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classic edition
prev. >>483501416

Helldivers 2 is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by 343 Industries and published by Xbox Game Studios. It is the sixth mainline installment in the Helldivers series, following Helldivers 5: Guardians (2015). The game's campaign follows the human supersoldier Master Chief and his fight against a mercenary organization, known as the Banished, on the Forerunner ringworld Zeta Halo. Unlike previous mainline entries in the series, the multiplayer portion of the game is free-to-play.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Helldivers is a 2001 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox. It was released as a launch game for Microsoft's Xbox video game console on November 15, 2001. Helldivers is set in the twenty-sixth century, with the player assuming the role of the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier. The Chief is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence. Players battle aliens as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 25thhttps://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

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our obsession with super earth and flutes
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Starting this thread with a tier list made by an actual human that plays the game above d3
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that was fast, faster than even the guy who posted the link from the old thread
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Be honest with me, should I play this game? It looks really fun but all discussion I see of it is people complaining about game balance.
Also Sony keeps doing kike shit with it
Just buy a cheap key and dont expect too much from the devs
>eagle TWO
imo there should be a different tier list for both bots and bugs; given breaker incendiary being all the way up there for the list

i dont think the scythe should be where it is on this list, and the slugger should be higher

i think im blind cause i see two eruptors, one in Strong and one in Sad
goddamn, i need to learn the looks of the guns rather than just the names
I got 200 hours out of it before I got truly bored, and mind you that's mainly because the current Major Order cycle has been a month long filler arc.
>lib penetrator
>airburst launcher
>incendiary mines
>tesla tower
>eagle cluster bomb
>heavy fortified armor

Yup, it's blitz bug hole clearing time.
thats the DCS
I do think a different list with factions stated would help, as I was tempted to put the DCS in meta as well, but only for bots
I've rarely used the slugger, mostly because I felt its role was better served by a lot of weapons, even if it is serviceable , thats why its low
>Staggerless slugger
It's sad.
Also a quick secondary list
>Pretty good
Dagger. Grenade Pistol
The GP is so low even though i run it all the time because its actually garbage at killing enemies, its literally just a convenient way of dealing with fabs and bug holes
If there was any other way to deal with them I'm 90% the GP would be dropped like a fly
This is the most trash bug loadout i have ever seen.
>muh meta
the noskill loser cries
I’d argue punisher merits a strong just for bugs
It still wrecks bugs efficiently. Stagger isn't necessary if your enemy is dead
>Someone super reacted the trans flag with vomit and a mop
i personally bring eruptor + bushwhacker to bugs
bushwhacker replacing the redeemer

my friends use the grenade pistol a lot, but i dislike the sheer ammo-hungriness of the thing
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did you know? you can aim your grenades while in the air
yes but it is sad
>liberator concussive
>impact incendiary
>airburst launcher
>laser rover (because I only need the airburst launcher itself)
>regular mines
>eagle strafing run
>anti-arc armor

Yup, it's d9 bot fortress destruction time.
was tempted for the punisher to be strong in bugs as well anon, but then I remembered bots
Again, a separate list for factions is probably needed
Though I'd argue the way scorcher does better against bugs than the punisher.
Higher dps, range, and a fuck ton of stagger on that thing for some reason
holy fucking based
actually wait, i'm surprised you put verdict so high. does it hit specific breakpoints better than the peacemaker/redeemer? what puts it up there over senator's med armor pen?
Yeh the mag keeps me from really liking scorcher for bugs but you’re right
Dont inject things that werent mentioned to support your bullshit. No one said it has to be meta. But what you have chosen is actual trash
lol your loadout will serve only to require you to be carried by teammates above diff 5. Get gud
It can one tap devs in the head if you walk forward while shooting :)
It has slightly less damage than the senator for higher ammo and way faster reload, overall better dps and handling
Truthfully though, even though the verdict is S it still doesn't mean much as the sidearms overall are a bit lack luster
Wish I could name all of those from memory. I don't think I ever used half of the weaponry here.

>liberator penetrator on lol tier
Is it because of Adjudicator being better weapon with medium AP? I sued to play it a lot at the beginning.
Yea. Since the adjudicator recoil buff its extremely solid on both factions, kills brood commanders in less than a full mag, can deal with warriors, crouching gives it more than enough handling to tap dev heads too
Lib pen needs something man, iunno what it is though.
Basically, med armor pen is literally only brought to bugs, as bots are entirely solved as their head is light armor, and support weapons deal with everything else
"get gud" he cries as he gets carried by a meta loadout instead of having fun and challenging himself
Pleae fix the OP for the next thead. I'm sick of /copeg/ and weebtrannies running interference.
thats fair

one-shots ordinary troopers as well as the senator does from what i can see

hmm... how does its scope run? is it as expected for pistol scopes, or is it better? generally find hitting devastators and berserkers in the head difficult for my skill-issue addled hands, which is why i went senator to begin with, since center mass is center mass
nta but
>challenging himself
This is a casual dakka shooter, not some tenth of the top percentile hardcore game. No reason to gimp yourself with weapons that have been balanced by developers that have no idea how to steward a game they probably didn't even make.
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How much longer is this filler arc gonna go for bro
I don't have the verdict yet actually so I can't say how great its scope is
But i got my data from a friend who does and uses it to show me.
Basically stun grenades help. Doesn't matter how good you are, you're not taking 6 shield devs on with 6 verdict shots without a stun, or a good vantage point with cover.
In the end, a side arm is your panic weapon, not your primary. Verdict is good because it has better damage than the peacemaker to hit breakpoints, and a mag reload instead of a round reload, which is infinitely more important when you are in those critical oh shit moments
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why do you consume tranny media
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I once saw one that was like 4285783 hours on the clock. The hell ACTUALLY works in this game?
Why are you a faggot
we look down on cucks that still cling to Marvel and Star Wars but the ones that still cling to anime like it's 2004 get a free pass. Why is that?
I do the carrying, junior
being an AT janny < using whatever you want
We saw this first time you posted. You didn't get enough attention or something?
ahh, my current way to deal with shield devs is to just toss an impact nade which will typically kill them, but sometimes 'only' knock off a chaingun or their shield, which makes them much easier to deal with

for bots i tend to use the Jar-5. so generally im SoL against multiple shield devs once im out of nades and eagle airstrike

the reason why i was asking about the verdict was because on bugs i would run the eruptor, and if there was a reason to use it over the bushwhacker i would, since eruptor tends to kill everything that isnt in my face, and i absolutely must use my secondary for the reverse
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clean it up janny
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Thanks for the (You) !
Always you on the right, tranny.
To whoever suggested HMG emplacement to bots, i love you. It absolutely FUCKS hordes and can even shrug off rockets now.
It just needs a larger magazine. Make the Adjudicator the Low capacity, high recoil & high dmg medium pen option, and the lib pen the high capacity, low recoil & low dmg medium pen option.

All its problems would vanish if its magazine were upped to 45.
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just need an HMG sentry now
welcome to the club
I think it was me and another anon combined who separately recommended the HMG emplacement. It certainly makes things like the soil sample mission a lot more bearable.
Do you need turret lvl4 upgrade for it to not die instantly to rockets?
I personally don't think there's a point in doing tier lists if you aren't going to specify if its for bugs and bots.

Let me ask though, is the breaker incin really as good on bots as it is on bugs? I avoid using it in general so i wouldn't really know.
>Let me ask though, is the breaker incin really as good on bots as it is on bugs?
No it's shit
Bots aren't as vulnerable to fire obviously
short answer: nah

long answer:
it's got 1000 health now, upped to 1500 with the 50% health upgrade

rockets deal 75 direct damage and 60 explosive, so it would reduce rocket damage from 135 to 105, letting you take 11 and a bit rockets increased to 14 and a bit more rockets.

the numbers will be a bit lower since you'll likely be shot at, set on fire, etc etc, but not really, no
That's what I'm led to believe, but with this games damage system I have no idea anymore.
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>cant kill brood commanders
>struggles to kill literal warriors
>splashes at close range that wipe out 80% of your health and ragdoll you
its trash on bugs m8.
trust me I’ve accidentally queued into bots with breaker it cant kill anything and I end up thugging out with the senator cause its just that bad
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the guy said punisher
did you mean punisher plasma or-
It's very unfortunate for the democracy officer that he apparently lost his penis and only has a prosthetic now.
plasma punisher. absolute trash on bugs. regular one might be alright I dunno
how long did this take lol
given enough time you could nab the outline of the democracy officer and put him everywhere reacting to everything
What do bugs actually eat.
And no SEAF personnel and helldivers isn't an answer, what do they actually eat to sustain them, there's no other wildlife on any planet they have, some of them don't even have plants
Wrong punisher m8
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experimental infusion is not performing the way we intended, we didn't anticipate people pairing it with the medic armor and as it stands it's too powerful in its current form
we're adjusting it so there is a "crash" phase following the effects of the stim which causes the slowed condition and fully depletes your remaining stamina
the booster is still totally viable but now it's more in line with how we think a booster should perform
we can't have people sprinting across the entire map which is how it's currently being used
gotta clarify m8 they both called punisher
It's almost like there is a second word in one of them somehwere to distinguish between the two
>theres a crash phase
so thats why the games been crashing lately
I want experimental infusion to be like what your not!Alexsus thinks it is, and then combine it with real world Alexsus who thinks the arc thrower used to snipe bile titans in one shot across the map. Can you even IMAGINE what that would be like? You'd be motherfucking Emperor Palpatine, cackling and force lightning everyone.
I think buying into the game compared to at launch makes the experience pretty different.
Right now you have your free content (the first warbond with a lot of guns and armor options) and a pretty damn big upgrade list for your stratagems including unlocking them in the first place.
After that, you have the option between 5 different paid warbonds all of which offers more firepower and more armor to choose first.
Theres easily 100+ hours of grinding there, probably closer to 150 if you arent playing Suicide and above as soon as possible.

