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Dead Game
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Helen "Monica" Park - MI6 Honeypot/White House Staff
Washington DC
November 14, 1995
Objective: Infiltrate the White House to recover Saddam's tape
>Improper Physical Relationship: Perform fellatio on Clinton to distract him (qte scene)
>Mutual Relationship: Swipe the Saddam tape while distracting Clinton
>Insurance Policy: leave the White House wearing the blue dress
>I did not have...: leave the blue dress at the White House.
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codg was way better with Maraposting
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Still shader bugs (square blocks) which are only visible on some surfaces and with some weapons. More visible when ADSing.
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>yfw zoomers don't even know who this is referencing
Too bad she's addicted to botox injections now and didn't participate in MW2 or MW3.
>the grip you unlock with the new shotgun is just a worse bruen bastion angled grip
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So you're telling me she ANSWERED THE CALL?
someone post the deep b21 lore
i just noticed when you kill someone it shows their calling card and emblem bottom middle of the screen

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Mara was contracted to guard Building 21, but she blabbed about everything she saw to randoms, even going as far as to post classified information on her twitter and onlyfans accounts like bobby's rides on the lolita express. Naturally, they couldn't have such loose lips guarding a classified facility, so the DRC kidnapped her and TRANSformed her into a test subject for their bimbo gas experiments. One strain of the gas violently reacted with her breast implants, causing them to explode, killing her instantly.
The end result of these bimbo gas experiments is: Nicki Minaj.
I can't find dmz. It's not on the menu anymore
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this gun sucks hard
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imagine playing a game where snipers are better shotguns, couldn't be me
in core, in hardcore it's really good esp if you create a fast ads build
that isn't really saying much since almost every gun is good in hardcore (except mw2 guns)
Honestly, I have given up on proper gun balance, I use what's fun. I'm glad they didn't nerf the damage of the Kar so I can keep destroying people with it
it's been extremely inconsistent, sometimes feeling like it shoots nerf darts other times obliterating people from ridiculous ranges, seems the play is to make a decently fast ADS build and always ADS upper body
>Superi 46 left untouched
Whoever does the weapon balancing deserves to get raped to death.
the spas is bugged right? there's no way it's supposed to deal this low damage
You should be thankful people aren't using the WSP 9 which is much better
You play like a crackhead. Not a good look. I bet you are also a pedophile.

i may be just a huge n00b tho its just driving me insane. And that is the entire end game is who can dominate roofs.
>The Spas-12 is supposed to work as "Pump has better range/spread, semi-auto has better RoF"
>Instead, the programmer got it mixed up and put the better spread/range stats on semi-auto, and if you build it right it can one-tap in hipfire at 25m
They nerfed the Models only to make the Spas the new models, bravo.
>>Instead, the programmer got it mixed up and put the better spread/range stats on semi-auto, and if you build it right it can one-tap in hipfire at 25m
build pls?
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By the looks of it, it -also- has the bug the Lockwood used to have, where extended tube barrels increase the damage/pellet count, so you gotta have a barrel on it to reliably get the 1-tap.
You can use any barrel, but I use that one because it also raises the Range by a bit.
You's all suck. Simple as that. I had a 72 kill game on rust hardpoint, with over a miniute of cap time.
RIP now that i'm testing it against bots rather than range dummies it's actually a 2-tap. Still seems pretty good tho.
Its not tho. Its a consistant one tap out to 3 meters and sometimes beyond with a headshot, your obviously using it in the auto fire mode.
I'm referring to at like 25 meters. I thought it was a 1-tap at like 20-25m because that's what it was getting the dummies at, but it's actually a 2-tap out at that distance (which is still damn good even if it's not one-tapping that far out)
But also yes now that I dick around with it more u rite, it can def get 1-taps close up in pump action.
How tf they managed to make a gun that is better close up in pump action and better further out in semi-auto is beyond me.
>try to snipe with a shotgun
>reload around a corner
>that bot opponent
Holy shit you are trash. And a filthy paypig.
oink oink
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Found out how you get the 3 camos from Get higher

>animated vaporwave "synth bust" camo (personal fav)
reach the castle, seems like a hidden location

>animated "shifting grid" camo
finish the race within a specific time (unknown time right now)

>non animated "grid lock" camo
complete the race
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CDL viewership rewards start today, 30th is blueprint this Sunday
post more
you have good aim and awareness
you are better than 99% of the people in this general
t. fellow kb+m chad
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why do these fucking moron developers insist on adding all these one shot kill weapons every fucking season?
ive never seen a game so obsessed with one hit kill weapons

fucking utter garbage
>no large decals
>no camos
>only AI calling cards
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It would've hit bump limit way earlier, but you triggered niggers have to report every post that makes you cry.
Let's make this thread last for two weeks. Just report every post like you always do, you meltdown having retards. Doesn't even matter if you discuss how hate the new shotgun or whatever. Some triggered incel will mass report your post.

