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Previous iM@S Thread: >>483617556
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (June 26th): >>483562942

>Archive of >>483569298: archive.is/kfI4g
- SC Sakuya's birthday 2024: >>483571741 >>483572112 >>483572720
- SC Sakuya's birthday food 2024: >>483572413 >>483647653 >>483637210
- SC Sakuya S.T.E.P. summary: >>483643302 >>483646047
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- cast update (June 27th): >>483654510
- GK Temari's "Ha? Ha? Ha?" sub: >>483638308
- ML Imagine having Roco sit on you: >>483649139
- SS Maintenance (June 27th): >>483659102

June 27th, 7PM JST: Hatsuboshi Gakuen HR #2: youtu.be/34LsxtbBdQI >>482606891
June 27th, 8:30PM JST: SFP SHHis OurSTREAM: >>483369530
June 27th, 9PM JST: VL Manaka members-only stream: youtu.be/DXoVEk73aqo
Nobody would care if I got humiliated
I want to marry Minami Saki.
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I hope I post this at a good time. I want to articulate my feelings about the SC anime as a non-SCP (I'm sorry for being an EOP but I refuse to use MTL, I'm still learning Japanese) who consumes SC commus from time to time and watches the lives, mainly learning things through osmosis from what people post here. And the different manga. I will preface this by saying that I thought the anime was alright, at least to my basic bitch taste, but I don't think my time was wasted and I did enjoy some parts of it more than others, like illumine's episode. In my opinion, the ways it could have gone from alright to genuinely good and able to stand on its own without the second season would be:
- Dedicate multiple continuous episodes, at least 2, to each unit without cutting off to other units at random spots. This I think was half the reason the anime felt directionless and every time it happened I was annoyed by it because I want the story to stay put and not involve the other units if what they're doing does not directly correlate to the current plot, i.e. the units working together on something would be a valid reason. That would've taken up 8 episodes but I feel that those 8 episodes would've been stronger, especially if they took time to make each of those mini arcs well thought out. Even with how compact they went by giving each unit just 1 episodes, it honestly felt like some, like Alstro's, there was absolutely nothing done half the time. Like they were burning time. This only works with iyashikei, it is not the kind of feeling you should be getting from an idol anime, unless you go all in on the visual novel style. Where was ceiling-kun?
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I love Mao
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Big Sakuyas
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- The previous point I feel was impossible to do specifically because of the theater screenings. It would be bad if you didn't see two units until Part 2 for obvious reasons, which is why I think they could not do it if they were planning to follow through on theater screenings. The strategy worked well for ML because the 3 parts actually felt like 3 separate theater acts, Part 1 being the beginning about Mirai and Shiz starting on the road to idol and learning what it meant, Part 2 starting by overcoming their obstacle, and showing the idols in full work mode as they have more jobs, and Part 3 as the climax where everything comes together. They didn't shy away from some idols just being in the background either. SC parts on other hand did not feel like they were split appropriately, and the cutoffs did not feel like they were thought out all that well. I think they should have stuck to just starting in TV to make the first idea possible instead, or at the very least not cowered away from not constantly wasting minutes to tune away to see what this other unit is doing while this is going on. Give them a cameo at the beginning or near end when the work is done and everyone's back at the office and let the focus remain on the unit at hand.
- WING. This should have been the last 4 episodes, following on my first point. It doesn't matter if they lose or win, hell I would've accepted L'Antica beating illumine in the finals just like in the manga 10 times out of 10 over what we got if they had to have someone win, even if illumine should have earned that. I wanted to see hot blooded competition, they could've easily dedicated two episodes to cross unit training and being all rivals but friends and shit and it would have been fun, then have the semis in episode 11, have Amana break down, and then finals in the first half last episode and just close out the season with Amai's words about gaining something even if they didn't win.
>Where was ceiling-kun?
They were pushing for Sky-chan to be the new face.
What are some imas humiliation rituals
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- The music selection was very disappointing, I didn't realize how much ML had spoiled me with its 10 new songs. One new song per unit would have been welcomed but because they were so gungho about recreating the first live, I don't know, they seemed to have forgone doing anything other than Tsubasa Gravity, which while I like, isn't enough. I know people memed about the same song being played multiple times, but that would've have been so bad if we had also gotten more new songs, or at least not wait until the end to use the B-sides of the first CD set. This also extends to the BGM, I actually loved the piano tune, but they really needed more variety. Some of the commu BGMs are genuinely beautiful and can bring me to tears, they should've used those.
I will watch season 2 as well but I do not have hope that it will be better if they cannot split time appropriately and try to pull the same thing again. I made sure to keep my expectations low as soon as I knew it would be Polygon and I'm not changing those expectations, the fact they did not even sponsor SC 6th for free PR tells me all I need to know about how much Polygon cares. Next time it should be Straylight and noctchill with Mano focus, but if they're hampered by having to show where everyone is again I don't think we'll get that much better storytelling. I like Straylight as much as the next guy, but you can't just put them on screen and expect something to automatically be good. I would love to be proven wrong and for it to be a much stronger and well put together story next time. Final point, we should have gotten the strongest idol, Sakurakazamiya Himeno at least once, even as a gag. Thank you for reading my rambles, I am not good at articulating my thoughts, it took me an hour to write this shit down. Okay, good night doods. Hiori figure fucking when?
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>Dedicate multiple continuous episodes, at least 2, to each unit without cutting off to other units at random spots. This I think was half the reason the anime felt directionless and every time it happened I was annoyed by it because I want the story to stay put and not involve the other units if what they're doing does not directly correlate to the current plot,
Unironically my biggest criticism. Plus leaders being the only "real" characters.
No you didn't.
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>Hiori figure fucking when?
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New recolor gacha is up and running now.


Not much else today. Other reminders include that it is Sakuya's Birthday today and that the SHHis practice will be happening on OurSTREAM tonight at 20:30JST.

Over30 performing a Mofu karaoke song at the 315 production Christmas party.
Imagine that outfit in SfP.
btw i picked her up and threw her in right after
I'm not into joints when it's not gunpla. Same reason I don't like figmas.
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These are the only SideM's who have their own doujin circles this year and it's not who you think
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They twisted his neck
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[muffled screeching]
China remains last.
Last one standing, that is.
That's only for June Bride FES 2024 specifically
Carrying Chiyuki's "47" kgs is truly a hard work
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And drained his blood.
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Any time Over30 is together is a good time.
I don’t get this. Is there no way to avoid this debuff since it’s part of the P-item? Using only Mental cards seems impossible for this stage and maxing out to 10 hearts is also impossible
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>Ren x Takeru
These are two among the most popular SM pairings so I don't know why this would be surprising.
Kotone makes the best faces.
Hana my beloved
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Sometimes I imagine having two big, fluffy friendly dogs named Kirari and Sakuya.
Happy birthday Sakuya. I’m happy to share a birthday with you.
giant Pomeranian
Hmm....... nyo
it's so blatantly obvious that she's made to be le funni face character and it's embarrassing how effective it's been so far
I don't know why you'd go there for SM when Miracle Festiv@l is right there
She just got tired of people lewding the other two members of her group
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I like Kotone, memes and all, but the push is pretty hard to ignore.
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I think you articulated yourself well enough and the fair analysis is appreciated. I feel like the point of cutting away to other units during episodes would have been a fine idea to make 283 feel more "together" like a family, but it ultimately doesn't do enough with any of the conflicts to necessitate them appearing that way. The 1st Live stuff is nice, but to me it just feels like they were doing a live because I guess that's what idols do. I unfortunately won't be able to see the 3rd chapter of the 2nd season in theaters, but I am at least looking forward to giving it a shot. I've been enjoying things a lot more recently, so it won't bother me much if the new season isn't much of an improvement.

Happy birthday, anon
Men should be GROOMS
>The previous point I feel was impossible to do specifically because of the theater screenings.
The SC Season 1 gave no fucks about the theater screenings by showing the ending at the end of each episode (in contrast, the ML anime didn't and even only has 1 combined long ending at the end). Makes for a good toilet break, though.

Execution is the key here and the cliffhanger/teaser at the end of each act should make the moviegoer excited to see the next part. I liked how ML First Act ended with Mr Mogami showing up and how SC Season 1 Act 2 ended with P asking Mano to be the center. Yeah, that makes me want to see what happens next. For example, First Act focuses on IS (Mano joining) followed by Alstro (Chiyuki moving in the dorms) then transition to Second Act focusing on L'Antica and HCG which has members living in the dorm then all the while has Producer making rounds for the documentary just in time to end it with W.I.N.G for the Third Act so that it can end in the obligatory live finale.
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she's too young for this
It's for people who want to push their ship and show it to others, most SM shipstacies prefer to keep to themselves at SM-centered events.
Season 2 will be immensely better since it has the idols people care about............and Mei/Koito
>Have that many circles
>But fanart output is almost non existent and slow
I wonder if S2 keeps the same writers, I don't recall anyone mentioning this.
Neck yourself
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Kotoha and Mirai try to be a comedic duo
They probably do a lot of fanfics instead
Do you have the one in the same artstyle where she's holding a shotgun instead?
>S1 has the idols no one cares about
>S2 has the idols everyone cares about
>S3 has the idols ................
Looks like KyojiP has more in common with the nipPs than we thought.
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I think S2's main strength will be that they might have a better or more solid grasp of the OG girls. S1 had an almost schizophrenic level of care, sometimes being autistically in tune to detail and other times being half assed. I'm not sure about Stray or Noct though, though I see Stray as easier to write for.
Season 3 will be the oddball since you can't have Shhis/CoMETIK/Luca without slapping the lore plot onto the creation of 283Pro and Nami
>I feel like the point of cutting away to other units during episodes would have been a fine idea to make 283 feel more "together" like a family
Personally, I think it didn't work. The cuts were still focused on the units doing their own thing with no interaction from the other units.