Just do what steam allows and play for a couple hours and make a decision if you want to do that for another 150 minimum. From a future perspective, I honestly still dont know if the game as a great future, they are really struggling to keep people invested in both the gameplay and narrative due to past mistakes. All we can do is see how the next patches unfold.
i literally thought of the exact same question when i saw the picture, complete with "excluding humans since all the bodies are always piled around and left uneaten, completely undamaged other than being killed, even"
Probably out looking for ammo boxes
>your own cuck fantasies
The bugs, uh..... they eat..... well.... you see the flames from the fire tornadoes.... THEY JUST EAT SOMEHOW, OKAY?!"
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if you dont like it then clean it up janny
>the bugs photosynthesise
>thats why their bile is that shade of green
>dont ask us about the rest of the bugs that dont have significant quantities of green bile shut up
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we ignore those types. enjoy flute >>483585741
look for us again around mid-thread, baby
They warp in mass from hyperspace using their innate FTL production systems.
>turn to face pile of devs
>get shot in the ass by troopers
>blow them up with plasma gub
>turn back around to keep shooting the pile of devastators pinning down everyone
>get shot in the ass again after not even 10 seconds
>a new patrol came up from behind the last one
>shoot them down
>this repeats 2 more times
what the fuck
Nursing spewers in complete shambles right now realizing they are all brown and zero green.
>not using it for dev headshots where stagger actually makes it harder
Doubly sad.
based flutediver. cannot broken.
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Doomposters will seethe, but it's a great game with a great future
Sure, some shortcomings from the dev team are fucking baffling like apparently simple bugs taking MONTHS to be fixed, but at the same time you have unironically great updates like the latest big patch which basically tripled the amount of fun-to-use stratagems, and cool new content like the new swamp biome
they have a symbiotic relationship with the mushrooms
the mushrooms
they spread the mushrooms and in turn feed on and live inside them
>solo helldive
>make sure to insult the devs and/or Sweden in chat at every opportunity on the off chance that they will see it
Anime is still popular. Also where the fuck do you think you are?
Just to be clear, you're the one taking time and giving him angry reactions lmao
>some shortcomings
Thats putting it fucking lightly
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what if bugs eat the bile

hear me out

we know that super earth bred the bugs to become oil, and the bugs that exist in HD2 but not in HD1 are all the bile-guys; spitter, spewer, and titan, so it tracks that the bile is somehow being turned into oil. assuming it's an easy or otherwise efficient conversion to oil, bile should have a high energy or caloric value.

the trailer showing a bile titan (as opposed to a brood commander or charger) taking care of(?) a bunch of warriors adds to this

since many of the planets have nothing to eat, the only place to get "food" is the sun, i.e. photosynthesis

it's possible that nursing spewers are just bile spewers that through some biological process, converted their stores of photosynthesizing 'bile' to whatever they use to feed the other bugs, which is why they always spawn in absolute droves in every friggin patrol

i dont know why bugs would need teeth, unless they literally consume the bile spewers like how some creatures (and people!) consume the honey pot ant
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Gee thanks, this was totally worth the hassle.
I can't believe i fucking forgot the nursing spewers
My daily dose.
>i dont know why bugs would need teeth, unless they literally consume the bile spewers like how some creatures (and people!) consume the honey pot ant
Couldn't they just use their claws to slice open the abdomen of a spewer to drink the bile....? I think the teeth are there just for rule of cool and nothing else for Arrowhead.
Mine was all super credits last night. :)
Bugs probably eat anything. They can consume entire planets with nothing else living on them and they tunnel everywhere.
Probably the scavengers do something.
They are probably called like that for a reason
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>lost the data package in deep water
I'm fucked aren't i
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This is my take on things. It's hard for a weapon to be completely useless to me, but a lot comes close. If it appears on suboptimal or broken on both lists, I think it for sure needs a buff, while some that only appear in serviceable without niche or worse just needs a small one.
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i got this a few days ago in three missions, and, yesterday, my teammates found over 100 in one mission little by little while i was running around with the hard drive
>remember having a total of 400-500 last week
>it's at 890 now
It spawned back where you picked it up normally
they need to stop with this
if I wanted one of those weapons I would've dropped with it
Couldn't handle the walk of shame and quit to desktop
i like your tier list on the grounds that ive always had the same opinion that no weapon is useless, only high viable, viable, or low viable

except the dagger on release, that shit was actually useless

it respawns
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hey, she's kinda like us, flutey
its for people like me who run no support weapons, or people like [the person you hate] who gets killed and respawns away from their stuff
this is an 18+ website little man
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Reminder that if you're on Vandalon, you are a high IQ virile chad with many women, with the respect of all who know you or know of you.

If you are anywhere else you are a grazing herd animal incapable of independent thought, content to gut your cud in ignorance and watch as life passes you by. You are cattle.
>feels called out
My head cannon is that the bugs have some innate ability to create zero-point energy (with assistance from photosynthesis like you said) and convert it into usable mass that they use to grow and reproduce with. The bugs natural biological makeup can be converted into FTL fuel, and in addition to scuttling about in the third dimension, they have limited fourth dimensional travel capabilities as well. This is demonstrated by smaller bugs abilities to render a “pre-image” of sorts of themselves when exiting a burrow (which can connect between separate planets, allowing for terminid expansion from planet to planet), hunters and pouncers with their ability to pause through solid objects when leaping (they simply travel through a time space where the obstacle is not present to them), or bile titan bile able to splash through solid objects and their corpses being hazardous to helldivers.
In addition, terminid chitinous armor is so hardy but light enough to allow them to be mobile because destroying it actually creates an effect where a certain amount of energy is simply transferred to hyperspace.
Stalker cloaking is a function of them manipulating their appearance in the third dimension, as well as their ability to heal from damage so quickly (they don’t regenerate per se, but wind back their clock to a state of lesser damage).
Obviously, bugs grow in such numbers with more than simple photosynthesis and zero-point energy conversion. The reason they can grow so expansive and quickly, even in worlds without substantial amounts of life, is because any world that has had its biomass consumed by terminids is now connected to every other world that the terminids currently inhabit.
None of this is to suggest that the bugs think, such lines of reasoning are, frankly, quite offensive. Merely that they are quite naturally dangerous.
actually, adding to this, the idea that super earth is seeding planets with bugs kinda makes sense if the planets are low-oxygen high-carbon dioxide planets

i highly doubt that there would be any plant that survives Hellmire, but having bugs do the photosynthesising? thats not bad

the Zerg Creep the bugs produce is also reminiscent of some kind of alien soil, so... maybe...?
adding gameplay bug-features into the mix, is kinda funny and would track with the Arrowhead Magicka/Helldivers 1 humour

even though its probably not canon, i like it
my friend still brings up that drive once in awhile and used to do it at the driving range
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Ah yes, the gameguard, for protecting the game from cheaters. That gameguard.
I think purifier is undertuned on both. On bugs its long charge time plus splash damage mean if anything gets close, its extremely difficult to get rid of them unless your secondary is for that purpose.

I'd also bump the adjudicator up a bit higher on bots. It's quite good since it staggers them well. I'd say its optimal with niche drawbacks.

I think the slugger gets too much shit from people because its associated with the word nerf now. I've used it on bugs AND bots and its perfectly serviceable on both. I'd say its Serviceable with no niche on bugs, and serviceable with a niche specialty on bots.
Cheaters aren't really smart, huh.
Whats stopping the devs downloading this and figuring out how to counter it?
What skin color is this?
Why is she so pale?
She has hair???
>Super Earth symbol focused on America
wtf?! Why would they do that in a satire of militarism?

This isn't the Helldivers I know! 0/10, what were they thinking?
I've found it to be an """okay""" sort of blob/breach clearing weapon on bugs that doesn't really care if you're hitting medium armor or not. It has good sustain since it has 15 rounds, just bad damage and is no help at all if they're close to you.

I would agree with you on the adjudicator if the Tenderizer didn't get the stagger buff too. Now, in 100% of the situations where I used to take the Adjudicator, I now take the tendie.

I never used the slugger before the nerf, that's my experience with it as it is now. Can't keep up with damage output on bugs like the punisher can and on bots, I'd rather use a half dozen other weapons for the same role.
Funnily enough I reinstalled Magicka a few days ago, so maybe that’s where my mind’s at.
As for more not-cannon:
The charger leg armor asynchronous behavior is explained away by their 4th dimensional fuckery (not all evolutionary traits prove to be net positives).
Bile titan heads shrugging off attacks is just a strain of bile titans that have an energy shunt to hyperspace reactive armor that’s been particularly effective (and it’s your job to exterminate that gene, helldivers!)
Spewers of both varieties having a seemingly inexhaustible supply of bile (they’re all drawing from the same “pool”).
nigger, it's a cheat engine table, cheat engine has been freely available online to everyone since before you were born

if gameguard isn't already blocking you using the most well known memory editor in existence, it's not doing shit, and they don't intend for it to do shit
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i miss our guy too
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But what’s the fucking point of infinite damage smgs with level 10 penetration if you aren’t going to actually play the mission long enough to use your god powers?
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>no hat for the new guy
I played bots for so long that I forgot how awful bile titans are to play against. Just a hard loadout check and you have to hit a small head wobbling around on stilts and also hope it doesn't just decide to not take damage that time.
>wait for it to spit
>throw an OPS or 500kg under it or slightly ahead of it
wowzer what a loadout check. I agree that they do suck if you're using support weapons to take them out though.
Bile Titans are in a fucked state right now. Since the big patch they sometimes just ignore damage to their heads.
Ive had scenarios post patch where the team dropped multiple 500kgs/OPS and shot the head with EATs and it was somehow still alive.
The absolute most egregious being a titan taking two gatling barrages, THREE 500kgs (2 indirect near legs, 1 right underneatth the body and head) and it still wasnt dead. An autocannon sentry fired half its load before it fell.
Though that was a one off. Post patch it just seems like the titan randomly surviving a direct 500kg or OPS is much higher
BT's ignoring fire and flamethrowers is so annoying.
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i spit on you
>Since the big patch they sometimes just ignore damage to their heads.
they've been doing that since release, they've been inconsistent since the days of the PS5 host bug.
Wait, I could have sworn they have eyes.
they do
they are closed
he sneezin
>based terminal permavirgin
Maybe... but it was never this noticeable until now. For the most egregious example I genuinely thought that maybe the Bile Titan WAS already dead and the game was doing that weird glitch where dead enemies walk in place, or maybe it was a new bug like the one where an automaton grunt becomes invincible and follows you round but doesnt shoot you.

