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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483610081
Friendly reminder: If you only play one character you are a one-trick pony scrub
Also, if you obsess with playing only girls, you are a secret trannie in the closet and your strogen levels should be checked.
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>jiggles like syrup and taste like honey
>you ain't stopping me from eating this cunny
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Next thread, check the drills depending on which side wins this vote

I want to break into another character but my zoner brain keeps me from trying.
>Chun/Juri/Cammy OP
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What did they mean by this?
Irrefutable, I am afraid.
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I main Juri
Bison low tier
we're not ready for that conversation. In this game you (talking to top players) are carried if you only play 1 or 2 characters.
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Need a tatsunami Yotouku designed women for SF6
Do it anon. Theres no shame in losing as you learn, but it is shameful to sink countless hours in one game and don't have true mastery and fundies.
You dont need to become a God with every character, but you should reach some level of comfortability with others.
i only like concept 1, MAYBE 7 too
everything else would've been a huge loss
saiki my beloved
also all of these are awful
saiki my hatred
also all of these are amazing
Twink Bison x Balrog
I will go to chinatown and find li fen on her laptop doing whatever the hell she does. Then I will whip out my winky and just leave it right next to her face while talking to her, and when she notices the smell and turns her head and screams, I'll use bison's teleport to get out of there right before chun li gets me.
/sfg/ is proof SF community is full of mentally ill shitters. Look at Pooji's melty on twitter.
They hide behind their top players and "iconic" moments from the past, but the game is pure mickey bullshit and most players suck hard, which explains their butthurt toward /fgg/ because they actually play fighting games instead of being a Ryu/Cammy/Scrimblo only player.
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They really should have gone with 9! We could have finally had feM. Bison!!
is it just me or does jamies crhp feel weird to cancel from
The fact 3 Smash rejects farmed a offline tourny proves enough.
SF community is all about worshipping top dogs that carry the franchise, but the scene itself is extremely weak in terms of skill. If its not Punk/Tokido/Daigo/Mena pulling numbers/defending their region, nobody else will step up.
Stop the count
>Only 6 ppl voted
Indeed only 6 different IPs in this dead game
The Terry and Mai effect
you get better at neutral by playing more
you need to try and understand the range of your buttons and the range of your opponents buttons
if your opponent is just "walking back" constantly, then in a sense you're winning neutral because they're walking themselves into the corner and they'll run out of room to manoeuvre, meaning you know with certainty the ranges they'll be attacking
you want to try to sit outside the range of their best buttons (so you can potentially whiff punish), while also threatening to get closer to the effective range of your own (so you can either combo or atleast drive rush pressure)
The three votes for keeping the daigo drills are from the drills sperg using his cellphone and resetting his router, so in reality we have 3 people posting right now.
3 and 4 are cool
Get some help schizo
Honest drills really did a number on this dude who really wants his lame catchphrases to become mainstream.
Give me some help sage
why even bother making a poll if you're gonna be like this
shouldn't you be dick sucking luvcheez or something in your dead thread right now?
Get all the help CHADzo
does schizzo even have enough money for meds? maybe thats why he plays game but he's not good enough to win money
I'm not saying I won't respect the poll results, I'm just pointing out you are cheating but is all good is all fun for me.
i'm asking why bother making a poll if you're just going to accuse others of foul play anyway
To be honest, if people falsely accuse you of samefagging/botting you should not respond, because it shows that you indeed is in the right and doesn't have to prove anything.
The fact you are this pressed about being called out is something...
What are daigo drills
they're how you beat menard in bracket
ok, I'll try but I'm retarded so probably only gonna really get it by the time sf7 comes out
Just take 1/4 of the results for Daigo Drills off and you get the real number.
Someone make a poll about who is hotter Ken or Ryu.
>because it shows that you indeed is in the right and doesn't have to prove anything
I want the song in OP but I dont it to replace the drills with it
>we could have had FEM Bison
Another gaslighting episode.
jesus christ i really miss having a "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" ex dp. when someone's just beating the shit out of me and i'm stuck blocking for half an hour it feels like there's nothing i can do.
v-shift is better than parry
redditors be like
>damn it's a shame we didn't get fem bison, could've finally done something interesting with the character
then never explain why it would be interesting
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>Mfw extremely high T (wide shoulders, big hands/feet, beard, hair, body hair)
>Love to coom to girls and play with them here and there but I always tend to settle on some manly character as my mains on every game
Is just emasculating to be playing as women no matter the mental gymnastics low T porn-addicted 2 steps before transition coometrannies will make.
Is similar how very feminine men tend to have a weird obssession with body parts, either be oral, feet, paizure, anal instead of wanting to mating press spray seed inside the vagina like an alpha male wants.
>REDDIT IS LE ENEMY! - in 2024
Dude is a mindbroken 40yo loser mentally stuck in 2014
What should I be doing after using a special to set off psycho mine on block?
Im not used to pressuring up close.
would have been the best time to do it as he always had dolls but never took advantage of them. so when he "dies" for a long ass time he still is able to retain his old body even though hes been creating bodies to inhabit this whole time for this exact purpose? the current plot is retarded fem bison makes so much sense and would have given sf a breath of fresh air.
>if jamie gets a knockdown, i HAVE to let ex psycho crusher rip every single time or else he'll get a second drink for free
So what is it about fighting games as a genre that attracts the biggest schizos, I can’t think of anything else that attracts this many people that are a single notch above being grown-up feral children
him getting his ideal body would make more sense if he was the main threat and not some failed bum on the sidelines
the hobo look was the correct choice this time i reckon
Bison is seriously scrubby in the worst way. Got to master just spamming scissor kicks with a 90% win rate. Why is it a motion inputs now? What a retarded character. This is going to be a long fucking season between the shitty dlc and no real patches coming for another year. Might take a break and check back next year.
Noooo I just spent $30 on the dogshit character pass...
im sure it'll be nerfed into the ground.
im more interested in his mine mechanic
>faggot is surprised that scrubby day 1 tactics work on day 1
Bison is feeling like a mid tier character at best, anon. Enjoy day 1 scrub tactics like spamming scissor kicks to masters. In a week, you won't be getting away with that at all
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I spend $40 for the year 2 pass to just lab against bison
I feel like I wont be good with him unless I learn to DR more often
Is Devil's Reverse finally good?
Sort of. The new headstomp is honestly so bad that the only use I have found for it is to immediately cancel into Devil's Reverse
The drill song is really good so I voted yes
Did they remove the knee press move,I never seen anyone using it
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isnt it back roundhouse?
Realistically how long would it take for me to get average at this game with Ken? I’m so serious about this I’m working my work schedule around it. I wanna git gud ken just clicks in this game with me he’s cool
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>be bison
>90% of my matches are against other bisons
>i fucking hate mirror matches and always have (any character)
i didn't think he would be this popular
who is the main threat of sf6? the story fucking sucks so far
Not long. Ken is a basic character.
He looks really fun which is why im keeping my JP off for a little experimentation.
Also I get you.
I fucking despise mirror JP matches!!
really nigga
he's always been popular
he was pretty popular in sf5 like top 10 or so. gonna be popular here too especially because everyone's freaking out about his damage.
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JP was a cool villain until he bent over for UwU bison daddyyyyy :O ~C===8
You're a fucking moron. 2 weeks from now you'll be able to do the same shit with him and win, I'm literally watching Kakeru rotate scissors, head stomp, and DR at 2k MR and he's farming people with suboptimal combos. Stop talking.
Getting good at SF6 doesn't take long, like 100 hours and you are Master
when i was playing him in 4 i hardly ever ran into any other ones
like a month or two if you've played fighting games before
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What a disgusting creature
>Regal (((Businessman)))
>can infiltrate and influence organizations in multiple countries
is jp a jew?
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>ken players
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>Bought SF6 5 days back
>Learn classic controls as it feels more rewarding and intuitive
>My loss are often due to panick or not fully knowing a combo
>Reach 5k5LP as Rashid
>Dawns upon me that I'm forced to play against modern faggoïds
>Lose a good chunk of my match because all these glue snorters have to do is press "Auto" and mash a button to do what I do perfectly framed
Seriously the game's been out for a year how come everybody is cool with it, like I'm sure everybody is cool with it past gold or something considering they just repeat the same 3 combos, but why do I have as a new player to deal with it?
Why can I pick the quality of the connection of my match but not if I want to be matched with someone literally using aim assist?
Even after only 5 days of playing I can tell that I'm not surprised.
You are supposed to use Modern too because Capcom thinks you're a retard who needs it
I want her to Psycho-Crush my balls with her phat ass
Is scissors kick safe on block or why are you complaining about it?
its disadvantage but it spaces you enough to be safe.
how does Manon stop pint blank neutral jumping? I sear down HP isn't enough of a deterrent and od up kick fucking misses too often
I don't play Ken but that's my horrible attitude, yep.
its safe, low crushes, and lets you do a medium starter on punish counter
its -5 but if spaced correctly leaves you just out of range for punishes

you can easily tell if its not spaced correctly
Guile is Ken's worst matchup so I don't blame him
it's like -5 at worse so you're only punishing if it they're dumb and do it close enough
Alright, then that's retarded. Donkey kick is like that too but at least Donkey Kick doesn't let you continue pressure
it's -5 no matter what
There's something about Ignacio that gives off the impression that Vega probably molested him
>kami getting reverse sweeped while playing bison
this nigga is so shit lol
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really minor but I think they should add random avatar item drops from world tour mode to any hub or ranked/casual match and also add an NPC to let people use dyes in the hub as you can in clothes stores in world tour
the avatar system is silly but it's fun to see the stuff some people come up with, there's no reason people who aren't interested in world tour but play tons of street fighter shouldn't have access to all the world tour items
>Modern Bison
>Does 20% less DMG because modern
>Still 45%'d my ass in one heavy + sa
Gas all modern
Vega would never
He'd only castrate the boy to preserve his choir boy voice.
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I think they should stop wasting effort in avatar yeah
It'd be alright. For a dress up system they want to exploit and ask you to pay premium money for, Capcom sure doesn't try hard enough to get you involved. It's such a half assed thing overall.

