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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the previous update (Pokéstar Studios, Rika and Poppy). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous Thread
EoS soon!
EoS in 5 years!
Good. The game already ran its course
go back
Sygna Suit Lillie/Alolan Ninetails seems inevitable for next month since none of the rivals are using it like most of the other extra mons.
Isn't it weird how when Gardenia's literal who seiyuu retired they replaced her with an actual popular and notable seiyuu?
too much Acerola
I think the plan at the start was to not give any alts to the literal whos but I guess they didn't expect the game to last this long.
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Putting Champ Phoebe on the invisible chart, where she belongs. Took a break from mommies this week just to use other random pairs I like. I can't wait to get Sailor Acerola, what a little cutie. Not sure when it is, though. I'll look it up later. Good night.
cynthia for anni
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Is anyone going to pull for Avery?
>cynthia for anni
Yes, guaranteed
Probably even both the upgrade for ol' Chomp (though this might just end up being role unlock) and a new unit too
Klara was the break glass in case of EoS character. She's the final hope for the game.
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Anni 2 being the point of no return adds up. Anni 2 basically marks when the game became bloated low effort cancer.
>the villain arc started and was 2 full years of protagonist champion limited alt wank
>spotlights stopped being regular occurrences
>master fairs stopped being sparsely used and went to regularly taking up entire months in batches of 2 or 3
>just like pokefairs slowly became after Anni 1 where every dipshit qualifies as one
>death of the story event happened
>no more side bonus stories
>no more freebie legendary events
>costume events happened and the first time they just made up a holiday in a month without one to justify limited
>legendary arena stopped being an event
>the very first legendary gauntlet happened
>just as terrible now as it's was 3 years ago
Going through the rest of the years Anni 3.
>the first variety scout
>the first neo protagonist rival wank
>ball guy got an entire month's worth of events dedicated to him
>lodge got added as this supposed huge interactive feature then immediately forgotten because of how it's just a shallow RNG minigame and a slave mine
>and a way to fuck you over with more limited wank that we're getting hit with in full force now
Anni 4 is the worst one yet.
>death of the retweet rally
>death of legendary arena gems
>death of blissful bonanza and special rally
>death of even new year's gems
>death of even the main story and replaced with this stones dogshit
>first paid only banners and not even like a paid select scout or guaranteed ticket
>first paid only units by extension
Good will seriously matters. It's funny how this game got more money when it was earnest and friendlier and less money grubbing. It didn't even have much "endgame" content and you were actually able to use anyone you liked to clear most content unlike now. Look at all the end game shit the devs focus on now and no one but spergs like it.
the gameplay options and content amount is much better now than 2-3 years ago

The only negative is less gems per month
while that's not wrong, it's too little too late
they release 934234824 limited pairs that do the same as other pairs but slightly better, and so on
same for content, all reused but good to have
QoL is better now too
>the only negative
Dogshit/uninspired alt designs with throwaway kits and pandering to fujos and homos. One of the worse betrayals of any gacha game.
I just noticed that Penny isn't part of the event since she doesn't have a rival tag she only has 4 skills. I wonder if they will eventually give her villain when Team Star shows up.
You lost btw
None of that matters though in the context of making money. All the game needed to be was a leisurely game where you collect your favorite characters and monsters and see them actually interact with each other. Not an autism battle simulator forcing you to roll for and use specific units or as many units as possible. It's hard to feel inclined to give money to a game that makes you like you can't get anywhere if you don't spend any.

There's no money coming in from existing or new players. This game is not getting new players. Anyone casually wandering in faces an enormous fucking wall. Like 85% of the entire roster is locked behind their own limited banners. Not getting enough gems to get even one character a month. Not having any clue what a Master Fair even is and why to roll for that over the 20 other banners up or maybe even the one with your actual favorite. Look at all this "content" like high score events or legendary gauntlet or extreme battle events or battle rally or really even champion's stadium you as a new player can't enjoy because your roster is pathetic. So you're left with really underwhelming story events and using skip tickets and having no units besides Cyrus and the one broken Master Fair you rolled to clear all "content" with. The actual content that matters is the characters and the players aren't regularly getting any of these anymore without shelling out. It's easier to just quit the game before putting any real investment into it. Why spend money because you're forced to to actually enjoy the fucking game?

It's not a good look to constantly hold your hands out for money. The game is basically a waitress coming up to you and asking hey aren't you going to leave a tip before and in the middle of offering terrible service. And you aren't even guaranteed your meal or the quality of it even after spending money on just that.
>pandering to fujos and homos
>Pokemon Masters EX
If this statement was true we would have gotten slingkini Archie and Maxie by now
>a leisurely game where you collect your favorite characters and monsters and see them actually interact with each other
Thats what it is. Low maintenance gacha

>Not an autism battle simulator forcing you to roll for and use specific units or as many units as possible. It's hard to feel inclined to give money to a game that makes you like you can't get anywhere if you don't spend any.
Sounds like a massive (You) or skill issue.
The gameplay is good with a bunch of modes and nearly all rewards can be earned with free pairs (not even counting whatever limiteds everyone will have with the free gems)

You never have to spend a cent except for the Mix banner (and the mix pairs arent even that strong, easily skippable)
The game is better now than before, but it appeals to dedicated players more so than to casuals.
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Most modes (barring dailies and normal story events) these days requires a large roster and the game is actively keeping you from having a large roster. That's the problem I'm trying to illustrate here.

You can't clear ultimate battles without specific units. You can't score well in high score without 15 of 1 or now 2 types. Champion stadium is very on type focused now. The special type specific ones especially. Battle Rally you need a large roster with lots of EX roles to get decent points. Legendary gauntlet everyone already knows the problems with it. What is left? Just the daily whatever is in the events tab. The problem is that thing people used to say about the game that you can just use your favorites isn't true anymore. You say it's low maintenance but that's only if you skip the supposed good gameplay modes and just play the braindead skip ticket events. So then you just run into the fun problem I was describing that most people who did not spend much money or play for a long time just have Cyrus and whatever fairs you did manage to get to bare minimum clear everything.

The gem problem negatively impacts everything else in the game. It makes the banner and limited cancer way more apparent. Which then makes the endgame modes more blatant with what the devs are asking of you. The excuse people used to make that the game is the most generous gacha game just isn't true anymore either. If the game was still generous maybe you could ignore the rest of the problems.
>You can't score well in high score
You can, you only need 180K-200K to get all event rewards. Easy even with general pool pairs.

Some UBs - sure, maybe, but they are literally THE hardest fights and permanently available. With time and powercreep they will only get easier
Its good to have actually difficult fights to work towards. They are also fine to skip for now, because its only 300 gems

CS has been a joke for a long time and you by all means do not need to do 15000 or even 12000 pts
LG is extremely easy, its just boring and a slog. But you cant complain that new players cant clear it lol

And overall new players with small rosters shouldnt be able to immediately clear literally everything with Misty-Starmie. That would be terrible design
All that sounds like a (You) problem, mate.

>if they will eventually give her villain when Team Star shows up
They won't. Penny was never a Villain and to treat Team Star like actual villains on Pasio would make no sense. They're worse Team Skull and the reason I hope they finally retire the evil team tradition.
game is good
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Why all the new kits are just random bullshit slapped together? and this is the first time we get 5 new models in a month i think.
Next month Arven is coming for sure.
Skirt should have been shorter, not a mini-skirt but enough to be not just a simple re-skin of her default outfit baka
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Gardenia my wife
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Now that would have been an alt worth rolling for
>will have TWO freebies
whats next for him, BP pair?
He already had 2 freebies
>BP pair?
the damage challenge freebie is prob next.
Also yeah, his base pair now is technically a freebie
I was thinking of Lodge blue actually
Don't forget he still has a scrapbook photo slot too so he will hit 9 units between the eventual Rival freebie and the eventual scrapbook alt.
Blue's game. Pokeboy game.
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Best protags. Hilbert and Hilda are a close second though.
it's a dress
>The only negative is less gems per month
No. The game is bloated. A new player is overwhelmed by tons of shit to do (main story, even skipping all the cutscenes, is a multiple hours endeavor) and almost no gems to actually get pairs.
This means new players are rare. There are a lot less new players than retiring players. This lowers the playerbase size, which in turn lowers the average revenue.

They should do something to give new players 5 free Pokefair and 1 free Masterfair randomly, 50k free gems for rolling and getting lots of general pool pairs and 3* and 4* levelled up enough to actually get PUs from them.