Ive definitely seen an uptick in titans just surviving shit they never would do before.
>bile titan shows up
>43 red beam pop up on it
>32 kilotons of explosives light up my living room
>three bile titans remaining
>now every retard in the team has to do the benny hill theme scooby doo chase scene until each bile titan gets either 3-4 spear/rr or 12 EATs to the face and/or one railgun/OPS/500kg(each)
>that's not including the assorted orbital airburst/cluster aistrike that will tk the only AT carrying teammate
*hawk tuah*
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>keeping your PC in your living room
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Man the new rocket sentry is fun. Can't wait for AH to nerf it back into shit tier
>rocket defense mission
>teammate brings mortar
Why. Just why.
We almost lost the mission because of that. Multiple BT's spawned and we couldn't kill them all in time since that let chaff in and we got ragdolled and knocked into the swarm and died.
One generator died as the last BT died to me dropping an EAT pod on it before it could get the 2nd one. Then we nearly died again as the hero dropped another mortar as we were pushing the bugs back at almost melee range. But this time I went back and shot it and we successfully held the line until mission completion.
Don't get your money stolen.
We'll see if one "good" patch (good on the changes, awful on the playtest quality yet again and has done nothing to help retain the playerbase) is enough to make Alexus smarmy enough to pull shit again, his post patch discord message definitely makes me think he is.
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*SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* yep anon, that's how it be once you get stuck with the ol' ball and chain
if you as much as graze my mortar sentry you’re getting kicked

it’s what Flutey would’ve wanted
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I really wonder why AH clings to that guy, he's terrible PR and terrible at his job
Trust me, there's no maybe about it. I've been trying to figure out the exact hows and whys for months now, and there have been discussions and speculation for months in this general about how and why it takes more shots sometimes.
And you've only been noticing shots not killing when they should because you're actually aware it's a bug now and are looking for it. The spear targeting was infamously an issue since release as well but it only got added to the "known issues" list in patch 0.202, so it's not like when something gets added to the known issues list it was that patch that introduced the bug.
i did some bugs for the first time in a few days yesterday and i forgot it now takes three arc throws to the head for spewers instead of the usual two. more hits mean more arc chain
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>D9 bugs
>charger and brood commander heavy seed
>each objective has 2-3 behemoths waiting
>Get to the first objective
>based teammate lands a stun on all 3 behemoths
>I go up to use my flamethrower and kill them all
>Nigger retard 3rd teammate throws a cluster bomb on them
>I have to retreat to not get team killed
>the cluster bomb does absolutely nothing and now the chargers are all unfrozen and running in different directions
How the FUCK do you get to level 46 and still not realise the cluster bombs are clearly doing nothing to the chargers?
>Just a hard loadout check
Unlike chargers, hiveguards, berserkers, hulks, tanks, or factory striders.
No I noticed the bile titan being inconsistent since launch. Its most notable with the 500kg penetrating their body or leg and the explosion somehow not killing them. The OPS was pretty much guaranteed with close to direct hits killing in 90% of cases.
I think everyone was aware that titans just randomly took additional hits to kill but I just assumed it was the hitboxes being fucked and the way the damage spread was calculated. Like 2 shots to the head was a kill, but if the shot hit the mouth and not the head it didnt count or other esoteric nonsense.

Im just saying I never ever ran across a titan surviving that much bullshit, its been seared into my memory for weeks.
Anything lower than lvl 60 to 70 is noob levels, even in D9 pubs. I wouldn't expect intelligent gameplay out of the majority of such players until that point.
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To the anons that gave advice on how toe get this game to run on a 5600x without overheating.

Tried reapplying thermal paste and getting the dust out of my PC. It worked (just did a full operation on d9 bugs without issues), thanks.
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>touch a single droplet of puke mist
>slowed for several seconds
yeah get fuckin owned nerd
Seethe, cuck
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jump over them

not me
Try not to get hit.
he can’t keep getting away with it!
>D9 bugs
>Arc thrower
>Jet pack
>Breaker SnP
>500 or OPS

Oh YEAH its bug time.
>big jump pack still pretending that they're not scamming the shit out of helldivers and super earth with their worthless garbage backpacks
>join game
>infinite loading screen
>join game
>infinite loading screen
>join game
>disconnect mid mission
>join game, extraction
>extraction shuttle arrives for everyone except me
>when it does arrive for me entering does nothing
>mission ends, never get the results, have to alt f4
shut the fuck up peasant

you are beneath me
they're going to watch you bomb bug holes in the air w/ grenades
bots literally make better jet packs than you scummy scammers
those guys suck, man. arc jumpers save the day
>typical chink name
every time
Is it just me or have the swiggers toned down the SC loot on lower difficulties?
No, you're just unlucky. I was getting good runs last night.
Just you. The only change AH made was making it so repeating the same mission by Alt F4ing or resetting connection doesnt work
did you get a crash report prompt after you alt-f4’d
looks like my witty joke just woooshed over your noob head (just like me on my jump pack)
I do
happen to anyone else?
>try to jump into level 8
>game puts me in 6 or 7
i don't mind too much, but that's not what i asked for !
It's a sign
you have to matchmake from the mission select screen, not the galactic map
have you guys ever had a similar experience with any other game with regards to how fun it starts out/how it gets progressively more frustrating due to dev fuckups over time
Quit the game and verify files. Restart game until its fixed.
You will know its fucked still because the mission map will not show anyone's in progress SOS missions to join.
Its been happening to me since last weeks mini patch but this fixes it 100%
The most obvious one is Darktide, but Lost Ark also fits with the issues, lag and the absolutely absurd size of the bot population leading to a clown economy full of gold buyers. Then amazon admitting they dont ban gold buyers, rather they give them a warning but not take action
The Cycle Frontier. Amazing world, cool enemies and unique weapons all thrown to the gutter because the devs were fucking retarded and spent resources redesigning the hub without fixing any of the issues people had with it (that still were unimportant compared to actual content). Launched and shut down within one year and I will seethe over it for years to come.
Vermintide 2
Slow content release, annoyances that never get fixed, patches that favor one class over the other, bad DLC, etc
i kind of ignore everything and the game is still really good. i've been waiting for this game for awhile and no nerfs can hold me back so far
I'm glad there's some dedicated niggers in Vandalon so we don't lose the progress
I kinda wish the MO was there, but clearing the bugs is important too
>Ice plant thing explodes while walking nowhere near it, sapping my stamina and speed
These things might be worse than the puffball things
sad as fuck that the gun that does it's job is "meta". fucking retarded even
Theres not really much point in holding vandalon. The devs are guaranteed to continue throwing defends on it until it breaks since its gone from holding 3 planets via supply lines to 5.
we get it, you love using the turbo crutch. Make sure to aim for the charger legs, wouldn't want to miss out on another exploit!
this thing still stops stalkers
you can at least use the puffball things for mobility if you detonate them while diving
When was the last time we hade to kill a bajillion enemies as MO?
lately, chargers have just been standing there for me to kill them. anyone else?
>someone picked the scout ping booster
>my PC had a fucking bluescreen
Yeah that's fucking it i'm uninstalling this shit
what? i thought everyone loves VT2? out of all the ‘tide games, i mean
they always sort of did that, but do it very frequently on the new biome
Can the arc thrower do anything to behemoths?
Seems like arrowhead caught wind of the GameGuard bypasses on a certain forum as well so now everyone is forced to keep the malware around
I have like 2000h in it, I obviously like the game, but it's mostly because the visceral first person melee is so unique and satisfying
None of my friends play it anymore and i those 2K hours there were a lot of annoying shit that didn't need to be there
takes like twelve shots to the head to kill them
At least it kills them.

If the thermite grenade deals damage to an enemies max health pool, I'm genuinely curious if sticking on to a charger/behemoth and arc throwing them will make killing them faster.
try it
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Can the railgun kill an open mouth Bile Titan?
The Quasar is a bitch to aim
they have given up
>It can one tap devs in the head if you walk forward while shooting :)
you have to dive it's not viable
it does one-tap troopers though which is pretty handy.
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Why are mechs magnets for teammates' stratagems? It seems the most common way my mechs blow up is from teammates throwing stratagems at its feet while i'm in it. I've seen this happen to other teammates who've brought mechs as well
yeah, but it depends a lot on timing

you have to rail it and blow your load directly into its hot wet mouth
For me, sickle is overrated in bug. It is a comfort pick but not really special nor optimal. Especially due to physical peak fixed, I would switch jar dominator place with it.

For bots, I would put eruptor and plasma punisher on optimal and tenderizer down one tier. A primary that can easily deal with devas, especially shield devas, in direct duel, is simply more preferred than the ones that kinda struggle. Yes, DCS and tenderizer have huge potential for efficient headshot kills on them, but in a tough situation, you aren't landing head shots on them reliably and gonna die, especially shield dev. For headshot kills, even the smg with ballistic is just better because you can block incoming fire and have time to line up the headshot. Also, they struggle against strider, unable to do anything to them to the front. Sure, you can say that you are using the support weapon, especially the auto cannon, to solve those situation. However, the drawbacks stack up and you just end up using the support weapon like 90% and only can pull out the primary for the smallest robot or comfort headshots situation. You end up having to always reloading your support. Meanwhile, if I'm using scorcher, JAR, plasma punisher, or erupter, I have like 50/50 usage on support/primary ratio and maintain my offense better. SMG/ballistic also is unique and let you take out heavy devas easily and avoid stagger by a stray non-explosive shot.
kind of wanting to try punisher plasma after i picked one up
Hmmm, I might try it
The Quasar works pretty well for Chargers, but Titans move too much for it
Oh , when I say strider, I mean scout strider. While they aren't always tough, when 2-3 walk up on you in mixture of a bot group and you have to rely on your support to kill them, then that means you'll be down a few shots in your support to deal with the bigger threat of devas
The playerbase is extremely retarded, if the galactic war wasn't a plain indication of that.
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You should definitely not go to the official HD discord server and say "identity politics have no place in video games"
This artificial tug of war is kinda shitty
I wish there was more than one in guy Arrowhead deciding these things, one for each faction.
dog rover is even "better"
does HMG damage bile niggers? they're annoying
It's great, it's like grenade launcher
Hurts bots a lot
sorry anon but we only lust after flutey in here
and flutey lusts after me~
Does anyone have any superstore armor?
A few look cool, but it's SC cost feels like a waste when you can get a better value for the Warbond
>dog rover
I meant to write "gun dog"
But I love bug women
I have all of them, I farmed SC for a good few hours when I discovered the reset connection method, which let me grab around 1700 an hour with a really good SC seed. I didnt farm for long which I might regret later on but it was enough to buy out the entire store and buy every warbond so far.
I was pondering maxing myself to 50k like some other anons but I was sick of it at that point
slugger below diligence and scythe and countersniper on bots bro wtf.
do bug women offer an around the world for 50 bucks?

