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Femra are REAL in 7.0

>Happening Now
All Worlds Maintenance (Until June 28, 5:00 AM EDT)

>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Notes (FULL)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

>Previous Thread
>cute lil barely legal sprout joins /xivg/
>hilarity ensures
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna level VIP first and hope I can handle it's rotation once savage comes out!
lalafell lalasmell
I've seen the ebin selfies images and I can confidently say I'm a better looking guy than all of them
based lol
7.0 femroes soon
Femroe Friday tomorrow
Doubt, you'd be spamming your face if you were.
Speak of the devil. o7
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what are you guys doing during maintenance?
grooming faggy /v/irgins
if you can't handle the VPR rotation you are genuinely never clearing
>You would dox yourself if you were
Are you retarded?
Yeah no shit, anyone that spends all day online spamming the same few pictures of their MMO character has a low chance of looking decent, being employed, or practicing personal hygiene
the lewd Lyse poster is the best we had since DB
change my mind
The fat nigger who remade herself as exactly the fat nigger she is is based
Might try playing some more Hisoutensoku later today...
It seems confusing but maybe it's easier in practice. I much prefer the simplicity of SAM and its 3 stickers
funfact a lot of space equipment uses outdated hardware for relaiability purposes, fr it's just that on Linux FFXIV runs way better because it can allocate more of the CPU for the game
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Do jannies hate this image being posted?
from the previews I watched you have to unironically be sub-70 IQ to fuck it up
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Tarkov until angry, Destiny until bored, Tarkov until angry.
skye would be hot if he lost weight imo
Feeling gay as fuck for lalaboys
That's too much of an entry barrier for a brainlet like me, though I've got friends who switched away from windows at 15 yo and never looked back
wageslave and then watch youtube. (I normally "play" xiv while watching youtube)
I don't even know why it's been posted, half of those ebins are fake.
More Elden Ring co-op, someone summoned me last night named FFXIV: DAWNTRAIL and my head canon is it was one of you guys and we explored for a bit
I've seen him with the mask off, he wouldn't be
i was playing deadlock and then they closed the servers
i'm tempted to play with eurosharts but i don't know if i want to carry that hard before bed
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these card changes are so fucking boring man
The ones that look like they are from hot topic are fake
I might update my mods and play cyberpunk later.
A /soc/-lite selfie isn't a dox lmao, I'll just assume you're ugly too.
real, fake, real, real, real
real, real, idk who that is, real, real
idk who, idk who, real, fake, real
real, real, real, real, real
real, real and ancient, fake, idk who, real and ancient
real rip chen, real, real and ancient, real, fake
real, ook, ancient fake, idk who, idk who
real wrong ebin, fake, fake, real, real

best i can offer
>3 expansions straight of "streamlining"
They might as well make every job play like SMN at this point
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... playing panda remix
that's poyo and she's very much a real pest on vg unfortunately
Those are the HW card effects that you wanted so much except they're actually all usable.
>a couple of the biofems are actually cute
fuck me
You heard it folks posting your face isn't a dox so everyone start posting faces right now
>story sucks
>job sucks
>content to be determined
DT is starting off incredibly weak, there's only a sliver of hope it's not a total dumpster fire
preparing a character for a third playthrough of Elden Ring's DLC but this time I invade a lot to annoy co-opers
wondering if I can make a cool DRK-themed build
they're not, you're just a virgin
Are still able to cancel fantasia if you don't want to use it?
>”we want cards to be more than flat damage increases!”
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>we heard you, you wanted the cards to have other effects
>so we made them all provide different amounts of healing or laughable amounts of single target mitigation
no they aren't. these are the old card effects that were actually interesting.
I don't think they will
If you got your clothes back where are our snacks?
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how are you this retarded
better go to /soc/ and report all the doxes lil bro
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*giggles* Sooo, what did you wanna show me anon?
Did the femboy hit twink death yet?
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NTA but we have done that before lol, without a janny it probably wouldn’t even get an offtopic ban. Not risking it around DT though.
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Do we know how this works and whether you can guarantee a specific card? Why would anyone care for healing/mitigation cards over the damage ones
Who's the 4th over 6 down? They're cute.
I want to get them randomly, including detrimental and useless ones. I wanna gamble not just have all of them.
Idk give me another copypaste reply.
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Check out these Lyse!
QoS symbol at the top right
normies post face literally multiple times a day
which one there’s 5
>old card effects actually affected things like tp and mp because that shit mattered back then
>that's not a thing anymore, so they can't do that
>old card effect affected weaponskill cast time and recast time
>people probably bitched about this
>instead they just do cure1 levels of healing so nobody will touch them anyway
Why is former president Donald Trump the tour guide?
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Who is this
>p.s. futa is straight
it's hot but straight idk
Whatever works for you, a lot of the modern distros are pretty much like Windows tho except for updates and installing software where you might have to use terminal but they are also blazingly fast in comparison to windows so once you get used to it you feel like shooting yourself when you're forced to use windows
Working >:(
You have zero evidence the story sucks beyond not liking the premise, which almost always changes midway.
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Your main villain
Which maliddie is this?
its shit
give me real dommy mommy audio
>there's 5
Ugly trannies can't call themselves femboys
>How do you know it's shit? It hasn't came out yet
We have leaks, dummy. Its bad.
is the first line second catgirl the one dude that post gposes in twitter with his futa fucking all the ebins ?
xivg always hated this faggot and all the other ecelebs before the wowfugee flood
hate you niggers like you wouldn’t believe
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>obese people debating their favorite blacked porn
>giggle tranny is still going with his thread ERP
>Ancient boomers still posting their irl pic about old people no one remembers
>no meetups about actually playing the game in the OP
>Twitch stream spam starting also
God I hate when Europeans wake up
it'd be based if he blew his brains out on stream but idc otherwise man
She's too pretty to be a villain
*unzips* behold my 4 inch pp!
*giggles* No way, I make a custom message for every single one of you cute anons!
*giggles* Those are so cool!
*giggles* Black people stink.
Meria almost looks like that white smiling face jumpscare image. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>wake up
it's like 4pm there, what do you mean
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>Ugly trannies can't call themselves femboys
Ehrm.. but we do it all the time?
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At least it makes us seem almost normal compared to these genetic dead ends.
I love the bald man but I’m not watching his stream until I finish DT MSQ and kill both EX trials myself
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You draw 3 every minute. It's always either the first 3 in that list or the latter 3 depending on if you press astral or umbral. You get them all 3 of them at once.
I wish the mitigation had at least been partywide, and I'm going to miss drawing cards one by one. Having 3 cards in my hand at once and then having to carve out space on my bars for 2 additional play buttons that I'll probably barely use is gonna suck ass.
Nigga is so stupid he didn't even remember his lazy avstarfag pic
Sir this is the America expansion. Beautiful white legacy women are bad and ugly brown trannies are good.
just took vitamin b supplements for the first time yesterday
holy moly you guys need to try this
jeff the killer?
I love this image because it reminds me that I look better than the average XIV player
imagine stealing pics from reddit lol
could you elaborate? i'm fucking miserable. will these change my life?
Please Lyse, I'm so pent up.
You can feel but you cant see . Turn around, bend over and spread your asscheeks for me~
>using someone elses’ pic
you ugly aint ya
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>solution 9 password
did anyone figure it out
>that hair and mustache combo
Ask me how I know you're a bluepilled leftist faggot
>white male that takes a lot of time grooming his mustache
store-brand dr.disrespect.
what do you guys think about staches?
had mine for a while and i kinda like it ngl
Looking better than neets in their late 20s/early 30s that live with their parents is a low hanging bar. Anyone that puts the slightest bit of effort into irl endeavors looks better.
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>This nigga tried to crop it so it wouldn't be image searchable
What a retarded pussy.
I heard there's no actual password for this bc someone looked into the code or something
I am so snowbunny coded
Nah it's a different one. The one I'm talking about looks like it has bloodshot eyes. I know someone knows what I'm talking about.
it might help a bit
mostly it'll make your piss bright fluro yellow
Not you/10
Ya I don't get it either everyone here used to shit on this dude for years now people shill his videos and can't stop screaming "I love great value asmongold!"
Post blacklists
actually i took a screenshot of it because reddit is a garbage trash website and saves all their fucking images in webp
this is just proving the dude that called you ugly right
And no matter how bad my life gets, I'm still doing better than them. Ain't that great?
>PLD new blade finisher doesnt give cure 400 like the rest
Why not?
If more of you just got outside, moved around for like an hour and drank more water instead of gooning all day you’d feel a lot better about yourself
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My meal prep is going okay. Need to make a few more of these and freeze them so I can microwave them and full gremlin during launch days.