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Why not?
worse thing is the new echo endo makes the anime girl a sticker instead of a large decal again
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Based mnk chads unite
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Skill issue
Thanks bro, I'll try get some more clips tonight
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Proof that it's ai?
>all these anime posts in a row
Try being a little more subtle
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No problem. Wanna suck each others dicks later? Both of us acting extremely gay and all. Your webms are the best. You should go pro. Or just start streaming. Doc Disrespect has left an open spot for you.
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Wdym? I just love his webms. He's soo good at the game.
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You're poor
you motherfuckers
Is this some poor attempt at sarcasm?
ignore the other troonime shitposters, you have good muscle memory
Embarrassing samefag. Please kill yourself. Your webms are abysmal.
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my anime folder has been used in a false flag its never been this over im going to need to update my anime i got felted
Thanks. I will continue making more webms showing off my skills. I'm clearly the best player of this general
No worries. You're the best.
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>I'm clearly the best player of this general
thats a bold claim faggot
Ignore the troonime poster, you're a very good gamer.
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>you are better than 99% of the people in this general
Bold claim, faggot.
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Go get a room, you two fags.
>animepedo has sunk to the level of impersonating other anons and samefagging
Embarrassing. Just when I thought this general couldn't get any worse
>webm fag who's bad at the game wasn't happy with the reaction to his horrible skills in the last thread and has sunk to the level of samefagging and praising himself
Embarrassing. Just when I thought this general couldn't get any worse
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Nigger trademarked
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I'll save those too and post them as well. Or am I the original anime poster? Hmm. Stop impersonating me.
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Seems Botan is in MW3
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you cant tell me this is not botan inspired
Dead thread
>try to get the camo challenges (get 5 kills without dying)
>lose every match, but make steady progress with the camo challenges
So that's why my teammates make me lose the game. Playing like that is not beneficial for your team. At all.
>what is inspect element
Wow, you sure fooled everyone
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I know, right.
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Pray for me im on the lachmen 7.62 going for 1st one trick on every weapon including the mw2 weapons then the next molten obsidian and so on, i have noticed it does have a decent headshot multiplier but this thing is slow as fuck when ADS

also really nigger inspect element?
>usually just playing kill confirmed
>seems like the maps in rotation are limited
I haven't actually counted anything but I feel like Greece map is coming up too often for example. And they have replaced some maps with those zombie variants which are kind of nice once in a while but I hate to see that this whole game resembles some fantasy themed shooter at this point already.

Can't wait to uninstall this Sledgehammer garbage.
Thanks for the money and playtime, you useful idiot. You surely showed them.
its a video game if you want to be a true goy go and join the military and die for the jews stop pushing your larp into this video game for fuck sake

all the bundles if you want to see them are up
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When will doctor disrespect get a bundle?
>Activision bundle PsyOps in full effect
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not before not botan gets one for copyright reasons
Your post is a fine example of how to out yourself as a complete retard. Congratulations.
tell me where im wrong goy
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so this hsit is just not working ?
They drop in zombies, I don't know what other modes have them enabled.
>Tried CS2 after a long break but it is so bland and boring I can't understand why is it so popular (outside being f2p)
I give in, installing Valorant. Did some research and the anti-cheat isn't that bad and it's possible to either uninstall or stop it from loading when it's not needed.
Maybe it's a great counterweight for nu-CoD.
What's next, estrogen pills? Maybe.
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try the finals its not for me but some people like it
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>played the shit out of CS:S and CS:GO
>CS2 releases
>MM is a shitshow
>no problem, I'll just chill on community DM servers until they fix it like I used to do
>mfw no server browser
>mfw server tools are completely barebones making even simple DM servers a downgrade from GO
>oh well, I'll just take a break from CS and check back up in a few months when it's all been fixed
>mfw still no server browser 9 months later
The absolute fucking STATE of valve
the pickup sound for them is so annoying
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im not seeing it in multiplayer i think its only in that mutation game mode or as the other anon said in mwz
I don't know. Installing Valorant wasn't that clever it's obvious from the get go it's a tranny game just like Apex is... so very "diverse". But I hope it's more fun than CS2. Can't play CoD all the time, it's getting stale too.
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anime bump
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cope and sneed anime bros won
we always win
that anon's skill aside, is there any reason the spas shouldn't be able to kill in 2 shots from that distance? that 2nd shot just tickled him
i will on the 30th for the blueprint
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true true they also fixed the gundam bundles as well they didnt do the same for the warhammer decal, based weebs at shg
>old cods go on sale
>no one to play it with

where do you even find a group to play with? discord is full of kids when I just want some mature chill people
For the games that support it, Plutonium is basically the only way. At least back when I went back to BO1 for a bit, the only choice was
>24/7 nuketown on public browser
>hardcore mode on public browser where everyone crawled around like fags
>plutonium server that is also 24/7 nuketown but slightly less irritating
Embarrassing retards.
is this a thing for all the old cods or just bo2? cos that's the only time I've heard it mentioned
fuck off
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Burgers are so bad at this game, and when I type in chat saying ,my ping is high "huurr, ur problem, man" LOL
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How do you get burger lobbies abroad?
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There is a 6v6 variant of the get higher map, check forwardleaks twitter it has gameplay of it, i thought it was just a map you race on
its clobberin time
People in my region doesn't play the modes I play, they only play small maps moshpit.
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old but gold
uwu *blasts you*
is shipment the most iconic map in cod history?
I suppose so, maybe Rust (shit) or Nuketown (overrated)?. If they removed the stupid upstairs office from Shoot House it'd unironically be the greatest CoD map of all time.
Verdansk has been delayed.
Works for WaW, BO1, and BO2. But BO2 is the most popular one. I tried out WaW and it works but easily least amount of servers compared to the other two.
Also think it works for MW3 spec ops or something like that.
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i think the most unrealistic part of the season 4 reloaded cutscene was the fact there were three whole players using the jabber safeguard skin.
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decal is the only anime thing in the bundle... wasted potential. kawaii decal tho
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Best decal in the game
I don't mean this in a passive aggressive way but when's the last time you had sex
are the challenges for the black ops sitting bull execution over already? the bunker on urzikstan has no code interactiion
i ask your mother this every time she nags me for this white meat
I genuinely don't understand how. The map is right fucking there it's been there for years. The fact that they're confirming they're adding gay shit to it and modifying it is more than enough to kill all hype.
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so is that a never or
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this is the best come back you got? holy shit 4chans level of trolling has fallen
>come back
I was just trying to ask you a question and you got all defensive about it
>*lays trollmeat on your face*
oh you'll be cumming back
>need to hit 7/7 pellets or 7/10 with a barrel for a one-shot
christ no wonder it feels so inconsistent
anybody know any bundles that contain 9mm high grain round tracers?
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Former Sledgehammer studio and CoD community manager Dr Disrespect knowing sent sexually explicit message to a minor.