But no, all they're doing is "please bring new players we'll give you 3000 gems if you're lucky in three months"
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>promise to give gems away in 3 months
>reduce the planned gems output by 1k for these 3 months
all according to keikaku
i wanted to along with klara until i saw this month is only 22k gems
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Sorry, I'm locked in on a very special prize.
Will summer Acerola and Gardenia appear in the next anniversary's paid gacha? I want to save my jims.
probably its either anni or NY seasonal select scout
I don't remember. They might be too new to be included in the paid selects. I think they traditionally only go up to Palentine seaonals.
Too new, wait for NYE select scout
we don't know
>Steven thinking about other people while talking about how he ignored his personal growth
>starts with Lisia, then Wally, then Brendon and May, then the elite 4, then Zinnia, then ends with Wallace

God Steven is so fucking gay
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Could've left out the ORAS OCs, to be honest.
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>Kalos currently the longest without Lodge pair
>anni shaping up to not feature any Kalos characters
So, what? Lance is getting added?
He deserves his sygna suit
Kalos wont get much until a year after PLZA
So what's the problem?
Kalos has a monopoly on BP Master pairs and in general, Lodge pairs aside, gets more freebies than any other region, so it is Lodge where Kalos ends up underrepresented.
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I agree.

That's so far away.

None? I was just thinking about the anni Lodge pair, and seeing as though two of the big three are already in it makes sense to add the straggler.

I suppose that makes sense.
imagine how wet acerola gets. what does it taste like? ghastly? jellicent? god i want to pin her down on a bed.
I am. I like Galarian Slowking and his battle theme is good (haven’t heard the Masters remix)
If Acerola, Klara, and Gardenia flops in contrast to Larry and Kabu it will only confirm to DeNA that they shouldn't pander to waifufags anymore.
>the damage events arent daily it's 2 per week with one lasting 4 days and the other lasting 3 days

so the gem count is way down since you will only get access to 8 per month.
>ranked damage event
>Marnie (poison weak) (single opponent) (no rules)
>Hop (fighting weak) (single opponent) (normal damage significantly reduced)
>Wally (dragon weak) (three opponents) (sync damage significantly reduced)
>doing 500000 damage will give you 140 tickets, and one of each candy and cake coin on the way
>doing 500000 more damage after that will give you 60000 sync orbs and 60 tickets.
Not all pokegirl popularity is created equally, homobro. Only a select number have top-tier popularity
Also pokefair sales always > seasonals
And Larry already flopped anyway kek
Do you two not tire of this stupid song and dance?
>>doing 500000 damage
Total across all 3 stages or per stage ?

Also how much time is given to do the damage?
It's so fucking over.
3 minutes each after a million you get a ticket for each 50k.
the ranked version isn't until the end of the month.
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I'm surprised they didn't give Klara toxic spikes on entry
Larry did better than Dhalia and Oleana le heckin epic belly and mommies :^)
I still have no relevant Poison dps, only Koga and now a random Iris scouted with Zone. Fighting might let me abuse Steven or Redlax for SE next.
Klara is out before the event.
But I am skipping her, she'll return somewhere before half anni next year for Tapu Bulu or select scouts in general or with Avery shared banner.
It's fucking Joever...
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>lets grab the glory together Gloria
>save your toxic news for our opponents Klara

>I dont mind joining you if you really want Victor
>lets drive our opponents Klarazy Klara

>We're SO popular Marnie
>social status dont mean a thing in battle

>Team supercute with Klara and Marnie
>Oh shut it
The lack of gym outfit Marnie in this kusoge is absolutely appalling.
If they ever give her Liepard it will probably be with the gym outfit. Since it's the only pokemon she has left now.
The new gimmick is definitely an upgrade for Steven, Cynthia, and Lance instead of being new units. Since they specifically talk about Metagross improving.
>schizos still think we're getting a champ trio anni
When do the new pairs drop?
Yeah I've been saying that for months. Those 3 are the very first Pokefairs so they make sense to be chosen for deploying a new major upgrade system. The question is how much of a cosmetic upgrade it will be (new outfits). They're already making it clear it'll be a meta upgrade. They're likely going to get their cake unlocks at the same time too.
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How is it "schizo" when the story updates are drawing particular attention to the three?
Does the supereffective high damage mode want you to do 500K-1M total damage done in a battle or damage with a single attack like for the 999.999 damage title?
Just like how last year they were building up to a huge Villian anniversary with Giovanni, right? I guess enjoy your Variety Cynthia in September lmao
Cynthia will get a new unit too since she's gonna use that to fight Volo-kuns Giratina with
Not sure of the other 2
>tfw they're gonna make upgraded Ultimate Lance the best Dragon unit, mogging Lucas, Nate, Zerena
good thing I have 1 copy of him from that free giveaway 1 time. It was a choice between him or Alder - I chose Lance
OG Cynthia and Steven are both at 5/5 sicne 2020
It's total damage over 3 minutes and the event is all three fights combined
If they aren't adding this Ultimate sync pair shit to enough characters AT ONCE to actually take advantage of, I don't care.
I wonder what type will have the strongest 3 damage dealer team. I would assume Oleana/Roxie/Klara for single target 3v1 and replacing Klara with Geeta for 3v3 is going to be really high up there.
Alder is retired/on his way, literally a former champion and now veteran.
He might get a soulful Slither Wing alt or seasonal of any kind or BP but doesn't seem a candidate for other expectable alts.
That's what I've been trying to say. The experience for a new player is dreadful. Anyone that disagrees is a long time player with no imagination. If you enter with zero knowledge of this game it's overwhelming. You have 20 banners with no knowledge of who you're supposed to roll for. The legendary adventures are supposed to be done before the villain arc but the tab is below it. You have no gems and will be stuck with just the freebies and whatever you can manage to get with spotlights and scout tickets. And all these challenge events you basically have zero hope of ever catching up to. It's a disaster and always a complete waste of time every time this game shows up in a Pokémon Presents. Anyone that does get drawn in during anniversaries or from specific characters like Rika probably long ran away. I see it all the time. New low level players with the character they were drawn in by that add you and then "has not logged in in 30 days".
>You have 20 banners with no knowledge of who you're supposed to roll for.
Counterpoint: people who actually get into a gacha game, of all genres, usually do so to play as a specific character.
I remember when we were supposed to get a mid month update with Penny tokusatsu alt
And then your favorite is dogshit and you can't use it everywhere. Then you quit because you weren't very invested in the game anyways.
>And then your favorite is dogshit
If you're getting into PMEX after so many years, the character you're after is likely a fresh Poké Fair, which is bound to be usable in most content.
Was Alder added before Diantha and Iris?
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Literally no one fucking said that
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Penny being in the SC event was a pretty safe bet when she was basically the real main character of the first half.
Alola forever championless lol
So are we getting Cynthiafaces Anni or Lance/Steven/Cynthia Anni?
Or both?
Masterfair Volo, Akari, and Rei and then ultimates will be a separate thing for the three champs.
It's going to be funny when 5th Anni is underwhelming and you sheep stick around anyway because you're too far in to realize it's time to quit
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Okay? See you there?
It's a fun little side game for one of my favorite series that takes little time, no money, has lots of titties, fun character interactions, and various other niceties. What obligation do I have to quit?
Cynthia lost
i'm calling it, arceus is going to send everyone back to their respective era and mind wipe their memories.
Hopefully Arceus can accidentally send Cynthia to the medieval ages where she is summarily drawn and quartered for being a witch.
I wish we had a drawfag so someone could depict Cynthia’s agonized screams as her body is torn into pieces. Tragic!
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We can go back to being dead if you guy are just going to be weird.
The second batch of ultimates will probably be Diantha, Iris, and Leon since they all came out together around the same time.
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You are pulling Klara right?
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One pull for every album she sold
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Klara and Raihan are in a relationship as far as I'm concerned. She ruins him every time they fuck and has hypnotic poisonous perfume that turns him into a rutting mutt.
>didn't daily her

Is anyone pulling her?
It's almost a shame that I like the new summer alts this much, because it means I'm going to have to pass up Kabu and Larry. But I go where my heart desires. Sorry, you guys are cool but you aren't waifus.
same, and no
I want to spark Acerola first, and see if I can get Gardenia afterward.
>first multi
Goodbye anni luck
>leaderboard for the rotating event and leaderboard that shows your topscore for each stage

This is pretty neat
>try event
>master rank 19 first attempt
Is the game really that dead?
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Where the hell is this gem injection supposed to be coming from?
It's a fucking retard that made the chart and not how it works there's 34 stages and 2 stages per week
>Acerola calling out Gardenia on being a chickenshit
>leaves her behind in the cave
Based ghost gal
Who's better for this? Steven or Lusa?
Did over 1M with my wives, that's enough
I only did 500k...
post teams
Do you get tickets even if you don't get a new high score? Can I just leave this event on auto or something?
>So are we getting Cynthiafaces Anni or Lance/Steven/Cynthia Anni?
>Or both?
Cynthia-Volo-Rei anni
+ Cynthia-Steven-Lance ace upgrades
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Lana, Lusamine, Dawn
it's over, I only have lusamine
>You are pulling Klara right?
No, her kit is worse than both Roxies and Oleanas
The people getting 2 million are most likely using Lusamine, Steven, and Lana all at 3/5. Since Lusamine gets movegauge under psychic terrain, Steven has 3 different movegauge on psycho ball nodes, and Lana has move gauge on hit so they can sustain having 2 four bars and a 2 bar.