Male middie
same sis!
Because the rest are gcds and this one is ogcd
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If that dude is right then you're ugly too because you're not posting your face
I love femra so much it's unreal...
>Average = Ugly
Please, ease on the porn.
that looks so good
literally only elk and val
Have the job actions for PIC been posted yet? I've been wanting to read the abilities.
already on the chart bro
rate my elezen
You can’t take what people here say seriously about anyone being attractive because the average xivg poster has had their brains fried by shitty seasonal anime and way too much porn consumption
wake up lalas!!!
Yup this one lmao. Meria looks like this.
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Beach Episode
They didn't make the claim that they were attractive though.
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time for a new adventure!

qrd on those two
>the rodent queen
So will I be able to just sit inside my house with midi bard playing to avoid being AFK kicked?
Thanks! I thought it could look better but it tastes great despite being cheap breakfast sausage
I'm going to make like at least 5 more now, wrap em, and freeze em
This is the EXTREME version of kill marry fuck.
They should unironically change the 3rd ED stack innto buffing the healing cards. Makes it more flavorful and balanced at the same time.
me on the right
there is no qrd
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I'm awake.
/pet my head.
I am a femlala
Going to bed
Go to the retainer bell and click it or open up a menu
The first guy doesn't even look that bad. The replies are why even if there are good looking people here, they still won't post their face.
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why did they feel the need to nerf aoe so hard?
if you're a biohole, she has the advantage
How do ya make em, and how do ya heat em up properly?
you have 30% more damage in astral fire and thats not high fire 2
a long rundown then
Based sunnie+s.
>the first guy doesn't even look that bad
These retards posting other peoples' faces are brainrotten by anime porn and would probably get a jumpscare if they saw their own selfies.
Because SE can't figure out what they want for BLM aoe since Heavensward. The only reason its been functional after Stormblood is because of AoE Thunder and Foul.
Most of the replies are making fun of that guy for using a random pic from reddit and pretending that it's him
Housing chores, cooking for the next few days, grocerie shopping, sleeping
a lil gaming
>be me
>ask my cwls friends if they want to play on Shadow for queues
>say on Innocence
>we could make a temporary LS there
>they reply no lol we're playing on omega
Innocence... Shadow...
Plot twist maybe that guy really is him and that was his reddit account
we done doomposting yet? can i go back to talking about my future femlala eb?
they're just annoying people. there's nothing else to say.
alpha, light?
>i wouldn't post my face because you'll make fun of meeeee
Be confident in your looks, you will never prosper being a cynical sideclip duster.
He said 2 weeks ago not 2 years ago
Jenova, aether
Playing PSO2: NGS because I have committed a grave sin and deserve to suffer.
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>femlala eb
stop being a closet pedo
i'd post my face if others did it for real and if a janny wouldn't flip
maybe we should have a thread on another board for it, like "faces of xivg" on /soc/ or something
Post lala smut
I'm so ugly that when I see myelf in a mirror i don't recognize myself, one time I was about to yell at a mirror in a bar because I thought it was some guy about to bodycheck me
I know I’m ugly, but I don’t claim otherwise.
Surely it won't be that simple
why do you have images of half naked children saved on your computer
it'd just be full of shitposts of random celebrities and streamers desu, all of the ebins that posted their faces just do it on twitter
Just get invited to a sekret discord server and post a selfie there. It'll eventually be posted here.
I wouldn't want spergs who would try to dox someone irl and call where they work at like Kong or Kanchelle to have my irl picture. That sounds like an awful idea
I pick up plaps from these threads and I want zero chances of associating characters with the thing I know are lurking behind the screen, so no thanks
>Be confident
Anon most of the posters here shit themselves over the thought of messaging a friend to play the game with them. Confidence is something they’re lacking
they should have upgraded abyssal drain and called it Slice and Dice
xivg culture, please understand
Kong doxed someone?
when you think about it anyone wearing shorts and a t-shirt is half naked
he's in the process of reforming and was nice to me in game so shut the fuck up
anyone got the russian roulette gnb macro
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>Male midlander too scrawny
>Male highlander too ugly
>Male elezen too rigid
>Male miqo'te too pussy
>Male lalafell too joke
>Male roegadyn too stretched
>Male au ra too edgy
>Male hroth too furry
>Male viera too not even a man
>Every other option too female

Replied to the wrong post lol
I pick up plaps from these threads and I want zero chances of associating characters with the thing I know are lurking behind the screen, so no thanks
But yeah ironically that was an appropriate reply too
But some faggot told me you can't be doxed by posting a selfie. Was I lied to??
fuck you DRKs don't deserve anything
You're an egg
Why are you trying to self insert
the work is blatantly finished, they just won’t turn the servers back on because they’re faggot retard gooks
>write text post
>hit submit
>posts fine
>write text, attach image to post
>hit submit
>proceeds as if posted, actually didn't post anything
thanks gookmoot
So why would you ever use your aoe again once you unlock rainbow drip?
Everyone of "us" is just an average joe
if you need validation its already over
If you want a laugh just look at twitter #xivselfie
You can never be too edgy.
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damn, that does look really good.
I just used frozen hashbrowns.
I cooked sausages, then hashbrowns
I have a tamagoyaki pan for the eggs which makes a nice square shape to fit the burrito but you can use a round one and just make scrambled instead of omelet.
Layer those in the tortilla, add some hot sauce, cheddar cheese on top, wrap it up, then put seam side down in clean medium heat pan to seal it.
Then wrap in wax paper, parchment, put in freezer. Microwave for dunno it'll probably be like 2 minutes after they're frozen.

I'm going to put less sausage in the next ones, and add a little salsa.
>I pick up plaps from these threads and I want zero chances of associating characters with the thing I know are lurking behind the screen
You're mentally fucking ill. You're the type of faggot that visualizes vtubers as IRL lolis.
change your theme to something else and then switch back
gotta fix an exhaust hanger on me car and then I will 'scape
I have saved this info for future use
I am LITERALLY trying to be male.

I'm inserting my cock into your mom's own ass self, how's that.
So is PIC easy or am I just retarded? Probably retarded.
unironically should be hyur then
I'm guessing you want a bit of beef on you so just max muscles and height on your mid/highlander and pick your favorite face
I don't look at vtubers, but if we're talking about XIV characters I'm ERPing with, yes i imagine they are their characters behind the screen.
Pic related is that pic of the two obese men kissing while their cute catgirls are showing as a thought balloon
fucking nothing
I am
a sunnie+
that broke his carnivore diet to eat a "pumpin spice cake'
it was fucking trash and I wil feel bad for the rest of the day now
>I am LITERALLY trying to be male.
and failing
you are a failmale
you don't get invited to cords unless you're thread popular
for getting gauge in dungeons before the boss or if you need to move out of aoes
its a lot of management
male midlander
-clean my entire apartment and do laundry
-sleep early to wake up at 5am
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Good morning, cunts.
The game fucking failing is not me failing.
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seething because i'm dodging 1 frame too early and getting caught by double swings
There are anons that are going to be fighting others for fates in Bozja for 5-7 hours before doing the MSQ. That’s a hilarious waste of time
>Servers open at 4AM
I hate the chinese...
Midlander are made to look like teenagers and highlander like apes
I'm afraid modding will be your friend, though I also think you're a bit nitpicky
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not him but high fire 2 got similar nerfs and improved eno raises blm damage from its current amount (23%) to 30%. it's a 7% jump but a lot of skill potencies were lost as well. im not math guy so idk if it evens out but yeah.
>The game fucking failing is not me failing.
cope cope
time to cage your cock
its not your fault, its your cocks fault
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Why are we so hated DRK sisters...
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>casters mad that they have to stand still and cast
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do they REALLY need 48 hours?
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Just woke up
Can I play yet?
There are alresdy rotations that skip hf2 entirely for more potency
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Why are people not replying to meeeeeeeee
>those Alphy and Alisaie outfits
Oh my god.
at least the boss is really fun
Femroes our thoughts?
male modlander
>nonstandard fags when they have to think about movement for one second
Lmao these people are such fucking babies man. If you’re truly good at the job fucking adapt to the changes or move onto Pictomancer
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I see a skinwalker.
Me making stomach pancakes to Y'sthola
>They gave them the exact same outfits again.
Reminder that they will never be independent from each other. They will never gain individuality. They will never have a life apart from each other. They're just "the twins".
Damn PIC got hands in low level content. They hit like a truck and might even hit harder than BLM in higher level content too.
phase 1 maybe
Of course not, they don't need the random 24 hour maintenances that pop up from time to time either but it's a small billion dollar company so please understand they're short staffed and can't afford employees
good morning to uplander!
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somebody shoot this guy
the game will continue
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why don't more people cosplay their characters? I didn't see a lot of good outfits at fanfest last year, but there were a handful of really good ones. has anyone here ever dressed up as their character or an NPC?
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>day 2
>lodestone still isn't updated
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I was wanting to play it but now I feel dumb
I think my 7.0 femroe is cute and I cannot wait to see the other swysters in my femroe linkshell and how they look post update
>HWbabies cry for everything to go back to HW
>squenix caves and makes AST like it was in HW again
>HWbabies cry anyway