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Treyarch is reportedly developing their own brand new Resurgence Map called “Area 99” for Warzone that will arrive at some point during the life cycle of Black Ops 6.

This was the picture

@BobNetworkUK chose to include with the new information he posted
full article no paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20240627213356/https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/dr-a42xpdisrespect-inappropriate-messages-minor-twitch-1235048071/

“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”
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if you got mw3 already get the vault edition it gives you a bunch of ammo attachment tracer rounds, 5.45, 9mm, riviter shotgun and longbow (dont know about the last two working on any gun) but the 5.45 works on a bunch of the AK platforms, and the 9mm works on most of the guns, other than that just have to go through the armoury of each gun and check each bundle i suggest going through the smgs and pistols for 9mm
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you must have missed the tranny shit that has come out today about doc as well lol its fucking wild


this nigger is getting felted beyond belief
Isn't that literally one of the multiplayer maps they added to CW?
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thats a fucking cold war mp and zombies map lmfao
An asset flip as usual.
it's over
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>Tranime fag spamming this thread with low-quality, low-effort replies so it hits bump limit faster
We all know that both the game and this general are dead, faggot. Go be a shitter and dilate somewhere else.
>us lobbies
Guess the demographics.
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This is why the new gun feels so inconsistent.
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Do you think this is something interesting or even related to BO6?
Does tac stance count as ads or hipfire?
the casino heist thing they shown
Ahh I haven't even seen that one...
So the Black Ops 6 multiplayer "deep dive" is tomorrow, right?
Dont start apex. It will hook you into thinking you can get good, which you can, however once you get really good your start to realise that theres this one charecter in particular that is so horrebly OP you can never beat those who crutch her in alot of cases even if you have perfect aim. Im not going into detail this aint an apex general but the game is not worth it because the entire skill ceiling is undermined by one mega crutch charecter thats is simply an eternity better than any other option and they wont ever remove the ability thag makes her inatley busted given shes existed for two years. All the sweats hard crutch herand it makes the game a misery. Do not play the game your only in for dissapointment if you do end up investing time which you probaly will cause its a well built game asides from one exceptionaly broken charecter.
Of course, Apex sucks ass, I have installed it couple of times and I still don't understand why people like it. It's repulsive.
I also uninstalled Valorant already. I found that equally repulsive as Apex.
It is repulsive. I think part of the appeal is that it actualy runs well on the xbox series S which in turn runs CoD abysmaly. Cod could be doing alot better im sure if anybody without the latest console wasent playing on 25fps
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apex has controller autoaim just like cod. It also has unironic tranny characters. balancing is also off like the other anon said. I don't like it and stopped playing.

I thought valorant was okay, it plays a lot like counterstike (movement, shooting, cash economy in matches) just with hero shooter abilities tacked on, which I think works well and the game is reasonably popular. their anticheat is invasive and honestly I think I've played enough counterstrike, I'm looking for something different, not the same.

Surprisingly enough, I've actually been enjoying overwatch. It leans more into the hero shooter genre which some people simply won't like and that's fine, but it's surprisingly fun. Cute girls. Free to play so you're not giving actiblizz 70 bucks for the same game every year like a stooge.

I sneak in some Halo too, just for variety. the classics are still good.
Destiny, Battlefield, a few others.

I still play cod the most out of the popular shooters, but there are some out there you should mix it up a bit for variety. It's bad for you to only be in the cod ecosystem all the time. Hell, I've even been playing some mmo's and diablo and baldur's gate and stuff too. Remember to give your brain some variety.
Yes, they show us carefully engineered video edits and Schmoovement Pros like Swagg explaining how the new game is like the second coming of Christ while they drop a nuke on some kids in wheelchairs.
I actually thought about trying OW2 again but I quit it soon after it launched.
I think the way you do, really. I'm just sick and tired of playing the same titles for decade now.
Destiny 1/2, Battlefield 1, 3, 4, 5 - I actually miss BF3 the most but these are all dead to me by now. Played Halo Infinite too but stopped caring about it because of 343...
Insurgency Sandstorm was great but I heard the company was sold and they haven't updated anything in a very long time either.
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>ywn go on a deep dive with Park in a swimsuit
>ywn have sex on the beach afterwards
Burst out laughing at 309s name. And kek why is it all Xbox vs all PlayStation
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Trump and Biden operators when?
>also what would their finishing moves be?
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>finally a Call of Duty game set during the Gulf War
>it's fucking Black Cocks

