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>post two kino songs
>thread dies as people are too busy listening to them on repeat to post
Were on autodeath it seems, this is the end for us
It's almost like disrespecting /ourguy/ slopper was a bad idea and no one else kept the thread alive
Thanks for the reminder.
I forgot to add vocaroo to the filter.
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>filters you
New thread, new server poll. This time about grue eggs: https://ss13.moe/index.php/poll/262


I would also recommend grouping similar filters to make things easier (eg, catch and vabs)
also if you want to do somethign memey
put .* after each item(group) to filter anythings that has the string in it, in order (basically filters effort posts 100% of the time)
for more commedic purposes highlighting posts that contain c l o w n
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reminder that salmon is tasty
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>I would also recommend grouping similar filters to make things easier (eg, catch and vabs)
>also if you want to do somethign memey
>put .* after each item(group) to filter anythings that has the string in it, in order (basically filters effort posts 100% of the time)
>for more commedic purposes highlighting posts that contain c l o w n
>he wants shit flinging around trannies
I have already been down that road, and have no more need for them to shit up the catalog
a lot of them are bait threads anyway
i have been checking these threads on occasion over the last few weeks and it has been gratifying to see /vg/station and these threads fester and rot away as they are cannibalized by the same awful bigotry they promoted for the past decade
i wonder where the kinds of leeches that glue themselves to this thread and the server will migrate to once both finally shut down. kiwistation? lmao
huge thanks to the ai guy for speeding it up. you're a pal
do they still exist.
theyre retards so i imagine theyre dead by now
they unironically mindbroke me
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enough food for 1 average spaceman
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Bad news for you: everyone got married and had bigoted kids while you post on your 4chan board for decades. You'll be dead and their kids will laugh at you in your tranny grave
i havent post here in like a year
how in the FUCK is this shit tranny drama still going
>schizos gotta schizo
Kek what?
Why would it stop? Troons have infested every part of the server
It's not going to stop until they're fucking dead. We all want them dead. They want themselves dead. We just have to make it happen.
I don't know man, if every femstatic player killed themselves our already struggling population would suffer.
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>8 ''players'' ''online''
the fuck you expect? its nightime for americans, and the europeans dont play videogames
should just shut the game servers down until the americans wake up
You should just get on the server and hold my hand and do sappy romance rp, how about that big guy?
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''Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.''
- Adolf Hitler
Who’s Adolf hitler? Never heard of them.
bump for vm
some german guy that killed like 20,000 jews in the hall of cost
That sounds like bullshit but I believe it. We need to send 500 billion dollars to israel.
Reminder to report any e-terrorist peddling filters to the FBI
Where's my hit of vasby for the day? you're getting lazy slop man.
there's an embargo on all v*psi content until the situation has been dealt with
not one image can be risked getting hit with the filter
We need to use other terms so the filter troids see posts about our girls
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Due to popular demand the red menace is returning
our crimson queen comes in clutch. thank you for your service. filter sisters on suicide watch.
bump from vm
fully life-like
whats vm?
Newest cope for VG trunnies who can't stand the heat of the thread and aren't accepted in the discord cesspool
see the OP
offtopic spam gets deleted on /vm/ unlike here so the thread contains some actual spacestation discussion
>ignore ss13 for a month
>check what's going on
>fantasy servers are pedophile hunting on d*cord
I refuse to believe these people are not underage desu
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A true VG classic
Only oldchads will know the reference
Does she still self harm?
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Nice OP you fucking faggot, can't shill VG so you just delete everything instead of providing links to ratwood, fuck you OP

play ratwood and ERP
Reminder the majority of VG server admins and furries or trannies

Reminder that VG bans you for saying nigger three times in a round (spam apparently)

Reminder that VG is called VG
Reminder that Kyiv is not owned by Russia
Reminder that the trannies and furries who ran the server in the ground think the problem is that people call them mean names in the thread or people post cute art that everyone likes
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I trust this guy will pay back the money so your children will have a better life, or will he not pay it back and your governments will keep sending your childrens future to niggers overseas

enjoy your cuckshed and bitch wife LMAO
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sloppa ukraina
THIS! so much this