Which is probably why I loved Episode 8 the most. It showed the difference between HCG and Alstro while showing how they influence each other. Also, that kick-off party has those little interactions (Mamimi showing her pet lizard to Mano and Kaho, Natsuha inspecting Meguru's arms, etc).
Much appreciated. She looks so goofy in both of those for some reason.
A part of me wonders if I would've had a better opinion of it if I had seen it in theaters. When I came out of ML Act 1 I was left wanting more, but I didn't get to experience that with SC since I was already out of the country. Like maybe that shared watch experience goes a longer way that I expected. Either way I'm sure I'll find things to enjoy next season even if it has problems, I like Fuyu's and Asahi's dynamics so as long as they stick to that I'll at least have that. If they upgraded the BGM to be more like what I've heard in commus, that alone would go a long way for me. What I'm looking forward the most is how Mano will deal with the autism of these next centers when she already has communication problems with normal people.
The OGs will be better off in S2, but in general I hope they stop jumping to cover everyone as if the director is on ADHD,
>>483662682 is right on the money. That approach will clash with the moods of different units.
SHHiS/Cometik should be their own show.
Do it in the style of Oshi no Ko's where we spent 1 hour and 30 minutes of Nami Yakumo ending it with her disappearance like with Ai's death
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Oh it absolutely did not work. The execution was off point and just started connecting groups that had no relevance to each other in the moment. I just think maybe the togetherness thing was their original intent that they completely flubbed at the start.
Ignore the schizoposts, they have no idea what they're talking about.
Cometik would be really hard to shoehorn in WITH SHHis's intro since their lore only makes sense after the SHHis arc.
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Only a few hours until people are horny for curvy JKs again instead of twigs.
Yeah, those first two posts were stupid.
I think they trued to "ease" into the crossunit scenes but did it with complete clumsiness.
I think all the idols should just get pregnant so they can give birth to the fourth vision or just have an abortion live
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>curvy JKs
Ume delivered us already.
I really wish Sumika was also a porn GK.
On the visual side, I know 3D can trigger people but one of the things I did like was some of the background pieces, like this from episode one. As a non-SCP, when I think of SC I think of solemn color palettes like this and I felt that at least in some scenes the mood was captured, but I can't speak as an authority since my experience mainly comes from serious commus.
Maybe not? Just imagine your reaction to the SC anime but you had to pay for it. I recall there was one autistic RinzeP who made a fuss about Rinze not wearing a kimono in his blog.
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What are you talking about? Isn't the gacha update on the 1st?
3D is fine when used selectively, not when they replace characters outright. And I do like the colors on the posters, so the bg artists did very well.
They should be showing off the full art at least.
I also liked the lighting during illumine's debut.
It was only 1900 yen, I spent more in acrylics.
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Character gimmicks being appealing are embarrassing now? Do you also complain about Hiro's masochism appealing to porn artists?
That's a curvy little sister, or Kaho but okay to sexualize.
Ume is far more than just okay to sexualize. They made imoutos like Amana and Hayate far lewder than their big sisters.
chocolate Karen
> Finally get 1st in midterms with Ume
> It's her breakthrough
Aw shit time to steamroll

Yeah, DOOM is rated M for Mature!
Should Im@s even need to have a serious storyline for it's idols to be appealing? GK is probably the most nothingburger in terms of conflicts (sasuga LN harem authors) and it's been very successful.
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Wonder Scale this BITCHdesuwaaa
You can have both and pull it off you know. You can adapt Kotone's arc with both fun and drama and it'd be well received.
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I appreciate good 3D and would be completely fine with it if studios took notes from certain examples and stopped trying to pretend they're making 2D anime with a different form of animation. I think SC had a good points in its animation alongside things like what you mentioned.
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Little sister idols?
SC's anime showed that doing CGDCT for the sake of CGDCT failed big time
When the Gakuen anime is made, I hope they copy Toradora's Taiga's scumbag dad for Kotone's arc, where he shows up again right as she's succeeding, but then bails when he realizes he can't swindle money out of her.
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Best Friends Idols
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Kemono Friends along with various /m/ shows like Knights of Sidonia have eased me into not minding 3D and just focus on the story. Also, those 3D kids show movie like Doraemon and Shin-chan pack a mean emotional punch.
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Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Mochidious the wise?
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>GK is probably the most nothingburger in terms of conflicts
You're not good at pretending that you played GK, much less other branches.
It's ironic that KF season two had better CG yet was a far worse show.

Visiting Arisu's cafe.
Don't respond to the shit stirrer.
>It's ironic that KF season two had better CG yet was a far worse show.
It was a very real example of SOVL vs Souless.
Sidonia was done by the same studio that did Shiny yet it looked much better almost 10 years ago, as if all the talented people were hired away by Dreamworks or something.
GK's "drama" seems to be on par with CG. I don't think it's a bad thing however.
SC placed too much expectations and people should've anticipated the school hijinks the moment the writers were revealed
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I guess these count as official art now.
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That's the future mother of my eleven children, also she was about to say something incredibly racist
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I thought not. It's not a story the idols would tell you.
It's a nuigurumi legend.
Yeah, I doubt he played the game. It's this shit talking point again.
I'm not sure if that's an actual event or if it's a joke.
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I don't know why SC's anime did so badly. I find the overall quality just the same as ML and yet people praised the latter with such praise and fervor
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Nah. That's like saying Healing's stuff is official art and Healing did a lot of crazy shit.
Isn't this background 2D tho
The SC anime felt much less expressive and way more stilted than the ML anime.
How many anime original songs did the U149, ML and SC anime havs?
S1 didn't have Madoka and Fuyuko.

Really, that's the only reason
Cumming in Mao’s sleeves so she can smell my smegma all day.
Nah you can tell the benches are 3D, it's just filtered.
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ML was boosted by an extra waiting period, so any extra bit of quality was seen as the next coming of Christ. It's better looking but still forgettable.
We've been over this. The problem with SC is the writing, not the visuals
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Soon you will be able to buy Million Jewels from Asobistore but in GREEN with special anniversary packs for even more jewels. These you can buy two of each.

You know, for running the event with. Or getting the linkage cards.
Both are awful but MLPs waited for almost a decade for the anime so they can't criticize it.
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Don't forget that the smocks are on sale until 6/28, though they might reappear later.
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SC should've wait at least 10 years to get an anime
Bits of these are right.
I'd say the visuals made it worse but less because "ugly" and more like they tried too hard to emulate the atmospheric tone but with less care. Which ties to writing issues.
It's a mix of these factors. That said, I don't think it's good to dwell on it.
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>This is outrageous. It's unfair. How can I be in the production and NOT be an idol?!
Being in terrible crippling debt thanks to your absent father and having to work part time jobs to make your dream come true is just not enough conflict for a teenager. I guess Kotone needs to be weeping about it all the time because subtlety and finding out about characters after playing the game is not enough, you need a giant sign over them so you know something is wrong.
Personally, I think the shounen manga approach works the best to make them appealing: introduce the idol and their motivation, show her trying to become the Top Idol and make friends/rivals along the way, etc. Like SP is kinda like one big tournament arc.
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Take a seat, younger Nanakusa-san.
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Nichien Pao
I really doubt the guy who made that post touched any commu.
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You say that everytime someone has an opinion. It's cringe
Forgive me nee-chan...
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headpats for these
And you fall back to avatarfagging every time people realize you're talking out of your ass
One of those guys has a name that sounds ridiculously close to Syuko's VA(unsurprising as she is chinese)
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and you keep bringing that up everytime a Fuyu pic is posted, so cringe.
Maybe if you used these pictures for literally anything other than shitposting there wouldn't be anything to "bring up" in the first place
SakuyaP in damage control whenever he sees Fuyu "P".
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Avatarfagging and secondary takes are bad.
Sisters are good. Post sisters.
Ever heard of just ignoring Fuyuko"P"? You're just as pathetic as him.
I get that it's frustrating to deal with but I think it would be better to not give that loser your angry (you)s
Kotone needs to be sleeping in a tent in a so-called remote place near Hatsuboshi Gakuen (because she can't keep up with the rent) but ends up in the property of the Juo Family and Sena discovers her. Maybe have some other elite girls bully her because Sena is friendly with her and they don't like poorfags.

...God, what gave the idea to the authors shoujo manga to put stuff like this?
It looks like this person started using these images, with those specific filenames starting on May 16th, it's like that day a switch was flipped and he decided to shitpost, weird.
Oh no Damayu has red hair now. Someone change Meguru's hair to red in Photoshop or something
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Fair enough.
I pretend they are sisters.
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Get help
Maybe not give FuyukoP attention?
I don't know how you're that dumb.
Kotone is the closest a GK comes to having actual conflict, and it's pure tell, not show.

The rest of the cast I've bothered to sit through so far have barely had anything approaching conflict, and any issues they have are completely minor and handwaved away after a single discussion.

I feel like this was a solved science 30 fucking years ago. I get that conflict can be hard to balance at times, compare the original Sakura in Sakura Taisen to the atrocious weepy Sakura in Shin who spends her whole time complaining about nothing. But man, give me a bit of fucking drama. GK really glosses over things that should probably be a bigger deal in universe, like producing the lowest rated first year into first place. Maybe they'll expand more on shit with HIF and this is just an introduction to the characters, but there's just not enough going on with most of them and the self-insert is a demigod who never makes any mistakes.
Hey that's just G-Witch
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>sleeping in a tent in a so-called remote place near [...] (because she can't keep up with the rent) but ends up in the property of the [...] Family and [...] discovers her
Is that Fruits Basket? Also, didn't Yukiho's old VA do a cover of the OP of the old anime adaptation?
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Yeah that is really weird I wonder what could have possibly happened on May 16
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Is this the only way to get costume recolors?
That doesn't make sense because Fuyuko"P" is insulting both SM and SC. Never GK
Fucking Logic
So illogical
I'll beat everyone's asses when the next contest makes you use two Sense instead
You get the recolors by upgrading eligible outfits to 5*. No need to roll for more if you've got the base version already.
Because that's someone else.
Can’t wait for Kotone to kill her father, YEAH
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Less meta. More sisters.
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Ah, naruhodo
People say serious are always putting up an act but for some reason something like this from Damayu being excited for Hiori and Reina being back feels genuine.
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Why sisters?
>"haha you like this funny meme character? turns out she likes money because she's POOR woooooooooow and you only find out about this during the ending"
I don't know why japanese storytellers always do this, I always see villains that are almost going to die suddenly spend 10 minutes explaining how tragic their life was and then they die and the characters go "are we the baddies??" for a few seconds and then they move on
Ugh, Asahi is your imouto now.
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>No, Producer, if you kill Kuroi, you'll become just like him!
Hiro was blasted on here when her bio dropped for being too unrealsitic and gimmicky and look what happened
The only rule for making a successful character is to make the audience care, which can be achieved in a diverse number of ways
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Is there hope for these sisters?
Why are they so big?
What argument do you have for Mao and Rinami's wasted popularity due to their writing?
>fuyuko meme pack 3
How many of these packs/memes(?) are there
>Hiro was blasted on here when her bio dropped for being too unrealsitic and gimmicky
This is so hilarious
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Alexa, play O-Ku-Ri-Mo-No Sunday!
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CG is not dead but I hope this transition period would end soon. The way I see it, next September will be the last anniversary and finale event of SS. After that they'll announce a new game in the works and have us Stay Tuned for half a year or so until the new game is unveiled.
Forcing Mao to be what she doesn't want to be and accepted it. Opinions vary if you're a nip or a westerner
Regardless of how well her and hitomi get along with reirei, being the only unit that wasn't complete in more than one occasion most have sucked
Hiro is liked because she's a kooky masochist, her backstory is still completely retarded.
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NTA but people ended up not caring. Personally I really can't take Rinami's sister thing seriously.
Mao's writer literally alienated the people who would have cared
Mao is transphobia
>Mao's character is her becoming the cool prince idol she always wanted to be
>Mao's writer: Yeah........let's forget that even happened
We only have three (OG non-im@s meme, Haruka, and Fuyuko). But we need one for each branch.
for a second there I thought you were talking about the nanakusas with the two of them surrounding your post
Dude nothing about that contradicts what I said
Hiro already succeeded in finding an audience that wants to see more of her, she can be a fucking alien from saturn for all they care
We need of EACH idol.
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another one
I think their writer is just straight up awful even making a simple story. GKP acts very goddamn awful and creepy in both of their scenarios.
Well it's four per meme pack because one tweet allows up to four images
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The onee-chan thing was pure cringe
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That's a lot of idols masturbating... now on panda
I don't think nips have an issue with Rinami. Maybe a bit too cringe but it's not any different from any CG idol
Mao on the other hand. Has complaints from both Japanese and Western audiences
yeah I don't think the original post was too off the mark, GK from what I've gone through is a lot of shits and giggles more than anything else. and people seem to like that so I'm not sure why the post got bombarded with "you didn't read the game", like what is this fucking elden ring now?
Toru you’re prettygirl
It's weird to assume the mass replier even played the game. As far as their idols go, GK is high school hijinks with barely any "dark" conflict.
It can be done.
>Needing "dark conflict" in your idol galge slay the spire clone
I'm not a teenager anymore, proseka is that way.
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Mass replier-kun doesn't play GK. He's just forcing himself to conversations he doesn't know about like he always does.
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I'm searching for and posting expys of Kanade-san. Or else I'm going to Alice
Gakuen is the zoomer branch after all
Shut up onee-chan bot
GK doesn't make me feel superior for having read it and that's a problem
You say that but nips sure made a big deal about Mao that her character arc is insulting to them.

