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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483649784
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My wife and her sweaty, waxed snatch.
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Timmy really out here defending 4 characters per year lmao
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>hitbox arrives tomorrow
time to see what all the fuss is about
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Season 3
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The official /sfg/ s3 wishlist
Why is the newfag schizo defending 4 characters per year over 6 years per year? Reminds me of that fanatic fanboy with the blue slimeball avatar.
I think Capcom should refuse to put Makoto in the game just to spite the makotofags
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My top tier footsies wife.
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There is no other alternative
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Stop spamming
im gonna akooma
im akooooooooooooooooming
Bipson is such a braindead character
What are the odds of Bison nerfs before evo?
he's cool
I wish akuma could go through projectiles with his shadow dash wasn't enough to let people hit him out of it crapcom
no nerfs
Guys, did you know that SF4 had 44 characters because it was such a shitty game and Capcom was so desperate that they tried to do everything to lure people to play it? Good games don't have many characters.
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Has Dhalsim always been on this cover? Fucking mid teleport behind Sagat and Honda.
post one defense of the drive system
Yeah man, imagine having to learn match-ups in a fighting game or worse yet, having to learn fighting game fundamentals in a fighting game. Now that's awful, that's why I like SF6, it's for me and for people who don't like fighting games!
You mean akuma nerfs?
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
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More obvious picture
Those are final patch nunbers how many characters did it have at launch Billy? 12? 16? Let's see if you can figure it out
Yeah but they gave you the characters for free just by playing.....
Oh wait that was just the one nobody played?
Poor you. You'll just have to beat people using projectiles with your better fireball.
Or your charged fireball, or your air fireball, or your projectile super, or your demon flip, or any of the normal methods everyone else uses...
I think people are mad that they missed the SF4 era so they're coping by trying to enjoy SF6.
I just can't see how anyone who played fighting games for more than ten years would look at 6 and say "this game is amazing"
None of those beat Rashid tornado i'll just pick up Bison
How is M Bison in Modern? Planning on playing him when I get home today but i'm not sure if I want to go Classic or Modern with him. I went Classic with Akuma so i'm leaning Modern but I don't know how good charge chars are in Modern.
Even Psycho Crusher doesn't beat tornado if he does it right. All it beats is retard fullscreen tornado and even then it's a tossup on how long he charges it.
You don't know how many characters base SF4 had? You didn't play? Fun fact, it had more than SF6 has now in the 2nd year of development! LMAO YOU DON'T PLAY UNDERAGE FAGGOT
Bison's stand MP can go into either a low or an overhead target combo.
The overhead is susceptible to DI, but the low is actually safe from DI. Additionally, you can mash 4f to beat the overhead, but the low is a frametrap. There doesn't seem to be a delay jab timing that OSes both. You can also just not do the target combo, as stand MP by itself is 0 on block. Both of the followups are only -3 on block opening up the perfect parry minigame.
SF4 was so desperate they had to add five characters on the same day because the game was so bad and Capcom was so desperate... Only good games like SF6 that require skill and execution are good! We won! This is our identity! Only bad games add characters!
Things esports took from us

>Technical characters with unknown (to the devs) potential

>Low tier meme characters like Dan

>Clone characters

>full charge characters

>Unique combo structures for each character

anything else?
bring back El Fuerte
pantsu under skirts
So, after the first day, what do you think of Bison?
Guest characters are a serious sign of creative bankruptcy of a company...

Oh wait Capcom has guest characters now? Well, that changes everything...! Four characters good, guest characters good, party game gameplay good!
I don't think anything, I just repeat what other people say about him.
IDK man I'm still playing Elden Ring
what set off the crabbas this time
Remember when capcucks defended SFV's broken netcode but now that SF6 has working netcode, they say it's the most important feature of any game.
Modern is baby food. Take the training wheels off.
somebody asked if capcom will ever add 3 characters on the same day in sf6 like they did in sfv and the party game squad got immediately irritated and started talking about how good games dont need to make characters
Yeah, me too... That's why I'm asking, I haven't had a chance to try him yet.
idk but the shit you lose according to supercombo mostly isn't important
Same range as his other 3 frame.
Standard large crumple HK / niche far anti air. Probably the biggest loss but it's not crucial to his gameplan.
Decent enough crossup jump-in but bison doesn't have too many situations where he can land it
Slide is fun but it's kind of a meme.

Could be much worse.
He's as fun as he's braindead
SFV is so great that's why people still play it and organize side tournaments for it like 2, 3 & 4.....
Then they confirm that SfV was dogshit saved at the last second.
No one would play SF6 without the guerrilla marketing and the million dollar prizes
>re hire Vega & Balrog classic voice actors
>make new themes for them
>rope them back into shadaloo & Bison plot
>set up a upcoming neo shadaloo vs old shadaloo fued
>gets the audience to wonder if Rog will betray Ed
Why do all this setup when the story can't be continued because Terry & Mai are next and Elena has no relevance to this plot? What is Nakayama planning here?
Well it definitely lives rent free in your head when you still talk about it every day.
probably that's the way the game was meant to go before the FUCKING saudi money was involved
He's easily the most complete Modern character among the DLC bunch so far. St.hk is only thing of relevancy he is missing and I guess jump HP but that's more so whatever. His supers are also good in Modern.
If you didn't play SF4 at release, you're such a retarded toddler that you shouldn't say a damn thing in a Street Fighter thread because you don't know anything. You may be allowed to lurk or ask help, but don't state your opinions about anything because they are worthless. You don't know anything about this genre.
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I'm really baffled by the plot hooks of SF6
>whole plotline of Ken being framed for terrorism and money laundering in Nayshall
>it goes nowhere, just some annoying guy blows himself up in WT
I want Ryu's sweaty feet all over my face.
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Modern bros help me pick a main
If you play any fighting game on release instead of waiting for the ultra mega re-release with the content the game was supposed to ship with, you're a colossal fucking retard
Yeah, exactly, you're the person in the middle in that pic, laughed by everyone. Which SF titles did you own on SNES and PSX?
that shit spooky bro
They were still making real multiplayer games with SF4 released. Why would I be playing fighting games back then?
Nonsense, games often get worse as they're changed and furthermore, if you only start playing once the final edition is out you've already missed the ship and have only a year or two to play.
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Dream Match
I hope by "real multiplayer games" you aren't referring to point-and-click shooters, dumbed down RTS known as MOBAs or building queue simulators known as Starcraft. SF4 was the last SF game that required something from the player and gave you bragging rights.
>Emezie is Master
what the fuck
My head canon is that Saudis put up money for CvS3 development and suggested to Capcom/Nakayama to put terry and mai in the game to help build excitement for the project and to help promote garou 2 which the Saudis are invested in. I also think there is a possibility that Saudis may be funding a potential MvC game too which means it's possible that S2 could have a marvel guest character.

