prostitute
my seed inside asuka
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I feel bad for sleeping through a Nina thread.
He is hiding underground like Osama Bin Laden.
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oops i forgot >>483619213
Another samefagged schizo meltdown.
It was a half Nina tgread but still. Cute daughter.
>hiro gets off from being handled roughly
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Yeah, but I like Mao too.
I don't want to imagine what was on his hard drive...
give me a qrd on that /@/ emaP
she didn't come up that often, if at all, you didn't miss much
...actually, anyone know WHY that was the last OP? Neither of their birthdays match up, what's the connection?
Sometimes CG big heads are really distracting.
Ignore it, namefags should be forgotten.
uh yeah that's fair enough
I stick my sharp proboscis inside an idol's head and suck her delicious juices.
Sometimes OPs don't need a reason. If I'm being honest I usually forget the image after a few posts.
You had to be there
An EmaP who often came here pretending to be a woman and talk about his "boyfriend", ended up getting cancelled on Twitter because it turns out he almost raped a friend of his who was intoxicated.
making out with serika
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>gakumas has shorts instead of bikinis
Grim, bikinis have been imas tradition
sailor swimsuit paid packs, trust the bad man in charge
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fukken LOL

wsup mai
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How good is this temari to put as rental?
I wouldn't be surprised if they do paid swimsuit skins like SC. The cast is small enough.
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Damn, you were right. I went back and started reading the thread, and gave up when I hit non-imas images and an /@/ iceberg. Threads that last less than 8 hours are cursed man.
Koito doing some HIIT
oh yeah it took me a minute or two to finally recognize that person
it was @LockbotIRL lmao
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>ended up getting cancelled on Twitter because it turns out he almost raped a friend of his who was intoxicated
No one will use her unironically. The card there is awful for rental.
the guys who attempted earnest discussion were welcome but yeah
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The number 4 is significant in various fields and cultures. For example:

- Four is an even number, following 3 and preceding 5. It is the smallest composite number, being the product of 2 multiplied by itself (2 x 2 = 4).

- In many East Asian cultures, the number 4 is considered unlucky because its pronunciation is similar to the word for "death." This is particularly notable in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures.

- It's the amount of times " Runa Narumi " was ejaculated inside while her partner was livestreaming on YouTube.

- Many stories are structured around groups of four, such as the four houses in the "Harry Potter" series, the four main characters in "The Wizard of Oz," and the four protagonists in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Imagine Mao's swimsuit.
The same guy is still shitposting but yeah, slow is better.
Wasn't he the AX? guy too? Or was that a wrong rumor.
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What kind of subhuman scum do you have to be to find thread celeb drama interesting?
Do this one next
I remember he was retarded enough to advertise his personal twitter account here in /@/
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Oh well, back to my old Saki for rental then
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tea taimu
Like >>483620573 and >>483622043
said, it should be ignored. But the AX thing is unrelated, it's just a recurring joke.
Based mentally healthy anons
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I would never feel safe around an unvoicedP
Got a fresh gakumas account and did like 5 pulls after doing some grinding and still no saki. I just give up at this point
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Game over.
No that's me and all the other anons looking for a good time.
If that were true you wouldn't be here.
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>teleports behind you
Here I am protected by a mighty wall of voicedPs and mochiwhats
you shouldn't trust a frilled squareP either
Of course the Anna shitposter would post about a forced meme regarding a VA that doesn’t work for im@s
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Shio is way better desu
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Look at their tiny little cups...

The ones on the plate.
Why do you cuck yourself by revealing it's you?
Just pretend Yuika doesn't exist in the SC cast

She's boring and forgettable anyway, nothing would change if you removed her.
>go meet other westernPs at AX
>get raped
Damn, how could that happen?
>killing her friend with a smile on her face
Why are main reds all psychos?
Nope. Stay mad that you were exposed.
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it wasn't at AX, it's /@/'s protocol to sign the form of consent
Rude but true
Dumb kids, W.C. Fields was right.
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No one replied, so it's time for some samefagging.
You're too stupid to be subtle.
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I chuckle every time I remember pic related.
good choice
Desperately samefagging as usual.
I was going to say this was wasteful, but I guess GK is fresh enough for it feel less bad.
Thanks Clarice. Tharice.
NaoP is still at it
Get a better idol, YuikaP.
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Sorry to interrupt your extended garbage time, but is D@nketsu full or is there any other circle active?
I was doing the idol road in GK and it was giving me the same starting hand every time
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What about a GBNSP?
You never tell me which posts though
How awful...
kissing that forehead
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I wonder if that NaoP is still here.
yeah it's not random so you can experiment when you don't change decks
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How do you draw a hanging stick figure this poorly? There's a whole game based off drawing hanging stick figures...

Also, post cute idols.
Revenge for insulting Sakuya, How do you like it huh?
I read this as Thrace.
I feel that we have several NaoPs.
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Do you even know how rentals work, retard
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There are like 3 of us in most charts.
holy based
Kill yourself
I'd much rather you guys talk about Elden Ring™ than whatever this is.
>thread's barely an hour old and he's already going all out
Ever since GK launched it feels like our resident shitposter decided to devote every waking hour of his life to shitting up this place
You will trigger the thread officer. He would much rather talk about meta, headcanon of other users and gossip.
Ok Bamco astroturfer.
You can trust 25% of them.
Why is that popular again?
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I love shit like this
Now that I've learned a bit of his lore, this image is somewhat disturbing, truly analog horror.
Drawing with a mouse is hard.
Don't be so grumpy, YuikaP.
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i can do that DEX dagger flip attack IRL, but it doesn't seem useful, you know?
Cry about it. You already tried to derail with your Four posting
I'm not sure how From's games became so popular either, it's like they became the GTA of ARPGs, besides Skyrim and The Witcher 3.
Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
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Anyone else a fan of yuika’s small breast

Petting those lil critters.
I think we broke him, unironically.
We have a lot of petite Ps.
I don't know much about her, but she's really pretty, like all around pretty, not just her chest, or lack thereof.
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Nao is popular.
Dumb ass retard
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>Why is that popular again?
Because Bethesda and Nintendo can't make open world games with good gameplay no matter how much money they spend, so From wins by default.