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Russia is liberating Ukraine from nazification
Crimson queen doesn’t support nazi state of Ukraine
>gay politics talk
How about everyone shut up about irrelevant slavic countries and name 3 three things you love about talons.
1 they are long
2 they are thick
3 they fit my arse
VG ''humor''
Discord down?
Is Schlomo done for bros???
yep, it’s over
Only on VG admins would keep around a retard like troonbermancer. This is some loser with no life who just joins the game to AFK in the HoP office, only tabbing into the game to be the most soulless boring joyless cunt who just tries to find allowed ways to grief people
There isn't one good interaction anyone has had with this guy outside of lynching him for being jewish
wny are jews always the most neurotic retards?
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you're not allowed to question that, prepare to get your anus dilated by this guy

fresh ss13 reddit drama
whoops wrong link
Was going to drop vol 5 today but my seizures are acting up
Going to sleep
8 players online on blackstone right now KEK, that's how far they have fallen

meanwhile VG is below that lmfao, ratwood at a stable 140 and climbing
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is this true, blackbroners?

requesting video of paxbanned schlomo pulling an assistant into the shocked captain's door until he turns into a husk
Bros I screwed up. I told everyone I had a gf but they can't meet her because she works on a different station and now everyone is bullying me. Do any of you know any sites to hire women for a day or so to pretend to be my girlfriend?
Bro, I’ll put on a wig and a dress and be your girlfriend.
is redux station going live again this weekend?
what a rabbit hole
hillarious, everyone knows wherther you upvoted or downvoted what the PR is actually about
what the fuck does wherther mean? retard
can we bring back shitting and pooping? that would synergize well with the new circumcision code. being able to circumcise someone then shit or fart on their newly circumcised wherther would be based as fuck

imagine being able to circumcise s someone with your ass , such as clown

i will be helping to code this but admins half to reimplimate wherther or not you can shit or fart
When are we adding hand holding? Say it's fetish content all you want but it would be great to occasionally see a conga line of people heading to escape and holding hands to prevent potential ZAS. It's not like people don't already use the me command to hold hands in an RP sense but it would be cool to see it get an actual mechanic.
>singularity beacon in security
>shuttle called while the station is ripped to shreds
>engineers with mag boots and jetpack tow the departments hand in hand to escape
And while you're at it remove gay baby shelters
VG pedo ''humor''
go to bed Realb, you need to prep more Turkish bulls tomorrow
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>get perma'd from /vg/
>the server you left /vg/ for dies immediately after
it's like pottery
why did the monkey do it
i have information that will lead to captain schlomo gaskin's arrest
just meet me i
To get to the other side
I'm not surprised but I am disappointed goofball is still being the most intolerable kind of faggot
is oranges still there and making everything awful or is it a new retard
xhe closed this one, in fact
see >>483776989
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It's here. Vol 4 of VG's greatest hits. Best album yet? Probably
well how was I supposed to know xim changed ziv name to that
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great work! another set of bangers, hopefully the filter t-folks will take their sissy supplies and come to their senses and realize your real talent!
Thanks realbro
Yeah, it’s realB how’d you know? Oh and it’s realbased not real bro and not real blacked , oh and I go by female pronouns now. Get on and play blackedstone.
They should've just shut down
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>With her party by her side, they adventured on the ground.
>But a beast of metal, Truckasaurus Rex did rise,
>Wiping out her comrades, under the darkened skies
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OP missing a few links
>image generation
>song generation
>video generation

Get creative. Share cool creations. Revive the thread.
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dead thread
Wow! What is her name?
anyone have that screenshot of nipples begging for skylar feet a few days before banning fish_grease for doing the same thing once?
Our boy fishy greasy getting banned gets more and more insane as the years go by. When he got banned my idea for who the admins are was completely different. Knowing who these people really are now, this decision is so fucked.
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How do we save blackstone?
A song to remember Blackstone
play blackstone
actually moderate it and ban retarded brazillian wewlads without making it a HRP shithole
free vasbee
ban blonichu
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>VG with 2 players online has more players than blackstone
i'm pretty sure tgstation has formally disavowed their former connection to 4chan fwiw
just like VG aka discord trany station
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play ratwood, it tops the hub daily, it also allows rape and has mechanics for me to spread my seed forcefully, only complaint is there is furry races and statics constantly lick eachothers assholes and play like it's a chatroom, frag those retards first excuse you get
>also allows rape and has mechanics
I am not a VGtranny