I'm still not over the scam they're pulling in the Battle Hub where they try to get you to pay with the rarer, limited purple tickets to edit your avatar.
fuck off, don't infest these threads too
nigga it's fucking day one of a new character, even dhalsim would be popular if he was coming back
Ryubro here, I’m done with this game. Good luck guys, it’s over.
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She would have been peak!!!
peak reddit maybe
>a CONSUMER friendly practice
Not in 2024 crapcom
sliding my tongue through the peaks and valleys of her toes maybe
fighting games are a lifelong skill that have no real limit, so if you ever come back, just know that it will unlock one of the highest value dollars to hours genres for you
never going away, it's popular in Japan and that region is funding the majority of the game at this point
they just need to open the avatar system up to every player instead of being locked to world tour and drive ticket events
Is this OC?
made for mating press
you are the reddit of sfg
Amazon position*

You only hate him because he's beautiful.
kys clayton
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Thanks for the encouragement, I spent over 26 hrs in game and paid $39.99. My win/loss has now dropped under 20% after being beaten 8 times in a row. Also I was put on the right side 6 times in a row and went against modern controls 4 times in a row with there lp 100-200 points above mine. Oh and dealing with these modern control players 4 times in a row has erased my fireball and special muscle memory so now I can barely do moves, it’s all over but thanks for the positivity.
yeah, i'm not saying you have to come back right now and get in there and get your ass kicked or whatever. just that it's still there if you ever feel like messing around in it.
>od spin knuckle
>"nooo you cant use good reaction and spacing to beat fireballs, nerf!"
>od psycho crusher
>"it is ok if it safe on block, beats supers, beats airborne moves, avoid all projectiles, and has air invul, heh"

I hate him because he refuses to play online ranked or enter tournaments
You can be a lab rat all you want but without applying it you're the same skill level as Timmy mashing on his 5000th Ken game
>beats airborne moves
i get beat by jumps often when i try to use it against neutral jumpers
Fuck this nigger game, you heard it here from ryubro.
I love Clayton, you on the other hand we could all do without.
Love yourself, Clayton.
ITS up
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>Air Invul
Not what it says.
Was Vega & Balrog initially planned for S2 but got replaced last minute with Terry & Mai? Because they both show up in one of Bison's missions in WT with their voice actors & new themes and they seem to want to rejoin Bison. Balrog's dialogue even hints at a potential conflict brewing between Ed's neo shadaloo and Bison.

Seems weird they would do all this setup knowing nothing is going to get concluded because Mai & Terry have no connection to this plot but from another pov, this setup would make perfect sense if Vega & Rog were apart of S2.
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hopefully, they better speed up character releases
roster is dreadfully small and 4 per year is weak
they should also buff my main while nerfing all other characters desu
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capcom certainly isnt power creeping these dlc characters
aki, rashid, akuma already top5, dont thing too much about it, heh
That leak with long hair Sakura and mika sounds more plausible each fucking day.
Dlc finalization isn’t always permanent btw, ideas and fighters could switch around
hey sis i don't mean to alarm you but aki was pretty bad all last season and only recently got superpowers...
Then I respect you more than these people who spam the same pics every day

season 3 100%
got any bison drawings on hand since it's his special day and all?
Bros, the 3s scrimblos....
i was willing to give her a pass for this season, but i cant shake the feeling about the rest, you know
Nah Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck will be 50% of next season
good, third strike characters are trash
it's possible we could be getting more characters this year with how fast the characters have been coming out recently
Ed, Akuma, and Bison all in the last 5 months
how does that even work? wtf
they seem to be pushing to have the characters release at the start of seasons rather than at the end.
Honestly fuck Balrog and Vega. I'd be 100% ok if they just did away with like, half of the SF2 characters going forward. I don't need Honda, Sim, Boxer, Claw, and Dictator in every fucking game.
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I wipe the shit off my boots on the faces of 3S players.
nah, it's Guy who is getting cockblocked by Kimberly
Ibuki can easily get in
Reminds of those DD2 leaks on /v/ a few years ago where it seemed like bullshit but in hindsight got too many specific details about the game right to be a coincidence.
they will, lol.
as the time passes, they will get better at making characters, which mean they will do it faster, also, the more character/particles you have, the more ready resources you have to recycle into new stuff

aaaaaand there's always chinese/korean/indians outsources to speed up shit and polish later
Bison is the strongest Modern character in game. Like he doesnlt lose his overhead or any of his medium normals and has no SP locked specials. And all of his supers have good one button synergy and so does his main specials like psycho crusher. Even his essential combo filler normals are mostly maintained in Modern so his damage is very close to his Classic counterpart. Imo he clears Modern Ed, Luke, and Chun in terms of competitive viability.

He also one of the most, if not thee most, accessible Modern chars in the game. Like if I had to list the top 5 M chars by practical auto combo utility I think Bison would be number 1 or 2, it's basically a toss up between him & Blanka. All in all, Bison is what I consider a perfect Modern character.

It's truly crazy how well developed he is in Modern after how horrendously bad Modern Akuma was, I guess Capcom picks & chooses who they want to be good in Modern.
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I need to worship Ken's feet so bad.
Maybe Cammy deserves to have a raw full screen level 3 stuffed.

Recycle an idea and concept they already did literally in the last game and ruin one of the most iconic villains in video games into generic coomer bait. Yes definitely peak.
What leak was this?
Naka/Matz already said they don't give a fuck about equally repping characters across games. Your 3S scrimblo is only getting in if they like them personally (Elena)
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>It's another "Yipes talking about smelly feet or sniffing someone's feet" episode
Very weird
I can't believe Bison in not decapre's body was almost a reality.
The drills won bring them back theres no more voters
Ed, Luke, Bison, Lily, and Marisa should have been modern only characters
everyone else classic only
then they could have added Li Fen as a classic Chun and whatnot
Actual based schizo
Li Fen as the modern Chun I meant
>day 2 bison in tns grands
you didnt see this shit even with akuma
didnt he win with akuma
How is Bison? Did he save SF6?
he's fun
his damage is high
this game is unsalvageable but at least i'm sliming with my favorite fucked up man
I hope every modernlet is put into an infinite state of psychosis
ehonda 2
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God I can't wait to see those worthless Dudley faggots on twitter dooming when that handsome nigga Rog shows in the S3 trailer. I want those annoying cock suckers to suffer and in a year from now be reminded of how hard Dudley got cucked every time they see that good looking black man Rog on the screen and how his mains are having the time of their life playing their fav which they know they will never be able to do in 6. Man, S3 can't get here fast enough and fuck Dudley and anybody that loves him.
modern takes more skill to win with than classic.
classic is the real babby bitch mode
I will force myself to main rog
what's your problem man?
>in tears over a character being revealed
man i wish i could experience this level of joy and elation again
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me when the G trailer drops at evo 2024
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>When she sees the CHADkey cock
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I just wonder what Juri's husband's up to!
Damn, Rog look sexy in that revealing top, it's kinda making me want to call him daddy and maybe give him some head.
he sniffin
Mickey really got this white bitch crying tears of joy.
it keeps me up at night there's a nonzero chance ingrid or some other scrimblo comes back with nakayama in power
if i was a woman i would have cried at the bison reveal

i did soiface tho
its funny how nakayama alternates between extremely based picks and fucking guest characters
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there some kind of new characters that could be ported very easy to the game, others don't

for example.

>a totally new character like
Jaime, A.K.I or Manon
characters like these need to be built from 0, or near 0 like lily and aki at least have a sort of theme/art direction to pull from, but even so, these kind of character requires the most time

characters like chun or ryu doesn't took much time since they basically do the shit they always did, their concepts are close to 1:1 from previews game, their game plan didn't change, very fast and easy to make

characters like DJ who where remake require a lot of time since they went with a totally new game plan considering he wasn't modernized as sf 4 DJ was completely ignored for his remake. all they had was his theme and motion sheet from SF 2, which still helps to put things to work a little bit faster than Marisa, for example

>roster expansion
how ambitious do they want to be?
Like, season 2 is very ambition, they overhauled bison and are porting 2 snk characters from 0. or not, because mai and terry already had a capcom 'grove' from Capcom vs SNK and they could just follow it from there, but still, it going to need to be modernized and will take a lot of work...

