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Little froggo Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!
Magic Awakened Social Club Name: Innominatus

Newest Game Information

>HL Optimization Guide:
>HL Mods (if a mod you're looking for is not on nexusmods, ask around the thread for it)

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL Vocaroo Collection
>HL Student Profiles & Writing References

>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

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>HPHM Visual Novel
>An Interaction with Merula
>Unity Game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)

Previous Thread: >>483235438
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Reposting here for the task skippers.
Shooting up the owlery
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Should be potions teacher
Her potions were too strong.
Not canon so never ever
HM is the only true canon.
We're in the EU okay all this stuff is noncanon but kinda linked when it wants to be. Brexit doesn't happen until after MA is set.
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Rowling sisters... we can't stop winning
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She can't say they suck.
Was Succession good?
It's going to be funny hearing the usual crowd rant about boycotting the show because muh transphobe author only for it to be a smash hit
I'm not a video game so it's doomed to fantastic beasts numbers
Kinda, but a political soap opera has nothing in common with a series about the routine of a magic school. They should have hired our boys - Benioff and Weiss.
Is it morally right to keep chocolate frogs by the fireplace? I think they'd suffer.
Who is the MA potion teacher?
They're (in)animated objects, you're just wasting them.
This sounds like slave trade, kek
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This is what happens when I have more than 10 fps.
[post implying a homosexual relationship]
Winter Witch Cassandra my beloved.
>I get low tier GM teammate with average cards at lvl 14
>they get two GMs with every card being 18
Those two are known whales well deserving of your vitriol.
>not the teenage bounty hunter showrunner
Will it be a smash hit? I mean it’s a HBO max exclusive show that’s a rerun of the plot of the books. I know Harry Potter is a big name but it’s still a hard sell. I think it’ll likely get buzz and a successful first season because people will be curious but then it’ll taper off. There is no way this show will be strong for seven years.
Sorry for turning you down, dancing is basically unplayable during the event except the daily challenges.
Do you lag that badly?
Open-world, Bewildering Blooms, Personal Space with the elf and Event Dance Halls (even worse when I have 0/500 gold) are all torture.
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You swore fealty right?
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I just noticed there is a size select now which changes your... size. Is this new or did i just never saw it?
It's the year 4 body, new from this season, body 2 gives you a taller frame with a smaller head.
Well that's a damn shame.
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Fortunately, the dog girl can help me do just that

No. She just manticore'd and mooncalf'd 90% of the game it was over before she could start steamrolling
See that’s why they will never accept a queen ruler.
she could've been apothecary owner in diagon alley or hogsmeade, that would've been neat
Why does Hagrid have Crucio in the recommended deck?
To stun Ron.
To teach disobedient brats.
To make sure we help him with his fireseeds.
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Why's he need so damn many?
is this a parody of firewater?
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>skibidi snyde
>skibidi skibidi snyde
>voldemort's language
damn, I just found out a extremely minor e-celeb I liked died and I’ve been crying for an hour.
Beret-shitter anon is going to DIE
Yeah, RIP Tomar aka TomaMoto.
who will claim Jaxxy?
Scott Henson. He was a indie wrestler but I mostly knew him as a cohost of let’s plays and watch alongs for YMS.
Who would have guessed having 8 hearts would cause blood clotting issues?
Wow they finally surrounded him, he supposedly took a few cops, who had families, down with him.
I liked it when she spiked my drink, that was cool. It was so unexpected too.
RIP tomar, I heard he was trying to run away to start a family with his secret lizard love.
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so did she get a job or is she still sucking dick behind the 3 Broomsticks
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Not even the cutest witch with short hair.
They are equally cute!
Weird Mega
You simply weren't powerful enough for her potions. Get good.
Mega barely counts as a witch, she's more of a cuntboy
No I want her to do it again.
Is there any male option in MA that's not a twiggy, skinny, weak soft boy
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YOU're a cunt, boy.
Any talented potioneer worth their salt would be out in the real world making bank like Harry's ancestors instead of going back into academics. It's like training to be a chemist and becoming a highschool teacher instead of working for Monsanto or Glaxosmith Kline or becoming a druglord
ferme ta chatte toi. fucking troon
is mega a pooner or a trooner?
She will be a house wife sucking MC's cock behind the 3 broomsticks.
what is it about mega that draws such vitriol. It's not like she's any more autistic than the rest of you.
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>Mega is a troon
Pff really? That's hilarious!
Neither, I'm perfectly comfortable with my god-given sex.
Not if they aspire to teach.
Penny seems to be the sort to prefer the social aspect of teaching.
No, I'm not.
She doesn’t even draw vitriol in general, there’s just like one obsessed turbo sperg who won’t shut up about it.
It feels like two or three but maybe I just don't want to believe one single person could be that deranged.
>Gave money to a fake anime Chinese scam game
You deserved getting your money stolen.
Oh it's Hannah.
Works on my machine :)
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Fluffed up take 2.
Please don't start needless witch hunts.
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Imagine knowing what happens in Fortnite, couldn't be me.
>Oh yeah this is peak
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>Willow yanks the dude from my whizbangs
this fucking game, dude
Club Events in 60 minutes.
Mega before and after the surgery.
I almost felt bad
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I'm so glad your brain transplant went well.
>Didn't deny it
Dumb jannies banned me so I couldn't post the cool art I found
Ismelda and Chiara are very much like me...
I made the joke that it was your surgery, so you could get a brain, but I guess you're too fresh off the table to understand the subtlety of such a stupid joke.
I said multiple times that I'm not transexual.
Harry Potter meets Future Trunks.
Very based Flav
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Well, I don't feel any better after writing this. In fact, I feel really cringe sobbing like this. Like Jesus Christ I really am mourning some dude I never even met. I never thought I'd be the type to cry over a celebrity.