I can't wait until they finally learn to stop listening to you fags.
having an awful morning realizing i have to either find an entirely new group of people to play with, pf for all of dawntrail, or just quit the game
they have no raise and the streamers said you aren't allowed to play them in savage sorry
They kinda did in ARR and HW though.
you can have this instead https://files.catbox.moe/ju1drd.jpg
because your entire playerbase is whiny faggots who cry for entire expansions
boring meetings at work, probaly elden ring or just sleep, maybe sf6
They worked separately for all of Heavensward, Stormblood, the start of Shadowbringers before the whole gang huddled around you, and for parts of Endwalker
I want to live in Shaaloani.
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>lodestone not updated
>game code not sent
In less than 24 hours every femroe itt will fanta to femhroth
>2AM PDT on the 28th
It was 110f outside at fanfest last year with long lines to get in so that was probably a strong factor for many
I want to try joining a FC for DT that has other humans in it.
Can I pass my personal FC onto an alt?
Neither of those concern me
Lala big cock
There are always a good bunch of people who cosplay as their own characters at fanfests. They just probably don't stand out as much, and dedicated cosplayers do tend to go for known characters.
Not happening
Femlala fat butt
Fiddies should
hot and plappable
You can yes
I think you can also transfer gil by putting up mannequins on main, say in your Fc room or apartment, and having the alt buy them
this has been addressed already. it's not the hw changes.
see >>483697563 for the hw changes and feel free to compare them if you want.

that being said i agree that both the old changes and these new changes are fucking dogshit and everyone's just going to use the dps boosts while ignoring the rest. there is no place for any other type of ast in the game as it exists now. i cannot see myself playing ast in dt. it looks terrible.
Disgusting ass faggot
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fur? on my face?
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that makes sense, costumes suck to wear beyond like 75 degrees F
i suppose so, it was hard to watch because of all the camera jumps and twitter is such a shitshow to navigate for photos. i guess my major question was has anyone here on XIVG ever cosplayed their character or an NPC? i want to cosplay mine but i don't know how i'd grow 3 feet to be a viera
Paper Mario Remake. 0 HP increase.
Thank you thank you
I should add that I salt the hashbrowns a bit.
I salted the egg too on test one but that was too salty.
Also just look up breakfast burrito on youtube, there's lots of options and it's easier to learn from youtube imo.

I'd like to make my own tortillas and start making these more. Then I could make some nice whole wheat and lower carb tortillas, or just real thin ones.

I've felt that modern BLM (as of before 7.0) is too mobile. I'd rather it have more damage and less mobility.

it will happen
people will actually give you attention then
>It was 110f outside at fanfest last year
...wasn't that the one with the couple of hroth cosplayers in fursuits?
How didn't they die?
>lodestone not updated
>find out there's someone in JP with my EXACT same name and last name and it's NOT me
If femhroths can actually wear hats then maybe
they had a livestream just now, it might still be going, and at one point they cut away to their intern who was literally in a janitor's closet manually sending out game codes
you're using Sanji fucking Vinsmoke when Franky and Brooke exist
they already have thankfully. shitters like sfia have been begging for easy, boring fights with obnoxious rotations for years and every time he does they give fights even more movement mechanics.
Yeah I have no idea why Square Enix loves to host fanfest in the middle of the desert during the hottest month of the year in an expensive location but their budgeting skills have always been bad
furries have portable aircons in the suits these days
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ohh its holiday seasonn
you do know this cat right?
what game codes are people talking about omg
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Watching Kamen Rider V3!
I’m pretty sure more non femroes are fantaing to femhroth in xivg than actual femroes.
>people will actually give you attention then
If I wanted attention in xivg I would fanta to a face 3 xaela femra and farm the people that obsess over face 3, not a fucking femhroth lmao
>i want to cosplay mine but i don't know how i'd grow 3 feet to be a viera
It's fine, half the fun of cosplays is laughing when someone cosplays a character they clearly don't have the body for. My favorite part of any convention is locating the obligatory group of black weebs in pink and purple wigs.

Besides, even the official artists often draw female viera short.
Did anyone else buy the expansion on cdkeys? Did you receive booth keys or only the pre-order one?
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is this official artwork?
while there are some weirdly attractive people here I kinda doubt that.
The JP Sage thread on the main forums is celebrating E Dyskrasia no longer stacking.
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My malidladster still hasn't been updated.
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And the winner of the Final Trial poll is: The former viceroy of Doma
The icy cold beauty
The final boss of post-Stormblood Castrum Fluminis's ephemeral Moon Goddess: Yotsuyu Naeri, Tsukuyomi!
Fucking kek
>Midlander are made to look like teenagers
They're made to look 20-40 depending on the face, what kind of roided up haggard teenagers are you looking at?
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The only healer whose opinion matters finally spoke about the changes. Healer bros we are eating good
Make this same edit but instead of a girl it's a male midlander incel.
Gonna play more of the Elden Ring DLC
Currently climbing up some mountain with a bunch of dragons on it
But also, I think Miyazaki lied about the DLC only being as big as Limgrave.
Based content respecters
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what the fuck is going on in uldah
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that's true, my own is max height and is also quite caramel colored whereas i could rival a sheet of paper in terms of color. thanks for the vote of confidence!
naw it's from an artist i got off twitter, i forgot the name. does very FF tactics style which i like
NTA but putting the old man face on a midlander looks wrong af when they still look like they've got a young, moderately athletic body.
>weirdly attractive
like who?
You literally cannot be doxed by posting a selfie unless you're some high profile kpop idol that got the reflection of an adjacent hotel in her irises. Stfu faggot.
duality of man
is the datamined futuristic gear crafted?
>mid piece
Boo! WoL deserved to win!
I've met one attractive person from here and it turns out it was a real life woman.
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like 90% of us if we had good hair cuts and weren't obese
Does anyone die in DT
She deserved better.
>benchmark happens
>my friend doomposts about how his catgirl is ruined and how he needs to fanta
>my lodestone updates
I look exactly the same other than having more HD hair and clothing in vanilla
Was the crying for nothing
yeah, me
Good joke, anon. Maybe that one new character that seems really interesting and unique.
Why did you type male midlander twice?
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He's saying it's fine for week 1 savage, ultimates, and criterion
That doesn't make it fine. That's only a few days out of 2.5 years of them being fine.
Tsukuyomi isn’t even the best fight in Stormblood
>dude I'd look good if I weren't ugly
What a revelation
Just be a highlander with a beard you normalfag
Tbh I agree, but they definitely don't look like teenagers.
I only remember bosses if they make my penis hard
A scion will die but not really because it'll be a fakeout and they'll show up alive a few scenes later
You're comparing it from a distance and not taking a screenshot of your face from 2 inches away
don't you hate when that happens, you think it's just a fellow ugly person you can chill with and it's an incredibly attractive woman you have to fight to avoid falling in love with?
At least your lodestone updated