As if our previous tomboy idols weren't subjected to wearing pretty dresses and getting girly hobbies.
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Coming in 2025
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if you used the dialog log you didn't read the commu
I think they're just insulted that they weren't getting the cool prince that they wanted and got a spaghetti spilling cute girl instead.

Only difference from Sakuya is that Mao wasn't blessed with porn
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I'm almost 30, I couldn't care less about muh dark plot. Also spot in D@nketsu when?
Sakuya looks like a dirty whore (even if she isn’t) but Mao is a cute prettygirl who smells nice.
I wonder what the GAKs would look like in Tours
Natsuki can be both cute and cool just fine, dominant when?
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I would.
Sakuya's arc has nothing with to do her princeliness (?) being a problem, she's on a completely different boat than Mao.
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Next Dominant just might be Passion/Cute btw.
I would rather have Yumi or Hinako though, myself.
same but in SC, and not just the GKs
Mao is only whined about by SJW types who are upset that they got what they thought to be "positive trans representation" that wound up going the "oh wait, I'm wrong, it's retarded to cut off my tits" route.
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I imagine she smells like coffee beans and toasted coconut.
What's the count now?
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I've been waiting for this one, my favourite fetish. Time to use it.
>As if our previous tomboy idols weren't subjected to wearing pretty dresses and getting girly hobbies.
I think the difference is the tomboys weren't told to quit being tomboys, and at least one personally wanted to be girlier.
Makoto really wants to wear them and you have this asshole dad painting her toys black.
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>someone commissioned this
But why?
You're telling me that GKP told Mao to stop being a cool prince?
it looks funny
Mao's issue was that trying to continue acting like she was before after puberty hit was making her miserable, her path was to find a way to accept her femininity (which she is indeed interested in) and thus allow her to be naturally cool when not trying to force herself.

Or did people just want her to stay sad?
I mean, princes can be feminine too.
That Jungle Book scene probably corrupted them as a kid.
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No, she didn't develop in a way that fits my political views so I'm afraid it doesn't count.
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Why do they love the Marty McFly pose in Asia?
Ume in smash bros.
Modern idpol says that Mao should've transitioned because she would be "happier" as a very short "man" who would still look too weird to get the stage roles she wanted.

The real problem with Mao's route is that it's just poorly written. It should be about her waking up and learning to live with it, instead it feels more like the player actively tricks her into being cute but it all works out because she was cute all along.
The Mao appeal I think they're trying to do is that she's girly around P who calls her cute all the time, yet still has that charming senpai vibe when interacting with the other students (such as in the support cards).

So you produce Mao to watch her be cute, and watch her be a cool prince type in the support cards.
People wanted her to be a cool dude. They didn't get a cool dude. They feel cheated.
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>This is official art
Karen no.
Ughhhhhhh, I can't reach A+ with RSaki... My final exams need 17k for A+ but I don't think I can reach that score with her... I'm being tempted to roll...
100% cool dude, that is. Obviously she's cool sometimes. Hence the complaints, they want cool all the time.
maybe he gotta snake and he's saying hi to temtem
She is cool, just when you're not producing her haha.
It's what the kids today call "gaslight a girl who wants to be a transgendered man into a girly girl because his misogynistic brain only thinks a girl is only valuable if she is cute and not cool"
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Her cuteness was leaking in this scene.
isn't that the family guy thing?
>what'sssssssss up girl
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Mochi fantasy
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Buy nerd drinks at Akiba Tolim 6/28 - 7/13, Anna's even goes vivid!
You just made her uglier with that Sachicuck hair
I used Yuriko again
Now give her a cat mouth.
lol wat
I like Mao
Once I get 1000 flowers I will redeem her SSR
Thats why you dont let underaged kids choose their gender
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Woah how'd she do that
I think two people joined recently
Why is there no webm of her turning to face you?
there was last thread
Sorry for seeing this late, thank you
What? There might not be "dark" conflict but there's definitely conflict, even if it's mostly internal.
Like Saki has a deeply underlying insecurity. It's not quite apparent outside of her route but it's a strong conflict with her outer confident persona. It's why both of her songs has lines about her "not running away". It even comes up in surprising ways, as Saki suddenly turning serious when Ume jokes about swapping bodies in a support commu.
Hiro and China's routes pose interesting questions about dreams, hobbies, and whims and their routes come to differing conclusions about it.
Heck, even Mao's route is a critique of gender and questions why stuff like "coolness" and "cuteness" have to gendered and opposite of each other. It's just poorly executed.
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Campus Mode translation
You really see how main the main trio are when you look at the line distribution
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Saki's insecurity is hardly underlying, she's a coward who runs away when she thinks she might not be better than her sister at something. It's still not much of a conflict because it barely comes up and she's totally committed to being an idol this time around. China is a simpler version of the same thing, she's never really tried at anything but is magically fully committed to being an idol.

None of these things are real conflict. They're brushed aside in 2 seconds when the demigod P just goes "lol don't worry" and everything is magically solved. There's no back and forth.
She said during their stream together that she was there for Cosmo's birthday so she's a real one
That’s my issue with it. She even says she doesn’t want to be tricked into it before you scout her yet somehow that is exactly how producing her comes across so it doesn’t feel heartwarming or anything, it feels stupid and contradictory. I don’t really know how that writer is going to fix that in future stories because that’s a bad way to introduce a character to an audience. At least with Rinami, she’s supposed to be (your) childhood friend so any over familiarity there can be excused because of that and the writing just isn’t memorable. Whoever their writer is doesn’t know how to properly execute anything to make it to where people care
Cute texting Tenka and checking up on her every night.
Ignoring and muting Temari.
Lilja and Sumika are the only well written ones desu
ok, /u/-chad
Good God man, you did not pay attention to any of Saki’s later commus, did you? Please do not bother writing this garbage when you can’t be bothered to read and comprehend what you’re attempting to criticize. If you dislike Gakuen that much, why bother discussing it if you’re not gonna take it seriously?
This artist being dead make me sad.
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Saki's issue is going to continue to be a thing as long as she keeps the misunderstanding that if Ume beats her that her little sister will become disillusioned with her, which is hardly the case as they love each other. It's the opposite conflict on Ume's side where it's like a dog wondering what she'd do once she inevitably catches the squirrel. I think for things to develop Ume has to eventually beat Saki, thus leading to a healthier rival situation where they keep building off each other.