Bruh, what you from the 1980s? No one says transexual anymore. Well some do, but like, most peeps will just say they are or are not trans.
I got banned for that too, it was pretty funny.
The outfit is literally based on a chess board.
I love playing that deck, its mega cute.
In their defense, how many 13/14 year olds are bulky muscle men?
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I thought you knew I'm a cave-dwelling fossil.
RIP Tomar...
I'm tired.
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I miss sleeping 8 hours straight.
Pride Month is nearly over, you won't have to sleep gay any longer.
Ummm I told you it's not a phase?
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Club Dance starting now.
Give it a rest.
>why yes i love MCR how did you know
Club Quiz starting now.
Huh? Since when did the b-word become a bannable offense?
I can't believe Tomar is gone...
I remember being shocked actually seeing this in a side quest. I always thought it was just a /hpgg/ meme.
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Thank you for hosting.

It's better than your teammate accioing them out of it desu.

It makes your head smaller and body a bit taller. It's the better way.
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The heat finally went away, who's up for a half round of golf?

Thanks Stranger.
You should be waiting to cast whiz bang when the tree pulls, time it on the trunk. We can’t control our tree but you can control your aim.
Thank you for the events, Mega.

Someone ought to submit a Vampire Hunter D design.
Why are the vampires hunting dicks?? I mean. Hot, but why?
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So next thread we're fixing up the OP so the /omg/ guys can join in finally?
sorry, never happening. /omg/ has already got a good thing going on for them, no one wants to ruin their fun.
Well sure, I thought they were the ones who wanted to move back in with us. We should still tidy up the OP, though. I might do it if no one beats me to it.
Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you
and every time we kiss i swear i can fly
Can't you hear my heart beat fast?
I want this to last
What we should do is remove all their links that are bloating our OP, no one use them
awful idea, those are works of arts by passionate fans
I can't for the life of me find the 4th chess in the lake floor, am i blind!?
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Yes... a secret flavor... based off of the now no longer in action crystal pepsi dohoho
Yes they did a really nice job with the magic this time around, at least I think so. I didn't really use magic seriously in any of the souls games, but I did beat two and three dressed as ron weasley. I always had the same tactic to stay in character, where I would hide behind the person expecting help from me until we reached the boss and then I would use all my strongest magic and all my mana to obliterate the boss ehehe They made that play style much more easier in Elden Ring and there is a fun cheese build that works with a "Kamehameha" like move. I lost track of how many people I helped with a particular boss...
I bet you do... you strike me as someone who over thinks often and relishes in the rare chances their head turns off ehehe
After reading over what the card stands for I feel flattered. Thank you I suppose- >>483624954 I can certainly give it the old crayon try...
In their defense, the only people who ever gave me a tarot card reading seemed to have brain worms of some kind. I once spoke to some shaman or some other and he was really good at guessing certain things about me, maybe the closer you are to mental instability the more psychic powers the universe gives to you as compensation?
Oh can you show me the green one if possible? It looks cute... Oh and the white one too.
Found it! i am fucking blind
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I like the girl's outfit here.
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Reminder there are two new chapters: https://rentry.org/vf4rb
(Not new if you already read them)

I have the urge to draw my card but I'm not sure I care enough
I would love a hime cut.
This one is cute.
Ismelda, my love
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>Male gets the Kiwi haircut
Nani kore?
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>candles on head
Forget Gryffindor, these are clearly House Cawdor.
yes, jrpg sci-fi chic just screams harry potter to me
disgusting peppermint ew ew ew
kinda bland innit
odd choice to just give people a habit.
I like that this one is kinda understated, would wear.
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*looks at this post*
*looks back at you*
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Mmm, nice slut shorts on the boy, the blindfold is also very nice...
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I like the idea a lot, the actual outfit not as much.
The candles ruin it...
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This is a boss from Dark Souls
I like the wuxia vibes, can envision them getting into all sorts of crazy choregraphy.
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this is me
this is me in a FF rpg
Very twinky?
I absolutely don't know what to think about this one.
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you dumb
I dont like this one.
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desu I don't like any I've seen so far but it's still early in the competition so maybe something cooler will come along in the next month
would roll just for the male hime cut
twinkcore, burn it with fire
oof, AI gen. Bad.
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Oooh I'd love to have this but I don't know if they'd implement something with religious elements??
Let me be a nun PLEASE I already dress like one
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I didn't look at it closely, you're right
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Nun squad.
would they appear naked to someone who've never seen death?
File deleted.
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This one looks like a vocaloid outfit.
Mine is chocolate, that's why it's not making any smoke.
What in the samba?
Mine is crushed up meds and if you inhale it your brain turns into soup.
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Knowing my (in)tolerance to meds it would probably not do anything except make me sick.
wtf hand yours over, mines just a lot cigarette like an idiot.
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Game is barely a year old (well technically 3) and we've already facing the same issue TF2 had since 2015 in terms of skins
That they all look the same and are expensive af?
i want this one for the crying emoji. we don't have enough crying emojis.
Yeah, but at least with TF2 you could just idle for junk drops to scrap and refine for hats.
Even lovers need a holiday
Far away from each other
In tf2 I can still call people the n-word, so it's the superior game.
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Total Player damage: 21,056
Total damage in general: 70,788
Sometimes there is such thing as too many damn summons.

I saw a version of this without the hats and it made me want it even more (I'll post it after this)
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The version of that outfit without the hat.
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Me when tree.
thus far this is the only one I would love to have. Being an edgelord is my one true passion.
yeah that's pretty kino
I was just about to post that I really hate how m current project is turning out, but then you posted and it's inspiring me to keep going. This looks so awesome anon!!
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Mic on
>ayy on god fr fr
>dis nigga did 2dmg
>ay fr you see that?
I miss Haitham a lot...
this guy is either a 6'5" mountain irl or steve urkel, no inbetween
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Ayo it's my dormmate. That guy is funny as hell.
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>It's the year 4 body, new from this season, body 2 gives you a taller frame with a smaller head.
Ah ok. Thank you. Guess i was just blind tho.