take the flutey pill
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i almost always wear trench paramedic. other times, it's the light, black-yellow suit
has there been any testing showing if armor, l/m/h scales the shield backpack? as in, does wearing light armor make the shield backpack weaker and heavy armor make it stronger?
Did they patch that?
Cause I remember redoing a mission where my game crashed and the SC that I got at the same place didn't get accounted for
>says the sniveling little cuck projecting his own shit on others
Not fooling anyone. Flutey belongs to flutediver.
>it's the light, black-yellow suit
I like to match that with the Marksman helmet
The wide yellow stripe and visor match the armor perfectly, unfortunately it's a heavy helmet so it's too wide, but it still looks good
if im the one doing a world tour of flutey’s attractions and she belongs to you, doesn’t that make you the cuck?
shoot the turrets
if he complains, shoot him
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here we are keeping an eye on vernen wells

don't know what it's called, but i like the default helmet with the yellow stripe on the left side
Lmao says the projecting cuck sitting alone
so that’s a yes then
Yes, you're an angry little cuck.
guys guys come on. GET ALONG
>shopping anime girls into irl photos

wait people actually do this
i thought it was a meme
On bots? Yes, the scythe and especially the DCS are much, much better. It isn't below the regular diligence, though. Look again.
i meant to say bugs because he did in fact put it below them on bugs
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alright thats it dude, you win, i am done
it's one of those augmented reality things (AR), but i don't see what's so bad about shopping pics like that as long as they're funny or cool
There's a difference between suboptimal and undertuned. Suboptimal means that it can be good within the game, but not for that faction. Undertuned means that there's functionality missing that makes it more than just an ill fit for the situation. The slugger has really awful stagger on bugs that make it worse than other slow firing, high damage weapons, which can keep them off your ass while you backpedal.
More based than I thought.
Yes, you lost. He can confidently post it while you project your cuck fantasies.
>mentally ill ritualposter turns out to be mentally ill
Why are people freaking out in response? Your schizophrenic replies for the generals other threads made it pretty clear youre fucked mentally.
I guess maybe this was just the final thing they needed to acknowledge that you arent just trolling and you are this retarded
it's a dobsonian

haha ignore it, friend
>he's the only one freaking out over an animeposter
You're getting trolled, bro.
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>haha ignore it, friend
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moondance, flutey

excuse me, but it's a VIDEO GAME
Helldivers finally got psychosis. This the alien doing?
>got psychosis
I'm black.
You can be black and acquire pyschosis.
I just learned about "excited delirium" and it's pretty wild the cops have flat out made up a medical condition that doesn't exist so they can kill you and then say it was your fault

supposedly according to the government someone can become so agitated due to drugs or mental illness that they just suddenly die because their brain stops performing vital functions
it's not true, it isn't recognized by any medical organizations, there's no proof such a thing could happen
but basically what they end up doing is tasering or giving ketamine to black people they arrest and they would die from the effects on the way to jail so they invented a fake medical condition to explain the phenomenon
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Is it possible to get the alpha commander, ambassador of the brand, or knight armors?
But apparently there's some keys around in ebay
I lost my shit at this
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gas station
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Huh, might drop 3 bucks on a code. Thanks anon. Also, fit check.
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>they just suddenly die because their brain stops performing vital functions
I mean, people die when they are killed, yes this is correct.
Is "stops performing vital functions" including resisting arrest and thereby becoming a threat to a future pension fund? This just seems like the police version of SIDS.
But organizations making up medical conditions doesn't really sound wild to me. "Hysteria" comes first to mind "comes" hehehehe and I'm sure if I dedicated more to thinking right now and was more sober I could list out other shit.
Fuck you've got me monologuing again, >>483625609 I was just making a joke implying any of us don't already have psychosis.
I dunno. Daddy done up and always told me that taxation is theft, and likes to fly that yellow snek flag on his front lawn espousing the values of liberty but he was also a state trooper and has told me multiple times that his retirement pension as a result of being permanently injured at work was really the only reason we could live a semi-comfortable life, so I dunno the fuck to make of it.
Learn how to use 4chan before you post please.
Can someone help me tell something about Stalwart / Mg43 / HMG?
If not for incendiary breaker, then MG43 was my "primary" bug weapon.
Stalwart definitely mogs due to lack of medium penetration.
And then there is HMG. I honestly don't know just how better it is compared to Mg43. All I can see is that HMG can destroy spores (and shrieker nests?), which is definitely a fine addition.
is friend in the room with us right now?
>use supply pack to supply
>accidentally melee someone multiple times
>leave and unbind melee
Based retard.
There's no functional difference between the forehead and the mouth, open or closed. they're all part of the same hit zone with the same HP and armour, which he railgun can match and damage even on safe mode. To kill a bile titan with the railgun 8 to 9 shots to anywhere on the head at 85% to 90% charge level are needed.

At least there SHOULDN'T be any functional difference, but something about the bile titans animations, especially its spitting animation, makes shots to the mouth sometimes not do any damage, so avoid shooting the mouth while it is spitting.
>have no trouble on Suicide
>always have bad time on Impossible/Helldive
I don't like Soloing but randos just don't know what they're doing 90% of the time
did you know you can keybind the "quick grenade" to the same button as the grenade button. So instead of changing your weapon to grenade, you instead just throw a grenade and go back to the weapon you have out.
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now do a wing diver suit
This is more of a teamwork problem. I usually hold my strikes until the team has blown their load. That is if anyone's doing anything about it or near me. Half the time the bugdivers I'm randoming with have AT and panic the second a charger or bile so much as gestures in their general direction.
just take bubble shield also and not worry about it.
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>blow gaping hole in the side of a charger chasing my "teammate"
>continues to sprint away from it and eventually die somehow
>catch up to it and magdump it in the side, it instantly dies
am I the only person on the planet who knows this is a weak spot
Is d7 worth it? I completed an Op once, but since d6 has basically the same rewards I stuck there
The only real difference I felt was there was more bile titans around
Yes, you have to treat it like a strider. Only it's much harder because of how it moves and all the smaller bugs around it. Max RPM and blow the belly to smithereens.
it really is fucking terrible trying to do this, if the bugs wont kill you your teammates will
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Anyone wanna actually play the game? Staring with bugs on a desert planet, then moving on to bots if I feel up for it.
>To kill a bile titan with the railgun 8 to 9 shots to anywhere on the head at 85% to 90% charge level are needed.
>8 to 9
That's pretty unfeasible, I was thinking 2-3
The Quasar kills it in 3
So how have things been
Awful. Please join my lobby.
Nobody wants to play Helldivers we just want to complain about it
>Accidentally melee someone
That's how you get stubborn retards who don't stim themselves to 50% so you can stim them yourself
But how will you find more things to complain about if you don't play the game?
>failed to join
It's over
fuck yes a lobby

>failed to join lobby
liberty damn it
not me
>failed to join
I don't know why I even try
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Bugs D9 since it looks like a bunch of people failed to join the other lobby
Because the quasar is doing 650 damage a shot and the railgun at that charge level is only doing roughly 115 damage a shot, against the 750 HP head.
Fug hold up restarting. I was kicked due to inactivity, that may have messed stuff up, although the Join Game link I copied was the same as when I first posted the lobby. Fresh link on the way (make sure your status is set to online as well).
>please pay attention to me
Yea stalwart kinda suck
On paper, HMG is better but practically, they are about equal
MG (you should run max RPM)
Better handling, make it easier to clear small mobs, particularly hunters
You don't need to run supply pack on it so you can run something like laser rover for even better light mob clearing
Better sustain fire due to higher mag size
Has lower durability damage to kill things like charger butt and bile spewer body noticably slower than HMG

HMG (should keep at middle RPM)
You have to run supply backpack, but that also means more stim and more stun grenades
Worse handling, kinda annoying when huntera are jumping around you but manageable now with physical peak armor perk
Much higher recoil to control
Kill pretty much all medium armor enemy + charger faster than LMG due to higher damage and durability damage (and the higher pen help in some case, such as bile spewer head) as well as bursting down charger butt faster
Lower mag so you can't maintain sustain fire for that long, which matter for bug because they kinda close in and don't let you reload that easily often
Nevermind, I'm going to this guy who knows what he's doing>>483631716
We need 1 more colon diver
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>another filler MO
Holy shit just give us AT mines as a tip or something fucking hell
Because Anime is an entire media and too broad.
The reason for the examples you have given are franchises which have changed for the worse while there are clearly still serval good animations being produce by the east
Also cope you low iq monkey real cool tards like you keep pushing the narrative that troons own one of the coolest medias out there
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>take GPMG
>other guy takes stalwart
>roll around together
>pic related
D7 is very fun, though I prefer Bugs over Bots because Spear/Rocket Turret deletes Chargers and Titans easy. I'm full on samples so I just play for SC's
bullying people who play this game is more fun than actually playing this game
>one anon thinks he's trolling
>gets trolled himself
As usual.
game crashed!
gg divers.
it's always been the way of the internet, im laughing at them and they are likely laughing at me
it's mutually beneficial and we have a good time (a better time in fact than playing helldivers)
This is cope.
i dont need to cope, because people who play this game do it for me
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, one anon screeches and the other seems to just ignore him.
It's a great game and you can't kill it lmao
i dont want to kill it, i like playing it
but there's a lot of dorks who take it reeeeally seriously
i'm probably not
Bro, you bullying anyone. People are just watching you act like a bitch.
This game is actually too easy.
the dorks who take the game reeeeeally seriously are here
I play on D5. You're just being a woman about everything.
KEK true
you can rejoin it's still 3/4
Failed to join lobby!
>I play on D5
god himself could not get this information out of me
This looks like shit
>being that insecure
some combos are superstore only, like light or heavy medic stuff
dominator + handling armor completely invalidates slugger's existence
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don't mind me, just over here being based



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Now that they buffed a lot of weapon handling, which primaries are left that get a benefit from peak physique? Basically just the Jar-5?
I look forward to these.