I like fat people, nothing wrong with that.
that's all raiders care about. Their analytical focus is always myopic because, frankly, easier content barely requires a pulse anyway. And even then, the focus is less about "does the job feel good to play" and more about just objective usefulness and balance. People like him are awful gauges of how a job actually *feels* to play, because that's not what he cares about. Ironically, that healer strike thread on the official forums does a better job of discussing the "feel" of these jobs, but those people who just want to have fun playing the game get mocked for having nonexistent fflog parses.
alright, thank you
>7.0 patch notes complete
Only thing I see different is this picture?
new player here? how do i play the game? wanna play a expansion launch for the new game
And it'll be Y'sthola or G'raha.
Just wash your fat ass with soap and water and put deodorant on.
Alphinaud and G'raha Tia licking my stomach pancakes
Dawntrail is the worst FFXIV expansion ever. They are taking us away from plapping for two whole days. Imagine not busting a nut in two days. Isn’t that torture? Not only that, but all of our mods will be broken. Why even play FFXIV when you can’t use its #1 feature, the mods? Like, what even is this game now if I can’t be a 15’ BNUUY with horsecock? Dawntrail is against everything that we stand for.
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would pic rel be more liked or hated if she had a
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you dont until like 20 more hours
Steamchud here, will I just get my code in the CD keys tab? Or will it be e-mailed?
what's a stomach pancake
I hope they do another Yshtola fakeout on purpose just to fuck with you guys
>for two whole days
he doesnt know dalamud and mare faggots are taking a week break if not more
sorry bro it's a story rpgmmo first so you have to go through all the expansions before dawntrail, or pay to skip to it
use the free trial
if you skip through the story even if you want to reach end game only then the game is worse off from it
Nothing is more satisfying than having a loyal wife, and partner in world where people push cuck and hotwife bullshit. I hope you all get what you need and off yourselves quickly.
I forgot to buy DT...
i am also a woman so this didn't affect me, but it did shock me that someone good looking played this
only if they're jobbers just introduced to die 10 minutes later like moenbryda, haurchefant, ysayle, all of the heavens' ward, regula, grynewaht, asahi, yotsuyu, meffrid, etc
Hated by some, she is the last exclusively vagina-having catgirl who goes for catboys, it would be a grave loss if that changed
However the open thirstposting for her in the thread would go up by 10,000%
We had f/f and I wouldn't mind also getting woobered...
>minute long countdowns for AST
No sir, not recruiting any ASTs until draw can't be used outside of combat. Get fucked.
Maintenance for a day
>takes the game down for 2 days
>removes all your mods
>makes your jobs less engaging
>in exchange for a story you don't really care about, a bunch of buttglams, some modernslop, and another half-baked new race
>also the game will probably run worse because a blade of high definition grass in tural will accidentally contain 1 billion triangles
I'm not relearning this shit.
Is your WoL supposed to look like it has fetal alcohol syndrome?
You can just inject Dalamud and most of its plugins will still work. DT doesnt change the framework of those.
And every fight in SB beats ShB/EW's out of the water except Lakshit. Many such cases. Current Nidhogg was far better than WoL.
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Go goon on rule 34, you incel. You can go without the game for 2 days, just like how you can keep coming up with the same shitty shitpost.
I didn't buy a subscription to your blog but here we are.
Quick someone post hot ladies i need to nut
this post is always hilarious
So is chaos or light better?
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I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about it if you got it on steam.

What you can do right now is redeem the bonus content if you pre-ordered.

Right click Final Fantasy XIV Online > Manage > CD-Keys > FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail Pre-Purchase Bonus Content
Redeem it in mogstation
>He doesnt talk with the team for at least a minute after each wipe to discuss what went wrong
>competition between WoL and thi
xivg has shit taste
>We had f/f
is she good? Where can I send my CV and motivation letter?
it's literally exactly the same as before you retard
Some faces got significantly changed with certain options. Others did not.
Fiddie face 2, 3, and 4 got massive upgrades while face 1 and 5 got downgraded.

The complaint about normal content isn't that it's too hard as healer, it's that it's by far the most boring.

Probably more thirsted for yet also more schizoed simutaniously.
Lots of people here like
but there's also the very dedicated schizos who are upset about that.
>a story you don't really care about
It's the main reason I am still logging in
>some modernslop
Love it
>and another half-baked new race
Hrothgals look like they put more effort into them than the 5 ARR races combined
>also the game will probably run worse because a blade of high definition grass in tural will accidentally contain 1 billion triangles
Maybe upgrade your machine once every 15 or 20 years?
>she is the last exclusively vagina-having catgirl who goes for catboys
Dude if I don't touch my cock at least three times a day I can't function. Then kill yourself, you're a failure as a human being if not one because all you do is touch cock all the time, then second because you haven't touched a female once in your life.
I've met a few people in this who are really attractive irl.
Can hardly wait to meet them irl now.
>Double Check
These are the same abilities.
what am i looking at? is this SMN?
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Neither. EU is full of drama cunts.
no idea what im going to do until maint is over
>is she good?
I don't kiss and tell!
>Where can I send my CV and motivation letter?
To her, directly; or you can track her in game, since she constantly gets full namedropped here
Excellent shitpost Macchi Ato @ Balmung keep it up champ
Anon, that's literally the same rotation, they just put it on your job gauge. It's there because you never learned your rotation in the first place.
At least they're giving us a free fanta for those that lost in DT right..

Opps, at least you can unsub
>Hrothgals look like they put more effort into them than the 5 ARR races combined
hats are fucked, face being tied to hair is fucked, it's got the same bullshit issues as hroth(M). they need to fucking actually finish the job they started back in
holy shit back in shb
jesus christ it's been 4? 5? 5 fucking years
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brehs what was YOUR favorite EX trial for each expansion?
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This is me since we're posting selfies
yeah I was wondering about that
maybe a typo somewhere?
Oh shit you're completely right, sorry! I guess I was ignoring moonies...
>Ruby Weapon
i'm convinced that every monk whining about the "changes" never actually knew how to play monk
>That image
Thanks now I have Wild Wild West stuck in my head.
I don't why there are several meditations now
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They're not. If you learned how to play chess, you would know the complete difference between a double check and check mate.
that's not a trial..
be grateful you even got a new thing
most jobs just got 1 new ability tacked onto their boring shit rotation
Warrior of Light
i didn't do anything past zodiark/hydaelyn as i stopped playing so {none}
>that movie
Saw that once as a kid years ago
Only thing I remember is the dude with the mechanical spider seat
Just a question, but does literally anyone manually craft at max level or is it logical to use macros for everything?
Has ffxiv turned to porn simulator?
How does early access or whatever work? I didn’t buy the expansion but can I still log in and play the base game or do I have to wait until early access is over?
double check just means the king is in check from 2 separate pieces, it doesn't necessarily result in checkmate
If you want to interact with an actual /xivg/ big community, Light. Though there's some terrible people on there, as you can see for yourself if you search Lightcord in the archive.
If you want some bros who you cna hit up occasionally, Chaos, though of the two CWLS there, one is full of Lightcord people and the other is Gyoza's catamites, so in the end I would recommend rolling on Chaos then ignoring linkshell / Discords and just deal with anons individually.
You can play the base game you just won’t have access to DT content.
Unfortunately has
Me and xivg bros pulling up to Dawntrail
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ARR: Ultima.
HW: Hot take but Bismarck.
SB: Suzaku, Seiryu and Tsu were also good.
ShB: Emerald weapon.
EW: Golbez maybe? None of them stood out as either fun or challenging desu.
yeah. if you were here pre-SHB the game and community from then is basically nonexistent now
Titan EX
Thordan EX
Shinryu EX
Diamond EX
Zeromus EX

There is a pattern to my picks.
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not the names, but the abilities themselves
and we like this
Expert crafts, or artisanal crafts or whatever they are called, require manual crafting due to more RNG
Everything else can and should be macroed
zoomies, wowfugees and anyone who joined after SB ruined it the most
Alright thx
I meant these abilities literally function the exact same.
what did i miss?

i hate summer
so god fucking damn much
I remember when it came out Burger King had a promotional thing going on where you could get sunglasses just like the ones Will Smith wears in the movie and my dad got my sister and I a pair. It was pretty cool.
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This thread is literally a borderline porn thread on a blue board. If you want to find anyone who genuinely plays this game, you ain't going to find them here.
>There is a pattern to my picks.
trials that were pretty manageable, but for some reason your average PF player couldn't do them?
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fucking kek
they've been the same ability since like stormblood
you could count on your hands how many arr-sb players are still left
I’m a zoomer and probably do more content than you, you fucking old ass.
The paranoia is setting in, and now I'm not sure I meet the conditions for early access:


I was playing FFXIV with a PS4 on an external SSD. I bought a PS5, attached the SSD to it, and played the PS4 version.

I bought the Collector's Edition of Dawntrail for the PS5, and used the digital bonuses. The expansion still has an expected auto-download date of 6/30/2024, or four days from now.