>It makes your head smaller
No big brain anymore?

>Oh can you show me the green one if possible? It looks cute... Oh and the white one too.
Sure. Here.
Forgot to remove the button but well :D
He was cracking me up. I’ve only had one a few others get on the mic in a quiz and it was a fat Wiccan and her gay friend talking shit about their server jobs. So I am 3 for 3 on great mic experiences.
When did you deflower him?
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I am glad you decided to continue. And yeah, this is a somewhat difficult project, especially for me because I barely know how to draw. But, I do like how its turning out, even if its not what I originally envisioned.
Whomping Willow?
Harry Potter but Bloodborne would be pretty cool
Das da DEVIL'S snare is wat dat is
Talk me out of spending money on MA. I want the extra gold and keys and tickets and everything. I need to get stronger.
Why do they keep making the bonus boss easier than the earlier stages?
Abby's song is a bitch to beat, whereas Cass was a first try affair
The game is really not that good, save your money for something worthy
It's just a dumb phone game. It's hardly worth your time, let alone your money. Lighting a bill on fire would probably give you more entertainment, if just for the novelty of it.
Where do you even do those trials at?
Yes lord, have me!
You shouldn’t, just strategize your spending if you really want to, don’t spend more than your coffee budget, save it for events that give you a lot and stop for a while when you’ve spent the price of a full game.
That was the original idea. I’m going to try and differentiate it from >>483765329
as it does sort of look like that. I think more leafy bits Will help.
It's a well-known fact Mega hates troons.
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>log in
>see this black ass shit
fireworks over hogwarts was a mistake

baked and grilled is the best
If this doesn't win I riot.
Notice the majority of the designs posted are Chinese.
Don't listen to them all they did it quite a while ago and lost all the old interest in the game. If you like the game and it's not your last money, then go ahead and spend some. It's your time and fun, you're already thinking that donating will bring you more joy. If in doubt, start with a monthly subscription, I recently took it myself, having gone through a lot of trouble bypassing payment systems blocks, but 5 dollars is tolerable.
Dance club, obviously.
yeah it's almost like it's a chinese game with a majority chinese playerbase...
Based, team hag.
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I like logging in to messages
Looks cool, goes straight into the loyalty rewards or the flipping gacha.
This one is pretty simple and nice, the chinese could pick it as the winner.
mega's a man irl tho
Don't be late!
And how do you find the Trial part?
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Hard pass! snaaaaa mimimimimimi snaaaaaaa mimimimimimimi
>staying awake at 3am is fine, but i draw the line at 5!
A giant stand near the entrance.
Yes, exactly! Good job you worked it out!
Hello /hpgg/; sorry for the late announcement. I was out visiting a Harry Potter shop (these wands weren’t for sale, but I did get to try some butterbeer and it was good).

Anime night will be on Friday, June 28th – that is, tomorrow, at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC); this week we will be finishing off Neon Genesis Evangelion starting from Episode 20.

Movie night will be the following day on Saturday, June 29th, at the same time. Our films for this week will be Up followed by Akira.

See you there!
Give it to me and I'll spend it on MA instead
Damn it, it rotated my image >:(
tiny wands
Fireworks in 30 minutes
Just use that money to buy some knock-off merch from aliexpress or etsy, it'll make you happier than being a whale.
Or maybe use it to get a weekend away somewhere, a wee trip out of town, make some memories, meet some people, get eaten by cannibal hillbilies, something special.
Fireworks in 1 hour
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Did anyone else start the season with 100 of these?
I don't know if I've been saving for this long or something else.
Fireworks are starting right now.
Fireworks Club is starting now.
Fireworks in 2 hours
Waterbreak in 7 minutes
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good night hppg://
i may have mispelled hpgg like a mormon, sorry
Like a Mormon...
I can't believe Rout is gay and the Merula poster...
Well now you look like a dummy because I thought it was intentional so it follows the same pattern as a url
What you get banned for?
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they won't let me say putoelquelolea
I'm pretty sure you can get tortured to death in Mexico for saying that. I don't know why, but I am sure.
Times like this make me glad I can't read
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by who, sheinbaum? I'd let her do anything she wanted to me
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Why does Dobby look like Wooldoor Sockbat?
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Magic pass outfit.
Pride month is nearly over though? Anyway what do we reckon that premium thing even is? A hat??
Hair clip.
Yeah I could see that
>no unicorn horn codpiece
smdh ngmi thqhwy
I really enjoyed the Margot story. From the miraculous rescue to finding a new family, overall very sunny pleasant accents, touching ending. It makes sense now why she and the witch have such a connection.
looks pretty refreshing compared to all the suits and old fart clothes the wheels and previous monthly passes have been giving
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I'm not sure how clear it is for people unaware of that fact but Margaret's a late bloomer (following HL's canon) but she did show signs of (uncontrolled) magic: strong magical static; Anytime she touched or was touched, by people or animals, both of them would feel a very strong shock, Margot was the very first and only creature that wasn't pained by it (due to her being a matagot).
Margaret still suffered but she didn't really care since she wasn't inflicting pain on an innocent anymore.
This is on top of her not being very physical, and being quite aloof.
I would like it if not for the sweater.
I must have built up a strong tolerance with our nightly bed forts sessions.
She no longer has it after her 14th birthday or during MA.
Is that why we play fork the outlet?
That's one way to meet God...
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Hm, no extra reward for fully researching a plant.
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>ive already met him a few times
That's not God, that's Gérard Depardieu.
Je vois le ressemblance
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I want him in a Beauxbatons role, headmaster maybe.
Ehhhh....not good but not bad.
What Hogwarts house would Aurelius be in? Chloe is a Hufflepuff for sure.
im nearing max (prize wise) herbologist. what is this?
He could be the master of head.
Outfit upgrade, on your right when you enter Bewildering Blooms.
You need to fully research all plants, like this>>483837993
All plants? ugh, the only plants i research are the cost effective ones. When did we get this anyway?
On the 26th.
2 days ago
I would argue Chloe is the Gryffindor retard with the gun and aids, and Aurelius is the blood scientist trying to cure aids for the world. They go hand in hand in either. Can you be a hufflepuff if you live off fried chicken only?
same I'm 0/24 and I need the hair real bad, more so than any other thing ive said I needed.
You can live off fried chicken if you only eat once every 3 days.
They're all "cost-effective" though. Niffler's Fancy and... Fanworth or Gillyweed, I believe? Are outliers, better than roses, but other than that everything is pretty much worth the same.
I spend my talents on making the tasks easier to achieve and I reached Natural Herbologist almost as fast as people who only focused on pure efficiency despite planting everything including gemplants like Peony.
that's not enough to meet thee hufflepuff eating mandate
It should be a monthly calorie total, not a daily one. Petition for change now!
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But aren't there only 16 plants available?
Like he gives masterful head or teaches how to?
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Correct, it's not currently achievable, we still have a few underwater plants coming on the 9th, next seasonal chapter, maybe I got the date wrong, and on Year 4, which should be next.
It shouldn't be an issue because I doubt many people are close to 16/16.
Aciel glow up?!
I hate not having any different backgrounds for my space.
Sassy little snap from that scrotum man tho
i've got frog shaped liqourice/fruit hard candies
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I need them.
pics please?
Hufflepuff eating mandate is one meal a day and the serving can be no bigger than the palm of a small hand.
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You can't have them!
You can't have them either.