And these
God I hate the last minute spawn for pickup
id imagine the eruptor gets a nice feel to it
you still want to join? a random joined I can kick them
ok :)
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specially for you

DCS and Dominator. Technically the Spray'n'Pray but... lol.
Hope they add more in the future.
Fluteposter I mean no disrespect but my dick just died and I was wondering if I could bury it in fluteys fat fucking tiddies?
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her boobs aren't big at all. i just edited a few of them
oh fuck I'm retarded I had it on friends only
should work now
i'll be on in like 10 minutes
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Doctors in the Victorian era were based as hell.
>woman comes in complaining she's unhappy and can't take it anymore
>obviously hysterical
>treatment is strapping her to a table and having a wooden dildo fuck her until she has an orgasm
>you're in control of this the entire time, having to obviously oversee the treatment personally
>may have to apply personal attention to the clitoris so she can get all the hysteria out via intense screaming
>yep she's cured all right
Next patient is a man.
>you obviously want to fuck your mother you're a degenerate incestual get the fuck out of my office
>next woman please I'm hard again
I keep seeing everyone say to run the rover instead of supply pack, but come on it is so much more fun to take supply pack and fill everything with lead.
yes, i rike the booby proportionate to their bodies

arrowhead is following their example to a T
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Unironically plebeian tastes. "hurr durr, every woman is beautiful!"
seethe, sniveling little cuck
most bitches are ugly, man. it's always been like that
They were ahead of their time.
>woman's getting uppity again
>just dick her down it'll be fine
That's what I'm saying, "proportionate" bodies are basic bitch, disgusting shit. Not every body is beautiful lmfao
unless you're a female brawny diver...
but you know what kind of girl is especially ugly? the ones drawn with exaggerrated proportions ;)
they weren't ahead. it was just the right move. we just went backwards today

i sure will
yeah but there is a class of bug called scavenger, so it must be it does worker ant shit like find food or nesting locations
>fluteposter more based than I thought
no dumdum the Dildigence is better than the scythe on bots IF you can aim
we're BASED on flutes and flutey songs
Ok, so I got booted out, but no crash. I just got sent to my destroyer. Can't rejoin either.
have you ever seen a vagina
yeh ur mum's most recently
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>400 credits
This shit better be worth it.
does this still work nowadays? Asking for a friend.
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Supply pack is worth it if you use every part of your kit equally to its limit. It's still ok with MG but I feel like MG can always be topped off with ground ammo box loot and regularly supply call down so I feel like it's not worth it
what are you getting? trench paramedic?
If dicking down a woman cures her woes. I was wondering if that still works.
i know your reply wasn't meant for me, but, yes
Just make sure it's actually a women first.
"proportional" LOL
yes, thats why they always want to cuddle after
it domesticates them. Their simple brains can't process the stimulation so they become very docile for a while
lost connection uuuu
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>used redeemer and lib. carbine
I AM the bullet hose
>mg turret
>gatling turret
>ac turret
I am bulletman™
Really womanly to assume that of another man desu.
I thought those videos were official until now.
since it's a player driven story and we the players are the characters, any media such as music and poetry made is canon to the universe
>Evacuation missions

This would be where I would use my anti-tank mines. IF I HAD THEM.
we did it we saved the kids
Illuminate doko?
>but he was also a state trooper and has told me multiple times that his retirement pension as a result of being permanently injured at work was really the only reason we could live a semi-comfortable life, so I dunno the fuck to make of it.
what better cause can the tax money go to? as far as I'm concerned if a tax dollar is going into a citizen's pocket and not shipped to jewkraine or funneled into the eternal boomer death cult I consider it a win
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I wish they'd at least put some effort into the filler MOs than they are right now. Even just saying we're attacking x planet to save a group of cub scouts or some shit would make it more engaging than "durrrrr bugs are growing in number, please kill them ty"
yeah, i wanted to go IN the hospital
But, anon, how are they supposed to drop endless patrols on your head if you're fighting in a hospital?

Cyborg Warlords when?
me and the boys dropping in to liberate cyberstan

send thousands of the foot soldier bots inside or make hospital huge
>Clip through vault door using mech
>The things inside cannot be interacted with
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they're not even throwing in freebies aside from that couple hours of free AC days ago
daily free mines, machine turret, gas, strafing, EAT, whatever the fuck to make this obviously lazy shit less boring
Waiting on someone to do this in one of my games so I can shoot their mech and trap them
there needs to be a free stratagem every day at all times, have them on a random rotation. The entire thing can be automated
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I'll be very disappointed if we drop on Cyberstan and it's the same shit like with the Meridia Supercolony and there's no new giant enemies.
"You get TWO big buildings, because you're a big boy playing a big boy game." - Arrowhead
are we back?
GG to the lobby. Fun games.
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>decide to play after a month of not playing
>hit quickplay bugs 9
>these retards just stay there and never move
>spear still feels like shit to play due to the low ammo economy
>that ship module i bought for ammo doesnt seem to be working anymore
>mission ends with one retard panic jumping into the pelican and leaving the other 3 of us behind
>close game
I dislike the way all the planets are just wilderness with random outposts, it actually doesn't align with the fantasy at all
would make sense the further to the outer rim you go the more wild the planets get
but as far as human habitations you just see random abandoned homesteads and stuff with no roads or anything
I don't even need a city just yet, at least give me a town!
>players let the enemy get all the way to super earth
>it's nothing but outposts
"Wait.... was Super Earth destroyed 100 years ago and we've just been a roaming warband all this t-HELLDIVERS KIA, DEPLOYING NEW SQUAD."
>fire breaker
shitter opinion discarded
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>our way of life, galaxy-wide
>paved with the skulls of those who've died
>unslakeable tide, of super earth pride
>a torrent that can't be satisfied
Ngl that part's actually fire
>shitting on the spear

If Super Earth are the aggressors then why do bots shoot back?
I WILL take the fire breaker, fire impacts, napalm, and fire mines and I WILL be happy.
and flamethrower of course
play a civilian extraction mission and watch the bots target and gun down the fleeing non-combatants when they catch sight of em.
clankers aren't people and super earth did nothing wrong
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>a endless war for democracy
>line to pet the hunters
What is this, the Street Corner Commando armor?
Man I wish we had plasma guns.
Where/how do I create join lobby link?

t. retarded tech worker
Vehicle bay soon please. My wishlist for it is:
>Increase ammo capacity of vehicles by 25%
>Increase vehicle charges by 1
>Decrease cooldown of Vehicles by 10%
>Mechs are installed with Stratagem launchers.

Another idea I was thinking of which probably won't happen now that they fixed escaping destroyed mechs, is an ejector seat, that once a vehicle reaches a health threashold where its gonna blow up, the passenger(s) are ejected randomly into the air. I thought it'd be kinda funny for mechs and cars to just shoot helldivers into the air, giving them a not 0% chance of going down in flames with the vehicle. Not really feasible though now that getting out of a destroyed mech isn't death.
they actually all stand there and stare as well if you stand in front of their line of walking in the right spot
I just want to freely walk about the vehicle deck, see all our toys up close
>mfw it's modelled and people can oob to walk around it just fine
let us use the lift or unblock the stairs reeeeee
This game is awfully able-ist. Where are there stairs? Every single piece of terrain both on the destroyer and on the planets should be traversable via wheelchair. DnD eventually got the message, so now it's time for Arrowhead as well. :)
Physically and mentally disabled citizens are harvested for their organs in order to best serve other, able bodied citizens.
Go to your slop profile and, while "online" or "away", right click and copy the link that says "join game".
An ejector seat would be fun, sort of like how Titanfall did it where if you mash the eject button you launch yourself into the air with some minor control, and it could give you a one-time Jump Pack effect so you can fall safely
Mechs definitely need some more attention and thought put into their overall design though, right now they feel like almost an afterthought of a stratagem type compared to everything else. It seems like they basically want you to use them like a rage meter and call one in whenever you expect to need to kill a lot of enemies in a small area, the only issue is that they're not really strong enough to make that a good value proposition and there's no reason to bring them over other stratagems that provide value for the entire mission instead of one, maybe two encounters
That sounds an awful lot like what the Automatons do, helldiver...
doesn't matter if you're black, disabled, chinese or normal here, you're getting a prosthetic and you're gonna get in the damn pod
The pelican has a ramp. When you board back on the ship, it's a fucking escalator platform that takes you up.


Please just run whatever you like, if we get rekt oh well.
We do anon...

lobby is private, soldier
>Lobby is private
>if you mash the eject button you launch yourself into the air with some minor control, and it could give you a one-time Jump Pack effect so you can fall safely
I thought it would be funny if it just launched you in the air and had a chance of completely fucking you over, but also gave you a not zero percent chance of dying, since before the patch you couldn't survive your mech dying with you in it. The idea of the description mentioning forgoing a parachute for maximum efficiency.
>Mechs definitely need some more attention and thought put into their overall design though, right now they feel like almost an afterthought of a stratagem type compared to everything else.
Problem is they definitely designed mechs with future module upgrades in mind. Its hard to talk about mech balance when that is probably something they are planning to add (why its taking so long is beyond me, maybe waiting for more vehicles?)

The only mech that I think needs a buff is the emancipator. It's durability damage should be increased a bit. Patrioit suit is actually pretty strong.
FIXED. So there's no way to prevent normans?
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I could live with the Eruptor as is if it just got a little more direct, non-explosive damage, enough to 1HK0 non-heavy devastators on the chest and kill armored spewers in 1-2 shots rather than 3-4. It almost, almost feels perfect in conjunction with a laser rover. It's so close.