If my theory is correct, fans of SF3 chars should honestly just forget about their char getting in, between guest chars and 4 chars per season it's just not happening.
>emezie has higher MR than most of /sfg/
Jive bronze is Dix master

No but seriously, he was a plat shitter in Jive but Dix gave him superpowers
i have higher mr than that with bison but i also suck and get mad and one and done people who do stuff that pisses me off so it probably helps boost me up

CHADezie has time to make gawdlike animations like this AND get Master rank
>being too retarded for RTS or old FPS
You invalidated your own opinion. No point trying to claim anyone else should shut up anymore.
anyone have that twitter image that says something like "If you see this picture (Emezie's blueball profile pic) on fighting game related discussions do not interact with it"?
>>Low tier meme characters like Dan
jive dan was the most fun hes ever been
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Both those genres are played by dumb kids. Like SF is now, but not as widely. Clicking someone's head is not good gameplay.
emezie could smoke most of this thread
emezie could smoke most of this thread's cocks
Remember when perfects still meant something? Remember when perfects didn't happen every third round?
>clowndown bitching about bison day 2
jivies really be like this bruh?…
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every time you guys say this about people i look them up on shadaloo cri and bucklers bootcamp and they have 5 times more ranked matches in 1 year of dix than they do 8 years of jive
now im no mathematician but i think if you dont play ranked at all you cant really rank up
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the hub should show the player ping/connection for cabinets that are waiting for another player
>unironically bragging about getting filtered by real games
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everyones bitching about bison
It does. Go up and interact with the cabinet
Average round in SF6 takes 20 seconds so one "match" is played in 40-60 seconds. You almost never see time-outs in SF6. Not even comparable to other SF games.

And it takes one or two sessions to climb high in SFV if you can play.

It's up.
I hate street fighter 6 because it gave everyone superpowers.

You hate street fighter 6 because you're too ass to even take advantage of the super powers.

we are not the same
we keep telling you retards, sf6 gives these niggas super powers.
um actually he only played 1500 matches in jive because he knew he was never going to get any higher in rank
So it's this guy who insists four characters per season is actually a good thing and proves Capcom is great...
you guys did this with some random twitter journo cammy player and when i looked him up he had 200 (two-hundred) matches on jive and over 4000 matches on dix
They want to spread out pass sellers, and the Terry + Mai deal may have come in after the initial planning.
broski never misses
Shilling never ends
Damn a rog, vega, bison, elena (obviously leading to more sf3) pass would be kino
I don't know what you are talking about but yes, in Dix you play far more matches in the same time you'd in any other SF game, partly because of the loading screen improvement and partly because of party game game design where players just perfect each other
Hold on, you're telling me someone who kept playing the series got better over time?
Must be that sequel being so casual it LET him get better.
only nigga old enough to do that here is bdj
>2 hours and 30 mins
nigga you don't need all of this just, just throw a fireball and slime at them with st.mp
16er seething hours are on
I wonder if I just mash scissor kick over and over like a bot how high rank I could get
At least Diamond 1
Any returnslop pass is shit.
yeah, because sfv totally plays like sf6.... retard.

and by your reasoning.. a player like idom got "worse" despite playing the game "over time."

i know i'd knock your teeth out in person, i swear.
even if what you're saying wasn't retarded
lets say that the average jive match is 60 seconds, so 3 dix matches are equal to 1 jive match, he's still played significantly more in a much smaller period

>And it takes one or two sessions to climb high in SFV if you can play.
this point is also retarded because it works on the assumption that someone who is a top player is just immediately one even when they have no experience, instead of the reality that they got that way by playing a fuckton
He never got better when the series was still a fighting game, when the game became a non-fighting game he suddenly got "better," tons of stories like that and it's not a coincidence, everybody can play the game and see how it has removed the skill requirements from the previous games
matches in sf6 are more like pulling the level on a slot machine. You can sink hours into it in a zoned out state so of course people can play for much longer. You have to be insane to willingly play jive as a shitter and lose constantly. A lot of people had mental breakdowns from seeing YOU LOSE on jive and having to sit through the agonizingly long loading screens. Losing in sf6 is "oh I should have drive zooped instead of drive zipped" "I should have taken the throw" "I just guessed wrong" but in older games you mostly got outplayed so you had to think harder to try and claw back a victory.
I know but I want it right there on the cabinets with 1 seat available, would be nice to see it at a glance
Idom was exposed as a fraud without V Trigger to carry him. Many such cases.
Sf5 was a fake vtrigger game lil bro
this point is also retarded because idom is still one of the best players in NA
if he was competing in literally any other part of NA he would have been at capcom cup despite playing arguably the worst character
You're not seriously so consumed with shitposting that you think SFV and SF6 have no transferrable skills, are you?
A literal competitive top player continuing to improve or not is not the same as someone climbing out of plat. Stop being a fucking retard.
>i know i'd knock your teeth out in person, i swear.
Stop being a spaz too.
I don't care how much or what games some scrub plays, doesn't affect my life.
>You have to be insane to willingly play jive
I agree. The game is just not fun.
COTW waiting room. Feel bad for you nigga, for real.
Nigga Ken hit me wit temu combos
You are right, but you could be right for the wrong reasons. Fun is subjective and most people do not find real fighting games fun, which is why SF6 is the way it is. People like to say jive killed fundamentals but we couldn't imagine how SF6 would have been.
But if you'd play the game you'd know that V-Triggers usually added a few hundred damage to combos and weren't a gamebreaker lil tranny
This is the only fighting game out right now
We're in this double reality where people will say SF6 changed the formula for the better but will not name these changes because it invalidates their skill
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>Feel bad for you nigga, for real.
Same for you.
Good for you that SF6 was designed for people who don't find fighting games fun and for people who were afraid of them, I guess... But what about people who found fighting games fun? The genre is dead now so gg
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>V-Triggers usually added a few hundred damage to combos and weren't a gamebreaker
Who do you think you're fucking fooling?
You're fooling yourself because the amount of genuine bullshit V-Triggers were very limited. In most cases it was a stance activation that barely affected the match. Often you activated the trigger and got nothing out of it. Not everyone was G.
Invincible backdash would solve the od dp issue
the lil chuddy's joke here is that a few hundred is quite significant in a game with 1000 average
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Release a ton of costumes for all characters but a TON for popular characters

Release a few costumes really slowly but mostly release a TON of avatar gear

What the FUCK is Crapcom thinking?
i play in the hub because i like it
there is literally zero hype for bison
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the anti-fireball move she tells you not to worry about
We all waiting for Terry Burger
does sonicsol really have to put his daki and waifu poster in plain view like this
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Going to begin day 6 of my ryu classic training today, combo trials > training > arcade > ranked, pic related is my progress so far. But from now on I’m not going to focus on win/loss as I’m still just beginning to learn, going to focus on a goal for each match like getting a combo. That is all
capcom knows it too hence quick release
Thanks for mai suckers.
Me and /sfg/ boys will make sure she’s been thoroughly taken care of
Capcom was really desperate with SFV so they had to make a lot of costumes for people to enjoy so somebody would play the game...