I got 1.17 million with 3/5 Lusamine caked, 1/5 NC Rosa who was just spamming sleep after 2 attacks and using her TMs late, and 1/5 Lana.
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>want to use all my stamina on getting superfan titles
>but using non-multiplier sync pairs severely guts your ability to clean out the event shop
>they keep piling on the events one after the other
Who the fuck designed this crap, I'm going to strangle someone.
nobody cares about titles, just play the game normally
I got like 4 superfan titles by just doing events normally
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>I brought some wrestlers to help
>also I brought some swimmer dick for myself

Christ Lana

Well there's a lot of girls I like and I want to be their superfans, so sue me. It's already nuts that it takes months of effort just to get one.
Fuck if I know. I used Lana and Lusamine and just swapped attacks between the two for unga bunga
I was at 700k until I caked Lusamine then shot up past a million. If you have Rosa dont spam relic song since it's a long animation and at the end stop attacking with your weakest character so your main damage dealer can get more turns in.
bianca + lusamine + nc rosa should work?
I tried sssteven (caked too) with that same team but only reach that amount (because single target main attack I guess)
>Gardenia earned her pokemon
>Steven got a free golden statue for showing up
>Lana got swimmer dick
>N refused to participate

everyone won
If your Lusamine is 3/5 and caked yes. I just did it with them and got over a million. Did two relic songs to rebuff and then get back into psychic stance then spammed sleep. Lusamine did two syncs After the second sync I did two Rosa TMs while I stopped attacking with Bianca and Rosa entirely and the rest was just Lusamine spamming until I needed to refresh psychic terrain with Bianca for the last few hits.
thank you bro
will try later then
>all the super high scores are using Jacq since he can hit the damage cap twice

You will never make me roll for this bitch
Fuck me. I thought you could just keep doing the damage event over and over for more tickets every 50k points. Didn't realize it only counts every 50k past the million mark. Well, at least I got another 2 tickets.
>no lewd summer outfits
Unironically what's the point?
>alreadydropped 180 spots after getting 1.2 million
>top score is 2.3 million

They are optimizing
Are we supposed to get higher than this for the exchange stuff?
the gains after a million are minimal. 1 million gives you 100 tickets. 2 million only gives you 20 more.
What the actual fuck, man. Here I thought I had it made with my SS Lana and Lusamine and NC Rosa. At least right now I'm somewhere in the top 300s, but that will probably change in about an hour.
ogey, won't bother then
That's good enough
Jacq is just super fucking strong and is going to dominate the top end. Especially in the single target psychic battle
what happened to summer Archie and Maxie??
>Cynthia too busy dilating to attend
>what happened to summer Archie and Maxie??
Homofantasy by some deranged faggot
Gonna have to settle because I don't give a rat's ass about him. Don't particularly care for any of the rankings in this game anyway.
when do these scores reset and we get a new fight for more tickets?
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do your own research, homofujo
>Don't particularly care for any of the rankings in this game anyway.
They are flooding us with ranked events lately. I think the whole point of the title system was so they could give them out as prizes for ranking high
The ranking for these fights is pointless and gives nothing it just exists because they already made it. Only the three battle event at the end of the month gives you a title.
>Cynthia-Volo-Rei anni
>+ Cynthia-Steven-Lance ace upgrades
This will happen and its honestly for the best. The only question is if there will be 3 or 4 new MFs. And whether the ultimate upgrades for old units requires gems or if its just like role cakes

The alternative is that they just do the champ trio anni and save the Volo-Arceus storyline climax for later, but dont see the point of that at all.
Plus Arceus deserves to be in a full anni event, but waiting for the 6-th is too long.
Easy 1.5m with Lusamine/SS Lana/NC Rosa. Probably could get up to 1.9m by squeezing in a third sync but the rewards after 1m are meh.
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>All the top clears have Jacq

>no SS Lana
>a.May, caked 3/5 Lusa and Rosa only get me to 750k
What am I doing wrong?
These events give us nothing because boomers complained about the Prestige event.

Caked Lusa should get more than a million points alone. You're probably spamming relic song every turn which wastes a ton of time, use it once for rebuff and a second time to get back to psychic form and then switch to her trainer move/sing.
I don't really give a fuck about the ranking titles, though, those are boring. It's all about the fun secret titles and getting superfan for your favorites.
>damage event
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I’m skipping this one, I guess.
Lucian can do it, unless you don't have mats for him.
why? You get some tickets either way
no point in skipping
this is just glorified BP battles
Steven likes to collect statues of other men
>doesn't have Lusamine
>but has Elio
I really hope Espeon is a personal favorite of yours.
Barely hit a 1M with A. May, S2Steven and S. Lusamine. May has P. Wish: refresh and propulsion 9. Press it twice on the last sync cycle to get an extra sync before time's up.
why can't we pull for Acerola? Is she coming later?
My wife came in 1 daily + 1 multi

Sinnoh roster remains at 100%
Units are always 2 days apart. Acerola is on the 30th
>Steven autism kicks in and he gets his 2nd Lear statue
I don't think I will ever get bored of that trope kek
>3/5 SS Lusamine (non caked)
>3/5 SS Steven (non caked)
>1/5 SS Lana
got ~820K with this, close enough
Hopefully the give them and the Furisode girls (namely Kali), their 6EX's
No, I hate galarshit. I also never played the galar dlc
What pokemon game has best cast of loli characters? Asking for a friend.

Also please no modern "17yo is underage and loli!", only legitimate lolis under 12yo.
Sun and Moon.
USUM actually because it adds Zossie to what's already in SM
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Gen7 has the best girl, period.
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Probably could’ve done better if I didn’t attack with Rosa so much. I could’ve got one more sync out, if her animations weren’t so long.
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Much better. This mode is fun, but mostly because this is my favorite team to use.
>New mysterious stones chapter is about Steven
Ok they're definitely doing the ultimate champion trio for anni
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More of a Dot guy myself.
>Redlax is one of the best supports for the damage challenge
apologize to him
dana can do the same
Yep I'm using him for every round for the million, only one he probably can't carry for me is Bug just because the best I've got is like Guzma so will probably fall short unless I think of something.
What happened to the last four years of bikini Shitrona?
They prefer to give Godthia masterfairs and anni pairs (another one inc)
Lodge Lusamine when?
This was a pretty poorly written event, yet another character dressed like a Pokemon they don't even know, Gardenia doesn't even realize Jellicent is a ghost type which stands in front of her the whole time too.
this has been SS Lusamines finest hour since 2022
The villain arc events don't have point multipliers though.
She actually was pretty against Terrakion, she melts that fucking thing to point where people just paired her up with random non-PT zone setters.
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1.2m without caked lusamine and using bianca
I'll fucking take it
a proper pirate wench with tits and tummy
When I say Liko you say COULD NOT!
Gardenia is supposed to be a dumb bimbo type character
>canon ages
no such thing 90% of the time
>Gardenia doesn't even realize Jellicent
it's not a spooky mon so she doesn't care?
>dumb bimbo
>loves gardening and plants
>loves gardening
First time I hear about this
>loves plants
First time I hear about this
>have basically nothing for psychic
Well... shit
Bianca + Lucian + SS Elesa
I watched his stream for the 1st time in a while, since no one else streams pulls anymore. I still don't know what the fuck gardenia "bread" is
>1/5 Lana
>2/5 SS Steven caked
>3/5 NC Rosa caked
>Can't go past 750k

Rosa's animations are too long I guess but I need the buffs for SS Steven's sync nuke
Only because Acerola hasn't told her about Jellicent's lore, also what's up with female Jellicent still being banned from Pasio, could it be Shauntal or Phoebe's alt somewhere later?
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I have no NC Rosa or SS Lana
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>he didn't roll
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>not rolling cute psychic girls

I shiggy diggy do
I still would not just for the event, the event keeps rotating until everyone has its best type roaster layout for the Master rank and Leon badge, sooner or later Electric & co will also be available.
Rosa didn't come home with the dailies tho.
The fact that you mentioned electric specifically tells me you are a rrat fag, and now I see why you don't roll for cute girls.
>new units all come with 3 passive skills from the oven, even lodge/bp units
>old units are cucked with 1 passive still
Remember that pokemon's gender matches their trainer.

Acerola uses a male Jellicent because Acerola is actually a boy, there's a reason for the flat chest.
I feel like DeNA could fix that really really easily if they weren't lazy as fuck. How hard can it be to just add a couple of passives to the oldest units. Do it for anni to make an event out of it
>Latest units all have 3 ok to great passives
>old units have passives like "stoic 2" or stalkwart
How do I choose
>Sygna Suit Lusamine (level 150, 5/5, 6EX, EX Support, 62/70, Critical Strike 2) - sync grid isn't maxed
>Rosa (Champion) (level 150, 5/5, 6EX, EX Sprint, 70/70) - doesn't have a Lucky Skill
>Sygna Suit Lana (level 150, 4/5, 6EX, 60/70, Critical Strike 2) - 4/5, sync grid isn't maxed, no EX Sprint
>Sygna Suit Steven (level 150, 3/5, 6EX, EX Support, 60/70, Super Powered 3) - 3/5, sync grid isn't maxed

The hypothetical maximum number of tickets is going to be 150 or 151, and it'll take 9500 tickets to unlock everything (about 64 challenges at the minimum)
Anonchama you know SMUNs don't apply to syncs, what buffs are you talking about.
Oh yeah, and
>Bede (Champion) (level 150, 5/5, 6EX, 60/70, Head Start 1) - sync grid isn't maxed, no EX role yet
But he's too slow to boost everyone. Everyone else can already max their offensive stats, defensive stats don't matter, getting three sync moves is more worth it with Lusamine and Steven since they can do serious AOE damage plus Support EX.