>Trump - Throws his opponent over the nearest wall
>Biden - Unzips pants to reveal a surgically grafted African penis and anally rapes his opponent
>Biden - Hunter appears and shoots opponent with revolver; Joe hi-fives a pardon into his hand.
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>they updated Bit Party to only be on Favela
Guess I'll never play this game mode again.
New season 4 reloaded update warzone now makes my GPU hit 88 degrees. Was at 70-75 before. All cause they made power plant a little green. Good job raven.
Spooky Ghost
I don't know I didn't even boot up a mp match to try cause that's how fucking shit the multiplayer is in mwiii
The spas 12 is fucking useless hitmaker machine even point blank but I'm gonna keep using it cause it reminds me of half life
hecking milsim incel chud!! mw3 is the bestestest cod mp ever made!!1! 2 trillion years of recycled content
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Report every post, because you're triggered, just like you did in the last thread. I enjoy your meltdowns, you retarded nigger tranny.
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>Trump's execution is calling zombie Epstein to kill his opponent
>Tranime spammer
>Calling other people trannies
Lol, lmao even.
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>he doesnt know other anons are using anime images just to fuck with him
Are you off your meds? I only wrote the two replies which made you butthurt.

Now again, fuck off with your tranime spam and go hang from a ceiling, like the true tranny you are.
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i think its you who is off their meds
Okay, you are definitely brain dead. Which is a given since you are a tranime spamming faggot.
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you lost cry in defeat
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>you lost cry in defeat
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I wanted to try warzone but why do I gotta solve a puzzle 20 times in a row that has like 15 different options? It's like they're actively trying to make their game as dead as possible
Filtering all those fanservice tranime pics over time really pays off huh. Had no idea the thread was even that bad until some slipped through
It sounds crispy too. Most guns in MW3 sound boring.
Enable dynamic resolution and put the threshold larger than your locked fps target. It halves horizontal resolution like in old CoDs, this was default for then on consoles.
First they got DrDis now they banned Nickmercs lol
But yet every big titty off-topic streamer remains etc. These corporations are such a big reason why especially online gaming is in shambles. Someone should ban Twitch etc.
What does a big titty streamer do to warrant a ban? They do their shit in their separate category for chatting and relaxing or whatever. Nick acted like a moron and got punished for it.
its because twitch is the CEOs personal wank bank
Cant believe they're cooking DrD for being a degenerate coomer in 2017.
The guy running the slick daddy club cant make a few dodgy dms? gimme a break. Still the most entertaining man in the streamer game and its not even close.
Nadia is a fucking cheater

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Warzoomers BTFO
Still no new Prime Gaming bundle. It's Joever bros...
Bill Clinton I did not have sex with her
mmmmmmh more ahoy
Anon, it's only okay if it's an woman hitting on a boy.
>you can turn off crossplay on PC if you log into a PS5 version of cod with the same account and turn it off there
Evidentially, the new shotgun is really good in Warzone.
So you can be stuck playing with PC cheaters? Or does it out you in ps only lobbies
Based. He always seemed like an arrogant prick. "Protect the kids" by fraternising with a pedo and advertising gambling to children
Lmfao this guy seems alright
>twitch has too many titty streamers
>I need to make another streaming website to show porn instead
I agree. Kick is way better. Full of people showing porn and constantly trying to get nude pics of minors.
So when's his skin coming back?
This literally does not happen. Sex education for middle schoolers has been a thing for decades, there is no sex education for elementary schoolers, it is a commonly spread right-wing lie. However, if you teach sex education to any demographic, there is no reason it should not include gay sex--there are millions of gay youth in the US alone and should it not be important for them to know how to practice safe sex like straight people? I can't see an argument against it other than "I don't like gay people" which is a you problem, not a problem with our education system, and either way does not suddenly make it okay for 30yo straight men to want to fuck female teenagers.
anal sex isn't real sex
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>Tranny Janny
Only cheaters I ever see is copetroller nerds sit down lil bro
Sour grapes obviously

Yeah I don't like drag freaks doing story time with impressionable kids. Much younger than 17, mind you. Keep your fetishes in the closet fag and go back to >>>/lgbt/
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lmfao there's some autistic dr pedo fanboi mass reporting any posts that can be taken to oppose the dr disrespedo even if the pic had CoD characters in it. meanwhile pro-pedo posts stay up. I wonder why????????
Yes. Some countries might even say 16 is fine. Yet drag fags seem to go after 12 and under usually. But anyway discuss cod or fuck off already idiot
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Eat up paypiggies
It's more about the maturity of the subjects and about gradual learning. I'm not even from the US (so this marks me as extremely liberal I guess).
Children don't need to know about everything, let them grow in peace.
even halo has input based matchmaking, what is cod doing?
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Based Nick he is our guy
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We want to see everyone playing together with everybody, hecking bigot chud!
Shout out to the gooner troons doing it for free
hahahaha even Iron which i think is the only mkb streamer has switched to controller cause it's so fucking OP and everyones a damage sponge now
>Leave every match I'm put in mid-round and losing
>Leave every match where the enemy team gets the first killstreak
>Leave every match where half my team has 0 score
I don't care about my stats anymore, this matchmaking is a complete nightmare
>not staying out of spite just to kill the enemy as many times as you can while ignoring the objective
Putrid blueprint for the Rival 9, High Hitter for the WSP Swarm, and Vault Edition all have transferrable 9mm High Grain
Not sure if there's others, I used to keep track in a notepad file but I haven't been updating it for a while.
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Deadpool X Wolverine collab incoming
>more fucking collabs
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Also, just my thoughts, this could be a battle pass collab like previous seasons for Season 5 as there is multiple finishing moves found just for Deadpool, the film is released July 26th, Season 5 is July 24th. Would be a great BP if its entire theme is around this.
it's a necessary evil
call of dead general hehe
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Just end MW3 already so I can bimbo gas Israel
Added to the md5 filter
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A slower TTK only makes controllers stronger since they get perfect tracking indefinitely meanwhile mkb players still have to deal with human error which is impossible to eliminate completely even at the highest skill levels. Anyone who didn't see the writing on the wall way before mw3 released or denies it even now is a low iq moron.
>staying just to get 10 kills + a negative kd against the sweatiest nerds alive and hate yourself during the entire process
Yeah no thanks fag
if you're going negative even in those circumstances it's just a skill issue, there's ways to counter cheese the cheese even against the sweatiest nerds
No thanks I don't like playing like a faggot rat
yeah no offense but I think the campaign might be more your speed lil bro
I think you should kill yourself
WHY did they remove streakless rustment again what the FUCK is wrong with them just give me shipment 24/7 so I can grind you FUCKING NIGGERS
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dead piece of shit game
does the altered strain event not work in normal mp? only in mutation, zombies and warzone?
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This is No Zaku boy, No Zaku!