SF6 is such a good game and they totally aren't desperate anymore so they don't have to make costumes or characters for that matter... They just have to ask SNK to loan them characters for some reason and uh, do collabs with Ninja Turtles for some reason...
the SF6 costumes are high quality (with the exception that Rashid one), the jive ones were total slop by comparison
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Season 3 confirmed with a new location
the costumes in sf4 need to individually be viral sensations that stand on their own. They spend forever designing these things to be as detailed as the original costume and appeal to people who don't play the game. You'll never see dlc packs of everyone in swimsuits or costume swaps or any fun things like that, because those kind of things are purely for fun and giving people variety when they play the game.
That's not the intention of costumes, they need to make money from whales and social media clout.
that would just be a parry
>the SF6 costumes are high quality

Fucking Emezie
the main problem with chun having 17 costumes was that most of them were very samey and generic
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I wrote sf4 instead of SF6..... I miss it so much man...........

there's nothing stopping them from releasing cheap costumes for free/drive tickets except the impression that they are not being enough of an AAA company.
Juri's mech warrior costume was the best costume in Jive and nothing in SF6 comes close
Everyone ass raped T8 for reused t7 costumes and shit so of course they won’t add cheap shit like that
Just need a mai in my life, god just mating press her
Which character will literally never EVER come back?
I'll play either Terry or Mai just to spite what SF has become
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We're running wild and slime free, my nigga. These niggas gonna be drowning in slime for the next 7 years.
Will SF6 ever get good looking females?
Bisons theme sounds like Binding of Isaac music
>mai in a horror engine
Summer sale soon, then I won't play fighting games for some time and I let you scream about Bison here all by yourselves, not that anybody cares about him
Also Necalli
No Capcom can get away with it
They got away with blanka Chan(again) and world warriors that aren’t Ryu or Chun having dogshit costumes. They even got away with letting you HIDE costumes, a feature Tekken newbies were begging for(if you weren’t on v of /tekgen/ but there was load of zoomies begging Namco to turn off customization)
I’m sure if they had a cheap pack of costumes for like 500 coins together, people wouldn’t raise a stink. The only stink costume 3 had, was that there was no bundle, forcing you to micro manage your cash to buy one or another outfit
>a guy player huh, I need to figure out how strong he is quick
>oh shit he can link off cr.lk, this could be a problem
>he never does run stop shenanigans, this guy won't give me an opening

>a Ken player huh
>they're more than likely capable of doing his most damaging combos
>I hope I read his drive parrys and check his drive rushes
Sagat will take the game to 80k players in Season 3, and he will be top tier like SF4
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Mai in RE will get more attention than any Garou Cows. Oh wait, Garou is already a sausage fest lmao
Mike (SF1)
horror engine
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surprisingly a lot of Bison players online. I thought normies didn't play charge characters.
me when i clip my toenails
Made it to Master with M. Bison on Day 2. Could've reached it on Day 1 but had stuff to do.
Love some aspects of the character, mostly the Psycho Mine stuff, but his neutral is way too retarded for my taste. It's like if Deejay and Honda had a baby. Not my cup of tea.
>neutral is way too retarded
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I miss pre woshigger street fighter
>Marisa after everyone who mained her went to Bison and Akuma
fighting game players being against asset re use is so fucking weird.
Vega wall dive
Who thought it was a good idea to let an anime player design street fighter
It was dogshit in 4
trip on, harada
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>looks good trust me bro
You think so too right? It’s fucking bizzare how the most beloved tag games are all asset mugen dumps, how the most beloved SF is a re-use/update of a 91 game. Asking for some costumes is now too much I guess, not like smash asset reused the hell out of its ultimate roster padding
>but but smash isnt Fighter
Oh I know, but you gotta argue with these actual astroturfing niggers like they do.
capcom will never have a game as popular as elden ring.
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I dunno I think SF6 Bison looks great
Selling something you got for free in the previous game in a battle pass is insane
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sf6 definitely should have re-used a lot of sfv animation, just look at chun li

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she's supposed to be significantly older in sf6, please understand
lol man what the hell were they thinking?
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Careful you'll trigger the French guy
I no longer feel this way with sf6 because nobody else wants to play neutral anyway, so i don't feel bad out-chimping them
like should i really feel bad slime rushing and throwlooping the ACKi who refuses to interact outside of fireball dr, and jumping every 5 seconds no matter how much i antiair him? nah lol
Manjeet did his best with this model, okay?
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Waiting room
taunts after rounds are so fucking kino.
sajam, you're the only person who cares about terrence
sajam is gay?
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SFV looked better. It's a simple, objective fact.
he's terrence thorton, I'm terrence bogard
I'm looking forward to people playing garou and getting filtered when they realize there are no mickey mechanics
sfv also had plenty of stages with ugly background characters albeit
The only good looking 3d street fighter is EX
dude, it's not like they are a small indie company hurting for money. they are already outsourcing most of their stuff to 3rd worlders. how cheaper do you want modern devs to be?
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get real
Clay fighter V
Shit bait
Terrance will save street fighter. Maybe.
O my lover
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unique cartoony artstyle, colorful and vibrant, background doesn't distract from the action

low budget uncanny valley call of duty models smeared in the rancid diarrhea horror filter, everything blurs together and you can't tell shit apart
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Unironically what's wrong with this?
our guy saintcola is live rn
Ryu is too attractive (as he always is) and it makes people uncomfortable.
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Not a single person here has even tried to impregnate Bison

Sometimes I feel like you guys just aren't that into SF6...
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>shit quality screenshot of a momentary frame mid-super animation and mid visual effect, riddled with horrific youtube compression because you don't play games
>proper screenshot of the fucking prestige display of the characters doing their static pose on the character select screen
You couldn't stack the deck more if you tried and STILL the horrible childrens-clay-models of V look worse.
no one's replying and now he's going all out kek
Five looked ok. It wasn't striking or special in any way, and if it had a "vibrant cartoon" style, cool but its not iconic or different in any meaningful way. The models and animations were hit and miss. The hits were great the misses were horrible.

Six is definitely another mix bag. When it hits it looks amazing and when it misses it's Horror Engine.
I don't get the jerking off to either one, it's dishonest and retarded.
Five is the better game doe
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people took the bait
I'm still trying
sf6 took away people that would have played third strike with or other kusoge with me.
remember when capcom employees got upset at max when he told them that sfv looked too much like sf4
Lol lmao
It's a joke but still some people believe this. Strivers were never going to install fightcade anon
They switched from play doh to Clay, where was the lie
nigga... no
max was the main guy pushing for SF in the horror engine and look at where it got us, that retard should never be listened to about anything
unreal is even more sloppy than re engine
capcope. all the most beautiful fighting games are in unreal (strive, granblue, tekken 8)
My Man
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IT'S A.......... LE BAIT

>random screenshots of the first matches i could find
Jesus sf5 cody is disgraceful
Strive does look better than every other current live fightan to date, that's a fact.
he said "random screenshots"
What's the point here, five looks like fan art ass and six looks like a game
The toothpaste is funny at least.
five looks like a videogame and 6 looks like mortal kombat diarrhea
>hard to AA
>uncheckable DR
>beats fireballs
>shits out damage and pressure in the corner
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Chun-Li is always beautiful.
>bisons medium kicks
I just want you to know that you're a schizo. You posted two normal screenshots from two nromal games and you assumed anyone here would know exactly what you're seething about somewhere in this image.

You took time to search for a SF5 and SF6 match and screencapped them, and then combined the images, and then posted it here. You understand that this is not normal, right?
Happy that rog is lowkey confirmed ngl
I'm the worst Street Fighter player of all time. I'm so bad I shouldn't even launch this game
Capcom should reuse sf5 assets. Fromsoft does it and everyone still loves them
6 looks so much better it's not even funny.

