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This is the place for all sorts of discussion about OpenMystery. Post screenshots, discuss the story, simp your favourite witchfus!



>What is OpenMystery?
OpenMystery is the open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs similarly to an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
This gives it the advantage of being able to remove all the annoying mobile mechanics from the game since we have complete control of the engine.
It's also able to play new content whenever the base game updates.

>Where can I get OpenMystery?
Here's everything you need to setup and run the game.

>What can OpenMystery play?
OpenMystery is capable of playing the main quest, tlsqs, sqs, quidditch, creature quests, dates and more.

>Is OpenMystery complete?
OpenMystery is constantly updating, with assortments of bug fixes and improvements.
While a bug-free experience isn't guaranteed, you should be able to have fun with it.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Is OpenMystery moddable?
Yes, the game supports mods. This is the link to the modding guide.
Here's the link to the moddb page

>Snydebooru - Merula fanart & OpenMystery art-related

>Fanfiction and greentexts
https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (currently broken)
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Previous Thread >>482019914

>HPHM Blender Models

>Other related games
>HPHM Visual Novel
>Unity game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>ClumsyDrawfags' "An interaction with Merula VN"

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar

Question of the thread:
Would you a R63 of your witchfu?
>Question of the thread:
yes, yes i would, expecially that tiny, happy looking Bea
Muggle annihilation
what about it? you wanna be magical hittler 2.0?
Homo thread
it was normal until you entered it
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give me back my quidditch!
Who do I email to have Jam City let me write for HM?
Ask griffin, he has experience
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Perra gorda
Go to their website, there's a section there for jobs, mention that you are a super underrepresented minority, disabled and some weird sexual deviant and maybe you will get a chance.
>mention that you are a super underrepresented minority, disabled and some weird sexual deviant
Does being retarded and autistic count?
she's not fat, she's big boned
she does have thick legs...and i love it
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based cunnychad
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Not such thing
Bimbo Ben wants to suck all the lollies
anybody got the source of this? i remember having it for a moment but i lost it
Shota trash porn
destroy adult penny ass
Penny is one girl that can't lose to cock because "lost to cock" is her default state of existence
Azami Donburi
Rape Skye
sweet, thanks anon
Wouldn't you be 4 or 5 at this point?
Penny must be stopped!
None had really tried to unite all wizard kind into one big wizard land, only tried to either exterminate muggles or conquer muggles
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post wizard fashion,
no, anything done by andre isnt fashion, with a couple of exceptions
a lot of the bizarre late 80s fashion looks very wizardsque
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As a perfect I gotta send her to detention for doing that
wouldnt the worst she get is a warning or maybe 5 points deducted? detention seems too much just for that
I think he meant dicktention.
Undressing in the hallways in detention worthy
Why would she be punished at all?
She is obviously just adjusting her tie and button down. Hogwarts has standards for appearance, she can't go to her next class looking sloppy!
Well, that is true
Unlike the blowjob she gave me!
very much such a thing
I hate that show with a passion
they look hot tho
yeah but the fans are some of the weirdest people in the internet
Mc needs a little bro character, he should adopt a kid from the orphanage
Where's the lie?
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Shut up, Fish!
brutal, the separated his head and hands from the rest of his body and hung them like trophies, thats fucked up even for wizard standards
They really should sell full black eyes, that looks badass
And now they never would, once you mentioned out loud what you want, it will never happen no
Is this why the beach tlsq is never going to happen?
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Vampire Merula
I love Merula.
La chupa pene
Cute Meru!
The MeruAU chart templates, if anyone wants to upload them to the booru. (https://snyde.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7273 is an example.)
>some are too old for b4k to archive
Something something tears in rain
For some reason this is giving me The Sims 3 impressions....
it looks like it, sad times ahead...
check if the previous vg archive still has its tor archived version available
Good morning /omg/
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Men of taste
Tulip or clumsy?
Your mom
honestly, i can never tell, was the resemblance intentional?