Honestly, it's similar to the success of SS and GK while Namco's big competitors from 15-20 years ago flounder.
Shut up YuikaP.
Hapiba Sakuya.
MTMN has a pretty adaptable beauty. She can pull off different aesthetics well.
They're perfect for virtual flexing. "Sure you finished the game but you used magic like a baby while I did it with a SL1 melee build and used a DDR controller like a real man".
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Yeah I think he was gay
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I agree with you I would argue she is the prettiest l’antica member and she doesn’t even try
I was thinking how that same dude is silent about this.
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Yes. You just want to see them being rubbed and grinded against some hard abs.
oh great annaPs off topic posting again
bye bye yuka
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By again I meant in the sense that this game released months ago. Why is it on the news again?
She's pretty, even in her nerd form.
I prefer Hiori's
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tea for two, baby
seiyuu wish they can sing like her
>Why is it on the news again?
An expansion just dropped
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Yuika's such a boring character her legacy has been reduced to her Seiyuu being cummed in 4 times

I would kill myself if i were a YuikaP
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>the most normal person in this thread
Should that title be revoked?
Damn, she's big.
>Why is it on the news again?
It just had a new DLC.
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They don't merely win by default, From games are genuinely well-polished and sizeable for their cost. People who can't admit they're good games are just insecure zoomers who are afraid of sincerity.
You should kill yourself regardless.
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I'm not AnnaP. My Anna .gifs explode. But not this one because I haven't edited it yet.
Lol at SakuyaP pretending he doesn't have a hand in this shitposting because someone dared to insult his idol
if you don't like the current topic... why not talk about my idol...?
>already back to LARPing as a Fuyuko """P""" to agree with his own shitposts
He has now been at this for 6 hours
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What is it with Anna and stting on Ps lap?
wasn't AX, but was in LA
She's a bun aka cumslut.
I'm sorry, but I just don't like your idol...
wahahaha STOP
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Like this?
I want to say she's an underrated beauty but her placement in the wedding vote makes me think a lot of people like her.
She's extremely pretty too.
It is the most comfortable seat in the house.
>targeting an idol for shitposting on her birthday
This is low even for you.
>I would kill myself
Go ahead, you are clearly too far gone for any therapy anyways
Stop larping as a FuyuP, SakuyaP.
Oh no... She crashed and burned!
At this point his life revolves about shitposting here. Most likely doesn't have any job and is a dropout.
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That's an old version. Eventually all the Anna .gifs will have explosions. Because gamers love explosions.
Her pose is uncomfortable to me.
he did it on haruki's birthday too, there's no reasoning with brainless oxygen stealers
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Since the thread is currently bad now, how do we know that Runa isn't doing AV work for indie hentai VNs? Is there a way to check?
maybe telling them to NOT take their meds might do the trick. it's worth a try. you don't need those things
The only medication that can help them is a bullet to the head
>I would argue she is the prettiest l’antica member and she doesn’t even try
I like her but it's very debatable. I think Mamimi is extremely pretty too but I think she's prettier in a more alt-girl sense. MTMN's prettiness works in several different fashions though.
crash and bun (asian accent)
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It feels like people stopped renting memories these days since they built up their own. I know I don't really need to do that anymore.
Remarkable that despite all the grotesque acts they describe they still respect their pronouns.
I still do.
why are westerners like this
>her legacy has been reduced
I prefer Salt-chan's Plastic Umbrella over you know who.
i know they should just fight and get over it
Why is Shio Salt, explain the nickname to me
Don't make the bun explode.
Yeah, she and Amana have a pretty awkward enza sprite. I wanted both to get remade but that seems impossible now.
Shio is Japanese for Salt
That's all
you need to get really lucky to roll a good upgraded skill card and +20 on all stats AND have it be a starter if possible
Shio is the japanese word for salt and the kanji is literally a pictogram of a salt shaker.
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i love Nono!
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Exploding inside the bun.
I see
They're no less scummy than the people who keep track of them
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I don't know about you guys, but even if I was drunk out of my mind, I could still get a puny trannyP off of me
FuyukoP is right, though.
i see i see
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Yeah, it's a fair question. But next time try ignoring the schizoposts and samefagging.
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oh hey i'm friend with that guy lmao (not the emaP though)
lockbot is morbidly obese and his victim couldn't do a pushup to save her life
From the thumbnail I thought she had really, really, REALLY long and big twintails, that would have been cool.
I don't think it's scummy, but talking about namefag drama is pathetic and we should really be ignoring it.
Hiro should get a haircut like that.
Yeah for real, Why would SakuyaP go so low just because some random person said something mean to his idol? I would just ignore it.
>lockbot is morbidly obese
Just slip under his legs, it will take him at least 5 minutes to turn around
First S card, the last turn I had no active cards, I wanted to get bigger numbers..
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Hiro's first alt hair style should be twintails or ponytail
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He's really insecure from all the popularity bullying. It can't be helped.
Runa did her solo better. Just like Yurishi AND Tokutake.
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I'm doing my part. Are you?
All L’ant are super pretty anime women objectively. Sakuya and kogane have their curves going for them but yuika is just so pretty idk what it is about her
Massaging those.
Prettiness argument aside, I think she's seen as a good fashion idol. It'd be interesting to see JP SCPs being polled on this.
It really sells the teen genius look.
They have abandoned us, there's not point...
in what?
Whenever I read and see im@s NTR, why does it feel so intense and real? Especially the ones with the execs.
lol weird damage control but okay
The fact that you're trying to discourage it proves it does work.
Being a bitch, honestly.
The button has seen a lot activity today.
I have no idea who this is. Hair is a bit off.
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>I have no idea who this is. Hair is a bit off
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It feels like an easy way to do her hair for academic purposes
It's Shiro
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I disagree, Shio put too much emotion into it. I like the way Runa sounds detached and resigned.
This is Damage control are you dense I think are the l’antica members are pretty,yuika is just the prettiest
>All L’ant are super pretty anime women objectively.
Most SCs are like this. But I think L'Ant covers the spectrum well.
Maybe braids too?
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that artist is very horny for tamaki. and kana.
Dire thread already, damn
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Little Gakumas question
Gacha ticket presents have their expiration dates, so i'm assuming that the tickets themselves do too. If I have 10 pity on the standard banner, will it expire anytime soon? With two logic idols and getting 2 dupes of Hiro from the guaranteed SSRs I really don't want to pull for Boom Boom Pow Saki, even though I like everything about her AND she's broken.
It's obvious that one should never pull without a spark, but are there any news on upcoming banners? Do I use these tickets whenever or do I wait for banners with whatever I need (which is, sense idols)?
Ignore the schizopost, it's spinning thread fanfiction again.
China, I wish your MV had more l9ve.
I don't think that makes sense, have you seen you any deleted posts? I didn't see a single thing get deleted last thread, and there was a lot of shit there that should have been, it is clear to me that they HAVE abandoned us, besides, there's often a lot of posts to get through and that takes too much time, it's just not worth it, but you should continue doing it, if you think it will work.
Maybe we should remove Yuika and Sakuya from SC since all they cause is shitposting.
>not even 2 hours in and he's already tried every angle imaginable
This is a level of schizoposting we normally only have to deal with during the holidays, except it's been like this every day for at least a month.