In China's case, she's been spoiled all her life and hasn't been able/allowed to work this hard at something before, so the feeling of accomplishment she gets from having all this hard work pay off is what attracts her to idoling (also to keep Sensei from losing his job). She still sucks at stuff and is frustrated at herself, but keeps going regardless for this payoff. It's something similar with Hiro who enjoys something she can struggle with for once.
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NND gacha update: now you can get popular 2010 and 2011 videos
We aren't supporting NND anymore because their company gives money to terrorists
That's not the only insecurity I'm talking about. It's how Saki fears she'll lose all motivation once she loses to Ume and that hasn't been tackled yet. It shows that Saki still feels fundamentally inferior to Ume and that needs to be resolved
>China is a simpler version of the same thing, she's never really tried at anything but is magically fully committed to being an idol.
Again, not what I'm talking about. China resolves to use everything she has to become a proper idol, including her family name. She does this because, in her words, "dreaming is heavy", even if that dream started as a whim. Producer doesn't seem to fully agree by Bond 10, but this disagreement hasn't been fully resolved yet. This is in contrast to Hiro where the conclusion is "dreams and hobbies are the same" and both them choose to not use Hiro's greatest weapon in becoming an idol.
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China, Akira, Yukari and Hinana are the same age.
It's momoko
Wasn't it P that recommended she bring her family power into things, thus leading to the magazine cover, Temari barking at her, and making China sad because it made P's reputation worse? Seems like she'd be more against it after that.
And Ume! Technically, Ume is younger since she just turned 15 while China is 15 going on 16
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It has been achieved. Time to redeem.
I'm starting to think even the ones who read the commus still get bombarded with idiots saying "lol, you never really read the commus if you don't share my viewpoint". At this point, only ERP is the only place where there's a commonality
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Kinda won
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There's a voicemail from Megumi in TD about the Akiba collaboration tomorrow.
Shit, you get a ticket for 100? I really don't want to grind out RSaki and Temari.
You should be able to max out a tower of the girl you do like if you have done so. I haven't beat 18 because it's bullshit.
>"lol don't worry" and everything is magically solved.
Just like in real life?
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Nice, a good chunk of COBRA THE IDOLM@STER is back.
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Happy Birthday, Sakuya!
I wanted to get stuff to mix some green cocktail, but nothing was available. I opted to get a little green manju instead. It was a little hard getting everything in a good view with the right lighting to allow for the green light to look nice, but I think this photo was good enough. So long as the mochi and cake is viewable.
I look forward to seeing what happens in the future and am excited to take my mochi on its fanciest outing yet at the end of August.
It's the most obvious if you want to talk about SC because God forbid Madoka hates Toru or Hana has no real purpose than to make people seethe
Very nice tribute.
>Hana has no real purpose than to make people seethe
But that is her purpose. It even reflects IRL
Nice work
as for your struggles, I don't know much you have done it, but turning down the display brightness as much as possible helps tons, I've noticed
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Thank you.
Thank you as well.
I did turn it down quite a bit, but the bigger issue seems to be the actual light fixtures in this room. The one with better placement is too strong and drowns out the glow, but the othere (which I used) is further to the side, but not quite strong enough to illuminate everything as well as they need to be. I got different shots with more light, but wanted the glow too much.
It's whatever.
Nah, she still has that mentality by bond 10. And IIRC, the magazine shoot was after Temari barking at her
How do i A+
Stats. Essentially you always have to pick classes and SP lessons only.
Maybe the brighter light, but with something blocking it so you get less direct light from it?
If you've got a green sheet, you could get bonus green.
Dunno if that'd be good or just end up making your nuis look like zombies, though.
guys I saw anna fingering her buncun while talking to producer on phone
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Dunno about zombie nuis, but the filtering idea might work regardless. I'll keep it in mind.
I'll probably be living in a different place by the next time I do something like this, so hopefully I'll have a better room to work with then.
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Strong supports, so you get more stats.
And so you get more SP lessons. For more stats.
Then put score high in the final, since that counts towards it too.
You can put your stats into the calculator to see what final score you'd need, so you can use your resets if it seems possible for that run.
But I usually skip the calculator, and just reset if I think "I could do better." I don't always do better.
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Imagine the scene where a bunch of 4ft girls in pig tails surround Rinami to tell her that she's out of the group
Get lucky with SP lessons, perfect everything. You generally need one or two half decent starting cards to guarantee a perfect on the pre-contest lesson.

Or just run Hiro, because she'll do 20k+ on most runs.
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Mao's maos...
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nono has joined the clan
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single cask is doing gk
I've been doing that with no luck
Kotone has the worst fans
based on?
This is a females room right? No way a mans room is this clean...
This will save Sumika, Rinami and Mao.
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You can't see the rest of the room filled with clutter and half-finished sorting attempts.
That is mosf definitely not a female.
No one cares
Look at your laptop right now and tell me you can eat on it
he cleaned it for the photo
Don't project your own failings as a human being
You don't clean up specific areas for photos?
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Thank for feeding the shitposters ig
Kotone invigorates something in me
tf does that mean? is my room not supposed to be tidy?
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They made fun of Sachiko.
This fucking pig thinks everyone is like him.
SachikoPs are so insecure.....
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Clean up.
Get tidy.
Freshen up the air.
Be happy.
Shitposts with her meme faces
Slutposters latching onto her because of her story
Most snobby fanbase thinking shes immune to criticism due to her backstory
>No matter what time of they day I check the thread this subhuman keeps talking to himself.
[laughing idols.jpg]
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I'm still stuck at lv9 but her backstory sounds too low-hanging to not have more to it than what's just being said here. "Character likes money because she's poor" sounds like an oversimplification.
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Tours 2nd location test appears to be version, could be a ways away from release.
Looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub?
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what are people even criticizing? the writing? her character?
It's software versioning so 0.2 could easily jump to 1.0. Kinda reminds me of that manga that was like Chapter 8.1, Chapter 8.2, etc because it has to end on Chapter 9 or something.
He is just mad someone likes anything as usual.
I don't even know, I just like complaining
Her bond 10 has a bit of a curveball in it but it's been mentioned dozens of times on /@/ so you probably already know it. Her appeal is simple, I like her but I don't get the urge to start talking to myself about her like with Temari or Saki.
Doing this but with her pussy
version numbers mean jack shit
But I do enjoy entertaining the idea that they are years away from actually releasing them proper
Kotone's deadbeat dad wasting the family's savings at the pachinko parlor
SideM is the worst for the fujoshis and due to the fact that P is generally ambiguous in most of the gachas it allows the worst people to self insert. I'm glad ShinyMas and Gakumas blatantly reference the P as male to filter most of the freaks.
Didn't they already say that Tours was set to be released on 2024? At the very least, they need to announce something in that 19th->20th stream about the situation.
Bless you
finishing in her wallet
SC also attracts NTR enjoyers a lot compared to the other branches
The decline of CG really broke the shitposter
I really like her, but I don't feel like talking about her here because of the shitposters.
>Same posts every day.
reminds me of that one asmr where I'm a teacher raping and blackmailing a student and one time she had to finish me off in a bus ride but had to hurry up before we arrived and someone noticed and in the middle of it the bus bumped on something so her schoolbag opened and since she was hands full with serving me she just said fuck it just finish quick so I blew my load all into her bag and over her school utensils knowing she had to deal with it for the rest of the day and it was the hottest shit ever
Majority of gambling heroes quit before they make it big
the shareholding meeting confirmed it's gonna be releasing within this fiscal year
Pet her head
reminds me of the ccs doujin where she's blowing the guy in class and she spits it out in her pencil case
It's pat
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Bro have you never been in a woman’s room?? They’re disgusting.
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hey that cake looks tasty
turkeyhandle release??
>Kotone is a poor wagie who really loves money -t. shitposters
Wtf kotone is a literally me fr character?
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lol, coomer
Hidekazu Tanaka... you fucking retard
Did he do something again
The start of CG's downfall....
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Nah I just miss his music
How do you clear the Kotone 15th stage? It's so hard to build impressions while avoiding the bad effects
an idol who could be a mother to me...
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It is pretty tasty.
Would probably be great with coffee.
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I need more mochi twitters...
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I get a lot of stuff by just searching for もちほわ
I don't know how long people are going to use it, but #シャニぬい写真部 has had some recent growth.
Kotone 15 is easy. You want a main card with 2 +1 card use items and as many free turn cards.
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homeroom started for real
mao's va is cute
>>within this fiscal year
>Apr 2024 ~ Mar 2025
I guess that's still like half a year to go at most.
Mao and Rinami will be salvaged
Speaking of shareholder meeting
since their mmo failed, maybe they'll care more about im@s
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You can reach first place by clearing all the challenges.
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Apparently Sumika's VA hung out with Lilja's VA last summer.
Oh, btw, IP devs fucking love japanese dresses
Be prepared to see them alot
The event reward will involve a P SSR card.
Not really. They would shuffle people, resources, etc from that project to somewhere else but not necessarily iM@S. Like if Tekken or Soul Calibur team needs more help, those might get prioritized.
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damn slut
sumika looks small here
The card comes with a new song: Kimi to Semiblue by Sumika, Mao, and Rinami. In that there are 3 solo versions of them as a group song, the performances are still solo.
Ooohh Sumika ya
Wow, this song is ML coded as fuck.

Also, I like how the stage looks like an ocean.
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She's bouncing all over the place
>Main trio get solos
>Other girls get shared songs
Wow main trio favoritism is still going
Literally a slut who dances with that bikini in front of many people
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>Mao swimsuit confirmed
Megumi's daughter is already a giga whore. I'm impressed
>Sumika, Mao, and Rinami
Then why didn't you have all three in the fucking concert so they could perform it together? So it's either Hiro will be left out or just skipped.

I actually like how much effort they're giving to make the main trio stand out seeing how other main trios get thrown to the wayside over the actual popular characters like in SC and CG.
Like mother, like daughter.
The bicchi is you though
Are the MVs gonna be a reskin of each other like Hajime?
This is really good, but I think animating seiyuu is creepy
>I actually like how much effort they're giving to make the main trio stand out seeing how other main trios get thrown to the wayside over the actual popular characters like in SC and CG.
It helps that people actually really like them. The only one that's likely close to their popularity is Hiro
why would hiro be left out or skipped???

dreamer is good
>Lilja, Hiro, and China
How does this meek trio work?
Cosmo's childbearing hips...
The event commus will focus around Mao, and the P SSR card you get from the event is also Mao.
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I want that faggot that told me that "other idols are not afterthought" to look me straight in the face and say this again
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a real bikini
I love my boyfriend(girl) so much.
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Power creep is already insane. Base SSRs are already junk.
please... give me a fucking sense ssr already...
They really left flatfags to die on this one...
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Takes off 8 health, but is a triple attack.
It is sense, they made a mistake on the icon
ok and when do they stop giving sumika the ugliest fits ever
This is also a sense card, so Mao doesn't have a logic one yet.
I mean that if they wanted this to be a song they could sing during their concert, Mao, Sumika and Hiro are the lineup for the last one so they could've thrown Hiro in there instead of fake Neesan. Well, she could just sing it and whatever but I know there are fans who always prefer the "True lineup" so to speak.
wow Mao's mao is that big
Double separate Sumika and Rinami gasha, time to die.
what's so cool about this
yeah and i meant logic, oops. i have four sense and no logic
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CG treats my idols better and she is fucking unvoiced
+13 fucking yaruki, jesus christ.
I wonder if Mao logic will use her more girly version (assuming Base is represents both)
Mao gets another Sense SSR
Her Skill card does 14 x 3 parameter increase, at the cost of 8 direct Stamina damage (doesn't use Genki)
Her item gives her 14 genki if she starts the turn with 3 concentration (activates once per stage)
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This is where I live.
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Logic Yaruki Sumika, looks silly broken.
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swimsuit with sneakers on is my fetish
Holy fat thighs. There's certain angles that make the thighs look thick as hell
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Why nerf her tiddies?
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Yuri support SSR
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Hotpants Rinami ugh
>cool prince idol
>Her content is anything but that
Maomao... (not the apothecary diaries one, the GK one)
>not showing kotone bikini
Are you fucking joking with me rn
ESRB parka
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she really is the chiyuki of gk
We all know she raised that zipper the moment she realized Lilja and Saki mogged her
You think Bikini guy will like this revelation?
Why are they so terrified of regular bottoms?