im going to say it i really fucking dislike shoothouse

anon if you cant shit on controller players regardless of ttk you might wanna change inputs or lowering or increasing your mouse sensitivity

no play zombies might as well go for unstable rift too if you are good enough, i got 1500 each in 1 game from it
yeah but why the hell does it not work in normal mp? seems bullshit to me
people complained on reddit nonstop about it, SHG lurks there it seems for fixes to shit, so if anything bothers you post it there for normies to boost it to them
they complained about the strains in mp? what the fuck? why?
I can't see
Anon you are a low iq subhuman and should kill yourself
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Is MW3 too fast for you to aim?

>get survey
>say "slightly fun"
>"no connection to servers"
It is too fast even when playing with a controller. It's by design. Spamming slide the character will war around and it's pure gamble after that.
I love these cheating streamers btw.
typo - *warp*
Also: BOCW was fast too but it was never impossible to hit the enemies who slide around.
I only get the survey when the match was an absolute stomp in my favor, but I still check Not Fun at All
Yes, the game is fucking tiring to play. Its TTK is completely retarded. Whatever, BO6 soon.
>they participated in the survey
Kek. Lab rats is what you are now. They're probably doing A/B testing with some updated SBMM
you playing the game are already testing sbmm and other shit anon
Learn to speak or quit replying to me ESL.
oh so you're talking with yourself then huh?
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>Whatever, BO6 soon.
The last two Black Ops games had a slow TTK. The schmovement will now be cranked up to 11. I wouldn't hold my breath. I do hope there's input based matchmaking or at least an option for crossplay off otherwise I'm not getting this shit.
How long will BO6 have before getting ruined by skins?
6 Months, game will be in a shit state, theyll say "oh verdansk is coming haha" then "sike, here have a skin from halo and taylor swift with leds haha"
The skins will start piling up with seasonal updates until they become noticeable in most lobbies and therefore obnoxious. There's too few of them around at launch to make an impact. But it will become unbearable somewhere in the middle of its lifecycle. At least we have some breathing room without all these modern troonfare skins.
Call of the dead. you may not like it but this is where map design peaked and it's been a downhill ever since
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4 days till the kino v a p o r w a v e camo is out

i use a mouse and keyboard and its just fine anon, if they are too fast as i said up your mouse sensitivity
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Based timing
Haven't followed these at all - do they get the same hit detection issues as the normal players do?
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fuck i forgot about this need to remember to afk it tomorrow
Did you already buy every possible bundle? If not, you are not a real gamer.
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lol no, just the best anime bundles and the best tracer round bundles with ammo attachments to put on all the guns
Anime posters are incredibly dumb.
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I raffed hard at this.
>multiple matches with 0 kills / two digit deaths
>use shotgun but aim off on purpose
I can already run around the enemy players and they won't even notice, lmao.
Is this "deep dive" in the room with us right now??
Have you guys tried xdefiant? I installed it yesterday and it’s pretty good, payload mode is really fun. Not nearly as many guns/attachments as cod though. It plays like the old mw2 which I really like, kinda thinking of just playing it instead of buying the new cod games every time
Yeah, but quit because the netcode was horrible. Also seems like jump spammers were getting more and more prevalent.
Was thinking about reinstalling but I guess it's still a waste of bandwidth.
>join a 130 ping lobby just because the sbmm couldnt find enough insufferable sweats in my area
Ping le king
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Black Ops 6 will be Cold War 1.5 with 90% of players setting Omni Directional rolling and diving to Off
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Squeeaa *grunts* ooOiink oink oink squeeeall
*slurps mud*
>make klem a personal bundle for being the biggest paypig
>force him to buy it anyways
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>player on the enemy team gets mad over text chat calling out my playstyle
>respond saying I'm using the worst shotgun in the game
>his next few messages are all censored followed by "sorry I'm just very upset right now"
>tell him it's okay
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>end of the match
>enemy sees my kd
>calls me Ni
audio https://files.catbox.moe/ozy84g.mp4
>4 days till the kino v a p o r w a v e camo is out
Is it XP based? I don't do challenges, to keep my combat record beautiful
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its the free running game mode unlock is here >>483685560

also could be wrong i found out that you unlock a 6v6 map apparently from finishing it, that info has to be wrong but it would be funny as fuck if people miss the game mode and dont unlock the get high 6v6 map link to the map is below