I do miss the shrapnel, though. Felt like every shot was pulling the arm on a slot machine, in a good way.
I never thought about it like that, thanks anon.
Eruptor is fine as it is now. You either like it or you don't. If it is better than what it already is, there is little reason to use other weapons due to how much utility it offer in its package. Also, heavy dev actually have the lowest base hp among the dev so if it can 1hko other dev, it would 1hko heavy dev too unless it hit the heavy dev shield.
It already 2hko armored bile spewer to the head.
ggs, fun times.
I don't know, with such a long chamber time it just feels like it's lacking an extra 10% to get it over the finish line for feeling good to use on medium targets. If I tap something that isn't too big directly, I think it should be deleted as long as I didn't hit some non-essential extremity.
There is, this is how it works.
When you boot up the game, don't select a mission. That's all it takes. As soon as you select a mission after starting the game and the hellpods pop up with the prompt to lock your feet in, randos can join (providing your lobby is set to public).
I believe, but am not certain, that if you set your lobby to the new "Invite Only" setting in the settings menu, that people giving direct links like the one you posted will be able to join. I don't know that for certain.
Also, if you do select a mission, you can open up the map and simply right click until it zooms all the way out and exits. The holographic map will auto zoom back into the mission you selected, but the hellpods will be disabled, which I'm pretty sure makes your lobby disconnected from randos, so to speak.
The only surefire way I know is the first one, where you start the game and don't select a mission until you have a full party of anons who connected with your steam lobby link.
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Hey, I'm R4!
It's making me miss Hellmire
At least I could see thwte
nah swamp is cool
only biome that really changes the gameplay up
We should all not play for a month and see what happens
i hope they make a map thats like Fori Primes canyons that break the map up except thats the entire map but theres ramps to the top parts to navigate quickly around if you can find ramps up and down.
I don't know how you can boast about the Eruptor killing spewers in two shots to the head as if that's some sort of high point for it. The Eruptor just asks you to sacrifice far too much for a weapon that underperforms. I always see people bringing up that it can't destroy fabs and bug holes, but that isn't good utility for a primary when the grenade pistol already ties up many builds if you want to take stun grenades.
It feels fine on medium target to me. The big thing is that since it is good at medium target AND have AOE, AND have strong stagger, it shouldn't be better at single target killing as other medium weapon like jar dominator. It should have good value when firing into clumped up targets but only "okay" value against single target. When you play diff 9 and the enemy density is high, you really can feel how good the weapon is. When considering the AOE properly and stagger, its killing speed actually matches up with the plasma punisher, which is also another AOE and strong stagger weapon. Plasma punisher doesn't have good ttk on single target neither, but people reapect it for its AOE stagger. It is more forgiving and easier to handle than the Eruptor though so maybe that's why people are more comfortable with it
On top of that, it is the only 1 out of 2 primary that can kill FAB/bug hole and 1 out of 5 primary that can kill tank tower/tank heat sink in reasonable time.
While I do miss the shrapnel days, I think the some aspect of the shrapnel effect was not intended. The shrapnel multi hitting a big hitbox target cause the vanilla eruptor to be extremely good at killing single target on top of killing multi target via AOE, which imo was a bit too strong. Vanilla eruptor was straight up almost as strong as many as support weapons
Eagle Airstrike or 500kg Bomb?
It's not good for what it can oneshot, it's good for its AoE. I was an Eruptor doubter until recently. I was shooting at bug breachers and lines of bugshitters streaming toward other divers and getting 3 or 4 kills per shot and staggering even more bugs than that. It was better at vacuuming up trash than the GL which is pretty impressive (even if the GL is kinda bad for a support weapon)

That being said, it could stand to be buffed a little and still not be broken. I'd say it's a mid-tier weapon with heavy drawbacks that has outstanding performance in its niche which makes it a bit difficult to evaluate.
>not being able to see is cool
>having to transverse a biome filled with water when you don't swim is cool
>having to navigate the rock walls is cool
>500kg bomb when eagle airstrike gets an extra strike, additional bomb upgrades, and is just generally better for everything except like 2 side objectives and Bile Titans
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Has anyone figured out if pic related is ACTUALLY modified by medic armor? One could make a wicked sprint build if light medic armor existed
Airstrike for bots, 500kg for bugs (Bile Titans specifically)
I can only imagine the eruptor would be good for bugs if you are running a machine gun with it
Bile Titans are serious business though
Any lobbys up?
So i do the orbital gatling or the eagle strafe so any meaningful damage to heavies?
The Blizzard/Sandstorm biomes are also pretty cool, but they're similar to each other. I wish we had more stuff like that
>>not being able to see is cool
>>having to transverse a biome filled with water when you don't swim is cool
>>having to navigate the rock walls is cool
I would put eruptor high mid on bug but straight up a top tier on bot.
While eruptor is just "okay" on bugs in shooting some clumped up cluster and mostly there for utility, eruptor on bot has so many damn privilege that it's hard to put it under top 5 as a bot primary.
napalm and cluster bombs are much better than airstrikes for bugs
Strafing can help strip a charger, very ineffective on bile titans as a softener, and most bot targets are too small and the individual shots dont do quite enough damage to make it worth it when many support weapons obliterate things like hulks easily anyways.
then why do bug divers pretend they don't exist until there is a group of them?
I'm just gonna say it
The armor should only be heavy, medium and light
You should be able to pick the perks separately
nah controversial take but I think it's not amazing on bots. it's good but only if you don't have an AC or AMR in the first place which, well, usually you do. I think, when you take one of those support weapons, having a primary with distinct utility is a lot better than having a backup (inferior) AC
I just want an armor with either handling + recoil or handling + longer stim duration
I have seen Gatling take down weakened Titans like 4 times already
Strafing can apparently take down bot factories in 2 runs, so it should be able to do the same
They're starstruck and don't want to embarrass themselves
yes, a random was carrying the ssd and dropped it in the water and felt so bad about it, he was really bummed
I want to watch them get BUGGED. Thank you for posting that dude's art, anon. Did you know he has an alt? There's some good pics of leandivers getting raped.
Also, what would a "light" walker look like? So far the walkers have gotten weapons on the heavier side, so I find myself thinking about what a walker with, say, grenade launchers or HMGs would look like. I think a lighter sort of frame with a pintle mounted Stalwart/MG-46 would be cool, so you could have a buddy climb up on your walker and clear away chaff enemies for you while you focus on heavier enemies. That, and actually having some kind of reloading function
Stims are some of the most useful shit in the game, they're like iframes in action games
Relating that effect to medic armors is ridiculous
>what would a light walker look like
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>mfw still haven't unlocked Democratic Detonation
But eruptor itself has a tons of utility on bot. Whenever you run eruptor on bot, you relief some of the weight off your support weapon because your support weapon does need reloading or cool down (in case of LC). It straight up deal with heavy dev than many popular support weapons and more efficient at taking down walkers than many support weapons. Even if you run the AC that you can deal with those, you have the Eruptor to back up so you don't have to rely the AC to shoot all of those target, then need to reload when 2 hulks pull up on you
Those girls are virgns lmao
Most planet the helldivers fight on are barely populated. Small community with small green house. When are we going to fight in some megahive city?
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Alright niggers, how do I anticipate the bug seed before I drop in and get my loadout hard-countered by rng satan? Is it decided server-wide or by planet? What is the schizo secret?
>Oh? You didnt bring explosive dps?
>Fuck you, bile seed
>oh? You didnt bring full-auto trash clear?
>fuck you, all hunters
>oh? You brought trash-clear and AT but no medium pen?
>fuck you, armor seed
That's actually really cool, not at all what I had in mind, but still cool. If there were something in that vein, an oblong sort of main hull/shield like the D-Walker would be a good way to differentiate its silhouette from the bot scout striders. I can't imagine it would be nearly that fast, though. It'd probably plod along at a slightly faster pace than the walkers we've got. Dual Stalwarts for armament maybe, and a stratagem marker launcher, like in the OG Helldivers
Are we saved now?
Flame Breaker, Quasar, 500kg, Orbital Barrage and shield should cover you for almost anything
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>pop experimental stim
>run around the whole large bug hive at lightning speed shooting nests with my grenade pistol
Not for long. They're going to be sent to a bug farm to serve Super Earth in a different way. Taking load after load of thick bug ichor in every hole until they break.

Join or I gut you.
We're going to protect them so that never happens!
2 spots left, gonna give it a few mins
join the church of the railgun with stuns + nade pistol
>3 tap charger heads (or 3 tap an arm and primary it down if you dont trust headshots)
>1 shot spewers, broods and if you need it in a pinch hiveguards
>can soften titans
use breaker inc for everything else, take at least 1 anti bile titan strat like Railcannon or 500kgs. You now have 2 free slots for whatever you want.
Do bug farmers get paid a lot ? I mean these are some dangerous farm animals.
>get back from mission
>democracy officer waiting for you with your childhood friend crushdiver
>next mission is in SEAF held territory
>piece of cake
>it's on a bug farm
>democracy officer tells you take a break, you've earned it
>watch her drop alone into a bug enclosure
>live SEAF feed
>you watch as she drops her gun and takes off her helmet>>483658645