All these swimsuits seem very heavily "健康", which is the new Japanese way to say "safe horny". The whole POINT of swimsuits is sex appeal, you fucking homosexual freaks.
Skill card
3 direct stamina usage
Yaruki + 8, if Yaruki is 6 or more, adds 5 more Yaruki
Once per lesson, no duplicates

After using an active skill card, if Yaruki is 12 or more, increase Parameter by 340% of Yaruki, then use 2 stamina directly
Activates 4 times per lesson
Literally Marin Kitagawa
BIKINI gacha
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>Main trioP's thought they could save
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Sumika's set will come first, followed by Rinami's after.

Another Idol versions announced, you can switch between them and the standard SSR.
I mean, doesn't he hate when they're wearing anything besides straight out bikinis? Like those shorts and jackets are a big no
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Lilja... my leftover idol...
Retard trio are already relegated to barely being mentioned.
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I take my word back, thanks for sharing their full body bamco
Computer, enhance Hiro's ribprint
These are all perms, right?
So the gacha below (Another idol gacha) is going to be the paid one?
>Yui isn't in Mika's slut group
You're going to have to worry about Lilja more since the next event is most likely a Retard trio one.

Unless they do something with Lilja, Hiro, and China which I can't imagine unless it's all three of them building an actual mecha.
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You can set the SSR you want to be pickup in these.
mao squirted me
So what's the point of introducing Ume so early if we're gonna have to wait for Misuzu and Sena to fill in for her trio?
They're special versions of each idol's base SSR. Like if you have their first SSR already and you pull the swimsuit the game treats it as a dupe and gives you pieces.
this game is too expensive for me...
It's limited
It's not paid, as far as I can tell
So Mao is doing so badly that they've poorly shoved her into this event with a new SSR they didn't even really think about well enough to put the proper logo on it.

She's wearing the same suit as the rest of the "another" idols. They could've changed it a little bit if they couldn't be bothered doing an actual re-design.
>Ume made Lilja a leftover idol
I fucking hate Ume
Silly anon, shot? You should hear how ridiculous you sou
>P level cap up
P level max to be increased next month.
Meanwhile, sneaking in while many eyes are on Gakuen....

Aahh yes I can't wait to see Saki singing her kpop song and dance with that outfit.
>calling road to idol Tower
S-She has a different CG art...
Mao has regular bikini bottoms, what you're complaining about isn't a real issue
Goddamn, 34k people are watching.
is that a ni nja
Where's Ume's solo you hackfrauds
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As part of the P level cap increase, they're adding more assignments to the P assignment track
wow I could never guess who these two are
So it is just a costume
I can't believe Sumika left her GFF like that
All the non-event girls do, but all of them have it covered up.

I didn't mind it as a design decision for Mao. It's retarded when it applies to the entire cast, and stinks of censorship.
Sorta, but if you don't have the base SSR you get its gameplay at least
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GK Karaoke Steam in July
I'm confused
Is it Lilja getting left out or is it Ume?
They even showed Mao when they were showing off all the another girls squirting the water gun. This theory has merit
We are well fed this summer, the fan arts are going to be delicious.
TD anni stream will mogged it soon
Considering the rates it's pretty much another SSR
It's hardly a theory, It's really obvious because they didn't even bother giving Mao her own swimsuit.
>oh look we have different singing level
>first 3 SSRs have nothing of a sort
>next 2 don't get new song at all
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>He prefers ER over AC6
There's another like 60k on Twitter.
I dunno why japs like Twitter streams.
they live and breath on twitter man
The ribbon on Lilja's cookie bag is Sumika's hair color intentionally, apparently.

That's pretty gay.
How do you even watch the stream in twittte?
That's all she get for being left over
Anon, they gave everyone swimsuits. They just gave Mao for free due to the event being about her which will have more people to at least try her dogshit route.
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you're replying to bait
So what's the lovely gifted writer of battle harems gonna write about M • A • O in a swimsuit?
China's base model should have that stupid hat too on her. Truly a wasted chance.
oh wait, it's just total views
not counting current viewers
Ace combat 6 fucking sucks tho
>her dogshit route.

I don't get it, /@/ was very positive about the route, claiming it only triggered twitter trannies, but recently ive also seen many anons here mad about it. why the change of opinion?
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Hiro and Rinami's VAs will be at that talk event in Miyagi. Doesn't sound like it'll be streamed.
yeah it's a talk event for that region war that was happening pre release
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It may have been my fault but I never realized Liljas SR outfit has sneakers. Like wth.
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Ume Neonmax figure announced.
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Ume mentioned
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I actually prefer it like this. You don't need to go all out. The imagination can work. Give me ones like these and I'm way happier than full sexy.
Sumika's been dressing Lilja up it seems
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quick anon, finish inside the bag
That Shizuka Mogami/Fuuka Toyokawa P is gonna complain again that Ume already has a figure
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>Saki got nendo
>Ume got figure
Truly a best sister, these two hanamis
He will say burkas or some shit
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How are they still advertising a game with nothing new at this point?
With BIG discounts, of course.
Well they can't just overtly tell you to just go whale on their other gachas either
Yeah, why do they keep advertising TD?
only on sales of asia area lol
Drinking Rinami's onsen water...
w@ter m@ster
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Hot and steamy nights with a mochi

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Gakuen makes me fucking furious Jesus fucking Christ
calm down it's just a game
>Jesus fucking Christ
Those don't look like weddings. It's June and I expect a wedding. I don't care if they're ninjas, marry them anyway. I want a fucking wedding.
Uzuki but upgraded
I didn't know you could set the playback speed to 2X for ultra live playback and comment like 2 seconds before everyone else.
sidem sis...
One of them got it last year.
I thought you meant steam版 for a second
I've been doing that for years now
>me fucking furious
>Jesus fucking Christ
Can you just stop making a gay posts?
scissors is so fucking broken
Anyone care to elaborate what I have to do to get the swimsuits? Are they another costumes Pack or gacha unit or what?
me retard
me angry
Seems the event commus are a bit serious/heavy given what Mao is previewed to be saying.
Wait, sanbaka also get a bikini outfits?
Very nice
They're SRs.
Shizuka Mogami/Fuuka Toyokawa P....
Secondary gacha for alternate skins for existing SSRs. If you don't have the original SSR they act as the SSR though.
mao is free
sumika and rinami are ssrs
everyone else has them as alts to their base ssrs cards and are included in both sumika/rinami gacha and their own separate banner where you can pick which idol you wanna get the most
Forgot the link
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can you believe that the idols can't even wear a swimsuit without having to cover 50% of their body
It's a fucking Welfare.
>GK "serious" events
>"omg... am i really cool? i guess i will have a water gun fight with my besties to know!"
>Sekai serious events
>"I am running away from my parent's home because I am physically and emotionally abused, but I feel guilty over being a dissapointment of a daughter."

Goes to show the writing quality from Gakuen.
But it's written by her writer, no? Don't expect much
Mao: Play event
Everyone else: Roll gasha (SSR)
Damn I was hoping I could save up a spark but it's time to roll I suppose.
>mao is free
Good lord that's a shitty free ssr
temari sexo
I need to see Kotone in her bikini NOW
Ah yes
The masterful work of Mao/Rinami's writer will deliver once again
they're doing commando
you forgot your
>Good fucking Lord
I know that's how it's spelt in some games but gasha sounds so fucking wrong.
It sounds like some african dish or something
They have to follow google play guidelines bro. Please pay your local artist to enable idol porn.
Man i really wonder how new Rinami song would sound like...
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SHHis OurSTREAM in 15 minutes.
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Are you really going to cry "muh censorship" when Sumika and Rinami are wearing this,?
Why do Kotone and Saki have the same breast size?
What the fuck is sekai
Stop saying bikinis. You'll summon him
>making her wear pants
I don't feel like rolling this Sumika... she looks like a whore in this one...
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>mao is free
Heh so she's another gk slut, got it.
They really should use a lighter shader for the skin or go for a soft shade.
It's just a Bandai Namco thing, which are the majority of the Imas games at this point. Just CG uses gacha.
You can clearly see the different size of their cleavages...
You don't like whores?
I'm not a coombrain so no
I'm in a tight spot. I really like Sumika but she always dresses like a slut. What should I do?
By stopping being cringe
nice headcanon
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you tell'em koito
Fall in love!
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That's supposed to be a B89?
gakumas swimsuit design kinda lazy… maybe im comparing them to aipura but
The cleavage looks pretty good in Mao and Saki here.
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No, she still got some hanami-mama's genes.
Good morning Madoka-sama.
Okay whose tweet is this?
A lot of girls will adjust their style according to their partner's preference.
Proof? CG Karen's outfits over time.
Sorry It was me, I will delete the tweet now
>imas, near-porn update
>new imas, near-porn update
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I think Rinami's swimsuit has a really good design.
Hell naw dawg. Not saying we should try to out-whore AL or Nikke's outfits, but this shit is mild.
>your shitty imas, near-porn update
>my god imas, near-porn update

>imas, near-porn update
>swimsuits are near-porn
This place
And by design I mean I really wanna fuck her silly
I like how it calls attention to her armpits.
We love all im@s the same
the neech twist
Except SM.
Don't care about card strength. Is Tame-Lie-One-Step's live worth it? The new live looks weak I'd rather have PSSR1 Sumika.
Crossposters seem to be quite prudish. Remember when one was hyping up one of the Bandori swimsuits as if they'd just flashed her tits in full view?
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Beware, the bik*nischizo will be summoned very soon.
near porn update? im@s? YES PLEASE
>Give Hiro a spiffy hat in her art
>Will definitely not appear when you roll her anyways
Why do they do this? I'm sure all people will want to see if her model has visible ribs anyways.
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Stream summary
Rinami's gacha is probably the best time to reroll to aim for Ume and Rinami.
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Let's talk about Madoka's PSSR4 and what she means in the ending. By saying Torusuki is it
a) I like Toru;
b) I wanted to be transparent; or
c) I like how transparent ShinyP is.
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SHHisP friends, identify this dance.
Saving for ume and hiro ssr sukumizu
So when will the new cards be out?
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>SakiPs spent all their jewels for BBP
>Now has to roll for a literal dupe to get a costume
At least it also comes with a performance I guess.
In 3...
I wish toru's name wasn't 1 kanji
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mochi buddies on a birthday