>mortal kombat
Is that supposed to be a negative? MK1 looks amazing if you take screen shots during a match. The problem is when things start moving and you have to see the animations.
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Cassandra soulcalibur tier
>Is that supposed to be a negative? MK1 looks amazing
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Is this true?
SFV looked better, agreed.
we have actual mortal kombat fanboys in here

i'm out

enjoy the horror engine and the slime, boys
Yeah, maybe. Play some elden ring instead
at what range is bison supposed to struggle because he outranges all of my normals and can instantly close distance in like 4 different ways
mickey five
you have to understand that vappa shizo has been hate posting about sf6 for 2 years, he's not going to stop just because everyone stops replying. he'll only stop when his autism grasps hold of something else and then he'll move on as if nothing happened. he's literally a crazy person.
You're such a loser
I can't tell if this is edited or not which makes it scary... This could be a legit screenshot from SF6, that's how bad it is
Most of them yes
You know how hard it is sculpting new models or textures and importing them without help? despite what people will say SF modding is regulated to like a dozen or so mofos, half of them still haven’t bought SF6 btw. It’s not Like RE2/3/4 modding where it’s loads of Enrique’s and timmanthas and non troon Timmies making mods daily and sharing their sculpts.
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So Cody and Poison for season 3? It is the Metro City game after all
If SFV is a Mickey Mouse game, why SFV players dominate SF6's competitive scene? Everytime you kids start seething about SFV, you never answer this. Why are SF6 playerbase so shit compared to SFV playerbase that dominates both games?
Lmao no
Balrog and vega just got new VA lines in English and Jap. Cody despite being the mayor has gotten shit, poisons sis/friend Roxy is one stage. You’ll enjoy that for now
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It makes too much sense to add characters that fit into the games story and setting, Capcom will add one final fight character in the last season and it will be pic related
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Guy was already killed because the ethics department wanted him to become a black woman instead. And there are retards ITT right now who think this ethics department and outsourcing development to Indians is the way to go for the series.
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23ers don't realize that SF6 is hated by the SF2-SF5 players, not by SF5 players only. It's like the one games they know are SF6 and SFV
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me avoiding the slime
>trailer is animated again
>ends on the laugh
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You waiting for City of the Wolves YET I don't see you on dat young KOFXV, nigguh.
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continue the sentence and try not to pretend pic related looks bad
Bison, Vega then a 3rd strike character or two is probably season 3
The worst thing is that Kimberly will return for the next game too because she's a black woman and Capcom doesn't care about providing quality popular characters, they only care about diversity
When will the west make attractive characters again?
>those stiff models
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>16er including the most hated SF of all time with SF2-4
I've never seen a SF6 kid defend the game in any meaningful way, any time you criticize their game they post steamcharts
Looks like BG3 tier garbage
It's so weird how these threads are filled with schizoposting sf6 hate
But then I leave my house and go to locals, or look at twitter, or anywhere else, and people really like the game. And they play it. And not five.
They play 3s on the side, they play ST, but not five. So weird.
The most hated SF of all time broke the EVO record and became top 10 best-selling Capcom game of all time? All of you 23ers are just pure shitposters, nothing you say is truthful or reasonable. Just pure childish tribalism, appropriate for your age.
straightest SF6 player
>Playing the Mexican tag fighter in prep for sf6-2
no thx
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16ers are basically 09ers except nobody likes SFV
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matz didn't put kimberly in because of 'diversity' but because she is specifically a black woman
For some reason, everytime somebody criticizes SF6, SFV gets brought up when nobody even mentioned it. There's some legit scrub schizo here who doesn't even play SF games and for whom SF6 is their first one.
you mean the same people who like drake and taylor swift like sf6? no way!
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im gooning for hipless kitana and there's nothing you can do about it
She was put in the game so the black woman diversity slot gets filled.
>Incoherent babbling
Mind broken beyond help.
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Lol I hate this image
yo bro lil wayne rocks if he likes sf6 i like sf6 too lil wayne yo bro dude yo yo man tattoos all over my face
More flat with my flat please
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all the popularity arguments fall apart when you realize it's always true for every new SF game regardless of the quality

you people using SF6 numbers as the only argument for it being a good game while calling SFV shit when it was the most popular fighting game of its gen despite all the hate doing much higher numbers than the "fan beloved" SF4
>Mind broken
this confirms it's the same guy defending sf6 here with his life all the time and the irony is he's calling other mind broken lmao
MK looks bad, BG3 looks bad, SFV looks good... you guys are just contrarians. You probably like scat because everyone else hates it. MK's problem lies with animations, stances, and the people they use as models. But as far as graphics in general go, it's a big part of the reason for it's popularity, since normalfags for some reason don't notice the animations.
You are shallow
BG3 has non-caucasian elves and tieflings who all look fucking stupid, shut the fuck up, you're the contrarian here who shits on all the traditions and common sense
It's like one schizo jiver LARPer that got slimed on and can't stop crying. They're pathetic.
>BG3 has non-caucasian elves and tieflings
What does that have to do with what it looks like? Sounds more like a problem with the writing and setting.
One is clearly last gen, but both look fine.
>what does characters who look fucking retarded and nothing like they should be have to do with characters looking a certain way?
You're beyond saving.


We are discussing art style, model quality, textures and things like that. Ryu is still a Japanese man in SF6 as he was in SF5. That didn't change. So if you tell me SF6 looks like BG3 or MK, that aspect of BG3 doesn't affect the SF6 comparison in any way, I don't see why it matters.
People who call the SFV the most hated SF game just expose themselves as IGN-browsing /v/tards who whined because there was no story mode at launch (which came a few months later and btw, that story mode provided more entertainment than World Tour.)
That does look beautiful. I love the use of depth
Arent dark skinned elf variants like super normal in fantasy settings, they've been in D&D for a while.
And aren't tieflings always fucking stupid.
I didn't play bg3
Sf6 needs a lightning adjustment but does look better than four or five btw.
Fuck it. I am playing Dhalsim.
it was hated because i remember seeing a thread on /v/ with the chun mvci face and then i saw the same opinion on kappa or something
I hate Luke so much
I said MK looks like BG3. SF6 looks bad too but not like BG3.
Yes but we were talking about graphics. If you think BG3 looks bad because it has dark skinned elves, that is you having a problem with the content of the game, not it's graphics.
I played a lot of five, and I'm not a huge fan. It was fun, but I'm having more fun with six, even if the bitches make weird faces and have chickenskin.
I miss some stuff from five but it's fine
SF4 was the king of fighting games
SFV was the king of fighting games
SF6 is the king of... pseudo-fighting games that are no longer actual fighting games and now all the games in the genre will be made equally casual and retarded so it's some kind of doombringer
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I've got this.
Join US
So you think BG3 looks bad because it has black people in it? lol