BUT there are characters that could be made much faster requiring minimal technical work, depending if they want to keep the characters as they are at V

for example, Menat or Kolin, these two characters were made for SF V and frankly, are quite modern, you can literally port kolin's "skeleton" to 6, make her Vtrigger 2 her lv 2 install, outsource her model, call her VA or even use AI for it and she will be ready for the test room in little to 6 months with minor gameplay tweaks. same for menat. unless you want to overhaul her but why would you do that? they were very good and balanced characters, competitively speaking

meanwhile, sakura, now older... she would need some sort of bison treatment, especially because her V version wasn't very interesting
Tbh Smash trailers sometimes are really good.
When I saw the world of light cinematic for the first time I got goosebumps even tho I don't give a shit about most of the characters and I caught myself cheering for Kirby in the intro even tho I never played his games.
they're genuinely really good yeah. but i also think about stuff like the dude bursting into tears at the baiken strive reveal lol
I never cared much for Bison but his reveal trailer is one of the best reveal trailer for old a video game character coming back ever
I agree with Akuma being terrible in modern, they really did a disservice on him. But I don't think Bison is all that. Just by the fact he doesn't have "reactive" specials that aren't charged, and his level 1 have a way too big start-up for you do be reacting against Drive Rush with it. Honestly, I think you're better of with him on classic

Playing a character in Modern already means you're sacrificing normals, and the most optimal combo routes, the sacrifice is always there. My criteria to how good a character is on Modern, is not really just if he loses "less", if you're already sacrificing something, that sacrifice must come with a reward on the same height of the thing you lost

That being said, I think the best characters on Modern are Ken, Rashid, and ED. All three of those have long reaching EX reversals that can dump on most projectiles, or someone trying to DR from neutral even if said character does DR into empty throw or sway from a considerable range. Ken and Rashid specially, from that one EX reversal they basically tossed the opponent into the corner and are forcing him to guess on oki.
This is her reaction when the test result says shes pregnant with my child
His DR is so absurdly fast it makes DeeJay seems like Manon

I'm not exagerating
She had a full blown orgasm on stream over some ugly ass gomba shoes mickey mouse character...
Disney/Nintendo have some weird magic over women I swear to God.
Me when Sakura is added to Dix

Which is never, I have abandoned hope
>DU is 1624MR
he doesn't care about ranked
how do you lose to dhalsim on cummy
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>see whiff about to happen
>slime forward to punish
>run into active frames
i don't have the whiff punish gene :(
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>starting to see high profile players sobbing on twitter that they can't just fireball dr against bison because he can just psycho crusher through it
nuckledu? more like nuckledoodoo
Can he blaze through JPs command grab?

>The post nut afterglow
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>goenitz, geese, rugal, and orochi
Why are half of Bison's concept designs SNK bosses?
Bison lookin kinda top tier
day 1 bison won TNS nice DLC p2w masher
Do you think Bison would let me do THAT with his dolls?
SnK designs are Godtier and you copy what works.
Originality is a meme. Everything is a copy of something.
Yes but you have to be okay with having Balrog's sloppy seconds
she plays nothing like Guy while having a ton of similarity with Ibuki both gameplay wise and aesthetically. there is no world where ibuki shares a roster with dumbuglybitcherly
she has guys slide and elbow drop
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The "Living Legend" title looks amazing when slapped on any other character. I can feel the aura.
Who would be your top 3 least carried characters?

I'm trying to pick someone to go to master with but I want to make sure I earned it after getting it with a few highly fraudulent ones in phase 0 (JP/Kim). Plus I need to de-rust
hey alright
lately every time i'm burnt out in the corner and i fuck up mashing out level and either get stunned or killed, i think "life would be easier if i switched to cheatbox."
level 1*
damn he gave balrog a bbc, bison a jr and vega a micro. how we feeling about this timmybros?
Balrog is gay, sis
wait for the opponent to do normal xx DI. you can super in between
Life would in fact be easier, switch immediately or you're a retard
I'm starting to agree with that one anon who says that fighting games just boil down to a series of knowledge checks.

One you've got the ability to arbitrarily do any necessary bnb combo, and have 99% accurate execution under pressure the game just becomes who can throw more knowledge check bullshit at who. Who can force the opponent to have to make more accurate guesses than they have to. Not talking about SF6 specifically here. All fighting games.
My part time loverboy Ryu
>bison is so strong someone won tns with their day 1 bison
>i took 5 hours to win 10 games in battle hub for the drive tix
be honest bros am i gmi......
I am not afraid of DI in the corner because I play modern. Also, my character's level 1 sideswitches
Also once you get to the top level of skill in fighting games you start to see how shallow the games are compared to games like chess or even MTG. The game has a "memory" of maybe 2-3 actions deep at any given time? You can't set up deep traps that are triggered 10-20 "turns" down the line. Most of the time you can't at least.
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dumbass nigga doesnt know what a knowledge check is
I dont know what character to play
which character is the most honest?
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No u.
That only happens at the lowest levels of play. Or all levels of play if you're talking about anime games and tekken

At Master rank, you are expected to know the answer to stuff in this game. SF6 isn't even hard to compreend, most characters have like one button that is plus on block meterlessly, if you flash green before you're plus, and you don't even have to worry about cursed mix-ups because of parry. This is easily the SF game with the lesser number of knowledge checks
just got reminded of the nigga that called shinryuken a neutral skip loool
No one answered this man so I will.
Throw or push buttons that maintain your advantage.
frametrapping niggas with target combo into ex DP
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>only 49k peak
>17k current

holy fuck, that dropoff from akuma. legit what the fuck is going on? this game has begun circling the drain already. looks like it'll be a repeat of last gen, SFV failed and tekken 7 took over, now tekken 8 will pick up steam versus the dwindling SF6. if SFVII isn't lit as hell they might as well put the franchise out to pasture at this rate. crazy how catering to casuals didn't attract them and just alienated the hardcore niche, capcom's blunder will be studied in MBA courses for decades to come.
i can't play modern. i fucked with it in trial mode for a giggle and it feels so alien to me.
how many of you already bought Season 2 pass?
desu I'm kinda interested in all of the characters there
there are 2 cool classic characters and 2 non ugly women
These two
as shotas
>>only 49k peak
>>17k current

>holy fuck, that dropoff from akuma. legit what the fuck is going on? this game has begun circling the drain already. looks like it'll be a repeat of last gen, SFV failed and tekken 7 took over, now tekken 8 will pick up steam versus the dwindling SF6. if SFVII isn't lit as hell they might as well put the franchise out to pasture at this rate. crazy how catering to casuals didn't attract them and just alienated the hardcore niche, capcom's blunder will be studied in MBA courses for decades to come.
>tekken 8 will pick up steam
I'm still broken from season 1.

And I'm not in a hurry, I wouldn't play Bison anyway
sf6 confirmed P2W
AHHHHHH AGHH FUUUUUCK THIS SHIT IS KILLING ME AHHHHHHHHH *plop* ahhh. finally got that tekken out *flush*
Please read entire posts before responding.
>Not talking about SF6 specifically here.

Anyway, even at master level you won't know everything situational. Which is where the argument for knowledge check comes in. You know your opponent knows the universal tactics. So you have to try to put them in a situation where they have to make a less confident choice. Note: this doesn't mean direct damage. It could be a way of putting in a situation that is simply disadvantageous to them. This is the part about making them have to make harder guesses than you, which means statistically you will win over time.
Your opponent is trying to do the same to win thus there is an escalation of more and more esoteric tactics (which the rock-paper-scissors game always having the choice of doing the "dumb" thing such as wake-up super sometimes being the smart choice when both players trying to double-triple-out-think each other).
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Between the time Lidia was announced, Capcom released Akuma, showed the Season 2 roster, put a trailer for Bison, and actually launched Bison

And Lidia wasn't launched yet

Your game is dead, bro
I hate capcom
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How do I stop up close repeated neutral jumping as Manon?
Stop pretending there wasn't a huge lull in DLC in sf6. Eddy was released early April. 3 months later would be early July for Lidia.
bisons damage kind of sucks outside of the 80% combo
>you don't even have to worry about cursed mix-ups because of parry
until you run out of drive...
That's how he usually is. This Bison is styled after ST Bison who is all offense no defense and is all about hitting that TOD combo.
Oh thats where I mixup
tekken 8 will be dead until like season 3
until some "cool" story happened on the tournament scene, jolting start the game
like how some classic no sponsor boomer show up out of no where beating people with the character everyone said is impossible to play in tournament due to high execution
or some unknown player winning the tournament with a meme joke character
or the entire new scene show up out of nowhere and beating the establish faces, using a character everyone already dismissed
if you think about it t7's tourny scene was wild

tournament in kek8 right now is unironically a slog to watch
not helping that bandai keep putting some black female caster on mic for muh diversity too
you aren't punk, bro.
Anon are you completely ignorant of the ideas of lip service and tokenism?
The black tranny character makes no impact whatsoever on the game, not even in story mode. If all you do is play fighting ground you'll never even see it past the initial 1st boot of the game.
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Guessing isn't a knowledge check, I'm starting to think >>483667438 is right and you really don't know what a knowledge check means

Anon, if I pick Gill and do a setup you haven't seen before, thus you don't know which side I land or not, and because of it you get clipped... That's a knowledge check. If you KNEW that setup, you would know how to stop it. This webm is another good example, a good Mika player knows enough about the character to understand how the Nadeshiko activation works here, and which side to block that, but to most people this is a cursed mix-up and basically guessing

You are confusing jankenpos with knowledge checks
You're mixing up that knowledge checks lead to guessing. And a limited view of what a knowledge check really means. You think knowledge check only means immediate damage or lack of damage in a quick situation. I guess this is the SF6 bias coming from you. Damage isn't what you're actually fighting over in a fighting game. You're fighting over resources that can deal damage. This is largely spacing, but it can also be timing. And this is where the guessing comes in. You're always trying to make your opponent play a mini-game of guessing how to navigate what your character is doing in order for them to do damage to you, and vice versa.