>its the free running game mode unlock is here >>483685560
Thanks. That map looks dogshit, I don't wanna touch it
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it will be added to small map moshpit and you will like it bitch
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I'll never join it, just like Shipment, and Derail, and Greece
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Just make it stop

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Synth bust camo guide collect 12 coins in a single play through
Klem is such a deranged faggot. He's lucky it's gay pride though.
Is zombies on the original Black Ops 2 any good? I just realized I have it on Steam but I have never tried it. I remember hearing about a RAT exploit in the old Call of Duty games on PC.
I fully expect SHG to have forgotten to remove the timer restrictions form the 4/20 events and for the game mode to disappear four hours after it opens.
And that's a good thing. Treyarch games always had a readable state and game sense so it's interesting to see the omni movement taking place. I feel like the penalty would be too high, you either make a perfect shot or you die.
State? I meant to say pace
Shitty skins and dehydration, now that's based
>i was never in that tunnel soap
>bimbo gas season
>gaz clones
>an actual paypiggy bundle
>colin powell and saddam in bo6 teaser
>south african park
I'm starting to think the devs actually lurk /codg/.
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Oh we do be finna purchase this desired gothic lipsticked woman with tits(Tits will be removed in a later patch).
Will they ever bring back war tracks?
Greece is one of the more balanced maps
Okay this is multiplayer, cos cold war broke warzone with the FFAR TTK being almost half of the existing ARs at the time.

Not to mention the diamattis and DMR
Stop voting for Shoot House. It ruined 6v6 moshpit
>20 year old games
>-60% only
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>>20 year old games
>>-60% only
Because the demand is high. CoD is the most wanted shooter. She knows it, I know it, you know it.
Xdefiant who? Blabblefield? Cocks siege? Hell no, we playing COD 24/7
>Retarded consoomer defends brand to death
Sad case.
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Sirs redeem the 60% and be happy very good deal
Why is the world model for the spas 12 so gigantic? It's as big as the launchers
I wanted to get Ghosts but I will keep playing my pirated version.
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>retvrn to MWII
>maps and lighting look absolutely amazing
why does mw3 look like shit?
How is Ghosts look so nice. The shooting feels nice too.
it looks like shit because sludgehammer is a shit studio
>playing big mosh pit
>keep getting matched with 6 person clan being cancerous and toxic as fuck
>somehow pop off and get into the gunship/swarm loop
>they all start crying about cheating and reporting me
>win match with 90 kills
>simply say "gg" and go to bed
>wake up this morning
>been shadow'd into limited matchmaking and can't find any matches

What the fuck I didn't even know this was a thing. Why the fuck is this a thing?
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ahahahahah WTF is this shit??
skill based invisible walls
They weren't "toxic", you were the real problem here. Got what you deserve.
>dragon's dogma 2
>still unopened
Your hoarding issue is funny.
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Are you loving Incline, did Sledge do good?
>Losing that much
Touch the hardpoint faggot
He plays like a faggot but in this case at least he's keeping the enemy away from the hardpoint. Tf are the 5 other bots on his team doing??
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>Touch the hardpoint faggot
First I wanted to get the IMS & Sentry ready!
Guarantee that retard would be there all game, even without a HP
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do you know how to move and shoot or is this all you do lmfao?
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Remember: no futas
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>US flag on the gun
>PC upgraded
>Good map
Yup, time to pop off.
Alright, that was pretty based
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What if cod had this option
Get help, you are a narccisist and this is not your blog.
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>do you know how to move
Only if I need to baby Red White n Blue USA USA USA
>Blacks Ops 6 trailer released a month ago
>Didn't hear about it until now
When was the last time there was this little hype over a COD game?
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30 minutes for the rival 9 blueprint
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Did some pajeet animate these poses?
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imagine caring this little about the products you put out lmfao
>EU lobby
>Swedish flag
>Gay pride flags
>KBM players
Makes sense.
Meanwhile US lobbies >>>/wsg/5604479
its on now
About the reclaimer, should I use slugs or not? It's funny how it won't even kill in two shots sometimes.
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We need more anime
Is your gender dysphoria creeping in again xister?
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no fucking way its finally coming out? its been 3 years
two weeks, for sure
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i just checked out their discord apparently its for Q4 this year
bo6 on suicide watch

and nearby coordinates
you're welcome
What are these?
Hex values for Klem's skin tone.
Put them in the extended 4chan-x extension and block all of his posts forever.
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>starts drawing camo patterns on his own arms to not be filtered anymore
Anyone else ever think the biggest problems with spawns in COD now isn't just how they're designed but from how quick-paced this game has gotten? Within a few seconds on a few maps people will rush to the other side without much opposition, throw the spawns out of focus and suddenly everyone is dropping in everywhere cause nowhere is really safe anymore. Compared to the days before sliding where you could sprint, maybe one person could make it to the other side before they got caught. I just feel that them not updating to incorporate how quickly this shit got is majorly the issue or maybe just that MW3 maps are really that fucking ass. Original MW2 maps had no place in this damn game cause they don't flow with all the movement mechanics which throw it the fuck off.
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Yeah the overall game is dogshit now. The spawns are the least of the problems when you factor in Auto Aim, constant packet burst, and matchmaking
I really don't understand why instant respawns needs to be a thing in most cod modes. There's been so many times where the spawn I get is two feet away from an enemy around a corner that could have easily been avoided if the game waited 1-2 seconds to find me a proper spawn.
You gays use tac stance at all?
yeah almost all the time with smg and shotguns
Call of duty has been around more than long enough to make a list of 'this is what works for the game this is what doesn't work' and just roll with it. They're running out of gimmicky shit they can keep putting in. This year it was tac stance and next it's omni-movement so where the fuck else can they go from there? Literally digging holes to hide IEDs?
What is that pic trying to prove? That you won in a bot lobby?
I miss Rising Storm: Vietnam