This is your brain on fucking 4chan.
A Shadow Falls and World Tour were equal disasters in my book, for what it's worth. I want Capcom to do a good single player story mode, but GOOD is the key word there and SFV and SF6 both disappointed. Arguably, World Tour is worse since Capcom is continuing to waste resources on adding the new characters to it. To me, however, the people who hate SFV are exposing themselves are people who played it for the first few months after launch and then never touched it again, even when it got to be legitimately good in the years that followed
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A good artstyle transcends technology
yea yea you'll be crying about how you miss sf6 when the next one's around.
Everyone's always "new thing bad" cause you don't know how to look at things without rose colored glasses. Jfc shut up man
pic extremely unrelated
Nice playdough graphics
You can't tell him that, he's retarded
If you want to talk about graphics then BG3 has garbage lightning effects. And the model quality is occasionally weaker than in old MMORPGs, some faces look like they could be from Guild Wars 2 character creator, except in GW2 you could actually edit your characters instead of just picking faces. Graphics is irrelevant, aesthetics is what matters.
>new bad, old good
Where is the good artstyle anon
Not in the pic certainly
why dont crybabies just play and discuss old games? i literally played both sf4 and 6 today
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How much do you get paid for this?
Why did lostygirl drop SF6?
>Everyone's always "new thing bad"
Oh, that's only you, I don't follow such principles. There are plenty games where the new one is better than the old one. But hey, you do you, just don't wonder why you live surrounded by garbage and are too pathetic to clean your room.
What a shit counter argument, learn to argue
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Shitty background textures. Shame because I love this stage otherwise. There are better looking ones in SFV like the Kanzuki estate at day. Also, I miss that Ken costume.
Because 99% of this thread are retarded zoomers who are miserable conversation company because they know nothing. Tell me where you find adults to talk with.
>Everyone's always "new thing bad"
People who aren't retards don't do this.
jivekusobeggars don't play
Do you really not see how schizophrenic you look
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Wish I was as good as da alfa
>learn to argue
Oh boy, how to show you have no academic education. You stated my beliefs are based on "new thing bad" principle and I clearly and quickly stated it's not, because there are plenty new games I find better than old ones. That's how conversations work but hey, enjoy your live surrounded by garbage. You have no uni background, so shut the fuck up.
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Do you not have eyes to judge for yourself?
SF6 looks so bad, SFV from 2016 looks better than it.
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Which Master next?
it really do be a horrific engine
NTA, but there's no way in hell SFV looks better than SF6. Stop it
Da Alfa will return in season 2 and take da Evo trophy, as it was foretold
alright bro, sure you win I guess lmao
>Everyone's always "new thing bad"
dix has done a lot of very good things to move fighting games as a full package forwards, but the gameplay is ass for all the exact same reasons the gameplay in jive was bad. Its not rose tinted glasses when everyone complained about vtrigger but now they ignore that you get the game thing with drive rush but more times in a round from the get go and there are still vtriggers in the game, but will act like its a good thing because its a functioning game on launch. You're either a legit shill that cant fathom any criticism of the game or you're playing your first fighting game and think this is okay. Its not rose tinted glasses.
Kiss my ass, retard.
i really like how everything Bison does is safe
also really like scissor kicks having the same broken qualities they had as when they were charge
Because jivecucks don't play fighting games. Any new SF release was destined to mind break them forever
he has bad buttons
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I can understand some person who doesn't play or understand fighting games liking SF6 (because it was designed to appeal to those people) but the problem comes when these people start talking about other fighting games or pretending they know what the genre is. That's where the issue is. Especially when they call SFV the worst game ever while holding SF6 the best game ever, when SF6 is very similar to SFV except even more casualized.
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>it's only just you dood
>no one else thinks this
>take your meds schizo!

SF6: Infinite.
Are you so bored to continually bait like this, or is your delusion and shitty taste really this exaggerated
I really hope it's the former for your sake
another character that loses only to perfect parry
Nta but you suck dude. You post like a teenager on the debate team.
>zoomers think having an opinion different than their favorite streamers' is baiting
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Which of those did you have the most fun playing?
>leddit screenshots
this is...too much.
have to wait until april to play my kween...
we probably have people that weren't born yet when SF4 came out in this thread telling us about how much better SF6 is than the other games LMAO
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Owari da, nonplayer-san....
It's weird that I don't remember DMC5 looking this washed out. Might be a settings thing on PC, maybe I messed with the saturation on my end, because looking up videos does show that it indeed looks like that, almost looking like when you mess up on an upload with HDR enabled.
>"hurr durr new thing bad old thing good"
>"Actually no, there are plenty examples of the opposite, there are more to it"
Kill yourself, cheers. You'll never kiss a woman.
it feels good
played a streamer, had a close set and went to his stream to say ggs and he was mid rant calling me a braindead retard
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Some of you lil bros and big bros just need to calm down. Bust a nut and realize you’re arguing about jive and six. Take a breather
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>You'll never kiss a woman
I'm not your little arguing buddy, and correct I will not
there are definitely game genres in which following modern design trends tends to reduce their potential but fighting games is not one of them, grandpa
XCOM2 was considerably better than XCOM so no, no "new thing bad, old thing good."
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When you look at close up shots that aren't seen in normal gameplay and cinematic supers, SF6 is better looking than SFV. Sometimes.
SF6 really has an edge in particle effects, visual FX, and hair/fabric physics. Comparing textures between the games is pointless since they have different visual directions and both work.

When you look at the games overall, SFV looks better than SF6.
SFV has better animations, better colors, better readability. SFV's animations overall were so good that the very few bad animations in the game were so obvious because they were such weird exceptions. Like for every SFV Cody standing light kick or Cammy air throw, there's 10 SF6 animations that are just as bad if not worse.
Do you niggas ever play anything
You aren't an arguing buddy because you don't have arguments, you just randomly insult people without contributing anything. At least insult people who are wrong instead of people who think there are good new games and bad new games.
Swap costumes for SFxT was great concept, SF6 needs to copy it but keep it SF related. I want Ryu copying Alex, and Alex wearing a Gi finally
Out of the ones that aren't my main(Manon), I think the most fun I had playing was Rashid. Probably because he's the closest to who I actually main (Ibuki)
>talking about kissing women
>in the gayest thread outside of /fit/
it's time for men
>SF6 really has an edge in particle effects
nigger what
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That would be awesome, actually
last thread: modern killed charge, mash and tap inputs
this thread: >>483726537
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Do not bully the Chunners
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Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up, you are so corny.
No one cares if you like puyo puyo Tetris 2 more than 1.
big trantran