The examples you give are knowledge checks, but they are not the only kind. And yes, there is guessing in them as well because if they don't know the immediate answer to the situation they can still guess. And you will do the same when they attempt their own on you. Thus there is an escalation of knowledge checks trying to not do the same thing too many times because the opponent may realize what is going on and adapt to it.

By the way most knowledge checks are not nearly as gimmicky as the examples you provided. They are simply elements of how distance and hit boxes interact in a character-specific match-up.
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Ryubro checking in at the end of day 5 classic controls newbie, today was rough. I almost quit today, then I got mean and nasty. But I calmed myself down and headed back onto the street, I think it’s possible I went backwards today. Had to fight a lot of bison and a lot of modern, at one point I lost 8 in a row but soon after I went on a 2 win streak. I seriously need to work on deploying my fireball under pressure on both sides and also my special move, I basically can’t deploy my special move in ranked because I feel muscle memory was lost due to the mashing against bison and moderns. Also my combo has disappeared so tomorrow I will have to work on learning a bnb combo, and going to put in plenty of time on ryu combo trials, take what I learned there in training and also do reps of fireballs and specials under pressure from cpu. After that I will take a dip back into ranked, pic related is my data from today and somehow remarkably my win/loss didn’t drop below 20% to end the day. I could use some help, info on learning a combo, consistency deploying special under pressure ??? Help
assertively dumb people gotta be the most annoying niggas
its a gift to the confidently wrong all the time
Dunning Kruger effect.
Just like you see niggers who got hard filtered at Smash, talking about the game like they solved the meta and understand high level play.
The more ignorant some shitter is is at a certain subject, the more they think they understand it, the more someone understands it, the more they question themselves due to how complex it is.
You're that "....riiiiiiiight. Anyway...." guy from Key and Peele. You got no real opinions of your own so you hide behind a veneer of arrogance.
trials are useless, just search up some ryu bnbs on youtube and use those. your issue probably isnt "deploying specials", fireball game isnt even that good in this. focus on anti-airing and dealing with the universal/character gimmicks in front of you. if you're losing to mashy bisons, lab against whats beating you specifically, if you're getting slimed on ggs thats the game at the highest level. learn bnbs, punish/interrupt fake shit, anti-air, check dashes
>t. scared because the real fg nerds are flexing their big brains
Got way less respect for you than the anon who's telling me I'm wrong. At least he's not afraid to get in there and mix it up and take a chance. Maybe I might actually learn something from him. Never will from somebody like you, lil nigga.
I’m swordfighting with my ankles here, slide into scissor into slide into scissor and thats when i pull out the stomp, it’s called a mixup
>smash reference out of nowhere
invalidates EVERY post about anything to do with real fighting games
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Bro, again, you are confusing knowledge checks with guessing. It doesn't matter how big a post you make, they are different things, and trying to mix one with the other will only cause confusion. People who don't know what you're talking about will not understand you, and those who know what you're talking about think you don't understand the terminology; Knowledge checks are doing things that have answers, but you do it because your opponent likely doesn't know them, a guess is a jankenpo. Two different things.

I know you're trying to be philosophical about this, but they have different names for a reason. Discussions about semantics on videogame terminology is just... Dumb.

If you wanted to talk about whether yomi is a skill in psychological profiling or just gambling it would be a way more interesting and smart topic. But to me it really seems you are just confusing knowledge checks with guessing, and trying to go on this derivative ramble to protect your ego.
this is your first ever fighting game, right? not gonna lie the fact that you can even perform a hadouken at all, even in training mode, is pretty good. just take things one step at a time. you have plenty of time.
>Smash outta thin air
Validates everything you said about fighting games.
COTW waiting room.
so you know how every single time you're up a grappler they have a way of putting you in a 50/50 where you have to guess, right, whether to jump or to block, and the value of that decision is weighed in favor of jumping because the grappler's reward is much bigger if they get the grab off?
you know, the basic fundamental design philosophy of every grappler ever made in the modern era?
why does manon get a medal whether you jump or block?
/sfg/ doesn't have knowledge about their own game they have been religiously playing for 20 years and you expect these loser, miserable bums to understand what Dunning Kruger even is.
Their brains turned to slime after getting arthritis by playing SF 10 hours daily for the last 20 years with nothing to show for it IRL.
Understood, will research some vids and go to training tomorrow.
Yes first fighting game, today is day 5. I want to get better, loving the game but never had a game challenge me so much.
Cammy's thighs are honestly best part of any game she is in.
You can beat that la creatura up as much as you want in World Tour.
Bison ain't it kinda gay to scissor other dudes
I'm not confusing them, you're refusing to read critically where I have defined that one leads to the other. Knowledge checks aren't just gimmicks like knowing that this certain move looks like a cross up but really isn't due to a funky hitbox so you have to block it normally when you'd think otherwise. Knowledge checks are going on almost every other second (or even more often) of the match, generally. Which are then followed by guesses, with each player having a certain number of viable next moves to make. The player with the advantage will have options that have a high chance of being right or at least safe. The player with disadvantage will have few safe options and must guess with greater risk. If they are successful they may reverse the situation. These guesses themselves may also compromise a knowledge check with the idea that something might be risky (or 100% unsafe) in theory, but the opponent does not know the proper response thus the chance of it being a wrong guess is much lower.
Bison believes it is only gay if Bison is not the dominant one
Okay so what if another Bison is scissoring him
Not sure where you are but anyone can get to platinum rank in this game just being consistent with the basics. You won't get that overnight though, muscle memory is an actual physical barrier to break through, especially at first. It's not something you can force through but one day you'll wake up and realize things you thought were almost impossible are actually easy now.

If I was a complete beginner, I'd just focus on doing super basic shit like comboing st.hp, shoryuken/super for your punish combo. The absolute most important thing would be learning how to consistently anti-air with DP or stick out your pokes at max range (crouching medium kick into HP fireball or something). Yeah, you'll get blown up by mashers from time to time, but the little bits of damage you can achieve from anti-airing successfully and catching them when they're not blocking will eventually carry you through lower ranks.
Been playing fighting games for 30 years and never heard this term used to describe rock-paper-scissors (yes, I am aware it is the Japanese name for the game). Google search shows it's not in popular usage. It's probably some /fgg/ made-up garbage like "scrimblo". You might even be the same loser that keeps using both.
The only true Bison is the one that dominates
dunning-kruger in action
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>Kof is ending its gatcha
met some unlucky fuck on BH who admitted to buying the Cammy pack when it was in it
That's because people are more likely to call it 'janken'. Have you ever heard of roshambo?
I’m not doing any of the stuff you listed below, I don’t even have a combo. I’m on day 5 and can do all of ryu moves on their own but have trouble deploying under pressure. Most of the time I’m crouch block getting my head beat in or picked up and slammed, I need to learn all the things you listed. Right now I just fight in and out of blocking and do my individual moves and drive impact when I get an open spot. It’s tuff for a 100% fighting game newbie, but I’m trying hard.
practice down a low medium kick then immediately a medium blade kick, it's a nice beginner tier combo that is always useful
the input for the blade kick should be instant, right after the medium low (so it should be happening during the medium low's animation). I believe it's one of Ryu's tutorial combos.
basically cr.MK and keep holding that down input and slide it to forward, then MK again
when you do it in practice mode the second kick will only go off if the cr.MK lands (either as a hit or block) and not at all on a whiff, so it will be unsafe on block but a lot of people in low MMR won't really block at all let alone block lows
it's a good basic combo, works especially well when combined with a raw drive rush
it's jankenpon
If you search for it in the archive it's clearly just the one anon using it.
how do i get better reactions
Like a story that has several different points of view?
It shouldn't be possible to grind to master rank.
You should hit a wall at Diamond 5 and be required to have a > 50% win rate against other Diamond 5s.
I have to lock in one of those beginner combos badly, need to learn how to get countered and punished less also.
>Psycho Crusher
>Safe on block

How bad are the people you're fighting?
people are giving you a lot of good advice, just remember: you are basically learning a new language. try not to get overloaded. you may consider setting simple goals, not "win x games" or even "win x rounds," but "successfully do 3 hadoukens in one game," or "anti-air a jump-in with crouching heavy punch."

what's your go-to punish for od psycho crusher?
when the fuck is SRK coming back?
>what's your go-to punish for od psycho crusher?

Throw. Or light into slime. He's guaranteed to be right next to you, and even OD psycho crusher isn't safe without a mine.
I think setting goals is a good idea, I think that will be my top priority.
When I started out a while ago I did it really painstakingly and boringly but it worked. So I'd head to training mode and make sure I can do 10 shoryukens in a row, then I'd do something like play against the CPU in training or arcade mode and only block, then when they try to jump in on me, try to shoryuken them. I'd just keep building it from there, maybe learn to do st.hp into HP shoryuken or cr.mk fireball somewhat consistently, take your pick, then play against the CPU again. Just focus on doing your DP when they jump and only attack with those combos even if it's unsafe and you know they'll be blocking.