They're all mine.
I don't want to steal them from you, I want to have some of my own.
That's what YOU claim... I'm watching you!
I hate chalky medicine candies
They're not chalky or mediciny.
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I'm used to not being trusted.
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>me just passing by your candies
So. Kaliope.
That cunt's voiced by AI, right?
actually you can have some they're not very liqouricy and I'm a bit disappointed.
Sad, sorry to hear it.
My father bought lemon drops earlier this month, I love them so much... I got... sick.
i don't think so, he just speaks like a homo
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We don’t do any of this.
I host Club Events every day though.
Haitham & Evalyn host movie nights every week.
We do all of those things but only the cool kids are invited.
We could do duel tournaments for fun.
Least we got chicken.
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I plant so many gillyweeds they're now growing right off the floor.

You don't need to be (co)captain to organize anything fun for the club, feel free to.
You can also design (or complete already designed) homework.
Remember when we designed adult versions of the HL characters? We should do our MA characters as adults
Club Events in 33 minutes.
Why the fuck is your gatcha game giving you little yellow jew stars when you do something?

Were you a good goyzard?
She's a based schizo
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How much in dollarydoos did I make out with?
Club Dance starting now.
Club Quiz starting now.
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>We don’t do any of this.
They didn't tell you?
>opens bottle with teeth
coveralls are hot
Well don't wear them, then. You're sweating like a pig.
is it worth using two high costs cards with hermione's echo? i was planning on using thunderstorm and whizza's jizzbangs, but i'd still need to upgrade thunderstorm first.
We do. If you aren't in our exclusive discord it's because
1) You aren't a girliepop princess
2) You're a wizard and haven't sent us fullbody frontal, side profile and back views of yourself in real life for appraisal
3) You're a wizard and you DID send us fullbody frontal, side profile and back views of yourself in real life for appraisal but you're ugly/hairy/fat
c'mere and get a whiff of my musk
Go away, Elon.
Looks like they don't do the fortnightly orgies in Hufflepuff common room, so their loss.
Nobody does those because they'd be killed immediately upon exposing their ankles.
They haven't done that since the incident in 1914
>exposing their ankles.
How FUCKING DARE you type out that slattern filth! Get crucio'd!
I'm the one killing them you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!
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Show Deek the feet
You typed it, you'll infect poor innocent minds with that Muggle DEGENERACY!
I'm killing you next.
I could stand to hear a little bit more. You know. For science.
>stomps you to death
Thank you for the events, Mega.

I would focus on either one. Having a secondary big spell is fine but these two are generally done as a combo and it may mess with your rotation.

Did the owner of the store treat you?

That would be interesting. Honestly, I pretty much already see my character as an adult at this point. I can't imagine dressing like that as a 13 year old.

Careful with them. If you don't harvest them in time they will engulf the entire place like it happened with Mercy's.
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I wouldn't use both in the same deck. The thing about TS and Whizbangs is that you want low cost or tech cards to maximize your potential while TS wants CC spells like incendio or confringo to boardclear to maximize TS dps.
You kinda gimp yourself if you go for both of them
Are you saying Mercy's personal space is a wild, unkempt jungle?
Gillyweed dealer.
Loaf a cute!
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I woke up one day and they were putting up decorations around me, setting down a table and pouring tea.
I don't think they have noticed me yet.
(I'm growing so much because they'll be needed for the new game mode, as per the achievements.)
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Nice. And delicious looking braid!
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mmmm braidloaf
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How could you wound me, that is a feature! I think they patched the glitch so I can't move them
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Hello hello, just a reminder that anime night is tonight at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) – that is, in about 2 hours and 40 minutes from now. We're finishing off Neon Genesis Evangelion today starting from Episode 20.

Movie night is tomorrow at the same time, and our films for this week are Up followed by Akira.

See you soon!

Thank you for hosting, Mega.

See above, and above above.

I've seen a lot of people running both Thunderstorm and Whizbang in the same Hermione deck and it definitely works but I'm not convinced it's better than focusing on one or the other. If your main damage cards were like 5 mana it'd be fine but at 6-7 cost I think taking multiple is probably stretching yourself a bit too thin.

Hehe, cute loaf.