All you can do is watch
Good thing there are no children hospital near bug planet.
There are more of us than more of you. We will never let it happen!
Yeah they get paid plenty, but is it enough to soften the sting of having to "oversee" every woman on the farm getting bred by terminid cock?
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>Dropping on Malevelon Creek for a nuke run, called the pelican right away saying mission accomplished on account of how I'm fuckin NUCLEAR
>I got a democratic officer voting for me, I MANAGE this shit man
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Sorry anon, she has to do her duty. Now, sit back and watch.
must be prime time in some SEA shithole
>soften titans
i did say can, not that its effective at it i even said to bring anti bile titan strategem. Next.
Aren't those subhumans banned from playing?
>these stims are liberated, mellifluous
>eagle sweat on my purples got me tasting molecules
>i don't give a fuck about bugs, i got 710 stacks
>my bitch is cryogenetically frozen, but her pussy still fire
>eagle-1 don't need legs, i dive in there anyway
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What did he mean by this?
I take it back snoy. Ban all SEA mongoloids. Ban all of Asia. Ban the entire southern hemisphere.
What is the largest number of active helldivers at one time anyway ? I thought it was 100k, but we reached that number even with all the banned nations.
>gonna lose fori
We're going back to Estanu boys
Based I LOVE deserts
They were protected and left in my care! THE END lmao
Hang around a teammate who run something that cover for your weakness
What are you talking about anon? This is required viewing. Sit back and watch.
Does anyone have a link for that mod from last thread?
They were left in my care and protected! Then an angry Super Earth cuck commissioned art for it and posted it here! Lmao!
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This is Super Earth. Your kind gets your head stomped in, citizen!
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>if light medic armor existed
SNIFFING your sweaty childhood friend crushdiver taking off her armor after a mission
WATCHING her clean the smegma off the democracy officer's filthy COCK
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>Chud Divers
/hdg/ BTFO
>put chud armor in the game but never make it available
eternally btfo
>fight bots
>get 476 kills just from bringing an AMR and airstrikes
>fight bugs
>despite overwhelming numbers end the game was 120~ish kills because 99% of the game is spent kiting infinite behemoths and titans
I think you gotta be mentally ill to enjoy bugs at this point man
>post is in english
>this poster must be in SEA
Snoyniggers really are sub-80 iq lmao
Ok diff 5 player. Next
They are all in my care and they are protected! You are also small and weak! No leandiver looks at you or goes near you! Huzzah!
cope harder at your lack of skill.
Nah bro they just upped it to fun mode. Was getting boring before. Easily doable
i don't think i've ever seen anyone on 4chan defend SEAs. this is wild.
>The japanese female voices are otoko style
No girls in the japanese, just bois
Leandivers: PROTECTED
What a typical shitter response. Enjoy your low-level railshit gameplay down in the beginner tiers and/or being an anchor for your team. The rest of us don't need your useless justification of your inefficient shit loadout
enjoying the seethe there while I clear D9s with a railgun.
Eagle-1 sounding like Japanese Bull Dyke Marisa from SF6 was where I wretched and turned VAs back to English.
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I leave the thread for two hours and a bunch of degenerate larpers show up
Heavy Arc Thrower: It does indeed slap bile titans across the map, however it has a chargeup time of 3 seconds and the lightning itself has to be discharged for 3 seconds. However it requires a backpack. Can stun heavy enemies during the discharge.
You missed last thread aswell?
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>Eagle-1 Mari-chan
switching voices RN
What happened last thread?
Kinda make a really boring play style, similar to SPEAR in a way
I've missed a handful of threads, I've been playing final fantasy rebirth and sitting in /dbg/
Wow this was comfy before Alexus took over.
Please go back to one of them
over 400,000
under 7,000 for the first game
I've tried hitting the side of the charger after blowing off the armor several times I'm pretty sure its bugged on my machine cause I never get hitmarkers for it and it doesnt die.
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Anybody else have occasional gale force winds inside their ship?
>Tiny spewer puked at me but miss me.
>Hit the trunk instead which combusted and I died instantly.
Yeah, I don't remember any coomers in the last thread. What's the QRD on gooning to Helldivers 2 anyway? It seems like a pretty sexless game.
anon, Alexus has only helped improve the game, because he said so.
And any negative effects from his rebalances (mostly buffs!) are not his fault
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>quickplay into D9
>allies start dying left and right, repeatedly, in the first 10 minutes
>realize I'm going to have no reinforces left so start playing hyper cautiously
>end up carrying all the objectives and being watched fighting solo on extraction
>kill myself with a 500kg because I couldn't see that I was cornered through the sandstorm, couldn't get far enough away
Man, that was wild. The medium pen MG is GOAT now with the new armor BTW, love it so much. Eruptor, bushwhacker, stun nades, MG, laser rover, OPS, and 500kg hold up even on D9 now. I love it so much. Wish the eruptor was better against charger butts, though. Do they still not take explosive damage?
If it's not cucks, then it's bug fuckers. They want to have sex with bugs or watch people have sex with bugs.
reminder he considers the eruptor a buff
>I love it so much.
ignore the second time I said this, reformatted my post and didn't clip this off lmao
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That's really wholesome.
Yeah I don't see the appeal, except for the cuck stuff I guess.
This is moreso just cute silly shenanigans with a vaguely waifubait character, not really porn. It's weird, most of the Helldivers porn I see is just bugs. Like, just bugs. No humans.
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anon, shrapnel was mostly hitting allies, because he said it was. He HAD to remove it! It was killing the game!
It was killing allies because they added that to the game.
I just want to say I'm still mad about this from months ago
A leandiver came on my ship, hugged me, then immediately turned around and left

I felt sexually violated and now I'll never hug again
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>mostly buffs
Wrong. But, lets look at your average 'buff':
>Starter pistol buffed from 60->75
>scavenger hp:80
Hahaha, fucking pathetic
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Thankfully I havent seen any bugshit. Eagle One is all I need.
There are more good weapons ever than release but people will never let go of that 2-3 big nerfs (even if they get buffed again eventually like eruptor)
I can't decide which I like more, her calling him an idiot or him calling her that
Brought a machine gun to a bugs blitz mission, got absurd charger spawns, found a Railgun on the map. Actually felt good to switch my support weapon with something I found on the map.
Anon, the very notion that they nerfed shit when the vast majority of shit was still subpar shows how disconnected they are from balance.
Fixing Arc and Rail since they overperformed (only due to fucking bugs, not actual prescribed stats) is just the topping of not understanding what was coded into your own game.
>It's an entire group gets disconnected except me right before the final objective mission
They changed the module computer on the ship, yes?
Mine looks different now, it's recessed further back
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>democratic intelligence agency keeps moving stuff on anon's supadestroya just to fuel his schizofrenia
@yard2nd on twitter
Based artist, wish he drew more helldivers getting cucked tho
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have they even acknowledged all the fucking infinite loading screens?
holy based, thank you
>wanting to fuck kaworu
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>There are more good weapons ever than release
Counterpoint: There are more BAD weapons than ever, and most of them are from the most recent warbonds. QED
I mean bad weapons are just bad. There are significantly more good weapons to play with now and that matters for my enjoyment of the game rather than seething over something that I don't use
Ma'am, I am gay.
What was eagle 1 doing in the Pelican cockpit...
The lib carbine is shit, the bushwacker is fun and the fent stims are the first worthwhile booster from a premium warbond. Well, the knives are a meme but what else did you expect from them?
If the rest of the warbond wasn't just shitty cosmetics it would've been a pretty okay warbond. As it stands it's probably the one you should get last if it all.
I think the knife would be good if they give it stun property on a single target as well as AP 5 so it will always "stick" to a target and stun a target.
It would be an alternative to the stun grenade but act more like an impact single target stun.
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sign it
The main thing that saddens me about the lib carbine is since it's in the "slap camo paint on everything" warbond, we probably won't get the AR-22C Patriot from the first game. The leaked Patriot carbine that you could get with hacks was probably turned into the lib carbine we got. I just want that standard issue black and yellow color scheme without all the extra GI Joe bits on top, man...
we got skins for vics, surely we'll also get skins for weapons
>he doesn't know
Leandivers are strictly for the democracy officer's stress relief use (in his personal sauna)
So I already got Steeled Veterans and Cutting Edge which are frequently mentioned to me as the only real good ones
Can I get Viper Commandos or is there something good in the other two?
Hope you're right, anon. A lib pen in black, or a lib carbine in black would be a perfect fit for a mechdiver pilot LARP loadout
Democratic Detonation is great for the Adjudicator alone. Take it with recoil armour and a supply pack and have fun just mowing down patrols
Polar patriots has a really solid choice of weapons now, with the exception the Purifier they're all pretty good
Democratic detonation mostly hast the grenade pistol which opens up build variety with its utility power and the Adjudicator but the rest of the warbond is pretty meh
ideally monocolour skins would be purchaseable with req slips - something like 250k for a recolour wouldn't be that bad and a resource sink like that can never be wrong
i just want to recolour the incel breaker, it looks too goofy
Detonation warbond for the grenade pistol. Having a demolition tool in your pocket opens up so many possibilities
>looks great
>effect is total shit
The cape is even called "Botslayer" but instead of using that as a theme for a new effect, or better yet, give some kind of bonus for energy weapons, to match the whole warbond take, AH instead decided to take the worst possible decision, the one you didn't think it was possible
Polar and detonation now both have good stuffs, unless you really care about the stim booster (but you can just depend on one of your teammate to run it anyway)
Polar has one of the best AR for bot and the best SMG (that stun) so get that if you like full auto
Detonation has eruptor and grenade pistol that but open up a lot of good build with their special utility. Eruptor is a bit of an unconventional weapon that is heavily polarized. It either click with you or it doesn't. Adjucator is the best med pen AR as well.
the cape has a hidden 10% damage bonus against bots
Semi related but i genuinely believe there should be some kind of drawback from using stims back to back. It should affect your aim or vision or something. Because they make you functionally invulnerable.
The new stims make your vision worse if you're still high and pop another one
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>an entire warbond with an armor perk that only protects against a damage type that is not used by any faction or biome
>but is used by the lowest of low-IQ shitter strats
What did alexus mean by this???
>13h thread
>not even close to 404
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not wee
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Dead game, shit general, super earth has fallen, BILLIONS must dive. Its. Literally. Over.
Ded gaen
I just have some emerging mental disorders and latch on to things in an unhealthy way
I don't even play this game anymore but I still want to talk and watch videos about it

I think it's because it was the first time in a long time I remember having fun and feeling good and so I'm clinging to it
It's never been more over than it is right now.
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Hell yeah, bros. I've got everything unlocked already but at least I'll have the next warbond as soon as it comes out. I managed to unlock everything up to this point without buying SC but had finally ran dry with viper commandos because I bought the medium physique armor from the super store. I was willing to spend real money to get SC for the next warbond but it looks like I'm covered, I just hope it's not out in a month or longer...
never ever
>urban maps
never ever forever
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Between the dogshit updates, constant emergence and re-emergence of bugs/crashes, declining playercount, and coomer porn mods and bugcuck infeststion, this general is going to be a >>>/trash/ exclusive by the end of the month. Feels great!
Whyd ya pay $20 for a bad gun and some palate swaps??
She is under my care and she is safe! Leandivers are to be protected and always will be! HUZZAH!
It was aggravating me that there was a gameplay item that I didn't have yet. I knew it was bad but I wanted it anyways. Shame it's behind a $20 gaywall.
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Good ridance doomGODS always win.
I think if they were going to add skins to the drop pods, mechs and pelican with the recent warbond then they should have back loaded the others with them too

too convenient to half ass this warbond with those skins but you know s-summer holiday please understand
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>finally releases the illuminate or whatever the fuck
>elder squid's attack doesnt scramble your strat keys but instead just crashes your game
>discord fagaloons will still defend this as some avant-garde hecking jumpscare mindfuck
The illuminant are going to make or break this game. If the launch goes horribly (and we all know it will, fuck testing your game) then it's going to be the death knell of HD2. If it goes well... I guess we'll just get another campaign of "hey snoy what about those other 100 countries that can't heckin play any more!??!"
I'll enjoy the game while it's playable, at least.
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Already running it, and yes, it kicks ass.
Wish there was an actual 50 armor though, I don't notice it in game, but the numbers alone annoy me.
ignore pic
When the Illuminate arrive I expect it will be useful.
this image is so reddit and cringe i honestly dont know why you fags keep reposting it here
>ignore pic
I refuse
The game will always be broken and never have all intended features available for one simple reason, the engine
The decision to use this weird obscure discontinued engine will have a ripple effect for the entire life of this game
They literally can't get programmers to help because nobody knows how to work in the damn thing
With how financially well off they are it would be easy enough to get temps and freelancers in there but they would all need to be trained on their proprietary Swedish software
And that's a problem which plagued the development of this game through the entire 8 years (was projected to only take 2)
She looks horny
What's the worst seed for solo dives? My money is on Oops! All Hunters plus shrieker nests.
>was projected to only take 2
do you have a single fact to back that up
One time I had all Bile Spewers and four Stalker nests on that shit ass magma planet with the high walls everywhere at night.
the one where i seed down your throat and you have no one to save you
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Armored spewers + hunters is the fucking worst. Constant slows.
Piledrifer did a 40 minute Nordic Ted talk thing
Also it was the dev team of thesius that over the 8 years the team was a whole different group of people than started which is why things feel so disjointed