SF6 animations are so bad across the board.
sf6 has the same fucking dashes with slime on top of them
>it's time
Then play Kimberly next
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The men in six look better.
Better game.
I just look at Chun Li's animations in Dix to appreciate how good V's animations were
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Why is it always the homosexuals who are the most based
Explain me, testosterone-free homo, what is corny about stating that not all new games are bad? Why do you want to insist that other people hate all new games on principle? I think you're just a fucking idiot. You have these absolutely idiotic opinions you seem to want to stick to no matter what. Just why? Don't you have some object to shove up your filthy ass?
>i'm gonna ex bubble and walk behi-ACK
>i'm gonna charge up a hadou-ACK
>i'm gonna ex hadouken and slime behind-ACK
>here comes my denj-ACK
>i'm charging snatcher >:) time to flip a coi-ACK
od psycho crusher has singlehandedly fixed this fucking game. bison until i die. fuck every single one of you carried fags playing these mickey mouse flowchart gameplans that don't have any answer other than "just walk up and take the mix lil bro." FUCK you.
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>modern killed shit inputs only autists enjoy
sounds good
My queens
Very cute
Bison God have mercy
need these paags on my jr
*plants a psycho mine on you*
When's Remy
season 3 is when we get the sagat function
hate lagging yuropoors so fucking much
get the fuck off the game and go watch football or some shit you piece of shit
it's called soccer, robert.
How the fuck am I the gay and you are still the faggot I am Perplexed.
I didn't say all that shit I said youre corny and need to stfu
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit
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look at him. the tasteful thickness of his hitbox. oh my god. it even beats air hadouken.
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I'm beyond tired of Bison already, god this game's roster is so fucking bad
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Who do you want
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So far ime hes losing the sim MU though so big kek
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So with the introduction of Bison and Akuma...
Mickey game or Daffey?
Yes, that's exactly what you said, you weren't even part of the convo and just randomly lashed out "you suck" because I denied that there are good new games too. Maybe you should get the sand out of your vagina so you don't have to be hostile towards people without a reason?
Psylocke in the horror engine.
Damn that transparent was a lie huh. Oh well.
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give me him
Anyone that isn't gimmick focused or has some random ass forward moving special that is spammed relentlessly
go on twitter and ask for remy, they said they will listen to player comments
idk if that's true but i encounter 1 sim per month so it's not a big deal to me if so
because I denied not all new games are bad*
Genuine question: what is Bison's weakness?
What do you guys use to record gameplay clips?
>brian_fraud was top 100 online in sfv
>see big tits
>think of men
Everything? He's bad
fighting honest players because he only counters cheese bullshit
I was tired of you and the schizo jiver, who I will charitably assume is a separate person, walling the thread with cryingposts. We're done here.
Either OBS or shadowplay
traditionally it's weak anti-airs and lack of invincible reversals
Every person into SF played Jive too, if you didn't, you really should just fuck off, you can go rub your clit elsewhere.
scissors being fucking motion was a mistake
thanks modern mode!
>weak anti-airs
not in 6 :)
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and air target combo into full combo lol
Steam just added recording to the beta client, you can try that.
We all played it, it was fun and ugly. We moved on and miss Cody.
How about you olay the neutral instead of being a raging homo spamming slime and dive kicks
lol motion zombie bison riding on a horse
this game is so gay
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>miss Cody
Not that game's Cody.
The fact Capcom still pays people to shill for this game is astonishing. Worst fighting game ever, except it's not a fighting, it's just dogshit. The new age Cyberpunk 2077.
No matter how hard you try to deny it there are good new games and bad new games, simple as.
>kill hondas headbutt
>add motion scissor kick and -3 ex crusher bison
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>things clearly getting worse over time
>not allowed to point it out because ...... it makes people uncomfortable
not just a gaming thing
Yea alright fair but at least dude was in. Metro city game, whole story running around the lawless streets and where the fuck is he? MIA
Capcom what the fuck
I played SF5 but only for 2 seasons and then I couldn't do it anymore. I already played SF6 for 4x the hours I did 5..
Has Manon gotten any buffs?
slimesisters, we're winning!
death to jivecels!
This scene is so fucking sad. everyone is so desperate to get this meaningless MR shit to appear to be good
yea i play tf2 now
I never said that wasn't true. You really got hung up about that.
No shit bad games come out lmao
You just randomly insult people, we get it, you must be very popular.
Did you just start
What the fuck it's a little.late no?
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I summon you great desert storm x100
if this pose was in sf3 you would be circlejerking about how expressive it is
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Consider the following.
better late than never
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Honestly what were they thinking. Her HK in six is her MK in SF3, it’s all over the place in this game.
I guess. It's not my thing but it's fun with friends.
Arms aren't supposed to be able to do that...
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I summon great desert storm which allows me to draw 3 more moves from my deck
mare thighs
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Ranked is kinda annoying rn idk if y'all have noticed
So did they change drive rush at all? I heard some people say it's easier to check now?
is it? I haven't read anything about it
Lol no, and no
no lmao
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He's so perfect
Bison getting a guaranteed bomb plant every knockdown is a little retarded no?
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So Bison can drive rush at you ALONG with all his other bullshit??

they did nothing to make it easier to check, its practically as it was the same before the last past
Love my Kenyan Princesswife.
he unironically needs it
scissor kicks has neutered frame data because its a motion now
psycho crusher is super unsafe
devil reverse and head press get raped by perfect parry
slide is a meme
>just PP it :)
nigga shut the FUCK UP
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He needs it
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explain how
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I didn’t realize this but remy could just replace sagat since their function is so similar
>high/low fireball
>tiger upper=blue flash kick
Rent just needs a new move that is similar to tiger knee/tatsu
Is it that hard to practice your PP timing 10 minutes everyday?
He definitely needs it
He already has a Tiger knee, his sabat kick
I’m a remy fan now
M bison! Is such a horseshit character no pun intended
Stop talking about games and characters if you dont know all the moves. I hope they never add remy or necro or other characters that never came back before.
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That is not the roster, that is the game. They want to add some spice to every single character, including Ryu. If this game didn't have Ryu and you were begging them to add him so that you could have your gimmick-free character, you would receive current Ryu with denjin charge and hashogeki. They want every character to be like that, if you're waiting for some DLC character that fixes the roster for you in that aspect, give up. Even the bland and boring T. Hawk function has to manage stocks.
SFV Cody was hot, you're posting his worst costume. I also love his moveset referencing Mighty Final Fight.
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They'd have to change his moves because SF6 does not allow 2 attacks to share the same charge direction to accommodate Modern Vappa controls.
The pose is not the problem, it's the way it feels like she is hitting you with a wet noodle. It has no impact.

Theory time: they let this animation rock because no one noticed it being bad, because no one on the team was looking at her arms.
and remy would be a very easy character to do that with since nobody actually ever cared about him or his function to begin with
I don't even think the mocap is that horrible on most of the cast outside of Chun-Li her animations are bar none the worst in the game, and I wonder if it was cause she was the first character they worked on.
That being said, SF6's mocap is still not that great and it all just feels like a better feeling NRS game which is not a high bar.
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>i summon you great des-ACK
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>Remy but he plays like Iori
Would be cool. Every game should have a "brooding edgleord" archetype.
>play game made by guilty gear dev with guilty gear mechanics in it
>"why is there guilty gear setplay in this"
it works on the meme tornado?
AKI ignores his lvl 2 too
The problem is that this martial arts based game has no Muay Thai rep. Remy does Savate, no one cares about that. They also said that representing different places is something they want to do with new characters as a reason for picking Elena, since she is African. We already have a French character.
>angrybird out again
this guy fucked his brains with adderall during capcom cup and cant play anymore, right?
what's the guy's excuse for not playing this time?
Built for my doberman pinscher.
i need it
and by it, well, let's just say, ass from an old man