>I'm growing so much because they'll be needed for the new game mode
I forgot about that... I should grow some more of them.
I can't believe we're not watching Up and Down together
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There's a Down?
Yes. It's a trashy 2001 remake of a dutch horror film from 1983. It was renamed to The Shaft in america because americans don't understand context clues.
my brain turning on when I wake up
Uh, what?
Yeah like we get context, but like, um, whyd they make it a porno?
There's a remake of De Lift? I just watched that movie a couple of nights ago. A little slow in some parts but it was good. I preferred Amsterdamned.
Clearly, you don't got the context.
It's uh. It's not very good. It's very not good. Not funny bad just bad.
Yeah after what you posted I have no desire to watch it.
Love in an Elevator
Livin it up as we're goin down
>If your main damage cards were like 5 mana it'd be fine
That sounds like a waste, since that'd only mean a 2mp discount. 3mp vs 4mp isn't that big of a difference, while the damage is
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This boy is stupid.
I've waited for summer sale hoping for Hogwarts Legacy discount and I've finally got it. What am I in for?
Make sure to take a look at the homework in the OP, it improves the experience.
It's a solid 5 but the atmosphere, visuals and music are all fantastic.
ubisoft-style open world collectathon. Story is generally mid but it has it's moments. It's a generally enjoyable game marred by some notable head-in-ass decisions.
Cats. =^. _.^=
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>3mp vs 4mp isn't that big of a difference, while the damage is
Not necessarily; I run Glacius and Aguamenti as my big cards for Hermione and can pretty regularly get 1.5k damage per cast, sometimes more. The mana discount efficiency works out a bit better if you trigger it on a follow-up Priori instead of the initial cast.

Pretty much what >>483886673 said. Gameplay and story are pretty average but the Harry Potter theming and atmosphere are fantastic, and it's a really comfy game.
Consider keeping a finger on the mute button when you go in the pub.
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i miss her...
i hate dancing in MA so much
96% accuracy shouldn't give me a C+, it should give me an A at least ._.
>Computer BSoDs
>Have to reinstall OS to fix
>Wipes out entire C-Drive
>Hundreds of screenshots lost
>Like tears in the rain
Time to AK
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i'm going to kill somebody for real
Anime night will be delayed 15 minutes; I am on my way home but running a little late.
mercy, who's the boyslut you're marrying?
Godric Gryffindor is a full grown man.
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'Ello hypogigis, anime night starting in 10. We're finishing off Neon Genesis Evangelion today, starting from Episode 20. Apologies for the delay.

Caracal room: https://caracal.club/hpggParty

Anime night starting now.
Would you play with Oliver wood’s wood?
It feels like you've been watching evangelion for an eternity.
the actor is like 18 in the first movie...
That's from the ground btw
quickly, what's the average groin to floor distance
Ogre toes
Say your witch/wizards adult occupation and we try to guess who will grow up and do what.
Dead at 18
Becomes a shut in conspiracy theorist, wasting their generational wealth on trinkets they think will help bring them answers and closure to their childhood trauma. Eventually wastes away into nothingness, forgotten by the world and all those in it. Might go out in a blaze of glory trying to AK the entirety of the Gringotts staff.
Auror or homemaker



Some high ranking position in the Ministry.
Drop out, gamekeeper.
Curse breaker/Enchanter
They got him...
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peak hag
and she will never touch you.
Baker and or potions seller.
c'est la vie
She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named BREADLORD
Super villain.
OH the ravenclaw girl we dont know, the one with the eyebags.
No. Maybe? I don't know she sounds cool though.
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Well that was quick.
Fireworks in 12 minutes.
Fireworks in 10
Fireworks? Is something happening?
Fire in 5
Fireworks cancelled due to fire risk weather conditions
we're going to whomp the whomping willow
Fireworks being increased due to fire risk potential not being 100%
Fireworks being maximized due to fire risk potential being raised by weather conditions to 100+%
A fire has broken out
I research you secretly
Unintentional adventurer and magical alcohol proprietor
Yeah... got started on my 'career' early...
Everything is on fire
Even the girl?
>include skip button
>>>This key scene cannot be skipped
Hogwarts Caretaker, freelance hit-wizard
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for MA
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nappy headed magical trick
Hogwarts Allies.
Writes a controversial book on 42 uses for unicorn.
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probably just a mexican guy, but it made me chuckle
Librarian with ambitions for musical theater.
If there's even a slim chance that JK Rowling watches this thread, I want her to know I support the parallel dimension to Harry Potter. I would love to see Part 2 of the movies.

However, it is extremely unclear how you go about dimension hopping in a movie.
Circus performer
The what
>The what

There's a parallel world version of Harry Potter hidden in the dvd/blueray for Harry Potter.

There are basically no directions on how to actually go there. Do you just pause at random points in the movie then the portal appears or what?

It's a lot easier, I imagine, to do it in Hogwarts Legacy as videogames have a lot of variables to play with.

What i'm basically telling you is you watched the version of Harry Potter where Potter is the main character. But there's a parallel universe where Voldemort wins.
I don't think there is. He's simply too gay and bitchy to ever truly win.
WHY did Hogwarts hire GIlderoy
When did we get a tripfag
Just then I think.
Dumbledore is just kinda incompetent as a headmaster.
>I don't think there is.

Harry didn't face Voldemort at his strongest.

Voldemort was weak and handicapped in his fight against potter in Deathly Hallows. But I propose a stronger Voldemort in his prime with the Elder Wand.
Kill yourself, tripfaggot
I think you've been smoking some funny rocks, Anon. Better get a glass of water and lie down for a bit.
He would still lose to a baby
>heich pee gee gee has tripshitters now
When did it all go wrong?
dumbledore just wanted to fuck with gilderoy and expose him as a fraud
that's it, that's the whole reason
but he left halfway through the school year
and he presumably didn't let the other teachers know, since they wanted him to explore the chamber of secrets
unless ALL of them wanted him to die
Different Nora. This person is new I think.
Movies and games are different. I'm just saying there's more Hogwarts Legacy waiting for you. I might actually sue them to expose the truth...but i would have to buy Hogwarts Legacy first.