Eventually when you've learned enough things and they've turned into habit you'll start freeing up mental bandwidth to make adjustments. Such as not always cancelling the st.hp into shoryuken if they're blocking (so you don't eat a huge combo), maybe you just block instead or do a fireball. Also, you'll be less likely to have a meltdown when you're in a punish counter situation and your hands don't know what to do.

Nobody has even remotely consistent execution until platinum, so don't worry about it too much. As long as you're getting a little better each day that's fine.
That's Rashomon. Roshambo is another name for rock paper scissors.
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>even OD psycho crusher isn't safe without a mine
oh nonono
what rank are you playing the od crusher isnt safe?
I just realized that faggots who complain about sludge are the ones who get surprised by me when I do it.
so throws are 5f and od psycho is -5 and you're spaced away from him.
>jab slime
that's stronger but it's also pretty expensive...
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Just thought of this but why hasn't any chun-li guide mentioned light light upkicks? I feel like it's way better than lights into legs for knockdown and oki, would have helped me a lot I think
>od psycho is -5
u guys are fucking retarded
ur talking about scissors, not od od psycrusher
Gonna lose 1 frame just from reaction time too.
At for something like this the monitor and controller starts to come into effect. We're talking about a 50ms window here.
it looks like it would whiff from further away or after 3 lights but i don't play chun so
well, no, i'm not, because i just checked it out in training mode.
If you're playing online with 60ms of input lag does that mean you can't punish?
-3 on block
Well I think I went backwards today a bit, but I burnt myself out and trucked on when I shouldn’t have in a downward spiral. I’m going to do a lot of training like you recommended tomorrow, then do some ranked just to see if I can implement a little. Probably like 80% training 20% ranked, today I jumped straight into ranked and it didn’t go so good.
No, because SF6 has rollbacks and 4 frames of native lag. If you have a ping of 140ms you might have problems and end up seeing a rollback if you mistime it.
good morning,
SF6 is garbage
damn, so it's even more unpunishable than we thought? that's crazy.
>If you have a ping of 140ms
mickey jive
>full screen safe on block anti fireball move
goofy game
>-3 is punishable
just let me know your a retard next time, gonna make the discussion easier
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S, fuck gaycha
Worshipping her bunda
sfv is very cartoony, so it would lose some soul going to dix, but they did a pretty bad job
Gachas are for fags, but I admit I played this one for a while due to all the freebies and it was very pretty.
Dropped when it became too powercrept/grindy, but the designs were all top tier, including the genderbent characters, the loli they made outta the big ball dude, it was extremely soulful designs, stuck in a gacha.
That happens sometimes, I've had days where I've lost 9/10 games and I felt like an eternal shitter. If you're really getting your ass smashed in, just calm down and head back to training mode for 10-20 minutes because you're probably somewhere between actually playing like shit and playing on tilt.
the design on the right already existed when SFV was active. it was used in the story that showed him picking up aki as a child.
makes me wonder why they never put that in the game, as he did get costumes after that.

maybe they wanted him to be playable in SF6 with that skin and keep aki for a later entry but decided otherwise.
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its a world tour shitter npc so its not really surprising.
its a good alt idea though.
Why can't you tech throws on reaction in this game like you could in Third Strike and Super Turbo?
It's a predictable -3. Big difference.
selling photos of nude hobo bison to fang for a big profit
fucking hilarious how this game somehow keeps devolving.
people say DR is degenerate and then they release king slimer.
people say damage is too high and he does more than marisa.
fireballs are bad and they just let him throw out full screen anti fireball moves that are safe on block.
marisas consistent damage is still way higher
Yes, I think playing on tilt downward spiraled me into playing like shit. Also today I think was more difficult because there was a lot of bison to deal with, veteran players starting a bison play. And after a pretty strong 2 win streak they slapped me on the right side 4 games in a row against 4 moderns, I’m learning though slowly but surely I guess.
Will 3rd Strike ever get a re-release with rebalanced characters? I wanted to play Alex but found out he literally cannot function in any meaningful way in that game
rerelease is likely.
rebalance is extremely unlikely.
the game in its current state has reached legendary status and people dont want changes and would only get upset by them.

play SFV. alex is strong and cool there.
Do you do warmups vs. CPU before ranked? I am sluggish before I get my blood pumping.
some light labbing, do bnbs on both sides, few minute of di resactions, few minutes of anti airs, couple of cpu matches focusing on defense only (like umaGAWD) then ranked
I think they only want us to play Akuma & Bison at this point
its possible they are going for powercreep DLC now which sucks. its enticing to them because it leads to sales and they can go "SEE? THIS NEW DLC CHAR IS SUCH A SUCCESS"
why can't they fix the low tiers and make them viable? i'm not asking them to nerf chun or yun or fix any of the broken bullshit
I keep going back and forth between diamond 4 and diamond 5... with the character I've been playing since fucking launch... I'm just bad... like I will never be good at this stupid shit
Barely anything, I just practice a combo I've been working on a couple times and then queue up
because it would uproot a meta that has been set in stone for decades.

the time for a fourth SF3 release would be sometime in early 2000s. now its just too old. its like fucking with the rules of chess.
This is a majpr reason why I dont want to play 5.
too cartooney
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>alex is strong and cool there.
He's okay.
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is the second additional stage yet to come? or was there one before ed?
ed and akuma
i don't think any character will ever be top tier if chun and yun don't get nerfed, making sean and twelve and Q playable doesn't mean we will ever see people not pick the top 2 in tourneys
No, Genei Jin and Canadian Chun for a thousand years!
look I'm not saying I would be against it, I'm just saying that this kind of shit has been unpopular in the past. there's patched versions of 3s and CVS2 that were shunned by the community. HDR wasnt well received either and nobody plays the meme switch version of SF2.
past a point it simply wont get accepted anymore.
people only welcome something like that for current games.
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How do you become consistent and good at neutral? How do you stop people from going full retard?(Random drive rush, low forward spam into od dp, od dp during pressure, random super, neutral jumping over and over, backdash into di, neutral jump into di)
niggerspeak in my general?
Bunda is Aussie.
shunned because they're not official and you have to jump through hoops to get them or they are incredibly niche

a modern re-release of 3rd strike with rollback and crossplay on all platforms will make people pay attention for sure, a legendary game like sf3 has enough clout for that
Kakeru has mastered Bison's psycho raid
He's insane
no literally all of them were official capcom stamp on the package.
I'm not talking about fan mods.
no one gives a fuck about turd strike least of all its "fans"
I can see it.
He totally would be into age regression and watersports.
maybe even diapers
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I honestly embarrassed how hard it is for me to beat plat players in casual match warmups
Incredibly mid and broken game being carried by 1 (one) moment.
Pretty much sums up SF legacy. A dogshit, overrated game being carried by legacy interactions that happen once every 20000 hours.
ultra sf2 was a cash grab
just make a high quality repackage like sf3 on xbla
elena outfit 2 waiting room
Is there a secret to get really good really fast in sf6 ? Is there a secret video guide ? There has to be secrets.
Steep learning curve.
Takes a while to "get it" but once you do, you are a coinflip away from taking games from people with 100x more hours than you.
Dump a lot of hours playing only one character, then drop it for a while and try everyone else for a bit, and come back for your original pick.
Use drive rush more.
>sf5 learn you play unsafe on gief because you have armor, parry and shit
>sf6 beat you for playing that way
what the point of this
I have 28 hrs on sf6, I’m iron rank and my win loss is 20%. I don’t have a combo yet but can do all my characters moves by memory, is this normal skill & progression for that many hrs ?
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Yeah, right here
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My cutie wife.
How did you get that picture of me ?
My superpowers.
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i check their random drive rush, i stay out of range of low forward, i predict od dp during pressure, i predict random super, i punish their neutral jump, i don't do anything unsafe unless it's confirmed
Finally got around to unlocking this. Sweet cheeks.
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>Dhalsim and Bison have pupils instead of blank eyes
>New Bison design is just War from Darksiders
>Complete with the hood and the white hair sticking out
Just look at it side by side
why can't I play as the horse
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>she doesn't know
hello newfag
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You can, though. Ryu even sweats like one.
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His face was silly in 4, didn't made him look evel.
Not him but I liked that World Warrior potrait image that Capcom stole the best.
he always reminded me of buzz lightyear in that game
>didn't made him look evel.
>didn't make him look evil*
KEK actually this
When will they start releasing costumes like how 5 has a fuck ton of them?
I very much appreciate that he makes bush versions as well
the horror engine is hard to work with or something
were we too harsh on sfv in the end
6's costumes have effort put in
>in the end?
>throughout its lifetime before that?
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sf6 is doing so well, they dont have to get desperate and make 20 chunli outfits to stay afloat
yeah man such an uptick in quality that they dont even come with costume codes anymore.
oh no you can't change the ugly skin into a slightly different ugly skin
look its good that this game has dogshit support.
CE and the last season were the best content that SFV ever had. luke did leave a sour taste in the mouth but i guess it wasn't as bad as USF4's late lifespan with e. ryu, elena and decapre
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>damn dude where are all the shitty costumes
yeah you cant do many things in SF6.
this is legitimately much better than the faggot ken skin they put into 6.
also cost way way less too. SF4 costume bundles were mega cheap.
SFV costumes were more expensive but still had many releases and SF6 costumes are even more expensive and you dont get shit.
>dix is bad
>6 is bad
>bad bad bad
didn't ask.
if ken got that skin in sf6 capcoms stock would plummet
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You'll actually go to any length just to shit on 6, very impressive.
>almost out of drive just for a bunch of plus on blocks
what a retard
actually obsessed
no it isn't
DI him
sf6 makes it too easy.
I’m new and end up stuck in block like bison in the webm, but they end up grabbing me and throwing me or breaking through and comboing me. Doesn’t feel good, but it’s where I’m at in the learning.
literally outplayed
Yeah clearly with your post that was a huge miss >>483680945
>this is legitimately much better than the faggot ken skin they put into 6.
based retard
kek lmao, i didn't get it. i do 236236 on hitbox and this input still need right timing and shit, what the point of using it?
Its just a fact. That Ken looks better than the motorcycle faggot.
SF6 is ugly, gives you less and charges more for it.
based retard
wati, jebailey banned bison at ceo? boooooo
you can do 2323 for a super, hitbox is easier for some things and harder for others
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Got Bison master who next?
they made a lazier costume for luke in the same vein and charge like five times more for it.
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JP and show me how its done desu desu
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ask me anything about fighting games before 2009
>Got Bison master
wow so you launched the game?
Who was bottom tier in killer Instinct gold
This is a condemnation of this game tbqh.
How much are you actually playing these characters and how much are you playing the universal slime ?
Should I care that its taking me forever to get through plat?
Honestly I dont know what im doing wrong half the time.
Unknown because that version of the game was not played competitively enough to formulate a real tier list.