>cause she was the first character they worked on.
Sounds plausible. Probably true yea
Why does every single Cammyfag just play exactly like Punk? Shit is so annoying dawg
Cumming inside bison would heal me
That's literally how almost everyone plays Cammy. The character is strong, yet simple.
Why didn't they do this in 5?
*walks back*
*walks back*
*walks back*
*wiggles back and forth*
I don't know, I skipped SF5 and played ST and KoF 98 during SF5's entire lifespan because the beta was trash and the game launched incomplete.
karins copied punk
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How do you even get her into an angle where her face doesn't look all weird?
what the fuck do you mean?
And yet they were easy to deal with because you had options against crmk confirm bots. Cammy literally feels impossible to deal with, I have no idea how I even win vs these people
>I skipped SF5 and played ST and KoF 98 during SF5's entire lifespan
So fucking ZASED. I kneel.
tbf everyone's face in world tour looks off. Especially with the spotlight they put on it.
The faces look the best during special moves usually
How do you deal with Bison's scissors, other than throwing rock?
I went on a losing streak and then suddenly started winning. I legitimately couldn't tell you one thing I did that would make me suddenly win and climb. This game is so trash
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>selling an actual product
What is Capcom doing, they're gonna go out of business
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SFV's camera was not that zoomed in, literally ISSA MOD
but why is the game trash for that. This just happens in games when you warm up and play for a little while
Wish that was me on the ground
Is MvC2 the Dreamcast console version or the Naomi arcade version?
This has been my sole reason for not deciding if I'm gonna pick it up or not.
That’s cool I guess wonder if it will be better sale wise than 30th collection or Fightingcollection
I'm so sick of these fake ass faggots acting like they play fighting games for fun. how can you load up a game for the first time after spending $60+, lose 95% of your first matches online over and over and sit here and act like you had fun. nigga you were questioning your entire life when you first started playing fighting games. you are not gonna be years into a genre this full of suffering and pretending it's fun. you're here because you're partly mentally ill and partly a masochist.
Naomi arcade
I believe it's the arcade version but don't quote me on that
what character takes the most skill?
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Pic related is a MUCH better Muay Thai rep than shoto v2 and having 2 French reps isn’t crazy since we have 2 Americans, 2 Japs, 2 chinese
Sim easily, but also you get rewarded without having to practice a lot because no one knows the MU
I only play at home as practice for locals. Online doesn't matter to me.
Dhalsim and Honda at high level
akuma, because understanding how to pick a top tier is the most important skill in fighting games
theres 3 americans
I remember when I first started playing fighting games the mantra I used to stay motivated through my loses was "I will almost certainly lose this game, but I'm going to make it as difficult as possible for my opponent to win". And what I found was my matches were getting closer and closer, and I sometimes was somehow able to get a win against people much better than me because I didn't mentally give up in the middle of the match.
>having 2 French reps isn't crazy
Having 1 Fr*nch is already too much
I don't actually think those are bad. I have them, and when I did boot them up and had some fun they were totally serviceable. For online matches you gotta go where the people are though of course so it's FC only.
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I hate the feeling I have to play extremely reserved and never throw a fireball because I can get super'd on reaction.
stop treating SF6 like a fighting game
"Focus on yourself and your gameplay instead of just winning" is a core tenet of improvement. You made your own version into a mantra and it works good for you.
it is a fighting game. you are immature
What are the most charge-based characters besides Guile? I love charging.
Chun-li charges
You should be afraid of getting level 3'd against classic players and modern players alike.
Modern kids do tend to just try and farm wins by reacting with instant DP, but who wouldn't. Use it as an opportunity to explore what your options are and how to beat a turtling shitter.
And 3 Chinese
Deejay and blanks of course
Chargeniggas are toxic scum tho sorry
No one in 6 because charge is too hard for smash players.
Aight, so who was it that just recently smoked him on Modern?
How charge is M Bison? He's probably doing charge combos like Guile does.
Me (modern Jamie)
I can’t fucking wait for him to come back
it would be even better if he came before sagat
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Oh boy another disjoint stHP who would have thought
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It's less egregious than it could have been. Still annoying though
Never rematch then block. Clear your blocklist when you make a big leap in MR then repeat.
Modern is baby food.
Why isn't scissors charge?
because of modern
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Retards are in charge of Street Fighter
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why the fuck do you want Bison of all characters to have piss easy execution
Modern is more harmful than cheats, wireless, and disconnection.
Anyone who uses them should die. I only play and respect Classic.
because he's a low IQ character so you're just supposed to commit
They should have made scissors, the safe move you spam a lot, a charge move. The unsafe move that you can't just spam, psycho crusher, should have been motion. The only reason I can think of that they did it the way they did is because they didn't want Bison to have an anti-air special without charging.
Blocking moderns is okay
Playing modern is okay
Playing and utilizing the games options to maximize your fun however you choose is okay.
If you go to locals or participate in a tournament and bitch about modern you're a crying pissbaby loser though. Just a fact.
the people who complain about modern probably need to use modern themselves to be any good
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I dont think modern is inherently an issue. There's a modern playstyle that's annoying as fuck, but whatever. Guile and sim are annoying as fuck.
Shiwasu has entered that competition with a piece of Manon art right?
uh why doesnt my stick work anymore with this patch?
who's Manon?
Does modern Guile have instant flash kick? I've NEVER seen a modern Guile. Not sure if it'd be worse to lose cr.mk or cr.mp also.
What's going on and what stick
turning on negative edge might help
No but they don't have to hit up. Just charge down then hit special
with 19f startup
nevermind, stuck it up my ass and it started working
I'm 1400 MR and I never feel comfortable trying to switch to a new character that came out. This is my first fighting game and after 500 hours I still don't feel like I effectively utilize Guile's entire kit, or even 80% of it. Similarly I can't imagine picking up another game and losing all the system knowledge I've built.
my hardest matchup as bison are other bisons
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What the.................
bison is prepatch luke for gaylord grandpas
When players like zaferino and snake eyez imply you can't juke the mental stack of Modern players because they can handle multiple options at once are they just speaking out of salt or are they dead serious? Because if they are why the fuck aren't they playing Modern? If it is the case that Modern players can, for example, check jumps, DR, and play footies all at the same time than that is so strong of advantage that it's practically illogical to play Classic.

Like If i'm sitting there, mental occupied on waiting to check a DR, fast advancing special, or whiff punish a button, my ability to respond with a AA to a jump become almost completely diminished. But if it's true that Modern somehow enables me to handle all those options simultaneously than why isn't every pro running Modern?
it was in CE
It's a shockwave
it's the same thing as u2 from sf4
Is this punishable spaced? How easy is it to space?
dj's wife.
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Donald Duck slimoge
Oh I thought it was his [2]8 not a super
>his [2]8
its called headstomp faggot
that is his his head press his lv2 is -34
not minus enough for me to punish. hes broken.
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>haven't played since Rashid
>hub is just filled with diamonds and masters that slime into throw loops and 50/50s
not gonna learn jack shit there I suppose
im working everyday to be a better man!
kys ss
No one wants to play modern because it’s fucking gay and boring. But yes it is objectively superior unless the option cuts off one of your characters key moves/normals
if practice makes perfect then I'm already a veteran
Most moderns take away at least one pivotal normal
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My handsome man
built for getting leg locked by chun
But all the benefits can outweigh that negative
You've been posting the same garbage for hours now. I speak on behalf of all my /sfg/ brethren (all straight) when I say GET THE FUCK OUT. You don't belong here. You never will.
the tragedy of SF6
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>learning anything outside of slime and 50/50s
players like zaferino and snake eyez are just salty about modern. it's been shown that you can juke the mental stack of modern players. punk does it. tokido does it. all the pros who tried to make modern work wouldn't have dropped it if it was that much better than classic. you do need to change how you play to beat a strong modern player, and that annoys some people. my only fear with modern is that they might buff it since barely anyone uses it, then it would be true cancer.
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i would simply not ex dp on the first bison bomb knockdown of the round
I speak on behalf of all /sfg/ brethren (homosexual) that he does belong here
if for whatever reason sf7 goes back to being a fighting game the meltdown from the dixies will be epic
For some people I'm certain thats true
I think the damage scaling is actually more painful than the missing normals tbqh
Sure they get an instant DP but it does less than a cr.hp and I've thought I was DEAD to an instant level 1 or 3 on numerous occasions, but lived and maybe won because 10 or 20 percent of whatever it is adds up when the amount being percentage scaled is big.
Street Fighter 6
Or: How I learned to stop worrying about neutral and love the slime
Obviously the mental stack still exists, but it’s clearly harder to juke when they have access to 1 button dps and supers.
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Sfg has been a home for homos for a while anon. Get with the times or GTFO
sf7 will be a platform fighter

yeah, just like sfv went to back to being real street fighter after sf4
I hope we get Mario as a guest character unironically
Alpha 3 was truly the last real street fighter
>posts mike ross
we already have Ryu with the mama mia
If anything SF7 will just be Smash in all but name and the fgc will still defend it.
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5v5 squad battle RIGHT FUCKING NOW. heteros vs gays of /sfg/
losers leave town.
I feel clean for not playing the game since Elden Ring DLC came out. Not saying the expansion is great but not playing SF6 sure feels great.
yea, that was part of my post
>you do need to change how you play to beat a strong modern player, and that annoys some people.
it's also possible characters like gief and sim are slightly worse vs modern regardless of the character they face, but i don't know nearly enough about the matchups for speculation.
Same here with XDefiant.
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sf6 masters look like this?! this is girls game.
The reality is that there's too much things to worry about in this game, so people tend to have only two options on "automatic", usually anti-air and dash check or whiff punish, and everything else is a chosen option based on what your opponent abuses the most. For example, if I know that you gonna toss a hadouken, I'm already hovering the counter against that option in my mind

If you got super/Dp'd on your fireball, is because you abuse them too much. Period. Nobody is gonna waste brain power looking for a fireball that comes like three times per round
>say something about sf6

what causes this?
it did once they fixed the input delay and cc and vtx scaling
apes like poongko and pepeday were utterly filtered by that GOOD ASS JIVE
Was reading this and seeing redditors struggle to find a single series protagonist who isn't "special" in some way.