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Time to hit the wizard gym with Erika
the hell happen to her chin?
Is that her new job?
Built for mc cock and breeding.
Clumsy doggystyle
Anal sex with Ismelda
Penny cowgirl
fuck, well, at least she is attractive
Alright Penny it is
LETS GOOO Penny time!
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No one asked for merula
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Shut up Tulip
MerWHOla? I don't know her...
well duh, she already has enough, besides, im already working on my own Merula piece
I did in my dreams.
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>Tongue kisses Tulip with the hot passion of 1000 suns
>Tell Tulip it was all just a prank.
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>Penny lewds incoming
You're a real one, anon.
i never understood this fucking fetish, what the fuck
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no, dont! lil´bro willbe killed by JC in order to "progress the plot"
It is one of the weirdest ones
>When she sees Ismelda kissing Ben
>When anyone sees Ismelda kissing Ben
>When anyone sees Ismelda
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>when she sees Ismelda while at lunch
Cum sucker ismelda
Cum slurper Merula
More like after you tell her it's made with 'love'
This guy can't post something else
>This guy
Patrick, your schizophrenia is showing again.
should switch Skye's pants for spandex shorts
Spandex doesn't hit the wizarding world for another 20 years.
God, I want to see how badly phones fuck up the Wizarding world.
I doubt they'll ever adopt phones. They already have equivalents.
I just meant how keeping their secrets will be next to impossible. Wizards would be 100% discovered really fast. Imagine how fucked Harry and Ron would have been if a bunch of people had phones to take pictures of them in the flying car before going invisible? It was in a newspaper so people saw them. One wizard kid is going to fuck up and do something infront of muggles and it'll be over. Unless they have some kind of internet spells or connections in Google, Microsoft, and Apple.
They kind of do, and I'm sure they have a mass obliviate for emergencies.
Skye has chicken legs you don't want to see them
And chiara saggy tits, fuck you
Rude! They are not saggy!
Abusing head boy authority to make witches do erotic dances
pretty sure they are firm as fuck
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Still....no I wouldn't
who has the canon best armpits
reminds me of the bad guy from Shrek 3
I'm honestly surpised someone remembers that movie.
I wish I was that broom
Merula or Ismelda
depends on your definition of "best"
I only remember it because how bad it was
clean shaved with slight sweaty smell
then Merula, easily
also, nice digits
literally why
Pretty sure she has some hairs, not a lot tho
there is no way she doesnt shave, maybe she doesnt when she is feeling lazy, but she always keeps it clean when possible
i dont even wanna speculate about Ismelda tho
>the previous vg archive
What's that?
gotta start somewhere
i mean, yeah, i cant give them shit for that, i respect the hussle but damn, i wish they get better at it
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sleepy time at Hogwarts castle
she never learns...
let her be, anon, she had a long day
Then why come to the Slytherin common room, that place isn't comfy as the Hufflepuff common room
The Hufflepuff common room is full of live and people, not ideal for sleeping.
The Slytherin common room is quiet and far emptier than any other room, its perfect for a nice long and deep sleep, even in the middle of the day
Sounds comfy
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Lol I read this in that trumpet guy's voice.
>Who the fuck are you?
>You're no artists!
>An Artist respects the silence!
>I walked Bob Dylan on stage!
What a classic.
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Pennylewd is going well


I actually like this, keep practicing artbro
check merulabooru
Good luck, anon
Oh wait, are you the anon that did that lewd comic of MC and Penny having sexy on a hill? I recognize the artstyle
By art style you mean the rectangle?
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OK here it is

Bruh how did you even come up with this so fast? Lol thanks for the amazing art!
very nice anon
Funny how that thread has devolved into an 'OC AI gen' thread not even HP related anymore
Hogwarts Legacy and its consequences have been a disaster for the 4chan hp community.
Great job anon
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Nicely done, Clumsyfag
That’s why snakes are best
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Keep crying
>all that futa
why are they like this
You dont like futa Merula!!???
Try to put some magic things in ur prompts legacyfag
Had a dream where me and Chiara were stuck a queue line at Disneyland for hours and she was about to start blasting people, it was kind of funny.
I had a nightmare where she and other girls bullied me once.
OK i will try to draw lewds too
Which one? Hopefully easy to draw
Merula and FemRowan
Whichever you want to Anon
Whichever ur witchfu is
Rolling but I gotta say I am very glad how our booru has personalized countgirls