I think between GK's success and LL's implosion we actually, unironically broke the guy.
You target way more than those two.
OMG, pointy and that tan...
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hahaa wake up dummy it's time to go to sleep

jappy knees idol-girls would love california
For such a bad man, his art is somewhat cozy.
Because im@s has a grounded setting and those male execs DO exist canonically which means it can happen. Not to mention other male NPCs and male idols. It's not like a yurige gacha IP that has no males in it or BA where the only human male in the universe is the self-insert.
But are they worse than Hana Suzuki?
Hot: Kogane, Sakuya
Pretty: Yuika, Mamimi
Cute: Kiriko
There is some overlap.
Hana outta nowhere
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It’s all done by one person. Probably the Anna offtopic poster.
what is a sense anyways
Then you'll just move on to Hana. And then Nichika. And then Madoka. And then Fuyuko. And then Amana. And then Rinze. And so on and so forth, until eventually SC is out of idols and the branch shuts down.

Which is exactly what you want, isn't it?
You blaming someone immediately takes them off the suspect list.
I blame SMPs for this
but only a faggot would think of it that way in the first place
lm@o, literally called it.
Get fucked.
Sakuya does not deserve this shit on her birthday
Ouch, you really fell into that one shitposter-kun
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What the fuck?
that's why it's hot. canon backs it up.
You would be interested, shitposter.
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Hey /@/ look at my cool cat!
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What DOES she deserve?
Your cat looks kind of autistic
Is it that weird xitter critters post here too? I remember years ago a bunch of posters xitter accounts were posted here, someone even got their face revealed.
my fat cock.
I don't think anyone would like to get molested, thank you.
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As a dedicated SakuyaP, I admit it can be disheartening and make me feel insecure to see constant popularity contests and arguments. However, that doesn't give you the right to use my feelings to derail a thread.
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So, they're the ones raiding /@/ for the past year?
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I want Kana to badmouth me to my face while acting innocent in front of everyone else. I want her to look at me like I'm walking garbage. I want her to click her tongue when I manage to use it against her. I want her to say things like I only had kids with you because I married you. I want her to tell me she only married me because there was no other choice available. I want her to insult me with her cute voice. I want Kana to hurry to the hospital if I got in an accident and act all worried until she realizes what she's doing and switches back to bitch mode to hide her vulnerability. And then when I'm passing of old age I want her to cry as she says she didn't mean any of it and not leave her alone. I want to have a happy life with bitch Kana.
It's not weird but I wish they didn't thoughBEIT
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i found a few of you a few years ago and it surprisingly wasn't hard. i found 2 steam accounts too
This but with a better idol like Fuyuko
I don't care what they say, Chocolate is definitely good for you.
Saki and Ume competing on who get pregnant first.
that bikini only stays on through hope
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Indeed it is
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Weirdo (not a compliment).
My fat bitches (compliment)
Choco lools naked without the buns the same way Sakuya looks naked without the ponytail
The bad kind of naked
i dont even know what I'm doing in GK is there a guide
I still can't get over how erotic this image is. Crazy it came from that guy.
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why does he have an American, Ukranian and Israeli flag if he's from France
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Sugar free chocolate is good for the health
Chocolate with sugar is good for your mood
Baby making with Chiyoko.
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Heavy petting these cats would make me feel better
So I should report these for terrorism or something?
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See through camisole is a pretty common topic in gravure magazines, weird not many artists brought it up, maybe because of how hard is to create the illusion.
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>discordtranny raid hours
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Thanks, baby girl.
do you not see the bogdanoff avatar
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Lmao if you're a woman
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>American and Israeli
That's to tell people you're cut
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now post that picture of dark illuminate as the bognanoffs
Kek based
mention runa or hana
works everytiem
I mean you can do almost anything
Slapping that
Who draw this
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I'm sorry that happened to him
not even everyone
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Where am i
wait a minute...that's not serika's small chest, that's kirby with fat tits.
Where’s Osledor? This list is outdated
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Twitter stalking = cringe
Shortstackposting = excellent
Both cringe.
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Pretty sure most of the Sakuya shitposts is the usual suspect falseflagging as various Ps.
Page not found, Just give me a artist name
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Explain to me how posting shortstacks is cringe. I'll wait.
They finally fixed Star Wars..
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short rack
/@/ = based
idoltwt = cringe
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at least idoltwt doesn't stalk me wherever i go