I've never done drugs or alcohol.
Why would the legal system help you? You'll never get the Hogwarts Files
we're talking about the same person who put a deadly three-headed dog behind a door that could be easily unlocked by a first year
he simply doesn't care about the safety of others
i blame hogwarts legacy
Nora Kisaragi? Like Kisaragi station?
please schizopost properly next time, this is just embarrassing
Go to bed and stop hitting your face against the TV screen.
Delete. Right now!
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I'm tired, anons...
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good night, fellas...
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Hi tired, I'm Anon.
Good night Fil...
What he say bruvs?
My witch has been over 20 since I made her please keep up.
Would you make myrtle moan?
every male can basedes
I wonder if crucio works on ghosts...
Probably. They actually did a decent job in the GoF movie making her walk the line between endearing and creepy stalker. Still kind of impressed the got away with her seeing Harry dick while in the bath and rising from the water in front of him in front of him, since it kind of looks like he was getting head from her.
Yeah she's cute
>that left hand stroke
I ran out of Gillyweed seeds.
I stole them
It's times like this Harry should have been a girl
anon stole mega's seeds
There is lewd art of this exact scenario.
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What do you all think of the early Cassandra designs?
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Ivy CUTE... ?
The brunette is cute.
Interesting. I noticed that I have unlocked the second color for Fansworth, even though I haven't planted and harvested 15 of it yet. The only explaination is that I have picked a bunch from the bottom of the lake, and that counts towards the total amount harvested. I wonder if foraging from your friends also counts.
>Look up Harry Potter to see if they are cancelling that TV show
>Now Auntie JK has been getting in a tosh with David Tennant.
Oh boy.
That hag is unstoppable.
You read any of the popular fanfics? Your thoughts on it /hpgg/?

Methods of Rationality- Too much infodump. Good on this guy for getting...whatever degree he has, but a story should be simple, concise and not infodumpy. Probably read by people who want to feel smart.
Days of Darkness- This guy watched Red Dawn one too many times. Neville Longbottom is NOT a Wolverine. Became utterly cringe within the first twenty paragraphs when he accepted the title "Commander."
That Hellraiser crossover. Actually pretty good but failed by the ending where the characters do not react like normal humans to Harry's utterly sociopathic actions. Bad guys go their just desserts but to execute that trap required a level of deception which would have broken a dozen relationships.
Tennant trooning his own son, coming out as pro mutilation, and telling women to stfu has been really depressing to see.
>usual crowd
You have to understand that that crowd has been boycotting the franchise for a long time. They'd probably stopped following anything Potter or worshipping the JK.

And it seem to be working, but most of it was because JK shot herself in the foot while spewing shit. Well shit and shit like Wizards shittiing corridors. Have you seen the FB numbers? >>483683249 It deserved it for how quickly it well downhill after FB1. After the flop of FB3 the WW was pretty much on life support. Calls to boycott it was surprisingly muted. They didn't really need it. The only boycotts I could remember were from the Depp worshippers, but that is another story.

I'd pretty much wrote off the game after FB. What happened in 2023 was an utterly bizarre lightning in the bottle with a concentrated media attention, backed by the right-wing rage machine, and an equally potent opposite reaction from the trans crowd and their supporters, with all the back and forth in between.

Imagine if Shapiro and co had called on everyone to download and worship Merula just to own the libs? Yeah that shit just didn't happen until until Legacy.
I've never read any fanfics, but after finding out my character shares a name with someone's fic I've thought about giving it a read.
Cute cabbage tea party
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Boyshed think tank in 30
I'm a sjw tranny troon woke jew bluehair bluecheck and I'm starting a boycott campaign right now so you're forced to watch and defend a lazy 1 hour per class nothing fucking happens season 1 cliffhanger "troll in the dungeon!" twist quirrel dies to the real villain: original character not present in the books.
Club Events in 55 minutes.
>popular fan fics
I’ve read a majority of the popular romance ones and few of the more plot driven ones like the sacrifices arc or methods of rationality. My thoughts broadly is that the quality of writing varies greatly and holy god writers need to fucking understand what pacing means. Way too many fan fics are waaaay too long and rarely justify the length. Also authors tend to fail in balancing their narratives. Like if you have a story where Harry is a lil sociopath all powerful being it often feels like the author is taking their side a bit too much. I know it’s power fantasy nonsense but like why can’t we be sensible in our power fantasies.
Ivy cute
AU where Cassandra is Ivy's sister, subconsciously hating her for making Winifred disappear
No... say it isn't so...
Fanfics are shit period. Nobody wants to read self-insert troon Mary Sue.
At least make your own damn material.
>She legit called trannies the gender Taliban
That’s fucking hilarious, not even from just a political perspective(because what the fuck does that even mean comparing tranny advocates to a organized militia group/government with entirely opposite values) but also because it doesn’t even sound good. The stunning creativity and wit I expect from the author that was like “what if jelly beans but like every flavor?” And “what if a chocolate but it was animated?”
I like him even more now.
That is a rather stupid opinion. Fanfics are simply utilizing a language and background knowledge that allows for readers to better readily engage with the work. For instance, there are lots of romance fan fics that are set in alternative settings such as modern or medieval fantasy. The readers of the work will intuitively understand the dynamic of that work thru the characters chosen i.e. bellatrix x hermoine is a experienced dom inexperienced sub dynamic. The au element drastically changes the tone and major characteristics of the work to the point it may not feel very much like hp at all. So really readers aren’t reading it because it’s hp but rather because the community has identified a specific kind of dynamic between characters in Hp they can easily find in a03 or wherever that they have interest in. Fan fics are not mostly self insert fantasies, most of them are just porn between characters people like to see fuck.
Libel. Defamation and unsupported claims.
Club Dance starting now.
Club Quiz starting now.
Club ritual suicide starting now
Thank you for hosting, Mega.