The fact that there are bot lobbies at all is a problem, retard.
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Operator waifu dating simulator for campaign, then literally waifu warfare for multiplayer.
Well maybe you should try getting out of bot lobbies, retard.
Haven't played Warzone in weeks, booted it up today with a friend and holy shit the stutters are out of control. I'm on PC and he's on console, but he says it's worse than he's ever remembered. Am I imagining this shit or did something change?
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yeah when i play as snoop dogg i put my gun side ways like a real nigga
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lmfao MW3 is the definition of jank kino
>Park is the only waifu that is still alive
what went wrong?
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Just watched Sneed's stream for some fresh operators
>live in a trailer
>cat feces everywhere
>drink energy drinks for dinner
>play CoD every night for 8 hours
This is Klem's life.
its not hand animated its procedural
Portnova died of heroin overdose and even before that happened she was homeless for a while.
>entered Miami to search for Portnova
>found her dead body with white powder on her nose
Portnova had a rough life...
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>junkie portnova will never overdose while giving you a blowjob
>you will never revive her with narcan so she can finish
tfw no junkienova gf
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The BO6 russia level will involve infiltrating a decrepit post-soviet commiebloc to find the informant, portnova. You first try to blackmail her with her mugshot, but she is too depressed to care, so you resort to bribing her with high grade American drugs like she used to buy in Miami. She decides to start shooting up bimbo crack while briefing you, so you have to revive her with narcan so she can finish.
>Your task is to locate a former KGB agent for information
>Her last known location is Miami
>We don't know much expect she seems to have disappeared or even gone rogue
dunno why but I'm not really hyped for bo6
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>this is the picture she had in her pocket when the MDPD peeled her off the sidewalk...
>does this mean she knows what's in the SCUDs?
>what in the fuck is saddam planning?
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>Press F to launch SCUD at Israel qte
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>You (Saddam) fuck up and they land on Urzikstan and Laos instead!
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>Saddam has unleashed bimbo gas on urzikstan!
>Adler, we need you to infiltrate Iraq and make contact with our informant Farah
>this is the last picture we have of her
>I'm afraid she might have been bimbofied...
I bought a HyperX headset and got this promo code with it that apparently unlocks some skins or something in-game - I don't know what, I don't play CoD, one of you can have it.

Shithammer is full of retards, they decided to apply some weird white vaseline all over the maps for the sake of incresing visibility at the cost of making everything look like washed out trash.
You forgot "has godlike KD in MW3"
>cat feces stains on chair
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Sledgebros why didn't the fox have a tail............
you bitches lied to me sbmm is still 100% active in mw19 and is still 10x more aids than cold wars sbmm
you must be living under a rock because my co wokers that arent even gamers heard about it being 300gb
Not true. You can join other people's lobbies in mw19...
The only thing that affects SBMM is player populations. It is built into the match making of the game not some switch that gets turned on or off.
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>BO6 can take up 300GB
If you don't delete CoD HQ before it releases. My MW3 is only 129GB on Ps5. Before MW3 released, I deleted CoD HQ, and only downloaded MW2&MW3 packs, then deleted MW2 packs. CoD HQ "retains" the models, camos, audio from 2019+Vanguard+BOCW+MW2+3. If you fully delete CoD before the new one comes out, at least on Ps5, you can install CoD HQ without files from previous games. 139GB is without campaign, zombies, warzone, basically no dogshit, only multiplayer.
TLDR fully delete CoD HQ, before installing the new CoD. So you'll download CoD HQ without retaining any bloat from previous games. Season 4 MW on Ps5 shrunk to 139GB with this method.
holy shit this has to be the most retarded ass fucking nigger logic written shit I've ever read on the entire internet
It's true, CoD HQ takes more space if you just uninstall parts of games from it's menu. It takes less space if you download CoD with only one game's content
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I don't sweat and mine's 2.74 heheeheehe
>Owning that many skins
Why not? Some of these make people lose their cool, it's funny!
The "All Seeing" dude is my favorite creature-operator. He looks a bit like the Creeper(Jeepers Creepers) and has Sharingan eyes all over his body
The only people left playing MW19 are mega sweats. Cold War is having a lot of noobs because the game was given for free in PS Plus
They won't transfer to Black Ops 6
Do people who complain about sbmm even know what it means?
No but let's not pretend that CoD hasn't gotten very egregious with its implantation. Disbanding lobbies in a casual match, gtfo here
who cares it's still dogshit you fucking shill
We already know what sbmm does from the blogpost a few months back.
All they gotta do is fill the lobby with people who are close to one another in terms of skill, everyone not just your team and the enemy team is worse/better. Yet this game is doing everything but that.
So it went from "this game doesn't have any SBMM" to a full blogpost misinforming people
More like damage control. SBMM's role is player retention aka making sure bad players don't rage quit.
It's doing a bad job since 3 out of 5 matches someone from our team always disconnects midway through. Either that or they get kicked for inactivity.
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Disconnects have nothing to do with SBMM. Again. SBMM's primary purpose is making sure lil Timmy with 0 situational awareness never (or at least as rarely as possible) has to run into slide cancelling YY spamming faggots. So that Timmy sticks around and eventually falls prey to microtransactions.
What this means for anyone with an above average skill level is that they never get a constant string of mixed skill lobbies. Since they are somewhere in-between the bot and the sweat lobbies, skill wise. In this scenario it is always a rollercoaster. Get one decent lobby in which you perform well and next you find yourself facing a stack of turbo movement fags with meta loadouts. You are always on your toes with this kind of matchmaking. It feels like the game is forcing you to perform your best at all times.
This would make sense in a competitive setting where everyone is using meta loadouts and meta strats. But call of duty is not a competitive game. It is a casual first person shooter. When you naturally become good at the game by developing your game sense, map knowledge, raw aiming skill, you will hit a plateau unless you want to switch to controller for inhuman levels of tracking, abusing meta loadouts and slide cancelling every 5 ms. Either you comply or the matchmaking is punishing you for not doing so.
If you are above average in terms of skill then the matchmaking doesn't really give a shit about you. You are expected to keep playing because you have already invested enough time into the game to naturally become decent at using its systems. SBMM was designed with the bad players in mind.
The redditsplainer is here again.
It's EOMM not sbmm, retard and has nothing to do with being fair to anyone.
Gotta admit some of these lines are kinda funny
still really looking forward to the set crew though
who even wants to play Cold War multiplayer?
BO6 will come with operators and a set crew