that's serika's small chest
File deleted.
Why is idoltwt filled with so many troons
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not one of his best speed doodles
trim your pubes choco
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Think! What would Toru Asakura do in this situation...?
Painting it white
wtf are those
Anime idol fandoms in the west are generally composed of them
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Why do SCPs get their jimmies rustled when people talk about idols outside of their own comfort zone and shut down any chance of discussion of said idol??
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>what would a wild card do?
I want to call out to Tenka while I cum inside Amana.
I love Haruna
What are you talking about?
Hang out with Mano because she likes her vibe according to her answer in the bridal interview.
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Golden Kotone is a goldmine.
We need more shortstacks.
yeah i like Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2 too
I think that SakuyaP was just a little sensitive per >>483629776
Yea but idoltwt is filled with a crazy amount of them and delusional to the point they call mao a he
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>be me
>go to ACEN
>see all the other cons being advertised
>go to the idol con booth
>the booth staff are all troons
lolicons are singlehandedly protecting us
Ignore it, it's more metafag/thread fanfiction like >>483632768
It's not lolicons, it's the fact that im@s has no localization. RIP horses.
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For example today someone wanted to talk about Sakuya, but our SCPs shitposted hard enough so discussing her would be near impossible. There are other SCs who dont get this treatment.
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Why do the devs ship them so much?
fuck hana innit bruv
No one suspects them since you blame them.
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So what's your issue with /@/ anyways?
BA is localized and none of the insufferable people are willing to touch it with a 10m pole
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Yeah, you have anons like >>483633062 who blame other SCPs but it's so obvious that no one believes it.
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gu nu nu
My joystick!
Stop making me horny for SRK.
I somehow read that as SNK
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>still not on the list
never gonna catch me
Well you didn't give me a counter-argument on why it's " fine " to talk about a handful of idols while some get attacked.
that's serika if she's corrupted by lolicon producer
The moment I was your post, my mind went SRK = shoryuken
The game is too horny for them. Though that means it attracts undesirables from the other side of the spectrum. As someone who also likes BA, English fanbases are generally horrid, there is no escape.
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Cute, innocent Serika.
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Why is there chili shrimp on the floor?
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Feeling silly?
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It's missing their fusion, China.
Seriously why do English fandoms gotta be like that
They always attract the worst sides of both spectrums
>no yuribait so not much yuritroons don't get into it
>no other men than the male self-insert so not much NTRfags get into it
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none of these words are in the bible
We just need to nuke the west in the video game Idolm@ster Starlit Season.
There's no way to prove those posters are SCPs, it could even be the same person talking to himself, who knows.
Since no-one is buying it might as well come clean. Do you hate /@/ or are you just frustrated at im@s current state?
Stop calling her Seri.
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Suna and her never-ending love for idol armpits.
>There's no way to prove those posters are SCPs
I know of a way. Blink once while in their presence and see if they attack you from behind.
Maybe he doesn't like the current state of /@/
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You need to hide them well
>Do you hate /@/ or are you just frustrated at im@s current state?
You just have to see his #salivating post once to know it's the latter.
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Now post the white backup dancer outfit emily.
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the backup dancer outfit is too erotic
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I still don't understand how Takagi got that outfit past HakozakiPapa.
What's so bad about that? It's nice short name for Serika.
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Okay I've been thinking about this. The way I see it (in an extremely oversimplified way), the western fanbase for Japanese pop culture (weebs to be less formal), is fundamentally broken due to western stereotyping and counter-reactions to it. For years this form of media has been stereotyped by westerners as either inherently infantile or perverted. Weebs who learn this stereotype then process the media through either:
a) de-emphasizing lewdness to the point that they ascribe to extreme puritanism b) emphasizing lewdness and making it a part of their identity, eschewing all tastefulness and nuance.
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that outfit is good too
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cafe tatibana
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I think it'd be harder for you to notice when other languages fanbases also act poorly, but there's only one example I can think of off the top of my head and you're all likely to get the wrong conclusion from that.
>de-emphasizing lewdness to the point that they ascribe to extreme puritanism
but I do see even absolute normies complaining that young people have questionable views about that these days, so this part might not be a japanese media problem at all.
ehehehe fuyu and mei are sooo hot
she sucked me dry in that one image set
No she didn't.
Where do deranged shippers fall under?
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we should have the drama track for first the stardom of the series now
>asuhiro arisu
oh yes
Let's see if they give more context to the death of Momoko's sister.
That's why I said "fundamentally broken". The root of it is the west's own hang-ups about sexuality, social media amplification, and reactionary thinking (which I will not comment on because off-topic).
This is why we should just ignore western tweets, regardless of which "side" they take. Unless they're reliable TLers then there is nothing of value in their thoughts.
Deranged shippers are universal. Even Japan has them, unfortinately.
Please stop posting Serika I cant
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you can't what?
>then there is nothing of value in their thoughts
I think this is going too far and you're falling into the trap of "I'm totally not like those westerners"
Like how people were posting what Japanese Ps think about Mao, if those posts were in English I'm positive they'd be reviled, even if it's true that the entire English fanbase has the wrong expectations of her to start with.
Too slim.
she's small
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only if you post Sakuya doing lovemore crymore with MMM and Mitsumine
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[SAD NEWS] He can't afford food because he bought a giant Kaho.
The thing is that it's easier to give the benefit of the doubt to Japanese Ps because:
1) They can read the language and thus grasp nuances better.
2) Literally what you said about expectations. A Japanese LN writer would have never delivered on the expectations of a bunch American/European Tumblr-brained weeaboos. When they complained over Mao it was kind of like the boy who cried wolf; they were right about Mao having issues but not for their own reliability as a fanbase.
Time to go behind the nearest Lawson and drop to his knees
worth it
what is he going to do with a giant kaho?
probably dry hump it and hotglue it
me too
Perky bad man tamacks.
anna = pure
shiho = pure
serika = pure
which l’ant would be best at making out?
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it's iku
>serika = pure
pure sex
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Mamimi (oral fixation idol) > Kiriko (gentleness personified) > Sakuya (tries being smooth) > Yuika (very nervous) > Kogane (clumsy and overeager)
All would be fun though.
It's me
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I used it
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She got the look. Uousaoh or Oekaki Ojisan should make one of her.
Problem with mao is that if she was introduced say before 2020 no one would be as mad about it as they are now
noo, iku only models for the sfw cover art
You just said the same thing really. Pre-2020 this twitter bullshit culture war wasn't this wide spread, I swear covid really made people lose their fucking minds.
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Headpats all the way to the end of the world
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stop that or iku will use her magic power
I think we should only actively hate Suzuki so other idols don't get attacked.
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Sensei, can I make a rugby team with you?
Yea it’s insane people on that side mao wearing a dress & not binding her chest down is misogynistic at the bare minimum and at its worst somehow is a disrespecting lgbt people.
her ふーん is the cutest Temari sound
I want to make Mocho obscenely pregnant.
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Shut up Yukiyo!
Get a husband first before thinking that, also I'm single just so you know...
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She kind of looks like CG's Honoka here.
I clicked the link to that pixiv post and saw something bad
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i don't think guns are magic, maybe yukimi can confirm it one way or another?
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Tickets themselves do not have expirations.
Tickets do not work towards the current banner, so they can't go towards the current banner spark. So fine to use 'em whenever.
Normal banner sparks, as far as we know, don't reset. There's no date listed, and there was no reset with any of the switches so far, at least.
So save gems, roll tickets, and save up points from rolling tickets.
>Upcoming banners
Op has teasers for Sumika and Rinami butts.
But if they keep doing the type switch like so far, then both of those would switch over to Logic type.
>wait for banners with whatever I need (which is, sense idols)?
I'm also on mono-Logic, with 3 logic SSRs and 2 dupes of them.
But I'm still planning to ignore types and just roll for who I want to roll for.
>Click show all
Woah I wasn't expecting a bad man gallery in there.
would asari sensei be good at making out?
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Choco I can see it.
Raw sex idol.
This is the direct consequence of an entire generation of people living their entire lives on social media for 2+ years
Why do you think the phrase "terminally online" became a thing
I want to make Yukiyo obscenely pregnant, too.
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Most of the ykm/koz artists are bad men at least some of the time.
According to Homura, weapons are as good as any magic.
I wish Yukiyo had done a photobook.
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..also breeding and raising a family idol.
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it's true
All of them know about old men penis.
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Tsubasa would never.
when i watched that episode, i thought it was NIGHTWAVE
Basa means Wing!
uhhh which one
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White Idol Can't Jump
Team Tsubasa
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Is that a GUN!?
At least this white idol can be a nadeshiko
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Magic isn't real
Fine, I'll use Yukimi and Kozue
She's not asking nicely anymore, she wants candies to share with Kozue
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Now those are really tubular
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Too Tubular.
i always thought he was cool before it was revealved he was posing for pics for his wife
Girls you are going to make it burst
That's not how you open a can...
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Favourite gakumas songs so far? Mine if definitely rolling rice ball I love ume
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those are tubes
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gave them a lot
Tame Lie One Step
I really like Koukei and Wonder Scale
Why do they have eye patches?
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These two >>483642298 and Fighting my way
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Slap every possible accessory you own to boost your score. However, your roll sucks and you only have one or two accessories.
my poor monster papillon
Yellow Big Bang I can't stop finding myself humming it, rolling rice ball and tame lie one step.
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I have only listened to Rolling Riceball and I love it. I should check out Hiro and China's songs because that trio seems really fun.
Gotta watch Trapezium eventually.
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all the initial ones have good earworm parts
(except Ume's)
handball's other solos are good too
The idiot trio is a lot of fun, I didn't expect to like them as much as I do.
Ram pam pam para pum pum pa
The MVs for China and Hiro's songs are nice
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it's working, tachibana is craving my...!
That's a flower on the left.
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Okay, I think this is ready to be posted now. It was a good thing I held off until I woke up to check over it again because there were a number of typing mistakes that I completely missed before.
It's been over a year now since Sakuya's S.T.E.P. was released so this isn't exactly a new set of commus, but I went ahead and picked it up for a summary since I didn't see any translations or such for it. I admittedly procrastinated a bit with writing this and my questionable nipponese was still struggling to understand the exacts of the last section with the sweets, but I'm fairly certain I've got the basic understandings down pat. Feel free to question or correct me on that stuff if my tired ass was just fumbling it hard. I can fix it if need be.