Did I somehow lock myself out of early access, or is the auto-download date wrong?
>slothcombo won’t work until after all the rotations have been theorycrafted
I don’t want to press buttons…
i just finished the elden ring dlc so im gonna sleep all day
Niggas call my femlala "The Blowjob King"
>interacts with a thread full of porn addicts
>plays on the dc known for ERP
>”wtf the game is only about porn now! the fucking WoWfugees did this!”
I love this boomer cope so much that new players ruined the game by making everything about sex when it’s been like this forever. It’s just more accessible which seems to be the main issue
Trials that are based on dodging more than doing a bunch of pre positioned spots. They're just more fun to run multiples in a row as farm content.
>AST got it's MP fixed
Did AST have mana issues to begin with? I'm pretty confident AST already had functionally infinite mana in EW.
Same.... xivcombo will also be dead until then
Bright side, we're gonna play weeks into the expansion with no queues
That's Gauss Round and Ricochet. They've always been the same.
Press start on the FFXIV icon and check for game update. I got my auto download already.
For the most part outside of content, the game is just an ERP/gpose thing socially. It's the most lucrative way to make money, if I would've sold myself for gil as a court I'd probably have 250-300 mil. But I stuck with crafting and making housing items and came out with a 75-100 mil profit. You don't even really have to do porn related stuff but if you're in those circles and find a good venue I was getting paid 1.5-2m a night just for doing management bullshit. And that's like 90% standing around AFKing and a few questions answered or telling people who to talk to.
Niggas call you the pedophile
Chaos is slightly better because it's not light schizos.
But if you really want to interact with people, play on NA.
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Been making characters that I might fanta into. Am I cute?
i'm still here :( but i feel like a huge outsider anymore because i refuse to mod or make this a second life simulator
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oh, I see now

I liked their songs the best
And other reasons
there are tens of us bro
>people simming pct already
>it’s blatantly stronger than BLM on ST even without starry muse
Holy kek ahahaha
I've been erp'ing between raid tier launches since ARR
Put on large tits and ass when mods come back and I’ll give a shit about your female elezen
What are you looking for to do in game?
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post em
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>>it’s blatantly stronger than BLM on ST even without starry muse
may we push past the coomer menace and become a retirement home for vanilla players
idk how you kept it up for so long. ERP is so boring and time consuming i'd rather do literally anything else
Chaos is smaller, cozier and has a more tight knit community. You can buy houses very easily too.

Plus you can travel to Light whenever you want to do Party Finder shit so you get the best of both worlds.

I'm from ARR but since I'm not a modbeast I don't really interact with the /xivg/ cliques.
Ramuh, Thordan, Susano and I quit EX and Savage raiding after Stormblood so that's it.
can you post my character
These are depressing, they're always 2019 onwards now
If you simulate both in a 6~9min long fight BLM pulls ahead on pure damage by around 2%. PCT pulls ahead the more raid buffs there are though.
Why do lalas have big dicks? Twitter showed me
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Sounds like a god damn skill issue. If you're too reliant on a plugin to do your rotation, then maybe stop gooning and actually try to play the game for once.
It doesn't matter because it doesn't have a raise
BLM bros... Why even play this job when a painter with buffs does more damage than us...
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>mptimer addon mages when they don't do more damage than a melee
To think there are people that actually fap to these animations
Slothcombo literally saved my life when grinding awful fates for the yokai event. There’s no way I would have been able to complete it without sloth.
I dont want to press 123 45 anon thats dumb
What is not generic to you?
Miki i like you!
Do you want to be my EB?!
my character
>do more content
I cleared every fight so unless you farm them for parses I doubt that
what site is this?
Holy based content chad
fetishfags and gay niggas fap to the ugliest porn cause they didn't get to be choosy
Recurring partners that are also good friends and not erp'ing constantly.
It got more potency changes to aoe and its st abilities in the patch notes. At 90 and 100 it out paces blm pretty easily right now.

Sims, weights etc being posted you know where
I got the auto-download, but it's for the PS4 version. The download countdown for the collector's edition (PS5) starts in a few days. Is that timer wrong?
Do I really just need to check my lodestone to see if my character got their upgraded drivers license picture? Mine is still the old jpg.
my character
Play healer. They literally have a 1, 1, 1, 2, ... rotation. Literal brain rot rotation.
I mean you do you, I've always enjoyed RP at a certain level because you can enact your will into the universe in a way that wasn't intended or outside the realm of what the developers could even fathom, but ERP is just what it is. It's either smut, or it's romance, you're dictating your kinks with another person to see where the compromise is or where you can both enjoy it. It's just another aspect of the game, but at the end of the day what is it? Are you roleplaying with dudes or a chick, is the other person already in a committed relationship? Are you fooling yourself because you don't have any meaningful connections outside of game? I'd much rather spend a couple of hours grinding content, put the game away and fuck my wife than pretend that the relationship I have with some random person who never talks in VC, cares about me. And that's the end of it.
I’ve been doing my rotation since 1.0 asshole. At some point in endwalker I just gave up caring, removed ACT and went full casual. I found sloth later and my enjoyment of the game went up immensely. I still play without sloth on my main dps but for everything else I enjoy the game playing itself, especially for clssses like brd and mch for fates.
It's probably broken now, but what's slothcombo?
I was just looking at the sims too. There are instances where blm pulls ahead, for instance if the fight is long enough and there are minimal raid buffs.

However with proper raid buffs, pct stays ahead of blm the entire time. It’s just better than blm as it stands, except for aoe.
Too stresful
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>all those anons caring about le damage
>while all I care is having people satisfying my suncat+ (she is very horny)
>than pretend that the relationship I have with some random person who never talks in VC, cares about me
god this is so fucking real you have no idea
i hate myself for thinking this was ever the case
>grinding content
Yeah that's what I do when there is some to, which is rare.
Anything on glamour plate increases?
Sorry, I'm here to heal, not to DPS. Maybe you DPS jobs should do your job.
Oh yeah the countdown is for the official launch. As long as you got the download and pre-ordered it you'll be able to play early access. Also the PS4 version played on PS5 is apparently better than the PS5 version.
>was in the middle of leveling DRG (63)
>feel all fucked up now
But I get a gap closer at least.
I only did Hydaelyn Zodiark and Zeromus but I think I would have liked Barbariccia most if I had done it since she was my favorite NM trial.
Does full optimal rotations for you on 1 button. There’s a plug-in that lets you hold down a key and it’ll auto press it for you at whatever timing you set so you can just hold 1 and it’ll do the most optimal dummy rotation for you. If a boss has phases and downtime though you have to adjust manually.
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got you beat
Wanna fuck a hung lala?
we are the old guard, we remember how things once were
It's rare if you're not good enough to do content that isn't designed for RPtards, yes.
this femlalas gock smells funky af
miqo is all about you carry yourself, your glam; and how you carry yourself
If you are a retard emoting like a biofem yeah you are done, if you glam like a man and emote once in a while you will drown in pussy
t. happened to me after playing male miqo for two weeks
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I've completed every battle content of this game except criterion savages anon, bait harder.
Never forget the Mor Dhona ledge
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Womp. Womp. If you're going to be unable to play the game for weeks because your precious plugin isn't there to hold your hand, while you're busy gooning to porn on the other monitor, then you might need to uninstall the game. It wouldn't hurt to cut back on your chronic masturbation. This game needs to stop catering to casual fags like you.
Miera tummies can turn straight men gay
That's some lazy fucking shit
I gotta keep an eye out for when it updates
Why can't you look like this >>483703636
t. raidlet
Nobody brings RDM anymore for that
you've never even cleared a tier and goon to gay porn all day sit down nigga
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swap to nose option 3 and she'll look fine
you don't understand. the scholar needs to press broil.
Thanks, and I'll see the rest of you in the New World.
You mad ?
>>people probably bitched about this
melee sissys cried and shidded their pants at the mere thought of the arrow
What the- W-Why...
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>tfw they'll never know
nowadays i just miss when raiding was fun and i felt like i had a lot of stuff to do that wasn't just busywork. savage feels so unfun to me since stormblood
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Okay? You'll go straight to my blacklist and be filtered. I don't need to see your sandbagging ass in any content I'm partaking in, especially ones that require a DPS check from the healer.
I would have agreed with you before I joined alter. The thread is not a good indication of xivg playing the game
Should i fantasia from lala to midlander
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Okay, I tried a catgirl this time. What do you think? I gave her homophobia eyes to try being unique and not generic
>loadstone still not updated
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There's no way pictomancer isnt getting nerfed into the ground
alter still has its erp gooners and drama though
the hroth whose entire personality was posting his alter eb literally got cucked and then the person that cucked him left alter along with his ex-eb lol
Can I lick her homophobic eyes?
it will refresh later today.
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I really miss raids having a hub that forced people to be around. It felt more social.
i am gooning to hrothgars nonstop until maint is over
do you like miera
>says the retard that's never cleared a tier nor ultimate
People looked at the class' kit with the numbers we had from before the full patch notes and found out most builds would end up MP negative over the course of a minute, with a few even losing over 1000MP every minute
redpill me on the cuddle puddle xivg discord
Oh, how wrong you are...
what? the one always posting the purple haired catgirl whm with glasses? that's hilarious, poor guy
another xivg 'cord i'm not invited to...........
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I don't think that's sanitary...
>one of these posts
I made it bros...time to fanta
I don't know whether to stay as a viera or to go miera or do a 180 and go Elezen. I considered hrothgal but they won't have any hairstyles.
puttel's fun shack
Shoulda played 1.0 when everyone had to be at the entrance to every dungeon if you wanted to enter. Loved seeing hoards of people outside aurum vale and dzemael darkhold.
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>elixir field upgrades to elixir burst
I don't wanna lost my kamehameha
it's literally in the OP rentry
The absolute pot kettle black in this post as you bring up a subject you know nothing about, are you sure you aren't the ERP drama mongers that left in arr? Oh wait, of course you are faggot.
anon anon
do you know this cat?
I want to marry Tikaasi Mutei, but I fear it's a one-sided affair...
im an avid gooner, im just saying that alter isn't clean
Such is life of being an ugly bastard and the reason why they turn into rapists
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>would post a date of 2013-2014 but that account is no longer accessible and the lodestone is still there but stuff is hidden
why would they nerf it? they should just delete BLM instead
>lodestone not updated
>launcher loses connection all the time so the game still hasn't updated
>code not sent
>small penis
why must I suffer like this, why does life hate me
Refer to this >>483704234
>Having an affair before you're married
That's a bit too much. I just think a waiting hub for the maina activity of the patch is pretty cool.
PCTbros... BLMsissies will now ask for us to be nerfed into the ground...
Is the PC update available now?
I wish they could let youy pick animations
do you like being gaped by +?
It was available yesterday bro
Why does modding community hate lalas wttttffff are they not fuckable enough do people not want lala dick or vag!?
>the hroth whose entire personality was posting his alter eb literally got cucked and then the person that cucked him left alter along with his ex-eb lol
Alter FC chat, is this real?
Most of the world hates pedophiles, it's not just the XIV modding community.
if male yes
if female still yes
damn an ancient pull from years ago with a terrible median on the most braindead role
you sure showed them
Show me any xivg FC that doesn't feature atleast one gooner.
>Wanna fuck a hung lala
not possible but we could go play some volleyball of something instead