Bless our booru workers
should i wear a helmet?...
Rolling for 1
gib Meru
Probably the best choice if you play your cards right
I will be the one dating Merula
I mean, if you ask her nice, she can turn into Merula for you
Hope you know human to dog dick transfiguration.
Gib Skye shoes
I guess Chiara's boots are alright
I came in both
Okay I made Merula
I tried making it like apaizuri pic from Danbooru

absolutey based
Good stuff.
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cream ismelda's jeans
but they are permanently creamy
Nice prank
Rollan for Meru
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what are some non-meme couples for this game?
i can easily see this >>483897423 happening unironically
Chiara and Jae
Barnaby and Liz
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>she is still wearing her old Hogwarts shirt underneath her regular clothes
i just noticed that
>Barnaby and Liz
i can see it
>Chiara and Jae
this one i cant for some reason
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they could at least made new npc's
>doing something new
>All of Hogwarts years was about dad
>All of Beyond is about finding mom
could it work?
I see Chiara avoided relationships outside of the MC.
>All of Beyond is about finding mom
Is that really the plot?
No, so far there isn't really a branching plot
What the fuck do you even do in Beyond? What even happens with MC's dad?
Hoping she's hot like Rakepick and we don't they Molly Weasley model
Basically just wagie shit, mc just doesn't seem to care for the fact that dad could've survived the fall. Maybe in Volume 2 they set up the trama
>finish the special preview TLSQ
>get a tappy as a result
>no more place to put tappies
why do we keep getting these?! i have no more space!
What if Rakepick is our mum?
That would make the sex a little more awkward I guess.
Yet also explain it.
Why would she try to kill her own kids?
You are supposed to put them in the clubhouses rooms, I didn't know you could to that until I decided to finally use all the furniture I unlocked.
when i said "No more places to put tappies" i really meant it anon, my entire room AND the clubhouse rooms are all filled
Because she's a bad mum.
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You soft twinks wouldn't understand.
Well it's either that or a whore. Which would you rather?
I must not have many of them lol I and thought it had a lot
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you missed the K in the filename anon, nice job tho
I wonder what happened to that anon that wanted 40 Merula skater pics
I feel bad he never reached that goal
cute tomboy, would break and make housewife
Someone has to draw tradwife Merula now
Why the hell don't people post in the booru?
Do I need to open the registrations again?
Remember your damn passwords
relax booruanon, there hasnt been much art lately posted here, no reason to rush
i´ll upload a couple of pics after i wake up
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Quidditch soon
That's just where Skye lives.
She's isn't that crazy about quidditch
What about this anon who has made art even before >>483939309
Cant see any of his drawings on booru
Plz don't die on me thread
I am drawing a lewd comic despite my shit skills

This came out better than I thought lol
This idiot again
Cute and Tomboy pilled
I'd like my wife to stay tomboy but I can't say I didn't fap to this
Sure I can upload his stuff too, just gonna need a name to credit if he so desires, otherwise it will just be uploaded with its respective tags
Well congrats quidditch anons, you finally got it
>Skye casting couch
We are so back, boys.
Queen Merula
Yeah I knew her...
This is the fate of all tomboys
Ismelda died? Sad indeed
Global pollution percentages went down that day
I uploaded two things but only one is showing up, do I have to wait for its approval there, just wait for it to show up eventually or upload it again?
>I uploaded two things but only one is showing up
Either the one that didn't show has already been posted, or it was in a format booru doesnt support.
What image was it?
Impossible, it was a new one, a prompt of the witches wearing the maid apron, as in >>478401508 but just one variations and now Chiara was included too, at the time there was no Chiara lora. I posted it under the questionable checkbox, will try uploading it with the safe checkbox now and see how it goes.
>as in >>478401508
Did you try reuploading it?
If it doesn't work again, maybe booru has made some new thing where massive AI looking images dont get posted?
the thread is from may, sillies, the whole thread will appear deleted

this one is undoubtedly AI and it got uploaded no problem, ai generated tag included, I doubt that's the problem
I can't upload something that's deleted, anon.
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It was this one, now it has Chiara. I don't think its corrupted or something.
>I can't upload something that's deleted, anon.