I'll be heading out in a bit to get cake for the rest of my tribute. Unsure if I'll set it up earlier or later today, but it'll happen regardless.
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I like Temari's solos and Sumika's.
Thank you. Will read this later.
To be fair sometimes even nips have issues with interpreting commus correctly.
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Koukei, Fluorite, Luna and Ivy
alrighttt cake
Mao getting the Prince experience
very nice, thank you
I gave em a shot
I feel like Hiro has the potential to have a great song but this isn't it. I loved the imagery in the video thought. It was very cool.
With China's I feel like the producer should be fired. The orchestrals and vocals felt like completed different tracks at multiple points. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. I feel like she has more potential too though.
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Koukei and Fluorite were my favorites from the first batch with Tame-Lie close behind. Rolling Rice Ball is amusingly enjoyable as well.
gentle cuddling with hiro
Song wise, China's is one of my bottom 3 but the visuals are nice. I like Hiro's song but my favorite from the first batch of songs is either Sumika's or Saki's.
It's pretty funny watching nips have different interpretations of the same commu or character and passive aggressively disagreeing because none of them will just call each other stupid faggots
Her ribs will break.
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i used fragments to make hiro's ssr. it's so strong that i can see getting s ranks with it.
I'm not sure if there's some big debates about Sakuya's interpretation though. Unless this is a thinly veiled reference to the Mao debates.
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I still remember the debate among nips after Kogane PSSR9, Kogane was always P-love vs Kogane was never P-love until this SSR
That’s not very princely
>Kogane was never P-love until this SSR
I'm sorry but how the fuck
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I like the idea of Asahi being this ingenue that gets morally degenerated to a huge slut.
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Either I fuck Kogane and she likes like it like a romance novel or I fuck Kogane until she loves it like a hentai. There are no other alternatives.
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she is a bit ingenue, but not that second part
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Kogane's porn star tier body will see vigorous use regardless.
please do not give your underage idols strong zero
Yes, but she wouldn't for you.
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It's just an ungodly body. What other choice does an honest producer have?
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She was in that dream I had about her.
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For reference, this is the part that was tripping me up. I could piece it together and figure it out, but when I tried to write down any kind of translation/explanation it just starts to fall apart and put me into a loop of confusion.
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She has a nice bum.
Asahi doesn't stop sucking after I cum
>p-love autism again
It's all so tiresome
no butt
I like that
Uhh she's 14 she can't drink alcohol
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>That's the Cool S.
jelous they actually get content to discuss?
Asahi will not join the P-love club, but it does feel like she's written to have a crush that she can't process.
That's the Dork S.
Hank Hill butt
Shika surely saw it more than once in Austria.
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You forgot me!
I like Plove. But what's weird is that Ps of the same idols are being careful around each other and feel like they have to reply. I find it hilarious.
>someone post something lewd
>another P just replies with an image
It's like they're giving her to them lmao.
That would be really cute
Prettiest idol.
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Hornyposts sometimes are just followed by horny images, there's not much to it.
I think you know exactly what I'm talking about
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luv me trumpets
Marry a graduate from Kyoko Igarashi's school of personality to ensure a life time of happiness
The large shoulders give her an 80’s look.
I would prpr her butt
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*The School of the Undefeated of the East
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Lewd swede.
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For me it's this and Luna
>It's like they're giving her to them lmao.
I think China's VA is a good singer stuck singing in character. I was impressed by her Hajime for some reason. I don't know why, but I really did feel like it was a step up when compared to a lot of other character's.
Hakusen isn't a great song but it's the best MV in the franchise
It's barely animated
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Is far more complicated and long that this explanation but Kogane always refused to talk about love and denied stuff about love when other people talked about such topic with her, even to Producer, to her being an idol is more important and she would be willing to give up her feelings for someone to continue as an idol, comes this SSR and she finally is more open to talk about love and admits even she likes someone (With P being an obtuse moron believing she's talking to someone else) and that she is not going to give up such feelings.