If I had to make a wild guess: Tusk or Sabrewulf.
>Should I care
>I don't know what im doing wrong
We don't either, just anti air, counter DI, and low medium Drc bnb
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>tekken 8 will pick up ste-
NYOOOOOOOOOWM *plane crash noise*
No you cannot. You have to hit 2(3)62(3)6 with at least one of the threes. 2323 is a (very reliable and mashable) DP shortcut.
I didn't play it but I believe you
Thanks old anon
wow street fighter is so much fun when zangief is good! i love playing against zangief!
The bison in that webm is probably delay teching after the drive rush normals. Learn to do it intelligently and it'll help you massively on defense.
What's Clayton's favorite color?
Switch to sim it's the only way
I'm aware. 2323 still gives you DP.
Switch to Sim
apologies, you are correct. i still find it way easier than stick or dpad.
Never Costumespam is trash and waters down their brand image. They learnt this with 5 and the breakaway success of strive, which had zero costumes.
Also costumes in 6 have actual effort put into them, both in terms of design and making sure they work with animations. They likely realized that if they have a microtransaction store (which corporate mandated), then people would only buy the one or two costumes they wanted per character. Therefore, low volume high price makes them more money than shitting out terrible reference slop and shitty censored "bathing attire" or whatever.
I’m fiending for some eggfu yung
You're a weirdo lmao
Costumes are good
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Waiting room
Plat is like top 20% of the game man, it's okay to struggle through it.

Congrats on making it to play friend
There can be several reasons. Plat is an odd zone populated very different types of players. The best of the brainless retard mashers, and the worst of the people actually trying to play the game will hit you back to back.
My advice would be to identify the *kind* of player you're losing to. If it's gimmicky retards, work on your and anti-airs and DI reactions. If it's players running legitimate offense, you're going to have to start learning matchups or working on your defense. If it's boring mediocre players that are just out-neutraling you, you're going to have to start actually learning footsies; ranked is a bad environment for that, I suggest doing long sets with a friend or in battlehub or something. The last category is shitty players with optimized combos that out risk-reward the average plat player; either work on your own combos to match them or just play safe and don't let them get their big hits off.
Plat is like 20% on its own. Master and Diamond are each 20% of the playerbase.
I meant that master and diamond are each 10%, fuck.
Fuuuck keep going
Oh and make sure you learn something offensive of your own. I find a lot of people make it through silver/gold on purely reactive play and get stuck in plat where that becomes a lot harder unless you really know what you're doing. tl;dr round out your gameplan
seriously what the fuck were they thinking with scissors
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>modern controls make game more accessible bringing in many new players who will stick around for more than a month
>these new players never make it past gold
>these modern controls players completely alienate new players trying to learn the actual game which actually decreases the high level player base
>decreases the number of players interested in content creators and tournaments
>motion inputs will eventually be phased out and only kept in as legacy to keep Street Fighter modern and accessible
Is it worth it bros?
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they made it motion because of moron controls while completely disregarding why such a strong move was put on charge in the first place.
its like Eds DP having slow startup in 6 while completely ignoring why it had slow startup in 5.
the guys in charge are legit retards.
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the menard curse....
its a terrible schizophrenic nonsense input scheme that is already impacting character movesets negatively.
half of the unique input methods have already been eradicated from SF6 because of it.
its obviously not worth it for anybody but capcom shareholders.
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Poor Mena, how can Gief even function with this life changing nerf??? Truly a mystery of our time
lilbro just throwing curve balls, just like when he said he was gonna play manon.
he's full of cap and u guys eat all his crap
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Its certainly a healthy mix.
I definitely need better combos.
I've been relying too much on jab confirm light stribog and a fierce into ex stribog after DI.
>he's full of cap
Remember when he tried playing JP? That was a fun week
lmao why do you censor it? It's still against the rules. Might as well go all in like >>483685795
And why is he making gifs? Is he too retarded/new to make webms when it's braindead easy?
I legitimately wish Jamie started rounds with 1 drink just so I'd have to play the retarded minigame they all do where they do random shit until they have 3 less
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bison is kinda fun but lord knows i'm not playing a character without a shoryuken in this game
some tips for a.k.i?
Wait for Broski's guide
anything slower than a 8-9f DP feels unplayable in this game with how fucking retarded jumpins are
fireball drive rush fireball drive rush fireball drive rush fireball drive rush

the whole time you're playing that character you should be thinking "is this a safe time to set up a fireball drive rush"
Mai was made for the thickest and filthiest of cumshots
instead of releasing sakura in season 2 to massively increase sales and keep the momentum, capcom decided to go for.... terry and.... elena
anyone who remotely cares about those characters already plays fighting games and sf6. even mai. no one new is buying this game this season
dix is bad
6 is bad
bad bad bad
God, can't wait to spend hours fully erect in training room
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also, where the fuck is the nazi cammy costume?
that shit will sell hot cakes
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They deleted and warned me for my kemosho post!
>grand prize: $70
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best girls
gay opinion
it is the same as iv but with more realistic motion
imagine caring about what alioune has to say about anything. couldn't be me
bdj hasnt been online in over a week..
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If Capcom liked money they would just keep releasing cool skins for the female characters. Shit like that Cammy design isn't even degenerate
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there's been a severe lack of costumes in general. capcom basically admitted that chun and juri costume funded the second half of SFV so I don't know why they are attacking more on that front
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sniff order...lily>>>2>3>1
>bison only has one plus on block normal
not like this bros...
>you need high MR to have an opinion on whether something looks good or bad
wasnt it 2?
cammy has only 2hp, and she is eternally op broken w/e, so idk what the big deal is
lol it looks like dans shitter throw in SFV which is meant to make him look like an absolute martial arts beginner.
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My boyfriend Kakeru is so strong!
>japan MR
actually 1800 anywhere else
subtract another 400
so is bison good? haven't played in a while but i'm planning to try him out
finna scissor
biggest retard enabler in the game now
sounds perfect to me
Two. And one plus zero move (with a high/low target combo extension to threaten further).
Why is she flaunting her armpit?
Dont Koreans use the Japanese names? If so hes given Dictator the micro and Claw the biggest.
It's worth it.
His cr.HP has extremely good hurtboxes and he can easily combo off it in a way nobody else really can.
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I can't do down/up charge inputs on leverless I'm just gonna start alt f4ing anytime I just jump in the air and do a kick
Akuma is still more of a braindead rog than Bison but it's close
with akuma you can get punished for a whiffed fireball or a blocked dp
bison just does bison things and he never has to consider risk/reward on anything he does
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literally what am i supposed to do as jamie vs jp other than yolo drive rush and pray that i go through fireball or that he decided to spawn a portal
Bison rapes JP so hard it's not even funny
why does every Ryu play like they're on a lethal dose of adderall? like they all play so fucking fidgety and nervous, constant random lv1s between your strings, constant jumping, they basically never take a second to breathe and think, they're just doing shit constantly
Same as what people do against Jamie or Honda, learn how to PP the shit they're abusing.
for some odd reason everyone who usually plays ken collectively decided to play ryu instead in this game
dont forget that the both extensions are safe because fuck you
the fuck how?
Here I am wishing my leverless would get here sooner so I wouldn't have to suffer doing charge moves on lever.
thats how ryu and ken players always played because theyre the main characters so scrubs gravitate towards them
later on ken players evolve into even bigger retards while ryu players start playing like every match is grand finals of evo and they have to tryhard as much as humanly possible because theyre playing le honest low tier karate man
i think charging feels more natural with a lever
makes sense
lever>leverless>pad as far as how charging feels imo
How so? Every pro players who play charge characters switched to leverless
just parry and keep a read on your opponent.
it may not seem like it but every JP has a habit.
I for example have a tendency to always go for a spike after a fireball so I can get another hit in if my fireball connects.
you can also wait for the command grab and gain distance jumping over it.
I dont recover from it until the shade reaches the end of the stage.
And you already know but you can just PP or normal parry if I shit out portals because I then have to choose to waste my portals and keep zoning or teleport for a throw, a measly throw.
higuchi plays on stick
Well okay not EVERY SINGLE pro players, but you get what I mean.
Not that anon but it's awkward now that down+up doesn't = up anymore. You need to let go of down and then press up, it feels like two inputs rather than one easy motion with a stick
I dont have the dexterity for it.
I'll go for a psycho crusher and fucking end up jumping
mena (pad)
nuckledu (pad)
akainu (pad)
problemx (pad)
i dont know if its optimal, but it just feels more natural. i kind of visualize charging as pulling back the string on a bow or slingshot