>Windows/Mac/Steam: Around June 27, 2024 15:00 (GMT)

Did lodestone lie to me, bro
If you play a lala you are a pedophile
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Learning Blender.
the lalas who treat their lalas like actual babies (fruit basket discord) had a hissy fit over lewd lalas a few years back so now it's all on a private archive
No need for a healer DPS check, it just means you DPS are not doing your job properly, stop blaming healers and tanks. We're here to heal and mitigate.
Post what you were before and ditch the snowflake eyes
I want to start a months-long torrid ERP affair with Tikaasi Mutei, only to end it with "You know what, futa are better after all" and ghost her everywhere
Hasn't she already had two EBs? What makes you think you're special enough to keep her interest?
>log into lodestone
>it only lists my jp characters
Yes, that's what I said.
Uh retard it was up early yesterday I have it downloaded and the threads yesterday were full of datamined shit. I’m one of the few anons that actually bothers to read the lodestone here and I’m telling you it was out early
Tikaasi doesn't talk to me anymore for some reason...
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Maybe he suspects you're the one schizoing him anonymously
That hroth plays the game though and the eb was just rp shit. The only people that seem to care about it are faceless shitposters still seething a random gaggle of nobodies did more content in 1 year than other FCS did in 5
Ok i'll turn to a hyur for you! Is that allowed?
Does anyone else start getting horny every time Alphinaud is on screen?
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Guys, calm down...
>snowflake eyes
Me starting pictomancer for the first time.

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I was hunting, now im just working and ill probs play Outlast later tonight.
>interact with an actual /xivg/ big community
this is exactly what I don't want
guess I just deal with people individually or hang with normies
I haven't noticed much drama in Alter. Then again I can't really participate in their EX or raid runs because of timezones. Everyone's nice there, though
That's me and we still talk.

I'm not doubting you bro, I'm just confused as to why the main website lied
no... I always just say hi
Have you tried talking to him?
Sometimes it just pops up early these things happen all the time
cum in mouth and throat so hard that cum gets expulsed by the nose too
Using a guide? Have you tried with your character?
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My catgirl looks like this
Its just a fanta away..
>All drama stopped once the discord troons left during arr bg3 release and scurried back to the bench after losing to a brown spic
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Playing SAM in a different game
I just mean a one-sided state of affairs
I don't know. I'm probably not all that interesting, but my heart just yearns...
I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully it's not anything you've said or done and it's just an awful coincidence
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Yes... I even said bye before maintenance started since we're on different datacenters
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didn't know Hunt was on the PS1
female? Sure
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You're just going to move the goalposts, no matter what I post or say. You initially posted with:
>you never cleared a tier
Yet, I just dropped proof that I did. So what if the medians are not so hot? So what if I parse grey or have a 100 parse on a specific fight? Who gives a flying fuck. I'm not going to argue with a parse fag who trying to discredit me, because I pissed all their plugin hand-holding buddy.

Now sit down and be humble.
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No, you need to slap that ol’ ‘rip back on and stop melting about P1S. Its perfectly normal to talk about sex with your friends, it’s great to cum especially with your buddies. But that isn’t pornographic, that’s just being a normal adult. You, uh, DO cum with your FFXIV bros, don’t you? Like, uh…why are you even here? Let me guess, you also can’t stand to see a woman’s nipple or cock? They’re perfectly natural. You just need to grow up. This is why you have no friends and why everyone is blacklisting you.
Psp actually :^)
You did say you were in the game right anon?
Put a cock on her
got a paycheck today
gonna buy the Elden Ring DLC
>"I want to challenge myself, I like it when games force me to endure adversity, I thrive under stress"
>*downloads every plugin, addon and (((((((((((((quality of life feature))))))))))))) known to man*
>*watches other people clear the content before he even steps foot in it*
>*abuses every bug and glitch that shows up*
Why did raiders mean by this?
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My femra looks and acts exactly like this
Since we’re waiting for the game to come up how some /xivg/ red flags. For me it’s anons giving every excuse possible to not join voice chat
that's a fiddie with the doll joint mod
Saying hi and bye is boring shit. Pull your weight in the conversations and stop being a chore to talk with.
Shut up and link album.
Using reshade
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Why aren't you at the offline meetup?
The game is designed around plugins and are basically impossible without. Its the same situation as WoW except the devs just refuse to admit they coded themselves into a corner by trying to one up plugin users with harder mechanics each expansion. There is zero shame in using them until the devs admit their mistake. I am being 100% unironic.
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I feel like writing a thesis on the behavior of xiv players when the game is down for maintenance as a real life parallel to when natural disasters/etc happen similar to how the CDC studied the WoW Corrupted Blood Incident. The shitposting that happens is like the equivalent of rioting/looting and arson. It's amazing
Yeah, for now I'm doing that popular donut tutorial on Youtube. Right now I wouldn't know where to begin with character models, but one of my goals is to eventually try remaking my character in it.
>didnt touch variant savages either
>" but muh shit rewards!"

LMAO raider trannies.
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what kind of red flag is not using voice chat?
I mean, it wasn't just 'hi' and 'bye'
you are so lost
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>still a jpeg jerry
wtf sqex i am a 12 year veteran of this godforsaken game
Reading job actions now
Is AST just healer SMN?
Can someone smarter than me help me digest the changes?
shut up bitch.
>The game is designed around plugins
Then why are they officially banned?
The implication that you would spread legs to ANY miera is pretty grim. Surely it dosent work like that?
for me
it's pronouns either in the ingame bio or discord
It shows that you’re hiding something and probably not that social. You should have no issue jumping into VC with your friends and just hanging out
Why? Im not pretending to be a female. I just hate my voice I sound terrible.
what the fuck does ast have to do with smn
>The game is designed around plugins and are basically impossible without.
i wonder how long before we unironically become worlo warcar
Console players clear content just fine. You're just trying to rationalize your use of illegal plugins.
they took one skill away so now its the easiest job in the game like smn
rape & rape
gooning to this
kinda tempted to fanta to moonie
I feel like being deaf is enough of an excuse
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You ever wonder why were here?
just because ast has 3 cards doesn't mean it's healer smn
you know how smn is railroaded into using all 3 of its shit summons before it's back to bahamut/phoenix?
well on ast there's 0 incentive to really use all 3 of your cards. you'll toss out the damage one(s) probably during your 2m burst and just hold the heal ones as needed.
it is somehow more boring than smn
you two have clearly had one too many fucking burgers
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This trait has survived yet another expansion
Bow before your god
They are only banned nowadays if you use them to harass people. GMs stopped banning people for admitting to using them after Shadowbringers. They are just too lazy to update the ToS to reflect it.
>we're on different datacenters
You can't message people on a different data center.
Me a moonie going back to sunnie lol
None of them changed how you play AST, so it sounds like you just don't understand how AST works. Watch a guide on Youtube.
>eyes 3
>large iris
Prepare for disappointment
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>refusal to join voice chat
>anime profile pic on discord
>plays a female character
>makes their female character have a cock
>afks all day
>has a twitter for their character
Steam only has cd-key the dawntrail pre-access. I don't remember how it went in Shb/endwalker but I assume I get the basic code once the official launch happens and then I have to add it to mogstation?
does the ast version still exist?
Where's the cock? Where's the balls?
ok that's sexy as fuck, any twitter or catbox album to share?
I'm feeling .. horny ~
obviously, which is why I was on the same datacenter at the time
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>They are only banned nowadays if you use them to harass people.
Meanwhile World First TOP team got their weapons and titles taken away because of their plug-in use hmmm that wouldn’t happen in a game where they were legal now would it
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>hiding something
seems like projection
>not that social
>"your friends"
get a grip
Are you SURE about that?
There are very few console only statics in existence, and none of them have been clearing close to release for savage or ultimates. Any static that has even 1 PC player will be feeding them info with plugins.
Yes insult me more. Smack me.
Why did Yoshi P make a statement threatening to remove Ultimates from the game after the DSR world first was revealed to be cheated with addons?
My femra on the left
why are you guys erping in the thread can you just go to discord or something for that
SMN has 3 summons and AST has 3 cards so that means they're the same. Also GNB has 3 cartridges so that's SMN too. Basically anything that has 3 of a resource is the same to people who don't know how the game works.
Just the swapping between astral and umbral seemed reminiscent of swapping between bahamut and phoenix
Unless I'm reading it wrong, it seems like you have to use all three plays before astral swaps to umbral
I just said that I don't understand it?
People who refuse to join VC are fucking cringe. No one asks you to speak, just listen to callouts and stuff.
Or did you mean outside of raids?
being from /xivg/ is already enough of a red flag
>PCT isn't even out yet
>already there is a 30 page guide on how to play it based on just speculation
please do so, be a -, so my + can shag
even better
yeah i saw it in the benchmark so i'm already prepared to pop that fanta and fix it uhhhh somehow!
Both raiding and just hangin out with friends. It’s cringe to be against joining VC in general but that’s just me