The first ones in this debate, say she was just in denial and that she was always P-love, but she holds the idol image of "Professionalism above everything", love was never in her mind, and the moments she had with P could be interpreted as her just being grateful to the man who granted her wings with no romantic tones attached.
The second ones hold the belief that she was never P-love until a combination of both this and the previous SSR where she learned the value of being alone with your thoughts, not seeking other people advice, that she finally has clear thoughts about P and the relationship she wants with him eventually.
The third ones admits that just like most SCPs, they are overthinking commus and gachikoi stuff and both can apply perfectly to her since Kogane is not that complicated as character
Hana would ask me to break up after depending emotionally on her and I'd go insane and become a serial killer, ultimately killing her, her doctor and some other actresses. A movie will be made years later.
I invented it.
Kuroi drew this on his desk and said this looks good enough
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Can you do this?
>for strong men who have enough going on
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I would rather marry the principal.
Despite the discourse I still really want to kiss Mao
Marrying Kyoko and enjoying delicious home made food every day.
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Best leave that ignored.
Because it's true.
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posting a picture does not mean "hey everyone come fuck this idol"
I just started the flower mini game in enzamas. Is there any point to doing this?
no, toru already won
To get votes for your idol to get a special bridal illustration
yes please support Toru
Just imagine what that implies to those avatarfags if that was true
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hey everyone come fuck this idol
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Spread it and kiss it, Haachan.
Farm 100M flowers and use them to unlock bridal question answers and votes for your idol.
Nagi wants Hayate to continue the Hisakawa bloodline
is there a leaderboard somewhere? I don't see one in game
That softo butto Roco scene from miriani
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maintenance time
I'm fucking this idol
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That's so, so beautiful
Place to be
And feel the beat
EOS implementation soon(tm)
When is Sumika getting that new card?
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>fat butt
That Asahi is a bootleg dood
Anyone have the support list that gives stats when resting?
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>no cometik
fuck I should've started sooner
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Also FYI, Toru and Mikoto already have bridal p-SSR cards. Rinze and Madoka have bridal support cards, while Yuika sort of doesn't have one.
Erotic slim jc body
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The ranking seems like some sort of cruel joke because of that, honestly.
>it's that SCP who seethes about popular idols winning the popularity contest again
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powerful image
I wouldn't mind a Rinze bridal P-SSR though
She has one in Shinysong
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Sure about the black ones. The colored ones, I'm not too sure
besides KaedePs, CG and ML Ps kind of respect giving others a chance
is mikoto popular?
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Meant for >>483648096
making out with sayoko
Damn look at them fluffers. All comfy and soft
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The Momoko complaints and ML election autism say otherwise.
Actually you see a lot of complaints about the Cinderella queue cockblocking idols out of the election song.
There's no respect.
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But I want to eat at McDonald’s…
I don't give a fuck what you or other Ps vote for do but this dude has been posting here passively aggresively the entire campaign because people are voting for Toru and Madoka.
They're the ones who're most immune to this.
Rude body
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>Momoko complaints
What complaints?
Momoko wins a role every time because she's the best. That's not a complaint.
Yeah, CG/ML have a lot of election seething, and more vicious than SC. And bullying, like what happened with the trackers.
Not the anon who posted it but that’s looks correct to me.
As long as Hana doesn't get more content I am happy.
Stay mad AmanaP
voting for bridal koito
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Yeah, that's not the case at all.
Technically it's not a pSSR. But it being wearable for MVs is an upgrade.
i still don't get the hana-amana thing, but i don't wanna
Me neither I just ignore it
3 brides to avoid complaints over flopzuki btw. Had to be put in banners with madoka and toru or people wouldnt roll btw. Fuyuko panic button btw. 1 million yen hashtag btw. 600th btw.
Literally just the designs being a bit similar. Also bitch Hana was a popular meme for awhile and Amana is just kind of the default girl for plove bullying.
don't worry about it, ms. tumblr
It was a joke about Hana being a P-bowl threat, but some secondaries (483651220) kept pushing for shitposts and now everyone thinks it's stupid
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I'm still mad about this one, everyone was caught cheating too. Elections are funny.
why is the shitposter trying the Hana angle so forcefully?
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>and Amana is just kind of the default girl for plove bullying.
Why her specifically?
>Amana is just kind of the default girl for plove bullying.
It used to be Rinze, with Amana being the one winning over her.
>everyone was caught cheating too
I dimly remember this. What happened again?
At least Iku managed to get a role.
Because NTR is le funni
Momoko always wins a role because the votes are always for stage plays. Are there any roles that she's won that you don't think she fit the description for?
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If you look in the "Lawful wife war" and "Shiny colors" on pixiv, most of the images include Amana
Kissing all of that
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Fucking based, losers are always find an excuse
It's not, see >>483651512
It used to be Rinze since some see her a losing heroine due to the writing.
Amana kind of became seen by some as the "main" P-love girl for a while too.
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The best vote was the outfit one where Iku got sexy spy by a tiny margin. I loved that vote.
idol mustard
>Lawful wife war
This tag has been getting less im@s images lately...
we're responsible for that. that was us.
CG election is still the WORST one, imagine spending money on voting ticket just to win NOTHING
Matsuri vs Takane was one of the biggest bloodbaths.
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back in my day it was Rin vs Mayu
Komino was on our side that time.
Just like in real life...
I remember the Shiki cake anon.
*hits pipe deeply* Technically, every bit of your time can be translated to monetary cost so if you have ever voted for anything and lost you're a cuck and you wasted money, plain and simple.
That’s why I never spent money on it. It’s cool that most of my favorites won voices but I’d never consider buying those packs even if they didn’t.
*MomokoP's managed to get Iku a role, you voted in pairs. There were alliances but some them broke down like Mizuki-Haruka and Matsuri-Konomi.
Fraudulent votes and bot accounts were found. They had to update the vote count, but allergedly this didn't change the final results for anyone. I remember almost everyone was involved but iirc the biggest offenders were BasaPs.
And as result their idol got raped by clowns
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It's about sending a message!
>but iirc the biggest offenders were BasaPs.
Send the clowns
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If you control another Illumine-Type monster, your opponent cannot target this card for attacks. Each time an Illumine-Type monster(s) is Special Summoned: Send the top 2 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
At least Meguru and Juri beat Toru for the PR vote.
>hioluca in the background
Good man
That's a long SS maintenance. Are they adding something BIG?
I am currently updating CG.
Please wait warmly.
You are seating yourself for a letdown if you expect something big from that
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Kinda reminds me of Frilled Square.
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I don't think they felt like changing them.
Unfortunately, they were into that.
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cum dumpster body
Years later and Sarina STILL can't complete Blue Napoleon.
Ibuki Tsubasa is 14 years old.
>*MomokoP's managed to get Iku a role, you voted in pairs
The only thing that matters is that she got in. I don't care if she only got it because of being associated with Momoko, all that matters is that she got it.
Well, I guess I am grateful to MomokoPs. But they were always a natural ally anyway. Nearly everyone who likes Iku also likes Momoko.
why do SEAPs like ML so much
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Truly one of the votes of all time.
theyre all old and horny and pedophilic
40 isn't old...
Ok but why are you bald?
SEA is all about unity and so is ML
Is Cygames still quiet about the SS elections?