Poorly managed project
It's cute.
>being this mindbroken
Sheesh, and you weren't even the one getting dicked down
Wonder what the extent of a stims healing ability is
The use of nanomachines to repair bones and soft tissue in seconds is great

When I remove my lean divers plug and jab her with a stim I wonder if I would feel her tissues tightening around me as they rejuvenate
You are weak and worthless. No leandiver would go near you! We protect our leandivers!
They're all his...
Pretty sure they're just high uptake doses of combat meth or adrenaline. Which, yeah, you'd get some tightness out of your leandiver with that. Stick her with a stim and feel her sphincter get nice and tight for you. So you can stretch her all over again.
I'm sick of not being able to see anything
They're just doing their duty. So why does it bother you that they're enjoying it?
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bile spewers + anything is the fucking worst
WEAK and WORTHLESS! Super Earth is about STRENGTH, citizen!
A leandiver will never see you as a man! You are weak and cowardly and likely a borderline homosexual! Leandivers are under my care! Huzzah!!
I want to buy that armor from the Twitch drop alpha. The TR117 Alpha Commander. Which site should I use? I've never bought codes before so I don't know what's a scam. It looks like the 2 popular ones are G2A and Kinguin.
I got mine from G2A, but truth be told I've heard about them doing all sorts of shady shit. Didn't really wind up using the armor either, heh
Leandivers are worthless holes to be used and discarded as their childhood friend protagonist cuck-kun stands by and jerks his limp dick as he watches, actually.
>Group keeps throwing Orbitals at every little thing they see
>It can be just a herd of mobs, doesn't matter
>This gets us killed multiple times
>New mission, defend a base until all the missiles have been launched
>Things going smoothly
>One teammate throws an Orbital right next to us when he didn't need too
>Both of us die
>Reinforcement back in and kill him

The whole Teamkill thing stopped being funny a while ago
I just want to play the game without my teammates killing me
I used ebay, the guy sent me the code before I even got the automated payment complete email.
I find it funny when I accidentally kill my teammate with an airburst but somehow walk through their cluster unscathed.
For me it's always 99% of the bomblets explode over there, and then somehow the very last one hits me directly 20m outside the main impact area.
>coomer porn mods
>bugcuck infestation
These are good things.
like hell they are
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>Watching my Rocket Sentry utterly mog a Bot Cannon Tower in a 1v1
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>seeing it fight off a horde of heavy devastators and two hulks
berserkers have too much god damn health how do they tank multiple autocannon rounds
same for scout striders because it's inconsistent damage they receive
infact the autocannon has been shit with bots ever since they buffed the bots and secretly nerfed the autocannon
aim for the waist
aim for the leg joints
quit aiming at the most armored parts and start aiming
You're welcome anon. I am now waiting for my salary to come in so I can comm some more. Got any suggestions?
legs and joints on striders is inconsistent as fuck
waistline for berserkers and devs seem to work most of the time but again it feels inconsistent
I have one, you coombrained degenerate:
you've been trying to splash the pilot?
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just launch a nade in their general vicinity and the Striders will melt
Very grim people consider the Breaker Incend "op" when it does it niche of destroying light armor enemies. It fucking struggles when you have brood commanders, bile spewers, and hive guards which spawns constantly on high diff.
Leandivers are fair maidens of battle! And they will always be protected! HELLDIVERS 2 HUZZAH
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Commission a cute faggy boy getting railed and egg'd by the bugs instead of a woman for once!
>It fucking struggles when you have brood commanders, bile spewers, and hive guards which spawns constantly on high diff.
so that's why it feels so shit when I use it
>Take Breaker Incendiary for chaff
>Take all the AA options for not-chaff
The Breaker Incen. is busted because it goes a step well beyond every grub shredder. Not only does it dish out a massive cone of shit killing, its DOT isn't reeled in by damage falloff like every other shrapnel shitter. You can tag and bag small bugs from 100+ meters away and watch the kills rack up, its accuracy is irrelevant to how it actually works. This means all four of your stratagems can be dedicated to armor busting.
>thinking Chinks ever use ENG letters
Rent free.
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When did all this faggotry started?
thats another thing, I've seen pilots tank full on hits

true but don't get me started on the impact grenade nerf

With an x-ray of his large intestine getting gaped by the eggs.
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Since before you were born, anon. We've been fetishizing bugs since the days of Starcraft and Xcom, and earlier, faggot.
>look at me i'm a disgusting faggot
LMAO your brain is fried
>blow up the backpack of the little machine gun bot
>he just keeps firing
Does shooting the backpacks do anything?
makes them explode and light everything in the blast on fire
only really useful when using a beam weapon
no and there's an invincible box on the back of devs and rocket devs so don't waste ammo on those

Ive never known a minigunner survive after the backpack blew up but there ya go
>artist for this cried about sony and is never coming back
Fuck Sony but I'll give them a point for removing NTR faggotry. They deserve to be shit on
The incel breaker is very complicated. The DoT maintains its potency over distance, meaning you can just hose a crowd and inflict huge dps to trash mobs. The problem like you said comes with armored and tankier units. Its low pen means it does poor ballistic damage, and the DoT will really struggle to kill stuff like commanders and bile spewers in a timely manner. But at the same time, a balls-out magdump can kill even a charger rump if you are determined enough. The real problem are the users. This gun has become the game's ultimate shitter magnet. The biggest retards i have ever seen have always used this gun, or to say always mis-used it. Its weapon of choice for literal retards that just shoot everything, charger heads, titan legs, container doors, etc. and basically know nothing about the game. Again, its not strictly OP, it has other drawbacks like the lack of stagger means youre stalker chow if it gets the drop on you, but i think AH has happily accepted the OP NERF NAO argument. all they see is a weapon with a high pick rate and popular=meta=OP=BAD without thinking about WHY shitters like it.
As if a democracy officer would even need to molest helldivers, I'm sure they're A class citiziens that get as many c-01 permits as they want
>whining about NTR
I'm amazed there's actual butthurt, sensitive cuckolds on here
>entire faction niche is swarming you with weak enemies
>wtf look at my kill count it's so OP!!!!
Amazing argument. You described every light pen primary loadout.
Yet you whine about furries
have you stopped to consider he's just a total degenerate? He probably likes fur shit too.
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What can I improve on my bot loadout?
>scorcher, grenade pistol, stun grenades
>medium stealth armor
>eagle airstrike, eagle smoke, orbital precision strike, autocannon
The idea is basically: if I drop under a jammer + gunship fab, the worst possible bot scenario, I can kill gunships and usually either pop the jammer's attached fab, or push outside the jammer's radius to drop the hellbomb on the gunships. Autocannon is a "do everything" gun vs bots and absolutely reams gunships + pops fabs, smoke gives me on-demand LOS / aggro breaking while retaining stuns, eagle strike is great for everything from killing groups to clearing side objectives to popping fabs, and OPS kills detector towers and has a low cooldown for killing solo outposts or patrols with just one hulk without wasting an eagle.

>also, have some OC
I don't actually, furries have my blessing. All kinds of degeneracy are good
This, but not a femboy, a twink at worst. I don't have anything against femboys, but yeah.
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Enhanced berserkers that are faster and have even more HP when
All leandivers are good religious girls of Super Earth and this will never change. Huzzah!
and when you light them on fire they get mad and start spinning
It seems like your build is well rounded and is capable of handling every scenario you come across. You could try running some of the other good options like the dominator or orbital lasser and see if you like the capabilities they give you.
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Good boys and girls of Super Earth!
>You described every light pen primary loadout.
Except your light pen weapon doesn't fire in a giant cone that's also effective at 100+ meters. The Incen Breaker is the only weapon like this.
I run Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, EMS Mortar, Autocannon. Stealth Light Armor, Scorcher, Senator, Stun Nade.

Play style is probably identical to yours, but heavy emphasis on mobility and less on patrol engagement. Orbital laser is sort of a convenient cop out to dealing with detector tower since you can drop it between the tower and the fabricator and it should slice it half. EMS Mortar is fantastic on maps where you are suppose to hold objectives like geological survey and generally fantastic to stymie the bot rush at extraction.
What are decent support weapons (other than quasar) to deal with chargers quickly? I've been running dual quasars + drones with my buddy on duo and we're breezing through diff 8 thanks to the ability to delete chargers the moment they appear.
Thing is, running the same loadouts all the time is fucking boring but we get fucked hard by charger spam anytime we switch quasars for something else. Fucking spear rarely one hit kills them despite having so many limitations.
thank fuck the MO is over and we fuck off away from memelon redditcreek again
fuck creekniggers
flamethrower, ac, hmg
The pin is still in you stupid poosniffing monkey.
sorry but the overlap between troons and weebs is immense, cope
The flamer is shockingly competent for an anti-chaff weapon when it comes to chargers. It does less than nothing to titans, but IF you aim the flamer directly at a charger's leg, it does damage directly to the weak point through the armor and takes it down in seconds.
Spear is good now. The recoilless or expendable recoilless were always fun for landing headshots on chargers (instant kill). Hypothetically the arc weapons are supposed to be able to kill them.
Berzerker Commander
x5 hp
has heavy dev armor and chestplate
has flamethrowers linked under the chainsaws
has a jump pack
improves the speed of nearby zerkers
gets faster the more damaged it is
when heavily damaged will detach and throw one of it's chaisaws at you
Just like the overlap of fps gamers and serial killers.
>You described every light pen primary loadout.
Stop being a stupid little faggot
why so early wtf
based early chad
Flame thrower is unquestionably the best support against bugs right now. It gets rid of small guys easily and also destroys chargers. Pair it with stun grenade.
I accept your concession
Nah I'll stick with RR and kill the heavies that you are frantically running from because you're on cooldown
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That’s bullshit but I believe it
brehs...deep rock is 10 bucks...
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You guys are fucking retarded DESU
holy troon fantasy

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