My autism sister.
Like this.
A retarded.
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Why is Saki a femP idol?
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Come watch Million Radio, they might show off the Linkage card art.
>Now has to roll for a literal dupe to get a costume
Is this banner the same as the regular banner?
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Sing the current 17 GK songs (birthday songs not included) at your local Japanese karaoke Joysound booth on 7/13.
She's the onee-chan they wish they had.
Rinami has babymaking hips…
It's a pickup gacha. It's technically like a fes gacha where the rate is doubled 1.5% lol. Normally it's at 0.75 iirc.
It's been decades since...
it's literally for the upcoming new song event
She has that villainess but actually nice thing going on. Women love nice villainesses.
>He's here
Of course he is
Unironically kino. GK writing really mogs ML and CG.
You retards said his name 3 times...
Who? Candlejack?
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Why stop at three times?
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Mikoto...such stoicism...
The fuck is this retard talking about?
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I look like this
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the sfp noctchill event costume was named like that
With this treasure i summon
You're supposed to use only mental cards in the first half, stack up the stamina cost decrease buff, then use active cards in the second half, stack up the +100% score buff and tank the stamina usage debuff
>Bikinischizo is here
It's gojover....
Better blocking than the anime.
Nobody cares about that dead game, anon.
>Season 3 will
I’ll never forgive that bitch
This P has seen some shit.
SEA hours are here, of course he is along with the other schizo.
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woah that's literally me
You're shitposting, but I'm legitimately glad that Imas has been spared the insanity of not only the West, but also Chinkland and Worst Korea.
>trash mogging trash
kek ngmi
I hate wordplay so much.
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I think she's morphing the word for "to be transparent/透き通る" into just toru

like the concept of being transparent to her is just toru
Word play best play.
Rinami’s model’s butt better do justice to her stats.
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I only said anon once
I didn't read what she said beforehand though
So is she talking about shinyP?
I have no idea
This isn't really much different from the push that CG got. You guys keep saying you want SS2 well here it is, it's even by Cyberagent.
DLC of all time just dropped so they'll stay afloat for the next decade
Meds are in short supply today.
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cina baby
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Turns out we really don't need CG as the main pillar of im@s anymore, GK can take their place just fine.
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They are covering Hanasakuya's song.
beetlejuice beetlejuice?
Not beating the Tenka the Rock allegations.
Didn't this guy get doxxed?
Anon isn't a name.
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What's with Anna and patches recently?
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Eyepatch Bun
>They are covering Hanasakuya's song.

>bunished anna
Is there a reason why they no longer do AS covers?
Something with Columbia?
Isn't this bitch got SSR like a week ago
Need to fap to that kunoichi anna prisoner doujin
kunoichi's are built for one thing only
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Miria is a mommy (sorta)
Fuck no jutsu?
Sexpionage, especially anna
She's like jonin level
Big bouncing tits? DOA taught me that.
Information gathering?
Columbia being stingy as usual?
What's her preferred method
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Gokkun. The answer is gokkun.
Hacking your search history.
I wonder if the new 765 game will reliscense all their music under asobinites somehow.
Hayate no Gokkun?
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>I think animating seiyuu is creepy
More or less creepy than a 100-page doujinshi about a seiyuu?
Brutal sex.
Not him but most 2D drawings of VAs hit me with the uncanny valley.
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Kotone sisters???????
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it cums and anna looks great with the eyepatch
Can tomorrow CG's content compete?, I don't really have hope in them as of late.
That's what we want.
Having a random gimmick like shiny pupils that only appear for a portion of a single MV is so TD.
She's so flat
What will the other main yellows think
just how we like it

I saw this and thought of the sailor bikini
Sumika's B89 are pretty tame.
Man, Sumika's bikini thing is peak slut.
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The sheer power of the Nappi koebuta has always impressed me. I have pictures of some of the shrines people have made for her saved because the chibi Nappi acrylics and figures are cute (especially the sombrero one), but I would never post them, and I don't really save other VA stuff.
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Hayate no Gotoku.
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I like them flat
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Yeah and especially when drawn next to their character
I mean her comment claiming that it's a swimsuit

That reminds me of the sailor bikini in a funny way
>Not him but most 2D drawings of VAs hit me with the uncanny valley.
Haven't seen too many of those but from those I did, it kinda feels intentional desu
Post Haruna
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Pre Haruna
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I already spent so much money on GK this swimsuit event is going to fucking kill me.
Mao's VA makes me feel things
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For me it's Sumika's
as much as the devil is sexy, I would never dare
>momoko getting off to headpats
damn it meeco
im@s anime with kerorira style
It's taking a lot of strength for me to not post the Nappi/Kaoru/Inori/Ibuki shrine.
Do it, I'll vouch for you.
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I'm not here to anger the 2D defeners, and I can't find the tweet, so here's a catbox:

Not even a buyfag, but I want that sombrero acrylic.
One day I’ll trick out a room like this.
That Yuika pajama is still my favorite.
I wonder what power Sakuya mochi holds.
I really hope they're not limited.
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Those discounts aren't just big, they're massive.
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>7th anniversary
Guess I've been doing Im@s things for 4 years now.
The little details that aren't official merch like the sunflower wreath on the left are the best part. I wish we all had the time and money to build a closet for our idol ;_;
She kind of looks like China.
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Who the FUCK is this douchebag
Very cute shrine.
man, sc spoiled me crazy because i'm not really feeling these gk swimsuits. but rinami looks good with a big ribbon
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>I wonder what power Sakuya mochi holds.
On top of the rest of inherent mochi powers, the ponytail is absolutely massive. Kiriko's hair is like dual wielding while Sakuya's is like a greatsword. She also boasts an impressively high charisma stat.
I like the Sumika sporty one. I mean they are not very /fa/ but you know.
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I'm not a big fan of Sumika's but I think the style fits her. Then again the bikini/shorts combo peaked with Natsuha.
they look like shit desu
The crazy part is that this:
is by the Medalist mangaka so it's pretty obvious Inori is just Kaoru mashed up with Kaoru's VA.
Which is either creepy, or one of the more impressive things to manifest from doujinwork in the past 10 years.
yeah sumika's also nice but i wish she had a different hairstyle for it. like a ponytail maybe
Aieeeeeeeeee I don't have much jools
Shiz looks very exploitable
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What is your favorite so far?
Each day is a step closer to the death of ML.
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Oops forgot to attach pic related
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I wish SC summer updates hit a bit earlier. Some of tbe ones from recent years were late July or August.
Those aren't swimsuits, they're dresses from last year's live.
I think he likes Roco and Anna.
you must be pretty upset that the leaks already showed a new game then.
What do you mean 'showed'?
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I would agree, but I have a tendency to not even think about seasons changing.
Kiriko UGH
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Cosmo's gonna do her members-only stream while playing Mini Metro on June 29th, 10:15PM JST
you know damn well what i mean.
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Please Cosmo's only fans content.
I don't and that's why I'm fucking asking you
Which leak? The second one is fake and the first one just hints at an IP rebrand
It's not creepy it's impressive, and the guy is living the dream because she's also confirmed to voice Inori. The guy cannot stop winning.
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I say this mostly because summer is when I actually spend money.
ML is far from death, not sure about the one with shit load of idols though.
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Cutest body
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Favorite what?
they're renewing their focus for the branch, giving it a major push. which is going to be a new game.

2nd leak is fake but it's not just a rebrand, those graphs indicate bamco's focus and ml shoots back up with it. they're doing something new for the branch and it's not an anime because those were listed separately at the bottom.
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Retra has bigger boobs so why Cosmo and not her?
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Ranko is my angelic wife.
But why pushing ML instead of CG, I don't get it? is CG really that disposable?
Assuredness and having facts straight was never your strong suit, after all.
Letora is so pretty
You nerds scoff at vtubers but if she was in your favorite branch you'd be all over her.
>but if she was in your favorite branch you'd be all over her.
I don't like her flan hair. I'd say quite a few vtubers look better than her. Cosmo is actually pretty.
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They're a lie (one step).
I missed my chance to download her for SCVI...
It's all about perspective, but I think it's impressive too.

Why is everyone so convinced the first leak is 100% real and the second one is 100% fake. The only thing in the first leak that wasn't announced before the leak was GK, and nothing but the Gakuen name is the same. None of the GK idols are the ones from the leak. And the schedule for Tours right now has exactly matched the second leak so far.
She looks like her hair dye is fading and she hasn't bothered to fix it.
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Haimura sure loves his sticks
>Why is everyone so convinced the first leak is 100% real and the second one is 100% fake
because there were actual videos that documented different things.
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I am nearly done updating the OP. Please wait warmly.
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Plans clearly changed. I feel that anyone obsessed with chart is aware of this and uses it to shitpost. It's best left ignored.
Sticks are good, but I wish HiroP artists weren't so focused on ribs.
That alone doesn't necessarily make a leak real, and people were still iffy about it up until the GK reveal.
Anyone is shitposter to you
I'm excited for it, all the more so if it's a ML+CG game
The iDOLM@STER ST: Starlight Theater
Careful there, anon.
You'll cause someone to have a aneurism if you suggest a combined game.
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>MLCG game
Why are you so hellbend with that? I don't think merging ML with CG will work.
no, people stopped being iffy about it because days later when the content reduction for ss hit and that lined up. the gakuen trademark sealed the deal. there was gameplay footage for the cancelled chinese branch, you can't compare some blurry sourceless image with that, the difference in effort between the 2 isn't close.
Not a bad name desu
That someone should just get off the internet for good
She just needs to fix her hair to become a 10 out of 10.
just like PL, that game is going to EoS before I get to spend money waiting for my idol's turn desu
I'm very easy so I'd date any of the girl idols except the chidols.
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>Starlight Theater
Sounds like a revue collab we're never gonna get.
Same but I'd also reject the turbo autists. I don't want to be a babysitter.
It would be fun, but I'm no game design expert so can't speak about the logistics.
The 2nd leak starts at Q3 2024 aka July and goes up until 2025, there's still time for staff to start happening before we can dismiss it.
You can fix them, bro.
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Are you all completely fucking blind?
The ML anime blows the SC anime out of the water in terms of animation quality, let alone writing.