isnt psycho crusher back forward? i don't get how you could get a jump on leverless.
I guess its easier if the jump button was positions above the movement buttons kinda like a keyboard's wasd.
your middle finger likely wont be on down and up at the same time
>i don't get how you could get a jump on leverless.
I was talking about lever, I dont have the dexterity for lever.
leverless would make that a non issue.
on lever that shouldn't really happy either. i had that issue when i played on a bad pad and it was too easy to hit up
cus old socd in five was basically cheating
Why is /ourguy/ Sonic_Sol only 1500MR when he labbed Bison all day yesterday? Even content creators that don't play the game like Max are that level???
Actually he said that he switched to leverless and it was a huge improvement for his Guile. The other players you mentionned probably don't want to bother to learn leverless, which I understand because it's hard. Like Valmaster for example, tried to learn leverless but then dropped it because he didn't have the patience to lose a lot and learn a new controller. It feels more natural because people are already used to the controller type they've been using for years, but it's not optimal. So if they'd actually commit to switching to leverless they'd find leverless a lot more natural on the long term
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man ranked is looking garbage tonight
why do people call him redditgief?
I thought gief was /ourguy/
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the only time people cheer for gief is during big tourneys because gief is dogshit
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make sure you follow brutus on twitter dood
>why do people call him redditgief?
guess white boy guess
Marisa is a bottom 5 meme character. Actually worse than Manon and Honda
Tiny white dick
>akuma goes for dr overhead 5 times in the same match
I feel like shit in 1800MR+ is irrelevant. We aren't pros
The overhead is interruptible OB at least though.
Just use rock
>our guy
Whenever a clip posted on Reddit that has Gief in it,the gief is always the redditor
how many Bisons are gonna be in top 6 at evo
DarkSydePhil plays Gief, that automatically makes him a 4chan character
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You guys ever feel like for every one thing you learn you forget 2? I just went back and rewatched a replay Nephew reviewed for me and I don't even recognize the guy playing, how have I regressed so much despite the new tech i cram my brain with
they really fucked the dog by making it motion.
its both soulless and a balance nightmare at the same time.
this shit needs to be nerfed if it's going to be a motion input
Does any character have multiple back->forward motion moves? I think Modern makes them impossible
also pushes enemy back
>I think Modern makes them impossible
yup, modern killed charge and mash inputs
capcom right now are so fucking retarded that if Guile had two back forward charge moves they wouldve made booms motion with zero frame data adjustments.

yeah its because of modern.
but even if you insist on butchering kits because of modern you cant ignore that they used to be balanced around their inputs.
mash inputs were always awful especially in the older games where you had to give yourself RSI just to cancel into them
yeah modern killed it. since they don't have punches/kicks you can only have one left/right and down/up charge move per character
it also killed TAP/zonk inputs.
>they really fucked the dog
Juri is for HIS small brown chihuahua
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https://x.com/gematsu/status/1806139462717435930 june 1 terry trailer
>sf6 has modern
>granblue has one button specials
>dnf has one button specials
>2xko has one button specials
>garou 2 has modern
its actually over isnt it
>still crying about modern when it never wins anything and even the top modern enthusiasts have switched off of it
are you a bot? clearly you arent human.
who gives a fuck if modern is used or not the issue is that even classic was balanced around it you stupid coon
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>he threw a fireball with psycho mine on him
lol shiggy diggy
its just that new kunitmitsu game, dead rising and re7 on ios. they said thi already
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>are you a bot? clearly you arent human.
Flowchart internet arguments like he's playing Ken online
Terry will get a teaser at evo, like they did with Aki last year
sf7 wont have special motions thank the lord
Tekken 8 has easy execution mode
next Guilty Gear will probably have no inputs so twitter users can play brisket
Why does Akuma's demon flip divekick have so much fucking recovery? -15 on landing is demonic bro
Mash inputs need to stay dead forever.
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How am I doing?
>next Guilty Gear will probably have no inputs so twitter users can play brisket
well yeah daisuke said that he thinks strive is too hard
Just getting started from what I see
I wanna get my winrate up.
Im not content with saying "I win about half my matches"
I dunno, this doesn't tell you shit, what's your MR?
holy based
Not good enough, keep improving.
The MR lil nigga, show the class your MR.
Remember that fake american outrage with Bison's knee special? Yeah.
You can say what you really want to
it was literally one nigga who mainly plays granblue crying about it
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its a little too powerful so I have to spoiler it
switching from Guile to Bison made me realize I have no idea how meaties and frame traps work in this game. like how do I even start learning this crap for a specific character?
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Can humble braggers stop humble bragging please hurr durr look at me i've played fighting games with the gene for 40 years
Yeah and if MVC2 blows up it will also have one button specials
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anyone arguing against these don't know peak
How do you do Bipson's 8K punish combo? He's supposed to leave himself with a tiny sliver of drive to do EX backfist to end it before super but I'm not sure how you achieve that.
NO ONE will play mvc
its a meme series for posers
I warned you it was powerful
nvm my bad
>there's been a severe lack of costumes
bro it's the second year of the game
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1 is literally just alexander anderson
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'f_screenshots never misses
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Gief will always be /myguy/
The power of zangief is limitless
The "it takes 24 months to make a character and the team making them is 10 people" comments make me think there's just not enough people working on the game for there to be content
Capcom has put all of their manpower into making Monster Hunter and RE9
is there any place where you can get c3 model swap mods so you dont have to pay for them
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>Capcom has put all of their manpower into making Monster Hunter and RE9
nigga this is not how that works, there's rarely overlap. the problem with asset creation is that just takes a retardedly long time. its same thing with elden ring dlc and people again asking why they repeat so many enemies, it's because making 1 unique enemy takes a fucking eternity so they won't do it. which sucks and they have enough money to fix it but you won't convince suits to do that. in sf its even worse because theyre player controller assets in a pvp game which needs to function.
no it's Goenitz
That's all well and good but SFV we got more characters per season pass
Neither I nor you are a top player.
Modern is a consistent problem at the levels people actually play at. I know for a redditor it's impossible to imagine the game through the lens of anyone but your favourite twitch streamers, but some people actually play the game.
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shouldn't you be buying max's dead dog plushie or something?
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>play against someone who isn't using Akuma or Bison
>it's Ken
remember when everyones favourite game mvc3 was on the evo main stage and everyone realized it actually sucks
i'm not gonna engage in the game warring this will cause and i liked sf5 but they were objectively lower fidelity lower quality models, with much more direct outsourcing (cue someone posting the list with indian devs). i guarantee you sf5 did not have more people working on the project inhouse than sf6 does now.
give em time brother, it'll come soon enough
at least I hope
how is the amount of inhouse workers relevant?
SF6 clearly outsources a fuckton too.
its all just cope.
people still don't understand in the year of our lord 2024 that games take a ridiculously long time to make now because that's just what happens when you endlessly pursue BETTER GRAFIX