More people than MW19
cold wars mp is fucking dead dont let these faggots lie to you, this was even during mw2 i could hardly find a fucking match in that fucking game that wasnt nuketown just goes to show all the fucking shilling by these lying cunts is all bullshit and is not the sentiment held by everyone else, only good thing about cold war was zombies and once you get the zombies camos there is fucking nothing to do in that mode
It's very alive on PS4 with crossplay disabled
It seems like you know more about reddit than me. Maybe you should consider going back.
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MW19 is just a whole lotta webm related and Cold War is just dead on PC. I was forced to insta-join the same mid-progress losing match 3 times before I completely uninstalled Cold War. MWII was still alive when I tried it a month or two ago.
Why does it feel like the normal playlists are limiting the amount of available maps in this game?
Fuck you Sledgehammer. Can't wait to uninstall this turd.
>in terms of skill,
define what "skill" is in CoD
EOMM is not real anon.
A combination of kdr and wr. But nowadays they take playstyle into account as well aka schmovement.
Do you know who Mark Rubin is?
I couldn't find the original interview so here's a retarded video with clips from his interview.
Drink bleach you coping faggot. Go buy some bundles while you are at it.
Mark Rubin is only slightly smarter than you are and both of you have a collective IQ of 2.
So two stats camping and backing out completely makes irrelevant. Congrats you just made a useless system. Want to try again?
/codg/ is truly the most underage filled and retarded general on 4chan. Overall the worst thread on this whole site.
/hg/ is worse, they don't have a game and their general is living through 90% shitposting and 10% events
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>Gundam anime collab + event was the best out of all collabs and events
>V a p o r w a v e camos in free running event
SHG are based weebs who listen to v a p o r w a v e genre music
because there is nothing to actually discuss about CoD. Its been the same game since 2008 just with new makeup applied every year and the occasional new trick.

It gets the least about of moderator attention which leads all the rejects from other fandoms to gather here to shit post and circle jerk each other with the same stale memes from 4 years ago.

And on the off chance something does happen in the CoD community (like Doc being a pedo and Nick getting banned off twitch) it either gets shut down by a butt blassted janny or ignored because thats how sad CoD news is that streamer culture is the only interesting thing.

This is just a containment general to try and mitigate the damage 4 mind broken shitters would inflect else where.
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v a p o r w a v e camo coin locations
>two stats camping and backing out completely makes irrelevant
I just said movement inputs are taken into account you blind fool. And if you back out often then the game will put you into mid-progress matches. Not to mention backing out chips away at your winrate.
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SludgeHG are cringe troons who make boring, uninspired, trash games.
orthodox rabbi bill clinton
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Cod dominates console charts yet again.
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>nowhere to be found on Steam charts
>he uses third party over first party clients
Damn son you ever been checked for a mental condition?
>saar they are on bnet
Kek. Then publish bnet numbers rather than the steam chart. Dumb shill.
Because of you. Kill yourself and improve the quality of this general a million times over
Why are you not playing Warzone on Rebirth Island right now and sweating your ass off against lowlife degens for no reason at all like anyone else, anon??
>playing warshit ever
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so just let it die
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The blacked ops 2025 copypasta has a scene that takes place in a casino with Adler in a suit. Guess what is advertised in the BO6 campaign reveal?
>this is what you see on ultra settings
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Wheres the cheapest place to get a steam key since the games on sale again now? No I'm not buying a Steam account.
Why is he mewing
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He doesn't want to get soft like sims
lmfao what kind of worthless wageslave job do yo work, because in my line of work the only acceptable game to discuss is fucking minecraft. They'd fucking lynch you if you ever admitted to playing sh**ters like CoD.
So, there's no new prime gaming bundle then?!

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