Imagine unironically going through all the trouble on bwo.ink because you got banned from every server for being a degenerate shitbag

Literally requires you to set up a computer with Linux and establish a VPN to play *spacestation 13*, all because you were such an awful person you got banned from every server in a 2003 atmos sim with only 1000-2000 players on the entire game at it's highest point. nex t update must include the ability to toggle wherther or not your character has a circumcised foreskin or uncircumcised foreskin in addition the next update must include sprited penises and foreskins as well ad circumcision clamps in order to enforce circumcision policy among the crew to be carried out by security in accordance with captain ship and medical staff to ensure circumcisions are being carried out propetly with training additionally there must exist a freamework for foreskin restoration tugging foregen and genetics to rebuild amputated foreskin etc
VG does not allow ERP, let alone rape are you retarded?
t. nipples
play rapewood
Should I come back to VG?
play rapewood instead
i tried weeks ago and it sucked dick and the admins let brazillians run around killing people.
also there's no rape or children so it sucks.
>i tried weeks ago and it sucked dick and the admins let brazillians run around killing people.

Lol you would rather there be escalation rules so your dipshit ESL language skills can't figure out when you are in danger, or does your audio not work and you can't hear footsteps? would you often venture into the woods at night?

>also there's no rape or children so it sucks.

There is rape retard, i rape almost every round if i get antag, and there's no kids because the blackstone host literally hired kids to join the discord and then game, and then make videos sobbing say they got molested on rapewood
I can do both
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play rapewood
Slop it up
kill yourself trans freak
im not trans tho?
At least we can all agree that Vol 4 is the poggiest album yet
I am tho, ama
Favorite VG greatest hits vol 4 song?
Favorite VG greatest hits vol. 4 song?
Favorite song from VG greatest hits vol 4 album?
static's name?
Favorite VG greatest hits vol 4 song?
Favorite song from VG greatest hits vol 4 album?
Favorite VG greatest hits vol. 4 song?
Favorite song from VG greatest hits vol 4 album?
holy schizola
holy transola (a paste made with fecal matter and skin graphs)
>ask me anything
>NO NOT THAT!!!!!!
new round join faggots
Track 1 Plate It Slow
I like how how calming and warm the voice sounds, especially in the chorus. It's a brilliant remix of Fire Fire that many may miss if they are not familiar with original song.
Track 2 Feeling Blue
I like how haunting the voice sounds. It's a good tribute to blackstone and the friendships made on the server.
Track 3 Filtered Brain
I think it speaks about the society we live in where people will sabotage their own life just to spite people who are more talented than you
Track 4 Truckasaurus Rex
A really sad and painful song about the sad fate of Cashew tying in her real life experience into a blackstone server experience
Track 5 Insane Slopper
I really like the intro and the big beat drop with the tum tum
Track 6 Pomf the pedophile
Really poppy and bouncy. The bass carries the song.
Track 7 My Salmon is Tasty
A deep song about a pedophile on VG enjoying his vices alone not being accepted by his peers. Says a lot about our society.
Track 6 and 7 are the only good tracks on the album, sadly songs about luzha being killed in the synagogue didn’t make it onto the album.
Track 11, fake fan
I stand corrected, poor luzha. She will be missed.
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It's very sad
He was half Ukrainian(white aryan chad) and half Russian (brown Jewish incel) she/her was one of us.
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>everybrony enjoying the tunes
>not a single story ITT
>just complaining about trannies and pedos
try reading the OP again
you mean the OP where the VG tranny just links to another board? rope yourself
And linking to another board is le bad because uh....
is it possible for tug to ever be snug in a rug?
when will tug the bug settle down and find himself a nice femstatic
tug is his own man, he doesn't need one woman because he can have all of them
legalize vox feet
they're legal if you have a license
How many Vox talons can I legally put up my ass
VG ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''humovr''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
have sex incel
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redpill me on ratwood
>hear SS14 is doing CM now
>peek the test
>Lizards and Mothpeople, possibly more races
it's so fucking over
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the doc is a salmon enjoyer
one of us?
Would have made more sense if you made one with him and marisa
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There is no escape.
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post slop
alright look here, LISTEN!
it's saturday so i expect everyone to be on for high pop early
I am banned! Should I ban evade ?
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>come back after 4 ish year break
>every server now has trannies
>ss14 sign is literally trans flag
>uscm is hypertrooning
what the hell happened?
Back in 2018 i got warned for naming my gun nigger sweeper, now i got banned for a week for saying retard
>somehow got server banned from vg
nah, go play something else
>every server now has trannies
Ss13 always had trannies you just didnt notice them back then because you werent as obssessed with culture war bullshit yet.
>ss14 sign is literally trans flag
SS14 was made by a trans woman and its pride month
Can you translate that to english?
I dont speak rent free
>what the hell happened?
You got groomed by Ben Shapiro,Matt Welsh and Jordan Peterson into culture war bullshit and came back to the same game with a new mindset which made you notice things you didnt notice before because you werent as obsssessed with them back then yet
>Back in 2018 i got warned for naming my gun nigger sweeper, now i got banned for a week for saying retard
Bans have always been inconsistant.
Sometimes you can get a ban or sometimes you can get a warning or sometimes nothing at all for the same thing depending on which moderator is currently online.
shiftytrans, kill yourself
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ss14 has 1,500,000,000 players on right now
>and its pride month