This whole "Oh, the ML anime and SC anime are about the same" narrative is one of the most baffling things I've seen in this general in years.
if you want to believe it then go for it. not gonna get in the way of a man and his copium.
This but the opposite
Dude that was like 8 hours ago...
Theater Girls
Million Cinderellas
Starlight Live
nta but this isn't a chat room
He just wanna
Just wanna fight somebody
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Yeah, and it's still just as wrong now as it was then.
All I can think of is it would ruin both CG and ML concept, both are fine as seperated things.
Generals are a chat room tbqh
This looks terrible in its own way, but you are most likely a koebuta so it appeals to you more.
This guy really sat here during all of dead hours just to branchwar with himself
The CG only looked good in a few scenes, that's the most I'll say.
>let alone writing
It was less messy but it wasn't that good. Most girls just got a nugget of characterization and the trio felt very unbalanced (Bass may as well not have been there). In an attempt to be somewhat fair they gimped almost everyone. Both shows are mediocre.
Retarded, baseless ad hominem attack.
I wonder if AS will be in the reboot.
Anonymous765 is now Online.
I never saw anyone defend U149 and SC anime
Look at all those movements, I wonder how much spent
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You won't ever get them to agree on anything regarding the second leak or really even any of the actual facts from the first one. It's not even a bad faith argument, but something worse. He takes details from the second leak (Cygames giving up CG rights) and pretends they were in the first leak half the time. It's been this way whenever it comes up for months. He is going to continuously post that CG is confirmed "phased out" and all staff and VAs laid off until it either happens or a new CG game comes out, and then he will immediately move the goalposts somewhere else.
Sent you a DM with those feet pics you asked ;)
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Don't be too fast to lower your standau, anon
I was always ignored and made fun of and then 30 years I'm in fact on demand with the highest caliber Asian girls.
Anonymous876 has logged off.
The ML anime did a better job with 52 characters than the SC anime did with 16 characters in the same number of episodes.
Damn, some Chinese gold farmer must have guessed his password. Yesterday it was "last online 16 years ago".
Yeah I know it's all just shitposting, that's why I don't take it seriously and I hope that you don't either, for your own sanity.
Letora's hair is like a pudding/purin with red and green sugar sprinkles served with mint glaze. I might like if it was a dark-to-light gradation like Manaka's or somewhat uniform like Popona's (Sega / Phantasy Star vtuber).

Still, though, why couldn't she like have that dark caramel spot be covered by a headgear (like the beret for her casual one)? The fanarts that depict her hair a Toru's (no dark spot in the middle, no random red/green lines) make her look better.
I didn't even get BBP and probably only have time to scrape together one more ten pull... I'm actually bricked
If I wouldn't lose out on the event support card I should arguably just reroll for the costume at this point
The comparison is retarded, coming from reducing them to the fact that they're both 3D and that's the only thing that happened in both animes.
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Thankfully not, I just have some disease where anything I type sounds serious even if I don't lose any sleep over it. It is frustrating though.
So is the schizo just here 24/7 now? The last few threads have been fucking abysmal.

It feels like there's not a single hour of the day anymore where I don't have to sift through 500 samefagged branchwar doomposts to find the actual discussion.
>So is the schizo just here 24/7 now
Either that or it's a discord group
It's obviously just people coping but I'd be dismissed as shitposter anyway.
I assume the VA had an input in the design so maybe her actual hair looks like that too.
I mean he's a NEET, he has all the time in the world. I just find it funny the bikinischizo got nuked instantly and this dude gets a free pass.
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I don't mind hair gradients but hers is too dramatic. Mei also has "pudding hair" but it's more gradual and subtke.
I just skip reading when I wake up and see >500 posts instead of 100. At least bikinifag got nuked.
>I just find it funny the bikinischizo got nuked instantly and this dude gets a free pass.
The absolute state of our dogshit mod team
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She should stop sniffing dogs too as long as we're giving her advice.
kissing that
My ADHD is actually a blessing in disguise for once, I never bother reading the whole thread and just skim through it anyway so I usually skip 70% of the schizo's shitposting
/@/ has always been like this. Are you sure you're not the schizo?
stop combining everyone you don't like into a single poster. when you do that anytime the shitposter chimes into a discussion, you allow it to sour any discussion and it makes talking with anons impossible.
/@/ was absolutely not like this 2 years ago but keep trying to rewrite history
On one hand, SC may have gimped out on budget assuming they had S2 already planned on the other hand ML did have to make a ton more unique models and not just NPC ones too and those look demonstrably better than SCs.

So they kinda balance out on the budget/visuals side.

On story, ML had a harder task of having to juggle 50+ characters and still made it sorta work. even if was mid it's better than bad. SCs story is nonexistent even when they had less characters to work with and obvious units/groups to concentrate on but they can hide behind the idea that S1 was just "set-up" for S2.

On fanservice, both got caught by their own petard. ML showed off all the idols in detriment to fleshing out any of them while SC wanted to pander to then"Just like the real first live" narrative so much they ended up forgetting about the reason why people go into the lives in the first place, the characters and the story.

The real main thing though is that ML anime justified its existence by giving everyone a ton of new songs. Not all amazing but most are pretty good and hit at least ML quality. SC anime though...why even watch it? No new songs. No story. Shiniani contributed nothing to the brand except a ton of bad press.

In the end, no matter their quality, Miriani is at least loved by MLPs while ShiniAni S1 is despised by everyone.
That animation is mid
Same. I just search for image files, twitter, and misskey links.
The problem is that by doing that for this specific thread you miss a truckload of GK news so you either have to force yourself to wade through a sea of the shitposter's garbage or just wait for a news post to tell you what happened
>stop combining everyone you don't like into a single poster
/@/ has always done this though? I guess it’s easier to think there’s one schizo instead of admitting that most people in your favorite branch are contributing to the shitposting
So the good posters really left if most of the threads are just filled with the schizo?
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Cherrypicking the few good looking scenes isn't the own you think it is. It's just a poor fit for the branch's aesthetic, specially when they "aged up" everyone but made them see too gangly imho. Soulless if I may borrow an overused buzzword.
Not everyone likes the show, deal with it.
Control+f can solve this.
Although I usually get the news posts by skimming through the thread anyway.
And here you are trying to pin all of your own shitposting on an entire fanbase because you desperately need everyone else to be as deranged as you are
We're all sch@zo's here. Let's all stand up.
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Being turned into breeding sows by the enemy clan
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My apologies for the delay. I will be a short while longer.
Saving Chiyuki
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It's not cherrypicking, the ML anime genuinely looks better than the SC anime across the board.
Anyone who claims they look the same is absolutely off their fuckin' rocker.
I see no need to like the show to get what he's saying.
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Whoops, wrong image.
Schizo just wanted to use your post to further complain.
>In the end, no matter their quality, Miriani is at least loved by MLPs while ShiniAni S1 is despised by everyone.
That's the big thing, isn't it.
The SC anime's biggest haters are SC's biggest fans.
We got confirmation of people that comes from Twitter to vent in here, lost likely act like retards so yes, this general is cooked but I'm not leaving, fuck them.
"why are you gay"
Not him but I do think the ML anime looks great and I'm yet to watch SC so can't pass the judgement yet.
Doesn't justify your shitting on other branches.
I want a Hiro figure.
Lemme have some of the copium you're having.
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The "pudding hair" kinda refers to that "mainly yellow with that black center spot that kinda resembles the caramel" thing. Mei fits the dark-to-light gradation (dark brown to yellow) I mentioned.

But that's like killing her.
If it makes you feel any better, it seems that the constant shitposting has blown a lot of cover they had with the wave of new people that aren't in the know. It's kind of amusing how their recent attempts to drag a certain poster in the mud hasn't worked because the guy's got a decent track record here and just doesn't give a fuck.
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You're doing it yourself when you say "the shitposter". And for the record, I don't think all shitposting is one person. I think different styles of garbage are different discrete shitposters based on pattern recognition of their arguments and posting styles. It's a skill you had to have on this site before generals if you ever wanted to have a conversation that lasted longer than a day. I can't unlearn it. My only real solution is that if you find yourself accused of being a shitposter maybe some introspection is in order, which I will apply to myself by shutting the fuck up after this post.

I think you're on to something, it's strangely worse during NA hours lately.
Schizo will get tired and eventually go back to posting Anna offtopic posts.
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I'm not shitting on other branches, I'm saying that it's fucking insane to claim that the ML anime and SC anime look the same.
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NTA but tbf he's only shitting on the anime not the entire branch
U149 didn't really get any critcism outside of the obligatory "my idol isn't in it = don't care". But it was somehow the best of the recent im@s anime projects, which is shocking to me since I hypothetically was more hyped for ML/SC. If I had one complaint, it's that Arisu felt somewhat underutlized. She's clearly a main character but ManletP felt more like the MC while Arisu was kind of a sidekick until her moment came.
Stop being so sensitive because someone dared having an opinion against your ML anime.
You’re not really helping your case by cherrypicking bad scenes.
Okay but SakuyaP is still pretty cringe
I think we all can agree there is that one guy people know as the schizo or whatever, however he has been here for so long and yet it never got as bad as now. You see where I am going? There has to be more people now participating in this shit and I don't see how it is wrong to accept this as a possibility instead of just thinking one person can do all the posting at all times, because it doesn't matter when I check the thread it's fucking awful dude.
Is he (she?) the one chimping out at Hana?
Add to that ML was celebrating its 10th anniversary, having an entire live themed after the it and with multiple in game events. Everything was planned around to make it an enjoyable experience. While SC first impression was only seeing half of the idols, mixed opinions from the theater screenings and releasing a mediocre game.
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They didn't "have an opinion against the ML anime", they claimed that there was no discernable difference between the ML and SC animes, and there clearly is. Stop trying to make this into some kind of retarded branchwar shit.
The ML anime had much higher production quality than the SC anime. That's not branchwarring.

I haven't "cherrypicked" any bad scenes. I haven't posted a single thing from the SC anime at all. What the fuck are you talking about?
Stop arguing with /@/ and make the thread already
>showing her armpit
jeez what a slut
You know, you're more than welcome to post some clips from the SC anime to prove them wrong.
I mean the other explanation is that he just genuinely went off the fucking deep end because he wanted GK to flop that badly.

Picture very relevant.
And Yuika.
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I don't think Arisu was underutilized but then again my brain kinda tuned out the non-focus characters so I probably just didn't mind it much. And if we're talking about memories regarding U149, it has to be BachiP drawing a new batch of Mikibots.
Riooo prprpr
>strangely worse during NA hours lately.
The adage used to be that NA afternoon was the worst because it's when kids leave achool. Same logic as summerfags.
Then again I don't believe in things like "SEA hours" because the most dedicated shitposters just do not have normal sleep schedules.
Bro have some dignity, eveyone knows that's you trying to pin something you do onto someone else. Your underdeveloped brain thinks he can fool someone
Hurry up I need to ritual post before it's time for work
The worst shitposters are most definitely NA
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This is why I gave up on trying to figure out where the schizo is from

Hell, he could actually have been insane enough to adjust his sleep schedule so that he was most active during SEA hours to make it seem like he lived in SEA despite living in, I dunno, Britain or something
My guy he needs to be making what, 100 posts or more per thread every thread, and answer multiple times to both himself and to others at all times. Or we just have besides him people that just likes to shit on others?
I find it funny that this shitposter never talk bad about CG as if he is a CGP and look at the state of CG right now.
Unironically accurate.
>quotes two separate people
Okay, try again
>I find it funny that this shitposter never talk bad about CG
AhahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA man you really think anyone's gonna buy that?
Yeah, Chiyuki clips through walls as well
Well that's the other problem. Half the "shitposting" are failed jokes by other anons that people get butthurt about. Anon is wrong for not understanding how humor works, and the anons who call him names are also wrong because they're derailing.