It's just hard coming up with the three to go with. Lana creates Psychic Terrain and does AOE attacks, but I'm left wishing I could lower Sp. Def. Steven can lower Sp. Def, but it's not AOE and you need him at 5/5. You also gotta hope Psycho Boost keeps hitting free move next or you will waste a lot of time waiting for gauge.
More raised stats from NC Rosa's Buddy move = stronger the sync move
Doesn't that cap at 18? Buddy move once and Ode to Glory twice will get you to that.
Wasn't gonna roll for her, but the event actually won me over
>5/5 NC Bede
u wot?
Tierno remains unbeaten
>>old units are cucked with 1 passive still
the Ultimate Stone anni upgrade is gonna finally give Metagross 3 passives kek
Waifufags keep on losing. This is why DeNA is focusing on the LGBT and fujo market.
IMO this is the best summer outfit so far
I max out all Master Fairs.
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it's time
>everything now lies in the hands of lolicons and Acerolafags to redeem this month
Based, the masses of Gardeniafags where getting to loud here
Lillie has been murdered by Acerola though
I am not saying Gardenia did better than Greta but...
Should have been a boy, her event is lame and her outfit is mid. Beat part was Steven checking out the statue's crotch.
>Should have been a boy
Nah, thats for disgusting faggots
Pokegirl game
Didn't know there was a cap

I like her outfit but I wish she was a support+field rather than field+support. Now I have to grind for support cake coins AND her defenses aren't as good as I would ant them to be
>wish she was a support+field rather than field+support.
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>Larry ranks in the 90s
>Gardenia lands in the 200s
>Actually it's a pokegirls game!
kek they knew Gardenia isnt popular and still gave her a summer alt over some pokeboy
Pokegirl game
Who are you quoting?
Not necessary anymore after Kabu and Larry's success. It's so fucking over.
Larry flopped thoughever
Pokegirl flop game
Imagin selling worse than two old men.
Nah Larry pulled the revenue up away from the depths of where Dahlia and Roxie and Gardenia landed, you should be thanking him
Larry is the most popular SV character and he flopped big time
>Larry is the most popular SV character and he flopped big time
Thats Arven and he's saving the game pre anni
That's not even true, Rika and Arven and Kieran are the most popular ones, people like you who spout misinformation should just stay quiet and learn from others instead of spouting off
Kieran and Kieran's microbikini summer alt in 2025 will stop eos
Arven isnt even in the top3, they didnt even bother adding him to the SV anime yet
Kieran is DLC fotm and only fujos care about him

its Larry, Rika, maybe Iono
Not a Gardenia fan but I only believe in sensortower revenue graphs.
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bitch got an anchor so that she could sink the app rankings lmao
Maylene alt next, Sinnoh is sacred
whatever money they might lose will get made up by anni Cynthia and the next Irida alt
>Spits millions of sync accel
>Makes your striker deal 1.5 dmg
>Leaves with 1mil dmg
Hail to the king of damge challenge
>check the photos of the current top 10 ranked damage challenge players
>there's Red, Ash and everything else is pokegirls pokegirls pokegirls
>an excuse to use SS Steven speed form AND to cake Necrozma (Satan form)
Comfy event
She wishes she was Morty
In that she has good pairs?
Thanks chief
Steven never scored
>Red, Ash
Those are pretty much the only top popularity male characters in pokemon, maybe Steven too. No one else really matters (that includes N)

Its too bad Ash will never get a rerun, alt or EX role..
>Its too bad Ash will never get a rerun, alt or EX role..
Wait for Liko to get in, he'll get his rerun with everything at once
It's insane that Acerola has gotten 3 alts since the last Lillie alt
who gave Aceroladev power ?
I have Jacq, someone spoonfeed me the setup
Why would they rerun Ash alongside Liko?
wtf i like redshit now?!
thank you mix banner, you are my greatest ally
Anime permissions required anyway for an anime event
You would do more with a Psychic Terrain pair (permanent x1.5 boost)
I will probably end up using this an excuse to cake my SS Lusamine
even though I dont care about a single one of these new ticket pairs (and they need 5* candies, not 4* ones lol)
Yeah can’t believe they won’t let us use our 4 star field/sprint candies
Are there titles for these or just ranks?
Getting Nemona to 3/5 is going to be the most important thing since they now have an excuse to add Paldea missions
And which one?
Bianca is mediocre and got me max 600ish points, have no SS Lana cheese, no BeLELba, no Rebuff NC Rosa.
Bunch of sync buffs perform better than terrain, SE Next on Steven sync nukes and spare Lusamine attacks is pretty more than enough here.
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I know there wont be a lot of Summer Gardenia fanart, but post all that you find
Would have been top 20 with Archie & Dhelmise
Waifufags are fucking pathetic retards
>The archiehomo is still SEETHING
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Is this the most meaningless line of text in the game?
how so ?
if something ever removes/reduces her +3 crit buff - this move will still crit
those fools. they knew we wanted acerola only to give us gardenia first. when does acerola release?
So far everything I've seen is already in the thread.
in two resets
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There's this, Metronome isn't ever coded to pick itself and it doesn't say this for the original move description
I wanted Gardenia
she is hotter in general and her outfit shows tummy
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Acerola is a kind girl and didn't want to hog all of the exposed tummy to herself.
Isn't that a (stupid) way to say that moves triggered by B-Metronome will differ from the ones triggered by regular Metronome ?
Cute intentions, but tummy on one girl does not equal less tummy for others.
yeah it's all different moves except fissure
how do I join Gardenias pirate crew?
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Pokegirl game.
Cowgirl alt with Brambleghast when??
Must resist pulling that freak to complete the Will and Lucian gentlemen trio and the hatfags trio with S Burgh and NY Wallace.
She didn't even reach 200, don't get ahead of yourself
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Don't tell me you don't have her to reach 3m in Damage Challenge
Half of Tierno's sales is good actually.
I can't even reach 500k... it's snover...
If you don't change the number of days you can scout one of the units in it doesn't really matter, especially since it's dependent on the next fight too
It is dumb how they still do this spaced out banners, just put them out at the same time and let people roll for who they want. I'll be practically done with the event by the time I get Acerola with the way these are handled.
They only do it to see how much the character rakes in
Nobody cares about that, just do like other gacha and put them both out at the same time.
They can measure the amount of gems spent on each banner even if they're released at the same time.

I think the real reason is they hope that people who want one of the later banners will impulse pull on the earlier ones and then have to buy gems.
>reach 3m in Damage Challenge
Dont need to
the ticket pairs are dogshit anyway
>Pokegirl game.
yup. reminder that next summer will be 2 pokegirl seasonals again
getting a spotlight in the mix scout is the fucking worst.
Not sure they’ll do this again, seeing Gardenia’s humiliating sales numbers.
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I feel bad for the guy who got fired over this.
I want her because of her new VA, but I need to save for Brandon…
He’s being unfunny, ignore him.
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I really really REALLY cannot wait for Anni Cynthia! (and for Chompys upgrade)
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Kiki soon!!! <3 <3 <3
Galar DLC = 2024 - 2020 = took 4 years
SV DLC = 2023 + 4 = in 2027
This little shit (lovingly) pretty much guarantees Juliana is the canon protag Masters will be going with.
Kieran & Hydrapple
Kieran (Lodge) & Yanmega
Sygna Suit Kieran & Ogerpon
Kieran (Halloween) & Pecharunt
>not Furret
>tfw just realized they just wanted both Klara and whathisface at the same time just so they can get Kieran as quickly as possible because it would be weird if a DLC character in the latest games got in before DLC characters from the previous ones
Son of a bitch
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Crossdress alt when?
why are french men all faggots?
This is such a mean way to address the absolute abysmal male clothing options in XY.