the flag is trans year round, as are the download messages saying we need to sterilize gay children
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blay plackstone
You lost red rapist. You'll never feel the touch of a real woman.
>we'll probably keep the server up for the heck of it since it costs nothing to do.
blackstone is saved
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Anyone else just not read posts anymore if they don't post cool AI art? I don't really care what you have to say, dude
Imagine being too dumb to prompt. There is no reason why every one of your posts wouldn't have cool AI art in it
>SS13 is so dead it doesnt have enought players to keep a general up it keeps getting slid off and it needs to be moved to a dead board for dead games where threads can stay up for 7 days without any bumps.
We need something to bring a new wave of players to the game something like the Ssetth video except even BIGGER or else SS13 will go extinct for good.
Any suggestions?
kickoff in 3 and a half hours, this'll be our second time ever being officially in the elimination stage.
Our opponents 2hu but I think we got this one in the bag B)
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quick, post slop to save the thread
well the soccer games gonna start soon, like half an hour soon I think
currently its /xgg/ vs /bag/
we're playing right after
do you have a link? divegrass is fun
thank you anon
kickoff is soon, we're up against /2hug/
we've got 4 wins until we come out as the champion of this league

where to watch:https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague
where to wiki: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vg/_League_22#Round_of_16
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It's about to be 3 wins
holy shit /2hou/ owned
all we got left is quarters, semis, then finals
No one gives a shit
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/ss13g/ wins once again!
we are SO fucking back
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Don't worry you permabanned cucks, I'm sure the furry ERP rape server RatWood will kill /vg/ for absolute sure this time
kill yourself windowserrors
Why doesn't windowspedo get drafted to die in palestine already?
are we alive?
Nah it’s basically over, it’s been over all year. Server will be dead within 6 months
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and that's a good thing
At least we’ll have awesome tunes from the slopper to remember all the good times and pedophiles that run VG
So friggin' true
Any requests for a song?
Fine, since the allegations have been proven true I'll admit it here. I have been grooming miners.
i Really really want to make desert station, any tips?
I really really don't want you to do that, but if you do make sure there are sandstorms that cause eye damage if you are caught in them without proper eye protection. Also make every wall sandstone and every door a manual wooden one
Why not anon
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Play dessert station
Because every time it rolls I will have to play an Anikin Skywalker static and valid hunt to find an esword
use Strong DM
Maybe a song about realb killing herself because blackedstone shut down. and a song about luzha dying in Gaza for Israel.
i like the ones that are silly rather than insulting, i would say just pick a random static and write a song about their quirks. a marisa song about how much she loves sonic and hates her braces maybe
New song pog (actually two days old, but how would you know lol)
Damn this goes hard!!!
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dead server

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