throwing more devs at it will not fix this problem.
Holy based
why would you still have hope for capcom regarding SF6
It's not a problem for you but this shit is not balanced for low level play at all ruining the experience for people trying to learn to play like you and making the game even more gatekept than it already is. It's hard enough to get niggers who want to play these games with motion inputs and now you are chasing more of them away. You guys who act like it's no big deal deserve it when your control scheme is only kept in SF7 for tradition and is phased out completely because you ignored this shit
this is /sfg/. nobody knows that literally who from a failed franchise.
>when you endlessly pursue BETTER GRAFIX
but sf6 looks and animates like dogshit
Cause I don't like to be bitter about it. If it happens it happens.
If it doesn't, what does it matter, it's not a necessity
>when you endlessly pursue BETTER GRAFIX
ok but we're talking about sf6.
But what if you hired 10 more people to develop their own set of characters, could we get 8 in a year?
It objectively does have high fidelity models. You defaulting to this response will always make this discussion impossible.
ok but retarded shitposts aside the fighters have fucking sweat and indivdual hairs and shit now, we went from block of banana colored hair ken to that in one gen. It shouldn't be shocking that it takes much longer to get this shit out the gate
no i dont think its that easy. the best you can do is hire an outsourced company (with however many employees, probably like 50-60), then you could doable it.
Some guy in the tweets talking about bisons shit throw animation also brings up how Juris throw in 6 is worse than in 4 and 5 and then compares it to Oros throw in SFV.
Oro is a late SFV character. There's a noticeable shift in how they are animated at around season 3 or SFV and it carries over into 6.
Capcom artists simply got worse at their job. Maybe the old ones quit, maybe the newer way of doing it is cheaper. Who knows.
it has ugly bodyscanned models that are meant to make development times faster, not slower.
I just found out DSP is in Master rank.
It is now my mission to get to Master.
Being below him is unacceptable!
yeah real weird, everyone's doing that now but games are still taking upwards of 5 years of development on average. They must have small studios oh no wait they're absurdly bloated and constantly filtering contractors in and out because the workload is too big for a consistent dev team to stomach it
Odds on Dix Mai having massive titties?
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this Bison guy sure is tough, lucky for me they all seem to play like morons
it's usually higherups and shareholders demanding shit and slowing down dev time
they just started out-sourcing to jeets. it has been known for a while.
There's a probably an absolute fuckton of time spend waiting doing nothing while different things get the greenlight, pass quality control, move from team to team (guys who model the characters aren't the same people who do animations and they aren't the same people who do art who aren't the same people who setup mocap etc etc).
yeah modern studios are bloated and make shit products at a slower pace with results that are uglier than what we got in the past I'm aware of it.
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Was it funny?
double KO
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Retards are ready to defend any corporate output even when things are obviously regressing and getting smaller industry wide while they also keep asking for more money.
whos defending anything
i genuinely think 6 looks worse than 5
>b-but banana ken
you dont want me to start pointing out sf6 models and animations
>b-but hairs
yeah go count them during a fight, faggot
>you dont want me to start pointing out sf6 models and animations
go ahead
i think so too but dix looks really good to 90% of the shiteating casuals who ruined this entire hobby. ive always said we simply did not gatekeep hard enough
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>i genuinely think 6 looks worse than 5
On some areas it does (ligthing, stages, facial expressions) but 6 has MUCH better models overall.
Is that supposed to be rare? Feels like it's happened to me maybe 4 times already
yeah 5 looked so good dood
It happens more than rarely to me I would say but still not very common
we're not talking about stylistic differences we're talking about objective fidelity. In that field SF6 blows SFV out of the water with interest. Juri's fucking feet probably have more detail on them i 6 than Ken's head does in V
>take a break from sf
>to play nine sols
this was a horrible idea i want to switch my brain off
I pulled the plug after seeing Bison in the challenger screen too many times and now I have the red card.
play The Great Ace Attorey
unlucky. understandable tho
I just one and done him
daisuke from guilty gear mused on this in an interview recently where he felt envious of indie teams where dev is still small scale enough that it's all one team "in the same room" more or less. Dev is too big for that now, it's disjointed
Anyone who works in software dev probably understands this. I'm currently waiting for my supervisor to sign off on something and have been for basically the whole week. I could get it done in like 3 work days but I'm not allowed to do anything. This happens for any minute thing for every employee.
I thinks its happened only twice in my FG lifetime
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ironic he says this given how hard he sold out with strive
Imstilldaburger has been nothing but an online warrior for over a decade
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Thoughts on my not a tierlist? Honestly wasn't sure on the top 6 at all so just decided to split them but they could have gone either way up or down
One of the dumbest lists I've ever seen, you can literally mash with Chun and get away with it because the normals are so good
ok chun player
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I need to see a radiologist I think I just got a brain tumor looking at this
Hell yeah I'm carried
>you can literally mash with Chun
2000, you don't have to work hard with the best normals in the game
Do you main Deejay or something?
I play Chun
would had been too much not to bring back bison right away?
Any shotos that aren't trash on modern? Luke doesn't count
i mained chun all the way up until ed was added and its really embarrassing seeing people do this with her lol
Bison is even bigger anti-hype than Ed tbqh, nobody is excited for this
I mean i literally said it wasn't a tierlist. Chun has the best normals but she still has to space them, whiff punish with them, win neutral with them and win the ground game to win aka working hard
I will use guile as an example since >>483701624 but he can get far just by booming and flashkicking jumps, it's all on the opponent to find a way through
The shotos are among the best modern abusers, get good
Maybe you should wait until you get out of bronze before making these lists?
>he can get far just by booming and flashkicking jumps
>Parries you
Well which ones then? every video i watched says they lose too much on modern controls
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hey I think you mixed up the text on the side (maybe you were making another list earlier??)
I fixed it for you though
This is cyberbullying
If that retarded anon kills himself it's on you
I feel Betty has been relapsing on the gooning habits. Her face that goon physiognomy and it's really noticeable the last couple streams. But I'm glad she made it to legend again.
year 3 buffs?
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The Chun community needs to rid itself of downplayers like him
I mean everybody accepted S1 honda was low tier yet carried so dunno why we can't have a nice civil discussion about this.
chun will never be honest until her slow fireball into DR is removed
Remember how in Jive we got three different characters on the same day, all of which could be bought with in-game money? Do you think that will happen in Dix?
Someone post the one Brian F clip where he says Chun players have a mental illness that causes them to think their character is bad
No they aren't desperate to bring people back to the series now because 6 is actually good
oil king
problem x
joe umerogan
cj truth
dual kevin

CEO is pretty loaded this weekend
>6 is actually good
So that's your cope when they release only four characters for Dix yearly combined with predatory mobage monetization? Mobile games are good, games that let you unlock characters via gameplay are bad?
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This but for literally every anti air. I hate stupid moves moves like this
Street Fighter 6 is so good that they don't need to make characters for it, only stickers and burritos, got it.

If the game is so good, why they need to pay people millions to play the game, something they didn't need to do with SFV? How do your mental gymnastics spin this fact?
I'm talking about the game being fun to play
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Don't take it the wrong way, but I don't think that you're a very high MR player to say something like this. Chun's fireball DR isn't something to write about home.
The one thing that carries Chun players hard is her safe jump setups in the corner. And I'm extremely surprised that in this thread that NOBODY mentionned this. Only her normals that are slightly better than the shotos.
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return to tradition with some ST Kamige
If Capcom isn't desperate, why they need to pay people millions to play the game and hire Lil Wayne? If the game is so good, why can't it stand on its own feet? If the game is good, why can't it have real support aside of stickers?
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They couldn't afford a million dollar prize pool for SFV becuase the game didn't make money
that's not how it works bro they got those millions from sponsors and the game has sponsors because it's good and has a lot of players because people like good games
are you claiming sf6 is not a success
So they can't afford to make characters for SF6 because the game doesn't make any money for them? God, SF6 is such a shitfest.
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I accept your concession
If there's a segment where I have to fight Femboy Vega in the Colosseum, it would have been nice if Marisa interacted a bit. Capcom wants to care about these new characters and then not use them... which they've done for 30+ years.
sf6 haters are so mindfucked they're just trying to make shit up and live in their fantasy at this point
the street fighter reddit is 50% low rank zangief clips at any given time. they are infinite updoot generators
I'm just following your own logic and reasoning and reached the conclusion that SF6 is too poor and unsuccessful to afford support for the game. Things are looking pretty grim for the party game community.

If only they made more money, they could make characters like they did in SFV but all they can afford now is stickers.
>safejumps in the corner
Is this even unique to Chun? I feel like I get safejumped by every character. Akuma has a safejump off a jab.
they have 3 releases announced and just released a new character what are you on about retard or are you saying they should be releasing new characters every week so the game has no balance because if that's what you want then I know you're a subhuman animal
Every characters probably have safe jump setups, but Chun can safejump you into oblivion
Do you defend billion dollar corporations for a living? How much pussy has that path in life given you?
only honest character in this game is cammy
God you're fucking boring.
You're the one coming here saying the game is bad because X like a retard and X isn't even real.
If you wanna bitch without being fact checked at least find something real to complain about i believe you will have an easier time on the tekken thread
Fair. My only other observation is that Chun DOES lose something in exchange for that, which is both throwloops and forward advancing plus on block normals/specials, so her corner pressure without oki is low in my experience
God you're a virgin. The less companies provide to the players, the better it is according to you. Just nonsensical and stupid, get a degree so you can stop working for Capcom.
>so her corner pressure without oki is low in my experience
Yeah, a lot of time you can see top Chun players giving up corner pressure to go back into neutral.
So you're a zoomer probably a moba or gacha kid that wants the game to be releasing garbage constantly and getting patched constantly having people relearn the whole game every month so nobody learns how to counter anything when they fight something strong they can just go on Twitter and cry for nerfs ok got it
No, I asked if SF6 will ever give people three characters on the same day, you said no because "good games don't do that." Which says everything one needs to know about you.
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A. it costs more and takes more time to make a character for 6 than 5
B. we can clearly see 6 is more successful than 5
Too bad SF6 doesn't make any money and can't afford support like SFV could. Boohoo.
You need to be over 18 to use this website Timmy
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She looks like a disgusting and uncanny Poser 3D model from 1998
Oh I am, but you aren't. You are a stupid fanboy who thinks players should pay for everything and companies shouldn't support their games. You have no life outside of Capcom, you stupid virgin.
Holy fucking kek you do not know how stupid you sound
Go back to school, child
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i finally did it
put a beer in the freezer
I'm reasoning like you, that's where the stupidity comes from. But of course you wouldn't notice that either.
finna scissor
anyone got any good notes or videos going over Bisons oki options?
Not the same guy retard

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