Calem is married to Serena though.
Now I'm a little sad that I haven't seen any porn with Serena and Kirlia.
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looks like you summoned the pisana poster
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She's getting way more art than I expected. Love the pirate costume.
Give her a new alt...
Not until Mohn gets added and at least three alts.
No way. Kieran/Florian is way more popular than Kieran/Juliana
Ultimate Sync pair is just a new feature allowing to select any cell on a grid without having to make a path from the sync stone.
Cynthia won't get anni alt.
So if you can't do enough damage you don't get a new pair?
You get them all, just slower.
And people keep asking for the usual suspects to get more alts baka
Way better that characters that don't get much attention can get the spotlight
Which rival are you getting first?
Wally then Nemona then Marnie then Gladion then Hugh
Of course she will, they saved her for 2 years for this
champ trio anni? Cyn gets an alt
le fight Volo anni? Cyn gets an alt!
Yeah yeah just like Villain Anni units last year
You need a new cope
You need to look up what projecting means
>Which rival are you getting first?
Saving 900 tickets for a Barry alt
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Summer Sonia and Nessa next year
>summer Nessa
>shows less skin than her default look
>Ultimate Sync pair is just a new feature allowing to select any cell on a grid without having to make a path from the sync stone.
That or it'll get a special sync grid node only for that unit, so even more drip feed once 6EX runs out.

Are the only 6EX units missing Brockm, the rockets (never ever), maylene and misty now?
When does Greta's banner begin and end? I'll base whether I want to roll for her based on the anni units
>Greta calls the rivals weak

Bitch is a fucking sleep unit whose only damage is 3 guaranteed hits of bullet seed locked behind 5/5
They are weak and also ugly.
>Bitch is a fucking sleep unit whose only damage is 3 guaranteed hits of bullet seed locked behind 5/5
i wouldnt even bother to use that tile
>Are the only 6EX units missing Brockm, the rockets (never ever), maylene and misty now?
pomatools is right there for you to check
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I can't imagine they'll do a NC for actual champs
>No Hoenn NC yet
>No Sinnoh (likely to be Rei and Akari) NC
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I want to have sex with Acerola so bad, bros.
if they do a champ trio anni they wont be called Neo Champions
probably - X character (Ultimate)
Or maybe just Sygnas lol
>I'll base whether I want to roll for her based on the anni units
The anni units datamine will be end of August. There might be a teaser at Pokemon Presents mid-August. Nothing before that
Females last, just like their ranks lmao
>being a faggot
>b-bikini seasonals
yep, another L
yep, 2 more summer pokegirls next year
pokeboys simply do not matter aside from Red/Steven
>yep, 2 more summer pokegirls next year
the game wont endure another that strong.
>y-yep more female flops will surely grant another year of pokemas
smartest waifutard
Can't wait for Halloween, New Year, Palentines, and Summer Kabu
Faggot cope is always funny to read
Replace Steven with Rosa and you get another million damage for free
What did Afroman mean by making Volo defeat Cynthia without efforts?
Lusamommy carrying pokeboy trash Steven
run away after he realized he was about to get his shit rekt*
I remember when someone said "SSSteven is the best unit in the game"
Kek that was funny
Which are the types where you absolutely positively will not be able to get 1M+ damage no matter what ?
He was until like 2 weeks later
If you're talking about with respect to SS Lusamine in the Damage Challenge, they built the stage around making her look good by making sides that don't go down and allowing AoE to add up and making it about doing SE damage specifically
Bug is going to suck really bad, you basically need SC Barry and/or SS Hilbert which is pretty annoying, we should've gotten way more Bug attackers like how Poison was treated before doing content like this
>making it about doing SE damage specifically
Wait a second, I forgot that SS Lusamine has Double Down 9 lmao
Need to regrid and redo
This dude kept syncing with Lusameme when Steven did more damage, so much from /sesmc/
You're retarded, but thats expected from any stevenhomo
This is the same general that told you to skip on-type units with SE Next, Superduper Effective, Double Down because they were bad memes.
>b-but she is good on type
Wowie, huge achievement.
Lmao just wait for the ST psychic weak so people throw lusamine to the thrash
The bragging is unironically pointless, it's still going to take you until the 3rd battle to scout a unit anyway
Steel for sure, I have SSHilbert (6EX) so bug will be prob fine for me
Meh, as long as she gets SE memes she can do it, but then there are the two giraffe tech dudes, psycho boost spam, etc consuming less gauge and all, her advantage over Lucian is support ex role but Jacq has a support ex role too.
>Good SE sync
>Sync accel
>Support role
Yeah sure haha
Guzma could maybe help out with Bug since he got his grid expansion recently. The First Impression -2 sync count tile might be worth running to speed things up.
The problem with Bug is that both zone setters are deadweight, compared to say SS Lana where you're throwing out damage on damage while putting up the field. They all take forever to set up too except for SC Barry.
Still would have preferred Gardenia get Gourgeist instead of wasting it on an ugly child, but I also just really love Dhelmise
Severely underrated Pokemon
Have no Barry's ugly alt else with Aaron and V Noland I'd be fine with a high score, maybe not 1M still but Ninjask's nuke build has like 3 or 4 multipliers plus random def drops from DC2 Aaron, also teamwise speed buffs and sync countdown acceleration. I will replace Barry with Hilbert in this case or Redlax again.
Kek, got more pts by ditching Attack Steven
Dont have NC Rosa for the rebuff, so just used the other SMUN+PMUN support. HS1 and crit buff combo nicely with SSLs TMs, +3 crit and -3 sync in 2 turns

Not sure if its more worth to bring a big SpDef debuffer instead or not. Probably not since physical Lana doesnt benefit from -SpDef
I think it's a good thing they made a permanent mode that rewards SE damage. Too many units had SE overdependency as a crutch. Now they'll have a purpose with this mode like how SS Lusamine got much more relevance.
>Not sure if its more worth to bring a big SpDef debuffer instead or not. Probably not since physical Lana doesnt benefit from -SpDef
I don't know if this could work but why not an accuracy debuffer? It gives SSL another damage boost for her sync nuke and removes enemy's move animation
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>why not an accuracy debuffer?
Is there even any good accuracy debuffer in the game that would do -6 AoE accuracy quickly ?
And I seriously doubt that its better than -SpDef, since -accuracy only boosts 1 of Lusamine sync multipliers. -SpDef directly boosts all her damage

But I would still be losing crit buff, HS1 and 4 SMUNs+4 PMUNs - 8 total, thats a lot. Its probably not worth.
You just want NC Rosa here ideally (though I heard her longass B-move animations can fuck your timer too)
I think the new HSE will be dragon/flying. I'm saving my 5PU* for that. I only have 3 dragons/flying for that (skyla, ss brendan, and proton)
NEED Gardenia sex!
It's definitely rock/ground or poison/insect
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He gave up
Piggy is probably playing another gacha. He released another one but he's more or less done. I wonder if TPC stopped giving him free gems
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They basically want you to use morty and the seasonal units + flinch. I still need some 5PU to 6EX Karen+Houndoom. I might just do the weekly rally and dump the points into 5pu
eos soon
1-st and 5-th are really bad for you
Your Mind Games 2 Snarl?
Damage challenge is an ok mode honestly.
Just wish it had gems or coins as rewards instead of tickets for dogshit 5* pairs for "rivals"

Will start saving screenshots of my best scores for each type, so I can just reuse the same teams later 9+ weeks later
You get 100 gems from the first completion. The ranked version gives you 300x3
CS gives coins
DC gives gems
Rally gives cake
That's every week
You're set
What the FUCK when did they add this sync grid overcap mechanic? I’ve been doing only 1 easy sync orb fight daily cause overcapping on orbs was so annoying and now I need like 50000 per character?!
>Will start saving screenshots of my best scores for each type, so I can just reuse the same teams later 9+ weeks later
The game saves your teams for you
>The game saves your teams for you
I dont trust that
I just wish it used turns instead of time. My phone lags like a motherfucker so it was terribly hard to get 1m with Lusa + Lana + Rosa. I can't even imagine how bad this is gonna be for weeks that I need to use weaker teams.
"turns" aside - if it counted moves used then standing around doing nothing while waiting for gauge to recharge so 4-bars can be spammed would be degenerate
real time is good
they just need to equalize animation times
>likely to be Rei and Akari
Akari I'm fine with because Dawn has plenty of alts, but they better not push aside Lucas for an NC.
They could always do a second round of Sinnoh NCs like how they had Nate/Rosa then Cheren/Bianca
Sinnoh amd Kalos will probably have 2 sets of NCs eventually
NC Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna will shake this game to its very core
who + who + slut
That's my wife you're talking about you monkey
*punches you right in the jaw and knocks you out cold*
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I'm not against Rei and Akari getting NCs as a concept because I like them too, Lucas has just been in the waiting room a lot longer.