While SF has no less than three of them in Ryu, Alex, and Luke. And Alex defeats a "chosen one" in the form of Gill.
Could also include Chun-li, Guile, and C. Viper.
>Posts my favorite femboy
Hahahaha you can't win
Don't ask this again
That would be really fun, but people here are coward dodgers
twitch.tv syndrome
no one cares stay on reddit
nigga really think im finna click on a reddit link about people discussing loreshit
>still pretending the majority of 4chan users don't use reddit
come on now bruh
I would defend Time for Men with my life, and also I'm pretty sure I have one of the highest slime MRs itt so if it's on a weekend I am down
Shush we call it leddit and pretend it's a singular hugbox basedZone
I wouldn't include Crimson Viper because she has access to super secret spy tech nobody else has. She's a fraud fighter.
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its over
how can I delete someone else's tweet, friend of mine CANNOT see this.
even in matchups where tundra storm is """useful""" it usually doesn't pan out. maybe it finally will this time since they buffed it so much in 6.
https://x.com/4shika/status/1806258671170527660 rashsneeds the tech has been discovered
Cloud Strife is just a random guy from Nibelheim. He got infused with mako and had his memories all messed up but his origin never changed from being a random country bumpkin that fate led down an interesting path.
Could say the same thing for Tifa, who is the strongest baseline human in the world, and become so through only her training.

Tifa for SF6 season 3 btw.
Nice touch with the "bruh" at the end, makes you look more retarded, good bait.
what about virtual gay men?
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There are two types of interactive text based social media. Those where your posts get engagement by conforming to the zeitgeist, like reddit, and non-conforming makes your visibility decrease, so users become fucking sheep to get engagement. And, those where being as contrarian as possible is what brings engagement, even if negative, like 4chan.

If you browse the first type, you are not a human being in my eyes. You are an ant, a cow in a herd, a cuck in needy of aproval. You probably don't even have opinions until the popular mass decides what you should think about an issue
we're gonna have to deal with this faggot for close to two decades
The "everything I don't like is bait" posters are the most retarded group on 4chan.
4chan is just reddit but with based and cringe instead of upvotes
at least the based and cringe posts don't affect the posts visibility in any way and everyone remains equal(ly retarded)
Maybe, but that doesn't disprove the theory that the majority of 4chan users also use reddit on a daily basis.

Which means you are here fraternizing with people you don't even consider human. Why bother with this site then?
this game has the most honest bison ever made and nigga bitch
>the theory that the majority of 4chan users also use reddit on a daily basis.
that's not a theory until you post some proof
Not him but where else are we supposed to go? Yes you tourists have ruined this place with your normalfaggotry but there's still some nice posters here and there. It's better than nothing
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Tifa's boobs would not be big enough in SF6. No one is allowed to have big boobs in this game.
LTG is a physically gay man as well
Even stronger than jive bison?
most normal people only go to reddit for information (the only thing its good for) not for conversations or any kind of discourse
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I love that
lil juri
Almost every board has multiple reddit screencap threads going on at any given moment.
sniff li
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How come we don't see match breakdowns like this for 6?
This is why old men just sit outside on a bench staring at nothing.
big cope
where's the hype?
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Need that Ada outfit in SF6
He did it for like 2 weeks when the game first came out and all it was "he pressed drive rush here!!! +4! drive parry... BACK THROW! INTO DRIVE RUSH +4!" so he stopped
This. My only interaction with r*ddit is through a google search when I want to find an item or fix a glitch.
mai and elena aren't out for some time, gotta wait for any mild hype
No. In reddit if people upvote you, your post goes to the top of the page, while downvotes get it to the bottom. So aproval directly changes your visibility

The easiest way to get engagement in 4chan is by posting opinions that are either against the opinion of the mass or the community regular opinion, or even if in conformation so comically extreme it brings oddity.

I wish I could just sent you all subhumans to hell, but I can't. I can only hope that most of you get weirded out by our lack of conformation and leave to the pigsty full of cucks you like to browse
>calling anyone else subhuman while posting ai slop
what's not possible in sf6 from this webm
bison doing this except he's counting down to when i'm allowed to nut
being immortal because the game has no real chip kills
in jive the taunt explosion would deal 99999
2 characters a year
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you can sort posts by controversial on reddit
Will they ever do costumes with codes again?
so they're truly going full HnK rip-off with him then
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ridiculously dishonest post
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This color palette reminds too much of Raoh
girl we're getting fucking kazuya next year
id be ok with kazuya and anna, saves me from having to play kekken 8
I hope we get him before some scrimblo like Makoto or Dudley.
im the opposite no matter how much i love bison i don't think i could stomach seeing tekshit on my screen every other match
Which would count as a character.
Let's see what Elena looks like in-game kek
i'd rather see heihachi since harada isn't using him anyway
it was more of a joke, i would prefer 0 guest characters as well
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I don't care, you can also thread posts here, but most people just stick to default

I don't like reddit because it's format gathers conformative people, and reward their sheep minded way of thinking. The website have a fucking "good boy" points system, for fucks sake. But It goes beyond the format of the website now, the users already became the enbodyment of the crowd following cow

I don't mix myself with those utermensch. Even the fattest, most autistic, 4chan user still have enough independent thinking to call me a faggot to my face, instead of linking my post in another thread to farm good boy points
Is this the hunchback with the roid gut?
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>meanwhile in sf6
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Terry is not only in the opening of Street Fighter 1, but also Street Fighter 2.

1. The guy in the SF2 opening has a little bit of hair that hangs down over his forehead just like the guy from the SF1 opening.
2. Joe doesn't have this in his SF1 portrait.
3. The SF2 opening guy has black eyebrows. Joe has blonde eybrows. Terry has black eyebrows.
a fucking tree
don't care didn't read not a street fighter character
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Season 3
Heihachi mishima autumn 2025
Balrog Summer 2025
Baiken Winter 2026
Feilong Spring 2026
Trust the plan
>fighting game lore
lol lmao
>fighting game gameplay
lol lmao
he's been fucking mewing
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It’s not lore. It’s a fact!!
Welcome home Terry!!!
just shit my pants. i main ryu.
Bison was a flop SNK save us
people only want shotos and saggit
i assume this is a comment on a max video because this is a ridiculous level of cope to justify advertisements that the player has to pay for
SF drones only want muh fireball and ex reversal
>everyone and their mother playing bison
>"hes a flop lol"
i wish he was so i didn't have to mirror match every fucking game
playing the character is the best way to fundamentally understand their strengths and weaknesses which is what every competitive player should do regardless
terry perfect then
i cant even do bisons stand mp crouch mp into medium psycho crusher on its own. how cooked am i? and yes i am doing the down back.
bison looking kinda smoochable this patch
problem x dodged to win evo again
It almost feels like the marketing slowed down for sf6.
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You want more rapper Tik toks or chipotle or what
he begging for avatar slop
You are part of the problem, get off him so I can stop doing mirrors

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