Thats because albeit unofficially, the world first is a competitive race. You'll get banned for cheating in CC too. Using plugins to win world first does harm others even if its not yet officially sanctioned.
somebody make a cytube movie night for maint
Is small iris the new meta?
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In what fucking order are the lodestones being updated? Is it random?
dont care
VC is inferior to text chat.

You want everyone to jump on VC so you can talk over them. You don't get attention in text-based discussions because you're low IQ and write like a nigger.
my lodestone still hasn't updated
It would be funny if SE forgot to update Male Highlanders in the main game.
Okay what about getting your pussy gently caressed by fiera? Or roughly caressed
>Post what you were before
All that BLM autism had to go somewhere now that they can't base their rotation around counting server ticks anymore.
guffy thread
the same guy sending out the codes is updating the lodestones
they lack awareness
Why bother raiding if you're gonna cheat with addons to begin with?

Raiding is about proving your skills, and yet you walk in with training wheels on.
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Yes I spent money I’m sorry
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I don't like talking during raids, my keyboard is loud as shit and I cant be bothered with push to talk while raiding. Otherwise ye its a bit weird, its just talking to friends, no one asks you to be the class clown and entertain them.
To get back to my point: fuck people who dont join VC for raids. Fuck that one guy in my A8S blue mage PUG that refused to join VC bc his parents were asleep.
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Nothing wrong with a bit of meat on a femra
Which will be the most downloaded Picto mod?
>depicting your action as the Gigachad
>depicting your action as a cock doodle
>depicting your action as The Billboard
>spent money
no shit it's a subscription based game
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i'd agree with you in any other game that wasn't xiv
>can't send tells in most content the game offers
>unless you share a CWLS you can't talk to people on other servers
>unless you share an FC or LS you can't talk to people on your own server
>god forbid you play CC
i don't understand why you can't send tells while doing a dungeon or something. this is shit WoW has had implemented since vanilla yet this chink ass game can't do it.
Because as I said, its literally impossible to clear savage/ultimate on release without them. You can probably make it through a few months post launch with gear but otherwise no.
is the miera jealousy ITT just because mieras pull all the biofems?
I know a few played by males in my FC and they are all fucking
I can confirm I can accurately tell if someone using a female character is a male in real life or a female. And if you are RPing as the opposite sex you are doing one of two things, fulfilling a fantasy which is perfectly fine, or trying to push some retarded political narrative that it's fine if you're a "woman with a cock" and it's not funny, not interesting, nor cool to come across bimbo #34 and be like ah yeah only a retarded ugly human male could make a miqo that ugly, only to confirm it is an ugly human male behind that character in VC. Either commit to the bit or kill yourself. I don't need to see your ugly fucking characters to know how mentally ill you are, it's apparent.
Damn I need to figure out how to get that kind of softness on my character
I will be downloading an edgy or eastern ink drawing vfx pack immediately instead of memes
Of course not how'd you even think that
I like mieras, nothing to do with the players
the giant tits make this worse
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>drops the n bomb
You're already inferior for using that choice of word.

As I said earlier, /xivg/ is just a coomer board.
I'm gonna download a skin mod with paint splatters for picto
I guess if someone made a black and white version of the animations, I'd download that too for an ink themed glam
>doll joint mod
homosexual post
I played with a person for like 6 years and they never joined voice chat but one day after that they did and it was a swedish/finnish girl. I never even had doubts it wasn't a dude the way she sweared and how she typed lol
How many black friends do you have?

I bet the answer is 0. I'll never understand the American obsession with worshipping niggers.
I want a mod that makes it weeby and does lots of those monochrome Japanese artstyle pictures.
they hate us 'cause they ain't us.
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>when requirements for execution are met
Shit, I missed this part in my first read. You might be right. That's gonna be hella extra in like 90% of this game's content where that level of healing/shielding isn't even necessary. Imagine having to toss out shields when they aren't even needed, just so you can get to the umbral draw. If I'm thinking about it right, people will probably burn their 2 worthless heal/shield cards outright (or use them as appropriate if the encounter warrants it) but save their buff card. Then when it's divination time, they'll spend buff 1, get their next draw ability for spending all 3 cards, and then spend buff 2 as well

idk this whole new system sounds like shit. I unironically think they had a good enough thing going in shb and idk why they've had to change it.
Given he's a fag and stans Sanji, I guess you know what his obsession with "worshipping" niggers is
here ya go!
may I?
What do you guys mean by + and -
>Because as I said, its literally impossible to clear savage/ultimate on release without them
The devs cleared it.
when are we going to have a meet up about playing the game?
Just like Absolute Virtue in XI
woober and woober (removed)
>In a car with 3 futas
You just know this boy gonna get dp spitroasted
flat femra
>Dawntrail in 4 days :)
>Lost my job :(
Maybe I'll hold on from buying it then
People started calling futanari women+, or perhaps it was first actual trannies who started calling themselves girls+ and drawn porn followed suit
Calling non-futa women- is an ironic subversion of that
Oh, i ignored "You people's" orders and got stuff for myself. Picked up some pretzels and french onion dip, some celery and veggie dip, some fudge stripe and m&m keebler cookies. Planters peanuts were on sale for a good price so i got a can of cocktail and dry roasted nuts as well. On top of that i got a couple of those Mio squeeze bottles to put into some water to drink. And some pork chops for grilling for dinner and we're all set!
Wanna discover what a + is~
Trannies started calling themselves f+ because they consider futanari offensive as they can never have vaginas.
You know what bothers me? Sage's filler AoE.
WHM: Casted circle
SCH: Instant circle
AST: Casted ranged
SGE: Logically it should be instant ranged right? Nope its instant circle. They should have just made Toxicon their filler AoE and Dyskrasia the addersting spender.
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sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas
certified boogieman im the one who upped the score with em
yea you get plenty of nuts sis. fine ishgardians ones too!
The biggest whore I know only goes for bun boys and specifically because the less masculine they look the more chance she has of manipulating and dominating them. Not a good look bro.
May you what dork
Voice chat is so lame when it's just a conversation that could be typed with
>stop attack
i dont want to listen to your mouthbreathers and wannabe twitch influencers.
The devs have said many times they dont fully properly clear their content. They have been record admitting:
>They test fights one phase at a time rather than start to finish
>They fight raids with said raid gear equipped, assuming the player can just handle it
>They buff the raids after finishing it, assuming the players can just handle it. See P8S.
>they had a good enough thing going in shb and idk why they've had to change it
Felt like AST was gutted to make SGE
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It's too late. While the game's been down, I've already molested your male character fifty million different ways in my brain
Are you saying you CAN'T handle it?