Sinnoh should've gotten a trio NC release like Kanto, but Barry getting an alt recently fucks that up a tad. Either delaying them or risking being left out.
>Sinnoh should've gotten a trio NC release like Kanto, but Barry getting an alt recently fucks that up a tad. Either delaying them or risking being left out.
Cynthia and Hisui characters put a delay on that

But game still has years left, Lucas will get his NC alt
I don't like Lucas (or Dawn) much, but at least his Pt outfit makes his design likeable. I'd much prefer that than a NC alt.
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DeNA owes me a Platinum Dawn alt
Professor Oak & Mew
Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi
Tate (Summer 2023) & Jirachi
Sygna Suit Steven & Deoxys
??? & Phione
??? & Manaphy
Sygna Suit Cyrus & Darkrai
??? & Shaymin (Land Forme)
Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
??? & Arceus
Sygna Suit Hilda & Victini
??? & Keldeo (Ordinary Form)
Rosa (Champion) & Meloetta
Sygna Suit Hilbert & Genesect
Hilda (Special Costume) & Diancie / Mega Diancie
Sygna Suit Diantha & Diancie / Mega Diancie (shiny)
Lear & Hoopa (Confined)
??? & Hoopa (Unbound)
Sygna Suit Lysandre & Volcanion
Sygna Suit Gladion & Magearna
??? & Magearna (Original Color)
Sygna Suit Korrina & Marshadow
??? & Zeraora
??? & Meltan
??? & Melmetal
??? & Zarude
??? & Zarude Dada
??? & Pecharunt

Who's getting what? I can see Manaphy and Phione for next summer seasonals.
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>??? & Arceus
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Carmine alt & Pecharunt
>??? & Phione
>??? & Manaphy
Anyone could get them, really.
>??? & Arceus
Cynthia or Rei.
>??? & Keldeo (Ordinary Form)
>??? & Hoopa (Unbound)
Lear again.
>??? & Magearna (Original Color)
Ball Guy.
>??? & Zeraora
>??? & Meltan
>??? & Melmetal
Either Chase or Elaine.
>??? & Zarude
>??? & Zarude Dada
Dada is kinda unnecessary and likely a never since it's tied to the movie, but Victor.
>??? & Pecharunt
Kieran or Carmine, but I want Kieran to get Ogrepon like he should've in the DLC.
Giovanni & Mewtwo / Mega Mewtwo Y
??? & Mewtwo / Mega Mewtwo X
Sygna Suit Ethan & Lugia
Silver & Ho-Oh
Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh (shiny)
Archie & Kyogre
Maxie & Groudon
Zinnia & Rayquaza / Mega Rayquaza
Steven (Anniversary 2021) & Rayquaza / Mega Rayquaza (shiny)
Lucas & Dialga
??? & Dialga (Origin Forme)
Cyrus & Palkia
??? & Palkia (Origin Forme)
Sygna Suit Cynthia (Renegade) & Giratina (Altered Forme)
??? & Giratina (Origin Forme)
N (Anniversary 2021) & Reshiram
N & Zekrom
Ghetsis & Kyurem
N & Black Kyurem
??? & White Kyurem
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Lysandre & Yveltal
Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde (50%/Complete Forme)
??? & Zygarde (10% Forme)
??? & Cosmog
??? & Cosmoem
Player Character & Solgaleo
Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala
??? & Necrozma
Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane/Ultra Necrozma)
??? & Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
??? & Zacian (Hero of Many Battles)
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
??? & Zamazenta (Hero of Many Battles)
Sygna Suit Leon & Eternatus
??? & Calyrex
Leon (Holiday 2021) & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
??? & Calyrex (Shadow Rider)
??? & Koraidon
??? & Miraidon
??? & Terapagos (Normal/Terastal/Stellar Form)

I feel like Maxie and Archie will inevitably get updates like Leon and Brendan that will allow Groudon and Kyogre to become Primal after sync. But the Origin Formes for the Sinnoh trio will probably be their own pairs to stay accurate to the games. Other than that, I can't see Cosmog or Cosmoem really doing anything.
>Primal upgrades
coming 2030!
>2 multis away until I can spark Larry but got Kabu from today daily
Equivalent exchange
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Old men yaoi stay winning.
>still got 7 hours to go for Acerola
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I've updated the Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the tracks from the last two updates (Unova Neo Champion 2, Larry, Klara, Avery). As usual, the link is in the OP.
Apologies for not adding the tracks from last month sooner.
Danke Bernd
Is it known what the next Dmg challenge type weakness will be ?
>SE damage mode
>release it without special Gladion grid expansion for basic points exploitment to get at least guaranteed 500K on each weakness
whatever, jasmine could have waited another month for her first aid
There's no grid that can help OG Gladion...
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In this new mode - are AoE syncs just ALWAYS better than single-target syncs ?
Since you are essentially doing triple damage
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no because half the battles only have 1 opponent
Doesnt this mean that battles with only center enemy will give almost 3x less pts on average? So if you got 1M+ on Psychic with 3 enemies with SS Lusa and SS lana - expect to get like ~350K-400K+ max on the single-target stage
>have no AoE psychic attackers
haha yeah...
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Klara Titjob
Avery Thighjob
I'll have to fiddle more with the specifics but I should be fine
With Lana and Lusamine yes since they have non split damage aoe which tends to be lower
Gardenia killing the thread faster than Unova
The damage event might finally make me start using candies and cakes since strong syncs for meh types will finally be important
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Can't believe autists in this general said her design was ugly.
the outfit is fine the problem is always her shit hair
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First multi thankfully
>had to spark
>no more gems
The price of cunny is steep.
got acerola on the first multi!
game died from ugly girls
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ONE MULTI, MTOHERFUCKERS. The game recognizes my inherent need to acquire all ghosts and all ghost girls. I hope I'm as blessed for this upcoming Spooktober that could possibly have Shauntal.
'Rollerbros, we made it!
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And managed to get her in 2 multis, absolutely no sparks required. Feels good, man. EX colors aren't nearly as good as default, though. Bit of a shame, Acerola rocks both her looks.
Bro... she's so disappointed in you right now. Don't tell me she doesn't have a grid of 70 right either?
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>five multis
Could have been worse ..
Your baiting is retarded since you can't get to 70 energy unless you have a 5/5, but yeah I did have to bump her to 66 to all the sync tiles I wanted.
Daughter-wife saved the game
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I wanna snuggle her so bad. Thank god she came home.
You were meant to come home sooner...
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What a cutie.
Whats the appeal of Acerola?
>Whats the appeal of Acerola?
appeals to pedos

184 Acerola
Another victim of the old men supremacy...
? flops like summer Archie or Maxie would have been ~300
>ghost girl
>weird kinda hobo-looking dress
>tries to act like a big sister despite being so small
>brave, made fun of Gardenia
The list goes on.
Maxie maybe but we all know that pirate archie would have reach at least 60
>>can't even surpass SS Roxie
oh no no no cunnyrolabros not like this
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we could've had a cute pokeboy summer alt that wouldn't have flopped, but no afroman just had to give his favorite loli another alt
Bros....we lost.
Victor flopped too bro.
I think most pigs just realised these holiday alts are not worth the money, which they can get spooked by later anyways.
Acerola alts carrying Shitnoh literal whos with huge leaps from 250ish rank.
It's over...
alright, I hope this means we can ignore Acerola for a long ass time. She's had quite enough.
This but old men.
No, we’re about to get Brandon, then Drayden. Old men stay.
>acerola already has solos on every LA stage

cute and meta
Until kimono NY Acerola & Froslass and Nanu & Honchkrow
based retard
Tierno won.
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My dick won, sales are irrelevant.
This was probably my favorite pair of summer seasonals so far
This just confirms NC Tierno is coming and I for one cannot wait
Why do you retards still pretend the App Store rankings tell you anything about sales?
Because saleschizo keeps the topic artificially alive.
Because the ranks are based on money spent
>Why do you retards still pretend the App Store rankings tell you anything about sales?
you mean the top grossing apps ranking doesnt tell you about sales?
Hi saleschizo. Still waiting for you to prove how gem revenue for each day is supposed to prove how well any particular banner does, considering that 1. people can buy gems for different banners and 2. people can buy gems for a banner on a different day,
>revenue for each day
There you go
"based on money spent"
>dodging the question
Based saleschizo.
Just two more weeks for Klara
helo i am from uzbistan.
i want play pokemon romhack with nutzlok but so much i confusion.
pls say which romhack play i thank much greatly for you and am debt forever

kek thats a creative way to get more syncs
Not really. This is sometimes used in LA solo.
Did Acerola or Gardenia beat Tierno?
Tierno didnt earn a single dolla .. too fat, ugly and cringe
Nice, stealing this shit for the worst types just to rely on their syncs
Tierno earned infinite euros .. much athletic, pretty and based
>press button
>press other button
I don’t like this.
Bros you told me field was the best thing and will never poorly age but my Iris is still shit since day one
I should try it with SS Steven instead of Caitlin to see the results.
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>conditioned to press TM to set up at the start of battle
>that brings up a Zone
>want to start debuffing the enemy
>THAT brings up a Zone
>can't swap to locked move because that ALSO will trigger a Zone
What is the order of operations here? Debuff, set Steel Zone, than go burrr with Flash Cannon > use her locked move to set up Ghost Zone and start spamming that > use TM/sync when Ghost Zone is about to expire > use the remaining option for one last Zone?