Nao no I'm trying to work ahhh
some of the content like the manga and anime got localized, same reason why ML is the biggest in korea.
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That was a fun one.
It's not often that they're close enough for a few votes to make a difference.
And even less often that they're that close on one I care about.
2 hours and Choco's nude nipple is still up.
hurikana is spanking his meat as he types that
It's gojover, Cygames said no more election
I'd be more at ease if they came out and said they were cancelled instead of just being tight-lipped about it.
Maybe they'll add something into the files with this maintenance?
swimsuits got btfo really hard on this one, that outfit ended up being pretty good too, but MLPs are too pure
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Tamaki and Iku should ask someone who knows
For real though, sometimes I feel like ML is the most popular branch, but actually it just that this branch have the most dedicated fans out of all female branches.
>it's true
This really puts into perspective how nonexistent the moderation has gotten because porn is literally the only thing they pay attention to in 2024
>same reason why ML is the biggest in korea
But Shhis is going there instead?
There is a secret election right now but you cannot access it unless you are a ShikiP.
I'll be upset if anything happens to SS
I still want more covers, especially this song
mean while my papillon was obliterated
I'm glad that they kinda stop doing the election, doing it in this current sad state of the brand is not going to do well.
luca covered in kiss marks and she lets out a few stifled giggles because some kisses really tickle her
That's just a home visit silly
In Korea ML is still the least popular, just like in Japan, so it makes sense for them to choose SC.
t. Korean
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To be fair, I also remember when Hinana and Chiyoko nudes were up for way too long.
Look closer >>483640065
I hope so, but I'm almost ready to admit it's gojover.
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But it is actually gojover, it is okay to admit it now
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I still hold to the opinion that CG as a whole is in a limbo period, getting ready to transition to a new game which is when the clock will start moving again.
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At least Tokiko will never get voiced
>it just that this branch have the most dedicated fans
Same. They need to cover all my favorite OPs from 10-20 years ago.
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it's gojover
Hana holding her down and tickling her while Haruki gives her a raspberry
The only way they have found to see Luca laughing...
didn't they already send minako to korea for some live?
Nah, they will go with SideM route, a branch with no game
They stopped using the “The Clock of The Cinderella Never Stops” tagline since Shout Out Live so that clock is done for.
Is Hiori's VA sick?
is she the strongest SC?
Isn't Machico also going there? Though not as Tsubasa.
I have no idea who to believe in this, but I imagine loud fans skew things. iirc CG had a Korean dub?
She's been sick for some months, had to pull out of 6th because of it.
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Sick of social media, maybe.
Welcome home, Hio
AS and CG had Korean dub
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If I learned anything from reading JJK, it's that a last minute asspull can make all the difference.
this is why you never say never
I relate.
Ahh yes, my Idol-fucking technique, I haven't used this one since the Heian Era
[next chapter the elections get Dismantle'd]
The clock of Cinderella maybe stop, but Million Live is never stop.

Doesn’t the asspull in JJK only benefit the bad guys?
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Me too piano cover man, me too.
Uhm they both have Torus
I thought it was a Naruto trope.
We were always the bad guys.
"The Clock of The Cinderella may or may not stop at a later date but not anytime soon" doesn't roll of the tongue
Which can't be played globally, you can't even use VPN
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say maybe
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>cygames makes a sequel to SS in all but name
>12 hours later and the ESL retard still hasn't stopped LARPing as other Ps to shitpost/branchwar
jesus fucking christ
and you're still making these useless posts
and that momentary high pitched shriek when haruki hits her sweet spot of a navel
I would feel raped.
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And you're just as retarded for even keeping track of the time
name 1 (one) arcade game that doesn't get a console port eventually
Reminds me of those old charts being posted that doesn't include famous in Japan but no international presence like Monster Strike.