At least wait until the end of service announcement.

More importantly you got windows. You can finally breathe some fresh air.

>I wonder if foraging from your friends also counts.
That would be very helpful with the tasks. I should try it tomorrow once I get more attempts.
I hope you’re having a nice day Mega.
The day is over, the sun already went down.
Was it nice?
JK's crusade against AGP addled perverts and their enablers has been fun to watch, and wholly justified. that's the real magic
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I'm confused but thank you?
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Thank you for the events, Mega.

Hmm... the auburn-haired concept isn't bad but overall I'm glad they went with the design they did for her. I dunno, blonde haired Slytherin stacy is just a nice look. Not the most original but it works well, and suits her.

Oh that's pretty... I love the big floor to ceiling windows; what a comfy room.

Not a big fanfic reader personally. Nothing against them at all, but with some exceptions I generally prefer reading original settings.

Mm, that's an awfully broad overgeneralization. There are lots of bad fanfics it's true, but as with pretty much any material it's about finding the ones that don't suck.
Fuck the future
Ask for consent first.
Especially Mega's
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I like them and I’m glad you put them out.
I also like them, I don't always comment but I read every one.
What's the best situation here?
>1) Having an alt in a dead social club, missing out on the club rewards but trading a specific legendary card you want with you alt every week/2 weeks
>2) Joining an active social clubs and getting most of the rewards but 0 alt
How we feeling about this game, PP? A cheeky late winner?
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Kuro trying to kick off another Joutou yandere episode
I can't believe Joutou is going to stab Eoin AND Tristain
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Hello hypogigis, just a reminder that movie night is today at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) – that is, in just over 2 hours from now. Tonight we'll be watching Up, followed shortly thereafter by Akira.

See you soon!

I like Mega's. Also that reminds me I need to read the latest chapter; I wasn't able to before.

Depends what you need, I guess. But those don't seem mutually exclusive; why not both?

Actually My is the rats. Or well, the rat, singular.
i want to fuck the early cassandra design where she looks like ivy
I want to see Daniel get absolutely railed by cute boys and handsome men
They are children?
This but Mega
I want to get double teamed by two Daniels
(one of them is Ivy with a polyjuice potion)
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>CNN factchecked both of them
>leftists talking heads mad they didn't fact check just blormpf and calling for the network's complete destruction
It was great!
>Not from USA
>Didnt watch
But the meltdown, cope and sheer gaslighting i have seen on r**it is the funniest shit i have seen in a while, just complete denial
I watched maybe 30 seconds before I wanted to die, so I watched the terminal list instead.
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'Ello, movie night starting in 15 minutes. We're watching Up tonight, followed by Akira.
Grab some snacks and come join us!

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Movie night starting now.
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Words fucking escape me. I am so mad.
So the other would be Winni with a polyjuice potion?
Why would it be cancelled? If anything, it's doing better than ever.
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You're great, you don't have to accept our compliments.
Yeah, sure, that would be hotter.
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>I am forgotten.
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H…hh…hiiii!! Heyyy!! Yoohoo
So like I guess they're still not letting Winifred go to Hogwarts?
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Just finished Up; Akira starting in 15 minutes.
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Hey girl
AK yourself
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I hope they do!
She's just as cute as her sister!
It's pretty fucked up. Like I know she's got emotional and temper problems but that's what they made Slytherin for.
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Not that anon but it's because IT WILL BE HER LAST ONE
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Oi. You already stabbed one of my friends; you better not go stabbing more. It's considered very rude, you know.
And then Mega uses the substitution jutsu before appearing behind Joutou, pulling out the sword of Gryffindor and apologizing for "going all out, just this once". Joutou woke up in St. Mungo's 2 weeks later.
Just started Hogwarts Mystery this morning. What stat/resource should I be going for the most? And which house gives the most Merula and Penny interactions? I don’t mind resetting this early.
oh no you fell for the meme
All of the stats matter equally, since they're just a way to slow down gameplay and make the player waste their time grinding. That's why you should use a modded version or OpenMystery.
The house you choose doesn't really change anything in the game, but Hufflepuff has an exclusive scene with Penny and her young sister, so that's what I went with.
>Just started Hogwarts Mystery this morning.
oh nonononononoo
>What stat/resource should I be going for the most?
All stats are important and you need the purple pink whatever gems for skipping wait times.
>And which house gives the most Merula and Penny interactions?
You get like one or two extra interactions a year with your house members but it's like "hey excited to start/finish another year!" so it really doesn't matter. Up to you if you want to roleplay as two little snake shits stressing Snape out or the popular girl's b/gf in the popular house on the popular quidditch team. You still get that for other houses but you wont have matching robes I guess.

Also pick one you two timing slut.
>pick one
you can’t make me
The game will when you break their hearts when you pick someone else for a date quest.
I have the power of my imagination. The game can’t do shit.
There's scenes where your former dates ask why you didn't want to go to the dance/carnival/whatever with them. Slut.
I close my eyes and do not see
Keep em closed and imagine a better visual novel instead.
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pondering her orb
First start with uninstalling it.
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Oh snap, Joutou's bussy about to be violated.
Joutou can dodge anything though.
He’ll be dodging lost souls when I send him down the river Styx!
Joutou hasn't even revealed his final form yet, my money's on him.
>Tristan standing up for his man
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As expected of JoJo's side piece.

Somebody start taking bets on this.
Toxic yaoi whoa...
She was justifiably upset and lashed out like a moron, I wouldn't consider her Slytherin material.
I ship Matti and Joutou
I ship Matti far from here.
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That won’t be necessary
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Step right up ladies and gents, step right up. Have we got a show for you tonight. Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, East vs West, Power sub vs .... Stalker? Matthias vs Joutou! Either way whoever loses Slytherin wins!