So I guess my other advice is for people to actually be funny/have a sense of humor about their idols.

Actually, summer combined with new game release is probably 90% of our problem. Almost every board gets worse in May and better in September.
As if his bad english wasn’t a hint.
> My only real solution is that if you find yourself accused of being a shitposter maybe some introspection is in order
we have anons that take arguments or discussions and then parrot them and run them into the ground, hana recently as an example. that doesn't mean that all discussions of that subject need to stop, because it'd be easy for someone to shitpost about something they don't like being discussed and then try to shut down all future discussions of it by saying that it's the shitposter doing it in bad faith. those discussions were happening beforehand, then the shitposter latched onto them and started being annoying with them, toru x mano is another example of that.

so now no one can bring that up without anons throwing a fit when just the other day we saw an anon make a very real post about how he liked toru x mano. shits dumb, i didn't even say a single negative thing about cg at all, just that ml is going to get a new game based on the info we currently have but because some jackass made some branchwar post off of that, apparently i'm shitposting and i'm lumped in with it and the discussion is completely shut down.
They are the same person, newfag.
S-sugoi what can't she do?
>implying this is somehow a level of insanity beyond him
We are talking about the guy who copypastes entire Twitter conversations as if they are happening here.

You genuinely do not understand just how far this fucking psychopath is willing to go to kill the general.
>captures Tenka’s gamer slouch
Kino. I think you proved them wrong >>483706618
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Whatever you say, SakuyaP
I mean I don't think it is just one person anymore. But the "classic" schizo used to be completely anti CG before moving to ML. But I don't fucking know anymore there is way too many idiots in these threads since MOIW, SM dying also changed something.
The earlier discussion about the SC anime was relatively fair, in the sense that it highlights both the good points and the bad points. But, there's that "a bad remark is enough to ruin a dozen compliments" (just paraphrasing, forgot the actual quote) maxim so anyone with a vendetta would just pick on and parrot it.
For SC it's easy, I just get called an SMP if I hate on any of the SCs.
Japanese teens are just as autistic as western teens jesus

I see them all the time on tiktok drawing Haikyuu yaoi
SakuyaP is so insecure.
Maybe y'all need to stop talking and thinking about the shitposter(s) since you're just doing what he wants.
It's the post thread anyway
Also I don't think about them, I live in their mind (rent free)
>We are talking about the guy who copypastes entire Twitter conversations
Or screenshots. I remember when /@/ used to ignore those posts but the past few threads we’ve had retards replying to it each time.
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Posting idols instead.
Teenagers are always autistic.
Yeah, no one read the events due to most being EoPs but I can appreciate the game doing a ton of events related to it. They also had the advantage of having actual new songs you can learn to enjoy (due to forced repitition). I wasn't that hot on Wonder Box but I've turned around after the event.

SfP and Enzamas didn't maximize the animes runtime too much outside of the obligatory Omake which apparently is where some of the development went. Honestly, they really should've just made new songs over a S2 or sprinkled s few more familiar ones.
gook moot-sama please bring back the IP counter I beg you lmao
>I remember when /@/ used to ignore those posts
They always got the most (You)s
I prefer this natural walking than the over exaggeration in >>483703583
Tenga's slouch does make sense.
It'll be okay anon, and I agree with the first half of your post. I wasn't trying to imply you were a shitposter, just that I see no value in discussing those leaks until we get confirmation on any of the info from them as it relates to SC/ML/CG. But people also have to learn how to chill out and not take the bait. The Hana stuff could have been avoided if no one engaged with the absolute dogshit schizo bullshit he was saying when he started saying it. You can't refute schizophrenia, you just have to ignore it until he passes out or gets bored then have the conversation then.
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>Chiyuki's hand clipping into her skirt
This is true, even if some of them are him replying to himself it's always terrible posts like those that get the attention. It's why I can't really have faith in the rest of you, these past 3 threads are an example of /@/ just enjoying the show.
/@/ posting about their shitposters is like going out of your house and you see a pile of shit and instead of walking around it you start screaming about how much you hate that shit while rolling all over it
It's not just SideM, the crabs in a bucket mentality exploded because Gakuen is doing so well and most branches are in a weird spot. SideM is obvious, SC has had an unfortunate half a year, CG doomposting is at an all time high, and I've seen ML Producers getting upset about Gakuen getting figures when their idol hasn't gotten one yet.
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She's moving like one those tiktok girls who mimic animation by speeding up and slowing down their video at certain parts
Nichicka looks ready to kancho Mikoto.
Oh god Rio WOULD be a Tiktok girl
Read her commus, that's canon.
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My wife
*chu chu chu*
*camera focuses on the legs*
>and I've seen ML Producers getting upset about Gakuen getting figures when their idol hasn't gotten one yet.
I wanna make it clear if any of my posts are in your mind, that while I am upset there has been no Shiz figure, it has nothing to do with Gakuen getting figures (I'm looking forward to Lilja figure announcement, come on make it happen) and more the realization that it has been 11 years and where the duck is my main trip figures how am I supposed to complete a set like this, I'll even accept swimsuit figures at this rate so long as they're not prize figures.
Okay, I'll be blunt: I slept through the stream and am still catching up. However, the thread isn't close to the end of the board and I've almost got all the news.
Please continue swimming naked.
>where the duck is my main trip figures
You need to recalibrate your autocorrect, my man
If only they were barefoot that would have made sense.
Those kind of videos are fucking awful but yes it does look like that
I’ll wait to post my game question in the new thread
I know, I hate it.
ML is kinda fine compare to the rest
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Isn't there one more hurdle if Shizuka gets a figure?
Try removing the cartridge and blowing on the connectors.
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Are you phone posting at the bus stop?
But Fuyuko isn't a secretary, though?
I believe that for Basa to get a figure, Shiz has to get one. It's not happening without it because why would you just randomly make a Basa figure? Whereas if you make a Shiz figure to go with the old Mirai figure we'll you might as well finish the trio and also give Basa one. Or just make a new set with all 3.
bro I just want a figure is that too much to ask?
If Ayumu got a figure then your idol can too.
Do any of the new idols know what a cartrdige is? They're like born past the year 2000.
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As a CGP who has never touched ML even I'm offended that there's no Shizuka figure.
Ayumu got a figure?
Ritsuko really does say what's on her mind because why when you pick Go My Way or Here We Go!! she really does say "Why did you pick such a shit song for me to sing"
No way, they'd need to be a dev favorite first
that VoViDa set is never going to get completed is it?
Probably the S.H. Figuarts of the dance idols?
I am phone posting from my dining room while drinking some shitty coffee. Why a bus stop?
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Take your time.
The S.H. Figuarts.
Now would be the time for Shizuka to get a figure, the anime boosted her popularity if the Famitsu results are any indication. We'll see if she gets a border boost soon too.
she has a pretty nice figure
Who would be the Vi and Vo reps? Who would be GK's Da rep?
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It's weird how fucking Mirai has a figure but her more popular friends don't. And it's not like ML doesn't have a popularity bias (see Mugi and Kaori).
I’ll make the thread. We don’t have to wait for one person to do it.
I bet Luca doesn’t wash her armpits.
They were never going to do vo and vi anyway, they only did this voting because they wanted to shill that one PL banner and their idols. Seira was irrelevant and Makoto was just another AS figure.
I'm pretty sure Mirai's figure is from the MOIW set that also includes Harurun and Dookie from 10 years ago and that's why she has one.
they would have if it actually sold out, but neither the figures or dance idols chosen were that appealing
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Alstroemeria's live has begun. The lights start to shine, but only Amana and Tenka have taken the stage. A silence falls over the audience as everyone is concerned about Chiyuki's whereabouts.
All of a sudden, the spotlights begin to change their target. They point towards the wall at the back of the hall. Everyone thinks this must be a huge failure on the part of the tech crew, but all of a sudden, it happens.
From beyond the venue's structuring, THE CHOOKSTER comes floating in, noclipping through everything. She gracefully descends to take position between the Osaki twins. At last, she takes the mic and utters her iconic phrase, "Wow, what a big hamburger!" The crowd erupts into cheers.
Just make the new one nerd, who cares.
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No she has another figure by GSC
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New thread: >>483709406
Cute thread: >>>/c/4333521
Nude thread: >>>/e/2836133
Lewd thread: >>>/h/7933007
Seiyuu thread: >>>/jp/47109670
Mano and Meguru have figures while Hiori doesn't. Figure makes move in mysterious ways.
Arisa never got a figure.
>,Wow, what a big hamburger!
I clapped and came a bit.
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If they're gonna shill PL banners, I hope they go for Easter (Iori/Ryo/Amana) for Vi and Anniversary (Chihaya/Kaede/Chiyuki) for Vo.
I legitimately didn't know Shiz doesn't have a figure (not even a prize figure?). But honestly I don't care.
They let a 15 year old wear THAT.
How do I take off the shorts?
Holy sexoooo
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ML anime has normal walking too.
Akane's scenes are exaggerated because she's Akane.
>I see no value in discussing those leaks until we get confirmation on any of the info from them as it relates to SC/ML/CG
i respect your opinion and i think we'll know one way or another next year. unless plans really changed in the past 4 years like how the gk girls got redesigns.

>But people also have to learn how to chill out and not take the bait
agreed. sucks to see people forget to not feed the trolls.
>the "classic" schizo used to be completely anti CG before moving to ML
That's not true at all though.
They literally spent years screaming about how TD was going to die at any moment. They would spam the thread with sales and revenue charts every single day. When the ML anime was announced, they spent three years straight going absolutely fucking insane about how bad it looked, to the point where it was impossible to discuss anything at all without them having an anti-ML meltdown. I remember it was Koume's birthday, and they went on an insane anti-ML anime tirade because Koume was "ML-coded" or some shit like that. Speaking of which, they also once tried to spin the Roco vs Fuka vote as being ML vs CG because "Fuka is CG-coded".

Claiming that the shitposter never targeted ML is an absolutely fucking absurd narrative.
I'm pretty sure that guy is talking about the schizo's posting during 2015 and 2016

You know, when TD wasn't a game that existed yet
Yeah, they were anti-ML back then too.
They claimed it was "stillborn" and that it would never get a game like SS.

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