Sounds like raiding isn't for you then.
>For me it’s anons giving every excuse possible to not join voice chat
I never considered this a red flag, its when theyre just too afraid to admit theyre a dude that makes me think they're probably a little crazy, though at the same time I also dont give a fuck about men pretending to be women on the internet since its such a common rp thing. Honestly it just seems to me that many people are incredibly paranoid about getting catfished in final fantasy 14, maybe they should stop being a faggot if thats the case
>worst job gameplay in history
>worst MSQ
>no content for its first year

Predict the score
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only in your sick perverted dreams, deviant.

On a completely separate note I am getting wicked bench withdrawals.
I wouldn't even rape a catgirl they're all so trashy and most are men. Miss me with that shit, there's a reason you took a screenie from the back because she looks like a butterface from the front. Also Viera look better with Customize+ from the back 90% of the time don't waste your time on catgirls.
I say I'm autistic and socially retarded when I don't feel like joining a vc
Filtered your post since you cant debate for shit. Not even worth a reply. Find me someone who uses logic and reason.
i'm literally only looking forward to solution 9
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A lot of games really need to invest on tooltip squishing.
Every single skill does not need to be a Yugioh card in length.
Use keywords, trim keywords into symbols or abbreviations if needed, add tooltips to your tooltip about keywords, extra buffs and skills that become other skills. UX is not a joke guys.
*crawls under your desk and sucks you off and swallows and then licks you clean*

Now ur gay haha.
Kino...just pure kinolgraphy...
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>Because as I said, its literally impossible to clear savage/ultimate on release without them.
Unless you have a disability of some kind, that isn't true. I'm tired of you bitches yapping that you need training wheels or some special treatment shit to clear content. Yet, all you're doing is dumbing down the content, making it easier for yourself, clearing it faster, and then pissing off from the game when you get your loot.
I stutter even when talking to family
I'd be a fucking wreck on vc
Excuse me but this is Dawntrail now and nobody for real unironically wants to rape DT middies anymore.
it's basically this. i play WoW with tons of slutmogged blood elves and they're all just regular ass dudes in voice chat. the problem with XIV is people sink way too deep into the RP aspect of MMORPG and start to self insert/believe they are their character. even the mfers in this thread project their characters as an extension of themselves rather than just a character they play. it's sad, really
cute /pet /pet
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Am a basic bitch hyur midlander am i good enough now????
Show me more datamined gear
Some chud on Reddit made a redesign. Maybe there should be a mod for it so the devs see people using it.
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>in a committed relationship of 4+ years
>good sex life
>still love erping because I like fucking bunny and dragon girls

I'm fine and dandy with the me inside
Why are you keeping selfowning yourself with your posts and pictures? Is this some instaloss fetish?
Hahahaha, ok raidtranny, run away like a bitch.
someone made that pic for me and I thought it was too hilarious not to use at least once
I unironically want a fiddie EB but they prefer dog dicks instead of femalecat dicks
DT fiddies are hotter
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i'm a fiddie and i want neither of those things
>they prefer dog dicks instead of femalecat dicks
what about both?
put on cat or rabbit ears or something, cat whisker paint maybe.
>He's an unironic transbian
If you're gonna be a gooner playing a female, commit to the bit and EB a man.
>Stone Coffin Fissure
Doing Thiolliers questline or just exploring?
Gaming journalists will play the MSQ and call it incredible based on that alone. Then they'll leave a 10/10 score and never touch it again. Dawntrail doesn't even have to be a good story and they'll still act like it's amazing because it's different from the slop they've been playing and it might seem refreshing to them or something. Even if the pacing is bad, as long as the ending has some "kino" moment it'll be a 10/10 from those guys.

The actual players who sit with post-DT and the job changes and blablabla will probably give it a 7-8/10 on average just because this community is full of people who want to be positive. People who look at it critically will note that most of the jobs are boring as fuck. They might also actually analyze Dawntrail and find that it's shallow or something. Those people, who will be called doomers, will give it a 2-3/10.
Dude if you are a dom female you can make up to 2.5-3.5 mil a night doing services for dudes and chicks alike. I knew a couple that had the paypigs rolling in week after week. Easy money. They usually ran out of money before they lost interest. That's how crazy it got. And god forbid they find out you're a biofem. They'll fucking come after you. Like I said I was doing management for a few of these NFSW venues and man the drama these bitches would get into. Wild. But if you can be convincing fucking try it out, they don't even care half the time if you're not biofem. One of the best courts in one of the venues talks all the time in VC, doesn't even try to sound like a chick. Gets bought out every fucking night chicks and dudes alike. I just sit back and watch it all like okay, wow, interesting. But it is what it is.
Living Memory/10
My fiddie prefers lovey dovey big happy family correction
I guess both. Just got here.
can happen with a futa EB
Ooo neat have fun anon. That place is pretty cool
I cleared week 1 without plugins so this is incorrect
utlimate was done on a vanilla client too, in TOP we marked manually for dynamis
so you are full of shit
Are you an arrogant asshole?
I feel like I had a stroke reading this, also I'm worth way more than a paltry 3 mill a night.
>get bored of doing thing
>open xiv
>remember it's maint
>try and do something else
>repeat in an endless loop
>dollfiddie is pleased to read that
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They're in secret discords because of all the schizoing that happens.
Look at the drama over nofflefit, simply a small chest for ADULTS was labeled pedophilia and people brigaded xma over it is partially what caused glamourdresser to happen (and paid mods)

Are you me?
>also I'm worth way more than a paltry 3 mill a night.
Someone in your raid was using them giving callouts. Assuming I even believe you in the first place.
I mean if she's fine with it then more power to you brother, that's the life. Get to fuck whatever girls you want and then go back to your wife when it gets stale. What I can't stand is the people going behind their irl partners back and doing crazy shit with people on the internet, setting up meetups, breaking up marriages, or fucking up standard of life for kids that were just living their lives. Remember FFXIV got a lot of people who are older, married, or with kids and they just be out here fucking up their real life without a care in the world over some fucking dude they met in the club one night. Like why? But if you got it all nailed down and everything is fine then fuck it, go all out more power to you.
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oh, I get it.
I did the callouts
>assuming I even believe you in the first place
Know middie lore. Face 5's are the dog fuckers. Face 1's are mostly for interracial.
I mean, you're not necessarily wrong
Donut is the hello world of Blender, basically. It's a good first guide.

TM doesn't ERP...

Why can't they say mtf? I'm pretty sure + is still futa because futa was deemed offensive by some retarded GM.

The Middie in pink there is cute.
I am now.
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But I don't want to fuck dogs or black caricatures...
I just want a hot anime man to affectionately degrade me and maybe beat me up a little...
Rape all blonde fiddies
Is there some legwear similar to the 2b one? I think it will take me another month to reach the end of shadowbringers so I was wondering if there where similar items that could be gotten earlier
good mornyan mai favorite neko nya~ :3
large quantities of alcohol
Careful, make sure to take your B12, and get some sun too. You can really fuck yourself up on a binge, take care of yourself.
*rips ass on you're post*
Lodestone still hasn't updated...I don't even know what I look like.
I don't even have my DT key yet
I'm getting worried...
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What are you even worried about?
I don't actively reach out to anyone. If you messaged me before XIV got EoS'd then know that I attempted to respond to your message about not being able to stop by my apartment but received an error. I had been taking a nap earlier that day and forgot to re-enable guest access and teleportation. It was fun playing CC with you before YoshiP killed XIV.
I don't know which job to take into DT
I was thinking MNK, but I dunno
I don't think I have to tell someone I'm dating that I'm ERPing just like I don't have to tell them I'm watching porn. I wouldn't tolerate someone dictating that I can't watch porn or that I have to tell them what porn I'm watching, or any controlling shit like that, either.
What does it matter, they're all the fucking same
Light. Chaos has the frenchies and italians, you don't want to play with those, trust me.
>Chaos has the frenchies and italians
Explains why Chaos PF is dead
That Yoshi P isn't in love with me.
What does /xivg/ think of the new AST?
Im going WHM and I wil rush through the story and then spam every MSQ dungeon over and over again so everyone gets faster queues
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hiyaaaaa, long time no fireworks
>I don't actively reach out to anyone.
I'll keep that in mind then and ambush you more often

also looking forward to when DC travel lifts and I can play with you on crystal CC again! you are, after all, one of the reasons I started pvping (to join your CC time callouts)
Most downloaded will probably a homo or tranny flag. Actual best one will be dickbutt.
Why are raider TROONS having meltdowns cause the new caster job does more damage than black mage? makes no sense, they all care about parses anyways and you only parse against your own job. They are fucking retarded.
Because parsers have egos and because their non popular "hard" dps suddenly doesnt do the biggest dps out of all jobs they feel threathened
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