Anyways the money line is dead even on this one, get your bets in early and often folks! Step right up! YES, you there, who're you picking?
Wanting to be sorted into Gryffindor is the most NPC take people can ever have about Harry Potter.
Being sorted into Gryffindor is the like the real life equivalent of going to a common level community college while Slytherin (and Ravenclaw) would be going to an Ivy league or elite tier school.

You get into Slytherin, don't be a brat and make friends with the rich kids or well off kids, and you and your family will be set for generations. Slytherins WANT every other Slytherin to be wealthy and hold some sort of power and will actually try to give you that if you aren't a bottom feeder fuck with 0 ambition or drive. If you're willing to help yourself, Slytherin is the single best house to be sorted into if you want to secure generational wealth or at least high social standing.

Meanwhile Gryffindors are usually poor, usually mudbloods or muggle borns, don't have the resources to help each other and don't really care about each other outside of 'You need to be a good person' and low level shit like 'You can crash at my place for as long as you like'

What the fuck is the purpose of being sorted into Gryffindor? Harry, Ron, and Hermione's exploits don't help other Gryffindors at all and Harry, Ron, and Hermione wouldn't be able to put other Gryffindors in high positions if they were regular wizards and witch and not the main characters of the franchise.
Crapbaskets, over before it started....ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᶠᵒʳ nᵒᵗʰᶦnᵍ ʳᵘᶦnᶦnᵍ ᵐʸ ʰᵘˢᵗˡᵉ...
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Don’t worry, Al, I’m sure I can spare a few galleons for ruining your main event.
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No it's fiiiiiine, I never expected much from it anyway.
Joutou won
Did they have a dance off or something?
Goodnight /hpgg/, let me know who kills each other first in the morning.
No but the lady doth protest too much.
Cope and seethe.
> are waaaay too long and rarely justify the length
This is why I never like the tag 'slowburn.'
>Remember when we designed adult versions of the HL characters?
I don't remember that :(
The main problem with Gryffindor is that it is full of masculine women like Robyn, Abigail, and Mega
At the very least, we talked about adult versions of them
Was it the Divination sheet?
>The best pieces of tail in the school
Granted 2/3 of them are retarded but that just makes it better.
Oh, yeah it was
thread always dies when it gets good
Who is this? I've always thought it was Megamelons but in HL. If not who then?
It's Eva.
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Now how could you possibly know that?
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Upcoming vanity box.
Should we try to recruit ppl when the series starts?
The tv series coming out in maybe 2026? Should we try to recruit new people to the club in MA in 2026?
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This reminds me, wasn't there supposed to be an HPGG club tourney at some point? Did that ever happen?
Settle things honorably on the duel fields...
PLEASE let it die
I can't waste 10 years in this shithole
You'd just find another shithole. Like a general that hasn't had a new game 5-10 years.
Many of the posters here are transsexuals and have indicated they will not be watching the new series on account of JK's views
Nothing to do with the subject of recruiting in 2 years.
No. We have one. HP media and it's fanspaces aren't exactly places trans people like to hang out because people who still like it either agree with Rowling or don't give a rats ass.
You know, I am interested in the series just to see if/how badly they fuck up the casting and maybe story to conform with the current atmosphere.

Like the normal play is to make redheads black, so are they going to make all the Weasleys nignogs? Nah, especially if they go with a movie Ron inspiration who was way more incompetent than book Ron.

My money is on Hermione being turned half black or into a mutt, just because she is smart, a girl boss, a major character, and because her hair is described as curly/frizzy; easy target.

Also, curious if they will change Cho Chang's name or something. Probably not, since it isn't racist if they are Asian. Draco, Lucius, Bellatrix, Barty and every other Death Eater will be 100% white no matter what.

Maybe add some shit with Dumbledore being openly gay?

I am sure that the background cast is going to be way more non-white than it should be for a school serving the UK and north-Western Europe should be in the very early 90s.

Also, curious about the production quality of effects and costumes, given there have been some pretty bad flubs as of late.

Should be interested in these regards unless Rowling just steps in and shuts shit down, in which case I would actually check it out for reasons aside from the lols.

Big dick move would be to make Voldy black or brown, haha.
What an awful post.

It was probably written by a big idiot.

Blew in from Twitter Town maybe.

I just don't think it's healthy to live your life that way.

Also it's a bit cold tonight, not enjoying it.

Big dick move in and out your mum last night, haha.
Excuse you twitter and tumblrtown have been in this settlement for like a year.
Exactly, and who cares at this point.
Me, I will #bully you
Oh hey it’s me! Also, that’s def not true. I think there’s a lot of people who do care but also recognize that Hp is just like a zombie franchise like Star Wars or whatever and thus it’s stupid to boycot or avoid it. Like the ceo of HBO discovery is anti woke but you don’t see people boycotting hbo shows. Like a lot of fan fic writers will just have a lil authors note saying they think JK is trash and then just get on with it. Which I think is reasonable. I know peeps think because Twitter trannies were all boycot hl that all trannies care to that extent but of course that isn’t true, I mean, I’m here. Boycotts are rarely sensible, especially on the internet.
All I want is for every character to be hot like it’s a proper teen soap. Like age up the student cast so everyone’s 25 pretending to be 13 and make the adults younger so professor mcgonagal is 30 instead of 60. Would be great.
So heckin' real and valid
Us tumblr users being here is good so you should care.
Tumblr still fucking exists?
Rout isn't the only one, silly.
That is retarded?
No. Focus. You really need to stop thinking about yourself so much.
>best piece of tail
sorry, but she should be impaled through a stake and burned alive!
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You better be grateful; I didn't erase every memory of Sip from that empty head of yours.
Based Mega.
Absolutely savage displays from the Gryffindor team, will they continue to dog pile like the bullies we know they are, or will they decide he's had enough? Who will be the next target of their insatiable bloodlust?

Find out in the next exciting episode of /-h-p-g-g-/!
I'd give her the old Vlad treatment iykwim

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