Ok try reuploading this in booru
Doesn't work for me.
>Flooding the booru eith ai shart

Here I uploaded it

Please change the tags now
>nearly six thousands images
>four (4) of them are ai
aw man
>>Flooding the booru eith ai shart
We have decided occasional ai images, like at most 2-3 per page can be allowed
But no more than that

Also AI images of same character will be put as child posts in the first ai image of that character
well, that one has no Chiara, but it'll have to do I guess.
Made that as child post to the chiara one
That's 4 to many. Get that shit off the holy land.
Its ok when /omg/ does ai
Nah, it's probably just some shitters trying to defile our booru.
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Thanks man, you even tagged it, cheers.

Calm down now, I'll give it a pause for the time being so as not to ""flood"" it. Maybe next month and if people have some requests I'll upload more.
you shouldnt care about the opinion of idiots that do not know how to filter out tags
the ai art has the ai tag
if they want to see the booru without ai all they have to do is type -ai_generated
AI Merula telling me to git gud at Elden Ring
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How it would actually play out
That's a bit belly
She is having quadruplets
>Her wedding ring has a Tomar emerald on it
Only the best for the MC's wife...
Her kids being the 4 Meru's is a funny idea.
It's reference to this image I am guessing
Hot dame is that CONTINUITY!!?
headcanon accepted
tbf if Meru gets to the point of marrying MC and having children with him, she wouldn't still call him by his last name
Good pic anyway
>same artist
Makes sense I guess
What if his name IS Ymous?
She still does it after so many dates I think it's stuck.
She calls him Ymous when she's angry, like when a mother says her son's full name when angry
this >>484022750 its just a natural, universal thing as far as i know
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I came in all of them
and she wears them like it's nothing
Damn, that's hot.
Nasty witch
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>tfw no lynching spell
That's the incarcerus spell if used correctly
>Merula makes MC use this spell on her during sex
What a freak in the sheets.
At least she doesn't make him cum in her shoes before every Quidditch match because of some silly sports superstition.
what mommy and daddy issues does to a witch
i love Meru, but she would be absolute HELL to be around while pregnant
They have been judged and found worthy
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part of the fun
the fuck is a Tomar emerald?
It's called Hogwarts Mystery for a reason.
a meme
damn, her tits grew amazingly with the pregnancy, she is gonna look great after it
they will be saggy like Chiara's
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thought it was a big futa cock at first
delete you seltze
BEEG eyebrows
Who /Spritechad/ here?
Sprite the drink?
the red/green pairing
Fuck I am retarded
I meant yellow-green pairing

So Hufflepuff man Slytherin woman or Slytherin man and Hufflepuff woman
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ooh ok, i was about to ask about that.
is this the same drawfag that did pic related? style seems very similar
Too late! You've already been pranked!
Are you a newfag? Yeah it is
Nah I don't consider Hufflepuffs to be human so their relationships with other house are more like pet/master for me
just making sure, anon
i havent seen everything they have done so far
LOL that comic
I remember clumsyfag rushing to make it so that the 'first hpgg comic' wouldn't be a cuck comic
Funny enough the Charlie cuck comic never got made, and got changed to 2m4f one
Just added a new tag on the booru (pregnant)
>4 images already with that tag
Yeah I had to fucking go through thousands of images just to tag 4
It's going to be 6 when the two Merula pics ITT get posted in the booru
i´ll do it after i wake up, its about to be 5am, too tired to upload them right now
is it the time for preggo witches? who else is next to be knocked up?
>is it the time for preggo witches?

>who else is next to be knocked up?

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