Her uptime on her two Zones is crazy but I'm not sure how to maximize it.
I don't either
>can miss queueing 3 actions per turn because of TM with a target to select
Still works good on my account
Please post your result
You basically ignore benefiting from the TM ghost zone and the steel zone. Those are only really there to trigger passive buffs. TM then debuff twice before you start attacking after sync.
Will try now, first I'll change something on Colress and SS Steven's grid, Caitlin still hits for respectable damage at her max power with two multipliers but lacked a support buff there, will see.
Will try some more, maybe stop at 3 Cosmic Power to settle for damage plus saved time, that should be 6spatk + 6 defenses and I guess CH +3 counts too, else depends on SCD MP refreshes. Didn't look much into it but maybe the last sync didn't get SE next effect on it.
The result is slightly below the one I got with SS Lusamine instead of Colress, she has her Propulsion, Support and Mind Games 2 merits too.
Alright, beat my former best score with Lusamine
2bh turns have always been a collective hallucination for this game
Gardenia peaked at ~201
Acerola at 177

Gardenia is about what was expected, she isnt even in the top 5 of Sinnohs most popular characters (and if you add Hisui chars - not even top 10)
Acerola is like ~top 3-4 of Alola (first is Lillie and then Lana/Acerola/Gladion), a higher rank was expected, but I guess this being her 5-th (?) alt can explain it
For all the complaints about pokeboys they sure didn't support the pokegirls
Summer pokeboys would have been even lower (250-300+)
They already tried Summer N (supposedly one of the biggest fujo male characters) and he flopped too
Seasonals cant sell
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*saves your score*
BP Barry is better for this strat
then why havent I seen anybody use him...also he doesnt have go viral like colress does
>then why havent I seen anybody use him...
Same reason why you haven't seen anyone use SS Mina until that one Japanese chad did - people can't think for themselves
>also he doesnt have go viral like colress does
Doesnt matter - sides have Lessen Paralysis 8 anyway. On the contrary - BP Barry has support EX which is more useful in 16/17 of battles than Colress's tech EX, plus better offensive buffs
Why would anyone want a flop and an altless child? These pairs are underperforming because there's no swimsuits and sex appeal in sight
Starts with loli
Ends with hag

Which is better?
LP8 still delays their queueing and some para stuns cut the animations like EQ though.

Personally my SS Steven has at least 2 or 3 skill gears giving buffs to Paralysis or status foes, I might try Barry too, he has the same passive, sadly no team buffs other than redundant Sp.Atk and +2 Acc, as for the lack of Go Viral his Stun Spore is free so just wants to change the target for same effect, but this also means ywo extra animations from him unlike with Colress or just settle with one paralyzed opp. Not sure if his EC support is even worthy, he has no Sprint to make up for the lost damage you'd get from a DPS with Support role and syncs bufs after the first 2 buffs are less impactful.
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Impregnate both.
Is the loli behind them or….
>afros with wigs gingerly placed atop
i fucking hate gardenia
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I wish Klara's voice acting leaned more into her being a fake teen idol that was really in her 30s
No sex appeal? lol. Buddy, no alt is allowed to have “sex appeal”. You can’t blame Acerola and Gardenia flopping on something every other god damn pair has to deal with.
Summer Tate sold well iirc
>Acerola is like ~top 3-4 of Alola
Lillie, Selene, Elio, Gladio, Lusamine, Lana, Mallow should all come before her
>back to back candy coins from Rika

the true best girl
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Still no lewd art of this outfit, but all the cute is making me really happy.
Is there any chance to reach 1 mil with no Lusamine and Lana?
Been trying with SS Steven, NC Rosa and Anni May but best I could manage was ~720k
If your Steven is 3/5 probably. But you cant spam relic song with Rosa.
>Got my 6th Tech Candy today
Huh, I remember when they used to be the most scarce, but I guess it's all about Field and Sprint candies now.
Maybe I will finally uprage some old techs from 1/5 to 3/5
Look again
Stop attacking with Rosa
or you can be like me and never use candies ever then struggle with 1/5 units even though I have 50 candies.
>Selene, Elio, Lusamine, Mallow come before her
wtf when did I post this
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Triple Kris as usual
The game is dying and currently in its worst year financially and you actually believe that every other character is making considerable income? You must be crazy and until they add lewd alts, pvp, and co op raids this game is not going to last long
>The game is dying
any month now!

>add pvp and co op raids
absolute retard
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i don't care about gardenia but her alt is cool
a shame i can't roll because klara is in the same month and we might get a random lillie alt next month
>we might get a random lillie alt next month
0% chance
Lillies next alt is Alola NC
A bit of a roundabout way to say you just want them to turn the game into a softcore porn game for children’s game characters
Gardenia crushing my head with those thighs ...
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Reminder to get your OG Cynthia on the monthly lodge banner!

in 2 months they're gonna make her the best Ground pair ever with the Sync Stone ultimate upgrade
But I got her for free
Just got another support candy, do I bother getting SS Morty to 3/5 or should I give it to my 2/5 Mina?
Mina, unless you're 100% confident you would never give her another candy to get her to 3/5.
Looks like 1.7M in June
June, as in the old man, right?
acceptable given that Cheren and Bianca are certified whos
it's over
>old men month did better than poppy + rika month
kabu and larry are healing the game...
Old man month killed the game. Sasuga.
Who's gonna be the MVP of the Fighting damage event?
Rei and NC Hop, probably. SS Cynthia? L-M-A-O You serious?
>MVP of the Fighting damage event?
100% hop
redlax and bianca to get the max score
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>Still no lewd art of this outfit
There's been a couple I've seen but none of it being what I would call good. It's best to keep to cuteposting.
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>double MF month
>can't even crack 2M
It's Joever
>Who's gonna be the MVP of the Fighting damage event?
for 3 targets - Rei
for 1 target - NC Hop
Cynthia or Rosa as supports

why is Marnie such a bitch to Klara?
>Cynthia or Rosa as supports
>Hop sets zone
>Bianca -2 rebuff
they do nothing for the team
Hops zone is manual, requires spending 2 turns
In fact for 3 targets you will probably end up not even wanting to bring Hop at all, his pts contribution will be negligible compared to Reis AoE
Its like SS Lusamine vs ~some mid single target psychic dps - a very huge gap .. and if you dont have Rei then even an EXed Bea will be > Hop due to AoE sync
This will change if Hop gets a Striker role though

Bianca is usable, but her rebuff isnt AoE. And she herself is a very bad dps for a MF =/ (Sacred Sword 100BP)
She isnt for raw dps, she is utility/flinch etc. which is not for this event

You also might not have them, so YMMV based on roster
if the Ultimate sync stones completely change Cynthia/Stevens kits, but still keep the Megas - I hope they both get a passive "automatically mega-evolve on entry"
would be cool and unique
Apparently the android ranking is wrong since it the Google play chart completely broke for 2 weeks so everything was just stuck in place
>month starts
>rally is done
They should add more items
>>month starts
>>rally is done
Same. I bought 20 cake coin things + 100K sync orbs and still have lots of rally ribbons left. Thats before even touching todays rally
>Special grid node: Mega on entry
>Complete passive skills rework, maybe adding a Master passive too
Would be cool
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Best Pokemon movie

Marn is love
>Best Pokemon movie
1, 2, 3, 8, 10

BW and XY ones
My favorite
Your favorite
Not sure
Sensortower revenue estimations doesn't depend on these charts
Pokemon Masters EX The Movie when?
You've got your ugly first trailer
>worst performing MFs ever
Maybe now Unova dev can get fucked and fired
Chicken and Elio next
Objectively correct, XY ones looked like some special episodes at very best, so did BW ones.
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>>worst performing MFs ever
so far
Who's gonna motivate Lance in the next chapter?
this game is just shit swimsuit and they look more like hallwoenn lmao pokemon has not balls for show true swimsuits this is why this mobile game is shit and flopping
Clair or Drayden
Yet here you are, goy
>Who's gonna motivate Lance in the next chapter?
Actually it's Nate and Silver
no, Its Cheren (worst ) and Bianca (second worst)
Nate was the worst (60 rank) until they came out
Silver was a bit better than Nate

The 3 worst selling MFs are all Unova
All 3 that nobody cares about wonder what they're saving Hilda and Hilbert for
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This is awful, the only saving grace is that I have electric upgrade
I got the same but with fucking trial giver
Had to do hard and not very hard on last battle because hard was Palmer (easy) and VH was Thorton (impossible with my sprint/field let alone with Lana who is my only S/F trial giver)
How the fuck did you get 10300 with Trial Giver?
Lucky stage? How many pairs with roles unlocked?
No lucky stages
I have 25 unlocked ex roles (did Lana for this)
I had to reset a lot and rely many times on rng
Usually I don't go that autistic on rally. I spent like 1.5 hours.
>I have 25 unlocked ex roles
I feel your pain anon, I'm hoping my final stage isn't a pain in the ass. I'm running out of electric types and I don't want to give a sprint roll to Elesa just for stage 6
I'm f2p so no cake from paid banners. You should have around 25 roles unlocked as well if I have.
I only unlocked some favs and a few meta ones, 17 total
saved all the other mats/coins just in case