Come to think of it, how does card-based games like Mushiking, Dinosaur King, etc fare outside of Japan?
NTA but KanColle Arcade.
Uma Musume?
It’s a shounen trope.
tag urself, I'm the second one
The cock of the Cinderella needs to take a quick leak.
I'm upset.
good movie
>the same autist who was talking trash about SakuyaP
Doesn't Uma borrow more from SC than SS?
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That's not what schizophrenia is like tho
Wow it's almost like it's all one fucking person
Those physical arcade machines like Sonic Blast Man or that Punch Mania: Hokuto no Ken easily comes to mind. It's also rare for card-based arcade game to get a port. I recall Dragon Ball Heroes got ported but Ultraman Fusion Fight didn't. Not sure about Aikatsu.
>Doesn't Uma borrow more from SC than SS?
It borrows from the arcade/console games. Doesn't get more Idolm@ster than that.
if I wanted a realistic depiction of schizophrenia I already have a front row seat for it here
Uhhh as far as I know SS doesn't have horse girls and racing
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I love im@s.
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>It borrows from the X. Doesn't get more Y than that.
Reminds me of all those video game documentaries focusing on fighting games along with a bunch of companies trying to cash in by copying Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
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My wife
I'm willing to bet you don't have a single iM@S image that isn't a cropped screenshot you use to avatarfag
Delete this please, it won't look good when anon posts an archive link in the future.
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These timestamps make it really obvious that you're samefagging
P(roducer) humiliation
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Here's one
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Doujin games tend to do that. French Bread kinda got their start with those fighting game featuring Aquaplus VNs (like 1 character is cosplaying as Kyo and has Kyo's moves).
Me too, Temtem.
yep, that's me
are there any other games that play like console imas? I don't think it's quite as widespread as fighting games are
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>Brings up SakuyaP for no reason
So are you gonna give him money now or what
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I am nearly done updating the OP. Please wait warmly.
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The Raising Sim is a whole genre, albeit a niche one. Monster Rancher, Princess Maker, etc
I would also take a screenshot of such an awful pull
never played those but do the monsters you raise have to compete on a seasonal basis to become the monster m@ster
SakuyaP is really insecure. It's facetious.
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What do you mean by "play like console imas"? Like Monster Farm/Rancher fits the whole "raise one from scratch by carefully looking at the stats, growth, personality, etc while managing schedule" while there are VNs that expect the player to do more than point-and-click like the Baldr Series have action, Duel Savior has beat-em-u. Heck, even Tokimeki Memorial has you managing your player's stat on top of knowing the girl you want to be with.
Do you even know what that word means you fucking retard
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Yes. However, your monsters have a limited lifespan so they might die even before they gdt into a good rank. You also have to feed them so you need to budget your money well.
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Ignored and filtered. It doesn't fit the
Kind of. There are seasonal official tournaments, winning which will increase your monster's rank. But you don't have to participate if you think your monster isn't strong enough. Like im@s though, there is still a time limit, but it's more flexible: the monster's lifespan. You need to get to S-Rank and beat the final 4 within the monster's lifespan, which you can extend by not stressing them out
im@s but no P-love
The fact that you had a chance to post literally any picture of any iM@S branch in response and instead you chose to post a screenshot of a 2-pull that was so abysmally terrible that it's not even worth mentioning tells me a lot about how much you actually care about iM@S as a whole
DS basically.
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Holy shit the damage control
Imagine if your idol getting injured because she was defeated in the audition. Or worse, she runs away because she doesn't like your treatment of them.
I love my idol. Idols are good.
How long will this road of idol event last?
It's permanent
I mean anon, it's a cute pull because it features Hana and Haruki next to each other, you can just admit you were wrong.
It's a new gameplay mode, not an event. Notice how it shows up on the Contest tab and not when you click on the Event icon on the Produce tab.
Damn, that's a lot more alike than I thought they were. Always figured they were more like Digimon World (1) and going adventuring and shit.
It's a stone, Luigi

Thanks for also confirming that Hana """P""" and Fuyuko """P""" are the same person, by the way
Awesome, rewards are also permanent?
Your last archive link post got no replies dude
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I read that in a New Yorker Italian-American voice.

We pretty much took over this general. I can't believe how easy it is.
they kinda have to be since it's already hard enough to level up once you get every idol to affection 10
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>SakuyaP in damage control
Produce a better idol next time. Like this one, she's a way better prince idol too
might be good for idol road, but i wonder how to fit this in contests
Depending on the incarnation. Monster Rancher 4 has that adventuring but, most of the time, it's raising and battling other monsters wide a side of adventuring (that's where you unlock the other monster types that you have no access at the beginning).
Are you HanaP, FuyuP, YuikaP or SakuyaP
He's right though.
>"I can't believe how easy it is"
>he says as if he hasn't spent the better part of a full decade sitting here just to shitpost
The voices in your head aren't real.
let me guess, he's also based
Sakuya will never be relevant ever again.
Maintenance should end at 3PM JST
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Same 恋/Ko kanji too.

> Sakuya clone

> Jougasaki Rio

> Saionji Nanako
that's a pretty long maintenance, isn't it?
Worth it for him
Self awareness isn't its strong suit.
Rio doesn't look very Jougasaki-like.
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Stop bullying me, I'm not the retarded archive poster.
If you say so.
It's easy considering there are no good posters here left
>here left
Your English somehow continues to get worse.
Posters are lame. It's all about acryl stands and can badges.
Ok, you're not that lame, Sakuya is a beaut as well.
it’s all the SMP’s fault
OP... you're taking your sweet time...
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New thread: >>483659701
Cute thread: >>>/c/4333521
Nude thread: >>>/e/2836133
Lewd thread: >>>/h/7933007
Seiyuu thread: >>>/jp/47109670
Cry more newfag
not that guy but I am esl, how is that incorrect?
I just hate all prince idols
Woah, tits.
Both of you be quiet.
It's supposed to be "left here".
Parodies are common in onaholes too. https://tamatoys.tma.co.jp/product/detail/TMT-878

Unfortunately Tamatoys doesn't seem to have the Rika/Mika succubus ones or the Rin/Anzu pseudo-blowjob ones anymore.
>when the SC shitposter just posted an SfP screenshot
Damn SMPs
oh wow it does sound more natural like that, thanks
Gentleman, I have cummed inside Momoko
stop being horny for momoko
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manaka dashi

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