Dont feel like you need to unlock more just for Rally since I dont even spend all the rally ribbons anyway
just spam focus punch with greta lol
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Gardenia deserved an alt
I finally managed to get over 10k points in the rally without any lucky areas.
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Her skirt is long, but her armpits are completely unprotected and sleeveless, which is extremely arousing.
I was thinking absentmindedly about Acerola-chan while getting treatment at the dentist, and I accidentally remembered her, got an erection, and the doctor (a pretty woman in her 20s) said to me, "Did your boobs hit your head? I'm sorry?" and I was so embarrassed. You guys,

tell me what you like about Sailor Acerola-chan too
I like how quickly her face hits the sand as I smack her head with my oar
It’s a sex appeal competition
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*blocks your path*
fucking cunt, once again i have to drop either all three x2 multipliers or pick the middle difficulty stage for more points
it's area 4 and he already one shots supports with defenses up on first turn despite the theme bonus buff
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Pokemon is already a softcore porn game catered to children where have you been for the last 3 decades?
She doesnt even have visible cleavage and is wearing shorts, its pretty modest for a swimsuit
Marnie is a good girl and pink bitch is a bitch. There's no reason to like her, I'm proud of the lass.
At least because of the second unova NC we know that there's no unova anniversary
Me and Unovadev laughing at this post
anni Nate!
anni Cheren!
anni Bianca!
Gazing_Eye's art improved overtime.
why does she remind me of those two characters from KNY?
i don't know whether or not i had this dream overnight or from sleeping in this morning, but I had a dream EoS was confirmed for January 2025.
Neo Champion N & Kyurem-White
Neo Champion Hilbert & Thundurus-Therian
Neo Champion Hilda & Shiny Terrakion
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There are lewd alts without cleavage out there and no one in Masters wears booty shorts for a reason. The whole point I’m making is you can’t excuse an adult game for showing less skin than the one that’s targeted towards children. And I would’ve gave you a pass if they didn’t get butthurt about the flop months and started cutting out all the gems in retaliation
I care more about whether a character gets an alt at all than if they sell well.
What is this damage challenge event with Nemona? Do I just spam the same battle repeatedly to get enough points for the training tickets?
Can’t play the game with your alt when it’s shit and bringing eos even closer
You’re still not getting bikini alts so fuck off
It's based on highest score not repeated runs. It's not a huge deal since the stages are going to loop forever and you only need 500k during the ranked version to get all the good rewards
What was the reason DeNA changed their tune and gave unpopular pairs alts over this past year?
What is going to be the absolute worst type for getting a high damage score even if you had everything?
Because those characters deserve alts too, and they only want to save top popularity characters for special occasions since they already have most of them a ton of alts already.
Single Target Bug
There's really just SS Hilbert
They may have kept getting feedback along the lines of "please add an alt for ________" in their surveys
>What was the reason DeNA changed their tune and gave unpopular pairs alts over this past year?
So that they can build a legacy of serving a wide array of characters instead of squandering their time focusing on the same small pool.
>Yeah we had a game focused on characters but only 30% of all the characters got any attention
There's also Barry
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He's alright for a western artist.
I wish they would unfuck 4+ unit scouts and just make it 4.5% like triple scouts. Who the fuck is even pulling on these shitty banners
Getting Ethan’s EX unlocked finally made that Flying clear possible, barely haha.
He's western? Could've fooled me, draws some fucking quality pokegirls. Still waiting for someone to update kemono.
>What is going to be the absolute worst type for getting a high damage score even if you had everything?
Bug or Normal (though we've never had a Normal weak stage)
We still wont have a normal type stage in the new mode. There's two fights for every type except nothing for normal so 34 stages.
When does the damage stage reset, today or tomorrow?
alright thanks
have to finish that and rally before zenless releases in 2 days...
>last two mix units were 2/5 Variety Selene and 2/5 Variety Lyra
>just pulled 2/5 Variety Elio

Well that's all three of the variety Eevees I already had.
3v1 is so much harder for points
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Who benefits more from a tech candy?
Also when did I ever get that Selene?
if you dont have any other variety eevees then you got her with the free ticket.
I can't even get to 1mil AIEEEEE
Wait how the fuck do you possibly reach 1 million on single fights? My Keldeo got 300k and my Zapdos and Virizion got 100k each and that's not even close.
You dont. Not all types are created equal and have someone like Jacq who can hit damage cap with a normal move.
>have Rei
>have Hop
>have Diantha
How in the fuck are you supposed to even break 500k let alone 1 million, is it just shilling Bianca?
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>no-damage supports with tech EX roles
tfw no milly
There's a reason why the ranked version is 3 different fights but all the good rewards only need 500k damage between all three.
Wait for Koraidon or Lusa & Bewear
I feel like this pic is made to appeal to 55yo japanese boomers
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best i can do i guess
my rei is 1/5
do I need 3/5?
>tfw 5 dailies off pitying Verizion
>fighting rotates in 3
Poison ST is going to be fucking amazing watching Geetalets sob into their soiled diapers.
>No Hop to set Fighting zone so I have to use Cynthia
>can barely get 2 uses of fighting zone before it runs out
Holy shit this unit aged badly compared to the rats.
Learn to use Head Start and Adrenaline. Also blame yourself on how you prioritize pulls.
>anon complains about Cynthia’s shitty kit
You have multiple mons release over time that have Zones or Rebuffs and choose not to pull. You also skipped anni MFs. Blame yourself on how you prioritize pulls.
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NTA. Don’t (you) me when I already referred to him as “anon”.
definitely, if you can. he's worth it in the long run too
Pretty sure it’s just disgruntled devs giving people what they don’t want
Lmao remember the Hoenn season of Mays and Stevens?
I can already see this new mode becoming a huge chore
So where's the SSAC clear? LMAO
>Holy shit this unit aged badly compared to the rats.
But she is literally better than both of them, especially Ash
>no Bianca
It's so fucking over.
Not on the leaderboard
This might be the only stage that NC Bianca is ever gonna shine on, besides LA solos...
Cynthiachads rise up
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b-bwos... is it time to cake my 1/5 aCynthia?
do I need to candy her too or not?
You should have caked her day 1. Sprint role is practically the best buff a support can get

3/5 - no, thats very optional
I see
I only use her with my freeze team, but she'll also be useful for rally so might as well cake her

what lucky cookie for this damage battle? head start or something?
>Sprint role is practically the best buff a support can get
and its good for Rally too*
>what lucky cookie for this damage battle? head start or something?
HS1 would be good yeah, but you need to look at the rest of your team and see if you have a combined of -3 sync reductions (including the HS1 cookie) - that will skip a full turn and you can sync after 2 turns
Having just -1 or -2 total isnt enough, needs to be -3 .. Rei and Hop both have sync reduction passives

Alternatively you can give her Adrenaline 1 - that will eliminate the need for quad-queueing after sync and guarantees that the Sprint role skips a full turn, so that your sync cycle remains optimal
I'm ngmi...
>3/5 Hop, 2/5 Rei, 1/5 SSAC
>420k on first try
I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but at this point I don't even feel like improving myself. It's not like I have much interests in the free sync pair except for Nemona and Marn and 1/5 is more than enough for zone bots anyways
Dont sweat it, this mode is glorified daily BP battle and the reward pairs are shit, you're probably never gonna use them
Just do whatever you can quick, after some months you will be able to buy several 1/5 pairs
Yeah, that's my point, there's no real reason to try and go for rewards asap. Sprint pairs are pretty mediocre and I can't imagine using them, Field pair are good if you are missing some zone/want extra zone setter (like I do with rock zone). And knowing DENA new pair will get added in a year at best and never at worst case scenario, so w/e
>don't have Rei or NC Bianca
Guess I'm fucked.
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>lost to a spotlight
It's ogre

Charging infliction thunder wave spam is really overpowered for these challenges, you get a sync pretty much every 15 seconds.
What the hell are people doing with the nerd for this?
Cynthiabros... not like this...


It's the same strat as this. You paralyze an opponent and then spam thunder wave with infliction freebie, the move instantly fails but it causes your sync countdown to go down by 1, you can just spam fail thunder wave really fast and rush multiple syncs.
Colressbros... Is that the meta relevancy you were hoping for?
>helps bring out the power of Pokemon
He'd approve
Colress has male fans?
Now do it without NC Hop just like Cynthia did
Rosa is not good for this challenge, you waste too much time having to do relic song 3 times to get the fighting rebuff and then get Meloetta back to pirouette form.
>first damage challenge
>effortlessly manage 1.8m
>second one
>struggling to break 350k

Am I stupid
The 3v3 ones are easier to get higher scores on if you have good AoE attacks
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This guy is my MVP for these DPS challenges. Rebuffs every type in the game, hands out super effective up next for sync nukers, hands out PMUN stacks for physical DPS, and the tackle animation is very fast so little wasted time.
time based battles are literal crap
>old men are still on the title screen
They know where the money is at.
>the 2 best units for fighting + filler
kek not even 1.5mil
>Lusamine v3 targets max 3mil
>Hop vs1 target 2.5mil
lmao lusamine is so shit
Fresh bread?
Not even homo but yes, he does.

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